Clean Technology and Renewables Conference Company Fact Sheet Headquarters ADA-ES, Inc.Third Annual Clean Technology and RenewablesADES Conference 8100 SouthPark Way February 20, 2008 Littleton, CO 80120 303 34-12 Company Description Analysts ADA-ESADA-ES, Inc. Inc.provides air pollution control systems, ADES Charles J. Fishman Senior Research Analyst specialty chemicals and consulting services to utility and Management industrial customers. The air pollution control business 314 963-9702 Company Description CEO:
[email protected] Michael D. Durham focuses on mercury emissions control for coal-fired ADA-ES Inc. provides air pollution control systems, specialty CFO: Mark H. McKinnies boilerschemicals, while and the consulting specialty servicchemicalses to utilitysegment and industrialaddresses Elaine S. Kwei fluecustomers. gas conditioning, The air pollution problems control with business coal switching focuses on and mercury Research Analyst fluxing additives. The company offers consulting services 415 277-1511 emissions control for coal-fired boilers while the specialty to improve baghouse and electrostatic precipitator
[email protected] chemicals segment addresses flue gas conditioning, problems performance.with coal switching, The mercury and fluxin controlsg additives. business The company accounts offers for roughlyconsulting 90% services of revenues to improve with baghouseflue gas andconditioning electrostatic and otherprecipitator activities performance. contributing The to mercury the balance. controls business accounts Headquarters for roughly 90% of revenues with flue gas conditioning and other 8100 SouthPark Way Source:activities Company contributing reports, to the Piper balance. Jaffray Littleton, CO 80120 303 734-1727 Source: Company reports, Piper Jaffray Management CEO: Michael D. Durham CFO: Mark H.