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• \ j itr. m. p, ...-mr1q smmf-Ai ~.. , ~ ""II1'r.I'T ~qsrbr I 1981 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN

(1981 Census Publications, Series 11 in All Series will be published in the following parts)


Part I-A Ad ministration Repo ft· Enumera tion

Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation

Part H-A General Population Tables

Part II-B Primary Censlls Abstract

Part III General Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

Part V Migration Tables

Part VI Fertility Tables

Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population

PJrt'VIII HOllsehold Tables

Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Pflrt X-A Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns

Part X-c Survey Reports on sele~ ted Villages

Part Xl Ethnographic Notes and speci~l studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part Xli . Census Atlas 'f .: ~'. ~aper I of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled _bos Paper J of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household


!>art.XIlI-A8tB District CenSllS Handbook for each of the 45 districts in thr State, (Village and Town Dirertory and Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS

"ISo Pages &

Foreword i-jy

Preface v-vi

District Map

4 "i!~!ui aRi, Important Statistics vii

5 fiI~q1Ii fa'l:qaft Analytical Note ix-xXlvi

aq'r~rt~'" fza:rqft, "!l~f"i{(f mf6' ,,', ,,~~f;m Notes & Explanations~ List of Scheduled ;sr;r:srrm .

Tahsil Maps

(; Alphabetical List of Villages 1-62

( i ) ;~U\jfrrrr'( (f(m~ 1-13 (ii) ifr;r1'q- ~~1~ 13-20 ( iii) qlf'(fJT~ (f~~'liPl' 20-27 ( iv) 1i,'( (f~Wm 27-31

(i) R aghurajnagar Tahsil 32-44 (jj) Nagoct Tahsil 44-51 (iii) Tahsil SI-5S (iv) Tahsil 58-62


Satna District Abstract 64-67

(i) '(,!'(tGl';r'l,{ ~~~ (Q'1lr1ar) Raghurajnagar Tahsil (Rural) 68-111 (or;r,1lf) (Urban) 112-121

Nagod Tahsil (Rural) 122-147 (Urban) 148-149 (iii) !lFq~q'rC!;; t'I'~T~ (;;rr;ihr) Amarpatan Tahsil (Rural) 150-173 (;;;r~TlI") (Urban) 172-173

(iv) .q~'{ 6~ij')~ (~rrql'ur) Maihar Tahsil (Rural) 174-117 ( it-q'till') (Urban) 188-189

APPENDIX-Urban Primary Census Abstract 190-207

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes 208-211

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 212-21S

APPENDIX-Development Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 216-·219 ~ilT ~rroif ~r~r ~T;;zr ~~;rnT Cfi1 qh: ~ ~ltif~ff 01 fiJI''' 'iTT f.rificff1f VTII' it \Rei ~ferm i'Cffli!J t, oT 'l"~ f~ GI';rIfVT;rf ~ffaltiT ~~;rT Cfjr 'tlfi il'11l~ ,,~ t , ra 'iTT iI'ffi't" I V1lr f.lifwifiT iti tfiT'fl ifi) ~or: tim ifi~~ fiifflT \;!';rIfOJiFT if~!ifiT cr.r zrl;;rilT fiflffa11r1, smr~ifff. 6'1fzr ~r1ftur Ii" if ""'fig" U'1ffiI' ~taf,ifi ,;fiJvm1. fm­ fcrirm ~" ~~&Ti'f cr.m,,1 iii) il'T~-iI'r~ IITcrWItiffT ~mr ifi1; ~f.. anrll1"l~ 'If'f ""zrTIf ~1 fif.~ifr it; erR it IR'j~ t I Ill'll iI'1'ffi it; ~rlf -"Tif ~U' 2;f~itiT Cfjr "q1f)rr fiJ;;rf:qil CillTIJifi II"~ ~Tfcr~ ifi~if ~ ~ II"TWT

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1981 'iiI' \ifi(q'QJiJT if 'l-a If~ cll"f'n;rCl' qf:qlJ'J it; tlTf~Cfi lTE[ Sl"iliTWiJ ,(J'ilT ~"tifiT'( ;An ariJ'fOJ.rr ~'f"iiif' it;. «~ifCI' ~~ ~ Sf"!!"T if 'itT om qf'(<{~" ft.~ ~, :a-~ q'f'(C{«.ft IliT Sl"lmr IliT ~ ~ I "tTiilJ it 'l'TCfl?"T ifiJ ~qiJ '-iT t. UT; ~ii( RTiJ if '(~ W~ ~.m:rT ",11: orlf'(T it; Sl"T"I'flfCli ~q'Q]'orT· ~H fiJ~


The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the census organisaiion on behalf of t~e State governments, is one of' the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is. constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter-alia used for dcHimi­ tation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration, The district census handbook is the only publication which provides PrimalY Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and wardwise for each c~ty or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns etc.

The district census handbook seri~s was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961Census the scope of" the DCB was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the' district. administrative statistits, census tables, village and town directory. including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in tbree ,parts,. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C compi'ised analytical report, administrative statistics. district census tables and certain analytical tables baseii" on peA and amenHy data in res.pecl of vjllages. However~ in $ome' states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given'up due to delay 'in compilation and priniing :

. While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restriictu'ring of the formats ofvm~ge"and-town dire(!tory have be~n attempted. ,At the same time, comparability\vith the 1911 . data has also been kept in vie·w. 'Ail the amenities except power supply in the village have been broulht together in the'vi11age directory with the instruction that in case an amepity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available malY be .given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data ~Iil, infrastru<;ture aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the fleed of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in 19~al area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the Village directory with tbis objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in tbe district wbich are inaccessible. A new column. "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to tbe proportion of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population to the total population has also bten made with this view in mind.

The formats of, the town dir.ectory llave also been modified to meet the requirements of tbe Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that tbis will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Sched uled Tribes population in statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter-alia with this view. A sisnifieant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directery. The inCrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by takinl lhe .clao of towns into consideration. The addition of tbe columns on civic administration statUI and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

Thc format of the primary census abstract for the viUages and towns bas been formulated in the ligbt of changes in the economic and other qU'cstions canvassed tbrough the individual slip of 1981 census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume contains villagc and town directory and Part-B the PeA of villages and towns including tbe Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PeA upto Tahsil/Town lcvels. At the beginning of the DeB a detailed analytical note supportcd by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the infra~tructure has been introduced to enhancc its value. The district and tablil/policc station/C D Block etc. level maps depicting thc boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance thc value of the publication.

Tbis publication is a joint venture of tbe State Government alid thc Ccnsus Organisation. The data have been collecteu and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri K. C. Dubey, the Director of CensuS Operations, Madhya Pradesb on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning. designinl and coordihalion of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag. Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my offiec. Dr B. K. Roy. Deputy Relistrar General (Map) provided the technical !uidance in the preparation of the mapa. Data received from c:ensus Directorates have been scrutinised in thc Social Studies Division at the headquarters under tbe auidance of Sbri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in the projeot.


One of the most important publications of the Census are the District CensllS Handbooks. This publication was begun in this caption since 1951 Census. But prior to this, a similar publication was relellsed in the Census earlier than J9SI. That publication was on the title of Village Statistics and it contains only village names and total population thereof. The 1951 Census could, therefore, be said to represent a significant step in the process of making detailed Census statistics available down upto the village level.

In fact the District Census Handbook is the most important publication at the Census and is also perhaps the most widely used. Also perhaps this is the only pubJication used at the micro-level down upto the tahsil and development block.

The form of the District Census Handbook has gone considerable change since 1951. This is basically due to the growing demand for more information. For the purpose of convenience as well as with a view of making the basic statistics available with the data users as early as possible the District Census Handbooks have been split into 2 parts, Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the district and Town/Village Directory. This volume will be found useful to get almost all the non-Census statistics available at one place. Part-B contains the Primary Census Abstract.

One of the innovation of the present Census has been in terms of allotment of Location Code numhers to the villages. In the earlier Censuses the location code system was such that the villages of a Patwari Circle were found at different serial numbers. Since the Putwari Circle stilI remains an important administrative unit the location code numbers have been so given in the present Census that it may be possible.' to locate a)J the villages of a particular Patwari Circle at One place one below the other.

When the planning for the present census was started in 1979 the tahsils were still revivable as an important unit of the administration, the whole planning was, therefore, done taking tahsil as the unit. It was during the course of the census that some requests were informally received for making blockwise data available. Since these requests were received very late and were also received only in an informal manner, it has not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location cod e numbers taking tahsil as one unit. However. additional exercise has heen done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figures have also been indicated. It is hoped that the availability of these blockwise data will enhance the utility of this publication.

It is hoped that this handbook will provide the basic statistical support to executive and developmenta1 administration. It is needless to state that the proper implementation of policY depends on the ability of the administratIOn authOrities concerned.

It may be remembered that the villagewise area figures given in the Primary Census Abstract and the Village Directory are those based on the village papers while the tahsil totals given in peA are obtained from the Land Records department. which in many cases exclude forest area. vi

The statistics that are contained in the district census handbooks are the result of a massive and marathon exercise in the compilation and tabulation of vol uminous statistics. The compilation of the statistics contained in this volume was carried "lit by 9 Regional Tabulation Offices each under a Regional Deputy Director of Census Operations. These Regional Offices were run with the help of purely temp9rary staff-roughly about 1,500 Tabulators, about 250 Checkers and about 80 Supervisors. I am grateful to my colleagues, the Regional Deputy Directors and those temporary staff for the speed and accuracy in the editiIlg and basic compilation of more than nearly 522 lakh slips and nearly I lakh of household schedules. The compilation of village directory was taken up at H.e headquarters and I am equally grateful to the officers and staff who have worked whole heartedly on the job in a collec­ tive and co-operative venture. It is not possible nor fair to name in this. The maps contained in the handbook have been prepared in the Cartographic Section of my office. However, the analytical DOle has been prepared by Shri M. L. Shatma, Deputy Director of Census Operations.

I am thankful to all who have contributed to bring this publication possible. The census organisation is also grateful to the Government of Madhya Prades~ for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these handbooks and to the Controller, Printing and Stationery. . Bhopal and °his staff for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri P. Padmanabha to "hom we are all deepl)' grateful. Our thanks are also due to Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General lSocial Studies) for all the help that we received from him and his section.

K. C. DUBEY Director of Census Operations. Madhya Pradesh. Bhopal JanmalhtalDi. 31 Aug. 1983. vii


MADHYA PRADESH Dillriec Population Total Persons 51,178,844 1,153,381 Males 16,886,305 595,753 Females 25,291,539 551,'34 Rural Persolls 41,592,385 96',650 Males 21,266,321 494,982 Females 20,326,064 471,668

Urban Persons 10,586,459 ~86,737 Males 5,619,984 100.171 Females 4,966,475 85,966 Decennial Population Growlh Rate 1971-81 +25.27 +26.26 Area (Sq. Kmll.) 443,446.0 7,502.0 Density of population (Per Sq. Km.) ll.8 154 Sex-ratio (Number of Females per 1,000 males) 941 916 Literacy rate Person_ 27.87 '26.84 Males 39.49 :39.5l) Felllllles 15.53 13.26 Percentage of urban population to total population 20.29 16.1.9 Percentage to total population ( i ) Main Workers Persons 38.41 37.911 Males 53.52 :51.(>2 Fem'lles 22.35 .23.4<1 ( ii ) Marginal Workers Pt!rsons 4.52 3.79 Males 0.96 1.34 Females 8.30 6.40 (iii ) Non-Workers Persons 57.07 .'58.21 Males 45.52 47.tO' Felllales 69.35 70.19 Break·up of Main workers (perC!entage among main workers) ( i ) Cultivators Persons 51.96 ·40.93 Males 5J.81 44.82 Females 47.28 .3L 17 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 24.24 32~ 1'il Males 17.81 24.19 Females 40.6] .'so,n (iii ) Household Industry Persons 3.52 7.22 Males 3.36 6.52 Females 3.93 8.85 (iv) Other workers PerSOl,S 20.2'8 '19.72 Males 25.02 '24.47 Females 8.18 8.5a Percentage of Scheduled Castes Persons 14.10 16.49 pOl'ulatioll to total populnlil)n Males 14.1,6 .\6.25 Females 14.04 16.57 Percentage of Sched\!ted Tribes Persons 22.97 13.67 population to total population Males 22.33 13.56 Females 23.66 13·i9 Number of occupicd residential honscl! 8,929,190 193,741 Number of Vi lIages Total 76,603 2,080 Inhabited 71,429* J.765+ Uninhabited 5,174 ' 315++ Number of Towns 327 9 '" Includes 77 inhabited villages which have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. ** Includes 58 uninhabited villages of which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town, + Includes 1 inhabited village which has been treated who!ly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. ++ Includes J 2 Uninhabi ted vi Hages of which Abdi Area have merged in nearby Ci ty JTown. A R


( a.

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II "II q V ''..'':t ....-+4-" ~l - ?~ UNCHAHARA tt-



...... <>

c ! ) ...} (-_. . ~ I l ~ ~ ... Aun 'A rItAut::»n DISTRICT SATNA

.... 2: 0 .. • 12 MILES -~!~d~~~; i Jl""'!I i ~~;~ ~~i ... :2 0 .... • 12 16 KILOMETRU



BOUNDARY.. STATE •.•..••.••••.•...••••...•.••••••••..' ______._. DISTRICT •••••.. c ••••••••••••••.••••••••• ____ _ ., TAHSIL •...... ••••..•...•••..•.....•.. _. __ ._ MEADOUARTERS : DISTRICT. TAHSIL...... 0 NATIONAL HIGHWAY •••••.••...•.•••••.••••••.•... _· ___NIlLtHW"'- __ STATE HIGHWAY ...... __ ...... aH.

METALLED ROAD ••....•••..••••••.••.••••..•.. ~------UNMETALLED ROAD ....•..•••.••••.••••.•••.••..•. ======RS RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: BROAD GAUGE .....=-_=-....IE'i!!!._=-_ R I V ERa ST REAM ..• : .. " ...••. -..•....•....•..•..... :::::-::::::=;::::::::=::::.:::---=:::::::-c:::: U.RBAN AREA .WITH POPULATION ~IZE:. CLASS " • HI .IV • Y· .•••••••.•..••.••• _. •••••.•••••.. ..,.. POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE. ..•..•..•.••... -...... PTO DEGREE COLLEGE II< TECHNICAL -INSTITUTlON .....•

REST HOUSE •••...•.•...... ; .....•.•. : .....•..•. _ . I\H fCi!l~qvnt~~ fC!'1=q''UfT ANALYTICAL NOTE



This Dote Jive. the meanings and explanation could be ensured' and which would provide basis of terma and concepts used in this handbook. This for analysing of figures and urbanisation in the is necessary because. without a proper grasp of the country. But it has to be remembered that the . meanings of sucb simple concepts as building,house. urban criterion of 1961 and i971 censuses is that household, workers etc., it is not possible to appre­ the males working in activities sucb as fishing. ciate the data presented in the handbook. Thus logging. etc. Were treated as engaged in non-agri­ one who does not know that an unpretentious hut cultural activity and therefore contributed to the in the thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bam­ 7SOio criterion in 1961 and 1971 censuses. whereas boo walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly in the 1981 census tbese activities are treated as on enough for two cots is not a bit less of a buildmg par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the than the Indian versions of tbe sky scrapers in Orle purpose of this criterion. of the metropolitan cities. or that a central jail household as the household of the most pious and Applying tbe criteria described above, a list of god-fearing citizen in the State. may not be able 327 towns Was finalised and it is these 327 tOWDI [0 appreciate what exactly the figures represent. which are treated as urban areas for tbe purpose of 1981 census. The additional Secretary to the Govt. _.Coueepts IDd Deftnltl0D8 of India in tbe Ministry of Home Affairs sent a lettcrto the Chief Secretaries of the State Govern­ Rural/Urban: ments as back as 10th May, 1979, requesting them It has been the tradition of the Indian Census to ensure tbat no changes are made injurisdiction to preScnt the census data for rural and urban areas and boundaries of municipalities and revenue separately, In fact, in all the Censuses through .. villages, tahsils, sub·divisions and districts durin, out tbe world this classification of census data into the period from 1-1-1980 to 30-6-1981. However. n\ral and urban units is generally recognized. How­ subsequent to our finalization of rural and urban ever~ distinction between rural and urban is not yet· frame the State Government in tbe Local Govern­ amenable to a single definition whicb would be ment Department notifi~d many places as notified applicable to all countries. areas and municipalities. Such places have not been treated as towns for the purpose of census and The definition of an urban unit at the 1971 the secretary to Government in the Local Govern­ Cenlius was as follows- ment Department had agreed to this arrangements. Similarly, the State Government raised the status of

situated around the corc town or village of such (i) it should have a core town of a minimum Special area. For example. is a SAlJA population of 50,000, (ii) the contiguous areas arca in Tikamgarh district but there is no town in made up of other urban as well a5 rural administra­ this area. Similarly, Malanjkhand in BaJaghat tive units should have mutual socio-economic links district, Bheraghat in district. Mandav in witb the core town and (iii) in all probability this Dhar district and similar other cases are SAlJA entire area should gel fully urbanised in a period of areas but there is nO urban area within that. The two or three decades. Certain S~andard Urban objective of the SADA areas perhaps is to control Areas were determined on this basis in 197 and the future development of the~e areas in a planned some basic data were presented fDr 1951, 1961 and manner and that is all. It was, therefore, not con­ 1971 for such areas and their components. Similar sidered desirable to treat such SADA areas at par data have been presented for the Standard Urban with other urban bodies like municipal corpora­ Areas in ]981 also. The idea is to present basic tions, municipal committees etc., and on)ythat part data for those areas for four to five decades so that of it is treated as urban which is really so. As such the urbanisation process in these areas can be in tbe Korba SADA area only Korba town has been studied. However,there have been minimum changes trea ted as urban and rest of the area remains in the in the constituent units of the Standard Urban rural frame. Areas of 1981 Census as compared to those of J971, but the list of SUA remained unchanged. ·Vrban Agglomeration: Size Class of Towns : Apart from town/city the 1971 concept of The urban areas are classified into 6 chisses urban a2glOineration is also adopted for the 1981 referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The Classifi­ census, Very often large railway colonies, university cation is shown below- campuses, port areas, military camps etc. ; CDme up outiidc the statutDry Jimits of the city Or town but Class I towns 100,000 and obove adjoining :it . . Such areas may not by themselves Class n towns 50,000 to 99,999 quaJjfy to be 'treated as towns but if they form a Class III, towns 20,000 to 49;999 contiguous spread with the town, they are out­ Class IV towns ··10,000 to ]9,999· growths of the town and deserve to be treated as Class V towns 5,000 to 9,999 urban. Such towns together with their outgrowths Class VI' towns less than 5.000 bave been treated as one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration'. An 1.1Cban agglomeration It is customary to treat a town havibg a popu­ maY constitute :- lation of I 1ac and above as a city.

(a) A city with continuous outgrowth, (the Census House : part of outgrowth being outsid e the ,statu­ tory limits but falling within the bound­ A Census House is a build ing or part of a build­ aries of the adjoining village or villages); ing having a separate main entrance frorn the road or common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or (b) Olle town with similar outgrowth or two recegnised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or more adjoining towns with their out­ or vacant. It JIlay be used for a residential or non­ gr.:>wths as in (a) ; residential purpose or both. (c) A city and one.or more adjoining towns If a building had a number of flats or blocks with their outgrowths all of which ro~m a which were independant of one another having continuous spread. separate entrances of their own from the road or a common staircase or a CDmmon courtyard leading Standard Urban Area: to a main gate, they have been considered as separate census houses. A new concept of Standard Urban Area intro­ duced in 1971 census will also be followed for the [n some cases, however, it was difficult to 1981 Censlls. The essential requirements for the apply the definition strictly. For eXalllple. in an constitution of 8 Standard Urban Area are- urban area, a flat bas five rooms, each having direct xiii

entranCe to the common staircase or courtyard SCbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes which by definition had to be treated as five census houses. If all tbeJle five roOms were found Scheduled Castes and Seheduled Tribes are occupied by single' household entire fiat was treated those found in the Notification of Scheduled Castesl as onC census house. In sl,lch cases singleness of Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 use was- taken into consideration to avoid'undue (lOS of 1976). By this amendment, area restrictions proliferation of the number of census houses. . for ~ost of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been removed. However, the area An occupied residential census house means a restriction still· remains in respect of,Dhabi (in census bouse whicQ is actually used for residential Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts): Kotwal and purposes, either wholly or partly by one or more PdrdM (in Bhind, Dhar Dewas, Guna,.GwaJior. households. , Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, Raigarh, Ratiam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Household: Vidisha Districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, The term household in census is defined as a Dat~a. Pann~ ,, Satna, Shahdol, and group of persons who commonly live together and Tikamgarb, qistricts) Scheduled Castes. Likewise would take their meals from a commOn ·kitchen Keer and Pard hi Scheduled Tribes are still restrict­ unless the exigencies of work prevented anyone of ed only in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts; them from doing so. There may be a household of Mina in Sironj· sub-diyision of Vidisha district; persons related by blood or a household of un­ Panika in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa·, Satna. related persons or. having a nlix of both. Examples Shahdol, Sidhi, and Tikarngarh districts; Pardhi, of unrelated household s are board ing houses, mes­ Bahelia, BabelJia. Chita Pard hi, Langoli Pardhi. sess, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes,jails, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia in (I) .. Ashrams" etc., These are called institutional Bastar, Chhindwara, Mandla, Rligarh, Seoni and households. There may be one member households Surguja districts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Balagbat two memb~r households or multi - member ' district, (3) Betul and Bbainsdchi tahsils ofBetul . . :; . h~useholds. For census purposes, each one of these district, (4) Bilaspur and Katghora tahsils of Bilas­ tYpes is regarded as a 'househoJd'. pur district. (5) Durg and Balod tahsHs of Durg district, (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohala Revenue There are three types of households viz, normal, Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon district. (7) institutional and houseless households. A houseleis Murwara. Patan and Sibora tahsil of Jabalpur, household is that which is normally found to be district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur tahsils of residing on the road side, pavements in hume pipes Hoshangabad and Narsimhpur district, (9) Har­ under staircases, or in open, temple. mandaps, sud tahsil of Kh~ndwa district, (10) Bindra-Nawa. platforms and the like. Institutional househo~ds garh, Dhamtari and Mahasamund tahsils ofRaipur have been explained abo·ve. Those households which district. do not fall in the category of institutional household and houseless household have been categorised as Persons belonging to the castes/tribes mention­ nonnal households, The enumerator was required ed above found in the districts other than those to indicate in the Household S;;;hedule whether the where Scheduled have not been treated as schedul­ hOllsehold belonged to 'Institutional household' or ed castes or scheduled tribes as the case may be. 'Houseless household'. For institutional'!' was lt may be mentioned here that scheduled castes can written against the question 'Type of household' belong to the Hindu or the Sikh religion only, and '0' was indicated in the case of houseless while the scheduled tribes belong to any religion. household. For normal h:>usehold, no entry was The list of Scheduled. Castes and Schedul¢d Tribes required to be made. relating to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 198) census The enumeration of institutional households na!! been given il1lmed iately after this note as was done in the manner the nQrmal households were Annexure-I. enumerated during the enumeration period from Literatu and Educated Persons: 9th February to 28th February, 1981. The house­ less households were enumerated on the night of A person who· can both read· and write with 28th February, 1981. understanding in ·any language is treated as literaet. A person who can merely read but cannot write, is JUSel, the economic questions were baled on not literate. It is not necessary that a person different approaches. namely. usual status and who illiterate should have received any formal current status. were adopted with reference period education or sbould have passed any minimum of one year and one week for seasonal and for educational standard. regular work, respectively. Current status approach was tbought to be irrelevant in tbe context of our The test for literacy was necessary only when country where usual status of a worker is collSider­ the enumerator had any doubt about any person cd to be more appropriate. returning as 'literate', The test for literacy was ability to read any portion of the Enumerator's The above questions are in three parts and Instruction Booklet and to write a simple letter. bave been designed in sucb a way that first of all Ability merely to sign onc's name was not consider· it attempts to divide the population into two broad ed adequate to qualiry a person as being able to groups viz .•

write witb understanding, If a person claimed to ( I) tbose who bave worked any time at all be- literate in some otber language with wbich the during the last year, (2) tbose who have not work­ enumerator was not familiar. the respondent', word edatall, was taken as correct. Tbe latter group consist of the non-workers. All children of the age of 4 years or less were Tbis information is obtained in Q. 14-A. Ha ving treated as illiterate even if they miaht be going to classified the population into two groups, the next school and bad picked up readinl and writins a attempt has been to clalsify those who have worked few words. any time into Main workers and Marginal workers • Cla.iBeatioB ef worken by lod_trial Cateaory : on the basis oC time spent on work al well as secondary work, .ir any, of the Main workers. Jf At the 1981 Census, tbe questions whicb were a person bad worked (or six months or more (180 canvasaed in the rnd ividual slip to elicit informa. days or more) he was treated as Main worker and tion on economic characteristics of the population and if tbe period of work was Jess than six month. were as follows:- he was regarded as a Marginal worker. In Q. 15B details of secondary work or marsinal 'Nork are (i) Q. 14A Worked any time at all last Year? obtained. Finally· an attempt has been made to Yes --- determine whether tholc who are non·workers 01' (H/ST/D/R/B/'/O) No. marginal workers are seeking or are availabJe for work. Q. 14B If yes in 14A, did you work for major part of last year? Yc:s(l),No (2) It will thus be seen tbat tbese questions on economic aspects bave been so designed as to ii Q. 1SA Main activity last year? identify all workers, full time w:.>rkers Or seasonal Yes in 148 (C/AL/HHlfOW) workers or marginal workers and non·workers wjtb No in 14B (H/ST/D/R{S/(/O) reference to tbe activities during the last one year period prior to the date of enumeratjon. 158 Q. ISH Yes-Any other work any time last year? Q. 14B No-Work done any time last year? The various tenns and definitions used in collecting the economic data have been explained Yes (C/AL/HHl/OW)/No brietly in the follOWing paragraphs. c/AL/HHI/UW Definition of work : iii Q.16-1fNo in 14A or 148, seeking/available for wor~? Yes (l )/No (2) . Won. bas been defined as participation in any cconomi£ally productive activity. Such participa.. The above questions were formulated a(.t tion may be physical or mental in nature. Work detailed discussion at tbe Data User's ConfcreiJ,c. involves not only actual work but also effective and technical group. At tbe 1961 and 1971 C.:n. supervisIon and direction of work. &y

For persons on regu.lar employment or ellla.ed dependent., retired persons or rentierl. bewn. in rcauJar type of work. temporary absence during inmates of institutions, unemployed persoD' etc. the referellce period, on account or ilJots" holiday, They are penon. who have not worked any time at temporary closure, strike etc., was not a dil­ all in the year preceeding the enumeration. qualification for treating them as workers. Maj. aetbity of ••k •• : . Persons under train:ing, such as appr~tices, with or without stipendS or wages were also treated The main activity of workers has been classified as workers. In the case of a person who bad been into four categories viz., cultivator, .!ricultural offered work but had not actually joined, be was labourer, household industry and other work in tbe not treated al a worker. Rent receivers, pensioners PeA at the 1981 census. A si~nificant departure etc., were not 1reated as economically active unless has, therefore, been made while presenting the tbey allO ellIaged themselves in some economic data on economic: activity which relate to only four activity. ' broad cate,ories indicated above as against nine In all these questions, 'the reference period is indultrial categories of the 1961 and the 197. the onc year; preceeding tbe date of enumeration. ccnsUles. The nine categories of the 1971 censua Certain types of work luch as agriculture, house­ were-Ci) Cultivator, (ii) AgriCUltural labourer. bold industrY like gur makin, etc •• carried on either (iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fisbing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities, (iv) throtilhout the year or only during certain seasODS Mining, (v) ManUfacturing, ProcessiDI aod servic­ or part (If the year, depcndingon tbe loeal circum­ stance. In all such cases the' reference period' has ing with ~ub-catelorjes-(a) At Household Industry and (b) Other than HOUlebold Industry, (vi) Con­ been the broad time span of the agricultural sea­ struotion, (vii) Trade and Commerce, (viii) Trans­ som preeeeding the enumeration. port, Storage and Communications. and (ix) Other MaiD Workon : services. The COl respondence between the cate­ gories of 1981 and 1971 are as under- The main workerl are thOle who have worked for a major part of the year preceeding the enume­ .1981 Category 1971 Category ration. Main activity was reckoned in terms of time disposition. For example, ;r a person had I I worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months. al an II II agricultural labourer for I month "and as cultivator III V(Il) for 2 months, he was treated as a Main worker on IV 1I1,IV.V(b),VI.VII,Vlll &: IX the basis of total time spent on work and his main activity bave been reckoned as Daily Wage Labourer Cultivator : since he spent major part of his time on work in tbis activity than as cultivator or agricultural For purposes of census a person is workin, as labourer. cultivator if he or sbe is engaged either as employer, single worker or family worker in cultivation of Worken : Margiual land owned 01' held from Government or held rcom Marginal workers are those who have worked private persons or institutions for payment in any time at all in the year preceeding the enumera­ money, kind or share. tion but bave not workod for a major part of the Cultivation involves pJollghin" sowing and year. For example, if a person who is mostly harvesting and production of cereals and millet doing household duties, or is mainly a student, or cr<'ps stich as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra. cagi, a rentier or a btggar and the like who is basically etc., and other crops stich as sugarcane,groundnuts a non-worker had done some work at some time tapioca, etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindered during the reference period. be was tleated as a fibre crop, cotton etc., and 'does not' inc]ude fruit marginal workor. growina, vegetable growing or k:eping orchards oc NOD-Worken: groves or working of plantation like tea, coffee. rubber, cinchona. opium and other medicinal plan­ Non-workers constitute of housebolders, students, tations. Aaricaltural Labourer :. processing. 'servicing, repairiog or matins and selling (but pot mere 0('800ds ,pch as Persons wor~ing i~ anOthe_{ pe~son's land for ,handloom weaving; dyeing, 'carpentry; bidhoUins. wages in moncY.kincCor· ~harc hav.e b.een· treated ~. pottery manufacture, biCyCle repairina. b_wm.itb­ agricultural iabourers. An agricultutal la~uret ing, tailoring' etc. It does not include profe.iions bas no risk the cui tivation; and h.. DO .r.ight of in he $uc.b as a pleader .or doctor· o~, barber .or '4hobi' lease or conttact .on land on Which he works .. even if such professions are run at home bf mem· .bers 9f the household. 'Hoasellold Industry':

Hous~hoJd' Industry is defined as an industry Uther workers: 'conducted 'by the 'llead ofthe household himself/ herself and or by the members of the households at home or within the village in rural areas 'and o'nly All workers, i.e. those who have been engaged w. .itbin the precincts of the house wbtir( the 'bouSe­ in some ccpnoroic activity during the last ~~e,year. hold lives' in urban aroas. The larger proportion who are not cul~ivators or agricult1;JraJ I~urers of workers in a household' industry shodld consist or in household industry are 'oth.er workers'. The of m'embers of the hOUsehold including tbe head;.· .type of workers that co~e und~r tli.~s .. ,~~.gory The industry should not be run on the 'scale of i.nchide, .factory workers, .plantatio·n workers, registered factory which would quaiify and hai to trade, ~tc.~ b.uSines$, transpo~t. mi]Jina, con­ b: regist ered under 'the Indian Factories Act. atruction., Political Qr social work,' all Bove~eni aervants,. m~nicipal ,employcI;S •.· teachers,•. priest,. Household lndustl,}, relates to production, entertainment artists etc. xvii



[ The Scheduled Castes and Sched uled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, )976] Dated the j8th September, 1976

SCbeduied CasteS

I Audhelia. 35 Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa. 2 Bagri, Bagdi. Satna. Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikanigarh districts) 3 1,Jahna, Bahana. 36 Mahar, Mehra, Mehar. 4 Balahi, Dalai. 37 Mang, Mang Garedi, Mang Garudi. Danlistticts). 14 Chamar, Chamari. Bairwa. Bha~bi> Jatav, 43 Pasi. Mochi. Regar, Nona, Rohidas, Ramnami. 44 Rujjhar. Satnami, Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnami, Ahir­ 45 Sansi, Sansia. war, Chamar Mangan. Raidas. 46 Silawat. 15 Chidar. 47 ZamraJ. 16 Chikwa, Chikvi. 17 Chitar. Scheduled Tribes 18 Dahait, Dahayat, Dahat. 1 Agariya. 19 Dewar. 2 Andh. 20 Dbanuk. 3 Baiga. 21 Dhed, Dher. 22 Dhobi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore dis- 4 Bhaina. tricts), 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhiunhar Bhumia, Bhumiya. 23 Dollor. Bharia, Paliha, Pando. 24 Dorn, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris. (, Bhattra. 25 Ganda, Gandi. 7 Bhil, Bhilala, Barela. Patelia. 26 Ghasi, Ghasia. 8 BhiI Mina. 27 Holiya. 9 Bhunjia. 28 Kanjar. 10 Biar. Biyar. 29 Katia, Path aria. 11 Binjhwar. 30 Khatik. ]2 Birhul, Birhor. 31 Koli. Kori. ] 3 Damor, Damaria. 32 Kotwa) (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, 14 Dhanwar. Gwalior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone,Mandsaur 15 Gadaba, Gadba. Morena, Rajgharh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shiv. 16 Gond: Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria. Asur, Badi puri, Ujjain. and Vidisha districts). Maria, Bada M~ria, Bhato)a, Bhimma, Bbuta 33 Kbangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koilabhuta. Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bisonhorn 34 Kuchbandhia. Maria, Chota Maria. Dandami Maria. Dhuru. xviii

Dhurwa, Dhoha, Dhulia, Doria. Gaiki, Gatta 35 Oraon, Dhanka. Ohangad. Gatti, Gaita, Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kan­ 36 Panika (in ChhatarplIr. Datia, Panna, Rewa. dra. Kalanga, Khatola, Koitar, Koya, Kbirwar Satna, Sbahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts.) Khirwara Kurha Maria, Kuchald Maria, Madia, Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, 37 Pao. Mogia, Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarchi, 38 Pard han, Pathari, Saroti, Nagwaoshi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, 39 Pardhi (in Bhopal,Raisen and Sehore districts) Thatia, Tbotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria. Daroi. 40 Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Lan. goli Pard hi, Phanse Pard hi. Shikari, Takankar 17 Halba. Halbi. Takia [in (I) Bastar. Chhindwara, Mandla, 18 Kamar. Raigarh, Seon; and Surguja districts, (2) '8aihar 19 Karku. tahsil of Bal9ghat district. (3) Betul and 20 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaor. Cberwa, R.athia, Tan- Bhainsdebi tahsils of Betu} district, (4) BiJaspur war, Chattri and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspur district. 21 Keel' (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts). (5) Durg and Balod tahsils of Durg district, 22 Khairwar, Kondar. (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohla Revenue Jnspectors' Circles of Rajnandgaon district, (7) 1.3 Kharia. Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of JabaJpur 24 Kondh. Khond, Kandh. district. (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur 25 Kol. tahsils of Hoshangabad district and Narsimha.­ 26 Kolam. pur distrjct, (9) Harsud tahsil of Khandwa district, (lO)Bindra-Nawagarh, DhalDtari and 27 Korku. Bopchi, MOllasi. Nihal, Nahul. Bondhi Mabasamund tahsils of Raipur district. Bondeya. 28 Korwa. Kodaku. 41 Parja. 29 Majhi. 42 Sahariya. Saharia, S(haria, Sehria. Sosia. Sor. 30 Majhwar. 43 Saonta, Saunta. 31 Mawasi. 44 Sauro 32 Mina (in Sironj sub-division of Vi dish a district) 33 Munda. 45 Sawar, Sawara. 34 Nagesia, Nagasia. 46 Sonr. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

The History of the District Census Handbook Thus the present series of District Census Hand­ could be traced from the 'Village lists' brought out book consists of two volumes viz .• DCRD Part A for every district in 1901 and 'village statistics' for and DCHB Part B. Part A contains the village/Town every ,district 1911. But this was discontinued Directory and Part B contains the Town/Vil~agewise in 1921 and 1931. In 1941, however 'village statis­ Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district. tics' were brought out by then Central Provinces Part A-Village Directory contains information and Berar Government. It was for the first time in about the naDle of village, total area, of village. 195] the practice of bringing out a single volume known as the District Census Handbook, giving total popUlation and number of households in the villagewise statistics and other census tables for village, amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post and telegraphs, market day, communi­ the district at the cost of the State Government cations, approach to Village. distance from the was initiated and is continuing since then. nearest town, power supply, staple food. laud use, places of religious, historical and archaeological The District Census Handbook, compiled by interest etc. the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Government is one of the most important publica­ In addition there are four appendices to the tions of the censu& and is widely used by planners. Village Directory as under- administrators. academicians and researchers. (I) Tahsilwise abstract of educational, medical and other amenities. The scope of the District Census Handbook (2) Land utilization data in respect of census has gone consid erabJe change since J951. In] 95] towns. the District Census Handbook contained only the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. (3) Tahsilwise list of villages where no ameni­ In view of the usefulness of this publication, ties are available, and improvements were made in 1961 by including non­ (4) Tahsilwise list of villages accord ing to the census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation proportion of Scheduled Castes/Sched uled industry, education, health etc., as also an 'Intro­ Tribes popUlation by ranges. ductory Note' for each district. Unfortunately, the The last two appendices have been included for desire to make the district census handbook more the first time in 1981 census. Appendix III will be comprehensive delayed its publication. Therefore. helpful for planning input in areas/villages where in 1971, it was decided to publish the district cen­ basic infrastructure is lacking and Appendix IV will sus handbook in three parts in order to release the be helpful for planning welfare programmes for maximum data as and when finalised. Part A con­ Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes at micro level, tained the Village Directory which gives villagewise particularly in relation to area development non-census statistics of land use, area and amenities orientation programmes. available within the village. Part B contained the village wise Primary Census Ahstract and Part C Similarly the Town Directory contains seven contained various administrative statistics. Part A statements as below- and B were, however, published in one volume since Statement I-Status and growth hisiol'Y. it was economical to do so as data for both the Statement II-Physical aspects and location parts became available early. Parts A and B were of towns. published separately in and English versions. Statement III-Municipal Finance. Collection of data for Part C was cumbursome and Statement IV-Civic and other amenities. it took unduly long time in its finalisation, and Statement IVA-Civic and other Amenities in ultimately this publication had to be abondoned in Notified Slums .. view of the enormous delay in its printing. Statement V-Med ical, educational, recreatio­ In 1981 census. with a view to avoid delay in nal and cultural facilities. bringing out of DCR Sl:ries, the part containing Statement VI-Trade, Commerce & Industry and the administrative statistics has been dropped. Banking. An additional statement IV-A is meant only industrial categories viz •• cultivators, agricultural for Class-I and CJass-1I towns giving the civic and labourers, household industry and other workers. other amenities in notified slums. This statement marginal workers and non-workers. has been introduced for the first time in 1981 census. The inclusion, of Primary Census Abstract relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduleu Part B-The town/villagewise Primary Census Tribes at the tahsil/town level is another impor­ Abstract gives the bas ic data like area of the village. tant feature ot the DCHB series of 1981 census. occupied residential houses, total number of bouse­ holds, population by sex, as also the sexwise popu­ An appendix containing Development Block. lation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. wise-'Vikas Khandwar' totals of PCA figures has literacy and population by sex into four broad also been included. xxi


Satnl district, in Rewa Commissioner's Division, on 1st November, 1956. as a result of the reorganisa­ is situated in the north-caltern part or the State and tion of States on linguistic basis, the new State of licil etwoeli latitudes 25" 58' and 25' 12' North and Madhya Pradesh ( the present one) wal made up of longitudes 80· 21' and 81° 23' East. The district is the five regions of which Vindbya Prad esb was one. bounded by district of Uttar Pradesh in the Thus continues to be ooe of the 4S dis­ north, and a small portion of Sidhi dis­ tricts ( 43 districts at the time or formation ) of the trict in tbe east; Sbabdol and JabaJpur districts in new State of Madbya Pradesb. The district is divi­ the south and in the west. ded into four tashils viz. Ragburajnagar in tbe north in the west, Amarpatan in the south-east and The district gets its name from tbe district head­ Maihar in the soutll. All the tahsil headquarters are quarters town, Satoa, which in turn takes it from well connected by fair - weather road. Satna and Satna river wbich ftows near the town. Yet there is Maibar being the headquarters town of Raahuraj­ a legend that the name Satna is derived from Sutrk­ nagar and Maihar tahsils respectively are also conne­ sbana Riahi, who was a staunch devotee of l.ord Rama as per accounts given in the Balmiki Ramayana and cted by rail. Both these places lie on the Bombay­ Allahabad broad.gau~e railway route via Jabalpur of the .1Iahabharata. the Central Railway. The prescnt Satna district corresponds to the i According to tbe 1981 Census, the population of Rapurajnasar tahsil of the north Rewa district of the district is 1,153.387 with 595, 753 males and erstwhile Rewa State and tbe Sanad States of Soha­ 557,634 femaks. 966,650 periOns live in 1165 villages wal, , . Patra. Kamta - Rajaula. and 186,737 persons in 9 towns of the district. The per_ Bhainsaundha, Nagod, Jaso, Maihar and Kothi. centage of urbao population to total population of Consequent upon the mergcr of princely States and the district workl out to 16.19 which is quite below (ormation olVindhya Pradesh, a Part-C State in 1948•. the State average of 20.29. It follows that inspite there was reconstitution of boundaries and thus Satoa of its having 9 urban units, the district is predomi­ district in the present rorm was constituted. Furtber nantly rural in character.

The following table givos the popUlation, number of villages and towns, 1981.

Table 1

Population, Number 01 Villages aad To"al, 1981

------...... ------,--______POPULATION..A.. _____ - ____ ---""\ No.of VilJages No. Name Total Rural Urban r--. ..A...... _~ of SI. of r-----...A..----., r----..A.---~ r---..A..--~ Total Inha- TownS Nu. Tahsil P M F P M F P M F bited ---_------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ) I 12 13 14

Raghuraj- 531,841 277,876 253,965 3"99,628 205,749 193,1179 132,2) 3 72,127 60.011.6 879 728 S nagar Tahsil 2 Nagod 225,863 116,458 109,405 203,053 104,418 98,635 22,810 12,040 10,770 495 430 2 Tahsil 3 Amarpatan 216.960 109,419 107,541 205,501 103,426 102,081 11,453 5,99~ 5.460 453 376 1 Tahsil 4 Maihar 118,723 92,000 116,723 158,462 81,389 77,073 20,261 10,611 9,650 253 231 Tahsil ------__..------~-----.... ------Total: District 1,153,387 595,753 551,634 966,650 494,982 471,668168,737100,771 85,966 2,0801,765 , ------~------... - There are 1,765 inhabited villages and as many that order with 549, 547 and 472 persons per village. as 315 depopulated villages in the district. The Except for Raghurajnagar tahsil which has th:: n umber of villages as we.ll as the population living in Jist! iet headquarters town, Satna in it, all the tahsils them is found to be highet in Raghurajnagar tahsil an: predominantly rural. but the average number of persons pc:r village is found to be highest (685) in Maillar tahsil. Raghu­ The following table gives the classwi,e classifi­ rlljnagar, Amarpatan and Nagod (ahsils follow in caticn of towns in the district:-

Table 1.1 ------:------'------.---.----- Size·class Location Name of town Population

.-___ - ___ A ______~ of Population in tahsil Persons Males Females -_------_ .. _ ------_-_. __ ._ ------.----~--.-- 1 2 3 4 5 6

.__ ~---- _4 _____ ~-._--.------_------.- .______

Class II (50,000-99,999 ) Raghurajnagar Satn"l (U.A.) 96,667 53,516 43,151 Class III (20,000-49,999) Maihar M"ihar (M) 20,261 10,61 t 9,650 Class IV (10,000-19,999) Nagod (i) Unchahara (NA) 11,979 6,250 S,729 ( ii) Nagod(NA) 10,831 5,790 5,041. Amarpatan Amarpatan (NA) 11,453 5,993 5,460 Class. V (5,000-9,999) Raghurajn:1gar (i) Rampur-BagheJan (NA) 9.907 5,095 4,812 (ii) laitwara (NA) 9,241 4,817 4,424 (iii) Madhogarh (NA) 8,845 4,692 4, I S3 (iv) Bi.singhpur (M) 7.553 4,007 3,546 __·_· ___.w ______------

Nore-U A.=Urban Aggl()meration, M=Municipality, N.A.=NotFied Ar"a

S'ltna is an urban agglomeration with the following constituent Units. ------_.. _-- -.. ------L'rban Agglomeration Population

,------.--J'---_____ ~ Persons Males Females

---;0---- .. ------.----______~-______. ______2 3 4 ------,.------_._._- .... __ .-

1. Satna Ij.A. 96,667 5],516 43,151

~.i ) Sarna (M) 90,476 49,820 40,656 ( ii) Ghoordang (0. G. ) 2,763 1,787 976 (iii) Railway colony (O.G. ) 3,428 1,909 1.519

~---~------_--_ .. _._- xxiii

·The concept or urbari agglomeration has already has still remained as a. s tagriating ·town. Satna town been.siven at the beginning of this introductory nC1te. had also a retarded gr~wth tIll 1941 While it ~~s a It wiU thus·be seen that Satna Railway Colony is not part of the feudatory State but after the formation of a part of Satna Municipality but is contiguous to it State in 1948 and later the rcor&a­ . and forms a continuous urban sprear1. Likewise tbe nisation of States on ht November, 1956 i.e. forma­ Birla Cable factory atea and the ACC Cement factory tion of the neW State of Madhya Pradesh. possibly and its colony which are situated within the limits of with the administrative shake-up .in tbe new set-_up, . revenue. village Ghoordang, outlide the municipal . . l., or. developmental activities caught momentum which has limits of Satna and bence form a rart of urban agllo­ consequently accelerated the growth population of meration. It follows tbat the· entire urban agglome­ ot this town. rt was after 1956 new Industries l:Jave ration could be taken as a single demographic entity. coine up. Tbe establishment of the Birla Cable Fac­ Of the 9 towns in t he district, Satna, Maihar and tory and the ACC Cement Factory are testimony to Unchabara are towns since 1901, Nagod since 1911. this fact. But for Satna and Maihar, all the r.mai-· and tbe remaining towns have been added for tbe· ning towns could be taken as grown up villages With first time in 1981. Satna and Maihar are on tbe hardly adequate urban charcteristicli. main trunk railway route between Calcutta and Bombay but Satna being also tbe district headquar­ The foUowing table gives the decadal change ters town has bad a satisfactory growth while Maihar in distribution of population.

Table 2

Dec.da) Cllaage in Distribution of Population ------.__------.------Popu1ation A r------'--""""\ Percentage decadal 1971 1981 Variation ( 1971-81 ) Sl. Name of r-----.A.---~ r------.A. ------~ r---.A,.---~ No. Tahsil Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total RUT!!I Urban ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I ------... ------

Raghurajnagar 412,!11 349,955 62,162 531,841 399.628 132,213 +29.05 +14.19 +112.611 Tahsil

2 Nagod Tahsil 178,707 161,373 17,334 225,863 203,05) 22,1110 +2 6 .39 . +25.113 +31. 59

3 AlOarpatan 180,749 180,749 216,960 205,507 11,453 +20.03 +IJ; 70 Tah.sil

4· Maihar Tansil 141,9S8 126,781 15,177 178,723 15R,462 20,261 :-1- 25 • 90 +21.99 +33.50 ------_._. ------Total: District 913,531 818,8S8 94,673 1,153,387 966,650 186,737 +26.16 +18.05 +97.1~

------.------~--- xxiv

The district has registered a growth of 26.27 per department. The sterilisation mte per 1,000 population cent during the decade 1971.81 which is slightly big. works out to 44.53. This has oviously brought down her than the State average of 25.27 per cent. It is the reprod~ctioa rate thereby reducing the growth­ heartening to note that there is a rail in the growth rate of population during this decade. The tahsil· ratc of population in tbis decade as compared to the wise figures arc not· however available but it appears gr\)wth rate of 31.~6 recorded in the previous decade that Amarpatan tahsil has r~sponded well as the i. e., lS61-71. 1he Jow grcwth.rate during the growth-rate of population is found to be the lowest decade may be attributed to the f~vourable resJ:oDse in this tahsil. The other factor i. e. miaretion. wbieh to Family Welfare Programmes by the people as would affects the growth·rate of population js not likely to be evident from tbe fact that the performance of bave any significant effect on it~ !iterililation since inception of the scheme till 1980.81 The following table gives the decadal growth bas been quoted to be 51,313 by the concerned of population of the district since 1901:-

Table 2.1

Decadal arowth of population since 1901

------..-- CenslIs Population %Decadal year growth-rate --_._------_._------__ .----- . __ ... _---_ 2 3 --__ ._------_ - - - -. ------.------_ ----_ .. -- 1901 415,607 1911 4Ri,703 +11.35 1921 423,174 -13.11 1931 448,R2R + 8.27 1941 529.553 +15.41 1951 554,529 + 4.72 1961 694,970 +25.22 1971 913,531 +31.56 19111 1.153,387 +26.26 ..,_------._------....,.__ The growth of population in the district bad been due to lOme localised effect of cbolera epidemic and ftuctuating rrom 1901 to 1951. Thereafter there drought conditions in the district. After 19SI, the was a steady growth. The fatal influenza epidemic djstrict was froe from such upheavals and a steady of 1917.18 was widespread which took a heavy toll growth i. noticed thereafter. AI already indicated of population of the district. The extent of losiof e~rlier, the fall in the growth-rate of population popUlation during the decade 1911-21 was to the during the present decade i. e., 1971-8l appears tune of 13.11' per cent. The ftuctuatioa growth-rate mainly duc to tbe favourable response by the people of population during the period 1921-51 seems to be towards Family Planning Programme. X.tv

The following table gives the distribution of villages by population ranles

Table 3

Distribution of ViJlages by Population Rangel

------_-- - ...... ------... ---:------Tal]si) ,.... ____ -----.-----..A.----_,;.--.-____-""\ Satnn District Raghurajnagar Nagod Amarpalan Maihar ,-- --"------. ,-.--"---~ r---..A.--~ ,..-_..A-....-..." - ~ ~ Range of No. of Percen. No. of Percen· No. of Percen- No. of Percen- No.of Percen- Population villages tage villages tage villages tage villages rage villages tage in each in tach in each in each in each range range range range range

_------.~ ------. _--.. ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I


Less than 200 565 32.03 236 32..16 164 38.14 116 30.85 49 21.21

200-499 515 29.20 222 30.54 135 31.39 100 26.60 58 2S.11

500-1.999 621 35.20 241 33.15 117 27.21 148 39.36 115 39.78

2.000-4.999 63 3.57 28 3.85 14 3.26 12 3.1' 9 3.90

5.000..... 9.999


---_---_.. _------_. _.------_-" ~--.~---.---

Total 1,764* 100.00 727. 100.00 430 100.00 376 100.00 231 100.00 ------.. ------_.. __ ._-- Note:- III There are in fact 1765 inhabited villages in the district but Gboordang. L.C. No. 693,aninhabited villale of Raghurajnagar tahsil has been treated as urban oulegrowth of Satna town:and hence it has not been shown under 'rural'. Thus, in the iDset table given above and those follow. the total nun'tber of inhabited villages in Ralhurajnaaar tahsil and in the district have been sh(}wn as 727 and 1764 respectively. uvi

Majority of yiJIa~s in the district are in the popu­ sized vilJages as would be evident from the fact that lation range 500-1,999, accOunting ror 35.20 per a little over 61 per cent of the *otal villages have cent of tbe total number of inhabited villages. All population lesl than 500 in each. By and large, the tbe same, tbis district is also cbaracterised with small position is same in all tbe tahsils of the district.

The following. table gives the distribut·ion of villages 'I1y density.


Distribution of Villages by Density

--- _... ------~------.... ------TahsiJ r--,------A------.. ----.._----"'\ Satna District Raghurajnagar Nagod Arnarpatan Maihar ,---..A.. ___ -, ,---A.-...... r---.A..-~ ~~ "';--_..A--_-, Range of Total Percen. Total Percen· Total Percen- Total Percen· Total Percen- density No. or tage No .. of tage NO'of tage No.of tage No.of tage (per sq. vill •• ges viJIages villages villa&es villages km.) in e:lch in each in e~ch in each in each range range range range range ----~------.. --.------.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Le..ss thln to R2 4.65 31 4.26 28 6.5.1 14 3.72 9 3.90

11-:!o 61\ 3.74 30 3.13 23 5.35 9 2.39 4 1.73

21-50 1(,1 9.47 65 R.94 49 11.39 27 7.18 26 1 t .26

51--100' 245 13.89 103 14. t 7 61 14.19 54 14.36 21 11.69

-IOI-:!OO 6JO 34.58 252 34.66 .151 35.12 119 31.65 88 38.09

201--300 3-34 18.93 1% 18.71 71 16.51 83 22.08 4-1 19.05

301-500 192 10.88 73 10 •. 04 41 9.53 50 13.30 28 12.12

501+ 68 3·115 37 5,09 6 1.40 20 5.32 5 2.16

Not known .. ------=------...... -

Tota. 1.764 100.00 727 100.00 430 100.00 376 100.00 231 100.00

-~------~------~---.....------.. ------~------_. It is interesting to note that as the density range sily range for most of the villages in this district is increases till it attains a maximum of 200 persons 101-200 persolls per sq. km. As many as 610 villa­ per sq. km •• the number of villages is found to be ges out of the total of 1,765 villages lie in this range steadily increasing and thereafter with the incre­ accounting (or 34.58 per cent of the total villages. ase in the density range the number of villa&es The position amone the tahsils is more 01: less tends to decrease. It follows that tbe average den- identical. The following table gives the propartion of scbeduled castes population to total population in the viUalcl.

Table 5

Proportion of Scheduled Castes Population to total PoplllatioR in tho Villages ------.------Tahsil

, ____ .__ .A. ______~

Satna District Raghurajnagar Nagod Amarpatan Maihar ,----"----"""""'\ ,-__.A._---.. ,--....A....-, ,----"--, ,--.--A..__ ~ Percentage No.of Percen­ No.of Percen- No.of Percen- No.of Percen- No.of Percen- range of S.C. villages tage villages tage villages lage villages tage vi Ilages lage Population to in each in each in each in each in each total Popula­ range range range range range tion

------~ ------_._--- -~!""""""----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_--_ -----.------"------"_--

Nil 520 29.48 213 29.30 130 30.23 122 32.45 .55 23.81

0-5 162 9.18 48 6.60 36 8.37 52 ] 3.83 26· 1l.26

6-10 207 11.74 75 10.32 34 7.91 60 15.96 38. ]6.45

]1.14 1'1-15 191 10.8~ 81 31 7.21 45 ]1.97 34 14.72

16-20 186 10.54 74 10.18 46 10 .. 70 3l! 10.10 28 12.]2

21..,30 233 13.21 100 0.15 59 13.72 43 11.44 31 13.42

31 and above 265 15.02 136 18.71 94 21.36 16 4.25 19 8.22 ------_------:------Total 1,764 100.00 727 100.bO 4JO 100.00 376 100.00 131 100,00 ------The perc:ntage or scheduled casteS population in the percentage range of scheduled castes population villages to total rural population or the district works to total population increases, there is a gradual out to 16.89 as against the State avera&e of 14.52 increase ill the number of villages faliing under each per cent. About 30 per cent of the villages in tbe dis­ except a steep rise in the range 6-10. As the villa­ tlict do not bave in them any scheduled castes popu­ les grow in size, the scheduled castes population also lation. It is, however, interesting to note tbat as increases more or less proportionately al would be uviii

evident from the following figures :- Table 5.1

Number I)f ,mages. population and sebeduled castes by population range of ,ilIages

------.. _---- -~. --.-.------_.. --.....---- Population No. of Total Rural Scheduled %of Scheduled Range ViUages PopUlation Castes Castes to total rural population -.------_... _------.. ------_------2 . 3 4 s ------Less than 200 565 54,864 6,702 12.22 200-499 515 169.793 28,980 17.07 500-999 411 282,055 52,243 Is.52 1.000-1,999 210 278,880 46,688 16.74 2,000-4,999 6~ 181,058 28,606 15.80 S,000-09 .. 999 10,000+ ------_._- ---.------.-~------.. -- Total 1,764 966,650 163,219 .___,----_ .. __ ---_------Tbc pattern is somewhat similar in Raghurajnagar to be less in the highest range i. e,,3[ per cent and and Nagod tahsils but in the case of Amarpatan abovc. and Maihar tahlils the number of villages is found

The following table gives the proportion of Scheduled tribes population to total population in the villages. Table 6 Proporation of scheduled tribes population to total popalation in the ,mages

------.. _------_- Tahsil r------A------~ Satna Disrrrct Maihar ,-___ .A. ___, Raghurajnagllr Nagod Am~rpatan ,--..A----.. ,_..A----, r- -",. -~ f--.A.--~ Percentage No. of Percen. No.of Percen­ No. of Percen- No. of Percen- No. of Percen- range or S.T. villages tase villages I age vilJage tage viJIages tage village' tage Population to in each in each in each in each in each 10lal ?-oPlIlation range range range range ----.------_------_------_.range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_._------_.------... -_ Nil 575 32.60 256 35'21 2U 50.00 76 20.?1 28 12.12 0·-5 210 J 1.90 110 15.13 51 11.86 28 7.45 21 9.09 6-15 311 17'63 ]17 17·47 39 9.07 91 24.20 54 23.38 16-25 186 10.54 73 10.04 20 4.65 59 15.~9 34 14.72 26-35 110 6.24 28 3.85 18 4.19 37 9.84 27 11.69 36-50 101 5.73 31 4.27 12 2.79 33 8.78 2S 10.82 SI and above 271 :~6 ------_.------lS • 102 14.03 75 17.44 52 13.83 42 18.18 Total 1,764 100.00 727 100.00 430 tOO.OO 376 100.00 231 100.00 ------.-.. ------.--.------~------The percentage of-scheduled tribes living in villa­ scheduled tribcs population to total population ges to total rural population of the district wo.rks out increases from 'O-S' to <36-50' the number of villages to 15.48 per cent as against the State av~rale of s ucceseively decreases but in the highest range there 27.78 per ccnt. There are as Dlany as 57Svillages in is an abrupt increase. This trend however suggests the di~trict which do not have an~ scheduled tribes that tbe scheduled tribes population does not increase population. This accounts for 32.60 per cent of the in th e proportion the villages grow in size. This total villages in the district. A different pattern is would be evident from the rollowing table w~ich visible in regard to the distribution of scheduled gives the total populatian, scheduled tribes popula­ tribes population in villaJCs than what was observed tion in villages by population range. for scheduled castes. As the percentage range of

Table 6. 1 DlstributioD uf scbeduled tribes by size clal. of 'illages ----_------.-~.---- -_ - - ---_------_.-._------Population No. of Total rural Scheduled % of Scheduled Tribe8 Range villages population Tribes population population ------~------_ ------..;,; 2 3 4 5

.------~--- -"---~--"--.-----.: --- L~ss than 200 565 54,864 17,242 31.43 200 - 499 515 169,793 35,577 20.95 500 - 999 411 282,055 41,308 14.65 J ,oeo -1,999 210 ~78,880 35,089 12.58 2,000 -4,999 63 181,058 20,432 11.28 5,000 -9,999 10, OOO+and al10ve

------~------~---.----- Total 1,764 149,648 15.48

------_ ._-- --.-~ ------_------.. ------The following table gives the proportion of scheduled castes/scheduled, tribes population in towns Table 7 Proportion of Scbeduled Castes I Scheduled Tribes population in t(lWPS

___-- ______---_-~ ----_ ""'1'--_-_____ ~----- ___~

Name of tIte Total TGtal Percentage of Percentage of Town Total Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes population Castes Tribes population to total population to Population Population population total population ------_._------.' - -_ ------:------_. --1 ______2 3 4 5 - _. ---_.-.1- ;,...- ____6 _

A[1 larpa tan 11. 453 2,067 820 18.05 7.16 Birsingl!pur 7,553 1,736 159 22.98 2.11 9,241 2,415 206 26.D 2.23 Madhogarh 8,845 2,136 684 24.15 7.73 Maihar 20,261 2.327 1,143 11.49 S.64 N~god 10,831 1,740 26 16.06 0.24 Rampur-Baghelan 9,907 1,436 ],575 14.49 15.90 Satna 96,667 9,841 2,995 10.18 3.10 Unc:hahara 11,979 2,269 381 18.94 3.18 ------.------All Towns 186,737 25,967 7,989 13.91 4·28

-~------~------...... ---~------:------The scheduled castes population in townl are )~rge population in tbis town appears to be due to lenerally engaged in their traditional jobs but quite the harvesting of wheat which had attracted them . a few of them seem to be employed in limestone trom surronndinB areas as tbe enumeration period quarries and lime kilns as limestone is found in coincided witb the harvesting season. abUndance in tbis district.

The ~igh proportion of scheduled tribes popula­ The following table livos literacy rale by population tion in Rampur-BagheJan town seuns unusual. The ranges of viUages- '

Table 8

Literacy Rate by Popo~ation Range of Villages

-.------~------Tahsil ,------j...;... _---'------...... S:ltna: District Rlghurajn,tg.1r Nagod AnlRrpatan Maihar r--_.A-_-, r---A --, ,--__ ~-, ,--_-A.._---., ,---_...A.-_--., Range of No.of Literacy No.of Literacy No of Literacy No.of Liteacy No. of Literacy Population village!! fate villages rate villages rate' villages rate villages rate in each in each in each in eacf:o in each range range range range range ----_----_.. __ ------.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_-_.. ------_ ---~------.------~----.--

tess le!!n 200 565 18.56 236 18.53 164 18,29 116 21.41 49 1.3.95

200-·499 515 ~ I. 72 222 21.52 135 22.33 100 21.54 58 21.42

5,~0-1 ;999 621 22.2{i 241 23.26 117 23.86 148 11. 2Z US 19.8,5

2,000-4.999 63 26.60 28 27.68 14 24~ 70 12 28.58 9 23.45

'i,OOO-9, 999

10.000+ ------.- - --_------'_------_-- - - 1,764 22.77 727 23.55 430 23.16 376 :n.56 231 10.45

It may be noticed that higher the ranle of popula­ because more educational facilities become available tion, hillIer is the literacy rate in villages. It in bigger villages. The number of big villages in the followS that as the villages grow in size, the literacy district is, however, small. rate is found to be increa.ing. This is obviOusly lui

The literacy rate i& rural areas.of the district Among the tahsils. the literacy 'fate varies between works out to 22.71 per cent as against tbe Stat. 20 to 24 per cent, Ragburajnagar and Amarpatan with average of 21.22 which indicate. that tbe' district is some what better position and Maihar tahsitlaggjng not· tbat worse as is found in other backward tar bebind where the IiteJ:'acy rate varies from 13 per districts oftbc State. But it has· yet to make a big cent to 24 per cent in villages. way to come upto the all-India average of 29.65 per The following ta ble gives the literacy rate in cent so far as the rural areas are concerned. towns

Table 9 Literacy rate. ror Towns. 1981 -_-...... ------_.. _--- __ .------.------SI. No. Town Li teracy rate - _------_----_•. _------.- 2 3

---_-----_._------.. _----_-----_... ------_----

Amarpatan 35.82 2 34.90 3 Jaitwara 34.51 4 Madhogarh 29.68 5 Maiher 44.94 6 Nagod 48.68 7 Rampur... Baghe! an 34.55 8 Satna 55.62 9 Unchahara 44.49


All toWIII 4'.90

-----_ ------_...... _- ~- ----~----- Literacy is generally associated with urbanisation. large, the literacy rates in tOwns of this district have Greater tbe urbanisation of aD area, bigher is the direct correlation witb the percentage or population literacy rate found there. Satna il havlag the highest living in them. Satna and Nagod towns have the literacy rate of 55.62 per cent obviously becaUle it i. literacy rates hiBbor than the district average ot the district headquarten town with SI.77 per cent of 47 .90 per cenl. tbe total urban population of tbe district. By and uxii

The following table gives the literates, workers~ non-workers, scheduled castes/tribes population in the district and tahsils by t~ltal, rural and urban areas; Table

Literates, Workers, Non-Workers, Scbeduled Castes --_. ----_-. ------. ------,-______PERCEN --A

SC ST Total/ Total Poplllation Population Population Literatl:s to total Population ,-_____ ..A.. ____-"'\ Name of the Rural/. ,-____..A.. ___ ~ to total to total District ITahsil Urban Persons MaJes Females poplliation population P M F _._------_---_-_.. _------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------.------_----_._----_------_ -_--

Satna District T 11 ,53,387 595,753 557,634 16.40 13.67 26.84 39.55 13.26 R 966,650 494,982 471,668 16.89 15.48 22.77 35.40 9.51 U 186,737 100,771 85,966 13.91 4.28 47.90 59.91 33.82

RaghurajnaglT T 531,841 277,876 253,965 17.43 10.86 30.04 42.65 16.23 Tahsil R 39Y,628 205,749 193,879 18.80 13.04 23.55 36.26 10.06 U 132,213 72.12; 60,086 13.28 4.25 49.64 60.89 36.15

2 NaGoJ Tahsil T 225,863 116,458 109,405 19.66 11.55 25.60 38.31 12.08 R 203,053 104,418 98,635 19.89 12.65 23.26 35.71 10.07 U 22,810 12,040 10,770 17.58 1.78 46.48 60.81 30.45

3 Amarpatnn Tahsil T 216.960 109,419 107,541 12.37 17.94 23.26 36.31 10.08 R 205,507 103.426 102,081 12·06 18.54 22.56 35.45 9.50

lj J 1,453 5,993 5,460 ~8.05 7.16 35.82 49.39 20.93

4 M aihar Tahsil T 178,723 92,000 86,723 14.12 19.53 23.22 35.69 10.00 R 158,462 81,389 77,073 14.45 21.30 20.45 32.76 7.44 U 20,261 1 O~ 611 9,650 11.49 5 64 44.94 58 '-18 30.37

__ .....:.....---:.i- _ __.. ~ ______• xlliji


Scheduled Tribe. Population in the District ------_ -_._----_. ------TAGE ------.------.. -~--"\ Main workers to total Marginal workers to TOI:lI workers to Non-workers to population total populatiC'n toral population total population

~ ,-_____ .A.. __ ,-___ A-___~ r---.A.._·--~ r~---....J...--~ P M F P M F P M F ------P M _.----F II 12 13 ~4 15 16 i7 18 11) 10 21 22 -_---.------_.. _------.-.----- ~------

31.98 51.62 23.41 3.79 1.34 6.40 41 .17 52.96 29.11 58.23 47.04 70.19 39.2n 52.14 25.62 4.32 1.49 7.28 43.52 53.63 32.91 56.48 46.37 67.09 31.66 49.07 11.24 ] . OS 0.60 ].5S 32.71 49.67 12.83 67.29 50.33 87.17

36.94 50.76 21.8] ~.16 1.06 5.46 40.09 51.82 27.26 59.91 48.18 72.74 38.88 51.29 25.72 :::.93 t .24 6.79 42.81 52.52 32.50 57.19 47.48 67.50 31.06 49.27 9.19 0.S3 0.5S 1. 16 31.88 49.82 10.35 68.12 50.18 89.65

36.38 51.81 19.95 4.14 1. 23 7.24 40.52 53.04 27.19 59.48 46.96 72.81 36.96 52.40 20.62 4.39 1.28 7.67 41.35 53.68 28.29 58.65 46.32 71.71 31.18 46.71 13.8.3 l.97 0.81 3.27 33.15 47.52 17,09 66.85 52.48 82.91

40.99 51.97 29.82 4.12 1,70 6.59 45.11 53.66 36.41 54.89 46.34 63.59 41.26 52.17 30.21 4.19 1.72 6.68 45.45 S3.a, 36.90 54.S5 46.11 63.10 36.04 48.49 22.38 3.01 1.32 4.81 39.06 49.8i 27.25 60.94 50.19 72.75 39.46 53.56 24.50 4.80 1.88 7.90 44.26 55.44 32.40 55.74 44.56 67.60 40.20 53.93 25.71 5.37 2.10 8.83 45.57 56.03 34.54 54.43 43.97 65.46

33.63 50.70 14.85 0.36 0.25 0.47 33.98 ~O.96 15.32 66.02 49.04 84'68 ------" Jr.l.li v

The population of the district is 1.15l,387 which works out to 936 which is lesa than the State average is 2.21 per cent of tbe total population oftbe State. of941. It is interesting to note that tbe district bad The district ranks 18th among the 45 districts in the excesS of females over males right from 1901 to 1931 State. Raghurajnagar ill the most populous tahsil in but the position got reversed thereafter and conti­ the district with 46.1 ) per cent of the population Jiving nues to de,edorate." It follows that there is a in it. declining trend in tbe figures of sex-ratio jn the district successively from Census to Census ever since Sex - ratio 1901. The decline is very fast as would be evident from tbe following table giving the sex-ratio for the "Males outnumber females in this district. The State and Satna district. sex-ralio i. e'l tbe number of females per 1.O~0 males Table 10.1

Sex-ratio in State and Satna district, 1901-81

------.. -.. ~------_------_.. -----.- --- -. ------_._. - Census Year Madhyo1 Pradesh Satna District r "_ ------"------_-, r------.A..------~ Total Rural . Urban Total Rural Urban

....1------'------.--_" ___ -_~ ______"______1 :z 3 4 5 6 7 --_._-_------_.""_ ... _,------_ .. _.- _._-_._ ..-- -_ .._----- 1901 990 99.5 937 J ,041 1,043 996 1911 986 991 913 1.034 1.037 981 1921 974 982 878 1,06 ],019 956 1931 973 ~83 872 ! ,0 6 1,012 915 1941 970 9110 882 986 989 946 1951 967 975 907 976 981 937 1961 953 970 856 965 979 836 1971 941 956 868 9.50 964 837 1981 941 956 864 936 953 8S.l ------_._-_.-._------:------.------"-- This is a peculiar phenomenon that the sex-ratio Selleduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes or the Indian population has generally been adverse to females, the result is that the femde ropulatioD Scheduled Castes constitute 16.40 per cent of the hal been depleting fast. total popuJation of the district whereas Scheduled tribes are 13.67 .,er cent. The corresponding propor_ This phenomenon of adverse sex-ratio has been tion for the State as a whole works out to 14.10 for explained by experts hy various reasons such as (1) sched uled castes and 22.97 per cent for scheduled the preference for male children and the consequent tribes. Tbe difference in tbe proportion of SCheduled neglect of female babies, (2) the selective nature of tribes population to total popUlation between rural certain types of mortality for females and (3) a high and urban areas is however large. Tbis is due to the materna} mortality. To make a detailed probe on it fact that scheduled tribes generally do not move to is beyond the 5 cope of this DCDte. urban areas to earn their livelihood as the sched u)ed castes do. Generally in urball areas the sex-ratio is found to be particularly low. This is due to the fact that The population of scheduled castes has gone up menfolk genera]Jy leave behind tbeir families at from 115,634 pWjons in 1971 to 189,186 in 1981 • their original place of abode and move alone to showing thereby an increase of 63.60 per cent during urban areas to earn livelihood. Of late the paucity the Jast 10 years. This is not due to the nor,11lal of residential accommodation in urban areas has growth of tbe popUlation of this communIty. The further accentuated this situation thereby creating the mischief seems to have been done due to the area position still worse. restriction baving been removed in respect af a large . Ju:n number of schcd1l1ed castes a'i per the Scheduled Amona the tahsils, the literacy rate among both Castes and Scheduled TrihesOrder (Amendment) Act. the sexes is found to be highest in Raghurajnagar 1976, which has been foJJowed at the 1981 Census. tahsil obviously because it enjoys a better positioh so For example certain castes like Bagri or Bagdi, Bara­ far as tbe availability of educational facilities is har or Basod, Dahait, Koli, Kori, anrl Khatik etc. concerned because of the district headquarters town, who \I ere not schedlaled in this dis tri~t as per Sche­ Satna lying in it. duled Castes and Sqhedulecl Tribes Lists Modification Order, 1956 (vide Ministry of Home Affairs Notifica­ PartiCipation rate tion SRO 2477-A, dated 29th October, 1956, and subsequent amendmends) which was followed at the The definition of workers. marginal workers and 1971 Censlls and therefore theSe castes were n,-~t nOD-workers has already been given at the beginning treated as Scheduled Castes in 1971 Cens~s in tbis of the note. district. The above mentioned castes are found in good number in this district and have now been The participation rate i.e., percentage of workers treated as scheduled castes which has resulted in (main workers and marginal workers taken together) abrupt growth o{ population of scheduJed castes, to total population in the district works out to 41.17 (S2.96 for males clnd 29.81 per cent for femaJes) as In the case of scheduled tribes, tbe amendment against the State average of 42.93 (54.48 per cent for Act of 1976 does not seem to have affected much males and 20.65 per cent for females). There is a because this district is not in tbe tribal belt and does wide difference in the participation rate between not seem to have been infested by tribals from other rural and urban areas as also among males and fema­ districts. les. The work participation rate among females in urban areas is as low as 12.83 per cent. As regards concentration of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population among t~e tahsils. it is Main work'ers constiute 37.98 per cent of the total observed that tbe proportio.D of scheduled castes is population of the district While marginiil workers relatively lUore in Nagod tahsil wbereas in the case of are only 3;76 per cent. Females generally form the scheduled tribes, Maihar tahsil has the highest pro­ bulk of marginal WOlken but their proportion is not portion of tbem. very significant. Literacy Agricuiture is the mainstay of the population in The distri~t has made good stride in literacy as the the district as 73.06 per cent of the working popula­ percentage of literates to total popUlation has gone tion is found to be engaged as cultivators and agricul­ up (rom 20.77 per cent in 1971 to 26.84 per ceDt in tural labourers. A striking feature of this district 1981. The literacy rate for tbe State as a wbole was is that 50.85 per cent of the total female workers are 21.24 per cent in 1971 which bas moved upto 27.87 engaged as agricultural labourers. per cent. The pace of increase in the literacy rate in the district is slightly better than that of the State. The participation rate varies from 40.09 per ceq! Male literacy has moved up from 32.34 per cent in in Raghurajnagar tahsil to 45.11 per cent in Amar­ 1971 to 39.55 while the female literacy has gone up patan tahsil. As for males and females, the lowest from 8.59 per cent in 1971 to 13.26 per cent in 191)1. rate is found in Raghurajnagar tahsil. It leads to It follows tbal the pace of increase in the literacy suggest that preponderantly rural areas have relati­ rate among females has been much faster being 54.37 vely higber participation rate with large proportion per cent as compared to that of 22.29 per cent among of workers engaged in agricultural pursuits. In an males but tbe fact remains tbat the literacy rate underdeveloped district like Satna, higher participa­ among females is still lower than that of the State. tion rate is therefore not a true index oC prosperity. The following table lives a.comparative position of the distribution of workers by broad ind uf,trial catelorics ill the State ilnd dilltrict ..

Table 10.2

Percentale distribution of main ftorkerl by broad categories

------..------.------State/District Total Percentage distribution of main workers Rllral r------.---- _..A. ______--~ Urban Cultivators Agricultural Household Other workers Total wOl')cers laboures :ndustry ------_------.------2 3 4 5 6 7 _-_-_------_- . ------Madhya Pradesh T ;r.96 24.24 3.52 20.28 100.00 R 59.95 27.45 3·04 9.56 100.00 U 7 36 6.30 6 18 80.16 100.00 Satna Dist.ri"ct T 40.93 32.13 7.22 19.72 100.CO R 45.95 35.46 6.24 2.35, Ill0,OO U 8.71 10.80 13.50 66.99 100.00

------~-- .------A noticeable feaiure. is that the proportion of making is tbe mOit important household induslry in workers engaged in household industry is found to the district which is practiced by quite a good be relalively high (7.22 per. cent) as compared to the number of ramilies both in 'rural and urban areas. State average of 3.52 per cent. .It has the third Within the district Nagod tabsil has the .. highest highest percentage among the 45 d istricts.in tbe State, proportion (13.90 per cent) of WQrkers engaged in the first and second being Sagar and Damob distrifts bouse bold industry. in that order. This is due to the fact that biri- 1

.... ~,,~ ""'1'1 llil pl

------~------._.----- "if tmI llir ;fl1I f'rFft •• II"W' IIiiI "'If IIiT ifI1I ~ m;rJn "... r---.A---~ fRIll _ --.A._---., 1971 1981 197) 1981 ------. ------.------I 2 3 4 2 3 ------_--_ ------_.-4

12/) ~

36 ~)7:r 603 590 37 ~ro 682 669 ajlf\ifY<: ~43 332 38 ~~T<:T 767 75] 2 ait:r <:rllh~ 277 273 3 ar'tiffl 402 392 4 arlll'ffl 452 438 39 \!;;rn!{r 553 53S 5 arlll'f;;r '!~ oqT 450 439 40 ';3"~;;T 224 22!} 6 ar'liRT 'liTm 822 800 41 ~r 269 2611 7 iIf111:Y 262 249 42 ';3"~r 340 330 8 aro~T 568 554 43 ~~ 98 101 9 ar~ 739 -i22 44 :." 5~1 579 58 ail"'T 830 807 722 7tO 29 ~~r 59 ar),'I{I'i'r 285 275 30 ~'I{T 81~ 794 31 ~a:'I{r 'liTor<: 797 779 'II 32 ~r ~r ijn: 795 ' 715 33 ~,-crr 496 483 60 1Ii;r;rT= 516 501

34 ~~, 597 58·l 61 'ti~.~T 567 551 3S ~ 394 184 61 lliHr 37J 362 2

~11~ VI'IlIift P' ------,"If IIiJ ;nil ,,"l()1I' m ~ 'IPI V'I1I IIiJ ;q1I ~m~ AIn r--...... ___... ~ _---A.._~ - 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------~------~--- 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

I 2/1 't'!~T\j("1f~ ilt~"(If' .

63 llihnm 268 267 tOl ilil'l'trT 105 105 64 1Iitm"!t 265 256 ~02 ilir1l"r1i!~ 271 265 6S ifif~ 902 876 103 iIir"TlITt 208 208 66 lfio-rfl:q, 520 507 104 1IIi1

.. ti.. ~,".: VlQl 1li1 ~ ------_------.. ~ fTC IliT;mr ~If.~ 'Pl IT. IIir '"" "'~ 'lit- if~ a'Mr r-.A----.., nlfl _ --.A.-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------:------....._------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------__ .. _-----.--~ ----

12/1 ~EI~T~;rrr~ (II'~~ll=r

140 ifi"tf.m fll('T~ 825 812 177 ,!~mr~ 831 813 141 ifi1f,r~'t~~ 826 811 178 ~lffl' ~ if Ij!fV~ 836 814 80S 142 iIIlf.nrt ~ll:m 824 179 l1!i!:~ 155 ISS 143 ~ 404 395 180 '!tAT 638 625 615 144 i!i'rorcrt 629 181 ..lilT 2 Z 145 Iti)~ 138 140 182 .~llT ..m;K 8 15 799 146 855 835 I¥i~r 183 1if{IH hllH 823 801 147 1li1"Iti,f'{Ifr 290 279 184 tiu 9M 879 148 ~Ta' 202 202 185 ~ 'filoT~ 648 645 1fi~lnn 548 541 149 186 VU~~ 649 646 150 I¥i~~~') 870 850 187 ..1.1£ 811) 791 151 lIi'I'~l"U 34 29 188 ")'i"ffi 502 481) 152 fJlSlll ~, 843 824 189 ~ 176 I j'7 190 m~ 387 373 191 ~ " 6 6 153 1iW~1 796 778 154 till'tU 772 754 155 WGt~~ 741 '123 " 192 ~ 397 3'83 156 ~ 837 819 193 ~\r ifiToT\ 606 Hl 157 @li!:T'" 529 516 194 'l'f'J' "'fit 605 592 158 -,era 297 288 159 1Ii'TU 328 3J5 195 ~~;r 341 336 160 ••)1:r 577 564 J96 ~-.} 486 473 161 ~T,r 576 563 197 'll')"l 4J6 405 162 liRT

.,"",~ "",1 ..n lIP) -----.------~Ih.m~ IIPl ~.~ IA 11"" lin ."" a '" l&J IQIr ,-_J.-~ mr ----"--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 .- ! ------~------4 2 1 2 3 3 4 ------~------

\2/l '(',(Tif;r~ cr~)\;r

512 247 'If~'l 805 213 '!,"!'( S25 785 214 'l,\i:l't 54] 528 248 :;;r;T'!VT 665 652 215 ii"tlrt 651 635 249 f'lfa't1l 331 322 236 216 ~t 243 250 f'iffl~r 174 174 21 f:qa.'l~ 217 mq,~ 25 251 121 116 30 37 252 218 m

890 864 241 '

281 ",,!lfT;fr 294 286 315 it~\ 284 276 282 ~~f 740 724 316 a'tlli\ 583 57.1 283 273 _ 264 \5I'fi:~ 317 i,,~f 403 394 284 23 20 lINIfvr 318 i~r 'I'~'Jfif1l'r 95 95 28S r~n: 76 76 286 f~lilJ1: If;\'ft 617 604 287 f31'1il11: ~;f 616 603 288 'i!~@' 114 108 319 , 652 648 289 ~6"{T~ 492 479 290 ~am:t (ititeT«T) 498 485

320 ~~~ 451 440 321 V1Tl1ij:r ~Ifi~ if, 1 453 441 291 899 872 IFf 322 ~~~~;fi~;f 2 454 442 292 11·.,­ 558 545 323 i'flflr 857 837 293 lRir'\"{r 194 194 324 nfllrr Jj 14 294 WI 89 89 325 ,,"\l 564 551 295 m:"r 474 46J 326 ~~ 804 788 296 WI ~iIi~r 476 463 327 i;J1:~ 179 116 297 mm: 868 847 328 i~ 894 868 298 mort 286 217 329 i~r 6..i.8 61.6 299 111,,1 42 34 330 ~~1"<:r 692 679 300 miT 572 559 331 i ...rn 854 834 301 firf"(llT 233 231 332 ~~T 631 617 302 '!iiflTr 278 270 333 i~ 489 476 303 HRr 244 235 334 i¥l 546 5.33 335 iPre:rf 421 413

304 e'l'ilirrT 43 43 305 ,e'lrQ 190 189 336 354 348 306 fG~furr 785 764 307 fG

.-iIlPl1~m VT'I1 IfI" r1 ----_------_ 11. II'iI ;nil "";1ft,, m ~ !til! IlPf ... iITII ~~;rRA no r-_.A..---"""I fRIfT _--...A.._~ - 1971 1981 1971 UIJ ~~------~------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ______o __- ______------

12/1 ~'1!~1~~ i'I"~lII

344 flJ~ 411 402 375 flli,!u 725 716 345 ,!iII"t 898 873 376 mi!:tT 602 S8S 346 ~~.. 131 131 377 titt~r 623 608 347 au.. 473 460 348 if~~ 633 619 349 ~ 157 159 350 mt,,~ 53 53 378 ~T 634 622 379 ~~ 27 28 380 ~) 315 307 351 ff'r"Rr 363 355 ~8J ;riJ..-r 73 70 HZ croIil:T' JOI 100 382 ~'fil1lT 632 621 383 if1T1f{ ¥Jirrt' 320 317 384 ;:r~lI"t mr~ 319 318 385 if1l'ru 430 419 353 ~<'IT 140 138 386 ;f'IfU,r 504 491

354 ,,~ 535 522 387 ~T 505 492 355 ~~iR"( 1S1 153 388 ;pfTIITlr ]02 102 356 fJlif 234 229 389 IA'lm 160 160 357 \",;:r .,~ 828 810 190 iflfliTR 510 495 827 809 358 ~~r<:"t .11: 391 ~qr 16 13 359 ~i(1ft

3'60 ~~~ 378 369 393 if1~llfGI'~,{ Ill1 598 361 ~iR'1 188 182 394 ;niT;:: 199 207 362 F.crn 358 349 395 f'l"l'R'IIf 607 594 363 ~cm 671 658 396 f.:r;r~ 334 323 900 874 364 ~iR'T 397 m:;;r~ 471 458 246 233 :J6S ;l~W. 398 ;:r1cft 61 66 339 329 366 ~~~1 399 .1"111'1 720 705 364 354- 367 oti!':r 400 '1'111'1 75S 739 fi54 641 36& r.rft 401 it1!"l'T 853 833 it~) 806 787 3-69 402 ;{"IT 537 524 370 {lR:TI!i"", 552 536 403 ;f;rT '14 700 ~Cf'{"'t 549 537 371 ,,

"~""12"1( Q1wit ~ .,.1

--~ ---_.--._----_------"_.._ -_._-- II.. tmr .f ""' ~If.~ 'Ifill IPI 1111 ill'll ~ m rr'iiI'l r---.A.---"",\ 6w _ -J----_.. 6"' 1971 1981 1971 1981

---~------~------I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_" ------._------_--_---

] 2/1 \'t~~q~ R~~

q 447 1flfl:1fT 540 527 448 m'~m~ 448 43~ 410 q~ 94 94 449 q'~ 37 31 411 ~Ifi"" 216 216 450 ~~r 283 201 4]2 Iffi~ '!,i 211 211 451 'I'm (i30 (iU 413 ~.n.ort 321 321 452 IfIzr 6S3 647 414 """) ~t 225 22"1 453 IfT'R Ifi'm~ 17 17 415 q'~'h: 146 148 . 454 q'1;;r~ '96 96 416 276 271 q''f'~ 455 q'nrr 456 443 417 q'\'fur 135 ' 135 456 fq6U 115 115 418 q'ill'~ 132 132 457 fCf;q.~ S66 848 419 cre.n IfiOift 117 118 458 NCf~~ 109 111 420 cre;;! ~i 329 313 459 fCf'rt~ '242 2~4 421 cre;JT ~i lI8 ' 121 460 fCfq'1:~C 1-9'7 206 creon ~ci 231 225 422 461 ftrqum 365 .356 337 423 oron ~<{ 331 462 fq'Cf'{",", 18) 188 q'z'{~rt 893' 867 424 463 fq~T 305 29fi 571 425 qf~ 555 464 fqqfu;)m HI ]61 426 ~~ 85J 83J 465 tt,;if'{lff 12 12 427 q~U 61 61 466 ~u"tarr ~4 54 428 ~"ta- 594 581 467 't,'iT '52i 509 429 ~OflTr 108 109 468 '!'IT 77S 757 430 ~crliPtr ;;ntrT'l: 100 98 469 ,!i;ft '721 707 431 ~~~ 318 305 470 ~~)~r '57] 560 432 Cfifilzrr 245 238 471 q~"R:T 'S74 561 433 q~) ttl 11 2 472 Cf~&,T ~ ... t -45' 447 434 q(,I'I1:') 518 505 473 ~~i- '724 709 435 'ffllforzrT (Cfmfor-r) 41 42 474 q~"T'l: 104 104 436 q~~ 732 721 475 q~ :523 ,510 437 'I'<'I',-r 719 704 476 !T6'rCf,!'l: :2i.J 274 438 ql!l''(r 97 97 439 qllJ'l:f' ,..-)1: 5 5 III 440 q?fl_ln 308 304 441 q;rlJ"{r 545 532 477 ~~<=' ,4l3 406

442 q;('EI'it 128 128 4711 q:;~;: 414 ' 407 q,{ffT (qiff')) 443 289 282 479 '!i'l:~ 415 ,404 444 ql:~f<='If1 488 475 480 q;')fq;1; '382 ,37a 445 ~"m ;t;;;(t 426 415 481 ~ihlT 74'3 728 446 'I'~"r 125 126 482 "!a'ia') 74) '12~ ·8

."'-'"~m ..,,,1 tfil p) _____ -_..L.------tA .rll 1IiT ;l(TII "",OiPr m ~ 'fjq V"PJ IIiT ;mJ ~m;r~ Po r---_"_~ ""I _--...A.._~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------'------2 3 1 2 3 4 4 ------~.-----.------

12/1 ,.~~.. .;f'R EI'~""'~

or 520 "'I{i")~ 398 389 521 ifl{fsl& 694 680 483 ilfifilfr mi{[r1: q1i1 366 357 522 'ff& 657 637 358 484 ~~ 367 523 iI'~l{"{ 10 10 11 485 iIToI!! 11 524

515 ~~"t 1173 ilSJ. 555 iTT~'F 685 672 516 ~'):'fi"tm 346 334- 556 iil"T'!:2,' 742 7JO 517 i(1!'~ 437 423 557 ;m:T~T 86 86 S]8

.".. it I~flf( vPii .; pi ------,_;------:------Ilflf 1fil ;m! ~1I\1w~ 'PI ITII Ifil ;rrII ~m~ "'"w•• , r----.,,__-""""'\ ~ --Jo..-_____. 1971 1981" 1971 1981

-~------.------~---- I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------, ------_-

12/1 ~,!~'ii("1ft n~\II

560 ~-q'f;;ff 716 702 561 717 703 ill" {\t 597 'JfiT~ ;f.tor~ " 818 798 562 fil"lf(U 58 58 59g 1(," 33 32 563 f.i1r~T 19 19 599 'I'1T~;n:r 774 756 564 M8lfT 178 179 tOO ~T 141 137 565 fir.;r('\T 279 261 601 1fc!:If~t 344 335 566 faR:~r 300 291 602 1I?:1Tlft 356 347 567 f"'qT 56 56 603 lIclf"r 618 605 568 fir~PT 751 738 ~04 'I"Z~~iff 748 734 569 fi("IIlT~~ 63 64 605 1f"Z~T 261 253 570 f~~r 352 343 606 1IO~T 45 51 571 791 771 fim.r 607 1ff~lI"T 47 47 fi("l{f~lfr 572 212 212 60g 'it1f1: l~) 580 567· 573 orTu 807 789 609 'I1iif~ z).n ;;. 624 '61. 574 ;ftToTf 777 759 610 'If;tr 701 587 715 622 -.:rm.~1l: 353 345 S8S ,f";;r~T 849 828 623 'fmr~ 162 163 i{~;f cTOTT 166 S89 163 624 ""~f 5<0 41) 590 til:"<'rT 542 529 625 S{~ 124 124 591 "f~il:r 643 630 626 'fRtm 259 244 592 ~f"{il:T 887. 861 627 s{SfJT~r 457 444 593 aff"(~T 455 437 6::!8 Sl"Sftlqi 475 462 594 OfTfOT~r 609 SI)6 629 'I"!If1Tift

~T~ """ iii) rl

------~- 1511 ·v,I( IIiT i1TII "",;:0" IliR lI~ 'IIiIf. VTIf IIiT ;n1I ""~ ~ r--~..A-~ . mr _-..,._A._~.. ... 1971 1981 1971 1981 --_.-.1------~~------~--- 2 3 4 I 2 3 ------1 ------4 12!1 ~'F.!,{lif"lT~ ,,~

632 lfiR1f 1T~~lI' 737 72S 688 I!~~ 52 45. 650 1{i~' 691 683 689 1{~lIT~'I' 20 . 24 6$) 1Il~~~ 789 774 690 li.CJ~m 619 612 652· ,,~1 386 377 691 ~~

"~.'h3~1( .mil 11ft ~l --.------__ .._.----- .... tIT" .If ;nlI f'IITiI",. ~ '!iii tIT" IliT ;r", A'tiitll' m ~ 8_ r---A--,""", "lIT _ --J.------.. ------1971 1911 1971 1981 I 2 3 4 ------I 2 -----_----_._------3 4

I 2/1 ~~"""~ ft'~"l~

709 ~Rlfr 509 496 746 '{g!T 604 591 710 ~ 235 2:18 747 'ttrN 614 601 711 ~l; 534 521 748 l;)ftrIA 113 114 749 '@r;i\" 533 520 750 -u@frrIfT 116 119

712 '{~ 247 237 713 l;~1 ~T<: 449 436

714 l;'!.~ 381 372 751 <'I1J;rerr~ 347 3J& 715 '{~'{ 392 383 752

717 ~ ~i'ifU ~t 801 783 754 "~r~ 802 784 718 ~~T 106 106 755 ~ il"tron'{ SOO 782 719 ~ 316 309 756

725 't~T 5i6 573 762 f~ 846 827 726 ,{lJl{f 232 230 763 f<;r.ihr 744 731 727 l;~ 275 272 764 ~~ 192 192 728 ~ 85 85 765 ~

.""'~ VI'll iii) p) ------IA .," ~ IIPI ~If.m~ !fIf 'PlIfiT ;mr ~ Ilitl'II'RR dar r----J...~ ~, ----"'-----. 1971 1981 -)971 1981 ------.;...._------_._------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_._------'------

12/1 "~~i1I''''''' "~Q1w

778 ~-ro~U 531 518 813 f«RT 186 '84 719 .,~ 69 69 814 f~a't(ljt 779 762 780 1IIt~'!lBl1: 462 449 815 nr~IJ)!f~' 811 793 781 flll'~ 626 614 816 f~m') 303 293 782 f~~;n 705 692 817 f~trlJT 443 429 7gJ flll~iff 829 R08 81R ,!... r~'!l~ 438 424 784 f'QriI1i{ 266 242 821 ~r~ 444 419 412 187 U"l;rtiif 689 676 822 '!U 62 65 823 '!'!'I",,{ 503 490 824 u;J(1im: 91 90 825 R~ 762 743 826 i"ori[zr 869 846 827 ~~) 147 145 788 ~T 145 147 828 254 252 789 ~mqJ 753 737 ~~i:!~ 'Ii"" 790 wmn 764 686 829 «1fWI' ~Ii 255 248 830 ~~ 323 312 791 ~r 508 497 831 441 426 792 tr~;r:t 536 525 ~" 832 i1fU 780 761 793 ~'II'') 897 871 833 ~1I'1:t 808 790 794 ~~ 861 841 834 ~Tnn 445 432 795 Rtmr1: 672 659 ~1If1;!TT 575 562 796 mm 860 840 S3S 836 i~~1' 333 324 791 ~ 29 30 837 ~",{) 408 ilOO 798 1il1;~~' 749 736 838 ~11'1:') 'Ii

.".... I'!Iel~ 1IJtq1 ~ ~ ..,_,_------...------_--_.._ ----- !III trnr ~ ;nil ~II.~ !pi "'... IIiT ;JT1I ~~.~ .... ,---A--"""",\ nlfl --..A------, 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------I 2 3 4 2 3 .. ------_. ------... _------'-

12/1 ~,!~~lTt lt~"n.

852 ~~mo;ni~<'fl' 759 746 865 ~ 239 22. 853 m~:Tirror 683 670 R66 ~ 195 195 854 ~~ 0i1!.<'A 447 434 867 ~ 317 306 855 ~...=rrn 446 433 868 ~~~ 258 251 aS6 ~ 684 671 869 ~0I'IfT ~"" 311 299 870 ~.,.-,.n 1i!~ 312 301 ~ 871 ~fOl'lU ~III' 313 302 499 857 ~ 486 872 ~ ~62 639 58B B58 ~~'i1~ 575 873 ~;ftm 240 226 B59 706 687 ~~ 874 ~ 595 582 860 ~ 587 574 875 ~;r1m 862 842 861 ~I{f IIRoT"{ 83 83 876 ~~1 8065 844 862 ~;ft': arJ1I'1"{ 82 82 877 f~"('l~ 139 J36 74 74 863 ~ 206 198 8",8 tt~'{ .64- 864 ~~ 301 292 879 l{(~ 0.63

12/2 ifT"'( "~m~

IR 17 atJl~ 300 297 1ft arlll{"(1 379 376 104 1 ai~"(~ flWT !JOlt 403 400 19 iTlI~ 104 166 163 2 m~fl{lfT ~ 401 398 20 atlflf~'" 137 B5 3 ai~"(ifI"( 375 371 21 atflffim 386 3'83 4 at~l{I'1: 429 n6 22 .fllfiftll atfqf\'l'!fT 318 315 5 iIJIIifR 351 334 23 ·n.sr 6 ~ 448 445 7 ar!J~ 450 447 8 at~ li{c{ 112 112 24 8lI'1f1 26 25 9 3fif,);:n ~nfolfr 65 65 2S .n~ 280 277 10 atnT 3!:7 394 1 t afa'"(T"(T 171 168 12 ar~"(hT If.<'Tt 159 156 13 arEI"(l"{r ~ 158 155 26 ~"T<; 488 483 14 ~~(f"( orl{ 161 ]58 27 (i!'1(T 149 J46 IS ~Jl"i~ 211 208 2B '/ii!'qr (~Jlt ~t) 377 374 16 iT'I'ff lfiTot"( 357 354 29 ~Z'qr"R' 120 118 t4

.ai""T~~ 11'11 ., r)

~~~------~------~----~---- IA 1Ii1 l11li "";ft,, .". ~ . 'IIiJf v"" IIil ;n1J ~'lit.;J1'~ V'''' _ ---..A. _ _...... ,----"------, ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 --...... ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ----...------.-----~------~--~

12{2 "',,'~ ,,~~

·)0 ~f if'i~ 160 IS7 63 'lifZ:lI'T 490 486 64 :n ~j 19 19 1Ii~1frr'l;!fr 238 235 3,2 ~'Ii"ft 441 433 65 ItifflfT 335 332 66 3·3 ~~rTift 270 268 ~'fr~ 11 11 34 ~,~ ifi"" 122 121 67 ItilifU 276 273 3'5 mlti<{i 167 164 68 lfi~"-F 27 27 36 ~'U 'Ii( 123 120 69 lfi't~r 192 189 ).7 "~Rrllt~ 20{) 197 70 Iti,~ 187 lS4 38 !;IRM 392 389 11 .m~ 217 22~ 72 ifi,f~l:fr ~ 62 62 ;a; 73 ifi~~lI't Ifi"f' 156 153 74 Ifi~f~~ci 59 S9 39 14:5 1400 ~ 75 ~lI!r! 155 152 9 9 40 \3"CifT ,\i 76 l!i~tT 'Ii"-. 460 457 ri;r). 4.65 462 4-t 77 lfl(~ ~;i 461 458 83 42 :a1f'l;~ 83 78 'li1:'U 294 291 185 182 43 ~~~t 79 ;P-"-1Jl 3 3 44 :a1fh~ 13 21'0- 80 I!i~T 273 261 45 ~~:n,: t86 II!3 81 ."-T3 ';<'I'~ 384 381 iii. 94 iIi~r 292 2S8 95 lfltr"fl 496 491 57 'I\'G~. 471 469· 96 ~~r 492 489 265 SR ~'iI'~ 81 81 97 it:~, 265 S9 1Ii'lf<~--t~· Il3 lJ3 98 ;,F'lI'T 423 420 60 lIi~t., Ifi"fT, 67 67 99 'Ii~lT@ 'IiOTt 334 331 61 l!iC~flf ~~ 66 66 100 ifiR:l;r~ ~ci 333 :no 62· ifirlbn. 268. 270 101 ~1 24 24 15

C.r"'Il~~ I~ 'll'l1 iii' ""

..,_,__------.------~-----.._.----- 4R1J ..,r lIP! ~II'.;p:an IITII' IIiT iI''I1I f'T1ift1l' m i'T~ ftliiliT " _. _-"---_ '""11'1 r---.A.--~ 1971 1981 - 1971 1981 ------... ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_------

1,2/2 ",Ift~ CI'~~l~

102 m 255 252 136 ~TiN'A J27 125 103 ...~ 221 218 137 ~T 201 198 104 .)~ 489 484 138 tf~ 199 1" 105 IIiTf.:rlI'r 452 449 139 ~~U 343 35t 106 Ifftfi'Tlfr 1fTi5T 354 339 140 ~,'Wt 458 455 107 .f;rr 229 226 141 qrn 347 33S J08 1!iT;:r1 378 375 142 tr;fla- 295 292 109 ifi');ft q;:i'TIf'~r 248 245 143 q;::~ III 178 144 110 1ti~1 254 251 ~~ ~)or~ 114 U4 111 IIIlm') 293 290 145 r~T'U 68 611 1I2 1Ift~r 487 482 146 ~;;r~II'T 271 169 113 ~ 21 22 ]47 iJ.f;fil: 3511 337 114 ...)~ 437 434 148 iJ.if&.~ 242 2.39 115 1!i1~, 101 101 149 iJ.1fT 22 23 327 116 ...~ 373 372 150 ~.iJT .324 lSI trillJlt 435 .432 ~' 152 qT~T 35 35 153 ~Tcrm 44] 440 117 ft1:'T!lt 131 129 154 tr)",rcr i{.i 439 -437 1 J 8 ri 169 166 155 q'lu 22] .220 119 lliRii{\T 224 221 156 tr1f'II'T 471 468 120 V,", 453 450 121 v~lffm 5 5 122 ~rorT ... ;;IT 90 90 123 1I1lFl:lfT i{.

]28 liTTl'~T VJ1n"~ 310 307 12.9 Ii!:_RT 469 467 161 ~1J)l!T'f 58 S8 130 ~,{T 72 72 162 ~~ 51 51 131 .U 364 361 163 'il'ifi~ .383 3S0 132 1i~ ]35 133 164 'if"i~l .382 379 133 .t."U 476 473 165 v~f~T 239 236 134 1iI)i?: 477 477 166 'ift;:~crt 243 2441 167 ~;r'{ (;fr'{) 37 37 168 'fro :222 219 135 lil'[i[rf~II" . ],24 122 ](,9 f"i'il~"[ 511 S(f 16

~12~ VT'tl1ti) pt ------.. 1111 lIT 1011 ",,;fill. ~ '!ill Vf1J IfilI01I ~m~ ...., r-~..A-~ w.n _---..A._~ 1971 19B1 1971 1981 ---.-.------3 4 1 2 3 4 ___I ------o------2 ------_._------"_

12J.2 ;nfiti( ft'~Um

170 fiq(f)U') 48 48 ] 71 ,!:ril:t 156 253 171 'Ila~ 267 259 199 ~~r 309 306 173 'ii(N~ 414 411 200 ~~T 408 405 174 o;r~1:: 497 492 201 "1'') 308 305 175 'ii(lq~, 44 44 202 ~r 102 102 203 ~~ 184 181 .. 204 ~6~t 398 39~ 205 ~~r 399 396 176 mlU '2 92 206 ~~;n 38 38 207 ~TIrf1:," 301 298 • 208 ihll 314 311 177 ;;f1i

~""~m: VI'll ~ ~1 ------!IIr ..r~ ~ IJJ1I flnomrm ~ IIi'J 11"' ~ ;mr ~~iliA;r~ ,--~.A..~ Pn _--.A.._~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ""' __ a ______------2 3 4 2 3 4 ___------o---- .. --.------~------_.. _------

12/2 ;f,iTl~ ~~,,~

22S '5,'{R\ ~;i til 18 260 'r-

•.q""~"1~ '11,,1 ifii ~=ii(i ------_.. __ ._------... ------... - -_------~iI')qm ;non !PI a'$( IIif iI'!W ~1;it1l ;6'ti' iI~ 'Ill 1111' iii' ;mr «VII' ,---.A.--~ ~ITI --.A.-----, 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 3 4 2 3 4 ------2 ------_._------_-----

J 2/2 'Il11";r ~~M"

2911 ~Tl!im~ 462 459 335 crr~~ 428 425 291 'f'lift . 9S 95 336 cm:r q~~ 142 495 298 il?:lOlI" ~~. 433 429 337 r.r1fi"IJ 74 74

29-9 ii(~.r 459 456 338 ~ 317 314 300 "'ali;:, 54 54 339 f.o:;r~;:, 412 471 340 82 82 301 'f¥"~ i8 i8 r.r'Q~.') 302- ;nil;:, 418 415 341 ~Zl 466 463 ;;ft:;rran 283 303 ~ 321 318 342 q 287 304 ft., 180 177 343 1I'f;:~'t 406 403 150 148 305 orl~' 144 142 344 ~~"t 345 ~~ 298 295 306 ili~' 468 465 346 ~~ 57 57 307 iiaJif 126 124 347 .~) 495 490 308 ~1m''lT5I 297 294 348 .r~ij_Tf ~ 178 175 3-09 ~ 14 14 349 ~~t~ ]77 174 310 ~~1"'t 97 97 350 .rm 63 63 3tt ~ 233 230 312 il''!.~T,·· 220 217 :;51 ~~'lm 17 17 313. ~. 286 282 352 ~~II''' 368 365 3-14 i'Rm 49 49 315 iRlfim, 133 131 316 ~~.1fi1o~ 16 ?6 353 'I{fI~ 182 179 31 j ~;:lfilf.rll" 1{1~ 17 77 :54 'l'l'~ 215 212 311t i{<:~ 422 419 355 ~I'tl 421 418 94 :JIg.. i('t~ 94 356 wn.6'iJTt 464 461 320 iR~l 218 215 357 "rtf 390 387 3'21' OIU 136 134 358 'Sf'W1 442 439 om 456 454 322 .359 'flgCf 431 430 323- ii<:y;;r 119 117 360 m1\;1 312 309 324 ~{f~1 'ailT1:'t 107 . l07 361 ~ror"t,,;:r 13 13 325- ~lil ~)~ 105 105 362 '11'1<:" J 5 I 147 326; ~u J43 143 363 f'feT;:r 100 ]00 327 or~T 291 288 364 fm:TU 205 202 3·28 iiT~~r 79 79 365 f"lelt, ~rn 374 368


330 or~1;CI'T 190 187 367 "l.~~;:1 338 349 3-31 orillT :ai~ ilOi.m 34 34 368 "l.Vlil1 75 75 332 iltIl11'fT~H 4]6 413 369 .,f1:~ ;r.~t 175 172 333 orim~,Y 393 390 370 'ih!!l,_i 174 171 334 iil~~ 139 J37 371 if~{ 4S 45 19

.""'Il1m~ VT'Illfi) p) ------lI';;n 'JIll VUT !liT 11111 \'1ft;u:zr .m ~ 'lIi1I If J1( i;jiT iI11f oo;fi:zr iti.... a'illr r-~..A..~ a'iIIT ----"--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.----~------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_.. _------.------

12/2 "'~~ I!r~~1t:t

409 '!.~<'f\' 162 159 410 ~;ft 43 43 372 ~~ 284 2S1 411 ~ 446 444 373 ~iflICfl 140 BS 412 Jfm g 8 374 tmtJqT 263 264 413 ~l&;:ifr 344 341 375 ~ :;04 301 414 l'ft~~1 98 91l 478 376 ~1Ilfif' 481 377 ~~ 359 356 378 1'IlI'INi ~.:qm 208 205 415 ~If\1T 494 489 379 Iffr,{T~ 189 ]86 416 ~;r1ll) 485 48() 380 l'fmT lI!l{ 191 188 417 ~;;rr;m:r 89 89 381 ~f1rlrTU 61 60 418 ~$1iIT 484 479 382 ~ 381 378 419 ~T1f~T 245 242 383 Ifrt 2 2 420 ~~T 20 20 384 ~ ]98 195 421 ~fiI'Ii01T 232 229 425 U~ 301 30G 106 106 389 ~~i 426 ~~ 278 275 390 ~Q't\' Ifa'l'u 431 427 427 '~<'f 196 193 391 ~

408 1J.~'( 35R 355 442 ~Ti.'T1'{ 3117 3R4 20

------.. ~ "•• ';nII .. _------"";UlfQ ~------_------UMf 'Ifi1I Ill" Ifif ;nw fIIf~. IQ. ~ r-~-.A-----.. ~., _ --J..-----.. 1~'1 1~81 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ----_----_.. _------

44J ..'l'~'~ 40() 406 469 ~~r "",j 252 249 206 444 ;;j~l~n 209 470 ~ifI~

1 2/3 aT1:I'TCne;f Cf~~i~ 3 ilfll3fTft ~T1: 294 288 4 !IIllm'{T f~1I:T 26:! 257 369 31'i6 5 OTlI'iH)"{'T 'Ii't~lI:lt 264 256 1- ~;!f'l'TH 258 316 6 OTQT't) .n~1If 263 2 iPl'lI~ 321 21

.ti""~ "",1 iii) ~.. ) ------.-.- ~ "Ilt 1IiT it"' ~rq.m~ 'fi1t 11111 ~ ill'll ~~iIr.rl WIIIII r-~..A.---", ~iIII _--..A.._..-., 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_._------

12/3 a-.,(QTZ'I ff~m~

1 il!lur)1:r ,T1tlll"" 295 289 33 ~1?;'l'T 194 189 141 137 8 arf1ffO'l'lfT 34 ~i5ii:T 331 325 306 9 arrlffqrlH 310 35 1!il~8:'f 375 368 151 146 10 at~~T 36 Ifi~~ 11 11 130 11 !A'~.;:r ~~T ]34 37 or.<:t 257 246 at,tTC': 400 390 12 38 1fi<:~1fT '267 2(,] 13 299 294 a:r~" ~~ 39 ~f{1f' 407 403 14 arf~1If;f 4R 48 40 1Ii't~ ~)tT~rf 64 60 41 \'l1fll"'I' 21 21 aT ~~iP' 42 ~f'{1l'J qli~ 336 329 227 15 arr;r.~ 382 373 43 ~1f<;fT ,;f 226 221 ]8 ~If' 112 106 49 1Fo~'\T 371 3.63 19 ~~lfT 189 185 50 ~~'l lOS 97 20 ~1tl 230 224 51 flfiC':~ J.69 165 21 ~r 278 272 52 f~ 50 49 22- -.vn 340 332 53 r~~ '113 107 23 ~'lfHr 129 118 54 iI!.~'!fr 154 147 ~ 55 ~~') 282 271 56 1f!;:<:T l47 138 24

_"''''''¥Ill: VT~l ¥1 , ..1

------~--.-~------.----.. ----.. ------.-r l1li iii. I'f'PI ~)1f1li'R ~ 'lilt gIll' iii! II1W "I,;(\,1f ..rr. if~ tf_ ,_---A---., RIft _ --..A.-_____ 19' 1 1981 J971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 J 2 3 .. ------_._------_--_ ------_-

12/3 a,,~qJ~" 8~~M

72 I!i~~ 57 55 106 'f'!1,,')' 98 95 73 If,")orl; 27 27 107 mlH 376 372 14 II(i"~T1:: 179 176 108 f~"r 251 244 75 lIfi)ol1:: 227 222 109 mm I(~l~ 255 250 76 lIi'lol1: 395 389 110 fmim 252 249 77 Ifom1: 3.86 382 111 ~~, 367 365 78 IliTf<:1I'crt 20 20 112 I!~ 165 157 79 ~ 149 140 t 13 '!.., 2'71 268 244 lt~ 1Ji)"f~;t. J 241 114 ~;i(T 174 166 81 ~T;:;. 2: 245 242 115 ,!"IJT1: IJiJo 11: 301 295 82 llir"fqr Ii. ,. 246 243 116 If.'1'1111: '!,;;rr1:T 287 281 83 ~n'l'r 417 414 117 ~~1 185 178 125 12() 84 lIi\'~ 118 m.i\:l itm 450 445 85 ~I 54 53 Il9 ~ 163 160 86 1iJi~,(1 268 264 120 m6'ft 1fT~ 175 169 121 m~')'~1! t86 182 • 122 mf.1{ 190 183 73 73 87 ..~'(r 283 278. 123 ttTU 88 'f'l!'U IJiJot~ 363 358 124 i[1fif;:~l 297 290 89 ti'i!1:'T 260 255 125 ;-itq:t;r'\' 296 291 90 "'if,:>::) u1Ri;r ~64 359 91 ~it WA;~ 365 357 92 Iiffll 345 339 126 "{~~, 341 3J5 93 II11I:fllfr 426 423 94 liS 110 95 ~".~1!R~l:Tf 339 333

96· \'iT,(T '24 119 127 "'GlfI~ 171 161 ,,~, 25 24 97 128 "11~'~ 222 215 93 w~1 .146 142 129 'iIT'In: 160 153 455 450 99 ..~) 130 f'iffi&1 17:t 16R 100 ..-m:')' 399 391 131 ,,)1::,,~'T 83 85 tOt ")If'(~ 311 305 132 ,,1


102 IitrHrTtr1: 233 225 )33 'i!i'~if 323 317 103' ~;jj'nr 234 2211 134 f'!1i1:&T 207 201 281 273 104 ~I 219 212 B5 f~r 105 triT~ C!;ml 164 158 136 f~\f,rf 393 387 23

epj""T~~ V1lfl Iti) 'fiI'1

_..:.._------1111 .,11 tm lIT" ~;:ftlfm~· IIi1f IH" q;, lITII ",TiftIf ~R lf1:iA gMJ r-~ .A.----., ~J ----"--___.., 1971 1981 1971 1981 _------_._------2 3 4 2· 3 4 ------_-._._--_._-----_ - ----_.. _--_ -- ,._._------

1 2/3 a"~c,,c" ~~,,~

ill ] 65 lliTr 'fi1I<'rT 293 2H4 ]66 1T;rT ~)i5Tl: 289 2112 137 ~T 361 355 167 ~rm tr.'l'cr<=r 288 286 138 >lf~t 128 122 168 ~IfT~V 291 285 139 \iI"~ i\", 419 415 ~69 ~IfT l:,incrl: 292 28? 140 >lfl!'!'t I!,nTl: (1!IPt'I'T) 370 367 ]70 ",m "mT~ 290 287 141 arJ!f""!' ailll (:ar~f~) 390 386 171 WlCJT 223 211) 142 '3f'{'IA') 284 280 ]72 ~T'JT (~~) 265 261 143 "f'{iI'l&l:T 97 96 173 f6'oTl:T 358 3S 1 ;;n:1Q:r 438 433 144 174 ~f~IfT ~t 217 2)0 145 f;;rtr'!'T 394 388 175 f~~IfT 216 209 146 272 267 "Ii f"",.~ 176 iI~ 405 397 147 ~lIf'!'lfT 59 56 177 ~)~T ~T~ 448 441 148 ~iI'follfT 111 108 178 ~IIIT 333 327 149 ~iI'Tif1 403 395 J50 :arm 314 lJn ,

IR 179 ;;ifl:f 425 418 180 iJJI"I'T (!til'ifr) 334 331 151 Rt(\{T 195 190 181 ~T~ 325 320 152 flPifT 362 356 182 CJ~ l~) 177 174 153 fill';:'!'T 424 417 183 273 270 154 flrR:1fT 187 181 ~"'~ ISS fml:lfT ifilim 43 41 156 mftlfT iii) qft~A mr 42 42 157 f;fl"f'{lfTlfl:ar oft;rit"" 41 43 184 «ITIll:T ;f • 1 8 8 158 S!,~n 118 114 1115 ~lf)lll:r ,,0 0 2 10 1Q 159 sj\'qT ~96 392 186 ~7.fTI-.r~'\ 3 2 187 trTort 3119 381 188 fu~crT 2S0 2U 160 'd~l:T ~).TT 144 143 Pl9 ~'li'Y 196 187 161 atr.fT 137 128 190 ~

1(.:; ;;,....r

193 ~(fcr" 138 132 194 ~O'7 132 126 164 ~f~r i\"'T 451 447 195 ~f.ft'" cTOTr 159 155 24

• .r.~l-': Vl"l ~1 ~1

------.---.. --.------... ------~------.-- If... ' ;nw ~q~ IA .'If ~ lP.II ffflliR fl. II'~ ""ftllCt r---.A----.. PIn ---.A.--_ 19'71 19081 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 .. , 2 3 .. ------_-

I 2/1 ,"~~,"z" lf~~ .

4 4 196 ~iI'~ 226 'ftl'~r 315 31.1 197 ~J.lf1:,". 148 141 227 " e;rr 167 16'3 198 hi 47 46 228 'li~r 11')1 156 J99 ~~r 416 408 229 'fin; 162 154 200 ~~ 42G 416 230 'la~1 erl,lJJ 7S 74 201 ffi'(~) 12l 117 231 ¢~In 261 252 271 2.02 mt3f ~~~ 279- 232 ..m.lJT m 18 IS 239 229 203 ~ Jf)~iP"t 233 ~1U~ 19 19 ~~, 176 113 204 234 ~ ::;83 379 205 ~!R'T ~wt 211 205 235 .rn 2J4 208 ~u II!, 22']' ~;f~ 1 309 301 257 ,,1~'T ~~ 342 337 222 =!~';f·.4 312 3t>4. 2Z~ ;fflrr 327 .324

258 iT;trrr 80 80 " 259 iflT~'T if • : 241 235 22'4 'l1T" 3'2 31' 260 iT~cr;t.2 242 239 2~5 ~li 191 t84 161 orlJ~~l ;(. 3 243 236 2S

.ai.. ",~~ VT'I'l iii) ~.. )

----_ ------...... ---_._._ --~------...- ~ m .," IIiJ if'" ~ifJlJ ~ 'PI Iff" IIiJ if'" l'fI1;ft'q iifit. If;;r1: ~, r--..A.~ u'ilfl ----A.._--, 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_...... _------_._ ------._------. 2 3 4 2 3 4 --_------_._------_ ------_._------

1 2/3 ",,,~qT'!';r a~~i~

262 iil'8'U 53 51! 301 fillfl~J 353 263 iI''iJ'U 346 340 349 301 fil'iII'~' Z"ml 445 264 iliII'lfli{J 79 79 440 303 ~1:1 3911 265 il'tlfl (qln) 200 192 3!J4 304 fifiil'''t'U 266 iR'1ff1: 152 145 201 194 :'05 filflgqr m 355 267 iI'~~-

.ai.. q~~l,{ VIQl ~) ",1

---._ ------_.. __ ------_._ ----.-. -_ ------lIP IIttr iii' ;nil ,,";ftlf -ri\'w ;pwn ~ I'~ ;w;r ;nil f-r,;:i\'ir -n. ;pn &'MI ,---A---~ IR'ql .. ---.A..---., 1971 1981 ------._------1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 --__,.------.. _._-- ---_._ - __ ._ ----.--~------'-

J :! /3 at"~q,a,, ('ft!~ft\lt

337 'iR'1~ 199- 195 373 ,,~ 72 72

338 fil'{;:1 (f1lIf;:')) 231 226 374 ;r'~f,:q-r 61 6~ 339 foqa,) 313 3()9 375 ,,~n:~ IIIJr.rJ'J J09 ]00 340 f'iro 447 442 376 "V,l;T W.r 1 (}7 103 341 \l)lpf 391 385 371 ;r'~w ",!rnr.r HI3 99 75 342 ~q:~ 74- 37& ll'~furt ""... )mr tos ]04 343 lT~'1 183 177 379 ~ron "" mn<=r 106 ]02 :~80 ~T.na;r 104 98 381 ,,"l6:ftttr at"!, ~q'i{J 101 105 382 ll~f~1TT iI,!1I"TIf 102 ]01 266 260 344 'f1I\TOf 332 326 383 1f';:!IU' 46 47 345 ifS!11~ 298 292 384 ,,"~ro 1fi?:"u 385 lIiW~n 236 233 346 IfIlJtilt 335 328 347 'I1t:lrnI(T 458 448 3411 1fi1~_tlli~~ 449 43& 130 127 349 ;rm l:A~ 386 "{i1)~) 209 203 350 ~t 215 213 387 ;:

~","~WR 1I1~1 ~ 0V:'" ------.--- VJlIII'I 11111 ~;ftll IIi'tw ~q,: 'Ifi1l II III ifiT iI11I ~m~ iii" r-_.A. ______-..A.._ ~1IiIl' 861f1 1971 1981 1971 1981------~------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------~-----~------

12/3 "-rt~mr «~~16l"

430 ~;PJ 240 234 431 ~U 22K 223 407 ~~ 31 33 432 ~ftll" ]6 Hi 433 nf~lJT 15R 151 434 ,,~f{lJT 324 ;;23 '" 435 uqf~iP 427 422 307 408 "tThft il'iil"t 317 436 tfll'<:1 60 63 3] !I 30~ 409 "If);ft iti 437 tl~qi!:r, 444 434 4]0 ~tt~!m 348 342 438 ~ ("j;n;:1') 24~ 249 347 34~ 411 ~inmf) 439 ,,~ 422 412 351 341 412 ,,;4~ f~m:T 440 U1t't.rr 237 230 413 ~ 166 159 414 1II'IFrt ~. 14 14 , 15 415 ""~ '1ft. IS 4]6 ~n:m 63 62 441 Wi' 302 298 417 '8fW 441 431 442 ~ti 157 152 418 442 443 ~ 443 ~i} 2 3 419 26 26 ~ 444 ~~r 170 U2 420 ]04 29'.1 "~T 445 i!~'iarr m<: 206 1911 421 $art ii. 1 6 6 446 ~~OTr ~fu 205 199 422 ,,~arr;:t. 2 7 7 447 ~f'{l!it 441 416 423 f~ 216 211 448 1806 170 424 fml"M 387 380 ~ 449 !t:

12/4 "(~~ q~",",

7 lIf1if;;lIT fJ;.' 95 IOIi S 1A't'U 170 13 tr'll';rl{i{ 195 236 CJ 1f~if,;:s' ~3 8R 2 'lI'\l~r 60 144 79 86 3 'Q'l'{~r "T 4 'Q'1I'1;'l:I 144 3S ~ 'ITo:-m\ 33 152 , iI1'fllf«Qr 244- 248 10 411 191\ 6 OofFII'F

.-f""~"T~ Vl"l ., 'l'I'

------_... __ ------_--_------"II trill ~, ;mI "'for)1I'1IIW ~ 'PI '"II IIil ;mr f'lt;fPr IIilI ~ 81" ,.---J.---~ ftIn r---..A--___. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------..------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 -----_---- _" ------~-----

12/4 q'( "~"1~

12 aTrl"!~ 131 53 42 If'tm 4 159 13 ifIJfHU-U 249 243 43 ~'!rf 115 74 44 IffO<:l1r1ilt 146 19 45 ~rcn :51 251 46 120 61 14 ~lI'rl~) 124 6~ If'"' 47 J

2S n~ 7 176- II 26 IlilfiU 206 224 166 17 27 'lif~T lfim 91 lOft 61 ~T 116 74 28, mT~;t 8 179 62 'l'iT~ 72 94- 29 "'.ll:"TU 122 67 63 ~~lf':T 96 107 30 Ilif;;llT~.'i 1 156 64 f1ftf~T 165 16 31 "''U'li[l 37 163 65 '!.m;1 230 J.2 Ili-U1;J .27 ]67 66 '!." 36 162 67 '!.it~ 154 26 Ii"" 19 34 Ifi~zrr ~ro 17 lRJ 68 '!.U~l 160 35· lfi~lI t filii!.li:zrJ 114 7& 69 "lsll:yt 1.07 114 218 127 36 1Ii.:1

.1i_T~"n VTllll11') pt

----_ ------.------~ ----- 'IIi'! 1111 lIlT i(PI ""~m~ IPf VJ1I IfiT i(PI ~qil~~ 8"" r---.A-~ Rn 1971 1981 -----.A.._~ __ - __ ....:.-______...... L... ______1971 1981 ------~ 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_"_----_ ------

12/4 -4~'{ ~~m

102 'Fl i~ 103 130 103 it'f7'Tlft 15:l 34 76 ,!iliifT'U 135 46 104 y)<:r;ft 1111 99 77 ,!<:~r 91 101 78 'Iif~Tft ('Iif)~,t) 219 128 79 '"'it 184 239 Ii.S 'E...:t 194 66

80 lf~I!ill=TT 208 225 81 'li(If;rT 23 171 lOS a;rt:orT q'~r~ 38 164 82 'iI'lq~ 101 112 107 (I'~T 89 100 108 a''I'TfuiT 24 178 109 fu\{U (ftrw;n 47 195 83 ;;rqcnw S 175 110 ~1Ii'" 92 103 84 ;J!1!f;m 171 10 111 f(l'Ef~T ~


117 ~i!;:T II [I 71 93 m~) 225 209 118 f1ifqlift 253 252 94 Br.;rr 9 180 119 u;rqr@ 'Ii<'T' 55 117 95 11";&) ]78 1 120 1iR<: 'Ii"" 200 235 99 i!r'li;:~

124 if'li<'I'J 112 RI) 125 illfT ITT" 148 29 100 m1 81 R1 126 if"';: 'lim 16 184 10 I ~~1 145 40 127 "I<:'ht (;rITl''''T) (1.1 145 30

.eitI"'1~l~ Qlllt"f .1 'fill)

------_._------_._-----_ ...... ---.. -- IR fl1r '" m ,,"~II.~ !!PI .," ~ lITII flll'l;f\1l m ~ UMf r---J.----.. Q1n ,----.A-----. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----...... -~------1 :2 3 4 2 3 4 -----~-----.------_-

12/4 q~~ ~~"Tt:f

128 'fl<::'f mo:;n !:fQ'fl: 18 187 162 iR";Iorr 223 208 12~ ifl~ 1T')'U 5n"~ 1:9 18S 163 anl& 212 120 130 ~f'fl:fr 175 8 164 ~1l1' 43 192 165 q-«t K6 91 131 il11f~t 143 36 166 anrm 2()7 223 132 ;:rFrd lIiJll m~1T 236 213 161 ;m~ 227 20t tJ3 'i{'ltt crT 1'l

'PIi_~~n VI'" Ifi) ~..,

------.._-.--..--.------~---- !l51I ' ""11 IIiT iII1I ~;ftll' IIi'Iw ~Rfl 'ill II'~ ;jif iII1I ~;iW ~nr lf1:;rt r--..A.~ mr ----"-----., "lin 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------~------~---~------2 3 4 2 3 4

___---- ___o ______---. ------~--. ------

1 2/4 1l~\ tt~fi1l"("

198 iIlttl'lt 252 250 226 ~If~ ,243 222 J 99 1f1li~:l'l'At . 26 161 227 ~~r 179 I 200 lTf~~ 59 139 228 ~)ila'r 106 III 201 lTml:fT'l: 205 231 229 ~)Qr 126 59 202 If~ 51 20(1 203 IT


------~---- SI. Name of VilJage L.C.No. S!. Name or Village ,-_..A.L.C.No.___ No. ,-'-.A--~ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.. ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------.------.-- 12/1 Ragburajoagar 'fahsil

A 33 Bachw!li 669 656 34 Badarkha 864 845 1 Abdhendra Sagar 543 530 35 Badaur 528 SIS 2 Aber 405 396 36 Badbada 133 133 ::,49 3 Ag."8 262 37 Badera 750 735 4 Ahirgaon 667 654 38 Badera Kalan 217 217 392 S Akauna 402 39 Badera Khurd 218 219 6 AkaUBa 4;2 438 40 Badhaiya 859 839 439 7 Akauna Tukda 450 41 Badhaura Mudwar 877 858 800 8 Akauni Kothar 822 42 BadhailTa Kothar 878 857 254 9: Alhai 253 43 Badkan 299 289 142 10 Amaha Kotbar 142 44 Badkhar 711 694 665 11 Amaudha Kalan 678 45 Badkher 164 162 666 12 Amaudha Khurd 679 46 Badkher 636 613 13 Amchuwa 256 255 47 Bagaba 696 682 14 Arr.dari 562 549 48 Bagahai 885 860 15 AmiJiya I53 151 49 Baghedi 690 677 749 16 AmiJiya 770 50 Bahera ~09 300 17 Amilplll"" 490 477 51 Baidan Tola 163 166 18 Amirati 185 181 52 Baijanha 849 828 19 Amuwa 274 262 53 Bailiha 455 437 20 Andhara KTltlh 277 273 S4 Bairgala 542 529 21 Andilarwar 343 332 S5 Bairiha 643 630 22 Arjunpur 65 67 56 Bairiha 887 861 23 Arraha 324 319 57 Bakiya Baila 367 458 24 Arear 814 795 58 BaJciya Tiwariyan 366 357 2S Atarhar 388 379 59 Bakot U 11 2t


------_.. ------.._------~------SI. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 Village L.C.No. No. ,-~ No. ,--..A--- 1971 1981 1971 '1981 ------:--..-._.. --...... ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 --....._ --_,-----_.. _------~~------.~-~

12/1 RaghuraJoagar Tahsil

70 Bandhi 598 585 10.9 BalUwa Seduri 200 205 71 Banhari 44 50 110 Basahara 282 261) 72 Banka 181 191 111 Bat ahara 291 280 112 Bathiya 73 Banpata 373 364 "872 852 I 13 74 Bansakar 28 25 Bathiya Kalan 712 699 J14 75 Baura 359 352 BatMya Khurd 713 698 76 Bam 422 40.8 lIS Bouliha 609 596 lt6 77 Baradaha 86 86 Beeda 807 789 117 78 Barah 582 569 Beeharpurwa n 3] 118 79 Barha 171 168 Beernai '/77 759 80. Barha 257 246 1-19 Bela 37' 370 81 Barha 601 589 120. BeJa 715 70.1 82 Bara.ha 24 27 ]21 Belha 213 21] 83 Baraha 48 46 122 Belha 261 257 84 Baraha 768 750 123 Belhata 764 744 85 Barahana 555 542 124 . Belhati 79% 772 86 Baraj 718 10.6 125 . Benipur 659 632 87 Bara Kalan 644 631. 126 Berahra 241 232 88 Bara Khurd 458 446 127 Berahua 440 428 89 Baratola 495 482 128 Bhad 1()6S 655 90. Barau 296 284 IL9 Bhagdeora 774 756 91 Baraundha' 68 68 130. Bhainswar 501 488 92 Barbasa 778 761 131 Bhalwar 370 36"- 9.3 Bardar 10. Jo. 132 Bhamar .580 56·7 94 Bardadih 398 389 ]33 Bhandari Koth ;11}8 793 95 Bardadih 694 630. 134 Bhanwar 33 3~ 96 Bardiya. Mishra 248 240 135 Bhardwar~n Tola (U) -624 . 610 97 Barha tha Kal an 559 546 136 Bhardwanm Tola (K) 062.5 609 98 Barhatha Khurd 560 547 137 Bhaduna Kalan ·461 41·g 99 Bari 765 752 138 Bharjuna Khurd 470 457 100 Bari Amrai 187 183 139 Rhataha' :261 253 lOt Bari Kalan 716 702 \40 Bhatgawan ,l4.l 137 10.2 Bari Khurd 117 703 141 BI~tgawan 344 335 103 Barodiya Kala.n 249 241 142 Bhatgawan 356 347 Jo.4 Barodiya Khurd 250. 239 143 Bhntgawan .61 8 605 ]05 Barreh 657 637 144 Bhathdandi 164 258 106 Barti 383 374 145 Bhathia 47 47 107 Barui 214 2]4 146 Bhathwa 45 51 108 Baruwa. 191 186 147 Bh,upurwll 74K 73.4 34


------~-- Sl. Name of Viii ale L.C.No. Sl. Name of Villa.. r-_..A..L.C.No.__ No. r--Jo--~ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----_._--_._------I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------.------.------12/1 Rlllbarajaagar T absil 148 Bhitari Basheran 493 480 184 Chhibaura 385 376 ]49 Bhitari Sombanshi 494 481 185 Chhipiya Dandi 728 713 ]SO Bhiyamau 1 3 186 Chhiwa1aha 57 57 lSI Bhum Khar 666 653 187 Chill a 491 478 152 Bichhiya 178 179 188 Chill a Pata 630 667 JS3 Bigdara 58 58 ] 89 ChirhuJi I 42 641 628 154 Bigdari. 19 19 190 Chiruli 143 642 629 JSS Bihara 352 343 191 Chitahara 174 174 156 Bihara 791 771 192 Chitauriha 121 116 157 Bihariya 212 . 212 J 93 Chitgalh 331 322 J58 Bijahari 279 271 194 Chokhari 5114 570 J59 Rirpdha 56 56 195 Chorht! 835 815 J60 Birhuli 751 738 196 Chorhala Korhar 799 781 J61 Birpur 193 ! 93 197 Chormari 891 865 t6:! Rishalpur 63 64 198. Chulhi 735 720 163 llitma 300 291 199 Chund Kalan 423 409 164 Brllmhipnr 66 62 200 Chund Khurd 417 410 J65 Brijpura. 99 99 20t Chuwan 3 1 J66 Buda 410 398 D 161 Budha. 287 278 202 Dadhiya 15 14 C 203 fllldhiya 857 837 lJagdiha 168' Chalcar 565 552 204 451 440 205 Dagdih.t Tukda-I 169 Chakbanai 687 674 453 441 206 Dagdiha Tukda No J70 Chakd'aru 793 177 2 454 442 207 Dakla 171 Chakera R05 785 !40 1.38 208 I>egarhllt J72 Cllakmurar 754 741 179 116 209 Degarhat 173 Chandal 144 144 894 868 210 DchlU" 489 476 174 Chandaini 136 141 211 DchlllR 546 533 J7S Chanpurwa 665 652 212 Delaura 628 616 176 Chaubepur 95 93 213 Delaura fin 679 177 Chaura 664 651 214 Deillura 854 8~4 ]78 Chaura 84:;. 825 215 Dclauri 631 6[7 179 Chaura Khurd 639 626 216 Deolaha 122 120 180 Chaurehi 175 175 217 Deomau Daldal 318 369 ]81 Chhanihar 170 )70 218 Deera 188 182 J82 Chhapar 292 283 219 DeOHl. 358 349 lS3 Chllatahri. 204 199 220 Deora . 671 658 35

ALPHABETICAL LIST 01' VILLAGES ------.------...------SI. Namc of Villalc L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 ViII ... L.C.No. .Ie _,. No. .. -.. No. r= -U7i 1981 1971 198] ------.. ------1 2 :3 4 2 :3 4 ------..------12Jl Raghurajoagar TabsU -

221 Dcora 900 874 257 Ganiri 407 39' 222 Deori 339 329 258 Gaidhuwa 651 635 223 Dcori 364 354 259 GlYan 315 368 224 Deori 654 64J 260 Gajgawan 397 388 225 Deori 806 181 261 Galbal 487 474 226 Deori Kalan 552 536 262 Ganesha 781 763 . 221 Deori Khurd 549 537 ' 263 Garlap 590 511 245 228 Devpon 263 264 Garlagi 596 583 233 265 130 229 Devrawar 246 Gauhani 130 794 776 230 Dahnkbar Kalan 627 607 266 Gauhari 267 Gaura 6S0 642 231 Dhan Khar Khurd b22 606 268 Gaura 0674 661 232 Dharmpura 725 716 602 588 269 Gaura No·131 464 451 233 Dhaurhara 623 601l 270 Gaura No. t 32 '465 452 234 Dhaurhara 354 348 271 Gauri 773 755 235 Dhondhi 53S S22 272 Ghaderua 547 534 236 Didaundh S64 SSt 273 Ghamiraha 198 204 237 Dighari 421 413 274 Ghatbelwa 372 36] 238 Domhai 804 788 275 Ghatiniya 270 266 239 Du:laha lSI ]S3 276 Ghinauehi 784 766 240 Duduwar 234 229 277 Ghorkat 336 327 241 Dumaw 827 809 278 Ghorkoti 345 333 242 Duwari Kothar 810 279 GhughehihAi 131 717 243 Duwari Unan.ulan 828 280 Ghughuwar 497 484 F Ghurdang 110 693 406 281 244 Farhad 413 282 Giduri 677 664 414 407 245 Farhad 283 Godgawan 243 236 Farhad 4ts 407 246 284 Golhata 362 353 G 28S Gopalpur 25 2t 764 247 Gada 187 286 Gopal Sagar 31) 37 248 Gadara Kothar 606 593 287 Garaiya 3-99 390 249 Gadara Pawai 60S 592 288 Goraiya 557 543 250 Gadari 486 473 289 Gorasihai 81 81 251 Gadarihan 341 336 290 Gorsari 156 157 252 Gadauli 416 405 291 Gudhwa .236 227 lSJ Gadbwa Kalan 396 387 291 Guduharu 852 832 254 Gadhwa Khurd 389 380 293 Gujhv.an 1.68 169 525 512 2"5 GahU. Khar . 776 758 294 Gului 528 256 Gahira 126 125 29,5 GUluwa "541 36

ALPHAUTICAL UST OF VILLAGES ------Sl. Name of Viii ••• L.C.No. SI. Name or Vi Ilai' L.C.No. No. ,--J.--",,"\ No. ,-_.A._--.. '1971 1981 1971 1981 -----_._--_. ...__------_--_.__------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 _...------_------1211 R.,barajoligar Tahsil


2'6 Hadkhar 588 575 329 Jait wara 492 .479 297 Hadwadpur 706 687 330 Jaitwara (Dandi Toola) 498 485 33] 298 Halawan 2S8 251 leimal 9 9 299 Baliya KalaB 311 299 .332 Janardanpur 890 '864 300 Haliya Khurd 312 301 933 Jamo.!i 740 724 !fot Haliya Mahesh 313- 302 ~34 Jamuna 1192 866 335 302 . Hamirpor 5117 574 Jamunihai 585 762 336 303 Harcfi 206 J 98 Jamuniya Brat R39 821 304 Hardi 301 292 337 Jamuniya Paipkhar 838 820 30S Hardijagir 83 82 338 Jamuwani 2!?4 286 306 Hardi Koth.u· 82 83 339 JaTiha 273' '264 307 Harduwa 239 224 340 Jawarin 23 20 308 H!lri harpu. 317 306 Hl Jharbaura 194 194 309 Harsed 19S ]95 342 Jhala 286 217 :!10 Hat! 662 639 343 JhaJi 42 34 3n Hatiya 499 486 344 Jhali 572 . S59 312 Hinauta 240 226 345 Jhand 899 872 • 3-1:1 Hin!Wta 59S 582 346 Jha.nda 558 '545 314 Hinauta 862 842 347 Jha.njhar 868 847 :nS . Hinau~i 1165 844 348 Jhari 89 89 316 Hi'rapur 74 74 349 Jhari 474 461 31"7 H'ral.lndJi 139 136 350 Jhari Tukda 476 463 3-i g. HoLhai. U 6l 351 Jhiriya 233 231 352 Jhonta 244 Z35 Jhulna 278 ) 353 270 354 Jirwar 76 76 Ji rwar Kalan 617 3f9" ftauf 394 384 355 604 J irwar Khurd 61.6 603 320 Itaura. 603 590 356 32J ltaUta 682 669 357 . Judebi 114 . 108 322' Itaura 767 753 K 323 Itma 722 710 324 Itma 813 794 3Sg Kachura '567· S51 325 ltma Kothar 791 779 359 Kad'ohi 288 28t 326 ltma Naditeew 79; 775 160 KaiJashpur 121l 127 327 ltwa. (ltma) 496 483 361 Kaima Kotbar 707 695 328 _Itwa (Itma I 597 S84 362 Kairna Uno!llian 708 696 37

ALPHABETICAL LIST 0' VILLAGES ------_.----.-....------_.,...------_.------.- Sl. Name of ViIlql: L.e.No. Sl. Name of ViUap L.C.No. No. ,- No. ,...--...J-- 1971 """" 1981'"""" al1 1911 ------~------1 2 3 4 2 3 " ------~---- III I Ragbllrajaaga, Tahsil

363 Kainchibag 646 636 401. Kathauta 149 149 364 Kairot 26 22 403 Katnwariya 38 36 365 Kalbaiya 322 310 4Q4 E:atnwariya 520 507 366 Kalhai 6!2 599 405 Kalhwariya 640 61.7 367 Kalhari 613 600 406 Katiga 902 876 368 Kol.nuI. KhUlya 271 165 407 Kil.uhari 34 1.9 369 Kamlo 513 sao 408 Kawar 129 129 370 Kamta 105 lOS 409 Kelhaura .51 44 371 Kanchanpur 516 503 410 Khadar 148 146 372 Kandaila Kalan 268 267 411 Khadra &1 87 265 256 373 Kandaila KI1U~d 412 Khadaura 328 315 7 .., 374 Kandar 4\3 Khadaurll 5'77 564 371 362 375 Kaaawa 414 Khadauri 576 563 119 123 376 Kanpur 415 Khadauri Kalan 3:!7 JIG 180 377 K.arariya ISO 416 Khadauri KhUTd 32-6 320 70 13 378 Kara",la 417 Khadwari 297 288 166 165 379 Karaundi 418 Khagaura '772 754 Karauodi Kalan 306 298 90S 879 380 41~ Khaira 307 297 331 Karaundi Khurd 420 Khairi Kothar 643 645 302 295 {;46 3112 Karaundi Kothar 421 KhaiIi Tukda 649 841) 823 72:; :'113 Karl\i 422 Khajurahara. 741 832 817 384 Karhi Brat 423 Khamha 35.5 346 ~O4 87& 385 Karhih.ar Malla 424 Kllamha 52,4 511 33:1 K.arbi Ka.lan 348 ·400 391 386 4'?5 KhamhariY:1 Karhi Khuld 349 340 387 Khamhariya 472 459 615 662 426 388 Karhi Kothar Khatl.hariya Payasin 747 7~3 676 663 427 389 Karlli Pawai Kh&mhariya Tiwari 746 732 342 428 390 Karhi Tu'kda 351 416 429 Khanch 427 208 20S :'91 Kari Gohi KfLangarh 581 :'itiS 429 417 43(] 3'2. Karkal 92 431 Kharha 90 Kar!cot!li 335 326 393 KhaCi tl71 857 8lHI 432 394 i(;lrmau 863 196 77g 433 Kharwani Karpwah Bhaip 820 803 395 Khatkruui tl37 819 821 R02 434 396 Kl!rpwah Kothar Khatola 529 51<; 469 456 43$ 397 KarS[lra Kht:riya 1{()thar ~15 799 579 566 436 398 Kars~ra 7 KheTiya Paipkhar 1<23 801 4 43 3§)9 Kathar 4 2 438 Khcrwa 2 4QO Klllltar 420 411 439 Khodh1lTi 176 177 401 Katha.ra 11C 2G9 38

ALPHA_neAL LIST OF VILLAGES ..... _------._- Sl. Name of Villaae L.C.No. SI. Name of Vi IIall L.C.No. No. r--.A..-~ No. r--...A.._---. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_. ------.------.. _------I 2 3 4 ------2 3 4 17./1 Ralharajoagar Tahsil

440 Khohar 387 378 477 Kudiya 637 624 441 Khohi 6 b 478 Kudiya 847 826 502 489 442 Khokhali 479 Kumhraula 434 471 791 443 Khokltam 810 480 Kunchi 59) 580 625 444 Khujha 638 481 Kunchi 64S 649 813 445 Khukhada Kothar 831 482 Kund 901 87S 814 446 Khukhada Umulan Paiptl-..ar 836 483 Kundi 112 113 790 773 447 KhuJesar 484 Kunwa 723 708 IS5 448 Khutaha IS5 485 Kusiyara 280 260 391 382 449 Kichwariya 486 Kusiyala 647 644 247 450 Kirkiraw 2S2 487 KuthiJa Pahad 21 23 48 451 Kishunplll 46 488 Kutiyan 22 26 4.52 Kitaha 154 150 489 Kuwari 477 464 453 Kitaha 231 222 454 Kitaha 376 366 L 455 Kodwarin 39 39 490 Lakhaha 456 Koihai (Korihai) 756 740 159 158 491 457 Koldari 138 140 Lakhaha 771- 748 4Sg Kolhari 870 850 492 Lakhahachaknai 802 784 493 459 KOihuwa 855 835 Lakhaha Paip Khar 800 782 494 La khanwah 460 Kolkariya 290 279 347 338 495 Lalapur 461 Kolkhat 202 202 92 91 496 Lalitpur 462 Rolyata 548 541 36 40 497 Lalpur 463 Koniya 485 412 78 78 498 Lalpur 464 KQ(liya 833 816 569 553 499 Lalpur 465 Kouiya Dharampur- 825 812 70J 688 500 Lamtara 46' Koniya Mohandaso 824 80S 688 675 501 Laudahai 467 Koniya Puraniol; 826 816 521 50s 502 Laulolcn 468- Korgawan 404 395 357 344 503 Lecfara 196 1_96 469 Korgawan 629 615 504 Ledara 819 804 470 Kotar 406 397 505 Ledari J 92 192 471 Kotariya 107 107 506 Lilaha 846 827 472 Kotlli 532 519 S07 LiJauri 744 731 473 Ko~hr4 460 445 SOil Lohra 189 185 474 Krishnagarl\ 843 824 S09 Lohra 727 715 475 Kuchmaila_ 215 215 S10 Lohra 752 742 476 KudaEaha 298 287 511 Loh.ra 782 76S 3!J_

ALPHABETICAL LIST 01' VILLAGES ------.------.----- SI. Name or vmqe L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 Villall! L.C.No. No. ,.....~. No. r--A-- 1971 198] 1971 198) ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 -__,~------.-~ ------

12/1. Raghurajoagar Tahsil

512 Lokhariha 539 526 548 Majhiya,r 384 375 513 Lotni 182 190 549 Majhiyar 608 595 550 Majhiyar 726 714 M 551 Majhiyar 734 718 552 Majhiyar 812 796 514 Madan' 526 51.3 553 Majhiyar Kalan 766 751 51S Modf:.aUplir 350 341 554 Majhiyar K.hurd 788 770 516 Madhi ~86 377 555 Majhkhada 162 163 517 Madulhlli 75 75 556 Majhtolwa 519 501i 518 Madwlljhar 789 774 557 Malgaon 733 719 519 Magarwar 353 345 558 Malgausa tIS 811 520 Mahapar 201 203 559 Malmau 442 430 521 Maharaj Nagar 8 8 560 Mankahari· 863 843 522 Mahdei 635 620 561 Mankahari 538 521 523 Mahdewa 360 350 562 Manakwar 554 539 524 Mahdewa 699 685 563 Mand 738 726 525 Mahewa K.otbar 816 800 564 Mara 72 71 526 MahdaJ Kalan 369 359 565 Marauha 783 760 521 Mahidal Khurd 368 360 566 Marwa ISS J 56 528 Mahtain 5S S5 567 Marwa :506 493 173 529 Mahuta 589 576 568 Marwahar 173 599 586 530 Mahur8(.hh Kadaila 874 854 569 Masnaha Matehna -697 683 531 Mahurniha 137 143 570 571 Matehna 7'37 725 532 Mahuwapa.r 436 425 572 Mataha 856 S36 533 Mainplira 395 385 513 Matima No. 340 467 454 Majan 219 218 535 574 Matima No. 341 ·468 45S 673 535 Majhbogwa 686 575 Matima No. 342 466 45:1 50 49 536 Majhgawan 576 Matiyar 293 290 537 Majhgawan 124 124 577 Maudaha .428 418 538 Majhg.wan 259 244 578 Mauhar 235 228 539 Majhgawan 457 444 579 Mauhar 534 S2t 540 Majhgawan 475 462 580 Mauhariya 295 285 541 Ma,ihgawan 610 597 581 Mauhariya 509 496 542 M:Jjhgawar. 620 611 582 Medanipur -661 643 543 Majllgawan 903 877 583 Medhi :888 861 544 Ma,ihgawan Dhur 655 634 58l Mehuti 444 431 .545 Majhgawan Surji 656 640 585 Mehuti 368 -478 465 546 Majhiyar 281 259 586 Mehuti 369 480 467 547 Majhiyar 374 365 587 Mehuti 370 479 466 40


...... _----- . ------.------~------SI. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of VilJaae L.C.No. No. r--.A.---","\ No. ,._.J.-_ ...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 - _____o ____- ______--.----._------_ ._------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_____..0...;... - ----_._------.:....--- 12/1 Ragborajnagar.1'ahsil

5S8 Mehuti 371 481 468 625 Naukhad Kalan 600 587 589 Mehuti 372 482 469 626 Naukhad Khurd 578 565 590 Mishragawan 314 301 627 Nayagaon 102 102 59f Mohaniya 409 401 628 Nayagaon 160 160 592 Mohanna 736 727 629 Nayagaon 510 495 593 Mohkamgarh 103 103 630 Nemuwa 853 833 594 Mohni 71 .72 631 Nibi 61 66 595 Motawa 143 139 632 Nimaha 334 323 596 Mot i sagar 507 494 633 Nimi 720 705 597 Mudhaha Kalan 619 612 634 Nimi 755 739 598 Mudhaha K.hurd 621 613 635 Nipaniya 607 594 599 Mudiyadev 20 24 636 Nj ranjanpur 471 458 600 Mudkhooa 52 45 () 601 Mugwari 272 2(,3 602 Mugwari B67 849 637 Obari 830 807 603 Mukat 205 200 638 Odhaki Kalan 592 578 604 Myan 570 556 639 Odhaki Khurd 591 579 640 Ormani N 285 275 P 605 NacTlraud'a 504 49f 606 NadauT J99 207 641 PachaIi Kalan 32{ ~11 607 Nadna 505 492 642 Pachali Khvrd 225 221 60& Nagar Pawaiya. 632 621 643 Pachauha 276 271 6()9 Nagaura 430 419 644 Pachaul' 146 148 61o. Nagwar Kothar 3[9 318 645 Pachhit 135 135 61] Nagwar UnmuJan· 320 317 646 Paoari 67 61 612 Naina 531 524 647 Padeniya 245 238 613 Nairta 714 700 648 Padkhuri 851 831 614 Nai.na 1141 822 649 Pado III 112 615 Nakai fa 73 70 650 Padraut 594 .581 6t6 Nakarhai 21 28 651 Paduhar 31R 305 617 Nakati 634 622 652 Padwaniya lOB 109 618 NakehTi 315 3(17 653 Padwaniya Jugir 100 9R f19 Narayanpur- 6tl 598 654 Pagar Kalan 216 21(, 620 Nardaha 16 13 655 pagar Khurd 211 211 621 Narsinhpur 117S 855 656 PSh.allli 37 31 622 Naubasta. 150 J 54 657 Pahdi 203 201 623 Nangawan 167 167 658 PaikauTa 573 560 '24 Naugawan 563 550 659 Paikaufi 574 661 41


------_.----_..,._---_------~- _------Sf. Name of Villal!!~ L.C.No. Sl. Nlme of Village L.C.No. No. r- _"-"'"""\ No. ,- ~ 197J 198J 1971 1981 ------.------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_.. _------"------

n/I Ragharljngar Tahsil

96 96 700 Pithaipur 866 848 660 Pal dee 545 532 523 510 661 Pangara 70] Podi 128 128 702 P()indha Kalan 459 447 662 Panghati 125 126 703 Poindha Khurd 724 709 663 Parewa 488 475 704 Pokharwar 104 ]04 664 Parsadiya 426 415 705 Pratappur 283 274 665 Parsauja Kalan 289 282 706 Pujeriya 12 12 666 Parti (Panti) 456 443 707 Puraini 721 707 667 Pasi 630 618 708 PurW3 522 509 668 Pat a 653 647 709 775 757 669 Pata 132 132 710 Putari Chua 54 54 670 Patangar 893 fl67 671 Patarr.ai 5J8 505 R 672 Patari 7]9 704 673 Patauda '711 Ragauli 247 237 732 721 674 Pater 712 Rag"uli K(Jolliar 449 43' 11 17 675 Pat~ar Kachhar 713 Riig)1un"thpur 311 372 97 97 676 Pathra 714 Raigaon 0614 601 5 5 617 pathra ctaur 715 RaipuT 544 531 308 304 678 Pathr:tuda 716 Rajabaksa :834 811 51 L 555 679 Patihar 717 Rajaha Ma.Jra La khoha &91 783 117 118 68() Patna Kalan 7!8 Rajapur :85 85 329 313 681 Patna Kalan 719 Rajarwar 392 38l It g 121 (i82 Patna Khurd 720 R~jarwar Tukda 393 386 237 225 683 PatM Khurd 721 Rajaub t06 106 337 331 684 Patn" Khurd 722 Ro.Jho Khar 316 309 pclualia (Patalir) . 41 42 685 723 Ramna .681 66S 94 94 686 pausarha 110 11~ 540 527 724 Ramnagar 687 Pa"uiya 380 37. 44& 435 725 Ramna!!ur 688 Pawaiy;l Kothar 663 65.0 382 373 726 Rampur Cllaurosi 689 Phipllir 789 743 728 727 Rampur (Murwar) 798 690 PhuUlUndha 745 729 728 Ral1lpura '527 514 691 Phutanudhi 115 tiS Rampura 557 544 692 Pindara 729 18~ 188 Raillpura 586 573 693 Piparawan 730 365 356 49 52 6q4 Pi pare hha 731 Rampur Gorri 109 111 18 18 695 Piparha 732 Rampur Kalan 242 234 13 Hi 696 Piparha 733 Hampur Khurd 197 206 1 \ 7 697 Piparh:ti Rampurwa 1:!3 305 296 734 698 Pipari 730 71J Hit 161 735 Rams I hRO 699 Piparilolu 42

ALPHABETICAL UST Oil VILLAGES - ...... ------Sl. Nameof Villa,e L.C.No. Sl. Name of Villa.. ,--_.A..L.C.No. __ No. r--Jo--~ No. 1971 1981 1971 IP81 -----_._--_.. _------.. -_------I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------._------_.------

1211 RaaburajDa&ar Tahsil

736 R.aneh) 515 502 771 Satri 860 840 737 Rani pur 14 15 772 8eha Laxmanpur 40 38 738 Rasada 232 230 773 8ejahari 14'1 145 275 272 739 Rasoiya 774 Sejahata 762 743 381 740 Rehuta 390 175 Sejahata 869. 846 6()4 591 741 Rehuta 776 Sejwar 91 90 422 742 Reuhan 435 777 Selaura 207 )97 670 657 743 Rewra 778 Scilla 169 171 786 768 744 Richhahari 779 Selhllna 850 829 SOO 487 745 Rimar 780 Semra 323 312 746 Rimari 330 314 781 Semra 441 426 747 R.ohiniya 116 119 782 Semra 780 761 113 114 748 Rojl:.iyan 783 Semra 808 790 533 520 749· Ro,vani 784 Semraban Kalan 254 252 785 Semrahan Khurd 255 248 S 786 Semra Kothar 445 432 787 Semri 333 324 788 Semri 408 400 750 ~aQa 79 79 789 Semri Kalan 551 538 751' Sagauni 897 871 790 Semrl Khurd 550 540 Sagman 704 686 757. 791 Semariya S7S 562 75) Sagra S08 497 792 Shaha Kothar 462 449 754 Sagwan 536 525 793 Shahpur 69 69 755 Sahianha 84 84 794 Shahpura 561 548 756 Satpura (Shahpl1f) til,s 602 795 S~karpur 876 856 757 SajjanpW 861 841 796 Shardapuri 531 518 758 Sakriya 753 737 797 Sherganj 689 676 759 Salaiya 433 420 798 Shivp'ur 626 614 7 tit} Sataiya 660 63& Shivpl!rWa 705 692 761 Saligpul' 35 41 799 ShivplI rwa. 829 g08 762 Sandi 310 30~ 300 801 Shiv S:l.gar 512 499 76·3 Saraian 29 30 695 764 Saray 172 172 802 Shukla 681 Shukwah 266 242 765 Saray 769 747 F03 Siddha 186 184 766 Salbclhna 749 736 804 7(,7 Sarbh:mp. 184 187 80<; Sidhauli 779 762 768 Saristal 673 660 806 Sikraud.L 32'i 321 769 Sus; 60 60 1S07 Singhpur 77 77 770 Satdhar 672 659 808 Sirgopahllu 811 793 43


------.------..------Sl. Name or VilJaF L.C.No. Sl. Name or ViJlaF L.C.No. No. ,.....~ No. r--A-- ' 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------1 :I 3 4 2 3 4 ------~

1'1/1 Raghurljoagar Tahsil

809 Sirsaha 443 429 842 Tharpahad 101 100 810 Sirwari 303 293 843 Thathaura 36~ 355 811 Sonaura 511 498 844 Tighara 238 223 112 Sonaura 763 745 845 Tihai 411 402 813 Sonaura Chakutail 759 746 846 Tikar 284 27' 8J4 San Dura Kothar 817 797 847 Tikar 583 571 815 Sonbarsa 165 ] 64 848 Tikara 190 18') 816 Sonbarsa 209 210 849 Tikuri 59 59 Sonbarsa 817 332 325 850 Tikuri 342 337 818 Sonbarsa 377 367 851 Tikuri 361 :lSI 819 Sonbarsa 693 678 852 Tikuri 401 393 820 Sohas Kothar 446 433 853 Tikuri US 830 821 Sohas Unmulan 447 434 854 TiJcuri Ka Ian 700 t690 822 Sohallia 684 671 855 Ti kuri Khurd 702 6119 823 Sohawal 683 670 856 Tikuri Kothar 701 69! 824 Sudamapur 445 418 414 857 Tikuriya 785 764 825 Sudamapur 444 419 412 858 Tioni :8~ 879 826 Sujawal Kalan 438 429 aS9 Tumin .(i33 6}9 827 Sujawal Khurd 434 421 860 Turki .119. an 828 Suron 62 65 861 Turra ]31 13tl 829 Susuwar 503 490 862 Turri 473 460 830 Swata 145 14'7 U

T 863 Udaipur 98 101 864 Udaisagar 53~ 517 865 t:dka 340 3)0 831 T,tgi ]34 134 866 Udli 2(;9 26. 832 Tagi 177 178 867 Ujalni 224 220 83~ Talata1ari 809 792 868 Ujraudha 553 535 834 Tamar 251 250 869 l'marhan 270 243 835 Tapa 886 859 870 llmardari 566 558 Tapkana 43 43 836 871 Umariha 124 121 837 Tedltgawan 403 394 872 Umariha 895 869 838 Tedhip.'ltmnniya 93 95 873 Umri 412 403 839 Telai Chua 53 53 874 Umri ~98 584 840 Telani 157 159 875 Umri Ian 786 841 Thagra 652 64R 44


------.------....------. , 81. Nam. of VilJa.. L.C.No. 81. Name 01 ViJlqe L.C.No, No. ,-._A....-~ No. ,-_..A.._--. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----_._------_, -...--_--- 1 2 3 4 t 2 3 4 ------.------

Ill! RalburajDqar Tahsil

876 Umri Kothar 463 450 V 877 Unchamar 89 80 878 Upka 514 501 879 Vijaipur 304 . 294

12/2 Nalod Tahsil

23 Atraura Kalan 159 156 A 24 A traura Khurd 158 ISS 25 AtTa 397 394 1 Akita 448 445 2 Akhi 450 447 B 3 Akauna Khurd 1 t 2 112 65 65 4 Akouna Sathiya 26 Baboopur 139 137 277 5 AlampUr 280 27 Baboopur 428 425 2Cj 6 Ama 25 28 Bachbai 95 95 7 Amdari 300 297 29 Badera 180 177 8 Amdari 379 3i6 30 Badgadi 32) 318 9 Amgar 351 334 3] Badhaw 126 124 ]0 Amha 104 104 32 Badhaw Patha 297 294 lledkhera 54 ]37 135 33 54 11 Amiliya 34 Badkhera 418 415 386 383 12 Amiliya 35 Badkhura 459 456 13 AmiJiya Patha 318 315 36 Badohara 144 142 14 AmlCul 211 208 3"7 Badraha 468 465 15 Amkui Kothar 357 354 38 Bagaha Kachhar 462 459 16 Amsil 166 16 .. 39 Baherawa 190 187 17 Antarbed 161 158 40 Bairagala 368 365 18 Anterhediya Kalan 403 400 41 Bllmhaur 97 97 42 Bamuraha 233 230 19 Ant.:rbediya Khurd 401 398 43 Bamurahiya 220 217 20 Antarhar 375 371 44 Bandha alias Naubasta 34 34 21 Antarhar 429 426 4S Bandhi Mauhar 416 413 22 Atraura 171 168 46 Bandi 14 14 45


---. ---_.----:-----.,,------_ ---- Sl. Name of Viii." L.C.No. Sl. Name of VilJaae L.C.No. No. ~ No. r---A--. 1971 1981 1"1 1981 -----~------._------_ I 2 3 4 2. 3 4 ------~------_ ...... _-.-.1..

12/2 Nagad. Tahsil

4'7 . Banjhir :122 319 83 . Bhaji !thor.! !3 13 48 Bansabard 393 390 84 Bhandar Talai .464 461 49 :sara ]36 134 85 BharauJi 312 30' SO Bara 456 454 86 Hharbata 442 43' 51 Baraj H9 117 87 Bharhut 432 430 88 Bharri .399 387 52 Barapathar 142 495 89 Bhatanwara 421 418 53 Barethiya Kothar 105 lOS 54 Barethiya Ubari 1.07 107 90 Bhitari lOO ·100 5S Barha 94 94 91 BhitaIi :.20.5 . -102 92 374' 56 Barha 218 2]5 Bhi tari Ubari 361 57 Barhatll. 422 419 93 Bhull!lli 75 7S 58 Barkachhi 49 49 94 Bhnmara .3-48 341 3]8 349 59 Barkaehhi 133 131 85 Bhuruhara 96 466 -46~ 60 Barkhera 78 78 Bihata -4"72 61 Barkoniya Kothar 76 76 97 Bijahara 471 Bijawah :287 2f!1 62 Barkonrya Maphi 77 77 98 99 Bikata 74 74 63 Ba,rre 286 282 100 Binchawa 317 :314 64 Basaha 291 288 101 Birhuli 82 :82 6$ BasauTa 367 364 102 B_i1pur -406 40i 66 Bastara J43 143 le3 Budhl JSO 14B 67 Basudha 79 79 68 Bataiya Khurd 433 429 C 69 Bela 63 63 70 BeJhal 'Kalan 178 1'15 104 Chakara S'l 51 71 Belhai Khurd 177 174 105 Chakagohan 58 58 7:1- Belaudha 17 17 106 Chakahat "383 3B" 73 Be]gahna 57 57 107 Chakahata' 381 379 74 Be]h..1.ti 495 490 Chamar (Chaui.") 37 37 75 Beohari 70 70 1GB 109 Chand KlJiya "239 236 76 Bermay 298 295 243 240 77 Bhad 151 147 . JlO Chand Kunwa ] t 1 Chanpa' 222 219 78 Bhagda 182 179 Cllaupada 44 44 79 Bhagda 215 212 02 2'67 80 BhaiIu.i 45 45 113 Chautariha 25' 8t Bhairaha Kalan 175 172.' 114 Chauthah:\ -414 411 82 B~llliraha Khurd 174 171 115 Chauthar 497 492 46


------~-_,..------;.._------SI. Name or Villale L.C.No. SI. Name of Vii .... ,.-_.A..L.C.No.__ No. r---"--~ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

------~. ------~------,.._---- I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------~-~-..... ------1212 Nagod Tahsil

116 Chhinda 92 92 149 Duwari Kalan 6 6 ])7 Chitaudha SO SO 150 Duwari Khu~d 18 18 118 Chitaudhi 48 48 151 DWara Mugi!hani 47!) 476 119 Chunaha 256 253 Ii' D 152 Fetehpur 176 173 120 Dabra 309 306 ]21 Dadhiya 408 406 G 122 Dadri 451 448 123 Damha t02 102 153 Gada Kothar 114 114 ]24 Dandi 308 ·305 154 GildauJi 4SI! 455 ]25 Datunha J95 192 ISS Gadhaut 295 292 ]26 [)eogana 324 321. 156 Gadhawa 347 335 127 Deor) 25 26 157 Gadra 201 198 ]28 Deori 266 272 158 Gadri 199 196 129 Dewar 447 443 159 Gadri 343 351 13& Dhamanahai '493 485 160 Gajana Badhaw .In J25 131 Dhanmaha 246 243 161 Gangwariya 124 122 132 Dhan.eh 440 436 162 Garlagi J 81 178 133 Dhaniya 311 308 163 Gaura 223 220 134 Dhaukhan 3S~ ,338 164 Gauriya 473 468 135 .Dhaura 438' . 431 165 Ghateh Kahn 360 357 136 Dhaurhara 134 J32 ] 66 Ghateh Khurd 356 353 137 Dhaushad 282 279 167 Ghoihati 380 377 138 Dhed() 10 10 ]68 Ghoti 420 417 ) 39 Dinpura K()thar 426 423 169 Ginjara 68. 68 )40 Dobha 314 3ll," ] 70 Gobrao K.alan 443 44.0 141 D.':mgariya . 301 298 171 Gobrao Khurd 449 437 142 Dubahiya 226 223 t72 Gomla 35 35 10 Dudaha 184 181 1.73 Gudha 22 23 ]44 ·Dudaha. 398 395 174 Oudha 327 ~'24 . 145 Dudahi 399 396 175 Gudhuwa 435 432 146 DuduWil 3& 38 J76 Ounhar 242 239 147 . Dureha 197 194 177 Gunjahiya 172 169 148 Durgapur t'2 12 178 GUDJhir 3S6 33' 47

ALPHABETICAL LIST 0' VILLAGES ------.__------81. ' Name of Villa,e L.C.No. Sl. Name of ViJla,c No. L.C.No. ~ No. ,...---.A-- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.------... --- I 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------...,._.------

12/2 Nagod Tahsil

H 207 Jamunhal 55 5S 208 - Jamllniya K.alan 319 316 209 Jamuoiya Khurd 320 317 179 Hadaha 141 139 210 J8S0 216 21J 180 Hardua Kalan 261 258 2 J J Jhakhaul 299 29' 181 Hardua Khurd 269 255 212 Jhanjhi 329 325 182 Harduwa Kalan 153 j SO 213 Jharsi 40 40 183 Harduwa Kothar 410 407 214 Jhigodar 214 211 184 Harduwa Majhol 96 96 21S Jhiriya - 46 46 18S Harduwa Ubari 412 409 216 Jhiriya - 342 34B 1.86 Hclaundha 85 85 217 Jhurkhulu 486 481 187 Hinauta 231 228 218 Jiganliat 4()7 404 188 Hinauti 64 64 219 Jogiya U8 185


220 Kachaloha 113 ]13 189 lehaul 488 483 22! Kachanar 81 81 190 Imarti 392 389 222 K.achhiwari 307 304 191 Itaura Kalan 122 121 223 Kadlunanl1 11 11 192 Itaura Kalan 167 164 224 Kadiya 335 332 193 Itaura Khurd 123 120 225 Kaitha 423 420 194 Itaura Khl'rd 220 ]97 226 Kalahara 27.i 261 Itma 149 146 195 227 KalawaUer Patha 183 1&& Itma Baghalan 160 157 196 228 Kaldwal Patha 323 32" Jtman (!tma Kalan) 377 374 197 229 Kalpa 3 3 198 Itmapar 120 118 230 Kandahali 471 469 Itwan 19 19 199 231 Kandehali 27 27 200 It wan Kalan 441 438 232 Kapuri 192 189 201 rtwan sani 270 268 233 Karahi Kalan 46'0 457 J 234 Karam Khurd 461 458 235 Karahiya 227 224 2'6 Karahya Kalan 62 62 202 Jadllupur Kothar 253 2S0 237 Karahiya Kal an ]56 ]53 203 251 248 238 Karahiya Khurd 59 5' 23 21 204 Jaitwli.ra 239 Karahl ya Khurd J 5'S 151 20S lakhi 371 369 240 Karaundi 194 291 206 Jamunafor 165 162 241 Karijhir 288 28li 48


~....,_ ...... ,._------.------81. Name of Vmqe L.C.No. Sl. Name or Village t.C.No. Na. r--..A--~ No. ,---"""'--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_------J. 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 -----...... _------.-. 12/2 Nll&lo. Tah8i1

281 Korwarll 481 482 242 KariinliM 340 344 282 24 24 243 Kartana 187 184 Kota 244' Katariya 268 27~ 283 Kota 255 252 245 Kathari' 27'- 273 284 Kothi 489 484 246 Katha\\ariya 238 235 285 Kotrahi Kalan 334 331 247 J{atira 490 486- 285 Kotrdhi Kht'rd 333 330 248 Katkon Kalan 61 67 237 Kudahari Kalan 444 441 2.J9 Katk.oo Khunl 66 66 28g Kudahari Khurd 445 442 250 Kenpura. US 2.65 281) Kudiya 33 33 251 Khadabara 224 221 290 KuJ,ga.rhi 384 38t 252 Khadaura 453 450 291 KuIhanya Kalan 331 328 253 Khaira 72 72 292 Kulhariya Kh.lrd 332 329 254- Khairi 364 36J 293 Kulpura. 492 488 255 Khairuw:\ 135 133 294 Kumhi 292 289 256 Khajhe 169 166 295 KUrehi 262 262 257 Khakha.:t 258 2:71 296 Kushalii 496 491 Khakharaudha 131 258· 129 297 Kwmi 289 286 259' Khalllh3. Khamtala 310 301 260, Khalllhrehi t47 144 L 261' Khall)hariya Kalln 5 S 262 Khll.lllhariya Kalan. ~ 9&- 298" Ladwad 315 312 263 Kham'tl1tiya Khurd 52 52 299 Lag:ugawan 434 433 264 Khamhariya Khurd 93 9'3 3ui) Lakhamad 372 37(} 265' Khamhariya Patha 349 342 301 La1ehaha 132 131) 266, Khoh 477 417 302 Lalchaha 168 165 267 Khokh:ni 416 473 303 Lalpur 99 99 268 Khujha 469' 467 304 Lalpur 381 384- 269. Kod:~r 221 218 305 Lanhagi 211 274 270 Kol 21 22 306 Launjhir- 316 313 307 209 271 Kolad 101 101 Lahader 206 308 Lah,'aura 272 Kolgllwan 437 434 409 406 273. Koluha 373 312 M 214.- Koni 229 226 275 Koni, 378 375 309 Madet 2 2 216 Koni Pandawa!j., 248 245- 310 Madat 198 19S 217 Koni}':t 452 449 311 Mad:!.n P'okbrk 207 204 278. Koniya Patha 354 319 312 Mad.&toJa 231 234 271) KordJ.ra 254 2S1 313- Madha. 148 145 28n KordOlrt 293 290 314' M'Idha~ 404 401 :.49

ALPI-IABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------.--_._-_------Sl. N.me of Village L.e.No. SI. Name of Villaae L.e.No. No. ,_~ No. r--.A--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.-_ -----.------:2 3 4 2 3 4 --_._------_._------

12/2 Nagod Tabsil

315 M~dhi Kalan 232 229 HI MurTi 162 15') 316 Madhi Khurd 106 106 317 Msdphai 353 345 N 318 Magardaha 284 281 352 Nag.ihi, 260 254 319 Mahadewa 15 15 353 Naig:1wan 194 ]91 320 Maharajpur ~64 266 354 Nandnha 389 386 321 Maharajpur 341 346 355 Narbarpur 69 69 156 Narbathi 322 Mabdei 121 119 498 493 357 Naugawan 449 44(; 323 Mahdei Kotbar (Mahdai) 413 410 358 Nauniya 157 154 324 Mahendrapur ~40 237 359 Nauwasta llg RR 325 Mahkona 84 84 3('0 Nonl!ra 29 29 326 Mahtain 41 41 190 327 Mabua Kltera 193 p 328 Mainaba 446 444 Majhara Kalan 189 ]86 329 36] Pad:.riya 91 91 330 Majbara Khurd 191 188 362 Pahlei 257 261) 331 Majhgawan 140 138 363 Pahadiy:1 39 39 332 Majhagawan 263 264 364 Paka. 138 136 333 Majhgawan 304 301 365 Palhanpur 467 464 334 Majhgawan 481 478 366 Pangara 30 30 335 Majhgawanjer Patha 2.08 205 367 Pa.ngara 388 385 336 Majhgawan Khurd 359 356 368 Pangari 395 391 369 I'an':'s 53 337 Majhiyari 61 60 53 paniMi 338 Majhokhar 381 378 370 290 287 Panna 306 3()3 339 Mal han 279 276 371 372 Panna 330 3"27 340 ManikpuT 385 382 373 Panni 328 325 341 Mara 28 28 3·,4 Pansi 173 170 142 Matri Barmendranath 436 435 375 P'lprenga 491 487 343 Matri Pataura 431 427 376 P'lT:!Swar 154 15"- 344 Mauhari 98 98 377 Parasm:"1.niy:J. 305 302 345 Medhkani 43 43 378 P'l.tauda 163 ;68 346 Mohanna 344 341 379 Pataura 405 402 147 Mora 8 8 380 Pateri 417 414 348 Mugahani Kalan 480 475 381 Patharaudha 3'1 358 :149 Mugahani Kburd 474 478 382 P:.tharh:-.tll 499 494 350 Mug.:thar 35R 155 JS3 P:ltih:lt 285 2R4 50

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------_-...... --_._------_._------_--- SI. Name of Viii ale L.C.No. SI. Name of Village r-_A.L.C.No. __ No. r--.A.-~ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----_._------.------1 :2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_---... _--- _------J 2/2 Nagod Tabsil

384 Patna 103 103 420 Richhi 278 275 385 Patn:!. 217 214 421 Richhul 196 ] 93 38(; PJ.lW:lfil 115 lIS 422 Rohaniya 71 71 387 Pawaiya 163 160 423 Runchi 202 199 388 Phurtal Khurd 366 362 389 Phnrtal Uhari (Phurtal Kalan) 365 363 S Pipariya 283 280 390 424 Sahijana Kothar 430 428 391 Pipra· 339 348 425 Sahijana Ubati 427 424 392 Pipri 16 16 426 Sahijani 170 167 393 Pipri 125 J 23 427 S&karhat 228 22S 394 Pipri Kalan 463 400 428 Sakhauha Kal an 337 347 395 Piprckhar 396 393 429 Sakhauha Khurd 336 350 396 Pithaunl. 4 4 4:l0 salaiya: Kothar ]08 108 397 Pith1.ura 272 260 431 Salaiya Unmukt ]09 109 398 Pithaurabad 400 397 432 Sandawa 73 73 399 PlJdi 445 451 433 S.:lptidUbe 87 86 400 Pondi 402 399 434 S:lpti Maphi 86 87 401 Puraina 259 267 435 Satna Patti Chhinda lio ]23 402 Purwa 56 S6 436 Satna patti Raghunath Si ngh 129 127 40;\ Purusottampur 47 47 437 Saunta 475 472 R 438 Sejahati 212 209 439 Sem!lrwara 128· 126 404 R~.d:lepura. 2S0 247 440 Semri 164 161 405 Regala 494 489 441 Semri Dihari 210 207 406 Ragauli 485 480 442 Semri Dube Ub~ri 424 421 407 Rahikawara 355 352 443 Semriha 391 388 408 R'liklri 206 203 444 Semri Kalan 203 200 409 R:1japur 247 244 445 Scmri Khurd 204 201 410 Rajarwsra 89 89 446 Semri Kothar 362 359 411 Rampur (Rampur patha) 296 293 447 Semri Kumlbai 425 422 412 Rampura 245 242 448 Shahpur 236 233 413 Rampnrwa 484 479 449 Shivrajpur 7 7 414 Rar 303 300 450 Shivrampur 326 323 41<; Rara 20 20 451 Shyamnagar 370 367 411> Raund 32 32 452 Singhpur 42 42 417 Reruwa Kalan 111 110 453 Sitpura 376 373 418 R~ruwa Khurd 110 111 454 Sohariha 470 466 4J9 R·,'unsa 225 222 455 Son,kachar 457 453 '1

ALPHABETICAL LIST 0' VILLAGES ------SI. Name of Villqe L.C.No. SI. Name 01 ViJla.e L.C.No. No. ~ No. ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 :2 3 4 ------..,_..---- 12/'1. Nagod Tahsil

456 Sonwarsa 419 416 476 TUrri 394 '191 457 SUjawaJ 60 61 477 TusgawaQ 281 278 458 SUkhsena 271 263 459 Sukulgawan 152 149 U 460 Sukulgawan 235 232 461 Surdaha !{dIan 252 249 478 Ujnehi 145 140 462 Surdaha Khurd 249 246 479 Ulicha 215 256 463 Suwargudha 325 322 480 UHchi 274 251 481 Urnarhat 83 83 T 482 Umri 186 183 483 Umri 415 412 464 Tariyajhir 346 333 484 Umri Brijnandan Singh 230 227 465 Tiduni Motwa 1 1 485 Umri Chaubcwali 219 216 466 Tighara 146 141 486 Umar] Chhoti 244 241 467 Tighara 411 408 487 Urnariha 213 2H1 468 Tighara 345 336 488 UD"arhai 185 1!!2 469 Tikar 313 310 489 Grai Chuwa 302 299 470 Tikuri 80 90 490 Urdan 24~ 238 471 Tilaura. 116 IHi 491 Crdana (Urdana Kalan) 31 31 179 472 Tilgawan 176 492 Urdana 454 492 Tilgawan 234 473 231 493 Urdana Khurd 9 9 474 Titllhigadhi 474 470 494 llrdani 465 462 475 TUrkaha. 369 366 495 Usrar 36 36 J2J3 AmarpataD Tahsil

A 15 Anandgarh 382 373 16 Argat 400 390 1 Aharihatawa. 299 294 17 Arji Hatawa 303 297 2 Ahirgaon 48 48 18 Arjun Dron 134 130 3 Aera. 17 17 B 4 Ajmain 369 366 5 Amiliya 141 137 19 Babupur 153 6 Arnliya 310 306 149 20 Bachhara 7 Amin 374 370 53 58 8 Amjhar 321 316 21 Bachbara 346 340 9 Amjhori Dakshin 263 258 22 lffldahari 35 35 10 Amjhori Kitaha 262 257 23 Badaholri Lilji 36 36 11 Amjhori Kolhi 264 256 24 Radarkha 197 ISS 12 All\ihori Ra,nadhin 295 289 25 Badarkha 352 348 13 Amjhori Uttar 294 288 26 Badaraukh 119 115 14 Amua 151 146 27 Bad.iriya 17S 175 S2

ALPHABETICAL UST 0' VR..LAGES ------Sl. Name 01 Villa.. L.C.No. Sl. Name or Vii .... L.C.No. No. r--..A.-__,,_ No r--"""--- 1971 1981 1971 1t81 ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------..... --

12/3 Amarpatan Taball

28 Barkhoda No.1 247 237 66 Bartona 433 428 29 BnrkhodR No. 2 248 238 67 Bauliha 172 167 30 Badwar 152 145 68 Bedllra KaJ an 70 68 31 Bagdad No. t 241 23S 69 BedllI'a Khurd 68 67 32 Bagdari No. 2 242 239 70 Bedura Ummukt 69 69 33 Bagdari No. 3 243 236 71 Bela 29 2& 34 Bahalaiya 24 2S 72 Bela 269 262 3' Baikona No. 1 274 26S '3 Bela 300 293 36 Bllikooa No. 2 276 266 74 Bela 372 362 37 BairagOlI 56 59 75 Bela 435 427 28 29 ~8 Bair.,ar 76 Delha 156 IS~ 39 BaiswarantoJa 434 425 77 Belhai 409 404 40 Bajwahi 79 79 78 Bhadri 329 319 41 Bakaina 80 80 79 Bhodwa 360 354 42 Bamhanadi 192 186 80 Bhadra 354 350 43 Banneh 212 207 81 Bhamaraha 150 139 44 Bansi 440 437 82 Bhamaraha 415 407 45 Bara 45 45 83 Bharatpur 199 19S 84 46 Bara 277 274 Bhedara 183 177 85 Bhishampur 47 Barasjaha 429 420 74 75 86 Bhitari 48 BarauJi 275 269 231 226 87 Bhitari 49 Bardah 23 22 313 309 88 Bhitari 50 Bardaha 238 231 447 442 89 Bhogam st Bargahi .ora 413 410 391 385 90 Bichhi);J K'ilan 52 Barila 116 131 3S5 346 91 Bichhiya Khurd 53 Barhai 452 446 310 313 B,dhUI Kalan 54 BarhatoJa 414 409 92 330 322 Bidhui Khu,'d 55 Bari 62 61 93 326 321 S6 Barren Akooahato.a 96 94 94 Biduwan Deora 135 129 Bigaudi 57 Barreh Bada 89 87 9S 153 349 96 Biharganj 404 396 58 Barreh Bihariram 92 90 97 Bij:lharatoJa 445 440 S9 Barrch Chauhan Tola 90 92 98 Bdaura 201 194 60 Barreh GurdaY:IJram. 9S ~3 99 B,juri 398 394 61 Barrch Jokburam 93 89 100 Bimhauri 285 276 62 Barreh Maniram 91 88 101 Bjrdatt 81 81 63 Barrch Tatla Tola 94 91 102 Birdatt Kigra 85 84 64 Bataiya. 200 192 103 Birsingpur 12 12 6S Dartona 116 111 104 BUdhabaur 454 453 53

ALPUABETICAL LIST 0' VILLAGES ------.------....------SI. Name o( Villale L.C.No. Sl. Name o( ViJlaae L.C.No. No. No. r--"-- 1971-~ 1981 1971 1981 ------.------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_-_._------

11/3 A.up_tan Tahsil

C 138 Dlurhi 325 320 139 Dhamna 334 331 105 Chabhar 160 153 140 Dhanwahi 139 133 106 ChaIT'.rauha 222 215 141 Dhatua 49 so 107 Chand war 171 161 142 Dhatui 33-8 334 108 Chaudhariyan Tola 418 413 143 Dhaurahra 71 71 317 109 Chhain 323 144 Dru.usada 356 ~47 110 Chhiraha 207 201 145 Dhobahata 380 376 r 11 Chhiraha 281 273 146 Dhod (Dhodh) 117 114 1 t 2 Chhirhaj 393 387 147 Dholw'l.ja .273 210 16S I13 Chit aha 173 148 D'hiya Kalan 217 210 85 114 C;lOrkhadi 83 149 Dihiya Khurd 216 209 150 Dinapur 4 4 D 151 Dithaura 358 351 219 152 Dogaraita 405 397 115 Dadha 223 Dogaralla Tola 448 441 06 Dadha 265 261 153 154 Doma 313 327 117 Dadhicn tala 159 155 155 Duariya 148 141 I t 8 Daga Galwal 288 286 1.9 Dagli Jagdisn 291 285 E 120 Daga Kamla 293 2114 156 Ed:!. 343 3311 12 t DagaKothar 289 2112 122 Daganiha Tola 451 447 G 123 D:.\ga Rameshwar 292 281 290 287 124 Da6a Vasdeo 157 GDda 376 372 132 126 125 Datallr 158 Gadahara '219 212 126 D'ltwar 138 132 159 Gadauli 93 95 127 Deodaha 416 403 160 Gadihatola 164 158 128 Deodahi 420 416 161 Gai1.1h:tri 185 178 129 lkora 121 117 162 Ganga Sag.tr 233 225

I~O Dcorajnagar 279 271 163 Ganjas 234 2211 DI Deora Motnar 239 229 164 Gauhani 296 '291 132 Deori 176 173 16'1 Ghuisil 341 335 133 Deorijegdishpur 77 77 166 Gidh'til'l "25 I '244 134 Deori Kalan 211 2005 J 67 Gadhaul'l Pahad 255 250 135 Deori Khurd 210 204 168 Gidhaili 252 249 136 Deu 47 46 169 Godah::1 163 168 137 Dhabrai 475 418 170 Gollah:ttota 450 44i 54

ALPHABETICAL UST OF VILLAGES ----...------_._------Sl. Name of Vilhllc L.C.No. SI. Name or Villa•• L.C.No. No. r--Jo--",",", No. r---"----- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_---_-----_ ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_.-._------

U!l Amarpatan Tahsil

171 Gllrn 73 73 J 172 G .... rhai ]90 183 201 J 73 Gorsari KIt~ 175 169 Jag~hathv 361 355 J 74 Gorsui Knurd 186 182 202 Jajnagra 128 122 175 Govinbpur 297 290 203 Jamuna Mudwar 370 367 176 Gudha 271 168 204 Jamuniha Bandh 390 386 205 Jarauha 177 Gudhawa 165 157 438 433 178 Gujra 367 365 206 Jarmani 284 2.:>0 207 179 Gulwar Gujara 287 281 Jarmohra 97 96 208 180 Gulwar KOlhar ~01 295 Jattallatola 419 415 209 Jhagraha 1111 Gurj:LOaha 174 166 195 190 210 Jhinna 31)2 356 H 211 Jhinna 424 417 212 Jhiriya 187 181 JR2 H:l.ltur 180 170 213 Jhiriya Bajpa;n Tola 41 43 183 H'1rdi 2 3 214 Jhiriya Koparihan Tola 42 42 215 Jh;riya Kothar 43 41 184 Harduwa 170 162 216 Jhopa 396 18S Harduwa Jagir 205 199 392 113 I/!6 Hllr'du\\a Kothar 206 198 217 Jhusi 114 Jigna 394 181 Hariyari 443 436 218 388 219 Jiratlh:l 372 267 188 Harrai 157 152 220 Jowa 314 310 !89 Hatwa 302 298 221 Judmani t03 395 190 Hin,lIla 188 180 222 JlIdmaniya 59 56 ] 91 Hinauta 316 312 223 Judmaniya ) 11 108 192 Hinauta Kothar 258 253 193 Hinauta Kllurd 259 254 K 194 Hlnauti 406 400 224 Kaithaha 437 4:12 1 225 Kakalpur 44 44 226 K'tkra 65 (>5 195 Itma 112 106 227 Kalla I 196 Itma 189 185 228 Kalla Kalan 225 220 224 ]97 Itma 23u 229 Kalla Khurd 226 221 278 272 198 Irma. 230 Kapurhai 375 368 340 332 199 Itma 23[ Karahjya 267 263 200 Itmn Khas 129 118 232 Karahiya 407 403 23J Karaundi 126 121 55

ALPHABETICAL LIST OP VILLAGES ------.------SJ. Name of Village L.C.No. 81. Name of Villa,e L.C.No. No. ,...... __,..__~ No. r--'-- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_.. _------_---

12/3 Amarpatan Tahsil

357 352 234 Karaundi 271 Koldiha No. 244 241 227 235 'K.art"undiya 232 272 KoJdih:: NO.2 245 242 236 Karhi Joginhai 64 60 273 KoJdiha No. 3 246 24] 237 Karh. Lamin 21 21 274 KoJgash 14' 140 238 ICariya Pater 336 329 275 J(olhai 125 120 239 Karra 11 11 276 KoJuha 54 53 240 Karra 257 246 217 Korigaw::tn 20 20 278 241 Kasei 105 97 Kot:1.r 386 382 279 242 Kastara 371 363 Kothar 27 27 280 243 Kathaha 331 325 Ko>thar 179 ]76 181 Kothar 227 244 Katiya 194 189 222 282 Kothar 245 Katni l'J8 193 395 38'1 283 Kotra 51! 54 246 Kohra 268 264 284 Kotri 57 5S 247 Kedari 120 113 285 Kuchlew&. 248 Kemor 34 34 .154 147 249 Kesaura 40 40 286 Kudara 147 138 287 Kudari KaJ all 11.43 134 250 KhadgadL' 345 339 288 Kudari Khurd 142 U6 251 Khairhani 146 142 289 Kudi 282 217 252 Khairhani 455 450 290 Kumh"ri 76 76 253 Khajura 283 278 291 Kumh:1rwar 235 232 254 Khajura Kolhar 363 358 292 Kushmaha 430 424 355 Khot.,iuri 260 255 293 Kusumhat "320 314 256 Kilajuri Ramodin 364 359 294 Kuwan 459 452 257 Khajuri Sukhnandan 365 357 295 Kuwari 456 451 258 Khamhariya. 426 423 259 Khara ]24 119 L 260 Kharahiya 339 333 Ladwod No t 432 261 Kharam Kheda 115 1] 0 296 42' 262 Khodri 399 391 297 LadW'ld No. 2 431 430 446 263 Khomraha. 311 305 298 Ladwod No. 3 439 264 Khut3ha 2S 24 299 Lalitpur No. 1 38R 377 385 378 265 Kirhai 50 49 300 Lalitplir No. 2 266 Kirhai ]13 107 301 Lakhari 337 330 267 Kitaha 169 165 M 268 Kogiha 250 245

269 Koka Hansar 322 315 302 Madl('.l~:1 '215 213 270 KolantllJa otl7 414 303 Madlu 37 19 56

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Sl. Name of VilJa,e L.C.No. SI. Name 01 Villap r-_..A..L.C.No. ___ No. r--.A.-~ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------. ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------. --- --...------11/3 Amarpatan Tabsil

304 M:l.I.lhi 82 82 342 Mllngaha 184 179 305 M:ldhi 368 364 343 MlIrtihai 453 444 306 Madw:lr ]23 116 N 307 Magraj 332 326 M:.tbudilr 33 32 308 344 Nado 140 135 Mairtola. 145 144 309 345 Nakti 366 360 Majhgaw:ln 298 292 :;10 346 Narayanpur 305 296 311 MajblPwan 335 328 347 Naugrna 78 78 312 MajhiY:lr 130 127 348 Naugawan No.1 309 301 313 Majhtolwa 458 448 349 Naugawan No.2 308 302 314 M::ljlttolwa K:ldwari 449 438 350 Naugawan No.3 307 303 315 Maladawar 286 279 351 Naugawan No.4 312 304 316 Manakisar 410 401 352 Nausa 327 324 317 Mankahari 122 112 353 Nimaha 381 374 318 Manni 131 125 319 Mari~dpvr 421 411 0 320 M3l.ntasi Kalan 203 196 321 Masm1si Khurd 204 197 354 Obra 84 83 399 322 Mataha 401 355 Odhld 52 51 ;\23 MauhS.ri 266 260 324 Mauhari K:ltrll 46 47 P 325 Mauh.:l.J'iya 61 64 356 Padaha 66 66 326 Mauhariya Deuarth 107 103 327 Mauhariya Hanuman 102 101 357 Padari 383 379 328 Mauh:lriya Jagannath 109 100 358 Padariya 261 25.:

~29 Mallhariya La.lan 104 98 359 P:l.dariya Kalan 18 18 330 Mauhariya Lalu Bagaleha 101 105 360 Padariya Khurd 19 19 331 Mauhariya Mathuriyan 103 99 361 Padiya 39 37 332 M'IlUhariya Ramgopal 108 104 362 Padml 306 300 333 Mauhariya. Ramvish'lJ 106 10Z 363 Padvi 214 208 334 Mltuhasa ::::~(i 233 364 Pagra l2 31 335 Mauhat 72 72 365 pagra 191 184 336 Mirgauti 201{ 202 366 Pagra 315 311 337 :t\.foharawa 256 251 367 PaipKhar:l. 38 38 338 Mohni 155 148 368 Paip Khar:.t 439 435 339 Monhi 3711 369 369 Pal 55 57 340 Mukundpur 373 36( 370 Pa.li 168 ](i4 341 MuknndpnrjangaI 379 375 371 Papra 392 3114 57

AI.PHABETICAL LIST 01' VILLAGES ------.------Sl. Name of VilJagt L.C.No. Sl. Name of Villalt L.C.No. No. ,..---"---, No. r---A-- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_------_------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 --_._------_._------

12/3 Amarpatan Tahsil

372 Paraswahi 117 86 S 373 Parsiya 377 371 405 374 Pataur 114 109 Sag:,uni Kalan 317 307 406 Sagauni Khurd 318 375 Patehara 161 156 .308 376 Patehari 162 154 407 Sahij'lna 26 26 377 Patha 428 421 408 SahiplJra 304 299 378 pathara Tola 7S 74 409 Sailhai P"had 444 434 379 Patna 167 163 410 Sd.mogar Kothar 15 13 380 Pipri 224 217 411 Samogar Y;nmukt J4 14 381 Pipri Dakshin 220 2i8 412 Sanaga 166 t 59 382 Pipri Kothar 254 248 413 Sannehi Badatol a 348 342 383 Piprj t1nmukt 253 247 414 Sannehi Bodluli 347 14;1 384 Podi Kalan 344 336 4t5 Sanneh; Sigli ~51 3401 385 Podi Kh'ud 342 337 416 Saraih.:1 442 443 417 Sarbaka 63 62 386 Podiy!1 193 191 418 Sariya 441 434 387 Podiya 270 259 206 419 Sedu.:! 240 234 388 puraina 213 410 Sehrua No.1 6 , 389 Putariha 13 13 411 Seheru No.2 7 1 R 422 Sem:triha 427 42!! 423 Semariya Iti 16 390 Raikwar 67 70 424 Sem:\riya 158 151 391 Rajhaudi 209 21:3 4::!5 Sem3riya 324 323 392 Rajhauha 457 449 426 Semra 228 223 393 RamchuwlJ ]82 172 4:27 <;emri 60 63 394 Ram!alh 328 3(8 428 Shah 31 33 395 Ramnagar 229 214 429 Sidhau! l87 3110 396 RampUr 127 123 430 Silpari 5 5 397 Ramsagar 221 216 431 Singhpur 21N 211 398 Ranikanp 402 398 432 <;;wuia 217 2·30 399 Rasa Deora 202 200 433 Sonari 249 246 400 Ratwar 181 171 434 SonbarS:1 422 41'2 401 Pimar 22 23 '435 Suhi Ia. 411 402 40(; 402 Rimar 436 426 436 Suhili 412 403 Rugwa 9 9 437 Sulkhallla ;11:l 11·' ·3~4 3!U 4~4 Ruhiya 30 30 43R sukulga " an 58


.-...------_------_------_- .__ Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Vi II ... L.C.No. No. r--J.--",,",", No. r-_J.-_- 1971 1981 1911 1981 ------_---_""_ ------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 -~------...------12{3 Amarparan Tabsil

T 447 Th.:ldl1.1glUlt iy:t 397 398 448 Tilokawa 280 275 439 Ta.la 389 383 449 Turki 196 187 440 Talehara Tota 144 143 450 Turki Gos:!; 150 344 44t T.:dhawa 359 353 451 Turki Mannlohan 349 3,44 442 Tega.na. 137 128 443 Tenduha. 408 405 U 444 Teodha.ra No. 1 8 8 445 Teodhara No.2 10 10 452 (_f chahara 423 419 446, Teodhan :3 2 453 U IIlrah' lies Shi vraj 51 52

12/4 Maibar Tabsil

A 21 Ha.mhni 1()4 132 22 H:1ndhi 185 238 c 236 Ajm3.in 1 h 23 Banjariya 248 245 19h 2 Amadadi 49 24 B::;nshipur 67 146 53 3 Amadadi J31 25 Bara: K'!-1an 207- 223 243 4 Amlltara 249 26 ,Bara Khurd 227 201 152 5 Am.. tol1 33 27 Barahiya 43 192 Il Amda 79 P.6 28 Barethi 32 153 7 Amdara 144 35 29 ~bi 86 97 R Anliliyil 244 248 30 Barkula 223 208 9 Amiliya Kalan (Amiliya.) '64 148 11 :Darroh 212 120 10 Ami! i ya. Khurd ~5- 106 ~2 Basadi 66 149 11 AmUwd 170 13 33 Bathiya 29 169 12 Arkandi S3 E8 34 Beldara 53 J35 13 Atarh:lr:l 611 144 35 Belha 129 56 B 36 Bhadai ~96 237 37 Bhad'lnpur Dipa.tti 214 121 14 Hadari 22(, 211 38 Bhad'\npur Uttarp.• t ti 216 124 Aadariyan 232 206 39 Bhaisasur 193 64 "16 Hadera 202 229 40 Bha.mrah1. 1R9 49 11 Badi Khol 68 89 41 Rharauli 128 (i0 18 Bahili 233 214 42 'Bharcw'l 203 228 19 Daiha.r 140 45 43 Bh:!.tewara 183 240 20 W.lr3mpUr 65 147 44 Bh:Ltgawan :\ IS!! 59

ALPHABETICAL LIST 0' VILLAGE!' ------_.------.- SI. Name of Villallt L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r--.A----.. No. ,---A--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_._------

12/4 Maihar Tahsil

45 BIt~da 39 Hi5 G 46 Bihna Ka)an 199 234 47 Bihara Khurd 228 203 77 Gadhwa 166 17 78 Gahwara 48 Binaiu 167 18 72 94 79 Ganes11pur 116 74 49 Bira 70 91 80 Ghorhai 184 239 50 Birrrui 121 62 111 Ghotarl (Golai) 219 51 Birlmupur 250 244 128 82 Ghunwara 135 46 52 Boda 222 207 83 Ghurpur 91 53 Booda (13 77 101 84 Girgita 96 ]07 54 Bori 150 28 85 Gobariya 28 55 Budhagar 138 44 168 86 Gobri 25 166 56 Blldherua 14 ISS 87 Godahai 107 114 811 Godin C 218 ]27 89 Googad 160 I'J 57 Chapna 23 171 90 Goraiya 224 210 58 ChatkaUla 208 225 91 Goraiya KaJan 130 S5 92 Goraiya Khurd 100 S9 Chaupd~ 101 112 III 93 Gugdi ]6S 16 Gugwar 204 2l0_ D 94 9S Gumchi lH 26 81 HI 60 Dadi II 61 Darshanpur 163 14 103 130 62 Delha 96 Hardaspllr 102 131 Deora 35 151 63 97 Hardua Kalan til 75 Deori 201 227 64 98 Hardua Sani l64 15 65 Dhanedi Kalan I III 242 99 Harnaml'ur '98 lOP 162 22 66 Dhanedi Khurd (Dhanedi) 100 Hinauta GaJgaun3 411 J9R Dhanwahi 253 252 67 101 Hinauta K'lJ:ln +109 115 55 611 Dhanwahi KaJan 137 10:! Hin:luta Khurd 229 204 ~9 Dhanwahi Hurd 158 27 70 Dharampura 247 247 I 71 Dhatura J 18 71 1'92 o'iS 72 Dhawarai 194 66 10~ Jtallara 73 Dogargawan 153 34 104 II 01:> (Itwan, 124 68 74 I10lni liS 99 75 f)oodi i45 40 76 Dllbehi 10 I RI 10~ .larnHL) 5 11~ 60

ALPHABETICAL UST 0' VD..LAGES _..._ ------.___.------Sl. Name of Viii.,,, L.C.No. Sl. Name of Village r-_.A-L.C.No.__ No. r--.A----. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------~----~------12/4 Maibar TabsiJ

10 10[1 ]:1mu niya \77 142 Khondhra. 4t 190 107 Jariyari 1:1 182 143 Kothi 76 83 2 157 144 Kothi 105 133 l CIt larmooca 145 Koylari 245 249 109 lama Marwan 20 189 92 146 Krishnapllr 242 218 110 leetnagar 71 209 147 Kubri 213 111 lha.n.!"hwari 225 122 9 )80 148 Kudra 120 61 1 t 2 Jhinna 178 3 149 Kudwa 251 251 111 Jhukehi 150 Kusedi 12.7 58 114 Joba 231 205 220 151 Kusiyari 112 76 115 Judwani 239 194 152 Kutai 115 79 116 Jura 45 58 111 t53 Kuthilga.v.an 146 39 1 t 7 Jur.wa K L

154 Lakhanpur 93 104 itS Kalera 206 224 155 ttl) Kalyanpur 69 90 Lrt.khwar 94 105 156 Latagaon 243 222 120 Kanchanpur 7 176 157 Ledari 179 12 r KBnhwara. 122 67 122 Kaniyari 156 158 Lodhauti 106 113 159 Lohi 123 Kansa 4 159 -.126 59 124 Karaiga Bijupia 114 78 M 125 Karaiya Deori 17 183 126 K:traundi Dube 21 172 160 M:i-d:1i S I 200 121 K.1J1lundi Jahla 22 113 161 Magraufa 34 159 12~ Karondi Kapludan 15 186 ]62 Mahedar 186 47 129 Karaudia 176 9 163 Majhgawan 252 250 130 Karaudi Upadhya 6 174 164 Majhiyar 59 139 131 Karsara 27 167 165 Majhiy:lT 205 231 132 KartaiJa 37 163 166 M.ljhtolwa 26 J61 In Karuwa 36 162 ]67 ManotuTol. ]88 SI 134 Kaliya Ka.lan 97 J08 168 Mand 246 246 135 Kaliya Khurd 8 179 169 Mani 123 69 136 Kemt~lai 180 2 170 Manpur 84 87 131 Khairu 119 72 171 Mantolw:t !'2 134- 138 Kh:tmhariya. 17., 7 172 Malwara 187 48 139 Kharaundhi 46 197 173 Ma.u 61 142 140 . KhcTwa Kalan 191 63 174 Maudhlla 235 216 141 Kllerwa Sani 141 ~R 175 Mon'1l"W:l 2\7 126 61

ALPHABETICAL LIST O' VILLAGES --...------,.------_,-_ ----- Sl. Name of Viii." L.e.No. Sl. Name of ViII .. L.C.No. .I. No. ~~ No. r= , 1971 1981 1911- 1981 ------.------1 2 3 4 2 3 4 ---.__.------..,._._ .... -- ...... -

lZ /4 Maa. Tahsil

176 Mohaniya 142. 31 201 Pipra Kalan 87 98 177 Mudi 12 178 208 Pipra Khurd 221 12S 1.78 MUdiya 44 193 209 Podi 117 73 210 Prag Ganj 173 4 N R 179 Nadan Shard a Prasad 18 187 180 Nadan Shi va Prasad 19 188 211 Itsigawan 136 42 181 Nainiya 175 8 212 Reunsa 40 166 182 Naktara 82 80 213 Rigra 11 177 183 Naraura (Nakaura) 63 145 214 Riwara 238 217 184 Narwar Kalan 16 184 215 Roopganj 125 70 36 18S NolUgawan 143 216 Ruhin1ya Kalan 190 SO 241 ]86 N.Jugawan Dh!lnwahi 182 217 Ruhiniya Khurd 15S 2S 187 Naugawan kap Sarang 236 213 2t@ Rujh!ludi 241 219 188 N~yaBaon 148 29

0 S

Ja9 Oila Khas 75 96 219 Subhaganj 169 11 197 232 190 Oilll Nodipar 74 95 220 Sadhera 108 116 191 Oila Railpar 73 93 221 Sagntaoiya 222 Sahelra (S'1hilara) 80 82 P 223 Sakari 161 21 224 Salaiya 198 233 192 Pachauha 240 221 225 Salaiyakap 171 5 193 Pahadl 62 143 226 S!t.nnai 110 ll7 194 Pakariya 159 20 227 Sarang 237 212 195 Pala 156 23 228 Semra 139 43 196 PalaUha 172 6 229 Shcinagar 210 118 197 Pansokhara 132 52 230 Silauti 57 140 198 Parasrampur 209 226 231 Sirmili 42 191 199 Paraswara 133 54 232 Sohaula (Sohabala) 149 30 200 Parsokha 90 102 233 Sonw.lri 99 110 201 Patehra 78 85 234 Sonwarsa 134 157 202 Palehra 220 129 235 Sukwari 234 215 203 Patharhata J68 12 204 Patiya 54 136 T 205 Piparhat 211 J19 206 Piparwah 31 IS5 236 Tamba 89 100 62

ALPHABE11CAL LIST 0' VILLAGES ------'------Sl. Name of Villale L.C.No. SI. Name of Vii .... L.e.No. No. r---..A.---, No r---...... _- 1971 1981 -_---_ ------1971 1981 3 4 , :z 3 4 ------..-.---1 2 ------12/4 Maihar Tahsil

237 Tamoriya 24 170 U 238 Tanaja Banshipur 38 164 247 Udaipur 77 84 239 Tighea Kalan 92 103 248 U.ndaur 215 123 Tighra Khurd 151 33 240 249 Umri PaiJa 85 253 241 Tikhar Karan 200 235 250 Umri Phijri SO 199 242 Tiklr Khurd 230 202 2S1 t:phri 30 IS4 243 Tilauta S6 138 252 Urdani lS7 24 244 Tinduuta (Tidnata) 47 195 245 Tiskili Kalan 152 32 Y 246 Tiskili ((hurd 147 31 253 Yadubirnagar 137 41 --- --_-_ --~--- _--:--_ --- =--======-=~ --.:-::-:-=-::~====


~ eI'" fiil'''' ~r(qGT,", IliT srl~fqlli ~T~t~ -- ---_ ------

~~~m fl;r;;r, l(f~"'''tlif ! 'IT'lT i IT!lf il\'t 3lTone: qf~T1:l I!i;;r~~'(m m if1It/i!1I\. ~i1 !rTJffor, ~ii£'fiIif q"TCfHrN if;''t~~, ~\: ~arTit ~ 'fi'T ~ ;or,,, 1f1T'I:'P.r ~~it 'l'IIfi!'l\'T 1IT~ ~fu;I:\'T ~} ~ 'f'IfT/'itri Itt ~T

1 ~A1irlrt ~«i\'T q-)" 3,230.0 9Z,:Z34 96,334 531. 841 277,876 253,965 tTlf)UJ 3,106.4 66,883 69,877 399,628 205,749 193.879 ;rtR\1:r 123.6 25,3 'it 2(,,457 132,213 72,127 60,086

lila"" (if.f!.) or~Tl:!" N.A. [9,026 19.996 96,667 53,516 43,151 0) ~«;;T (if .'fT.) 'flli'tl:!" 21.09 17,511 . 18,:453 90,476 49,820 40,656 (ii) '11;gT~ (iIt.~.) ~~rl:!" 4.65 790 790 2,763 1,787 976 (ili)~

2 ItT1lR ,,~1" !I'm 1,815.8 36,873 40.078 225,863 t16,458 109,41'15 lrl~"rUJ 1,800.6 33,081 36,005 203,053 104,418 911,635 ~~ 15.2 3,792 4,o~3 22,810 12,040 10,770

OlllilF. (ar ~i. ) ""'Tlf 4.51 1.83(, 1,941 10,831 5,790 5,041 "3.q~T pI. ~l. ) If'IT1:1lJ 10.71 1,956 2, [12 1!,979 6,250 5,729

3 Il'IflqIi!;r C'r~1\1t !I'm 1,252.8 34,433 39,493 216,960 109,419 107,54. n1flor 1,223.7 32,3:!O 37,35[ 205,507 103,426 102.081 ij1f\'P:r 29 1 2,11 J :;. 1·~2 11, H3 5,993 5,4,r,0


4 lif!" ~,,'f.;r 1I')1l 1,125. '1 30,201 3.1.453 178,723 92.000 86,723 1fJ1:ftor I. 115.:3 26,741 :9.664 158,462 81,389 77,073 iflJ\rlf 10.4 3,460 3."789 20,261 10,611 9,650

Ii~"{ (if .'fr. ) i{'f;;)l:!" 10.36 3,4(,() 3,7R9 20,261 10.Gl1 9,(\50 6S


II~ ~ m«, f'3fifT/6~WrI ~1 1(;f-';fIM ;pn/~' \I1J.t vnfTvr/ ;n ;;III ... ~'hr

Scheduled Scheduled Casres Tribes Literates ,.-___ .A. _--.. , __.A. __::--\ Name of Total, r--..A.---:--'I DisttictlTahsil/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" m Town/Urban- Rural! Males Pernales Males Females Males Females Agg\onlcration Urban 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 96,782 92,404 80,766 76,871 235,598 73,950 Satn. District Total 83,344 79,875 76,624 73,024 175,227 44,875 Raral }3,43& 1l,529 4, 142. 3,847 6D,3.,1 29,075 Urban

47,659 45,048 29,704 28.030 118,528 41,220 lagbar.jugar Tabsil Total 38,485 36,6511 26 774 25,341 74,613 19.499 Rural 9,174 8,390 2,930 2,689 43,915 21,721 Urban

5,154 4,687 1,595 1,400 :_l.5,180 18,583 Satna (U.A) Urban 4,805 4.341 1.455 1,298 32,510 11,384 (i) Satna (M) Urban 216 219 102 65 1,108 274 (ii)Ghoordan.(O.G.)Urban 133 121 ~8 37 1,562 925 (iii)R.ailway Colony{O.G',)Urban 913 823 86 73 2.015 621 Birsinghpur (NI) Urban 1,110 1,026 341 343 J ,998 627 Madhogarh (N, A. ) Urban 745 691 803 772 2,466 957 Rampur-BagheJ an (N.A. )Urban 1,252 1,163 lOS lOt 2,256 933 Jaitwara (N.A,) Urban

22, SIS 21,587 13.433 12,652 44,611 13,217 Nagod Tabsil Total 20.737 19,656 13,222 12.456 ~7,2g9 9.937 Rural 2,e7S 1,931 211 196 7,322 3,280 Urban

919 821 1 II 8 3, 58,~ 1,689 NagoJ (N,A . .' Urban 1,159 1,1 to 193 188 3,739 1,591 Unchahara (N, A, ) Urban

13.502 13,343 .9,.63 19.056 39,621 19,844 Amarpatan T ....n Total 12,465 12,:13 19,432 18,667 36,661 9,701 Rural 1,037 1,030 431 389 2.960 1,413 Urban

1,037 1,030 431 389 2,960 1.143 Amarpatan (N. A. ) Urban

12,806 12,426 17,766 17,133 32,838 - 8,669 Maihar Tabsil Total 11, G57 11 ,248 17.196 16,560 26,664 5,738 Rural 1,149 1,178 570 573 6.174 2,931 Urban

J , 149 1,178 570 573 6,174 2,Q31 Malhar (M) Urban 66

l!~ lIill{ lfi.. it ~ ------~------,_.------f\llm/tr~"""t

(I-IX) n 'V {a> Household Industry­ Name of (Manufacturing, Pro. cessing. S~rviciDg Distriet/ Total Agri~ultural Main Wo!"kers Cultivators Labourers and Repairs) Loca­ Tahsill Total/ (-_ ..A-_- ____ tion (~J.-_~ r----.A..---~ r---..A---~ Code Town/Urban­ Rural I ~ ~ ~" ~ ~" ~ ~ ~- No. Agglomeration Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------2------3------]-6------1~7------18------l9------20------2-l------22------2-3--

IIltr 307.530 130,524 137,820 41,462 74.402 66.366 20,060 11,558 VTIfttr 258.083 120,858 133,444 40.689 70,805 63.579 14,667 8,968 If'IlTIf 49,447 9,666 4,376 773 3,597 2,787 5.393 2,590

1 ,,!~1'GI'II''R' ,,~r.:r rim 141,059 55,)81 57.854 19.012. 32,016 27,504 8,011 4,302 ,"mur 105.522 49,860 54,969 18,519 29,578 2S.729 5,156 3.201 ;;t)'7JlI' ;5,537 5.522 2,885 493 2,438 1.775 2,856 1,101 ,,~ (";I. ~. ) Pf'II"UlI' 26,469 2,490 506 66 498 222 1.500 428 (i) ga-ifT «f.'n.) ;;~IIJ 24,377 2.339 473 64 414 196 1,434 400 ( ii) i!

Ilm 60,;\39 21.827 30,246 4,705 14,545 10,928 6,626 4.798 "r~ur 54,7J5 20,338 29,496 4,610 14,221 10,709 5.300 4,034 ;YlI'llT 5,624 1,489 750 95 324 219 1,326 764 ",rtf)'; (!If Ill.) iftrf\lT 2,681 507 259 14 168 68 490 250 i3';f~'H (ar.af. ) pt'rn:llT 2,9<13 982 491 81 156 151 836 514

IT)tr 56,860 32.065 27,413 11,414 17.587 17,911 2.910 1,181 VT1ftur 53,954 30,843 26,898 11,262 16.974 17 ,261 2,546 991 iflT'U1J 2,906 1,222 515 152 613 650 364 190 ;mfl"lT 2,906 1, 222 515 152 613 (.50 364 .190

q11r 49,212 21,250 22,307 6,331 10,%54 10,023 2,512 1,217 "''''Tur 4~, 892 19,817 22,081 6,298 10,032 9.880 1,665 742 iflTthr 5, 380 1,433 226 33 222 143 1147 535 ~ilJ 5.380 1,433 226 33 222 14J 847 535 f;rcluri ;- (1) r.r~ IliT ~" eT~q;<;J 'lr


Main-Workers f;,;r\'1'r/a~1 __ ------_..... ifII'l!;pfl 'El1!,~ II~ ~ ~~ en" 1Ii,;rr~

In. IV • V(bl x VI.VII, VIIl & IX

MarginalVVorkers r---J.-----" ~ ~ Males Females 24 26 27 75,248 7,971 35,712. 39.167 7,368 34,352 36,081 603 1,360

43,177 4,564 2,946 13,854 133,871 114,729 Ragbnraj•• gar Tallsll ToC81 15,819 2,411 2,546 ]3,157 97.681 ]:10,862 Rural 27,358 2,153 400 697 36.190 53,867 Urban 23,965 ],774 280 218 26,767 40,443 Satna (U,A.) Urban 22,056 ] ,6'''') 271 208 25. I 72 38,109 (i) Satna (M) Urban ] ,016 64 9 8 609 865 Ui) Gho"rdang(O.G.) Urban 893 31 2 986 1,469 (iii)Railawy Colony(O.G.)Urban 611 101 42 l'B 2.04R 2,668 Birsinghp\lr (M) Urban 1,269 157 9 59 2,300 3,414 Madho gJrh (N. A. ) Urban 671 42 63 229 2,675 3,599 Rampur-Baghelan {N.A. )Urban 782 79 6 58 2,400 3,743 Jaitwara (N A.) Urban

8,922 1.396 1,432 7,921 54,687 69,657 Nagod Tahsil To'a' 5,698 9!l5 1,335 7,569 48,368 70,728 Rural 3,224 411 97 352 6,319 8.929 Urban 1,764 ]75 68 269 3,041 4,265 Nagod (N .A.) Urban 1,460 236 29 83 3,278 4,664 Unch:thara (N A.) Urban

1,950 1,559 1.IS9 7,089 50,700 68,387 Aml1rpatall 'tahsn Total 7,536 ],329 ].780 6,823 47,692 64,415 Rural 1,414 230 79 266 3,008 3,972 Urban ],414 230 79 266 3,008 3,972 Amarpatan (N. A. ) Urban

14,199 3,619 1.734 6,848 40.994 58,625 Maihar Tahsil Total 10.114 2,897 1,107 6,803 J5,793 50,4'3 Rural 4,085 722 27 45 5,204 8,172 Urb:m 4,085 722 27 45 5,204 8,172 Maihar (M) Urban -- --_--- -- _. -_------Note ;-(1) The total area figures given for the district is plovisional 'Geographical Area' as supplied by tnc Surveyor General of India. (2) The urban area figures are those slIpplied by the local bodies. (3) The rural area of the district has been derived by ~llbtracting the urban area figures supplied by the local bodic~ flom the toral area figures of the di\(r:c[. (4) Total ;1Ica figures of tah~ils are according to village papers a~ supplied hy tll-= Commissioner of Land Pecords, Madhya Pradesn.

M Municipality N.A Not ifi cd Area U.A Urban Agglomeration O.G Urban Outgrowlh 66

I!~ ililJT iIi'{;f ~ ,..------,.-_------"'------~;ftII' f;;r.;rr /(1'~8""'I<=r J IllCAiT'{ Iifu6.< ~'{ lfTf;:cnful; mu (m<=r IliTw

(I-IX) 11 V

1 ,"!{AA~ rr~l!'l' 'fPr 141, 059 55,382 57,854 19,012 32,016 27.504 8,012 4,302 vllitvr 105,522 49,860 54,969 18,519 29,578 25,729 5,156 3,201 if~')lJ 35,537 5,522 2.885 493 2,438 1,775 2,856 1.101 ~(I'ifr (if.~.) if1f~~ 26,469 2,490 506 66 498 222 1. 50 0 428' (i) ~

v)" 60, ~39 21, 8Z7 30,146 4,705 ]4,545 to.928 6.626 4.798 wr;ftur 54.715 20,3J8 29,496 4,610 14,221 10,709 5,300 4,034 "I1f<"lzr 5 , 624 ],489 750 95 324 219 1.321i 764 iJf1f"t~ ('fI' !If.) ~lzr 2,681 507 259 J4 168 68 490 250 ~;f~,{T (}f.ef • ) ~,,<'Tzr 2 , 94 3 982 491 81 156 151 836 514

56,860 32,065 27,413 11.414 17,587 17,911 2,910 1,181 53,954 30,843 26,898 11 ,262 16,974 17,261 2,546 991 2,90 6 1,222 515 152 613 650 364 190 3J~'l'z;r (aT. Iff. ) 2,906 1. 222 515 ]52 613 650 3£.4 aO

49,272 :U.250 22,367 6,331 10,154 10.023 2,512 1,277 4~,892 19,817 22,081 6,298 10,032 9 880 1,665 742 5,380 1,433 226 33 222 143 847 535 5,3RO 1,433 226 33 222 14J 847 53 5 ------f2'tl'VI) :- (1) r.r~ iliT ~\;y eT

.... qr • "'1J"~lnf~ 'if el. lff,,"!:f=;f(l' llT<1' .... ~. iftf'{ "~g ~r ef. ~1~,!:ftHI


Main-Workers f'i(.n/a~1 ~!;pf( .r'_~ ------~ iIJilf IfiJ1I' ~~ ~~ IliT i!T1J

In. IV • V(b) X VI.VII. VIIl & IX

Name of Other Workers Marginal Workers Non-Workers ..A.~ _~ District/Tllhsill ,--___ ,----..A.__ ---.. r----.A.--~ Totall ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t Town!Urbao- Rurall Males Females Males Fenlales Males Females Agglomeration Urban 24 2S 26 27 28 29 2 3 75,14. 11,13. 7,971 35,712 180,152 391,398 Sataa District Total 39,161 7,622 1,368 34,352 229,5)1 316,458 Rural 36,081 3,516 603 1,360 50.721 74,940 Urbaa

43,177 4,56-S 2,946 13,854 133.871 184,729 HagblJr_JIIIPI' THIU Tota. 15,819 2,411 2,546 13,157 97.681 DO,862 Rural 27,358 2,153 400 697 36,190 53,867 Urbaa 23,965 1,774 280 218 26,767 40,443 Sarna (U.A.) Urban 22,056 1,679 271 208 25,172 38,109 0) Satlla (M) Urban ] ,016 64 9 8 609 865 (ii) Ghoordang(O.G.) Urban 89~ 31 2 986 1,469 (iii) RaiIawy Colony(O.G.)Urban 6'71 10\ 42 133 2,04R 2,668 Birsinghpur (M) Urban 1,269 157 9 59 2,300 1,414 Madhogarh (N.A.) Urban 671 42 63 229 2,675 3,599 RaDlPur.B.lgheJan (N.A.)Urban 782 79 6 58 2,400 3,743 Jailwara (N A.) Urban

8,912 1. 396 1,432 1,921 54,687 69,657 Nagod Tahsil Tota' 5,698 9&5 1,335 7,569 48,368 70,728 Rural 3,224 41 t 97 352 6,319 8,929 Urban ],764 175 68 269 3,041 4,265 Nagod (N.A.) Urban 1,460 :!36 29 83 3,278 4,664 Uncb.1hara (N. A.) Urbaa .-r ',950 l,5S9 1,859 7,089 50,700 68,387 Amarpatan Tabsll Total 7,536 1, 329 1,780 6,823 47,692 64,415 Rural 1,414 230 79 266 3,008 3,972 Urban 1,414 230 79 266 3,008 3,972 Amarpalan (N. A.) Urban

14,199 3,619 1,734 6,848 41.1.994 58.625 M.ibar Tahsil Total 10.114 2,897 1,707 6,803 35,793 50,4'3 Rural 4,085 722 27 45 5,204 8,11'l. Urb:ln 4,085 722 27 45 5,204 8,172 Maihar (M) Urban --.. ----.-- ---_ -._---_- - --_-- ~---- _-- _-_----. Note :-(1) The total area figures given for the district is provisional 'Geographical Area' as supplied by tn.:: Surveyor General of India. (2) The urban area figures are those supplied by the local bodies. (3) The rural area of the district has been derived by subtracting the urban area figures supplied by the local bodice; from the total area figures of the diqr:cL (4) Total arca figures of tah~i1s arc accorciing to village papers as SUJ"lfllied by the Commissioner of Land Pecords, Madhya Pradcsn. M MuniciJ"lality N.A. NotifieJArea U. A. Urban Agglomeration O.G. Urban Ourgn)wlh 68

------_. -_-

6~;;r1 Ille( iIIT f;;[ ~"~T (~~ IItif/~~1 ,m'!;", m ~,,~ur) if 1:~ Ini llil.rq ~'f,n: if 1fT~ ;;liN6lfT ij"f~ ) ~1f1:fe(TI Total Population ""I "Ii (including f.ti.~.it institutional and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Number Population) Castes ,_.A. __ --.. tion Name of in hectare, resi­ of r---..A..--~ r-~ ,...J....-..-. Code Tahsil/ Village I & of Town/ dential house. 1Ilfu; ~. ~ i. m 2;. mY 2;. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 .s 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14

] 2/1 ('!(i\1lltll( ~ 3106.4 69,877 205,749 38.485 26.774 74,613 (V1'IIlvr ) (if.fiI; .1'(r.) 66,813 399,628 193,879 36.658 25.341 19,49' 'i{1fT 647.16 167 167 1,044 569 475 77 67 3 122 4 2 rnT 260.81 91 92 533 281 252 29 29 105 15 3 f1rlI"HJai 419.36 62 62 346 192 154 ]3 9 4 3 66 8 4 'tioH: 166.39 30 30 1111 100 81 32 26 1 :4 2 5 qq-um 50.01 3 3 8 4 4 1 6 .~ 454.17 J 13 J 22 709 386 323 123 100 168 44 7 'ti;:~ 768.55 155 156 914 474 440 171 152 145 26 8 ~~r~ ;rift 257.68 40 44 260 J 44 116 8 6 32 4 9 >iflJT\i 21.01 6 0 41 19 22 6 6 10 3 10 63.33 34 34 217 118 99 8 9 39 4 11 339.90 Hi 16 117 62 55 2 2 17 4 ]2 pf'JH 188.68 q'T


~ I15TIl rn ami MaiD Worken ___ ------A------______~ fW 'l" 'IiI1f1ifi1'~ .f~ 1f1II~ qrf~~ ."1' 115Tq' -nit ~ 'lifq' m am .rw 1lil1illiWt 'li (I-IX) (] veal 1IJ.IV,V(b),VI, x VlJ. VJlI & IX Tl)tal MaiD Aaric:uhural Household Other MarlEiDal Workers Cultivators Labouren Industry Worker. Workel'll Non·Worken ,-_A_~ r-_A~ r--A-""",",r--_"_~ r---A-.~ ,--A--~ r--.A..~ Name or 'I. m 'I. ~ 'J. fift 'J. ~ 'I. ferl 'I. ~') Tahsil/Vlllalel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M.'1. ''"F. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

105,522 54,969 29,578 5,156 15,819 2,546 97,681 Ra.llurajaagar T.II.iI 49,860 18,519 25,729 3,201 2,411 13,157 130,8G2 (Rural) 383 264 370 260 1 4 12 S9 186 152 Chuwa 152 5 124 3 19 2 3 6 12 154 11 7 93 Kherwa 126 37 103 23 IS 14 4 4 6 66 11 1 Dhiya maU 67 47 62 44 5 3 33 34 Kathar 3 3 1 4 Pathrac:haur 208 80 103 41 42 35 4 2 59 2 38 178 205 Khohi 252 63 196 40 44 22 9 3 12 109 210 268 J{andar 65 63 2 50 79 66 Maharaj Nagar 10 9 1 11 9 11 Jamal 62 54 7 1 42 56 56 Bardar 35 27 5 3 20 27 35 Bakot 1 Uninhabited Pujeria 439 241 287 144 118 91 19 3 15 3 348 410 Nardaha 80, 5 74 4 4 2 8 83 69 55 Dandlya 121 10 114 4 7 4 2 101 123 102 Ranipu. 14 14 16 20 13 Rampur Khurd 409 34 292 9 76 25 7 34 41 191 393 503 Pathar Kachhar 21 2 20 1 2 20 17 13 Rampur Kal an Uninhabited Bigdari 120 61 77 38 29 21 14 2 44 78 100 84 lawarin 245 162 232 161 2 2 9 22 42 105 96 GopaJpur 24 8 20 6 3 2 1 10 18 17 17 Kairot S4 24 22 11 32 13 15 30 40 43 Kuthila Pahad 132 SO 120 43 7 3 5 4 39 86 Mudiyadeo 3S 21 31 18 4 3 20 17 Bansakar Uninhabited Kutiyan Uninhabited Barha " ., Uninhabited Nakario 2SS 28 202 24 2 3 13 1 38 2 76 149 249 Kalahari 78 4 74 3 3 6 49 45 63 Saraian 101 26 44 33 25 24 1 52 100 Pahaua 71 4 48 2 3 15 6 3 44 36 64 Bhanwar 31 30 9 36 12 7 Beeharpur 2S 24 8 13 23 4 12 6 17 26 JhaJi 18 17 2 5 1 t 2 Balbhadrapur 62 43 25 • 36 43 1 36 73 Kathwariya 16 5 7 2 3 3 6 2 9 13 Gopal Sager Uninhabited Seha Laxmanpu Uninhabi ted Kodwrin Uninhabi tell Lali tpur 70

a'~~1 IJt~ .111 f'" ~i(ij'~1 (if~ fIT'" "tif/'Of~1 a~", art. ij'f'lIIllT it <~ ~1i lIillllrq i'fH tf m GtfFt6l:ft ij'fta) 1f1Tr./;s;r. Total Population "'I "q (including fiti.'I).it institutional and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Lee,,­ village" occul)ied NUI\\ber ,-__ ..A-----"'I ,-_.A __ -"'I lion Name of in hectare, resi­ of ~ ,--"----. Code Tahsil/ Village 1 & of Town' dential house­ ~fu; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Km2 Ilouse~ holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jj 14

41m~ 218.64 i{1~Ti( 42 Ifffif.;m 34.32 "hr;r 43 Zqifi'O{t 492.17 ciTu;r 44 t~ro ] ,046.92 193 195 1,090 550 540 74 86 163 176 129. 16 45 1!~Ii)~l 548.90 59 62 324 157 167 157 167 23 46 il1:(T 214.17 57 57 287 152 135 5 5 110 102 17 47 'JIftll'T 198.45 27 27 189 94 95 34 36 31 48 f.!;Wi(~'{ 1,026.08 39 39 197 108 89 104 82 6 49 ~fIid 874.68 31 39 214 109 105 11 9 98 96 50 ~') 1,963.59 43 43 ] 76 117 89 65 15 10 3 51 'lQiJr 1, 7n. 70 44 45 236 116 120 113 ]17 39 5 2 ~T~".ft'(i( 59 fz~ 194.71 cfT'U;J 60 m!f1 196.81 4 4 61 Ifn:T 1,751.36 226 230 1,430 752 678 129 107 82 88 274 61 62 ~r. 151.7! 92 92 532 279 1.53 50 37 105 49 63 ~~t 32.84 8 8 51 28 23 20 4 64 f.ml"'~,{ 128.31 48 48 262 141 121 32 27 49 12 65 ~1 250.77 ci1lT'Of 66 ;iTiI) 209.32 46 46 325 193 132 12 5 35 5 67 ~~;:r~~ 168.33 11.5 125 688 379 309 121 96 134 48 68 iI,'aT 2,449.81 371 372 2,035 1,091 944 234 218 90 88 344 77 69 ~~, 1,709.09 204 205 1,315 706 609 89 73 13 7 199 21 10 ;:A;~' 701.98 376 390 2,444 1,344 1,100 218 171 545 132 71 1I'1'~1 36.35 13 13 64 32 32 32 32 4 12 ~iFT"t 127.34 3S 35 232 119 113 29 27 35 12 73 ~lwr iO.88 7 9 54 30 2-1- 16 12 14 14 @1:~ 156.75 17 ]7 97 50 47 8 5 32 32 7 15 ~~It 52.92 49 58 311 153 158 153 158 24 16 f;ij~ilTl 88.91 () 7 52 21 25 2 2 IS 77 ~, 573.50 96 96 551 295 1.56 7 5 2 100 IS 78 i=I1~ 1.67.56 124 124 759 407 352 145 127 S5 5 79 ~f~f 140.33 65 67 472 259 213 11 19 79 3 80 3!1!:J1I'1l: 150.53 36 36 244 127 117 12 71


~ IIlTIf m II1W Main Wortcn

,------_____./I,. ______~

P 'tWII l1>li",1 .f~ wnrt..: IITr~ arRl' llifll' m .nll'm an •• IfAf (I-IX) n V(a) UI.IV,V(b),Vl. x VII. VJIJ & IX r.,lal Main Alricuhural Household Other Martrinal Workers Cultivarors Labourers [nduslry Workers Workel'll Non.Worten r--.A..---. r--~ r---"'----. r---"---.. r--A..-.... ~~ NameDl ,. m 'I' m 'I. ~ ~. ~ ,. 'iii '1. ftft ,. ~ Tahsll/VlIlaltl1 M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TownlWard 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 Z8

Uninhabited Sallgpur Uninhabited Patalia Uninhabited Tapkana 294 43 238 3 41 39 6 1 9 13 112 243 38S Kelhaura 100 '2 98 2 1 1 107 S7 58 Mudkhoha 70 67 64 60 3 S 2 2 82 68 Barha 42 46 41 41 3 4 8 48 4\ Bhathia 51 41 21 5 30 36 57 48 Kishanpur S9 47 59 47 6 51} 52 Majhgawan 55 40 30 9 25 3 ) 32 49 Banbart 65 63 57 26 8 37 51 57 Bhathwa Uninhabited Rampuraarri 69 1 66 3 1 37 68 89 Telai Chuwa 150 121 97 78 46 43 7 111 123 Putari Chaw. 334 34 189 9 112 24 13 20 1 194 252 292 Mahtain 28 2 26 2 2 15 18 25 Birpdha 46 41 37 31 8 10 1 18 35 Chhiwlaha Uninhabited Bigdara Uninhabited Tikuri 2 2 2 Sarsi 364 50 256 16 9S 34 13 4 100 384 528 Padari 132 4 107 13 3 5 7 5 31 142 218 Dramhipur 14 14 14 23 HoJhai 85 17 64 5 19 12 2 3 52 53 52 Bishalpur Uninhabited Surra 89 7 77 5 8 '2 4 21 74 83 Sl Nibi 208 51 135 6 64 43 5 2 4 9 147 162 III Arjunpur 621 ]99 316 101 170 76 23 II 118 11 16 142 448 603 Baraundha 342 26 264 18 40 6 2 36 2 11 199 353 384 Shahpur 662 174 486133 65 20 14 16 97 5 29 104 653 822 Nakaila 20 18 5 5 15 13 12 14 Mara 61 17 48 6 10 11 3 58 96 Mobni 13 4 12 4 '2 15 20 K.araulet 33 23 17 7 )6 16 17 24 Hirapur 97 91 19 9 78 82 2 54 67 MaduJihai 17 12 12 9 2 2 1 I 2 10 13 Jirwar 152 14 )23 17 10 4 4 8 7 1:l6 142 Sihpur 244 60 151 26 22 17 12 12 59 5 1113 291 Lalpur 139 124 123 102 13 22 3 3 120 86 Sanaa 65 55 44 49 21 6 62 62 Unchamar 72

i'liFfia l fl'tc IIfII arTifT1: ~a ~

81 mf~~ 97.27 25 2S 168 90 78 31 30 12 2 82 ~a ~4h 98.54 27 27 163 95 68 30 18 27 6 8 3 ~. lIfti5r~ 61.46 15 15 77 43 34 16 13 14 8 84 Q"f~~"1'~ 62.64 6 6 48 25 23 3 85 ~r3l1T 27.27 erRTi'I 86 iTTU~~r 25.66 q'hr::r 87 IiI'~U 179.68 5 5 50 26 24 10 88 lJa'l'M 1,721.09 89 89 S5~ 287 270 58 47 61 12 89 ~'r 3,568.91 112 112 659 352 307 59 39 65 62 102 20 90 ~;;r;rr~ 610.17 146 148 904 472 432 58 68 139 8 91 ~~~ 459.48 60 61 450 252 198 32 27 7 3 91 3 92 ~ 973.34 123 123 879 475 404 98 69 1 215 37 93 ,i'hr~ 974.22 217 233 1,388 736 652 100 98 107 96 310 48 94~~ 92.79 20 20 159 82 77 23 9 5 €~'T lJi'Terf"lTr 452.56 189 189 1,237 631 606 134 147 266 19 96 'lIm 685.34 277 278 1,613 840 773 293 269 284 32 97 IJ¥:fU 1,420.85 140 151 928 485 443 132 129 54 54 183 28 9 S ~~T GlTttT~ 2,268.90 '!O 32 180 92 88 53 42 7 99 i!::;rtJU 132.53 10 10 68 33 35 9 6 21 3 100 ~q1l:T~ 1,050.66 37 37 215 123 92 10 3 102 82 9 2 101 ~er~1; 39.52 er'\;:Ti'I 102 .,qttTfq- 1,550.21 S25 532 2,762 1,629 1,133 307 295 577 87 1 0 3 lil'1{'-P'T'T'J 581.59 59 59 287 143 144 5 7 95 95 13 104 IJTmiIT1; 286.02 33 33 197 107 90 22 105 ~r'l'ar 465.46 331 334 2,300 1,486 814 154 137 165 121 106 ~~mT 3,057.52 160 169 1,036 692 344 108 68 64 46 320 46 107 ifi)cf{q1' 931.29 3 3 24 10 14 10 14 108 ~i~'T 1,696.06 3 3 12 5 7 4 I 09 qgcrfififT 662.67 25 25 157 84 73 6 3 34 25 15 1 1 0 1;r1{;:rIf~ 664.35 25 25 157 76 81 76 81 7 III fqql:~ 222.66 ifT"~'if 112 'lit 310.88 30 30 157 77 80 77 80 3 113 ~,6) 341.84 15 15 65 30 35 16 20 9 6 1 1 4 ;:)ftr:rif ti2.69 ~ 115 fq~ 2,595.32 760 836 4,6542,4792,175 219 194 793 692 790 130 116 f'«ll~&T 95.17 eft.:r" 117 W~ifT 841.91 61 61 291 157 134 4 3 102 87 41 4 11 8 q!'''1 'Ii<'l'r 1,622.62 53 S3 2S1 148 133 13 11 130 120 15 1]9 'l.Tf~f~t 1,171.56 30 30 156 81 75 76 67 7 120 ~T 1,027.15 94 94 528 284 244 143 128 55 IS 73


'!~ ;nflJ m 1ft'" Main Worken ,---______A______~

~ ~ IIiTlCl'ifiJl lifCl'f( l11li11: qrf<:cnrot; .'If flIJ ~;l a'ipfTi!l'/ I5TIJ rn <1m Iff" rrt_,iflfl:/iI'rV ~ IIil ;m:I (I-IX) V(a) UJ.IV,V(b),Vl. VII. VIII & IX " T..,ral Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workc:rs Cultivalofl Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-_.A._,,"""\ ,--~ ,--.A._,,"""\ ,--_--"---, ,---.A.._-, ,-.....A---., ,---A.----., Name of i. ~eft 'I.. m '1. ~~ 'I.. ~, 'I.. ~.n '1. ~;ic 'J,. ~1 Tahsii/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward ------_ _ - ---- _------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

45 13 21 22 12 2 5 32 40 33 Gorasihai 48 27 35 13 13 14 1 2 46 39 Hardi Jagir 23 9 11 10 8 2 9 20 16 Hardi Kathar 13 5 9 4 5 3 8 9 10 Sahijanha Fninhabited Rajapur Uninhabi ted Baradaha 15 11 15 11 1 1 13 Khadra 142 86 95 60 33 26 7 7 5 145 179 Margausa 202 166 108 75 164 4 IS 1 150 141 Jhari 240 70 207 62 17 7 10 6 1 24 99 208 263 Sejwar 162 132 159 132 3 90 66 Lalapur 247 80 205 67 19 5 4 19 7 6 91 222 233 Kharha 393 188 257 111 49 46 8 4 79 27 20 82 323 382 Chaubepur 48 47 1 50 33 27 Pdusarha 300 2 245 16 11 28 32 397 299 207 Tedhi Patwaniya 413 153 355 122 24 27 8 2 26 2 31 80 396 540 Paldco 222 16 132 33 5 57 10 40 242 223 185 Pathra 53 51 48 4S 1 6 4 39 37 Padwaniya Jagir 18 5 12 6 5 18 15 12 Brijpura 69 7 25 44 6 47 53 38 Tharpahad Uninh:!bited lTdaipur 649 178 330 123 125 46 8 186 9 14 27 966 928 Nayagaon 82 3 81 2 1 3 12 58 129 Mohkamgarh 61 8 53 2 4 5 2 2 45 80 POkharwar 451 63 259 27 39 22 6 2 147 12 1.034 751 Kamta 295 13 52 2 82 161 11 397 331 Rajaula 6 1 ~ 4 13 Kotariya 4 4 1 7 Judehi 42 39 1 2 42 73 Padwaniya 50 48 36 6 14 42 26 33 Ramnagar Uninhabited Piparha 50 47 14 10 36 37 27 33 Pado 19 16 8 4 9 12 11 19 Kundi Uninhabited Rojhiyan 1,299 439 568 60 506 309 12 3 213 67 5 17 1,175 1,719 Pindara Uninhabted Chi tauraha 85 43 20 3 44 33 21 7 72 91 Rampurwa 77 34 49 2 22 32 4 2 71 99 P.ltna Kalan 47 36 34 5 11 30 2 34 39 Rohiniya 157 { I US 2 42 9 127 233 Deolaha 74

~~WI 11M 1111 q~ f.'I" ;'IfifPn (tl'" qtifJiPrr.J .'lnor 'Ii) "" om ~"lnn it q;l Ifri lR.1I bz~ if m ~fiRrlf"f ~~) 'lf1R/~· Total Population 'lir ~ (inoluding institutional fir.it.if and houselesl Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Castes Tribes Literates Loca. village. occupied Numberof ,-__Population) .A. __ ","" tion Name of in hectares resi­ r---A---. r-.A_--, r-_"___" Code Tahsil / vmage I "of Town/ dential house. ItI"RIi ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ 'I. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kma bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 1J 12 13 14

121 IWtrf Ii!.;{ 312.16 34 34 173 83 90 3 71 83 4 122 ~~t 541.72 Ifu;r", 123 q;ril1~ 702.01 37 37 189 98 91 90 87 3 124 Q1lCIf 734.54 581 598 2,972 1,592 1,380 410 409 149 138 750 314 12S 'ff~r 572.79 18 18 113 59 S4 SO 47 6 126 qUrT 1,207.95 39 39 206 104 102 83 91 15 127 .~ 579.24 97 97 528 268 260 24 23 99 10] 50 S 128 'l'1f'iit 1,005.97 48 48 223 131 92 84 58 20 4 J29 llir;rl: HO.02 36 36 191 102 89 100 89 130 ~i[~ 1,141.48 60 60 345 168 177 6 ]5 120 130 23 131 \t{f ] ,093.58 67 68 404 200. 204 ]78 193 39 5 132 qi'fl: 271.53 1 936 3 6 133 il'ii(~ 83.95 12 13 72 39 33 35 30 6 134 ~TIf't 473.73 48 48 256 128 128 122 ]25 5 135 '1W1"6 312.01 35 43 239 136 103 135 103 21 136 f~l~) 495.61 196 2iO 1,276 649 627 151 162 253 236 184 21 137 ~ 728.54 34 49 265 139 126 101 94 51 Ii 138 ~m 169.76 26 36 ]96 96 ]00 90 95 22 139 ~W:iIT 1,422.20 56 56 231 118 1 13 32 38 82 75 8 140 'Ii).~ 318.93 34 34 193 105 88 104 88 4 141 ",iif't 146.42 29 29 198 109 89 109 8' 16 2 142 1I1Ji[T 286.49 19 ]9 3S 27 8 6 3 10 143 ¥"if1fl 84.01 1i\"'{f;{ 144 IIR'( 304.67 241 241 1,418 758 660 64 63 S 7 158 S .145 6~'6' 415.47 ~'l'{ 146 1iIl~ 188.56 ~ 147 ~a:f 271.26 ;;ft~T;:r 148 ~~ 387.35 1('\'~Tif 149 IfiCSla'T 807.07 40 40 229 113 116 104 105 31 150 ~ 705.50 517 518 2,!:9J 1,550 1.54J 235 218 58 SO 631 12S I 5 1 arflrt'iiI1rf 258.33 98 119 637 330 307 50 47 24 27 91 41 152 II(if,{R ]18.35 8 8 70 38 32 19 4 I 53 ~~a",: 114.49 48 S3 304 148 156 65 76 49 46 34 6 154 .i\',",ar 27.72 cil"mr 1 55 ~qr 745.67 426 442 2,726 1,365 1,361 241 224 81 70 536 220 156 ~;rr 85.51 95 95 599 308 291 50 SO 46 49 135 34 157 ~wtr ]55.82 68 68 446 221 225 27 25 24 28 129 48 158 'f~ 168.68 14 14 85 49 36 21 13 15 4 J59 m'l' 204.23 114 114 667 351 316 134 116 157 25 160 ~trfif 2,764.18 764 783 4,325 2,283 2,042 447 206 204 204 928 226 7S


~ 'fiT'!' rn arr.J Main Worken ------"------~ ~ ~ "'''!Am "ftr~ 1Fill~ qfl'{;Qro.; iliff ifiT'l ~ .. tI~"I")'WI VII' 1Ii~;i

53 41 12 30 90 Patna Khurd Uninhabited Umariha 61 21 54 1,7 7 4 28 36 42 Kanpur 81S 302 217 61 (i8 48 56 57 479 136 177 1.078 Majhgawan 36 6 20 1 12 5 4 1 11 22 37 Gahira S4 17 31 7 18 10 S 2 20 48 65 Parewa 164 51 83 70 50 3 8 8 49 96 160 Kailashpur 96 52 68 35 28 17 35 40 Panghati 64 45 28 36 45 4 38 40 K.awar 106 126 100 122 4 4 2 62 51 Gauhani 77 61 30 16 46 45 t 51 66 72 77 Turra 4 t 3 Palangar 21 17 18 15 2 2 3 3 15 13 Badbada 83 89 66 73 16 16 \ .. 45 39 Tagi '7 71 69 66 7 "i 1 59 32 Pachhit 379 300 226 167 95 118 10 6 48 9 3 269 324 Hiraundi 86 52 26 23 1 1 7 8 53 94 Bhargawan 56 21 39 14 21 2 1 40 79 Dalela 73 38 44 7 27 31 2 4 45 71 Motawa 74 37 49 24 22 D 3 31 51 Koldari 69 48 58 35 11 13 40 41 Cbandaini 23 1 11 4 1 5 3 4 7 Amaha Unmhabited Mahurania 414 106 271 56 35 37 21 9 87 4 3 7 341 547 Chandai Uninhabited Sejahari Umnhabited Khadar Uninhabited Swata Uni nlubited Pachaur 65 4 46 11 1 7 2 1 2 47 110 Kathauta 811 505 379 238 192 198 39 34 201 35 6S 118 674 820 Kitaha 168 114 81 4 59 109 1 27 1 161 193 Amiliya 20 16 4 18 32 Atrar 78 28 45 5 26 23 2 5 2 68 128 Duduwar Uninhabited Navasta 674 427 331215177186 23 17 143 9 3 688 934 Khutha 137 21 46 10 68 11 3 20 ] 7] ,2"70 Marwa 89 26 44 1 24 25 21 132 199 Gorsari 27 5 14 10 5 3 22 31 Lakhaha 145 85 58 19 47 63 9 3 31 8 8 198 223 Tel ani 1,174529 6fill 143 310 333 66 41 132 12 33 66 1,076 1,447 N,\yagaon 76

1ft. 1111 p~"n(ro a~ m~~it~ i~z'{ Ii . ri ilfNtf1iT ~f~) i{~/

161 fiNU imr 741.19 160 176 979 502 477 149 145 157 47 162 q-i'{ 305.43 190 224 1,307 690 617 266 267 16 10 226 54 163 'I1J~ 112.29 170 193 1,208 631 517 135 132 21 23 226 32 I 64 8T;;iI'IfI 129.60 3 3 725 1 3 2 165 ifi1;~T 50.43 20 21 143 76 67 5 8 17 2 166 ;f


'!~ ilir~ m ~ Maio Worken ___ ------A------~ ~ tt" iIillt'flliTl if~ If1IIll cnfttrfu& ill'iII' iliTlI'ili1:;f Ef~qT""1 Ilifll'iIi'{;i ~m Q;;r Iff" IOffR./"ri lffii iIiT ;nil (I-IX) n Yea) lIJ.JY,V(b),VI. VII, VIII & IX " T.,tal Main Agricuhural Household Other Marllioal Workers Cultivalors Labourers Induslry Workers Worken Non-Worken r-.A.-~ r----"--~ r--.A.-~ r---"----., ,.---A_-.,. ~ r--J.--.. Name of 7;. ~CiT ~. m ~. ~ !. {'if) !. f'Cii 2;. ~CiT ~. ~'\' Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 1:5 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22 l3 24 25 26 21 28 2

233 144 113 34 82 109 9 1 29 11 18 258 315 Pipari Tola 361 221 180 68 118 146 15 48 6 2 3 321 393 Badkher 327 212 198 87 90 116 16 7 23 2 42 55 262 310 Majhkh'l.da 3 3 2 2 Sonbarsa 41 29 27 16 13 13 35 38 Karaundi 25 14 3 1') 11 3 2 9 23 Baidan Tola 85 89 85 89 76 46 Naugawan 144 155 12 21 132 134 76 71 Barha 142 113 80 59 58 54 4 108 90 Gujhwa 54 43 30 - 24 42 19 40 Chhaoihara 141 128 60 41 81 87 33 30 90 87 Selha Uninhabited Saray 3 2 2 5 Marwahar 291 70 209 10 67 60 2 13 165 339 Chitahara 91 42 46 24 12 15 39 3 73 109 Chaurehi 55 27 24 3 23 16 8 8 31 56 De garhat 32 12 18 2 6 7 8 3 15 37 Khodhari 21 18 1 3 14 27 Tagi 52 18 40 6 10 11 2 34 53 Bichhiya 18 15 5 13 15 4 7 Karariya 152 71 97 31 44 40 2 9 tt3 196 Amirati 176 78 119 31 43 47 5 9 166 301 Deora 65 6 56 2 5 4 2 2 86 138 Bari Amrai 55 22 :!3 9 32 13 59 87 Siddha 2 2 I Lohra 79 58 58 39 21 19 62 71 Barua 2 2 5 Sarbhanga 21 18 2 14 34 Piprawan 35 18 17 31 53 Tikra 29 25 4 2S 56 Lotni 46 38 42 34 3 4 40 38 Banka 32- 11 32 11 21 44 Ledari 87 45 41 17 34 26 12 2 76 91 Birpur 142 107 100 &1 31 26 3 8 137 160 Jhakaura 73 56 20 II 49 44 2 2 60 5R Harseda 23 16 14 8 6 6 2 2 1 2 IllS 7 Lt'dara 122 87 54 19 65 68 3 89 170 Selaura 38 22 29 19 9 3 3 15 21 30 Hardi 5 4 3 2 Chhathari 22 14 20 9 2 5 18 26 lV'ukat 78


(f~'" ... tif 1111 f" 'lroni"'T (i1f1: 'Itil/Of'fR/ a~ m~~!I[litm ill. 'liT "T1'I' i:t~1: if m~rn~) 1f~/'"' Total Population 'liTiI1f (including f.ti.Ifi.it institutional and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Number tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r--_.A-_--"""'I ~ r-.A._--.., r-~ Code Tahsii/Villagel '" of Townl dential house­ Rlftfi ~. ~ ~. m ~. m ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kma houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

201 ~ 57.58 C!1tt1f 202 1Il.;;r..-r

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Raghurajoagar Tahsil ------~ ~''I' rn ifM Main Worken ....------____,._------.,. !r' I!,'" IliJ1Cfi1i1t llifcrij{ Q'it OfJf;:ifTro.; ilJrll ifT'I' ifi";:~ a'ii~')"1 llifll' if;;:~ :;,"11 1IT;;:r qfif 1;rff1:/

Uninhabited Pahdi Uninhabited Kulkhat Uni nhahi ted Mahapar Uni nhabited Cbhanihara Uninh:lbited Baruwa Send uri 23 18 12 5 4 5 13 1 I Piparhai Uninhabited Nadaur 538 145 365 32 116 110 II 2 49 7 15 584 962 Karigohi 51 II 34 2 11 6 5 1 43 73 Kathara 68 1 I 46· 6 13 4 9 1 83 135 Sonbarsa 500 395 378 286 82 106 4.0 3 23 95 415 433 Pagar Khurd 12 12 9 10 2 2 1 4 18 15 Bihariya Uninhabited Belha 10 4 6 2 2 2 5 11 4 Barui Uninhabi led Kuchm'lila 322 217 171 107 123 110 4 25 5 6 317 400 Pagar Kalan 151 127 76 43 75 84 76 ]01 Badera Kalan 120 100 53 25 66 75 56 71 Majan Uninhabited Badera Khurd 70 50 32 17 26 26 3 5 9 2 73 113 t)jaini 55 42 18 34 40 3 2 28 50 Pachali Kburd Uninhabited Kitaha 256 154 154 49 60 64 33 41 9 36 276 318 Tighara 163 16 If) 4 11 12 8 161 277 Harduwa 29 27 1 1 2 36 72 Patna Khurd 47 II 36 9 11 2 70 115 Hinauta 100 99 129 217 Gudhwa Uninhabited Mauhar Uninhabit~d Dunaw 23 19 4 2 5 21 Rasada Uninhabited Jhiriya 416 104 291 25 72 73 7 6 46 66 170 420 603 Berahna 5 6 1 2 3 4 2 3 Devrawar 15 8 6· 2 5 5 3 1 4 9 12 Piparha 99 156 67 117 24 36 8 3 124 73 Jhonta 126 70 42 10 79 59 5 62114 80 Godgawan Uninhabited .. Ragauli Uninhabited Padeniya Uninhabited Barediya K.hurd Uninlmbted Haredlya Mishra 80

(f~~1 1ftit' 1111 P ifilftlf' (.Iff. lrtif/i{If'(/ I1n~ .·h: (j~"f it ~ 'IN iliT ifT'!' Ii~~~ ti '"" RTfiftflfT ~~) i{If'(JifT. TOlal Population 'liT cr1f (including f.Ii.lit. 'it institutional No. of and houseles. Scheduled Scheduled Area of Population) Castes Tribes Literatea Loca­ villages occupied Number tion Name of iD heclares resi­ of ,----..A..--"""'t ~ r-.A_-"""'t r-....A-.--.. Code Tahsil/Village! &. of TOWDI dential house­ RTftIi ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ 'I. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

241 rif«r ifi~ 121. 33 ;fi~Tlf 242 ,!iIi~ 11 7.22 178 178 999 489 510 199 193 57 63 160 40 243 :a'1f1:j['f 112.73 20 24 132 70 62 4 6 23 2 244 'lfflflJCif 74.38 47 49 220 106 114 52 47 33 S 245 {-arlTfif 41.76 38 38 208 111 97 92 112 4 1 246 ~ 51.12 13 13 70 33 37 12 15 5 3 9 247 f.nflli1:T


,..---______II'" IfiTq ~ Iffii----A.. Main______Worken ...... _.....

p -tIP! IIiT1l'1lm "fCl'(( IIWJl cnronful; IIl'IJ IfiTq -nii Eftlltn 111111 " llit't "~I IIiT1I'rn ;m ;n~ l511iqt .r.i lit .. r-l1Jt:, .... ~ 'iii ifJ1I , I-IX) II V(a) IIJ.lV. V( b), VI, X VII, VIII & IX Tlltal MaiD Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivator. Labouren Industry Workera Workerl Non-Worken r-A-""""I r--"--""""I r----A--~r---'-"""""'\ r-~ ,--J---.. ~ Name or 1. MT '1. m 1· R\ 1· ~') '1. m 1· ~ 1· An Tahsillvlllaael M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. Town/Ward l' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 27 %8 2

Uninhabited Baredhiya Kalan 274 257 148 141 99 103 11 1\ 16 2 24 56 191 197 Shukwah 36 IS 24 10 7 5 5 34 47 trmarhan 57 46 27 20 27 26 2 1 49 68 Majdjgawan 70 51 18 4 52 47 3 13 38 33 Daogaon 19 23 13 15 6 8 14 14 Baraha 3 7 3 1 6 4 2 Kirkiraw Uninhabited Semrahan Khurd , 3 5 3 2 3 Asca 8 6 6 ] S 2 3 Tamsr 140 66 65 2 73 64 .' 2 23 81 91 93 Halawan 3 3 2 3 Semraban Kalan Uninhabited Bhataha Uninhabited Ailhai Uninhabited Amchuwa Uninhabited Kandaila Khurd Uninhabited 'Delha Uninhabited BhatMandi 24 14 17 12 4 2 3 30 24 Majhiyar 9 6 7 5 2 9 13 X.ushiyara 32 23 26 22 2 2 2 , . 17 22 Bijahari 54 62 34 43 18 19 2 41 37 Amuwa 10 1 10 1 2 16 Mugwari 87 44 S5 5 22 38 3 7 65 96 Jariha 34 22 19 16 14 6 16 35 Kama Khuiya Uninhabited Ghatiniya 62 29 49 21 12 8 84 91 KandaiJa Kalan 46 23 17 5 29 18 39 54 Udli Uninhabited Basahara Uninhabited Jhulna { :ninhabitcd Pachauha 17 S 12 3 Rusoiya Uninhabited Andhara Khoh 354 244 233 147 82 92 ]3 3 26 2 S 332 407 Pratappur 40 34 26 17 13 17 I 6 50 28 Ormani 43 22 37 17 5 4 1 38 53 Tikar 27 16 24 IS 3 1 IS 23 Jhala Uninhabited Budha Uninh~biled Kolkadiya I. Uninhabited Batahara 82

~~'" qTi( .1 ';\'l \'I[Ot~T ('i~ 'ltifjiftf{./ ,~ ar~ij'~"fit~ IfN if.T iflll' (ifZ1: .q ri ~f.falf"f ~~~) if JfT./ i(1. Total Population llil i(lj (inoludlng fifi.m. it institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled L()(;a· villages OCQupied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates lion Name of in heotares resi­ of r--_.A._-"""",,\ ~ r-.A.--, r-A.---. Code Tahsil/Village/ & of Town/ dential house. 1Ifft& ~. Rt ~. m i· ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 1 2 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

281 ~~) 117.62 Ci'l'Uif 282 qtti\" 104.59 vhUil' 283 9T'1"1: 135.87 lftU'f 284 iI<.'I 110.74 99 105 608 324 284 86 70 94 90 79 8 285 if1~f,l{T 122.87 23 28 123 70 53 25 IS 17 3 286 ;;J,!CfT'f) 156.97 102 111 642 337 305 2 107 83 120 20 287 ~~ 180.30 34 34 192 111 81 17 288 ~"U 186.07 29 29 163 76 87 57 55 11 5 289 iTlil6"'f 360.43 65 73 354 177 177 8 14 46 42 22 2 290 II'TR:IfR 97.91 mTiI' .. 291 fil'CifT 320.33 82 88 456 228 228 71 64 84 10 292 ~;ft- 210.00 97 99 506 233 273 40 38 27 34 69 18 293 f~'tlft-U 153.85 49 53 280 152 128 32 25 33 2 294 fq\ifzr2;~ 133.83 62 64 290 145 145 6 5 87 90 45 4 295 1Ii~";;:T Ifi-"'[' llim, 91.30 37 :7 185 95 90 55 54 3 3 34 7 296 fqq.) 48-.66 2 2 297 1Ii~'l;ft-li!.' 163.84 57 60 3,,2 171 181 43 39 64 5 298 IIi'tWt ~ 77 .51 22 28 186 88 98 39 32 24 9 299 ~f«lft IlitU 226.66 13 14 104 51 53 18 20 24 3 300 iIlu 198.85 78 82 466 236 230 22 23 37 30 134 8 201 i!:R'I'IfT ~i 46.27 ,,",(Tif 302 ~fi;rlfT if~W 40.73 II'T,(T;f 303 lIm 7.90 cfT'l:TiI' •• 304 ~~ 217.06 ~I~ 305 q'~ 278.84 140 144 823 391 432 79 88 5 4 180 15 306 ~f"{~~2:'{ 316.63 131 133 621 316 305 33 26 72 49 85 14 307 if~,," 141.06 38 42 224 100 124 23 25 32 3 308 fll'SJT1Tqf 138.26 56 56 327 168 159 39 37 2 2 52 10 309 'unlif, 144.24 .. iJ'RT;:r 310 lli<'l'iIf<'m 281.56 196 217 1,160 560 600 95 110 45 50 247 10 311 ~ lIi\'lf 87.58 68 73 371 196 175 44 39 52 312 ~,{T 242.47 31 38 193 98 95 4 2 30 5 313 q~


I!~ 1liT1f ~ Ifni Main Worken ,..------"------..., ~ 'l" ml'AiT~ .fir~ ~ 'lTrortm; arqr IIiT1I rn 1liT1f m em cmr ~ 'I-IX) (J Yea) IIJ,1V.V(b,.VI. x VII. VIII & IX T ..nal Main Agricultural Housebold Other Mar.inal Worken Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non~Wor"en ,...._.A._""""" r-~ r---A.-""""" ,----'--""\ r---"--... r---"-~ ~ Name of 1. .tr ~. m ~. ~ ~. 8'1 S. ('en S· ~") TabsiJIVillagel M. P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. P. M.'1. P."" M. F. Town/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 Z8 Z

Uninhabited •• Kadrauhi •. Uninhabited .' Panti . Uninhabited .. Chhapar 169 127 94 71 67 55 3 5 155 IS7 Barau 38 29 25 21 9 8 4 32 24 Mauhariya 173 187 96 122 fi4 63 3 10 1 164 11 8 Jamuwani 49 53 49 53 62 28 Kudaraha 45 SO 30 31 14 18 4 31 33 Khadwari 108 116 95 98 13 18 69 61 Badkan .. Uninhabited •• Matiyar J27 111 83 60 25 37 16 14 3 2 101 115 Bitma 120 111 71 71 47 40 2 113 162 Hardi 94 85 68 58 25 27 1 58 43 Sirwari 80 79 19 16 57 6 22 2 65 66 Vijaipur 63 51 22 20 40 31 1 32 38 Karaundi Kalan Kothar 2 1 1 Pipari 78 107 64 93 10 14 4 93 74 Karaundi K.hurd 38 SO 20 32 18 18 50 48 Karaundi Kalan 24 12 11 10 12 2 2 3 25 38 HaJiya K.alan 85 35 58 2 23 33 4 2 39 149 156 Babera . • Uninhabited •. Haliya Khurd .' Uninhabited .. Haliya Mahesh ., Unin'labited .• Sandi ., Uninhabited .. Pathrauda 133 129 82 75 45 53 1 I 5 23 101 235 202 Paduhar 154 91 80 51 57 39 10 7 1 80 161 114 Hariharpur 4J 25 H 5 14 20 2 21 59 78 Nakehli 74 22 37 22 16 12 6 3 26 93 111 Mi shragawan ., Uninhabited .. Rajhokhar 256 94 138 14 88 77 17 2 13 304 506 KalhaIiya 65 10 47 6 17 4 1 131 165 Pacwali Kalan 4IJ 2 40 4 4 49 93 Semra 192 9:! 115 11 66 81 6 5 163 264 Patna Kalan 268 142 150 54 69 79 30 6 19 3 7 J06 287 344 Rimari 69 22 42 14 19 6 3 2 5 71 80 JOO Khadaura 67 27 47 16 17 10 2 4 41 71 56 Kbadauri Kalan 25 14 10 15 13 14 28 Nagwar Unmulan 21 3 J7 4 3 19 37 Nagwl!-r Kotbar Uninhabited •• Arraha •. Uninhabited .• .. Khadauri Khu1"d ff~!ifl Iftlf '111 ~;;r\'if~mr(m fJT~ I~ff{. J 'Rr'q;<;r 11'''' U'~m it ~if.i ~r. IR ~rl!' ~'f~,{ .q ~;;f ;lff.f~1 {ff~) 'f'lf"(/'«I Total Population lfir Iftf (including f.ri.1iT.iI institutional Area of No. of anc! houselcss Scheduled Scheduled Lo<:a· villages oa;upied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates lion Name of in heotare. reSI' of r---_"_--~ r-~ r-.A_·-, r...... A....-, Code Tahsil/ ViIlasc I '" of Town! dential house. arfts ~. ~ i· ~ i· ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kmll bouses holds P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

321 f~IIn:'~ 78.52 5 4 322 f'il'tllT, 565.03 126 132 771 375 396 68 62 43 43 S9 44 323 f~T 627.36 39 39 217 101 116 45 2 324 ~1'I<:'t 156.3S 52 52 310 133 177 25 35 66 IS 325 URiI"ql 128.80 59 62 401 205 196 45 49 20 10 12 26 326 lIn:ifi"lo) 86.20 14 14 59 30 29 19 15 12 1 327 ~ 451.17 168 174 1,100 542 558 130 142 12 12 231 49 328 iI"'i!I)U 191.89 48 51 247 111 136 3 4 20 20 49 16 329 ~qit 79.88 24 25 116 62 54 16 20 12 I 1 19 330 nllir 98.63 3 4 30 11 19 3 331 'io!'fr 'il~ 175.56 105 118 684 339 345 45 55 29 43 133 19 3 3 2 atl1~ '"~ 389.07 60 63 355 175 181 35 39 4 2 . 64 4 333 ~R:fa'r 123.54 31 44 187 89 98 25 22 37 50 14 S 334 ~)u ifi)m 108.57 79 84 448 229 219 20 23 29 22 89 24 335 'lo!lflf' 333.85- 53 53 250 131 119 33 28 26 24 31 4 3 3 6 ;r~f~{r;, 67.19 ,""{rll' ~31 f~~'T 206.79 qT~r'f 338 !iflif;:rcrr~ 647.95 160 160 908 479 429 112 107 24 10 150 39 33 9 'Ii<{r "'Oft 270.78 71 80 482 147 235 23 18 26 22 116 30 340 ~ "!~ 278.43 74 74 420 209 211 SO 34 103 18 341 1I1~l: 144.77 20 24 119 62 57 6 :I 28 8 342 lRij1 ~Ifi" 2.47 i1~Tif .. 343 ~, 1,341.55 381 391 2, 316 1. 164 1. 152 212 209 137 132 486 107 344 ~;;r,'3 816.19 205 205 1,210 602 608 88 114 2 270 60 345 ~~iIT~ 208.48 81 81 489 229 260 17 15 4 4 118 52 346 Vf1'ia' 156.01 82 82 449 218 231 21 23 80 17 87 37 347 1(~l!crt 63.15 31 31 160 79 81 40 10 348 ~lit 73.53 10 )0 70 34 36 14 12 13 9 3 49 ~'"' 722.04 83 83 549 266 283 20 20 1 12 133 46 3 SO ~?If' 2S7.82 68 68 371 166 205 108 136 45 11 351 f~f~j 175.58 81 81 486 240 246 30 40 79 9 352 i('U 124.18 9S 95 479 230 249 .. ., 36 33 123 23 353 ~ 784.84 184 222 1,231 622 609 93 103 85 70 243 92 354 m) 142.49 52 52 285 147 138 2 69 59 47 24 355 l!(1f~r 329.68 124 124 745 379 366 52 54 3S 31 163 43 356 f'i'in'illT 291. 26 106 106 6'40 315 325 30 33 144 41 357 i(f.I;In fu

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Raghufajnagar Tahsil ------~ Itilll rn Iffii Maia Worker. ,..------___j.._------~ ~ ~-'I IIiI1tPin if!l(l 1fWI~ qJf~ 1II';:zr ~" 1Ii'{;l IIiT1f ~ 'fIt!!" ;mi

3 Sikrauda 196 84 99 11 83 73 14 179 312 Chitgarh 41 20 38 20 3 10 60 86 Nimaha SO 22 36 7 7 15 6 3 18 80 137 Semri 90 76 49 34 24 28 12 14 S 5 114 115 Sonbarsa 13 16 8 9 5 6 1 1 17 12 Karkothi 274 153 173 85 75 59 11 9 15 6 30 262 375 Ghorkat 49 36 10 3 7 55 55 81 Bachhaura 25 7 16 10 29 27 25 Deori 6 5 2 8 3 11 Udka 169 59 123 9 36 49 3 7 170 286 Patna Khurd 96 25 78 14 17 11 79 156 Andharwar 54 53 12 42 52 35 4S Ghorkati 117 53 62 10 44 42 2 9 1 112 166 Bamhauri Kothar '?3 22 31 1 42 21 58 97 Bhatgawan Uninhabited Gadarihan Uninhabited Tikuri 278 177 11 1 54 120 113 6 4 41 6 2 33 199 219 Lakhanwah 108 109 68 75 23 25 17 8 2 2 137 124 Karhi Kalan 108 26 70 7 33 19 5 101 185 Karhi Khurd 32 23 22 16 4 6 6 30 33 Madbopur Uninhabi ted Karhi Tukda S59 323 288 92 200 222 24 4 47 5 5 65 600 764 Bihara 296 238 170 160 70 70 27 2 29 6 7 121 299 249 Laulach 85 79 67 71 9 8 9 22 66 122 115 Magarwar 97 100 23 43 58 57 IS 8 18 113 113 Khambo 31 55 30 53 1 2 48 25 Bhatgawan 10 7 4 6 6 1 2 5 22 24 Dhondhi 122 125 72 74 29 34 4 S 17 12 144 158 Deora 87 113 24 28 59 84 2 2 78 92 Mohdewa 123 97 102 74 16 22 2 3 117 148 Tikuri 101 42 60 35 22 S 19 2 4 34 125 173 Bara 319 It5 159 6 106 109 12 42 11 294 483 Golhata 74 • 48 28 44 48 2 46 73 44 Dear; 188 92 97 50 50 37 4 3 37 2 11 28 180 246 Thathaura 136 94 84 20 29 69 3 20 5 179 231 Pipaarehha 336 274 157 134 95 128 5 3 79 9 68 139 452 540 Baki ya Ti wariyall 238 165 133 86 38 71 11 2 56 6 1 255 313 Bakiya B:lilo 286 i.06 198 139 52 63 6 2 30 2 3 371 437 Mahidal Kalan 105 102 43 8 58 94 4 14~ 180 Mahldal Khurd 86

~~qrl ITf'll 1111 anm fqr ~~T (;f~ 1ft'll!;rrrt./ ,)njqr imn~TIl arR U~VT it '(if.( '1fT. 'liT 'frJl" ~~~l.: ~ 'I"Ii,;rj m Ilff1f61J) ~f~tf) ;r'lfl.:/~I 'iii Total Population 'liT qq ~I (including f.t;.~. it institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Loca. villages occ;upied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literatea tion Name of in hectares resi' of r---..A---~ ~ r-.A.--~ ,-....A...-., Code Tahsil / v mage I &; of Townl dential house­ Rift!; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

361 'l"friTT'l.: 95.71 45 48 234 119 J 15 46 40 3 4 52 362 Iti~ 328.35 152 153 882 414 468 91 88 46 S3 167 48 363 'if~01crT 338.67 100 103 632 305 327 15 20 43 38 122 29 36 4 ;r'rrlT 95.19 ~ 365 Jl"fBnrT,( 290.64 120 J26 781 398 383 46 38 25 27 199 36 366 f'li~l{r 321.58 75 78 508 266 242 40 36 8 6 114 14 3 6 7 Q't;r;r1Sl'f 148.89 110 118 688 344 344 94 71 160 31 368 m;;r;r 333.55 164 166 1,012 518 494 88 81 51 42 182 68 369 ma; l{~ 12,509.93 695 698 4,331 2,236 2,095 395 364 101 89 850 184 370 ~ 1,611.70 245 257 1,500 708 792 62 66 54 47 33C 170 371 ~Tqif'lf1: 813.49 143 170 1,072 526 546 98 96 15 6 215 54 372 1:'!:.;rT'q~ 468.20 133 133 934 488 446 79 59 31 37 179 45 373 'filf'lil.: 272.35 l['hr;r 374 il(fy 731.36 220 220 1,365 675 690 73 81 54 60 291 114 375 Jl"fW.rr'{ 106.-07 95 95 583 286 297 39 35 104 45 376 fwor1l.:T 392.95 192 195 1,089 523 566 39 37 133 129 118 71 377 Jl"il 333.87 91 91 684 341 343 53 57 41 44 170 60 378 vr~ 698.69 333 333 2,154 1,053 1,101 205 ]96 1 525 120 379 ar(l~" 472.99 185 192 1,060 532 528 132 148 75 78 179 48 380 JfIJ'll. ~ 202.75 96 96 621 295 326 13 14 27 24 149 28 381 ~ 242.41 94 94 605 302 303 75 57 129 29 382 f;fi"f.m:I:IT 185.35 112 117 646 299 347 71 74 9 3 108 35 383 1:aR~"( 471.25 195 198 1,034 498 536 40 49 79 10 240 69 384 ~ 303.52 55 55 372 184 188 83 37 385 ~I'(~ 71. 83 52 52 266 143 123 23 17 41 41 27 386 l.:3f~"( ~'Ii" 4.08 ;;fr~H 387 ~lfT 'Ii~ 319.98 100 100 579 277 302 14 22 12 9 102 17 388 ~d 369.18 195 195 1,191 597 594 139 128 9 8 233 44 389 iT~hTi! 182.51 116 116 782 393 389 41 43 123 8 3 9 0 '1il.:~!ft t,289.33 383 386 2,015 1,001 1,014 167 186 67 55 399 112 3 91 1I!ff.~f\zr' 679.87 225 226 1.342 665 677 148 189 2 269 63 392 arlf;1", 358.55 105 109 560 274 286 51 37 43 34 111 96 393 ft~l.:'t 225.81 66 66 398 198 200 19 15 92 34 394 iJ~~t 96.31 49 49 228 118 110 33 21 4" 20 395 ~;d 13S.t7 32 32 158 87 71 8 7 19 11 43 13 396 vh 1,795.59 651 654 3,470 1.809 1,661 254 231 90 76 653 101 •. /397 1Ii~1: 1,742.98 825 883 4,345 .l,266 2,079 332 322 153 149 1,063 357 398 "!JT 182.46 25 30 162 83 79 57 46 21 2 399 f[r~l.:'t 93.10 16 19 149 82 67 37 13 400 ~1Tl.:' 180.63 43 44 269 138 131 52 47 45 3 87


~ Ifill! m m Main Workers ,.----______---A. ______~

P ~1Jq IIiTIftlm ifl'l'~ ~ qJfVilTft16 _0lI lfiT1f ~;iJ tI"~m"'l 15Tl! rn ;m ;,,~ 'If.IOfIR.,if~ ft ~r if11l (I-IX) [) VIa) III.1V.V( b),VI, x VII, VIII & IX Tl)tal Main Agricullural Household Other Marl1inal Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Worker. Non-Workert "-_A_",,,", r--.....A..-."",", r---A.-"",",r---"-~ r-~ ~~ r-~ Name of ~. ~iiiI' i· ~ ~. ~ i. ~ ~. filii i. ,Gfr i· "') TahsiI IVilIagel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. .P. Town/Ward 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 54 43 24 13 26 30 4 .' 65 72 Bhalwar 206 182 108 99 76 83 22 208 286 Kandwa 147 115 75 15 49 39 4 19 3 155 212 Ghatbelwa Uninhabited •. .. Banpara 164 41 89 9 41 35 11 3 23 8 134 226 202 Majhiyar 115 60 82 33 21 21 5 11 67 140 115 Kitaha 159 123 85 65 31 31 27 21 16 185 221 Sonbarsa 247 167 136 78 29 78 15 10 17 1 270 327 Gajan 1,170 597 679 311 340 261 34 15 117 10 5 12 1,061 1,486 Dcomau Daldal 344 248 156 113 127 132 9 52 3 9 19 355 525 Bela' 216 102 132 38 45 54 29 7 10 3 39 9S 271 349 Ramnagar 230 215 146 152 63 63 10 11 31 40 227 191 Raghunathpur Uninhabited Phiphir 329 265 191 152 85 108 19 5 34 4 2 342 423 Banti 133 153 89 115 39 38 2 3 153 144 Mejhiyar 272 208 101 60 131 147 5 35 13 74 238 284 Chhibaura 155 75 81 21 53 52 21 2 186 2'>8 Madi 497 168 307 71 104 83 3& 11 48 3 16 254 540 679 Khohar 272 193 136 48 101 129 22 12 13 4 1 8 2S8 327 Atarahar 151 177 107 152 24 24 3 17 144 149 Gadhwa Khurd 144 143 89 96 48 47 6 2 158 158 Rehuta 130 134 92 99 31 33 2 6 169 213 Kich\>.ariya 216 196 99 85 73 99 6 10 38 2 19 32 263 308 Rajarwar 92 55 68 47 14 7 5 1 5 92 133 Itaur 81 54 43 21 38 33 62 69 Maiapura Uninhabited B ajarwar Tllkda 132 44 104 17 15 27 9 4 145 258 Gadhwa Kalan 278 264 163 158 94 106 16 5 319 330 Gajgawan 191 214 133 176 37 37 5 16 202 175 Bardadih 495 346 191 126 69 89 154 122 81 9 31 10 475 658 Goraiya 300 152 177 49 76 101 10 37 30 149 335 376 Khambariya 142 13 61 14 60 58 4 17 1 132 212 Akauna 89 44 64 29 11 12 14 3 109 156 Tikuri SO 39 31 22 18 17 1 11 10 57 61 Tadhgawan 43 15 21 2 14 11 7 S 9 39 47 Korgawan 998 718 615 587 22 ~ 109 73 20 86 2 3 117 808 826 Aber 1,117 508 482 130 387 348 10 24 178 6 5 187 1.1441,384 Kotar 49 37 20 28 37 34 42 Buda 37 6 17 15 6 5 6 45 55 Gahiri 66 38 39 9 23 29 4 72 92 Semri 88

_. ------..------.------

~~~f iffII' !fir 7i"' :sr;r~~ (i," IfT"'/';ftr(/ e.)n~ em fl'f1I'RTT it ~ 1I"Ti IliT ;rT'I i~!'~ if 11m ilTf.F~lfT q~ff ) ';f~/ilfrr Total Population ~T ",Ii (including flJ.it.it institutional Area of No. of and house less Scheduled Scheduled Loca· villages oa:upied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates lion Name of in heatare, resi· of r- ---"-----~ ~ ._.A. __ , • ....A..-... Code Tahsil/Villagel '" of Townl denlial house. ~fu; !l. ~ !I. m !I. ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ------.------_ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

40 1 1I1~;:r1fl ]83.11 81 81 452 217 235 2 3 10 7 73 20 402 f6llt 242.27 98 103 55] 293 2511 69 52 26 21 79 7 403 :a'~T 152.49 14 14 98 46 52 16 404 IJil~ 292.01 23 26 189 102 87 39 4 405 lf~mT 118.61 C(1~T'l 406 q,~~;t. 251 6.99 .n-~T;:r 407 ~~ if. 252 l. 58 .n-U'l' 408 iT~T 527.72 ]22 147 753 396 357 95 72 154 34 409 '{" IIi<'IT 224.61 27 41 211 95 116 78 90 24 4 410 'i{l{ 't~ 45.39 ]54 182 1,408 706 702 178 ]51 314 ISS 41] m~ 144.25 ]0 10 70 32 38 ]5 412 ~11fT~ 444 35.07 13 13 88 40 48 9 5 7 413 g)1f~rf 257.58 94 97 534 264 270 78 112 17 81 18 414 ~~TIT'~ 44' ]0.39 ElhT;:r 41 5 ~~~1 ;m;rf BO.91 if'''l'l' 416 sA 89.22 70 70 428 224 204 85 74 107 27 417 1Ii~~ 40.79 c(l1:T;:r 418 ~ 219.43 83 83 509 265 244 14 28 126 21 419 ;:rtiR:T . 271.70 47 41 260 139 121 71 69 42 8 420 rizrr 157.01 56 64 391 204 187 77 71 74 ] 3 421 ~"I'T"~"cf 158.86 61 65 482 254 228 31 25 113 20 422 b~ T~ 240.13 42 44 289 156 133 68 64 60 8 423 ~I 346.13 38 52 298 159 139 SS 46 32 5 424 {'II'mf 1Ji\II' 260.79 69 71 393 188 2(l5 81 86 69 18 425 ~qn 170.89 24 24 ] 51 74 77 43 54 27 2 426 il(~ 178.73 51 51 266 139 127 47 36 29 2 427 3iilft 568.45 190 210 1,250 629 621 138 160 2 103 28 428 ih:~ ] 72.65 58 61 319 145 174 30 39 78 29 429 f~a~ 40.69 19 19 ] 15 61 54 28 26 27 4 30 1JJVI'J!3> 202.62 37 37 275 140 135 31 36 73 12 431 tfjjtt1 1,739.]7 5]5 516 3,212 1,637 1,575 424 371 6 6 599 120 432 i~ 239.39 19 19 139 62 77 9 12 15 2 433 ~~"'m 592.12 ]93 ]93 1,216 623 593 ] 32 122 242 39 434 "~nr~ 13.88 ifT'(T'l' 4 3 5 "ill'l IliTo" 392.22 67 67 403 215 188 15 16 19 21 65 3 4 3 6 1;IfT~T 1Ii)m: 129.17 70 70 460 227 233 14 16 44 48 87 65 437 ~f~r 64.80 ;il1;l';f 43 8 qifi1;rr crn.n: 242.63 66 66 416 218 198 S8 48 123 73 439 "~T';fl ~1Ii"T 114.33 9 9 56 31 25 6 440 ."~r 534.66 209 219 1,245 643 602 195 206 267 78 19

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Raghufajaagar Tahsil ------~ 15'''' m m Main Work en ____ ------A.------~ fW ,.. !fiT,;m1 if~ '"'~ cnfwf'(;f; 8RJ I5l1I' rn qml'l"/ !fiT'" m e.mr ~'" lJiif/iflR/ifri ri !fiT 11111 ( I-IX) n V( a) JlJ,IV. V( b), VI, VII, VIII & 'X Tl)laJ Main AgriculluraJ Household Other Mar,inal Workers Cullivalon Labouren Industry Worker. Worken Non-Worker. ,-_.A.._---. r--..A.----., r-----"-----. .-_...A...--., r----"----. .---"---... r--"------Name of ~. f~ "I. ~ ~. f

108 79 44 2 so 61 10 16 4 109 ISS Mohaniya 157 132 96 88 55 43 6 1 136 126 Tihai 22 22 22 22 24 30 l:mri 38 23 23 15 12 8 3 3 9 61 5S Farhad Uninhabited Gadauli Uninhabited Farhad No. 251 Uninhabited Farhad No. 252 210 ISO 137 8 60 125 10 17 3 185 207 Bara 53 44 18 5 27 38 6 2 42 12 Chund Kalan 314 78 188 83 73 5 5 38 392 624 Chur.d Khard 16 11 11 10 3 2 2 3 14 24 ICathac 19 6 10 9 6 21 42 Sudamapur 444 121 102 60 36 51 65 10 143 168 Domhai Uninhabited Sudamapur 445 1. Uninhabited Parsauja Kalan 110 46 55 41 43 2 3 12 114 158 Khanch UninhabIted Karkal 125 68 79 36 12 21 15 5 19 6 11 139 165 Maudaha 75 68 34 18 31 46 6 2 4 2 1 64 52 Nagaura 98 79 61 30 24 42 2 7 11 4 106 104 Salaiya 137 34 102 14 30 20 5 117 194 Sujawal Khurd 74 73 47 42 I,; 29 I 10 5 3 77 57 Reuhan 82 76 37 34 38 3S 3 7 4 77 63 Bamuraha 94 42 72 13 21 29 I 94 163 SajawaJ Kalan 36 21 27 11 7 10 2 38 56 Mahuwapar 82 39 39 5 37 23 S It 2 6 55 82 Temra 373 1.24 220 34 83 80 20 4 50 6 29 187 227 310 Bandhi 62 15 34 :! 20 13 2 6 17 83 142 Berahna 29 10 t 6 4 11 6 2 8 21 24 23 Sirsaha 59 31 47 6 7 25 5 I 5 80 99 Maimau 898 442 524 182 259 230 48 29 67 1 II 738 1,122 Mehuti 39 17 24 t 14 16 23 60 Semra 306 139 191 49 86 79 13 9 16 2 19 298 454 Sohas K.othac Uninhabited Sohas Unmulan 106 49 60 4 43 45 3 J09 J39 Pawaiya Kothar 109 44 38 1 47 43 8 16 118 189 Raguli Kothar Uninhabited Ba'Uliha 96 29 55 3 30 25 t 10 6 R 116 161 Akauna Koth:lr 17 1 14 1 1 1 4 t-l 20 Akauna Tukada 338 143 14 J 4 IS; 144 12 28 9 304 445 Dagdiha 90

flfr;fiq {f~WI Iftil' lilT amr~ Cf~l P ISflfMT(m ar.t~ 1Tl!W;n! !!it, trtlf/ff'f'(/ ,~ 1IiT itlll' bnii ~ ~ Rl'RcrIl'T ~~Er) ;r'lfT../~r. Ifi1 Total Population l(;t d hln (including fit; ,lit. it institutional Atea of No. of and house1ess Scheduled Scheduled Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca- villages occ;upied Number ,_.A. __ ~ lion Name of in hectares resi- of r---..A..--~ ~ ,...... A.---. Code Tahsil/Villagel "of Town! dential house- ~ ~. ~ ~. m ~. m ~. ~. No. TowD/Ward Ward inKml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F M. F 1 2 3 4 S (j 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

441 ~qT ~ 1 6.49 1 1 442 ..t1it~ ~l(i~ 1 S .41 emf'{ 443 IfHI' 263.03 85 85 484 248 236 47 41 30 25 88 14 4 44 1ff{1f~t 204.54 56 S6 324 165 159 17 14 79 3S 445 l(i)~' 238.71 135 135 888 434 454 96 89 30 33 221 132 446 IIT..T '(if 222.16 32 32 155 79 76 4 5 4 21 2 447 m:m ifi<'Tf 248.61 74 74 393 203 190 78 59 95 20 448 'Iro!'I, ... ;:rt 515.07 155 155 819 418 401 147 166 36 29 106 46 449 ~'l(i~ 281.89 43 43 2.27 122 lOS 40 28 49 S :J50 ~'U mT.. 255.18 45 45 252 125 127 58 55 12 14 38 6 451 tr)T..,;t. 121 5.60 mTor 452 1{T,T .... 132 12.98 if'h,'I 4 S 3 'IIit;n ;j, 342 23.41 7 7 89 41 48 24 13 454 1P-"}';rr;j • 140. 42.25 9 9 49 23 26 24 2 455 lI'i'tin;j. 341 22.08 1 2 1 1 456 ... ~T..t 440.'7 99 99 544 287 257 6 4 38 31 104 24 4 57 lro!.".rt '{


'I_ ..r1l m ",iT MaiD Worken __ ------A------~ p ~ ~ mCl';jjt1 1ifErF ~t lfJft"'f~ iII

Dagdiha Tukada 1 Uninhabited Dagdiha Tukada 2 152 15 66 2 42 5 18 6 26 2 1 95 89 126 Pasi 72 2 47 11 2 6 8 15 61 78 96 Majhgawao 214 100 111 7 89 92 2 12 42 220 312 Kothra 50 24 23 10 20 14 7 29 52 Bara Khurd 11 S 57 58 19 44 38 3 10 88 133 Poidha Kalan 216 S4 74 2 101 50 11 30 2 14 79 188 268 Bharjuna Kalan 76 24 34 5 23 13 10 6 9 46 81 Shua Kothar 70 40 19 2 37 38 3 11 S5 87 Umri Kothar Uninhabited Gaura Nil. 131

" Uninhabited Gaura No. 132 15 4 9 4 6 4 6 22 38 Matina No 342 17 7 6 S 5 5 6 19 Matina No. 340 1 1 1 Matina No. 341 162 65 100 32 37 31 4 2 21 5 6 120 186 Karsara 176 14 94 59 8 18 6 5 IS2 265 Bharjuna Khurd UninhaHted Nlranjanpur 223 49 104 19 70 23 31 4 18 3 182 306 Khamhariya 217 125 67 8 137 117 13 142 184 Turri Merged in Urban Area of Jaitwara town .• Jhari 271 230 91 38 116 172 30 20 34 6 2 204 201 Majhgawan Uninhabited lhari Tukd.a 119 13 80 6 2ti 7 1 12 1 35 127 172 Kubari Uninhabited Mehuti No. 368 1.:ninhabi ted Mehuti No. 370 Uninha.bited Mehuti No. 369 Uninhabited Nehuti No. 371 Uninhabited Mehuti No. 372 335 94 157 6 110 80 10 8 58 3~0 ,540 Bamhauri 13 2 3 9 2 5 17 Kumhrauli Merged in Urban Area of Jatiwara Town Koniya 84 35 41 6 36 29 7 72 100 Gadari Merged in Urban Area of Jai twara Town Galba) .. Merged in Urban Area of laitwara Town Parsadiya Merged in {Jrban Area of laitwara Town Dehut Mergep in Urba.n Area of Jaitwara Town Ami)pur Merged in Urban Area of Jaitwara Town Chilla Merged in Urban Area of laitwara Town Jaitwar8 Merged in Urban ..,.rea of Jailwara Town Bhitari Baghe)an 92

6"~\WI' qt" ifll ~~ 1II;'fml (ro rrtif/";f'lf't/ eRrrliiF ar'n ~~ffl if ~ IfI. ~( ;:r(1f ~"~'I.: if 1(1~ ilTfitalfl ~~) "'f'l.:/ifll Total Population Ifl IfIi (including fiti.1It.it institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Loca­ villages occupied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates tion Name of in heotares resi­ of r---..A--.~ ~ r-.A.--~ r--A-..... Code Tahsil/Villagel &$lTown! dential house. 811'fit; l. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ l. ~T. No. Town {Ward 1hnI in Kml bouse!l balds P. M. F. M. F. M. p. M. F 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

481 f'lre"ll;r mmT 55.75 ••

484 ~ifI'I.: 69.77 16 19 143 81 62 31 29 33 13 485 di"CI'fll;[ (mT imT) 461.27 if'f1.:fIf IIT~ ';-a-1it 96.17 601 616 3,502 ],835 1,667 232 205 52 41 1,108 480 520 ,)If;'fT 335.83 209 215 ].057 58C 477 256 223 87 69 245 92 93


'i~ 16'11 rn iffiif Main Worken ,...... ---______------A. ______~

P J('" I6nft'ifil'l .ftr~ ~'( qrR.-.fui ar~ 1lif1l'16''(;t IIiJ1I rn am -nil' ;ml (I-IX) II Veal 1II.IV,V(b),VI. x VII. VIII & IX T<)lal Main Agricultural Household Other MarglDal Workers Cultivalors Labourers Industry Worken Worken Non-Worken r-.A.-"""",\ .~ .___,..,,-""""'\ r--...... _~ r----"--~ ~--"--"",,""""\ ...-..A---.. Name of i. m ~. m ~. ~ ~. ~") ~. f~i '1. uft '1. ~ TahsilfVilIallel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. !\t. F. M. F. M. F. TowaiWard ----- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

.' Merged in Urban Area of Jaitwara Town •• Bhilari Sombanshi Merged in Urban Area of Iajtwara Town Bara Tola 70 13 60 9 13 1 68 128 lima 4 .. 16 19 23 16 2 37 46 Ghughumar Merged in Urban Area of laitwara Town .• Jaitwara(Dandi Tola) 246 33 83 5 90 18 16 9 57 1 9 232 414 Hatiya 48 58 IS 14 33 44 20 19 Rimar 484 199 211 11 167 185 15 3 91 2 570 879 Bhainswar 71 30 35 31 30 5 87 114 Khokhari 89 42 43 4 34 38 11 131 170 Susawar 128 50 58 10 46 40 24 101 169 Nachrauda 120 33 67 9 31 23 3 19 101 173 Nadna 27 15 17 4 11 2 6 38 74 Marwa Uninhabited Motisagar 329 225 105 38 150 173 27 14 47 2 274 332 Nayagaon 5 5 2 2 Mauhariya Uninhabi ted Sagara 169 41 63 II 58 17 3 2 45 11 1 2 152 235 Sonaura 92 86 16 13 76 73 57 72 Shivsagar , . Uninhabited Kamlo Uninhabl tl:d upka 414 22 207 2 184 17 5 3 18 334 698 Ranehi 210 42 148 20 37 10 1 3 24 9 2 196 364 Kanchanpur. 147 65 103 47 20 17 24 151 225 Bamhraula 91 43 41 35 39 3 12 3 96 120 Patari 38 40 3 34 40 23 31 Majhtolwa 24 7 12 2 1 5 11 29 50 "Uthwariya Uninht.bited Laudahai 126 34 51 1 46 20 1 28 13 172 274 Purwa 235 43 106 1 122 42 7 193 315 Podi 71 13 45 16 11 10 2 55 124 Khamha 42 32 9 1 30 56 Ghului 92 12 62 23 12 7 78 120 Madani 5 9 5 9 7 3 Rampura 67 52 19 45 52 3 49 55 Badaur 82 81 51 23 3C 58 I 2 75 71 Khatola 114 43 64 9 50 34 79 131 Udaisagar 105 17 92 IS 1 I 2 2 60 130 Shnrdarpuri 855 153 216 9 127 72 163 50 349 22 28 980 1,486 Kothi 301 102 47 4 65 S9 114 29 7S 10 12 278 363 Royani 94

fff.'frW I Iftilf III, Ifmn:l fW ;r;(RIfr (m rrtilf",'ft.1 ,~ .-ft ~ iIf'\'1: ~"""" it ~ ilfR ~T ifrll' (~i!"{ Ii '"~ ozrR:fflJ"f ~~) """'/'1I{r. Total Population 'tiT artf (including fiIi.q't.it institutional and houselesl Scheduled Area of No. of Tribes Literates Loea­ villagea ~upicd Number Population) lion Name of in heatares resi· of r---..A.--~ r-.A---., r---"---. Code Tahsil/Villagel "or Town/ dential house- qft& 1. ~ 1. tdl ~. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses bolds P. M. P. M. F M. P 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J4

521 1I'1wr~ 1,611.11 302 339 2,102 ],037 1.065 136 145 147 154 439 172 522 ~l(nr 1,200.01 271 296 1,851 919 932 112 109 ~61 141 349 174 523 ~~~,"t 450.27 107 107 677 345 332 90 93 131 34 524 ;f;rr 321.65 101 10] 603 310 293 90 90 10 7 164 49 525 ~lfcrt 187.39 63 67 375 183 192 9 II 74 30 526 ",)lIIfqr 105.82 24 24 200 99 101 61 24 527 qi~ 768.81 280 280 ],663 879 784 253 220 45 40 239 34 528 '{"lIfT 665.92 206 209 1,230 622 608 62 69 219 43 529 f,,,",,, lt8.19 70 70 420 201 219 21 25 30 18 96 41 5 30 ill'ilUrf mm:: 89.84 21 21 ] 24 67 57 S5 48 27 2 531 "q~ 333.15 167 167 945 504 441 58 59 88 71 209 53 532 If:rIft.r 34.59 6 6 38 20 18 2 4 17 9 533 i~ 358.41 72 72 409 230 179 133 106 73 14 534 ,,~ 153.85 15 IS 87 42 45 13 7 53S n\'l1lT 367.96 611 76 4611 236 232 146 15S S5 19 5 36 it'II{U ~iIf 161. 71 37 41 240 125 115 85 32 537 ii/fU 't;{ 15.42 ~·"t~T;r 5 3 8 fl'1rU ~<'It 151.67 89 91 498 249 249 19 24 38 34 100 18 5 39 1I'I1iitn. ] 68.91 IS li 99 48 51 1 1 32 11 540 f1n"t!il;{ 20.09 '1I{T,{lil' 541 Ifi)\;rlm 101.74 24 30 ISS 79 76 3 3 39 47 24 8 542 iR~ 814.79 282 291 ],648 839 809 88 91 48 41 246 93 543 q)WrY 901. 70 131 133 755 388 367 51 55 71 6.l 125 SS 544 ~~ 452.39 J 12 ]12 578 290 288 53 60 63 S 545 .m 701.16 ]5 15 R5 39 46 39 46 546 ~n' 732.68 :!4 24 157 72 85 72 85 21 541 ~~~ 122·33 28 28 156 77 79 75 76 19 548 ~u 613.95 3 3 3 3 :j 549 ar,,~i ],014.63 2 2 954 550 il'mt 206.59 cfmif 551 ~B"{i 2,460.84 13 13 63 35 28 33 25 2 5J2 ~ 947.02 70 70 369 171 198 171 198 5 553 """'1~ 927.88 50 So 238 122 116 97 98 23 554 qo.rl~ 1,294·55 29 36 172 84 88 82 88 555 qf~'" 534.9( 34 34 154 76 78 65 69 22 S56 ~'j;f 78:;·62 16 17 79 39 40 8 4 22 26 :) 557 ~'if.u 982·81 14 14 69 36 33 33 30 558 i'1I'~i{~ 351. 41 28 28 125 62 63 62 63 S59 m~ 1,723.37 313 331 1,842 944 898 258 222 95 82 327 63 S60 "1Ii"'r 208.25 43 43 2~2 123 119 3 S 35 25 39 11 95

PRIMARI' CENSUS ABSTRACT Raghurajnagar Tahsil .

~ 1Iil'l m '"" Main Workera ____------______--A ______----.,

~ ~ ~J1WltOll .f(f~ ~S~ cnf'tlllftif; ar;Q' ~rlf Ifi~;l tl'j(".'t;;r/ lfiflf ~~ iVm ~(tir crf.Iif'R.,a:~ ;mi 'lit ;IN (I-I" ) (J V(a) 1II.IV,V(bl.VI, VII. VJlI & IX T\)tal Main I\grlcultlU'al Household Other Marlunal Warker5 Cultivalon labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-WortCTI r--.A.-""",,,\ ~--...... __""""'\ ~.-A..-""""'\r--_A_~ ,--...... A--,. ,--....A-~ ~---A.._._, Name or 'I. flit' 'I. m '1. ~ 'I. fQ') '1' 'i~i '1. .,qfi '1. ~ Tahsil/villalel M.. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

535 269 315 34 158 203 36 30 26 2 48 60 454 736 Mauhar 452 291 207 80 187 ~73 32 36 26 2 5 7 462 634 Didaundh 153 89 83 50 83 5 6 15 3 19Z 240 Mankaharf ]44 52 65 II 44 2 28 39 7 166 241 Naina 90 51 44 10 19 18 13 18 t 4 5 3 93 138 Sagwan 40 11 34 2 10 4 59 89 Lokhariha 470 220 213 10 J69 127 75 83 13 .:!O 409 544 Pawaiya 355 147 216 19 65 74 36 23 38 31 3 9 264 452 Guluwa 75 46 31 9 24 25 7 t1 13 126 173 Bairgala 25 30 8 5 4 10 26 2 42 21 A vdhendra Sagar 246 87 109 6 91 74 30 7 16 3 251 351 Raipur 15 7 2 1 3 3 5 17 Pangara 99 15 83 8 10 6 2 4 16 131 148 Dehuta 26 24 2 16 45 Ghaderua 145 17 130 ) 2 17 2 91 215 lljraundha 61 55 5 64 114 Deari Kalan Uninhabited •• Dcoci Khurd 139 95 78 39 41 46 19 10 1 110 154 Semri Kalan 26 1 23 1 22 50 Manakwar Uninhabited Semri K.hurd 5S 48 29 8 22 40 4 24 28 Kolyata 421 110 229 8 121 66 46 35 25 16 III 402 588 Barahana 203 48 106 7 78 41 10 9 9 63 176 256 Goraiya l4~ 58 j 04 20 9 13 19 18 12 7 13 95 133 135 Rantpura 28 18 ) 6 I I J7 I 1 11 I I 1 I Jhanda 43 44 24 13 18 31 29 41 Barhata Kalan 51 39 31 21 J 9 18 26 40 Barhatta Khurd 3 3 Shahpura 4 3 4 3 Amdari O. Uninhabited Naugawan 20 15 9 6 II 9 15 13 Dighari 113 122 98 102 15 20 58 76 Chakar 76 84 65 73 11 11 46 n LalplIr 63 65 57 57 6 R 21 23 Atrbarhi 55 53 46 50 5 3 21 25 Patihar 28 28 17 :!1 II 7 11 12 Myan 26 27 ~5 25 1 10 6 Kachura 47 45 3;) 36 8 9 IS 18 Umardari 484 105 267 7 146 RR 25 7 46 3 14 60 446 733 JhaJi 72 4 55 13 2 3 1 I I 84 50 31 Paikaura 96

a-~'I" Iftil' III, ,'I'i!JiJmr(m 1ft"I"IR I I1Rw arh a'~.l if ~fof ifR lfiJ ifJ" ~!f~"( ii Iffii ~f1ttJlfl ~~IJ) IfIR/lffl Total Population llir IJlf (including ~.(r.it institutional Area of No. of and houselesl &:beduled Scheduled Loea­ villages occupied Number Population) Castes ,...-.A.Tribes __ --.. Literatel ~ion Name of in hectares resi­ of r---..A._"""",", ~ r...Jo-...." Code Tahsil/ Village I "of Townl dential house_ 'lfN!; 1. m ~. ~ 1· ~ ,;. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. P. M. F· M. F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

561 1j";'h:1 193.16 102 102 526 273 253 34 37 52 7 562 ~fun 293.99 239 239 1,225 616 609 9..: 95 204 47 563 «,"":1 87.24 37 37 237 111 126 61 73 25 10 564 ",ro' 288.81 91 91 496 239 257 135 1 S3 90 30 5 6 5 ;fu(~ Ill" 241.62 21 21 122 68 S4 66 S3 2 9 566 1Ii~ 606.95 359 408 2,350 1,195 1,155 135 ,]38 41 42 482 101 567 'fJ'ft 504.53 181 183 1,038 518 520 24 21 82 93 190 S6 568 ~ 1,584.78 229 238 1,147 583 S64 51 60 269 262 73 8 569 ~ 79.35 23 28 150 70 80 29 2 892.35 363 365 2,128 1,068 1,060 284 286 138 128 404 127 570 "'''''' 57! ittI;'{ 513.07 181 182 1,284 662 622 89 76 66 48 259 122 572 \il1f.~ 148.91 34 36 231 118 113 18 25 62 22 573 't~ 75.88 , Iim;r 574 ~'t~ 86.21 1fl"tJ;r 575 ~~ 291.59 85 86 421 211 210 80 74 21 22 76 16 576 ~T 167.15 ]09 109 580 314 266 160 142 80 3 577 ~\'I'1Jt 122.35 40 43 267 149 118 36 27 31 23 73 14 578 ~m 149.59 88 88 437 213 224 178 170 61 16 S79 si't'ffl ~i{ 61.67 1 1 24 11 13 7 7 580 1Ii~'iIl 197.41 46 56 306 152 154 72 72 51 53 581 ~tJ 495.02 132 132 735 363 372 121 115 144 42 582 ~t 129.96 17 19 91 40 51 32 42 12 4 583 ~ 74.45 26 26 135 78 ~7 10 8 32 2 584 ~ 362.52 125 127 649 326 323 85 82 55 58 99 46 585 .1 331.06 105 105 660 331 329 100 95 12 8 141 55 586 IHflf3:' 476.47 169 175 938 463 475 170 189 170 38 587 ~ IIi<'ft 132.68 45 45 226 110 116 56 57 31 10 588 a'\'t~t 688.23 148 148 845 444 401 357 326 171 48 589 iR~ 31.82 4 4 9 5 4 2 3 2 590 ~T 191.28 24 24 185 92 93 18 21 62 39 591 'tga'T 71.79 13 13 90 43 47 4 4 30 16 592 tT'CU 'mt 92.76 36 36 203 105 98 73 66 26 4 593 ~,'Ii)gJ't 86·97 2 2 17 to 7 .. 8 7 594 f~qfiPf' 194.24 25 25 160 78 82 38 22 595 qfftilfl't 52.03 14 14 97 44 S3 7 1 596 ifW"~T 60,74 22 23 110 55 S5 55 5S 2 5 9 7 lfRlTift 22.87 q'\'tT~ s9 8 ;rrUIf"'1~ 250.36 83 85 480 25l 229 59 58 81 26 599 ~ii:lf 166.52 ilRJ;i '00 1I>~~r 470.07 89 89 513 266 247 95 8S 91 16 97


'!~ iln'1I' m ami Main Work en ~------"------~ P I!.W iIn"tAiTl .ftt~ "",&1 qrf,iflro& er;q' iIn''f nii 6111'ttRi 8l{Q")"', fl1I' ~;i .,m ;n~ 161lim Iff./iflR:fifrt ;mY ... ;:mI (I-IX) (I Via) IIJ.IV,V(b),VI. x VII. VIII & IX T.nal Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivator. Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken ~_A_"""", ,~ ,----"--""""' .-~~ ,----A-~ ,-...... A---., ,-.A..----.. Name of ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~) 2;. feTi '1. ,~ '1. ~ Tahsil/Villallel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. TOWn/Ward ------~------_._------_--_. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 :ZS 2

164 95 109 1 42 77 13 ]7 II 48 98 110 Paikauri 335 55 224 9 59 36 30 10 22 281 5S4 Semariya 70 53 33 10 32 40 5 3 40 72 Khadauri 129 83 61 14 46 45 19 24 3 lID 174 Khadaura 37 23 11 9 23 16 2 2 30 27 Naukhad Khurd 602 329 320 95 151 123 67 108 64 3 4 593 822 Karsara 270 151 13S 6 106 94 21 43 8 8 11 22 237 347 Dhamar 364 212 169 20 141 182 8 4 46 6 12 219 340 Khangarh 36 6 32 3 2 3 2 34 34 Barah S96 248 243 17 224 163 70 63 59 5 472 811 Chokhari 298 47 IS2 4 56 33 29 10 31 26 26 338 549 Tikar 52 4 39 6 1 7 3 6 27 60 82 Jamunihai UninhabIted Rampura Uninhabited Hamirpur 103 4 48 33 12 4 10 19 9S 89 III Hadkhar 176 9S 78 28 35 9 47 56 16 2 138 171 !\Ifahuta 51 37 35 25 12 12 4 14 14 84 67 Gulaga 112 87 57 24 44 56 6 7 5 10 29 91 IDS Odhaki Kalan 4 1 3 1 1 2 S I::! Odhaki Khurd 79 24 35 2 36 4 5 18 3 20 73 110 Kunchi 158 69 77 2 45 56 24 ] 1 12 205 303 Padraut 28 8 20 7 8 1 S 12 38 Hinauta 33 10 21 1 3 8 9 5 9 40 38 Garlagi 128 48 51 9 23 4 29 27 2S 8 23 67 175 208 Itma 162 105 61 47 30 41 7S 13 169 224 Bandhi 229 85 98 13 87 43 22 29 22 8 19 226 371 Masnaha 54 19 28 3 14 8 6 8 6 6 26 50 71 Naukhad Kalan 210 95 98 3 79 68 13 23 2~ 15 24 219 282 Dhaurhara 3 1 1 2 2 3 Baraha 36 11 21 3 13 8 2 . " S6 82 !taura 21 10 3 1 8 1 22 45 Rehuta 57 31 21 32 28 4 3 3 47 64 Gadara Pawai 2 2 8 7 Gadara Kothar 34 25 3 ; 42 81 Nipaniya 21 19 2 23 53 Majhiyar 27 12 14 2 10 4 3 6 2 28 41 Bauliha Un;nhabitcd Majhgawan 114 28 6} 3 24 3 15 22 5 8 132 193 Narayanpur Uninhabited Kalhai 150 61 78 16 42 21 23 22 7 2 liS 185 Kalhari 9&


a~"" IJ'tl!f 1111 ~ ... :;r,,~,," (ro rrhe ,0{'I7./ o.RlrCli'" arh Iif'fTlQl it r.~ lIfa ~r orrq ~~i!"{ t7 ffi urR6Q"T ij"~) :r'lfr./lfll Total Population !f;r

601 -($ 262.77 397 418 2,194 1,137 1,057 278 249 146 135 511 208 602 m~T=r S28.J!) 85 85 S92 308 284 209 20S 115 6 603 f'll\lfl"( ~ 9"2.79 39 39 303 165 138 3 1 99 37 604 f;;r~r.~t 152.69 1 1 1 1 1 605 "ilelJ'lIfi 384.29 94 94 538 286 252 123 107 118 26 606 Clif~ ~i( 155.39 52 53 305 161 144 61 44 69 6 607 WRir. lti"" 161 .60 36 40 269 143 1:6 95 53 608 !l1r.{"(T 138.83 2S 2S 127 62 65 24 26 2 15 5 609 ~ifT"(" ai"r 1IiTor~ 3;.02 IIfTlT'f 6 I 0 'lf1iifl"(;f ~TOI1 ~ 28.18 11 11 78 42 36 12 9 22 4 611 ~;ri 40.95 .ihl'f 612 li!;(T i1rt'It 210.34 76 85 S03 247 256 95 108 3 7 105 39 613 ~~ 220.85 45 45 275 131 144 45 43 48 11 614 f-.rlf${ 377.18 109 112 55::! 298 254 139 132 105 23 615 !f;T"{'If'ff 305.54 76 81 • 539 268 271 17 12 144 154 88 39 616 iiifhr 692.67 135 141 834 440 394 148 11 3 ]3 16 153 26 617 i ...1"('\" 233.82 57 60 417 213 204 39 33 114 32 618 'fm 34.35 cihr.r 619 iffl:r'f 264.43 51 51 337 114 163 15 15 57 4 620 ~f 107.96 36 36 183 111 72 4 2 3 3 27 3 62 t if'" rilrT 2,665.50 q'\",tif 622 ififi"it ] 98.17 97 97 632 335 297 13 19 31 33 153 62 623 ~1; 57 33 12 12 50 23 27 6 624 ~flQ"' 469.93. 143 143 908 482 426 80 75 12 8 167 34 625 ~m 112.34 24 24 200 102 98 27 25 48 23 6 26 :;ftr.r s;_ii( 111.72 1 1 4 1 3 627 1f,000~tfl 399.54 112 112 673 326 347 134 t 38 93 12 628 f


------_._------~ ilitll' m tmi Main Worken ,..------___;....------., p 't~ 1IiJ1~1 .f(lit IArlt cnf1:-.ft. .~ iliTl( iIi~ (t1l'i'R 1Ii1'1I' rn em Ifltlr I5rrim ;mi (I-IX) II Veal III.IV,V(b),VI, x VII. VllJ & IX T.>raJ Maio Agricultural Household Other Mar~inal Workers CuJtj varor. Labourers Industry Worker. Workerl NOD-WOFken r-.A.----. ,--_...A._---. ,---.A._---. r--~--" r---"--... ~~ ,---A.--... Name or I. ,eft' 2;. m ~. ~ 2;. ~ ~. Fori 2;. ,Ii\ ~- ~ Tahsil/ViJIalel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. 1\1. F. M. F. M. P. TowolWard ------_------_. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

565 280 173 21 143 111 135 138 114 10 13 47 559 730 Raigaon 149 4 107 13 20 3 9 31 158 249 Saipura 72 2 55 2 2 15 1 93 135 Jirwar Khurd 1 Jirwar Kalan 148 109 85 29 22 27 34 53 7 5 2 133 141 BhatgawBn 86 20 49 3 2S 17 3 9 20 75 104 Dhaokher Khurd 68 2 59 2 9 75 124 Dhankl:.er Kalan 38 20 21 16 19 5 24 40 Dhaurhara Cninhabited •• Bhardwarao Tola Kothar 19 3 14 2 2 2 23 33 Bhatawan Tola Unmulan Uni nhabited Majhgawan 122 48 61 5 32 22 12 19 17 2 124 208 Mudaha Kalan 77 23 44 10 21 11 2 1 10 6 38 48 83 Mlldaha Khurd 144 68 72 18 48 32 14 18 10 21 32 133 154 Shivpur 147 121 45 33 84 82 7 17 121 149 Korgawan 238 198 142 112 64 45 21 39 11 2 202 196 Delaura 191 19 68 4 22 9 17 6 12 94 185 Delauri Uninhabited Pata 91 26 67 3 12 8 8 15 4 83 137 Tumin 71 36 15 6 48 27 3 3 5 40 36 Mahdai Uninhabited Nagar Pabaiya 182 45 126 44 44 12 153 252 Nakati 18 21 1 17 21 5 6 Badkher 246 112 93 3 113 104 19 4 21 3 233 314 Kudiya 48 13 25 9 13 14 3 51 85 Kujha 1 2 1 2 1 Chaura Khurd 171 110 85 7 67 84 8 24 11 5 ISS '227 Kathwariya 50 11 25 4 9 4 5 3 11 44 89 Chirhuli 142 41 5 19 2 12 2 10 '17 57 Chirhuli 143 51 30 13 S 52 83 Bairiha 163 5 90 2 58 4 2 II 105 229 Bara Kalan Uninh".bited 'Benipllr , . Uninhabited Bhmhauri Uninhabited -._ Majhgawan Dhur 8 5 3 10 14 Gaidhuwa l,ninho_bited Kainchibag Uninhabi{.;d 99 Barrch 60 57 55 53 5 4 32 18 Saliya 343 117 167 31 93 86 6 77 347 47J Hall 12 11 , , 12 II 5 3 Majhgawan SurCi 100

cr~, Ift'f 1111 P iififntff (ro Iff'f/ifJf<./ a)nfl am a'~'lfnn it "{~ !ffi ifir ;:rr" ~ife~ Ii m 6lffiFcrlfT ~f~) """{/ifTI Total Population IliT l{q (including fiIi.1ft.it institutlQolUI Aria 01 No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Loca­ vii-lases OCCupied Number r-__Population) ..A.. ___ ...... Castes Tribes Literatea tion Name of in hec:tares resi­ of ~ r-.A.--...... A---, Code Tahsil/ Village I & of Town! dential house. all'fui 2;. ~ 2;. m i. m 'I. m. No Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

641 ~1;T 46.17 mJif 6 42 lf1"{T 154.26 44 45 301 150 151 107 117 32 .., 643 ~~~ 10':'.96 155 155 826 416 410 150 152 135 39 644 FIJII'm 93.32 57 61 378 187 191 74 63 79 23 645 Ii{\' If>'tm 8t.59 26 26 195 94 101 46 14 646 ~r~~ 23.86 OfT-,:j.f 647 q'feT 156.77 73 'RRTtJ

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Raghurajnagar Tahsil ------_. I!IiIl !lifJl' m Iffiif MaiD Workers ------"------~ '"' '1_ 1liT1!Ri11 .ra~ ~ cnfl~ 1I'0lI' lliflf 16"(;f tI~«tWI ~rn em ifT~ "i./if~/l(~ mi 1&1 IITII (I-IX) [J V(a) IIJ.IV,V(b),VJ. VII. VIII & IX T"taJ MaiD AgricuhuraJ Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivaton Labourcn Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken r--.A.-~ r--.....A..--." r--A-~r---"-~ r-~~ r-...A--... r--A----. Name or i. {eft '1. m ~. ~ ~. ~ ,. filfi ,. ~cft '1. ~ Tahsll/Villalel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ----- 15 16 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 2

Uninhabited Deori 88 80 13 11 50 60 8 9 17 62 70 Gaura 222 65 97 19 65 38 26 6 34 2 194 345 Mednipur 95 43 39 7 27 31 4 28 1 92 147 KlIsiyara 44 12 25 6 2 4 3 14 1 50 89 Khai ri Kothar Uninhabited Khairi Tukda Uninhabited Pata Uninhabi ted Thagra 28 19 16 7 11 12 1 39 42 Kunchi 579 330 273 74 184 189 33 63 89 4 6 4 576 717 Rampur Chaurasi 48 22 22 24 22 29 43 ChUra 86 30 59 9 17 12 3 9 7 (" 107 Chanpurwa 344 173 91 19 161 122 23 27 69 5 3 14 301 43S Bhumkhar 281 153 114 2 137 145 i8 6 12 ]68 272 Ahirgaon ]30 23 77 1 16 11 37 11 151 266 Bhad ]88 128 80 33 57 78 15 15 36 2 176 196 Bachwai 62 32 3 23 17 36 15 33 48 Rewta 171 54 94 25 10 4 67 25 ]05 199 Deora 12 9 12 5 4 10 10 Satdhar 9 3 1 6 4 5 Saristal 58 15 30 3 9 15 16 77 ]IS Gaura 127 77 32 2 67 32 18 42 10 106 178 Karhi Kothar 188 ]48 76 56 54 50 12 37 46 5 151 180 Karhi Pawai 11 11 5 7 2 2 2 2 2 14 , Giduri 525 153 76 294 149 3 2 152 2 384 617 Amaudha Kalan 9 4 3 2 8 21 Amaudna Khurd Uninhabited ChiIJapata Uninhabited Ramna 9 7 2 11 19 itaura 807 275 165 26 110 99 194 107 338 43 145 793 1, 142 Sohawal 299 138 111 12 26 4 31 4.5 1 31 77 183 315 ~ohaula ] 18 50 8 3 72 49 35 1 81 136 Baboopur ]3 10 2 7 10 4 IS 11 MaJhbogwa 10 1 4 2 4 11 21 Chakbandi Unluhabited Lamtara 103 49 12 (j 57 43 9 "5 90 128 Sherganj Uni nhabl (ed Baghedi 126 8 71 3 45 5 ::! 8 78 168 Sonbarsa 417 172 151 27 116 82 54 35 96 28 21 82 316 43 7 Delaura 191 61 44 5 81 :51 3 2 63 3 1!l1 247 Uardadih 102


Ifi" .T !"" ;;r;:rmT (~'"­ lfi~/';f~1"~"I ,~ m9'~!IITif~ ~r•• r orrlf i:t~1: ii ri ilTN.lft.it institutional and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages OC(;upicd Number tion Name of tD hectares resi· of r--_.A._-, ~ r--.A._., r---"---. Code Tahsil/ V mage I & of Town! dential house­ urfi& ~. tdt i. m i. m ~. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. p. M. F 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Ii 81 ~l!VIT 200.88 106 106 543 280 263 S6 52 52 54 112.,:51 682 il1fi{f 675.20 356 392 1,872 1,000 872 381 335 9 3 443 134 683 lfi~T 28.37 23 24 119 62 57 56 44 22 10 684 ":3"IJ1:T ] 21. 42 282 291 1,220 699 521 38 2.7 25 26 464 171 685 ~~i!fT 279.21 205 221 1,148' 581 567 137 143 101 102 281 138 686 ulfIff 258.26 137 139 590 310 280 84 70 163 167 34 10 687 ~~ 58.60 19 19 49 32 17 2 8 4 68 8 ~'"r: 185.82 ]49 151 596 309 287 56 57 102 105 50 21 689 R:7j1:T ~ j 4.17 "~T;:r 690 R:"l"U QT 86.78 67 71 348 195 153 4S 40 49 9 691 ~-am1;: 227.26 25 26 187 106 81 39 28 29 8 692 f~'Jm 324.78 60 60 340 167 173 78 80 4 6 . 41 15 693 'i1:.-i1f 464.88 iIT~ ,!f"l: ~ iii ~ 1{ Utl'0fT ~ if ~f~M


~ ~" m II'R Main Worken ,...---______-----A.. ______~

tor 11:.'" ~emt .raC' RI~ qyfUO'm; 1If;a IIit'I' m ~1iI'1 ~ rn """'

158 89 28 82 85 9 39 3 122 174 Shukla 524 223 165 12 203 ·187 SO 22 106 2 476 648 Bagaha 34 1 5 8 6 1 15 2 26 56 Matehna 300 8 13 2 44 5 26 1 217 1 398 512 Umri 286 120 64 15 162 95 6 54 10 295 447 Mahdewa 178 151 20 2 14 II 144 138 132 129 Sagma 26 2 1 2 25 6 15 Hadwadpur 196 92 S4 40 30 102 61 113 194 Lalpur Uninhabited Ti kuri Khurd 97 37 27 3 18 21 4 48 13 98 116 Tikuri Kalan 66 13 30 28 12 3 5 40 68 Tikuri Kothar 104 69 48 25 43 44 1 12 63 104 Shivpurwa Ghurdana 350 109 63 148 109 6 133 243 370 Badkhar 178 53 22 21 11 2 133 '42 120 181 Kaima Kothar 131 20 33 2 29 8 1 2 68 8 125 196 Kaima UnDlulan 42 8 8 16 6 1 17 2 37 62 Bamuraha 111 30 13 26 5 72 25 100 146 Bathiya Khurd 931 519 93 47 31 25 48 29 759 418 30 52 795 997 Bathiya Kalan 863 182 37 2 22 8 21 1 782 171 37 26 1,020 1,325 Naina 145 18 23 62 18 60 107 161 Bela 212 210 66 59 83 131 2 2 61 18 175 146 Bari Kalan 338 13 55 6 118 56 165 J 1 3 J2 374 507 Bari Khurd 107 31 83 17 7 14 7 10 108 162 Patauda 158 50 25 44 36 12 12 77 2 3 130 240 Nimi 136 58 60 23 40 35 4 32 18 32 88 133 Baraj 102 62 50 30 32 27 2 18 5 70 79 Puraini 463 230 195 59 131 156 20 9 117 6 2 16 49(; 630 I

~~'" "t~ III, ftIJ ;sr;r~"" (i'IR 1It~/;{1R1 llfirq;" ar~ ~~qT it ~ifol 'l'R !f;r if'" i:t~~ ii ri 8!1'f'FtrlfT ~f~) 1ftR:/cIU Total Population (including "~if '"' f.t;.li\' • it institutional and houseless Scheduled Schedllled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Loca­ villages OC(;upied Number tion Name of hi heotare! resi­ of ,..----"----""\ r-~ r-.A---""\ Code Tahsil/Villagel '" of Town/ dential house­ !Rffl& l. ~ !. ~ !. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds p. M. F. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

721 qif, 78.24 ~"(llf 722 ern~r 51.22 13 14 65 36 29 13 5 723 1ir'1i(.~~' 224.28 48 55 251 135 116 69 10 724 ~ft 490.61 87 99 594 303 291 92 100 32 26 105 19 725 'lJiq;rJ 383.98 62 68 398 212 186 74 63 73 13 126 ~,,, 252.94 92 93 589 289 300 18 22 114 51 727 ti't~ 242.58 69 71 469 242 227 80 81 2 59 3 728 tilth" 528.78 225 248 1,098 579 519 108 75 241 259 86 4 729 "l~ 129.44 257 267 1,180 637 543 It3 79 317 305 134 11 730 i(1"!.~ 32.06 3 3 26 16 10 13 8 731 fmm'l 160.70 SO 53 328 166 162 50 53 8 15 50 23 732 ~furT f~-aqyif 268.29 85 99 579 281 298 151 144 2 4 128 66 733 ~If' qllTftrqy;r 233.97 40 S5 350 180 170 60 49 5 5 SO 1 734 ~z~ 40.40 ~if 735 q'U 212.79 40 41 205 109 96 7 8 21 22 42 14 736 ~q.rT 175.76 42 50 264 131 133 5 4 59 13 737 ~!f;f~, 476.30 206 235 1,242 623 619 239 246 3 2 246 59 738 r.r.~'l 488.87 150 158 791 430 361 137 ]] 8 22 24 176 44 739 ~illT - 165.93 16 ]6 94 46 48 26 8 740 ~r{ 146.25 17 21 97 52 45 52 45 11 1 741 'I.f!f;I!'tI't 49.23 26 27 ]29 61 68 52 57 15 8 742 ~~ 48.68 1 14 6 8 4 5 743 ~ 352.54 122 ]24 689 360 329 55 57 6 5 90 11 744 ~~ 461.5t 151 157 1,118 544 574 201 195 114 22 745 ~);ffiy 309.43 28 35 216 )10 106 61 24 7 46 ")if~r"f'ti ~~ 240.97 48 50 270 146 124 62 52 34 32 3 7 20 747 tr'Ulf 353.85 129 166 818 400 418 34 36 63 64 103 18 748 ~ 69.29 23 28 183 102 81 22 13 8 6 59 24 749 lllf'ffi'f'll'J 49.44 5 5 37 19 18 19 18 ] 750 ~ 87.81 75 98 639 315 314 38 34 21 27 ]62 50 75 1 1Jf!J17r't i6';;rt 100.48 39 43 214 109 105 58 45 18 21 35 18 752 ~ru 91.19 15 21 ]39 70 69 23 19 36 20 753 ~~'h:, 151.13 9 9 42 21 21 7 6 4 5 6 4 754 lirrr'ttr 76.72 51 51 298 160 138 32 27 46 22 755 ~') 42.18 51 57 315 153 162 60 70 18 13 57 14 756 ~'{r 147.99 56 56 332 167 165 7 8 75 67 14 757 ~"" 164.97 26 33 206 102 104 8 8 47 4 7 5 8 qf~oittg"( 156.04 31 31 170 8S 85 40 46 19 3 759 ;fi~il"t 381. 81 95 99 603 294 309 22 30 42 37 89 41 760 'J't~ 465.49 183 222 1,226 (26 600 28 38 102 93 234 50 lOS

PRIMArltY CENSUS ABSTRACT RaghunajoBgar Tallsi'

'!:_ iIiT" iilTi Main Worker. ,..---______m --A-______----.

~ '!WI! ~'~1 jfcr~ 1I1iI11 qJ~ II(CIf IliTlf'm q~, IliTlf rn ~.mr eo'" crf"'lifff(/lf~ ;mi Q'lI1'IIf ( I-IX) n VCa) IIJ,IV,V(b),Vl, x VII. VIII & IX T.)!al MaiD Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Work en Non.Worken r-A -""""",\ r-....A..---, r----"----, r.---"----.. r.--"---... r----A--.. ~ Name 01 ~. m '1. ~ ~. ~ 'I. ~ 'I. ~I 'I. ~ 'I. ~l Tahsil/Villalel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F .. M. F. Towo}Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 18 2

Uninhabited Pater ]7 2 8 1 1 8 1 18 26 Atarhara 68 43 57 42 10 66 73 Khajurahra 154 103 81 46 49 56 23 149 188 Jamodi 116 20 48 5 42 14 25 1 5 96 161 Matehna 152 11 102 2S 8 25 2 137 289 Mand 123 44 54 2 37 39 3 29 2 119 182 Mohanna 366 145 69 22 47 54 13 237 69 213 374 PhutaunJha 346 104 31 4 53 97 1;; 2 246 1 3 57 288 382 Phutaundhi 7 5 2 9 10 Daboopur 99 36 38 8 23 22 5 33 6 67 125 LilauTi 133 59 30 6 42 51 61 2 148 239 Khamhariya Tiwariyao 77 28 35 21 8 6 34 103 142 Khamariya Payasiyan Uninhabited Bhatpurwa 46 24 29 11 10 13 7 63 72 Badera 58 2 29 19 10 7 66 131 Sarbahna 301 90 93 20 99 55 22 13 87 2 18 113 304 416 Sak<.riya 212 60 95 2 50 52 3 55 6 6 13 2 1 2 21! 8 Birhuli 28 8 14 2 6 12 4 17 36 Nlmi 30 26 3 21 25 6 5 17 18 Kodh'li. 29 34 4 13 33 11 5 5 27 29 Chakmurar 3 2 1 2 8 Lobra 181 6 114 3 32 2 14 21 179 323 Sejbata 30S 35 221 53 35 31 4 245 235 294 Helhata SS 5 34 15 4 6 34 55 67 Sonaura 82 18 10 54 17 3 1 15 10 64 96 Sonaurachak UtaiIi 22 t 75 83 6 98 61 14 9 26. 179 343 Saray 46 1 2S 16 1 5 9 56 71 Lakhha 7 1 3 4 1 ]0 12 7 Amiliya 162 64 87 4 46 57 14 3 15 38 152 222 Darha 70 22 21 t 44 21 5 39 83 Majhiyai Kalan 3S 14 1 13 2 8 5 35 61 Bari 12 3 3 7 1 2 2 3 8 15 Haura 89 13 17 57 11 2 13 I 4 54 67 71 Khagaura 90 19 15 2 28 11 46 6 6 52 57 91 Gauri 95 51 35 ~ 51 46 4 2 5 72 t I 4 Dhngdeora 48 7 36 12 6 54 97 Purwa 45 15 25 2 3 16 40 69 Gahi lokhBr 150 82 58 16 22 286 Bjrnai 340 1 SO 132 25 128 114 34 10 46 3 34 416 Maraaha 106


er~\II'1 If'if 1111 1\11' ,",if~T (i'lf"( "rif/if~1 '~OI' 8J~ ~~I~if ~ iffi lIiT ifl" ~~a-"( ~ ,"of Olififlfl:fi ~~er) if'R{iffi Total Population lliT iT1i (including fi5.~.iI institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages OCCupied Number r-_A__ ~ lion Name of in heotares resi­ of r---.A----~ ~ r....A.-..., Code Tabsil/Village! &. of Townl dential house. IIfffii !I. ~ !I. m !I. m ~. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses bolds P. M. F. M. P. M. F· M. F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

761 ~ifl"T 175.65 33 39 276 133 143 43 36 762 f6't;T)~ IGO.98 120 144 766 403 363 148 118 69 72 82 14 763 Ifi!tQlT 159.61 21 22 134 73 61 23 _s 10 9 18 1 764 fZffw 148.01 60 61 322 155 ]67 11 16 93 .92 37 19 765 or)~~T 58.95 20 23 174 94 80 9 7 61 9 766 r'!l'if~ 41.22 22 26 119 66 53 36 30 IS 5 767 iRiI"~T 63,09 cfi1:TiI' 768 f~ 547.99 67 67 420 206 214 9 6 10 10 113 46 769 "T~ 433.25 78 78 528 282 256 '14 19 9 6 101 29 770 ~1:~;! 159.32 31 33 174 84 90 4 8 25 5 771 ~T 287.04 230 241 1,492 774 718 56 66 171 149 258 61 772 i~ 648.84 19 19 110 54 56 23 2 773 rin 156.39 7 3 4 3 3 774 "~iJTlI'l: 4,137.37 ~ 77 5 . ~"f ~'Tt 842.65 164 172 988 507 481 122 102 63 62 194 33 776 tf~n:j 1,065.10 233 273 1 , 4 90 771 71 9 75 69 160 119 193 29 777 ;f~~j 3«;2.06 154 177 938 477 461 ] 45 142 26 21 108 12 778 li1:"t~j 1,497.59 302 327 1,683 822 861 193 201 111 116 ::!03 87 779 ~"r


I{WII iliT~ m iffii Main Worken ____ ------___J".------~ p ~ m8i1i'n lifm IRI~ q.f(clif(iji ar~ 1IiT~ m 1IiT~ rn am .mr ami (I-IX) n V(a) III.IV,V(b).Vl. x VII. VIII & IX Tiona I Mail) Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivarorl Labouren Industry Worken Worken NOD-Worten r--.A.-""",\ r-~ r___J".-""",\ r--_...._~ r--....A---.. r-~ ,.---.A----.. Name of '1. ~;ir 1· ~ IJ. fGft '!. ~') '! . l;iJl IJ. m 1· ~') Tahsil/Villallel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. TowIJIWard ------15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

66 10 20 4 29 6 17 16 67 117 Semara 226 191 122 94 92 94 7 3 5 177 172 Sidhauli 3b 35 28 27 7 7 37 26 Oanesh 95 46 19 4 3 3 4 69 38 60 120 Tilwriya 46 10 21 5 3 3 22 2 48 69 Lohra 36 16 6 2 7 5 22 8 30 37 Ghinauchi Uni nhabited Barbasa 108 67 81 50 19 15 8 2 3 98 144 Ri chhahari 119 75 5 11 28 7 71 15.6 184 Gada 42 31 9 1 1 30 42 60 Majhiyar Kb.urd 378 201 183 65 137 125 21 37 10 7 18 389 499 Bihara 29 2 25 I 4 1 25 54 Belhati 3 3 4 Khalesar Uninhabi ted Madwajhar 263 160 154 65 77 88 13 7 19 68 243 253 Itma Nadi teer 451 130 303 65 106 50 16 9 26 6 23 236 297 353 Gauhari 283 82 172 40 65 30 26 11 20 27 203 167 176 Chakdahi 464 315 228 126 170 180 12 8 44 12 62 346 484 Klurwahi 119 66 67 39 35 26 7 10 110 138 Itma Britt 47 7 36 8 6 3 47 91 Rampur Mudwar 384 123 150 32 147 84 21 66 6 42 82 425 568 Chorhata Kothar 154 24 99 3 36 19 19 2 15 67 199 319 Lokhaha Paipkhar Uninhabited Rajha Majra Lakhaha Uninhabited Lakhaha Chaknai 272 167 134 59 91 98 9 7 38 3 6 13 188 267 Chakera 91 28 28 5 35 22 27 1 6 41 73 91 Umri 111 60 2-1 5 49 50 4 34 4 15 55 132 lSI Deori 100 27 60 8 27 19 13 4 29 126 175 Dudaha 218 106 117 62 SO 32 20 10 31 2 29 78 238 281 Beeda 153 92 104 48 44 44 2 3 117 171 Semra 223 9 118 3 89 6 2 14 109 183 330 Khokham 7 7 4 9 J.3 Tala Talari Uni nill'bi ted Sirgo Pahad 137 16 90 14 39 2 6 122 119 126 Hma Kothar 275 34 190 14 53 I(j 10 22 3 39 153 221 307 Alrar 66 4 58 3 5 3 50 108 Majhiyar 343 109 170 15 141 93 9 23 10 376 594 Sonaura Kothar 72 70 27 4 35 66 10 5 24 75 58 Bhandari Kothar 105 77 77 22 25 53 3 1 1 5 82 107 88 Kheri ya Kothar Uninhabi ted Maheba Koth ar 108


8'~WI mll'lI' p;;rlfMI(m qt1l'/«'f'(/ ~~ !iI1'~~~~it~ 1I'1i ifiT lfT'q i~!~ 'Ii '"" i!JRlflfT ~f~Q') lflf(/errl Total Population 'lir er" (including it institutional fiIi.m. and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca· villages oec:upied Number tion Name of in bectares resi­ of r---.A.--~ ~ r-.A.--~ r__.A...... , Code Tahsil/VlIlagel &; of Townl dential house. 'lffui ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ 2;. -~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F- M. F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ]4

801 .f{lJT of«NT'{ 163.31 58 58 330 159 111 20 33 81 27 802 ~"ifim"( 41.00 34 34 196 96 100 3 5 42 11 803 nqTI( m~ 159.53 78 80 452 237 215 46 52 28 22 48 4 103 546 286 260 86 82 62 55 80 7 804 "~1l 319.30 103 5 5 5 805 ifi)f;:rlJT 1i'IWm~ 19.72 9 9 66 33 33 5 12 5 cr')~T;r 806 arili"t;ft !fiym 144.82 5.~8 303 155 13 17 18 25 39 13 807 ~-u ;itOT~ 27 57 61 148 91 82 72 72 195 105 808 f~""~'lIT 184.98 139 ] 62 1,010 503 507 47 14 6 39 35 33 2 809 ~l.T ilfifon 1 S2. 36 40 279 142 137 810 ~~~I( 64.94 19 25 ]07 56 51 9 2 811 q;)'fillfT ~lf"ifi 72.08 28 31 200 106 94 30 23 17 17 42 812 ~yf;:!ln Il.q~ 73.28 31 33 190 9S 95 51 42 23 1 68 74 813 '!.~ if;)~ 228.31 93 96 534 268 266 12 12 54 6 814 IlI'lifl.' ~",,;r. ,,~ 28.06 21 28 159 73 86 19 26 10 17 27 S 815 :;ft~ 173.18 31 34 203 101 102 2 13 21 32 8 8 I 6 "ifi)flflfT 122.68 45 48 306 152 154 11 12 20 9 43 9 13 17 18 817 ""~~a 228.73 14 97 51 46 23 10 818 1:T:;rTil';m 62.29 1 1 633 J 2 29 19 819 l!I'!~r 483.59 45 45 259 137 J22 2 2 70 29 5 17 9 8 820 ijf~1fT oitrVT1: 1 58 41.33 5 8 " 821 ~WI'TitQ'. . 159 306.50 41 41 204 96 108 4 4 39 46 39 J 1 822 ;f;rr 113 .63 30 30 151 81 70 5 3 28 17 823 "ifi~m~ 52.82. 2 2 4 2. 2 1 112 103 74 824 ~ 993.54 278 278 1,865 943 922 66 294 42 825 'i!'t1:t 106.46 14 14 103 47 56 20 8 1126 "it~t 284.76 88 88 527 251 276 64 (j7 62 25 827 f"~ 251.93 33 33 223 114 114 38 30 23 11 828 i~~ 237.07 15 15 98 52 46 14 14 3 829 Ul'Q;:rT 302.;9 47 47 389 195 194 11 10 25 19 75 28 830 fu''l!~ 196.27 40 40 251125126 6 8 64 66 31 4 831 q'~~it 404.11 139 140 906 460 446 25 31 226 52 832 ~~g1i 286.16 155 155 902 459 443 63 57 46 38 146 34 833 ;r't,arr 187.87 99 106 598 303 295 7S 68 1 t 12 94 4 834 :i.,hT 172.08 105 113 535 278 257 75 75 93 76 83 28 g]5 ifi);:;g


~ ~TI( m 111. MaiD Worken ___------A------~ fill' '!1A 1I11I8~t wRil< IATll m-.:1OfuI; WRl IliTI( Iin:;f 1fiT1f IRii .. WT ifT~ ;mi (I-IX) n VIa) 1JI.IV,V(b),Vl. x VII. VlII & IX T.nal MaiD Agricultural Household Other MarlllinaJ Workers Cultivators L3.bQurers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-__ .A.._""","\ r--A _""","\ r--.A..-""""'"r---A.....~ ,--_j._--, r----'--, ,.--A----. Name of S. ,iii S. m ~. ~ ~. ~1 ~. feri ~. m~. ~) Tahsil/Villallol M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. "M. F. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

81 36 5S 6 20 27 2 3 4 3 21 75 114 Kheriya Paipkhar 47 17 30 3 1.6 14 1 1 49 82 Karpwah Kothar 117 29 39 68 27 911 120 186 Karpwab Bhaip 151 105 80 41 67 64 3 1 134 155 Ledara 17 10 10 6 5 3 16 23 Koniya Mohandas Uninhabited Akauni Kothar 78 37 14 5 32 30 6 26 2 7 8 63 110 Owari Kothar 241 145 54 14 110 112 30 19 47 9 2 253 360 Shivpurwa 75 48 45 17 29 31 1 22 67 67 Duwari Kothar 32 19 13 1 19 18 8 24 24 Duwar i Unmulan 51 23 28 5 17 16 2 2 4 54 71 Koniya Puranik 46 29 22 16 20 13 1 3 49 66 Koniya Dharampur 146 119 96 80 37 37 5 2 8 10 12~ 13-7 Khukhada Kathar 42 30 23 9 17 21 2 30 56 Khukhacia tJnmul.l.n Pclipkhar 46 22 34 7 ]2 15 55 80 Chorha 83 38 62 30 19 8 1 69 116 Koniya 31 12 13 2 17 10 20 34 Karhi Brat 3 3 3 Rajabilks S5 17 29 18 16 6 2 6 76 104 Khatkhari 5 5 4 8 Jamuni yaPaipkhar 52 38 16 2 32 36 4 2 3 42 67 Jamuniya Brat 45 16 19 20 15 6 36 54 Naina 2 2 2 Rarhi 496 159 279 12 166 141 29 6 22 7 137 440 626 Kri shnagarb 18 1 15 3 22 29 33 Cha1.ra 145 93 III 59 29 34 5 106 183 Kudiya 63 36 43 13 18 23 2 51 78 Lilaha 32 24 20 J 2 23 20 22 Bai)anha 90 24 38 42 24 9 105 170 Selhana 86 35 38 1 43 34 5 39 91 Tlkuri 206 106 130 69 37 36 12 27 15 54 239 286 Padkhuri 239 ]32 126 34 78 90 17 8 24 4 220 307 Guduharu 155 76 85 3 53 71 1 16 2 8 88 140 131 N"muwa 160 112 36 90 109 3 31 3 I 117 144 Delaura 1 I 6 4 4 6 3 8 16 Kol"uwa 153 134 104 100 28 34 2 19 108 119 Mataha 74 64 53 52 11 12 1 9 68 65 Dadh·ya ]23 126 65 72 42 51 4 2 12 144 122 AtaThaTa 97 31 55 22 29 9 13 2 18 99 143 Badhalya 256 96 !27 14 85 67 4 40 15 14 256 377 Satri 110


~~"" qAlIIl ~ 'i(;rmt (_'" rrfil f''q'{ I o.Rfqj;;y Ill"\"{ ~f1fRr) it ~ ifrt ~f iff" i~z~ " lIT" lill'f.t~T ~fi{(f) ;r'f,-/ilTI Total Population "'T illf (including f.Ii.~. it institutional and bouseles. Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages oa;upied Number A tion Name of in bectares resi­ of r---.A.--~ ~ r- ---... ,---"----. Code Tahsil/Villagel &: of Town/ dential bouse- ~ ,;. ~ ,;. ten ,;. ~ '!. ten. No. TIYH\\I Wlltd W.. td in Km' hOU~'3. ~" l". M. F. M. P. M. F· M. F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 1J 12 I:; 14

841 \I~~ 189.05 278 318 ],575 822 753 194 198 49 40 399 154 847 ft:t'm 261.92 .42 44 188 105 83 2 2 5 2 11 R43 1i;:r;f,¥,_<) 399.75 97 104 705 334 371 15 12 10 1 I 190 84 844 fi\'fT(f) 307.88 150 183 1,163 586 577 1 ~6 126 48 39 230 49 845 ~.T 160.96 37 40 315 159 156 10 10 51 9 846 ir\Sl&l"l 527.11 183 237 1,400 657 743 72 85 121 131 249 109 847 ~ 221 .24 6t 66 471 232 239 70 81 49 .50 79 32 8"48 ~ 249.43 54 69 455 223 232 25 21' 118 21 849 1f.~~ 148.00 cft"uor 850 1Ii\~ 139.J3 17 21 98 43 55 1 11 3 851 Wl"() 290.35 ] 1 6 116 640 316 324 23 27 33 32 108 26 852 ~ 207.66 77 86 487 241 246 23 29 84 23 R53 ... ~"(f ~56.t5 705 107 546 275 271 32 3) )19 26 R 5 4 1ii''''-1f~;;Y1 773.29 152 190 1,161 590 571 74 61! 88 99 199 63 855 .ro~~~1; 291.56 128 157 944 473 471 74 83 53 50 152 23 856 .t"'"(l},"( 23.37 ;tn'ffl.) 1,627.87 306 384 2,349 1,134 ),215 215 213 80 76 467 139 R66 'il1!'fl 1,211.70 246 252 1,514 801 713 133 117 46 43 271 43 867 qeti!:Tt 265.05 69 69 524 292 232 17 1 I 22 15 91 17 868 i~~ 693.94 164 164 848 43) 4 J7 5 5 79 76 146 32 8 6 9 :aq, fl.i{1 175.15 41 41 206 105 101 38 32 31 1 870 f~;a-··:t 473.6l 117 117 587 :89 298 79 69 27 26 82 28 871 \lorn it) 332.54 120 130 684 354 330 20 12 39 31 130 30 872 ITUW 629.59 136 156 846 426 420 47 ;0 90 94 158 27 873 ~",'"f 527.82 182 182 ! ,008 50.5 503 33 34 56 44 198 51 874 ;j'irU 602.06 153 155 1,007 505 502 59 56 S4 S6 195 47 875 "1~ 400.85 109 109 687 365 322 61 55 59 67 150 43 87 6 ltifttJl 243.58 63 64 326 159 167 28 31 12 14 54 4 g 7 7 'fsrtril T 259.63 139 139 611 3)6 295 99 83 132 138 59 20 1S78 Ifi(~~r ]54.58 11 11 74 37 37 2S 4 1(l'9 ...1 3~.6() 1'7 1'7 116 64 52 i B 3'2 a III


'!:'iIl 1IrI"- m lIT" Main Worken ------.-----____,.._------~ tor 'tM IlimAi,": wfftw< If1rIt ..rf"{lfIm. .;:v ~ m fft1InAi ~m liI"lit ..nAi't'li ~ a. (I-IX) (J Veal III.IV,V(b),Vl, x VII. VIII & IX T.>tal Main A.gricultural Household Other Marpinal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Worken Worker. Non-Worken A ~ __.A.._"""",\ r-- -"""",\ ~-.A..-""""'\r---"-~ r---.A-~ r-----A---. ~ Name of 'I. ~ 'I. ~ 'I. ~ 'I. ~ 'I. feri '1. ,en 'I. ~1 Tahsil/villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------_ ------.--- 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 B 26 27 28 2 413 168 '9 28 49 26 81 33 218 81 7 42 402 543 Sajianpur 6'2 22 36 ! 1 18 5 8 6 1 6 42 55 Hinauta 139 1 77 16 4 42 5 9 190 361 Mankahari 292 126 122 29 9~ 82 23 6 52 9 ] 1 294 440 Hinauti 69 20 60 20 9 41 90 95 Badarkha 322 21; 135 12 143 20J 3 41 2 334 528 Sujahata 133 90 40 2 67 84 2 24 3 99 ]49 Jhan.ji>ar 06 15 86 9 14 2 9 4 7 107 216 Pithaipur Uninhabitec! Mugwari 19 12 14 12 3 2 24 43 Kolhadi 160 61 71 11 44 3S 22 9 23 ]4 68 142 195 Khari 120 87 61 32 33 49 3 17 6 121 159 Bathiya ]23 52 78 27 15 17 15 II 15 152 219 Bamhauri 283 129 130 29 98 94 7 6 48 18 56 289 386 Mahurac.hh Kadaila 249 207 87 89 87 94 75 24 22 223 242 Narsinghpur Uninr.abited Shankarpur 122 63 90 33 21 25 6 5 5 22 126 133 Badhaura Kothar 170 7 131 28 6 4 7 141 '297 Badaaura Mudwar 373 249 1118 97 124 129 S 4 56 19 15 ]2 31 ] 409 Tapa 229 232 144 116 74 115 11 1 . , ]96 166 Bagahai 457 239 272 136 83 86 29 12 73 5 3 46S 643 Bairiha 70 20 42 12 6 4 5 17 3 72 119 Medhi 230 157 127 71 58 7S 10 4 35 1 297 335 Karrnau 328 164 150 23 113 ]25 13 3 52 1 J 393 5G8 ]anardar.pur 560 402 29ft 196 189 185 33 III 42 ~ i4 103 560 710 Chormari 424 228 236 118 95 93 2S S 6R 12 32 73 345 412 JamUna 133 126 68 81 62 4S 3 8 12 151 94 Patarhai 227 114 122 81 85 32 12 3 142 ,01 161 Degarhat 58 37 39 IJ 19 24 25 47 39 l'mariha 164 135 101 74 57 60 2 4 2 24 123 139 Tiuni 177 164 74 86 35 32 4Z 36 26 10 2 8 liS 158 Sagauni 224 195 146 128 54 63 11 4 1.3 3 6 199 219 Jhand 249 121 179 69 46 52 9 15 5 12 251 370 Turki 239 158 115 79 83 77 8 33 15 42 251 )02 Deora 166 103 74 27 68 67 9 9 15 17 5 182 214 Kund 8:! 45 56 20 23 2 4 2 12 75 110 Katiga 177 27 32 58 8 6 81 19 139 268 Majbgawan 19 13 3 3 j R 37 Karhihar Malia 34 2 6 16 2 12 30 50 Khllira 112

ff~ill 1ft" lilt P' ~;i(~~T (if'" 'IIt'f1«tr{.1 ' .....1;1 or,\1; ~~'" it "{~ 'fli 'li"T ifl'l i~e"{ if m il:ff.nfIfT ~~(f) 'lf1IT./fffW Total Population 'li"1 ;nf (including f.t;.~. it institutional Area of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Number ,-_.A. __ ~ tion Name of is hectares resi­ of r----"----~ ~ r--"----. Code Tahsil/Villagel &'ofTown/ dential house­ AffiI; ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in KID' houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F· M. F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14

12 /1/- Uflilt (il". ~.) N,A. 19,996 53,516 5,154 1,595 35,130 19,016 96,667 43,151 4,687 1,400 18,583 (i) 6<1'11 (il" .ql.) 11,453 49,820 4,805 1,455 32,510 17,517 90.476 40,656 4,347 1,298 17,38 4 12/1/1 ~1;" "!"'t<'!T m 461 479 2,148 1,229 919 14 6 29 27 967 ·512 ] 2/1/2 ~~~~ m 1,134 1,141 4,708 1,812 1.896 74 61 4 4 1,995 858 12/1/3 IliT~.rt em' 1,134 1.204 4,689 2.710 1,979 217 196 326 301 1,432 559 12/1/4 f~ m 387 445 1,586 995 591 54 40 33 34 644 293 12/1/5 or~ ~;snfff erri 1.064 1,070 4.475 2,658 1,817 201 166 200 1.70 1,527 594 1 2/T I(j f~m 'l\"T

12{I(J 1 ~f;:;{ 00 <:"falUrl ift. 744 888 4,088 2,228 J,860 146 119 48 531,301 634

] 2! 1/1 2 ffilJ 'JTlJ~ If~"{

1 2/1/1 3 1lli000T '1ToIlfT'!IT lifri 245 277 ] ,8]9 932 887 2 70~ 511 12/T /14 "{PI Gff::r'li"T Ifm "ri 304 4]4 2,245 ],194 1,051 29 22 7 896 603 12/1/15 ~111"R q-f~ m 264 340 2,1661,183 983 7 4 1 990 722 1 2/I/16 ilTilM "'Ai

12/1/24 iTf~<:Tif eT~T, 11"~ it~T lfti 550 550 2,718 ],484 1,234 115 97 6 3 902 419

] 2/1/2 5 ~f !!'I!;ff, ~il'~ q;(i!:'Ii"

12/1/26 \leOfcrT"{T i.T~ iJni 545 55t 2,635 1,425 1,210 152 161 107 }05 845 391 12/ l/2 7 "·... I'lfl" 'Ii"T"I7;rr

12/1/- if~ .n'!l" I{f~<: ~ N.A. 1,509 1,543 6,191 3,696 1,495 349 340 140 10Z 2.670 1,199 12/1/ (ii) 't.'{:rhT 4'65 790 790 2,763 1,787 976 216 219 102 65 1,108 274 12/11 (iii) \<=r.l .-r~)';it N.A. 719 753 3,428 1,909 1,519 133 121 38 37 1,562 925 113


'!;liIl ;fiTIf m llfTii Main Worken __.------"------., ipf q~ qrf'tllfTf'{. ar~ iiiTlf .'{~ 8'iI~or, ~;{~ e~ q'~ qf.I~~'I:,

15 16 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Satha Municipality 26,469 506 498 1,500 23,965 280 26,767 SatDa (U.A.) 2,490 66 222 428 1,774 218 40,443 24.317 473 414 1,434 22,056 271 25,172 SatDI1(M) 23,339 64 196 400 1.679 2GS 38,109 595 48 9 19 22 24 543 25 2 1 632 &70 Ahir Tola Ward 1,329 61 59 1 41 6 ~5 7 1,144 47 18 26 1,465 1,809 Mukhlarganj Ward 1,507 164 39 3 56 46 30 4 1,38~ III 7 I 1,196 1,814 Kolgawan Ward 616 24 12 604 22 6 3 373 564 Bid1a Ward 1,482 48 4 1 19 5 1,458 42 3 1 , 173 1,769 Anusuchi t Janjati Ward ] ,240 79 8 2 2 23 5 1,207 72 9 1,224 2,052 Sindhi Colony Ward 1,314 81 4 2 1 28 20 1,280 6~ 3 2 1,195 1,942 Risala Daxini Ward 1.148 194 19 19 5 31 15 1,079 174 27 6 1,290 l,89IAnusuchit JanjatiKhunthj 965 142 19 37 25 65 10 844 107 5 5 1,062 I, 352Kherdai Marg P. MohUa 944 86 14 7 8 2 27 4 895 74 4 4 883 1,39'1 KwarinTola Uttari Bhag Ward 1,156 112 2 8 12 34 6 1,11~ 94 13 1,071 1, 735Kwiirin Tola DaKini Bhag Ward 862 ]03 8 73 15 780 88 12 2 957 1,479 Satya Narayan Mandir Ward 452 29 14 49 :_l89 ~8 16 10 464 848 Kanya Pathshala Ward 597 43 9 52 7 536 :_:16 2 1 595 1, 007RIlm Janki Macldir Ward 555 21 20 2 533 21 4 624 962 HanuDlan Mandir Ward 705 39 4 29 67'2 38 741 1,356 Lalta Chauk Ward 554 33 2 45 10 506 23 3 3 635 1.059 Bagic':aRisaldarWard 667 31 ] I 20 2 636 29 2 861 1,375 Harijan Basti Ward 531 41 G 1 5 18 {} S'.l8 ~9 10 600 1,075 Pentar Marg Ward 705 147 32 10 9 2 114 61 550 7·1 4? 43 749 1,235 Kachhiyan Tola Ward 1 , :!61 164 37 2 15 14 98 30 1 , 111 118 J 1,368 2,033 TikuriyaTolaWard 941 186 48 12 17 21 62 61 814 92 56 SG 1,116 1,347 Chandm'lri Road Ward S77 30 9 50 7 --'..,~ 7 495 16 759 955 Chandmari Marg Purvi Mohlla Ward 638 61 ",_ " 25 59 7 34 13 473 16 10 836 1,173 Ahiran 'fola, Malhan Tola Ward 547 51 3 2 541 50 4 655 1,009 High School Rly Phatak Ward 727 ! 31 14 9 95 19 (i 17 102 12 3 686 I,G76 Bhatanwara Bada Ward 362 48 16 20 5 93 3 233 40 8 437 648 Punjabi Colony Ward 751 1 () 1 7 20 2 13:? 80 6(,2 18 3 15 8841,261 Hanuman Gali Ward 638 40 5 5 I 116 6 512 33 2 641 1,01 (j Dali Baba Marg Ward

2.092 151 33 2 84 26 66 28 1,909 95 9 10 1,595 2, 3~4 Urban Oat growth 1. t 69 103 33 2 84 26 36 11 ',016 64 9 8 609 Res (ii) Ghoordang 923 48 30 17 ~93 31 2 986 1,469 (iii) Rly. Colony U4

film. tf~lIIl Iftlf ., erR" "~l(1'l:1 p;rtlMT(m ~ ~""' 6Tm m Iftlf{0I''I'1: J ,~ IImmlJ III\' hln m«~it~ 3lTRr vor-GITfcr qijiT," ~ tnW ;pr ,,[If ~'~l; 'ij ~" ill'fifil'li'i ~~) 'If'fft./.. T. IIil Total Population IliT 'iif1i ftql (including f.Ii •.n. it institutional No. of and houseles8 Scheduled Scheduled Area of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loc;a- villases OC(;upied Number tion Name of in heotares resi- of r---.A.-~ ~ r--.A.----. r---"----- Code TabllilIViUaze1 &; of Townl dential bouse. R{fuI '1. ~ '1. m '1. m '1. m. No. Town/Ward Ward In Kml houses bolds P. M. F. M. P. M. p. M. F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 f.~r",~,!'( "1T~cnft;r~

12/V/- ~Jt ( .... "'.) U.6Z 1,386 4,007 913 SCi 2,015 1.353 7,553 3,546 823 73 621 ] 2/V 11


~ Ifill( m IfIW Main Worken ------"------~ P'lW Ilinfti5l1 .r8~ ~~ 1Ilft;qfu& .ar ifilli' 1Ii"{;f 4ftIItn "PI" .l'~ qmrl I5TlI'm alinr ill~ ")lim m1 1If./~~/·~ mi ~ II11J ( I-IX) 11 VIa) 1lJ.IV,V(b),VI. X VII. VIII & IX To)taJ Main Agricultural Household Other Mar,ina' Worken Cultivators Labourers Industry Worker. Worken Non.Worken ,....._A_~ ~--...J-~ r----"--,.-_._~ ,.....-~ ,--J--. ~ Name of S. M ~. ~ S· ~ ~. ~ ~. ~I 1. ,1ft 1· ~ Tahsil/Vlllalel M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TownlWard IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 z Bininghpur MunicipaiJty

1,917 509 341 396 671 42 2,048 Br.sioahpar (M) 745 71 335 237 tOt t33 2,668 184 114 41 5 S6 8Z 37 24 50 '3 15S 211 Ward 1 173 68 27 4 1 S S3 52 92 7 178 IS2 Ward 2 148 23 44 1 12 8 49 J 1 43 ] 3 36 151 219 Ward 3 154 J2 28 2 17 9 15 2 94 19 174 24J Ward 4 160 72 34 1 65 45 22 15 39 1 I 2 :3 142 199 Ward' 145 32 13 16 13 19 10 97 9 11 4 160 256 Ward 6 150 97 16 23 14 188 285 Ward 7 81 89 14 27 70 19 15 21 4 118 79 WardS 92 S4 46 25 12 5 3 31 24 87 124 Ward 9 143 23 26 2 3 18 S 96 16 15 58 133 166 Ward 10 119 72 27 8 29 31 43 33 20 8 140 156 Ward 11 120 58 24 3 79 54 9 1 S 92 133 Ward 12 94 19 24 2 4 4- 27 10 39 3 113 152 Ward 13 122 73 44 11 3 9 52 51 23 2 4 24 169 144 Ward 14 32 16 20 8 1 7 8 4 4g 51 Ward 15 116

,,""Uf'll Ifi1 1111_ ,,"fe


f1IIr;fi1l ~~I ifill III' 8TT1m "RlfRl '!'" ilI"if",T (m .~~ 1P!1Jf~ 'm1R "ilf/«~I !RAi;;r armtlr'" t't 61ii1lT am tt~a1 it ~~ :WTm .;r-:wrm ,,~"'. erR ;fiT ifT" i~e~ ii IflfiT;if ~ lillf'fa'lfT ~~) "~/~I ;fiT Total Population ;fir ;ni filPl'r (including 1iIi • .n. it institutional Area of No. of and houscleS8 Sc::hcd uled Scheduled population) Castes Tribes Literatell Loaa- villages occupied Number ,-_.A. __ --. lion Name of in hectares resi- of r--_J...._--",:"",\ ~ r.....A.-...." Code Tahsil/Villagel '" of Town/ dential bouse. qfu; ~. m ~'. m 7;. m 7;. m. No. Town/Ward Ward inKml houses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F· M. F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 "TUN, "foliil'N".. ~h(

I2iVI/- ''''Q~ (ilT ...... ) 17.07 1,748 4.69% 1,110 341 1,991 1,743 8,845 4,153 1,026 343 627

12/VI/l ~~'q~~i 119 119 690 359 331 249 223 110 16 1'1/VI/2 ~~1:T . l1(li" ItTi 69 69 433 227 206 55 38 86 21 12/VI!3 "IP;J«. ~'R;rT m 106 106 622 295 327 223 158 12/VI/4 ~~ll:)"'t 'ifTi 94 96 452 236 216 20 14 61 78 115 5J 12/VJ/S ~fun a:)\;n' IIf~ ui 71 71 424 218 206 5 4 52 53 114 46

12!Vl/6 ,!f~fI' Ift'~ lfTi 132 132 718 359 359 218 67

]2/VI/7 ~ e)\OrT Ifti 80 80 441 230 211 ]09 26 T2/VI!8 ",1 itm ~:w"

12/Vl!9 ~itmFml"!1:m 133 134 703 36& 335 ]7 21 26 23 135 44

12/VI!10 ~~ it", ~;;r~ ltTi 89 89 535 273 262 265 253 43 4

12!V[/11 'lifZl'IT ,Til' ~~llfTi (81') 103 105 681 3048 333 147 158 178 51

11/VI/L2 81fel'lT ,Til' €~,1 cTfi (or) 68 68 280 157 123 91 90 5 2 48 5

(if) I2!Vl!13 ;rf ~ qri 170 170 712 410 302 51 50 10 6 104 17 12!VI/14 iff ~ ifni (or) 157 157 640 373 267 35 36 95 85 162 39 I2/VI.'15 ~ ~m IliTvr't.=r11fTi 173 173 596 342 254 41' 31 IJ 18 169 25

12/VI_!]6 iif.!W IfTi llS 115 SSg 316 .. 42 98 77 79 78 95 23 117


~ IIilq mlffii Main Worken ___ ------A------~ p~. snfl'iIiJ' irfl'~ 1iWI' cnf~ 1I;v iliJlI' m "tlltn 1Ii",III&1:iI' 1I~1 ~m rmr ... ,1i1fiWf .r.i qf./II'~/I{~ e. Q IQ1I Imi ( I-IX) II V( a) III, IV, V( b), VI, X VII, VIII & IX T.,taJ Main Agricultural Household Other Mal'Jinal Workers Cui ti valor. Labourers Industry Worken Worken Non-Worken ,...._A_""",\ ,----A-"""'\,----"----' ,--...... A-.~ ,---J'--. r--"----. Name of . ,eft r---A..--.. Z· ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. {'CI1 ,;. ,eft ~. fCf"'t TahsillVillalel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. P. Town'Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Z8 2 Madholarb Notified Area Committee

2,383 394 341 379 1,269 9 2,300 Madllo larh(N. A. )

680 100 266 157 IS7 59 3,414 185 125 31 18 2 72 37 80 70 1 174 205 Harijan MohallaWard ]09 4 8 ]6 28 57 3 20 118 182 Httara Khand Ward 134 24 IS 6 J 3 3 115 14 161 302 Mahajan Tola Ward 108 20 8 14 4 21 4 65 12 128 196 Sariya Tola Ward 89 38 11 19 28 10 6 49 3 5 1:74 167 Sariya Tola Katijan Ward 169 97 17 4 7 3 99 85 46 5 189 262 Muslim MohalJa "'ard III 46 40 27 15 ]4 27 5 29 18 119 147 Garhi Tala Ward 103 14 59 10 12 3 31 2 2 6 76 159 Garh i Tola Mahajau Ward 182 26 61 5 8 5 63 4 50 12 186 309 Mahajan Tala Kripalpur \\ard 146 132 36 31 97 101 13 127 130 Harijan Tola KripaJpur Ward 172 44 66 40 35 36 9 30 176 289 Katiya Ram Tekri \\ard (A) 87 23 8 7 6 8 4 64 13 J] 70 89 Katiya Ram Tckn Ward (B) 227 1 34 2 19l 1 183 301 Nai Basti Ward (A) 199 16 1 15 7 2 181 9 174 251 Nai Bash Ward (]I) 197 9 7 2 5 185 7 144 244 Ban Sagar Colony Ward 165 61 26 6 56 49 83 6 .' 151 181 Durreriha Ward 118

tl'if1IUf'l' ., 1.4Ir... ", m'" - - ---_------

~lI(rll')Q ~~iiI'l litill .r IITII'A qftom:l f" ;;JlI~r (m Ifl!~ 1If!W'"RI m flTfI( fpcif': I ,)nm .rfI(J~1l 1li1~ am- {f~," if '{~ <111m .'I'-;wrfcr If~ fl(r. lIit lfrSJ ilfe'{ it 1fiti'Ii'Ii ri ill"fifO'lfT ~~(I') "ffl'{/'iiff' Ifi1 Total Population llif iIIq mr (IDChldlDg fill. "" . it IDstitutional A~ of No. of and housetess Scheduled Sc!;:ftuled Population) Castes Tri es Literates Loca· viltages OCCupied Number ,--__ ..A. __"-\ ...... _.-; lion Name or in hectares resi' df ~ ,_ ,.....A.-. Code Tahsil/Vlllagel "of Town/ dential house. arm ~. ~ i.' m i. m ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in KIn' bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F· M. F ----- ~-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JJ 12 13 14

'7~-ri~~ '1fq,f~ ~'5I

12/Vn/- ~~(cr .•• ) 4J ••Jl 1,775 5,095 745 803 2.466 1,702 9,907 4.812 691 771. 957

12fVlJ/l t"~~q"r.m 101 lOS 484 261 223 77 61 131 71

12/Vll/2 ~m 12(.\ 122 685 349 JJ6 93 96 5 1'31 29 I ~/V1l/3 ~;ft~ 107 116 608 312 296 94 96 136 46 12/Vn/4 ~~~.. 97 10j ~15 257 258 24 33 58 56 117 26 ,2/VII/ S ~r~.nill'Ti 77 77 474 255 219 1 44 43 113 21 12/Vllf6 ~... ) l"f<;n ~ tnt 73 74 432 227 205 96 82 57 52 84 29

] 2)VII/7 qr.'ifIft ~i 51 S2 103 151 152 61 60 47 10 12jVII/8 ~~i 126 12(; 711 383 328 3 4 :1. 296 151 12/VII/9 IT~ 'n. 55 55 369 184 185 44 51 109 56 ]2jVIJ/tO '"'~ ... ;oi 57 57 441 227 214 174 10~ 12/VII/ll Jf~ mrr


~ 'liT" m Iffii Main Worken ___ ------...... J..------~ P'li2r tIifIeJ'IiTt .f~ 1l'rI~ 'uf'{.rfuJ .qr ~rlT m «11ffi1111 ~I(~~ tr~RrI ""' IImi am Ift~ IliTuiIilft .nt qfw /;(II'(/.IW lUi llil iI11I ( 1-IXl [J V( a) lIJ.JV,V(b),VI. X VII. VIII & IX T.Jta' Main I\gricultural Housebold Other Marlinal Worken Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workera Non-Worken r---"--""", r-~ ,---"--""", ,---"-----, r---A-~ ~ ,.--A--. Name of '1. ~~ ,. ~ ,. ~ ~. ~ '1. ~ifi '1. ~eh,. ~ Tahsil/villalel M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. Towo/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2 Rampul' Notified Area Committee BagheJan

2,357 720 671 295 '71 63 2,675 aampur... Baghelaa 984 161 633 148 42 229 3,599 (N.A.)

133 4S 23 6 38 37 12 60 127 177 Hanumalllanj PadaniYa Ward 165 110 74 12 57 98 34 184 226 lCarhi Ward 153 82 71 16 49 59 33 7 158 214 SasaWli Ward 1:;0 80 6S 33 46 47 1 8 137 178 Nelnuha Ward 120 39 70 13 31 2S 2 I 17 135 180 IC.urmiha To)a Ward 109 71 33 t 34 30 36 40 6 118 134 Baku)i Tola Itma Ward 88 61 14 10 32 43 17 6 25 2 63 91 Paschimi Ward 159 4 3 1 4 lSI 3 224 324 Bajar W3J"d 68 28 9 29 28 2 28 116 157 Bamhra Ward 74 4 24 2 I 49 2 153 210 Barhman Ward 123 39 17 2 40 23 66 13 131 275 Sad.lt Tola Ward 89 20 10 2 36 14 43 4 10 9 107 208 Sadarpura Ward 88 21 41 19 46 2 3 19 146 217 Purvi Ward (A) 14S 137 19 7 70 102 28 25 28 3 156 165 Pllrvi Ward (B) 243 1 J 5 58 J6 155 98 21 9 2 4- 229 311 Bandba Ward (A) 21)3 51 112 14 75 37 16 5 122 170 226 Bandha Ward (B) 147 37 36 I 24 20 63 J 5 24 1 1 2 185 258 Bandha Katra (A) 130 40 41 8 30 7 31 21 28 4 39 72 136 148 Bandha Katra (B) 120

~lfJ'iftq ~~i1I'/ m ... , IIl8rr.. qf(ifTU f8;;rif~(m 1lI'~~ IIr.!WiiRI meR .n_ 1Jj1f/i'f~/ 'lni1l' III1mITI:J ;fiT Hiill" arll 8't'lfral it l~ :srrfu n-aTfa ~ IfrW !liT

ii("~~T !IJ1' ~'Jf"W: ~'J(

12fIX/- ti!l'lm'f (31' ••. ) 24.81 1,552 4,817 1,252 105 2,256 1,527 9,241 4.424 1,163 101 933 12/IXfJ m;t;;r<:r .mr 95 95 668 341 .327 100 86 122 54 12/IX/2 If('I'f~, ~ 86 86 465 245 220 93 9~ 107 23 12/IX/3 ~f.nfT 1fT. 63 63 345 171 174 76 73 57 27 12/IX/4 fllZT-a rii1l'A ~ 56 56 389 212 177 57 4'0 23 28 70 21 12/IXj5 iIIl1f~ cni 144 144 706 345 361 90 80 1.51 70 24 J 2/IX/6 ~¥~T-m '53 158 87(' 468 408 260 244 151 12/IX/7 "~1:1 ~(I i!'..-r ~ 111 112 562 291 269 89 81 1 3 158 29 12}1X/8 i!ilf~ ism eni 71 82 472 239 233 101 98 16 18 114 40 ]2/IX/9 ~1l'IfIj\lll" If~ 12 t 123 ~68 344 324 10 15 265 193 J 2/IX/IO ~!Ii.;(t'llT1: <{T'i 59 59 494 255 239 200 143 ] 2/IX/lt ~m;sr ifli 171 J 74 868 456 412 71 64 272 111 12/IX/t 2 ~~,~~ 63 66 302 169 133 18 11 11 12 93 42 ] 2/IX/13 Irtt 7ft, 131 131 750 393 357 76 74 41 33 146 37 12/IX/14 ORr ~)Wr cni 59 59 366 188 178 35 31 58 6 12/IX/lS i'fit i'I'fT Cfri 5S .55 572 317 255 68 60 135 47 12{X/t6 "Iii\' mr I!f,;sr;:r ;mf\" eni 48 48 328 157 171 80 87 25 10

12/IX/17 ~m E)'fT ij"llI'FlI' arTt 41 41 410 124 186 28 26 10 7 132 56 121


I!~ ~III' m;ml MaiD Work en ,...------~------. ~~ 1Iil16ifil~ if~ I(ij(S" qrr(qlf<... !If;q!till{ m ~ ~PI or ~~ ~~, iIiT'I'lIroi atihl crl~ ... ~ Ifni ./if~lifri ;mi Ifi'I if1V (I-IX) n Veal IIJ.IV • V ( b I. VI. X VII. VIII & IX T.nal MaiD Agricultural HousebOld Other MarglDal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers NOD-Worken r-~-"""""\ r----"--"""""\ ~_"""""\...-_-"-~ ...----.A--.,. r-.....A-~ ~ Name or 7;. ~ ~. m ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~Cfi ~. .:it ~. ~ TabsilfVillagel M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2 Jaitwara Notified Area Committee

2,411 756 587 286 782 6 2,400 laUwara(N.A·l 623 94 319 131 79 58 3,743 185 38 79 8 78 28 3 2 25 156 289 Galbal Ward 138 55 46 4 66 51 26 107 165 Parsadia Ward 96 30 48 3 25 22 4 19 5 5 75 139 Koniya Ward 104 27 39 45 14 12 11 8 1 108 149 Bhitari Bhaghelan Ward 149 33 90 2S 48 7 1 1l 196 328 Amilpur Ward 234 64 74 19 44 24 38 15 78 6 234 329 Dehut Jaitwara Ward 159 45 57 11 12 8 33 25 51 1 15 134 209 Jaitwara Sant TolaWar 138 64 9 8 20 7 40 .)6 69 13 4 ..I 97 162 Korian l'ola Ward 169 10 6 8 3 74 3 81 4 175 314 HaDumanganj Ward 127 14 4 1 9 7 114 6 128 225 Chouk Bazar Ward 198 48 9 1 11 3 51 19 121 25 2 4 256 360 Sherganj Ward 84 14 2 1 3 75 11 3 85 116 Stati on Road Ward 202 84 94 6 75 67 4 5 29 6 6 191 267 Jharl Ward 93 3 55 2 36 1 2 95 175 Bara Tala Ward 148 34 67 42 31 5 2 34 169 221 Dandi Tola Ward 92 35 36 5 52 30 4 2 65 134 Dandi Tola Ifarijan Basti Wo!rd 95 2S 41 25 24 29 129 161 Dandi Tola Samanya Ward 122

IfR ., p \'iI';rmr (~wn ,nor m.r~if~ (~~"{ ~ lUi Ol{mnr"i ij'~6") Oflf<./

12/2 Ifl1il1 qR 1,800. Ci ( •• ~."".) 36.005 104.418 20.737 13,lZ1 37,289 ( 1l1.n.r) 33.081 103.053 '8,635 19,656 1l.456 9.937 1 a;:'!.or'T lI'~m 2,457.37 50 66 388 200 188 14 15 51 52 21 1 2 lI',f 696.65 228 260 1,310 693 617 128 113 86 66 236 39 3 1liW'll 494.93 131 140 792 410 382 123 96 176 53 4 ftpft'tr 82.10 15 18 156 77 79 76 78 44 6 5 ~fwr IfilU 304.75 29 30 191 92 99 27 30 32 9 6 IT<'T 'MIt 210.72 75 77 393 200 193 31 41 24 24 36 7 fllf~ 1 ,663.78 565 588 3z.165 1.6551,510 173 132 316 286 618 208 8 lI')u 2,676.13 29 32 218 113 lOS 100 94 9 ~~~ 640.01 . 8 9 41 21 20 21 20 10 ii't 1,043.29 ;ftu;r , . 11 ~~ 1.,086.09 27 30 ]23 67 56 43 45 12 '!"''F ]87.09 29 30 164 86 78 77 69 1 3 m;;fhr'tt 656.84 217 230 1.469 774 695 28 23 110 91 195 52 14 ;r;.'T 275 29 133 143 853 444 409 23 20 18 21 121 18 15 q~r ]66.2'2 31 31 197 110 87 10 1 16 fqcr'U 108.12 68 70 438 230 208 41 39 94 40 17 .oriS"( 260.01 91 94 605 315 290 51 41 167 39 18 ir~j I\i 92.23 49 51 361 187 174 46 35 9 8 83 26 19 ~ii(l 126.47 44 47 272 148 124 31 22 44 14 20 't1:1 160.66 42 44 318 160 158 37 35 74 19 21 ~ 194.16 50 51 289 158 131 15 21 4 1 56 2 22 iii", 136.23 47 50 256 136 120 23 23 If..' 60.14 ;ft<:lrl .. 24 Ifi~T 506.66 109 113 603 322 281 100 84 53 8 25 'ITII' 700.73 199 208 1.068 569 499 52 44 177 24 26 ~l."t 182.93 166 168 1,036 517 519 92 82 129 9 27 lIi~r 38.28 .rr~,;r 28 II'TU 118.62 <[TUrf 29 ;r);;tro 474.42 90 94 531 280 251 22 20 58 44 92 10 30 q;rtr~' 371.50 298 298 1680 926 754 70 54 167 12 31 "':<:ifT Ifi~ 96.38 80 80 480 260 220 12 13 96 13 32 "{~ 2,565.68 491 542 3,022 1,532 1,490 212 206 209 206 547 105 33 ~f~ 758.43 17 17 97 50 47 38 40 34 ~i8", ;a'q1 lI''IlIlT 1,540.73 20 20 84 46 38 37 35 2 35 ,,~ 245.08 37 38 176 91 85 8 6 19 2 36 am:n: 380.77 171 175 956 481 475 43 42 184 5 37 'if~~ 1,365.37 14 14 61 34 27 10 38 ~~3fr 2,412.01 1 1 2 1 39 ~rf~r 225.98 31 31 ]58 84 74 .. 28 7 40 Iroft 296.18 lft~T;r .. 1'23


~ Jl;f1l rn ~ Maio Work.:n r------~------~ ~ ~ ~;m, ifClIl ~t ",r~m; .Rf Jl;f1l rn 15111 m -am cmr ~ ( I-IX) n VIa) JIJ.JV,V(b),VJ, VII. VIII & IX T.>lal Maio AgricuJrural Housebold Other MarIlDa! Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Noii.. Worun r--.A.--. r--~ r-----A. --, r--__.A.__~ ,-----"-~ r---"--, ~ Name of 1. fen ~. {'Gil ~. Qft ~. Qft ~. ,~i '1. ~ ~. ~ Tahsil/Viltalcl M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TowD'Ward 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

54.715 29.496 14,221 5,300 5,698 1.335 48.368 Nagod TilhiIill2/i 20,338 4,610 10,709 4,034 7,569 70,728 (Rural) 113 30 54 49 30 6 4 2 6 85 152 Tiduni Motawa 347 194 188 2S 108 137 28 28 23 4 22 61 324 362 Madai 202 51 90 9 74 31 23 11 15 11 208 320 Katpa 30 31 29 31 47 48 Pithora 48 24 33 8 14 16 2 7 42 68 Khamhariya Kalan 127 11C 89 63 35 47 2 5 5 68 78 Dwari Kaian 777 270 345 35 2S1 191 47 34 134 10 3 20 875 1.220 Shivrajpur 75 3 73 3 2 1 56 37 46 Mora 14 2 14 2 9 6 9 U rdana Khurd Uninhabited Dh do 47 16 14 6 18 10 15 1 14 17 26 Kadhmanu 50 19 15 3 35 16 5 25 31 34 Durgapur 356 102 252 34 69 59 17 9 18 25 69 393 S24 BlIaji Khera 238 58 129 14 64 32 37 11 8 1 11 206 340 Bandi 54 14 37 2 6 6 II 6 5 30 51 43 Mahadcwa 99 41 51 8 35 27 6 5 7 1 2 IS 129 152 Pipri 153 89 95 21 40 66 4 14 2 162 201 Belaudha 101 105 5S 69 33 32 5 3 8 22 7 64 62 Dwari Khurd 75 49 45 27 25 19 4 3 1 15 28 58 47 .twan 78 83 46 60 18 21 3 11 2 18 17 64 58 Rara 78 10 S9 5 8 (> 2 8 5 37 75 84 laitwara 69 1 62 2 5 21 66 98 Kol Uninhabited Gudha. 199 61 137 18 54 41 4 1 4 2 37 121 i83 Kata 308 39 192 7 40 8 49 22 27 2 47 127 214 333 Ama 276 119 140 15 45 50 82 54 9 77 241 lJ.3 Deori Unin~abi ted Kandehali Uninhabited Mara 165 3G 99 3 59 33 7 115 215 Nonagil.ra 535 146 307 51 149 85 44 7 35 3 9 261 382 347 Panagara 136 20 100 g 21 (; 10 5 5 6 124 194 Urdana Kalan 772 9& 448 38 180 41 49 14 95 5 53 446 707 946 Rond 31 12 12 5 15 7 4 4 10 IS 25 Kudiya 28 16 2 2 25 14 1 4 7 14 15 Bandha alias Naubasta 41 12 35 2 5 10 1 10 36 40 37 God,a 252 42 173 7 16 48 35 15 31 155 19R 278 Usrar 19 3 5 1 10 3 6 12 18 Chamar 1 1 Dudua 46 6 22 24 6 5 2 33 66 Pahadiya Uninhabited •. Jlwrsi 1'24

EI'~"'I 11' ...... , p:sr;rMr(m Iftrr/iflff./ ,~ am~~it'{~ ~R !fiT ;rT1I ~~!~ ~ m 1ll'flf81l'T ~f~tI') ;rlff./ifr. Total popu latioD llir IfJi (including III • it institutional .n. and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Tribes Loca· villa,ell occupied Number Population) Castes Literatel tion Name of ill bectare, resi· of r---..A.---~ r--"-----. r-.A--~ r...... A.-.-.. Code Tabsil/Villagel & of Townl dential house. 1Ifft& -,. ~ ,;. en ,;. ~ !. m. No. Town/Ward W.rd in Kml bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F· M. F 2 3 4 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 l3 14

41 ~ 1,337.71 94 94 424 211 213 6 3 2 2 90 33 42 f«1i'!t 1,033.31 653 660 3,537 1,846 1,691 295 275 230 214 823 236 43 1i'_IIiA"t 682.08 49 49 2S0 13 t 119 13 11 45 5 44 'iI'llJ~r 700.93 7 7 4 t 24 17 11 2 45 'Ili!lf 332.58 76 85 423 235 188 18 8 21 24 41 3 46 fm~lT1 246.25 34 34 181 90 91 71 69 11 2 47 9;1i~'!.'{ 224.52 32 37 191 106 85 48 43 42 3 48 f..mm 38·15 ,fh:r;r 49 ~1Ii'ill"t 108.49 6 6 23 15 8 9 5 3 50 f.f6'l1rl 92.58 65 65 366 19~ 168 38 29 26 2 51 ~, 99.33 mJ;f 5 2 .J:~~lIT '\;{ 317.99 90 90 507 269 238 II 9 10" .. 71 8 53 If;Jur 217.52 33 33 171 ~8 83 55 51 J1 4 54 ~.(r ]59 63 54 54 313 16~ 145 110 90 ~4 55 \II~f 119.83 38 38 199 101 98 9 3 58 15 56 ~i(l 247 79 106 106 529 277 252 57 58 68 57 113 50 57 ~\1(1\'~ 3St .94 110 110 486 257 229 10 6 lSI 141 72 10 58 ~tT~;r 143.72 61 61 321 165 156 64 66 70 12 59 iIi1:fFO 'tif 130.58 34 34 210 108 ]02 25 17 II 8 41 6 60 1IflRq-ro 197.28 89 90 543 299 244 4 2 39 44 133 31 61 ~rrlll' 189.96 42 42 231 lIS It6 2 49 13 62 ~fip:n;rn;ri 257. J 5 12 73 396 202 194 69 77 27 27 32 2 63 .m 293.66 67 70 440 221 219 94 107 2 lOS 29 64 f(;ftit 196.56 13 13 54 29 2S 16 12 9 7 65 VIIi""~' 483.90 150.1 168 1,007 525 482 114 '13 235 94 66 ~~~ 225.12 61 64 421 208 213 25 30 8 7 S4 55 67 ~"'t.f!fiort 629.78 110 121 725 366 359 174 180 ., tsO 62 68 11J';;;rt'1;T 497.38 127 ]43 840 447 393 240 214 I4S 39 69 ~~ "6.51 17 17 75 40 35 40 3S 70 iI{)~'1;'l' 190.20 26 26 226 121 105 12 5 S8 29 7 1 ~Tii:f;rlfT 81.65 .ihT;> 72 1Ii~, 496.73 83 89 5~6 269 267 179 173 70 12 73 U,"" 169. J 8 3) 1S 202 103 99 22 26 29 6 74 f~r 340.28 61 i5 412 220 192 .. 49 45 88 30 75 '!.Of;f"t 111 .69 18 22 1':2 66 66 29 20 76 O1"1;Ifi~Ifi)m 124.94 19 19 114 60 54 15 16 19 6 7 7 O1"1;;fi'tf~lfl 1f[<6\' 10i.98 24 26 136 71 65 1 20 19 26 3 78 ~ 106.62 ifn:T~ 79 .'!'If 657.64 131 143 8~7 425 412 268 249 192 44 80 fe~:~"t. Itj9.30 63 69 417 226 191 62 56 107 26 125


------~------_------_ 'i'" iilir1l m iI1i Main Worken ___ ------.._..J...------~ f1' 'l~ 4iJ16ltt11 wfft'F 1Rf1~ qrf(ltTfu; WAr ii1i11I rn ii1i11I 1fi"{;1 ~.mr cnit ;mf ( I-IX) II Yea) 1Il.IV,V(b),VI. x VII. VJII & IX T"raJ MaiD A,ricullural Housebold Other Marlinal Workers CUltivator. Labourers Industry Worker. Worken Non-Worker- ,-_.A.._-""\ ,-~ r---"---""\r----"--.. ~-.. ~-..~ Name or S. ,lit ~. fCi'I ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~i ~. f.tt~. ~ Tahsil/villalel M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. Towo/War.d ------16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

131 28 63 59 26 9 2 4 79 1'81 Mahtain 925 286 451 69 157 158 61 38 256 21 67 145 854 1,260 Singhpur 77 21 40 19 12 12 8 6 I 2 23 52 75 Medhkani 12 6 7 5 5 I 1 11 II Chaupada 1 31 97 57 3 50 71) 13 21 11 3 104 90 Bhaihai 63 49 14 12 33 1 1 I 15 26 6 II 21 34 Jhiriya 60 32 24 14 21 18 15 9 7 37 46 PUlusottampur Uninhabited Chitaudhi 9 9 6 8 Barkachhi 107 7 78 3 17 3 10 2 81 91 80 Chitaudha Uni nhabited Chakara 175 35 114 5 60 29 7 1 24 20 94 183 Khamhriya Khurd 4-1 21 14 23 1(> 1 3 6 2 3 44 59 Panas 98 14 54 2 22 11 19 3 55 70 76 Badkhera 47 10 37 3 9 7 54 8~ Jamunihai 140 84 68 11 66 73 2 4 2 135 168 PurW3 133 110 32 3 94 106 1 1 6 124 119 Bclgahna 80 18 59 II 10 8 6 2 5 13 51 72 87 Chakargohan 46 ) 1 29 13 9 2 2 62 91 Karahiya Kh~d 144 57 90 7 30 37 15 7 9 6 4 13 151 174 Majhiyari 53 25 44 4 7 21 1 62 91 Sujawal 112 45 70 1 31 40 7 4 4 90 149 Karahi y'l. KaJan 98 16 66 4 17 7 2 13 5 9 17 114 lE6 Bela 16 6 8 2 1 3 13 21 Hinauti 261 .!6 157 3 69 13 16 8 19 2 3 73 261 363 Akana Sathiya 114 90 54 13 52 77 8 94 123 Katkon Khurd 190 110 103 23 45 26 31 60 1 I 1 30 175 219 Katkon Kalan 241 104 142 32 59 59 26 12 14 1 4 202 289 Ginjara 31 21 II 5 23 16 9 14 Narharpur 70 10 68 9 51 95 Beohari Uni nhabilcd Rohaniya 149 101 42 3 3 117 120 150 Khaira 62 2 39 16 3 4 2 38 41 59 Sandawa 119 Hi 63 :2 45 II II 3 :2 21 101 155 Bi kara 36 2 14 :2 15 7 30 64 Bhlllani 3:: 7 26 2 (, 5 1 27 47 Balkoniya Kothar 38 lR 17 5 17 13 3 33 47 Barkoniya Maphi ,. Uninhabit~d Barkhcr 219 49 l63 17 47 31 I 9 206 363 Bas Idha 109 51 67 6 36 44 6 117 139 Tikuri 116


I.f~'" ... tll ... , "rmu p ~ifM' (~'" -4JRR 'Iliff /iffftI In.r .nttm mfl'~if~ IFf. 1fT if!" i!fe1: ~ 11M IIfRcrlfT W~) ;J'If1:/

81 lIi'iRr, 492.09 92 94 702 360 342 79 76 178 124 82 fill:g\\ft 225.37 35 35 214 118 96 43 39 23 14 43 17 83


lillill IliTII m IffiI Main Worken

------"------.f'f ~ IliTlfin i~ IAII' qrf< .. lf(4 .;If ;nq IIfd ~ IIiT1I' rn m IfinAmi QW Ii'" (I-IX) () Veal 1IJ.IV,V(b),VI. x VII. VIII & IX Tlltal Main AlricuIrural Household Other Marlina) Workers Cultivatora Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken ,-_.A.._~ r-~ r--.A..-~r---"-~ r--"-~ r--"--... ~ Name or ~. ,eft ~. m i. fCift ~ • fCift , • fa'i '1. ~eft ,. ~) Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. TownlWard ------_-- --__------_. 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

162 55 63 2 59 25 12 26 28 2 12 22 186 265 Kachnar 55 23 32 3 17 1'7 4 3 2 63 73 l:IirhuJi 216 18 127 2 47 13 29 2 13 1 47 149 284 Umarhat 112 18 90 12 15 6 4 3 6 52 112 133 Mahkona 249 S6 125 10 68 4 30 40 26 2 9 72 238 347 He Iaundha 15 6 12 2 1 1 131 16 42 Sapti Dube 25 9 22 2 3 7 8 31 40 Sapti Maphi 224 103 87 51) 28 12 13 15 1 22 1 J 8 212 '02 Naubasta 205 126 78 2 68 68 30 50 29 6 3 4 163 222 Raialwara 95 46 53 3 30 22 7 21 5 84 131 Khamahriya Kalan 27 25 10 9 18 2 5 6 2 1 18 18 Padariya 206 i2 129 37 49 32 10 3 18 8 ! 71 275 Chhinda 153 58 55 49 28 49 30 98 187 Khamahriya Khurd 49 7 24 4 15 535 3 8 60 95 Barha 103 6S 39 20 28 9 23 34 13 2 4 89 120 Bachbai 28 11 12 3 11 3 5 5 33 45 Harduwa Majhol 293 220 63 2 74 104 3 1 153 113 168 222 Bomhaur 284 121 112 9 118 98 33 12 21 2 186 324 Mauhari 87 83 39 2 32 67 2 13 14 90 75 Lalpur 43 20 32 1 8 19 3 56 77 Bhitari 180 84 86 8 20 25 46 39 28 12 2 2 160 226 Kolad 140 6 97 3 12 28 4 16 116 113 161 Damba 35 3 32 2 2 1 3 11 34 47 Parna Uninhabited Amha 54 21 35 6 8 13 1 2 10 57 78 Barethiya Kothar 29 16 21 3 4 12 4 1 16 31 Madhi Khurd 101 41 49 48 41 3 77 108 Barethiya Ubari 33 27 6 42 79 Salaiya Kothar 77 28 33 2 30 23 14 3 85 161 91 Salaiya Unmukt 192 107 84 37 71 55 20 14 17 5 5 175 237 Reruwa Kalan 138 29 82 31 22 9 7 16 3 17 91 166 Reruwa Khuld 52 12 37 3 7 3 6 6 2 17 57 89 Akauna Khurd 234 169 56 79 74 26 72 73 22 13 20 291 313 Kachaloha Uninhabited Gada Kothar 390 196 188 17 34 43 96 108 72 28 21 87 441 511 Patwara 4 4 2 4 TiJaura 106 56 37 11 2 90 167 Barai Uninhabited Itajapar Uninhabited Mahdei 48 47 1 1 34 65 ltaurn Khurd 128

ff~Tqrl Ifill' ~I 1llTil"Tl: ~ ;;;ri{~I;jq"T (m 'lft'lf/~'lR.1 a~ .rcrnITll arn: ij'~ql it ~~ !fli 'liT ilr¥( ~~i!:~ if q"'lil;fi ri Q!.ff'tffQ) ~fiaef) :f'lfr./'HI 'liT Total Population ~r iIlf gilll (including flIi.~. it institutional Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of and house less Population) Castes Tribes LIterates Loca· villages occupied Number ,_.A. __ -.., tion Name of in hectare. resi· of r---..A....~~""""'\ ,--I'-----. ,--"---.. Code Tahsi I{ Village I & of Town( dentiaI house. 1lfM; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ q. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F· M. F ------"---. ------~------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

J 2 I ~e'hT ofiqrt 136.78 34 35 252 139 ] 13 40 1 1 22 1T1T'ffrqr 876.54 170 182 978 509 469 178 179 139 40 123 f'lq~T t 16.14 39 42 214 121 93 37 29 16 7 124 'l"I'fTlf 212.86 33 41 275 136 139 95 51 ] 2 5 1"fi;f'J"TGIflTir 133.14 22 22 122 59 63 12 12 12 6 ~lI<:"ifT'u 732.48 260 264 1,467 739 728 172 169 2 161 11 1 2 7 ~tfiI"T q~ (l:I!;rrv.r) 98.68 16 16 98 45 53 1 3 23 11 128 ~tfiI"T .Tf 527.70 91 93 510 270 240 7 6 2 106 30 139 ~ 395.57 101 103 618 317 301 65 59 3 5 84 11 140 ~~ 355.72 98 106 566 289 277 113 108 53 11 141 fffllf"{T 108.45 33 33 210 113 97 27 5 142 if?~r 220.96 54 57 321 165 156 34 39 64 2~ 143 ~l:t 32.78 "if!""1 144 ~ 207.20 73 13 372 202 170 82 72 87 27 145 ~ ]44.47 56 62 421 199 222 53 52 .. 88 111 146 ~zm 294.61 54 60 365 185 180 46 48 56 27 147 WT;: 215.70 3 J 31 214 108 106 4 2 31 2 148 "!lU 141.23 29 34 189 97 92 10 10 3..j. 6 149 ~~~1T;rf 16.19 "ifT~l;"[ 150 iIl:~T ~t 256.57 141 153 p,57 436 421 99 91 159 22 1 5 1 !ll:ij"ifTr. 219.26 42 48 314 159 155 47 48 8 5 35 34 1 5 2 ~1:f~lfT ,!


~ ~q m ri Main Worken

------"------.,~ ~ lIlni'l'ilitl 1iRr~ IAIlt qyronm; .~ ~q m 1lliT1I m ;VI1J !{Toij IfI'ii (I-IX) n VIa) 1II.IV,V(b),VI. x VII. VIII & IX T"raJ Main Agricultural Housebold Other Margmal Workers CuJtivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workers Nop-Worken r--A.-~ ,.----A._-.. ,.--J..---.. ,-_-A-.---.,. ,---~ ,---A._-., ,---"---. Name 01 J. ,eft ~. Aft ~. ~ ~. ~') 'J. filii 2;. liifI' 2;. ~') Tahs iI Iv ill alcl M. P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. Town/Ward ------16 17 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

64 56 8 75 113 Itaura Kalan 289 ISO 196 12 82 136 6 S 2 220 319 Gangwariya 86 54 43 J 43 51 3S 39 Pipri 68 22 44 21 22 2 68 J17 Badhaw 39 30 25 19 14 11 20 32 Gajanabadhaw 394 231 228 105 101 77 41 42 24 7 56 345 441 Semarwara 24 5 13 1 1 I 5 3 5 11 20 4() SatnaPahi(Raghunatb) SO 13 30 7 14 4 6 2 11 28 57 Satnapahi (Chhil\da) 125 21 83 8 18 7 6 18 6 11 122 85 109 Khakhraudha 35 3 24 10 3 23 13 26 Lalchaha 54 24 24 20 22 2 2 8 52 77 Barkachhi 166 60 79 13 73 43 6 3 8 7 7 165 241 Dhaurhara ]05 23 63 42 23 15 75 138 Khairuwa 49 27 32 5 16 20 2 11 34 Bara 209 42 163 9 8 19 22 6 16 8 5 167 329 Amiliya ]35 84 75 26 33 40 24 18 3 1 93 153 Pakar 146 4 69 3 55 6 16 1 II 63 139 196 Babllpur 132 48 86 19 38 23 3 5 5 1 2 10 136 182 Majhgawan 170 55 97 27 44 21 18 6 11 2 62 145 184 Hadaha ]n 69 81 56 36 31 32 4 117 208 Ujnehi 68 32 48 15 32 2 3 45 65 Tighara 71 16 46 8 21 8 3 6 33 88 107 Badohara Uninhabited Bastara 86 26 3S 1 31 17 4 5 15 3 4 35 112 209 Khamhrehi 95 38 SO 1 36 3l 9 4 104 184 Madha 98 53 36 3 53 50 3 6 87 127 !tma 48 11 41 4 10 2 60 95 Bhad 56 44 37 28 17 15 2 1 41 48 "Eudhi Uninhabited S .. kulgawan 231 167 126 1 68 165 9 28 1 205 254 Harduwa Kalan 85 39 38 7 41 31 1 5 t 74 116 Paraswar 7 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 5 9 Karahrya Khurd 45 23 18 2 2 7 24 40 64 Karahiya KilIan 94 60 34 10 54 49 6 58 63 Nauniya 19 8 10 7 8 2 20 28 AtralJr:1 KiuJTd 71 IS 43 23 IS 3 2 56 104 Ataraura Kalan 32 18 13 5 17 10 '3 2 30 40 Itma Baghclan 17 17 23 36 Antarbed Un inhabi led MurIi 157 4 121 27 '3 4 6 IR7 307 Pawaiya 130


'c:T~"'1 Ifjl( llil ~'" OI'fMT I ~'Iifl: . 1ft" iOftrr. J an;;r Bl't< ~fl!fnrT it ~~ 1fT. IfiT OfT" i,?:~ Ii 1fT~ OII'Rc:TII'T ij'1li(f) Of'lfr.jql: Total Population Ifi"T "q (including fit; ,,". it institutional and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca· villages occupied Number tion Name of in bectare~ resi­ of r--_..A.---"\ ~ r--.A..-~ .-"---.. Code Tabsil/Village! & of Town/ dential bouse­ ~ ~. m !!. m !!. ~it !!. ~m­ No. Town/Ward Ward in Kmt houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ------_. _. __ .. _------_._--- 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 ~I['U 464.84 162 170 985 499 4116 154 lS6 233 110 162 ~ifT m 91.00 3 5 25 14 11 3 10 163 iPff~", 141.00 38 42 214 105 109 46 49 4S 7 164 ~?:hT ","'t 244.00 55 65 354 181 173 59 S7 72 7 165 ",;;r'ifl~ 149.00 29 37 182 99 83 31 28 51 32 166 vi 228.00 31 37 202 106 96 35 7 1 6 7 uf{-ir;rT 144.00 25 26 144 70 74 36 9 168 ~"'ttr 159.00 66 69 313 164 149 96 85 41 10 169 'iiilf~' 170.00 40 41 217 105 112 57 74 24 4 170 IfhTT 504.00 44 S4 286136150 62 62 46 20 171 "h~"'(:IT 67.00 cfilT;r 172 'lil:~~~ ) 65.00 ql1:Tif 173 ~~ 63.00 9 10 74 40 34 18 3 174 ~~~~


'!~ 15t1f m lOW MaiD Worken ------"------~ for '1- oma-fl~ if8~ I(.,&~ qf~ arnr fl1f ili"{il t'I"~"'1 ~;r m ;m ",oj 1Ii"/ifn/." Iff"' 'iii ""' (I-IX) II Veal IIJ.IV, V( b), VI. x VII, VIII & IX T.:nal Main Agricultural Housebold Other Mar,lnal Workers Cultivators Labouren Industry Workers Workers NOD-Worken ,--A._~ r-~ ,----"--, ~ ,-_-..A-~ r-~ r---A---. Name of S. ,it i. fGft' i. EWt S. f&'t 7;. W. ,;. {ijft 7;. Rl Tahs i1/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TowD/Ward 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

246 99 106 8 62 79 28 11 50 1 253 387 Sernri 8 7 1 5 11 Jamuna Tor 49 19 28 3 16 15 '2 3 8 56 82 Amsil 98 32 56 4 35 27 3 4 13 83 128 Itaura Kalan 51 1 27 1 19 5 17 48 65 Lalcbaha 57 1 49 1 2 3 3 42 49 53 Khaihe 28 27 1 12 42 62 Sahijani 89 65 40 36 57 8 7 5 1 74 84 Atrallra 54 4 34 3 18 2 1 50 84 Gunjahiya 82 45 40 7 39 36 2 2 54 105 Pansi Uninhabited Bhairaha Khurd Uninhabited Bhairaha Kalan 19 10 7 2 3 21 30 Fatehpur 3 2 2 2 3 8 Be Ihai Khurd 12 8 1 2 2 15 14 Belhai K.alan 46 29 43 21 3 8 5 40 56 Tilgawan 68 19 39 3 16 ] 1 9 5 4 17 69 96 Badera 7 3 3 4 3 387 Garlagi 9 2 5 3 2 4 9 10 Bhagda 105 50 63 20 37 28 1 5 95 137 Jerpatha 160 17 123 'Z 21 14 14 1 2 121 238 Dudaha 43 37 1 6 29 73 Urnarhai 20 3 13 2 2 2 3 27 34 Urnri 18 7 13 3 4 4 1 21 36 Kart aha 60 14 44 6 8 8 4 4 4 68 108 Josiya 60 25 44 1 14 22 2 2 9 49 ti5 Majhara Kalan 94 30 51 6 32 24 10 5 5 70 113 naherawa 7 6 7 10 MaJhara Kllurd 153 21 114 7 29 9 654 47 115 219 Kapuri 61 13 27 28 13 5 1 68 105 Mahua Khera 44 13 20 5 21 6 3 2 7 19 30 69 N,lUgawan 103 4 75 2 24 2 4 132 221 Datunha 584 178 324 25 198 130 48 22 14 1 13 31 456 785 Richhul 629 115 304 39 152 57 31 14 142 5 112 153 595 1,016 Dureha 1 .. Madai 33 20 21 7 8 13 4 1 9 30 37 Gadri 59 19 48 11 6 5 4 3 1 7 29 62 63 Itaura Khurd 65 55 57 47 7 8 1 8 15 55 44 Gadra 98 64 61 32 30 4 3 68 113 Runehi Uninhabited Semri Kalan 132

i'(~~1 ITtIlf 'fI1 If,ii! -.rif~' (if..... rrt

20 I ~q' ..?r ~oi 92.91 8 10 58 29 29 5 202 f'il'~ 90.43 23 30 168 83 85 10 1 203 '{~'{'\ 192.57 15 15 10 I 48 53 5 204 '1'10:<1' w« 51.22 W 30.89 qT~T" 226 ~).:r1 207.05 57 73 4-16 219 227 40 34 4 121 74 227 aiRT (f"'ififilliffij'il:) 811 .08 15 J 167 1,025 529 496 129 108 229 81 228 fi!:ifTm 118.38 "T~Tif 229 'filT ~;;rr 162.70 157 178 866 435 431 148 lSI 186 88 230 ~i!:l 29.71 ilT~,;r 231 f1J;;r,,~ 205.81 39 45 233 108 125 87 106 23 6 23 2 ~,!Ofrr"" 10~.77 6 9 48 28 20 20 1 233 ~Ti!:'l~ 462.65 88 107 591 296 295 64 83 107 35 234 'fT" a-);;rr 191.75 59 63 400 207 193 87 84 86 34 2 3 5 'tiO


'!4iIf 11i11I m m Main Worken

,------"'------""""""-\~i'( ~. lliTViJlliT1 .f(l'~ l11li'11 qrfwfuf; .;V IliTI( m IIiT'{ IIi'(;I a.hr ,.y~ ;mi ( I-IX) II V(a) 1I1,IV, V( b), VI, x VII, VIII & IX T.nal Main A.lr i eu It ura J Household Other Mar,enal Worker. Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. r-A-~ r-A-"","\ r----A.-~ ~ r--..A-~ r-...... A.---, r--..A--., Name of ~. m !. m ~. ~ S· ~ ~. R(i ~, ,~ ~. ~ Tahsil/VilIalC1 M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

17 16 15 12 2 4 12 13 Semri Khurd 49 51 38 35 10 16 34 34 Bhitari 28 27 28 27 20 26 Raikari Uninhabited Madan Pokhra 30 26 4 2 3 41 58 Ma.ihgawan Jerpatha 74 7 66 4 2 4 2 9 14 68 113 Lohadar . , Uninhabited Semr; Bihari 648 317 184 23 317 260 48 28 99 6 9 499 771 Amkui 167 76 113 44 54 32 9 26 81 155 Sejhati 16fi 71 83 31 47 31 25 4 11 5 17 139 210 Umariha 516 108 286 21 '158 82 33 4 39 I 21 221 435 611 Jhigodar Uninhabited .. Bhagda 829 347 381 166 145 110 105 44 198 27 27 74 813 1006 Jaso 79 16 46 5 20 2 3 8 10 3 52 70 151 Patna 31 18 10 21 17 24 28 Barha Unil)habited Umri ChaubewaJi 151 43 83 12 42 18 J 2 12 24 6 16 169 281 Bamurahiya 401 148 172 16 114 70 75 54 40 8 2S 381 S7S Kodar 16 11 6 6 5 2 431 3 14 21 Chanpa 39 18 25 12 17 1 40 57 Gaura , . . , 3 2 Khadahara 115 71 62 35 36 35 8 9 1 )02 131 Reunsa 97 36 61 1 25 27 4 7 7 1 10!! 150 Dubahiya 16 3 16 2 1 15 20 Karahiya Uninhabited Sakarhat 98 37 53 12 29 22 5 3 11 121 190 Koni 27,+ 149 161 78 57 55 20 13 36 3 25S 347 Umri (Brajnandanslngh) Uninhabited Hihauta 231 110 102 19 78 71 32 19 19 204 321 Madhi Kalan Uninhahi ted .. Bamuraha 66 55 55 42 9 12 2 1 42 70 Tilgawan 17 17 11 20 Sukul~awan 17S 84 98 4 53 60 17 19 7 1 .. 121 211 Sha}tpur 111 18 68 37 16 1 5 96 175 Mada To'a 3 3 3 Kathawariya 247 171 87 9 44 66 74 94 42 2 2 13 237 315 Chand Kuiya 23 21 11 2 3 4 8 14 1 21 29 l\Iahendarpur 180 9 114 6 37 3 10 19 31 174 349 I Jrdan 59 9 27 3 12 2 18 4 2 30 55 53 Gunhar 44 14 28 5 5 It 8 47 69 Ch:l'u1kunwa 134

<{~tI(r 'ttl( ., ~;[II'OI"'~t ~~ trt~/;r'll:.! 6~ 11)1: .r~"I'1'!Il) if l:~ 1fT. IJiT iflll be~ l{ ~~ ilffiffllf) tr~) "'~/ifr. Total Population q;1 cnf (including flr;.~. it institutional No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of Populalion) Castes Tribes Literates Loca· villages occupied Number r--- ..A.. ___~ A r....A.--, tion Name of in hectare~ resi· of ~ r- --""" Code Tahsil/Village! &. of Town/ dential house­ arfu; ~. tQft ~. m ~. m ~. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 2 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

241 ~lf'U (WIer) 150.61 23 33 185 99 86 39 37 36 12 242 'PI1U 212.97 71 79 475 242 233 7S 66 81 19 243 lI"If~T 96.35 10 11 79 41 38 3 5 21 16 244 1;1~'t 390.82 92 103 614 304 310 86 86 4 3 128 20 245 q;);fT qql'lmit 86.11 2 2 246 ~~ ~1i 454.87 168 203 1,169 590 579 192 158 205 58 247 'U!l'ltT 721.54 70 80 523 266 257 95 7 248 ~~ 439.39 if\'"((if 249 ~~q;('fl 2,609.00 322 356 1,918 984 934 185 160 308 315 248 91 250 ;rr~~ q;m~ 1,407.72 75 75 439 217 222 33 23 170 184 41 2 251 q;)l:~ 711. 20 30 31 152 76 76 1 48 49 5 252 m 301.86 142 151 902 457 445 53 57 160 133 145 78 253 ,~ 529.23 304 338 1, 745 904 841 139 103 82 65 314 54 254 ;


'!ijIf .. ,~ rn "''' Main Workers ,.....------"------~ f"i 1(l1li ""'''''foTl .fa'F ~i~ qrf~fu!; ilJOl'l' 1IiT~ 'li<:it ~«I~1 ""lr ~ amil ;rr~ 1Jf«''fIl ..,ifri .. ;mJ ( I-IX)"''' II Via) III,IV, V( b" VI, VII, VIII & IX ToJtal Maio Agricultural Household Olher Marginal Workers CUltivatorll Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-_.A._~ ,..-~ r-..:.....A..-~ ,..-~ ,-_---A...... ~ ,..-__,A._--., ,..--~ Name of ~. . feh 'I. ~ 'I. ~ '!. fQf 'I' fiii 'I. ~eft 1· fQ) Tahsil/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward ------IS 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2.

56 49 27 18 24 31 5 43 '37 Umari (Chhoti) 125 39 85 36 23 1 13 2 4 l17 194 Rampura 18 5 13 2 4 2 1 2 21 33 Dhamnaha 165 47 81 5 72 39 6 2 6 138 263 Raja:~r 1 1 1 Koni Pandawali 318 74 156 7 75 20 80 46 7 4 1 268 504 Surdaha Khurd 137 35 79 16 11 31 21 ] 1 2 4 11 ]25 211 Radhepura Uninhabited Jaitpul 525 198 305 12 1 S9 154 38 30 23 2 3 84 456 652 Surdaha Kalan 129 113 37 11 54 72 6 4, 32 26 88 109 Jadoupur Kothar 50 23 24 6 5 4 21 13 26 53 Kordara 240 82 104 2 115 76 9 3 12 1 5 217 358 KOla 498 263 250 54 141 73 94 134 13 2 405 578 Chunha 41 41 27 35 33 Nagjhir Uninhabited HarJuwa Khurd Uninhabited , . U1icha Uninhabited UIichi 72 3 67 3 3 2 45 52 86 Harduwa Kalan 45 ] 40 3 2 38 43 53 Chautariha ]0 10 8 9 75 PitItaura Uninhabited Kalhara 74 25 73 24 1 70 ]]2 Kurehi 2 1 4 4 Sukhsena 34 4 34 4 20 42 Majhgawan 5 4 4 J 0 Kenpura 40 1 40 27 58 Mabarajpur 29 2 24 5 23 64 Purena Uninhabited Itbansani 123 5 37 55 4 7 24 157 208 Pahadi 12 9 3 5 8 Katariya 43 33 ]0 41 64 Khakhara 29 1 12 17 23 59 Deori Uninhabi ted Kathari 11 5 8 5 3 4 12 Lahangi 38 11 36 10 2 19 52 Richhi 58 53 4 3 70 103 Malha 91 2 80 1 7 1 2 2 . .., 12 17 77 142 Alampur 131 67 53 6 67 56 6 5 5 33 1]3 139 Tusg!lwan 20 2 ]9 1 2 12 22 21 Dhausad 116 6 66 28 5 4 1 18 8& 202 }Jipriya 136

8'~'" qR ifll pl;;r.fn1n(m IIt'(J;o;~J a~ aft, ~~1 it ~ m !fiT ;0;111 ilf!~ ij ~ ilTf.faq-y ~~) :r~/i(r. Total Population ~I ~ (including institutional flf.m.it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Tribes Literates oa;upied Number Castes Loca· villages ,---_J.----, r-.A.--, r.....A..---,. tion Name of in hectare~ resi' of ~ Code Tahsil/ V mase 1 & of Townl dential house. q i· ~ i. m ~. ~ i. ~T No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. E M. F. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

281 ~ 102.79 ;fttr;w 282 iI~' 291.37 12 13 83 40 43 2 6 38 37 2113 iftatT


'l~ iliTlI'm~ Main Workel'll ~ ______-A ______~

~ 11l1li 16T'8iliTt .~ II'II1t qff~ ar~;jill( rn Q')~ 161'11 II Ifi"t;1 tfi[~'\iJ1 ~m am ~~ Ilil1iifit'l1 m lliif /iffft./ifTt ~ IIiT ;m! (I-IX) n Veal III,IV. V ( b). VI. X VII. VIII & IX Total MaiD Agricultural Household Other Maq!inaJ Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken ,_A_"""""'I .----A--...... ---"--"""""'1 ~ r-~ ,..-A---. ,-~ Name 01 ~. ~ir ~. M ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~I ~. un ~- ~ Tahsil 'Viii agel M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------U 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

Uninhabited Magardaha 21 20 19 16 2 4 19 23 Barre Uninhabited Bijawah 7~ 5 71 5 2 3 28 68 107 Patihat 12 2 12 2 2 4 24 Karijhir Uninhabited Kutmi 32 32 28 36 34 Panihai 48 1 45 3 17 38 54 Basaha 86 1 86 50 57 75 Kumhi 18 3 18 3 24 39 Kordari 17 1 16 10 22 Karaudi 51 SO 7 46 75 Gadhaut 63 3 56 2 5 136 175 Rampur Patha 66 '4 66 5 57 2 60 74 Badhaw Patha 3~ 32 15 21 32 14 15 Bermay 52 9 52 6 3 52 39 3I Jhakhaur 26 17 19 6 7 1 I 39 21 Amdari 19 12 17 4 2 8 ,4 12 Dongariya 78 SI 43 3 35 48 48 58 Urai Chuwa 3 1 1 1 2 6 Rar Uni nhabited ._ Majhgawan 113 35 4S 46 33 22 8l 135 Parasma~iya 34 1 22 11 1 7 33 43 PanlIa 15 10 5 1 17 30 Kachhi Bari 27 2~ 1 25 41 Dandi 19 1 13 6 15 39 Dabra 38 5 32 5 6 .. 39 65 Khamha Khamtala 40 1 35 4 34 62 Dhaniya t 1 9 2 13 18 BhLlrauIi Uninhabited Tikar Uninhabited Dobha 21 17 3 1 15 32 Ladbad Uninhabited Launjhir 147 26 110 33 2S 4 123 218 BincMwa 2 1 1 3 5 Amiliya Patha 22 3 22 3 25 35 Jamuni ya Kalan Uninhabited Jamuniya Khurd 29 14 21 13 8 21 27 Badgadi 6 6 6 6 7 3 Banjhir 81 40 50 2S 30 15 1 . 42 65 K'l.lawal Patha 138


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

3:! 1 it1(1f


'iiiiii' iliJII' m "'"' Main Workers r----~------A..------_____ ~ f"'1[1III mcm'{ .ra~ llirl'{ QJr1:IOrot; iIJ~ IliJII' ili'{ii IJiI""''''! ~II'~~ awro ~~ 'l'iil/

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

73 5 55 3 10 2 6 2 43 97 Dewgana Uniahabit ed Suwargudha 53 I 32 18 1 3 45 104 Shivrampur 197 39 130 21 35 12 13 6 19 240 369 Gudha Uninhabited Panni Vninhabited Jha.ljhi Uninhabited Panna .' Uninhabited Kulhariya Kl:I.an 112 71 31 7 72 64 8 1 72 118 Kulha riya Khurd 20 J4 13 10 3 1 4 3 13 17 Kotrahi Khurd -41 29 27 20 4 2 2 8 7 15 25 Kotrahi Kalan 35 2 31 2 2 27 52 Kadiya 59 4 47 11 3 43 53 67 Tatiyajhir '" 3 Amgar 20" 1 U'" 2 ., IS 26 Gadhawa 36 2 11 24 2 4 14 33 52 Tighara 23 17 6 3 5 16 22 Gunjhir Uninhabited Dhaukhe.n Uninhabited Koniya Patha 47 1 9 38 1 25 34 47 Jhiriya 52 30 28 2 15 28 9 2 49 81 Mohala 19 2 9 4 2 6 11 25 Khamhariya Patha 7 1 4 3 2 Bhumara 24 2 18 4 2 36 46 Kari Mati Uninhabited 1 Madphai 123 25 64 2 55 22 4 74 168 Maharaj pur· 21 12 9 4 8 29 46 Sakhauha Kalan 22 3 17 2 4 1 4 30 23 Pi para 69 4 40 2 23 6 2 31 84 107 Bhuruhara 46 3 37 5 3 4 3 18 45 66 Sakhauha KhurJ Uninhabited Gadri 1,113 623 432 112 196 161 251 3}8 234 32 54 164 983 1,238 Rahikwara 30 1 14 12 1 4 13 17 22 59 Ghateh Khurd 36 6 19 15 5 1 1 1 10 21 35 56 Amkui Kothar 106 14 51 2 35 6 9 4 11 2 19 50 128 155 Mugahar 159 24 79 4 64 9 16 11 137 103 125 Majhgawan Khurd 84 56 27 I 70 50 59 Ghateh Kalan 230 71 167 35 33 27 7 9 23 6 55 215 ~03 Pathraudha 126 99 83 5 29 78 6 15 g ( .. 119 147 Semri Kotllar 67 8 54 7 4 2 4 4 1 48 106 P"ltauda 140

~~",I qtllf 'fil Ifor 1!iI~' (~'" q('Ifliflf{./ ,)orq;... ~ ~~O!fTa'l it l:~ 'ni llir 11'111 (;!"l: if m ilffif;:rq-"f ~~ I ","!if... Total Population 'for ~ (including Iii • it institutional 1ft • Scheduled Area of No. of and houseles8 Scheduled villages occ;upied Number Population) Castes Tribes Liferatea Loca­ r--- .A.. ___~ A tion Name of in hectares resi­ of ~ r- --, r--"--. Code Tahsil/V iIlage I &. of Town/ dential house­ ~m .~. ~ 2;. m $. m 2;. ~'). No. Town/Ward Ward in Kmt houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

361 ~h') 291.91 77 87 506 254 2.52 110 114 56 52 118 28 362 2jl;;:rlor -a-orrit 86.85 31 37 194 88 106 44 58 2 30 20 36 3 lIlurror "'''' 41.69 1 7 6 4 364 -nihr 82.55 .fhror 365 h'~ 100.61 6 6 44 22 22 7 4 366 Cj'(1Ii{T 139.62 40 42 233 113 120 .' 62 7 367 -.!IIJTIR1(1; 2,373.04 422 511 2,601 1,3471,254 127 122 150 144 423 39 368 f'lmu (~) 164.30 65 65 368 192 176 65 59 99 11 369 ~.T 304.73 124 124 660 346 314 130 11 S 135 31 370 ~.,,~ 115.74 26 26 134 63 71 34 39 29 11 371 snt~;: 63.13 ifi~Tif 372 ~~r 175.23 47 47 249 131 118 58 56 53 8 373 firtWr 917.09 371 387 2,098 1,090 1,008 288 290 224 224 400 152 374 'h'll iAn 246.85 83 94 627 316 311 15 65 2 131 49 375 "'TilT 6-1..11 7 7 36 15· 21 1 11 4 376 IT~ 261.43 188 196 1,036 528 508 168 169 20 17 279 67 377 'EIl;:I1~r 403.47 III 123 706 361 345 32 29 147 73 378 ~"( 155.80 20 22 124 66 58 44 37 21 379 ... ~ 93.08 14 14 84 42 42 3 380 ...~ 84.58 19 24 ]64 83 81 34 17 381 ~"'JJlr 286.11 217 265 J ,331 653 678 64 76 22 20 375 120 382 'f,forlf1<: 407.92 245 275 1,504 775 729 121 97 60 44 297 68 3 8 3 anlfforlfT 167.31 64 66 359 184 175 6 7 100 41 384 "T~ 330.45 97 114 617 309 308 16 18 92 82 121· 27 385 II(;jql:T 83.77 13 14 1:!6 69 57 24 16 33 16 386 'fii{i!:' 282.47 88 99 543 272 271 86 93 27 31 144 26 387 'I{l;1 319.70 85 85 504 270 234 106 13 3 8 8 ilffl:i{T 90.24 19 19 108 59 49 8 7 19 3 389 ~WT 57.81 lI"m'f 390 ~~nil"l;1 103.19 ~"(T'f 391 ~ff 157.42 35 37 234 123 111 30 34 4:! 10 392 Qifm"t 59.49 15 15 98 45 53 25 393 Nql;Y'I<: 104.00 91 91 507 261 246 6 5 109 102 79 22 394 3l!U 581. 13 393 435 2.502 1,257 1,245 143 129 562 131 395 ~~ 229.46 94 110 552 288 264 32 27 150 147 62 15 396 ~.. &"t 706.98 4 5 20 14 6 6 6 5 397 fq'thtOJR 2,000.36 239 274 1,591 806 785 ] 30 123 188 168 318 88 398 3loa;: "RIfT 'ti 89.03 65 73 418 207 211 10 10 59 56 84 17 399 QY,," 366.64 185 l)O 1,064 547 517 155 143 21 29 218 41 400 3l~<: ~f~l:rr "'~ 1,010.58 43 56 391 203 188 2 122 45 141


'!~ ifi'~ m Iffif Main Workera ___ ------A.------~ ,~ q'-" ,.;nn-lin jftr~ IArn q'funf~ ar~ ~~ ifi~ ('Jg:m\lr! ~~~ .. am ;n~ 1fi./iflR:./ini ~ ~ ;mr (J-IX) II Yea) III,IV, V( b), Vl, x VII. VIII & IX Tl)tal MaiD Agricultural 8ousehold Other Manzmal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. ,_A_""'""I ,-.A.---, ,-....-A.._""'""I r-A-----. r-__A_~ ,--"---. ,--..A.--... Name ot i. m '1. ~ '1. Rt ,. fer') '1. ~i IJ.. ~

130 49 70 16 41 11 15 22 3 24 121 179 Khairi 51 35 23 4 27 17 14 1 37 70 Phurtal Ubari 1 5 1 Phurtal Kalan Uninhabited Basaura 11 3 11 3 11 19 Bairagal 62 2 59 3 14 51 104 Turkaha 699 180 371 31 136 68 109 67 83 14 68 179 580 895 Shyamnagar 107 51 25 30 1 85 176 Bhitari(Ubari) 200 69 102 16 75 28 22 25 146 245 Jakhi 32 23 6 3 31 71 Lakhm.\d Uninhabited Antachar 66 34 18 12 2 65 118 Koluha 598 358 lRO 35 160 176 59 74 199 73 3 4 489 646 Sitpura 170 70 92 49 64 18 6 11 4 18 142 223 Itma Tola 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 10 16 Koni 291 35 194 6 41 4 44 24 12 9 237 464 AOldari 181 6t 120 30 37 25 8 6 16 48 45 132 239 Ghoraghati 36 23 21 9 21 6 2 30 35 Majhokhar 24 5 11 4 10 3 7 18 39 Chakhata 39 24 8 7 4 44 77 Ch:l.kahar 334 147 130 17 41 35 87 73 76 22 28 170 291 361 Kulgarhi 416 286 152 34 "!5 62 115 166 74 24 26 78 333 365 Manikpur 97 41 53 to 26 7 7 24 11 87 134 AmiIiya 167 107 95 23 55 65 12 19 5 142 20~ Lalpur 26 5 20 2 4 3 2 43 52 Pangara 146 8t 68 9 24 18 45 54 9 126 190 Nandaha 135 42 121 39 4 261 4 7 135 185 Bharri 33 1 29 4 5 26 43 Semriha Uninhabited I mariti Uninhabited Bansabarri 66 7 54 5 9 2 1 2 53 57 51 TUTri 19 3 16 2 1 1 1 21 26 29 Pangari 141 31 73 22 52 2 5 7 11 103 120 112 Piprokhar 632 217 356 93 97 62 135 61 44 1 9 106 616 922 Atra 155 55 49 4 70 39 9 10 27 2 1 132 209 Dudaha 13 3 2 '8 1 6 Dudahi 435 176 191 41 118 86 54 41 72 8 2 83 369 526 Pithaurabad ItS 61 77 27 29 21 5 13 4 2 92 148 Anlae Bediya Kllllrd 277 Ito 127 25 77 47 41 36 32 2 1 270 406 P<>di 91 9 59 IS 6 ~ 2 14 1 2 17 110 Hi:! Ani ar Bediya Kalan 142

a~"" qt. ~I ~" :or"~r (;f,"­ fTT'if j';fIRj ~)ijrq;;;r ai\'{ «~) it '(~ cr...... ::r,1I ~:tZ,,( ij lITi ilfPtalfT ~~) 'f1R/'ifrc Total Population If;T

401 ~3i IS0.14 15 15 100 50 50 25 S 402 q((m 1,084.96 321 327 2,0101,039 971 189 167 39 27 473 151 403 ~ S41;' 33 196 197 1,102 546 SS6 99 93 96 114 2Ib 25 404 f.otu~ 17S.78 207 220 1,123 572 551 113 109 122 117 168 40 405 'fl~ 374.74 86 100 533 162 271 13 12 95 24 406 ~nr 646·22 308 334 ],704 865 839 252 272 17 16 464 IS8 407 MarT IfiT,Sf"( 87.01. 3 4 13 11 2 6 5 408 ~ 162.99 113 128 681 313 348 49 47 56 60 126 36 409 ~!!;atT;a.mt 49.99 24 24 149 84. 65 45 4 410 ~~f I!o"t~r"( 83.37 4 4 9 7 2 2 2 411 ~Tf.I'~T 46.13 14 14 92 47 .is S 3 20 2 4 12 '3'T{1:T 1:'\9.85 48 49 315 158 ]57 83 90 6 2 62 16 413 .tm ~'m 1,725.47 260 315 1,711 885 836 1\(; 102 254 263 246 39 414 qirn- 7S.6!! 15 17 103 50 S3 18 12 21 g 415 ~7f 173.20 1 I 0 12.3 720 374 346 63 60 112 100 145 48 416 ~qq'i 144.47 12 13 80 41 ~9 8 41.7 'f§Tz"t 174.82 10 10 78 36 41 21 8 418 lIGo'i''ifI<:T 459.72 246 263 1.41.6 716 700 144 143 56 64 3·P 133 419 ~i!'r 376.76 51 51 239 119 120 50 54 2 2 23 3 420 ltff.l'T 239. ]8 30 33 288 159 129 19 15 6 2 59 19 421 i~,,(T ~i :O"',(T 339.53 129 129 7;7 3H 383 3 3 46 60 141 74 42 2 ~T""" ~f1fi!Tt 343.17 31 32 216 110 106 6 9 44 9 423 ft;{~r lI>1ol't 300.68 Id 18 143 61 81 6 8 43 11 424 ~f~\jf;fT ;a'U{T 106.84 90 91 688 338 350 73 91 ]62 49 425 ~~~ 1,085.97 323 338 1,933 985 948 179 164 115 96 307 62 4!6 at;:(f~r"( 292.18 33 34 2% 1.1,9 107 6 3 51 7. 42 7 ~nril' q~"m 21.8.53 99 107 598 319 2"9 110 106 85 10 4 2 8 'Ifl;;:'lI'';fT Ifi)i5T"( 99.55 39 43 307 166 141 30 23 59 14 429 ~lfT~;f 91'.24 1 2 1 4~0 'If'(~ 934.g2 160 17~ 1,131 578 ~S4 105 82 70 67 238 85 431 alU 265.69 8 to 7] . 38 3,. 4 1 24 11 432 ~iJl!I'r 260.,;2 103 116 7~9 398 331 58 52 19] 63 433 ~q,qilt 441".11 50 83 509 253 2~6 30 27 4 7 1 S3 78 434 lIi)\II1l'if' 139.29 9 10 64 3S 29 27 17 43 5 ~


,!:!il:I' ~'!' emf Main Worken ~ ______m -A ______~

~ IJ,- ;mffifiT~ .f(l'~ IRiIlt qrfunfui; 111'"1 ifiT'!' I5t;r (I'~~riTl 1IiT'II1ii'{;i am IU~ Iffi( /iflT":,lIIti IQ~ ifiT ;mI (I-IX) II Vea) III ,IV, V( b), VI. VII. VIII & IX " Total Main Agricultural Housebold Other Marll'nal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken r-.A.-...... r__.....~ ,--A.._"",",\ ~ r--A..-~ ,-"----., r--J.-..--.., Name 0' ~. m i. Rfi ~. ~ ~. ~') ~. ~, ~.

18 2 15 3 2 19 30 29 Madhau 547 266 272 43 160 176 4b 39 69 8 1 57 491 648 Pataura 315 205 151 SO 98 109 55 4;, 11 1 40 230 311 Birpur 321 144 121 25 135 102 2S 15 40 2 11 251 396 Jiganhat 134 90 97 69 18 ] 6 2 2 17 3 128 180 D:ldhiya 450 192 164 26 111 81 65 79 110 6 415 646 Lohraura 10 1 3 1 6 I Harduwa Kothar 191 49 119 3 57 4S 14 7 142 292 Tighsra 39 5 28 4 4 2 5 3 42 60 Harduw8 Ubari 7 5 1 2 1 Mahdei Kothar 20 2 14 4 2 2 27 43 Chaulh:lha 79 53 41 2 31 51 2 5 79 103 Umri 475 177 198 10 186 140 29 20 62 7 65 384 :;94 Bandhi Mauhar 25 8 12 1 10 7 3 1 25 44 Paleri ]86 129 63 IS 98 133 3 22 17 188 200 Badkhera 16 1 1 12 7 3 4 I 25 28 Sonwarsa 17 2 13 2 3 19 40 Chhoti 401 15.z l1R 13 12411547 16 Il2 8 18 315 530 BhaI anwara 79 27 37 36 27 5 40 93 Barhata 77 15 52 18 14 7 4 78 114 Kaitha 198 126 76 9 97 144 2 3 23 175 257 SCD}ri Dube Ubari 55 3 37 14 3 4 1 55 102 Semri KUDllhai 28 8 22 4 2 4 4 6 9 28 64 Dinpur Kothar 188 70 116 7 58 60 4 3 10 I 150 279 Sahijana t:bari 553 237 298 102 139 9970 32 46 4 2 18 430 693 B.ibupur 93 5 69 16 5 1 7 56 102 Anlarhar 162 19 76 58 17 jO 18 20 157 240 Matri Pataura 7S 2 75 2 91 139 Sahijana KOlhar. 1 1 Bataiy:. Kh.urd 283 66 164 26 54 37 43 3 22 295 488 Bharhut 21 1 15 5 5 17 27 Dilaura 171 26 118 5 17 3 29 16 13 2 9 36 212 269 Gudhuwa 126 33 35 4 37 24 8 3 46 2 3 1 124 222 Lagargr,wan 16 10 6 19 29 Koigawan 103 20 55 6 35 9 4 3 9 2 95 164 Matri Barrnendranatb 173 85 138 49 25 33 1 2 9 3 40 147 215 nhaneh 252 12S 113 2 99 103 26 20 14 293 410 Gobrai Khurd 136 49 68 4 26 16 41 28 114 184 Itwa Kalan 174 163 86 6 11 5 59 51 18 1 194 '17 5 Rharhala 422 271 166 94 55 ~l 151 145 50 3 4 353 412 Gl'hrai Kalan 144

6~~1 IfR iii' qf"(lf{ll f" ;jfi(ftlJr (m Ifill'j"lmj ~~ ~ liiIIJ ar'h: a'f1rflfl it l{"f l(R 'fit "." ~,~~ i m 11l'fif6q:, lI'f~ ) 'fffr./crf

441 lI!.~m 309.58 81 92 654 335 319 68 62 19 24 163 66 442 "l~"t l!!~ 128.28 28 30 184 93 91 14 18 55 11 443 ~~ 388.49 145 148 858 460 398 55 54 9 14 152 20 444 ~i(tP 148.52 33 36 221 119 102 II 10 7 6 59 14 445


iiiiii' iliTJJ m iffii Main Worken ,.------'------~ ~~ I!WII 'fiT'i'rlliTl .ri'r({ 1IiiIl" q'ff'{il'ffu; .~ 'liT" ~If (.f1f.ljr~1 i5tlf m am .r~ llilt 1~1R:,1t~ ami 'fiT ;mr (I-IX) [) Vea) 1lJ,IV,V(b),Vl. x VII, VIII & IX T.nal MaiD Agricultural Housebold Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,---.A._"""",\ r-~ ,---A.-"""",\ r--.J.-____.._ ,---"-~ ,--A--. r--~ Name of ~. ,~ '1. m '1. ~ ~. fif\ 1. 'Ri. ~. ufi ~. "fCi!1 Tahs iI/V ill agel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward

I' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 z

138 40 85 10 38 28 4 2 11 .. I 6 60 191 219 Kudahari :Kalan 39 8 30 3 2 2 2 7 2 27 52 56 Kudahari Khurd 240 25 148 J 52 13 29 9 11 18 219 355 Dewar 47 3 31 9 '] 7 71 99 Mainaha 2.21 99 94 20 64 43 53 16 10 143 278 Akaha 46 37 22 6 14 30 3 7 51 73 Nau gawal1 89 53 7 4 62 49 20 36 53 Akahi 82 6 73 2 7 4 1. 69 88 Dadri 127 HI4 20 2 III 251 Koniya • . Uninhabited Khadaura 286 84 213 2 58 81 6 I 9 258 420 Podi 156 85 52 3 62 68 6 4 36 10 5 190 246 Urdana 5 5 8 15 Sonkachar 64 5 39 19 5 3 3 3 104 ISO Bara 160 6 78 4 81 2 I 133 249 Gadauli 95 19 45 5 27 12 19 2 4 2 126 182 Badkhura 363 112 227 47 66 47 36 18 ~4 7 48 376 545 Karahi Kalan 192 60 126 12 50 48 4 12 214 331 Karahi Khurd , . • • Un;nhabited Bagaha Kachhar Pipri Kalan 497 ~05 186 155 64 43 106 t02 41 5 455 638 · . Unmhabited .• Bhandar Talai Urdani 75 17 26 29 ]6 4 Ie, 67 136 827 394 333 42 124 165 259 172 III 15 17 159 709 890 Bihata 110 32 49 36 28 24 4 108 173 Palh.lnpur 26Y Badraha 140 9 ~9 1 1 2 38 6 32 5 145 1 .. I Sohariya 299 134 135 26 54 47 69 34 41 27 2 7 289 474 KhuJha • . Uninhabited Gauriya 58 43 14 22 29 5 ] 7 13 44 58 T<.andabali .' Uninhabited .. Titahi Dandi ., Uninhabiled Bijahara • • Uninhabited Saunta 188 147 142 98 37 40 I It 9 85 93 Khokhali · • Uninhabited Mugahani Khurd Mugahani Kalan .. Uninhabited .. Dwara Mugahani 38 39 19 14 19 25 21 28 Khoh 3 3 1 1 Majhgawan 206 56 126 16 31 29 24 6 25 5 21 94 189 :!70 Rampurwa 71 16 S4 5 9 9 8 2 101 150 Ragauli 146

;nm-ff (I(S)" _""",,"1 !fiT !fI1ffQ ",'0151

.~---. -

f'fT;fIQ ff~(;J/ ITTII' 1111 amrrll qf~qr"{l ifitII ;;r;"f~ (iT," .~,!f.;m ar~,!f"a min ~. "Til( /"iff("{ / ~~;;r 8Tlcrnr"l

481 ~(~O[ 818.18 ] 10 124 692 360 332 60 55 124 125 137 21 482 lfihmr 346.42 252 276 1,561 804 757 42 34 11 8 334 37 483 ~';{\;;r 1,422 ·52 426 567 2,690 1,4191,271 253 248 246 170 339 61 484 lIfi)iI') 464.61 fiG 72 413 214 199 42 32 19 20 112 57 485 81fif~Tf 115.99 •.


~ IliTqm~~ Main Worken __------A..------__~ ~ ~ ,.;n6lliTl lliftr(( 1'AI''i1 cnfutfu; .... ifilli' m ~lIl'ft ~"' If '11(;9 a'~\II'1 1liT1I' rn an ;n~ Ilifli15'nt ~ 1Ifi(/ifrn/lfrt IfA1 (I-IX) II VCa) X .. ""' 1IJ,IV,V(b),VI. VII. VIII & IX T"tal MaiD Agricultural Housebold Other Marl ina) Workers Cultivator. Labourers rndustry Workers Worker. NOD·Worken ,---A._"-I ,---A----.. r---"--"-Ir---A---., ~ r-.....A--.., r--.A....--...., Name 01 i· ,1ft' $. t'Ili't ,;. ~ ~. ~ $. Ril '1. uft i. ~'T rahs II IVillalei M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

206 120 104 42 SO 57 52 21 1 153 212 Jhurkhu]u 402 174 188 48 88 SI 102 74 24 1 13 147 389 436 Karwara 790 297 275 32 284 162 89 65 142 38 3 629 971 Inchol 94 !3 45 4 15 16 34- 13 120 166 Kothi Uninhabited Dhamanhai Uninhabited Katiya 121 99 31 21 87 77 3 60 64 Paprenga 49 19 21 25 19 3 46 76 KuJpura 201 105 110 4 8t lOt 10 156 269 Ragala 29 5 17 6 2 3 2 3 2 20 36 Belhati 8.9 6(; 56 28 28 33 4 S 72 92 Kushlj 69 21 31 1 37 20 34 64 Chauthar 179 47 117 2 48 4S 14 178 286 Narhati 242 60 160 5 60 SO 7 4 IS 1 246 450 Patharhata 217 139 111 56 79 79 1 4 26 13 175 213 Bara Patbar 148

~"'Atll a~;;(1 Iftlr 1111 amnc Iff~cn~l 7j;;( ;;ril~r (_'1ft ar'!,m ar,!vf~ met" m Iftil(/'f~1 a~ IITlne'Tzt .rr~,," m:~~"'lit~ ;;rTm 'IiI'f-;;nft! lf~.t lui IIiT ;JUI ~1f~t Ii IflIiFi'i m OlTN(J1Jl ij'f~a) lftr(/'2f11 ...r Total Population IliT "q fhm (including fiIi.m. it institutional Area of No_ of and house less Scheduled Scheduled Population) castes Tribes Literates Loca· villages occupied Number r-.A._·-., r--A.--., lion Name of in heotare. resi- of r----"---.~ ,.----A--.. Code Tahsil/Villagel & of Townl dential house. IIffu; ~. ~ ~. m ~. «iT ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. 1'. M. P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

"T"'~ IIf'l'lftm ~lf

U/II ~ Iflm. (II.". ) 4.51 1,1\36 1,941 10,831 5.790 5,041 919 821 18 8 3,S83 1,68,

12/11/1 miff miliTilR( "ri 367 393 2,123 1.235 888 184 139 17 8 773 397 12/11/2 '1~;.fT ~~f cni 244 252 1,427 745 682 149 131 385 156 12jII/3

~~~T lAf~f=;m ~'JI

12/III- ~.~T (ar.at.) 10.71 1,956 2,132 ]1,979 6,250 5,729 1,159 1,110 193 188 3,739 1,591

12/111/1 ~(f ~~ ilfTi 231 260 1.271 670 601 468 431 51 43 234 31 12/IJI/2 m. ;;rTf~lI1 ifli 411 471 2,249 1,190 1,059 89 90 53 56 716 292 12/m/3 ~'II'JIf ifli 324 338 1.855 965 890 239 231 89 89 461 138 12/111/4 ~'fWW ~"TIIITII" il(Ti 199 203 1,378 715 663 7 8 559 308 1 2 IIII/S ~~IIT'" cni 249 256 1,586 1125 761 61 is 534 192 12/m/6 ~ cnt 165 179 1,140 588 552 21 20 435 247 12/IJI/7 '311~ ~q", ani 233 258 . 1,547 804 743 274 255 447 182 12/IJI/8 Ii\'~Til'ft .ni 144 167 953 493 460 353 201 149


'!:iIf liiT~ m lIT" Main Worken ___ ------A.------~ f" liM ~aifin .f~ q;;rl~ qrf1:llTm; 81~ 'liT;{ 1fi':;J m~ ~l1f " 'lir.i ~~11!1'1 I6Tlf ;roi iVltt IIT~ I6Him Itttal Main Agricultural Household Other Marllinal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worker. Non.Worker. ,----"--, ,---A--, ,..----'-_, ,..-_....A--, ,-_..A-~ ,..--A--~ ,..--..A.--... Name or ~. ~iIi ~. m '1. ~ ~. ~1 '!. fer; '!. tdT ~. ~1 TahsillViIlagel M.. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 2

Nagod Notified Area Committee

2,681 507 %59 J4 ]68 68 491) 250 1,764 175 68 269 3.041 4,265 Nagod (N. A.)

582 94 94 96 S9 14 10 378 25 16 652 778 SVI-ami Vivekanand Ward 368 132 37 8 24 71 61- 236 63 7 15 370 535 MaharaniLaxmibai Ward 333 43 33 14 5 58 " 8 228 20 8 7 394 596 "Pt. Dindayal Ward 392 27 20 3 12 20 4 340 19 8 487 772 Mahatma Gandhi Ward 365 49 30 1 129 41 205 8 21 65 401 553 SardarBhag.\t Singh Ward 399 36 34 1 12 3 74 , 219 23 14 61 462 728 Azad Ward 242 126 11 2 9 124 107 98 17 16 97 275 303 Dr. Ambedker Ward --_------_ ------_------_- -_-- Unchahra Notified Area Committee ------2,943 982 491 81 IS6 lSI 836 514 1,460 236 29 83 3,278 4,664 Unchehra (N. A.)

330 170 69 7 37 52 66 92 158 19 4 6 336 425 Sant Raidas Ward 603 131 38 4 22 14 172 69 311 44 6 23 581 905 Dr. Lohiya Ward 505 287 41 11 36 30 224 146 198 94 13 41 447 562 SUbhash Ward 283 31 51 96 16 135 14 ·1 431 631 Dindayall;padhyay Ward 400 167 89 10 19 19 138 121 154 17 425 594 RUkhan Ward 232 44 36 6 5 10 2 2 189 26 4 11 352 497 Mukharjee Ward 361 108 111 32 26 14 81 44 137 8 1 1 442 634 Janki Raman Ward 229 44 44 4 10 2 57 24 118 14 264 416 MeeraB,li Ward ------

('f~~1 "t~ ~, ~ "''1mr (i," 'Itif jortrt.j e.)Grom:r aft, \'I'~qrm it "l;~ IfR IliT ;rIll ~~i!~ Ii m 8lJRillfT ~r~) ;r"lf"{./"ifTi Total Population ~T "Iff( (inchlding f.ti.Jft.it institutional No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca­ villages ~upied Number ,-__ ..A... ___~ ._.A. __ -, tion Name of in hectares resi­ of ~ .-..A-...... Code Tahsil/Villagel 8£ of Town! dential house. &lfft:r; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ,eft" ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F 1 2 3 4 5 6 -, 8 10 11 12 13 14

12/3 ~rr.I' ~ 1.123.7 3~,320 205,507 102,081 12,313 18,667 9,70t (lI'T1t1or) (IIt'.fiIi.Ift.) 37,351 103,426 12.465 19,432 36,661 1 'Ii"'"t 394.11 99 129 691 363 328 29 29 17 16 124 43 2 i'lf)Q~ 332.84 236 373 2,4371,1921,247 56 56 163 166 560 251 3 ~C:T 13!1. 08 60 65 41] 203 208 7 6 88 23 4 ;fr;rT,!~ 497.86 164 181 ·1,067 528 5:l9 59 49 60 68 178 4S 5 fm;r,,~ 307.36 82 93 467 :34 233 s 7 40 39 ]08 27 6 ~~3TT of.t ]08.49 ]9 19 110 48 62 25 12 7 ~~an ;{.2 98.29 17 18 96 52 44 14 1 8 ~1m:T


'!;4i1i lliTiJ m Iif(\if Main Worken __------J<------~ 'f~ ~.. '!iTVlfifil1: .f8~ ~1: ",f~~ .iIi ~TIf ."(;f i!3.m~1 !liT'll IRa im .r;ij Iffer 1;rIR/ifri ifiI iIl1J 11 VIa) m,IV.V(b),VI. x VII, VlII & IX T.,tal Main Agricultural Household Other Marl.llDal Workers Cultivalors Labourel'8 Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. r-.A.-"""",,\ r--A.-"""""\ r----A.-"""""\r---A._---, r-___A_..~ --"--~ ,.-.,A___" Name 0' 'I. fei'r .. 'I. ~.., rahsil/VilIaael '1. fir 'I. ~ 'I. ~') 'I. ~ii '1. ~ei'r M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------_------16 17 !8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

3 ... 84J 11.262 17,261 991 1,319 6,823 64.415 AmarplltsD Tahsil 12/3 53.954 2.',1198 1(i,974 2,546 7,536 1,780 47,692. (Rural) 191 55 123 1 39 44 11 2 18 2 38 172 235 Kalla 571 194 321 27 131 154 17 3 96 10 8 10 613 1,043 Teodhari 101 17 84 6 JO 11 7 J02 191 Hardi 159 179 173 102 58 67 28 10 12 6 257 354 Dinapur 109 39 56 5 39 34 3 II 124 194 Sqpari 19 4 16 4 3 29 58 Seherlla No.1 25 16 7 2 27 44 Seherua No.2 J 48 143 54 2 84 B9 9 2 112 101 Teodhara No.1 39 52 7 23 18 :!6 .' 14 3 37 34 Rugwa 130 87 71 SO 34 36 24 51 66 128 200 Teodhara No.2 39 15 23 13 13 3 46 66 Karra Uninhabited Bilsinghpur 28 11 1 I 10 g 4 2 3 28 42 Pu(ariha 98 44 40 18 47 26 1 1 62 115 Samogd.r Unmukt 32 23 9 33 70 Samogar Koth:lr 188 119 66 20 89 98 5 28 200 266 Semariyp. :322 245 146 110 107 127 28 7 41 2 280 339 Aera 58 48 21 23 27 25 10 54 46 Pa:.iariya Kalan 1 3 3 Padariya Khurd 231 167 79 7 120 157 12 3 20 , - 221 282 Korig,\wan 119 90 42 42 5 I 48 2 24 163 184 K:,rhi Lamin 36 10 15 4 15 6 6 30 54 Banhha 78 17 53 11 IS 6 10 84 142 RillULr 248 196 146 123 81 73 21 209 241 Khuta'la 162 44 66 2 95 42 , . 118 226 Baheliya Uninhabited .' Sahijana 69 54 11 4 2 63 132 Kothar 558 391 168 23.237 331 24 22 129 15 470 538 Bela Uninhabited Bairpar 166 135 46 27 102 108 3 15 113 162 Ruhiya 416 371 178 130 175 220 24 14 39 7 338 302 Palra 224 152 94 61 R7 90 9 34 37 73 ~81 353 Mahudar 118 123 87 84 25 34 6 5 75 69 Shah 175 142 68 76 74 66 3 30 143 142 Kemor 186 98 121 60 32 37 4 29 2 4 168 245 Badhari Uninhabited Badllari Lilji 98 25 82 17 \\ 8 5 2 98 \70 Padiya 102 40 42 4 39 29 21 7 36 93 96 102 Paipkhara 87 14 5S S 17 7 12 2 1 ~ 50 80 92 Madha S5 2 33 1 21 1 26 38 64 Kesaura 152


(f~tl(/ 'ItII" iIII ill'TiI'TIl q-f'{lIl'{l f" :Jfor~"'T (i'f'. 'ItII( /;{'f'(/ ~)erq;iiI l(fII(T~irQ' ~ ~"" an, ~~",,",l it ~~ .,W IliT orlll ~~~~ Ii q1Ii'r;if lICTi iilffiRrq:f 1J~(f) ';f'f'(/ifrw 'liT Total Population Ifi"T ~ 6"n (including institutional Ii5 • lit . it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca· villages o"upied of ,-__ .A.. ___-, ,.-_.A._.-.,. lion Name of in hectare, resi­ ~ ._.A._--. Code Tahsil/Village I & of Town/ dential house. ~ffi ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~efT 'I. 'efT. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 firfurT ..mm: 199.57 50 52 287 146 141 13 13 48 4 42 .f!{f~ln lIitqf~ ih;n 177.48 109 115 596 284 312 38' 39 27 25 127 53 43 firf~T lIl~?:m 161.16 55 67 349 174 175 54 56 19 16 77 33 44 ;r.lIil_;l~~ 1,291.63 335 403 2,165 1,076 1,089 90 81 III 225 413 106 45

4 7 ~i'li!p:') llie~T 684.06 156 183 ] ,089 530 559 166 151 23 J 8 249 133 48 ~f~~tif 614.53 154 186 1,237 617 620 37 36 75 69 294 122 49 flli1:tl:lf 144.50 59 73 387 203 184 53 48 70 14 50 8~OTT 296.99 77 99 518 262 256 85 77 28 3\ 91 19 51 OT~T 66.75 cfiu;r 52 :JlI<:')' t~ifTU~ 93~. 79 124 135 800 406 394 106 115 169 42 53 ~ 156.0S' 48 56 329 152 177 9 3 30 40 67 38 54 lIi'ti!1:T 123.80 74 83 516 262 254 26 30 39 38 lOJ 9 55 1J;)i!1:')' 17.61 IlihT';f 56 ~nf.:!":rT 180.29 24 24 16] 79 82 28 1 57 1fTtl( 273.02 J 10 131 746 383 363 83 72 44 34 153 62 58 ~r 234.43 80 97 578 :289 21lt) 80 76 68 66 128 18 59 i;:Tm:I' 50.06 lihr;r 60 IJ;'q!T :Jf)'1or~t 266.28 76 82 393 202 191 112 108 12 11 70 18 fir Irru :93.99 47 50 277 144 133 I IS 22 6l t4 62 IJt:O!If>T 188.48 81 84 455 219 236 48 47 24 28 104 38 ti3 ~IJU 127.26 43 49 307 148 159 7 8 20 17 88 33 6 4 If'lil:f;:l!T 100.66 lIl;: 404.95 157 170 1. 010 510 500 4S 3~ 49 44 202 27 71 a'l<~


I!:~ ifiIlJ m iffiI Main Worken ,.------"------~ f" ~ !&TIeIiliT1: .f~ 11'11''11: qrf~ .~ ;fit" ~it ir~r"J 15111' m <1m ;n~ qf·/~IP:/lfrt ;ri '6T ;{TIl (I-IX) [) VIa) 1JI.IY,V(b),VJ, x VII, VIII & IX T.nal Main Agricultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-_.A._""",,",\ ,----A...-""",,",\ r---A._""",,",\ r--.....A.._~ .--"---..., r-_"'_~ ,--..A.--... Name of ~. ,eft ,. m ,. m ,. ~t ~. ~i ,. ~«t '1. ~1 Tahsii/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. TownlWard ------__------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Z3 24 25 26 27 18 2

74 13 62 6 8 7 4 72 128 Jhiriya Kothar 128 60 67 23 29 35 32 2 16 8 140 244 Jhiriya Koparihan Tola 88 S6 20 6 54 50 13 85 118 Jhinya Bajpedan Tola 560 258 319 17 161 167 25 10 55 4 7 91 509 740 Kakalpur 70 3S 27 2 40 33 3 45 81 Bara 195 217 88 114 62 95 7 3 38 5 20 23 195 147 Deu 268 201 103 78 101 107 2 62 16 262 358 Mauhari Katra 294 113 161 !8 75 65 9 8 49 12 323 507 Ahi rgaon 107 88 76 64 20 22 2 9 2 96 96 Kirhai 140 89 72 21 55 61 7 7 6 122 157 Dhatua Uninhabited Odhaki 23] 96 13" 16 66 73 1 30 7 175 298 Umari Shivr;U1 62 30 40 6 18 21 2 3 2 90 147 Koluha 125 59 76 9 40 50 2 7 '. 137 195 Kotra llninhabited Kotri 39 15 38 13 2 40 67 Judm:lniya 175 64 92 32 58 20 24 11 74 140 134 159 Pal 141 124 64 53 64 71 12 4 4 144 161 Bachhara Uninhabited Bairagal 119 88 28 6 52 61 26 20 13 2 81 103 Karhi Joginhai 73 13 53 3 12 10 4 4 1 70 120 Bari 101 53 38 14 33 38 2 211 16 10 102 173 Sarbaka 6"5 23 35 7 15 15 15 10 26 73 110 Semri Uninhab ited Mouhanya 341 167 186 74 I I 1 89 14 30 3 I 296 438 Kakra 60 19 15 27 13 2 16 6 6 37 37 53 Padha Uni nhabited Bedura Khurd 96 48 37 19 38 20 3 4 18 5 3 41 84 95 B",dura Kalan 8 2 6 2 2 10 16 Bedura Unmukt 261 100 147 26 58 63 13 2 43 9 37 112 212 288 Raikwar 367 226 181 61 126 153 28 6 32 6 3 83 260 36 t Dhaurhra 216 142 117 71 74 69 11 14 1 1 233 291 Mauhar 451 338 258 195 83 93 80 50 30 40 72 373 435 Gora 176 115 69 59 20 11 2 85 45 2{ 62 79 85 Pathala Tola 608 338 312 148 178 162 27 3 91 25 90 217 622 695 Bhishampar 28'7 225 145 110 88 108 11 43 6 3 9 249 338 Kumhari 297 145 183 50 60 78 17 9 37 8 2 304 465 IJeuri Jagdi shpur 284 190 159 99 69 88 18 3 38 31 82 257 374 Naugama 156 144 63 61 63 III 5 1 25 7 58 163 128 Ba.iwahi 28 -:!6 22 24 2 6 4 21 35 23 Bukr.ina 154


~~"" IJtlf !fil arT ... A f<;' or~~' (~ men I'fti(j~lf{/ ~R;rqj<;, IITIfHI',Q' ail. «~f.fTIIIT it 1:~ I(~ ~T <1111 ~~;o;1: if J{'fi1;fj m i'l"fiFalfT ~fi!i.'f) 'f'fH./ii". lIT TOla' Population !fiT

81 it1:<::'6 494.3S 21 21 1,37 414 394 99 92 177 57 82 ,,~') 255.67 110 110 651 311 J40 51 59 39 43 165 70 1!3 aft.·u 835.95 237 266 1,634 834 800 112 99 99 99 292 70 84 ott 1:"trr flfilRT ..!3.58 ifi.r;r 85 'ilR"~') 1.012.34 294 298 1,764 891 873 127 103 199 ]99 300 74 86 If.~'n@ 544.70 186 1117 1.10(; 550 556 54 49 109 ] 10 225 77 8 7 ortir ;r~, 592.74 120 ]49 774 391 3RJ 108 122 64 58 114 13 8 8 ifiif '11'<1')'1:1'11' 4:!.:!9 I 2 I I 89 <{~'t!:


'!tIJ 4iT1f m omr Maio Worken ___ ------A..------~ p 'lfII l5f'iJ~t .fer" ~< crrf~ ar~ '1m{ ~~ ~riifl GIl' rn :an .,.~ 1Ii./ifrrt:/i{R lfRi WI ""' ( I-IX) (J VIa) 1II.IV,V(b),VI, VII, VIIl & IX " Tora' Main Agricultural Household Other Marllinal Workera Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. r--A _"""",\ r---A----.. ,----A._, r--....A..---., r--A---, r-~"""", r--..A..---.. Name or ~. m ~. m ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~aii '!. un '1. ~') Tahsil/Village/ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F . Town/Ward .... -_.. _----- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 18 2

185 85 107 Ii 66 79 5 7 229 309 Birdatt 134 104 69 33 58 71 6 11 177 225 Madhi 383 186 180 51 155 126 24 9 24 73 147 378 467 Obra Uninhllbited Birdatt Kigra 457 317 183 115 226 200 14 34 2 16 203 418 353 Chorkhadi 260 159 133 68 71 83 10 4 46 4 6 110 248 317 Paraswahi 226 181 99 69 109 112 6 12 165 202 Barr~h Bada 1 ] Barreh Manirnm 3 2 3 2 3 3 Barreh Jokhtlram Uninhabited Barreh Bihariram 12 12 21 32 Barreh Patila Tola 7 2 3 4 2 4 S Barreh Chauhan Tola 4 4 5 I 3 Barreh Gurudayal Uninhabited Barreh Akadhah Tola 50 7 22 2 8 5 20 68 87 Gadauli 117 60 33 S 74 55 ]0 69 129 Jarmohara 59 38 27 27 37 5 48 56 KClsei ] 63 98 72 4 89 94 2 ] 13 HI Mallharia Lalan 39 7 23 15 6 1 10 21 42 Mauharia Mathuriyan 52 33 12 36 31 4 4 47 54 Mauharia Jagannath Uninhabited Mauharia H"numan Unin:lIIbi ted Ma.uharia Vish],1 !VlauharJa Dewarth Uninhp.bittd Mauharia Ramgapa] Uninhabited Mauhada Lalu B.18icha 364 194 151 53 160 140 7 46 1! 3 257 426 Itma 168 7] 4 t 4 107 66 4 16 3 138 236 Kirhai 171 117 44 13 120 104 7 124 15 .~ Judmania Uninhabited P-.daur 1,046 794 490 323 384 441 3f 18 141 12 4 21 936 1217 Kharam Kheda 104 7:1 47 18 50 51 2 5 I 6 111 106 158 Bartona 173 98 114 58 30 32 9 3 20 S 16 6J 132 134 Mankahari 35 7 22 6 5 1 g 8 19 31 Kedari Uninhabi ted JllUsi Uninhabited Badaraukh 72 29 46 12 18 16 8 19 6g 86 Madwar 34 20 20 11 2 8 )) I 9 21 47 50 Deora 554 319 215 33 240 299 17 3 82 4 4 2 570 820 1111111. Khas 256 142 ]66 72 67 70 12 II 195 304 Khara 13 4 Ii 7 3 12 29 Kolhai 156


a-¢t<=rl ITjlJ iflT f<=r ;;r';fNf (ro rrt .. /PI'Ift./ ,)nj<=r ar'\<: ~~) it ~ "Ii ~, ~III ~lfZ~ If m Ol:Tfit:a-IfT Q'f~) :f'fr./errc Total Population ifl iIlf (including f.ri.~. it institutional Area of No. of and housel

121 ~W 231.25 IIlh:rPl 12 2 1f1f~1f<:t 310.94 ]9 19 1 19 63 56 57 49 7 2 I 23 "tllt,!" 80.39 OfT'UPI 124 ~<=rlf1l'r 931.96 212 217 1.265 654 6J I 93 94 201 199 181 37 125 It"" 521.00 "'7f~ 1 ~ 6 ~a-'\<: 443.56 ,""(IPI 1 2 7 II"fll'lTT1: 61.51 33 39 J80 88 92 14 12 10 11 33 3 128 i1f." 493.49 66 92 502 243 259 8 8 125 t 36 79 - 18 1 2 9 fill'fl'f iter" 131.86 lf1u;r 130 ~ ... ~T' 53_98 7 5 2 3 131 i!1:i!1 57 50 Of·h,.,. .. 132 ~11: 163.11 ifT<;TPI 133 a-..fOfI~ 295_63 49 58 339 180 159 28 19 72 69 63 23 134 ~~1Ifo<'ft 453_47 36 51 297 147 150 145 150 47 3 135 ;n~l 711 -22 132 161 886 439 <147 89 89 46 47 152 28 136 f~T ~ 47 99 12 16 72 40 32 16 18 13 2 137 atflif;;rlT' 220 81 35 43 222 112 1 t 0 45 35 46 24 138 ~~T 360.17 1 1 3 2 139 "I'lI'<:i!' 379 91 3 3 ~O 6 4 1 2 2 140 ~~ 679.92 17 19 119 55 64 .. 53 61 19 1 1 4 1 ,!arRlTT 185 -27 35 46 246 128 118 30 24 56 49 14 3 142 Ii'<:&;f\' 77.52 10 I 1 67 31 36 19 23 4 143 i!:ii!U z)~ 177.35 22 23 154 73 81 8 8 23 3 144 '41: c;Rorr 39.29 J 3 21 14 7 6 252 145 ~Ofl' 434.25 178 114 1.218 602 616 98 120 144 130 218 42 146 arl!arT 175.61 37 43 236 117 ] 19 25 23 31 6 147 ~.rnan 23.79 cr'T~r~ 148 ~"t 20:!_35 ;f\UPl .. .. 149 iTT'!.,!, 239.74 168 219 1.124 575 549 31 23 184 171 180 47 150 .r~ 24.91 ifTU


'i~ '!ill! IIiTof m Main Workers r------A.----______~ ~ ... 'i.r lIiTIilifiTl .fql Q;;;~ qrf~ .;If ifiTl!lIil~ ~ 1fiT"m ~ :am n~ lIinrlliWt (I-IX) [) Yea) III,1V,V(b),Vl. x VII. VIII & IX T~tal Main Agricultural HousehOld Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers NOD-Worken r-.A.-"""",,\ r---A.~ r---A.._"""",,\ r--....A...~ ,-__ ,.A_~ ,--A--.. r--.A.--., Name of ~. m ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~i ~. no ~. ~ Tahsil/Villallel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2 .. eninhabi ted Karuandi 38 11 20 1 18 10 25 45 Ja.Joagra Uninhabited Rampur 394 206 221 99 147 t03 11 4 15 260 405 Sulkhama .. . , Uninhabited , ' Manni Uninh:.bhed Dataur 53 56 26 3:? 7.3 22 2 2 2 :u 36 Majhiyar 129 114 62 22 43 86 .. 24 6 3 35 1] 1 110 Tegana Uninhabited Biduwan D.!ora 3 2 Arjun Deora Unil1habited Barba Uni nbabited Datwar 85 60 39 6 44 53 2 7 7 88 92 Dhanwahi 89 97 71 95 3 2 ]5 . , 58 53 KUdari Kalan 232 157 131 50 74 to"! 2 2 25 3 8 24 199 266 Nado 23 20 7 5 16 1.5 17 12 Kudari Khllrd 55 30 30 's 21 24 4 4 3 53 77 Amiliy.­ 1 1 2 Kudara 2 1 ] 4 4 Bhamaraha 29 21 20 18 2 8 18 26 25 Kolgarh 72 73 63 69 4 4 2 2 S6 43 Duariya 17 17 19 14 17 Khairhani 19 " 37 41 34 37 4 2 36 40 Tatehara Tola 4 3 2 2 2 10 4 Mail" Tota 306 97 133 12 104 77 23 4 46 4 59 246 237 273 Badwar 64 54 45 33 3 7 12 12 4 2 7 11 46 54 Amua Uninhabrted , . .. Ku~halewa Uni nl>abited Mobni 307 139 .54 53 127 86 3 23 6 176 262 234 Babupur Uninhabited Belha 188 142 80 37 81 105 13 14 S 38 172 223 Semariya 266 219 97 :52 130 ]63 14 3 2S 29 63 276 315 Harrai 63 47 59 41 6 4 11 40 47 56 Chabhar Uninhabited Patehari 53 31 35 14 18 17 S 38 51 39 Dadhich Tola 61 28 33 9 27 19 .. 8 46 30 38 Patehara J 74 41 72 3 97 38 4 12 141 226 Gudhawa 18 8 12 7 5 1 .. 15 26 Gudiha Tola Uninhabited Sanaga 29 26 3 28 46 Godaha 158

'i~i!fl 1ft. 1111 ~;;(i!~T('i{~ qjlif/'fJf1: I ~~ .l~ *:!£r~T it ~~ Iffi lfiJ ;r"1 ~!fZ"{ ii If"it ilIfifCllij a-~) ;r~/

161 'Ii(P~'{ 294.97 6S 87 461 238 223 9 8 114 108 80 13 .162 ~aTT 273.30 80 86 489 231 258 29 50 25 25 99 19 J 63 .23 33 \5 ] 7 8 7 186 ~T~ 610.55 115 148 699 345 354 48 48 96 96 1i2 13 187 ~~1 166.21 22 25 186 96 90 4 3 33 30 3S 4 18& ~I(t 159.55 5 I) 42 25 1"1 10 10 15 7 5 189 If.fllfT 128.15 28 35 170 81 89 81 89 1 190 JfIJ"'~ 113.1S ]6 16 131.655\1 15 191 qW,1fT 128.11 27 31 162 84 18 3 4 81 74 6 192 liltzrr 459.85 6J 67 382 183 199 45 46 7 12 67 15 193 'lii!:;'f1 120.48 9 11 65 31 33 19 23 10 194 f.!",'" 245-49 84 98 512 260 252 30 27 21 16 94 10 1 9 5 'I1:ff2;~ 20] . () 1 J19 131 620 221 299 126 115 83 86 84 15 ]96 'l"ij"m~"'tm 332.35 99 133 668 35.~ 115 13 16 90 86 117 1~ 197 1flr""T~ ,\i 116.67 cfroil 198 ~'!'" 1Ii'lm 195.26 21 33 144 78 66 6:; 54 7 ,99 lj1:~arr ~IJ')~ ]49.76 19 19 122 61 61 34 10 200 \lIn ihJlJ 1)9_J!.9 27 28 D9 65 74 .2 I) .:W 8 8 25 2 159


'!~ ~'" lfi{;llilTt'i Main Workers __------A------~ ~ '!,M - !fino!fiT<: ifo~ IA!,&~ Qrf-.:1I'1'fuI; iii.,.. iliTiI' ~ e-')ltttflli 1Jil:-fr;;r/ ~;r 1IO'{;f am Ilr,ij IliTlillOfI" ,VI. VII. VIII & IX " T.nal Main Agricultural Household Other Marilinal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken r--A_",,""\ ,----"---.. ,--A _""""\ ,-_-"----.., • __.A.._--.., r--"----.. ,---"-----... Name 0' ~. ~iI '!. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~r ~. ~

128 87 61) 6 58 79 10 2 57 110 79 Chandwar 102 45 61 12 31 33 5 5 8 7 121 206 Hardua 87 46 ~1 18 34 28 1 1 90 126 Palna Uninhabited Pali 14 10 2 13 8 10 11 Kitaba 11 13 6 6 5 7 13 12 Gurjanaha Uninhabited Bal'Jiha 71 76 43 23 25 53 3 62 52 Chit;lha 203 125 83 39 99 84 20 2 5 12 168 257 Gorsari Khas 14 9 8 5 4 3 2 10 10 14 Hahur 26 15 4 6 11 13 30 R:ltwar 17 11 2 4 9 15 25 Ramchuwa 137 53 18 40 33 8 2 ]4 123 221 Deori Uninhabited Dhod Uninhabited Bad'iriya 9 I 8 2 2 Kothar 10 5 2 3 11 20 Bhedara 169 100 2 46 5 11 12 27 46 157 302 Gailahari Uninhabited Mungaha 35 8 ]5 17 8 3 3 26 44 51 Hinauta 31 11 23 4 9 J 7 :n 33 34 Jhiriya 28 25 2 1 2 29 48 Gorsari Khurd 128 64 52 7 63 57 12 124 177 Gorhai Uninhabited Pagra 10 11 3 5 11 2 n 22 lima 210 110 128 39 78 71 1 3 108 135 136 Ba.mhanadai 44 13 27 14 13 :t 52 77 Turkl 10 14 10 14 15 Badarkha 57 53 15 41 53 1 24 36 Katiya 38 36 2 27 66 ]hagrah1 52 29 18 2 34 27 32 49 Podipa 92 46 53 27 29 J 9 2 8 4 91 149 Bataiya 18 13 7 3 5 ]0 2 ·4 4 8 9 12 Katni 140 88 78 63 21 14 6 3 35 8 14 68 106 96 Bljal.lra 155 47 86 3 32 24 27 20 10 ]66 252 Bharatplir 191 78 106 16 61 60 10 1 14 161 237 Masmasi Kalan Uninhabited Masmasi Khurd 53 35 6 3 31 31 2 14 2S 30 Hardua Kothar 36 9 22 6 2 3 2 10 6 44 46 Hardua Jagir 34 21 14 5 10 10 4 6 6 12 30 41 Ra~a Debra 160

«~OTI fOT ;;ri{e'lPft (ii',," If" ;fit rrt~/i{~/ an;;r 81''\" ij'~qT it '(~ .,. iIIiT "lit ~,e~ ti ~~ ;;lI'ffiflfT ~~) ';frr'{/~r., Total Population 'liT ;;rq (including flti.'I'T.it institutional Area of No. of and house less Scheduled Scheduled Loca­ villages occupied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates ,-_..A. __ ~ tion Name of in heotares resi­ of r---...A.---~ ,----A---.. ,-...... A..-..... Code Tahsil/Village I & or Town/ dential house. Olfm; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~efr ~. ~T. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kmt bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

201 f'lJ'~' 250.38 82 1!7 631 295 336 51 51 97 102 8G 32 202 flfW

219 .-r~T 81.60 i('hrif 220 ...~r 'Ii"" 40.90 1 1 2 :! 1 a;~T "!~ 52.35 2 2 4 2 2 2 222 IliTot~ 68.53


'!1iIJ 'liT" m Iffii Maio Worken ,----.------"------~ ~<'r ~ ifiTVT1 .fu~ Il1ifj1 cnf~ trOll 'liT" ifi'{ii ~1I'RJ1Ii ~mrl 16T" m am ~" Ifil1iilit'l"l rri./iflRf·" ~ ,"" Iff" I I-IX) () Veal III.1V, VI b), VI. VII. VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Household Other Malgmal Workers Cullivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. ,__,__-~ ,__,__~ ,...---A---~r---A.._~ r---..A-~ ,...---:"-~ ,~ Name or ~. m ,. m i. ~t ~. ~) i. ~er, '];. {eft '];. ~) Tahsil/VilIagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

1.51 87 71 14 65 72 15 r 119 )43 130 Chhirahe 490 224 238 78 157 136 26 2 69 8 18 156 .. 67 573 Mirgauti 79 50 70 47 4 3 S 69 103 Rajhaudi .51 36 ~5 24 10 12 6 69 64 DeoriKhurd 193 1.56 109 93 62 63 22 7 ~95 287 Deori Kalan 162 167 71 20 85 146 6 1 185 180 Puraina 63 55 32 19 Z7 36 4 3 77 6) Banneh Uninhabited Padvi 103 4S 44 14 35 31 24 2 25 135 192 Dlhiya Khurd 1.56 100 89 28 41 66 3 2 23 4 2 lR5 243 Dihiya Kalan 27 7 27 7 40 66 Singhpur 28 2 26 2 2 22 63 Ga(lahara 2211 59 153 38 65 20 2 t 8 7 78 ,}12 340 Madkara 988 295 lliS 21 196 197 177 45 450 32 42 47 1,15'" 1, 759 Ram Nagar Uninhabited C:h.amrauha Uninhabited Ram ~I!gar Uninhabted Pipri 67 4 40 4 5 22 62 122 Pipri Dakshin Uninh:lbited Dadha Kalla Kalan 2 Kalla Khurd Uninhabited Kothar Uninhabited Semra 215 81 44 2 97 ~4 10 40 1 207 :328 Itma 327 J20 j 68 34 70 65 32 24 9 97 264 353 Ganga Sagar 208 138 117 62 57 25 iJ.8 9 1 180 212 Bhitari 17 22 17 22 21 )9 Kanundiya 371 344 193 179 90 110 48 51 40 4 2 360 .I 451 Ganjas 106 8 79 4 12 4 1 14 5 83 181 Devra Molhal 43 22 36 7 2 15 5 45 58 Sohaula 44 3 38 3 5 1 38 58 Bardaha 36 7 31 3 3 4 2 48 80 Kumhakhar 20 ) 17 '} 1 11 40 fl.lauhasa 81 12 57 3 18 9 2 4 57 46 56 Sedura Uninhabit~d Bagd'tri No.1 .. {!ninhabued Bagdari No.3 59 32 44 10 4 19 1 I 3 35 55 35 Barkhori No.1 Uninhabited B:ukhori No.2 46 46 39 4i 7 5 36 28 Bagdari No.2 104 124 93 116 8 8 1 2 2 70 !;O Sonan 162

;:r~{;f' 1ft. ~l f"'~lIml ,m 'Iii{ ("'IT I ,~ IIh ~'iT~ if ~~ "Ii tq 'lfq ~'t~ i ~ otrfiRllfT ~~fl") "rrc/q!' Total Population ~r cof (including fit; • Ji't • if institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Loca­ villages OCCupied Number ,--__Population) ..A.. ___ ...... _ Castc:s Tribes Literates tion Name of in hectares resi· of r--A---, .-.A ....., r-.....A~ Code Tahsil/Villagel '" of Townl dential house­ Ilffu; ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kma bouse!! holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

241 1li1~ ")"r~T 11.33 ..."t~l~ 246 ~f 472.63 110 114 704 332 372 79 87 101 20 247 fqq-{t ;a';f1!1RI" 158.00 40 40 190 95 95 46 47 32 14 248 fqq~l iIil'i5T~ 128.14 28 28 lSI 70 81 6 9 42 14 2 .. 9 firl;l'l1f) J03.64 ~R 250 fmmn q~, 823.96 cilUif 25 1 1'Tl&~


'I'" ~II m m Maio Worken ,.------"------.. f<'I' I[WII '''''<'('IiT".r"" IAn,~ Qrf1:;nroti _0If 'liT1l ~if IfiIltCflli 6"~lfifrl ""II rn a_fl, -ri llini~"t qf./iflf{,.~ lIToT 'liT ;n1I ()-IX) n VIa) lIJ,IV,V(b),V), VU. VlIl & IX T\)ral Maio Agricliitural HOllSehold Other Mar,1Dal Worken Cultivator. Labourers Industry Workers Work en NOD-Worken ,--_.11.._--" ,--~ r---A.---"r---A....~ ,---~ r--"---... ,--~ Name of ~. m ~. m ~. ~ ~. ~1 ~. RIo ~. ~~ ~. f9f) Tahsii/Villagel M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Towo/Ward ------15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 2

Uninhabited Koldiha No.1 l25 114 ]0 70 184 Koldiha No.2 Uninhabited Kofdiha No.3 45 32 12 1 S2 84 Gidhaila Uninhabited Kogiha ]88 95 143 44 40 5J 5 144 277 Karra 57 39 20 )0 34 29 2 38 S6 Pipari Unmukt :'5 31 28 22 6 9 35 50 Pipari Kothar Uninhabited Gidhauli Uninhabited Gadhaula Pa~d J09 81 76 44 26 17 5 20 2 99 126 Mo!1arawa 292 66 216 45 50 20 25 3 27 247 428 Padariya Uninhabite Hinauta Kothar IS 13 2 23 36 Hinauta Khurd ~44 108 125 13 91 84 2J II 8 209 328 Khajuri Uninhabited Amjhori Kolhai 5 2 5 2 5 9 Amjhori Kltha , ;ninhabited Amjhori Dakshin 208 131 98 20 97 III 13 154 238 Po:liya ]90 141 77 25 112 116 167 228 Mauhari Uninhabited D.ldha 11 1 83 86 27 7 S6 16 2 3 58 ) 28 64 Bela Uninhabited Karahiya 19 23 10 2 9 2t 7 16 13 Kohra 117 49 61 14 -10 35 16 1 87 139 R:o.ikona No.1 294 40 221 44 39 3 26 18 218 440 Ba kona No.2 175 31 146 14 9 11 14 6 6 125 296 Jirauha 4 4 Gudha Uninhabite<,i Barauli 30 2 25 2 3 2 51 81 Dholwaja 8es :t88 245 ]21 165 164 123 58 272 4S 4 41 787 1,084 Deorajnagar Uninhlibite:d Itma Uninhabited Chhiraha Uninhabited Bara 76 7(J SO 14 26 56 74 106 T.lokawa 126 2 67 46 1 4 9 1 26 74 156 182 Bimhauri Uninhabited Kudi 149 89 23 48 S9 I II 8 7() 153 49 Khajura l!nl nhabi ted Maladawar 72 61 Hi 66 55 9 67 133 lR7 Jarmani 164


ij~'" Ifr.. Ittl Ifft;ml r "'iI~ (;;j~ rrr'lI'f~1 ~~ 11ft fiw Bin ~~1"I'T it ~~ .Ii ~ 'fIll ~~~"( q m ilffifatil' ""~) it'R/CfTt Total POPlllation II>r Cfrf (including f'ti.1it.it institutional Area of No. of and house less . Scheduled Tribes Literates Loca­ villages occupied Numberof ,..--: __Population) ..A. ___ ", tion Name of in hectare. resi­ r-.A--", ~ Code Tabsil/Villagel &. of Town! dential house.. q ~. ~ ~. m ~. ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml house· holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14

281 '!.l'I1n"( '!1fTt T 650.37 138 165 962 479 483 67 72 lOS 112 151 23 2f12 nlfT Ifi)~ 195.14 27 38 199 108 91 40 29 27 20 18 3 283 6"'" r rnJft\ . 55.53 37 40 204 ·]1 93 37 33 20 4 284 ~11ft;pm, 91. 51 5 8 51 30 21 1 9 10 17 :s 285 ~Hrr~ 51.60 18 24 152 8G 72 15 10 32 23 21 12 286 ~t("~ 79.85 15 16 67 30 37 7 12 10 6 287 ~ 1f11~if 56.32 27 37 198 104 94 31 27 32 24 41 17 288 ~)-a~R: ] 28.48 13 14 78 38 40 10 9 22 1 2 8 9 ar1llft~ ~11llfit1J ]00.li4 3 3 41 22 19 16 1 290 ~if~' 321.13 1]8 154 935 457 47~ 42 50 41 43 174 26 291 tfnn"tT 234.10 40 45 294 148 146 12 18 110 99 25 3 292 1fll1Tifr 199.60 72 78 486 245 241 54 59 25 25 77 3 293 ~","T 168.98 23 24 171 83 !l8 13 13 39 18 2 94 ar~) ~ifT 7.73 ,""{)if 29S 'f.;;r


l!8Q' ;mil m ri Main Workers _____ ------A..------~ f;;r It- ~1{if;Jt .fa~ "ilt qJf1:lItrot; 8I;7f 11>1'11' ~ii tI~'!J1;;r1 .mr rn nittl ","i qf./iflT1:/ .... ~ ... ;mi. (I-IX) n VIa) 1II.IV,Vlb),V). x VII. VIII & IX TI),al Main Agricultural Houschold Other Marllinal Workcn Cultivarors Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,---A._""""",\ ,--A-....""""",\ r---A.-"""""'\,--...A....~ r----A--"""""'\ r--"---... r--A---., Name of ~. ,.. ~. ~ ~. fWt ~. fir) ~. fii '1. ~Qfi '1. fir) Tahsil/VilIalCI M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

U9 222 144 125 7S 90 13 6 37 4 l5 206 246 GulW,lr G\ijara 58 56 14 9 42 38 2 50 45 Daga Kothar 59 42 9 4S 38 4 3 52 51 Dag,l R'Imeshwar 10 6 6 6 3 20 15 Dap Kamla 44 27 to 6 31 21 3 36 45 Daga Jagdish 14 7 4 8 7 16 30 Daga Galwal 46 10 11 33 10 2 58 84 Daga Vasudeo 23 4 14 7 4 2 15 36 Amjhori Uttar 9 9 13 19 Amjh:lri Rjmadhin 26-2 251 179 177 64 73 8 11 195 227 Govindpur 109 liZ SS 5S 52 57 1 1 39 34 Gauhani 143 154 85 109 41 41 13 3 4 102 87 Majhgawan 35 3 28 6 3 3 45 85 Bela Uni nh.lli ,~d Ahari Hat~wa 165 71 91 16 47 46 7 9 20 3 2 145 237 Gulwar Kothar 174 90 ~4 9 68 711 5 2 17 1 2 138 219 Narayanpur Un 'nh.abi,ed Araji Hatawa 23 9 12 1 9 8 2 11 29 Hatwa Kothar 89 76 66 6 20 70 1 2 68 8S Sahipur 160 124 83 46 46 78 4 27 20 32 132 168 Padm· 39 24 23 8 15 17 6 6 25 43 NaugaVl

i'!~IIf' "t~ .1 qn:'lfR:l !i" ;;ri'!~' (or," 'I' 'If {PIt("( I ,~ 11ft"", am "'~~T it ~ m IliT ;rr" ~!fe~ Ii m i1ff!f6I4T «~ ) 'l'f1f't./~i Total Population IliT 'lfli (including 1iI;.1ft' • ii institutional and houselesl Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Castes Tribes Literales Loca- villages OC\:upild Number Population) lion Name of in hectare. resi' of r---..A.---~ ~ r-.A-.~ ,.....A-.--. Code Tahsil/Villagel & of TOWD/ dential house. IIfflti ~. fd'r ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in 'Km' house· holds P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F ------~------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

321 fintf "til 99.25 38 63 376 ]91 195 45 48 72 17 322 f.!!~ ~ 129.77 45 49 274 117 157 35 40 43 19 323 ~f1l'hlfl 205.84 70 83 415 206 209 41 3:J 34 25 SO 6 324 it~' 200.40 60 68 324 161 ]63 6 6 39 41 65 9 3Z5 ~ 389.95 243 289 1,366 675 691 89 94 83 95 3]2 105 326 1I1I1J~ 258.60 208 244 ],255 621 634 58 58 66 6] 268 66 327 .)1n 2]7.49 108 138 694 324 370 ]5 ]9 78 69 151 68 328 "R~ 440.98 218 245 1,346 655 691 161 155 80 61 239 96 329 ~71fT '161: 96.16 68 69 402 189 213 19 30 23 14 59 25 330 ~Nft 48.70 46 So 274 135 139 25 16 9 15 47 4 331 ."PlT 233.&7 42 48 318 162 156 19 28 32 19 57 17 3n ,{e1IT 428.73 tEl2 190 1,OC9 500 509 SS 52 41 33 ]82 35 333 ~f~ 41.38


~ lIiUf m IfIW Main Worker. ,.----______--A.. ______~

r ,.. 'IiT'a'IiT~ tifir~ 1AIl'( cnfWIfuI; iJ~ IliTIf rn ~lI""')iII'l IIiT1I'rn ",.nil ,,~ qfil( /ifllT./ilfri imi 'liT ifPI (I-IX) II V(a) JlI,IV.V(b),Vl. VII. VIII & IX T",al Main Alric;uhural Household Other Marginal Workers CUltivators labourers Industry Workers Work en Non.Worken r---A_""",",\ r-~ r---A~r-_.J----.. r---..A--.., r-__"_--... r--~ Name of 'I. QO '.I. m- 'I. ~ 1),. ~ '1. ~i '1. ~ '1. ~" Tahsil IV ill aael M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. TowD'Ward ---- ~ ------_ -~------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

81 96 49 57 27 ~9 3 2 12 18 88 81 Bidhui Khurd 49 11 24 3 19 8 1 5 1 68 145 Bidhui KalaJl 100 42 57 5 31 30 10 7 2 106 167 Semariya 64 20 28 10 24 8 1 II 2 14 61 83 82 Nausa 352 275 100 42 115 206 62 25 75 2 7 316 415 Kathaha 362 313 :Z', 218 74 79 13 16 24 11 4 248 317 Magraj 135 139 47 79 55 59 33 11 178 230 Doma 3;.<14 1!11 133 ,}5 117 111 33 14 51 7 7S 314 465 Majhgawan ]05 6 59 2 30 9 4 7 11142 73 65 Kariya Pater 69 64 46 41 8 18 15 5 2 4 64 71 Lokhari 90 71 47 44 19 25 2 22 2 2 2 70 83 Dhamna 246 252 165 188 47 61 8 26 3 2';4 257 Itma Uninhabited Kharahiya 19 10 8 2 7 8 4 14 25 Dhatui 2t!1 186 140 126 62 55 3 ] 10 2 8 197 193 Ghuisa 248 271 144 174 51 88 5 4 48 5 10 5 233 276 Podi K'llan 139 118 fO 72 40 44 2 17 2 3 21 139 122 Podl Khurd 26 'l 16 5 3 5 22 42 Eda 91 65 45 38 22 25 2 22 2 112 92 Khadgada 118 101 6R 60 42 41 7 3 4 88 125 Bachhara 37 9 36 2 7 5 40 39 34 Sannehi Sigti 184 140 98 67 51 65 2 33 8 15 49 128 157 Sannchi Badatola 43 34 26 9 8 25 5 4 63 65 Sannehr Bodhali 85 40 46 8 32 29 7 3 75 140 Turki Gosai l'ninhl!bilCd Turki Manmohan IJninhabiled Bichh.ya Kalan 26 24 3 20 39 Dhausada 21 5 13 3 5 2 5 7 5 J S9 Badarkha 211 223 126 134 76 88 3 6 230 220 Bigaudi 394 202 219 93 )35 106 S 3S 3 3 329 510 Bhadra 219 194 124 lOS 69 82 10 I l(i 213 212 Dithaura 140 29 63 3 SO 21 9 1 18 4 30 93 146 215 Karaundi 14 2 12 2 2 2 22 19 Dedhlwa 292 219 112 47 136 149 44 13 3 197 285 BhldwJ 64 30 40 15 15 14 9 7 2() 71 121 Jagdulha 5S8 428 190 93 132 148 40 25 226 162 2S 14 539 653 Jhinna 120 47 63 10 50 37 1 6 110 180 KJujuri Sukhnandan 17 4 3 S J 8 9 10 Khajura KOIhe-r 5 I 3 2 10 13 Khajura Ramlc:!in 85 7 3R 42 3 5 84 140 Nakti 168


"lIm I rrtll{ 1111 '1"'" 'iliI~"'r (~~ rrt'fjifJRj e.lnior aih ij'~VT it l;~ In. ~ ;rIll ~~i!:' Ii m IlI'mrlf"fu~) ';f'IJT./irrl Total Population 'tiT IfJi (including flti."". it institutional Area of NO. of and houseles& Scheduled Scheduled Loca· villages occupied Number Population) Castes Tribes Literates tion Name of in beatares resi· of ,..----"----, ~ r-.A.--...... r---A..--, Code Tahsil I Village I & of Town/ dential house­ &lffil; ~. ~ ~. m ~. m ~. ~). INri. Town/Ward Ward in Kmll bouses holds P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

361 ~II!~ 1.66.30 528 587 3,305 1,718 1.587 1,30 280 105 '104 870 268 362 oflill 81.92


,!:WIi 1liT1f m;mit MaiD Worken ___------A------~ f" It" m'II1m.~ Q'I' Qrf1;tl1rot; II"' IliTlf 1Ii"(;r «~'ir)"/ llifll ;n;i am 1fT5f Iff_/iflf"{/.ri ~ 1IiI·;n'l (I-IX) [] Yea) 1II,IV,V(b),VI. VII. VIII & IX r.nal Main A,riculrural Household Other Mluilrna, Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,-_A_., ,---A._., ,.----A-., ,----"----" , __A__---" ,.--A---., ,.-.A..--... Name 0' 'I. ~ ~. m 'I. ~ 'I. ft1 'J,. ~. 'J,. ,\ii\ 'J,. ~1 Tahsil/Villalci M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F . M. F. M. P. Towa/Ward ._------_. ------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

798 279 144 22 131 122 ;,05 109 218 26 18 140 902 1.168 MUkundpur Uninhabited Bela 60 42 8 39 4 13 69 89 Kastara 64 30 38 16 14 14 2 10 88 178 Madhi 38 10 27 5 3 2 8 :1 28 55 Gujra 138 23 113 42 22 8 2 119 246 Ajmain 144 104 (.j 38 65 (i5 II (i 2 179 2:14 Jumuna Mudwar 11 7 3 16 18 Kapurhal 55 14 35 I 19 13 9 63 91 Mohn: 464 330 233 118 156 295 20 5S 6 379 507 AmiD 172 88 59 12 82 76 6 H 163 223 Parsiya Uninhabited Gada 199 145 64 4 74 138 60 3 4 22 173 190 Anandgarh Uninaabited Nimaha 11 11 3 Mukundpur Jang41 599 441 267 189 181 1'71 44 19 107 56 33 71 419 522 Dhobahata 201 203 1J7 134 50 67 1 13 2 127 120 Lali tpur No.1 159 :29 122 10 28 16 2 7 2 95 140 21 S Laiitpur No.2 US 173 15J 155 9 I I 7 7 19 201 249 Padari 87 62 49 3 J7 59 66 16 f:idhaut 129 72 4S 3 75 69 8 99 163 Sukulgawan 139 74 69 27 62 47 8 123 187 Kotar 1,224 5211 601 237 321 224 124 60 178 7 63 206 1,118 1,627 Tala 415 229 112 64 91 83 212 82 34 196 188 Papra 9 2 7 2 2 I Bhogam Uninhabited Jamuniha Bandh 319 138 175 46 102 74 ]6 14 26 4 14 49 376 54S Chhirhai 1:25 26 64 6 25 15 6 3 :'0 2 2 105 182 Jigna .... Uninhabited Kotila!' 477 232 252 68 191 163 19 15 449 693 Argat 174 115 81 20 88 92 4 3 1 18 70 169 142 Khodri 87 59 37 23 43 ~6 7 81 101 Jhopa 7 1 7 1 2 5 Thad Ghatiya 45 42 31 33 12 9 2 38 37 Bijuri 124 36 96 17 24 8 4 1 ~3 207 Judmani 1 1 8 3 7 7 IS IS Biharganj 86 79 S8 51 23 28 S 58 58 Degaraha 12 2 6 2 4 2 11 11 Ranikapa 2 2 Malah 629 256 )33 299 264 19 12 55 4 13 11 575 720 Hinauti 170

~~\OI'! Ift~ 1111 ,,~,,"l f'T ;;r;wu.rn 1m qt;r/lfq"(/ ,t

40 1 ifi'f';6t«'t 245.11 42 45 209 115 94 2 26 19 27 6 402 ~f~r 176.71 91 123 593 313 2&0 So 49 54 403 'Rfipn 135.92 98 112 582 293 289 21 29 72 65 ,87 22 404 i~rt 139.24 87 102 551 288 263 45· 38 30 25 bJ 10 405 iJ~~ 146.03 38 50 265 132 133 8 6 22 19 16 40 406 ~f~~ 86.84 3 3 12 6 6 401 ~ 433.25 156 17!> 965 492 473 34 25 112 125 135 3:; 408 t~T 597.28 174 19S 1,114 570 544 51 56 139 122 185 29 409 iI:" i)'orr 213.03 t35 133 762 359 403 60 74 201 218 70 2 426 f,-qn: 299.98 92 102 460 241 213 6 4 85 8211619 427 .ron 116.31 S8 61 355 172 1R3 4 2 104 37 428 iRit<=n t 99.55 84 97 516 261 255 79 93 22 429 ~;f'f;f. 27.18 12 12 65 33 32 20 7 430 ~;t. 2 69.69 92 102 584 299 285 14 11 95 80 131 37 431 "RlIT 55l.06 170 193 1,242 635 607 47 47 E.4 41 184 3l 432 Ii~~r 312.99 15S 319 1,327 736 591 129 75 163 t51 174 22 433 ,3f,l~ 129.50 3S 35 21 5 104 1 11 19 1S 434 ~r{'lW' 247.94 6 6 6 6 2 4 435 oi'lT


'!1iIf 1Ii'~ m -n\i Main Worken ____ ------A..------~ f

58 28 25 2 17 24 16 i. I 4 56 62 Manakisar 173 III 158 a7 5 23 1 9 1 120 168 Suhila 163 151 102 106 54 51 7 2 1 128 1 31 Karahiya r7S 126 85 58 74 62 12 6 4 4 113 133 Belhai 60 19 21 4 21. IS 2 ]6 6 10 66 104 Tenduha 5 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 Suhili 238 133 105 24 81 95 11 2 41 12 22 24 232 316 Bhamarha 322 242 133 18 152 232 12 25 28 248 274 Deodahs 11 2 11 2 1 S 8 Barba Tala IS 30 15 30 16 23 Bargabi Tola 137 3 86 23 3 17 138 259 MaTjadpur 90 89 51 21 14 46 24 lS 63 71 Son Barsa 220 92 115 27 61 60 12 4 30 14 58 177 246 Chaudh~riyan Tala 126 89 21 4 94 76 9 9 2 4 66 68 Kolan Toill 128 31 iii 59 31 8 12 41 107 200 Jattaha Tola 105 36 73 7 29 29 2 1 8 81 148 Deodahi 254 53 P!7 IS 29 33 11 3 28 2 5 48 185 321 Jhinna 16 1 12 3 10 9 24 Dhabrai 116 34 52 3 47 30 16 13 2:1 116 156 lJchehara 156 1 31 110 76 41 5S 4 91 I 39 Baras Jaha ]04 116 68 58 2 13 2 32 14 84 119 Patha 97 71 27 4 12 31 15 52 36 7() 109 Sl:mariha 290 19-1- 118 9 156 184 11 5 152 227 Khamhariya ]49 69 112 ~2 28 17 5 4 2658 127 144 Kushmaha ]95 151 63 14 101 127 7 5 24 5 12 81 152 171 Baiswaran Tola 158 48 75 29 19 13 4 1 60 5 2 89 163 Rimar 76 20 42 8 7 42 2 15 3 13 93 150 Bela 134 50 63 16 27 17 5 39 17 79 126 I 26 Barra Tola 13 2 9 2 4 20 29 Ladwad No.1 140 74 57 16 57 57 26 12 8 147 203 Lakwad No.2 334 198 148 76 94 85 3 2 89 35 6 63 295 346 Sariya 496 243 133 53 64 61 298 129 66 240 282 Kaithaha 51! 25 43 15 f! 10 6 2' 6 44 80 Jarauha 6 6 Salhai Pahad 194 134 85 37 90 95 II 5 25 16 105 157 Pai pkhara 66 12 49 3 9 14 2 57 106 lIariyui 41 21 17 6 15 12 9 3 22 67 Bansi 164 114 80 SO 61 56 12 8 ) 1 5 32 127 133 Majhtolwa Kanodwari 39 ]8 10 7 ]3 11 16 46 S4 Ladwad No.3 5 7 5 7 7 2 B"jhara Tola 172,

aQ'{tffE;f a(8'. .;ppprr!fiT 5rTllfffflli "mttl --_------_

fll'r;f\1I (f~'" 1ft. 1111 arnrJ' Ifmn{l p ";J~' (ro .~~~ .~~;;ri3 &fIlA 1&), rrt ..j;JJfr. / e~ IIIfRnr"tlf ~nrn am ~~'fni, it ~ liiI'rta .,,-~ ;rqt (~i!"{ Ii .Ii IfI "" ItlIitii'f ~ il'ffil~l {(f~) 'ffP:./"YI l1li Total Population llil « 61R1 (including Ai.Iit. it institutional Area of No. of and houseleS$ Seheduled Scheduled Population) Tribes Loea- villages occupied Number Castes ,...-.A.__ -., Literates don Name of in hectares resi- of r----"-----.. ~ .-A-.... Code Tahsil/Village 1 It of Town/ dentiat house- Slffu; ~. ~) ~. ~ 1. m 1· ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in ICml bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10 II 12 13 14

441 i'~ a'l01T 217.44 108 127 655 ~34 321 28 28 78 72 148 31 442 fq(f'O" lSt. 92 17 17 97 5S 42 12 10 22 4 443 1'11:i'l'rf 234.57 cihr.r 444 ,!~ffi~'t 100.22 52 63 355 183 172 97 90 61 7 445 ~'~T a-1'1r1 219.35 45 65 353 172 181 21 18 85 96 54 5 446 ii(~'f 99.61 11 13 70 28 32 2 4 23 5 447 ~~f;.,~t ~"'"t 378.13 78 lUi 649 313 336 11 6 86 95 140 13 448 ""i\"lI"t 181. 4 2 55 76 524 248 . 276 104 10 449 1.1""~ 311.81 9 9 .58 31 27 31 27 450 ti~'t ]12.67 36 48 230 122 108 23 20 78 74 20 2 45] f CO) 61172 58 60 344 ] 78 166 1]6 103 37 9 '52 If>.m 307.47 99 111 604 294 110 2S 21 105 33 453 ~.T.T'3'T 3 S8. IS ]04 128 751 404 347 49 46 35 33 122 12

- -- - ~-- - _- ----_ ------

""~'IT!" "r'l"Am'" ~... "

t2 rvnr/- _,"",A ( ar. Ii.) 19·11 2,142 5,993 1.037 431 2,690 2.113 11.453 5,460 1.030 389 1.143 J2/vru/J ~. a~;fnn: lOW 175 275 J ,434 714 no 635 637 32 35 159 19 12/VIU!2 ~~lI(T 5farq ~Ti 280 298 ] .441 807 634 12 115 91 555 316 12/VIll/3 ~


'It!{ .n1l' m cmi Main Worken

~---____ . ______J.,., ______~

f" ~ ~

174 66 92 9 48 54 12 3 22 22 73 138 182 Dongarha 25 8 17 8 8 3 16 27 18 Bhitari lminhabited Saraiha; lOS 71 46 17 51 54 8 13 78 88 Murtihai 92 . 71 47 45 26 22 5 14 3 13 14 67 96 Godaha Tola 14 14 14 10 3 24 17 Barbai 184 98 68 37 70 61 20 26 3 129 235 DaganihaTola 13~ 35 92 21 3 2 2 42 12 8 144 101 97 Majh Tolwa 19 11 11 3 7 8 7 12 9 Rajhauha 58 31 12 35 30 10 1 10 26 54 51 Khairhani 98 30 72 14 22 16 4 3 70 77 66 Kuwari 15) 34 92 17 43 9 4 2 16 S 72 139 205 Kuwan 20~ 48 140 17 3S 29 4 76 '2 198 297 Budhabaur

Amarpatan Notified Area Committee

2,906 1,212 SIS S12 611 650 364 190 1,414 230 79 266 3.008 3,972: AlDarpatan (N A.)

379 316 20 189 222 95 78 75 16 4 21 331 383 Dr. ADlbedkar Ward 400 75 15 2 59 45 3 323 27 3 404 559 Maharana Pratap V(ard 401 66 41 16 8 96 37 248 21 21 34 442 697 Mahatma Gandhi Ward 309 48 83 4 19 30 30 )0 177 4 397 547 Narsingh W'ird 336 60 34 1 16 8 106 34 180 17 2 10 382 587 Rajendra Ward 397 253 48 16 90 97 24 25 235 115 37 65 393 468 Jawaharlal Nehrll Ward 281 147 106 30 119 116 2 24 1 7 52 260 327 Bajrang Ward 403 257 168 99 105 123 8 6 1""-- 29 5 84 399 404 Subllash Ward 174


Er~iiI'l liT" lilT f'I' ~~""I (~'" 1ITq/"Tf'( I '-.'1<'( 8i'I1: ~~"f"tl it 1;~ 'lUi IQ .PI iif!'~ " Ifr~ 8lfRffll''i ~~(f) ~IIl;./"ri Total Population ,.;r Cf1i (including fiti.m. it institutional Area of No. of and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Loca­ villages occupied Number ,..-__Population) .A. __ --., Castes Tribes Literates tion Name of in hectare, resi­ of ,....---A---.. r--.A.----., r....A.---. Code Tahsil I Village I &. of Townl dential house. ''I'm. ~. ~ ~. m ~. m 2;. m. No.______Town/Ward. ______Ward in Kms houses - 0--holds__ P. M. F. M. F. M. E M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10 II 12 13 14

U/4 ~~ ft'QW"hf(wnft1lf) 1,115.3 29,664 81,389 11,657 17,196 26,664 ('" r•. 1ft.) 26,141 158,461 77,073 11,248 16,560 5,738 f"lll:">.:T 902.00 41 47 283 140 143 , . 82 81 30 4 2 iliq,,~ 207.00 2 2 734 1 2 3 liit~) 2,710.00 595 728 3..!._24.0 1,742] ,498 144 1 H_ 459 435 808 289 4 5I'T'l'Il';Jf 332.00 84 ] 15 5'75 305 270 50 60 145 J 21 93 31 5 ~~lfl.'" 32.00 .. ;fr~Tlf 6 I:nil~ 352.00 119 139 714 382 332 35 ~3 17 12 ]48 28 7 V~n:lf' 122.00 51 51 290 135 155 25 28 7 8 53 19 II ~f~I.f'T 147.00 10"1 il6 689 360 329 29 21 27 29 84 23 9 ifil;.)f~, 407.00 109 ]09 503 240 263 2 3 175 ]99 39 8 10 ;;j~fi{lIl 72.00 36 37 195 98 97 2 64 71 35 11 ~'ifTIl'~ 372.00 251 254 ],252 649 603 178 ]51 93 82 237 96 12 q'~T 595.00 317 330 I ,509 798 71 I 180 172 ]01 92 238 46 13 ~I{T 2R4.00 1 14 118 664 3S0 314 29 19 218 197 106 18 14 ~iI,!">.: 265.00 qT~r~ .. ] 5 ~~'iTTqrlf) 1,236.00 75 89 438 211 227 89 82 25 28 30 3 16 ~;f~J 171.00 65 80 491 ::!50 241 22 1R 94 97 71 12 17. ~T 381.00 95 J08 567 295 272 13 II 226 215 110 12 1& fi(~


't;alf iliTl( m;mit Main Worken ~ ______---A.. ______~

~ ,.. ""'

43,892 J2,OS1 10.032 1,665 10,174 1,707 35,790 Maibar Tabsil12/4 19,117 6,1" 9,8S0 742 2,S97 6,803 50,453 (Rural) 90 3 84 5 3 50 140 Lidari 2 4 Kemtalai 1,028 268 284 62 108 95 17 619 111 714 1,230 Jhukehi 168 42 70 2 62 37 4 32 2 16 66 121 162 Pragganj lIninhabi led . , Salaiya Kap 187 40 105 24 30 4 3 2 49 10 2 65 193 227 Palauha 75 20 47 3 6 2 16 14 6 1 18 S9 117 Khamhariya 173 32 122 10 8 5 43 17 29 118 158 179 Nainiya 163 8 32 5 126 8 165 77 90 Karaudia 62 2 30 32 2 1 63 35 32 Jamuniya 343 201 113 24 110 148 34 16 86 13 6 2 300 400 Subhaganj 407 241 171 27 130 165 26 19 80 30 16 8 375 462 Patharhata 148 37 67 32 23 2 47 13 29 13 173 264 Amuwa UninhabiteJ Darshanpur 98 26 69 I) 15 16 3 3 1 1 16 89 97 112 Hardua Sani t 35 144 il3 88 45 55 7 115 97 Gugdi 138 29 56 6 22 13 3 57 10 39 133 118 110 Gadhwa 206 98 123 44 62 54 3 II! 153 227 Binaika 171 116 99 S4 14 17 25 19 33 26 7 138 160 Googacf 465 290 215 131 158 126 41 25 51 8 19 56 457 562 Pakariya 15 15 11 13 Sakari 168 107 93 70 4 10 2 2 69 2S 5 28 137 168 Dhaneodi Khurd 253 148 138 70 71 77 17 27 50 54 298 397 Pa1a 123 51 89 33 12 12 8 14 5 14 37 100 177 Urdani 182 136 52 3 114 133 16 130 161 Ruhiniya Khurd 148 22 60 3 55 15 33 4 14 38 91 204 Gumehi 107 30 59 2 38 22 10 6 14 24 93 143 nhanwahi Khurd 28 20 8 , . 8 6 48 67 Bori 1 Nayagaon 239 84 107 5 72 77 15 2 45 227 372 Sohaula 80 34 31 2 36 31 13 2 10 97 124 Ti'ikiJi Khurd 101 27 42 5 18 21 2 39 43 I J 1 98 III TiskiJj Kalan 239 107 141) 18 47 89 6 37 19 34 232 325 Tighra Khurd I :r.inhabit~d Dogargaw.. n 481 215 91 17 103 138 49 42 238 18 1 500 638 Amdara 139 100 61 3 38 96 10 30 72 156 104 Naugawan 108 75 35 5 S3 70 2 18 27 61 72 Mohaniya 17(; 92 95 43 25 37 2 48 12 50 33 187 252 Khcrwa Sani 286 163 156 72 129 91 10 221 2~5 Khthi Igawan 75 31 35 20 10 1 30 10 1 3 59 115 Doondi 176


~i{Jft" ! 1ft" ~, arT ... ,. ~ ;;r"UilfT (;i'q\ ..ft;rq;"T arrcmrrlf ar)~ "1'1',£''11'' it ~~ lftif '''if( I III'R ".lIrq ~'f~~ if qllt,.. , 1ft"" itfflfatTT ~f~a) 'f'fR/i'.I(U .n Total Population IliT ifti ~lf' (including flli.1ft' • it institutio n:il No. of and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Loca. villages occupied Number ,--__ ...A_ ___~ tion Name of in hectare, resi· of ~ r-.A--~ r....A.--, Code Tahsil/Villagel & of Town/ dential house. ~ 1· ~ 1. m 1. ~m 1. m. No. Town/Ward Ward in Km' bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 JO 11 12 13 14

41 ~~;:rn'\ 159.00 38 43 248 126 122 15 '15 15 l·S 73' 10 42 itTCft 683.00 zoo 237 1,340 677 663 102 101 123 120 218 64 43 ~'l<:T 674.00 145 205 I,O'!3 564 519 85 67 208 189 210 42 44 ii!:JTlfl 530.00 74 98 546 265 281 21 23 200 220 104 7 45 .r~~ 992.00 31 31 139 78 61 55 37 5 •• 46 ,!"ClTJ:r 1,2'74:00 744 756 3,675 1,903 t,772 380 375 194 173 579 154 47 ~(H 270.00 76 95 503 236 267 37 38 73 77 90 8 48 lRfiIT~r 609.00 :U5 243 1,387 697 690 83 92 62 58 215 28 49 'II'~ 309.00 27 33 215 111 104 96 92 44 2 5 0 ~f{F.rIrt 1Ii"~' 347.00 23 26 174 84 90 8:l 90 19 2 51 'f"l{T 1,290.00 43 53 333 168 165 11 6 115 113 36 3 52 ~"'~ 188.00 mil'( 53 8fTlI'Rlit 385.00 32 38 200 J 04 96 36 36 58 50 23 2 54 ~~" 266,.00 80 94 454 239 215 48 40 12 10 67 21 55 .~h~T iii," 278.00 112 121 .608 324 284 31 31 49 51 122 7 56 ~~t 195.00 12 15 70 35 35 21 19 3 57 ~AiiI';tfJ 126.00 46 49 311 167 144 77 64 9 4 22 58 tiff 414.00 121 138 764 397 367 47 43 7 3 181 65 59 ~ 93.00 30 34 185 99 86 9 8 32 29 35 2 60 'Il~)"j 330.00 :nl 359 2,1001,082 '.081 103 91 73 76 481 170 61 1§l{~T 820.00 25 27 164 83 81 83 81 10 1 62 fcn:1i 1,750.00 559 61l 3,9861,7651 .. 621 "244 238 202 189 392 35 6 3 ~~ifT iIi;:rf 183.00 151 155 775 395 380 139 1 J R 9 10 102 8 64 "'tf'~ 277.00 186 219 1,069 536 533 18 18 79 70 155 42 65 II'Z{U 319.(\0 166 197 1,098 550 548 79 82 21 17 213 60 66 ii


If_ 16T1I' ~.nr MaiD Worken r------..A------. If" ~ ~ .m~ Ql' IfT~~h" IIilI' "T'[ ••it ~1TfiI" tr~~""'1 lIJi", lIJi ~ :nih! "'~ lIJiT~t Ifllf /'fm l'ifl• ... iII IIIiT "'11

(I-IX) 11 V (a) m.lv. V (b) • VI, x VII. VIII & IX Total Main Agricultaral HouseboJd Otber Marginal Worker. Cultivators LabOurers Industry Workers Wor"ers Non·Worken ,.-~ r--A-...... ~ r--A - ...... r--...A-~ ,--.A.-~ .--"--:-. Name of ,. ~ ,. ,Ii\ '1. ~) ,. ,it '1. ~iI 'i. feft Tahsil (VilJagel ·M.'" "'"p. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

71 42 24 20 15 17 3 3 29 2 1 55 79 Yadubir Nagar 381 81 152 11 142 65 10 2 77 3 4 35 292 547 Raigawan 301 122 117 14 100 101 7 77 6 8 124 257 273 Semra 151 25 88 8 27 13 10 3 26 1 5 125 109 131 Budhagar 45 12 3 223 40 7 32 49 Baihar 1,012 453 447 156 172 165 131 72 262 60 82 286 809 1,033 Ghunwara 106 24 62 14 17 7 27 3 22 63 108 180 Mahedar 384 216 216 116 77 90 35 9 56 2 63 311 411 Matwara 43 6 28 5 1 14 .. 14 51 54 47 Bhamraha 50 II 28 4 8 4 14 5 32 29 50 Ruhiniya Kalan 84 31 40 14 7 3 37 14 Ii G3 78 71 Manoura Uninhabited .• Pansokhara 42 8 28 7 8 1 1 5 43 54 45 Amadadi 129 70 61 28 22 26 23 16 23 2 110 143 Paraswara 175 60 111 10 39 48 7 18 149 224 Gor::Jiya Kalan 22 3 13 281 13 32 Belha 95 47 56 ] 6 37 31 72 97 Sonbasra 1"95 118 84 gO 30 24 8 73 13 4 4 198 245 Kusedi 40 6 27 2 5 3 3 1 5 1 13 58 67 Lohi 535 210 344 64 107 141 12 4 72 2 27 545 781 BharauIi 45 18 40 t:J 1 5 4 38 63 Kudra 947 111 610 24 121 61 115 19 101 7 39 404 779 1,106 Birmai 197 28 127 8 51 20 7 12 67 198 285 Karuwa Kalan 292 110 188 55 65 49 17 4 22 2 3 7 241 416 Bhaisasur 227 79 119 16 SO 60 58 3 34 25 289 444 Itahara 28 9 15 12 "9 1 21 40 Dhawarai ]83 ]29 115 111 32 13 21 5 15 46 59 150 184 Kanhwara 504 369 243 115 186 239 20 12 55 3 71 369 385 Itwan uninhabited •• Mani 53 41 37 24 13 16 1 2 1 4 2 48 74 Roopganj 436 94 249 22 37 31 81 25 69 16 2 71 398 611 Dhatura 282 96 176 35 66 53 25 7 15 4 73 226 368 Khaira 711 295 312 118 93 117 23 7 283 53 Iii 71 584 853 Pondi .' Uninhabited ., Ganeshpur 227 151 69 40 33 25 1 124 86 22 193 241 Hardua Kalan 26 1 20 4 2 30 45 Kusiyari 24 15 8 1 .. 9 35 Booda 92 3 73 2 2 17 6 97 166 Karaiga Bijuriya 318 ]82 174 66 119 110 1\ 5 19 1 26 234 355 Kutai 273 224 220 ]94 41 29 12 179 179 Naktara 178

1I1l~"1 ITT. 'iiI arlln'l flIT .r.nr~! (i!fl Ifr./if~/ fliir'fi~ VT~mq ~R ~~qT if '(iii oi 'lif ;rill ~~ it 1J1ImT) il'T~ ilffil;iT ~f~) "'If~jf(J" 'iiI Total Population iii! lI'li (includmg "'1:1'1 Institutional fiI;.IfT. it Bnd houseles8 Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of POpulation) Ca..~les Tribes Literates Loca· villages occupied Number A tioD Name of in heclares resI­ of r------...... , r---"-----.., r--"-...... , ,--..A.--, Code Tahsil/Villagel &: of Town! dential house­ arfui~. ~1 ~. m ~. ~1 No. TOlltn/WRrd Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M.~. ""F. 2 3 4 .s 6 7 8 9 10 JI 12 J3 14

III .i~ 167. 00 93 105 486 248 238 52 63 20 17 106 26 82 ~~~T 251.00 40 43 23S 121 114 2 5 46 45 22 3 83 'Ii)~~ 726.00 1 1 1 1 84 ~~~ 244.00 20S 231 1,283 670 613 278 242 6 251 41 85 qi~T 135.00 58 65 307 ISS 152 59 71 74 16 86 ill!''' 82.00 22 23 114 68 46 33 23 30 17 87 lI1'1'~ 508.00 56 56 309 162 147 2 135 120 19 6 88 !IP.:~Q.! 664.00 106 121 395 225 170 7 3 27 25 112 42 89 ~1IiI" ... 348.00 ;ft~t.; 90 1Ii~1"f~ 590.00 70 71 567 30S 262 61 49 44 39 44 2 91 ilRl 50.00 31 31 202 100 102 78 73 7 5 92 \il"Ta~ 347.00 109 110 738 387 351 72 69 39 3S 151 37 9 3 "')~ t.;r'fT~ 30.00 Ift'u'l' 94 ~T 162.00 19 19 41 32 9 19 3 9 5 oft~"'T ,,~'"~ 112.00 .hT:t' 9 6 "'Tr-TT 1i'H' 90.00 54 65 3S5 182 173 42 38 11 14 87 48 97 iP:il"t 166.00 64 67 397 212 185 9 7 5 8 79 16 98 f't'1<:t ~t 233 00 108 108 577 302 275 89 75 113 27 99 6'rn'l'T 116eO 63 63 368 198 170 34 34 73 14 100 '1lfll:T "70.00 2 2 24 11 13 3 101 'E!~l'l 105.00 mTif t02 't~1itTq! 245.00 35 39 245 118 127 57 72 15 2 103 fcr"f"{T 'fi "l'lfl!'lif'lT 1 .3 6R. 00 108 110 695 345 350 25 27 158 152 123 30 1 I 7 "l

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Maihar Tahsil ------__ ._-- - '{Ill IAIf rn ~if Main Workers r------______.J- __ ------...... P ~ 1Ii~ wfW8"f: ""';1 qTnllTnlf; V~ If;TII If;1il "",,flo!. 'ti"fIf Ifi-.:it m-.t ",{Ir 'ti"~' "if

(I-IX) 1I V (I) 1I1,IV, V(b) ,VI. x VlJ,VIII & IX Total Main Al!ricultural Household Other Marlinal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Workers r-~ ,....-.A.--"",\ ~ ,---..A---, r-...A---, ..-..A---, r-~ Nameot ~. ~ ~. ~i ~. '!. fth ~. fcfi 1. fit 1. m TahlnlVillage/ M. F. M. F. M. ""F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town /Ward ------_------Hi J7 J8 J9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

154 106 87 70 31 31 35 S 3 91 132 Dandi 7S 39 58 2S 17 14 46 75 Sahelra I KoJhaJ 345 60 181 30 26 8 34 15 104 7 325 S53 Udaipur 81 46 46 2S 12 J7 3 20 4 73 lOS Patehara 34 22 25 13 9 9 ... 34 24 Amda 94 18 20 5 38 6 1 35 6 2 14 66 115 Maopur 109 21 108 21 3 3 113 146 Arkandi Uninhabited Badi Kho! 146 3 ]06 1 29 2 7 4 159 2S9 Kalyanpllr S6 18 9 6 24 6 23 6 2 1 1 42 73 Bira 200 15 103 2 72 13 2 23 7 18 ]80 318 Jeetnagar Uninhabited 0; la Railpar 21 3 21 3 11 6 Gahwara Uninhabited Oila Nadipar 96 3 48 I 28 2 2 18 R(' 170 Oila Khas 81 24 S6 16 15 7 10 31 35 10J ]26 Barbi 153 65 32 16 18 18 12 91 31 3 30 146 180 Pipra Kalan 121 23 ,., 7 2 5 10 6 37 5 77 ]25 Dolni 5 5 6 ]3 Tamha Uninhabited Ghurpura 76 22 35 5 4 6 :2 35 10 42 104 Parsokha 109 14 S2 2 23 12 4 30 109 178 Tighra Kalan 74 32 2 3 69 32 7 13 Lakhanpur 97 49 43 3 10 44 45 57 82 Lakhwar 229 197 11 2 5 7 213 1K8 96 125 Amil iya Khurd 314 219 36 8 4 10 271 201 liD 219 Girgita 127 53 33 2 25 21 5 4 64 26 I <) 120 ]51 Katiya Kalan 203 123 40 17 18 69 2 4 143 33 10 (, 1(,0 ]91 Harinampnr J ,365 309 435 49 157 145 39 37 734 7X 5 20 7('4 1,279 Sonwari 50 4 26 23 3 1 4f) 69 Goraiya Khurd Uninhabited Chl)llpda 323 111 188 55 61 41 33 15 41 21 75 423 Lodhauti Uninhabited Godahai 307 164 168 53 70 102 40 29 3 80 21, 266 Hinauta Kalan 197 187 86 5 87 182 2 22 1 1-17 162 Sagmaniya 7 5 3 4 5 3 Sannai 62 22 35 4 14 15 12 2 32 67 Shrinagar 79 12 27 4 32 6 20 30 76 Piparhar 62 11 27 17 4 18 6 40 76 Harroh .180

ft1~)"1 . IfAlfil arf1l111 ~;;r ;or.nf~ (ii'" "~/i(~! •• "'iiI lII1~nihf ,,~u~ij'(~iI 1I1i llif .T~ ~~ it II1Iifill Ifriil' iil(RI;lI1 "f~) "'RIm ~ Total Population !fiT ~Ii ffMl (including ins ti lu t ional flli .~. it and houselesl Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Uterates villages occupied Numbel Loca· r----A _--""""",\ ,_._• .J.--"""""'\ ,_.~ tion Name of in hectares resi· of ~-. Code Tahlil/Villallel &: of Town! dential bouse­ arfiti ~. ta'') J. ~ ~. m ~. fWf No. Town/Ward Ward in Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

121 ~ «f".... ~ 1,478.00 225 225 1,284 642 642 183 188 262 246 147 42 122 !i(1;T 348.00 ;ft1:f1f 123 ~ 369.00 19 19 83 48 35 4 3 35 24 4 1 24 'l<::i(~ ,,~"{ q~) 3,299.00 121 170 733 412 321 35 37 44 35 235 62 125 fqq,(f'l' 'i'Q'g 888.00 126 129 715 359 356 79 68 76 67 66 4 1 26 ,,"i[{~r j ,099.00 25 25 146 72 74 67 73 11 127 IIlf~ 402.00 28 28 143 77 66 77 66 14 2 128 merf 332.00 22 22 126 71 55 71 55 10 129 qi~u 480.00 44 45 243 121 122 121 122 43 2 130 i~~l 548.00 332 360 1,603 872 731 99 92 113 107 277 68 1 31 ~~~m!!~ 288.00 128 129 910 459 451 1 9 9 255 27 1 32 ;r~') 755.00 21 21 158 84 74 84 74 21 1 133- "'1;5') 726.00 49 49 263 143 120 143 120 19 134 1f'1ern~l 264.00 150 150 830 421 409 48 47 113 108 109 8 135 ~~~1 306.00 247 291 1,481 745 736 75 79 221 224 277 43 136 r.jl~T 127.00 39 39 266 139 127 35 37 55 52 37 18 137 S;:rct'T@ llim 404.00 152 152 861 436 425 35 39 51 59 87 11 138 fu~hT 229.00 243 244 1,410 726 684 58 58 92 93 267 55 139 1fm!.TT~ 41.00 I 2 2 140 fzr;;rleT 262.00 51 53 292 151 141 61 55 17 16 56 17 141 ~~"T 221. 00 56 60 384 202 182 31 27 87 24 ] 4~ l'lai 336.00 IS 18 93 45 48 11 9 3 1 12 143 ~~') 612.00 182 193 1,026 522 504 125 134 57 57 209 50 1 4 4 'Q'


,!WIr !liT1I' rn m Main Workers r------"------....., p ~ ~ .fiI~ Ai!' qTnm!li ..... !liTII' Ifi"rlr '"~ !I'~~"'I III'R"~ ai't1I IITW "m;wl riff /ifif':IIIT"& QW !liT 11111

(I-lX) JJ V (a) m,IV, V(b) ,VI, x VU,VUI&IX Total Main AgriculTural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non. Workers r-~ ,_.-.A----", ,.....-J--. ~_A_-., r-...A---., r-A --., ~---"--.. Name of 2;. ,1ft 2;. fGO 2;. '1. ~GO Tabsil (Villagel ~. ~ 2;. "''' 2;. "" r.n M. p. M. F. M. F. M.. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward 15 ]6 ]7 ]8 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

376 221 151 4S 28 22 197 154 265 420 Bbadanpur DakshiniPatti Uninhabited ••" Kubri 41 9 8 16 2 4 ::! 13 5 7 26 Umdaur 239 25 65 7 6 3 13 5 155 10 173 294 Bbadanpur Uttar Patti 212 161 134 14 74 147 4 2 145 195 Pipraw Khand 42 41 40 41 30 33 Moharawa 46 49 45 48 31 17 Godin 46 38 46 38 25 17 Ghotai 79 5S 69 47 6 8 4 11 42 56 Patehra 516 t 66 130 31 77 44 ]2 6 297 85 5 355 560 Delha 196 28 96 S 28 9 18 5 54 9 14 47 249 376 Hardaspur 47 31 28 16 2 19 13 7 36 36 Bamhni 73 62 18 14 16 34 39 14 1 69 57 Kothi 239 119' 68 S 41 22 9 9 121 83 3 9 179 281 Mantolwa 409 294 170 68 35 50 24 27 180 149 29 335 413 Beldara 64 43 ]4 8 2 42 41 75 114 Paty'l 233 13 IS3 S 9 2 66 10 22 82 181 330 Dhanwahi Kalan 400 111 212 30 84 63 15 4 89 14 5 226 321 347 Tilaura 2 1 1 Majhiyar 84 42 21 9 14 7 4 2 45 24 11 21 56 78 Silauti 99 47 35 14 11 9 53 24 II 30 92 105 Jurwa 20 12 10 7 2 1 8 4 3 25 33 Mau 276 127 111 6 40 45 125 74 246 376 Pahadi 74 38 51 1 S" 21 23 2 70 74 Atarhara 152 87 53 4 25 30 2 7'1. S:! 20 120 144 Naraura ::!24 60 136 18 39 3S II 41 6 226 392 Banshipur 28 21 ] 9 8 9 13 7 6 28 20 Balrampur 180 51 116 11 29 "36 34 3 1 (i 13 2-11 402 Amiliya Kalan (; 4 4 2 3 3 4 11 t2 Basadi 268 88 ] 62 13 69 72 31 2 3::!9 493 Magraura 207 171 112 5 94 166 1 149 187 D.:ora 57 1 3 28 25 12 2 2 59 105 Amatola 195 32 13' 50 32 14 153 253 Barethi 68 48 55 32 12 15 1 62 117 Uphri 61 40 61 40 43 63 Piparwah 113 28 84 10 24 18 1 4 85 145 Kaniyari 7 3 3 1 I 6 Jarmohra 210 165 122 95 56 65 19 4 13 4 218 240 Bhatgawan ] 84 86 72 15 72 71 2 38 7 257 315 Kansa 324 137 186 63 108 74 5 25 266 412 Gobri 182

--_---- ._--- .._-

q6'twl lit... , ~~(.'" mjOflft! "'Wllit=f VR m11ii it ~i!iI lit•• , IIA ~~ it II'rit ·lIfftliJii u~) Jf~/.ri Total PopulatioD fir lI'i (including institutional 1iIi.1ft. it snd houselesl Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Uterates Loca. villases occupied Number ,----A-_----. ,..--J-----. ,....~ r-Ao-. tioo Name of in heetar" resi­ of ,. a'l Code Tahsil/Villase, &:. of Town/ dential house­ IIIfftfi~. Rt ~. ~ ,;. ,It No. Town/Ward Ward iD Kml houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 2 3 4 .s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161~ 47.00 .. cirorr 162 ;r;~ 632.00 153 168 927 455 472 111 89 9 11 146 10 1 6 3 'IroI'~' 347.00 94 102 609 293 316 68 66 10 7 139 40 164 tfOfT\;ff illIf'r~ 259.00 12 12 62 28 34 23 25 5 9 1 ] 65 'll~r 1,144.00 174 212 1,260 635 625 111 112 211 208 160 34 1 66 l:~~1 126.00 2 2, 6 4 2 167 ~~~T 148.00 56 61 355 184 171 70 71 105 42 168 ~f~~T 230.00 38 44 234 121 113 46 40 54 16 169 i(f&~ 789.00 137 223 1,051 549 502 5 6 250 20S 145 31 170 tf~)~IJT 198.00 18 23 90 46 44 3 1 (3 43 1 171 ~T 364.00 113 129 619 315 304 108 109 56 46 96 34 172 ~~~ 263.00 66 77 390 192 198 40 40 42 46 62 15 173 ~l<{\' ~ 174.00 17 18 125 59 66 36 10 1 7 4 ~'t.!\ 3qJ6IIT 223.00 81 87 536 250 286 21 26 82 100 106 48 175 GfIRlT"" 407.00 ISO 150 779 364 415 159 181 81 78 67 21 1 7 6 ;t;;rYl,,1; 441.00 ]89 191 1,019 533 486 129 110 38 28 164 25 177 f~IT~' 527.00 173 202 1,197 607 590 104 97 38 44 227 38 118 't';\' 135.00 .. Ifh:r.:r 179 ~!:lJT ~~ ] 41.00 27 29 147 79 68 43 40 16 2 180 fiff"'T 48.00 .. lfr~l'i( 181 ~;~~ 285.00 82 11 3 606 297 309 58 66 61 52 96 23 1 8 2 :m~1fI1;1 2,215.00 477 517 2,9241,494 1,430 252 239 182 182 384 82 183 ~II'T m1 874.00 179 214 1,064 559 505 47 40 119 113 14328

184 ;'f~ "'''''' 462.00 102 109 595 302 293 21 21 76 82 78 13 1 85 '!.i~atT 189.00 91 113 634 315 319 46 43 79 54 85 5 1 8 6 ;r;~'l!(r "'T'1' YI(<::Of 592.00 ] 54 159 855 428 427 40 36 145 144 70 7 1 87 Oflq.f wr~ SHIll; 600.00 267 275 1,593 790 803 150 158 106 102 214 54 1 88 0fl1f.l lIf}

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Maihar Tahsil ------'!~ !liT1f m i1Tit Main Workers ,..------..A------___ fW ~ ~ .firf{ IAI~ crrftlfm. Ir.1I IliT,," llirrr m~ «jJmiT' 'lif1f iIi~ ~ ~~ 1liTJi;f;\'fl "f" /011'('( /'ff'& 1IIi1 ~ ;rTIl

(I-IX) 11 V (al lII,IV,V(bl,Vl, x VII. VIII & IX Total Main Agricultoral Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. r-~ r--..A.-~ r--"---... r---"----, r-..A-...... ,---..A.-...... r~ Name of J. ~ ~, m ~. ~ ~. flirl ~. "efI ~. ,,1ft 2:. m T ahsillViIlage I M. p. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M, F. TownfWard

J5 16 17 18 19 :20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

Uninhabited Majhtolwa 243 87 172 24 57 62 7 7 1 212 385 Karuwa 131 21 103 8 18 13 10 13 3 149 292 Kartaha 22 14 9 13 14 6 20 Tanaja Bashirpur 383 189 183 9 111 ISS 5 84 24 9 66 243 370 Bheda 2 2 2 2 Reusa 98 39 51 8 25 31 22 20 86 112 Karsara 73 26 35 30 19 8 7 48 87 Gobariya 379 281 152 98 141 95 8 16 78 72 3 2 167 219 Bathiya 34 26 34 26 12 18 Tamoriya 175 98 46 11 42 36 4 83 50 140 206 Chapna 94 57 36 7 51 50 7 98 141 Karaundi Dube 34 15 27 6 5 9 2' 25 51 Karaundi Jahla 123 88 37 18 56 69 1 29 9 27 ltR ] 71 Karaundi Upadhya 210 ] 52 82 25 109 123 8 4 11 154 263 Ja1111al 275 237 144 133 92 100 5 34 4 10 27 14R 221 Kanchanpur 316 116 134 12 56 49 4 122 54 13 31 278 443 Rigra Uninhabited Mtlndi 41 31 15 13 21 17 5 3R 37 Kaliya Khurd Uninhabited 2 Jhinna 152 105 71 26 64 71 2 2 15 6 139 204 Dubehi 934 563 600 334 241 198 44 31 50 558 867 Joriyari 320 111 151 20 110 82 9 1 44 19 88 220 306 Karaiya Deori 176 119 59 18 111 101 6 126 174 Narwar Kalan 182 167 105 109 74 58 3 14 34 119 118 Budherua 269 223 86 50 142 137 2 39 36 5 159 199 Karondi Kap Na1an 464 395 256 S9 96 306 9 9 103 21 8 4 318 404 Nadan Sharda Pra~lld 364 211 142 A7 106 94 20 21 96 22 12 295 405 Nadan Shi vprasad ]09 87 57 51 87 I 2 78 14 JarbU Narwar 48 5 24 1 23 4 4 l-l 39 59 Khondhra • 32 14 8 1 23 12 3 8 26 411 Sirmili 407 236 100 26 47 58 19 19 241 133 ') 15 275 421 Barahiya 1, ni nhabited Mudiya 511 303 291 182 90 lI6 I J 3 111 32 2 366 554 Jura 303 161 146 41 67 88 18 9 72 23 2R 87 198 268 Tinduhat II 47 13 22 20 13 5 41\ R3 Amadadi 31 15 15 12 15 4 39 61 Kharaundi 22 163 ]61 ~6 60 17 1 158 liD Hinauta Gajgahua 203 104 72 3 118 97 1 4 12 22 144 190 Umri Philhari 313 t>O 201 30 35 18 28 R 49 4 128 167 302 498 Madai 184

!I~")"I "flf '1" arr~ .. ~'" ~,,~ (isrl IJIir /if'!T.! fiRiiI II{r~nfhl '1'R ~~, it ,(gil 111. ,.;1 WIll ~~e1: it qllil;j'i Ifr~ ilI'ml,'i "'~) ;J1["f.jifli ~') Total Populalioll 1fO' f;'; fitlJl (including institutional Iit;. 'f'l. II and houseles. Scheduled Schf'duled Area or No. or POpulation) Castes Tribes Loea. villages ...... led Number Literates u .... up _--..A.----., lioo Name of in heclares resi- of·_--A-----., • ,.--A---.. ,-A--. Code Tahsil/VilllIScl &: of Townl den tial house- RlM!l. ~ ~. m ~. ~') ~. ,.. No. To\\nlWRrd Ward in Krn' houses------bolds P. M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

201 1IT.~i 752.00 158 181 1,164 596 568 135 134 168 157 196 54 202 i\1tiT. ~ 410.00 31 31 178 82 96 82 96 9 203 f~' '(i 516.00 23 23 116 59 57 59 57 204 ft-i'1aT ~i 262.00 35 35 178 89 89 9 12 42 35 15 205 ;;i't;n 396.00 103 104 632 328 304 49 49 65 60 98 3 206 4!CllfT.'fI 413.00 ~ro... 207 4!TCIIl 923.00 ml'f 208 4!T.~qry 701.00 64 76 402 213 189 66 46 92 91 67 10 209 1IT1fifT.""'I 501.00 71 86 561 276 285 59 60 70 76 99 21 210 mwn 777.00 149 179 931 495 436 187 166 104 82 169 17 211 il'fJT.j 1,156.00 43 49 261 126 135 3 107 121 51 7 212 ~1(1( 566.00 49 49 289 139 150 54 58 17 4 213 ;jffl1fr 'TI[ ~1'tlr 536.00 25 29 157 85 72 20 22 5 214 ~j 1,208.00 9 9 34 21 13 10 6 2 21 5 ~lJi"lff{t 567.00 51 51 282 136 146 7 4 90 10(' 38 216 I!~' 942.00 170 189 1,046527519 83 74 61 55 146 32 217 f1:2 li!",~1 563.00 122 133 707 355 352 53 50 138 132 8112 233 ~~!j"r 694.00 198 206 1,137 566 571 99 92 96 9S 152 33 234 fiI~r 'If... r 316.00 76 92 578 314 264 1 6 98 f!4 123 23 2 35 ,ft;r;T. IJi"'ifJ 150.00 62 63 342 170 172 155 160 49 1 2 3 6 'Q'if1{r~;t 1,194.00 395 398 2,090 1,089 1,00 1 118 110 130 129 298 32 237 'Il~ 84.00 62 62 333 165 168 5 6 157 160 48 238 ;r.ETr 309.00 91 92 548 262 286 26 24 73 66 73 4 2 3 9 liIT.iTt 553.00 166 166 874 453 421 73 77 f!~ 79 1 S 1 13 2 40 \l~"<:' 461.00 96 96 493 258 235 9 6 123 116 92 7 ] 85

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MaihaJ' Tahsil ---_._------,--______'{M lfinI' m ~it.A---- Main______Workers ___

IJiW ~ ~ftlIiT1 .fcf~ nJ,( q'ffUJft~ VRI 1Ii'~ If;t;if !f~m", "'fir lIr ~

IS I' 17 III 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

293 65 179 22 81 41 5 28 303 503 Bar' Khurd 53 32 47 31 3 3 2 9 27 55 Tikar Khurd 3S 4 30 3 4 30 24 23 Dihara Khurd 54 48 44 39 8 8 2 2 34 39 Hinauta Khurd 188 72 131 6 39 58 5 7 13 2 139 230 .loba Uninhabited , . Badariya Uninhabi ted Boda 122 16 74 5 17 2 14 9 11 5 62 86 111 Barkula 156 111 74 16 72 84 4 6 110 1 j 4 lhanihwari 264 167 162 6 71 156 4 2 27 3 231 269 Goraiya 71 30 52 22 7 4 2 10 4 59 55 46 Dadari 73 51 59 33 14 18 66 99 Sarang 56 40 42 '29 12 11 2 29 32 Naugawan Kap Saran, 10 7 7 6 3 1 11 6 Bahili 79 24 53 3 24 20 2 .. 57 121 Sukwari 287 34 218 21 36 9 2 32 2 42 161 198 324 ~.Iaudaha 280 195 144 69 82 109 20 13 34 4 207 283 Riwara 80 6 60 4 17 2 1 2 4 57 128 Krishnapur 137 tIS 79 57 48 52 10 6 6 117 149 RUjhaudi 1 I 8 28 64 13 37 12 2 IS 3 37 94 108 154 Jadwani 66 58 38 17 16 40 12 3 8 44 35 Pachauhd 745 567 4S2 296 217 237 27 ~I 49 3 605 750 Latagaon 221 163 58 3 104 107 2 57 53 132 183 Bara Kalan 306 114 179 76 . 78 14 9 2 40 22 45 1R4 268 293 Kakra Uninhabited Chatkaula 51 55 28 4 13 33 10 18 14 18 Parasrampur 195 102 89 11 63 76 7 36 15 39 102 181 201 Deori 143 32 94 3 37 27 12 2 I 70 113 149 Bharewa 283 17 173 7 51 9 12 47 :!6 II, 317 457 Badera Uninhabited Gugwar Uninhabited Majhiyar 207 133 67 36 67 60 4 69 37 7'1 148 146 Sadhera 300 71 162 6 121 64 7 10 29 262 471 Salaiya 99 42 44 12 45 28 5 2 5 54 169 16R Dihara Kalan 101 71 48 50 69 3 34 69 67 Tikar Kalan 556 133 344 20 159 109 17 3 36 33 177 500 691 AJamain 108 59 46 56 59 I 5 39 57 70 Dhadai 148 139 95 97 46 42 5 2 1-t 32 100 I I 5 Bandhi 220 91 127 23 64 69 13 16 233 3"!9 Ghorbai 129 43 45 6 4 7 6 71 33 22 7 107 185 Bhatewra 186

,,~'{ 6~"'tII iII'''''lIIflfl ., smrlWIIi "Rtll -----

~Am- fttmw/ "'II 11>, ano .. rn~r-':T ~{;f r.r"~T (i'l"l ar~,"~ ar~~ "Tm m 1I'''/if~! ftlilQ;", IIn,"~. iii') ,,"I IIR: 6"'"" ii ~i!'iI IInf" ~-GlTfu .,.~ .-,i iii' "Til ~!m it ""TlI') .rlir ill'fuizrr 6 fiRr) :tff~/ui ~ Total Populatiofl Ifo'lfli fiMl (includin!! institutional f.... lI'f. it and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Population) Castes Tribes Literates Numbel Loca· villages occupied r----A ---___ ,---J--___ lion Name of in hectarcs ,---"----., ,.--A--.. rni- of Rf) fOf) Code Tahsil/VilIa,e, &: of Townl dential house- 1Ifm; ~. ~. m ~. ~. ferr No. TO\'lln/WRrd Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID II 12 JJ 14

241 ;:ft'T1l"l m lifif,"~ 271.00 13 13 68 32 36 26 32 17 4 242 ~.-m 215.00 98 98 554 292 262 64 53 61 56 130 38 243 ammllU 8'0.00 163 216 1,138 581 557 48 57 150 155 243 34 244 ~~ 216.00 60 76 447 219 228 48 49 6 2 104 II 245 ;tlllf~T 334.00 65 80 480 231 249 50 55 49 54 78 12 246 147.00 32 44 229 113 116 3 2 86 95 40 3 247 "'"a~ 493.00 75 104 S56 283 273 52 49 77 71 72 4 248 arM<'I"lfT 673.00 218 219 1.23% 635 597 40 37 176 161 227 46 249 ~j 496.00 146 146 829 431 398 83 87 59 58 119 25 250 1QI1J1If 745.00 211 313 1,694 841 853 107 119 66 80 272 19 251 1f!'!'


------,-______'1M ,,"lI'mm.J.--- Main______Workers """\

~ 1lif8~ IR~ IfTn.m:lIi a;q IliT'f ~ .mrtA p'!'lf ..,,, "''' .. nit ~~"" !IilIf 1Ii-.:it ~ ~~ ..,tit q1lff~m:/"''' Q6t ~I'ITII'

(I-IX) I II V (a) III ,IV, V(b) ,VI. X VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricultural Housebold Other Marginal Workera Cultivatorr Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non· Worker' r-~ ,---J'---. ,---A----- ,---"--. ,-..A---., r-J---., ,---A---:-.. Name of ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~. "') ~. ~~ ~. o:;fr ~. fWt Tahlil/Villqe/ M. p. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward ------15 Hi 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

1.2 8 4 2 3 13 7 10 27 Naugawan Kap Dhanwahj 146 54 52 3 20 28 6 68 23 2S 613 121 140 Dhanedi Kalan 269 142 132 54 58 82 17 2 62 4 16 95 296 320 Arnatara 108 37 83 15 23 22 2 n 1 t 1 119 Bishnllpur 132 10 98 5 33 5 ) 3 89 96 150 Banjt'riYII 63 4 50 4 11 2 93 50 19 Mand 153 82 107 49 39 33 1 6 11 53 119 138 Dharampur 334 75 265 61 25 14 10 34 38 188 263 334 Amiliya 229 129 150 41 53 83 9 17 4 6 34 196 235 Koylari 431 107 349 19 64 83 8 5 10 15 409 731 Majhgawan 297 208 163 92 114 113 4 3 16 4 6 223 373 Kudwa 429 201 244 8 157 190 9 1 19 2 9 88 320 490 Dhanwahi 48 27 40 24 1 2 1 7 50 44 82 109 Umari Paila 188

iW""Wf'" ., 51'"",,~ "m51 ------

",Jii'rq ~8'f"" 1ft. llil antn. qf~~l '1j;;r 'iA~' (iwn ar~."C1 ar~~ mllR m If'" /0f1f(/ • irlfiiil 'l'flQ~ • ~ n.r II~ U,,"," it '{i!;' !infer \if;f-l'il'1ftf ,,~ 'ITW "" 11'", ~~ il 1II'''~i .,iiI ilfft:l;!ii ,,~) if'ff"f./~" iii) Total Populatioll .; (including iii' _Ii ... instilulional fiIr.If).ii and house less Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Popula tion) Castes Tribes Literates Loc.· villal!el occupied Number ,----"---., ,---"----., tiOD Name of in hectares resi- of r---A------.. ,.-.A--.. Code Tahsil/Vill.8el &: or Town/ dential house- Rl'ft:I; ~. ~) 'I. m 'i. ~) 'i. ,~ No. Town/Wl\J'd Ward in Kml bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

q~'{ ~~'l'il

12/IV/- 4~ (~."T.) ]0.36 3,789 10,611 1,}49 570 6,174 3,4(>0 20,261 9,650 1,178 573 2,931

1~/1V/I WI~f «1 crri 2&1 299 1,708 899 809 51 64 143 125 514 270 12/IV/2 ;;rr;;r iI'l!~ wrw "Ii 195 203 1.1 J3 599 534 '27 I~O 303 146 12jlVj3 ~1'f'lR ..:hl' ifl. 200 230 1.::!12 642 510 18 16 356 82 12/IV/4 ;;r~it~CfTi 217 227 1,418 712 706 16 19 443 1~7 12/IV 15 ~~;I 5m'r.: ern 261 277 1.477 763 714 24 24 500 250 12/IV/6 ..t'i.'f~ ~I{\' crti 280 288 1,530 8:;:3 707 25 Hi 520 216 t2/IV/7 if ~1f)~ 1ff ~<.nlJ 'iti 243 261 1,413 739 674 458 16& 12/IV/8 ~t .~~.riq;~ ifli 268 269 1,443 740 703 639 614 58 59 214 2& 12/IV/9 ~r~TII(f $I'~I" ;rTi 319 366 1,848 943' 905 20 16 20 15 576 321l t 2flV [I 0 iI"iI'T ar~,:ft;:rlff iffi 270 295 1,535 855 680 17 t1 22 2 625 364 12/IV/l 1 ~.~T ~ il'Ti 179 187 1,254 659 595 .. 496 300 12 trvt I 2 ~;;I"1f 1fTf !f€;;r "Ii' 243 249 1,282 684 598 27 38 83 11)0 360 157 12/Ivt 13 ~~ ;:rA'f; ~n; 257 295 1,385 72 0 659 20 13 61 69 478 29& 12/lV/14 ltim1tf ~t~ crti 247 343 1,623 827 796 165 217 182 203 331 127 1&9


Il~ !till!' m .r.r MaiD Worken ,------..A------.. p ~ mtI1m lifai'{ n~~ II'rtum:~ smr ~rl!' "'"~ Hij~'" ";~IIi~ mtr ;n~ Iff .. '"1m: /i(fi Q~ 'f;T lITlI'

(I-IX) [) V (a) m,IV,V(b) ,VI. x VII, VIII & IX Total Main Agricultura' Household Other Marginal Worker. Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Worken ,-~ ,--..A.-~ ~ ,--...A.._~ r--..A--, ,..-J--, r-~ Name of I· ~ i. ~1 '!. ~;it '!. ~1 '!. ~cn '!. ~cn '!. m Tahsil IVillagel M. p. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Town/Ward ------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Maihar Municipality

5,380 226 222 847 4.085 27 5.204 Maibar (M) 1,433 33 143 535 722 4S 8,172

481 203 22 6 6 128 96 325 101 41 R 605 Sharda Dcvj Ward 271 43 2 4 116 38 149 4 328 491 Lal Bah:I.I'1ur Shastri Ward 307 28 23 6 32 8 252 14 334 542 Shubshchanda Bose Ward 357 139 1 g 3 9 3 151 124 179 9 354 567 lawaharlal Nehru Ward 3G8 116 30 7 20 I 72 87 246 21 395 598 Rajendra Pr.. sad Ward 392 51 33 2 26 4 44 16 289 29 2 429 656 Shitl.t Devi Ward 3G6 132 5 4 2 63 10 296 118 373 542 Madanmohah MalviY:IWard 410 207 19 3 115 95 97 SI 179 58 330 496 Dr. Ambedkar Ward 484 S7 13 3 1 34 12 436 41 7 41 452 807 Maharana Pratap Wald 406 17 26 1 ] 22 2 357 14 3 446 663 Baba Allaudclainkh:ln Ward 328 30 S 1 7 34 20 282 8 10 2 321 563 Chandi Devi Ward 372 160 9 7 51 S5 305 104 3 309 437 BaJlabh Bhai Palel Ward 375 55 4 19 18 3 349 37 351 604 Guru Nanak WaId 463 195 17 3 5 12 IG 441 164 364 60 I Mahatm-l Gandhi Ward 190


fl'1T~1!f sr",r~i!ji Gl"ilqtlfiJT ~r"{tw Urhan Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes aad Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise -----_ .. _------II'rt;rtll' m ;j. rrfR/ui iii' ;:!'ur ~ iWflli !51Ii1li ft=r;;r.t'~m alif.,r'i(C( GlTf

12/1/1 ~ ~W'I 1(ti Ami Tol! Ward 2:.148 20 S6 ;om> lfi. Block No. 1 637 2 iWIl1i 'ltI Block No. 2 600 tS Block No. 3 911 5 54

12/I/2 l!.fc(lfl't", ~i Mukhtiarganj Ward 4,708 135 8 :;l!'IlIIi 'ltI. Block No. 4 545 ::9

:;tlIlIIi ~ Block No. 5 612

'~T'Ii· "Ii. Block No. 6 54() i<=rtlli 'fi. Block No. 7 5R

~""1Ii lIi-. Block No.l1 564 51 2

KoTgawan Wt rd 4.681} 413 627

?J<'fT;ri'li. BlOCk N<>.12 592 14 137

;""tlli ~. Block No. 13 733 1 !O 152 ;;;"""'" 'l5. BlOCk No 14 577 69 56 ;;;;;fT'Ii !iJi". BlOCk No. 15 701 R5 29 i;;;fTIli 'lJi. Block No. 16 588

~m'li "Ii Block N.).17 1540 :!4 184 Wock No. 18 R58 1 I I 69

1~/l/4 f"~",T ::ni Birl;}. Ward • J,586 84 67 <<=rT1li q;•. Block No. 19' 583- .. "'TIIi'li. Block No. 2n 524 69 24 ~I;ri;p Block No- 21 479 15 43

1'1./1/5. "1~f1;ltr 1lrIGlTm 'n~ Anusuchit Janjati Ward 4,475 367 370

~mlli '!Ii. BIQCk NO.22 fi03 16~ 215 i<=rT1f> "Ii. Block No.23 6U ] 36 76 "'''filli '!ti BlOCk No· 24. 67(i. 25 23 APPENDIX

or~)!T ~mf%J'ii ;;r;ttTUforr ~n:nr Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-urban Blockwise ---_.. _------_--_------_---- f'lr.rtq Ifi)w ;j . Of~/'i(ri 'fiT orA ~ i

1 2 3 4 5 ------iOI'Tifi 'IIi. Block No.25 747 16 22

iii~tlli "IIi. Block No.26 650 ii.HIIi 'lIi. Block No.27 661 7 GOITifi 'lIi. Block No.28 527 19 34

l'ZII/6 N;a) lIit\'Tt.fl" ~i Sindhi Colony Ward 4,605 266 57

iOI'~ "IIi. Block NO.29 664 iii'ltlli"lli. Block No. 30 610 r.rTifi'li. Block No.31 718 ;\OTtIIi 'IIi. Block No. 32 698 31 iOiTIfi'lli. Block No. 33 729 174 5 i\'T(1Ii 'IIi. Block No. 34 655 6 iOl'Tifi 'lfi. Block No.35 531 R6 21

U/I/7 fufliil'T "tt' Risala Ward 4.537 422 173 iorrlli 'lIi. Block No 36 659 14 imifi'li. Block No.37 692 2

~.nifi 'lfi. Block No.38 679 4 15 C:<'ITifi 'lfi. BI(X;k No.39 611 lOR ~5 i;;rt'fi 'Ii. Block No.40 694 2 ,.orrr. !IIi. Block No.41 5R6 13(1 25 iO!TiJ !IIi. Block No 42 606 ISO ~ 00

12/1.'8 Q'~'1.f.;rn '3fOfGfrm "Ti Anusuchit Janjati Wa,d 4,556 1,595 41 i<'ITifi'lfi . Block No.43 689 1 11 'i<'l1'ti !IIi. Block No.44 514 229 .orrr. 'Ii. Block No 45 819 660 6 i\'TTiJ !ill BlOCk No 46 622 520 iOTTifi !IIi. Block No.47 624 163 iQfT'Ii !IIi . Block NO.-l8 648 16 "orT'Ii'lfi. Block No.49 MD 4

12/I{9 fifi~"f 1fI~ "ri Kidwai Marg Ward 3.531 211 205

iOl'T'Ii !ill. Block No. 50 769 34 2)

~\'TTifi 'Ii. Block. No.51 692 ::) J19

~i1[TiJ 'lfi. Block No 52 71.0 43 27 192


if"t't'l SlTffflJifi iif;:rtrVTiJT ,,"ruw Urban Primary Census Abstraci

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ------"";rJ1l' 'lit. ;j • ';fIR1m IfiT ;rJ1i ttIi ~iIi 'l5lIi1li ~ ~iI~Wlrl e(\'1foqij ;nfi( L.C.No. Name of Towll/Ward and Block Number Total population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribel

------~------.------2 3 4 5 ------..... ------

~Iifi'lfi. Block No. 53 706 114 11

~'Ifi'lfi. Block No.54 664 15 23

12/1/10 ififTf\if it~ 3i~ 'IlW lfTi K\Varin Tola l1Uari Bhag Ward 3,319 161 114 .;;nil' 'Ii. Block No.55 770 45 33 i<'TAi 'lI!l. Block No.56 650 39 33 iiOlT'Ii'll!l. Block No.57 608 77 12 r.rrlfi '15. Block No. 58 562 emil\' 'lI!l. Block No. 59 729 36

12/1/11 lfifrf"('1 ~T;;rT ~flllvrT ifri Kwarin Tola Daxini Want 4,C8S 265 101 ..,,"iii 'lfi. Block No. 60 669

itift~ 'lli. Block Nf).61 674 12 &i'lHi'lfi. Block No. 62 684 ]20 10 il.'fl'{i 'lI!l. Block No.63 718 42 41 om", 'l!i. Block No. 64 710 ( R 12

~'lfi. Block "Nt> 65 633 35 16

12/1/12 ~t1f "I'{T1.T1If t:if;n: ifY:! Satya Narayan Mandir Ward 3,415 813 9 ;.rTif; !IIi, :Block No 66 628 57 4

im~ "Ii. Block No-. 67 7()3 421 e.rT1fi 'lfi. :Block NI> 68 724 26:l 4 ~"'f'" 'l!i Block No. 69 732 72 ~T"''!if. . mock No. 70 628

Ufl/13 ...1'1"1" o;rl'fi ....q-I Shirai Chauk Kan)hl 1,819 z "I2i!l1T"I"T

i;rr~ 'lli. Bleo.Jc N() 73 576 2

121lf 14 ",fl'!" :;rT~"t 1'I'f.~ erR- Ram Jantci Mandi r Waf(' 2,245- 51 7 c;:rf'll; "Ii , Block No-. 74 519 15 ;r.rTIfi 'lli. Block No.75 582 36 7

;;;;rTIfi 'lli. Blofi:k No.76 ~64 ii'fT'Il !Ifi. Block N(~. 77 5RO 193


'iq-t)1r srr'ffir'li iiI"'iqfir rnA Urban Primary Census Abstracl

Total Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribes population-Urban Blockwise

---~------..------...-.- ~IIiR;f. ifIrf:./m IIiT iIT'f ~ ~ 'IIIflJ ~~ ~ IilTftf ~f;nr~ L.C. No. Name or town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Cutel Scheduled Tribes --_._------_ .. ------1 2 3 4 5

_..------~------12/1/15 ~T"t.r ~f.~ crri Hanltman Mandir Ward 2,166 11 1 10f11&' !IIi • Block No.78 598 10 Block No. 79 """~ !IIi' 492 1 1 """~ !IIi. Block No.SO 564 r.;(T1I\" !IIi. Block No.81 512

12/1/16 "T<'RfT ..'tlli cni Lalta Chauk Ward 2,841 82

imll\" 'JIi. Block No.82 594 1 ~IIi!lli. Block No.83 741 I<'fTiIi !IIi • Block No.84 70S 81

~1Ii'lli. Block No.SS SOl

12/1/17 i[;r"r"TJ "fumrm: lfTi Bagicha Riska1dar Ward 2,287 26

~!IIi. Block No.86 628 9

~!IIi. Block No.87 572 4

~!IIi. Block NO.88 -S50 i

lZ/Ijll ~,:!JIf~"'t cni Harijan Basti Ward 2,938 54

IiJ1iIi !IIi. Block No.90 630 1 ;t:JT1Ii !IIi. BI-x:k NO.91 715

i~IIi!lli. Block No.92 478 1S ~!Ii. Block No.93 525 3' i<'JJ1fi !Ii • Block No.94 590

l1JI/lt q.~ lIl1i "ll'l1i Pental Mars Ward 1.258 89 I\'ITII\" 'Ii. Block No.95 603 ~TIfi!lli. Rlock No 96 571 i<'JT'Ii 'Ii. Hlock No.97 532 27 .c;rl~ !IIi Bl.Jck No 98 552 62

12/1/20 IfifBlII'J;r OJ:Ton 'H"i· Kachhiyan Tola Ward 2,933 1,245 11' -m-.; lII\. Block No 99 572 182 5 iCi£Tif; 'Ii. BlOCk No. 100 573 257 S inrrif; 'Ii. Block No.lOI 596 508 51 194

;qfd"tI~ APPENDiX

.,rr~'l~ Ill"lfJJ'fi :o,.rmuriJT ~m:T!1T Urhan Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes ana Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise

_._---.------~--- '1IWft1l' ~ ;j • 'ifIR/'fR ., ;:rT1r ~ fiIllIi 'lIRrt1li f"f ;r.ni.n ar~'l~ ",m a,f;nr~ L.e.No. Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribe. ----_------_._------2 3 4 5 ------...... \11". 'Ii. Block No.102 S55 280 S5 .....,. !Ii. Block No 103 637 18

njI/11 ftf~II'T it:;rr ~,i Tikuria Tola Ward 4,829 929 107

i\II'TiIIi'lli. Block No.104 674 51 54 i .... r. 'IIi. Block No. 105 672 219 .;;rtiIIi 'IIi. Block No.1 06 136 186 24 i<'I1'Ii !Ii. Block No. 107 711 51 11 o.;rr. lfi . Block No.IOH 766 212 3

.~1Ii 'IIi. Block No 109 742 63 13 ..... TIIi 'IIi. BlOCk No 110 528 146 2

12/1/22 'q~n:j ~)f lITT' Chandmari Road Ward 3,696 371 281 .;;orrlli !Ii Block No III 711 1 , ..... rIIi'lli BlOCk No.112 708 308 141

..... ,lJ 'Ii Block No.113 ~45 35 ..... ,'" !Ii BlOCk No. 114 867 12 132 -(OJ'T'I\' 'IIi. Block No 115 565 15 2

12/1/23 ;rtGll',~j u. II"IT Chandmari Road Marg 2,321 240 5 '1,,1 ~"" ~R' Purvi Mohalla Ward .;;nlfi '$. DIock No.116 540 5 ..... TIIi " BlOCk No 117 653 236 ..... ,'" 'IIi. Ulock No. 118 617 ..... rlli 'Ii. Block No.119 511 -I

12/1/24 1If~ I!)on Ahiran tala 2,718 212 9 ~i!:'f itorr 'fTi M!l.lallan Tora \Yard

•.... TIIi ". Block No 120 650 III o;;fllli·'Ii. Block No. 121 733 1 S 5 """iii 'lIi. Block No. 122 645 7'1 3 i"WJi 'IIi. Block No. 123 690 7

nIl/IS ~tf ~~.... 't~ 'fiT~ ~li High School Rly. Fatak Ward Z,167 1Z 17

'''''1Ii '!Ii. Blook: No. 124 671 9 195


;rtrtP-r Jl'r'ff:r:r'fi (jf;:rQ1ll'Ofr ~t!lf Urba nPritllary Census Abstracf •

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes populatiDD-Urban Blockwise _------_---_-----..... _------M~ IIIW ;t. ifIft./m iiJ iIl1J t{'i "I11Ii 'lllilrtili ~~t ~f.nf ilTftt L.C. No, Name Dr Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes ------_------1 2 3 4 S ------

i~firi iii. BIDck No. 125 824 7 17 i<'ffiri 1f;. Rlock No. 126 172 5 1

12/'/26 1ITc~iIT;: T lfli Bhatanwara Ward 2,635 313 212

~'IIi Block No 127 640 110

;(ln~ 'I(i Block No. 128 670 161 i<;T1Ii 'IIi. Block N'3. 129 567 12 R itIIl!!> 'IIi . Blo,k No. 130 75111 30 204

12/1/1.7 q''3IT~''t !!>T,,);ft ~_. Punjabi Colony Ward 1,503 530 43 aT'fi'lli. Block ND. l31 490 22 .<'Tfl!i iii. Block No. 132 489 411 31

'<'fIlIi ~. Block No. 133 524 97 12

12/1/28 l!!!.1{fi[ l[OTT lITi Hanuman Gali Ward 3.025 136 45

~'Ii. Block No. 134 675 14 ; iii. Block No. 136 472 36

; ~. Block No. 137 634 12 ;;<'I'T'I1I1i. Block No. 13R 633 71 4S

U JI/l') ~T~'i iTTiIT 1Wf ~i Da Ii Baba Marg Ward 2,338 97 72 i"'~ ... Block No. 139 604 ~1Ii. Block No. 140 563 2 g i<;T~ iii. Block No. 141 506 16 «'TT1f> lfi . Block No. 142 665 79 64

nIl .~,fi" ¥Of Urban Outgrowth 6,191 689 141

(ii) Ghoordang "nt1T 2,763 4.15 :167 o.n. 'Jfi. Block No. 143 687 Hi2 10 '<'I'flf> !Ii. Block No. 144 ;;35 130 IH o:<'IT!(: 'l!i. Block No.· 145 518 28 • <'IT1Ii ~. Block No . 146 486 ;OfTifi'l!i. Block No. ]47 537 U5 24 196


if1R'1q- !lPfflf'f> ~"I'lJuril'T ~T',TW Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Bloekwise ---_.. _------''''1'It" 'linr ;i • ~/ifR ... T ""~ tt1i Ifill... ",,"11\ p1it;nt~ 8(~iIlf~ i;!Tm L. C. No. Name of Town/Wa.rd and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes ------_._------2 3 4 s -_ ...... ------_.... ------Railway Colony 3,428 254 75

Blo~k No. 148 697 63 12

Block No. 149 64~ 37 34

<~II\ 'J5. Block No. 150 694 54 .5 ,;;rTiij\" 'IIi . Block No. t S 1 704 53 S .;;rtiil !IIi.. HJock No 1S2 6R9 47 19

------.._--- .. -_- - -_------... ------

12 in ;rmR (:W .•. ) Nagod (N. A.) 10.831 1,740 26

12 /"/1 ~'n1f') flr

121 n f 2 1I~<;.ft ;;r..,~om ~n, Maharani Laxmibai Ward ],427 180 130 <~

:;;;;rTII\ '!III. Block No. S 496 64 36 ;;on~!6 Block No. 6 276

1 12 I n I :1

U I 11/4 1II"~1~lf1' mr:fr ~,i Mlth?tllla Gandhi Ward 1,687 98

• ffi~ "II . Block No . IQ 462 14 i'<'£l<1i "Ii. Block No. 11 499 84 '<'I"TII\ 'IIi'. Block No 12 n6

U!fl f 5 ~;n~ 'IlJf"'f~~ <{vi Sard.L!" Hhagat Singh Ward· 1.454 HZ ;;mll\'Ii Block No. 13 536 .;;r.liij\" "II. lllock No. 14 607 71

;;"ifif> lIf;. Block No. 15 311 .~ I 197


orlR:llf lfT'fA

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwisr ------_...... _ ~ nit. ~/fffi IIiT iIA ~ ~ 'lllilltilli p~ ~r.m iifTfif iIIi!'lm ~ L.C. No, Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Schedu led Cas tes Sched uled Tribes ------_------_------1 2 3 4 s ------_.. _------12!II/6 ,,'\WIT 3I"ir!

.;;rT~ 'Ii. Block No. 16 564

;;;;;rl~'Ii. Block No. 17 538 156

;<'fT~ 'Ii. Block No._ 18 59R 29

12/11/7 ,T. ~~ iTTi Dr. Ambedkar Ward 1,059 528 ..nlli'-'i. Block No. 19 4t'i6 461 ~'Ii. Block No. 20 593 67

------... _----_. ---.--~------_.--'-.. _--

~( ) Unehahar. (N. A.) 11,979 2 2(i9 12/111 ..... 1 381

12/IIJ/l ~;~ ,{1fI~ "Ii Sant Raidas Ward 1,271 899 94

.;;r~ !Ii. Block No. t 666 567 i;;r,~ 'Ii. Block No. 2 605 332 94

12/IlIj2 IT. .rl ~l1'T iTTi Dr. Lohiya Ward 2,249 179 109 ii<'fl'Ii'li. BloCk No. 3 654 80 109 it'fllli !Ii. Block No. 4 731 95 ""II}; !Ii. Block No. 5 374 4

..;;rTilii ~. Block No • 6 490

12/IIIj3 ~TlIIm Subhash Ward 1,855 470 17.

ii<'fT1j; 1JIi. Block No. 7 531 ~65 6 ~'lIi. Block No. R 636 105 162 ;:<'fT~'lIi. Block No. 9 ()RR 10

12 iJIJ /4 q. ;it ;f~T;;r \roRlTIJ lfTi PI. Dindayal Upadhyay Ward 1,378 IS

;<'fT~ 1JIi. Block; No. 10 653 .<'ftifi 1JIi. Block No. 11 425 15 <:;;rfo!i 1JIi. Block No. 12 300

12/m/S ,{~"T;f ~i Raskhan Ward 1,586 136

i<'fl~ 1JIi. Block No. 13 711 i<'fTIIi !Ii. Block No. 14 415 90 l


",",1Q' srl'rf1l'1fi ilI'i'(QIlTO(T ~m:T~ Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled CastCI and Schedulcd Tribes Population_Urbao BJockwise

---... ~------,__.--- "'Ilfrlf • ;f • if1f'(/~ri 11ft ;wr q1f iffJIIi 'IRt. ....~ Uffftf t.e.No. Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Caste. ------2 3 _._------4 ------11/m!6 ~,"i MUkherjee Warcl 1,140 41 '. :;"'111' 'lIi . Block No. 16 526 ~!IIi. Block No. 17 614 41

U/UI/7 ;ofJ;lifo't 1: ¥Iii ~ Ja.nki RlUllan Ward 1.547 529 i\'of'llII' 'Ii. Block No. 13 657 185 :;:;;rrlli !IIi Block No. 19 361

~1'Il1Ii lifi. Block No. 20 ~29 J44

111m;, Jft"~! ~~l.fTi Meera. bai Wllrd 953

:;!:Ir'lli lifi. Block No. 2 t 615 ., '",}iIi 'lIi Block No. 22 33g

~------"'------• lilY aif( (If. If' . ) Maihar (M) 20,261 2,327 1,143

l1./IV /1 .rnlllt ~.1.t" Sharda Devi Ward 1,708 115 268 """'Ii !Ii. BlOCk No, ] 529 59 261 ;om; !IIi. Block No. 2 619 17 ~t~'lIi. Block No. 3 560 39

J2/IVJ'l i'fJiIf "iI'~ .,-norT IfTi Lal Baha.Jur Shastri Want 1,lJJ 257

~tlli'll>. Block No. 4 664 122 .""'Ii 'IIi. Block NI> S 469 133

U/rV/3 'J;'fJf.f 'q~ "")~ ~Ii Sllbha~h Ch'lndra Bose Ward 1,ZIZ 34

;;;;;Yf~ lJ. Block NI>. 6 714 3f O<'I"f'fi'lli. Block No. 7 498

12/IV!4 "f"'~ilfl;;r ~li; "Ii Pt. Jav.ahar Lal N.:hru Ward 1,418 3S .;;Yt'li lJ. Block No 8 593 H tfl'rlli 'lIi . Block No. 9 440

~" 'lIi. Block No. 10 385 199


;rlf~lq srr'ffll'~ ;;rrrq'frrr m~t!!T Urba nPrimary Census Abstrac.

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ------ftnll11J !liB ;t. ;rII'(/m IIit ;n1I ~",,1Ii .'Ii P~I IIl'iNm ;;rrfiJ atO!,!m~ L.C. No, Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Schedule!! Castes Scheduled Tribes ------_--_------1 2 3 4 5 ------.------..--- 12}IV/5 .-r.1;ti ... mrr<:: lfTi Dr. Rajendra Prasad '\·ard 1,477 48 Block No. 11 613 Block No. 12 260 BJock No. 13 604 4R

12/IV/' 1f"tffi;TT rn "Ii Sheerla Devi Ward 1,530 41

i\{r~ '!Ii. Block No. 14 611 4 ~T. '!Ii. BloCk No. 15 53!! ron" "Ii. Block No. 16 3111 37

12/1V/7 'f~"~if ~\OI'iJrlf "Ii Madan Mohan Malviya Ward 1,413

ron" '!Ii. Block: No. 1 7 583 6\01'TIIi "Ii. Block No 18 611 4i\Ol'TlIi ,;. Block No. 19 219

12/IV/1 n atq~," lfTi Dr. Ambedkar Ward 1,443 1,153 1)7

Block No. 20 354 240 105 Block No. 21 415 415 Block No. 22 674 59S 12

12/IV/' 'f~mUlT RaY" lIfrt Maharana Partdp Ward 1.848 36 em" ,;. Block No, 23 560 3S 26 i\OfTl!i '!Ii. Block No. 24 550 3 emar;!f;. IIlock No. 25 7.18 (}

U/IV(IO iJTiU ar(lll~rrr Q"fII" l!fli Baba Alauddin Khan Ward 1.535 18 24

i;;rl~ '!Ii. Block No. 26 527 9

i\OfT~ '!Ii. Block No. 27 ~lIg l( ;;;ry'ti "Ii. Block No. 28 620 20

ll/IV/l1 ;r.tt ~~"r lfTi Chandi Devi Ward 1,254

Block No. 29 719 IHock No 30 535 2(,0


il'1T('1!f SlJ'fflfifi" ;;r;:r~vril'T ~n:t~ Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwiie ---_.------Mr.rTlI' Q if •

I:!; IV {13 ttli ;:ml'lIi lifli Guru Nanak Ward ],385 33 130

Block No. 33 734 29 120 Block No. 34 6S1 4 10

I1&ItlfT tftm ~i M!lhatma Gandhi Ward 1,623 382 385

~11Ii'Jti. Block No. 37 339 15 25

---- ______.r ______

12/V ~(~.'".) Birsinghpur (M) 7,553 ],736 159

] 2tV (1 'l{Ji Ward 664 275

iOl'lIli ~. Block No. 664 275

12/V/2 lfri Ward 671 38 .or! .... '!Ill RIock No. 2 fi71 3R

12fV /3 cHi Ward 580 144

<"Il'r.lIf. Block No. .l SRO 144


12/V/;' ~i Ward 578 118 92 '(,!Hi~. lIIock Nt). S S7!! IIR 92

U/V/6 "ri Wtud 614 23 30 ;:orrifi 'lIf. Hlack No. (l. 614 23 30 201


or1f"it7.l 5I'T'lfir~ iiAtf1IfifT mro Urba nPrimary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Schedllied Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ------_------~IIiR;t. i(If1".J~ i&l ;n1I 't'i 'W1IIi tPlTlIi p~ SIlNRtr arrfif ~"m ;;r.mftr L.C. No, Name of TownJWatd and Block Number Total Population Schedulecl Castes Scheduled TrlbeJ ------,------_------1 2 3 4 5 ------tz/V/7 I(T' Ward 368 28 ""''filfi. Block NO.7 623 38

uN Is "-'l~ Wanl 368 368 ;;:,,"IF !Ii. Block No. R 3liR 368

12; VI 9 '!fTi Ward 357 11 ",,"iii !Ii. Block No. 9 357 2l

IZ!V!IO lfTi W~rd 538 ~6 mli !Ii. Block No. 10 538 56

IZ!V/lt cl'Ti Ward 495 310

~1Ii'lti. BlOCk No. 11 495 310

lZ{V!U liTi 'Ward 403 271

~Tifi lIi. Bloek No. 12 403 271

lZ/V}13 Cfli Ward 378 2 ~'Ii. Block No. 13 378 2

12{V/14 m Ward 536 113 .6 i\Uifi !Ii. Block No. 14 536 113 <6

U/V/IS lfTi Ward )47 ]11 .,,"IIi'li. Block No. 15 147 10 ----- lZlVI 11"8)", (I(. ",) Madhogarh (N. A. ) 8,845 2.136 684 lZ/VI/l ~f'{i(iI .1 cui HarijllD Mohallb Ward 690 472 Ii\;'T~ 'lti. Block No.1 690 472

1 Z/VI/2 ~T .~ ifTi Uttara Khand Ward 433 9J i<'I1lfi !fi. Block No.2 433 93

J'Z/VI/3 qT:;r;T it<=r T cni Mah~jan Tola Ward 6:ZZ

~!Ii. Block No.3 622

U/VI/4 8'fl:zrT zt.; T I{Ti Saria Tola W led 452 34 139 ~ 'Ii. Block No .4 452 J4 .13' 2('2


;r1J'~'llT 5,,~flfifi ;jfifqlJf;rr ~n:rl1T Urhan Prj mary Census AbstraCI

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ---_ .. _------~ll 161. ;i . ;fIJ't./'I6i ;r;r ;:rl'r ttIi m;r; 'lIi1ft;r; ar;.'lf.m \'11'18 vif.f.nr~m L.C. No. Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Schedilled Castes Scheduled Tribe. ------.------_ 2 3 5 _------.-----4 n/VI/s "'fw Z:)

Iz/VI/6 '!.f~ ~ "Tt-'-""" I' 1fT. Muslim Mohalla Ward 718 l6lfiIi 1Jti. Block No.6 718

lZ/VIJ7 Garhi Tola Ward 441 iWT;r; 1Jti. Block No.7 441

12/VI 8 tpft ~T"'l (1[~T"'~) ~ri Garhi Tola (Mahajaan) 360 67 i

J1./Vl/9 II'Wr ... if~l""r(~cn;;r~) crri Maha,iana Tola (Kripalpur) Ward 703 38 49 Block No.9 703 3S 49

2!Vr'10 {n:1f;:r efr.rT (f~l;;r~'() ~~ H,'rijan Tola (Kripalpun Ward 535 S18 i;:rr;r;'lIi. Block No. 10 535 518 U(VJ! II ~f1fllT,(llf ;!"fl ~Ti (at') Kati9 R:l.In Tckri Ward (A) 681 3US i

12/n/12 lI7fa-'-I'T UII' ilt~"'t (iii) K.atia Ram Tekri (B) 210 181 7 i;;:rl'li !If;. Block No, 12 280 181 7

.1l/VI!1J. Nai Basti Ward (A) 712 101 ]6


I2!Vr/14 Nai Hard (B) 640 71 1110

Block No. 14 (;40 71 180

I2/VI/ll' Bansagar Colony W:'llJ 72 31 Block No. 15 72 :11 203


lflJ"d7.r srr'-l'Pr'ii iiTorlJ''II'orr m'?:tw Urba nPrimary Census Abstrac.

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ------"';ftIr • =t. ifIf'(/m IIiT ;mI ~ IW1lIi _iii pr~' ~a-lII1m 3Il!'r.m ;;r;r;nftr L.C. No, Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribe. ------_------_._------_._-- 1 2 3 4 s ------....------12/VI/16 Pureniha Ward 558 175 157 Block No. 16 55g 175 1S7

------.-... _---

U/VU ~-riWA( ••".) Rampur-Bagbelan (N A.) 9,,07 1.436 1.575


ililTlii ". Block No.1 4R4 DR

lZ/VIJ/Z ~~" K.arhi Ward 685 189 5 iWllIi ". Block No.2 685 lR9 5

U/VIIj3 ~;ri Sagauni Ward 60S 198 ;om; 'IIi. Block No.3 608 196

IZjVIJ/4 it,!(' i(Ti Nemuha Ward 515 57 114 ~". Block No.4 515 57 114

IZ/Vn/5 ~~"h:r'~ Kurrniha Tola Ward 474 1 17

i\II'Ai " • Block No.5 474 R7

IZ/Vlljfi .-rl'f' c)

UiVII{7 q~.rt Pashchimi Ward 3(13 III

~'1Ii 'IIi. Block No.7 303 121

I z/Vn/s .'3IT~ ~i Bazar Ward 711 7 1

iW111i ". Block No. g 711 7 2 204


;r1J~1~ sr""f1f~ i;fiJtrurifT ~m:Tf1T Urban Prj mary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ----,,------"",,:If 11ft. ;( • ~/~ri llil '11~ ~ ~1Ii ~1Ii flif~.n r.t~fQ ;n~ Cliif.nr ~ L.C.No. Name of Town/Ward and Block Number Total population Scheduled Castell Scheduled Tribel ------_.------_----- 2 4 s ------...------.-----

1'1./VII/9 ..~U( cni Brahman ward 369 95 ;=rr;r; !f, • Block No.9 369 .. 95

2/VII/l0 'l'T~"1!! ~ri Brnllman ward 441 ] ii~'Ii'li. mock No. ]0 441

12,'VII(1 J "~Ifi ~m Ifn! SJdak Tola W4Td 468 6


12./VU!12 TIT !.n'i Purvi Ward 443 iifTIfi 'lI'i. Block No. 12 443

lZ.'VII!13 ,!

U!V JI!I 4. 't~1 ~Ti Purv-i Ward 604 31)2 178

~'Ii. Block No. t4 604 392 178

12!Vn!15 nrT ~Ti(ar) Bandha Ward (A) 904 109 368

~1Ii!ti. Rlock No. 15 904 109 368

U/Vll/J6 ..{ur (Of; Btlondha. (B) 777 78 168 i<'TlllJi '!t. :Block No-. 1 (, 777 n 168

12/YlIj17 ;jilT llinr cni (31') Bandha Katra Ward(A) 630 134


12/Vr.r/lft :i'


;r~lq Sl"Tvrflr'!fi ;;rrrfJ'vrPl'r ~Rtw Urba nPrimary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise ------f'IT;frIf ..~ ;t. rrrrr:.Jrni ~ ;mr q1i' r.;rJII5 'lAt1ll' p~r cr.wf.ia .nftr 8fiif;m ~ftr L.C. 'No. 'Name of TownJWard and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes

------~------2 3 4 5 ------_------U/VIlI ",""Tl''I' ( at . ~ ) Amarpatan(N. A) 11,453 1,067 820

12/Vru/l .,. Ai:;fi~ cni Dr. Ambedkar Ward ],434 1 272 67 i<'fl;fi '!Ii. Block No. 564 560 Ii~rifi !Ii Block No. 2 3R3 341 ~lfi'lli Block No. ~ 487 >-71 67 lZ/VlII/Z ~"" SfCfTTI ifri MahliTana Pratap Ward 1,441 12 206

~ifi'lli. Block No. 4 707 imifi !Ii. Block No. 5 734 f2 206

12JVIlI}3 ~~ 1I1a'l cni Mahatma Gandhi Ward 1,661 91 IqJ1ifi 'lIi. Block No. 6 731

~IJ 'Ii. Block No. 7 473 wtTlJ !Ii. Block No. S 457 91

I Z/Vm/4 'ttf~ ifni Narsingh Ward 1,301 14 J imlJ'lIi. Block No. 9 651 14 i<'fl,!\, 'lIi . Block No. 10 650 lZ/VIII/5 IT. ~T;;f;:r 5mT~ 'fli Dr. Rajendra Prasad Ward 1,377 13 • ~!IIi. Block No. ] 1 407 II om'!\' '!Ii. Block No. 12 416

c~f1Ii '!Ii. Block No. 13 :5~ 11

1 Z/VIII/6 q ~ '"\if ~ ~i Pt. Jawahar La) Nehru Ward 1,613 25' 241 ;;;n''!\' 'lIi. Block No. 14 549 17 7 ;..-r1J !IIi. Block No. 15 5(,0 236

;;mlfi'!li. Block No. 16 504 fo 1~8 lZ/lU/7 l('3T":rr ~i Bjljrang Ward 1.074 ] 91 144

i~TIJ !IIi. Block No. 17 507 tIS J25 I~r;fi '!Ii. BlOCk No. II! 567 82 J!)

U/VIlI/S ~'lltl!f ";il' ..u· Subhash Chandra Ward 1,552 20.9 ]50 i\'It,!\, !IIi. Block No. 19 536 113 i\'IAi 'Wi. Block No. 20 54!! 96 J09 imlfi'li. Block No. 21 4(18 4.1 APPENDlX

or~1ll' srl"ffir'fi (if'ij''I'Ufiff e'ftf!lJ' Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwisc ...... __ .. _------~ 11ft .. ;j • ~/~ri 'fir ilTlf ~ r.fr'fi 'Ii'fT1I' f\'l"ar;:r~~ ar.t\l:~ GlTftJ cr;;R« ~ L.e.No. Name or Town/Ward and Block Number Total population Scheduled Castel Scheduled Tribes

------~------2 3 4 . s -_------_... _------J2/IX ."mT (ad,. ) J.it"ara (N. A.) 9.241 2,41S 206

12!IX/l ~~

-"T'fi 'Ii. Block No. ] 668 JII6 12/(X/2 q;:~rf<:tTT «Til Pvsadia Wa. d 465 186 I .""iIi'li. Block No. 2 465 186

L'1.jrx!J. lIiTfiflfT lui Konia Ward 345 J49 '\'I"TlIi 'Ii. Block No. 3 34S 14·)

12/IX!4 'Il"ffrfr :;pii;;('if .n. Bhil:1:i Baghelan Ward 389 97 51 ,\'I"I'Ii'li Block: No 4 3R9 97 S1

lZ/IX}S . t;{f1J''1'')~

~iJilli Rlock No. 5 706 170

12/IXj6. --9"'" :oia"m <{Ii Dehul Jaitwara Ward 876 504

:;;;:rliJi '!Ii. Bloek No.6 4S~ 2] I

·<'1"1'" ~. Block NO.7 417 2lJ3

lZ/rX/7 1lcr,"~' ~iifT 'ni Jait\lara San! Tola Ward S62 170 ';;(I'Ii ~. Block No. R 562 170

12/IX/8 ,.;)f1:l(i!" ~)"" .ni Korain Tola Ward 472 19" 34 "<'I"I'f." 'lfi. Rlock No. 9 472 199 31

?",!~i!" q;r i'fTi fI~numan Ganj WarQ 668 ~",Hi 'iii. Block No. 10 6IlR

12/IX/ IO '11"1...

'''l'li ~. Block No. 1.1 494

12,'1)(/11 lifnt;r >.fl~· Sherg,.nj Ward 8tiR 135 '<'I"T'Ii '!Ii . nJOCk No. 11 4"') 111

;;;:y,;; 'Ii. l Rlac\;. No. 13 36 } ]8 207


;;r'l'1:,)1;f srrsqf'l'olfi :orif~lJfifr ~g"" Urba nPrimary Census AbstraC1

Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Blockwise

MlII~ • ;f. ff1f'(/rrri am ;n'1I ~ ~ 'MtIJ ~m GrIm "'t.m~ L.C. No, Name or Town/Ward and Block Number Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribe. ---_,_,.,.,.------...... _--_------1 2 3 4 s ------~------_ 12/IX/12 ~~ ;:)'!

I~". Block No 14 302 29 23

12/IXjl3 Rrf!" cn~ Jhari Ward 750 150 74 itn"IJ '!IIi. Block No. 15 372 78 1 ~,"'Ii 'lIi. Block No. 16 378 74 7]

12/IXjI4 am:T ~).n iffi Bara Tola Ward 366 66 366 ""Ilf; " . Block No. 17 66

12/IXjJS ~!mm Dandi Tola Ward 572 128

~Ai'lli. Block No. 18 5~"t_ ]28 n/IX/16 ctit ~)'" (~f;:;rll omr'l')

"'T'Ii 'lIi • Block No. 19 328 167

I2/IX/17 • i~ Iftlll1 ~mlT;.

f~1if1. fJr~ /~«t<'r I mlf! a''t~ ~a'~m !liD WI1f'r~-~ ~nftvr/ or;r ..-rfu .J ;;r;r~rfi'T ~, ~~ TiIiII'J11I ~~ qf(cn-;:) if,f al'lni'i1l'l ~1!lI'r Name of Total District,' No. of Scheduled Tribse Population Location Tahsil! Total/ household r-, . --"------~ Code Town/Urban- Rural! with S. T. GlI"fiRr ~ m No. Agglomeration Urban members Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

12 .";ifT""," ")If 36,770 189,186 96,782 92,440 .,Jftvr 31,691 163.%19 83,344 79,875 ~1TUq- 5,079 25,967 13,438 ]2,529

~,!-':""'~ iI~~)" .m 17,938 92,707 47,659 45 (J48 I11ft'QI 14,455 75,143 38,485 36,658 "I'1{'()lI 3,483 17,564 9,174 8,390 ~o;;r (;Y.~.} orrr'i\'q 2,009 9,841 5,154 4,687 (i) naT ;"f.'U.} ;rtf~lq 1.853 9,152 4,805 4,347 (ii) '_"'m (~ .•. ) ~Tzr 100 435 ,216 2~9 (iii)~I:f" ~r .."t.lT (irr.af.) ;rtf7TIJ 56 254 133 121

f~f«~~~ (or .• n , ) ~ll1 347 1,736 913 823 ~UTq, (at.~.) qTJ'(\~ 388 2,136 1,110 1,'026 ~(If'!t. irq

2 'WI'. i'T~ If)" 8,592 44,402 22.815 21,587 ~r1l'jor 7,811 40,393 20,737 19,656 "f'l'Uzr 78t 4,009 2,178 1.931 ifl~it( •• Pi • ) ortrUlI 341 1,740 919 821 ?if~f (at .". } ;:pr(tll 440 2,269 1,159 1,110

3 lim ,"""I'A .'\11 5,340 26,845 13,502 13,343 Vl1fTvr 4,966 24,778 12.465 12,313 Pf""II<:'t3f 374 2,067 1,037 1,030 at"'~q"a'if (arT. $. ) ;flT~llf 374 2,067 1,037 1,030

4 ,,~ ,,~~ q'llf 4,900 25,232 U,806 12,426 wt1ft'ur 4.459 22,905 11,657 1] ,248 "fIT~llf 441 2.327 1,149 1,178 4~(;r. "'.} ;rtf~Tli 441 2.327 1,149 1.178 209

Primary Census Ab$tract of Scheduled Castes ,.....------AI!~ 1Ii'~ Itn:it

19,715 17,,62 1,753 90,204 54,103 36,101 17,679 13,545 4,)34 Satn. District 15, '484 ' 14-,376 1-,]08' 79-,759 47.1Cil n,s97 16,807 12,874 3,933 4,~31 3,586 - 645 10,445 . 6,941 3,504 872 6il 201

9,776 8,866 910 44, lSi) 26,337 17,813 7,824 5.718 2. , 106 RaghurajnagarTahsil 6,898 6,471 - 427' 37.232- 21,592 - 15,640 7,286 5,309 1,977 2,878 2,395 483 6,918 4,745 2,173 538 409 129 2,003 1,617 386 3,395 2,594 801 78 58 20 Satna (U. A , ) 1,828 1,496 332 3,141 2,412 729 69 50 19 (i) Satna (M) 32 29 3 183 116 67 9 8 l(ii) Ghoordang (O.G.) 143 92 51 71 66 5 (iii) Rl~'. Colony «O.G. ) 229 213 16 822 468 354 91 77 14 Birsinghpur (M) 170 247 23 923 585 338 125 80 45 Ma~hogarh(N.A. ) 144 136 8 652 370 282 112 92 20 Rampur·Baghelilli(N A.) 232 182 50 1.126 728 398 132 102 30 Jaitwara (N.A.)

5,518 4,,922 596- 20,362 13,029 7,333 5,015 4,218 797 Nagod Tabsll 4,721 4,230 ,491 ]8,762 1],976 6,786 4,783 4,033_ 750 797 692 105 1,600 1,053 547 232 185 47 378 313 65 644 442 202 41 35 6 Nagod (N .A.) 419 379 40 956 611 345 191 150 41 Unchahara ('N. A. )

2,295 2;175' no 13,705: 7,487 6,218 2,247 1,554 693 'Amarpatan Tahsil 2,089 t,985 104 12,737 6,957 S,7RO 2,164 1,495 669 206 190 16 968 530 438 83 59 24 206 190 16 968 530 438 83 59 24 Ariiarpa't;ui (N. A. )

1.116 1,999 127 11.9!17 7 ,l50 - 4.737 2,593 2,055 538 Manlar Tahsil ;- 1,776 1,690 66 11,018 6,637 4,391 2,574 2.037 537 350 309 41 959 613 ~46 19 18 1 3~O 309 41 959 613 346- 19 ]8 ] Maihar (M) 210

IlI~R8 ~"3fTfl'l !fi1 srt'ffitlli ~"IflIr.f'''T·d~

------' ------_-._-.. ------~~ ilITlf lIiV't mr ---_------~"''l f\;tm/(l'~~ 1(rff! .~ 1f:;(~ q-,fl;"Tm. ~IJ lIi)ir ;r~ !"'If1:-'tf"!.~ lfTIfT'f1 ('Ift~ ~ ~~;r, 5IlifvIf, rtRn: ' 'iii ;rtll" iflJ~ mr~IJ~T~) II V (a) Household Industry Agricultural ( Manufacturing, Processing. Name of Labourers Servicing and Repairs) tocation District/TahsiJ! Total! r------~ Code Town/Urban- , Rurall 8Ijtim' 2;~" ~ r------""----ilffiRr ~'6ff ~ No. Agglomeration Urban Persons Males F=males Persons Males Females 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22

---~---~--- 11 ~flil<'rT 51,170 26.402 24.768 11,014 6,437 4.577 Vl,,')wr'"" 48,038 24,732 23,306 8,853 5,110 3.743 III'IR'hl 3,132 1,670 1,462 2,161 1.327 834

~,!~111'''''~ 1f~~h lIllY 26,173 13,654 12,619 4,427 2,6Jl 1,816 "JlfIGf 24,155 12,500 11 ,655 3,345 J,904 1,441 "If{tll 2,lJ8 1,154 964 1,082 707 375 mr.rr (;r .:~.) ~ 226 j46 80 448 324 124 (i) ~r (.nf.) if~1Ir 182 J19 63 428 311 117 (ii) ,¢tr (;n••. J. ;r1f~Tll 44 27 11 19 12 7 (iii) Uri ;r;r.it~ (;n.~) ;m:'hf 1 f«fq~ (';f, "'. ) ';f1T~ 447 a06 241 209 123 86 1!T~ (ar.~.) iflR,TIf 348 179 169 lS4 J 14 40 'UlI"~-'iI'll~J" (If. ~), ) ;rlJ'i'rzr 4]4 199 2]5 95 S3 42 :;l'llfTl:J (<<,~).) iflrtl'zr 683 424 259 176 93 83

2 I'I'l1iR "~ If'" )0,383 5,71)7 4,586 3,559 ).918 1.641 "T~ 10, ] 29 5,646 4.483 2,924 1,572 1,352 Iftfillf 254 151 ]03 635 346 289 IfTt(~(3( .I!.'.) ;{If'{'\'!r 150 104 46 221 136 85 '3~~('I;j".~. ) Iftrt'tll' 104 47 57 414 210 204

3 InmtzII ~ q)1\' 8,893 4,203 4,690 1,683 1,054 629 vr1fl-", 8,320 3,940 4,380 1,497 949 548 ;rlfl:'hr 573 263 310 186 lOS 81 ~lJ~!iI' (q, ~.) ifffitll' 513 263 310 186 105 8J

4 "~i'f~ Ifm 5,621 2.748 2.873 1,345 854 491 vrJfl1Jr 5.434 2,646 2,788 1,087 685 402 IfJrtN 187 102 8,'i 2S8 169 b9 ~N~.cn .) orlR\lJ 187 102 85 258 169 89 2J1

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes

Main Workers ------~ !lr.1f 'lir~ ,,'T~'Ii IIif1{ iJ rn 11fTit' f.ir<:rr /og_«rn/ '!i1:;{ crr;_:r ilIifltifi;:rY iJ'IfT./ ;rill: -~~~ IIl.IV, V(b). If.l 'Illl VI. VII, VIII, & IX X

Other W~rkers Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of -.A..__ ~ ... ,-.----~---~ r--_--..A.------"\ District/Tahsil I ';fiRr ~l!f ~ ~ ~~l!f ~ arliRr ~ m Town IUrban- persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Agglomerat ion 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

10.341 7.719 2.622 6.62.1 1,088 5.534 92,360 41,591 50,769 SatDa District 6,061 4.446 1,615 6,091 929 5,162 77,369 35,253 42,116 4,280 3,Z73 1,007 531 159 372 14,991 6,338 8,653

5,626 4.354 1272 2,729 432 2.297 45,828 20.890 24.938 Ragbura;nagar Tahsil 2,446 1,879 567 2,432 333 2,099 35,479 16,560 18,919 3.180 2.475 705 297 99 198 10,349 4.330 6,019 2,643 2,066 577 175 84 91 6,271 2.476 3.795 Satna (U . A . ) 2,462 1,932 530 167 64 83 5,844 2,309 3,535 (i) Satna (M) 111 69 42 8 8 244 100 144 (ii )Ghoordang~O.G.) 70 65 5 183 67 116 (iii) Rly. Colony (O.G.) 75 62 J 3 13 12 90\ 444 457 l3irsing"IJpur (M) 296 212 84 10 10 1,203 525 678 Madhogarh (N A.) 31 26 5 7'J 14 65 705 361 344Rampur-Bagh "lan("" A ) 135 109 26 20 20 1,269 524 745 Jait .... ara (N A )

1,405 1,096 309 1,813 )1)5 1,618 22,227 9,591 12,636 Nagod Tahsil 926 725 201 1.699 167 1,532 19,932 8,594 11,338 479 371 IDS 114 28 86 2,295 997 1,298 232 167 65 96 23 73 ] ,ODD 454 546 Nagod (N A ) 247 204 4_\ 18 5 13 1.295 54~ 752 Unchahara (N. A

882 678 206 937 240 697 12,203 5,77S 6,428 Amarplltan Talllll 756 573 183 820 208 612 11 .221 5.300 5,921 126 103 23 117 12 8; 982 475 507 126 103 23 117 32 85 982 475 507 Amarpatan (N. A

2.428 1,593 835 1.143 221 922 12,102 5.335 6,767 Maibar Tahsil 1,933 1,269 664 1.140 221 919 10,737 4.799 5,938 495 324 171 3 3 1.365 536 829 495 324 17! 3 3 1.365 536 829 Maihar (M) 212

3J,~f~ ..,f" 1li1 sr",r". QlII"!'I1Ir.f1 m~ ------ftl'f;JTI.l f'll'l'I'T /<'Tl!UTl'I' / Iitfr/ Cl'i!'J;fonr fW~¥..f;nr ~ ;Jttt/iffrHrrr..~ lTT~Uf/ 1if;j' ..,fu ~ ~::r ... tf!'T lilT ::r~

2 3 4 5 6 7

12 ~<'T;n f;; .., Il)q 31,439 157,637 80,766 76,871 ''''ifIll( 30,556 149,648 76,624 73,014 ;m:)q 1,883 7,989 4,142 3,847

~~ ... "'''~ ~"'i'I "'IT 12,182 57,734 29,704 28.030 lITlITUf 10,798 52,115 26,774 25,341 ~'hJ 1,384 5,619 2,930 2,689 ~1'I;:rT (::r. U. ) ilm:rzr 803 2,995 1,595 1,400 (i) ~HT'IT (;:r.lfT.) ;:prim 738 2,753 1,455 1,298 (ii) ~,ftr

f.rdl'~~ (;:r. 1fT • ) 'frrU'-l' 37 159 8Ci 73 ~mipliJ ('f. !If,) ~'6zr 155 684 341 343 'U~.iI"iJ~lf (ar. at.) lflJUzr 339 1,575 803 772 .rer

2 1I11ft•• r.. "'IT 5,168 26.085 13,433 12,652 lIT~rvr 5,077 25,678 13,22 12,456 if~r.. 91 407 211 196 'I,"1( (31.Ill) ~u" 7 26 18 8

3 iII"~~ !'T~ m 8,131 38,919 19,863 19,056 ~rrIlT" 7,943 38,099 19,432 18,667 il'Ifl.Tzr 111R 820 431 389 CIf1'I'~If'

4 "i!~ i1'~ IftIT 6,958 34,899 17,766 17,133 lIT1ITvr 6,738 33,756 17,196 16,560 ~mr.. 220 1,14) 570 5n lie" (;:r. ql. ) ~~r.. 220 1.143 570 573 213

Primary Census Abstract ot Scheduled Tribes ------!j;fSl{ 'filii 'fi~i!r

7,716 7,238 478 U,694 49,068 33,626 17,863 13,093 4,771 Satoa District 7,126 6,698 418 78.749 46,594 32,155 17,772 13',021 4,751 590 540 50 3,945 2.474 1,471 91 71 20

2,487 2,343 144 30.240 17,938 12,302 5,956 4,149 1,807 Ragburajnagar Tahsil 2,043 1,944 99 27,666 16,133 11,433 5,894 4,102. 1,792 444 399 4S 2,574 1.705 869 62 47 15 340 300 40 1,231 917 314 9 8 1 Satna (U .A,) 270 248 22 1,142 842 300 9 8 (i) Satna (M.) 22 22 60 53 7 ( ii)Ghoordang(O.G.) 48 30 18 29 22 7 (iii) R Iy. Colony (O.G. ) 4 4 100 51! 42 1 Birsinghpur (M) 40 3S S 273 186 87 II 10 Madhoprh (N.A.) 57 57 866 480 386 40 27 13 Rampur-Baghelan(N. A.) :3 3 10~ 64 40 1 r Jaitwara (N.A.)

1,051 1,007 44 12,260 7,944 4,316 3,231 2,790 441 Nagod Tabsil 1 ,O.H' 977 44 J 1. 999 7,803 4,196 3.229 2,789 373 30 30 261 141 120 2 2 441 13 13 I! 6 2 Nagod (N.A.) 17 17 253 135 118 2 2 Unchahara (N. A. )

1,652 1,541 lit 22,488 lZ.528 9,960 4,143 2,794 1,349 Amarpatan Tabsi J 1,620 \,509 11\ 22,003 !2,756 9,747 4,132 2,"186 -1,346 32 3~ 4R5 272 213 II 8 3 32 32 485 272 213 11 8 3 Amarpatan (N. A. )

2,526 2,347 179 17,706 10.658 7,048 4,533 3,359 1,174 Maibar Tabsil 2,442 2,26& 174 17,ORI 10.302 6,779 4,517 3,345 1,172 84 79 5 6J5 356 269 16 14 2 R4 79 5 6~5 356 . 2li9 ]() ]4 2 Maihar (M) 214

~~ :S("ilTr~ 'lfit sn .. rq ""~"Um:tfl

------I{.GlI' 'liT~--- lI)(it 1fT~ ~~ll f~m {((&mil ri'rtr/ .fu{{ 1f-ir~ Ifrronf1:'Ii mIT ifil~ ::rlf'{ (::rm:-~~~ r.rtilTfIT/ (JIliif 'liT ~rnl,(.,., siI'~f~If, ::r~ 'lit ;;T~ ;fq-Ull mfulTllT ~) II V (a) Household Industry Agri cuI tura) (Manufacturing, Processing, Name of Labourers Servicing and Repairs) Location ,---_____ .Jt...... -.---_~ Dis triet/Tahsill Totall r------~----~ Code Town/Urban- Rural! 61ltlio ~~" ~"t arm ~~ ~ No. Agglomeration Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ------2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22

t:Z mI"! fi(\II1 '1m 53,724 18,583 25,141 326 2%2 104 lJ1ftvr 51,817 27,567 %4,250 Z9) 198 93 ~"t1J 1,907 1,016 891 35 24 11

1 1:,!1:1""~ a'~"1\1f 11)'1" 19,880 10,739 9,141 131 81 so m~TIIf 18,585 10,045 8,~40 106 65 41 rrr'Ulf 1,295 694 601 25 16 9 ~ffifr (if. ~ • ) ~R 202 103 99 23 15 g (i) ant (.r.v iflf'{l1r 200 101 99 17 10 7 (ii) ~utlT (OfT. III ) ;rtrUli 2 2 2 2 (iii) 't~ IIiTI11;f) (Ofr .11l. ) ~ 4 3

mf~i!~ (".'If.) ifII"'{"Pf 9R 56 42 ~TfI)'" (Sf. &T. ) iJ1J~lT 126 69 57 ~Twr:-lf~;;rrif (ar. Ii. ) ;f1J~~ 795 424 371 ~((""'<:T (lit at.) rrrf\"~ 74 42 32 2

2 If''ll. n~"lii1' 11m 7,843 4,434 3,409 130 92 38 VT~111f 7,751 4,388 3,363 125 89 36 ::r1f'{1zr 92 46 46 5 3 2 ;:r,~l<:" (Sf. lit . ) ;:r1J

3 apr~~m ~ 17,01Z 8,734 8,178 31 25 6 1T~11!f 16,574 8,504 8,070 29 23 6 ififUzr 438 230 208 2 2 3Jlf~"te:r (31 ~. ) rrrt'ttt 438 230 208 2 2 '" ~~ 1'(~8t... .n'l" 8,989 4,676 4,313 34 24 10 Vr'l"Tvr 8,907 4,630 4,277 31 21 10 ;:rr~')zf 82 46 36 3 3 q~lif.ql.) iflf'UIf 82 46 36 3 3 2J5

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes

Maio Workers ------~ ~~ «1'1fa''Ii ~ or~;f lflW fIsrorr/~1 ~;f~ IiIil'ill'mt ;rt("(j if1n:~ III ,IV ,V(bl !liT ""' VI. VII, VIII,& IX X

Other Workers Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of r-... --..A..------.. ,.------"------.,. ,------J...------. District/Tahsil I IIZIi1Rr ~q' ~ qf.Rr ~!f ~ ~ F' ~ Town /Urban- persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Agglomerat ion 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

10,781 7,171 3,610 6,907 1,108 5,6!)9 68,036 30,490 37,546 Satna Districl 8,169 5,101 3,061 6, B49 1,194 5,655 64,050 28,836 35,214 1,9U 1,363 549 ' 58 14 44 3,986 1.654 2,332

4,173 2,969 1,304 1,835 328 1.507 25,659 11 ,438 14,121 RagburajDagar Ta&siJ 3,081 2,021 10,ObO 1,791 316 1,475 22,658 10,225 12,433 1,192 948 244 44 12 32 3,001 1,213 1,788 997 791 206 14 8 6 1,750 670 1,080 Satna (U.A.) 916 723 193 14 8 6 1,597 605 992 (i) Satna (N A.) S6 49 7 107 49 58 l ii)Ghoordang(O. G.) 25 19 6 46 16 30 (iii) Rly. Colony (O.G. ) 1 58 27 31 Birsinghpur (M) 136 107 29 41 t 155 256 Madhogarh (N.A.) 31 29 2 24 23 685 322 363 Rampur-Baghelan(N.A.) 27 20 7 5 2 3 9' 39 58 Jaitwara (N. A. )

] ,056 628 428 1,535 228 1,307 12,290 5,261 7,019 Nagod Tahsil 894 538 356 1,535 228 1,307 12,J44 5,191 6,953 162 90 72 146 70 76 3 3 18 12 6 Nagod (N.A.) 15' 87 72 f28 58 70 Unchahara (N.A.)

1,302 975 327 1,415 282 1,133 15,016 7,053 7,963 Amarpatan Tahsil 1,268 943 325 , ,402 280 1.122 14,694 6,896 7,798 34 32 2 13 2 11 32? 157 165 34 32 2 13 2 tl 322 157 i65 Amarpatan (N. A. )

4,150 2,599 1,551 2,122 370 1,752 15,071 6,738 8,333 Malbar Tahsil 3,626 2,306 1,120 2,121 370 ] ,751 14,554 6.524 8,030 524 293 211 1 517 214 303 524 293 231 517 214 303 Maihar (M) 216


~Ifi'~ '1q... ~ ~l1qur;n "" Sl'lqfqlll ~,mw

--'--~-- ._-- ._-_---_-- _----

"Ii1f f;;ror'Jflfolim ~ trier Ifi't alTllT~ qf~arru for n«1iIff (or," e'tIIT 'liT '11'11" mlil' arT

12 aq,nfar.rr 7.323.7 159.025 172,897 "',650 494,982 47J,6'8

l!~I1~ 21,381 22,203 128,633 67,419 61.214 2 u1!1,·~~n;; 27,001 28,439 166,030 83,767 82.263 3 ~~r;r.r 18,501 19,235 104,965 54,~63 50,402 4 ;rfIT~ 18,793 20,261 113.241 58,320 54,921 5 ~~1:r 14,288 15,744 89,812 46,098 43.114 6 ar~~ 17,110 19,600 108,038 54,211 53,827 7 ,r'lflftT( 15,210 11,751 91,469 49,215 48.254 8 Il~' 27,74J 29,664 158,462 81,389 11,073 217



Scheduled Scheduled Castes Tribes Literates ,---A.-----,. r----"A.--~ r--___"'__--~ ~ ~ ~ ~cil' ~" m Name of Districtl Males Females Males Females Males Females Davelopment Block: !) 10 11 12 13 14 2

83.344 79,875 76,62.. 73,024 175,227 44,875 SatDa District

11.218 10.:164 12,078 11,417 22,1'15 4,201 Majhgawan 13,521 13,230 8,644 8,033 32,510 9,294 Rampuro-Baghclan 13,746 12,864 6,052 5,891 19,928 6,004 Sobawal 13,449 12,720 4,669 4,393 20,330 5,772 Nagod 7,288 6,936 8,553 8,063 16,959 4,165 Unchahara 6,642 6,532 1,326 6,890 20,127 5,454 Amarpatan 5.823 5,781 12,106 11,777 16,534 4,247 Ramuagar 11,657 11.248 17,196 16,560 26,664 5,738 Maihar 218

L______------~------______,~ ififll" 'R;f m A ______Main Workers --__- ____ - ___ _

,- ~ 1J;n ifiTlIQifiT~ lIim~ ~ q,fwfui ~, (iIT<'I' 1Ii1;f !Rot "Ii' '3ttrJ'='f, sftur,n,. ;n;i af.n~ l:ff lro'lRI \ I-1X I II Y(aj Household Industr,. (Manufacturing, Pro­ Total Agricultural cessi ng, Servicing Name of Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Repairs) District/ ,----_...;....----.. ...------r------~ r---.A.-~ Sl. Devel()pnent ~ ~ ~ ,~..) ~" m ~1f ~ No. Block Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------~-- 12 "non ~ 158,083 120,858 133,444 40,689 '70,805 63,5'79 14,66'7 8,968

1 ;f;;(11';rt 35,114 16,465 21,8\5 7,861 8,547 7,671 938 46G 2 ·~l"lr'f.~ -orq <'I'A' 41,847 22,118 22,011 8,815 12,662 11.604 2,265 1,122 3 ~T~<'I' 28,561 11,277 1] ,143 1,843 8,369 6,454 1,953 1,619 4 .".ql~ 30,500 11,31.5 16,46.5 2.517 8,250 6,23tJ 2,683 2,037 5 ~~~ 24.2\5 "9,013 13,031 2,093 5,971 4,479 2,617 1,997 6 arq-rqwr 27,897 16,968 13,467 6,418 9,052 9,280 1,378 541 7 TT1A1r<: 26,057 13,815 13,431 4,844 7,922 7,981 1,168 450 8 ~&-: 43,R92 19.817 22,081 6,298 10,032 9,880 1,665 742 2}9



.--.--~ amrllml'~ m ~ ~T'If ;rm firm /fimtr IIII'q' 1liT1f;pa' !!IT" IJiT

Other Workers Marginal WO!"kers Non-Workers ,--____ J.,. ___~ r--.....,A..---...... ~-.A.---_.. Name of District! ~II' ~ ~ m ~II' ~ Development Males Pemale!! Males Females Males Pemales Block 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

3~, 167 7,622 7,368 34,3S2 229,531 316,458 Satna District

3,814 473 1,047 5,740 31,258 39,009 Majhgawan 4,909 577 1,008 5,367 40,912 54,778 Rampur-Bagblelan 7,096 1,361 491 2,050 25,511 37,075 Sobawal 3,102 541 961 5,086 26,859 38,510 Nagcd 2,596 444 374 2,483 21,509 32,218 Uncllahara 4,000 729 1,026 3,205 25,288 33,654 Amarpatan 3.536 600 754 3,61 g 22,404 30,761 Ramnagar 10,114 2,897 1,707 6,803 35,790 50,453 Maihar -


'J' L ..... ".~ , r :IIA'kURAJNAG~R~ ''). '<"~" "-; i NAGOD ;AMlR~A1~: l., :" :'.:' :; ~ .._' __ J

,I' . 0' o o" s


I 0


o /


200-499, 500 -999) 1000-4999, .




HIGHf k StCONDARY SCHOOL NOTE1.Vlll~Gf WITH lQ(~TION (ODE HU"8f~S 461, ~ll, nlo .~1SJ ~16.lo1i. 4H, UG 1,11, 481., ARE INClUOflllN p('LleF Sr.6.TION 1,", j us '$ JAITWARAfO'WN

H(I~PITAL, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE I ;)15PENSARY tIl,~,+ 1 VltlAIlE .... ,TlIlOtAT:ON COO! NU"8U nilS INuucrD IN MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE CENTRE. .& S,lT!M TO .... ~ MARI(O/HAT, HAOlES &,6 1. ¥lll~GI lOCAIIOIl COO! H\!"!fRS )1" l., .1, ~', 11, 11, II, lSo,ln, HO, Ill,'ln, IM,n"M,H". iloS, 2.7.1~1. Hl, !Sf, 2", U7, Ut, 211, J~l. 111,111, ioN, '01,414."19,441, ioU, '~l, loB, 414, SU, SlI,sn,;U, U'4 61i,6H, '1$, UIo, 1I1,4Iof, "',UI, Ui, 111, 116,')1, Tl'i, IGI, lU, m,H!, 171, lit AlE NOT S~OWN III T~I~ ".'-P. 10" 25'


I (




... ! l \ ... REFERENCE


VILLAGES WITH POI'ULATION SllE BELI1W 200 /'. I'" \ 200·499,500-999,1000 .. 4999,. ' 0, •• ...... 'I~ UNINHABITED VILLAGES UR8AN AREA WITH LOCATION COOt 10' STATE HI6wAY ------.IHI METALLED ROAD ..

UNMETAlLEO ROAO . / RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION; BROAD MUG!: '0°'5 RIVER AND STREAM ... TAHSilMNHA , POST OfFICE /'05T AND TELEGRAPH OFFI~E· ...... ~ ~./PTo I"" ...... ,~ POLICE STATION. IS" o if; 1 \ \~~) . .If 1111:- HICHER SECONDARY SCHOOL YILlIlI LlmlO! (0111l1li1111 " III 141 III,III,III,II~ II, W, III,III,:K ;1' ~T HOSPITAL; PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE. /TAHSll \i lII"I~11II1W. "\'.11 . DISPENSARY .. ~ L ~~ MARKET/HAT, MAOIES ... '0·,5 I art 55' 81' co' la' 20'



2 I 0 & MILES

9~S~~iii'r; I 2 lOB KILOMETRES



RIVER AND STREAM .. ,...... ~ v 0' POST OFFICE / POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFiCE ...... PO/PIO POLICE STATION ... ,.. ",'" ".,', .. "" ...... " "" P5 III o HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOl." @ 1- PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE ...... ,,' DISPENSARY" + .d. MARKET/HAT, MANDIES.. ", .. ,,' &,6

'( ~4' c NCI£ S' 1;~L~Glt ;,GO_TI(,N'N (~Of NUMBERS 'S8, 159, \75) s '" I" .,8, ,41, i, 111, 119, 191, W ARE m o \HM :~ lHIS ~HAP.

L--_+-___+- ___-l-- __----'- ···---··--,-'------_ _j______L ___ L ___L ___-l-___j 1 80' 551 81' 00' 10 20' 30' 81.' 40'

v f Nil r __ --_J~t------,_------~~~'~------_r------l40~/------r------150~1--______r-__ ------~8lll~OO~'------·,tl'---



200-499, 500-999, 1000-4999; "" '" "" o •••





RIVER AND STREAM .• " . '" ,. , "" , " . , FOREST AREA ... """.,.",·.,.



POLICE STATION, ..... " ...... PS » HOSPITAL ,PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE ,OISPENSARy"ifj, i, + MARKET/HAT '"'''' "", ,""" .. , "" ' & »


» c i

24 a 00


so' 30' 40'

1:\ ......