District Census Handbook, Satna, Part XIII-B, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Satna, Part XIII-B, Series-11 1IT11 XIII-. iI''lqUfifT ~T • sn~fqCfi mUu • \ j itr. m. p, ...-mr1q smmf-Ai ~.. , ~ ""II1'r.I'T ~qsrbr I 1981 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN (1981 Census Publications, Series 11 in All India Series will be published in the following parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Ad ministration Repo ft· Enumera tion Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation Part H-A General Population Tables Part II-B Primary Censlls Abstract Part III General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population PJrt'VIII HOllsehold Tables Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Pflrt X-A Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-c Survey Reports on sele~ ted Villages Part Xl Ethnographic Notes and speci~l studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part Xli . Census Atlas 'f .: ~'. ~aper I of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled _bos Paper J of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS !>art.XIlI-A8tB District CenSllS Handbook for each of the 45 districts in thr State, (Village and Town Dirertory and Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS "ISo Pages & Foreword i-jy Preface v-vi District Map 4 "i!~!ui aRi, Important Statistics vii 5 fiI~q1Ii fa'l:qaft Analytical Note ix-xXlvi aq'r~rt~'" fza:rqft, "!l~f"i{(f mf6' ,,', ,,~~f;m Notes & Explanations~ List of Scheduled ;sr;r:srrm .<tl' ~ (<<IT'nR), f"ilflf1 19 79 ; Castes and Scheduled Tribl's Order f~r ~;r:rJ1ll;rT ,!f~If1T lilT ~f~T~ ,," &f~ I (Amendment) ,Act, 1976, History and f~~UfTtlAi f~1:1f'JT1 Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note Tahsil Maps (; Alphabetical List of Villages 1-62 ( i ) ;~U\jfrrrr'( (f(m~ 1-13 (ii) ifr;r1'q- ~~1~ 13-20 ( iii) qlf'(fJT~ (f~~'liPl' 20-27 ( iv) 1i,'( (f~Wm 27-31 (i) R aghurajnagar Tahsil 32-44 (jj) Nagoct Tahsil 44-51 (iii) Amarpatan Tahsil SI-5S (iv) Maihar Tahsil 58-62 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 63-189 Satna District Abstract 64-67 (i) '(,!'(tGl';r'l,{ ~~~ (Q'1lr1ar) Raghurajnagar Tahsil (Rural) 68-111 (or;r,1lf) (Urban) 112-121 Nagod Tahsil (Rural) 122-147 (Urban) 148-149 (iii) !lFq~q'rC!;; t'I'~T~ (;;rr;ihr) Amarpatan Tahsil (Rural) 150-173 (;;;r~TlI") (Urban) 172-173 (iv) .q~'{ 6~ij')~ (~rrql'ur) Maihar Tahsil (Rural) 174-117 ( it-q'till') (Urban) 188-189 APPENDIX-Urban Primary Census Abstract 190-207 Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes 208-211 Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 212-21S APPENDIX-Development Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 216-·219 ~ilT ~rroif ~r~r ~T;;zr ~~;rnT Cfi1 qh: ~ ~ltif~ff 01 fiJI''' 'iTT f.rificff1f VTII' it \Rei ~ferm i'Cffli!J t, oT 'l"~ f~ GI';rIfVT;rf ~ffaltiT ~~;rT Cfjr 'tlfi il'11l~ ,,~ t , ra 'iTT iI'ffi't" I V1lr f.lifwifiT iti tfiT'fl ifi) ~or: tim ifi~~ fiifflT \;!';rIfOJiFT if~!ifiT cr.r zrl;;rilT fiflffa11r1, smr~ifff. 6'1fzr ~r1ftur Ii" if ""'fig" U'1ffiI' ~taf,ifi ,;fiJvm1. fm­ fcrirm ~" ~~&Ti'f cr.m,,1 iii) il'T~-iI'r~ IITcrWItiffT ~mr ifi1; ~f.. anrll1"l~ 'If'f ""zrTIf ~1 fif.~ifr it; erR it IR'j~ t I Ill'll iI'1'ffi it; ~rlf -"Tif ~U' 2;f~itiT Cfjr "q1f)rr fiJ;;rf:qil CillTIJifi II"~ ~Tfcr~ ifi~if ~ ~ II"TWT <r.T iifrffT t fifi ~~ eim it; 1tfur'No=f, ~rilN ~~T iii fi'ftTRUf IJTh ~h'fzr II'T~~)~~~ If);srrrr ~ Q"r;;r'~1fiffi" q-h ~T ~) "iliqT I ~d llT\1ilni' il'i'fM' it \ft fifi1fT ;;rrm ~ I 2f~ $f~!ifiT f;sr~ snrr"" rr m f'iTi'fTIf af~l it lfTi5I'i'fr i.fllR cr.~~ it "~T2fffT firnIT1 'if\IIT~ it 'If) U'~zrif\' ~)a1 ~ I f;;mT ;;r;rIJUfilr ~fffflifir ia1 'til\' !IlfiJ~ II'T~ ~1~ ~"T~l ifiT 1ft fcrRlIflfa m ,,1"{ ferCfiffl -1fT"l' it"'r srif\'JQI'if t f~~ 1frmvr &f"l'T" V-llr f'a~ alii iti srf~lIr if aPrT2f 1R"~~~i'f lIf) ifill 1Ii~i't if 'iTT U'~lffiT f~lT) , ~ 5Jt~lt\' i'fIJ~N ~~ it; 'nt cr~ 5lTWff1fCfj i5Tifrrorifr U'R ~ ~wTfll~ ;:~",ff'f ·!IlTer"lJifiCl'T 1f.p,f"'!If.1f !til fQ IJTTar'lI'lfiarliY trf'Cfj, "q'\II'ifl ~1W ~ I ~tfif ~1 'fh iflf~1 "Iff: it ~it1 ifi) im t mit ~~Tac:r GfTififir~T ifiT f~ ;rf 1I'i" arT,T Iff 'frcrnlfi ~f,nnlJTl it; il'1=t if 'iTT iifTi'flifirU fir~~ t I t I ~ Off lf~' ~ : sr1l fwerT ~~, srT'I'f1{!f: ~qr~zr"""q' ifi';:r ""I- if WT~;:Tfzrifi ~crT~ar ifiTliifimw1 q:;jf",cr lf~j ~ ,,~er fiil'm ~lI'1ITilT ~f~ifiT ;t't "i~Tt;TT ifir srT~J:" 1951 "i.it~zr iifi) ElITrr if ncrff !'t 'fT1f frrlfw~T it i5T~T IflfJ t I Cfjl aA,(UfilT if fifittT '(1fT II'T I ~it f;sr~ if; ~ ,,)1; m!fi fifitfr "fer it IJTTif -iiTTi't iii ~Tt1orl it; il'T=t if iii) rrzrr lI'if "'~r i'fIJ~ CfjT STl1lfir'fi ~ilT U'I"{ iIl)~ ar;:rIT1JTi'fT ifi11f~~"'1vi lT2fr t i'U'CfjT II"f'lf5rrzr fiJl'~ it; ""' ~Tif) lliT ;srrorifir {T 't;pf'lfa U'RfVI1Jt '111 1961 ~ f:l~ri'f f;;r~r 31itqUJi'fT ~ffa'fir 'fi~or') ~ f;;rU'it llTTifT iJl'Ti'fT iI'~ ififoi'f t IR"qr(l' iilT IlIJ1=If t I ~ fCl"~." lfir f.f~T~ flfizrT Illfr I ~U'it fiJl'~ lfif Pr~({a 't'fi orlfT ifir~'f ":tJ~ iiA~~~r lilt "f~crr~) ifir ~zrT" iii) illm, SntT"rifCfj U'~'f. GfflqUfifr ~nfOrzrt ~R: S1T"mlfi ll~ I'm ifi'~ it; f~~ ijJ~T qlfT t f'fi 'lor%; liT" ~ iJl'i'ft,q-r ;sr;rll1Tifr U'T~ Ifi) fJffl"rCfj~ 1fTif Ilh flIT ~ fiJifu1f T'it wrfJl~ m: qf~;;r~ ~.lf' fllia"ll t !IlR ~if; llf~U'R fific:roU '1f.nlT~ ~ Iff I 1971 cf.\' f~r iJl'ifITUfifT ~ffffitiT if,''f ~'fr~1 Cfj) aTif ,,«r~'i~ ~ I ~) 'ill' q-flfwlia' ~'h: ;;r)~ q't. t f;;rorit ~ ~iIi 'frql it il'TZT rrllr II'r I Cfj-'nq if ~rq ~h ifrr~ fi'fifWifiT, i'if 1frm ifi' arr=t if '\iI'~t ifi)f ~f;;ra-r \i'IWilT it(\' ~ 61fT 18':''lfrlT if ~T1f ,,1~ flrr~ ifir srrqfi:rcp iififqUforr "H ~"t~ ~U'~1, ,;~ \iTii~ijlTT t 1R"~"r(l' if "'"!~f~a ;;rTf6 1Il~ "'~. IT -mlf it f;;rt~~vrT~Sfifi f~q-"'tt, 5rWrnR'fi "tftlfifil, f\iTWT 'If'ifi'l' ;;rrr.rf6 'liT iiJrf~'5zrT ~ ~;;fftrn ~ I ;sr;rlTlJfilT U'T~flJf2fT I srrlff'fCfj \iforrrlJf'ir "~lH qrtlrf1:ff f~ fcr'~l!I'orTc:1Rl f~,,)i t;Tl. ~rifl ~ trJ=t if erji[T '3'lf'fia" ~fcfaTJ.T1 i'fll~ frri{fwn iti 'l.Tlii it '1'1 !~ ~w)tl'i'T flli't q't ~ it, 1JTAi' ~rfir~ tf I fflfrf" , ffJ ~r"lf1 it ~"if it.,,~ fiJl'~T f;;rU'~ fifi !J~ if<f'i it; il'T~ it \il'Ti'flfiT'{"'t f'fi1 "iti q)~ "9;ola'f ;;rOfITVTorr U'T~fUr2fT '11 ~T qf "" I ~ ~~ 'iT'f1f~ 'r iJI'~T qlfi~ '1i'~ ~'VT if hT frTi't ~ 'llfa ~f~aifiT srifirfwa ~) srTar'2flfoaT ifiTll'lfiif CfjT II"fCr'1I!f>i'I'11IT !f.T iRr ~T "~I m or.) ElfTif it tWff W't ~1-I ~orT-lI iti 'fi~ifr llir ,,~1 ifi') ITt I "i\m rr~) il'f~alJ1.it 'irrrf~if,' II"R !Il;:1f ,;fcramr ifi" <rT7: it Q;'f 198 1 'fir fiJl'~J Gfi'fITVT;;r '_!ffa'f.T if; 'lint ~1fT~ if,'1:a orllT f.If~Uf (f;;rcr~Q)' -IV iii) or~T ITIfT ~ I IJTJWT CfjT 3fRT'j ~1flt i'Tif .n~ rrllT forifwilfir ifi' q;llif it f~ 'iQ; 1fiT~1I' t fCfj ~n srTCff iJl'T'i'fiRT iIlTltTiJI''F1 <til q;:tit orf~ijlit ~ ~"'" ;;r~~ ,,;:~ f'li~ ~ lfllTt f~T rr~r I ,,<fa' q;A iI';;M U''f2f to mlr Cfjnt'!lJiif i.f2fT~ Cfj~if if U'gzrTrr ~q'j I ~"T ~rij ~ 19 7 J it; IJTt~1 IfiT !!\'I'orT~ 1fifia'r cr.)' ,:fT f;2f Tor if ~"'T 1f14r '''Ttl if ~ff 6''t i'fTifftifi 1JT1~ !Il;:q' ~q"rlJTl ~ orR it II ~T1fl it ftri5l'\'I'') ifi') IlT'!Ya if; ~ ~nT il'Tifii' "q-~it1 U''Ift' fCA"" IV if .;rl~f.;rij \il'Tmzr-TIR"1t q-~"f~a .... rr;srrfa2fl ~ ~fifalli'f ifif ~'f f.rifwifir it t~ ~2~W iti m'i R"'lTT ITlTT ~arfac:r Cfj~'f v~ fif;;r~-V if wf~'fi ~fGJ"TUT if; atff~ff t fCfj Iff;: 'tiff ferfwlia' ~fq"TT fcr."T i'T1f it aq;:;riv if~ t 51'1, ffT~r 1iIi~~ I if;;:il"l iti err~ if 1I";:2f il'ra'i ~ ~TI!Hnq ii 1Ii~1f .:sir~ IJ~ ~. I ;:rq'~ f;:rci'f!!TIliT it ~ilfi Ife{~cr~aj fetlfiITr Ifr IJ'lt ~ f'iTij'q fqf1JriJ (iJfIc a-rftflJflrt ij'f;Jf~CI' ~ q'~ar~;:r ~'1T m«T fqcr~vrT if <!'ifi IliT ,-,vr'l iti. orrt if ~ I ar) srTlIIflfifi \JI'iI''lQfiJT ~n: 'l"R "ill ~fcnTmT t· «arTa-a rn iti ;:rr("~n.r ~'li(T, it ;a-~i:r Q'taf'(<fi ~fqa-T'1'r <!'iT: .
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