District Census Handbook, Satna, Part XIII-A, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Satna, Part XIII-A, Series-11 lIltT XI1I-Cfi • • 1 ~. m. ~i, l I "fm(lq SI'~,,,f.f1fi ~"T i ~ iiJOIllVfff' I 'It-11' srnt I 1981 cENsas-PUBLlCATION PLAN (1981 Census Publi~Qtions, Series 11 in All India Series will be published in the following parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Ad ministration Repo rt- Enumera tion Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation P-art n ...:A General Population Tables Part U-B Primary Census Abstract Part 111 General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tanles Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VIII Household Tables Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part X-A Town Directory Part X-B . Survey Reports on selected Towns Part x-C Survey RepoFts on sele~ted Villages Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Schedultd Castes and Sched uled Tribes Part XTJ . Census Atlas Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Sched~lled Castes and,Scheduled Tribes Paper 1 of 1984 HOllsehold Population by Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLlCATIONS Part XIlI-A&B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 districts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) f~~~~ CONTENTS '{GQ W&I1T Pages 1 SIt"'fi"''' Foreword i-iv 2 sr,",,",,,, Preface v-vi 3 fiil~ "" ;mfT District Map 4 q~tCl1!.qf." Important Statistics vii 5 fcr~QV(rt~ fC!'tq'1'T Analytical Note ix-xnviii alfT~tI'T~l1Cfi fC'cqoit; ~,!~f"'ij' \ifTfij' ~T<:: ~~~f"{ij' Notes & Explanations; List of Scheduled ,;;r;:r~Tfu 'fir \I:"f1 ( «wTS"rr ) ~ fq~ll"'fi 1 9 76: Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order f::sr~T ~qlJ{;rT ~ftij''flT <fiT ~fij'~Ht IR"~ &i~ I (Amendment) Act, 1976. History and fcrll~qur Tt'l1'fl fCCq'llfT Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note \ Q~r~l of." ;;"'~ Tahsil Maps 6 ~~ !IIi - VTq f",if~, Section I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-336 (1) cruT'!!il1Tiij'T<:: «Tq1 'fiT ~:otr Alphabetical list of Villages (i) r,!<::r::sr;:;IT'~ Q{IDi>!' 3-15 (ii) rrTlT"~ ~ij'T\1 15-22 ( iii) ~q\q'rc;r (.'f~ij'1\1 22-29 ~ (iv) JT~'t ('f;rij')~ 29-33 (i) Raghurajnagar Tahsil 34-46 (jj) Nagod Tahsil 46-53 (iii) Amarpatan Tahsil 53-60 (iv) Maihar Tahsil 60-64 ( 2) Q,q f"imifiT if ~"'" f",q q.q "~r." iti Notes Explaining the IICodes" used 65-67 ~~ ~ fa'tQ'1'l in the Village Directory. ( 3 ) Q,q r"if'miT Village Directory 68-277 ( i ) ~'tT~ ff~~m Raghurajnagar Tahsil 68-155 (ii) ;rrfil{ ff~~T~ Nagod Tahsil 156-105 ( iii. ) ar~q'fG;; ff~~1t? Amarpatan Tahsil 206-251 (iv) ~{( ff~~ Maihar Tahsil 252-277 ( 4 ) qr"{f~ 1- ~h.tflJf'li I f:'tf<fi~ij'T ~<i q'rll' Appendix 1- Tahsilwisc.Abstract 278-281 ~f;nnlltr lliT o~ij'r~qT"{ ij'T~ of Educational, Medical and other amenities ( S) qf'(~ 2- ;f"{-if'f~'nftrifiT if1T"{T (;;:rrr1TlJfifT Appendix 11- Land utilisation data 282 if'f"{) if ~flF ~q'lI'Tq ~.r~r Ilt!fi' in respect of Non­ MUnicipa·1 Towns (Census Towns) (6) qfd~,~ 3- ~TliT iiii' ~~qT<: ~:q1- ~, Appendix III- Tahsilwise list of 283-291 W!ffflJf'fi, f'iff'fi(ij'T I GT'fi if oT,(. Villages where no ~T:srT"{/~Tc if; f({if lI'T f~rrr it' Educational, Medical, rrTll, ~"'T~ a~T fGf:sr~1 ifii' Post & Telegraph, Day IlTlffij Cfii' ~fqQ"T~' ~q~;~ rr~l ~ or Days ofMarket/Hat, Communications and Power supply facilities are available (7) qf~~ 4- ~ ;;:rrr~lI'T it q'~~f:qa lSfrfalfT Appendix IV- Li,st of Villages 292-330 ~ci q'~~f=cra ;;:rrr - :srTfQ'lI't it' according to the ~uri'<JT~ q':!tfTa ~ q':!~T"{ ~i'iT proportion of Sche- 'iii' ~:qi' duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by ranges 7 'Ii ••- "q"{ f"if~' Section II-TOWN DIRECTORY 331-352 (1) rr1T"{ f.:rif~ifiT it ~qll'TtT f'fi1l tT1:t '<fiT'6' ~ Notes explainin,g the "Codes" used ~;;fa' if fcctf1JTi' in the Town Directory 332-335 (2) fq~-l srf~llffa ~cf <{f;i[ ~f~Tij' , Statement 1- Status and Growth History 336-337 (3 ) fGl'<r~Gf-2 srTiifa'fi ~q~tf allfT if1T~1 ifiT Statement 11- Physical Aspects srH:llff(f, 19 79 and Location of Town~ 1979. 338-339 (4) fcrq~-3 ;:r;r<:q'Tr~'fiT fq~ , 1978-79 Statement 111- Municipal Finance, 1978-79. 340-341 (') flll'llI''t171' -4 rrTqf~'fi 9;[1t q-rll ~f<f9'Tq , Statement IV- Civic and other 1978-79 Amenities, 1978-79. 342-343 (6 ) fqq~lJf.,.4 Cfi qnl~f:q(f q;:eft iff~ijll'l if ;:rTtTf~<fi Statement IV-A-CiviI and other amenities 11th q-;:li' .~fqa-T.q:, 1979 in Notified Slums 1979 344-345 (7) f<flJ<:lJf-5 f"ffCfitm, if&rq;, 1t;:rl~:sr;:r ~<i Statement V- Medical, Educational, ut~'lo"faq; ~fq~p:r', 1979 Recreational and Cul- tural Facilities, 1979 346-349 (8 ) fqq~lJf-6 cll"TtfH , crrPrr'SlJ' , :a-UTtT q'n: Statement VI- Trade, Commerce, oif1.fitT, I 9 71.) Industry and Banking,1979' 350-351 8 qf'(f",,~~-;:riJ<:llt GfTW'!f:ij eli.'t ~ Appendix-Towns showing their ~rcr :srrr~lill"r Outgrowths with population 352 ~'fT ~tTO<r C:T~r ~Ti'ill' ~ !fit 'In ~ «!fif~ 0) fiif'l' 'TT fOfCfieerli VTli it ia'Iftf ~f.fm ~iiifl ~j I!J) ~'I'~ f\ilm Qf'f~ 2;f~OCfiT GfOftJ1lTifT ifiT ~if) crl1J:~ ~i!l t , ~u 1ft ~. I tmr f.tifWifiT iF qinrl1fiT r-r: am iIl1:ij' ~T ;;r'f~Of'fT ~f~<fiT !fiT If);;r;rr A1ffaNT, smr«~, tilfll' i'TliTur i~ it ia'~U ~ qkrf~ ~fCi'f:lmT, fm­ flfifT'ff !If'tt 9;{~~m rrnfm iii) if~-ifT'( mcr~T ~~ ~ ~f<fanrT $l'h 'J:fli ia'1fll')~ 2li1 f~f1rT it; Grit it m t: I ~ ifTffT ifi 8'f'!'-«1"f ~«~mAiT <liT ia'~)tT frrlfi:q'f cll'Tq'Cfi $l'~ ~Tfq~ !fi~ ~ lit $Trwr !fiT i3JT0f t f.f; i~~ ~rif it; IffurT1fif, ~T;:fl<r ~r{T ifi f;;~ur !lf1~ &l~'fll' "T~~)~~rlf lfTiif'fT ct'I IlmlfillClT q-1-.: ,;~1 ~ g'ifi~ I ~~ lI'T\ififTi ifi'fR it 1ft fiifilfT ;;rrm ~ I lI'i{ 2;ffirCliT fi3J~T srwrW'f 'f it;~ flliT'frlf ef~T it lfTii(;rr ~lm: ~~ it g'~Tqm flrnl'ft ~Tit it 'q'j ij"&flr!fi ~)Cn ~ I f'iAT ~ur'fr ~ft:a'!fiT @ ~!fi qf!ls "T~ ~h ~Cfml 'liT 1ft fCff.rzrflRr ~ ~,.~ fCf<tiTg' 1fT"r ~«T Sl !fiTWif .~ f~~ iT~ ~'!:fT ~ ~nr fo~ 02li it; m~T it er.rr~ q«S~iI am 'li1{ iIl~if' if 'TT ij"~TlfffT f~q-, I ~ srt~<fi iftT~r~ &l~ ifi !fri qR: SlTCff1{<fi GI";;tTOf'fT ~~ it; ~!!I1fuer i'~i'f(f1f 'lTcmr!fieJT 'fiPi~1{ 'fiT 1J~ qTq~lf'fierI"'T 1I't!fi~ ia'~!1 ~Ta ~ I ~ij"it m'll 'fR iftT~T !lftf<=" it ~Gf:l 'fiT ~m ii; ~ ~;,fff:lO iifTi'f<fir~T CfiT f~ ;:r'f 1f~ \if~ ~f ~fflft<fi ~fcra1!1fT ifi iiTTt if 'if) arFfCfiT~T f~O''f ~ I t I ~ Off 1f~. ~ : sr~ fu~n if;;::rr, Sl"r"lfw. ~CfT~~~ -ia'1f if;~ ~rJrT if ~~i{Jf~ ~qTfq CfiTl{Cfim"'T ~cr'fQ'O' 1{'ll <fiT ia'ifer f;m;rr 'SA''I"lllifr '!ffoCfiT Cfi'f ~~~t1iT <fir 5TT~~'iI" 1 951 ia'i.~!l~ 'liT E~T;; if ~a- QI1; 'JTlf fil.t"fW<fiT it ;;r)~ 'T~ ~ I ;;r;{tTurrrT it f'fil:fT ifll'T ~T I ~it fi3J~ ~ Sl~'fi M1{ ~h iii" fCfi~r TJ"T<r if 'fTit-\iiIif' ~ ~rf:l'fl ~ iiTT~ if ijfT 'f~T lI'<: i5T)~' i{tf~ <fiT 5TfiTflf'fi ;;rrrtTurrrr ~T~ m~ \iI;;rTJ1JI''fT 'fi'f lf~c<r~qf TJ"lI'T ~ ia'~CfiT ",f'lsrTlf fi3J~ ifi ~iI ~flf) iIlT iifT'f'lir it I1;Cfif~O' ~RfVrll't "11 I 196 I ~ <="hT'f fi3r~T \ilrrtTorifT 2;ffO'CfiT <fi~i'fT ~ fi3J~it mifT \ilT;;T <r~er Cfifo"f ~ 'f"lTer ;arT 'l~lI' ~ I ifi fqliT~ ~3f . ~ f.fttlT~ fCfill'T ITlI'T I sij"it fi3J~ 'fiT fCffC{O' t:t'fi if~T CfiT~1{ H~ ;;r;r~~~T ~ qf~ql~l <fi) ~lI'J" <fit iiil:fro. srwT~frrOfi mfull'lfiT, \iI'ftT1Jf'fT ~T~furll'T ,,'h: SfTf;fPrif; lI'~ ~m iIl~if' if: full" i3J)~T 'T~T ~ fCfi ia''fii; TJTCf 0fi1 i3J'f~~~T ;;r"f1J1JI'i'fr ~T~ Cfi) flf~TCfi~ i'J1{ 'fR ilq-~ frrifuif.T 1fT Wrfil~ m~ IfrorR ~~lfT f'tier""" ~ ,,)1: ia'i{it; "'~~~ f<ii~;ft ~f.rflT~ 'fiT rrf I 1971 <fif fi3J~T i3JifTJur'fT ~fO'Of;T Cff ~~r'fT 'lil O')'f ia'q\>rii!f ~ , cr) if~ Iff~fw~e ~h: \iI)~ ~11; ~ fi3J'fq- ~ t::!;,iIl 'fliTT it &l'TeT TJ"l:fT ~r I <ti-'fTtT it ~Tlf 'fh ilTJ"~ f.:rifW'fiT, ia"f ~T;ff it; iiTFt it ~ i3J5T iIlTf !!fCferT ia'Cf~U" 'f&1 ~ O'IIiT lSI'-'fflT it ~J1{ ~1~ 'fif~ <fiT srTQf1:r<ii \iI'fifUJ;;T ij"H: 'fR ~ij"~1, ~~ i3Jif~~~T ifi v;r~Ter it ~~f'qo iifTfO' m"{.
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