Vindhya Pradesh, Report and Subsidiary Tables, Part I, Vol-XVI

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Vindhya Pradesh, Report and Subsidiary Tables, Part I, Vol-XVI CENSUS OF INDIA. 1951 Volum.e XVI VINDHYA PRADESH PAltTI Report and Subsidiary Tables .0.1. N. K. DUBE, M.A., Superintendent of Census Operations, Vindhya Pradesh PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE LAW PUBLISHING HOUSE, ALLAHABAD IN 1957. PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS, DELHI. NOTE 1. Census of India, 1951, Volume XVI, for Vindhya Pradesh, is divided into the following parts : Part I-Report and Subsidiary Tables Part II-General Population, Age, Social and Economic Tables Part I II-District Census Handbooks 2. The Administrative Report is in two parts : Part I-Enumeration (The Enumeration Procedure-Training of Staff-The Census Questionnaire and details of putting it across to the People-The National Register of Citizens) Part II-Tabulation ~~~==~~-----~:----~~~----~----------~r~ til l;-" ~I e ( en uJ 'U I ~ n uJ ~ • P• aI~ ... VI z . .. "0 a::: " s ~ ;z .. " uJ ~ IJ,.. z .... "w t •% 0 • t! , < ,. i :i UJ ). 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C'f CONTENTS PAGES :Y1ap ,9f V1T!dhya Pradesh Frontispiece INTRODUCTION 1-4 CHAPTER I-GENERAL POPULATION SECTiON' l..........preliminary Remarks 5-15 SECTION 2-General Distribution and Density 16-20 , , 'c SECTION 3-Growth of Population 21-23 SECTION ~ovemeDt of Population 24-31 SECTION 5-Natural Increase-Births and Deaths 32-38 t, , SECTION 6-Livelihood Pattern .. 39-41 SECTION 7-Concluding ReHlI~rk8 , I- III 42-43 CHI\PTER II -RURAL POPULATION SECTION 1-Preliminary Remarks 45 SECTION 2-General Distribution and Distribution among Villages Classified by Size of Rural Pop4lation 46-47 SECTION 3-Growth of Population 48-49" SECTION 4-MQvernent of Population 50-53 SECTION 5-Natural Increase~Births and Deaths 54-58 SECTION 6-Livelihood Pattern .. 59-62 63-64 .-; , SECTION 7-Concluding Remarks CHAPTER III-URBAN POPULATION 65-70 SECTION 1-Preliminary Remarks SECTION 2-General Distribution and Distribution among Towns Classified by Size of Urban Population 71-72 73-74 SECTION 3-Growth of Population' 75 SECTION 4-Movement of population 76-77 ~ECTION 5-Natural Increase-Births and Deaths 78-80 SECTION 6-Livelihood Pattern .. 81-84 SECTION 7-Concluding Remarks ,. :::HAPTER IV-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES I SECTION 1-Preliminary Remarks SECTION 2-Agricultural Population Ratios SECTION 3-Relative Proportions of different Agricultural Ctitsses; co:'relat~d' to Distribution of Land in Agricultural Ho16inglJ of different sizc;s 94 4-Livelihood Class I-Cultivators of Land wholly or mainly owned SECTION 95-96 and their D~pendents SECTION 5-Livelihood Class II--Cultivators of land wholly ot mamly unowned and their Dependents . ' '; . ' .• 97-98 99-100 SECTION 6-Livelihood C~ss III--Cultivating labourers and th~ Dependemts SECTION 7-Livelihood Clak IV-Non-cultivating owners of Cultivable Land; Agricultural l\ent Receivers and their Dependents .. Ibl-l02 l03~105 SECTION 8-Active and Semi-active Workers in Cultivation \ . t06-L117 SECTION 9-Progress of Cultivation co-related to Growth of Gtmeral Popillatibn i 118-123 SEcTION la-Concluding aemarb CONTENTS PAOES CHAPTER V-NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES SECTION 1-Preliminary Remarks 125 SECTION 2-Non-agricultural Ratios;. Se!f-supporting Persons and Dependents; Secondary Means of LIvelihood of Non-agricultural CIllS8es 126-136 SECTION 3-Emp]oy~rs, Emp~oyees and Independent Workers; and Employ- ment In Factones and Small Scale Industries 137-140 SECTION 4-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified 141 SECTION 5-Mining and Quarrying 142 SECTION 6-Processing and Manufacture-Food stuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof 143-144 SECTION 7-Processing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof 145-146 SECTION 8-Processing and Manufacture-not elsewhere specified 147-148 SECTION 9-Construction and Utilities 149 SECTION 10-Commerce 150-151 SECTION II-Transport, Storage and Communications 152-153 SECTION 12-Health, Education and Public Administration 154 SECTION 13-Services not elsewhere specified 155--156 SECTION 14-Concluding Remarks 157 CHAPTER VI-FAMILIES, SEXES AND PRINCIPAL AGE- GROUPS SECTION I-Preliminary Remarks 159 SECTION 2-Territorial Distribution of Houses and Households 160-163 SECTION 3-Size and Composition of Family Households 164-169 SECTION 4-Sex-ratio 170-175 SECTION 5-Marita1 Statu. Ratios 176-177 SECTION 6-Infants Aged 0 178 SECTION 7-Young Children Aged 1-4 179~180 SECTION 8-Boys and Girls Aged 5-14 181-183 SECTION 9-Young Men and Women Aged 15-34 184-186 SECTION 10-Middle-aged Persons Aged 35-54- 187-189 SECTION 11-Elderly Persons Aged 55 and over 190-191 SECTION -12-Concluding Remarks 192-193 Subsidiary Tables 1ST SERIES 1 "I-Area and Population, Actual and Percentage by T'\luk or Tehsil density 196-197 1· 2-Vari.ation and Density of General Population 196-197 1 -3-1\lean Decennial Gro~th Rates during Three Decadel tgeneral Population) 198-199 1 ·4-Immigration 200-201 1 ·5-Emigration 202-203 1 ·6 -Migration between the States and other parts o.£:.... ia 204 .. ",\ 1 ·7-Variation in Natural Population .. '.. 204 1 ·8-Livelihood Pattern of General Population 204 2ND SERIES 2· 1-Distribution of Population between Villages 205 2·2-Variation and Density of Rural Population 205 2·3-Mean Decennial Growth Rates during T'~ee Decades (Rural ~pulation) 206-207 2 ·4-Livelihood Pattern of Rural Population 208 CONTENTS ix PAGES 3RD SERIES 3 ·l-Distribution of Population between Towns •• 209 3 ·2-Variation and Density of Urban Population 209 3 ·3-Mean Decennial Growth Rates during Three Dec~des (Urban Population) 210-211 3 ·4-Towns Classified by Population 212 3· 5-Cities-Chief Figures., 212 3 ·6-Number per 1,000 of the General Population and of each Livelihood Class who live in \I'owns 213 3 ·7-Livelihood Pattern of Urban Population 214 4TH SERIES 4·1-Agric\lltural Classes per 1000 persons of General Population-Number in each Class and Sub'~class of 10,000 pers~ns of all Agricultural Classes; and comparison with Agricul­ tural Holdings by Size 215 4·2-Livelihqod Class I (Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependents)­ Num17er per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class I in each Sub-class; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class I 216-217 4 ·3-Livelihood Class II (Cultivators of land wh~Ny or mainly unowned and their dependents)­ Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class II in each Sub-class; Secondary Means 'of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class II 218-219 4 ·4-Livelihoo'd Class III (Cultivating labourers and their dependents)-Number per 10,000 persons, of Liv¢lihood Class III in each Sub-class; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class III 220-221 4·5-Livelihoo:d Class IV (Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers and their dependents)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class IV in each Sub-class; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class IV 222-223 4·6-Active lind S'emi-active workers in Cultivation 224-225 4·7-Progress of Cultivation during Three Decades 226-227 4·8-Components of Cultivated Area per Capita during Three Decades 228 4·9-Land Area per Capita (1951) and Trend of Cultivation per Capita during Three Decades .• 228 5TH SERIES 5 ·l-Non-agricultural Classes lJer 1,000 persons of General Population; Number in each Class and Sub-class per 10,000 persons of all Non-agricultural Classes; and Number of Em­ ployers, Employees and Independent Workers per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Non-agricultural Classes J •• '. 229 5 'l(A) Non-agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of Rural Population; Number in each Class and Sub-class per 10,000 persons of all Non-agricultural Classes; and Number of Em­ ployers, Employees and Independent Workers per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Non-agricultural Classes 230 5 ·1 (B) Non-agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of Urban Population; Number in each Class and Sub-class per 10,000 persons of all Non-agricultural Classes; and Number of Em­ ployers, Employees and Independent Workers per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of all Non-agricultural Classes . .• . •• . ., 231 5 ·2-Livelihood Class V (Production other than cultivation)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class V in each Sub·class; Number per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class V who are Employers, Employees and Independent Workers; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class V 232-233 5·3-Livelihood Class VI (Commerce)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VI in each Sub-dass ; Number per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VI who are Employers, Employees and Independent Workers; Secondary Means of Liveli­ hood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VI 234-235 5 ·4-Livelihood Class VII (Transport)-Number per 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VII in each Sub-class; Number per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VII who are Employers, Employees and Independent 'Vorkers; Secondary Means of Liveli­ hood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VII 236-237 5·5-Livelihood Class VIII (Other services and miscellaneous sources)-Number per 1 0,000 per­ sons of Livelihood Class VIII in each Sub-class; Number per 10,000 Self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VIII who are Employers, Employees and Independent Workers; Secondary Means of Livelihood of 10,000 persons of Livelihood Class VIII 238-239 5·6-Comparison of the Classification of the Population by Livelihood Classes at the 1951 and 1931 Censuses . •. • • . • •• 240-241 5·7-Territorial Distribution of 10,000 Self-supporting persons of All Industries and Services in the State (By Divisions) • • • • .
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