Evaluation of the CAP Measures Applicable to the Wine Sector

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Evaluation of the CAP Measures Applicable to the Wine Sector Evaluation of the CAP measures applicable to the wine sector Case study report: Spain – La Rioja Written by Agrosynergie EEIG Agrosynergie November – 2018 Groupement Européen d’Intérêt Economique AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate C – Strategy, simplification and policy analysis Unit C.4 – Monitoring and Evaluation E-mail: agri-evaluation@ec.europa.eu European Commission B-1049 Brussels EUROPEAN COMMISSION Evaluation of the CAP measures applicable to the wine sector Case study report: Spain – La Rioja Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development 2018 EN Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone boxes or hotels may charge you). LEGAL NOTICE The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://www.europa.eu). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 Catalogue number: KF-06-18-315-EN-N ISBN: 978-92-79-97414-4 doi: 10.2762/79678 © European Union, 2018 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Images © Agrosynergie, 2018 EEIG AGROSYNERGIE is formed by the following companies: ORÉADE-BRÈCHE Sarl & COGEA S.r.l. 64 Chemin del prat Via Po 102 31320, Auzeville FRANCE 00198 Roma ITALIE Tel. : + 33 5 61 73 62 62 Tel. : + 39 6 853 73 518 Fax : + 33 5 61 73 62 90 Fax : + 39 6 855 78 65 Email: t.clement@oreade-breche.fr Email: fantilici@cogea.it Represented by: Represented by: Thierry CLEMENT Francesca ANTILICI This case study was carried out by the following Oréade-Brèche experts: Pierre Milliard, Juliane Papuchon and Lyse Alexandre. Table of contents 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE WINE SECTOR IN LA RIOJA ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY AREA .......................................................................................... 1 1.2 MAIN WINE PRODUCTS IN THE REGION .............................................................................................. 1 1.3 AREAS AND WINE PRODUCTION EVOLUTION, STRUCTURE OF THE PRODUCTION ............................................ 2 1.4 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS AND STAKEHOLDERS OF THE WINE SECTOR IN LA RIOJA ........................................... 5 2. THEME 1: NATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAMMES ............................................................................................. 8 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................ 8 2.2 EFFECTS ON THE NSP AT THE LEVEL OF GROWERS ............................................................................... 14 2.3 EFFECTS OF THE NSP AT THE LEVEL OF PRODUCERS AND PRODUCTS ........................................................ 21 2.4 EFFECTS OF THE PROMOTION MEASURE ........................................................................................... 26 2.5 EFFECTS OF THE INFORMATION MEASURE ......................................................................................... 32 2.6 EFFICIENCY OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE NSP ................................................................................. 33 2.7 COHERENCE OF THE NSP ............................................................................................................. 42 2.8 RELEVANCE OF THE NSP ............................................................................................................. 45 2.9 EU ADDED VALUE AND SUBSIDIARITY .............................................................................................. 49 3. THEME 2: SCHEME OF AUTHORISATIONS OF VINE PLANTINGS .................................................................... 51 3.1 SYNTHESIS OF THE LITERATURE ...................................................................................................... 51 3.2 SYNTHESIS OF THE INTERVIEWS ..................................................................................................... 51 3.3 CONCLUSION OF THE EXPERTS ....................................................................................................... 53 4. THEME 3: WINE PRODUCTS DEFINITION, RESTRICTIONS ON OENOLOGICAL PRACTICES AND AUTHORISED WINE GRAPE VARIETIES ......................................................................................................... 54 4.1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AT MEMBER STATE AND REGIONAL LEVEL ......................... 54 4.2 COMPETITIVENESS DISTORTIONS DUE TO SPECIFIC RULES ON OENOLOGICAL PRACTICES ................................. 56 4.3 SYNTHESIS OF THE INTERVIEWS ..................................................................................................... 57 4.4 COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF THE EXPERT ................................................................................. 61 5. THEME 4: EU RULES ON LABELLING AND PRESENTATION ............................................................................ 62 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE LABELLING RULES APPLIED AT MEMBER STATE AND LOCAL LEVEL ................................. 62 5.2 EXISTING NATIONAL DATA ON NON-COMPLIANCE WITH LABELLING RULES ................................................. 66 5.3 SYNTHESIS OF THE INTERVIEWS ..................................................................................................... 66 5.4 COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF THE EXPERT ................................................................................. 70 6. THEME 5: CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES, MONITORING AND CHECKS ......................................................... 71 6.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RULES ................................................................ 71 6.2 EXISTING NATIONAL DATA ON NON-COMPLIANCE AND WORKLOAD ......................................................... 76 6.3 SYNTHESIS OF THE INTERVIEWS ..................................................................................................... 76 ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................................. 78 ANNEX 1 - SURFACE AREA PER WINEGRAPE VARIETY IN LA RIOJA .................................................................... 78 ANNEX 2 – ELIGIBLE COSTS UNDER RESTRUCTURING AND RECONVERSION MEASURE ............................................ 79 ANNEX 3 – DESCRIPTION OF THE NSP MEASURES ...................................................................................... 80 AGROSYNERGIE – Case study report: Spain – La Rioja Evaluation of the impact of the CAP measures applicable to the wine sector i List of tables Table 1: Vineyard areas and production in La Rioja ...................................................................................................... 2 Table 2: Number of wine growers holding in La Rioja .................................................................................................. 3 Table 3: Planting rights.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Table 4: NSP annual financial allocation programmed and expenditure at national level (Millions of euro) .............. 8 Table 5:Output indicators cumulated on the 2014/2017 period .................................................................................. 9 Table 6: Implementation choices on the restructuration and reconversion measure ................................................. 9 Table 7: Implementation choices on the investments measure ................................................................................. 10 Table 8: Implementation choices on the Promotion measure ................................................................................... 12 Table 9: Implementation choices on the Innovation measure ................................................................................... 12 Table 10: grape varieties in vineyard affected by the restructuration and conversion measure ............................... 18 Table 11: Rate of achievement of the foreseen expenditures per measures ............................................................. 33 Table 12: Main criteria/procedure(s) ensuring the relevance of the selected applications ....................................... 33 Table 13: Measures with similar objectives opened to wine growers/producers ...................................................... 43 Table 14: SWOT analysis of the wine sector at regional level (La Rioja) ..................................................................... 45 Table 15: Execution rate of the NSP budget in Spain .................................................................................................. 47 Table 16: Prioritization criteria of the demands for new plantations ......................................................................... 51 Table 17: Rate of wine grape varieties authorised to produce wine
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