Conodont Zonation of Lower Triassic Strata in Slovenia
GEOLOGIJA 58/2, 155-174, Ljubljana 2015 © Author(s) 2015. CC Atribution 4.0 License Conodont zonation of Lower Triassic strata in Slovenia Konodontna conacija spodnjetriasnih plasti Slovenije Tea KOLAR-JURKOVŠEK & Bogdan JURKOVŠEK Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimičeva ulica 14, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; email: tea.kolar�, bogdan.jurkovsek� Prejeto / Received 8. 12. 2015; Sprejeto / Accepted 21. 12. 2015; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 30. 12. 2015 Key words: conodont zonation, Lower Triassic, Southern Alps, Dinarides, Slovenia Ključne besede: konodontna conacija, spodnji trias, Južne Alpe, Dinaridi, Slovenija Abstract The paper presents the results of a conodont study carried out in the Triassic strata in the area of the Slovenian part of the Southern Alps, External Dinarides and the Transition region between the External and Internal Dinarides. The following conodont zones have been distinguished: Hindeodus praeparvus Z., H. parvus Z., Isarcicella lobata Z., I. staeschei – I. isarcica Z., H. postparvus Z., Hadrodontina aequabilis Z., Ha. anceps Z., Eurygnathodus costatus Z., Neospathodus planus Z., N. robustus Z., Platyvillosus corniger Z., Pl. regularis Z., Pachycladina obliqua Z., Foliella gardenae Z., Triassospathodus hungaricus Z., T. symmetricus Z., N. robustispinus - T. homeri Z. and T. triangularis Z. The introduced conodont zonation spans from the Induan, including the Permian-Triassic boundary interval to the late Olenekian and is valid for the shallow shelf environments of western Tethys. Izvleček Predstavljeni so rezultati večletnih raziskav spodnjetriasnih plasti s konodonti na prostoru slovenskega dela Južnih Alp, Zunanjih Dinaridov in prehodnega območja med Zunanjimi in Notranjimi Dinaridi.
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