General Awareness – December 2020 3
Story of Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel, a famous scientist, inventor, businessman The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901 in Physics, and founder of the Nobel Prizes was born on October 21, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. He died in San Remo, Italy Peace. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central on December 10, 1896. bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel. In his last will and testament, he wrote that The prizes are decided by the various Swedish much of his fortune should be used to give prizes to Academies and announced every year in October and those who have done their best for humanity in the field presented at Stockholm, Sweden on the Nobel’s death of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature anniversary – December 10. However, the Peace Prize and peace. Not everybody was pleased with this. His will is presented at Oslo, Norway as the same is decided by was opposed by his relatives and questioned by an expert committee of Parliament of Norway. authorities in various countries. It took four years for The Nobel Prize amount for 2020 is set at his executors to convince all parties to follow Alfred's Swedish Kronor 10 million (Rs. 8.24 cr) for one full wishes. Nobel Prize. FIELD PRIZE DECIDED BY WINNER OF 2020 SELECTED WORK The Nobel Assembly Harvey J. Alter, USA Michael For the discovery of Hepatitis C virus leading to highly Physiology at Karolinska Houghton, Britain and Charles sensitive blood tests for the identification of virus or Medicine Institute, Stockholm M.
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