The Dundee Directory
^mhtlltx, BMtiMf |)rmte, $ ^d\hkkxf 10 CASTLE 5TKEET, DUNDEE, MANUFACTURES Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books, and all kinds of ACCOUNT-BOOKS, to any pattern, and of the best material and workmanship. Special attention is given to this department, and, as Ruling, Printing, Binding, and Paging, are all done on his Premises, Merchants, Manufacturers, Bankers, and others, can depend upon having their Business Books made with accuracy, despatch, and economy. An excellent assortment of BOOKS in the various departments of Literature always on hand. Any work not in Stock can be pro- cured on the shortest notice. Books, Pamphlets, Bills, Circulars, Prices- Current, and every description of LETTER -PRESS PRINTING, executed with neatness and despatch. Check Books and Cards numbered consecutively by the Paging Machine. \^ Lithographic and Copperplate Printing. PIANOFORTES by the most approved makers. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,— viz.: Violins, Flutes, Cornopeans, Con- certinas, Flutinas, Accordions, &c. &c. Bands furnished with every description of Brass and Wood Instruments at the most rea- sonable rates. A Large Stock of Pianoforte and other MUSIC always on hand, and parcels of the newest publications received weekly from London. BOOKBINDING in all its branches. Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-Books, and Church Services, in great variety of plain and elegant bindings. Periodicals and Newspapers regularly supplied, and all the leading Magazines and Serials lent out to read. Customhouse Entries and Forms, Wholesale and Retail. Writing Paper and Envelopes stamped with crest or initials. Stamping Presses furnished, with Devices to any pattern. AGENT FOR Price's Patent FIRE and THIEF-PROOF SAFES, The best and cheapest Safeguards in the World.
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