The Dundee Directory

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The Dundee Directory ^mhtlltx, BMtiMf |)rmte, $ ^d\hkkxf 10 CASTLE 5TKEET, DUNDEE, MANUFACTURES Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books, and all kinds of ACCOUNT-BOOKS, to any pattern, and of the best material and workmanship. Special attention is given to this department, and, as Ruling, Printing, Binding, and Paging, are all done on his Premises, Merchants, Manufacturers, Bankers, and others, can depend upon having their Business Books made with accuracy, despatch, and economy. An excellent assortment of BOOKS in the various departments of Literature always on hand. Any work not in Stock can be pro- cured on the shortest notice. Books, Pamphlets, Bills, Circulars, Prices- Current, and every description of LETTER -PRESS PRINTING, executed with neatness and despatch. Check Books and Cards numbered consecutively by the Paging Machine. \^ Lithographic and Copperplate Printing. PIANOFORTES by the most approved makers. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,— viz.: Violins, Flutes, Cornopeans, Con- certinas, Flutinas, Accordions, &c. &c. Bands furnished with every description of Brass and Wood Instruments at the most rea- sonable rates. A Large Stock of Pianoforte and other MUSIC always on hand, and parcels of the newest publications received weekly from London. BOOKBINDING in all its branches. Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-Books, and Church Services, in great variety of plain and elegant bindings. Periodicals and Newspapers regularly supplied, and all the leading Magazines and Serials lent out to read. Customhouse Entries and Forms, Wholesale and Retail. Writing Paper and Envelopes stamped with crest or initials. Stamping Presses furnished, with Devices to any pattern. AGENT FOR Price's Patent FIRE and THIEF-PROOF SAFES, The best and cheapest Safeguards in the World. These Safes have been put to the most severe Tests, which have resulted in perfect satisfaction both to the makers and owners. Illustrated List of Prices, and Certificates^ may be had of the Agent. [Continued. C. D. CHALMEES, Bookseller, Continued. V H An excellent Stock df the following ArticlesJ a hand' Account Books Gummed Tickets Perforated Boards Albums & Scrapbooks Indian Rubber Portable Pens Almanacs & Diaries Ink Stands & Glasses Pocket Books Ass-skin Books Indices Pencil Leads Atlases Invoice Files Parchment Block Sketch Books Leather Goods— Papeteries Bristol Boards Travelling Writing Pencil Cases Bonnet Boards Desks Playing Cards Blotting Cases Portfolios, plain & Quadrants Bill Books ornamental Quills and Pens Blotting Paper Sermon and Music Eulers Card Boards Cases Steel Pens,—viz. Per- Pocket ry's, Gillott's, Mit- Cards—fine and com- Books and u^> mon, all sizes Wallets chell's, &c,—every Cash and Deed Boxes Bill & Card Cases sort in use. Copying Presses Backgam. Boards Stamping Presses, Copying Letter Books Purses and Port- with Die to order Customhouse Entries monnaies Shipping Papers and Forms Lock Ledgers Slates & Slate Pencils Colours and Colour Letter Files and Clips School Books & Sta- Boxes Letter Weighers tionery Copy Books & Lines Log Books Sketch Books Charts Measuring Tapes Song Books Marking Chess Boards Ink Stationery Cases " & Men 3 Cabinet Ware Manifold Writers Tapers &Taper Stands if Drawing Papers and Mathematical Instru- Toy Books Books, all sizes ments Tracing Paper & Cloth Drawing Materials Metallic Memoran- Travelling Guides and Date Boxes dum Books Maps Envelopes, in every Memorandum Books Tuning Forks and variety Music Tutors for eve- Hammers Envelope Cases ry Instrument Violin Strings, Bows Elastic Bands Musical Instruments and Furniture Embossed Cards and of Brass and Wood, Violins Boards all sorts Valentines Factory Certificates Music Paper & Books Waste Cards and Forms Mill Boards Writing Papers, eve- Fancy Papers Maps for offices and ry description Flutes schools Writing Ink—Office, Folders, bone & ivory Note Papers Copying, Eed, and Fire-proof Safes and Pasteboards Blue Boxes Pen & Pocket Knives Wrapping Papers Fishing Eods & Tac- Porcelain Slates Wax—common, fine, kle, in great variety Penholders and fancy | Funeral Letters Papier-Mache Goods Wax Matches Gunter's Scales Parallel Eulers Wafers and Seals Globes Pencils — Drawing, Writing Desks Gold Pens Office, and School Walking Sticks / " (Ll&i MWf-, I f% : THE DUNDEE DIRECTORY FOR 1856-57, CAREFULLY COMPILED FROM ACTUAL SURVEY AND THE BEST SOURCES OF INFORMATION. DUNDEE CHAELES D. CHALMERS, 10 CASTLE STREET. 185 6. o. 12 -7 ^ NO j <>-,13G5 ' '/V • Q^ DUNDEE : PRINTED BY C. D. CHALMERS, CASTLE STREET. ; NOTICE In issuing the Dundee Directory for 1856-57, the Publisher regrets the length of time which has taken place in its preparation but, as this has been altogether owing to his desire to make the Work as complete and accurate as possible, he trusts that his friends and the Public will excuse the delay. He takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to those gen- tlemen who so kindly, not only afforded him so much necessary information, but, at considerable trouble and research on their own parts, made out and completed many of the Lists. A gratis Supplement will be published at the ensuing term of Martinmas, containing such alterations as may take place by that time ; and the Publisher would feel obliged by receiving Notices of Removal, or other information which the Public might deem desirable. 10 Castle Street, Dundee, 30th September, 1856. —— CONTENTS page I.—Municipal Lists, .... 1 II. Judicial Lists, . , 7 III. Commercial and Maritime Lists, . 10 IV.— Joint-Stock Companies, .... 21 V.—Public Conveyances, ... 23 VI. Educational and Literary Institutions, 28 VII.—Charitable and Benevolent Institutions, 32 VIII. Ecclesiastical Lists, .... 40 IX. Miscellaneous Lists, .... 44 X. Post-Office Lists, ..... 49 XL Public Offices, Buildings, and Rooms, 56 XII. List of Streets, Squares, Lanes, Entries, &c, 58 XIII Names, Professions, and Addresses of the Principal Inhabi- tants of Dundee, ... 65 XIV Names and Professions of the Principal Inhabitants of Dundee, classified Alphabetically, 156 XV. Broughty Ferry Lists, ..... 191 XVI Lochee Lists, ...... 203 XVII List of Shipping Registered at the Port of Dundee, . 209 Advertising List—Insurance Companies, 217 Miscellaneous, 244 Index to Advertising List, . 272 INDEX., PAOE PAGE Agents for Private Underwriters, . 16 Forfarshire Reading Club . .30 Average Staters . 17 Gardeners' Lodge .... 48 Band of Hope .... 37 Gas-Light Companies . .21 Baltic Reading-room 30 Golf Club (Panmure) . .44 Banking Companies . 13 Guild Court 4 Branches 14 Guildry Incorporation ... 4 Bank Holidays .... 14 Hackney Carriages ... 24 Bible Societies, &c, 43 Harbour Trustees .... 5 Billetmaster, &c, . 3 Harbour Trustees (Committees of) 5 Blairgowrie Coach . 27 Harbour Police 4 Bowling Clubs . 45 Harbour Porter Society . 46 Broughty Ferry Omnibus 27 Highland Association , . .36 Burgh or Bailie Court . 3 Highland Society .... 36 Cab Proprietors 25 Highland Fishermen's Relief Society 36 Carriers . 26 Home, The 36 (Railway) 25 Homoeopathic Dispensary . 36 Cemetery Company 21 Hotels 27 Chamber of Commerce . 10 Indigent Sick Society ... 35 Chess Club (Angus) 45 Industrial School Society . 34 Circulating Libraries . 30 Inspector of Markets ... 3 Circulating Music Libraries 31 Instrumental Band . .46 Clergy and Places of Worship . 40 Insurance Companies ... 15 Clerical Book Society 30 Insurance Companies (Local Boards) . 15 Clothing Society , . 35 Insurance Companies (Agents for Commissary Court . 7 Fire, Life, and Annuity) . 19 Commissioners for Affidavits in Eng- Joint-Stock Building Company . 22 lish Courts 9 Justices of the Peace ... 8 Consuls (Vice) for Foreign States . 10 Justice of Peace Court ... 8 Constables (Sheriff) . 9 Ladies' Anti-Slavery Association . 37 Corrections and Additions 216 Life-Boat Society ... .13 Cricket Clubs • 45 Literary Institute .... 30 (Caledonian) 216 Lloyd's Surveyor .... 16 Curling Club .... 44 Local Marine Board ... .11 Customs • . 11 Lodging-House Association . 34 Deaf and Dumb Institution . 35 Magistrates and Council ... 1 Diseases in the Chest Institution . 36 Magistrates and Council Committees 2 Dock Gates and Signals 6 Maltmen Incorporation ... 6 Educational Institute of Scotland Masonic Lodges . 47 (Local Branch) , 29 Masters Extraoi'dinary in Chancery . 9 Electric Telegraph Company 10 Member of Parliament ... 1 Emigration Agents . 17 Messengers-at-Arms .... 9 Exchange Coffeeroom 29 Military Establishments . 46 11 Excise Mortifications . .... 38 Eye Institution » 35 Musical Societies .... 46 Factory Act .... 44 Newspapers . .31 Fairs and Markets . 48 Ornithological Society ... 31 Female Society « 35 Parochial Board (Dundee) 6 Fire Brigade . 4 Parochial Board (Liff and Benvie) . 7 Floral Society . .... 44 Philharmonic Society . .46 VI INDEX. PAGE PAGE Phonetic Society 45 Sheriff Officers ..... 9 Pilotage of the River Tay . 12 Shipbrokers 17 Plate-glass Association . 22 Shipping Companies . .17 Police Establishment 4 Shipwrecked Fishermen's Society 35 Police Court . 4 Stamps and Taxes . 11 Police Commissioners 1 Surveyors appointed by Board of Trade 17 Police Commissioners (Committees of) 2 Tay Ferries 24 Population ..... 1 Temperance Society 37 Prison Board . .5 Temperance Literary Society - - 216 Prison Establishment ... 5 Town Officer 3 Property and Investment Company . 22 Town Bellman ----- 3 Property and Investment Society, Town Drummer and Officer - - 216 Forfarshire Permanent . 22 Town Omnibuses - - - - 26 Public Seminaries .... 28 Trade Report Association 10 Public Library 30 Trades, Nine Incorporated - - 6 - Public Baths . 44 Trades, Three United 6 Railway Companies
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