
BC-DX 280 31 Dec 1996 ______

ANGUILLA New 6090 kHz 0610 //5935 (non Aguilla, via WWCR) Cr. Gene Scott talking about first night. only at nights with 80 kW while testing tx. They will announce day freq on Sun, Dec 29. Asking for reception reports. Recheck 0735 UTC and they were gone. (Hans Johnson-USA, Dec 28)

Thanks to a tip from Hans Johnson and Cumbre DX, 6090 kHz Caribbean Beacon noted with an open carrier at 0340 UTC, audio started 0400 UTC sharp //WWCR-5035, and the first 10 minutes Scott was asking for telephone reports on the signal. Here on the NRD-535D, on the high 300-ft inverted-L it is +50dB/s9, the low 50-ft doublet (with the high skywave angle) it is +60dB/s9. Telephone reports started up coast to coast by 0413 UTC. Hardly difficult. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 29 Dec)

6090 kHz - 0410 UTC, rock mx, Dr. Scott talking about the new txer, saying at one point it was "just shy of" 75 kw, at another 80 kw, "100% modulation." Invited calls to their usual phone numbers, and ran down the calls they had been getting from listeners, mostly west coasters, TX, KS, etc, all of whom seemed to be having better reception than I was. Good strength, though I would have expected better; a hum on the signal; and a bad fqy in my area, with splatter in both directions from DW powerhouses on 6085 and 6100 until DW closes at 0600. Better, and dominant, thereafter, but nowhere near as good as the //WWCR-5935 signal. Anncd fqy as 6090 kHz; this was apparently one of the test fqys rptd some time back. The daytime test fqy was reported then as 11775 kHz, so perhaps that is what they will be using daytimes. Also gave their website URL, http://www.drgenescott.org I checked it out, but nothing there about Anguilla SW. Dan Henderson called this afternoon, Dec 29 around 2200 UTC if I remember correctly, at which time he was hearing Caribbean Beacon very well on 11775 kHz. I tried it here and it was very good, although the audio could have used a little sharpening. (Jerry Berg- MA, in NU Dec 29)

GUAM - PACIFIC DX REPORT: On KTWR, Guam - Saturdays: 0940 11830 South Pacific (first release); Mondays: 1615 11580 South ; Tuesdays: 0858-0905 15200 The (new time).

The DX news within PDXR is sponsored and provided by EDXP, and special EDXP QSLs are available for correct reports. Return postage would be appreciated. Reports should be sent to Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, Australia. (EDXP Dec 30)

MALI RTM Bamako playing typical AF local mx strong now in our European mornings, noted around 0758-1000 UTC [but continuing til 1757] on odd 7283.9 kHz, even 9635, and v11959.9 kHz. (WB Dec 30)

MONGOLIA Mr. Batbayar Demchig of Ulaanbaatar took part on DX Meeting of SWLC Saar in Merchweiler on Nov 17/18. He is a collaborator in RUB's English section, amongst Mr. David O'Connor fr Australia, and Alimaa and Bolor from Mongolia. 1330-1400 UTC to AUS on 12085 kHz, 1530-1600 to AS & EUR on 9745 & 12985, 1930-2000 to EUR on 9745 & 12085.

Russian collaborators: Lhagvadulam and Bolormaa, 1000 & 1400 12085, 1900-1930 9745 & 12085.

Chinese collaborators: Bujanshargal, Suwd, Okhinoo, Uranchimeg, Burgilmaa, Monkhjargal, and one person from CRI's Mongolian sce. 1100 & 1300 12085.

Japanese sce collaborators: Burmaa, Dunai, Odonchimeg, and Yasumi Inose from NHK Tokyo. 1030 & 1200 12085. Chief of foreign sce is Mrs. Narantuya, further collaborators on central service are Khurelbataar, Naidandorj, Tumennast, and Bayarmaa.

Foreign sce is using tx installations at Khonkhor, 25 kms east of Ulaanbataar. Two SW txs, 1 @ 250 kW, 1 @ 50 kW. 250 kW unit can be fed into three curtain antennas in the following directions: 126 degr to EAS & PAC, 178 degr to AUS/NZL, 220 degr to SoAS.

50 kW unit is used for separate EUR antenna outlet at 279 degrees.

In 1994 all reflectors on the AUS beam have been removed, so the antenna pattern is extended to both sides now, towards NoSiberia and Australia. Subsequent removing all reflectors of the 126 degr antenna would resulting in better EUR target coverage, this is under cosideration now. SoAsia sce via 220 degr antenna giving solid signals also in Ea & SoAF. EaAS target signals of 126 degr unit observed also in Argentina and Brazil.

Radio Ulaanbaatar, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. tel +976 1 32 79 00 (Engl section) +976 1 32 72 34 [BBCM mentioned 32 30 96] (Volker Willschrey-D, in wwh-worldwide listening magazine, Jan 97)

RUSSIA Yes, Klub DX VoRussia [Golos Rossii] has a new fax number: +7 095 233 65 02 (Mr.Pavel Mikhailov, room # 727) (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Dec 28)

SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corpor was heard today 25th Dec around 1000 UTC with pretty good signal on 5020 kHz here in the southern part of Finland. This "dreamstation" has been on my most wanted list for 10 years. (Bo-Kristian Lindqvist-FIN, Liljendal, rx AOR AR7030, Dec 25)

SRI LANKA On 7125 kHz DW Trincomalee, NF ex11765 kHz, *2000-2200* UTC, to Australia, 11 MHz unreliable at this hour. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Dec 29)

Seldom heard VoA Ekala in English on 15395 kHz 35 kW 350 degr at 1400-1800 UTC to SoAS now audible regularly. Also an indicator that declining on sunspot cycle #22 comes to an end, reached the minimum, and the new cycle #23 will begin soon. //9760 PHL but with satellite fed delay. (WB Dec 25) Also heard VoA Ekala as follows: 7125 kHz on Dec 24, at 1441 UTC. Asian news desk reports in English, ID. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 30)

TURKEY TRT Ankara has been transmitting from 0400-0800 UTC on an exclusive Amateur Radio frequency of 7100 kHz, tx Emirler 500 kW, antenna type HR 4/4/1.5 in 325 degrees. From Oct 27th registered originally for 7340 kHz channel, moved in Dec to 7300 kHz, and appeared from Dec 24 on 7100 kHz. German Amateur Radio Monitoring System has taken contact the Turkish authorities to stop this extremely harmful interference on 40 mb. Contact also via Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti, P.O.Box 19, Esentepe, 80280 Istanbul, Turkey, c/o Yuksel Guner Hak, TA1BY, IARU Liaison Officer, fax +90 212 2672721, or 2742233. (Uli DJ9KR, Wolfgang DF5SX, Dec 24-30)

USA In a telephone interview aired on HCJB's DX Party Line Dec 28, the WINB Chief Engineer Fred Wise says WINB (Red Lion, Pennsylvania) will be testing "within a week" and will soon be on the air. The announced schedule: 1700-1900 UTC 15715 kHz to EUR, 1900-2200 11740 to EUR, and 2200-0300 11950 to MEX. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 29 Dec)


Dec 31 will be the last day for VoA Europe, a service of contemporary music, news, and features that for eleven years has been fed by satellite to affiliate stations throughout the world.

As a tribute to VoA Europe, and to provide the world with a VoA New Year's special, VoA Europe will be transmitted on SW, Dec 31, 1996, as follows: (All times UTC, all frequencies in kHz)

TO AFRICA 0630-0800 7115 Sao Tome 0800-1400 9555 Sao Tome 1400-1600 9655 Sao Tome

TO EUROPE 2200-2400 6873 sideband Greenville 2200-2400 7185 Morocco

TO ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2200-2400 14526 sideband Delano 2200-2400 19480 sideband Delano

For the sideband frequencies above, the left stereo channel of VoA Europe will be lower sideband, the right channel upper sideband. If you have two with selectable sideband, you can heard VoA Europe in stereo.

There is a chance that VoA Europe will find the funds to remain on the air, at least temporarily. If so, it will change its name to VoA Express at 0000 on January 1, 1997. If VoA Europe/VoA Express does stay on the air, perhaps we can leave the 2200-2400 SW frequs on for another hour (0000-0100) to initiate the preserved-but-renamed service. (Kim Andrew Elliott-USA, : [email protected] Dec 28)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 281 03 Jan 1997 ______

ANGUILLA Anguilla on 6090 kHz: On Dec 30 from 0000 UTC "only" R. Esperanza fr Chile noted S=2/3 gehoert. But on Dec 31 fr 0000 UTC, Dr. Scott relpx appeared. //is 5935 kHz, 6090 readable around 0830 UTC, WWCR 5935 kHz is much stronger here in EUR. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, Jan 1) [6090 observed here in 0700-0900 UTC range, //5935 WWCR. can't find daytime signal of 11775 kHz, always REE Madrid noted here at 2000-2200 UTC, WB, Dec 29-31]

ARMENIA AWR airs on a Million Watts of Power. In October AWR began broadcasting and Farsi for two hours daily between 5.30 and 7 pm on 1314 kHz. The 1000 kW (one million Watt) st, located near the capital city of Yerevan, is state owned, and will reach a large part of the . "I was very impressed with this huge broadcast facility", said Peter Kulakov, director of AWR Russia, who negotiated the contract. "They were very proud to show me their famous MW antenna which is two(!) kilometers long," he added. The contract with the station also opens the possibility to AWR of utilizing other MW, LW, and SW txs at the complex. This facility is one of many that once bc Communist progrs or jammed incoming progr from the West. Now the txs are available for lease. The 1314 kHz MW signal is very strong in both Teheran-IRN, and Baghdad-IRQ. (AWR RNB, Dr. Adrian Peterson-USA, Dec 96)

AUSTRIA on MW 1476 kHz again. From Jan 17th, at 1830-1930 UTC, seven different broadcasting groups will use MW tx Vienna Bisamberg again, power is 600 kW. Tx may also used for foreign broadcasts in Serbian to YUG.

Wieder Mittelwelle aus Oesterreich! Nachdem schon seit einigen Monaten ueber die weitere Zukunft des MW Senders Bisamberg / Wien laut nachgedacht wurde, ist es nun konkret. In der Ausgabe vom 31.12.96 der oesterreichischen Tageszeitung "Der Standard" findet man unter der Ueberschrift "Die Rueckkehr der Mittelwelle" einen Artikel unter dem Motto - Wiener Lokalprogramm fuer ganz Europa. Start des Projektes ist der 7. Januar, ab 17. Januar sollen die Programme auf der bekannten Bisamberg Wellenlaenge von 1476 kHz beginnen. In der Zeit von 1930 - 2030 MEZ sollen derzeit sieben verschiedene Gruppen von Radiomachern ihr Programm anbieten. Dies findet in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem ORF Programm Oesterreich 1 - dem oesterreichischen Klassik- und Kulturradio statt. Aufgrund der hohen Sendekosten wird lt. "Standard" ueber eine weitere Verwendung der Sendeanlagen fuer Auslandsprogrammme zur Versorgung Jugoslawiens spekuliert.

Damit zusammenhaengend noch ein Empfangstip: Auf gleicher Frequenz ist derzeit in Oesterreich nach 23 UTC "County Sound 1476AM" aus Guildford mit einer Leistung von 500 Watt gut aufzunehmen. In den Programmen wird als elektronische Adresse auch der CompuServe Anschluss [email protected] genannt, Mike Powell antwortete umgehend. (OE newspaper "Der Standard" via Christoph Ratzer, Dec 31)

CHINA Chinese jamming observed at 0830-0927 UTC on 11940 kHz, against Chinese lang program. Against whom? KSDA Guam? (WB Dec 31-Jan 1)

COSTA RICA Faro del Caribe v5054.54 kHz from 1110 UTC t/in with mx, phone calls, virtually no IDs until a couple of quick ones around 1205 UTC. The signal prior to sunrise 1153 UTC, s7-9, dropped rapidly afterwards. Thought I was listening to Botswana for a while; a rooster, dog and cow sound effects were in the background of most announcements and phone calls. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 30 Dec)

According to a telephone interview with Juan Vega, Director of "88 Estereo," Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica, they are ready to go on SW from January 1997 on 6075 kHz, 1.5 kw, 1100-0500 UTC. QTH: Apartado 827-8000, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica, FAX +506-771-5539. (Tetsuya Hirahara, Japan via NU, Dec 29)

CUBA Extended Spanish progr of RHC at 0800-0900 UTC on 9830 kHz in usb mode, but also two spurious signals of distorted audio, both 4 kHz wide, occured on upper side, centered on 9862.4 and 9893.8 kHz. (WB Jan 1) ETHIOPIA Vo Tigray Revolution from Mekele, Ethiopien on good signal level fr 1500-1600 UTC on 7515 Khz, address: VORT, P.O.Box 450, Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, Jan 1) or [non ERITREA] What must be Voice of Tigray Revolution heard on 7515 kHz //5500 with flute mx at 1455 UTC (their IS?) then announcements and talk in unknown language at 1500 UTC. Fair signals on both clear channels. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3-8) Also long , new ID, anthem from 0329 UTC. (Chris Gibbs-UK, in BCDX "Communication", Dec 12) Prior to the overthrouw of the Mengistu regime May 1991, this statione operated as a clandestine radio station, sharing facilities with other pro-EPRDF stations. No longer a clandestine station. Located in Mekele, the capital of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia, next to the border to Eritrea. WB

GUAM KTWR Agana "Pacific DX Report" in English retimed Tues now at 0858-0905 UTC on 15200 kHz. (AC in RNMN, Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, WB Dec 31)

GUATEMALA R LV de Nahuala v3360.2 kHz with many annts by one male anncr 1158-1210 UTC, but s7 signal drops rapidly as sunrise comes to the country. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 30 Dec)

HONDURAS 6075 kHz RF/NS Galaxia, Santa Barbara, 1505-1530+ UTC, t/in to Cam influenced salsa mx, Z-6 TCs. At 1510 UTC long adstring w/ lots of phone numbers. Program host Ricardo Montamar. 1529 UTC Finally clear ID as "Galaxia de Santa Barbara." Very weak but in clear with little noise with pretty good daytime LAm propagation. Others in: TI 5953.6, TG 5955, XE 5984.7 (good w/ EG), XE 6010, HI 6025, HC 6050, TI 6175. Probably old La Voz del Junco tx. (Crawford, Dec 27)

6075.05 NS, R Galaxia, Santa Barbara, 1320-1410 UTC, rather weak even at this peak time w/ SP oldie vocals, M ID. Thanks Crawford discovery. (Krueger, Dec 28)

HUNGARY 40 years of the Radio Budapest DX SHOW. A number of events are planned to celebrate the 40-year-old DX show. In 1997, R Budapest celebrate the fact that their first DX progr in English bc on Oct 4, 1957. This was their first progr made exclusively for SW observers, wave hunters, radio amateurs and DXers. The inspiration came from a DX Club in Sweden, they were surprized to receive over 1100 RR's on the English language bcs of Radio Budapest. They passed on the information to the Hungarian Radio. The success of the struggle for a DX Show, which lasted throughout most of 1957, depended on the negotiating skills and courage of two men: Andras Tardos, Head of the Foreign Language Dept of RB, a position he held until his suicide in the aftermath of the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Dennis Herner, well-known radio amateur. During the WW II Dennis worked for the resistance, and compiled clandestine news bulletins based on BBC, VoA, and Radio Moscow newscasts. ...

The founder of the show, Dennis Herner, presenter edited it until his death in 1991, composed the motto for the show: "DXing -- a scientific hobby for better world communication, friendship and goodwill between the peoples of the world". In 1965, Radio Budapest SW Club (RBSWC) was set up, which today has more than 12.000 members from almost every country in the world.

In Febr & March, the st would like to establish a register of long standing listeners to the DX show. You can verify these old radio connections by sending them copies of QSL cards or verification letters. Also the cards should recall what sort of rx's they were using at that time, - perhaps 40 years ago -, and what sort of equipment they have today.

In May & June a series of quiz progrs are open to all listeners, linked to DXing. In Sept & Oct the central event would be a RB DX 40 Contest, participation condition announcements you will be able to hear in RB DX progrs too. Results announced on Oct 4, 1997, on the day of the anniversary. A special QSL card will be issued for the three commemoration events. (Extract --, more detailed press report with many interesting details of the control mechanism in the then Soviet stamped dictatorship of the states you will find in R Budapest's English progr magazine for Jan 1997.)

IRELAND Atlantic 252 transmitting on LW 252 kHz and their postal address is: 74 Newman Street, London W1P 3LA, United Kingdom. At WWW http://www.atlantic252.com is their URL. (via WWDXC DX Magazine)

JAPAN NHK Radio Japan, Yamata on 9535 kHz at 1440 UTC special end-of-the year bc with Japanese "Year-end hitparade", under Radio International in English, but parallel to 11710 kHz from UK-relay, SINPO 22442, re-checked at 1458 UTC when alternately bell and Japanese male speaker, and into the New Year at 1500 UTC with male and female Japanese speaker and bells. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 31)

Heard all additional outlets except 1500-1600 UTC Ekala-CLN 12045 kHz for the "Year end hit parade". Between 1100 and 1200 UTC noted Montsinery 11895 kHz suffering QRM by RN Flevoland, also 15590 via GUF. Good on 15400-ASC, but //17780 kHz suffering QRM by DW Wertachtal here. Powerhouse both 9600 and 11710 kHz via Skelton-UK from 1130 UTC onwards, but 11710 kHz getting poor from 1400 UTC. Very distorted signal 15225-ASC from 1400-1600 UTC. (WB Dec 31)

LIBYA 9700 kHz Tripoli at 1814 UTC Arabic mx, carillon, timepips x3, ID by man. //11850 (much weaker). Fair and degrading quickly. Tnx to Bob Padula for the tip. (Nigro, Uruguay, Dec 25) 11850 kHz Vof the Great Homeland (new frequency) 1753-1915+ UTC on Dec 25, good w/ tinny Big Ben-like chimes 1758 UTC, three time sounders 1759:20, "Sowt al-Watan min Arabiya Kabir", militant march mx and AR commentaries menting Iran and Iraq. (Krueger-FL, via DXW, Dec 25)

PAKISTAN 5055 kHz at 1440-1530* UTC, R , with Ext Sce. in Turki to AFG on this rather new fq. Much talk about and Kashmir, and military-type of mens choir chanting to local drums. Closed with mention of Afghanistan and National hymn. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Dec 31)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA NBC Port Moresby on 4890 kHz Dec 31, 1420 UTC (when it was already 1997 1st in Papua New Guinea) with cheerful vernacular dialogues and phone-in New Year's wishes in English. At tune-in SINPO 24332, but getting stronger quickly. At 1530 UTC cover of Whitney Houston's "I want to dance with somebody", male deejay mentioning and NBC, phone-in request. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 31)

PERU R Atlantida 4790 kHz with almost non-stop music t/in 1045-1110 UTC t/out; only IDs 1053-1056 UTC. Good s9 signal even after sunrise 1045 UTC, but started to drop after 1100 UTC. IDs posted at (Tom Sundstrom-NJ 30 Dec)

PORTUGAL DW Sines in English to AF at 1900-1950 UTC loud and clear on 9640 kHz. (WB Dec 31)

RUSSIA/CIS On 7345 kHz Yakutsk R at 0917 UTC local program in Yakut language with clear mentioning of Yakut, male and female talk. After 0933 UTC fade out. Yakut language sounds like Turkish/Mongolian. (Rooy, via DXW Dec 26)

Voice of Russia W96 MW schedule via txs in Russia, E - European part of Russia, S- Siberia, FE-Far East Russia: kHz kW callsign tx location UTC 585 1200 RV-769 Belogorsk, S 1100-1500 630 500 RV-750 Komsomolsk-Amur, FE 1100-1400 648 1000 RV-445 Ussuriysk, FE 1000-1600 (Vladivostok) 720 1000 RV-679 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, FE 1100-1400 801 1200 RV-116 Atamanovka, S 1100-1600 1080 1000 RV-489 Angarsk, S 1230-1600 1089 1200 RV-681 Tbilisskaya, E 1600-2100 (Krasnodar) 1143 150 RV-373 Bolshakovo, E 1700-2000 () 1170 1200 RV-680 Tbilisskaya, E 1500-2100 (Krasnodar) 1215 1200 RV-372 Bolshakovo, E 1600-2000 (Kaliningrad) 1251 600 RV-70 Ussuriysk, FE 1000-1600 (Vladivostok) 1386 1200 RV-367 Bolshakovo, E 1700-2000 (Kaliningrad) 1494 1200 RV-857 Popovka, E 1800-1900 (St.Petersburg)

Voice of Russia W96 MW schedule via txs in CIS states kHz kW callsign tx location UTC 999 1000 RV-954 Maiac, Moldova 1600-2100 1125 1000 RV-932 Asgabat, Turkmenistan 1400-1700 1314 1000 RV-602 Kamo, Armenia 1500-2100 (Yerevan) 1548 1000 RV-950* Maiac, Moldova 1600-2100 * inactive

Voice of Russia W96 MW schedule via txs outside CIS states kHz kW tx location UTC 603 China 1200-1300 693 20 Berlin Uhlenhorst,GER 0600-2200 1269 China 1300-1500 1323 1000/ Wachenbrunn, Germany 0600-2200 150 at night fr 1700 UTC.

W96 Domestic Services on SW - European version 0200-2400 UTC Moscow 0200-0500 & 1630-2400 5910, 0530-1600 7250 0200-0600 6110, 0630-1500 9720, 1530-2200 6060 Moscow (SSB) 0200-0500 5815, 0530-1500 16330, 1530-1900 11575 1930-2400 7970 0200-0600 5360, 0630-1400 12175, 1430-1700 8005 1730-2400 6805 St.Petersburg 0200-0700 7335, 0730-1400 12045, 1430-2000 7340 2030-2400 7335 Samara 0200-0500 6125, 0530-1200 11990, 1230-2400 6125 Krasnodar 0200-0500 7325, 0530-1200 11720, 1230-1600 7145 1630-2400 5965

Radio Rossii - West Siberian version 2200-2000 UTC Yekaterinburg 2200-2000 7110

Radio Rossii - East Siberian version 2000-1800 UTC Novosibirsk 2000-2300 7390, 2330-0700 9700, 0730-1800 7440 & Irkutsk two txs share same frequencies

Radio Odin via Saransk 2300-0400 6030, 0430-1200 11750, 1230-1800 6115. via Samara 2300-0400 & 1330-1530 5960, 0430-1300 9605. via Yekaterinburg 2300-0300 9845, 0330-1100 15255, 1130-1400 9615.

Radio Mayak via St. Petersburg 0300-0600 5935, 0630-1300 11785, 1330-2300 6035. via Kaliningrad 1400-2200 6015. via Arkhangelsk 0000-0600 5950, 0630-1500 7310, 1530-1800 5990, 1830-2300 6020. via Saransk 0300-0500 & 1330-2300 6075, 0530-1300 9575. via Volgograd 0100-0600 5945, 0630-1100 12060, 1130-2100 6160. via Komsomolsk-Amur 0730-1500 & 1900-2300 6020, 2330-0700 9670.

WORLD UNIVERSITY NETWORK W96 schedule via Russia 0400-0800 17580 Krasnodar 250 kW 110 degr 0800-1100 17600 Samara 100 kW 130 degr 1130-1630 9860 Samara 100 kW 130 degr

Regarding RUSSIA/CIS SW tx site registrations in ITU/HFCC lists: Konevo (KON) was used in official lists instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Ashkhabad (ACH) instead of Dushanbe and Tashkent. Samara (SAM), Zhigulevsk (JIG) and Kazan (KAZ) are used instead of Samara. Novosibirsk (NVS), Kenga (KEN) and Krasnoyarsk (KRS) instead of Novosibirsk. Minsk (MNS) and Orsha (OR) instead of Minsk. Kingishepp (KGS) and sometimes Petrozavodsk (PZV) are used instead of St. Petersburg Popovka. Moscow (MSK), Ryazan (RIA), Serpukhov (SRP), Tver (TV), Tula (TUL), Kursk (KUR), abd Nizhniy Novgorod (N.N.) are used in official lists for SW tx sites located in Moscow region, there are eight such sites in this region. Bishkek (BI) is used instead of Dushanbe, Tashkent, and Almaty. Nikolayevsk-Amur (N/A) and Blagoveshchensk (BLG) are used instead of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, and Komsomolsk-Amur. Volgograd (VLG) is used to show that txs at Volgograd, Armavir, Samara, and Kishinev- Moldova are used. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Dec 11)

SAO TOME VoA Europe, Pinheira on 7115 kHz at 0728 UTC, pop mx, special last day transmission, SINPO 35333, around 0733 UTC interference from numbers station Alpha Romeo Tango. At 0806 UTC on 9555 kHz English VOA news, VOA Europe ID, special last day transmission, SINPO 33443, morse interference. On 9655 kHz at 1400 UTC sign-on with male English speaker, news reports, special last day transmission, SINPO 24342. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 31)

SLOVAKIA AWR English via Slovakia 2100-2200 UTC skipped due to 'non' reception in UK. St advised to listen to AWR KSDA Guam 1030-1100 UTC on 9530 kHz. (-USA, OK, WoR, Dec 26)

All domestic programs of Slovak Radio will move from AM to the FM band. The only tx that should remain at MW is Nitra 1098 kHz. (DX Revue - Vydava Ceskoslovensky DX Klub, via DXM)

SOLOMON ISLANDS Noted on Dec 25 and 27, audible in S=2/3 at 0715-0745 UTC and a lot of RTTY QRM. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, Jan 1)

SRI LANKA/THAILAND Update by CR, calling into question this item: >Also heard VoA Ekala as follows: 7125 kHz on Dec 24, >at 1441 UTC. Asian news desk reports in English, ID. >(Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 30)

VOA now swap tx site in the evening. English at 1400-1800 UTC now on 7125 kHz from Udorn Thani-THA and 7215 kHz from Ekala-CLN (Sri Lanka), previously 7125 was from Sri Lanka and 7215 from Thailand. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Dec 19) (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, Jan 1)

TAIWAN v7104.35 kHz CBS Taipei at 1027 UTC Chinese male speaker, march mx. (Rooy, Dec 27) CBS Taipei in Chinese on odd 7104.4 kHz at 1615 UTC, well ahead of CHN jamming. (WB Dec 31)

THAILAND Radio Thailand, on v9655.52 kHz at 1344 UTC, female speaker in Thai, light song with male voice-over. English ID at 1359 UTC, chimes and off the air. Incredibly strong signal: SINPO 45444 (actually the S-value was closer to 5 than 4). (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 31)

TURKEY TRT Ankara in LSB(!) mode too, 13670 kHz Turkish at 1400-1600 UTC, tx Emirler 500 kW, azimuth 310 degrees towards WeEUR & NoAM. (WB Dec 30-31)

URUGUAY 9650.1 kHz at 2150-2245 UTC, Em. Ciudad de Montevideo with talks in Spanish, jingles, Bells-Jingle, and frequent ann with ID's. (Dippel, Nov 29/Dec 5) 9650.06 kHz Emisora Ciudad de Montevideo, 2130-2145 kHz, ID as "Esto es radiocompania musical 42" by M, then continue the music. (Ivan Barrera-ARG, Dec 24)

USA Why was a new SW tx for sale in Vinton, Iowa? A recent classified advertisement in Radio World offered a new Elcor SW tx for sale. It is a model SW-50K-4 autotune, covering the range from 2-18 MHz, and was available for 185.000 US $. The seller was Mr. J. Gorski who lives in Vinton, Iowa. Was this a new SW st coming on the air and the project is now abandoned? The small town of Vinton is located between Cedar Rapids and Waterloo in Iowa. Was this tx projected to become part of a new but now perhaps cancelled KGEI? (AWR RNB, Dr. Adrian Peterson-USA, Dec 96)

ALMANAC 7-8 Jan 1997 Orthodox Christmas festival 10 Jan 1997 starts, 33 days of duration in average. 7 Feb 1997 Chinese New Year 12 Jul-2 Aug 1997 DX-Camp Doebriach 1997 new address, information from Franz Ladner, Leipziger Strasse 21/28, A-1200 Vienna, EMAIL: [email protected] (Juergen Lohuis-D, Jan 2)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 282 06 Jan 1997 ______

AFGHANISTAN/IRAN Taleban ban on Afghans watching Iranian TV. The Taleban have banned the watching of Iranian tv progrs in AFG. News reports state that the Taleban group are subjecting families who watch Iranian tv progrs to beatings and are smashing their rxs as punishment. Our country's tv progrs can be seen in a large part of western AFG. (VoIRI Network 1, Tehran, via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 23)

ANGUILLA Schedule seems 6090 kHz 2200-1100, 11775 1100-2200 UTC, read the following info: 6090 Caribbean Beacon 0507 EE Dr. Gene Scott progr with announcement of this being their initial bc fr their new Anguilla tx site. Signal was not as strong as //5935 transmission. (Costello Dec 27) 0407-0430 Dr. Gene calls this 'The Secret 6', whatever that means! Good carrier but audio a bit low. (Palmersheim Dec 29) 0410 Dr. Scott saying it was "just shy of" 75 kW, at another 80 kW, "100% modulation." a hum on the signal; Also gave their website as but nothing there about Anguilla SW. (Berg) 0420 Dr. Gene Scott mentioned that that they were "almost at 98% modulation" (WOW!!! :-) ) and only 75% power( 75 kW on 100 kW xmtr). Easy catch. (McDonough Dec 31) Dr. Gene Scott bragging about how the authorities on the island cooperated so well with his efforts but mispronounced the island as, "An-GWEE-lah," several times. Maybe if he keeps that up, the authorities there will have second thoughts about this? Easily S9+60 on peaks // 1610 (Sharp Dec 29) Poor-fair sig due to QRM from R Esperanza 6090. (Ormandy Jan 1) SIO-332 here in Moscow. Severe QRM from unid carrier on 6089.75 (Pashkevich Dec 31) Always nice to hear and QSL a new country. (D'Angelo Dec 30) Off the air on Dec 29-30 because storm force winds blew down the fence around the xmtr. Switch time from 11775 to 6090 is 2200 UTC. 6090 heard signing on 2202 UTC on Dec 30 with the ever arrogant Dr Scott (Rausch Dec 30) (That wind probably emanated from one of Dr. Scott's several orifices.-JB) Low audio but readable. (Kohlbrenner Dec 29) Good w/some splatter (Lobdell Dec 29) Here on the NRD-535D, on the high 300-ft inverted-L it is +50dB/s9, the low 50-ft doublet (with the high skywave angle) it is +60dB/s9. Hardly difficult. (Sundstrom Dec 29) Similar reports from (Ross Dec 29) (Evans Jan 1) (Moore Dec 31)

11775 kHz Caribbean Beacon not there before 1100 UTC but on by 1140 UTC, with Dr. Scott in high dudgeon about congregants leaving the hall while he is preaching; berating people for not tending to their bathroom needs beforehand, telling the ushers to take names of departees, etc. Extraordinarily tasteless, but a good signal. Already on at 1045 UTC on Jan 1. (Berg Dec 31) 2120-2200* UTC Non Stop Dr Scott talking. No site or reference to Anguilla. (Rausch Dec 29) 2035 UTC Much better audio this day, as good as 13815 or 13845. (Palmersheim Dec 29) (all via Cumbre Dx, Jan 3)

Observed at 0003 UTC English religious talks, mentions Dr. Scott, competing with Radio Bandeirantes Sao Paulo, Brazilian domestic bcing in Portuguese. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 3)

Yes, we got Anguilla 6090 kHz too, from approx. 0000 UTC and in our mornings around 0700-0900 UTC. In last three days on 11775 kHz, but underneath REE Madrid here 2000-2200 UTC. Schedule seems like 6090 2200-1100, 11775 1100-2200. And a break between, probably from 0900-1300/1400 UTC??

6090 is a relatively clear channel here in EUR, since R Luxembourg switched off in 1991, used to be here with super power of 500 kW and sufficient Telefunken non-directional antenna. Now used only by Kaduna, NIG, heard here sometimes in our mornings, and few hours by R Australia in UTC afternoon meaning. 11775 kHz is covered by REE Madrid in Spanish/English/French til 2200 UTC, but directed to AF 170 degrees from Madrid, so back loop only. But depending of propagation, Anguilla heard today around 2000 UTC too, same signal strength. // progr via WWCR 5935 0000-1300, and 13845 1300-2400. (WB Jan 1-4)

BANGLADESH 4880 kHz R.Bangladesh at 1530 UTC with English news bulletin. (Harald Kuhl- D, Jan 2)

BELARUS Radio Minsk German sce repeat [of 1930 UTC bc] on Wed, Sat & Sun 2030 UTC on 1170, 7105, and 7210 kHz (Belarus tx only, not via Kiev-UKR relay). (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Jan 2)

CHINA/TAIWAN UNIDENTIFIED Chinese speaking radio st on 11940 kHz at 0830-0930 UTC. Heavily jammed by CHN mainland jamming st. BC Station starts with open carrier from approx. 0824 UTC, S=3- 4 in Stuttgart-Germany, then "Crash program start" at 0830 UTC.

No interval signal, opening with classic music, then Chinese speaking announcer ahead of classic music. Programme type seems not religious, no chorus, no prayer etc. More of totally "spoken political progr" type. Progr ending with two minutes piano music til 09.30:04 UTC, tx switches off three seconds later at 09.30:07 UTC.

Re: Unidentified Chinese st on 11940 kHz The BBCM database shows Voice of China, on 11940 kHz at 0830-0930 UTC. We believe it is an American-funded st bcing via a tx in Taiwan. (Dave Kenny-UK, BBCM, Jan 3)

My files list semi-clandestine Voice of China from Taiwan (a subsidiary of CBS) at exactly this time and frequency. Maybe Hans van den Boogert on TWN can ID them for you, he understands Chinese. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 3)

First reported in April 1991. Also reported to be on 15280 kHz at 2100-2200 UTC. ID: "Chung Kuo chi yin kuang po tien tai".

Address: Voice of China, POBox 11663, Berkely, CA 94701, USA tel. +1 510 843 5025 fax +1 510 843 4370 or POBox 79218, Monkok,

Taiwan Central Broadcasting System, Taipei on v7104.31 kHz at 1047 UTC playing Chinese pop song, 1100 UTC pips (3 short, 1 long), military march, male announcement (".... Tientai Pow Pow"), followed by female speaker, // 9630 kHz. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 3)

CROATIA New radio-TV transmitter in eastern Slavonia. Reception of Croatian radio and TV progrs in the Croatian Danubian region [eastern Slavonia] will be significantly improved from today [18th Dec]. The [Croatian Radio-TV] director-general today inaugurated a new 162-metre tx mast in Borinci [5 km north of Vinkovci], with aerials for transmission of three Croatian radio and TV programmes. (Croatian radio, via BBCm via AGDX, Dec 18)

CUBA This RHC schedule has been compiled entirely from recent monitoring observations. 0000-0030 Quechua 15340. 0000-0100 Spanish 11970 11875 11760 9550 9505 6180 6070 6000 5965 0100-0200 11970 11875 11760 9550 9505 6180 6070 5965 0200-0300 11970 11875 11760 9550 9505 6070 5965 0300-0500 11760 9550 9505 6070 5965 0100-0500 English 9830-usb 9820 6000 0500-0700 6000 [but heard here on usb9830 also] 0200 Creole, 0230 French, 0330-0400 6180

1100-1200 Spanish 15340 11760 9550 6000 1200-1300 15340 11760 9550 6180 6070 1300-1400 11760 9550 6180 6070 1400-1500 11760 6180 6070

2000-2100 Arabic 9820 2000-2100 French 9620 9585-usb 2000-2100 Portuguese 11760 2100-2200 English 9620 9585-usb 2100-2300 Spanish 11760 9830-usb 9820

2130 Creole, 2200 English, 2300-0000 French 6180 2200 Portuguese, 2300-0000 Guarani 15340 2300-0000 Portuguese 11970 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 31)

DENMARK Copenhagen Calling. Copenhagen, Fri 03 JAN 1997.

We are proud to announce that English from Denmark will continue - via World ! Julian Isherwood felt that the audience to his former 'Radio Denmark International' progr was so enthusiastic, that he now produces a similar bc on his own, called COPENHAGEN CALLING. He is, however, looking for sponsers to be able to continue providing the world with news in English from and about Denmark.

In Jan there'll be two 15 minute bcs via World Radio Network to EUR: At 2000 UTC on Sat, Jan 4, and again at 2000 UTC on Sat, Jan 18. Please listen and report to: [email protected] (and ji is 'j as julian and i as isherwood').

In February the plan is to expand bcing once a week, and in ALL World Radio Network sces. The progr will be available in RealAudio on World Radio Network, and you should access http://www.euroword.dk for more details. On behalf of Julian Isherwood, I wish you a Happy New Year, Erik Koie / ehk@.dk / [email protected]

ETHIOPIA Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Mekele on 5500.03 kHz at 1548 UTC male speaker, parallel with stronger 7515 kHz. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 3)

FRANCE RFI Frequency change: Polish 2200-2300 UTC on new 3965 (ex 3970) kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jan 2)

ECUADOR HCJB Freq. Change - W96 HCJB World Radio would like to announce a frequ change for the current W96 bc season. In our current schedule, we are bcing Czech and Slovak programming between 0520-0600 UTC on 9765 kHz, every day of the week. Unfortunately, we recently discovered that our transmissions are interfering with those of the BBC, which is currently on the air on the same frequ 0500-0600 UTC. To solve this problem, HCJB will be changing from 9765 to 9420 kHz, for our Czech and Slovak time block (0520-0600 UTC). We will commence our change to this frequ beginning at 0000 UTC, Thurs 9 Jan '97. Unless there are any additional problems, we plan to stay on this frequency for the remainder of the W96 bc season, which will end 30 Mar '97. After that date, HCJB hopes to return to 9765 kHz for the same programming for the duration of the Z97 bc season (30 Mar through 26 Oct '97). (Dave Lewis-EQA, HCJB Frequency Manager Jan 2)

GERMANY 1997 budget cut by DM10m. Deutsche Welle (DW) will pursue "a creative and productive thrift course in 1997 despite budget cuts of about DM10m". The DW budget is about DM630m in federal subsidies. The programme budget for radio and tv will be raised by about DM3m.

DW, which reaches between 30m and 40m listeners all over the world every day with its 39 radio programmes. The planned investments of about DM25m mainly concentrate on digital technology needs, which cost more than DM12m. Digitization in the area of production and transmission will lead to profound changes. According to the DW director, over the past two years DW has cut more than 300 jobs by means of an early-retirement programme. About DM120m are allocated to the dissemination of radio and tv progrs via SW and MW as well as via satellites; this is one-fifth of the DW budget. (DW press release, Dec 19)

IRAQ Observations on opposition radios. The Iraqi Communist Party radio st, which calls itself Voice of the Iraqi People, Voice of and Progress, was observed on 3910 kHz 1730-1830 UTC. In mid-Sept, this radio was observed back on the air after several months absence on a frequ close to 3910 kHz. At sign-off, the radio announced that it bcs at 1730 & 0400 UTC on 49 & 75 mb. Attempts to locate the radio on the 49 metre band failed; however, in the past the radio was observed on 5825 and 7045 kHz in addition to the 75 mb channel.

The other communist party radio, Voice of the Iraqi Communist Workers' Party, has not been heard since early Sept. Experience has shown that only one of these two radios is audible at one time. The radio was heard in the past on 4000 kHz.

Voice of the Islamic Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan was observed in Arabic at 1700-1800 UTC in parallel on 4136, 4400 & 6305 kHz.

Voice of the People of Kurdistan is observed in Arabic and Kurdish on or around 4100 kHz. Despite the announcement on 10th Dec, the radio has not been traced on the 49 mb.

Voice of the Iraqi Islamic Movement continues to be observed on 1112 kHz at 1700-1900 UTC.

Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan is heard in Kurdish & Arabic on 4070 kHz at 1650-1930 UTC.

Voice of Rebellious Iraq is heard from 1300-1530 UTC on 6080 kHz. It is also observed on 1386 kHz after 2030 UTC. Voice of Iraqi Islamic Revolution continues to be untraced. (BBCM research Dec 23, via AGDX)

KAZAKHSTAN/RUSSIA Kazakh TV hit by unpaid Russian debts. The Kazakh Republican Production Association does not have funds to pay for electricity and already owes its workforce almost 2m dollars in back wages since July... [ellipsis as published] And the main reason for this is the Russian tv and radio companies' debt for the relaying of their progrs to Kazakhstan. That debt is already approaching 7m dollars. We have been forced to take a series of measures which will, incidentally, also affect Kazakhstan's television and radio companies. ('Trud', Moscow, via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 18)

KOREA NORTH On v7927.5 kHz R.Pyongyang in Chinese at 0000 UTC, mx & ID. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jan 2)

TV bcs said suffering from power shortage. It was learned that NoKorea has frequently discontinued its tv bcs owing to increased electric power shortages, has frequently stopped bcing its programmes for long periods of time and without prior notice.

A NUB official said the reason 's tv network frequently stopped bcing its progrs was its inability to maintain sufficient voltage due to electric power shortages and the poor quality of electric power supply. (KBS Radio, Seoul, via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 28)

NETHERLANDS From Jan 1st, 1997 now new 'Talk Radio 1395' on 1395 kHz MW. (ex JazzRadio progr, but still in Dutch Cable Networks available). (Juergen Lohuis-D, Jan 2)

Retrospective view: Special transmission in Dutch of Radio Netherlands. On Sat 4th 1997 Radio Netherlands will have a special transmission starting at 0357 UTC carrying a special report on a skating happening in our nothern province Frysland the so-called the frysian eleven cities tour. All transmissions in Dutch. 0400 - 1725 UTC astra 1d/tr22 11.847 GHz, V-pol,audiosubc 7.38 MHz 0400 - 1300 UTC F6020 kHz to NoWe Africa, SoWe Europe 0400 - 0625 UTC F7110 kHz to SoEa Europe 0400 - 0725 UTC via Moscow 7240 kHz to West Europe 0630 - 1725 UTC F9895 kHz to SoWe and SoEa Europe 0630 - 1725 UTC F5955 kHz to West Europe this progr can also be heard via Radio 1 on F747 kHz from 0400 UTC onwards. F = Flevo-site in Holland (Frequency Planning Radio Netherlands, Jan 3)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4890 kHz NBC at 1615-1645 UTC in English with pop mx and announcements, time checks for Fri morning; new time? now 24h?, excellent strong signal here. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jan 2)

RUSSIA According to the on-air annoucement from R.Liberty, "Myrovoe Radio" ("World Radio") will starts to relay RL progrs from Jan 5 (not Jan 1, as it was announced earlier) on 1098 kHz. The time for these relays was given as 0200-1900 UTC. It seems a tx is located somewhere in Moscow or nearby, because the announcer said that these progrs are intended for Moscow region. Tx power is still unknown (I haven't heard something concerning MR prior to RL ancmt. so, it was surprise for me). Perhaps some other sts. will use 1098 kHz after 1900 UTC. I've been checking 1098 kHz regularly, but not any test signal is heard. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 1)

9530 kHz Magadan Radio (p) at 2314 UTC man in Russian w/ Golos Rossii ID ment "Ukraine" and "work" in Russian. Organ mx and possible "Magadan Radio" ID at 2320 UTC. (Dybka in Cumbre Dx, Dec 29)

SUDAN Radio Omdurman noted around 1600 UTC on new 7200 kHz, when RTS Belgrade dom sce via Stubline in Serbia was off on this frequency. (Juergen Lohuis-D, Jan 2)

TUNISIA RTT in Arabic 5 kHz down on 7470 kHz, noted at 2000 UTC. [and at 1500-2400 UTC also on odd 7286.5 kHz too] (Willi Stengel-D, Jan 2)

TURKEY TRT Ankara English schedule, 1930 UTC changed again.

Freq Time Power Site Target (khz) UTC Languages Tx Area ------7100 0400-0500 English 500 EMR Eu,NAm (x7340) (registered 7300!) 9685 0400-0500 English 250 CAK As 17705 0400-0500 English 500 EMR As,Aus 9445 1330-1430 English 500 CAK Eu,As 9630 1330-1430 English 500 EMR As,Aus 5965 1930-2030 English 500L EMR Eu,NAm (x5970) (6035 on Jan 4) 6000 1930-2030 English 500 CAK Eu 6135 2300-2400 English 500U EMR Eu,NAm(but on LSB! mode) 7280 2300-2400 English 250 CAK Eu 9560 2300-2400 English 500 EMR As,Aus 9655 2300-2400 English 500 EMR Eu,NAm (WB Jan 4)

UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International reshuffeled ext bc schedule: 963 1800-0800 Eu 5905 1700-0200 WEu/CEu 5915 2200-0500 UK/NAm Eastcoast 5940 1600-0200 WEu/CEu 5985 0900-1500 EEu/As/Ural 6010 2000-0400 WEu/CEu 6020 0600-0500 Eu 6080 1800-0400 Eu/As/Ural 7115 1600-0100 WEu/CEu 7150 2200-0500 UK/NAm Eastcoast 7160 1700-0400 EEu/As/Ural 7180 0100-0600 UK/NAm Eastcoast 7205 2000-0700 WEu/CEu 7290 0000-0800 WEu/CEu 7320 0000-0800 WEu/CEu 7380 2200-2400 As/INS/AUS 7420 0900-1600 EEu/As/Ural 9560 0900-1700 WEu/CEu 9600 0300-0800 WEu/CEu 9610 0600-1600 EEu/As/Ural 11705 0600-1800 NEu 11720 0500-1400 WEu/CEu 11780 0500-1500 EEu/As/Ural 12050 1100-2100 UK/NAm Eastcoast 13720 0500-1400 WEu/CEu 15520 1000-1700 WEu/CEu 17680 0600-1300 WEu/CEu 21540 1500-2100 WAf/SAm

On 5915 & 7150 special NoAm program (0100-0200 + 0400-0500 UTC English, remaining Ukrainian culture progr. (RUI Kiev, DX progr Dec 25/Jan 1, via Kai Ludwig)

UNITED KINGDOM On MW 1476 kHz County Sound Radio: following Christoph's tip in BCDX#281 tried and heard this one at 2200 UTC, they announced a relay of VoA EUROPE starting at midnight (should be VOA EXPRESS now). (Harald Kuhl-D, Jan 2)

USA WWCR signs up second 24-hour programmer. WWCR-SW welcomed on board its second 24-hour-a-day programmer with the addition of "The Overcomer Ministry" with Brother R.G. Stair. WWCR currently carries on a 24-hour-a-day basis, the teaching ministry of Dr Gene Scott (The Universal Network) from Los Angeles, .

Brother Stair has leased WWCR's newest tx, number 4, to reach NoAM, CAN and EUR with the message of Jesus Christ. "Brother Stair has been bcing multiple hours with WWCR for many years and this was a logical step forward to bring his schedule up to 24 hours a day," says Adam Lock, operations manager for WWCR. [The press release gave the following schedule for Brother Stair's bcs on WWCR: 0000- 1300 UTC on 2390 kHz, 1300-2200 UTC on 9475 kHz, 2200-0000 UTC on 7435 kHz and 1400-1500 UTC on 12160 kHz.] (WWCR press release, Nashville, Dec 11)

VATICAN CITY English schedule, eff until March 1997: 0600-0620 EUR 7250 5882 4005 1530 527 0700-0745 exc.Sa/Su IT/FR/English 15595 9645 7250 6185 5882 4005 1530 527 1100-1130 exc.Sa/Su IT/FR/English 17550 15595 11740 9645 1530 527 1715-1730 EUR 9645 7250 5882 4005 1530 527 2050-2110 EUR 7250 5882 4005 1530 527 2310-0140 EUR MUSIC 1530 527 0140-0200 AS 7335 5980 0250-0310 AM 7305 6095 0315-0345 AF 7360 0500-0530 AF 9660 7360 0630-0700 AF 13765 11625 9660 1130-1200 Fris only, AF/AS/AUS 17550 15595 Mass in English 1345-1405 AS/AUS 11625 9500 1550-1610 AS 11640 9940 1550-1610 Sats only, AF/AS/AUS 11640 9940 Mass in English 1730-1800 AF 15570 11625 9660 2000-2030 AF 11625 9645 7365 2245-2315 AS/AUS 11830 9600 7305 6065 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 31)

YUGOSLAVIA External radio on the Internet. Yugoslav state bcing st Radio Yugoslavia was connected [on] Thurs [19th Dec] with the world information network Internet, radio director Nikola Ivanovic said. In addition to SW bcs in 11 languages, Radio Yugoslavia will now be able to reach all parts of the world through Internet, he said. This will enable the st to provide the word with authentic information on the developments in Yugoslavia, Ivanovic said. (Tanjug , via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 19)

ZAIRE Radio Candip in Bunia controlled by rebels. Radio Candip based in Bunia in eastern Zaire was heard at 1100 UTC on 26th Dec on 5066 kHz. The st played Zairean mx interspersed with announcements in Swahili, French, Lingala and other vernacular languages, with the st identification: "This is Radio Candip bcing from Bunia". The st appeared to be under the control of the Zairean rebel movement, the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire, led by Laurent Kabila. It bc calls to those members of the Zairean armed forces wishing to surrender to do so.

Africa No 1 radio: "Sources close to the governor of Haut Zaire have learnt that Radio Candip, a rural radio, is currently operating under the orders of the rebels. Speaking on Radio Candip, one Commander Claude called on all the fleeing soldiers to return to Bunia where, according to the radio announcement, they would be well received provided they laid down their arms." (Radio Candip was an educational radio station broadcasting on SW and FM and operated by the Centre d'Animation et de Diffusion Pedagogique - Candip - in Bunia.) (BBCM Dec 26, Africa No 1, Dec 29, via AGDX)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 283 11 Jan 1997 ______

ANGUILLA On 6090 kHz University Network in English at 0830-0930 UTC; found this following a tip in Cumbre Dx; usual pr of Gene Scott, also talking about this new SW outlet and asking listeners to call in for telling where they are listening to 6090 kHz [I did not call, though]; clear channel in EUR at that time, so no problem to log; tried to fax them a report to Anguilla at the number given in WRTH96, but got an announcement telling that the number has been temporarily disconnected (are there too many DXers with fax capability these days? ;-)); this might be the end for logging Radio Esperanza/CHL in Europe on this channel. (Harald Kuhl-D, Dec 31)

6090 kHz Caribbean Beacon at 0105 UTC rlg px in E with translation in Japanese, 0130 UTC ID: "University Network ... presents Dr. Gene Scott", with R. Bandeirantes in background. (Passmann Jan 3)

Log or QSL it and forget it. A new SWBC radio country, yes, but what a waste, merely another tx carrying nothing but the boring and rude Dr. Gene Scott duplicating Dallas and Nashville--and WWCR tells me that Scott has a commitment to keep existing txs rather than let Anguilla replace them. Tnx to a tip from Pete Costello, I found Caribbean Beacon active on 6090 UT Dec 29 at 0433 but very low mod //WWCR 5935. Recheck Dec 31 at 0400 DGS was talking about Anguilla and asking for reception reports, but this seemed to be a tape playback of a couple nights earlier, since at 0429 he said modulation was 98 percent, power up to 75 of the 100 kW, and hoped to be on 24h by Sun. The 0500 hour seemed to be new, since at 0509 he gave the daytime freq as 11775, should be on 24h by Jan 1. Later on Dec 31, 11775 at 2000 had nothing but Spain, and at 2321 check 6090 was up.

Then on Jan 1 at 1808 11775 was on with DGS translated into Spanish //13845 WWCR. Jan 2 at 1110, DGS was all over the 25mb on an overloaded ATS-909: 11775 was really there, but also on 11745 which was the sum of KAIJ 5810 and WWCR 5935, receiver mixing products; also mixing with Marti on 11825 which was 5890 plus 5935; and on 11870 which is 2 times 5935, all caused by receiver overload. Jan 6 at 0145, 6090, DGS was getting sustained applause from his psychophants--or was it canned? when he gave the 2 new SW fqs, and said his "Secret 6" project had come to pass, apparently name has something to do with being on the 6 MHz band and its numerological significance; said 6090 starts at 2 pm, presumably PST = 2200 UT, and at 2202 later that day the switch was made from 11775. I've yet to hear any local ID for Caribbean Beacon on its frequencies only.

Then on Jan 7 the tx was silent, nothing on 11775 at 2130 check, nor on 6090 at 2200 or 0100 checks. Still missing Jan 8 at 1400 check, but a hummy carrier came on around 1420. I hear that the power grid on Anguilla is very unreliable, and txs need extra protection from it; and DGS is fuming mad at the Anguillans for the hostile reception his st has received there. In this location at night, 6090 can be fair while 5935 and 5810 are very poor. (Glenn Hauser-USA, Oklahoma, Jan 8)

ANTARCTICA 11553 kHz, AFAN according to a letter from the st received by Alex Jackson and reported in the NZ DX Times, a utility tx will be used to carry the Amercian football Superbowl in a few weeks. (Peterson Radio Newsbulletin in Cumbre DX) In 1995, a tx was used to relay the game to remote sites in the Antarctica with some success. I don't believe that they had this relay last year. Having said that, this year's Superbowl will be on Jan 26th. It looks like kick-off is at 2318 UTC and the game usually last about three hours. There are also extensive pre-game shows carried by many sts. (Johnson in Cumbre DX, Jan 1)

AUSTRALIA... This Log features several receptions in Australia of: 6025 IRN VOIRI-Tehran 2035 NF Arabic 31/12 (BP) 9565 SLK DW-Trincomalee 0035 Russian 2/1 (BP) 11600 SEY FEBA Mahe 1414 NF ex 11670 Vernaculars 1/1 (DV) (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP37, Jan 8)

BANGLADESH Bangladesh Betar, Khabirpur on 4880 kHz at 1338 UTC typical Bengali folk song, fast fade-in, but fading out again before 1400 UTC. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 7)

BELARUS On 5032 kHz at 0730-0815 UTC, the former military LSB utility tx near Minsk is back on the air here with a px in Russian, playing Ru and E pop songs, like R Roks did previously. Also advs and ID: Radio B or Radio Biek. Nothing heard on former //5262 kHz. SINPO 45444. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Jan 1) [yes super signal strength in Stuttgart too, WB]

BHUTAN BBS Thimpu midday broadcast on Sunday observed in English on 6035 kHz at 0915- 1000 UTC. Good signals in . Mon-Sat 5030 kHz at 0900-1400 UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 5)

BRAZIL/SOUTH AMERICAN WINDOW Several Brazilians audible this morning on 31 mb -- 9585, 9615, v9630.1, and 9685 kHz. all fair level at 0905 UTC. Also could just hear was Paraguay on v9737 kHz. NHK via Montsinery on 6070 kHz booming S9+ at 0855 UTC. There was LA mx mixing with a below strength RAI Italy 6110 kHz same time. On 6185 kHz at 0815-0900 UTC mixing with Vatican Radio, which bc special holiday on Epifania - Tres Reyes.

The top end of the 49 mb is now clearer in Europe, than I can remember ever hearing it now that 6190 is off and now France 6175 kHz. Would be nice for DX-ers if a few more switched off too!! (Noel Green-UK, Jan 6)

CHINA/TAIWAN UNID 11940 kHz [semi-clandestine Voice of China from Taiwan] at 0830-0927 UTC jammed by China. Monitored the broadcast on Jan 4th. Jamming began at 0825 UTC, a few minutes before the st came on the air. No signature tune or any other fanfare. At 0912 UTC, a distorted transmission of Prg 1 joined the frequency. All disappeared after 0927 UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 5)

ERITREA On 7085 kHz Voice of Broad Masses of Eritrea with excellent S9 level signal at 0455 UTC into ID 0500. Eritrean mx at 0455 on 3 Jan. Best I've ever heard this signal in NA. (Henderson via DXW, Jan 3)

ETHIOPIA On 5500 kHz Voice of Tigray Revolution heard here past 0452 UTC with Ethiopian and Arabic type mx, Solid S6 on 3 Jan, S4 on 4 Jan, nice signal //7515 kHz, which was louder on 3/1 but also more QRN. 6210 kHz R. Fana in Amharic at 0454 UTC with OM in talk on 1/3. S6 level. No QRM. Not noted on 4 Jan. Good EaAfrican night 3 Jan. (Henderson, via DXW, Jan 3-4)

After four weeks I received a QSL letter from of the Revolution of Tigray, POBox 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia; V/s Fre Tesfamichael; also postcard was enclosed. The same day I received a Season's Greetings card from Radio Ethiopia. (Van Arnhem-HOL, via DXW, Jan 6)

FRANCE/RUSSIA This Log features reception in Australia of: 9830 RUS RFI-Ossuorijsk 2300-0000 new relay site French 30/12 (BP)

RFI registrations on HFCC list: 7305 RFI Irkutsk RUS 11.00-12.00 Lo As 7305 RFI Irkutsk RUS 12.00-13.00 Cb As 7420 RFI Irkutsk RUS 09.30-10.30 Mn As 12025 RFI Irkutsk RUS 23.00-01.00 Fr As 5945 RFI NovosibirskRUS 22.00-23.00 Mn As 7430 RFI NovosibirskRUS 12.00-13.00 Mn As 7315 RFI Ussuriysk RUS 22.00-23.00 Mn As 9830 RFI Ussuriysk RUS 23.00-00.00 Fr As

RFI sneaked in an additional Russian relay for W96, located at OUSSOURIJSK, close to Vladivistok, near the border with Korea. Here is the complete sked for RFI services for Australasia, and the Pacific Region, reflecting the new relay:

Australia and Papua New Guinea: 1030-1130 French 11700 South East Asia: 2300-0030 French 7120 Issoudin 2300-0000 French 9570 Yamata 2300-0000 French 9830 Oussourijsk 2300-0100 French 12025 Irkutsk 1400-1500 Vietnamese 6120 Yamata 1100-1200 Lao 7305 Irkutsk 1200-1300 Khmere 7305 Irkutsk 1500-1700 French 9790 Issoudin/Allouis 1400-1500 English 12030 Issoudin 1100-1200 French 11890 Beijing 1200-1300 English 11600 Xian

China and Korean Peninsula: Novosibirsk 0930-1030 Mandarin 7420 Irkutsk 2200-2300 Mandarin 5945 Novosibirsk 2200-2300 Mandarin 7315 Oussourijsk 1200-1300 Mandarin 7430 Nobosibirsk 1030-1200 French 7140 Yamata 1200-1300 Mandarin 7140 Yamata 0930-1030 Mandarin 9660 Yamata (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP37, Jan 8)

France Inter progr missed on MW relays 675, 1071, 1161, and 1350 kHz. So Latin American in the clear at 0845 UTC, Spanish on 1350 kHz, lots of commercials, but could'nt get an ID, similar mx I hear via Caracol 5076 kHz. And RFI is not in use for RFI during "daytime" since Jan 5th, and 3965 kHz is not heard when it is scheduled to be on air at 0800 UTC. [May temporarily only, due to extended snowfall and low temperatures in France at present. Let's wait and see. WB]

Now audible on 6175 kHz: WYFR Portuguese at 0800-1000, VoR Turkish til 1530 UTC. Also clear for RNB on 6180 kHz at 0800 UTC. Faded down low by 0855 UTC when jamming was audible on channel -- probably intended for Taiwan. (Noel Green-UK, Jan 6)

GUAM KTWR Guam in English to Asia on 9870 kHz at 1000-1200 UTC. [Extended by additional one hour?]. (Arthur Cushen-NZL, via RNMN, Jan 9)

HONG KONG BBC Hong Kong sinking rapidly! I got the following brief message from Miles Ashton at BBC Hong Kong, it sounds like the tx site will soon be just a memory! Richard Buckby

Spotted your note on the above whilst searching for info about it today. All of our antennas are down now. The two txs are nearly packed for shipping out but not sure where yet. Regards - Miles (via Richard Buckby Jan 6)

INDONESIA 9525.0 V.O.Indonesia -0400# #0800-1300# 9552.5 RRI-Ujung Pandang -0100-0759# S/off as usual. 9565.0 RRI-Jakarta Inactive 9630.0 RRI-Jakarta -0000-1200- 9680.0 RRI-Jakarta -0950- 9705.0 RRI-Pontianak Inactive 9741.8 RRI-Sorong -0100-0757# S/off as usual. 11750.0 RRI-Jakarta Inactive 11785.0 RRI-Jakarta -0850- 11885.0 RRI-Jakarta -2300-1200- 15125.0 RRI-Jakarta -2300-0752# S/off as usual. 15150.0 RRI-Jakarta -2300-0200# #0858- (Juichi Yamada-JAP, in JEMBATAN, Jan 7)

JORDAN I was puzzled to hear Jordan on five frequs simultaneously around 0800 UTC recently - 15600 15435 15270 11835 and 11810, especially as they are supposed to have only three txs! I presume 15600 and 15270 kHz to be some sort of spurious radiations - 15435+165 = 15600, 15435-165 = 15270. (Noel Green, Blackpool, Lancashire, UK Dec 30) [yes, at 1900 UTC Jordan noted on 9660 and 10000 kHz even, spurious outlet of centered 9830 kHz. WB]

KENYA Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, 4935 kHz, music to time pips at 2100 UTC (last one up a note), by a woman announcer "This is KBC, Nairobi. The time is Midnight, Sat..." and she continued with about 5 mins of nx, then a "words of faith" sermon by a man, then the women announcer concluded with a brief announcement mentioning Nairobi again before ending with the NA, carrier off 2110 UTC. I've been chasing this one since early December. The signal is alway there, but the audio has been so light as to make this one unreadable. Finally, today, s8-9 signal. Posted on our Web site at . (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Jan 3)

KOREA NORTH The ext (Japanese) sce of R. Pyongyang did not bc Kim Yong Il's New Year's address on Jan 1, 1997. Since the death of Kim Il Sung, new year address has not broadcast on Jan 1. (Mitsuaki-JAP, via DXW, Jan 3) v7927.5 kHz R. Pyongyang in Chinese at 0000 UTC, mx & ID. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jan 2)

LAOS I received a QSL letter from Lao National Radio Vientiane 6130 kHz after 4 weeks. Also a progr schedule, a seasons greetings card and some Lao stamps were included. V/s Miss Chanthery Vichitsavanh, announcer English section, POBox 310, Vientiane. (Van Arnhem-HOL, via DXW, Jan 4).

MALTA Voice of the Mediterranean has advised for several new broadcasts. These will include: Japanese, on Suns local time in Japan, 8am on 9800, or 11am on 15550 or 4pm on 15550. The exact time will be based on listener preferences, and will start "soon".. They correspond to UTC days/times: Saturday 2300 9800, Sunday 0200 on 15550, and 0500 on 15550. Another new sce is planned for NoAM, with test transmissions beginning on the first Sunday in February. These will be for the Atlantic Border Provinces and States 7400 and on 13600 to the Pacific Border States and Provinces. Proposed times are 11am-2pm "Canadian and American local time". Programming will be English 11m, Maltese noon, French 1.30pm, and German 1.30-2.00pm. Another new transmission planned is a three-hour morning release for Europe and the Mediterranean, "Valletta Calling" in English, French and German. This will be in addition to existing programming for Europe and the Mediterranean, and contract negotiations are continuing for lease of suitable txs. (Bob Padula-AUS, Jan 8)

NORWAY Democratic Voice of Burma in Burmese noted on new 9725 kHz (x11850) at 1430- 1500 UTC in Burmese. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 5)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA NBC Port Moresby on 4890 kHz at 1400 past 1900 UTC seems to be running all night with latest pop songs and hourly news bulletins. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 5)

SEYCHELLES FEBA Radio noted a new sce to India at 0800-0900 UTC on 15540 kHz in Tamil & Malayalam. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 5)

SINGAPORE On 6015 kHz Singapore Radio International at 1223-1247 UTC good. E px about software piracy and interview with Microsoft Singapore director. 1230 Nx headlines. //6155 kHz. (Van den Boogert from Singapore, Dec 22)

SURINAM On v4991.2 kHz R. Apintie, at 0403* UTC directly into NA from back to back mx. Mixing nicely w/ Ancash as both on nearly the exact freq this eve. (Rippel, via DXW, Jan 5) (e-mail: [email protected] )

TAJIKISTAN On 4975 kHz at 0150-0240 UTC, Tajik T, Yangi-Yul is now using this fq for its own Foreign Sce, obviously replacing 7245 kHz. Heard with several ID's and IS and px in until 0200 UTC, followed by Farsi. 4635 kHz was of course not in parallel as it carries dom sce. (Adrian Petersen, Jan 1)

THAILAND [see also under Hong Kong] BBC Nakhon Sawan Thailand relay started full operation on Jan 1st, 1997 with beaming of programs to South Asia. Monitored sked as follows:

5975 1500-1830 WS Eng 5990 1630-1700 Bengali 6085 1400-1500 6095 1500-1545 6140 1515-1615 Sinhala/Tamil 7225 1330-1410 Bengali 7235 1700-1800 Hindi/Urdu 11685 0800-0830 Bengali 11750 0800-1400 WS Eng 15310 0100-0300 WS Eng (is it from SNG or OMA?) 15380 0030-0200 Bengali/Hindi/Urdu 15380 0200-0300 Pashtu/Persian 15405 0230-0245 Eng by Radio 15405 0800-0830 Bengali (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 5)

HFCC registrations 5965 2100-2200 NAK 250 45 5965 2200-2300 NAK 250 20 5965 2300-2400 NAK 250 45 5975 1500-1830 NAK 250 290 5990 1300-1615 NAK 250 45 5990 1630-1700 NAK 250 325 5990 2200-2400 NAK 250 40 6085 1400-1500 NAK 250 305 6140 1515-1615 NAK 250 255 7160 2200-2300 NAK 250 25 7180 1100-1615 NAK 250 25 7225 1330-1410 NAK 250 325 9510 1830-1900 NAK 250 305 9580 0900-1310 NAK 250 40 9580 2200-2300 NAK 250 20 9580 2300-0100 NAK 250 45 9600 0100-0215 NAK 250 325 Intermittent 9600 2300-2400 NAK 250 40 9750 1700-1900 NAK 250 325 11685 0800-0830 NAK 250 305 11750 0800-1400 NAK 250 290 11955 0300-0500 NAK 250 45 11955 0900-1130 NAK 250 25 15280 0000-0530 NAK 250 50 15280 0900-1100 NAK 250 25 15310 0000-0300 NAK 250 290 15380 0030-0300 NAK 250 305 15445 0230-0245 NAK 250 300 15445 0800-0830 NAK 250 325 17790 0300-0530 NAK 250 290 21660 0300-0530 NAK 250 20

VoA Udorn Thani noted in Tibetan at 0000-0100 on 7255 (x7175) kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 5)

TURKEY TRT Ankara English schedule, 1930 UTC changed again. 5965 1930-2030 English 500L EMR Eu,NAm (x5970) On Jan 4th on 6035 kHz in lsb mode instead. 6000 1930-2030 English 500 CAK Eu (WB Jan 4-5)

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES On 6015 kHz, V of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, at 2022 UTC. New freq with Arabic talk till 2024 UTC ID, "Idha'at ul-imarat al-arabiyah t-ul-mutahidah min abu zabiy"; fair mixing with another st and //9770 kHz. Also there at 1735 next day. (Bob Hill-USA, Dec 22)

UNITED KIMGDOM BBC Transmission sold! The long awaited privatisation of the BBC Tx networks seems to have finally taken place.

According to todays "Daily Telegraph" the domestic network, which includes UHF TV, VHF/FM radio, and MW & LW sites, has gone to "The Castle Tower Corporation" a consortium which is based in Houston, Texas and operates 1.200 broadcast sites in the US and Caribbean. They are believed to be paying 210 million pounds for the network of 740 sites.

The World Service sites will remain in the hands of its management via a buyout vehicle called "Merlin Communications International". The business is worth roughly 15 million pounds according to the Telegraph.

Contracts are expected to be signed this month and the BBC will invest the proceeds from the domestic network in its proposed digital services. The proceeds from the World Service sell-off will go to the UK government. ("Daily Telegraph", Jan 4)

BBC Transmission sell-off - further details. Here are some further details of the BBC Transmission sell-off press release:

Transmission sale: WS staff bid preferred The BBC has announced the preferred bidders for its Home Sce and World Sce transmission businesses. Merlin Communications International, a management and employee buy-out team from the World Sce's Programme Delivery Sce, is the preferred bidder for the World Service business. And a consortium led by Houston, Texas-based Castle Tower Corporation, which operates more than 1,200 and broadcast communication sites throughout the United States and the Caribbean, and including TeleDiffusion de France, is the preferred bidder for the Home Sce business. No figures have been released by the Corporation as yet, but press estimate the value of the sale at somewhere above the book value of #210 million.

The contract with the CTC Consortium is expected to be signed by the end of this month, with the signing of the contract for the World Sce business following as soon as practicable. Proceeds from the Home Sce sale will be used by the BBC to help finance its move into the digital age; proceeds from the World Sce sale revert to the Government. Further details will be announced on the signing and completion of the contracts.

Deputy director-general Bob Phillis, who has overseen the sale process, said: 'Our stated criteria were to select a preferred bidder in the best interests of the BBC, its licence payers and its staff. This required us to evaluate the various financial, technical and qualitative factors. 'The Home Sce management and employee buy-out team made a very strong and professional bid, but this was an intensely competitive sale. 'Assets included in the Home Sce sale are: A ten-year contract for transmission of BBC1 and BBC2 analogue tv, BBC analogue national, regional and local radio, DAB phase 1 and other sces.

Transmission HQ at Warwick and most of the equipment there. Freeholds and leaseholds to 740 HST tx sites, including equipment. Site sharing agreement with NTL, the company which transmits commercial tv sces. The benefit of contracts of employment with some 500 staff. Freeholds and leaseholds relating to property in Daventry, and at Brookman's Park in north London. Commercial contracts with third parties for other sces.

In the World Sce deal, assets include: A ten-year contract for distribution of World Sce radio; operation and maintenance of seven overseas sites (but not the sites themselves, which are being retained by the BBC/FCO). WS Programme Delivery Sce - the co-ordinator for delivering WS Radio to its audience (contracts with 67 staff plus access to the Bush House control room) - and World Sce Transmission operations. Global Distribution System (a digital satellite system) and third party distribution contracts. Four UK sites, one FCO owned. Commercial contracts for hiring out transmission capacity in the UK and/or oversees.

The Castle Tower Consortium, which will be based in the UK, includes TeleDiffusion de France, a subsidiary of the France Telecom Group, and private equity investment firms Candover Investments plc and Berkshire Partners LLC.

The bid by Merlin Communications International for the World Sce Transmission business is supported by financiers led by investment capital group 3i plc. (Richard Buckby-UK, Jan 8)

USA , current schedule as of Dec 31, 1996: 2300-0000 UTC Chinese 6240, 7495, 7530, 13800kHz 2300-0000 UTC Tibetan 7415, 7550kHz 1300-1400 UTC Tibetan 7355, 9440kHz 1500-1600 UTC Chinese 6240, 7495, 7530, 9455kHz (Shigenori Aoki of the Asian Broadcasting Institute, via DXW)

The following messsage will be of interest. If reproducing, please credit Robert German via EDXP: RFA now also from KHBN, Palau on 9910kHz 1500-1600 and 2300-2400 UTC. (Robert J. German, INTERNET:[email protected] ) Roboscan remote HF monitoring systems and HFBC Frequency Management Software FTP: clark.net /pub/rgerman Web: http://www.clark.net/pub/rgerman/home.html

FCC has told all licensees that registrations for alternate frequs will no longer be accepted. There are too many unused registrations from other countries, such as Russia, clogging up the books and preventing other sts from using them. Also, sts will be expected to use frequs which are propagationally correct for the target; e.g., WJCR should use a higher frequency than 7490 in the daytime. (George McClintock, WWCR, W.O.R., Jan 8)

ZAIRE v7203.72 kHz, ORTZ-Lubumbashi, at 0518 UTC, assume RF for the New Year, since I have not heard them recently. Local hilife and excited talk by a man. Best in USB mode, since this was QRM'ed on the lowside (7202.63) by an unID with time pips! Who could this be? It was in sync w/WWV, too...sounded *a lot* like the US Naval Observatory's Master Clock... (Sharp via DXW, Jan 1)

"The following article is taken from a newsletter posted to the rec.radio.info newsgroup on . It mentions a possibility of opening up for US HAM radio communication on the 60 meter band on frequencies between 4945 to 4995 kHz. What do you think about it? Personally I'm against it, as it surely will interfere with broadcasts originating from and aimed at the public in countries that are neighbours to USA. Secondly, does anyone really belive that 40 kHz is enough space and how long time will go before Radio Amateur People in Europe will aquire the same rights? Therefore NO to US Ham radio on 60 meters! ______[qoute from the newsletter:]

Date: Wed, 25 Dec 96 08:43:35 -0700 Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline #1010 - 12/20/96

NTIA SAYS "MAYBE" TO NEW HF BANDS The possibility of expanded high frequ Amateur Radio allocations after the turn of the century is included in a Dec 13th document released by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Titled High Frequency Spectrum Planning Options by the N.T.I.A., the report lists up to nine hundred kHz of new or upgraded allocations that could be opened to Amateur Radio at a later date. Included is a new ham radio band from 4945 to 4995 MHz. Changes or additions to existing bands include making 3.5 to 3.8 MHz an exclusive worldwide Amateur Radio allocation, rearranging 40 meters to cover 6.9 to 7.2 MHz, expanded worldwide primary allocations at 10.1 to 10.35 and 14.0 to 14.4 MHz. Also included are expanded bands at 18.068 to 18.318, 24.74 to 24,89, and 28 to 30 MHz. But this will not be a free ride. This is because some of the expansions proposed are mutually exclusive for amateurs and broadcasters. This means that there is the probability that the two sces will have to share on a non-interfering basis on 17, 20 and 30 meters.

If you want to read the report, take your computer to: www.ntia.doc.gov and use the search engine to find it. (Condensed from NTIA release)" (Jens Sondergaard, via DXW, Dec 31)

MUF forecast, FOT for teh Heard Island Expedition VK0IR Graphic representation for worldwide MUF SW forecast, FOT... to Heard Island in Januar 1997 can be obtained via web page http://www.access.ch/agtim

On HomePage line 'new VK0IR' click on 'Kurzwellenfunk Prognose' or select the direct path


These maps are worldwidely valid for all sts, which wants to enter in contact with VK0IR. Choose the corresponding time of day. The frequency pointed on the map for your location by color. Also notice the intense hourly changes.

To see all 24 maps, you need Netscape Navigator V.2 or V.3, or Microsoft Internet- Explorer 3.0. Other GIF Browser, shows you only the first map of the sequence, 12 UTC.

Best DX, 73 de Andre Meystre, HB9BIG Sender: [email protected]

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 284 15 Jan 1997 ______

DAYLIGHT WINDOW Comment by Noel Green: propagation conditions have certainly deteriorated since mid of Dec, signals are not so good as they were.

Liberty #1 Seoul has been putting in a good signal on 6015 kHz. Heard after Nederland goes off 6020 at 0900 UTC, I hear time pips on the hour and what sounds an ID. Definitely in Korean though, At 0955 UTC I could hear an IS which eventually I recognized as China. There were lots of pips, Chimes and Marches at 1000 UTC, but difficult to tell which st was broadcasting what! [Singapore on 6015 kHz too] On 6010 kHz, where I had previously been hearing what I believe was "The Voice of National Salvation" fr NoKorea, there is now loud jamming only! (Noel Green-UK, Jan 3-6)

But yours truly do keep hearing the following signals at unusual time: 5965 RN Bonaire in English at 0945. 5975 RKI Seoul nondirectional in Japanese at 1200-1300. 5990 BBCWS Nakhon Sawan-THA relay at 1300 UTC. 6065 BBCWS Yamata-JAP relay til 1300 UTC, then Chinese. 6195 BBCWS, scheduled both 1300-1400 UTC ATG and SIN, but suppose hearing Kranji-SIN. 6260 Tashkent-UZB ? at 1300 UTC. 7185 UNID, 1330-1345 UTC, mentioned Bangla Desh over and over again. 7190 Beijing in Japanese //9855, 1300-1400. 7255 Nigeria playing non stop mx, still after 0830 UTC. 7355 RFA [TJK?] in Tibetan, 2nd channel in // 9440 kHz, 1300-1400. 9530 R Thailand in English, 1400-1430. 9670 KFBS Saipan in Vietnamese 1400-1500. v9706 Radio Ethiopia Addis Ababa at 1400 UTC. NG: On 9706 kHz there was an African st at 0820 UTC at good level, but with splash from VoA Arabic on 9705 kHz til 0830 UTC. Language was unknown but I don't think Amharic (Ethiopia) and mx was certainly not(!) East African type! I believe this was probably Niger. v10059.8 Hanoi-VTN at 1300-1400 UTC, booming in today. 17730 1330-1500 Sports live coverage in English language, but deep fading, suppose Meyerton-RSA covering football match Zambia vv , qualification match for World Cup in France 1998. (WB Jan 11)

RAMADAN will take place this year from about 10 January to approx. 7th of February, look out for extended schedules from broadcasters in Islamic countries. Exact dates may vary slightly.

For some of you it will be of particular interest what can be heard here during Ramadan here in Europe of course. This is a monitoring snapout list - not complete in total - of stations propagate to EUR for morning & daytime, and at EUR nighttime.

Both are given, all Arabic language programmes worldwide, from Western countries also, as well as remaining Muslim country broadcasts, in local languages also.

0500-1200 UTC time span ______5825 PAK 6150 VoA 6870 SOM

7100 TUR 7120 LBY 7130 IRN 7140 BBC CYP 7170 VoA 7195 BBC 7200 SDN 7210 QAT 7235 DW 7245.1 ALG 7245 MTN 7286.5 TUN 7475 TUN

9200 SDN 9400 PAK 9445 TUR 9460 TUR 9510 OMA 9530 ARS 9560 TUR 9568 ARS CLA 9570 QAT 9605 UAE AD 9620 ARS 9630 JOR 9675 TUR 9700 LBY 9705 VoA 9755 EGY 9780 YEM 9800 EGY 9814.2 ISR 9850 EGY

11665 KWT 11708.2 ARS 11715 ALG 11725 TUR 11730 TUN 11745 IRN 11750 QAT 11785 ARS 11785 EGY 11810 JOR 11818.6 ARS 11835 JOR 11850 LBY 11890 OMA 11910 IRN 11925 TUR 11930 IRN 11935 ARS 11955 TUR 11970 UAE AD 11980 EGY 12050 EGY 12085 SYR

13605 UAE AD 13620 KWT 13670 TUR 13675 UAE D 13710 TUR

15060 ARS 15084 IRN 15095 SYR 15110 KWT 15116.2 EGY 15140 OMA 15145 TUR 15165 UZB 15230 ARS 15235 VoA 15260 IRN 15285 EGY 15290 JOR 15330 UZB 15335 MRC 15345 MRC 15350 TUR 15355 JOR 15365 IRN 15385 TUR 15395 UAE D 15415 LBY 15435 JOR 15450 TUN 15470 PAK 15475.1 EGY 15480.1 ISR 15495 KWT 15505 KWT

17735 TUN 17745 EGY 17760 UAE AD 17780 IRN 17880 ARS 17885 UAE AD 17900 PAK

21495 ARS 21530 ARS 21605 UAE D 21630 UAE AD 21665 ARS 21715 TUR

1500-2300 UTC time span ______

5915 ISR 5925 RUS 5945 BUL 5980 TUR 5990 RFI 6025 IRN 6030 BBC 6085 OMA 6105 JOR 6110 BBC 6120 TUR 6175 RUS 6175 IRN 6180 UAE AD 6550 LBN 6854 SOM CLA

7110 TUR 7120 BUL 7130 IRN 7140 BBC 7147 ARS 7180 VoA 7180 IRN 7190 IRN 7210 QAT 7220 UAE AD 7240 IRN 7245 ALG 7260 IRN 7265 AWR 7270 AWR 7286.5 TUN 7295 RUS 7325 BBC 7325 RFI 7475 TUN 7540 AWR KSDA 8000 SDN

9440 AWR 9440 CHN 9460 TUR 9530 VoA 9555 ARS 9560 TUR 9570.2 QAT 9575 MRC 9605 UAE D 9645 CVA 9655 RFI 9665 IRN 9665 AWR 9700 LBY 9703.4 ARS 9730 ARS 9735 OMA 9755 EGY 9770 UAE AD 9780.3 YEM 9800 EGY 9815.1 ISR 9835 WYFR via Skelton 9840 RUS 9845 RFI 9850 EGY 9855 KWT 9865 RUS 9870 ARS 9880 KWT 9900 EGY 9988 EGY

11610 AWR 11680 BBC 11708.3 ARS 11710 UAE AD 11730 BBC 11734.2 TZA 11750 QAT 11765 BBC 11780 ARS 11810 CVA 11850 LBY 11910 IRN/TUR? 11935 ARS 11955 TUR 11970 UAE AD 11990 KWT 12025 DW Krasnodar 12050 EGY 12085 SYR

13620 KWT 13630 JOR 13660 BBC 13670 TUR 13675 UAE D 13715 AWR

15084 IRN 15110 KWT 15140 OMA 15180 BBC 15215 ALG 15335 MRC 15415 LBY /./1251 15495 KWT 15505 KWT (WB Jan 11-13)

BURKINA FASO National radio announces frequency change. Radio Burkina announced on 30th Dec that from 0800 UTC on 31st Dec it would use 7230 kHz as its daytime freq instead of 9515 kHz. The head of the transmitting centre, Marcel Teho, said that the change was being made after tests at Djapaga and Bobo Dioulasso had shown that 7230 kHz provided better reception. (Monitoring observations on 3rd January confirmed that Radio Burkina continues to use 4815 kHz in the evenings and early mornings.) (Radio Burkina, Dec 30, BBCMonitoring research 3 Jan, via AGDX)

BULGARIA On v9774.7 kHz R. Varna (p). A Fridays-only heterodyne on 9775 Golos Rossii (which closes at 2300*), observed for several weeks, finally produced some audio on Jan 3. Tuned in at 2223 UTC and heard nondescript rock/pop vocals, with heavy splash from Golos Rossii. Very little speech observed (e.g. short items at 2300, 2330 and 2342), and difficult to be sure of language. Sounded like Bulgarian, and definitely not Russian. Reception useless after 2343 UTC when VoA tx was warming up on 9775 kHz. Heterodyne audible until 2400* UTC. (Tony Jones-PRG, via Cumbre Dx, Jan 3)

CHINA Heilongjiang People's Broadcasting Station Harbin, first progr, ID in : "Heilongjiang renmin guangbo diantai". Chinese 2100-0600, 0835-1440 (Korean 0840-0940, E 1330-1400) 4840 1593 1341 900 621 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 7)

CLANDESTINE 4070 kHz V.O. Iraqi Kurdistan, 0414-0428 UTC. Long tlk by M in pres. Kurdish ending w/ID at 0419 UTC, instru. mid-east mx bridge, another tlk by dif. M w/many, ments of America and ending w/another ID at 0424 UTC ...Kurdistani Iraqiyah. Another easy ID at 0427 UTC. (Valko-PA, via Cumbre Dx, Dec 28)

CROATIA Radio 101's temporary permit to expire soon. Excerpt from report by Croatian Radio 101. We are coming close to the end of the progr. However, we will shortly discuss the media. There is no news regarding us, but do not relax, because 15th Jan is close. This date is important for two reasons: Radio 101's temporary bc permit expires on that day, and it is the deadline for submitting applications for the new open competition. After that, they have to decide who gets the two Zagreb city frequs within a month, which means by 15th Feb. (Radio 101, Zagreb, via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 4)

ECUADOR/AUSTRALIA This morning's VK7WI Tasmanian Divisional WIA bc on 7090 kHz at 2230 UTC stated that HCJB had purchased property in Australia to erect a SW tx to bc to Asia. It quoted Ron Cline the President of the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, the parent organisation as saying property had been purchased but it wasn't clear exactly where. I have been told at an HCJB deputation meeting about 4 years ago that HCJB were praying about a possible site in NoWe Australia in the Kimberleys.

With the future of Radio Australia up in the air due to budgetary cutbacks, it would be interesting if the first private SW radio st in Australia will become operational in the very near future.It does depend on whether HCJB is able to gain a license from Australia' Spectrum Management Authority who are responsible for the licenses but I cannot see any difficulties there.

Has anybody heard if indeed HCJB has purchased property and where? I am interested. (Robin L. Harwood, 5 Helen Street, Newstead, Tasmania 7250, Australia. Telephone (03) 6344 2324; E-mail: [email protected]; Packet :VK7RH@VK7BE.#LTN.TAS.AUS.OC. (rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek, via EDXP, Jan 12)

FRANCE RFI using new SW frequencies for Asia. RFI [ Internationale] Paris has been using two additional SW frequs to Asia since 4th Dec 1996. Using txs located in Russia, these new frequs enable RFI to better reach its listeners in China and . The progr in Standard Chinese is bc to China in the 41 mb on 7430 kHz 1200-1300 UTC. The French progr to Vietnam is bc in the 31 mb on 9830 kHz between 2300-0000 UTC.

Summary of RFI's Chinese-language broadcasts SYMBOL 183 "Symbol" 10 2200-2300 UTC (7135 kHz, 5945 kHz) using the Ussuriysk and Novosibirsk txs in Russia. Target area: Xian, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing.

SYMBOL 183 "Symbol" 10 0930-2300 UTC (7420 kHz, 9660 kHz) using the Irkutsk tx in Russia and the Yamata tx in Japan. Target area: the coast between Shanghai and Guangzhou, and Beijing. SYMBOL 183 "Symbol" 10 1200-1300 UTC (7140 kHz and the new 7430 kHz frequency) using the Yamata tx in Japan and the Novosibirsk tx in Russia. Target area: Beijing and the coastal region from Quingdao to Guangzhou. (RFI press release, via BBCM via AGDX, Jan 7)

France Inter progr missed on MW relays 675, 1071, 1161, and 1350 kHz. So Latin American in the clear at 0845 UTC, Spanish on 1350 kHz, lots of commercials, but could'nt get an ID, similar mx I hear via Caracol 5076 kHz. And RFI is not in use for RFI during "daytime" since Jan 5th, and 3965 kHz is not heard when it is scheduled to be on air at 0800 UTC. [May temporarily only, due to extended snowfall and low temperatures in France at present. Let's wait and see. WB]

Now audible on 6175 kHz: WYFR Portuguese at 0800-1000, VoR Turkish til 1530 UTC. Also clear for RNB on 6180 kHz at 0800 UTC. Faded down low by 0855 UTC when jamming was audible on channel -- probably intended for Taiwan. (Noel Green-UK, Jan 6)

France Inter progr relay still on LW Allouis 162 kHz, but ceased MW relays 675, 1071, 1161, and 1350 kHz on Jan 1st. Missed also MW Lille 1377 and Nice 1557 kHz of "Radio Bleue" sce. Latvia now noted on 1350, and Ukraine on 1377 kHz.

And RFI Allouis non directional SW to CeEUR on 6175 kHz at 0500-2200 UTC ceased also, seems off for ever. Only AF outlet via Issoudun tx site from 1700-2200 UTC 100 kW 178 degr observed on 6175 kHz. Thanks to a tip of Noel Green. Iran at 1400 UTC now here in the clear. Also VoR in Turkish at 1600, there is also jamming on the frequ til 1600 UTC.

And Allouis 3965 kHz is not heard when it is scheduled to be on air at 0800 UTC, registered 1600-0900 UTC. But Polish 2200-2300 UTC here. Also scheduled for 3965 kHz AF relay at 2100-2200, and 3970 kHz at 0400-0700 UTC. (Noel Green-UK, Jan 6; WB Jan 11-12)

TDF 3965 1600-0900 ALL 4 ND TDF 6175 0500-2200 ALL 100 ND

TDF 3965 2100-2200 ISS 250 180 TDF 3970 0400-0700 ISS 250 180 TDF 3970 2200-2300 ISS 250 55 Polish TDF 3985 2000-2100 ISS 250 95 Serbian/Croatian

TDF 6175 1900-2100 ISS 500 60 TDF 6175 1700-1800 ISS 500 70 TDF 6175 1800-2200 ISS 500 180 (HFCC registrations)

GEORGIA Latest schedules for Georgian, Abkhaz radios. Changes have been made to Georgian Radio's bcing schedule following tx upgrading, Voice of Russia's "DX Club" programme reported on 5th Jan. The new schedule is as follows: Georgian to Iran 0500-0600, 1600-1700 on 6080 kHz. to Turkey 0630-0800, 1730-1900 on 6080 kHz. English to ME 0930-1000 & Georgian 1000-1030 11910 kHz. English to ME 1630-1700 & Georgian 1700-1730 6230 kHz. English to CeEUR 0800-0830 & German 0830-0900 11910 kHz. English to CeEUR 1800-1830 & German 1830-1900 6080 kHz.

Russian "in a northwestern direction" 0600-0630 11910 kHz. 2030-2100 6080 kHz.

Radio Abkhazia from Tbilisi in Russian is bc 0430-0500 UTC on 189, 1044 and 5040 kHz, Weds & Fris, and in Georgian on Mons & Thurs.

Radio of the Republic of Abkhazia bcs from Sukhumi in Abkhazian and Russian at 0430-0530 & 1500-1600 UTC on 1350 & 9495 kHz. On Weds & Fris the bcs are in Georgian. The correspondent supplying this information reported that the timing of these bcs was rather fluid, "DX Club" reported. (VoR, Moscow, via BBCM via AGDX, Jan 5)

GERMANY At 1000-1400 UTC DW ceased using Julich 6140 kHz for German sce to NoEUR, 100 kW, 40 degrees. Scheduled 0600-1700 UTC time span, and still print out in January schedule. Apparently in use 0600-1000 when sudden stop, 1400-1700 only. Frequ open now to hear CRI Beijing in Vietnamese til 1257, and from 1300 English. (Noel Green-UK, Jan 8)

GUINEA v7125.63 kHz, RTG Conakry, 0635+ UTC with domestic mx selections and man in French w/brief intervening anmts. Possible ID with short fanfare at 0645 UTC, then man with presumed news as per sked. Fair-good during mx segments but voice modulation level was quite low. Unnoticed on few other previous dates so apparently irregular. (Clark, via DXW, Jan 8)

HEARD ISLAND The temporary beacon from the Heard Island DX-pedition was logged here as follows: Frequ 14100.0, st IARU Beacon, Heard Island, Jan 13, 1607 UTC, call-sign: VK0IR in CW. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 13)

IRAN Voice of Southern Azerbaijan radio schedule. The opposition radio st Voice of Southern Azerbaijan is currently observed with bcs in Azeri 0615-0715 UTC on 11935 kHz, 1630-1730 on 6055 kHz. This radio st, which was first observed in July 1996, bcs in support of the National and Independent Front of Southern Azerbaijan, hostile to the Iranian government. Southern Azerbaijan is the Iranian province of Azarbayjan which borders the Republic of Azerbaijan. (BBCMonitoring research Dec 96-Jan 97, via AGDX) v11790.4 kHz VOIRI Tehran, at 1312 UTC, Malay program //11885 kHz till 1330 UTC, when went into presumed Urdu //11875; 11885 continued in Chinese. Dual-path echo on v11790.4 kHz, not noted on 11885 or 11875. This station may not be particularly difficult to hear, but it's a challenge to keep up with the constantly changing sked. (Hill, via DXW Jan 11)

IRAQ PUK radio frequency announcement. Voice of the People of Kurdistan, the radio st of the Jalal Talabani-led Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), carried the following announcement in Arabic at 1500 UTC on 3rd Jan: "Dear listeners: We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the transmission of our progrs on the SW 75 mb of 4080 kHz will stop for several days, for technical reasons, from Sat 4th Jan 1997. You can follow our progrs at 1000 UTC every day on SW 49 mb of 6020 kHz." (BBCMonitoring research 3 Jan, via AGDX)

ITALY For W96, the amended sked for the RAI Italian Sporting Px on Sundays is: 1345-1710 UTC 9855 Central Eu, 17780 NA, 21535 SA, 21520 EAf, 21710 CAf and SAf. Relays of the HS are: 0600-1300 15240 21520 CAf; 2300-0500 6060 Mediterranean (Night program); 0500-2300 6060 9515 Mediterranean (Radio Uno); 0500-2300 7175 Mediterranean (Radio Due); 0530-1300 6110 Eu (Radio Uno); 0700-1300 7235 Eu (Radio Due); (Researched from sked submitted by Lucio Coceani, via EDXP)

KOREA (DPRK) Radio Pyongyang, Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang, tel: +850-2-36344/812301 fax: +850-2-814418

0000-0050 English 15130 13760 11335 0000-0050 French 15230 11845 0000-0050 Spanish 13650 11700 0400-0450 English 17765 15230 15180 0400-0550 Japanese 11780 9650 9505 3250 0400-0550 Korean 9375 9345 7200 0500-0550 Korean 17765 15230 15180 0500-0550 Spanish 9975 6575 0600-0650 Chinese-Std 17765 15340 0600-0650 English 15230 15180 0600-0750 Japanese 11780 9650 9505 621 0700-0750 Chinese-Std 15230 15180 0700-0750 English 17765 15340 0800-0850 English 15230 15180 0800-0850 Korean 9505 7250 0900-1050 Japanese 7580 6520 3250 621 0900-0950 Russian 11740 11335 9375 9345 9315 7200 0900-0950 Spanish 9975 6575 1000-1050 Korean 9975 6575 1000-1050 Russian 11740 11335 9375 9345 9315 7200 1100-1150 Chinese-Std 9345 7230 7200 1100-1150 English 11335 9975 6575 1100-1250 Japanese 7580 6520 6070 3250 621 1200-1250 Korean 9345 7200 6125 4780 1200-1250 Spanish 11335 9975 6575 1300-1350 Chinese-Std 11735 9975 1300-1350 English 15230 11740 9640 9345 1300-1450 Japanese 7580 6520 6070 3250 621 1400-1450 French 11845 11735 9345 1400-1450 Korean 15230 9975 9640 1500-1550 Arabic 11905 9600 6520 1500-1550 English 13785 9975 9640 9325 1500-1550 Russian 9345 6575 1600-1650 French 9975 9640 9345 6575 1600-1650 Korean 11905 9600 6520 1600-1650 Russian 13785 9325 1700-1750 Arabic 11905 9600 6520 1700-1750 English 13785 9975 9640 9325 1700-1750 Korean 9345 6575 1800-1850 Arabic 11905 9600 6520 1800-1850 Korean 13785 9975 9640 9325 1800-1850 Spanish 9345 6575 1900-1950 French 13785 9975 9640 9325 1900-1950 German 9345 6575 1900-1950 Korean 11905 9600 6520 2000-2050 Arabic 11905 9600 6520 2000-2050 English 9975 9640 9345 6575 2000-2050 Spanish 13785 9325 2100-2150 French 9975 9345 6575 2100-2150 German 13785 9325 2100-2250 Japanese 11780 9650 7580 3250 621 2200-2250 Korean 15280 15130 13760 13650 11700 2300-2350 English 13650 11700 2300-2350 Korean 9345 7200 2300-2350 Spanish 15130 13760 11335 (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 7)

LAOS 6130 kHz Lao Radio, 2354 UTC Nice oriental songs. At 2358 UTC VoA s/on. (Bernardini, via DXW, Jan 6)

LATVIA Latvian Radio announces frequency changes. Fr 1st Jan 1997 there will be changes in the bcing networks of Latvian Radio. The first progr's MW tx in Riga will in future bc on 945 kHz. In Daugavpils [eastern Latvia], on 1539 kHz. [The Riga and Daugavpils first programme transmitters had operated on 576 kHz in the past]. >From 1st Jan 1997 the 2nd progr will be receivable in Liepaja [southwestern Latvia] on 101 MHz VHF/FM. (via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 27)

MALTA Voice of the Mediterranean announces new tests. New Japanese sce. Voice of the Mediterranean announced that from the first Sun 2nd Febr it would start a weekly bc in Japanese. The report added: "We would like our Japanese listeners to let us know, preferably by first post on receipt of this newsletter, whether they prefer to hear our progr at 2300 UTC on 9800 kHz or 0200 UTC, or 0700 UTC on 15550 kHz.

North America -- "Now good news for our friends in CAN & USA. We are making a special appeal to our Maltese and Gozitan compatriots to tune in on 7300 kHz SW on the Atlantic border provinces and states, and on 13600 kHz for the provinces and states on the Pacific border. These are for a start test frequs for a month beginning on the first Sun in Febr. The test transmissions will start at 1100 hrs Canadian and American local time [as published]. The progr, called Radio Melita [Maltese for "Radio Malta"], will be for the first hour in English. Then at noon we start a feature in Maltese. At 1300 hrs we will have one half hour in French, 1330-1400 hrs we shall bc in German." [1600-1900 UTC??] (VoM newsletter, Jan 97, via BBCM via AGDX)

MYANMAR v4725.02 kHz Broadcasting System, Yangon at 1140-1150 UTC. Threshold signal where too. Noted a woman in steady comments with some mx interspersed. I heard a nxcast on BBC today concerning Myanmar, but they used Burma instead of Myanmar. I'm confused? What's correct? (Bolland Jan. 3)

Depends on who's side you are on. Union of Myanmar is the official name of the country per the current government. Burma is the name recognized by the ousted government. Ed.

1433-1450 UTC tent. ID, LL E/Bamar (?), abt abbreviations. (Passmann-D, Dec 30)

6570 Defense Forces BC,Taunggyi, (p) from 1205 to 1214 UTC some faint mx could be heard in LSB . As no other st is listed on this frequ in WRTH or PWBR this might well be it. PWBR lists st at 10 kw. (Karthaus, via Cumbre Dx, Dec 30)

NETHERLANDS Europe Talk Radio starts bcs on 1395 kHz. Here in Holland, Europe Talk Radio has started broadcasting on 1395 kHz as from 1st of the year. It's a new commercial broadcaster in the Dutch language and their offices are in the Radio Netherlands building. Talk Radio bcs around the clock except 1900-2200 UTC daily when it closes to enable TWR to bc progrs to the UK via an Albanian tx operating on the same frequency. Talk Radio address: PO Box 345, 1200 AH Hilversum, The Netherlands. (RNMN Jan 9, via BBCM via AGDX)

NEW ZEALAND "Kiwi DX" is the name of a new DX program that will be aired every 3rd Tuesday at 0730z via New Zealand's Print Disabled Radio, on 1602, 3935 and 5960/7290 kHz. There will be a repeat the following Sunday at 0330z. Content will be MW, SW and FM news and tips, primarily of interest and within propagation-reach of NZers. It will be of approximately 15 mins duration and hosted by myself. If you have anything you'd like to share - please send me an e-mail. Regular logs will not be of much interest. (Paul Ormandy via DXW, Jan 12)

OMAN Due to interference BBC via Masira Island is to use 7205 (x7105) kHz for their bc in Hindi 1700-1730 & Urdu 1730-1800 UTC as fr 15th Jan 1997. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 12)

PHILIPPINES 9505 kHz, R. Veritas Asia, Manila at 1230 UTC, ID in English. (Clemente, via DXW, Jan 4)

SEYCHELLES FEBA Radio noted a new sce to IND at [Thur-Sun only] 0800-0900 UTC on 15540 kHz. Thurs 0800-0815 Oriya, 0815-0900 Hindi; Fris 0800-0900 English; Sats 0800-0845 Telugu, 0845-0900 Kannada; Suns 0800-0830 Tamil, 0830-0900 Malayalam. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 12)

SLOVAKIA New station, Radio Regina Bratislava, a new regional st of Slovak Radio (SRO), will begin on 792 kHz MW Tue 7th Jan. To area to cover listeners from the entire Bratislava area, about 620,000 people. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 4)

SOLOMON ISLANDS v5019.98 kHz, SIBC, Honiara, at 1045 UTC with local promo's extending best wishes for 1997, TC and back to pop vocal mx at 1051 UTC. Man at 1059 UTC announced upcoming BBC news relay which was carried at 1100; lead item was timely, extensive coverage of the Hebron shooting incident. Back to mx with 'Whiter Shade of Pale' at 1111. Man with closing ID and freqs, citing MW 1035 and SW 5020 and 9545 kHz [yet the latter is obviously inactive], instrumental anthem 1132 UTC. Open carrier still on 1135. Great signal - not heard like this in Ontario for a very long time! (D. Clark-CAN, via Cumbre DX, Jan 1)

SOMALIA 6735v kHz, R Mogadishu, V of Somali Pacification (Presumed) at 1510 past 1630 UTC in Somali. Modest signals but subject to UTE QRM. 6545 kHz Holy Quran Radio 1515 UTC, with chants, sermons. Seems to be regular now. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 12)

SOUTH AFRICA Stocks and Funds - Here's the schedule for THE INVESTMENT CHANNEL, (scheduled to commence 15 Jan 1997): 0200-0255 6195 250 Middle East 0200-0255 7175 250 Middle East 0300-0325 7175 250 Middle East & East Africa 0300-0355 9775 250 Middle East & East Africa 0330-0425 11985 250 Middle East & East Africa 0400-0525 15225 250 Middle East & East Africa 0430-0525 11985 500 Middle East & East Africa 0530-0625 11985 500 Central & West Africa 0600-0725 9675 100 Southern Africa 0600-0755 15225 250 Central & West Africa 0630-0755 17735 250 Central & West Africa 0800-0855 17735 250 Middle East 0800-0855 21745 250 Middle East 0900-1125 17735 250 Middle East & East Africa 0900-1125 21745 250 Middle East & East Africa 0930-1225 11985 100 Southern Africa 1230-1355 17735 250 Central & West Africa 1230-1355 21745 250 Central & West Africa 1400-1455 17735 250 Middle East 1400-1455 21745 250 Middle East 1500-1725 17735 250 Middle East & East Africa 1500-1555 21745 250 Middle East & East Africa 1800-1955 9675 100 Southern Africa 1800-1855 17735 500 Central & West Africa 1900-2025 15420 250 Central & West Africa 1900-2025 17890 250 Central & West Africa 2000-2055 7270 100 Southern Africa 2030-2155 17890 500 Central & West Africa 2100-2155 15420 250 Central & West Africa (Kathy Otto/ web site)

TAJIKISTAN On 4740 kHz, V. of Russia Relay at 1235 UTC. Selections from Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake," interspersed with narrative in English by woman. Fair strength, but choppy and noisy. Still there after 1300 UTC at noticeably weaker level. (Hill, via DXW, Jan 11)

THAILAND Radio Thailand noted in English on a new channel 11890 kHz at 0300-0330 UTC mixed with NHK R.Japan to SoAS fr Ekala, Sri Lanka on the same spot. BBC Thailand after initial snag restored full operation on 9th Jan and is now using 15310 kHz from THA from SNG at 0000-0300 UTC. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 12) [11890 0300-0430 UDO 500 38 IBB 15310 0000-0300 NAK 250 290 BBC - HFCC registration]

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic actually 17735.1 kHz (x17498), and not Baghdad! At 0800 UTC in //with 11730 & v15450.4 kHz, at night on 7475.1 and 7286.5 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Jan 3)

TURKEY TRT Ankara in Arabic 1000-1200 UTC replaced 11690 by 9675 kHz, //13710 kHz. CAK site 250 kW, 150 degrees. (WB Jan 12)

USA 9400U kHz, at 2145 UTC, WGTG Mckaysville, phone in on Generic versus patent antibiotics. Detailed discussion about comparative advantages. I was tempted to phone in since I'm also a microbiologist! (Norrie, via DXW, Jan 11)

VIETNAM Unid 4685 kHz, +1130 1500 UTC signing off relaying Hanoi HS, seems to have drifted from 4705 kHz. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 4) v4795.4 kHz Son La BC Station at 1207 UTC, tentatively this with typical mountain-tribe instrumentals and vocals, some a-cappella and others accompanied by native flutes. Occasional announcements by man, too brief to determine language. Signal took a sharp nosedive around 1225 UTC and was only a feeble het by 1230 UTC. If Son La (which has been recently reported here), likely Hmong broadcast as sked 1200-1230 UTC per TBL. Weak and very noisy reception. (Hill, via DXW, Jan 11) v4959.7 kHz at 2220-2235 UTC, Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi with Home Sce in Vietnamese, mostly news read by a woman. (Anker Petersen-DEN, via DXW, Jan 5) v4959.8 kHz Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi at 2322 UTC with OM in Vietnamese talk. (Steyn, via DXW, Jan 10)

UNID QTH 7355 kHz, R. Free Asia, opening at *1300 UTC, OC from as early at 1254 UTC, sudden EG ID by M "This is R. Free Asia, the following program is in Tibetan", and said pgming. Is this a new relay from KNLS possibly??? (Valko-PA, via Cumbre Dx, Dec 28) [probably via TJK, and 9440 via Kamo-ARM.]

PUBLICATIONS The 2nd edition of Fred Osterman's RADIO RECEIVERS PAST & PRESENT is out! What a beauty!! High quality paper and same size as Chuck Dachis' Hallicrafters Book. 70+ manufacturers, 500+ model numbers covers tabletop radios (and rackmount units) starting in 1945 to 1996. Don't know price (I think $20), but available from his company UNIVERSAL RADIO 800 431 3939 or other dealers. Lots of Eddystones, National, Racal radios with pictures. ([email protected] (Radiomatt) in rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek, via EDXP, Jan 12)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 285 19 Jan 1997 ______

ALBANIA TWR Polish via Cerrik, 100 kW 350 degr, replaced 5870 by 5905 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, O.Chengeliev, S.Ivanova, Jan 10)

ARGENTINA RAE Buenos Aires in English Tue-Sat 0200-0300 UTC on odd 11708.6 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

AUSTRALIA/ECUADOR HCJB says "no firm plans" for HCJB Australia relay. To facilitate the goal of putting many of Asian languages on the air, HCJB World Radio has been researching various strategic international broadcasting sites, one of which is northwest Australia. HCJB has not negotiated with the Australian federal government for permission to build or operate an installation in Western Australia. (HCJB DX Party Line, Voice of the Andes, Jan 11)

AZERBAIJAN Radio Azerbaijan in Russian, px "Araz" daily 0705-0710 UTC, 1400-1410. Mon, Wed 1145-1200. Tue-Sat 0610-0620. Tue, Thur, Sat 1110-1140. Sat 0800-0830 UTC. On LW 216 kHz, MW 801 891 1476 kHz, SW not active. VoAzerbaijan in Russian on MW 1296 kHz at 1830-1900 UTC, not heard on SW. (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, WDXC Contact Jan)

BULGARIA Radio Darik is believed to broadcast on 98.3 MHz FM in Sofia. The people are informed live about events by Radio Darik, a private radio st that can be received all over the country, which is now seen as the mouthpiece of the opposition. Actually, we did not want that, a senior editor tells us, but the state media, which are controlled by the Socialist government and the Bulgarian Socialist Party, have pushed the radio st into this role. Today, Radio Darik is virtually the eyes, ears, mouth, and heart of the people. Telephone lines are blocked most of the time, because protest actions are reported from all over Bulgaria. Prominent actors make themselves available as the presenters of the casts. The well-known radio voices do not fear reprisals. After all, they only report the facts, which one should not be afraid of, one of them says. However, the radio st virtually coordinates the demonstrations and, by listening to it, even the police learn every day what is happening where. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 12)

CHINA/TIBET Bcs for national minorities fr Beijing: 0000-0026 Tibetan 11630 11375 8566 0030-0056 Uighur 11375 10260 8566 4735-Urumqi 0100-0126 Kazakh 11375 10260 8566 4970-Urumqi 0430-0456 Korean, 0500-0526 Mongolian 9920 9775 8566 0530-0556 Tibetan 15670 11630 11375 0600-0626 Uighur 15670 11375 10260 0630-0656 Kazakh 15670 11375 10260 1000-1026 Korean 9920 9775 8566 1206-Yanji 1030-1056 Tibetan 11630 11375 8566 1100-1126 Uighur 11375 10260 8566 1130-1156 Kazakh 11375 10260 8566 1200-1226 Korean 9775 5420 4190 1230-1256 Mongolian 9775 6974-Hohhot 5420 4800 4190 1458-Hohhot 1300-1326 Tibetan 8566 6110 5995-Lhasa 4035-Lhasa 1330-1356 Uighur 10260 9390 8566 4735-Urumqi 3990-Urumqi 1400-1426 Kazakh 10260 9390 8566 4970-Urumqi 4330-Urumqi 1430-1456 Mongolian 10260 9390 8566 5060-Urumqi 4980-Urumqi 2130-2156 Korean 9775 5420 4190 1206-Yanji 2200-2226 Mongolian 9775 5420 4800 4750-Hohhot 4190 1548-Hohhot (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 14)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS [from CIS?] V of Southern Azerbaijan in Azeri on 11935 kHz signing on at 0615 UTC with the signature tune followed by opening anmts by yl and then into formal prgming. Good signals here in Sri Lanka. Signing off at 0715 UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 14) "Sawto Shaab al Iraq" (pro-communist) in Arabic (not connected to radio st with same naming from Saudi Arabia 9570 & 11713 kHz) on Fris only 0400-0500 on 3908 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

CROATIA Radio 101's broadcasting permit extended. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications on Thurs 9th Jan notified Radio 101 by official letter that it would extend the permit for the bc of Radio 101 progrs on the frequency 94.3 MHz. The duration of concessions for the area of Zagreb County and the city of Zagreb is five years. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 9)

ERITREA On 10th Jan Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea radio announced the following new schedule for progrs in the Tigrigna language eff Mon 13th Jan: 0300-0400 Mon-Fri, 0500-0600 Sat-Sun, 0930-1030 daily, 1200-1300 Sat-Sun, 1700-1800 daily. Carried on 945, 5000 and 7085 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 10)

ETHIOPIA Radio Fana replacing 9335 by 6940 kHz, and //6210 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

GERMANY/MOLDOVA/MONACO DW - Deutsche Welle ceased using MW Monte Carlo 702 kHz, 600 kW, 245 degrees, acc DW programm magazine "DW radio" Febr 1997. French 1200-1300, Arabic 1300-1600, German 1600- 2000 UTC.

Additional Russian via MW Maiac, Moldova, 999 kHz, 1000 kW, 1600-1700, 1900-2000 UTC.

Additional Serbian language progr at 0730-0745 UTC on 6010 & 7190 kHz.

German changes: 1800-2200 UTC to OCE/SoEaAS, Trincomalee 7125 replacing 11765 kHz. Delete German via Juelich to ME: 9545 at 1600-1800, 21560 at 1000-1400.

Delete Juelich: 9770 kHz 1300 Bosnian, 1330 Croatian, 1400-1430 Macedonian. 11720 kHz 1430 Urdu, 1515-1600 Hindi. 17875 kHz 1000-1050 Persian.

Delete Nauen: 7255 kHz 0930-1030 Romanian.

Serbian via Juelich 1030-1100 7225 replacing 13790 kHz. Japanese via Trincomalee-CLN 1230-1300 7225 replacing 11825 kHz. (DW magazine) (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

DW to provide radio for German troops in Sarajevo. DW will provide Bundeswehr soldiers with a comprehensive selection of information in the Sarajevo area also during its follow-up mission. The Bundeswehr st "Radio Andernach" will extend its radio progr, which now carries mainly entertainment progrs, from 12 to 24 hours. The Bundeswehr has been provided with satellite receiving equipment for this purpose. The start of broadcasting in Sarajevo has been promised for mid-Jan and depends on the allocation of a frequ by the govt of the Bosnian Federation. In the past, DW cooperated with the Bundeswehr's "Desert Radio" during the Bundeswehr operation in Somalia. At that time, DW set up a large satellite rx system in the desert, thus providing the forces with a comprehensive selection of radio and television progrs. (DW press release, Jan 9, BBCM via AGDX)

Since New Year NDR tx Helpterberg MW 657 kHz ceased sce. (Bruno Wiedemann, Frankfurt/Oder, Jan 15)

Yes, both Helpterberg 657 kHz and Putbus 729 kHz are off & silent since Jan 1st. Comment and explanation of NDR Technical Departement: advice our listener to tune in NDR 4th progr via MW Hamburg 972 kHz, at reduced power of 100 kW (nominal 300 kW). (NDR Hamburg, via Kai Ludwig, Jan 16)

Contact address of WDR Cologne Computer Club: http://www.wdr.de/tv/Computer-Club/dk0wr.html (WDR via Manfred May , Jan 15) INDIA AIR launched a real time bc sce on the Internet on Jan 13, providing news update in Hindi and English in addition to current affairs, music drama, speeches, discussions and items from AIR archives. This sevice is on http: //air.kode.net (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Jan 14)

AIR Shimla v3222.99 kHz at 1537 UTC, English news, in parallel to 3345, 3365 kHz, etc. AIR Mumbai 4840 kHz at 1535 UTC great instrumental folk mx, strong signal. AIR Aizawl 5050 kHz at 1507 UTC, Hindi folk songs, female announcement, 1515 presumed news, 15.30 male speaker with news in English, parallel to 3345 kHz. Competing with on same channel. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 16)

INDONESIA Radio Republik Indonesia, Ujung Pandang on 4753 kHz 1552 UTC folk song, 1558 interval signal, presumed news by male speaker. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 16)

IRAN IRIB Tehran changes: 1730-1930 in Bosnian, Alban, Italian on 7145, 9610, and 9720 (x6005 & x7140) kHz. Bosnian at 2130-2230 9720 (x6005). English addit new time 1100-1230 UTC 11875, 11930, 15260 kHz. VoPalestine Islamic Revolution in Arabic: 0400-0530 7115 & 9610 (x5995 & x9670). At 1930 UTC on 7190 kHz.

SEDAYE MOJAHED - MKO Mojahedine Khalq Organization Here is the part from the interview given on Nov 17, 1996, with B. Moradi Head of Public Relations Dept. of the Mojahedine Khalq Organization (MKO), leaders are Maryam & Massoud Rajavi.

Q - There are several radio stations hostile to Iranian govt, which are "yours", of MKO? A - Our radio is called "Sedaye Mojahed" translated as "Voice of the Crusadors". Q - Do you have relations with similar radio sts as Sedaye Khargar, Sedaye Hezbe Communiste Irana, or Denji Kurdestana Iran? A - All are known for us. Q - Where are your studio & txs located (based)? A - In the border regions of Iran (with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey and sea-Persian gulf). Q - And exactly, I have your envelope marked by Iraqi mail service? A - It is all, I can say. Q - Number of txs? A - Nine. Q - On which wavelengths I can hear Sedaye Mojahed? A - We have two progrs. "Main progr" on stabil frequencies 6020, 6175, 7070 kHz is on the air at 0300-0700 & 1500-2100 UTC. Some parts of this progr are used in our "Operational progr" on 'moving' freqs in the range of +/-30 kHz, or 4450, 4650, 5150, 5450, 5750, 6450 kHz at 1700-2100 UTC.

Q - Why do you have 'moving' freqs? A - To avoid the jammers of mullah's regime uses 30% of the total number of its txs to jam SM and prevent reaching this voice to Iranian people. We need your advice and help in our battle against the jamming. If you have any idea, technical material on this subject we appreciate receiving it. Contact via: Box 199, BG-1000 Sofia-C, Bulgaria.

Observations of Sedaye Mojahed in Persian: Main progr 0257-0657 & 1457-2057 UTC on 6175, 7067, and probably on 7185 kHz [latter one is heavily jammed 24 hrs a day, WB] Operat. progr 0254-0507 & 1654-2107 UTC on 4450, 4650, 5150, 5450, 5750, 6450, all varying +/-30 kHz. 1654-2107 UTC also on 9430 kHz. 0254-0507 also on new 7225 (x9580, x9590) kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

On 7th Jan Voice of Mojahed, the radio st of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), announced the following new schedule for its broadcasts, eff from 6th Jan: 1500-1700 UTC 6175 kHz, 1700-2100 UTC 5450, 5150, 4650, 4450, 3850 and 3550 kHz. 0300- 0700 UTC repeat of 1700 bc on the same frequs. 0700-0900 UTC on 6175 kHz.

This radio st, which is hostile to the Iranian govt, bcs from txs in Iraq. It should be noted that all frequs are changed constantly during transmissions in an attempt to avoid jamming. (BBCM Monitoring Jan 7, via AGDX)

"Denji Kurdestana Iraq" in Kurdish, "Sawto Kurdistan al Iraq" in Arabic Thurs before 1400-1455 UTC 4070. Daily 0345-0600 & 1645-1930 UTC. "Denji Gelli Kurdestana Iraq" in Arabic on 4110 kHz range 4095-4115 kHz, daily 0330-past 0655, before 1345-1604, Thurs before 1345-1415 & 1457-1604 UTC.

[non Iran] Radios of Communist Parties of Iran & Kurdistan 3888 (3875-3895) & 4400 (4360-4405) kHz, jammed: Persian "Sedaye Hezbe Comm-e Iran" 0430-0530 & 1657-1757 UTC. Kurdish 1425-1529 Denji (approx Urdji) Irana. On 3945 (3930-3955), 4190 (4180-4230), 1330-1427 Surani Kurdish, 1430-1515 Kurdish "Denji Kurdestana Iran", 1530-1610 Persian "Sedaye Khargar".

Note: Denji / Sawto = Voice. Gelli / Shaab = People. Hezbe / Urdji? = Party. Khargar = Worker. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

IRAQ IRAQ Opposition PUK radio announces Arabic schedule. Voice of the People of Kurdistan was observed on 7th Jan, bc in Kurdish 0950-1115 UTC followed by Arabic from 1115 UTC on 6009 kHz.

Voice of the People of Kurdistan, the radio st of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani, was heard in Arabic on 4119 kHz at 1500 UTC on 10th Jan with the following announcement: "The Voice of the People of Kurdistan transmits its Arabic progrs at three different times: The first begins at 1500 UTC, using a 75 mb SW frequ of 4010 kHz. The same progrs are repeated the next day at the following times: The first begins at 0400 UTC, using a 75 mb SW frequ of 4010 kHz and the second after the Kurdish programmes, which begin at 1000 UTC on the 49 m SW frequ of 6020 kHz. (BBC Monitoring Jan 7-10, via AGDX)

ITALY IRRS Milan Fr-Sun 2300-2400 3985usb mode, "Cumbre Dx" relay Suns at 2330 UTC. RAI Rome in English at 2200-2230 on new 6150, 9565, 11815 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Alan Roe in Contact, Jan 10)

JORDAN Jordan Radio Amman in Arabic at 0600-0900 on 11810, 11835, and 15435 kHz. Latter bc spurious demodulated signals on 15245, 15270, 15600, and 15625 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

LIBYA Maybe test transmissions from new tx site in Western Libya: additional carrier tests observed on 6155, 7120, 9655, 9705, 11770, 11785, and 11815 kHz, all from 0830-1100 UTC. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

NETHERLANDS From Jan 1st, 1997 new 'Talk Radio 1395' on 1395 kHz MW. (ex JazzRadio progr, but still in Dutch Cable Networks available). Address: Talk Radio, Postbus 345, 1200 AH Hilversum, Netherlands (Paul Youngs in WDXC Contact, Juergen Lohuis-D, Jan 2)

PAKISTAN Turkish 1700-1800 UTC on new v9513.8 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Radio stations in Papua New Guinea started broadcasting 24 hours a day on 6th Jan. During the overnight period from 1400-1930 UTC (when the stations previously closed) txs on MW & SW - including those in the TB - now remain on the air. BBC Monitoring has observed the Karai Sce of the National Broadc Corpor operating on 4890 kHz 1400-1930 UTC (when it would normally have been off the air) several times over the past two weeks. (RNMN via BBCM via AGDX, Jan 9)

RUSSIA/CIS Radio 3, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky new privat radio st on 855 kHz.

Khabarovsk 1188 kHz with 10 kW, bc FEBC-Russia 0500-1200 UTC, via Vladivostok 1296 kHz, 10 kW same progr, but at 0800-1100 UTC.

R Venets Moscow 1233 (x1071) kHz left the air due to financial reasons in November. Krasnoyarskoye Radio Gorod (R City), previously called like Radio Babushkin Sunduk, is one of two Krasnoyarsk sts sharing the frequ 1332 kHz. Radio Russkaya Volna (Russian Wave) is the other.

Radio Ussuriysk commercial st 2300-1200 UTC on 1503 kHz since November. Address: ul. Kirova 28, RUS-692503 Ussuriysk, Primorskiy Kray. Tel. 241 - 3 26 64. Stavropol 1557 kHz re-transmits BBC WS in Russian, full time relay. (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, WDXC Contact Jan, also Vladimir Kovalenko, Dimitriy Kuznetsov, Oleg Bulatov, Yuriy Prokopenko)

SAUDI ARABIA Holy Quran px in Arabic 0600-0900 UTC additional 7150 & 9715 kHz, //9530 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

BSKSA Riyadh in Arabic at 1040 UTC on v11818.6 kHz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, DSWCI SWN Jan)

BSKSA Arabic to EUR 1200-1500 15230, 1700-1800 11910, 1800-2300 9870. Call of Islam 1500-1700 11910. (Allen Dean, WDXC Contact Jan)

SOMALIA Radio Mogadishu (pro-Aydid), Voice of the Masses of the Somali Republic (Somali: Reediyo Moqdisho, Codka Shacabka ee Jamhuriyadda Soomaaliya) was first heard on 19th July 1993. It broadcasts in support of the Somali National Alliance (SNA), lead by Husayn Muhammad Aydid, who succeeded his father Gen Muhammad Farah Aydid after his death in Aug 1996. It described itself as "Voice of the Great Somali People" until April 1994 and then used the title "Voice of the Somali People" (Codka Ummad Soomaaliyaeed"). The present name was adopted on 16th June 1995.

A separate station, which calls itself "Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Republic", is controlled by Ali Mahdi Muhammad (Aydid's main rival in Mogadishu).

6890-alt 6870 kHz. 0300-0500 Somali, 0900-1030 Multilingual, 1030-1110 Radio Panorama in Somali. 1300-1305 E nx, 1315-1320 Arabic, 1330-1335 Amharic, 1345-1350 Swahili, 1400- 1410, 1530-1532, 1700-1740 Somali, 1945-1955 Somali, 2000-2005 E nx, 2015-2020 Arabic, 2030-2035 Amharic, 2045-2050 Swahili, 2100 signing off. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 14)

SOUTH AFRICA in Portuguese 0400-0500 UTC replaced 7185 by 9695 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

I had to make a change to Radio Sonder Grense's daytime frequency this week, from 7185 kHz to 7270 kHz. A jammer [see under Iran] suddenly put in an appearance in the late afternoons, and was causing a lot of damage. Eastern sts propagate very well here in the afternoons, so I suspect it may be coming from that direction. I've tried to identify the station on 7185 kHz now that RSG no longer uses that frequency, but I've had no success. (via Colin Miller-CAN, Jan 16)

PROPAGATION TO SOUTHERN AFRICA On Wed Jan 15 at 0400 UTC unusually good signals were noted from that area on 60 and 90 mb, especially TWR Swaziland on 4775. Others noted included: 3306 ZWE, 3320 AFS, 3340 UGA (tent), 3356 BOT, 3396 ZWE, 4800 LSO, 4820 BOT. (Colin Miller-CAN, Jan 16)

SRI LANKA SLBC Velanda Sevauya, an amalgamation of the Sinhala Commercial Sce and Sri Lankan FM bc 24 h on 4870 & 6185 kHz since Nov 1st. (Oliver Goonawardena-CLN, in WDXC Contact Jan)

SWEDEN SR Stockholm in Swedish at 1100-1130 UTC addit 9865 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

SWITZERLAND From Januar 15th, 0505 UTC, daily TWR/ERF Christian window program with folk music Radio Eviva via MW Beromuenster Gunzwil 1566 kHz, also via Swiss PTT cable network and ASTRA satellite. Schedule is 0505-0530 UTC starting with biblical impulses, music under the title "Gruezi". Scheduled at night 2000-2100 UTC. On Mons most important news magazine from the Christian scene. On Tues Advisers progr "Impuls", experts and affected persons on microphone. On Jan 21 "Coping with conflicts - or harmony, at all costs".

Gospel songs, Country, Canzoni, Song Writer, and Oldies on Weds. "Forum" on Thurs Economy, Church, Politics and Society in talk rounds. Classic mx on Fris. On Sats presents Contemporary and Christian Literature Scene. On Suns "Mosaic" progr, contributions around the Christian believing. QSL address: ERF - Evangeliumsrundfunk Switzerland, Postfach, CH-8330 Pfaeffikon, Switzerland. (ERF D-Xpress, Jan 17)

TAJIKISTAN At 1830 UTC Radio Tajikistan noted now on new QRG of 5800 kHz. Signing off at 1900 UTC. Stronger than //QRG 4635 kHz. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Jan 11)

TURKEY TRT Ankara has reacted to the complaints of the Ham Radio operators europeanwide concerning causing harmful interference by TRT Ankara in 40 mb: delete 7100 kHz 0400-0800 UTC. Add 7300 kHz 325 degrees 0400-0500 English, add 6040 kHz 335 degrees 0500-0800 UTC Turkish. Both tx Emirler 500 kW, HR4/4. Effective from Jan 27th. (TRT engineering via Uli Bihlmayer DJ9KR via DF5SX, German BAPT [FCC Telekom] Jan 16)

Persian at 0930-1025 11795 replaced by 11715 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

UAE UAE R Dubai back on 13675 kHz since mid Dec, on 15395 kHz together with QBS Qatar [0705-1305]! English at 1030, 1330, and 1600 UTC.

VoUAE Abu Dhabi in Arabic on new 9845 kHz at 1300-1800 UTC.

Also Abu Dhabi 7125 kHz noted here, observed from 1600-2300 UTC, but may be used the whole night(?). On 1600-1800 UTC //6180, 11710 kHz. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10; WB Jan 12-18)

UKRAINE Radio Briz, Sevastopol, 1476 kHz + FM, belongs to Ukrainian Navy. Radio Vinnitsa local outlets on 1530 kHz. Radio Kharkhov 2nd progr, shared with Radio Promin on 837 kHz. Radio Mazhor, Simferopol shares with R Promin 2nd px of . Radio Liberty ceased to use relay at Lesnoy since Nov 1st. In Dec the tx was used 1400-2200 UTC by R Delovaya (Business Wave), then all transmissions were stopped. Onix Radio Kharkhov 1539 kHz has reduced power. Radio DI Dnepropetrovsk on 1593 kHz (x1215) Four local (oblast) stations are not shown in WRTH, 0410-0500, 1610-1700, but Kharkhov observed at 1800-1900: 711 kHz Radio Donets, 837 Radio Kharkhov 2nd px, 1071 Radio Dnepropetrovsk, 1530 R Vinnitsa. (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, WDXC Contact Jan, also Vladimir Kovalenko, Dimitriy Kuznetsov, Oleg Bulatov, Yuriy Prokopenko)

UNID STATIONS 1600-1700 7570 kHz - Somalia? 0300-0600 odd 6084 kHz Iraq? (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

A station noted on 4920 kHz in English during our late afternoons from around 2045 UTC. Mentioned additional transmissions in the 41 and 31 mb. Must be from Africa. Nothing listed in new WRTH. (Colin Miller-CAN, Jan 16)

UNITED KINGDOM & relays BBC London changes: German M-F 0600-0630 3980 Skelton (x3985), 1630-1700 6010-CYP (x5875). Turkish 1600-1700 5875 Rampisham (x6020). Persian & English WS 1615-1830 6095-OMA (x6090). Continuing tests of RKI Seoul via Skelton 3970: Korean 1730, 1830-1930 Russian. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10)

USA VoA Slovak 1800-1830 7155 & 9645 Tangiers-MRC, replacing 7270 & 9735.

New schedule of RFE South Slavonic sce. 1700-2230 Serbian except Bosnian 1900-2000, Croatian 2230-2300, Music 1830-1900. 1700 1197 Munich (x1593), 7115 Pals, 7245 Woofferton. 1800-1900 1197. 1900-2000 1593 Holzkirchen. 2000 1593, 7155 9600 9690 all Tangiers. 2100 1593, 5955 7165 9680 all Tangiers. 2200-2230 1593. (Paniview-BUL, Jan 10) On 5085 kHz WGTG, McCaysville GA, at 0345 UTC, good to fair with religious talk show, much better than last time. (For you mapheads, McCaysville is on State Road 5, near the Tennessee line. It's about 100 miles North of Atlanta.) (BUENEMAN, MO-USA, via TFW, Jan 2)

9400U kHz, at 2145 UTC, WGTG Mckaysville, phone in on Generic versus patent antibiotics. Detailed discussion about comparative advantages. I was tempted to phone in since I'm also a microbiologist! (Norrie, via DXW, Jan 11)

MIAMI - During the past week, WRMI has added five hours of English talk programming daily, Mon-Fri. These are syndicated dom radio progrs in the U.S. which are interested in reaching an expanded international, as well as national, radio audience. The new programs are "The Derry Brownfield Show" 1600-1700 UTC, "J.D. Live" with Jon Dougherty 2000-2100, "The Henry Feinberg Show" fr 2100-2200, and "The Hour of the Time" with William Cooper fr 2200-0000 UTC (all Mon-Fri 9955 kHz). In addition, WRMI has added a new weekly progr called "The Voice of Reform" with Tony Hernandez, UTC Weds 0200-0300 & 1400-1500 UTC 9955 kHz. This progr is produced by the Florida chapter of the Reform Party, the political party founded by former U.S. presidential candidate Ross Perot. The new programs are basically conservative in character, and deal with agricultural, political, moral and religious issues. Views expressed are not necessarily those of WRMI, which sells airtime to progrs with widely divergent viewpoints. As a result of adding the new programs, WRMI's schedule has been expanded as follows: MON-FRI (local days in the Americas): 1100-1400 UTC Spanish 1400-1500 UTC Spanish/English 1500-1715 UTC English 1945-0200 UTC English 0200-0300 UTC (UTC Tues-Sat) Spanish/English 0300-0330 UTC (UTC Tues-Sat) Spanish

SAT: 1100-1400 UTC Spanish 2000-2100 UTC Spanish 2100-0100 UTC English 0100-0415 UTC (UTC Sun) Spanish

SUN 1200-1300 UTC Spanish 1300-1500 UTC English 1500-1700 UTC Spanish 2000-2130 UTC English 2130-2200 UTC Spanish 2200-2230 UTC Portuguese 2230-0100 UTC Spanish 0100-0300 UTC (UTC Mon) English 0300-0415 UTC (UTC Mon) Spanish

WRMI has also scheduled special monthly bcs of Kiwi Radio from NZL (in English) at 1000- 1030 UTC Jan 25, Feb 23, and Mar 30, 1997. As a result of the expanded sched, we have been able to add some addit airings of our progrs Viva Miami, Wavescan and Con Frecuencia. Viva Miami (in English) can now be heard Mon-Fri 1530-1600 UTC; UTC Tue-Fri 0115-0145; Sat 2100-2130 and 2200-2300; UTC Sun 0030-0100 and 2100-2130. Viva Miami (in Spanish) is heard UTC Tue-Fri 0230-0300 and Sun 2330-0000 UTC. The English-language DX progr "Wavescan" from Adventist World Radio is currently bc Sat 2330-2345 UTC, Sun 1345-1400, UTC Mon 0200-0215, and Thur & Fri 1500-1515 UTC. The Spanish-language DX progr "Con Frecuencia," produced by Ruben Guillermo Margenet, is aired UTC Sat 0230-0300, Sun 2130-2200, and UTC Mon 0000-0030. (Jeff White, WRMI -- Radio Miami International, Jan 13)

UZBEKISTAN VoRussia via Tashkent relay 13785 & 17860 at 1000-1300 UTC in English. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Dec 16)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 286 24 Jan 1997 ______

[updated Jan 20-24] RAMADAN will take place this year from about 10 January to approx. 7th of February, look out for extended schedules from broadcasters in Islamic countries. Exact dates may vary slightly.

For some of you it will be of particular interest what can be heard here during Ramadan here in Europe of course. This is a monitoring snapout list - not complete in total - of stations propagate to EUR for morning & daytime, and at EUR nighttime.

Both are given, all Arabic language programmes worldwide, from Western countries also, as well as remaining Muslim country broadcasts, in local languages also.

0500-1200 UTC time span PAL = to Palestine ______

5825 PAK 6150 VoA 6870 SOM

7100 TUR 7110 TUR 7115 IRN/PAL 7120 LBY 7130 IRN 7140 BBC CYP 7150 ARS 7170 VoA 7195 BBC 7200 SDN 7210 QAT 7215 IRN?/UAE AD? 7235 DW 7245.1 ALG 7245 MTN 7286.5 TUN 7475 TUN

9022 IRN 9200 SDN 9400 PAK 9445 TUR 9460 TUR 9510 OMA 9530 ARS 9530 IRN 9540 IRN 9555 ARS 9560 TUR 9568 ARS/IRQ? CLA 9570 QAT 9605 UAE AD 9610 IRN/PAL 9620 ARS 9630 JOR 9665 VoA 9675 TUR 9700 LBY 9705 VoA 9715 ARS 9718.3 ARS 9740 ARS 9755 EGY 9770 EGY 9780 YEM 9800 EGY 9814.2 ISR 9825 BBC 9850 EGY

11665 KWT 11708.2 ARS 11715 TUR 11725 TUR 11730 TUN 11745 IRN 11785 ARS 11785 EGY 11790 IRN 11810 JOR 11818.6 ARS 11835 JOR 11850 LBY 11875 IRN 11890 OMA 11910 IRN 11925 TUR 11930 IRN 11935 ARS 11955 TUR 11970 UAE AD 11980 EGY 12005.6 TUN 12050 EGY 12085 SYR

13605 IRN 13605 UAE AD 13620 KWT 13670 TUR 13675 UAE D 13710 TUR

15060 ARS 15084 IRN 15110 KWT 15116.2 EGY 15140 OMA 15145 TUR 15165 UZB 15230 ARS 15235 BBC 15260 IRN 15285 EGY 15290 JOR 15325 IRN 15330 UZB 15335 MRC 15345 MRC 15350 IRN 15350 TUR 15355 JOR 15365 IRN 15385 TUR 15395 QAT 15395 UAE D 15415 LBY 15435 JOR 15450 TUN 15470 PAK 15475.1 EGY 15480.1 ISR 15495 KWT 15505 KWT

17735 TUN 17745 EGY 17760 UAE AD 17780 IRN 17880 ARS 17885 UAE AD 17900 PAK

21495 ARS 21530 ARS 21605 UAE D 21630 UAE AD 21665 ARS 21715 TUR

1500-2300 UTC time span ______

5915 ISR 5925 RUS 5945 BUL 5980 TUR 5990 RFI 6015 UAE AD 6025 IRN 6030 BBC 6085 OMA 6105 JOR 6110 BBC 6120 TUR 6175 RUS 6175 IRN 6180 UAE AD 6550 LBN 6854 SOM CLA

7110 TUR 7120 BUL 7125 UAE AD 7130 IRN 7140 BBC 7145 IRN 7147 ARS/IRQ? 7180 VoA 7180 IRN 7190 IRN 7195 VoA 7200 SDN 7210 QAT 7220 UAE AD 7240 IRN 7245 ALG 7260 IRN 7265 AWR 7270 AWR 7286.9 TUN 7290 IRN 7295 RUS 7305 PAK 7325 BBC 7325 RFI 7475 TUN 7540AWR KSDA 8000 SDN

9022 IRN 9400 PAK 9440 AWR 9440 CHN 9460 TUR 9515 PAK 9530 VoA 9555 ARS 9560 TUR 9570.2 QAT 9575 MRC 9585 IRN 9605 UAE D 9610 IRN 9645 CVA 9655 RFI 9665 IRN 9665 AWR 9700 LBY 9703.4 ARS 9720 IRN 9730 ARS 9735 OMA 9755 EGY 9770UAE AD 9780.3 YEM 9800 EGY 9815.1 ISR 9830 JOR 9835 WYFR via Skelton 9840 RUS 9845 RFI 9845 UAE AD 9850 EGY 9855 KWT 9860 DW Krasnodar 9865 RUS 9870 ARS 9880 KWT 9900 EGY 9988 EGY (JOR spurs on 9660 & 10000 kHz)

11610 AWR 11680 BBC 11708.3 ARS 11710 UAE AD 11730 BBC 11730 TUN 11734.2 TZA 11745 IRN 11750 QAT 11765 BBC 11780 ARS 11795 UAE D 11810 CVA 11850 LBY 11910 ARS 11910 IRN 11910 TUR 11935 ARS 11955 TUR 11970 UAE AD 11990 KWT 12005 TUN 12025 DW Krasnodar 12050 EGY 12085 SYR

13605 UAE AD 13620 KWT 13630 JOR 13660 BBC 13670 TUR 13675 UAE D 13690 DW 13715 AWR

15084 IRN 15110 KWT 15140 OMA 15161.8 ALG 15180 BBC 15215 ALG 15220 ARS 15335 MRC 15345 MRC 15350 TUR 15415 LBY /./1251 15495 KWT 15505 KWT (WB Jan 11-26)

ANGOLA 6095 kHz Vorgan, Jamba at 2000-2020 UTC Portuguese OM with report on Diana, Princess of Wales, visit to Huambo and problems caused by unexploded landmines. Mx by Roberto Carlos etc I/D. (Clemitson, via DXW, Jan 16)

ARMENIA V of Armenia heard with strong signals on Suns at 0930-1000 UTC, and daily at 2130-2200 UTC on 9965 and very faintly on 7480 kHz. However, the Sun sked is incorrectly announced as being broadcast at "1030 Yerevan time, 0730 Universal time". (Alan Roe-UK, Jan 22)

AUSTRALIA Feedback of R Australia still bc Fri 2210, Sat 0010, Sun 0410, 0610 UTC. But replaced Sun 0810 by new time 0910 UTC, on 9580 9860 13605, and 21725 kHz. (RA program)

BELARUS Military SW tx on 5032 kHz relays Radio B-A progr (B-A stands for Belorussia- America). Observed here in EUR mornings. It's a joint venture with WYFR and they use FM 104.6 MHz in Minsk. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, via Kai Ludwig, Jan 21)

BOTSWANA 4820 kHz R Botswana Gaborone at 1910-1925 UTC in English YL nx & wx I/D 1919 UTC into SeTswana Local church nx. 7255 kHz R Botswana Gaborone 1738-1750 UTC SeTswana, OM I/D Tk px - sounded like produce market prices. (Clemitson, via DXW, Jan 15)

CAMBODIA Fair to good signals from the only Dom Sce outlet v6089.9 kHz at 1130 past 1230 UTC. Mostly Khmer talks and music. CLANDESTINE - Cambodian clandestine is now on 5405 kHz, fair signals at 1200 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

CHILE The current is the SW panorame from this country: v5824.9 kHz RTE, daily except Thu & Sun at 2100-0000 UTC. The st have printed a new full data QSL-card for to confirm corrects reception reports to his Talagante address. v6029.6 kHz Radio Santa Maria, Mon-Fri 0900-0300 (-0300 Sat), Sat 0900-0300 (-0300 Sun), Sun 1000-0300 (-0300 Mon) UTC. The st relay nx px fr Radio Chilena (660 kHz MW in Santiago) at the following times: Mon-Sat 0900-1000, 2200-2230, Tue-Sun 0200-0230. Sun 1100-1130, 1600-1630. Mon 0200-0230 UTC.

6080 kHz Radio Patagonia Chilena, Mon-Sat 0930-0000, Sun 1000-0000 UTC. The st relay nx pxs from Radio Nacional de Chile (1140 kHz MW in Santiago) at the following times: Mon Sat at each time on the hour a few minutes and between 1600-1700 UTC. Also relay the sport px "Mas Deportes" daily at 1100-1200 and at 1700-1800 UTC.

6090 khz Radio Esperanza, daily 24 hours in Spanish, except English daily at 0630-0700 UTC, German Sun only 1200-1230 UTC. About the QSL policy, the st confirm reports directly from his well known address in Temuco.

The postal fees from a letter up to 20 grs from Chile to: all American continent cost $220 chilean pesos (US$ 0.53), for rest of the World cost $270 chilean pesos (US$ 0.66). (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, reporting from Chila, Jan 19)

CLANDESTINE RADIO Stations [CIS? to IRAN] Voice of Free Azerbaijan: Have been hearing it in the last week. 0613 UTC carrier, then at 0615 UTC short musical theme id by YL and trumpets etc fanfare into prgrming. Mostly talks with some mx as well. Gives address in Stockholm many times in the prgr. Strength suggests at least a 100kW. This is no cave or desert operation!! Its obviously from maybe Iraq. (Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 19)

East AFRICA Unidentified Somalia station is heard occasionally around 1500 UTC on 7530 kHz, mixing with RFee Asia to s.off at 1545 UTC. Not a drift of the Tigray station on 7515 kHz. Very hard to ID. Has been there for about 2-3 months. I dont know whether this is the VOFSomalia from Galkayo. VOBMO Eritrea signing off at 1800 UTC Saturday too. Maybe special for Ramadan on 7085 kHz. Fair signals in vernaculars. (Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 19)

Both, VoEthiopia-ETH from Adis Ababa 7110 kHz and Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, Asmara-ERI, 7085 kHz are well heard at approx. 0400-0430 UTC time range. (WB Jan 18)

Radio announces new schedule. On 10th Jan Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea announced the following new schedule for progrs in the Tigrigna language eff Mon 13th Jan: 0300- 0400 Mon-Fri, 0500-0600 Sat-Sun, 0930-1030 daily, 1200-1300 Sat-Sun, 1700-1800 daily. (The above service are carried on 945, 5000 and 7085 kHz.) (BBCM via AGDX, also via DXW, Jan 10)

7085 kHz Tentative Voice of Broad Masses of ERITREA, here early at 0409 UTC probably due to Ramadan with vocals/chants. Could have been an Arabic st, but mx was characteristic of HOA music. Fair, some QRN. (Henderson via DXW, Jan 17)

5500 kHz Voice of Tigray Revolution, 0355-0402 UTC, IS, the ID w/eccho at 0400 and talk M anncr in Vn, pgm in //7515 kHz, best on 5500 kHz. 7110 kHz R.Ethiopia, 0402-0414 UTC, Vn nxs by M anncr, then talks M and F anncrs with the nxs. (Barrera Chili, Jan 5)

ECUADOR Due to an interference problem in South America, involving HCJB World Radio and Radio Bulgaria, HCJB would like to announce our plans to change the frequency of our French transmissions to Canada, currently on 9415 kHz, between 0030-0100 UTC, replaced to 9410 kHz. We plan to effect this change at 0000 UTC, 26 Jan '97.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this change of frequency may cause for our listeners. It is our hope to continue transmissions on this frequency during the same time to Canada during the Z97 broadcast season (30 March '97 to 26 October '97) as well. (David Lewis, HCJB Frequency Manager Jan 21)

Subject: DX Party Line Highlights--January 25 Radio Free Asia is to add new broadcasts. News about the uncertain future of Radio Australia. A conversation with Allan Loudell of WILM about medium wave tests, and much much more coming up this Saturday on HCJB's DX Party Line. The DX Party Line is bc every Sat by HCJB, The Voice of the Andes in Quito, Ecuador, South America. TO EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST: 0730 UTC on 5860 kHz, 1900 UTC on 11960 kHz. TO THE SOUTH PACIFIC AND ASIA: 0900 UTC on 9445 kHz. TO THE AMERICAS: 0100 and 0400 UTC Sun (8 and 11 p.m. EST Sat evening LT) (Kenneth D. MacHarg, HCJB, Jan 23)

FRANCE Inter heard yesterday in the "club des auditeurs" bc that RFI is planning to stop broadcasting on SW to Europe and North America. Apparently they believe everybody has a satellite dish or an Internet connection that allows continuous radio listening. They said they welcome letters from listeners, to better know where they are and if SW is really needed for them. Unfortunatly I didn't wrote down the precise address for that poll. Did anybody do so? The best address I can come with is: RFI - club des auditeurs - , Maison de la radio, 116 avenue du president Kennedy, F-75016 Paris, France. But you may also write to them on their Web server. The address is http://www.rfi.fr. Follow the links "Dialoguer avec nous" then "Questions, suggestions sur RFI", and "QUESTION". (Eric Dujardin, [email protected], in rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek, Jan 18, via EDXP)

GERMANY Suedwestfunk Baden-Baden online addresses: Internet: www.swf.de E-Mail: [email protected] (Juergen Lohuis-D, Jan 23)

INDIA NFQ fr AIR Delhi, Domestic service feeder 9835 kHz English Nx at 1530 UTC. 4760 kHz Port Blair is having severe tx problem. Heavily distored humming tx! AIR Aizwal. Beautiful tribal singing of a devotional nature daily 0045-0100 UTC. Enlish Reports from the Press at 1220 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 19/23)

IRAN 9575 kHz VOIRI Tehran. Bg *0030-0130* UTC observed on Jan 17. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP) Powerful signal on 7290 kHz, IRIB Tehran in Russian monitored signing on with National Anthem at 1930 UTC. (WB Jan 20)

ITALY Seasonal winter schedule of RAI - Radio Roma International, valid til 29 March 1997, all times given in UTC and frequencies in kHz.

EUROPE: Mediterranean Area

2300-0500 Notturno dall'Italia 6060 Italian 0500-2300 Radiouno 6060, 9515 Italian 0500-2300 Radiodue 7175 Italian

0415-0440 5975 (West) 7275 (West) Italian / English 1430-1455 6035 (West) 7290 (West) 9670 (East) Arabic 1500-1525 5990 (West) 7290 (East) 9670 (West) Italian 1630-1655 7235 (West) 9710 (West) French 1700-1800 7235 (West) 9710 (West) Italian 2025-2045 7105 (East) 9685 (East) 11840 (East) English 2025-2045 6035 (West) 7270 (West) Arabic 2050-2110 5975 (West) 7270 (West) Portuguese 2110-2130 5975 (West) 7270 (West) Spanish 2135-2155 5975 (East) 7290 (East) Arabic

Central Europe 1530-1625 5990 7290 9755 French, fr 1555 Italian 1805-1825 5990 7240 9755 German 1935-1955 6030 7235 English 2000-2020 6015 7235 Swedish (Mon-Wed-Fri) Danish (Sun-Tue-Thu) Esperanto (Saturday)

East Europe 0330-0350 7270 Russian 0350-0410 5975 7270 9575 Ukrainian 0445-0530 5975 7270 Lithuanian, fr 0510 Roumanian 0530-1300 6110 Italian (RAI Uno) 0700-1300 7235 Italian (RAI Due) 1335-1600 5990 7275 Albanian 1400 Slovene, 1415 German, 1435 Croatian, 1500 Turk, 1520 Greek, 1540 Bulgarian 1815-1905 6140 7110 Czech, 1830 Slovak, 1845 Polish 1910-1955 5990 7110 Serbian, 1935 Hungarian 2115-2225 6015 7110 Roumanian, 2135 Czech, 2155 Slovak, 2210 Polish

East Europe, FSU 0330-0350 5975 9575 Russian 0535-0555 9565 11800 Russian 1605-1625 9575 11905 Russian 2000-2020 6030 9565 Russian

ASIA - FAR EAST - OCEANIA: Oceania: 1000-1100 11925 Italian (via Kranji-SIN relay)

Far East: 2200-2225 6150 9565 11815 English

AFRICA - NEAR EAST: East Africa: 0415-0530 9670 11840 Amharic, 0435 Italian, 0510 Somali 0535-0555 9675 11840 Arabic 0600-1300 15240 21520 Italian 1630-1655 9670 11905 15310 Arabic 1700-1800 11840 15320 Italian (15320 ASC relay) 1910-1930 9710 11840 15250 Somali 2050-2110 9710 11840 Portuguese

Central and South Africa: 1700-1800 15230 15320 17870 Italian 2050-2110 15250 Portuguese

NORTH AMERICA: 1400-1430 15250 17780 Italian 1830-1905 9675 11800 Italian 2230-0325 6010 9675 11800 Italian, 0050 E, 0110 F, 0130 It, 0305 Sp

SOUTH - CENTRAL AMERICA: Central America: 0130-0230 11765 Italian (ASC relay)

South America: 2230-0325 9575 11880 Italian, 0050 Sp, 0110 P, 0130 It, 0305 Sp 0130-0230 6110 Italian (ASC relay)

SPORTS PROGRAMMES: On Sunday, from 1345 to 1710 UTC, all progrs are subject to being curtailed or canceled to allow nx bc and/or commentaries of sports events in Italian [calzio]: Ce EUR 9855, NoAM 17780, SoAM 21535, EaAF 21520, Ce&SoAF 21710 kHz

MEDIUM WAVE BROADCASTS: 846, 900 2300-0500 (Notturno dall'Italia) Europe Italian Midnight radio news bulletin, news and comments, plus music. Night-time news bulletins in the following languages: Italian 2400, 0100, 0200, 0300, 0400 English 2403, 0103, 0203, 0303, 0403 French 2406, 0106, 0206, 0306, 0406 German 2409, 0109, 0209, 0309, 0409 567 1430-1445 Mediterranean Area Arabic 1440[LUX] 2000-2030 Europe Italian (RAI website, via JKB, Jan 17)

KAZAKHSTAN R. Almaty heard with strong signals Sats and Suns fr 1030-1100 UTC on 11840 (presumed still via Kiev relay) [//9620], but announcing the following frequs (presumably direct) in metres 333.3, 59.58, 50.72 and 48.9 (which if my maths is correct translates to 900, 5030, 5910 and 6130 kHz. (Alan Roe-UK, Jan 23)

LATVIA R Latvia Riga International, Baltic state radio in English, starting with IS, ID, into E nx at 2000 UTC on 5935 kHz. Powerful signal in Western EUR, and surprisingly well modulation, not self evident on bc sts fr the former USSR these days. (WB Jan 18) MYANMAR Good on v5985.9 kHz. I cant call it variable since it has been here for some time, spot on! Same time 5973 kHz, Myawadi holding out good level unto 1500 UTC. Also Taunggi solid at 1200 UTC on 6570 kHz. The black Clandestine Karen st run by the Myanmar authorities is off and has been for more than a month. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

PALAU R. Free Asia via KHBN, 9910 kHz, Jan 14 at 1530 UTC check in Chinese, just some lite RTTY QRM, faded out before 1600 UTC; very poor next day at 1500 UTC, no KHBN ID heard. Not heard on several checks in the 2300 hour. This deal started just in time, since Armenia cancelled contract to broadcast RFA as of Jan 1, as Kazakhstan had previously under pressure from China. Both say they are still willing to carry RFA to other Asian countries, per LA Times article via Mike Cooper. (Glenn Hauser, OK, World of Radio, Jan 21)

PUERTO RICO A news item on RHC Jan 14 immediately following DXers Unlimited said local residents on Vieques Island were objecting to a new over-the-horizon relocatable radar which had been installed there. Maybe another source of SW interference? (Glenn Hauser, OK, World of Radio, Jan 21)

RUSSIA Mirovoye Radio (World Radio) is an RFE/RL sister station,formed as a joint venture in Moscow and is a bc license holder. They went on the air on Jan 15, on 1098 kHz (10 kW) at 0300-2100 UTC with R.Liberty Russian progrs relay.

On Jan 11, a popular traffic radio st in Moscow, Avtoradio, started re-broadcasting RL progrs fr 2100-0300 UTC on 68.00 MHz (1 kw). (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 19)

SAUDI ARABIA A bit different from WRTVH97 sked. 1400-1500 UTC hrd on 11710 kHz, //15380 kHz, and a different sce 15060 kHz, //15230 kHz. All booming in. 11710 is new for this time probably a Ramadan special. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

SOUTH AFRICA/USA The Investment Channel which was to begin broadcasts via Meyerton on Jan 15, has had trouble installing its audio link between NA and SAf. Looks like the problem will be solved by the end of the month. (RNMN via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, EDXP, Jan 16)

SOUTH AMERICA Superb propagation condition from America today. RFI Montsinery 21765 kHz signing on at 1900-2200 UTC. At same time HCJB also on 21455 kHz in USB mode, English nx, and 11 stations noted in 16 mb.

SRI LANKA Some might get confused by reports in the DX press that SLBC Sinhala Commercial Sce and FM Sce which has been combined and is 24 hours is running 24 hours on 6185 and 4870 kHz. Its only the FM that is 24 hours. The SW are 1000-1630, 0000-0200 UTC on 4870; and 6185 is 0200-1000 UTC. Also pl correct the UTC time for Sri Lanka in WRTVH its +6hrs. Its just a few days after WRTVH deadline that the Govt decided to change it from +6.30 in Summer to +6 for winter. However, it appears that there wont be a time change hereafter and all will emain +6 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

SLBC Velanda Sevauya, an amalgamation of the Sinhala Commercial Sce and Sri Lankan FM, bc 24h on FM, but 4870 & 6185 kHz are 1000-1630, 0000-0200 UTC on 4870 kHz; and 6185 kHz is 0200-1000 UTC, since Nov 1st. (Oliver Goonawardena-CLN, in WDXC Contact Jan)

To add a few words to Sarath`s excellent report: "Vande Matarama" Vande is respect or worship.. Mataram = Mother..more or less Hail Motherland. Akasha Vani = Akasha is Sky and Vani is wave. Dhoor Dharshan = Dhoor is far, distant Dharshan is views so Distant Views. The Sri Lankan TV Service Rupa-wahini = is Rupa is pictures and wahini from the sky! yes Tele vission! Guvan viduli is Guvan is Sky, space, etc viduli waves etc. That's all the S.Asian Language Lesson for today!! We at UADX love to bring in background info into our dx tips! (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

TAIWAN Central Broadcasting Station - schedule as received by FAX Jan 13, translated from Chinese, and confirmed by listening. Network 1- Mandarin 2055-2200 3335, 7250 2200-0100 7250 0100-0200 7250 0200-0355 7250, 11970 0355-0955 3335, 7105, 11775, 11970, 15320 0955-1600 3335, 7250, 15320 1600-1900 3335, 7250, 15320 1900-2055 3335

Network 2 - Mandarin 1600-2200 6040, 9690 0955-1900 6085, 6180, 7105, 9630, 11775

Network 3 - 0355-1555 6040, 9690

Network 4 - Mongolian 1000-1130 11905

Network 4 - Tibetan 1140-1300 11905

Network 4 - Uighur 1300-1500 11905 (Hans van den Boogert-HOL, via EDXP, Jan 15)

The Govt has decided to establish a single overseas sce by merging Voice of Free China and CBS in July 1997. The station name is expected to be Central Broadcasting System. (WRTH via EDXP, Jan 20)

TAJIKISTAN Actually there are two new freq of Tajik Radio on the air, 5750 & 5800 kHz. Both heard 1730-1900 UTC with the same signal strenght S9+15db here in Moscow, that's unusual in compare with //4635 which is always much weaker. Perhaps these NF were introduced due to Ramadan holidays. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 18)

UAE VoUAE Abu Dhabi on new 7125 kHz, //6180, 7220 kHz, suffering by co-channel mixing VoR, observed here approx. 1400-2300 UTC, but may be on air all-night, see netx item. (WB Jan 16)

7125/7220 kHz, UnID at 2243 UTC, station with Middle Eastern vocals way underneath Russian-speakers on both channels; still there at 0115 UTC recheck. (Hill, Jan 18, 19)

7125 kHz 2240-2255 UTC UNID AR vocals and Qu'ran, parallel 6180 (under RHC in English). Mixing a bit w/ others. V of the UAE here, or someone else? [YES] Recheck after 2300 w/ Golos Rossii alone. (Krueger via DXW, Jan 13)

USA WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE -- as of Jan 21, 1997 fr Glenn Hauser: WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE: On WWCR Nashville, 1300 WWCR Ave., Nashville, TN 37218 USA; http://www.wwcr.com E-mail: Sat 1400 UTC 15685 kHz [NEW from Jan 25, replaces 1600 12160]

On WWCR Nashville, Thu 2130 9475, Sat 1230 7435, >>Sat 1400 15685 (NEW)<<, Sun 0400 3215, Sun 1000 3210, Mon 0030 5070, Tue 1330 15685, Wed 1230 15685. On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM daytime, 7385 AM and 6205 USB at night. (Glenn Hauser, Jan 21)

WHRI/KWHR latest program/frequency schedule for World Harvest Radio on the Internet has been updated and will remain that way from now on. We have just took over control as our own server and I can now update them daily if need be.

World Harvest Radio's Web site is at "http://www.whri.com"

Also in the New things dept. here at World Harvest Radio: We are putting our audio on the Internet, Live! Beginning Thurs Jan 23, 1997 all three stations of World Harvest Radio will be Live on the Internet. You can listen through your computer and hear the same thing heard on a radio. Also we will put our 2 South Bend FM stations on too! Icons to access and listen to all 5 stations will be located on the home page of World Harvest Radio's Web site. We may be the first shortwave on the Internet to broadcast our shortwave programs live on the World Wide Web as they happen. (WHRI/KWHR, Joe Brashier-USA, Jan 17) DXing with Cumbre px via WHRI/KWHR WHRI Fri 2330 5745, Sat 0600 5760 & 7315, 1400 6040, 1830 9495, 2330 9495. Sun 0430 5760, 1730 13760, new 2300 5745. KWHR Sat 0200 17510, 0500 9930, Sun 1830 13625, Mon new 0100 17510, 0330 17510.

9400 kHz WGTG Cooper Hill McKaysville at 2030-2100 UTC in Engllish still coming through strongly. Many offers for "Health Products" talk on postal delays, and missing postal items sent via US postal system. Call on U.S. Govt to review existing gun laws. (Clemitson via DXW, Jan 16)

WVHA reported Sabbath Jan 11 at 1618 UTC: managed to make full payment last month, and had raised 1/3 of January payment on loan to Prophecy Countdown to purchase WVHA, so pay-as-you-go. New ZIP at Mt Dora FL HQ is 32756.

Almost daily checks of 15715, 11740, 11950 kHz have failed to show WINB reactivated yet as of Jan 19. If they don't get it on by Feb, new rules say their license will be forfeit. (Glenn Hauser, OK, World of Radio, Jan 21) Re:Correction

CORRECTION to WRMI news release of Jan 13, 1997: The bcs of Kiwi Radio from New Zealand via WRMI will be on Jan 25, Febr 22 and March 29, 1997 at 1000-1030 UTC on 9955 kHz. [Our original release incorrectly said February 23 and March 30.] These broadcasts feature a variety of types of music from New Zealand, including Maori. Kiwi Radio will issue its own QSL cards for reports on these transmissions via WRMI. (Jeff White-USA, WRMI, Jan 22)

UZBEKISTAN Tashkent observed on 7105 & 9540 kHz at 0400-0430* UTC, most likely in Uzbek language. Clear signal on 7105 kHz before BBC ASC signing on at 0430 UTC, Tashkent registered with 20 kW 310 degrees only. (WB Jan 18)

VANUATU 3945 kHz regulary, but always weak and low modulation. On Jan 12 nothing on 3945 kHz, but an UNID at that time on 4960 kHz, most likely Vanuatu. Looks as if 4960 is the alternate frequency for 3945. Best around 0830 UTC. (DXC via DXW, Jan 19) QSL info: Does anyone have any special info about QSLs from Vanuatu? I have sent a report for my first ever logging. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

VIETNAM v4959.7 kHz Hanoi at 2308 UTC with male and female Vietnamese talks. (Van Arnhem-HOL, via DXW, Jan 12). v4959.73 kHz 2200-2210 UTC Hanoi 2, Vietnamese, martial singing, talk, mentioned Hanoi. (Don Phillips-UK, via DXW, Jan 14) v4959.8 kHz Vo Vietnam at 0009 UTC, HS in Vietnamese. (Passmann, via DXW, Jan 11) v4959.8 kHz at 2355-0005 UTC, Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi with Second HS px having talks in Vietnamese. (Anker Petersen-DEN, via DXW, Jan 17-18)

What is listed as Hmong Sce 1200 UTC v5036.1 kHz and is in //to v6166.3 kHz. WRTVH97 report seems to make us understand that these are not two txes. but they run //. Fair signals. Lao Cau rather wobbly unstable carrier tho strong signals v4656.9 kHz. 1200 UTC viet dialects. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 23)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 287 29 Jan 1997 ______

AUSTRALIA Union claims ABC preparing to drop external services. Australia's media union claims the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is preparing to dump its international services, including Radio Australia. The Entertainment and Arts Alliance says ABC management is set to axe both Radio Australia and Australia Television in a bid to meet budget cuts imposed by the federal coalition government.

Radio Australia [RA] will launch a revamped English language sce next week with improved coverage of Australia, Asia and the Pacific. A highlight of the 1997 weekday schedule will be "Dateline", a new live current affairs progr updated every three hours throughout the day and with a shorter early edition in the preceding hour. The new schedule includes RA's major world nx but also with specialist bulletins focusing on Australia and the Asian and Pacific regions. For the first time RA will also carry the best of the ABC's daily dom current affairs progrs "AM" , "The World Today" and "PM". The change to the weekday schedule was designed to make RA more accessible, contemporary and user friendly. (R Australia via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 20)

BENIN [see under Uganda also] ORTB, Parakou on 5025 kHz at 1930 UTC monotonous vernacular mx, male Afro speaker. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 27)

BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA International forces station, Radio Mir [Peace], goes on air MW 1017 kHz, and local FM on 106.2 MHz. Radio Mir, a music and current affairs radio st owned by Sfor [NATO-led stabilization force], has begun bcing its progrs. Radio Mir, which is the new name for Radio Ifor [NATO-led intervention force, later replaced by Sfor], will broadcast 18 hours of progrs daily.

Islamic station Fateh Radio testing in Sarajevo, called Fateh (Persian for "Victorious") Radio has been observed with test transmissions on 108.1 MHz FM, but will change frequency to 105.9 MHz. Fateh Radio's tel no in Sarajevo is: +387-71-532- 694. The radio is reportedly based at the Sarajevo offices of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, IRIB. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 15)

CHINA The Central People's Broadcasting Station (CPBS) is often referred to in English as China National Radio (CNR). St ID in Standard Chinese: "Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo Diantai" (Central People's Bcing St). Address: 2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100866 Tel: +86-10-6851-5522 or 2435 Fax: +86-10-6851-6630

CPBS FIRST PROGRAMME all in Standard Chinese 0000-0600 17605-(0200-0600), 15550-(0030-0600), 15390, 12120, 11800, 9290, 9080-(0000- 0200), 7935-(0000-0100), 7504, 6840, 6750-(0000-0100), 6295-(0000-0100), 6125-(0000- 0100), 5955-(0000-0100), 5915-(0000-0100), 5880-(0000-0100), 5320-(0030-0030).

0600-0855 exc. Tues 17605, 15550, 15390, 12120, 11800, 9290, 7504, 6840.

0855-1735 17605-(0855-0930), 15550-(0855-0945), 15390-(0855-1024), 12120-(0855-1004), 12040-(1100-1400), 11800-(0855-1100), 9800-(1100-1735), 9290, 9080-(0930-1735), 7935- (1025-1735), 7504, 6840, 6750-(1100-1735), 6125-(1100-1735), 5880-(1100-1735), 5320- (0945-1735), 4460-(1000-1735), 3220-(1100-1735).

1958-0000 12120-(2300-0000), 9290, 9080, 7935, 7504, 6840, 6750, 6295, 6125, 5955, 5915, 5880, 5320, 4460, 3220-(1958-2330).

CPBS SECOND PROGRAMME 0000-0600 17700-(0230-0600), 15500-(0100-0600), 11740-(0000-0230), 11630-(0030-0200), 11610, 11040-(0300-0600), 10260-(0000-0030), 9775-(0000-0200), 9755-(0000-0200), 9064, 7770-(0000-0100), 6890-(0000-0300), 4800-(0000-0200).

0600-0955 exc. Wed & Fri 17700, 15500-(0600-0900), 11610 11040-(0300-0900), 9064, 7770- (0900-0955), 6890-(0900-0955)

0955-1600 11740, 11630-(1100-1600), 11610 10260-(1200-1330), 9775-(1030-1600), 9064, 7770, 7516-(1100-1600), 7440-(1100-1600), 6890, 5163, 4800.

2058-0000 11740-(2230-0000), 11630-(2230-2330), 11610, 10260, 9775-(2230-0000), 9064, 7770, 7516-(2058-2330), 6890, 5163-(2058-2330), 4905-(2058-2330), 4800-(from 2230). (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 14)

CYPRUS Acc to the report in today's edition of DX-Mix (Bulgarian Radio), R.Bayrak has reactivated it's SW outlet in 49 mb. Heard in Bulgaria 0400-2200 UTC on v6157 kHz. (DX-Mix via Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 24)

[UnId station, presumably R. Bayrak, Northern Cyprus, noted at 1530 UTC on v6159.3 kHz with programme of Western and Arab music with female announcements in English, abruptly signing off at 1602 UTC. Heavy QRM from ORF Vienna-AUT on 6155 kHz. N.Pashkevich, Jan 24]

Radio Bayrak noted at 1600 UTC on v6160 kHz, but suffering under heavy QRM, E px IDs and pop mx. From 1700 UTC VoA in Farsi starting on 6160 kHz powerhouse S=9. But Bayrak separated using HF 1000 1.2 kHz fileter, observed on odd 6159.1 kHz. Fantastic. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, AGDX, Jan 26)

DENMARK Please note that the Web address of Radio Denmark SW has changed! Please correct your bookmark, link etc. to this shorter URL: http://www.dr.dk/rdk

Frequ changes as of Febr 1, 1997: 1430 UTC 11725 kHz to SoAS will be changed to 9540 kHz. 0830 UTC 9580 kHz to the FE will be changed to 9650 kHz. (Erik Koie / [email protected] / [email protected] Jan 27)

FRANCE RFI drops several SW frequencies. RFI [Radio France Internationale] informs you that certain SW frequencies for WeEUR, the Maghreb and NoAM, will be dropped in the next few days. For NoAM, we will cease bcing on 49 m, 5945 kHz, 2200-0300 UTC. In English 25 mb, 11615 kHz, from 1200-1300 UTC. Our English progrs are available 24 hours a day via the Internet. [ridiculous, WB] For the Maghreb, we will cease 31 mb, 9790 kHz. As from now, you can tune on the 25 mb, 11845 kHz. For WeEUR, you can listen to us 24 hours a day on the frequency of 11.156 GHz on the Astra 1C satellite. [Apparently they believe everybody has a satellite dish or an Internet connection that allows continuous radio listening. WB] Oooh my God...

Monitoring observations since the beginning of January also show that RFI appears to have dropped its only listed daytime SW frequency for WeEUR - 6175 kHz. And 3965 too.]

France Inter drops MW frequs. Since 1st Jan, Radio France appears to have dropped all relays of the France Inter radio network on MW. France Inter continues to be carried on 162 kHz LW as well as on FM. The following MW txs are no longer observed: 675 kHz (Marseille, 600kW), 1071 kHz (Bastia 20kW, Brest 20kW, Grenoble 20kW, Lille 40kW), 1161 kHz (Ajaccio 20kW, Strasbourg 1161kW, Toulouse 100kW), 1350 kHz (Nancy 100kW, Nice 100kW). (RFI via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 16)

RFI shortwave cutbacks detailed. Excerpts from "Radio World" report by Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal Brussels: Radio France Internationale [RFI] has limited its output on 6175 kHz to WeEUR. Instead of bcing daily from 0500 UTC, the frequency 6175 kHz is now activated on Sats at 1500 UTC, Suns 1730 and at 1700 UTC on other days. There is a second frequency for WeEUR and that is 3965 kHz, presently on air 0400-0700 UTC and again 1800-2200 UTC and that is followed by one hour in Polish. The frequency is no longer on the air then during the night hours. Now as to the cutbacks on 6175 kHz, they have dire consequences for us here in Belgium. The programme in English from 1600-1700 UTC could be heard very well here in Brussels on 6175 kHz. And Africa watchers can of course no longer listen to the relay of RFI's African sce in French on 6175 kHz; that used to be [heard] from 1230-1300 UTC. (RVI via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 19)

GERMANY Under the headline "Auf Wiedersehen Deutsche Welle" (sic: means good bye or see you again?) head of DW's English sce Mr. Dr. Jochen Thies said an early farewell, after only a year by the duty. He was dismissed recently, because he has asked chancellor Kohl for the resignation. His stay at DW was planned to be a longer chapter in his professional life. (article in DW program "DW radio 'tune in', Jan-Febr 1997, GH WoR Jan 16) [Event of straightness within these days. Not any notice found in our local newspaper on this matter.]

GUAM KTWR Guam in Russian at 0745-0900 UTC on 11915 kHz, fair level, but fading occurred. (WB, Jan 26)

IRAN VOIRI Teheran noted on 9575 kHz 0030-0130 UTC in Bengali and 0130-0230 UTC in Urdu. Also noted new 9590 kHz at 1330-1430 UTC in Urdu, 9550 kHz 1430-1530 Bengali, and 1530-1630 UTC English - both these channels replaces 9635 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 26)

11910 kHz VOIRI Tehran, Arabic, 0830-0930 UTC [reg 0330-0930]; this has been errononeously reported as "Bahrain" elsewhere. (Bob Padula via EDXP, Jan 27)

6050 kHz VOIRI Tehran at 2330 UTC. English nx, crisp and in the clear!!! Lots of splatter but none of the usual brutal co-channel interference until 0000 UTC. Report concerning "Bulgarian parliament building reopened". Followed by a commentary on the meeting of Iran and Pakistan's foreign ministers. (McNenly, via Cumbre Dx, Jan 16)

VoIRI Tehran heard tonight (23 Jan) in English from 2130-2225 UTC on unannounced 9720 kHz- and not Bosnian as stated. (Alan Roe-UK)

QTH: P.O.Box 19395-6767, Tehran, Iran. FAX: +98 21 2051635.

JORDAN Jordan Radio more spurs: 15435 kHz at 0700-0800 UTC and accomp spurious signal on 15245 kHz. 13630 kHz at 1600-1800 UTC two spurious signals on 13525 & 13735 kHz. 9830 kHz at 1900 UTC has spurs on 9660 & 10000 kHz. (WB Jan 25-26)

LIBYA Mysterious carrier and test tone functioning tests from Libya are still on air for two months time. In last year winter season, Libya used three txs to bc Arabic domestic progr. Noted today at approx. 0830-1130 UTC on 6155, 7120, 9655, 9705, 11770, and 11815 kHz. And 7th tx usually on 11785 kHz couldn't be observed here. [No program observed, test tone only. Why aren't these seven txs used by VoM Malta? Different antenna direction to Arab World?] (WB, Jan 25-26)

MONGOLIA Radio Ulaanbaatar renamed Voice of Mongolia. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 16)

NIGER Undoubtly du Sahel heard at 0700-0730 UTC in ethnic language, and also later at 1030, and at 1600 UTC on 9705 kHz. Fair signal, but fluttery. Disturbed at 0729-0830 UTC, when VoA Kavalla in Arabic on air to NoWeAF, 250 kW, 240 degrees. At 0830-1030 UTC Libya functioning tests on same channel is underneath. [A lot of reports on Niamey read in DX press recently, so assume 100 kW unit and antenna have been refurbished likely.] (WB, Jan 25-26)

NORWAY/MYANMAR CLANDESTINE Democratic Voice of Burma 1425-1455 UTC doing pretty well on NF 9725 kHz. A Burmese national currently in Sri Lanka says that most of them prefer listening to BBC an VOA Burmese services, because govt. controlled R Myanmar virtually has no credibility. He states, some of the young, especially university undergrads listen to Democrati Voice of Burma despite jamming. (Sarath Nihal Weerakoon, UADX, via Cumbre Dx, Jan 24)

As from 1st Febr 1997 R.Norway International is to change their freq at 1400 UTC to 9540 kHz, replacing the newly introduced 11725 (a move fr 11730) kHz to India. Thus R.Norway tx will operate on 9540 kHz at 1400-1525 UTC to SoAS. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 26)

QATAR 7210 kHz, QBS Doha at 2115 UTC Studio play, ID. Rechks all eve found them on 0330 UTC ++ w/ Ramadan pgms. RCI wiped out. (S. PRICE, via Cumbre Dx, Jan 15)

11750 kHz QBS at 1630 UTC. Tuned just as man gave "Idha'a-t u-qatar min al-doha" Arabic ID; fair. This is one of several countries for which the new WRTH has omitted all Foreign Service info. (Hill-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Jan 12)

Not any Qatar SW schedule found in new WRTH97, which arrived here in Germany on Mon 20th, three weeks earlier than last year! WB DF5SX

RUSSIA/MALTA From Febr 1st, The Voice of Mediterranean will start test transmissions via facilities in Russia. 1600-1900 UTC on 7300 & 13600 kHz for North America. 0800-1100 UTC on 9800 kHz, 1100-1600 UTC on 15550 kHz for the Far East region. (DX-Mix via Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 24)

Foreign radio sts relay over CIS SW facilities in W96.

Moscow (GPR-1) 0630-0855 7240 RNW 1700-1800 7390 BBC 1830-1930 7200 CRI 2000-2100 7420 & 7425 IBRA Radio

St. Petersburg (GPR-2) 1600-1700 7130 CRI 1700-1730 7425 (alt 7130) IBRA Radio 1800-1830 7130 CRI 1800-1900 7425 BBC

Samara (GPR-3) 0000-0100 5925 DW 0200-0250 7355 DW 0800-1100 17600 WUN 1000-1050 15525 DW 1130-1630 9860 WUN 1400-1800 7315 DW 1600-2000 5945 DW 1600-2000 7445 DW 1600-1725 5835 RNW 1800-1850 5935 DW 2000-2100 5935 IBRA Radio 2030-2130 7215 CRI

Krasnodar (TCR-4) 0100-0300 5940 VoVTN 1300-1600 9860 DW 0300-0400 5905 VoVTN 1800-1850 6140 DW Persian 0400-0800 17580 WUN Dr G. Scott

Yekaterinburg (YERC) 0500-0600 7370 BBC 1700-1730 5905 BBC 2000-2100 5905 BBC

Novosibirsk (GPR-11) 0100-0150 7355 DW 1000-1050 7390 DW 1000-1400 7340 DW 1200-1300 7430 RFI 1300-1500 5910 VoA 1330-1355 7305 DW 1430-1650 7305 DW 2200-2250 7235 DW 2200-2300 5945 RFI 2200-2400 5925 DW

Irkutsk (GPR-10) 0030-0200 9825 TWR 0830-0925 13700 RNW 0900-0950 7380 DW 0930-1030 7420 RFI 0930-1125 9810 RNW 1100-1300 7305 RFI 1130-1600 7420 TWR 1230-1300 5925 DW 2000-2200 5895 DW 2200-2300 5905 BBC 2200-2300 6090 VoA 2300-0100 12025 RFI

Chita (TCR-12) 1300-1530 7330 BBC 2200-2300 7330 BBC

Khabarovsk (GPR-8) 0200-0500 15550 & 17570 VoM (Sun only)

Vladivostok (TCR-6) 0000-0100 9865 DW 2200-2300 7315 RFI 1000-1100 7330 BBC 2300-2400 9830 RFI 1200-1300 7205 TWR

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy (PKRC) 0000-0100 9815 DW 1330-1425 5930 RNW 0930-1125 7260 RNW 1330-1355 5895 DW 1000-1050 5895 DW 2130-2200 7300 VoA 1130-1425 7375 RNW 2330-0025 12065 RNW

Yerevan-ARM 1500-1600 6240 RFA 2300-2400 6240 RFA (but may ceased on Dec 31)

Almaty-KAZ 0030-0225 7305 RNW 1330-1410 9830 BBC 1430-1525 7365 RNW 1500-1600 5865 RFA 2300-2400 5855 RFA (RFA relay ceased in November)

Dushanbe-TJK 0030-0225 5905 RNW 1500-1600 & 2300-2400 7495 & 7530 RFA

Tashkent-UZB 0000-0030 7430 TWR 1230-1325 12005 RNW 0030-0130 7375 BBC 1330-1400 7400 IBRA Radio, Bengali 0800-0830 17655 BBC 1400-1530 7430 BBC 1130-1230 15585 RNW 1630-1700 7430 BBC

Radio Station Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok FE, W96 schedule. 0815-0900 daily 4810, 6020, 6065usb, 7175, 7210, 9850, 10344usb, 17570. Sat/Sun only also on addit 5940, 7320, 9530, 9600. 1215-1300 daily 5015. 1900-1945 daily 4810, 5015, 6020, 7135, 7170, 7195, 7420, 9850, 12015 kHz.

VoRussia Russian sce via Kishinev-MLD relay 0200-0600 7125 1100-1600 15430 [powerhouse here] 1630-2300 7125

VoRussia Russian sce via Tashkent-UZB relay 0200-0400 11820 1100-1800 11820

VoRussia Russian sce via Almaty-KAZ relay 0200-0600 9650 1100-1400 17840 1100-1700 15140 1430-2300 9650 1730-2300 7290

Kamchatka Rybatskaya W96 schedule, special progr for fishermen, prepared at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. 2000-2100 UTC Tue, Thur, Sat 7255 & 12050 kHz.

Radio Station Atlantika W96 schedule, special progr for fishermen and seamen, prepared at Murmansk, transmitted via Voice of Russia, Russian sce frequs.

0200-0300 Sat Sun Wed 6065 7125 7260 7350 7370 9650 9715 9835 9895 11820 12010 12045 12065 15160 21750.

1300-1400 Tue Fri 5905 5985 6005 7170 7185 7235 7245 9625 9780 9845 9895 11820 12015 12025 12055 13650 15140 15305 15430 15485 17840. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jan 13)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA at 0600-0800 UTC on odd 11708.2 & 11818.5 kHz; on 9530 kHz different program. At 1500-1600 UTC on 15220 (reg 15230?). (WB Jan 26)

TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio observed on new 9905//9610 kHz with Ext Sce in Arabic, opening at 0400 UTC, following its distinctive tuning signal from 0358 UTC. QRMing co-channel SRI-Montsinery 9905, and BCC-Taipei (Annan) 9610 kHz. (Bob Padula, Jan 25)

UGANDA Radio Uganda, Kampala on 5026 kHz at 1938 UTC, male African speaker with boring talk. Re-checked at 2005 UTC and noted a dialogue between male and female speaker. With 1.5 kHz filter and AM-Sync SINPO was 35333. With 2.1 kHz filter some interference from Parakou on one sideband, and from presumed Egyptian diplomatic st in SITOR-A on the other sideband. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 27)

USA/CHINA/TIBET RFA in Tibetan today at 1300-1400 UTC still on 7355 & 9440 kHz. 7355 kHz fair signal, and far better here than 9440 kHz. In Chinese at 1500-1600 UTC on 7495 [fair] and 7530 [poor] kHz most likely via CIS, and via fair 9455-Saipan and 9910-Palau, latter one surprisingly strong here. (WB Jan 26)

RFA announced planning more broadcast services next month to Burma and Vietnam. >From Febr 3rd half hour nx and magazine format programme to Burma. 0100-0200[or 0030- 0130?] UTC & 1500-1630 UTC, three txs each functioning. >From Febr 5th direct bc will begin same scenery for Vietnam. 2230-2330[or 0030-0103?] & 1400-1500 UTC, four txs each functioning. (Kim Elliott-USA, VoA Communications World, Jan 25) [For night-owls, seemingly both night services are one hour later than prime time in target. New IBB lists of Jan 25 in Internet show RFA bcs in Chinese and Tibetan, BUT e r a s e d all detailed data on tx site usage. WB]

RL/RFE History of changes Language Eff.Date Time (UTC) Action Armenian 27 Nov 0300-0400 Cancel 9680 add 7255 Armenian 13 Jan 1500-1600 Cancel 11875 add 9665 Azerbaijani 27 Nov 1900-2000 Cancel 5970,7245 add 6140,7180 Bulgarian 13 Jan 1600-1700 Cancel 17725 add 11980 Bulgarian 13 Jan 1700-1800 Cancel 15370 add 11980 Georgian 27 Oct 0500-0600 Move program to 0400-0500 Georgian 27 Oct 1900-2000 Move program to 1700-1800 Georgian 27 Oct 2000-2100 Move program to 1900-2000 Kyrghiz 27 Nov 1300-1400 Cancel 7215 add 7240 Kyrghiz 12 Dec 0100-0200 Cancel 9540 add 9835 Lithuanian 27 Nov 2100-2200 Cancel 6085 add 6150 Russian 27 Nov 0100-0200 Cancel 6105 add 6035 Russian 27 Nov 1300-1400 Cancel 11885,15445 add 11815,15170 Russian 27 Nov 1500-1600 Cancel 11725 add 11970 Serbo-Croat 27 Oct 1530-1600 Move program to 1500-1530 Serbo-Croat 09 Nov 1500-1530 Cancel all Serbo-Croat 05 Dec 1800-1830 Add program Serbo-Croat 06 Dec 1800-1830 Cancel 792 add 1197 Serbo-Croat 09 Dec 1830-1900 Add 1197 Serbo-Croat 09 Dec 1900-2000 Add program Serbo-Croat 09 Dec 2230-2300 Add program Serbo-Croat 16 Dec 1700-1800 Cancel 1593 add 1197 Slovak 09 Dec 1900-2000 Cancel program Tajik 27 Nov 1500-1600 Cancel 11905 add 11705 Tajik 12 Dec 1500-1600 Cancel 7235 add 7280 TatarBashkir 12 Dec 1600-1700 Cancel 11835,7295 add 9745,7115 Uzbek 12 Dec 1700-1800 Cancel 7295 add 7260 (IBB BC schedules, Jan 25, via Internet)

A number of recent US newspaper reports have discussed the role of international bcing and in particular that of Radio Free Asia [RFA], the US-backed radio st targeting China and Tibet. Now there was a recent flurry of newspaper and magazine articles and opinion pieces that have been discussing Radio Free Asia [RFA]. RFA is the radio sce recently created by Congress to transmit to the dictatorships of Asia in Mandarin, Tibetan and six other languages already bc by VOA. This press attention may indicate that there are discussions with govt decision-making circles about the future of RFA.

'New York Times' in an article suggested that RFA is difficult if not impossible to hear in China. This is because of RFA's problems finding countries willing to lease or host relay txs. A US Information Agency [USIA] official in Beijing was quoted as not being able to hear RFA on any of its frequencies. RFA is being heard as demonstrated by International Broadcasting Bureau monitoring stations in China. But the monitoring stations do exist, they are located within US embassies and consulates in China. And if you have access to the World Wide Web you can track their monitoring of Radio Free Asia and VOA and even hear excerpts of the monitoring in RealAudio format. The URL for the IBB Monitoring Web page is http://voa.his.com Then you'll have to look carefully for the RFA monitoring data. I was able to find reports indicating fair to good signals for RFA in Mandarin, good to excellent for RFA in Tibetan. Mind you, this is as received on communications receivers, reception of either RFA or VOA on the typical Chinese shortwave receiver might be more of a challenge.

Nothing can beat radio, especially SW radio and radio in general for getting pure news into areas swiftly, cheaply and comprehensively and I certainly have an understanding of that because I was executive editor of CBS radio in New York for many years and we were always on faster and with more than the television side and that's always going to be the case. (BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 19)

A revised progr schedule updated to Jan 22nd has been posted on the WWCR Web site at . The Z96 transmission schedule is also now available. (Tom Sundstrom-USA, WWCR Webmaster, Jan 25)

DR. GENE SCOTT'S UNIVERSITY NETWORK. If you simply must know what kind of wackiness Dr. Gene Scott is up to (or just love bad music) 24 hours a day, here's his consolidated broadcast schedule: 0000-0100 English 13740K 9960L 6090A 5935W 1610A 690A 0100-0300 English 21670R 9960L 9815K 6280L 6090A 5935W 5810K 1610A 690A 0300-0700 English 13645K 12065N 9960L 9815K 6280L 6155Z 6090A 5935W 5810K 1610A 1377Z 690A 0700-1000 English 17600S 12050N 11840R 9815K 6090A 5935W 5810K 1610A 690A 1000-1400 English 12050N 11775A 9860S 9815K 5935W 5810K 1610A 690A 1400-1600 English 15725K 13845W 13815K 11775A 9860S 1610A 690A 1600-2200 English 15725K 13845W 13815K 11775A 1610A 690A 2200-2400 English 15725K 13845W 13815K 9960L 6280L 6090A 1610A 690A A=Anguilla K=KAIJ K=Krasnodar L=Lebanon N=Novosibirsk R=Russia S=Samara W=WWCR Z=Swaziland (BBCM, via NASWA, Jan 24)

9465? kHz WMLK After not being able to hear the st while in Pennsylvania a month ago, I called them to see what their status was. In a guarded conversation, a woman working at the st said they were having problems with the antenna that kept them off the air when it is raining! She couldn't explain why this is so, but added that they were working to fix the problem. She also maintained that their schedule was 9465 kHz Sun-Fri from 1700-2200 and 0400-0900 UTC. (DIRECT Cumbre DX Johnson, Jan 20)

WRNO was having problems with its old tx, so they decided to buy a new one. The new tx was shipped before it was completely built and is incapable of transmitting in the 15 MHz range. Hence, the st is only able to transmit in the 7 MHz range until st personnel fix the problem. Their current schedule is: 7395 kHz 1500-1600 UTC, and 7355 kHz from 1600-0700 UTC. This per station personnel. (DIRECT Cumbre Dx Johnson, Jan 20)

UZBEKISTAN BBC London in Bengali at 0800-0830 UTC via Tashkent relay on 17655 kHz, lovely subcontinental mx. (WB Jan 26)

WRTH '97 arrived here in Germany last week, three weeks earlier than previous year. (Jan 20th)

Some comments by Bob Padula in EDXP: The editorial date was closed in mid-October 1996, and I am advised that the book was put on sale in commercial outlets in North America in early January. Critics and competitors of WRTH will say that a delay of ten weeks is not good enough from editorial close-off until release date. Format: A major change has been the presentation of international schedules in a separate section at the rear of the book, reflecting LW, MW and SW operations, arranged in order of country. This is apparently based on an arbitrary interpretation of actual programming output: if this is for an "external" audience, then the entry is excluded from the traditional continental listings. If the operation is regarded as a "Home Service" program, then the entry is included in the continental listing.

I am not so sure that this is a good idea, as many SW operations cannot be simply categorised as "home" or "external". Many home service relays are broadcast on SW, for external audiences, and it is often difficult, if not impossible to determine the actual status of these broadcasts.

I found this change to be somewhat confusing, and personally I would prefer it if ALL radio information for a particular country or organization is listed against that country, and not split.

I would also see many advantages in reducing the ten-week publishing lead time, particularly as the WRTVH is not a hard-cover product. In previous years, the WRTH was traditionally available BEFORE Christmas, AND contained the "D" schedules which came into effect in November.

On the first look, some minor faults were recognized. A few schedules are outdated and refer to the previous transmission period which concluded on 26 Oct 1996. The entry for Ukraine is confusing, with two differing International Schedules given, one shown under the Continental category, the other under the International Schedules section!

Omission of the composite SW schedule; Transmitter sites not shown for BBC, VOA, Radio Australia and RFI; Long-inactive 49, 31, and 25 mb frequencies shown for Papua New Guinea; Apparent omission of the SW schedule for Sri Lanka, and for IBRA Radio SW transmissions over Russian facilities;

The locality of Lyndhurst still shown in the Australian map, even though this transmitting site was closed down some years ago;

The inclusion of a military HF single-sideband utility operation (Australian Defence Forces Radio) under the Australia home-service listing (should this be included at all, and why is it not designated as an "External Service"? For comparison, the Dutch SW programs from Radio Netherlands for Dutch peace-keeping forces in Bosnia are included as External Services under "Netherlands"). page69 - In the fifth year, R Liberty main station, Playa de Pals beach, Spain is shown on the map at least 500 kms west of its real location position midst between Barcelona and Perpignan on the Mediterranean sea coast.

Germany - p90 VoA ceased using German Telekom Wertachtal relay in Dec 1995. p85 R Bremen ceased SW 6190 kHz on Sept 30, 1996. p88 RadioRopa ceased using Litomysl-CZE 5975/5980 kHz in Oct 1995. p172 / p 514 Qatar - no QBS Doha SW frequ schedule at all. p539 Austria, ORF & RVI DX prgr summer 1996 schedules. p539 Colombia, DX progr, 11822 & 17865 not observed in the last five years.

Despite the above shortcomings, I still regard the WRTH as the DXers' "Bible". (Bob Padula-AUS in EDXP; WB, Jan 20)

WEB NEWS: "The Clandestine Radio Intel Webpage". Knowledge is key, expecially when pursuing clandestine radio sts. The CLANDESTINE RADIO INTEL webpage is a continuously updated source of published background information relating to these sts, organized by region and then target country. Where known, links to sponsoring organizations and policy papers are included to aid the DX'er in uncovering the secret behind the goals and objectives of these sts. I (Nick Grace C.) am maintaining the page as an exercise in HTML programming and in order to personally keep up with current trends in socio political terrorism, however, all are welcome to peruse the information and assist with research. The page can be accessed via: http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~gringo (Grace in Cumbre Dx, Jan 25)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 288 02 Feb 1997 ______

BC-DX 288-B Pakistan Special 03 Feb 1997 ______

PAKISTAN Radio Pakistan - has sent a copy of a special frequency schedule which will carry Election news. It becomes effective at 2330 UTC on Febr 3rd until the end of the special bc on Febr 5th, except fr 0100-0245 UTC, when carrying WS to SoEaAS. Otherwise, all transmissions are to the Gulf & ME, and to WeEUR - as shown. Note there are breaks for frequency changes at 0030-0100, 0245-0315 and 1300-1330 UTC. It probably won't take them a half hour to change frequency, so will probably come on when ready.

Their internal SW transmissions may also be worth looking out for and I guess may utilise 60m frequencies during their night hours, but no information is given.

Special frequency schedule from Febr 3rd - Febr 5th, 1997: day UTC target kHz degr Febr 3rd 2330-0030 Gulf & ME 9485 282 EUR 11570 313 Febr 4th 0100-0245 SoEaAS 15485 118 SoEaAS 17705 118 Febr 4th 0315-1300 Gulf & ME 15175 282 EUR 17900 313 Febr 4th 1330-0030 Gulf & ME 9485 282 EUR 11570 313 Febr 5th 0100-0245 SoEaAS 15485 118 SoEaAS 17705 118 Febr 4th 0315-1300 Gulf & ME 15175 282 EUR 17900 313 Febr 4th 1330-0030 Gulf & ME 9485 282 EUR 11570 313 (till end). (Noel R. Green-UK, Blackpool, Lancashire, Jan 31)

ANGUILLA Test bcs of Dr G. Scott via Carribean Beacon noted on 17805 kHz. (WoR, Glenn Hauser-USA, Jan 30)

ARGENTINA From Jan 1, 1997, the new national directress of the Servicio Oficial de Radiodifusion, is Mrs. Patricia Ivone Barral, the administrative directress is Patricia Claudia Dinale de Jantus, and the operative directress is Maria Eugenia Baya Casal. All to be situate in LRA1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires, Maipu 555, 1006-Buenos Aires, Argentina. The ex-director Julio Marbiz ended his job on Radio Nacional on Dec 31, 1996. (G.I.Barrera-ARG, Jan 30)

AUSTRALIA Report on future of ABC. A major report reviewing the role and functions of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has been released by the report's author Bob Mansfield and the minister for communications and the arts, Senator Richard Alston. The following is the [excerpt!] text of an article outlining the recommendations the report makes for revisions to the ABC's Charter, from the ABC Web site; subheadings as published:

International broadcasting

Recommendation 18

- That the requirement for the ABC to broadcast programmes to audiences outside Australia should cease; - that the ABC should retain the ability to transmit programmes outside Australia if it chooses; - that the ABC should be permitted to apply net savings from the closure of Radio Australia to the achievement of its savings target - this should include any transmission savings, consistent with the government's commitment to fund the ABC directly for its transmission costs; and - that if an appropriate commercial arrangement for the operation of Australia Television is not entered into before June 1997, the service should be closed down. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 31)

The ABC's managing director, Brian Johns, says the organization won't give up lightly its proud history of international broadcasting. But, he says, he agrees with Mr Mansfield that the ABC should not favour Radio Australia at the expense of domestic radio and television services...

Radio Tonga chief: Radio Australia vital for South Pacific. The general manager of Radio Tonga [in fact of the Tonga Broadcasting Commission, of which Radio Tonga is a part], Tavake Fusimalohi, has called on the Australian government to give some consideration to Pacific island countries when it decides on the future of Radio Australia.

A report on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC], to be delivered to the Australian government tomorrow [24th January] is expected to recommend Radio Australia be dumped. Radio Australia is an overseas service of the ABC. Fusimalohi says the Tonga Broadcasting Commission is gravely concerned that if a recommendation to remove international broadcasting from the ABC is approved, Tonga would lose a vital source of information and entertainment. He says in a letter to Radio Australia that south Pacific island nations would find it very embarrassing to have to turn to the or Deutsche Welle for information if Radio Australia is terminated. Fusimalohi stressed that was still the main medium of communication in the south Pacific region. He says that as a result is the main source of world and Australian news and current affairs, as well as entertainment for many Pacific island countries. (Radio Australia via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 23-24)

AUSTRIA Since Jan 26th, ORF Moosbrunn replaced 9495 by 9895 kHz for sce to SoAF at 1900-2300 UTC. (ORF SW Panorama, Feb 1)

BRAZIL PY0S: Departure NATAL DX GROUP DXpedition to St Peter & St Paul Rocks Brazil

Karl PS7KM (ZY0SK) and Tino PT7AA (ZY0SG) will be active from Saint Peter & Saint Paul Rocks-PY0S, Brazil, starting operation around 03 of February-97 probably; for 2 or 3 weeks there, (according with fishboat convenience). Our departure will be on 30 January 1997, at 0800 Hs PY or 1100 UTC.

All bands, CW, RTTY & SSB will be used during operation, on usual DX's frequencies. QSL info for CW: PT7AA. For SSB and RTTY: PS7KM. Via 1997 CallBook. (Karl Leite PS7KM, Jan 30)

CHILE Radio Esperanza, Temuco v6089.95 kHz at 0754 UTC. Presumed, with non-stop songs, Chilean type of flutes and ballads. No news or ID at the hour. Re-checked at 0827 UTC but they had faded out by then. Thanks to Max van Arnhem who ID-ed this station at 0748 UTC and phoned-in his tip. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jan 28)

CLANDESTINE 9670 kHz, Voice of the Palestinian Islamic Revolution *0400-0457* UTC //5995 kHz. Programs are highly critical of Arafat, which makes the station easy to identify. Occasionally replaced on both channels by Tehran's Arabic service (//9530 kHz), so obviously via Iranian txs. (Jones-PRG, Jan 26 via Lamb, via Cumbre Dx)

CROATIA Radio 101 [MHz] in Zagreb gets licence. Marko Sapunar, a committee member, said that the offer by Radio 101 had been more thoroughly prepared this time and supplemented with a detailed description of activities in every desk and of new broadcasts. Another member of the committee, Dominik Filipovic, asked that Radio 101 solve its ownership status by 31st October this year when the deadline for the signing of a concession renewal contract expires. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 24) CYPRUS v6159 kHz Radio Bayrak in E and Turk. at 1825-2201* UTC with mostly international and Turkish pop songs and short announcements all the time, shortly before s/off at 2201 UTC I finally heard their definete ID as >>.. Radio Bayrak transmitting on 87.8 and 105 FM.<<, weak but readable despite heavily overmodulated sound; this reactivitation certainly is connected to the political problems both sides on that island currently have with each other. (missile crisis!) (Kuhl, Jan 28, via Cumbre Dx)

DENMARK Now that Radio Denmark now longer bcs in English, Julian Isherwood is broadcasting a weekly programme, called 'Copenhagen Calling', via the World Radio Network on SUNDAYS: To Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific at 1700-1729 UTC, and To North America at 2000-2029 UTC.

Please access http://www.wrn.org and http://www.euroword.dk for more information. The programmes can be heard in RealAudio on http://www.wrn.org/stations/cph.html Julian Isherwood / Erik Koie [email protected] / [email protected]_

ETHIOPIA Frequency change for Oromo opposition radio. Voice of Oromo Liberation ("Sagalee Bilisumma Oromoo", SBO) which currently bcs on 9870 kHz from 1600-1700 UTC Mons, Weds & Sats, announced thatfr 1st Febr, it would bc on 9930 kHz instead. The radio bcs in Oromo in support of the Oromo Liberation Front and other groups opposed to the Ethiopian govt. It was first observed in 1988-92 via a tx in Sudan, but in recent years it has hired airtime on SW txs in the USA and Ukraine. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 20)

INDIA 5010 kHz AIR, Thiruvananthapuram at 0018-0028 UTC, IS, tentative ID in vernacular language, mentions "shortwave", vocals, talk. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jan 30)

INDONESIA RRI Jambi appeared again, fair signal noted here in Europe on 4925 kHz at 2330 UTC. Last Fri observed at about 1930 UTC. Also Bukittinggi active on v4910.5 kHz. (Matthias Gatzke via Kai Ludwig-D, Jan 14-28)

9525 kHz Voice of Indonesia, Cimanggis at 1800-1805 UTC, German ID, frequencies, Gamalan music, program preview, news. They also announced 11755 and 11785 kHz., but were unheard there. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 1) [heard it at same time here, see special section 'Disturbance of propagation' at end of this newsletter, WB]

IRAN v9685.9 kHz VOIRI Tehran at 1730* UTC. Off with IS after program in what may have been Arabic; weak with very low audio. (Hill, Jan 19 via Cumbre Dx) 7215 kHz NF, VOIRI at 1330 UTC towards SEAsia in Malay, IS, Koran reading, into nx. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 29)

IRAQ The opposition radio st which calls itself The Future (Al-Mustaqbal), was observed on 23rd & 24th Jan on 1527 kHz 1500-1700 & 2300-0100 UTC. The radio, which bcs in Arabic in support of the Iraqi National Accord, a Jordanian-based opposition group, is no longer observed on its previous frequency of 1008 kHz. Another Iraqi opposition st, Radio Freedom (Al-Hurriyah), which previously bc on 1527 kHz at these times, not been traced since The Future started using the channel. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 23-24)

KOREA D.P.R.of For some days now Radio Pyongyang is silent. Is not a question of poor propagation, because RKI, CRI, and even Yamata-JAP are well heard here in Europe. (Matthias Gatzke via Kai Ludwig-D, Jan 28)

It appears that some or all of Radio Pyongyang's foreign sces have either been discontinued or are temporarily inactive. I made a quick check between 1900-2000 UTC this morning and could not locate any non-Korean service (eg: 9325 9640 9975 13785 9345). (Bob Padula-AUS, Jan 31)

9325 and 9345 kHz has been heard this afternoon for a short time, but seemingly bc with lower power and restricted schedule. May shortage of electricity, because of the rigorous winter in that region. (WB Feb 1)

MAURITIUS The MBC estimates that they can return SW a year after getting financial aid for a tx. Unfortunately, although Luxembourg is suppose to provide this aid, it still hasn't been approved as of Jan 23rd. When approved, a 100 kW tx will be installed at Cap Malhereux on the north end of Mauritius using 9710 kHz during the day and 4855 kHz at night. Listeners who would like to see the MBC return to the air should write the station at: 1 Louis Pasteur St, Forest Side, Mauritius. This per an interview with Mr. Sunassee, Assistant Engineer in Charge of Transmission conducted by Mahendra Vaghjee of Mauritius. (DIRECT Cumbre DX & Kohlbrenner, Jan30)

MOLDOVA/RUSSIA Russian radio bcs may stop in Moldova. Bc of Russian ORT [Russian Public TV] tv progrs and progrs of the Mayak radio st and Radio Russia may soon be stopped in Moldova due to their debt to the Moldovan transmission centre.

... the budget-financed Radio Russia and Mayak did not pay the rent for two years, and the ORT stopped rent payments in September 1996. Several days ago the Ukrtelecom company informed Kishinev that the transit radio relay channels, which go to Moldova via Ukrainian territory, may be switched off. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 24)

NORWAY/CIS V o TIBET: From a new location VoT 7400 kHz at 1222-1300 UTC began regular bc on 27th of Jan. 1222-1230 UTC Tuning signal IDs etc into programming 1230 UTC. Fair to good signals in Colombo but some utility QRM. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 29, and via RNMN Jan 30) [Service may occur fr CIS tx site; at same time slot - 1130-1600 UTC - TWR Radio is bc via Irkutsk-RUS on 7420 kHz. WB]

PERU v6479.81 kHz R. Altura, 0234-0248 UTC, folk mx w/huaynos, lots of IDs, at 0243 UTC ID as "Desde el ... y centro de Huarmaca, Provincia de Huancabamba, Departamento de Piura ... con su mensaje de amor para el progreso... y bienestar de los pueblos del norte y oriente del Peru, Radio Altura, un mensaje de amistad hacia el interior del pais", then folk mx. (G.I.Barrera-ARG, Jan 25) v5645,8 kHz La Voz de San Antonio at 0240-0305 UTC. Tried after tip in Cumbre Dx, and heard with Peruvian music, female announcer in Spanish, slogan, male ann. 0255 UTC, slow song. No ID, so tentative. Homepage: http://www.tip.nl/users/mark.veldhuis (Mark Veldhuis, Borne, the Netherlands, Feb 1)

PHILIPPINES 15270 kHz R.Pilipinas Manila, 0256-0314 UTC, ID at 0258 UTC as "This is the Voice of Democracy" by M, and at 0259 UTC heard "This is Radio Philipinas" then began the progr "Listeners and Friends" reading some letters fr listeners of Radio Pilipinas, w/lady announcer. (G.I.Barrera-ARG, Jan 25)

QATAR Audible here fr signing on at 0345 UTC on 7210 kHz until fade-out about 0500 UTC; also audible on 7210 kHz until 2130 UTC signing off. Sometimes audible on 9570 kHz after 0500 UTC. I haven't traced the other outlets as yet. I know that WRTH missed out on these details for 1997. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Jan 30)

Acc to observations QBS Doha schedule should read as follows: 0345-0706 & 1707-2130 on 7210 kHz. 0707-1306 15395 underneath of UAE Radio Dubai. 1307- 1706 11750 kHz. 2nd channel seems on 9570 kHz only(?), 0345-2130 UTC. (WB, Jan 30)

RUSSIA From Febr 3rd The VoRussia will reduce World sce progrs in Russian from 18 to 10 hours per day, due to financial problems. No changes (so far) at VoR WS programmes in English. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 29)

VoRussia Russian sce, W96 schedule. Moscow (GPR-1) 0200-0500 7370 0200-0800 7350 0400-0800 9800 12015 0500-0800 7440 0530-0800 7420 1100-1700 12055 1100-1500 15485 1530-2200 6045 1600-2300 7340 9450 1600-1900 9830 1730-2300 9730 1930-2300 7150

St. Petersburg (GPR-2) 0200-0600 9715 0400-0800 9820 0630-0800 13650 1100-1500 13650 1530-2300 9715 1600-2300 9480

Samara (GPR-3) 0200-0600 9835 12065 0400-0800 11810 0630-0800 12070 1100-1300 12025 1100-1400 12015 1330-2000 7235 1430-1900 7355 2030-2300 7160 1930-2300 7245 1600-2000 9560 2030-2300 7200

Krasnodar (TCR-4) 1100-1500 15305 1530-2200 7310

Yekaterinburg (YeRC) 0400-0800 15110 1100-1500 9625 1530-2300 9775

Novosibirsk (GPR-11) 0200-0400 21750 1100-1600 9845 1100-1800 9780 2100-2300 7355 9790

Chita (TCR-12) 0200-0400 12045 0430-0800 17665 1300-1500 7185 1530-2100 7185 2130-2300 7195

Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-Amur (TCR-6 & GPR-8) 0200-0300 15160 0200-0400 12010 0200-0500 7260 0200-0800 6065 0430-0800 6090 0530-0800 6005 1100-1400 5905 6005 1100-1500 7245 1100-1600 5985 9895 1100-1700 7170 1500-1900 5930 6090 1530-1900 6065 2100-2300 6070 9705 2100-2300 9800 9830

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy (PKRC) 0200-0400 9895 0430-0800 7300 1100-1300 7270 1500-1900 7260 2000-2300 7255 (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jan 13)

SOMALIA Domestic Radio Mogadishu, V of the Somali Rep (pro-Ali Mahdi Mohammad). (Somali: Reediyo Moqdisho, Codka Jamhuuriyadaa Soomaaliya), bcs in support of Ali Mahdi Muhammad. It was first heard on 15th March 1992. 0400-0500, 1000-1130, 1600-1800 UTC in Somali, v6822 kHz.

Two other sts also identify themselves as Radio Mogadishu: Radio Mogadishu, Voice of Somali Pacification (pro Uthman Ali Ato). Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Masses of the Somali Rep (pro Aydid). All three stations operate on similar frequencies in the 6-7 MHz range.

Domestic Radio Mogadishu, this station, which supports Uthman Ali Ato was first heard on 29th July 1995. It identifies itself in Somali as "Radiyo Moqdisho, Codka Nabadeeynta Soomaaliyeed" and in English as "Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Peace Processing (sic)". 0300-0500, 0930-1200, 1500-1900 UTC in Somali v6732 kHz. 1830-1835 nx in English, 1845-1850 nx in Arabic. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 21)

SRI LANKA VOA Ekala: evening English 1400-1800 UTC was off frequency for about 2 months on 9644.6 kHz due to a faulty xtal. Problem was fixed on the 21st Jan. The VOA Iranawila site has been having great misfortune. The many political obstacles delayed the project by more than 3 years at least. The latest was when a tx got completely burnt out throwing ash and associated debris all over the tx hall. It wont be at least until the end of the year before any operations can get through. The antennas are more or less in an operational position. If only VOA could put some portable type 50 kW even from a container, signals ought to boom in, this strategic area. And reports that VOA Ekala and Udorn swapped frequs 1400-1800 UTC are correct. They still are, COL on 7215 and Udorn 7125 kHz. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Jan 31)

UAE UAE Radio Abu Dhabi schedule. UAE Radio from Abu Dhabi is operated by the UAE Ministry of Information and Culture. This schedule is based on information supplied by UAE Radio, and monitoring observations carried out in Jan 1997. Frequency usage is highly variable. Address: POBox 63, Abu Dhabi Tel +971-2-451000 Fax +971-2-451155

0000-0200 9605 7220 7125 6180 (only broadcast during Ramadan). 0200-0400 9605. 0400-0500 11970 9605. 0500-0600 11970 9605. 0600-0700 9605. 0700-0800 17760 9605. 0800-0900 17760 13605 9605. 0900-1100 17885 17760 13605 11970. 1100-1300 17885 17760 13605 11970. 1300-1400 17885 17760 15380 11970. 1400-1600 15380 13605 11970 11710. 1600-1800 11710 7220 7125 6180. 1800-2000 11710 9695 7220 6180. 2000-2200 9770 7220 7125 6180. 2200-0000 7220 7125 6180 (only broadcast during Ramadan). (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 28)

UGANDA All Radio Uganda listeners on Red Channel are informed that from Wed, 29th Jan 1997, the evening and morning frequ 3340 kHz 90 mb will be replaced by 4976 kHz in 60 mb 1300-2100 and 0300-0600 UTC. Listeners are advised to send their RR's indicating reception times and rx make to the principal engineer, Radio Uganda, P.O.Box 2038, Kampala. (BBCM via AGDX, Jan 27)

USA RFA test transmission noted on 7490 kHz at 1420 UTC with the announcement in English "This is channel one,RFA programme channel one",then repeated by woman in Russian. At 1433 UTC ID in Vietnamese (presumed), into non-stop instrumental mx until fade out at 1455 UTC. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jan 30)

RFA announced bc sces to Burma and Vietnam. From Febr 3rd half hour nx and magazine format programme to Burma. 0130-0230 UTC & 1500-1600 UTC, three txs each functioning. At 0030 UTC 5940, 7455, 7515 kHz; at 1500 UTC 7490, 7540, 9440 kHz will be used. From Febr 5th direct bc will begin same scenery for Vietnam. 2230-2330 & 1400-1500 UTC, four txs each functioning. At 2230 UTC 5990, 7415 kHz; 1400 UTC 5950, 7490, 7520 kHz. (Kim Elliott-USA, VoA Communications World, Feb 1)

Radio Free Asia is technically a private corporation but is funded by about 10m dollars a year in federal government grants - the US federal govt. Congress has charged Radio Free Asia with broadcasting news and information in eight language to Asia - Mandarin, Tibetan, Cantonese, Burmese, Korean, Khmer, Laotian and Vietnamese. The first broadcasting, in Mandarin to China, began last Sept 30th. The Tibetan-language service was added 1st Dec.

Monitors for the Mandarin sce are in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong while those for the Tibetan sce are in Kathmandu, Islamabad and New Delhi... (HCJB DX Party Line Jan 25, via BBCM via AGDX)

11740 kHz, WINB, Red Lion, PA. Thanks to a telephone message from George Thurman who noted the first day of operation from 20 UTC, here in Red Lion, NJ, (honest! Vincentown is just the PO that serves the area) the signal at 2110 UTC tune-in was fairly good... s7 or so, with continuous music. Frankly I'm surprised I could hear the signal at all, as I should be in the skip zone. The signal declined with daylight fading, R Nederland on 11730 kHz desensed the receiver at 2130 UTC s/on, and WINB was completely buried with WYFR s/on 2200 UTC. IDs announcing the postal address, twice, were heard at 2130 and 2200 UTC. (Thomas Sundstrom-NJ, Jan 31)

DISTURBANCE of propagation occured on Feb 1st around 1700-1830 UTC. No reception on 13, 16, and 19 mb at all. RCI 13650 the only station in 22 mb. In 25 mb NHK Ekala-CLN 11880 kHz boomed in, and WSHB 11550, WVHA 11580, ISR 11605, RN RSA 11655, ARS 11935, CAN 11945, KWT 11990, SYR 12085 only. On 31 mb in general, all overseas sces boomed in, like INS 9525, SEY 9630, THA 9655.4, NGR 9705, OMA 9735 kHz, nearby European all underneath. (WB Feb 1)

Re: 1997 Internet Radio Guide

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15th Edition Receiver Shopping List The brand-new 15th edition of the Radio Netherlands Receiver Shopping List was posted on the RNW Web site on January 27. The URL is . ---- 10th annual Winter SWL Festival March 13-15, 1997, near Philadelphia, more than 225 attendees, coverage by Spectrum on WWCR. Great time had by all in past years. Info, registration: (Thomas R. Sundstrom-USA Jan 29)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 289 07 Feb 1997 ______

ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon latest sked for test transmissions: 0300-1000 6090, 1100- 2300 11775, 2300-1100 6000. (RVI Feb 2, via Cees van Oudheusden, via EDXP)

AUSTRALIA -- Fight to Save Radio Australia:

Comments are invited on the closing of Radio Australia and its International language services to:

Mr. Alexander Downer Foreign Minister; e-mail: . FAX: +61-6-273-4112;

Mr. John Howard, Prime Minister, FAX: 61-6-273-4100;

Copies of protest letters are invited to:

The (Melbourne) Age, , FAX: +61-3-9670-7514; The Sydney Morning Herald, , FAX: +61-2-9282-3492;

..... and to Radio Australia itself:

Radio Australia, GPO Box 428G, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, AUSTRALIA; RA 24-hour Open Line: +61 3 9626 1825; FAX and FAXPOLL: + 61 3 9626 1899; E-mail:

(Postings on rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, via EDXP, Feb 2)

A couple of interesting items appeared in 'The Weekend Australian' of February 1 concerning the proposed closure of RA. The newspaper's South Pacific correspondent Mary-Louise O'Callaghan wrote a piece headlined 'Cutbacks threaten needy neighbours' link with world'. Her introduction read: "What sort of fish do you catch with an Internet? Certainly not a South Pacific one. Ninety per cent of the South Pacific's population live on islands so small, remote and unserviceable that the impact of the industrial revolution still hasn't reached them, let alone the information superhighway".

She also wrote about RA's unique role in informing people about events in their own region given that most people in the South Pacific live beyond the reach of their countries "under-funded poorly resourced local broadcasters".

"Many public broadcasters in the region also depend on RA news and current affairs programs which are relayed straight to air. [I checked WRTH97: it shows ABC/RA news relays on stations in the Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu. Hardly world powers, but all significant local players by South Pacific standards among those outside the American & French spheres of influence - mf]

"Similarly, the many programs broadcast in pidgin or on special frequencies for the region bringing sport, entertainment and, most precious of all to these isolated communities, ideas, promotes a sense that Australia does care about and engage in the region", O'Callaghan wrote.

In the same edition, Errol Simper and Chip le Grand reported that the head of RA, Derek White, has been prevented by ABC management from discussing RA's future with other media. RA staff say White has sought the freedom to speak on behalf of RA but was curtly refused. Sources say he was told he was not to engage in an advocacy role. It is understood the directive was issued by the Corporation's managing director, Brian Johns, despite numerous media inquiries directed to White, the report said.

Meanwhile, RA has found an unlikely ally in the form of the Premier of the State of Victoria, Jeff Kennett. Kennett, who has previously advocated the closure of the ABC, shovelled sand in the cameras of TV crews, and generally turned Victoria upside down in the cause of economic restructuring, said the plan to close RA was "short-sighted". "The one thing that the ABC has that is unique and the one thing it does for us as a country and the thing that I think is important if you have a national agenda, is Radio Australia," said Kennett, reported by 'The Weekend Australian'.

The Federal Minister for Communications, Senator Alston, appears unmoved, telling 'The Weekend Australian' that "There are something like 100 satellite services in the region. People already get virtually everything that Australia has to offer".

He added: "As Mansfield points out, if you were to retain Radio Australia, it would be at the expense of other domestic programming arrangements and I wouldn't have thought that was the top priority of Australians."

The fate of RA is to be decided by the ABC board at its next meeting. (Matt Francis-AUS, via EDXP, 3/2).

Melbourne Age, 4 Feb 97: "The Foreign Minister, Mr Alexander Downer, is believed to be preparing to argue in Cabinet to save Radio Australia. Mr Downer supports the thrust of a confidential submission by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that says Australia risks damaging its reputation overseas if it axes the ABC's international services". (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Feb 4)

BELGIUM RVI Saving Measures.

As you probably already know, Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal Brussels is facing drastic budget cuts. As from Oct 26th, 1997, there will be no more Spanish, German and Arabic progrs anymore, and SW usage will be reduced from 300 to only 140 tx hours via Wavre site.

But ! Nine Flemish Euro MP's have sent a letter to Media Minister Eric Van Rompuy in protest against the abolition of programmes in Spanish, German and Arabic at Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal. The MP's has also written to the BRTN chief-executive Bert De Graeve. They say the cuts will have a negative effect on Belgium's voice in the World. German and Spanish are world languages, and especially information aimed at Germany - Belgium's main trading partner - is important. Arabic is important for the immigrant population in Flanders. They want alternative savings to be considered.

Neun flaemische EU Parlamentsmitglieder haben einen Brief an BRTN Chef Bert De Graeve und an den flaemische Medienminister Van Rompuy geschickt. In diesem Schreiben fordern die Parlamentarier, dass die deutschen, spanischen und arabischen Sendungen von Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal weiter ausgestrahlt werden. Bekanntlich hat die Radiodirektion der BRTN im Dezember 1996 beschlossen, dass die deutschen, spanischen und arabischen Sendungen ab 26. Oktober '97 eingestellt werden muessen. Der Internationale Dienst von BRTN war ihrer Meinung nach zu teuer und nicht effizient genug. Laut den neun flaemischen EU Abgeordneten muessen die Radioverantwortlichen der BRTN die Entscheidung nochmals ueberdenken.

Die Parlamentarier meinen, dass Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal Flandern in der ganzen Welt vertreten muss. Die Sendungen in Deutsch, Spanisch und Arabisch wuerden hierbei einen sehr wichtigen Beitrag liefern. Deutsch sei nicht nur die dritte Landessprache, sondern auch eine wichtige Sprache in ganz Europa. Bei der Erweiterung der EU mit den osteuropaeischen Staaten, wuerde die deutsche Sprache wichtig sein. Deutschland sei gleichzeitig der wichtigste Handelspartner Flanderns. Die Berichterstattung ueber Flandern in deutscher Sprache sei daher umso nuetzlicher.

Zur spanischen Sprache meinten die Abgeordneten, dass diese eine Weltsprache sei, die nicht nur in Spanien sondern auch in Zentral- und Suedamerika von 100 Millionen Menschen gesprochen werde. Die Sendungen in Arabisch sind ihrerseits sehr wichtig fuer die Immigranten Bevoelkerung in Flandern. Die Parlamentarier fuegen hinzu, dass durch Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal Flandern in der Welt bekanntgemacht werden soll, und man muss dann hierfuer auch fremde Sprachen benutzen. Das wuerden die Parlamentarier selbst jeden Tag erfahren.

Die neun Abgeordneten meinen auch, dass Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal der einzige regionale Sender in Europa und in der ganzen Welt waere, der ueber die politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Aktualitaet Flanderns berichten wuerde. Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal werde auch der Beweis dafuer sein, dass Flandern ein offener, toleranter und auf den Export gerichteter Teilstaat Belgiens waere.

Abschliessend sind sich die Parlamentarier aber bewusst, dass die Verschlankung innerhalb Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal in einen generellen Sparplan passen wuerde, dass man aber alle Alternativen in Betracht ziehen muesse, um die Sendungen in Deutsch, Spanisch und Arabisch beizubehalten. (RVI Media News, via Guido Schotmans-BEL, DX-Antwerp, Feb 2)

BULGARIA One more language for 'DX Mix' progr is Greek. Initial airing on Jan 9th. Weekly Thur 2115-2130 on 1224, 5860, 5890; Sat 0545-0600 1224 5940; Sun 0945-1000 5965, 7275. Only TRT Ankara bc DX in Greek. (Paniview-BUL, Feb 1)

CHINA CRI Beijing changes: Sp 2300-0100 7160, 0000-0100 7175. Russian 1500-2000 7420, from 2000 Chinese; 1500-2100 7435, fr 2100 in Arabic. (Paniview-BUL, Feb 1)

CYPRUS (Northern) R Bayrak 2nd progr mainly with Engl pop mx, noted with bad modulation at 0400-2200 UTC on 6158.4 kHz. ID in Greek, Eng, Turk, and mentioning FM // 87.8 and 105 MHz. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1) v6158.45 kHz Radio Bayrak (strongly suspected), 2150-2202:45* UTC, moderate carrier, building slightly towards the close, albeit no definite audio due to adjacent channel slop. Reports from Europe have this reactivated station (off since about 1993, I believe) closing at 2201 and 2203 UTC. Jan 31. Not here the next day, although a faint carrier appeared on approx v6159.3 kHz near 2200 UTC and I lost it at about 2203 so perhaps this too was Bayrak but it was totally swamped by the QRM on 6160. Feb 1. The Turkish Sector counts as a separate NASWA radio country and I need it! (David M. Clark- CAN, Feb 2)

DENMARK DSWCI DX-Camp May 97 in Denmark. Now is information about the DX-Camp and the Annual General Meeting in the Danish ShortWave Club International available. Please visit this WWW-Homepage. www.cybernet.dk\users\cp2605

If you don-t have the posibilty to use WWW. Please let me know and I will send you the information as E-mail. Many Greetings from the rainy Copenhagen (Claus Petersen-DEN, DSWCI, Feb 4)

ECUADOR Tonight at 0205 UTC, I could hear the Ecuadorian sts on 3280 kHz, 4770 & v5050,4 kHz, all with the same program. This has to do with the current political situation in the country. "Presidente de la Republica" mentioned. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 7)

DX Party Line Program Highlights -- Febr 8. This week on HCJB's DX Party Line we'll have more comment on Radio Australia, news about a new web radio sce, and a list of Peruvian sts off the air. In addition, we have the ODXA and EDXC reports. Join host Ken MacHarg for the DX Party Line. The DX Party Line is bc every Sat by HCJB, The Voice of the Andes in Quito, Ecuador, South America. Eur & ME 0737 UTC on 5860 kHz, 1907 UTC on 11960 kHz. SoPAC & AS 0900 9445. AM 0100 & 0400 UTC Sunday (8 and 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Saturday evening local time) (Kenneth D. MacHarg, Casilla 17-17-691, Quito, Ecuador [email protected] FAX: 593-2-447-263 Phone: 593-2-466-808)

ETHIOPIA v9560.2 kHz R. V. of Peace at 1908 UTC. Man in Somali plus lots of typical Horn vocals and instrumentals. At 1959 UTC, announcement in English by woman: "You have been listening to a Somali program produced by Radio Voice of Peace from the External Service of Radio Ethiopia. We shall be on the air again tomorrow in the 25- and 31 mbs with programs produced by Radio Voice of Peace. Thank you for listening." Carrier off at 2000 UTC. Quite strong, with occasionally fuzzy audio. Unlisted transmission, so apparently new or retimed. (Hill, via DXW, Jan 25) v9560.2 kHz Radio V.o. Peace at 1859 UTC with melody and ID by female announcer in E, 1900 UTC time pips and start of the program, weak but clear channel (tnx tip via Cumbre!) (Kuhl, Jan 28) Much stronger today (Kuhl, via DXW, Jan 29) v11800.4 kHz R. V. of Peace at 1921 UTC. Horn instrumental and Somali talk; in clear and quite strong but with fuzzy, phone-quality audio. QRM'd on //9560.2. (Hill-USA, via DXW, Feb 1)

FRANCE sends ultimate message in Morse code. In the sequel of the USA, Germany and Belgium, using messages in Morse code alphabet ended now too in France, abandoned for new technology. After 157 years in service, the coast guard at Le Conquet sent very last Morse code message on January 31st. Satellites and modern radio systems replace the Morse alphabet. (Stuttgarter Zeitung, Feb 1)

RFI Paris changes: French 1800-1900 addit 3965, Serbian 2000-2100 3965, Polish 2200-2300 3965. Delete all: French 0500-0600 6175, Engl 1600-1700 6175, German 1800 3985, 6150, French 3965 at 1700-1800, 0000-0400, 0700-1000. Del 3970usb 0400-0700. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

GUAM KTWR in Chinese 0830-0930 new 11940, 2130-2400 new 11995 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

GUYANA 3290 kHz, Georgetown has been well audible at times 0730-0900 carrying Islamic programmes for the Ramadan period including Koran. Seems to be a series of different presentations put together by individual Islamic groups - in English - and separated by station announcements and Indian music. (Noel E. Green-UK, Jan 31)

3290 kHz Voice of Guyana, GBC, 0709 UTC, Feb 1, carrying relay of Radio Australia's bc of cricket game between West Indies and Australia. Two second delay compared to Radio Australia on 9860 kHz. RA announcer said it was 42.5 degrees C there! Must have been fun playing cricket!! Fair with RTTY QRM. (Harold Sellers-CAN, Feb 4)

INDIA AIR Delhi News in English at 1730 UTC, into Hindi and off 1740 UTC. I missed the s.off announcements on new 3250 kHz. Lucknow wasn't heard on 3245 kHz. Couldn't be a move or an HF Feed. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 5)

AIR Thiruvanathapuram is also using 5010 kHz for SoAS evening, 1130-1735a UTC signing off. Big signal, infact the strongest signal in COL on SW, even stronger than Sri Lanka it self.

The low solar activity at the bottom of the cycle makes it very hard for an island nation to get a needed coverage for domestic purposes using almost a vertical angle of take off. The signal does't get returned until well into sun-rise and very poor to no signal after sun set. So often, the signals from neighbouring countries are stronger. There are times when Latin American/African signals override SoAS domestic transmissions for sometime before and after sun set! Thats what makes it possible to catch good DX if you know what the solar cycle does. This also brings in some inytrigue in that during the last solar minimum people in rural areas thought that the first 20 mins of the SLBCs sce, the usual buddhist chants etc were not getting thru because the record had got wasted by constant use!

AIR Lucknow. Heard at 0025 UTC signing on and mixing with on 4880 kHz. You could also hear at around 1435 UTC again co-channel. By the way Dhaka has adjusted or maybe mother nature has, the freq from 4879 to 4880 kHz even. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 2)

5010 kHz AIR Thiruvan'apuram. 0050-0135 UTC, rising in spectacular fashion from weak level initially to very strong S9+ by 0115 UTC with seemingly local pgme of ongoing talk by man, straight over 6 pips at 0130 UTC, thereafter a pause and a woman anncr took over w/signal still near peak level. Best sub-continental evening of the season for me and this signal by far the loudest. (David M. Clark-CAN, Jan 19)

AIR Delhi changes: English 1000-1100 17840 (x17895) kHz. English 1745-1945 13780usb (x13770). 2245-0045 English, 0100-0130 Bamar, 7170 (x7150). 0000-0045 Tibetan 9835 (x9685). Feeder & Engl 1330-1745 9835 (x9685). 1215-1430 Bamar/Nepali 11695 (x11710). 1145-1315 Chinese 11840 (x11735). 0130-0200 Tibetan 11900 (x11880). 1515-1600 Gujarati 15175usb (x15165). 1115-1215 Tamil 17860 (x17865). (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)0

INDONESIA RRI in BI 1300-1430 new11885, QRM by IRN noted here. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

VoIndonesia mailbag progr on Suns 0832-0850 UTC answering letters. In the curse of it announcer tended to say, that they want to know the SINPO rate, very much. Letters answered from Germany, USA, Japan, Sri Lanka, Scotland etc.

RRI Prgr 2 Good level 2300-0800 UTC area 15125, 11750 kHz, very good level, also //9565 kHz weak. Again using 11750 kHz upto approx. 1430 UTC, overriding BBC to SoAS all the time. RRI Jambi excellent at 2300 UTC fade out 0100 UTC here, also 1130-1600 UTC. Best local signal from RRI. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 2)

IRAN VOIRI Teheran noted on 9575 kHz 0030-0130 UTC in Bengali and 0130-0230 UTC in Urdu. Also noted new 9590 kHz at 1330-1430 UTC in Urdu, 9550 kHz 1430-1530 Bengali, and 1530-1630 UTC English - both these channels replaces 9635 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Jan 26)

VOIRI in Russian at 1530-1627 on new 9585 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

VOIRI Teheran is now using 7215 (announcing 7160) kHz at 1430-1530 UTC Bengali, 1530- 1627 UTC English - parallel 9550 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 2)

As announced during the Bengali sce of VOIROI Tehran introduced 7215 kHz for Bangla 1430-1530, English 1530-1630 and Chinese 1330-1430 UTC. //9550 kHz much to the discomfort of Bangladesh Betar. These freqs appear to replace 9635 and 7290 kHz. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 2)

IRAQ Sedaye Mojahed in Persian to IRN: 0150-0600 UTC on 3850, 4450, 4650, 5150, 5450, 7225. (not in use: 6020, 7070, 9430). (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

KOREA - PDR R. Pyongyang appears to have deleted many channels for its non-Korean bcs. Arabic 2000-2050 observed on one freq only 6520 (11905 and 9600 inaudible); English 2000-2050 on 6575 only (9975 9640 9345 inaudible); French 2100-2150 on 6375 (9975 9345 inaudible); 2100-2050 German not audible on ether 13785 or 9325; Japanese 2100-2250 on 11780 7580 but not audible on 9650; Korean 2200-2250 audible on 11335 13760 13650 11700 but not audible on 15130 or 15280. Channels noted as inaudible are usually heard at good strength here in Melbourne. Observations of Feb 1. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Feb 4)

LIBYA Mysterious carrier and test tone functioning tests from Libya are still on air for two months time. Noted today at approx. 0830-1130 UTC on 6155, 7120, 9655, 9705, 11770, and new 11855 (x11815) kHz. And 7th tx usually on 11785 kHz couldn't be observed here, but similar outlet on 15460 kHz - need to check next weekend, to find out exact sign on and off time. No program observed, test tone only. (WB, Jan 25-26/ Feb 1-2)

MADAGASCAR The last day of the extended / special transmissions were the 27th Jan. After that schedule s.off, and no more extentions on v5009.5 kHz. Dont know what made them transmit like that. [lasting during typhoon season only?]

Some years ago Sri Lanka continued to broadcast 24 hours during the insurgency in the South, since there were intelligence reports that there was a possibility of clandestine bcs on the same frequencies immediately the SLBC signed off. In fact a few weeks prior to that, while the SLBC remained on carrier, a few minutes after the end of programming attempts at zerobeating were observed!! Its amazing what reasons there could be for sudden changes in broadcasting times etc. Thats what makes DXing exciting and challenging. Its not only chasing countries, QSLs...! (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 2) v5009.5 kHz R Madagasikara extended transmissions past 0030 UTC observed by several Dxers.... Usually R Madagasikara closes down Mon - Fri 1900 and Sat - Sun 2100. However, Hans Johnson reported in Cumbre Dx(123/2), the station may have extended broadcasts after a cyclone struck the island on 24 Jan. In third world countries, particularly during emergency or distress situations, radio is the most effective medium of communication. My answer to Dan's question on Muslims in Madagascar.... About 40 per cent of people are Christians and the rest animists ! (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 2)

MYANMAR v5985.85 kHz Radio Myanmar, at 1237 UTC, talk, possibly news, by male announcer. Fair and nicely in the clear. Much easier on this off channel frequency. (David M. Clark-CAN, Feb 1)

NETHERLANDS Radio Netherlands: New Booklist available, On Line. If you go into the average bookshop and ask for information about international radio listening, you may draw a blank. And yet there are several dozen guides, compact discs and CD-ROMs now on the market which are designed to help you find your way amongst over 120 international broadcaster, including Radio Netherlands.

As part of a major re-launch of its Internet Web Site, Radio Netherlands has now compiled an extensive on-line guide to a wide range of publications. Where possible, the review also includes an illustration of what to look for, ordering information and our independent review.

Please note that Radio Netherlands has purchased each of the books..this is NOT an advertorial. Many of the publications have been reviewed in some depth during our Thursday communications programme "Media Network".

"This is only the start of a more comprehensive project later in the year" says the producer of Media Network, Diana Janssen. "Thanks to links to other sites, we are being inundated with enquiries about radio.

As we embrace the technology on the information superhighway and start in 1997, we expect more of these consumer questions to arise."

Media Network, Radio Netherlands weekly communications programme continues to review new publications, CDs and CD-ROMs. The results will be added to the on-line version of the Booklist Edition 15 shortly after broadcast. As always, feedback is welcome.

The Booklist URL:

Radio Netherlands: New On Line Consumer Guide to Receivers.

For the last 16 years, Radio Netherlands has built-up an international reputation in the field of un-biased consumer advice. International radio listening requires a better than average receiver and with more than 80 sets currently on the world-wide market, choosing the best can be confusing. In a joint project with the annual directory, the World Radio TV Handbook, Radio Netherlands has now compiled an extensive on-line guide to 64 receivers ranging in price from US$50 to 5000. Each review contains a picture of the receiver, specifications and a full report on our indepdent tests. There is also an archive of recently discontinued sets which are still around on some store shelves.

"This project has been very extensive" says the producer of Media Network, Diana Janssen. "It is only natural that listeners turn to a public broadcaster for un-biased advice on what radio to choose. In many cases it is just for listening while on a business trip or on holiday. But the market for serious shortwave listening receivers has recently increased, especially in Northern Europe and North America. Publicity about this kind of listening has been given on the Internet and this has now resulted in a flood of enquiries. We strive to be fair, bearing in mind that the same receiver may have a very different price in other parts of the world."

The joint venture with the World Radio TV Handbook allows Radio Netherlands to purchase receivers off the shelf and put them through a vigourous standard test procedure. We wait until sets are in the shops and then pick a sample at random. We use two listening locations, one near Amsterdam which is typical of a listening location that many people have. We also do extensive listening in a lower signal and interference area near De Steeg, along the border between The Netherlands and Germany. Strong nearby transmitters can sometimes overload simple receivers and so this test procedure ensures everything is measured.

Media Network, Radio Netherlands weekly communications programme continues to review receivers and the results will be added to the on-line version of the Receiver Shopping List shortly after broadcast. As always, feedback is welcome. The Receiver Shopping List URL: (via Thomas R. Sundstrom-USA, Feb 4)

NEW ZEALAND English mailbox progr of RNZLI, incl. Arthur Cushen's DX-tips in 3rd week of Febr: Mon 17th 0430 15115, Thur 20th 0830 9700, Fri 21st 1930 9810. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

New Z97 schedule of R NZL International, from March 31st: 6070 kHz occasional sports coverage at 1206-1650, daily 1650-1750. 9795 kHz 1750-1952 UTC, 11735 1952-2300, 15115 2300-0458, 9795 0458-0816, 9700 0816-1206. (Arthur Cushen-NZL, via RNMN, Feb 6)

NIGER v9706.18 kHz La Voix due Sahel (suspected, as reported here), 1316 UTC, weak LP signal w/bits of low level audio detectable only during split-second silence from strong R. Mexico Int'l on 9705 kHz. Faded completely before 1330 UTC. (David M. Clark-CAN, Jan 26)

NORWAY Excellent reception noted fr R.Norway / R.Denmark on the new 9540 kHz at 1400- 1455 UTC, introduced on Feb 1. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 2)

PAKISTAN Pakistan's caretaker government is planning to open tv and radio to multiple private broadcasters, according to Information Minister Irshad Ahmed Haqqani. The Minister was quoted as saying that the government intends broadening the scope of electronic media. At present only state controlled R. Pakistan and privately owned Shaheen are engaged in radio broadcasting. Shaheen network runs FM radio stations in major cities. The text of the ordinance approved by the cabinet on Jan 27th states specifically that there would be no private monopolies. However, Shaheen is expected to challenge the ordinance in court. Shaheen network was given a licence to broadcast during the rule of ousted prime minister Benazir Bhutto. President Farooq Leghari dismissed her government on corruption charges in November and new elections are scheduled for Feb 3rd. Shaheen believed to have got exclusive rights for 10 years from Bhutto govt.

5750 kHz Voice of Independent Kashmir ( Sada-i- hurriyat-i- Kashmir) supporting the the Kashmiri militant groups observed s on 0228 UTC on 5750 kHz with the theme song, "Allah O' Akbar..." (God is Great...) Plenty of rhetorics in Kashmiri and Urdu. S off 0430 UTC. None of the other channels 5300 and 6300 kHz were found. Nigro's unid reported in previous editions is obviously this. The bubble jammer he noted is targeted at V of Mojahedin-e Khalq around this frequency range. The evening broadcast of V of Independent Kashmir is 1530-1730 UTC from 4115, 5300 and 6300 UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 2-3)

PERU La Voz de San Antonio, Bambamarca, v5645.9 kHz at 0359 UTC Peruvian songs, lots of flutes, announcements by excited male speaker in Spanish, mentioning Bambamarca, sign-off with presumed national anthem around 0410 UTC. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Feb 6)

RUSSIA/MALTA VoM La Valetta test series via Russian facilities. NoAM 1600 E, 1700 Maltese, 1800-1830 French, 1830-1900 German on 7300 & 13600 kHz. To JAP/FE in Eng/Jap 0800-1100 9800, 1100-1600 15550. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

SAIPAN SW bc schedule of KHBI Saipan, Mariana Islands, from Mar 4th - May 5th: EUR 0800-0900 15665, 1600-1800 11550, 1800-2000 9355 (+ ME target). AF 1600-2000 9385. SEaAS1200-1600 9355 OCE 0900-1000 13840, 1000-1100 15725, 1100-1300 9430 1300-1400 13840, 2000-2100 11860, 2100-2200 13840 0000-0100 15725 NEaAS0900-1100 9430, 1100-1200 9355, 1400-1600 9355. 2200-2300 13840. (Monitor Radio)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Foreign Sce, Unidentified 17775 kHz at 1615 UTC male speakers with martial talk in presumed Bambara to Africa. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Feb 7)

SEYCHELLES FEBA Mahe changes: 0800-0900 new 15540, Indian langs, but Thur & Fri in Engl. 1255-1500 11640 (x11670) in Mal, Guj, Punj, Urdu, Hindi. 1500-1600 11600 (x11870) in English. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

SOUTH AFRICA VoA via Meyerton site: 5970.0 1830-1900 VOA PORT MEY 100 328 Afr 9805.0 1830-1900 VOA PORT MEY 250 328 Afr 11895.0 1830-1900 VOA PORT MEY 250 328 Afr (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

SPAIN ADXB in internet. Asociacion DX Barcelona (ADXB), DX Club founded in 1979, is present in internet from Feb 1st: http://www.redestb.es/adxb our e-mail is: [email protected]

More information in our pages, in "MUNDO DX" magazine or in weekly programm "MUNDO DX" in ORF-R.Austria Internacional (all Wednesday). Francisco Rubio editor "MUNDO DX" magazine and radio programme. Address: Apartado 335, E-08080 Barcelona, Spain. (Feb 6)

SRI LANKA There much talked about Sri Lanka Velanda Sevaya-Commercial sce is now signing on at 2330 UTC on 4870 kHz. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 2) v9729.96 kHz SLBC All Asia Service, 1335-1343 UTC, woman hosting pgme of pop oldies, including 'Rock Around The Clock' & 'Island In The Stream'. Fair to good on peaks but subject to fading. (David M. Clark-CAN, Feb 1)

SYRIA Damascus in Arabic appeared on 13610 kHz again. Noted today around 1000 UTC in //12085 kHz. (WB Feb 2)

TAHITI v15167.4 kHz RFO, Papeete, 1650-1705 UTC, very weak/deep fades initially, then fading up to surprisingly readable level across 1700 UTC with talk in French by man and woman. (David M. Clark-CAN, Jan 25)

TAJIKISTAN Adding Persian and Tajik [may on Ramadan periode only], 0400-0530 5800 kHz, different progr on 4635. 1700-1730 4635 & 5800. 1730-1900 4635, 5750, 5800. (PanIview- BUL, Feb 1)

9905 kHz *R. Dushanbe. External sce, beginning English at 0345 UTC, into Arabic 0400 UTC, good level. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Feb 1)

THAILAND Due to poor propagation fr Nakhan-THA, BBC is using 15380 kHz fr Kranji-SNG at 0030-0045 UTC Bengali, and Burmese 0000-0030(M-F) UTC on 9600 kHz. Instead, fr Thailand test is being conducted on 6065-THA 0000-0030 UTC Burmese(M-F) and Bengali (daily) 0030-0045 UTC. Reception is excellent.

>From Thailand VOA Udorn Thani moved their 7215 to 9850 kHz, 0100-0300 UTC English to SoAS and received with excellent reception - noted on Feb 2nd. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 2)

UKRAINE Voice of Oromo Liberation in Oromo 1600-1702 UTC new 9870 kHz, Kiev 100 kW, 160 degrees. (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

UNITED KINGDOM/THAILAND BBC changes Hindi 1400-1500 6085 kHz via Nakhan Sawon-THA site. Persian 1615-1700 3985 kHz via Skelton! (PanIview-BUL, Feb 1)

USA/MYANMAR RFA Testing to Burma observed on 7455 kHz, very strong signal 0030-0130 UTC, mx and announcements in English, Russian and Burmese, Jan 31. Evening also heard, possibly for Burmese sce, 1500-1600 UTC, testing with recorded programming from the RFA Tibetan sce 1300-1400 UTC, on 9440 and 7490 kHz. At the same time continue to hear the Mandarin sce, +5 kHz up on 7495 kHz. Have to be from two different tx sites. Burmese 7455, 7515, 7530 kHz, 0030-0130 UTC. 6240, 7540, 9440, 1500-1600 UTC. Vietnamese 5865, 7415, 0030-0130 UTC. 5865, 6240, 7520, 1400-1500 UTC.

SW bc schedule of WSHB Cypress Creek, from Mar 4th - May 5th: EUR 0400-1000 7535, 1800-2000 13770, 2000-2200 11550 2200-2400 7510 AF 0300-0400 7535, 0400-0500 9840, 1600-1900 18930 1900-2000 17510, 2300-2400 7510 OCE 0800-0900 11550 NoAM 0000-0200 7535, 0200-0400 5850, 1000-1400 6095 2100-2200 9355 MEX 0200-0300 7535, 1300-1400 9455 SoAM 0200-0200 9430, 0900-1200 7395, 1200-1300 9455, 2200-2400 13770 CAR 0000-0100 7535, 1000-1300 6095 (Monitor Radio)

It was nice to hear KVOH propagating to Europe on 17 MHz. Is it a hopeful sign for HF propagation this year? I also noted the Red Cross PACTOR station in Dushanbe is now using 18 instead of the 13 MHz frequency they used last year. Voice of Hope, Rancho Simi 17775 kHz at 1615 UTC Spanish speaker and reli-song, competing with BSKSA on co-channel. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Feb 7)

ZAIRE v5066.35 kHz Radio Candip (presumed), 0440, moderate carrier still detectable but picking out any audio under wideband slop from the Colombian on v5076.8 kHz was impossible. Was not yet on when checked 0315-0330, so perhaps opening later now? Looking for Lubumbashi in 7200-7205 range but unheard. (David M. Clark-CAN, Feb 2)

Terminkalender Nr. 11 - 06. Februar 1997 Redaktion: Ulrich Schnelle (USG) Postfach 102420, D-45824 Gelsenkirchen Tel. +49 - (0) 209 - 209796, eMail: [email protected] In eckigen Klammern: Angaben ueber Veranstalter/Infoadresse [further information, addresses, etc. given in brackets]

02.05.97 - 04.05.97 DX-Wochenende in Moertitz [H.Brodien, 0351-8906238]

07.05.97-11.05.97 18. DX-Fieldday des RMRC in Langenselbold [RMRC e.V.,Postfach 1168, 65432 Floersheim]

10.05.97 16. Ueberregionales DX-Treffen des Ottenauer Kurzwellenhoererklubs Murgtal - Ortsring des SWLCS - in Gaggenau. [Bernd Seiser, Hauptstr.205-207, 76571 Gaggenau]

16.05.97 - 19.05.97 DX-Camp der Kurzwellenfreunde Achternberg [KWFA, c/o Dieter Schulz, Achternbergstr. 51a, 45884 Gelsenkirchen]

16.05.97 - 21.05.97 DX-Treffen bei Radio Minsk in Minsk / Belarus [R.Minsk, dt.Redaktion, 00375.172.395875]

30.05.97 - 01.06.97 (Termin noch nicht bestaetigt!) EAWRC-DX-Weekend in Erftstadt-Liblar [Adolf Schwegeler, 02235.45046)

13.06.97 - 15.06.97 Sommer DX-Camp im Kull-Haus am "Grossen Parsick" in Kempen-Toenisberg [KWFR e.V., Postfach 101555, 45815 Gelsenkirchen, 0209.209796, [email protected]]

06.06.97 - 09.06.97 EDXC-Konferenz in Zlin / Czech Republic. [EDXC, POBox 214, FIN-00101 Helsinki (1IRC Rp.)]

12.07.97 - 02.08.97 DX-Camp Doebriach (am Millstaetter See in Kaernten/Oesterreich) [Franz Ladner, Leipziger Strasse 21/28, A-1210 Wien, 00431.3038825]

22.08.97 - 24.08.97 25.Internationales DX-Camp des SWLCS in Merchweiler. [SWLCS, Pf.1170, 66549 Illingen]

30.08.97 - 07.09.97 Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin. [Messe Berlin, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, 030.3038-0]

05.09.97 - 07.09.97 DX-Camp Marx in Friedeburg-Marx/Ostfriesland. [Jan Lueschen, Stiekelkamp 2, 26125 Oldenburg]

12.09.97 - 14.09.97 UKW-Tagung Weinheim mit Jahrestreffen des UKW/TV-Arbeitskreises [Frank Helmbold, [email protected]]

18.10.97 - 19.10.97 Interradio 1997 in Hannover/Messe.- [Heckmann GmbH, Hohenzollernstr.4, 30161 Hannover, 0511.990950]

26.10.97 Radio St. Helena Day [Informationen siehe Fachpresse]

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 290 12 Feb 1997 ______

ANTARTICA 15476 kHz LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, from Feb 3 again is active on the new time of 1900-2000 UTC, the last 20 minutes are in English and French, heard on Feb 3 during the first day of reactivation by Raymundo Cruz and Walter Tomarelli. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 9)

BRAZIL v11704.8 kHz Radio Nova Visao, Santa Maria at 1945-1952 UTC, Music, short Portuguese announcements, "Transmundial" ID's. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 5)

BRUNEI After an absence of several decades, Radio TV Brunei hopes to return to SW in the not too distant future. An internat SW sce is planned and this project is about to be put out to tender for the txs and antennas to be built. (The above is not a hoax. I learned it from the chief engineer at BFBS Brunei) (Maarten van Delft-HOL, via DXW, Feb 9)

CANADA I got this e mail, it can be useful: Dear Mr. Bernardini: Thank you for your listener report on our radio st CHU. It is always nice to hear from our listeners. The National Research Council of Canada has an e-mail address for CHU at: [email protected]

The National Research Council of Canada and all its institutes also have a home page on the web. Here is the address of our website: http://www.cisti.nrc.ca/inms/tfe.html Here you will find information on Canada's time service and on CHU. A QSL card is being mailed to you. (Bernardini via DXW, Feb 9)

CHINA Re Hans' comments about the name change in DX-W 50, the change took place some time in 1993, as the 1994 edition of WRTH was the first one to use the new designation. At the time of the change, CNR/CPBS indicated that it wished to be known in international broadcasting circles as China National Radio, but we now have situation similar to Iran, where the on-air ID is not the same as the official name. In Farsi, Tehran still ID's (or did last time I checked with BBC Monitoring) as 'the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran', even though some years ago they had announced that the name of the organization is now IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting), and that's what it says on their letterheads. It's really a matter of an official organization name versus an on-air slogan. But since WRTH is intended for listeners, perhaps we should indicate more clearly here such a discrepancy exists. I put that on my 'to do' list for the next WRTH :-) (Sennitt, via DXW, Feb 9)

CYPRUS Acc to an e-mail response fr Bayrak Radio Head of the Transmission Dept, Mustafa Tosun, the Bayrak SW txions are on 6150 kHz. "However, 6159 kHz and 6160 are also being tested for evaluation from time to time. Detailed rr's will be appreciated." Mustafa Tosun's E-mail address is (Dan Henderson-USA, MD, in NU, Feb 4)

ERITREA Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea. This radio was first observed as a clandestine st on 11th Aug 1980. It supported the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, hostile to the then-govt of Ethiopia, and claimed to bc from liberated territory. Eritrea became fully independent in May 1993 and Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea (VOBME) is now the official govt-run radio of Eritrea. ID in Arabic: "Huna Asmara, Idha'at Sawt al-Jamahir al-Iritriyyah". ID in Tigrigna: "Ezi Kab Asmara Zemehalalef Medeber Radio Demtsi Hafash Eritrea Eyu". ID in Amharic: "Yeh be Asmera ketema yemigegne yesifiw yeritrea hezeb demts yeamarigna agelgilot new". Transmissions usually start with a news bulletin. Address: PO Box 872 (programming) or PO Box 243 (technical), Asmara, Eritrea Tel: +291-1-119-100 Fax: +291-1-127-115 1st progr 5000, 7085 kHz, 0300-0500 M-F, 0400-0600 Sat/Sun, 0930-1030, 1200-1300 Suns, 1500-1800 UTC. All Tigrigna lang, except Kunama 1500, Tigre 0400 & 1600 UTC.

2nd progr 4000, v7390 kHz, Arabic 0300-0400, 0930-1030, 1700-1800. Afar 1600-1700. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 4)

GERMANY (tentatively) Test bcs on 6015 kHz Sat only at 1356-1600? UTC. Heavy Metal / Hardrock / Punk nonstop mx, no announcements. Modulation Juelich like. Ahead of Majak-Bolshakovo low signal in background. Definitively professional radio station. (Kai Ludwig-D, Feb 2/8)

HUNGARY In Memoriam - Len Scott. Len Scott, who in his early years at Radio Budapest in communist era, was known to listeners as "Laszlo Pinter", died at the age of 67 on Jan 8th. To SW listeners throughout the world his name was synonymos with Hungary and English language broadcasts. He retired in 1989. Len's immediate rapport and friendship with the original DX editor, Dennis Herner, and their shared enthusiasm for international communication, meant they formed the ideal team. The immense knowledge and experience of the HAM pioneer and DXer, combined with the skills of the professional broadcaster to create a DX Show that informed and entertained.

Anniversary Register. Your help is needed as we plan for the celebrations of 40 years of the DX Show, and 32 years of the RBSWC. As part of the anniversary we should like to compile a register of those who have been listening to our broadcasts for at least ten years. Those of you who have sent in rr's and had verification or QSL cards, should find it fairly easy to establish when you began listening to Radio Budapest. Early listeners to Radio Budapest, and who by reason of change of circumstances, are no longer in touch with the station, asked to hold contact to Radio Budapest again, to establish how long they have been a listener. (R Budapest progr magazine, Feb 1997)

I noted R Budapest - German Sce - first on MW 1250 kHz in autumn 1958, daily bc at 1830 & 2100 UTC. But started listening to RB English DX Show in spring 1967, first letter from June 1967, QSL issued in Jan 1970. (WB)

INDONESIA v3231.8 kHz RRI Bukittinggi at 1646-1701 UTC, Indonesian songs, male announcer, IS. Rapidly fading. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 8) 3905 kHz RRI, ? (Merauke or Banda Aceh) at 2016-2057 UTC, Indonesian talk, guitar mx, announcement, popmx. "Happy birthday" played twice: first instrumental, later a vocal version. No (local) ID heard. Best in LSB. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 5)

IRAN v9550.4 kHz VOIRI, NF observed at 1440 UTC in Bengali (x9635). (Vitek via EDXP, Feb 1)

ISRAEL Kol Israel Z97 schedule COMMENTS PLEASE! Any conflicts? Thanks. Here is draft of new schedule. This is in no way the final schedule- so do not publish it as such. The Reshet Bet frequency of 9390 can probably go overnight from 1st March at the earliest- replacing the non hearable 7495 kHz. HF Schedule 30.3.97 to 13.9.97 (from 14.9.97-26.10.97 all times one hour later)

HEBREW (Reshet Bet) 0300-1900 15615 kHz (315d/100-300kW) (not 1400-1430 & 1530-1600) 0600-1800 17545 kHz (318d/50kW) 0700-0800 Sat, 0900-1100 Sun -Fri 13615 kHz (319d/500kW) 1400-1600 11590 kHz (315d/500kW) 1800-0600 9390 kHz (314d/50kW) 1700-1740 9365 kHz (294d/300kW) 1900-2115 11585 kHz (319d/500kW) 0900-1100 17575 kHz (264d/300kW) not Sat

ENGLISH 0400-0415 17545 kHz (110d/300 kW), 9435 kHz (315d/500kW), 7465 kHz (315d/10kW) 1400-1430 11605 kHz (315d/300kW), 15615 kHz (319d/100kW) 1900-1925 7465 kHz (315d/300kW), 9435 kHz (309d/300kW), 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 15640 kHz(187d/300kW)

FRENCH 0500-0515 9435 kHz (315d/300kW), 7465 kHz (315d/10kW) 1000-1030 5640 kHz (315d/300kW) 1530-1600 1605 kHz (315d/300kW), 15615 kHz (315d/100kW) 1930-1950 7465 kHz (315d/300kW), 9435 kHz (309d/300kW), 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 15640 kHz (187d/300kW)

SPANISH 1625-1635 9365 kHz (294d/300kW) 1950-2000 7465 kHz (315d/300kW), 9435 kHz (309d/300kW), 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 15640 kHz (187d/300kW)

ARABIC 0300-0530, 1200-2115 9815 kHz (76d/20kW) 0600-1030, 1200-2115 15480 kHz (76d/20-300kW)

0300-2115 5915kHz (40+220d/20kW)

RUSSIAN 1730-1855 7465 kHz(0d/300kW), 9435 kHz (0d/300kW)

PERSIAN 1400-1525* 9435 kHz (27d/300kW), 11695kHz (70d/300kW) 15640 kHz (315d/250kW) (*on Fri, Sat and hols to 1500 only)

JUDEO-TAT 1500-1530 9435 kHz (27d/300kW), 11695kHz(70d/300kW) Fri only

YIDDISH 1600-1630, 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 11590 kHz (4d/500kW), 9435 kHz (0d/300kW), 9365kHz (294d/300kW) 1700-1725 11605kHz(330d/300kW), 11590kHz(4d/500kW), 9435kHz(0d/300kW) ROMANIAN 1725-1745 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 11590 kHz (4d/500kW), 9435 kHz (0d/300kW) HUNGARIAN 1745-1800 11605 kHz (330d/300kW), 11590 kHz (4d/500kW), 9435 kHz (0d/300kW) BUKHARIAN 1200-1215 11605 kHz (27d/300kW), 11695 kHz (50d/300kW) GEORGIAN 1215-1230 11605 kHz (27d/300kW), 11695 kHz (50d/300kW) MAGHRIBI 1635-1645, LADINO 1645-1700 9365kHz (294d/300kW) (via Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 7)

LAOS Latest sked for Lao National Radio, Vientiane: 6130 kHz Lao HS 0400-0730 UTC, 2200-0300.0930-1530; 7145 International sce 2330-0000 Vietnamese, 0000-0030 Khmere, 0500-0530 Thai, 0530-0600 Fr, 0600-0630 En, 1130-1200 Thai, 1200-1230 Vietnamese, 1230- 1300 Khmere, 1300-1330 Fr. (Yukihiro Hotta-JAP, in SW DX Guide of JSWC, 2/97, thanks via EDXP)

MALAYSIA The enigma of the actual SW sked for RTVM-Sarawak continues! Here is a sked released by the JSWC, as supplied by the station. However, it is incomplete but may assist in determining the full sked! 3385 0400-0500 Iban; 5030 2200-0000, 0100-0330 (0100-0230 Suns/hols), 0400-0530, 1030-1500 Bidayuh; 5005 0400-0500 Iban; 6050 0400-0500 Iban; 7160 2200-2330Ch, 2330-0100 En, 0500-0700 En, 0700-1030 Ch, 1030-1200 En, 1200- 1400 Ch, 1400-1600 En; 7270 0400-0500 Iban. (SW DX Guide of JSWC, 2/97, via EDXP)

MEXICO XERTA, R. Transcontinental de America (registered name, but not necessarily the name they will use on the air), it is apparently a bona fide commercial SW stn, about to come on the air. They were planning to start "something" on Feb 5th -not sure if a promotional campaign or going on the air, but may go on the air "within the next few days or weeks." Daytime frequ will be 15120 (not 17880) kHz, nighttime 4800 kHz. Stn is very short on everything - uses second hand equipment - so enclose return postage if you contact them. General Director is Gonzalo Soto [unsure of spelling], old time pro radio announcer. They are supposed to have a 50 kW txer, but there is some question as to whether that is the actual power they will be using. Location of txer is in southern Mexico City, antenna is directional to the north. Address: XERTA, Torre Latinoamericana (piso 36), 06007 Mexico, D.F. (XERMX DX px/mailbag via Glenn Hauser WoR, Feb 6, in NU, via EDXP and other sources)

MOZAMBIQUE Renamo to open radio st in Beira: Afonso Dhlakama, leader of the Mozambique National Resistance [Renamo], currently on a tour of Sofala Province, says his party intends to open a radio st in the city of Beira. He said the st could [The following attachment could not be decoded because line 1 was too long.] begin bcing in the first half of 1997, and that steps have been taken to acquire the necessary equipment. - Dhlakama said the st fits in with his party's plans to expand txns by the Voice of Renamo, which already bcs from Maputo. (Radio Mozambique, via BBCM, via AGDX, Jan 30)

NEPAL R Nepal Kathmandu is once again using 3230 kHz, in addit to 5005 kHz. Signing on at 0015 UTC. English nx 0215 and 1415 UTC. Relatively low signal strength suggests that 3230 kHz is from the 7.5 kW standby tx. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 8)

NORWAY/CIS/TIBET Voice of Tibet is an internat radio progr produced by the Oslo-based Worldview International Foundation in collaboration with the Norwegian Tibet Committee and other groups. It commenced bcing on 14th May 1996. The bcs are aimed at Tibetan people both in Tibet and in neighbouring countries. In an interview, the editor- in-chief described the sce as a "voice of the voiceless people". Voice of Tibet progrs are produced in Oslo and were originally txed via FEBA Radio facilities in the Seychelles; however, direction-finding in January 1997 indicates that they are now being bc from a transmitter in the Central Asian region. [Irkutsk?]. Mon-Fri 1225-1300 UTC in Tibetan on 7400 kHz.

Address: Worldview International, Welhavensgt.1, N-0166 Oslo 1, Norway Tel: + 47-2211-4980 Fax: + 47-2211-4988 (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 4)

PALAU Acc to the Director Engineering, KHBN is installing new equipment. The 50 kW tx for RFA bcs is relatively new and a fourth tx is due in two months and construction of the housing of that is on at present. That will mean that KHBN will have two 100 kW txs and two 50 kW txs in a matter of three months time. (Arthur Cushen-NZL, RNMN Feb 6, via Mick Ogrizek, via EDXP) [Should compensate Tinian site for a while til completion, WB]

PERU La Voz de San Antonio, Bambamarca v5645.9 kHz 0359 UTC, Peruvian songs, lots of flutes, announcements by excited male speaker in Spanish, mentioning Bambamarca, sign- off with presumed NA around 0410 UTC. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Feb 6) v5619.2 kHz Radio Ilucan, Cutervo at 2340-0010 UTC, Peruvian mx, Spanish announcements, flutes, fine ID 0005 UTC, talk. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 8)

POLAND Norea Radio will use Stargard Tychowo MW 1503 kHz from Febr. 1930-2000 daily in Swedish. Reports to: Norea Radio, POBox 3419, S-10368 Stockholm, Sweden; fax +46 8 965 084. (B. Ericson, Arctic Radio Club, via BDXC 'Communication' Febr) [Not observed yet, some Serbo-Croatian stations on air, from BIH/HRV/YUG, tentatively B202 also.] Observed by H Kuhl on Feb 1st testing at 1930 UTC.

SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp., Ekala on 15425 kHz at 1430 UTC pop mx, announced by female speaker, parallel to v9729.95 kHz. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Feb 9)

TAIWAN CBS - Central Broadcasting System - Networks 1-4 The Central Broadcasting System (CBS) is operated by the Ministry of Defence and bcs to mainland China. St ID "Central Bcing St, Voice of Free China, to mainland China" (Standard Chinese: Chung-yang Kuan-po Tien-tai, Tsu-yu Chung-Kuo Chih Sheng, Tui Chung- Kuo Ta-hu Kwang-po). Address: 55 Pei'an Road, Tachih, Taipei 104, Taiwan. Tel: +886-2-5918161

CBS NETWORK 1 Taipei 2155-0200 7250. 0200-0400 7250 11970. 0400-1000 3335 7105 11775 11970 15190 15320 17750(fr 0730). 1000-1900 3335 7250 15320. 1900-2100 3335. 2100-2200 3335 7250.

CBS NETWORK 2 Taipei 0955-1600 6087 6180 7105 9630 11775. 1600-1900 6040 9690. 1900-2200 6040 9690.

CBS NETWORK 3 Taipei 0355-1555 6040 9690

CBS NETWORK 4 Taipei 1000-1130 Mongolian, 1140-1300 Tibetan, 1300-1500 Uighur 11905.

External Broadcasting Corp of China, (Voice of Asia). The Voice of Asia is part of the overseas division of the Bcing Corpor of China (BCC). The BCC operates various domestic radio sces in Taiwan and two separate external radio sces: 1. Voice of Free China, the main external service. 2. Voice of Asia, which is aimed at at listeners in mainland China and SoEaAS. It was inaugurated on 1st Jan 1979. Voice of Free China and Voice of Asia share the same technical facilities. The txions in Standard Chinese may also include material in Amoy and Cantonese. Address: Voice of Asia, PO Box 24-777, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-7710151 (ext. 2431); Fax: +886-2-7519277. The station still uses a 1,200-kW MW st at Kaohsiung.

Chinese-STD 0500-0700 7285, 0700-1100 9280, 1300-1500 7285. Hakka 0900-1000 7285. Cantonese 0800-0900, E 1100-1200, Indonesian 1200-1300 & 1600-1700, Thai 1500-1600, all on 7445 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 4)

THAILAND BBC Asia Relay St finally took over all txns previously originating from the BBC East Asia Relay St in Hong Kong on Nov 18th, 1996. Prior to this, services had been transferred over gradually. Hong Kong remained on standby until 6th Dec, after which the txs were dismantled. Dates were specified in a postcard sent from BBC Hong Kong and the address of the new BBC Asia Relay St was confirmed as POBox 20, Muang Nakhon, Sawan 60000, Thailand. (Dave Kenny-UK, in BCDX 'Communication' Febr)

USA v11739.9 kHz WINB Red Lion at 1956-2002 UTC, English religious mx (some countrysongs), ID, address. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 5)

Upcoming VOA Program/Frequency Changes. The VOA Vietnamese transmission at 1230-1330 UTC from Poro-PHL will move to 12030 kHz (x11840), fr Feb 8. The VOA Chinese transmission at 1600-1700 UTC will be cancelled and replaced by a transmission at 0900-1000 UTC, eff Feb 10, on 9845, 11855, 11965, 12040, 13760 and 15515 kHz. VOA will carry special bcs in Spanish on Feb 8 and 9 at 2200-2215 UTC on 15365, 15430 and 17765 kHz. VOA will add a 15 minute Albanian bc beginning Feb 10. It's at 1530-1545 UTC on 11805, 13740 and 15240 kHz. (Dan Ferguson-USA, Feb 7)

Some RFA news: CRI in Persian at 1500-1530 UTC on 9440 kHz interfering RFA in Burmese via CIS tx site on 9440 kHz, RFA scheduled 1500-1600 UTC.

All three afternoon channels of RFA Vietnamese at 1400-1500 UTC are being jammed, but here in Europe the RFA powerhouses are on top. Poor VTN signals underneath on 5865 and 6240 kHz, hardly to find out, some hundreds Hertz away. But the strongest here is on 7521.9 kHz against the well performing RFA signal here in EUR on 7520 kHz.

Caribbean nonstop orchestra mx, interrupted by announcement "You are listening to Radio Free Asia" noted between 1500-1542 UTC on 9910 kHz, most likely via KHBN Palau. Break at 1543 UTC into RFA Chinese sce programme in //KHBI Saipan tx on 9455 kHz, and CIS relay 7530 kHz. 9455 and 9910 kHz disappeared at 1600 UTC, but 7530 and probably 7495 kHz - underneath Israel - extended! its Chinese programme till 1700 UTC. (Lieberwirth, Erbe, Ludwig, Bueschel, Feb 7-11)

VIETNAM 4657 kHz, saw a logging in Gatflash 92 and have to make a comment about it. On 4660 kHz Laos is listed, but 1240-1245 Lao Cai (tent.) 3 Feb fair. Unstable carrier. Local mx. First thought it was Laos, but still here at 1445 UTC and frequent mentions of Vietnam. I checked //10060 and 5925 and yes, it was parallel. 4740 kHz 1345-1400 UTC Radio Son La (tent.) Feb 3 lousy signal. No ID heard. PBS too strong. Gone just before 1400 UTC. (Boogert via DXW, Feb 9)

4740v Unid Vietnamese +1130 with vocals. Could not detect 4790 kHz. Drifted down to 4740? (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, via DXW) v6701.7 kHz 0500-0510 UTC RTV Bac Thai, drifted from nominal 6700 kHz and heard with Vietnamese talks. (Petersen, Phuket Island, Jan 31) [ooooh nice place, remembers me on my stay there in various winter seasons between 1972 and 1982, WB]

YEMEN Sana'a in Arabic on v9780.3 kHz propagate well into EUR, morning window about 0500-0600 UTC, afternoon from 1500 UTC. (WB Feb 7-9)

ZAIRE v15244.5 kHz La Voix du Zaire, Kinshasa at 1303-1314 UTC. Indigenous mx, talk by female, later male announcer. Could not ID language. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 5)

HFCC MEETING Olav Grimdalen to BP, via EDXP: I just got back from Istanbul where we had our meeting and coordination with the other countries in the HFCC coordination group. I hope that we have sorted out the worst collisions for the Summer schedule 1997! (Olav M. Grimdalen, Radio Norway Internat, Feb 10)

RVI Brussels Flemish hobby programme "Golfgids" reported also on that meeting. Next outlet is on Sat about 0712 UTC on 1512, 5985, 9925, 9940 kHz; 1200 UTC 9925 13685 17610; 1300 UTC 6035, 13670, 13685, 13795; Suns 2100 UTC 1512, 5910, 9850; 2300 UTC 1512, 5900, 9925 kHz. (RVI Feb 1)

CQ IK4MTG Hello Fabrizio, thanks for PR message. Please send me your e-mail address.

Here in Stuttgart I have no access to PR in 1200 baud anymore, all former installations dismantelled and working in 9600 baud and on 70 cm or even 23 cm direct access now. To use the 1200/9600 baud bimode digipeater in Ludwigsburg in 1200 baud, I am limited to 0000-0400 UTC time span only. No chance of logon during daytime. Uploading a bc-dx file to PR takes 70-120 minutes, but e-mail to CompuServe 10 seconds only!

My PR tx and modem equipment - worth 1400 DeutschMarks at that time five years ago - has scrap value now! But HAM community needs transfer of numerous - not HOBBY related - software and GIF-files. Even sex pictures using that transfer way. I don't understand this.

Same situation in Wolfsburg - Hannover area. So DD9MW - OM Martin - is also unable to contact his nearest digipeater. So sorry. Wolfgang DF5SX

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 291 16 Feb 1997 ______

ALGERIA RTA Algier noted here in Spanish 1300-1359, English 1400-1501 UTC. Monitored on v11715.1 and 15160 kHz. Announced 15205 kHz not on air. Extensive Spanish nx at 1344- 1354 UTC. TX break at 1354-1357 UTC. Signing off at 1501 UTC letting Radio Veritas Asia, Manila in the clear on 11715 kHz. (WB Feb 12)

ANTARTICA LRA36 Arcangel San Gabriel. v15475.98 kHz, LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, heard on Feb 11 from *1900- 2053* UTC, with SINPO 35443. ID's in SP, EG & FR, SP announc at 1958, 2031, 2047 as "Esta es LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel transmitiendo desde la Base Esperanza, en la peninsula antartica o Tierra de San Martin, en la frecuencia de 15476 kilohertz AM, a los 63 grados 24 minutos latitud sur, 56 grados 59 minutos longitud oeste. Los radioescuchas interesados en recibir su tarjeta QSL pueden remitir su reporte de escucha a LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur, Argentina; codigo postal 9411. No olviden incluir el franqueo" by F anncr, ID in EG at 1959, 2032 and 2048 as "This is LRA36 BCing St Arcangel San Gabriel bcing from Esperanza st in the Antarctic land of San Martin, Antarctic peninsula, in the frequency of 15476 khz AM, at 63 degrees 24 minutos South, 56 degrees 59 minutes West. If you want to receive your QSL card, please send your listening report to LRA36 Arcangel San Gabriel bcing st, with code 9411, Esperanza station, Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur, Argentina. Not forget include a post stamp" by F anncr. ID in FR at 2000, 2033 & 2049. The official CORRECT time of transmission UTC is *1900-2100* !!! (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 12)

After this report, thanks to the notice of Raymundo Cruz in the past week, who heard the first transmission about the reactivation of LRA36 on Feb 3, 1997; today I talk with Base Esperanza, with Mrs Adriana Figueroa, and here other comments: LRA36 now is in daily test transmissions, with the usual 1 kW Philips tx on 15476 kHz. They will begin regular transmissions daily from *1900-2100* UTC (including Sat & Sun), and the power will be increased with a new transmitter up to 3 kW in 1 month approximately. The lady announcer is Mrs Adriana Figueroa, and the program names actually are: "Correo de Oyentes" (reading listener letters), "Hola Antartida" (with press reports), "Verde Esperanza" (ecology), and "Argentina: Destino Turistico" also they have a "Espacio de LRA36 dedicado a la Actualidad" (with actuality comments).The new s/on and s/off musical folk song is called "Asi es mi Argentina" by Mariano Mores composer. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 12)

Note: On next Saturday 15, will be commented on the air my talks with Mrs. Adriana Figueroa of Base Esperanza. [in RAE English/Spanish DX progr?]

AZERBAIJAN/UK BBC Monitoring recently opened a new media monitoring unit in Azerbaijan. ... The main aim of the office's opening is the desire to receive more trustworthy information about the situation and events in the whole Caucasus region. ('Bakinskiy Rabochiy', via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 1)

BRAZIL Brazilian Summer Time. Next Saturday (Feb 22) at 0300 UTC ends Summer Time in Brazil. Stations in the south, southeast, and in some states of north-east will turn -1 hour (from UTC-2 to UTC-3). (Djaci Franklin Soares da Silva, Feb 12)

GERMANY Mega-Radio Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will im Sommer den Sendebetrieb auf 576 (Schwerin-Woebbelin) und 1017 (Greifswald) kHz aufnehmen. Beabsichtigt wird, in Stereo auszustrahlen. Uebersehen wird dabei allerdings eine Kleinigkeit: In Europa gibt es praktisch keine Empfaenger, die MW-Stereo verarbeiten koennen...

Da sich auf die Ausschreibung dieser Frequenzen zahlreiche Anbieter meldeten, beabsichtigt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern die Ausschreibung einer weiteren MW-Senderkette, bestehend aus den vom NDR aufgegebenen Kanaelen 558 (Rostock-Stadtheide), 657 (Helpterberg), 729 (Putbus) sowie der Schweriner Frequenz 999 (nach der Wende von RIAS bzw. belegt, 1994 abgeschaltet). Hier soll ein Country- und Truckerprogramm zur Verbreitung kommen. Fuer dessen Veranstaltung gibt es zwei Interessenten. (Infosat/Michael Fuhr, Feb 15)

GREECE Radio Station Macedonia, Thessaloniki. The SW txs are beamed to Europe and the ME. Address: Odos Yeorghikis Scholis 129, GR-54639 Thessaloniki. 0559-0759 11595 9935 7430; 0759-1659 11595 9935; 1659-2159 11595 9935 7430; 2159-2259 11595 7430. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

HUNGARY R Budapest in Hungarian to AUS/NZL at 1000-1100 (Suns -1200) UTC changed its registered channels (9th of Dec!) 13670 and 15220 kHz, now replaced by 15395, 17750, and 21685 kHz. Thanks to a tip of Matthias Gatzke via Andreas Erbe, Kai Ludwig. (checked on Feb 13 by WB) Statistics of RB incoming reception reports in 1996: total 7870; 3942 from GER, 595 from RUS, 500 from G, 388 from USA, 272 from AUT, 252 from UKR, ...

ICELAND Rikisutvarpid - the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. Rikisutvarpid's SW sce relays RAS 1. Sporting events and other progrs are often carried on SW. The SW frequs are subject to change. Address: Rikisutvarpid, Efstaleiti 1, 150 Reykjavik. Tel: +354-515-3000, Fax: +354-515-3010, URL: http://www.ruv.is/ 1215-1300 EUR 13860-usb 11402-usb; 1410-1440 AM 13860-usb 11402-usb; 1855-1930 EUR 9275- usb 7735-usb; 2300-2335 AM 11402-usb 9275-usb. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

INDIA 5010 kHz at 1130-1740 UTC Tiruvanathapuram. Again off the air, after about a week of operating in this time slot in January. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 10)

KAZAKHSTAN 6140 kHz Kazakh Radio (presumed) at 1225 UTC, Russian sounding OM vocal, 1228 OM/YL says a few words in lang then male OM vocal mx. 1231 OM/YL tlk. 1232 YL vocal. 1234, OM says a few words, back to music. 1244 OM singing the song that used to be Voice of Russia signature tune at TOH. No listing in Passport or WRTH but HFCC lists show site as Kazan with 20kw non directional antenna. Can't find on map, but coordinates (55n 49e) put this in extreme west Kazakhstan. Calculations show this to be about 1 hour before tx sun down. poor reception. (Ziolkowski, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 8)

LAOS 6975 kHz NR Luang Prabang regularly heard at 0015 past 0200 UTC, prgs in . (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 8)

6975 Louang Prabang (tent.) 1345-1400 UTC Weak & faint signal here, but clearly SE Asian language. Gone at 1400 UTC. (Van Den Boogert, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 3)

National Radio of Laos. Regional sts, which bc in Laotian and local tribal languages, are reported on the following frequs: Houa Phan (4660 and 1000 kHz); Luang Prabang (7162-v and 850 kHz); Oudomxai (4535 and 800 kHz); Pakse (6647-v and 1350 kHz); Savannakhet (1430 kHz); Xieng Khouang (5340-v and 1200 kHz). Lao National Radio's external sce which previously bc on 7116-v and 1030 kHz has been unheard since August 1994. Address: B.P. 310, Vientiane, Laos. Tel: +856-4475.

Domestic sce 6130 580-(unconfirmed) kHz, 2200-0230, 0400-0700, 0900-1600. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

LEBANON Israeli air raid on Hezbollah radio near Ba'labakk. Israeli aircraft on 11th Febr attacked a tx site of the Hezbollah radio st, Voice of the Oppressed, two km from the centre of the town of Ba'labakk in the Biqa valley in southern Lebanon, Radio Lebanon reported. The st, which was bcing on 684 kHz, went off the air after the air raid, and has not been monitored since 1138 UTC on 11th Febr. At 0815 UTC on 13th Febr, the st was still unheard. Radio Free Lebanon, a Lebanese Christian radio, said on the 11th, that the Voice of the Oppressed tx site had suffered "extensive damage" in the Israeli air raid. (Radio Lebanon, via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 11)

LIBYA Today Feb 13, Libya is testing their new 500 kW txs again, after few days of silence. Heard whistle tone procedure in usual time span after 1000 UTC on 6155, 7120, 9655, 9705, and 11770 kHz. Second 25 mb channel (tx no. six) not on air today. (WB Feb 13)

NEPAL 3230 kHz R Nepal seems to have reactivated the channel. However, signal strength suggest that it is from the stand by xmtr (7.5 kW) signing on 0015 UTC. English nx at 0215 and 1415 UTC. //5005. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 8)

NETHERLANDS/UK Delta Radio plans LW mx st for UK and Europe. A commercial internat bcing organization called Delta Radio and the Dutch PTT have opened a free information line to answer questions about a proposed LW bcing scheme. Just before Christmas [1996], Delta Radio came into the news when plans to build four tall antenna towers, each 320 metres high, at a place called Kootwijk near Apeldoorn were revealed to the Dutch press and local residents. In fact, Kootwijk is already steeped in past and present radio operations. In the 1920s, a 500-kW Diesel alternator was built on the heathland just outside the town of Kootwijk. It was designed to broadcast Morse code messages to what is now Indonesia, then the Dutch East Indies. And the generator was designed to operate on very low frequs. Towards the end of the '20s, when the propagation characteristics for SW were discovered, Kootwijk turned into more of a SW utilities centre... A LW bc tx also operated from Kootwijk for a while, but once a fully operational MW and FM network covering the Netherlands was put in place, the LW channel was surplus to domestic requirements and the tx dismantled. Much later, at an international frequency allocation conference in 1978, Holland and Belgium were given frequencies to start a joint project called Radio Delta...

[USA /VoA/ and Germany /DLF/ had given up usage of Munich-C Eching, 173 kHz Continental 1000 kW, on air fr 1953 til about 1980, then moved to Passau, DLF Aholming 207 kHz, 500 kW, WB]

In practice, it never happened. Backed by NOS [Nederlandse Omroepprogramma Stichting], Radio Netherlands and the BRT, this new st had plans to operate from Maastricht, with progrs in several languages aimed at Europe, putting Dutch culture and language on the map. The Belgians would build a tx on MW 1512 kHz, the Dutch would build a LW tx on 171 kHz. In the end several factors, not least the high cost of LW, and the fact that a st in Nador-MRC, NoAF, and Miensk-Belarus was using the same channel with 2000 kW, thus limiting the coverage, prompted the NOS to pull out of the scheme at the last minute. The BRT went ahead with their tx on 1512 kHz though, nowadays used mainly by the international sce, Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal. The Dutch frequ of 171 kHz remained on the books though, until around three years ago when a commercial organization showed interest in reviving the licence. In the last three months a commercial organization which has adopted a variation on the original name, changing it to Delta Radio, has made moves to get the project up and broadcasting. We're going to use is a 2 MW tx. And they mean 2 MWs out of the tx, before it goes into the antenna system. Even though many of the residents of this part of Kootwijk, known as Radio Kootwijk, have worked at the PTT transmitter site, there's still strong opposition to the plans from [of] Delta Radio. Some of the concerns focus on how household appliances will react when exposed to those sorts of levels of RF [radio frequency] radiation. The backers behind Delta Radio still maintain that Kootwijk is the best place to put the tx site - perhaps the only place left in this densely poulated country. By the year 2000 the ship-to-shore communications from Kootwijk, using 10-kW SSB txs, is expected to be phased out in favour of satellite. It seems natural then to find a new use for the place.

As far as the programming is concerned, I mean, this is going to be a pop mx radio station for the UK, a bit like Atlantic 252, but from the other side of the water, is that the way of describing it? Well, it's a lot broader than that. We are aiming at what we call western Europe, because we have to sort of direct the beam a little bit to avoid interference with a station in Russia [Bolshakovo, Moscow, and Belarus].

An address which is Delta Radio 171, P.O. Box 75065, 1070 AB in Amsterdam and the toll- free phone number is 0800-8171. If you live outside Holland you can try +31-800-8171. (RNMN via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 6)

PAKISTAN 5750 kHz, V of the Independent Kashmir S on in Kashmiri at 0230 UTC with the opening song "Allah O' Akbar" [God is Great] and then into Freq announcements followed by prgs. Plenty of rhetorics. Evening xmsns on 4115 kHz, 1530-1730 UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, Feb 8)

Voice of Kashmir Freedom (Urdu: "Sada-i Hurriyat-i Kashmir") is opposed to Indian control of part of Kashmir. It is sometimes referred to by other sources as Voice of Independent Kashmir. The station was first heard by BBC Monitoring on 7th Febr 1991. At the time it was reported to have started regular bcing on 2nd Febr 1991 after a period of tests. It is assumed that the station operates from Pakistan or Pakistani- administered Kashmir. It has announced an address of PO Box 102, Muzaffarabad, , via Pakistan. In the past it has bc in Urdu and English, as well as Kashmiri. Frequs used in the past include 4080, 5000, 5300, 5750, 5900, 6300 and 7375 kHz. Two or three frequs may be used at any one time, but programming on them may not always be in parallel. Transmissions may be in AM or USB mode. 0230-0330 UTC Urdu 5300, 5750, 6300 kHz. 0830-0930 5300, 6300. 1530-1730 Kashmiri 4116, 5300, 6300 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

POLAND (c.f. bc-dx #290) Heard them testing on February 3rd at 1930-2030 UT with mostly non-stop music and only now and then an announcement. just testing. (Harld Kuhl-D, Feb 11)

Acc to Lothar Ruehl of ERF-TWR Germany, the Scandinavian section of TWR "Norea-Radio" will start bcs via Stargard-Tychowo 1503 kHz on March 3rd. Bcs were postphoned in Febr due to extensive negotiations with Polish "Radiocommunication" authorities. Planned are bcs in Swedish and Norwegian Mo-Fr 1930-2000 UTC only, extended later by Finnish and Danish. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, KiR, Feb 13)

(BC-DX #290 follow-up) Test transmissions of Norea Radio noted on Feb 14 between 1945- 2033 UTC. The programme consists of instrumental mx and female\male announcements in Swedish. "Norea Radio" and "Kristianstadt" were mentioned. Good signal. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Feb 14)

RUSSIA Domestic Radio Rossii-Nostalzhi is an association between Radio Rossii and the French commercial radio organization, Nostalgie Internationale. Address: Ul Pyatnitskaya 25, 113326 Moscow, Russia. This schedule is based on information supplied by the broadcaster. Bcs will be one hour EARLIER during SUMMER. Radio Rossii-Nostalzhi also broadcasts via the Gorizont 31 satellite at 40.5E (3675 MHz right hand circular polarization, audio 8.4 & 8.6 MHz).

1600-1800 7345 7210 7200 7140 4885 4860 4610. 2000-0000 4895 4820 4485 693 585 279 270 225. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

SAUDI ARABIA v11833.6 kHz //v11948.3 kHz, BSKSA Riyadh at 1745 UTC, Spurs noted with Qur'an reading //11910 and 9730 kHz. (Hill, via cumbre Dx. Feb 2)

SLOVAKIA AWR Europe in English resumed on 6055 kHz at 2100-2200 UTC, tx Rimavska Sobota, 250 kW, 305 degrees. (Mike Barraclough-UK, via WoR, Feb 13)

SRI LANKA The All Asia Sce of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo signing off at 1600 UTC weeksdays and not 1630 anymore. Further the Domestic English Sce is identifying as "This is the Sri Lanka Commercial Service" on 4940 kHz at 0025-0200, 1000-1700. And 0200-1000 on 6130kHz //MW 873 and FM. Regarding the All Night Buddhist Chants, intended to invoke blessings on the Nation, is transmitted on all Full Moon days AND on Special Occasions like Independance day and the like. 4902 kHz and MW 702, 594, 603, 648, 693 kHz and all other National Sce frequs. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 15)

THAILAND Radio Thailand's transmission in English from Udorn to Europe will change [1900-2000?] from 7295 kHz to 9535 kHz, from Feb 14. (Ferguson, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 14) v6149.3 kHz 0315-0400 UTC Or Sor, Bangkok, audible here with Thai light mx, pop songs and local IDs Off at re-check 0658. (Anker Petersen, on Phuket Isl, via Dx Window) Also heard between 1115 and 1200* UTC. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, UADX, via Dx Window, Feb 14) 9535 and v9655.4 kHz R. Thailand at 2112* UTC. Concluding Thai with canned English announcement giving program time as 2045-2115 UTC (but no freqs); carrier off at 2115. Is ex-11805. (Hill, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 8) 9850 kHz at 0100-0300 UTC VOA Udon Thani (x7215) to SoAsia excellent in English. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 10)

UKRAINE To Ethiopia via UKR, 9930 (x9870) kHz, V. of Oromo Liberation at *1600 UTC. Presumed this with some kind of IS and introductory theme, brief announcement by man, more music, then into presumed Oromo talk by man and woman. At 1605 UTC, local mx with drums; more talk. Extremely poor at first, then improved somewhat by 1610 but was almost out when rechecked 1655 UTC. Unable to verify 1700 s/off, but gone when rechecked again at 1708. (Hill, Feb. 8) 1645 new frequency, ex-9870. (Koutamanis, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 5) [UNID noted here, when checked for second free RFA Palau channel in 9930-9990 kHz range at 1500-1700 UTC, Feb 12-14, WB]

USA 11950 kHz, WINB Red Lion, PA, noted at 2300 past 2400 UTC, with non-stop music, ID at 2330 UTC soliciting reports. On the high antenna, fair signal despite being so close. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Feb 12)

VIETNAM VoV Hanoi in Mandarin and Cantonese noted here at 1200-1400 UTC on v10010.2 kHz, very seldom heard here in EUR. (WB, Feb 12)

Domestic Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, also operates 14 provincial sts bcing in Vietnamese and the main ethnic languages of their regions. This schedule is based on information supplied by the broadcaster. Address: 58 Quan Su - Hanoi Tel: + 84 4 254953 Fax: + 84 4 255765. URL: http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~vern/tien_noi_vn/tnvn_int.html

Network 1, 2200-1600 (-1700 Fris only) 5925, 10059 kHz. Network 2, 2200-1600 4960, 12025 kHz.

VoVTN Minority language service. 0400-0430 Bana 693. 0400-0445 Cambodian (for southern ) 747. 0430-0500 Ede 693. 0430-0500 Gairai 1089. 0500-0530 Hmong 6165. 1130-1200 Ede 693. 1130-1200 Gairai 1089. 1200-1230 Bana 693. 1200-1230 Hmong 6165. 1300-1345 Cambodian (for southern Cambodia) 747. 1300-1345 Hmong 6165. 2200-2245 CAMBODIAN (for southern Cambodia) 747. 2200-2245 Ede 693. 2200-2230 Giarai 1089. 2200-2230 Hmong 5035. 2230-2300 Bana 693. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

Jamming at RFA. On the 6th Feb, when RFA was starting the offical Vietnamese bcs Hanoi was already on the freqs of 7415 and 5865 kHz with the Domestic Sce Ntw 2 //5925, v10060 kHz. There are more than two txs jamming per frequency of RFA and they vary a few Hertz every minute or so. The newly added 9910 kHz is not yet jammed since the Viets havent located that. The Viet Sce occupies the frequency at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the RFA Viet transmissions (heard whistle tone procedure at 1453 UTC, WB) and go off also some minutes later, which in the case of 6240 kHz Burmese at 1500 UTC gets jammed unintentionally! Rather surprised that Myanmar hasnt tried jamming RFA yet, since they have some txs that have been used to jam VoA, BBC and VoDemocracy in the recent past.

Jamming of Radio Free Asia heard in Vietnam. The first bcs of RFA to Vietnam appear to have been jammed. Radio Free Asia reported today that monitoring sts in two locations indicated significant interference that followed traditional jamming techniques. "Despite the jamming, the RFA signal could still be heard in some locations in Vietnam, indicating that the st's programming was not being totally obliterated," said Richard Richter, RFA president. The first bc in Vietnam was transmitted from Washington 5th

Febr at 7.30 am Vietnam time). The jamming was recorded at monitoring sts of the International Broadcasting Bureau, which serves US international bcs, in Sri Lanka and Bangkok.

Similar reports followed transmission of RFA programming today at 9 pm Vietnam time. The fact that the signal could still be heard in certain locations was ascertained through phone calls to listeners in Vietnam, according to RFA. (RFA, via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 6)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 292 22 Feb 1997 ______

ANGOLA Clandestine Voice of the Resistance of the Black Cockerel, Jamba, is the official radio st of the UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) opposition movement led by Jonas Savimbi. The st is frequently referred to as "Vorgan", an acronym of its Portuguese title (Voz da Resistencia do Galo Negro). Vorgan was first heard on 4th Jan 1979, at which time it was believed to be operating from a tx in South Africa. Since July 1986 it has bc from Jamba in the central highlands of Angola. Times and frequencies are subject to variation. In the past the station has operated more than one tx at a time. Portuguese/local languages, 0500-0900 9750 kHz, 11-1430 11830.1655-2100 6095. [English 1830-1845]. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 12)

ANTARCTICA v15476 USB mode. LRA36, 1900-2103 UTC, weak, not even moving s-meter, not really readable most of the time, but snatches of audio and music at times. Mostly a female announcer. Signal only slightly better toward end, but clear "LRA36" heard in midst of multi-language multi-minute s/off annts that started about 2055 UTC. Anthem (?) 2058-2103 UTC. NRD-535D, high (about 90ft, 30m) inverted-L. With a geomagnetic upset, this ought to give better results. Unfortunately only got part of this on tape... but we'll try again. New for us. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 16 Feb)

ARGENTINA v13363.4 kHz, UNID Relay, 2310-2345 UTC on Feb 7, two OM's announcing futbol match with Argentina playing Paraguay. Fair but fading fast by tune out. (D'Angelo-GP, via DXW, Feb 7)

CANADA Canada's heritage minister, Sheila Copps, has agreed to grant the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) an extra 10m Canadian dollars a year, Radio Canada International reported. Copps also said that once the latest round of federal budget cuts is complete, the CBC will be "guaranteed stable funding for five years" . (Radio Canada International, 11 Feb 97 via BBCM, via AGDX)

CYPRUS 6160 kHz R Bayrak, Voice of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, was heard 1200-1300 UTC with a nx bulletin in English and nice pop mx. English progr continues all day long. Address: Bayrak Radyosu, Ataturk Meydani, Lefkosa, K.K.T.C., Via Mersin 10, Turkey (Yasar via DXW, Feb 17)

New st name: "BRT International": here is an e-Mail I've received today from Radio Bayrak. Easy way to get a QSL! Took me 12 hours to get them verified :-) Please note the change in station name from Feb 15th onwards! From: mustafa tosun Subject: Re: Reception Report on Radio Bayrak Dear Mr. Thank you for the reception report on Bayrak Radio HF Transmission. The program details have been confirmed by our Radio II program department. A written confirmation will be sent via mail, along with some other information on Bayrak Rd & TV Corp. and the Turkish Rep of Northern Cyprus. For your information, following is a brief weekly schedule of Radio II, which is renamed as "BRT International" from 15 Febr 1997 on. Thanks and best Regards, Mustafa Tosun, Head of tx Dept. (Elbe) do (Sharp) do (Kuhl) via DXW, Feb 17)

CZECH REPUBLIC have an A5 center-stitched, 28 page, 60th anniversary booklet printed in three colours on glossy art paper with a board cover. Beautifully type-set and well laid-out it describes the history of the station and its various language services throughout the period of review.

The past 60 years have been anything but easy for this Central European broadcaster - silenced for six years during World War II, followed by another 40 years - with a notable exception in the late sixties - by permanent conflict between the ruling ideology and courageous yet powerless journalists.

The forerunner of the tube manufacturer TESLA - "Elektra" transmitted experimental short wave signals on a 10-50 watt unit from their factory around 1923 and a British listener wrote to an early 1960's Prague DX programme saying he remembered hearing them.

Several attempts were made from 1924 onwards by the Prague-based Radiojournal Broadcasting Company to air international music programmes presented in English and Esparanto on medium wave which gave long-distance reception during the hours of darkness in those days. In 1926 Radiojournal launched the most powerful transmitter in Europe. This new 5 kW transmitter who's output equalled the combined power of all radio transmitters then operating in Asia began by testing with classical music across the Atlantic. The response indicated that the signal on a wavelength of 368 meters reached America loud and clear.

The construction of a SW transmitter at Podebrady was sanctioned in 1934 and the work was expedited as the political situation in Europe worsened. The first test by the 30 kW unit was during the night of 24 July 1936. The second test on 13 August 1936 lasted for 24 hours with foreign-language announcements interspersing gramophone records. Radio Prague, call sign OLR, commenced regular shortwave broadcasting at 0900 GMT on 31 August 1936. During the first year Radio Prague was on the air for 769 hours, more than six hours every day and the station received 4443 letters from across the world.

New languages were added and broadcasting hours extended until by 1939 Radio Prague was on the air for 19 hours a day. During the Nazi occupation Radio Prague remained silent although the transmitter was used for three hours a day to broadcast propaganda to ex- patriots living in North America.

The legendary "Calling All Czechs" message went out on 5th May, 1945. Prague was back on the air. Thereafter services in many languages were introduced, but by 1946 forced by economic consideration the half-hour format of the newly added languages was reduced to 15 minutes.

After the Communist coup in 1948 Czechoslovak Radio was nationalized to become a propaganda mouthpiece for Moscow. Even so, expansion continued apace with the [Bratislava] Velke Kostolany 100 kW facility being inaugurated in May of the following year. Litomysl [east of Prague] was inaugurated in 1955 with two 100 kW units and a 300 kW medium wave transmitter, composed of two 150 kW units. Then in May 1956, two Tesla 100 kW short wave transmitters were installed at Rimavska Sobota [in Southern Slovakia, near Hungarian border]. During 1968-1969 the two Litomysl transmitters were replaced by five Tesla 100 kW units. This was followed by the replacement of the Velke Kostolany units with 100 kW Tesla units.

Then, with 1968 wind of change of the "" things seemed to be better, until at 0130 GMT on 21st August 1968, Radio Prague broke the news to the world that Warsaw Pact troops were invading the country. At noon the National Anthem was played during a bulletin of news during which submachine gun fire could be heard. About 20 people were killed during the battle for the radio station. Clandestine broadcasting followed for a short time. For the next 20 years Radio Prague was under strict Communist control.

>From 1972 the famous Interprogram unit began broadcasting news, comment with plenty of music in five languages - Czech, Slovak, English, German, and French. This was achieved when two synphased aerials at Litomysl were rigged to enable the grouping of the 100 kW units to achieve 400-500 kW power for the daytime broadcasts of the multilingual programme on 6055 kHz. Between 1979-1982 two 250 kW Soviet built transmitters were installed at Rimavska Sobota, followed later by two more.

With the collapse of the in November 1989, Radio Prague returned to its pre-war signature tune, the fanfare from the New World Symphony by Dvorak played on a French horn. All foreign language broadcasts were suspended on 1st April, 1990 while the authorities took stock. Four 250 kW, seven 100 kW SW transmitters and two medium wave transmitters had been in use by the communist authorities.

As Radio Prague International the station returned to the air on 7th May, 1990 with one 100 kW at Velke Kostolany, 2 x 250 kW at Rimavska Sobota, and 2 x 100 kW at Litomysl, plus the Interprogram transmitters in operation. From August that year, Litomysl commenced to carry Czech and Slovak services of RFE and from the end of the year one of Litomysl's 100 kW transmitters was used for the Czech Home service relay on 5930 kHz.

Radio Prague became the broadcasting service of the Czech Republic when the country split into two nations. During 1994 rising costs compelled Radio Prague to abandon three 100 kW outlets at Litomysl, and the one 100 kW unit at Velke Kostolany. This was followed a 1995 decision to abandon shared use of the 250 kW units at Rimavska Sobota, now in Slovakia, leaving just two 100 kW transmitters at Litomysl under Czech control in operation. It is these transmitters that carry today's programmes in Czech, German, Spanish, French, and English (12 half-hour slots a day). The Czech Home Service to Europe 0300-2300 (0400-2300 Sat & Sun) is now on long wave 270 kHz from Uherske Hradiste.

Quite a number of Czech Ham/DXers joined the World Communications Club of Great Britain just prior to and during the Prague Spring. Their memberships extended into the newly re-formed World DX Club but their enthusiasm quickly diminished under new communist administration.

Despite all Prague's financial troubles funds were found to produce a fine historical document which was used to compile this featurette. (Radio Prague, via WDXC Contact, Feb 1997)

ECUADOR DX Party Line Highlights--Febr 22. We are planning several good features for our listeners this weekend on HCJB's DX Party Line. We have a special report on the use of wind-up radios among refugees in Zaire, a feature on the threat of broadcast censorship in Colombia, an exclusive interview with a representative of World Harvest Radio on their new plans for expanded broadcasting, and a report from Fred Vobbe on how you might be able to hear something new on the 1060 medium wave frequency--is KYW going off the air? There will be other useful news as well as a long list of loggings from our listeners. The DX Party Line is bc every Sat by HCJB, The Voice of the Andes in Quito, Ecuador, SoAM. To EUR & ME 0730 UTC on 5860 kHz, 1900 UTC on 11960 kHz. To SoPAC & asia 0900 UTC on 9445 kHz. To the Americas 0100 & 0400 UTC Sunday (8 and 11 p.m. EST Sat evening local time). (Kenneth D. MacHarg, HCJB, Feb 19)

GERMANY Deutsche Welle Radio & TV is now in the Net: http://www.dwelle.de More than 1000 pages, including information about the 38 foreign language programmes. Daily news in 12 languages (from Albanian to Spanish). Comments are welcome: [email protected] (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Feb 16)

IRAN/CIS Voice of Southern Aizerbaijan, Radio Station of the National and Independent Front of Aizerbaijan, has the announced address of Vosa Ltd., Postfach 108, A-1193 Vienna, Austria. Schedule: 0630-0730 UTC 11935 kHz; 1630-1730 6055 kHz. (Yasar, via DXW, Feb 17) [11935 kHz noted here; professional signal quality indicate coming from CIS radio st site. WB]

JAPAN Radio Japan's programs will be greatly revised on April 1st, so that NHK may put the specific gravity on man power and the budget for NHK World TV's program production. - Therefore, Media Roundup will be discontinued by March 30th. Radio Japan's DX program continued for 15 years. (Yamashita, via DXW, Feb 17)

MADAGASCAR Radio Malagasy is being heard fr 0800 UTC on 6135 kHz (x4960), //v5009 and 6075 kHz. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, in WDXC Contact Feb)

MOLDOVA Trans World Radio bc via Moldova. International radio ministry TWR rent a new tx site in December, bc via super power MW station Grigoriopol in Moldova on 999 kHz. Mon-Fri at 2030-2100 UTC, bc christian progrs in Ukrainian to 51.5 million Ukrains, and in Bjelorussian language. Previously TWR bc Ukrainian progrs via SW tx in Albania only. TWR expect a wider audience in Ukraine for the new broadcasts on medium wave. Progrs are produced on studios in Brest, Kiev, and Vinitsa. Commonly with TWR, other users of the powerful 500 kW MW station Grigoriopol are BBC London-UK, and Deutsche Welle Cologne, Germany. (ERF - TWR Germany, Feb 15)

PARAGUAY v5976.23 kHz Today I send news that I would never have thought would see light of the day: R Guiara is back on SW again!! With the lack of interest in SW in this country, this is very unexpected to me. About a week ago I saw a newspaper-ad for the st in which the frequency of 5975 kHz was mentioned again after a long absence. So here we go: 1402-1509 UTC R. Guaira, reactivated, heard in //with the FM outlet 103.5 MHz only id the FM frequency. I cant hear the MW (840) outlet here due to QRM from local 860, but usually MW and FM are separate. But it could be that all are in //at weekends. Prog.with incoming telephone calls during a contest. Studio went off for 4 min. while carrier still was on, due to electricity failure according to the announcer. Ads for "mundi sport" and a song by Jose Luis Rodriguez, give tel number as "2436". News at 1502 UTC, low modulation, about 50% . 33433. (Iversen, 15 Feb) I continued to listen up to 0106 UTC. When I checked again at 0116 UTC, it had gone. Again heard this morning at 1046 UTC. (Iversen, via DXW, Feb 16)

USA New programs on WRMI. We are pleased to announce a number of new programs which have recently begun or are scheduled to begin soon on WRMI. They include:

"News You Can Use" -- a program of national and international news and commentary from the Viking Companies of Arizona, USA. Mon-Fri 1700-1800 UTC. (This is a live program, and listener phone calls are invited.) "Prophecy and the New World Order," a discussion of Biblical prophecy hosted by John Sassor. Mon-Fri 1900-2000 UTC. "Freedom Now," a program about tax issues with Irwin Schiff, broadcast from studios in Las Vegas, Nevada from 0000-0100 UTC Tues-Sat. (This is a live program, and listener phone calls are invited.) "Radio Sparks" - a free radio program of music from Switzerland. Sat, Febr 22 at 1900- 2000 UTC. Thereafter, "Radio Sparks" will be heard on the fourth Sat of every second month (for example, April 26, June 28, etc.) at 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern time (currently UTC -5, but will go to UTC -4 during summertime from Apr-Oct). Special color QSL cards will be issued for reception reports on "Radio Sparks." "Bob's Radio Show" - For something a little different, tune in to this one-time special program at 0000-0030 UTC on Sun, Febr 23 (UTC date). "Radio La Colifata" - Un programa muy especial en español producido por los residentes de un asilo neuropsiquiatrico en Buenos Aires, Argentina -- la primera vez que han transmitido en onda corta. UTC viernes, abril 18, 1997 a las 0230-0300 UTC (es el jueves en la noche en las Americas) en 9,955 kHz. ["Radio La Colifata" is a special program produced by the residents of a neuropsychiatric hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina -- the first time they have every bc on SW. This special program will be bc at 0230-0300 UTC Fri, April 18, 1997 (which is Thurs night in the Americas).] Please note that all WRMI programs are on 9,955 kHz.

MONDAY-FRIDAY 1430-1445 Wavescan English, 1500-1515 Wavescan (Friday) English

SATURDAY 2115-2130 Wavescan English, 2330-2345 Wavescan English

SUNDAY 1315-1330 Wavescan (beg Apr 20) English 2000-2015 Wavescan (till Feb 23) English 2015-2030 Wavescan (till Feb 23) English 2100-2115 Wavescan English 2130-2200 Encontro DX Portugues 0200-0215 Wavescan (till Mar 30) English Schedule updates are available by e-mail from: [email protected]

How to contact: WRMI, P.O. Box 526852, Miami, Florida 33152 USA Telephone/Tel fono: +1 (305) 267-1728 Fax: +1 (305) 267-9253

WHAT KIND OF PROGRAMS DO YOU BROADCAST? Unlike most SW stations (which are owned by governments or religious organizations) WRMI is a commercial SW station. We sell airtime to religious, political, cultural and commercial organizations -- even to individuals. So we have a very wide variety of programming, including news, music, culture, talk and entertainment. We call our format "international public access radio."

WHERE CAN WRMI BE HEARD? Our antenna is directed south from Miami, covering primarily the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. However, we have a good signal off the back of our beam in North America, which we consider our secondary coverage area. In fact, we have applied to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for permission to install an additional antenna to improve our signal even more in North America. WRMI is regularly heard in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania as well. SW reception conditions (we call it "propagation") vary from hour to hour, from day to day, and from season to season, depending on conditions in the ionosphere (a layer of the earth's atmosphere) and on the sun. So when the conditions are right, WRMI can be heard anywhere in the world. (Feb 18, 1997)

VIETNAM v12017 kHz Voice of Vietnam Hanoi 1550-1600 UTC Cantonese YL with talk, ethnic mx px, many mentions Vietnam 1555 UTC mx with French vocals - at this stage there appeared to be short periods of "Dead Air" when Hanoi's signal disappeared. - No definite ID was heard as Hanoi was drowned by RFI Mayobi s/on at 1600 UTC. Warming/tuning up tx could have caused earlier signal loss? (Clemitson, via DXW, Feb 15) [Normally switches back to 15010 kHz on Febr 15th]

After a production time of only 12 days, all orders for the brandnew

1997 INTERNET RADIO GUIDE have been shipped by today Tuesday 18 FEB 1997. Enjoy!

Due to the cost of this massive A4 size tome, we expected only a few dozens of orders for the superb new book

SHORTWAVE COMMUNICATION RECEIVERS PAST AND PRESENT 1945-1996 by Universal Radio's expert and boss Fred Osterman.

Instead, we were overrun with hundreds of orders. Seems there are quite some people out there still interested in shortwave ;-) There is now a waiting list, and we expect all orders to be mailed by 20 March 1997 at the latest. Sorry for any inconvenience - this book is worth waiting for!

73 - Klingenfuss Publications, Hagenloher Str. 14, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany Phone ++49 7071 62830 Fax ++49 7071 600849 E-Mail [email protected] WWW-Site http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 293 26 Feb 1997 ______

ALBANIA 6285 kHz R Tirana, at 1840 UTC, gd sig w/prog in GG. Hrd previous day on 6270 kHz. (Ormandy, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 13) [on Feb 23rd back on 6270, 1458 & 7270 kHz, 1845 German, 1900 French. Greek at 1900 on 6235, 7105, and MW 1215 kHz, WB]

ALGERIA Algerian Radio and Television (RTA) Algiers. All SW Channels are subject to VARIATION. The frequs of 17745, 15215, 15205, 15160, 9640 and 9535 kHz were not observed during this survey. Algerian Radio's ext sce (Channel 4) may be carried on some frequs, incl LW 153, 198 and 252 kHz, at certain times. The times of some programmes may be changed during Ramadan. Address: 21 Boulevard des Martyrs, Algiers, Algeria. Tel: + 213 2 590700 Fax: + 213 2 605814

RTA CHANNEL ONE (ARABIC NETWORK) Algiers 0000-0659 UTC 1287 1161 1098 1089 1026 927 909 891 873 837 783 738 693 666 576 549 531 198 153 kHz. 0659-2029 UTC 7245 1287 1161 1098 1089 1026 927 909 891 873 837 783 738 693 666 576 549 531 198 153 kHz. 2029-0000 UTC 1287 1161 1098 1098 1026 927 909 891 873 873 783 738 693 666 576 549 531 198 153 kHz.


RTA CHANNEL THREE (FRENCH NETWORK) Algiers 0500-1059 UTC 1422 1305 252 kHz. 1059-1259 UTC 11750 11715 1422 1305 252 kHz. 1259-1559 UTC 11750 1422 1305 252 kHz. 1559-1959 UTC 1305 252 kHz. 1959-2059 UTC 1422 1305 kHz. 2059-2159 UTC 1422 1305 252 kHz. 2159-0100 UTC 1422 1305 252 kHz.

RTA CULTURAL RADIO Algiers 1600-2000 UTC Arabic 1422 kHz, (Cultural programmes). (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 18)

ARGENTINA/USA For the first time in the history of the bcing on SW, a st of the style and characteristics of Radio "La Colifata" will be heard through the txs of WRMI-Radio Miami International. This transmission will be possible, thanks to the effort of the DXer Norberto Pugliese, who help for that the st bc its progrs on 9955 kHz, the next 18 April 1997 at 0230-0300 UTC. All reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card if you write to: Radio "La Colifata", Casilla 17, 1640-Martinez (B.A.), Argentina. They only ask 2 IRC's for the postal fees. (NORBERTO PUGLIESE via GIB)

As additional comment, Radio "La Colifata", is a st that bc within the Municipal Neuro- psychiatrist Hospital Dr. J. T. Borda, in the city of Buenos Aires, from where began some time ago its progrs in order that entertain to the interns ("colifatos") of the hospital as way of therapeutical aid. The interns make the progrs of the st - whose activity - have passed the borders of the country. The director of "La Colifata" is the sociologist Alfredo Olivera. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 19)

AUSTRALIA Senate committee to consider external broadcasts. Text of report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Web site. On 13th Febr 1997 the Senate referred the following matter to the [Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References] Committee for inquiry and report by 14th May 1997: (a) the contribution to Australia's foreign policy and trade interests, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, and the roles as independent broadcasters, of: (i) Radio Australia and (ii) Australia Television; (b) the activities of similar foreign broadcast services, radio and television, broadcasting to countries in the Asia-Pacific region; (c) the consequences of the closure of Radio Australia and/or Australia Television; (d) the relationship between Australia's overseas information and cultural activities and Australia's foreign and trade policy interests; and (e) the role of Radio Australia, having regard to: (i) the cost effectiveness of the service in meeting the needs of the target audiences; (ii) the relevance of programming offered by the service in the context of media choices available to target audiences; and (iii) the extent to which culturally appropriate ABC programming could be delivered by means of rebroadcasting on local or regional services. The committee invites persons and organizations wishing to express views on matters relating to this reference to lodge written submissions by 10th March 1997 with: The Secretary, Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600. The committee will consider all submissions and may invite some parties to give supporting evidence at public hearings. Notes to help with preparing submissions are available from the Committee Secretary: Telephone: +61 6 277 3535; Fax: +61 6 277 5818; E-mail: [email protected]; Home page: http://senate.aph.gov.au (via BBCM via AGDX, Feb 14)

BELGIUM Radio Vlaanderen International Brussels summer schedule Z97 from March 30, until Oct 25, 1997:

At 1700-1730 UTC Juelich 100 kW to be replaced by Wertachtal relay, Deutsche Telekom, reduced power of 125 kW fr 500, in ME direction 125 degrees.

Mon-Sat 0500-0600 5980 SoEUR 11640 CeAF Dutch dom sce relay progr 1 0600-0700 6035 No&SoEUR 9925 EUR 9940 AUS NZL SoAM SWEUR 0600 Dutch, 0630 E 0700-0730 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR ?15545 AF French 0730-0830 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR 9925 SWEUR Dutch 0830-0900 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR 9925 SWEUR German 0900-0930 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR English

0930-1100 6035 SoEUR 15545 AF 17690 CeAF F, Dutch 1100-1130 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR 17690 CeAF Dutch 1130-1200 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR Spanish 1200-1400 13785 NoAM 15535 SoEaAS Dutch, 1300 E, 1330 F

1600-1700 5910 SoEUR 13795 ME/EaAF 17655 CeAF Dutch, Arabic 1700-1730 13795 ME/EaAF Dutch, this half hour via Wertachtal-GER 1700-1800 5910 SoEUR 9925 Sw&NoEUR (2 txs) Dutch, German

13645 CeAF sports coverage in Dutch Sat 1800-2010 UTC.

1800-1900 5910 SoEUR 13645 (exc. Sat) CeAF English, French 1900-2000 5910 SoEUR 9925 NoEUR 13645 (excl. Sat) CeAF Dutch 2000-2100 5910 SoEUR 9925 SoEUR Dutch, Spanish 2100-2130 5910 EUR English 2130-2400 9925 NoAM 11690 SoAM French, 2200-2300 Dutch 2300 Spanish, 2330 English

Sun 0600-0700 6035 No&SoEUR 9925 EUR 9940 AUS NZL SoAM SWEUR 0600 Dutch, 0630 E 0700-0730 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR ?15545 AF French 0730-0830 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR 9925 SWEUR Dutch 0830-0900 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR 9925 SWEUR German 0900-0930 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR English

0900-1000 9925 SWEUR 17690 CeAF Dutch 1000-1100 6035 SoEUR 17690 CeAF Dutch 1000-1100 15545 NE/AF Dutch Jambo progr 1100-1130 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR 17690 CeAF Dutch 1130-1200 6035 SoEUR 9925 SWEUR Spanish 1200-1300 13785 NoAM 15535 SoEaAS Dutch, 1230 English 1300-1600 9925 SoEUR 11995 SoWeEUR 17655 CeAF Dutch sports special progr Sportmarathon

1600-1700 5910 SoEUR 13795 ME/EaAF 17655 CeAF Dutch, Arabic 1700-1730 13795 ME/EaAF Dutch, this half hour via Wertachtal-GER 1700-1800 5910 SoEUR 9925 Sw&NoEUR (2 txs) Dutch, German 1800-1900 5910 SoEUR 13645 CeAF English, French

1900-2000 5910 SoEUR 9925 SoEUR 13645 CeAF Dutch 2000-2100 5910 SoEUR 9925 SoEUR Dutch, Spanish 2100-2130 5910 EUR 2130-2400 9925 NoAM 11690 SoAM French, 2200-2300 Dutch 2300 Spanish, 2330 English MW 1512 kHz 300 kW at 0500-0700, 1900-2300. Reduced power of 25 kW for greater Brussels area 0700-1900 UTC. (RVI Golfgids Feb 22-23, Mar 22)

CHILE From next March 8, up to Oct 11, the local time will be: UTC = -4 hours, please to be present this change for the SW activity report published in some BC-DX ago. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 19)

CHINA China R. Intl is now running 7160 kHz continuous from 1300-1800 UTC in English. And additional 7150 kHz is noted at 1700 UTC when R.Canada Int via CHN s/off at 1657 hrs. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 22) TIBET Xien, heard on 6200 kHz also same time 1050 UTC, //4035, 5950 kHz. No time pips on the hour at 1100 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 22)

CYPRUS Thank you very much for your e-mail of Feb 21. Although I have replied to your message of Jan 25, you seem to have missed it. You are saying in your message that you should be one of the first to detect Bayrak Radio II (Bayrak International) on SW. In fact, you are the very first person to report a reception after 14 Jan 1997, when test transmissions were started. The transmissions lasted until 14 Febr. The HF Transmission equipment is being renewed lately. Therefore, it will take a few more months before regular transmissions begin. Meanwhile, the utilization of a new frequency is being evaluated. May I ask you to supply me with any information you might have, on the spectrum of 49 mb in your area? I would like to know the real situation in terms of available frequencies. [would suggest using 6190 kHz, ed]

My original e-mail follows: Thank you for the reception report on Bayrak Radio HF Transmission. The program details have been confirmed by our Radio II program department. A written confirmation will be sent via mail, along with some other information on Bayrak Rd & Tv Corp. and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. For your information, following is a brief weekly schedule of Radio II, which is renamed as "BRT International" from 15 Febr 1997 on.

RADIO BAYRAK, THE VOICE OF THE TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS Program Details; Pick of the Week 0900-1100 Diva on the Mike (Mon-Friday) Current Affairs. 1100-1300 Northern Breeze (Mon-Friday) News and Weather around the world, news headlines and political information on the Cyprus problem. 1300-1345 Cyprus Daily (Mon-Friday) Local news headlines 1730-1930 Orange Blossom Special (Mondays) Country Program 1830-1900 Northern Exposure (Mon-Friday) For tourists 1900-1930 Magazine North (Thursdays) Current Affairs program 2010-2200 Talk-back Live (Tue. & Thur.) Listener participation program by live phone links. 2010-2400 Music on the Edge (Wednes.) Alternative music prog. 2010-2130 Blues in the Night (Sundays) Blues Music 2200-2400 Jazz World (Fridays) Jazz Program 2130-2400 Hypertension (Sundays) Heavy Metal Music

News in English, Everyday at 1415 and 1930 local time News in Greek, Everyday at 1400 and 2000 local time (Mustafa Tosun, Head of tx Dept., [email protected] via Christoph Ratzer-AUT, OE2CRM, Feb 22)

DENMARK/NORWAY RADIO DENMARK Mar 30 - Oct 26, 1997 1st edition, Febr 17

UTC Area kHz Beam 08.30-08.55 Western Middle East 13800 120 Southeast Asia, Australia 15170 65 09.30-09.55 Far East 13800 35 Southeast Asia, Australia 15170 65 10.30-10.55 Europe 9480 195 South America, Canary Islands 15625 235 11.30-11.55 Europe 7295 180 South America, Canary Islands 15625 235 12.30-12.55 Europe 9590 180 Far East 13800 35 Eastern North America, Central America 13805 280 Southeast Asia, Western Australia 15605 80 13.30-13.55 Europe 9590 180 Far East 13800 35 E and Central North America, Greenland 13805 300 Southeast Asia, Western Australia 15650 80 14.30-14.55 South Asia (India), Western Middle East 13800 95 E and Central North America, Greenland 13805 300 15.30-15.55 Russia, South Asia (India) 9980 95 Western North America, Greenland 11840 315 Western Middle East 15230 110 16.30-16.55 Europe 9980 180 Russia, South Asia (India) 9985 95 Western North America, Greenland 13805 315 Central and Eastern Africa 15600 145 17.30-17.55 Europe 7485 180 Eastern Middle East 9985 110 Central and Eastern Africa 15220 145 Eastern North America, Central America 15340 280 18.30-18.55 Europe 7485 180 Western Middle East 9590 120 South Europe, Central & Southern Africa 5220 165 Northern Europe, Southern Scandinavia 243/1062 ND 19.30-19.55 Europe 7485 180 Central and Southern Africa 13805 180 W. and Central North America, Greenland 15340 315 20.30-20.55 Europe 7485 180 Australia 7540 65 New Zealand 9590 220 W. and Central North America, Greenland 15340 315 21.30-21.55 Australia 7205 65 New Zealand 11675 220 22.30-22.55 South America 9405 250 23.30-23.55 Southeast Asia, Western Australia 7275 80 Eastern North America, Central America 9480 280 South America 9405 250 00.30-00.55 E and Central North America, Greenland 7465 300 Eastern North America, Central America 9560 280 Southeast Asia, Western Australia 9985 80 01.30-01.55 E and Central North America, Greenland 7465 300 Eastern North America, Central America 9560 280 South Asia (India) 9985 95 02.30-02.55 E and Central North America, Greenland 7465 300 Eastern North America, Central America 9560 280 03.30-03.55 Western North America, Greenland 7485 315 Eastern Middle East 9565 110 04.30-04.55 Western North America 7485 315 Russia, Eastern Middle East 7570 95 Western Middle East 9980 120 05.30-05.55 Europe 7485 180 Eastern Africa 13805 145 06.30-06.55 Europe 7180 165 New Zealand 7295 220 Southwest Europe, West Africa 9590 195 Central and Eastern Africa 13805 145 07.30-07.55 Europe 7180 165 Europe 9590 180 Southwest Europe,West Africa,Canary Isl.13805 220 Eastern Middle East 15245 110

Address: Radio Denmark, Rosenorns Alle 22, DK-1999 Frederiksberg C. RD office: +45 35 20 57 85 (7-14 UT) - Telefax: +45 35 20 57 81. Telephone recorder: +45 35 20 57 91. Schedule read in Danish: Europe/Africa: +45 35 20 57 96, Eastern Globe: +45 35 20 57 97, Western Globe: +45 35 20 57 98 - e-mail: schedule, programme matters: [email protected] - technical, reports: [email protected] WWW: http://www.dr.dk/rdk The daily live transmissions in Danish are aired at 08.30 and 16.30 utc. Transmissions in-between are repeats. Stations: Kvitsoy and Sveio each has two 500 kW transmitters. They are located on the Norwegian West coast near Stavanger and Haugesund. Kvitsoy covers the Eastern Globe, while Sveio covers the Western Globe. - Kalundborg, Denmark = 300/250 kW. Radio Denmark shares the Norwegian transmitters with Radio Norway. They broadcast at xx.00-xx.30, followed by Denmark at xx.30-xx.55, 24 hrs. a day. The letterbox programme, "Tune In", is heard on the last Saturday of the month from 08.38 UT. Radio Denmark replies complete reports by a QSL-card. Although not necessary, return postage is appreciated (1 IRC or 1 US dollar). (Erik Koie-DEN, Feb 20)

ESTONIA Estonian Radio will cease German bcs at the end of Febr. The reasons are budget cuts as Estonian Radio is financed completely by Government. Programs in English will remain on 5925 kHz, as before. (Andreas Volk, ADDX KURIER, via EDXP, Feb 16)

ETHIOPIA Radio Ethiopia [tentatively, but not Niger] on v9706.1 kHz at 1700-1900 UTC. (WB, Feb 23)

GERMANY English sce of Deutsche Welle retimed "World DX Meeting" progr to all English progrs on last SATURDAY of the month in target. Observed here loud and clear on UTC Sunday at 0500-0550 UTC via Wertachtal-GER 6145 kHz. (WB, Feb 23)

GUAM KSDA Agat, Adventist World Radio is now in English at 0130-0200 UTC on 17645 kHz, and also at 1330-1400 UTC on 9370 kHz. This has replaced Bengali. This time bloc is orginally scheduled for a bc in Nepali. I guess Nepali may be started towards the end of March. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 22)

INDIA INDIA: Definitely AIR Gangtok in Sikkim is having problems. Not heard on many checks in February but heard on18/2 at 1325 with Tibetan type music, again on 20/2 at 1520. However 22/2 not at all. This TX has been somewhat erratic thruout. This must be quite frustrating to DXers who go on DXspedition hoping to catch this out of many such. 22/2 Following Indian s.on with Interval signal and the usual proceedures. 4920 AIR Chennai IS 0013, VM at 0015. 4940 AIR Gwahati identical time s.on but not synchronized! At 0015 already regular programming from AIR Port Blair 4760 and Kohima 4850. To be honest, I havent yet heard Kohima with the s.on formalities. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 22)

INDONESIA RRI Bukittinggi on 3231.8 kHz was off the air from about Sun 16th until 21st Febr. Back 22nd Febr with rather distorted audio. Meanwhile on of the most regular RRIs RRI Pekanbaru on 5040 kHz is currently off the air, again since about first week in Febr. RRI Jambi however is a powerhouse both around 2300 and 1200, 1600 UTC etc. 4766 kHz RRI Nusantara Satu was observed on two days in Febr before 1500 UTC. Sorry that entry in the log book is missing! but not heard 22/2 etc. But might reapear. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 22)

11785 kHz [tx Bonto Sungo, Ujung Pandang?] Radio Indonesia Jakarta, 1540, program of pop mx with short announcements by man in vern., 1558 UTC ID: "Radio Republic Indonesia Jakarta, Programa national ...britta britta Asean"(at least that's how it sounded) followed by IS (Coconut Island song) then time pips for 1600 UTC followed by ID (britta britta again) into nx by man, Vietnam and Dollar mentioned, 1605 UTC ID again, followed by what sounded like national anthem ,ID, followed by man reading frequencies and times, sudden cut off in mid word, good signal. (Kammler, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 15)

IRAN Plans for new youth radio station. A new radio network is to be opened soon for the youth. The head of the Voice and Vision organization [Iranian radio and TV], stressing the role of the youth in the community, said yesterday: With the commissioning of the new youth radio network, a new environment will be opened up in this media for the young people in the country. According to a report by the central news unit, [the head of the Voice and Vision organization,] Mr Larijani, in an interview given to the fifth TV channel in Tehran, pointed out: At the moment many of the programmes of the Voice and Vision have an audience of 87 to 90 per cent. The figure for viewing time has reached three to four hours per day. The head of the Voice and Vision organization, praising the ceaseless efforts of its staff in explaining Islamic and Iranian culture and civilization, said: In recent years, efforts have been made, by setting up new radio and TV networks, to make the best use of existing expertise and to use valuable resources outside the organization as well... (VOIRI, via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 16)

VOIRI Tehran in Russian at 1400-1500 UTC on 9735 & 11960 kHz. (WB, Feb 23)

IRELAND/GERMANY 5970 kHz [via Juelich, German Telekom] West Coast Radio Ireland, at 1510 UTC. Report of an Irish nurse in a third world country followed by an interview about local radios in Ireland , very strong signal. (Kammler, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 15)

IVORY COAST There was a report on HCJB's DXPL that Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), in conjunction with other groups, was to start bcing on SW from Abidjan shortly. As you may recall, SIM used to operate ELWA from Liberia. I called SIM HQ in North Carolina to see if I could learn what their frequency schedule for this new operation would be. What I learned is the operation from Abidjan will be FM only (this is consistent with what SIM folks have been telling me over the last year). While SIM is trying to get a license to bc on SW from BENIN, they saw this is neither likely nor imminent. (DIRECT Cumbre Dx Johnson, Feb 18)

JORDAN/ME Middle East jamming against [tentatively] Jordan Radio Amman observed on 6105 kHz at approx. 1730-1830 UTC. [of ISR or ARS origin?] (WB, Feb 22-23)

KAZAKHSTAN/UKRAINE R Almaty night frequency via Kiev relay on 7130 kHz in Kazakh at 0300-0600 UTC, well ahead of VoA Woofferton and Tangiers. (WB, Feb 23)

KOREA REP On 23 Febr RKI's mailbag show put out teasers for a "toll-free fax" telephone number, an e-mail address to be used for communications from listeners and RealAudio to be available from March 3. More information next week. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 23 Feb)

KYRGYZSTAN 4010 kHz R Bishkek has verified by e-mail! v/s Natalya Moskvina from the following address: [email protected]. According to the e-mail, this address belongs to some Vladimir Zrazhevsky, but at least e-mail seems to come through this way, so include your e-mail address in your report. (Makelainen, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 21)

LEBANON/ISRAEL Hezbollah radio says FM bcs resume after raid. Excerpt from telephone interview with the director-general of Hezbollah's Voice of the Oppressed radio st, identified as Hajj Husayn, bc by Iranian radio [Bishqar] Hajj Husayn, we would like to ask you about the effects of yesterday's [11th February] Zionist air raid against the radio st. [Husayn] In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. No doubt the Zionist raid inflicted extensive damage on the txs of the Voice of the Oppressed radio st, resulting in a break in transmission on both MW and FM. However, we thank God that the efforts of the st's devoted employees succeeded in restoring transmission on FM three hours after the Zionist enemy's cowardly raid. [Q] Hajj Husayn, we have noticed that the raid is not the first of its kind against the Voice of the Oppressed radio st. What do you think is the Zionist aim in bombarding the st? [A] I think that the Zionist enemy's repeated air attacks against the Voice of the Oppressed - three raids in one year actually, in April, July and now - clearly demonstrate the media's important role in the struggle against the Zionist enemy. The Zionist enemy's defence minister said yesterday that he had struck the positions from which the Islamic Resistance carried out its attacks, but the evidence shows that the real target was the st's txs. The enemy understands this fact well, namely that Islamic media - the resistance media - are the most important tool in mobilizing our resources against his expansionist, aggressor policies... (VOIRI, via BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 12)

Palestinian Al-Quds radio offers to broadcast Hezbollah news. The Ba'labakk correspondent of Al-Quds, the Palestinian Arab radio on the path of liberating land and man, reported that Zionist bombers hit the tx tower of Voice of the Oppressed radio, which belongs to Hezbollah in Ba'labakk. Al-Quds radio has told the men of the resistance that Al-Quds radio will act as their voice, and that it is ready to bc their news as soon as it receives it. Our correspondent in Ba'labakk says that the warplanes hit the Hezbollah Voice of the Oppressed radio at 1130 UTC today [11th Febr]. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 11)

LIBYA now back on 15235 kHz, after months long absence, //15415 kHz at 1700 UTC. Morning tests of new 500 kW units observed lately on three channels only: 6155, 7120, and 9705 kHz. (WB, Feb 22-23)

MALAYSIA 9750 kHz used by BBC UK for decades, now letting clear most of the day. VoMalaysia K-L seldom heard in EUR at this time, observed in Bahasa Malaysia at 1700- 1900 UTC. (WB, Feb 22-23)

MALDIVES Voice of Maldives will return to SW, probably later this year. The current MW tx, located in Male, is unable to provide reliable reception to the atolls in the southern part of the country. Australia, which has donated much of the Maldives other txing equipment, has agreed to provide a SW tx. The president of Maldives will soon be traveling to Australia for the handing over of the tx. It is estimated that the tx will use a frequency in the 60 mb and have a power of 1.5 kW. All this per Ahmed Ibrahim Didi, who lives in the Maldives, and has been following these developments closely. (DIRECT Cumbre Dx Didi, Feb 16)

NEW ZEALAND 9700 kHz RNZI's bi-weekly Mailbag noted at new time of 1000 UTC Thursday (Web site lists 0830 UTC), good signal even on the SW-100S portable. Cushen's DX report c.1015 UTC, followed by Sainbury's technical comments. I don't know if the time shift is permanent; inquiry out. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, 20 Feb) On 20 Febr I heard/reported RNZI's "Mailbag" at 1000 UTC. It turns out, this was an exception, a time shift caused by a cricket bc. The program is regularly scheduled Thur 0830 UTC on 9700 kHz. (Sundstrom-NJ, 22 Feb)

OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman at 0800-1500 UTC on 15140 kHz. Tentatively also on 9510 kHz, unid Arabic station observed at approx. 0600-0800 UTC. (WB, Feb 23)

RUSSIA Here is one more to add to the ever growing list of broadcasters feeling the budget cut axe. Voice of Russia recently reported on their 'DX Club' program, (per BBCM) that they will soon reduce its broadcasting time because of funding shortages. The number of txs and the number of frequencies used is also expected to be reduced sharply. So what else is new!! Take a look at their evening bc hours and you're lucky to hear them on three or four. Gone are the days of Russia's super power on shortwave! (Van Horn, in Cumbre Dx, Feb 20)

Bc times for opposition People's Wave radio. The new Narodnaya Volna (People's Wave) radio st, set up by the opposition Popular Patriotic Union of Russia, plans to bc from 1830-1900 UTC on Tues and Thurs on 1017 kHz, the frequency normally used by the business news st Radio Rezonans. (BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 17)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Riyadh in Arabic at 1200-1300 UTC on odd 15161.8 kHz, //15060 kHz. Also 1300-1500 UTC on variabel 15377 kHz [heterodyning WEWN 15375], //15060, 15230 kHz. Tentative "Voice of the Iraqui People" in Arabic observed on 11713 kHz at 1500-1600 UTC. (WB Feb 22-23)

SOMALIA Radio Hargeisa, Voice of the Republic of Somaliland (Halkani wa Radio Hargaisa, Codka Jamhuriyada Somaliland) has been observed on a new SW frequency of 7534.7 kHz (variable). The radio has been observed in the UK from fade-in around 1700 UTC until sign-off at either 1800 or 1900 UTC. A news bulletin is carried at 1745 UTC. The following Mogadishu-based Somali sts were observed in the UK around 1730 UTC on 7th Febr: Holy Koran Radio on 6534.8 kHz; Radio Mogadishu, Voice of Somali Pacification on 6732 kHz; Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Republic on 6822 kHz; Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Masses of the Somali Republic on 6890 kHz. (BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 7-14)

TAJIKISTAN Test transmission will be conducted by the BBC via Kolkhozabad 1000 kW transmitter in at 1500-1530 UTC on 648 kHz between 1st and 8th March 1997. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Feb 22)

THAILAND Bangkok again shuffling with frequencies. Febr 15, 20 etc. 4830, 6070, 7115 kHz, all are in //, and 4830 kHz NOT carrying the Ext Service. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Feb 22)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic at about 1700-2330 UTC on v7287.1 kHz, distorted signal here, may directed to NE/ME, but screened towards Europe. Superb signal to EUR on 7475 kHz, poor on 12005 kHz. (WB, Feb 22-23)

UAE Voice of UAE Abu Dhabi in Arabic at 1600-1700 UTC on 9695, 9770, and 11710 kHz. (WB, Feb 23)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC Skelton is used for 75 mb outlet 3985 kHz in Pashto 1530, Persian 1615-1700 UTC. (WB, Feb 23)

USA/POLAND/SCANDINAVIA TWR to start MW broadcasts to Scandinavia. Text of press release from Trans World Radio Europe Vienna, 11th Febr: On 3rd March 1997, Trans World Radio will begin bcing to Scandinavia from a 300-kW MW tx in Szczecin, Poland. The first programmes aired will be five days a week of "Thru the Bible" in Finnish and Swedish produced by TWR's national partners in the Scandinavian countries. "On Fri, 7th Febr 1997, a multi-year contract was signed between Telekomunikacja Polska SA and Trans World Radio Europe regarding the usage of the 300-kW MW tx in Szczecin, Poland," reports Werner Kroemer, director of TWR Europe. He adds: "This was only possible after the Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji (National Broadcasting Council of Poland) granted the necessary licence, which took place on 22nd January 1997." TWR will distribute the progrs via satellite from its centre in Bratislava to Szczecin, where they will be immediately retransmitted. The downlink equipment will be installed by TWR engineers within the next 10 days. For some time TWR Europe has been seeking a good site for sending MW progrs to Scandinavia. The tx located near Szczecin, Poland has a directional(!) antenna covering the territory of the Nordic countries. In Sept and Oct 1995, test transmissions were made to monitor and evaluate the quality of the signal in all four Scandinavian countries. Based on the good results, it was decided to apply for a bc licence. Unfortunately, this took longer than originally anticipated as the Polish bc laws do not have provision for this specific situation. It is with great joy and in answer to prayer that TWR is now able to air Bible-teaching progrs on MW from this site to Scandinavia. (TWR, BBCM via AGDX, Feb 18)

VATICAN CITY The Vatican Radio has advised of changes to its schedule which were effective on Febr 4th: 1230-1300 UTC in Chinese on 15585 kHz (x9500). Other frequencies are 11625 and 13765 kHz. 1315-1345 UTC in Japanese on 11625 (x7255). The parallel frequency of 9500 kHz is also used. 2130 UTC in Japanese, 2200 UTC Chinese, and 2245 UTC English on 9600 kHz (x6065). Parallel channels for the English sce are 7305 & 11830 kHz. 0600-0700 UTC French and English, for Africa, on 11625 kHz (x7360). These programs are also available on 9660 kHz. (Bob Padula, via EDXP, Febr 23)

VIETNAM VoVTN Network I at 2200-1600 UTC, noted here in EUR at 1200-1600 UTC on variabel 10060.4 kHz. (WB, Feb 23)

YUGOSLAVIA/SERBIA R YUG Belgrade in German remaining neutral, giving items on "Election Corrections", stating clearly new mayor introduction in Belgrade and Nis. Observed at 1730-1800 UTC on 6100 kHz, via tx Bijeljina-BIH. (WB, Feb 23)

ZAIRE Radio in Bunia identifies as "Voice of the People". A radio st identifying itself as "Voice of the People" has been heard bcing from Bunia, in NoEa Zaire, using the same SW frequ (5066 kHz) used by the Bunia-based educational st Radio Candip (see below). The following st ID in French was heard at 0430 UTC on 18th Febr on 5066 kHz: "Hello, dear listeners. Following is the local nx from the Voice of the People bcing from Bunia, Ituri [NoEa Zaire] sub-region in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bulletins will henceforth be bc fr 1500-1530 UTC, resuming the following morning from 0430-0500 UTC". The town of Bunia is in territory controlled by the Zairean rebel alliance led by Laurent Kabila. The radio's use of the name "Democratic Republic of Congo" further suggests that it is rebel-controlled or affiliated. "Voice of the People" is the same name used by a radio which has been heard bcing on FM from Goma, and is also similar to the pro-rebel "Radio of the People" st which has been heard bcing on FM from Bukavu in eastern Zaire. Following the st ID in French cited above, "Voice of the People" from Bunia bc a five-minute nx bulletin in French, followed by repeats of the same bulletin in Swahili, Lingala and vernacular languages. The radio then bc mx interspersed with local public sce announcements. At 0528 UTC the radio bc the following st ID for Radio Candip, Bunia, followed by detailed schedules of educational programming for Radio Candip: "Following is the schedule for Radio Candip bcs from 16th Febr 1997, Mon-Sat". (Radio Candip is an educational station operated by the Centre d' Animation et de Diffusion Pedagogique - Candip - in Bunia. For a report that Radio Candip had come under Zairean rebel control in Dec 1996. (BBCM, via AGDX, Feb 18)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 294 01 Mar 1997 ______

ALBANIA TWR - Trans World Radio - has prolonged the relay contract with Albanian authorities for unlimited time span. Since Oct 1st, 1992, TWR is using the 1000 kW MW station Durres Fllake, and now also two SW txs of 100 kW at Cerrik and Shijak. Reception reports to be sent to TWR Europe Office, A-1235 Vienna, Austria. (Dietmar Fischer, via Dr. Hj. Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], Feb 20)

CIS Protestant radio missionary FEBA Radio, Ivy Arch Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8BX, UK, will rent more MW bc time in Kamo, Armenia to bcast in Azeri and Farsi. Since Oct 1996 FEBA bc weekly in Arabic via MW Krasnodar 1170 kHz. Station received 66 letters in first bc month. On March 5th, 1997, FEBA Radio in Arabic will hold its 25th anniversary celebration, special broadcasts, and 'Open Door Day'. (Dr. Hj. Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], Feb 20)

CLANDESTINE Bougainville -- According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on Feb 25, Australian intelligence sources report that the PNG government has turned to South African mercenaries in an effort to "capture and kill" Bougainville Revolutionary Army leaders. This after Australia turned down PNG requests for satellite technology for hunting Radio Free Bougainville. Although US$18m had already been paid to South African company Sandline International for the soldiers of fortune, intelligence analysts believe that the order will be cancelled because the "element of suprise" has been lost. http://www.smh.com.au/daily/content/970225/pageone/pageone1.html (Grace, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 28)

ECUADOR HCJB will get problems, when the new Puembo airport will be built soon. The new international airport is located near HCJB's MW and SW tx site, and one of the flight routes to and from the airport are towards the Pifo direction. HCJB fears problems for flight navigation and volmet circuits. (Dr. Hj. Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], Feb 20)

The Least of These. The stories of poverty make the news all too frequently. Hunger, homelessness, refugees, famine, violence and others appear regularly on the radio and in the newspapers. Yet, with increasing problems world-wide, many governments are cutting back their foreign relief aid and questioning how much to spend on poverty at home. On the other hand, non- government organizations are continuing the struggle to address these problems and find solutions.

International station HCJB, The Voice of the Andes offers a weekly radio program addressing these issues. Titled "The Least of These," the program focuses on news reports from around the world, interviews with newsmakers, and stories of religious, private and governmental organizations which work each day to alleviate the needs of so many needy people.

Reaction from listeners to the program has been very positive. "Great program." --Wisconsin "You put a lot of material into it. Keep up the good work." --Kentucky This is truly excellent radio. The quality of the reports and interviews is as good as you'll find anywhere (including the BBC Newshour, (Radio Netherlands, etc.). --Wisconsin The Least of These is a weekly radio program produced by HCJB, The Voice of the Andes in Quito, Ecuador, South America. The title of the program comes from the biblical reference in Matthew 25:40 where Jesus Christ said, "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to me. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

To SoPAC 1000 UTC 9445 kHz. To EUR 2000 UTC 11960 kHz, (may also be heard in Africa and ME). To The Americas 0200 and 0500 (UTC Tues), (9 p.m. and midnight Monday EST) 9745 kHz. (Kenneth D. MacHarg, HCJB, Febr 25)

Program Highlights, DX Party Line, March 1, 1997. On this week's DX Party line we will have our regular lineup of news, then we'll talk with Roger Stubbe who is responsible for HCJB's bcing efforts outside of Quito. Roger talks about HCJB's search for an African site and other items of interest to DXers. Join us Sat for the DX Party Line on HCJB. The DX Party Line is bc every Sat by HCJB, The Voice of the Andes in Quito, Ecuador, SoAM. To EUR & ME 0730 UTC on 5860 kHz, 1900 UTC on 11960 kHz. To SoPAC & asia 0900 UTC on 9445 kHz. To the Americas 0100 & 0400 UTC Sunday (8 and 11 p.m. EST Sat evening local time). (Kenneth D. MacHarg, HCJB, Feb 27)

ESTONIA Estonian Radio will cease German bcs at the end of Febr. The reasons are budget cuts as Estonian Radio is financed completely by Govt. Programs in English will remain on 5925 kHz, as before. (Andreas Volk, ADDX Kurier via EDXP, Feb 16)

GERMANY Sea weather forecast for Baltic Sea and Northern Atlantic Ocean via Deutschland Funk and -Radio on special frequencies: daily at 0005, 0540, and 1005 UTC on LW Oranienburg 177 kHz 500 kW, MW Neumuenster 1269 kHz 300 kW, SW Berlin Britz 6005 kHz 100 kW. (DLF program booklet)

HAWAII In a recorded report by Joe Hill of WHRI, they (WHRI) are adding a 4th tx in Hawaii soon, and are looking for a fifth location in the Caribbean to increase their coverage to CeAF. They are also designing a new QSL to be out in mid-year. (Whitham, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 22)

KYRGYSTAN Kyrgyz Radio Bishkek English ny at around 0012 UTC and in Russian at 0017 UTC, on 4010 and 4050 kHz. No German language service noted so far. [Sat 1530-1615 UTC acc to WRTH]. 0100-0130 UTC on 4010 kHz BBC[? not scheduled] London in Kyrgyz language. (Matthias Gatzke, Sarstedt, Feb 23)

LUXEMBOURG Radio Luxembourg is now bcing German religious programmes via MW Marnach 1440 kHz, and via Astra satellite 19.2 degr East 11.391 GHz, stereo 7.38/7.56 MHz. Renting rate is 102 German Marks per minute!

Sat 1830 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0415 Stimme des Trostes Evangelistic Association, CH-Ebnat Kappel, Switzerland. 0430 no religious progr. 0445 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany.

Sun 0445 Mitternachtsruf Evangelistic Association, Postbox, CH-8051 Zurich, Switzerland. 0500 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0515 Help Action Martyr Church Evangelistic Association. 0530 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0545 Weg zur Freude Evangelistic Association. 0600 Arche Hamburg Evangelistic Association, Postbox 540407, D-22504 Hamburg, Germany. 0615 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany.

Mon 1830 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0415 Gemeinden Christi Evangelistic Association, elder progrs.

Tue 1830 Mitternachtsruf Evangelistic Association, Postbox, CH-8051 Zurich, Switzerland. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0415 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland.

Wed 1830 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany.

Thur 1830 Lutherische Stunde Evangelistic Association, Clueversborstel 14, D-27367 Sottrum, Germany. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0415 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0430-0515 RTL programm. 0515 Radio Ministry of the Methodist Church, Postbox 311141, D-70471 Stuttgart, Germany.

Fri 1830 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland. 0400 & 1845 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. 0430-0515 RTL programm. 0515 Radio Ministry of the Methodist Church, Postbox 311141, D-70471 Stuttgart, Germany. internet address: [email protected] (Dr. Hj. Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], Feb 20)

MEXICO 15120 kHz new XERTA (presumably) 1630-1730 UTC Continuous salsa/rap crap mx with no announcements of any kind. Signal is quite good, audio good, music selections do not compare to the great stuff on XERMX. This st could quickly undo the positive cultural image projected by R. Educacion, XERMX, and the old R Universidad from the University of Sonora, Hermosillo that provided the only source of off-air classical mx to the southwestern USA for at least two decades. (Buch, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 25) [Nigeria?]

MOLDOVA/PRIDNESTROVYE On MW Maiac Grigoriopol 999 kHz tune-in at 1825 UTC VoR Moscow po-ruski, 1900 UTC Deutsche Welle, Nemezkaja Wolna also in Russian, 2030 UTC Trans World Radio in Ukrainian. Powerful signal here in Centre EUR, seems full power of 1000 kW. (Matthias Gatzke, Sarstedt, Feb 23)

PARAGUAY v9737.19 kHz Radio National del Paraguay at 2330 UTC correspondents and echo audio to ID 2330. (Price, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 21) [my favorite mx station in SoAM; many of my German HAM friends are greedy of their mx too] v11939.25 kHz Radio Encarnacion, 2315-2325 UTC ongoing talk by man in Spanish at weak to fair level. Found this putting a noticable het on wattery RCI signal on 11940 kHz which cut off the air several times with obvious tx troubles. No actual ID heard. (David M. Clark, via Cumbre Dx Feb 22)

SAO TOME VOA-Sao Tome relay, 4750 kHz, nice full data personal letter w/colorful VOA logo on letterhead by air in 5 months for report sent direct to the site. The letter is signed by Manuel Neves, Transmitter Plant Technician who welcomes reports and the address is: Box 522, Sao Tome e Principe. (Lobdell-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 28)

SEYCHELLES FEBA Radio broadcast languages have doubled in the period of ten years, from 24 to 50 languages. But daily broadcasts in 19 languages only. In Jan 1997 Marwari language started towards Rajasthan in NoWe India as 51st bc language. Planned for 1997 are additional languages, Gilaki to Iran, Brahui to Pakistan, and Maasai to EaAfrica. FEBA Radio www page: www.febaradio.org-uk/feba-uk/ Reception reports via e-mail: [email protected] (Dr. Hj. Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], Feb 20)

TAIWAN Voice of Free China, direct from Tainan-TWN on 9955 kHz, will change antenna characteristics soon. 300 degr antenna will be replaced by 325 degrees, to strenghten signal in Northern Europe. German 1800-1900 UTC[wrong item in WRTH]. (Manager Wu, Carsten Hoefer, German Section, VoFCH, via Benno Klink, Feb 25)

THAILAND From Juergen Lohuis, on trip in South East Asia: "HELLO INTERNET CAFE 'first internet cafe' on Khaosan Rd"

Burma/Myanmar - No trace of Thabye Radio on 6355 kHz and Myawaddy R. on 5973 kHz (on 5985 kHz is R. Myanmar). Thailand - The MW listing in the WRTH 97 is not up to date. Here is a MW bandscan from Bangkok. Only strong local stations from BKK are listed: 540 576 594 630 675 747 792 819 R.Th.Home Sce. //4830 6070 kHz. 873 891 R.Th.Home Sce. //7115 kHz, 918 R.Th.External Sce., 945 963 981 999 1035 1053 1161 1233 1269 1305 1422 1521 kHz. No time to identify all of them. R.Th.H.S. is not always in //with 4830 and 6070 kHz. Ext Sce is on 918 kHz, and not on 927 kHz. No transmissions during the night (local time) on 918 kHz. That means no transmissions in German and French on MW.

Cambodia - Phnom Penh was heard at 0025 UTC on 6090 kHz.

Laos - Luang Prabang (don't speak the r) quite strong on 6975 kHz with own programming and also //6130 kHz.

Vietnam - I heard several local sts on SW, but I did not get the IDs. Hmong Sce seems to be on new 5030 kHz (ex 5035).

CLA: R. of the Provisional Gov. of Nat. Union & Salvation of Cambodia was heard at 0020 and 1130 UTC on 5407 kHz. This evening I'm leaving BKK for a 2 weeks trip to Laos. (Febr 27)

TURKEY Since Febr 17th, two transmitters in TRT Ankara's Cakirlar site are out of service, and TRT have temporarily stopped the SSB transmissions in Emirler (except English 6135 kHz during 2300-2400 UTC) as well as the Turkish language programme on 9460 kHz targeted to Europe during 2200-0800 UTC. Also, some programmes have been transferred from Cakirlar to Emirler site. It is not possible at the moment to predict the time it will be possible [for us] to go back to [our] normal schedule.

Turkish on 15385 kHz at 1700-1000 UTC seemingly off. Night service in foreign languages are shortened to use a single tx only. German EMR 6035 lsb, English EMR 5965 lbs, French EMR 7240 lsb, are all OFF the air. Turkish noted at 1800-2100 UTC on 5980, 6120, 7110, 9460, 9560 kHz. Russian 1800-1900 UTC, Serbo-Croatian 1900-2000 UTC, both on 6135 kHz. German at 1830 UTC on 5950 kHz only, English follows at 1930 UTC on 6000 kHz, French on 7255 and 7270 kHz at 2030-2125 UTC. (TRT engineering, Turkish Telecom, Benno Klink-D, D G1EA, Feb 25)

Voice of Turkey, tentative Z97 schedule effective from March 30, til October 26, 1997

Freq Time Power Site Az Target (khz) UTC Languages Tx degr Area ------5960 1600-0400 Turkish 250 152 CAK As 5980 1500-2200 Turkish 500 300 EMR Eu 5980 2200-0400 Turkish 500 310 EMR Eu,NoAm 6105 1600-1700 Bulgarian 500 305 EMR Eu 6120 0300-0400 English 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm 6135 1800-1900 Bosnian 500 295 EMR Eu 6135 2200-2300 English 500U 300 EMR Eu,NoAm(in LSB! mode)

7110 1130-1230 Bulgarian 250 305 EMR Eu 7110 1430-1530 Greek 250 270 CAK Eu 7115 1600-2200 Turkish 250 205 CAK Af 7150 1030-1130 Greek 500 176 EMR NE,As 7160 1630-1700 Macedonian 500 300 CAK Eu 7255 1930-2030 French 500 252 EMR Af 7270 0300-0400 English 250 145 CAK As 7280 2200-2300 English 250 310 CAK Eu 7300 0400-0700 Turkish 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm

9445 1730-1830 German 500 310 CAK Eu 9445 1830-1930 English 500 310 CAK Eu 9445 1930-2030 French 500 303 CAK Af,Eu 9445 2100-0700 Turkish 500 313 CAK Eu,NoAM 9460 0700-2100 Turkish 500 313 CAK Eu,NoAm 9460 2100-0700 Turkish 500 294 CAK Eu 9505 0930-1030 Serbo-Croat 500 297 EMR Eu 9515 1400-1600 Arabic 500 138 EMR As,Af 9535 1530-1630 Hungarian 500 310 CAK Eu 9560 1200-2200 Turkish 500 105 EMR As,Aus 9560 2200-2300 English 500 105 EMR As,Aus 9565 0400-0900 Turkish 250 87 CAK As 9600 1400-1600 Arabic 250 205 CAK As,Af 9630 0930-1030 Rumanian 500 320 CAK Eu 9630 1730-1830 German 500L! 310 EMR Eu 9655 2200-2300 English 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm 9670 1130-1230 Albanian 500 280 CAK Eu 9675 1700-1800 Russian 500 20 EMR As 9675 1930-2030 French 500U 300 EMR Eu(in LSB! mode) 9765 0730-0830 Azerbaijani 500 85 EMR As 9770 1030-1130 Greek 500 270 CAK Eu

11795 0830-0930 Persian 500 100 CAK As 11800 1330-1430 German 500 310 CAK Eu 11835 0730-0830 Azerbaijani 500 85 CAK As 11910 1000-1500Fri Turkish 250 205 CAK Af 11955 0400-1600 Turkish 250 152 CAK As 11965 1300-1400 Russian 500 20 EMR As 11970 1400-1500 Azerbaijani 500 97 EMR As 11995 1300-1400 Persian 250 87 CAK As

13670 0700-0900 Turkish 500U 325 EMR Eu 13670 1300-1500 Turkish 500U 310 EMR Eu 13695 1230-1330 English 500 90 EMR As,Aus 13695 1830-1930 English 500L! 310 EMR Eu,NoAm 13710 0900-1100 Arabic 500 210 EMR Af,As 13725 1200-1300 Urdu 500 92 EMR As 13770 0830-0930 Persian 500 100 EMR As

15145 0400-0900 Turkish 500 92 EMR As 15190 0300-0400 English 500 105 EMR As,Aus 15210 1100-1200 Chinese 500 72 EMR As 15290 1230-1330 English 500 310 CAK Eu,As 15350 0900-1600 Turkish 500 310 EMR Eu 15385 1600-0900 Turkish 500 310 EMR Eu 15630 0900-1100 Arabic 250 152 CAK As

17705 0400-1200 Turkish 500 105 EMR As,Aus Note: L - LSB U - USB (TRT via Benno Klink, DG1EA, Feb 28)

UKRAINE One of the Radio Ukrainia txs in synchronized MW network on 1377 kHz drifts to approx. v1380.3 kHz. (Matthias Gatzke, Sarstedt, Feb 23)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC Transmission finally sold. BBC COMPLETES SALE OF TRANSMISSION BUSINESS FOR 244 MILLION POUNDS. The BBC today (Fri, Febr 28) announced the successful completion of the sale of its Home Service Transmission business to Castle Transmission Services (Castle), a consortium led by Castle Tower Corporation (CTC).

The price agreed for the business was 244 million pounds. This money will be invested in the BBC's transition to the digital age. BBC Deputy Director-General Bob Phillis who has overseen the sale process, said: "When the Government set BBC Transmission on the road to privatisation, we were determined that our interests and those of our licence payers would be protected with guarantees on both quality and cost.

"We are delighted that in Castle we have found a purchaser who best satisfied those criteria as well as offering excellent financial terms. Castle will not only guarantee the existing level of quality service. Their aim is not just to maintain the business but enhance it. They will inherit a dedicated and professional group of staff whose expertise is unmatched in broadcasting. This is a good deal for the BBC, our licence payers and our staff."

Castle take over responsibility today, Febr 28th, and 500 BBC staff will transfer to the new company under TUPE. The consortium, whose company will be based in the UK, brings together more than 60 years of communications and broadcast experience. Led by CTC, it also includes TeleDiffusion de France, a subsidiary of the France Telecom Group, and financial investors, Candover Investments plc and Berkshire Partners LLC.

The sale was subject to the approval of the Department of National Heritage. The Government announced its proposals for the sale of the Home Service and World Service Transmission businesses on 27 Nov 1995, at the time of the publication of the draft of the BBC's new Royal Charter and Agreement. In a statement at the time, the BBC said:

"....We are glad to retain the freedom and flexibility to manage the sale ourselves. As a result we shall be in a stronger position to represent the interests of our transmission staff who have done so much to create an effective, efficient and valued transmission service of high quality across the whole of the UK.

"These decisions will enable us better to manage the BBC's transition to the digital age; we shall invest the proceeds of the sale within the BBC on digital production technology; and we shall seek to manage the sale of BBC Transmission to support the development of DTT and the role of publicly funded broadcasting within it."

The BBC's Steering Group overseeing the sale was chaired by Bob Phillis, Deputy Director-General. The other members included: Rodney Baker-Bates, Director of Finance and IT; Patricia Hodgson, Director of Policy and Planning; Rod Lynch, Chief Executive BBC Resources; and Sam Younger, Managing Director BBC World Service.

BBC Transmission operations began in Nov 1922 from a single transmitting station on the roof of Selfridges store in London's Oxford Street. All txs are now monitored automatically from the Technical Operations Centre at Warwick.

BBC Transmission was honoured with a Royal Television Society innovation award for its new digital distribution network. Its commercial work includes Thailand's first UHF TV network and multi-million pound services for cell-phone operators.

Included in the Home Service deal: Freeholds and leaseholds relating to 738 HST tx sites, including equipment.

Site sharing agreement with NTL: The benefit of contracts of employment with some 500 highly qualified staff. Transmission HQ at Warwick and most of the equipment there. Freeholds and leaseholds relating to property in Daventry and at Brookmans Park (N London). 10-year contract for transmission of BBC-1 and BBC-2 analogue tv; BBC analogue national, regional and local radio; DAB phase 1 and other services. Contracts with third parties for other services. The BBC has been advised during the bidding process by the merchant bank Lehman Bros. and by the legal firm Linklaters & Paines. (BBC Press release, via Richard Buckby, BBC Nottingham, Fri 28)

USA Glenn Hauser's "World of Radio" Wed 1230-1300 UTC 15685 kHz deleted. Sun 1000 UTC 3210 will be deleted in April. First airing Thurs 2130-2200 UTC 9475 kHz will be replaced by 15685 kHz. (GH WoR, Feb 27)

When checking RFA Tibetan 1300-1400 UTC, came across of RFA's fourth channel in , coming from unknown site on 9440 kHz at 1400-1500 UTC. //channels 6240 and 7520 kHz, but 5865 unheard to hardly readable signal level, not propagating in early afternoon towards Europe.

New RFA program language can be expected soon? Then 1515-1519 UTC noted UNID Vietnamese progr on 7520 kHz, signing off suddenly at 1519 UTC. Came on air again at 1527 UTC, open carrier, and started at about 1531 UTC endless tape: male announcer in English announcing twice "This is channel three, Radio Free Asia program channel three", followed by Russian female announcer "Eta threezat kanal peeritachiy Radio Svobodnia Asia", repeated over and over again.

So decided to look out for parallel channels, found poor signal - no time delay - on 11705 kHz underneath possibly R Liberty Tajik sce via Lampertheim scheduled 1500-1600 UTC. At 1610 UTC short 1000 Hertz test tone occured. Deep fading on 11705 kHz. 7520 kHz cut off tape at 16.29:30 UTC. 11705 kHz lasted seven minutes longer, closed at 16.37:10 UTC.

Radio Free Asia is technically a private corporation, but is funded by about 10m dollars a year in federal government grants - the US federal govt. Congress has charged Radio Free Asia with broadcasting news and information in eight language to Asia - Mandarin, Tibetan, Cantonese, Burmese, Korean, Khmer, Laotian and Vietnamese. The first broadcasting, in Mandarin to China, began last Sept 30th. So assume, either Cantonese, Khmer, Korean, or Laotian will be added soon.

RFA Burmese 1500-1600 on usual 6240, 7540, 9440 kHz. RFA Mandarin 1500-1600 could be observed on 7495, 7530, and Palau 9910 kHz, but heard US type pop mx. 1600-1700 UTC on single channel 7495 kHz only, parallel 7530 kHz carrier only, no audio feeder signal noted. (WB, Mar 1) RFA in Mandarin at 2300-2400 UTC added using channel Delano 11970 kHz. (Kim Elliott, VoA Communications World, Mar 1)

A disaster has struck VOA-Europe, Voice of America's popular FM radio programming which has been available throughout Europe and much of the rest of the world too. It had changed name on the first of the year to VOA-Express because it was truly becoming a "global radio network", but then when privatization negotiations apparently broke down (largely due to bureaucratic inefficiencies in the U.S. Government, I'm told -- perhaps some organizational jealousies and infighting as well), it was suddenly and cruelly cut off the air virtually without warning.

The official story coming out of VOA's upper echelons is that they simply changed broadcasting mode and that VOA-Express continues, but the truth is that virtually all the old VOA-Europe staff were fired and the programming totally changed, from "music and more" with lively disc-jockeys to 1950's style talk programs with dull announcers. At the same time they switched from analog satellite delivery to digital delivery, which they're touting as an improvement, but the fact is that most affiliate stations which have been rebroadcasting the signal (like Svenska Kabel here) don't have the equipment required to receive the new signal. (Svenska Kabel says that they are getting the equipment -- they're one of the richer affiliates and can afford it, but in many countries they cannot.) But the bigger problem (for those who can afford the new equipment) is that, once the signal is "restored", we will find out that the programming has changed completely.

Meanwhile, millions of listeners worldwide have been left in the dark -- there was no announcement until just hours before the cut-off on January 25, and VOA's web page announcements don't discuss what's really happening at all. But there is an email and fax campaign to save VOA-Europe in its old programming format, with a website at:


If you want to email your concerns or questions about this situation to President Clinton (or elsewhere), your support would be most appreciated. For instance, you can email to: [email protected]

The following cc-list is in a handy to copy format: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Re: VOA Scandal Hi ..., Thank you very much for your detailed response -- I wasn't aware of all the *other* problems with VOA which you mention (copied below for those copied now)!

I do think that the loss of VOA-Europe may be the biggest problem (in terms of total listeners, and excluding countries which weren't able to get its signal, which obviously need support as well).

Do you have any ideas how to get the word about this current disaster out to fellow Americans (I'm from Alaska myself) who might call their representatives in Congress, or radio talk shows, or whatever? Thanks again!

>Rick, > >Thank you for your message. I have to say that I am not surprised by what >you have stated. I have long felt that there are big problems with the the >administration, and policies at the Voice of America. > >Since before the closure of the Mason, OH, facility, it seems that people >within the V.O.A. and U.S.I.A., have been trying to cripple the agency, or >at least make it as ineffective as possible. > >Case in point were statements made by V.O.A. managment that the Mason >facility could be closed with no adverse affect to coverage of the globe. >We know now that this was not further from the truth. The facts do not >support the claims made by people such as Joe Bruns. Technical monitoring >by professionals have proved losses of service to Latin America, South >America, and . > >There is also some concern about the other facilities, such as Greenville, >NC. As I understand the situation there, they have many transmitter >problems which have caused losses of service, and have had antenna problems. > >Then there is the debacle of the ABB transmitters being moved from Mason to >the new Sri Lanka transmission center where they, and the antennas, are >routinely damaged by not only local fighting, but incompetance of technical >personel. When a tower is installed so that it bows, one has to wonder who >was in charge. One transmitter was distroyed. > >Perhaps what is more disturbing about this situation is the fact that while >the Vice President, and others have been made aware of these abuses, nothing >is done! Not only are we talking about millions and millions of taxpayer >dollars being lost, but the United States is loosing it's primary tool for >communication within the world. The V.O.A. is a vital service to the >world, and much needed to keep the United States issues and ideals strong in >the eyes of the world. The way it is being operated now is a farce and a >insult to intellegence. > >I am, in fact, ashamed at the fact that Vice President Al Gore and others >have not investigated this matter, and removed the people responsible. But >then, if Vice President Al Gore and others do not care to get involved, does >not not indicate to you the character and the ideals of those people? Is it >because that is their directive, or because they are being fed lies about >the agency to advance someones personal adjenda? > >All I can tell you is that from all I have heard, and given my background in >business, it does not take too much common sence to realize that there are >some serious abuses here. My questions are... 1). how long is it going to >continue "unchecked", and 2). When will the administration deal with the >problem, fix it, and restore the V.O.A. to what it was a decade ago? > >Perhaps we need a Congressional investigation, or at the least, alert the >media such as "Fleecing of America" at NBC Nightly News, that there are >these abuses. >Fred Vobbe, Editor, National Radio Club's DX Audio Service ([email protected], Febr 23/25, Research Associate, Goteborg University Economics Dep't)

ANDY SENNITT, WRTH: Bob - thanks for publishing my response re WRTH97. However, I see there is further criticism from Guido Schotmans, and I would like to comment on it. Guido says: "What annoys me most is the fact that Andy Sennitt ignores most of the tips and correction sent in by readers. I know his point of view: he prefers information directly from the broadcasters themselves".

This is not necessarily true. I spent four years working at BBC Monitoring and I am well aware that you cannot always trust information provided by broadcasters. But equally well, I cannot always trust information provided by readers. Some of the biggest "mistakes" we have published over the years came from believing information sent to us by individuals, presumably in good faith, but which turned out to be misinformation. We've even had two highly experienced DXers in the same region squabbling over whose information is more accurate, neither being willing to accept that his version of contradictory information was correct.

What is true (and this is a different matter entirely) is that I suffer from "information overload". There is simply too much information coming in to process efficiently, and some of it is contradictory. And far too many people wait until the last possible moment before sending updates, so that there simply isn't time enough to get it all in before the deadline. Sometimes, well meaning people send me a completely re-typed version of the entry for a whole country, and I have to go through it line by line only to discover that 90% of it is identical to what is already in the book. If someone sends me a couple of lines to say that they have heard a clear ID from a particular station on a new frequency, it is much more likely to be included.

Although Guido himself is very active, and I know his information is reliable, he has not sent me any information directly for a very long time now - possibly because he assumes I am going to ignore it :-) Well, one thing *is* certain...I definitely can't publish information I haven't received! Finally, a plea to anyone sending information to WRTH...please give the *source* of your information. If you heard something yourself, say so. If you saw something in a DX bulletin that contradicts something in WRTH, give the name of the bulletin *and* the original source. And please read what you have typed before you send it - you would be surprised how many times people E-mail me something, and a few hours later I get a second E-mail correcting mistakes in the first one. 73. (Andy Sennitt, Editor-in-Chief, World Radio TV Handbook, PO Box 9022, 1006 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 20 4875122, fax: +31 20 4875120, E-mail: , Febr 11) - via EDXP

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 295 08 Mar 1997 ______

AFGHANISTAN Anti-Taleban radio heard again. The pro-Rabbani anti-Taleban radio st which identifies itself as Radio Afghanistan has been heard again since 22nd Febr. Bcing in Pashto and Dari on a frequency between 7080 and 7100 kHz at 0730-0830 UTC. Ann: "You are listening to our voice from Radio Afghanistan... daily from 1330-1430 & 0730-0830 UTC in 41 mb, 7082 kHz." (The radio is believed to use the same transmitting facilities as the Tajik opposition station, Radio Voice of Free Tajikistan, which has been heard again since 17th Febr., also after a break of about two months. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 22-24)

ALBANIA/UK/USA BBC Albanian FM relay switched off, more BBC SW. BBC World Service is extending its SW bc in Albanian following the closure of its FM tx yesterday (Sun 2nd March). The tx on Mount Dajti in central Albania was switched off after the declaration of the state of emergency throughout the country at 1630 UTC.

From today there will be three daily SW transmissions to ALB from the UK and Cyprus. In addition to the usual transmissions at 0630 & 1800 UTC, the 1415 UTC progr, normally on FM only, is being switched to SW. Last month, the BBC extended the 1800 UTC transmission from 30 to 45 mins on weekdays. BBC Albanian bc resumed in 1992 after 25 years off the air. The BBC Albanian Sce can be heard at 0630 UTC 7210, 9915 & 11780 kHz; at 1415 UTC 15215 & 11680 kHz, at 1800 UTC 6050, 7210 and 15590 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 3)

VOA relays cut, MW boosted. In response to the Albanian government's cut-off yesterday of the VoA's Albanian-language bcs through local sts, VOA today stepped up its MW bcs to the crisis-ridden Balkan nation. In addition to its two hours of daily Albanian-language bcs on SW, VOA may now be heard in Albania at 792 kHz on the AM dial [via VOA's Kavala- GRC relay tx], from 0600-0630 UTC, and 1700-1730 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 3)

ALGERIA external Radio Algiers International. Algerian Radio's International Sce is also known as Channel 4 (Channels 1, 2 & 3 are Algerian Radio's domestic sces in Arabic, Kabyle/Berber and French, respectively). In the past Radio Algiers has broadcast the Polisario Front programme "Voice of Free Sahara" at 2200-2300 UTC on 9640 and 15215 kHz - unheard for some months. Address: Radio Algiers, 21 Boulevard des Martyrs, Algiers 16000, Algeria Tel: 213-2-590700; Fax: 213-2-605814; : 65265 DZ 1300-1400 Spanish, 1400-1500 English 15205-v-(announced) 15160-v 11715-v kHz. 1900-2000 Spanish, 2000-2100 English 252 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 25)

ANTARCTICA 15476 kHz Radio Nacional Archangel, San Gabriel (Base Esperanza) at 2043- 2059 UTC. Flute music, female in presumed French. Tentative ID, announcement in English with mention of "Esperanza". SINPO: 24322. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 5) homepage: http://www.tip.nl/users/mark.veldhuis (Now with discussion-forums)

[LRA36 at best at 2020 UTC, reported same time span 2020-2055 UTC by Benno Klink DG1EA, and yours truly, all on March 5th]

ARGENTINA No trace of LV19 Radio Malargue, 6160v kHz and LRA6 Radio Nacional Mendoza, 6180 kHz, both checked during the second half of Febr, both sts are inactives by problem in the txs, according to phone calls to the technical departments. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Mar 3)

BULGARIA New frequencies of Radio BULGARIA Sofia in German, eff Mar 30 till Oct 25: 0515-0600 UTC 9485 and 11825 kHz 1000-1100 UTC 11660 and 15185 kHz 1615-1700 UTC 9700 and 11720 kHz 1800-1900 UTC 9700 and 11720 kHz (Petar V. Georgiev-BUL, [email protected] via Bernhard Klink, Mar 1)

BRUNEI Here under you will find a reply from RTV Brunei addressed to my person. Thought this would be interesting since Brunei is topic of DX'ers again these days. Van: RALPH HARPER Aan: Marc Vissers Dear M.Vissers, RTB itself has no short term plans to operate in the short wave band however I believe that there is a possibility that frequencies have been reserved for Brunei Darussalam in connection with longer term proposals which may or may not be implemented. Sincerely, Ralph Harper, Head of Engineering Secretariat, RTB (via DXW, Feb 17)

CHILE [updated] From next March 29 (!) [not 8th], up to Oct 11, the local time will be: UTC = -4 hours, please to be present this change for the SW activity report published in some BC-DX ago. For the first time, this delay, because the dry season in Chile. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Feb 19/Mar 6)

CIS? UNID SITE UNKNOWN. 7520 kHz new frequency, High Adventure Ministry, Unidentified Voice of Hope st (not AWR) noted on 7520 kHz 1915-2102 (signing off) UTC in English, ID "The Voice of Hope for all Europe". Good signal. 6280 kHz carries other px at this time. The progr format like VoH in Lebanon. Abruptly off after the words "Now we continue with beauteful gospel music". The announced address is: Voice of Hope, P.O.Box 109, HR4 9XR England. (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Feb 28)

GERMANY/IRELAND West Coast Radio Ireland. West Coast Radio Ireland is a private SW st. It began regular weekly bcs in English language on 31st Oct 1996. Progrs originate in the studios of Mid West Radio in Co Mayo and are bc via a 100 kW Deutsche Telekom tx at Juelich, Germany.

West Coast Radio Ireland, Murneen Post Office, Claremorris, Co Mayo. Fax: +353-94-81531; E-Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.mayo-ireland.ie/shortwave.htm

Thur 0100-0200 UTC to AM 5910 kHz. Sat 1500-1600 UTC to EUR 5970 kHz. Thur 1800-1900 UTC to AF 11665 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 25)

IRAN Here are E-Mail addresses for the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (Radio Iran), Which I have got these informations from http://www.iranian.com IRIB can be heard in United States mostly on 15084, 9022 kHz, and other freqs. Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) Ali Kianzadeh IRIB [email protected] IRIB [email protected] IRIB [email protected] IRIB External Service [email protected] IRIB Research Center [email protected] (Mohazzabi, via Cumbre Dx, Feb 28))

IRAQ What appears to be a new Kurdish-language radio st operated by the Iraqi Kurdistan govt was on 4070 kHz 1400-1530 UTC on 13th Febr. The radio opened with a recitation of the Koran followed by Kurdish news and mx, and signed off with the Kurdistan national anthem. It identified itself as "Harim radio station, voice of the regional government of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Kurdish: Era Radiyo Harim, dangi hukumati harimi Kurdistani Iraqa). (In Dec 1996, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, which bcs in Kurdish and Arabic on 4070 kHz at other times of the day, announced that the Kurdistan government would launch its own Kurdish st" in the near future" and would bc for one hour on the 75 mb and on 1600 kHz MW.) Another possibly new st has been observed from 1630-1700 UTC and also from 0400 UTC on 7695 and 3905 kHz. It bcs in Kurdish and appears to identify itself as "This is Freedom Radio Station, the Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Kurdish: Era Ezgay Azadiya, Dengi hizbi Shuyu'i Kurdistani Iraq). This radio st appears to share facilities with Voice of the Iraqi People (Arabic: sawt al sha'b al-iraqi) which has been observed in Arabic and Kurdish on 7695 and 3905 kHz from 1730-1830 UTC.

Iraqi Radio frequencies, Voice of Youth heard. The Baghdad-based radio st called Voice of Youth from Dar al-Salam, which, along with Youth Television, is reportedly run by Saddam Husayn's son, Udayy, was observed at 1630- 2130 UTC on 17th Febr on off MW 1084 kHz. Voice of Youth was last observed in July 1996. Reception of Iraqi radio sts in general continues to be difficult. Republic of Iraq Radio's main programme is observed intermittently on 1035, 963, 756 and 603 kHz MW during the hours of darkness and sometimes on 4615 kHz shortwave. Mother of Battles Radio is heard occasionally on 693 kHz. Voice of the Masses is currently untraced on its former frequs of 693, 585 and 531 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 28)

Freedom Radio Station - organization Iraqi Communist Party. Voice of the Iraqi People (Arabic: idha'at sawt al-sha'b al-iraqi; Sorani Kurdish: Era Dengi Gel-y Iraqi) has been heard since 1982, although a radio of the same name and Communist Party affiliation was heard between 1963 and 1968 bcing clandestinely fr Bulgaria. It may have some connection with Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, which reported that the st had been inaugurated on 21st March 1982. It appears to share facilites with the Freedom Radio St, Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan, which was first heard in Febr 1997 on the same frequs. The radio describes itself as "the Voice of the Iraqi People, the voice of democracy and progress, the radio of the Iraqi Communist Party". In the past, it has bc regularly in Sorani Kurdish, as well as Arabic. 0400-0530 & 1730-1830 UTC in Kurdish language on v3905-v3955, 7695 kHz.

Voice of the Iraqi People, organization Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan. First heard in Febr 1997, the Freedom Radio St appears to share facilities with the Iraqi Communist Party st, Voice of the Iraqi People. It identifies itself as "This is the Freedom Radio St, Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Kurdish: Era Ezgay Azadiya, Dengi hizbi Shuyu'i Kurdistan Iraq). 1630-1730 UTC in Kurdish on v3905-v3955, 7695 kHz.

Clandestine Harim Radio - Iraqi Kurdistan govt. This st which identifies itself as "Harim Radio, voice of the regional govt of Iraqi Kurdistan". (Kurdish: Era Radiyo Harim, dangi hukumati harimi Kurdistani Iraqa) was first heard in Febr 1997. (In Dec 1996, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, which bcs on the same frequ at other times, announced that the Kurdistan govt would launch its own radio st "in the near future" and that it would bc on SW 75 mb and MW 1600 kHz, at 1400-1530 UTC in Kurdish on 4070 kHz to Middle East. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 4)

KAZACHSTAN German sce of Radio Kazachstan at 1100 UTC on 9620 & 11840 kHz via Browary- UKR. Letterbox show of Mar 3rd: The complete arrived mail, will be answered. All outgoing mail to German listeners will be fed by a real courier in person, and will be delivered to the mail service "German Post AG", in order to reach their listeners. R Kazakhstan's German sce consist two staff members only. The management of Kazakh Radio isn't interested to uphold German language of 20 mins duration in future. Please support German staff members by your mail. (Wolfgang ?, via Kai Ludwig, Mar 2)

KOREA Radio Korea via real Audio Quality. Since Mar 3rd, RKI Seoul is bc 9 language sces via internet in Real Audio quality. Connect German sce audio at 1800 Uhr UTC via www page of RKI. Future plans: actual schedules, frequencies, and informations about RKI to be published via RKI homepage. In the meantime a fax polling sce will be installed soon. www address: http://kbsnte.kbs.co.kr/ (Willi Stengel-D, Mar 4)

LEBANON Voice of the Oppressed radio heard again. The Hezbollah radio st Voice of the Oppressed, which bcs from Ba'labakk, is back on the air. The radio was heard with a religious progr at 0715 UTC on 2nd Mar on 684 kHz. The radio had not been heard since 11th Febr when its transmission facilities were reportedly damaged during an Israeli air raid. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 2)

LITHUANIA LITHUANIAN RADIO VIA INTERNET.For a limited test of 30 days, Lithuanian Radio is being broadcast on the internet. Live audio stream of Home Service's 1st program (including Foregn Service in English at 2000 and 2230 UTC) can be found at pnm:// The experiment began on Feb 16 and will last for 30 days, after which Lithuanian Radio will have to decide whether it is willing to pay for the service or to abandon it.

LITHUANIAN RADIO's EMAIL ADDRESS - Finally, Lithuanian Radio also came into cyberspace and got its email address. Editorial staff of the foreign sce can be reached at It is very likely that WWW pages will be created soon as well. Information on that and links will be available from the Lithuanian Radio Broadcasters page http://www.is.lt/ratekona/1l-r-e.htm (Sigitas Zilionis, DX Editor, via DXW, Feb 28)

MOZAMBIQUE Radio Maputo. This sce identifies itself as "Radio Maputo, the ext sce of Radio Mozambique". Frequency usage by the st, like that of other Radio Mozambique sces, is erratic and variable. The SW frequs of 3265, 4855, 11820 and 11835 kHz listed below are as recently announced by Radio Maputo. However, none of them have been confirmed by recent observations (the 11820 kHz channel used to be heard on around 11818 kHz). In the past, this sce has also used or announced the use of 1079 kHz MW; 3340, 3350, 9525 and 9618 kHz shortwave; and 98.1 MHz VHF/FM.

Radio Maputo, CP 2000, Maputo, Mozambique. Tel: +258-1-32591/2 or 34041/5. Fax: +258-1-421816

1100-1130 English 11835-anncd, 11820-anncd, 918 kHz. 1800-1900 English 4855-anncd, 3265-anncd, 918 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 25)

MONGOLIA A new Mongolian independent station has commenced operations on shortwave. It announces itself as "Radio Blue Sky" and has been heard from 1300 UTC until sign-off at 1500 UTC, on 4850 kHz. Transmissions have included half-hour news segments in En produced by Radio Mongolia, and English language lessons. (NDXC via Padula EDXP, Feb 28)

PORTUGAL External RDP International, Radiodifusao Portuguesa (RDP) Lisbon. The English sce identifies itself as "Radio Portugal". The Portuguese sce also incls programming in Tetum (spoken in East Timor, INS). RDP-Internacional is also available via Eutelsat II-F2 at 10.0E (11658 MHz vertical, audio 7.02 MHz); Ekspress at 14.0W (4025 MHz right-hand polarization, audio 7.5 MHz); and Asiasat-2 at 100.5E (3980 MHz vertical). Schedule effective until 2nd March 1997. Some programmes may be one hour EARLIER in SUMMER. RDP-Internacional, Rua de Sao Marcal 1-B, 1200 Lisbon, Portugal. or RDP Internacional, PO Box 1011, 1001 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel: +351-1-3475065/8; Fax: +351-1-3474475 URL: http://www.rdp.pt/rdp/potugal [portugal?]

Portuguese, 0000-0430 daily, 0430-0500 Sun/Mon, to AM 11840 9635 9600 9570 6150 kHz. 0600-0900 Mon-Fri to EUR 9780-(fm 0700) 9630-(from 0745) 6130 kHz. 0900-1300 Mon-Fri to EUR 9780 6130 kHz. 0800-2100 Sat/Sun to EUR, AF, AM 21655 15515 9780 9615-(0900-1030) 6130 kHz. 0800-1000 Sat/Sun to INS 17595, (for East Timor). 1000-1200 Mon-Fri to AF & AM, 21655 17680 15515 kHz. 1205-1300 Mon-Fri in Tetum language, spoken in East Timor. 17595 kHz. 1300-1400 Mon-Fri to INS 17595 kHz, (for East Timor). 1300-1430 Mon-Fri to ME & AS 21515 kHz. 1300-2100 Sat/Sun to AM 17745 15200 kHz. 1600-1900 Sat/Sun to ME & AS 21515 kHz. 1700-2100 Mon-Fri to EUR & AF 9815 9780 6130 kHz. 1800-2200 Mon-Fri to AF & AM 21655-(to 2100) 15515 kHz.

English 0430-0500 Tue-Sat to AM 9570 6150 kHz. 1430-1500 Mon-Fri to ME &AS 21515 kHz. 2100-2130 Mon-Fri to EUR 9815 9780 6130 kHz. French 2130-2200 Mon-Fri to EUR 9815 9780 6130 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 25) RDP English DX program has been ceased in February. (WoR)

RUSSIA A great event in the history of Russia's DX movement: First Russia's DX Contest. Here are the details: The Contest period from 00.00 MSK March, 31, 1997 till 00.00 MSK June, 1, 1997 (It will be summer time in Moscow when UTC=MSK-4). Everybody can take part in this contest. The program: you should listen to the broadcast stations which are broadcasting from the territory of Russia. The whole band range is available between 150 kHz and 108 MHz in any mode: AM, SSB or FM. Every station in spite of the language of the program should be picked up at least 15 minutes and not more than one time on the same frequency.

The report for the contest should contain the following: type of receiver and antenna, place of reception, your name and postal address, the sentence: "I confirm that I myself listened all these stations during the contest period. (Signature)".

In the report you should list (it is desirable in table form): - frequency; - station name; - time of reception in MSK; - language of the broadcast; - signal quality using SINPO code; - program details.

The count system: - the first reception of the station on LW, MW, SW gives 10 points; - the second, third, etc reception of the same station but on another frequencies and time gives you extra 5 points on LW, MW and 2 points on SW each time; - the first reception of the station on UHF located in the place of reception gives you 5 points, the same station but on another frequencies and time gives you extra 1 point each time; - the first reception of the station on UHF located outside your region gives you 25 points each time; (A second reception of the same station on the same frequency doesn't take in account.) - inclusion of the station address, phone and fax numbers in your report gives you extra 10% to the points for this station; - inclusion of the full frequency schedule of the station in your report gives you extra 25% to the points for LW & MW reception, 50% to the points for SW reception, 10% to the points for UHF reception of this station.

The participation fee is 5000 rubles or 2 IRCs for MIDXB subscribers or 15 rubles or 5 IRCs for the others.

The report with the participation fee should be send before June 15 (according postmark) to the following address: Russia 125581, Moscow A-581, P.O.Box 65, c/o Vadim Alexeew, Club of DXers.

The results will be published in the August edition of MIDXB. Every participant will receive a certificate with the place and points. First five places will be awarded with WRTH-97, annual MIDXB subscription, annual subscription on our reference book "Broadcasts from abroad in the Russian language" and another prizes.

Welcome to our competition! For any additional information you may ask to: Russia, 125581 Moscow A-581, P.O.Box 65, Vadim Alexeew or via Internet: [email protected]. (Konstantin Gusev via rec.radio.shortwave via Pete Costello, via Cumbre Dx)

SPAIN According to announcements REE Madrid changed its weekend schedule. The European/African schedule now is announced as: Mon-Fri 2000-2055 UTC, Sat 2205-2300 UTC, Sun 2200-2255 on 6125 to Europe and 11775 kHz to Africa. (Erik Koie in Copenhagen, Mar 2) [in effect since Sept]

TAJIKISTAN External Radio Tajikistan, Dushanbe, is the external service of Tajik Radio, the state broadcaster. Radio Tajikistan, ul Chapayeva 31, Dushanbe 735025, Tajikistan

0100-0200 Dari, 0200-0300 Persian, 4975 1143 648 kHz. 0300-0345 Dari, 0400 Arabic, 0415-0500 Persian 9905 4975 1143 648 kHz. 1400-1500 Dari, 1500 Persian, 1600 Dari, 1645 English, 1700 Arabic, 1715-1800 7245 1143 648 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Feb 25)

TAIWAN Vo Free China in German language from Mar 30th: 1800-1900 UTC still on 9955 kHz but 325 degrees. 2100-2200 UTC 15600, 17750 kHz via WYFR Okeechobee Florida relay. (Carsten Hoefer-KOR, RKI, Mar 3)

TURKEY c.f. BC-DX #294: The following frequencies in the TRT Ankara frequency list Z97 are tentative, and may subject of variation. 5960, 7300, 11970, 11995 and 13695 kHz. (Benno Klink, DG1EA, Mar 6)

USA New program about computers on WRMI. "Computer Beat" is the name of a new program on WRMI dealing with the world of computers, the world wide web, developments with PC's (personal computers) and how people are using them, the latest releases in software, and information on how to get access to computers and to the Internet. Hosted by Michael Erbschloe, Computer Beat is broadcast Sundays at 2100-2115 UTC (4:00-4:15 pm Eastern time) on 9955 kHz.

One of the major computer developments in recent years has been the Internet and the world wide web. "And people are talking about this around the world," explains Erbschloe. "It's a good way for you -- if you are in a remote area -- to access information that probably was not available to you before you managed to get some sort of Internet access and a computer. We'll be talking about some of those resources on the Computer Beat international edition on WRMI." (WRMI, Mar 2)

RFA - Radio Free Asia schedule, put together acc various sources: 0030-0130 UTC 7455, 7515, 7530 kHz. 1500-1600 UTC 6240, 7540, 9440 kHz. Chinese language 1500-1600 UTC 7495, 7530, 9455-KHBI, 9910-KHBN, and 9805 kHz via addit Delano, California. 1600-1700 UTC 7495, 7530 kHz. 2300-2400 UTC 7495, 7530, 9650, 9910, 11970-Delano, 13800-KHBI. New addit Korean 1530-1630 UTC 5855, 7520, 9980, 11600 kHz. 2200-2300 UTC 7495, 7530, 7550, 9455-KHBI, 9650 kHz. Tibetan language 1300-1400 UTC 7355, 9440 kHz. 2300-2400 UTC 7415, 7550 kHz. Vietnamese lang. 0030-0130 UTC 5865, 7415, 9910-KHBN. 1400-1500 UTC 5865, 6240, 7520, 9930-KWHR.

This frequency note - interesting propagationally: The Radio Free Asia [RFA] Mandarin sce during its transmission at 2300-0000 UTC has added 11970 kHz. This is from the VOA [Voice of America] transmitting station in Delano, California. It's RFA's first use of a US-based [mainland!] facility. VOA has not used California txs for bcs to China for many years; a better signal can be heard from the VOA relays in the PHL and THA. RFA does not have permission of those two countries for access to those VOA relay facilities. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 1)

Observations: 1515...1525 UTC: Burmese service on 6240 kHz (SIO 232, splatter from 6235), 7540 (SIO 252) and 9440 kHz (SIO 454 powerhouse]), all with CIS-like modulation. 1600...1610 UTC: No signal detectable on 5855 kHz. On 7520 kHz underneath local QRM carrier detectable. 9980 kHz: tentative RFA Korean sce, SIO 252. On 11600 kHz test loop "This is RFA program channel 3" in English and Russian, fluttery, SIO 232. (AMID - AGDX Monitoring and Information sce, Mar 5-8)

TDP web-site. From now on, the TDP, the "Transmitter Documentation Project" has it's own web-site. Look for it on http://www.ping.be/tdp Your comment is of course most welcome. Ludo Maes, Mar 2

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 296 13 Mar 1997 ______

ALASKA Perhaps you've heard it in already RNMN, that HAARP conducts tests for DXers. Transmission on Sat, Mar 8, 0430-0500 UTC. Detailed sked is: 0430 UTC carrier for 5 mins, frequ will be on or near 6990 kHz, beaming straight up. 0435 UTC CW for 5 mins, speed 10 words per minute. 0440 UTC again 5 mins carrier on or near 6990 kHz, this time beaming SE. 0445 UTC CW. At 0450 UTC changing to 3400 kHz or near. Again 5 mins carrier, then 5 mins CW. QSLs are offered from HAARP tests, when CW text and info on the strength of the constant carrier is enclosed. Address: HAARP Tests, PO Box 271, Gakoma, Alaska 99573 For the tests they'll use 17 of their umbrella antennas and a power of 340 kW. More info under http://www.haarp.alaska.edu Haven't visited the www site yet, but am quite confident to find an e-mail address too, so that it's not necessary to send the report via snail-mail. (Martin Elbe, DD9MW, Mar 7)

Military to test research project on SW. Next week, you'll have an opportunity to hear another US government txing facility from US soil. This is not for bcing, but rather an experiment to heat and alter a small portion of the ionosphere. It's called HAARP which stands for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. It's operated by the US Navy and Air Force and a consortium of US universities. Its purpose is to study the properties and behaviour of the ionosphere. The experiment will place emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defence purposes. The HAARP facility is located near Gakona, Alaska. When the facility is completed, it will have 360 10-kW txs, fed into 360 dipole antennas. That will focus the energy up to a small area of the ionosphere. The signals will be transmitted on frequs between 2.8 and 10 MHz.

Because the HAARP project affects nature, at least to some extent, it has its critics among environmentalists. Some even claim the project could eventually be used to manipulate world weather and alter persons'moods and mental states. Others just say it's a waste of American taxpayers' money. The managers of the HAARP project have conducted a thorough public relations campaign to assuage any fears. This has included open houses at the HAARP site in Alaska.

HAARP also operates an extensive Web site; the URL is: http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy. mil/ projects/haarp

The frequently asked questions page tells us that no, HAARP will not punch a hole in the ionosphere, no HAARP will not change weather. For an overview the debate about the HAARP project, you can refer to a Web site operated by the University of Alaska at Anchorage; the URL is: http://local. uaa.alaska.edu/~anmsg/ecolinx/alaska.html

The HAARP project has announced a special txion to allow SW listeners and radio amateurs to hear the txs in Alaska and to get a QSL card. Here is the schedule: UTC 8th March at 0430 until about 0500 UTC. At 0430-0450, the frequ will be 6990 kHz. The content will be: 0430 open carrier, 0435 CW or Morse Code message, 0440 open carrier, 0445 CW message.

At 0450 UTC the frequ changes to 3400 kHz. The content will be: 0450 open carrier, 0455 CW message. That CW message will be at 10 words per minute and you need to copy that content to qualify for the QSL card. So brush up on your code! The address for reception reports is: HAARP, P.O. Box 271, Gakona, Alaska, 99573, USA (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 7)

ALBANIA TRANS WORLD RADIO - CERRIK, ALBANIA PROGRAM SCHEDULE SUMMER SEASON 97 30 MAR 97 - 26 OCT 97 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU PWR AZI 0500-0515 1234567 KURDISH 25 11635 100 090 0515-0530 1234567 POLISH 31 09510 100 350 0830-0845 23456 HUNGARIAN 31 09490 100 350 0845-0900 123 5 SLOVAK 31 09490 100 350 0845-0900 6 CZECH 31 09490 100 350 1030-1100 6 SLOVAK 31 09490 100 350 1340-1410 7 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1340-1410 7 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1340-1440 6 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1340-1440 6 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1340-1455 2345 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1340-1455 2345 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1355-1455 1 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1355-1455 1 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1502-1517 67 ARMENIAN 25 12080 100 090 1502-1517 67 ARMENIAN 31 09950 100 090 1502-1532 12345 ARMENIAN 25 12080 100 090 1502-1532 12345 ARMENIAN 31 09950 100 090 1500-1530 1234567 POLISH 31 09485 100 350 1535-1550 67 UKRAINIAN 31 09970 100 033 1535-1620 12345 UKRAINIAN 31 09970 100 033 1600-1645 1234567 FARSI 25 12085 100 090 1600-1645 1234567 FARSI 31 09665 100 090 1700-1715 123 LITHUANIAN 31 09495 100 350

1702-1717 1 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1702-1717 1 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1717-1747 1 BELORUS 25 11635 100 033 1717-1747 1 BELORUS 31 09665 100 033 1702-1747 234567 RUSSIAN 25 11635 100 033 1702-1747 234567 RUSSIAN 31 09665 100 033 1800-1815 6 RUSSIAN 31 09475 100 130 1800-1815 6 RUSSIAN 41 07250 100 130

TRANS WORLD RADIO - SHIJAK, ALBANIA TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU PWR ANT 0515-0530 123 567 POLISH 41 07385 100 350 0830-0845 23456 HUNGARIAN 41 07385 100 350 0845-0900 123 5 SLOVAK 41 07385 100 350 0845-0900 6 CZECH 41 07385 100 350 1030-1100 6 SLOVAK 41 07385 100 350 1500-1530 1234567 POLISH 41 07385 100 350 1535-1550 67 UKRAINIAN 41 07385 100 350 1700-1715 123 LITHUANIAN 41 07385 100 350 (TWR Europe, Mar 7)

AUSTRALIA 9815 kHz R Australia with news at 1510 UTC, "this nx comes from Radio Australia". (Lianus via Cumbre Dx Feb)

AUSTRIA From Mar 21, under ORF umbrella a lot of different organizations will broadcast on MW Vienna Bisamberg 1476 kHz, but with 60 kW only [regular registered 600 kW]. 1800-0008 hrs local time, corresponding 1700-2308 UTC til March 29, 1600-2208 UTC on DST. The station will do a contribution to the education of journalist rising generation. Some of the Vienna University institutes will contribute to the training. Also free radio groups are amongst, invited to take part broadcasting. ORF Vienna itself will bc at 2200-2300 hrs local time. (ORF SW Panorama, Mar 8)

ORF Austria on Medium Wave. After a break of more than two years Austria Radio (ORF - Oesterreichischer Rundfunk) resumes bcing on MW 1476 kHz, with 60 kW from Vienna Bisamberg, sched fr March 21. The daily transmissions (1700-2300 UTC) will consist of - relays of "Oesterreich 1", the Home Service news, information & culture channel; - "", open access/educational radio: programmes provided by free radio groups, students, journalistic schools etc; but under the auspices and responsibility of ORF (due to restrictions in the current broadcast law); - relay of "Radio Austria International", German and English sces (2200-2300), with "Intermedia" on Fridays. ("Intermedia" is the new name of RAI's media magazine "Kurzwellen-Panorama".) This is a low-budget test, and RR's helping to establish the range of transmission and quality of signal will be welcome. Useful reports will be honoured with a special limited-edition QSL. The groups involved in "Radio 1476" are: - "Wien Weite Welle" (Radio & Internet) - "Uniradio" (Institute for Publicistics and Communication, University of Vienna) - "Freak Radio" (Handicapped and the Media) - "Institut fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung" (Institute for Evaluation of the Consequences of Technical Development, Academy of Sciences, Vienna) - "Radio Schoepfwerk" (Free Radio) - "Tribuene Afrikas" (African Tribune) - "Polycollege Stoebergasse" (Free Access Radio training in adult education) - "Radiotheater" (Institute for Theatrical Sciences, Vienna) - "Romano Centro" (Roma and Sinti minorities) - "Verein Freies " (Free Radio) - "Europaeische Journalismus Akademie" (European Academy for Journalism) Coordination and production: Polycollege. (Wolf Harranth OE1WHC, Host, ORF Kurzwellen-Panorama/Intermedia)

At 19th Apr again there is an International Marconi Day. ORF - Radio Austria International Vienna will operate the Ham station OE1M around the clock from 0000-2400 UTC. Frequs of this st will be announced at every hour xx00 by R. Austria International. A special QSL card will be issued (include an IRC), RR's to Radio Austria International, A-1136 Vienna, Austria. (direct via WWDXC, Feb 24)

BHUTAN Bhutan B/C Sce is noted on 6030 kHz (in place of 6035 kHz) at 0500-1000 UTC with English at 0800-0900 UTC. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 9)

BULGARIA New frequs of Radio BULGARIA Sofia eff Mar 30 till Oct 25: SoAM 2300-0000 9415 11660 Sp, 0000-0100 Bulg, 0100-0200 Sp 2115-2215 11660 13710 Sp

CeAM 0100-0200 9700 Sp

NoAM/EUR 2300-0000 7480 9435 E 0000-0300 7480 9485 Bulg 0300-0400 9485 11720 F, 0400-0500 E

Russia 0200-0300 1224 6035 7430 R 0300-0400 6035 7430 Bulg 1400-1500 7425 9775 11855 R 1500-1800 7425 9775 Bulg, 1800-1900 Russian

Balcan 0300-0400 1224 Bulg 0400-0430 1224 6140 7115 Greek excl.Sat, 0430-0500 Alban excl.Sat 0500-0600 Serbian, M-F 0400-0500 1224 6140 7115 Greek, Sat only 0415-0500 5945 6040 Turkish, M-F 0500-0630 1224 6040 7115 Turkish, Sat/Sun only 0630-0730 1224 5895 Alban, 0730-0900 Serbian, Sat only 0630-0900 1224 5895 Serbian, Sun only 0800-0900 5930 7135 Greek, Sun only 1200-1500 1224 6195 7310 Bulg 1500-1545 1224 5850 5860 Serbian, 1545-1630 Alban, 1630-1715 Greek 1715-1800 1224 5860 7455 Turkish 1800-1900 1224 5850 5860 Bulg, 1900-1945 Alban, 1945-2030 Greek, 2030-2115 Serbian Asia 1200-1300 13790 E 1400-1500 13715 Bulg

Europe 0300-1700 9850 250 kW 273 degr Bulg (dom sce Horizont) 0300-2100 7670 15 kW nondir Bulg (dom sce Horizont) 0415-0500 7345 Turkish, M-F 0500-0630 7375 Turkish, Sat/Sun only 0515-0600 9485 11825 German 0600-1200 (-0900 M-F) 1224 500 kW 205 degr Bulg (dom sce Horizont) 0600-0700 9485 11825 F 0630-0900 9475 Serbian, Sun only 0730-0900 9475 Serbian, Sat only 1000-1100 11660 15185 German 1000-1100 11605 13630 F 1615-1700 9700 11720 German, 1700-1800 F, 1800-1900 German 1900-2000 E, 2000-2100 F, 2100-2200 E 1700-2000 7495 Bulg 1715-1800 7355 Turkish 1715-1800 5850 7510 Italian 1915-2015 9500 11660 Sp 2000-2045 7495 7510 Italian 2115-2200 1224 5850 Italian 2115-2215 11660 13710 Sp

ME 1400-1500 11760 Bulg 1515-1615 9430 11625 Arabic 1800-1900 7455 Bulg

NoAF 2015-2115 11660 13710 Arabic (R Bulgaria, Mar 8)

English 1200-1300 UTC 13790 kHz EaAS 1900-2000 & 2100-2200 UTC 9700, 11720 kHz EUR 2300-2400 UTC 7480, 9435 kHz NoAM 0400-0500 UTC 9485, 11720 kHz NoAM

German 0515-0600 UTC 9485 and 11825 kHz 1000-1100 UTC 11660 and 15185 kHz 1615-1700 & 1800-1900 UTC 9700 and 11720 kHz

Spanish 1915-2015 UTC 9500, 11660 kHz 2115-2215 UTC 11660, 13710 kHz (interference expected by WINB, USA) 2300-2400 & 0100-0200 UTC 9415, 11660 kHz 0100-0200 UTC also on 9700 kHz

Russian 1400-1500 UTC 7425, 9775, 11855 kHz 1800-1900 UTC 7425, 9775 kHz 0200-0300 UTC 6035, 7430, and MW 1224 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, O. Chengeliev, Sylvia Ivanova, Mar 1; Petar V. Georgiev-BUL, [email protected] via Bernhard Klink, Mar 1)

COSTA RICA Radio for Peace International, Cd. Colon, UN discussion on Zaire civil war / conflict, at 2350 UTC on v7383.5 kHz. (WB, Mar 8)

CUBA RHC La Habana on new 6180 & 6000 kHz, 0330 French, 0400-0500 UTC English. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)


Language Time (UTC) Fqy Target Power Azimuth ARABIC 2000-2130 12025 N.Africa 250 058 15520 N.Africa 100 041

CZECH 0530-0600 (TWTSS) 9420 Europe 100 040 1800-1830 (TWTSS) 12025 Europe 250 040 15550 Europe 100 041

ENGLISH 0000-0400 9745 E.N.America 100 360 0400-0700 9745 W.N.America 100 324 0730-0930 5865 Europe 250 038 0700-1058 9645 S.Pacific 100 228 1100-1600 12005 Caribbean 50 043 15115 N/S America 50/50 353/160 1900-2158 11960 Europe 100 042

FRENCH 0030-0100 9410 E.Canada 100 351 0630-0700 9765 Europe 100 040 1930-2000 12025 Europe 250 040 15550 Europe 100 041

GERMAN 0430-0500 5860 Europe 250 038 9415 Europe 100 040 0600-0630 9765 Europe 100 040 0930-1000 6125 S.America 100 155 1900-1930 12025 Europe 250 040 15550 Europe 100 041 2300-0000 12005 N/S America 250 330/124

JAPANESE 0430-0500 9765 N.America 100 329 1130-1200 9415 Japan 250 320 2200-2300 11615 S.America 100 126

KIKONGO 0500-0515 (M-F) 9765 SW Africa 100 100

PORTUGUESE 0800-0930 6125 S.Brazil 100 155 1500-1800 15295 Amazonia 100 100 2300-0230 11615 S.Brazil 100 124

QUICHUA 0830-1030 690 Ecuador 050 000/180 0830-1000 6110 S.America 100 155 0830-1400 3220 Ecuador 8 090(vert) 0830-1400 6080 Ecuador 8 090(vert) 2100-0300 3220 Ecuador 8 090(vert) 2100-0300 6080 Ecuador 8 090(vert) 2130-2358 9745 S.America 100 155

RUSSIAN 0200-0430 5860 W.Russia 250 038 0515-0700 5865 W.Russia 250 038 9380 W.Russia 100 035 2230-2300 12005 N/S America 250 330/124

SLOVAK 0530-0600 (M,F) 9420 Europe 100 040 1830-1900 (M,F) 12025 Europe 250 040 15550 Europe 100 041

SPANISH 0700-0730 9765 Europe 100 050 1030-1358 9765 N.America 100 351 1030-1400 11960 S.America 100 131 1030-0504 690 Ecuador 050 000/180 6050 Andes 050 018/172 1400-0458 15140 N/S America 50/50 330/150 2130-2228 12025 Europe 250 050 9380 Europe 100 035

TAJIK 0115-0130 (Su-Th) 5860 Cent.Asia 250 038

UKRAINIAN 0500-0515 5865 Ukraine 250 038 9380 Ukraine 100 035

UZBEK 0130-0200 (Su-Th) 5860 Cent.Asia 250 038

HCJB also broadcasts 24 hours per day in upper sideband on 21455 kHz (500 watts) at 35/225 degrees: English at 0000-1600, 1900-2200 UTC. Japanese 2200-2300 UTC. Spanish 1600-1900, 2300-2400 UTC.

Frequency Management HCJB World Radio Casilla 17-17-691 Quito, Ecuador, South America FAX: +593 2 447 263 E-mail: [email protected] (HCJB-EQA)

EGYPT 4900 kHz Radio Cairo heard again, only last Wed, at 2320-2235 UTC tune in Arab songs till 2330 UTC, then clock, ID, nx in Arabic. Good signal. (Liangas via Cumbre Dx, Feb 26) [usual outlet of fundamental 9800 kHz on nearby countries, closed to Egypt. Observed in the seventies and eighties during my holiday trips to Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus, and Turkey. Much stronger in the Mediterranean mornings. ed]

FRANCE RFI Issoudun 6175 kHz in French back at 1100-1200 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

GEORGIA Here is the information concerning Voice of Hope transmission on 7520 kHz (see BC-DX #295). Many thanks to Jerry Berg and Ed Rausch (USA) for their assistance. (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Mar 8)

7520 kHz, Voice of Hope. Re the rpt of this one in NU 1414, it probably originates from CIS; powerful signal in Moscow, S9/20. (Pashkevich-Russia) Indeed. A FAX rpt brought a FAX reply from the UK office (FAX 01432-263-408) which reads as follows: "The Voice of Hope bc you listened to on 3 March was from Dusheti (Tbilisi), Georgia, using a 100 kw tx with an antenna azimuth of 302 degrees to western Europe." The full address in NU 1414 should have been "HR4 9XR Hereford, England." (Rausch-NJ)

Just a short note regarding High Adventure Ministries. The programme for EUR on 7520 kHz is via Tbilisi, Georgia, acc. to information by phone from High Adventure Headquarters in Simi Valley, CA. (Thomas Drescher-D, Mar 10) Vo Abkhazia noted starting at 0430 til past 0515 UTC, in Russian on v9494.7 kHz. (WB Mar 9)

GERMANY/NETHERLANDS RN Z97 via Deutsche Telekom Nauen replacing 7190 by 9860 kHz, English 1030-1225 UTC, 100 kW, 280 degr towards UK. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

HAWAII Cumbre Special-The Mahalo Dxpedition. Dave Valko and Hans Johnson went on a Dxpedition to the northeast part of Maui, Hawaii, during late Febr and early March.

CAMBODIA v6089.7 kHz Dom Sce, TENTATIVE Steady here, but rarely good enough to get any audio. 1055 UTC instrumental up-tempo song then very weak talk at 1057 UTC by man. v11940.4 kHz National Voice of Cambodia 1308 UTC mx, low modulation. 1315 bit of Vietnamese talk by woman, open carrier briefly and off.

KIRIBATI 9810U kHz R Kiribati NEW FREQUENCY After several days of not understanding why we couldn't hear them on 9825 kHz, I rang them. According to st personnel, they moved here, because listeners on Christmas Island complained of poor reception. Operating here with 1 kW, but only from 0530-0930 UTC (not at other times Kiribati is on). Per monitoring, the English hour is at 0600 UTC starting with R. Australia nx. The constant cutting off of the tx, according to Valko, is probably a VOX feature on the tx that causes it to cut off if no audio is detected. LAOS v6973 kHz Luang Prabang The listed Nei Menggu that is suppose to operate around here was untraced, so if you here a station around here, you probably got this guy. Sked is *1030v-1400* and they run //to 6130 UTC from 1200 (including the gongs) until about 1230 UTC.

MYANMAR 4725 kHz Home Sce Humming tx but still has English lesson at 1330 UTC on Fris. 5973 kHz Myawadi PRESUMED and I believe it is on. Getting an id is one thing, but hearing them at 1330*, *1430 and 1530* UTC is something we noted several times. Plenty of local-sounding music on this one.

SOMALIA v7537.7 kHz R Hargeisa, a st I have dreamed about since 1976. Heard as early as 1640 UTC fade in and usually till 1800* UTC. Ided by Valko one morning as Radyo Hargeisa and about a million mentions of Somaliland (the only time I slept during the whole Dxpediton J). This one is constantly drifting and was as high as 7539 kHz by sign off. There is also a steady het on v7535.4 kHz so watch out. This guy is USB and carrier and is drifting rapidly, one had to constantly retune.

TAHITI v15167 kHz RFO-Tahiti still on, but weak even here with a pile of wire and an all water path. Congrats to those who have heard this at any distance recently.

VIETNAM I was able to monitor the following Vietnamese reg sts and I recorded most of the sign-on/offs for them. The ID's are my best guess, but if someone knows Vietnamese, I would be happy to share my tapes. v4677 kHz *1000-1500* Lao Cau Poor modulation and just cuts the feed at sign off. //Hanoi v5924 kHz from 1400-1500 UTC. v4739 kHz *1200-1400* Son La, poor modulation. 5030 kHz No chance to hear the reported Hmong sce here, China dominates the freq with a weak Malaysia underneath. v5597 kHz *1000-1500* Lao Cai, //6702 kHz at times. //Hanoi v5924 kHz from 1400-1500 UTC. Weak modulation. 6531 kHz *1200-1400* Cao Bang Anthem type mx at sign on. Modulation ok. v6548 kHz *1030-1200* Yen Bai Anthem type mx and alternating man and woman talking. Modulation ok. v6702 kHz See 5597v. (Johnson Cumbre Dx, Mar 8)

INDIA AIR noted with 2 addit channel. At 1330-1500 UTC in English to SoAS on a new 9545 kHz, //11620 13710 kHz. Also 11715 kHz added at 0130-0229 UTC in Nepali //3945 6045 7250 9550 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 9)

IRAN IRIB Tehran Bosnian sce (Serbo-Croatian "Ovdje Tehran") observed in progress at 2200 UTC, lasting til 2240 UTC close-down, on new 7100 kHz in 40 metres HAM band!. //9022 kHz. (WB Mar 8)

6015 kHz Voz de la IRIB, Kalamabad, programa en espanol, //6050 kHz. Nx at 0232 UTC; ann frequencies at 0230 UTC, doesn't mention 6015 kHz frequency. (JGarzon via Cumbre Dx, 23 Feb)

English 1100-1225 UTC 11875 11930 new15084 v15260.4 kHz. 1530-1625 UTC new 7215 kHz. Arabic 0600-1100 UTC new 5995 kHz. Urdu 1330-1425 UTC new 6175 & new 7115 kHz. Bengali 1430-1525 UTC new 7115 & new 7215 kHz. Chinese 1330-1425 UTC new 6050 & new 7215 kHz. Swahili 1700-1725 UTC new v9685.6 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

KOREA D.P.R. v4404.9 kHz R Pyongyang Unlisted for this sce, but heard in English at 1114 UTC. //6575 kHz. Uses this channel for several hours.

Comment by Kai Ludwig: feeder frequency, in case of feeder cable breaks, towards the tx locations in the North (Kanggye and Kujang). QRG researched by diligent Korean fellow editor of NHK R Japan; also print out in WRTH. (Cumbre Dx special, Mar 10)

LIBYA in Arabic replaced 9700 by 15235 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

MALI CRI via Bamako relay in Spanish at 2300-2400 UTC on v11874.1 kHz, //15120 Bamako- MLI too. Lovely Chinese music. (WB, Mar 8)

MONACO TRANS WORLD RADIO - MONTE CARLO, MONACO PROGRAM SCHEDULE SUMMER SEASON 97 30 MAR 97 - 26 OCT 97 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU PWR AZI 0645-0805 6 ENGLISH 31 09755 100 324 0645-0820 7 ENGLISH 31 09755 100 324 0655-0820 12345 ENGLISH 31 09755 100 324

0830-0845 123456 GERMAN 41 07160 500 026 0830-0845 123456 GERMAN 49 06230 100 013 0830-0915 7 GERMAN 41 07160 500 026 0830-0915 7 GERMAN 49 06230 100 013 1005-1020 123456 GERMAN 41 07160 500 026 1005-1020 123456 GERMAN 49 06230 100 013 1100-1145 7 HUNGARIAN 41 09490 500 044

1230-1315 123 5 CROATIAN 41 07255 100 085 1230-1245 67 CROATIAN 41 07255 100 085 1230-1245 4 SERBIAN 41 07255 100 085 1245-1315 7 MACEDONIAN 41 07255 100 085 1245-1315 4 CROATIAN 41 07255 100 085 1245-1315 6 SLOVENIAN 41 07255 100 085

1330-1400 1234567 GERMAN 41 07160 500 026 1330-1400 1234567 GERMAN 49 06230 100 013

1515-1600 12 45 CZECH 41 07355 500 044 1530-1600 3 CZECH 41 07355 500 044 1515-1530 3 67 SLOVAK 41 07355 500 044

1601-1616 7 HUNGARIAN 41 07355 500 044 1601-1631 123456 HUNGARIAN 41 07355 500 044 1600-1630 1 567 ROMANIAN 31 09925 100 105 1600-1615 234 ROMANIAN 31 09925 100 105 (TWR Europe, Mar 7)

NETHERLANDS Radio Netherlands - RN summer English schedule valid Mar 30th til Oct 26th. 0030-0130 SAs T5905, A7305 (03/30-05/04) T9855, A11655 (05/04-09/07) NAm F6020, B6165, B9845 0130-0230 SAs T5905, A7305 (03/30-05/04) M/T9855, M/A11655 (05/04-09/07) 0230-0330 SAs M9855, M11655 0430-0530 NAm B6165, B9590 0730-0830 Pac B9720, B9820 0830-0930 Pac B9720, B9820 0930-1030 FE, SEAs P12065, I13710 1030-1130 FE, SEAs P12065, I13710 Eu W6045, N9860 1130-1230 Eu W6045, N9860 1330-1430 SAs M9890, M12090, T15585 1430-1530 SAs M9890, M12090, T15585 1730-1830 SEAf, WAf M6020, M7120, F11655 1830-1930 SEAf, WAf M6020, M7120, F9895, F11655, B15315, B17605 1930-2030 SEAf, WAf M6020, M7120, F9895, F11655, B15315, B17605 2330-0030 NAm F6020, B6165, B9845

Transmitter sites: A=Alma Ata N=Nauen B=Bonaire P=Petropavlovsk F=Flevoland T=Tashkent I=Irkutsk W=Wertachtal M=Madagascar

This summer no transmissions to EUR on MW 1440 kHz, but back on air at autumn. English sce of RN began bcing 50 years ago, Febr 1947. There will be an Open Day on June 7th featuring tours to bc center at Witte Kruislaan 55. The festivities run from 1000-1600 CEST local time. Contact RN for further information.

Address: Radio Netherland, PO Box 222, Hilversum, Holland. email [email protected] WWW http://www.rnw.nl (RN printed schedule, via JKB, Mar 8)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan in English 1600-1630 UTC replaced 9903 by v9513.6 kHz. Urdu 1700- 1800 new 9485 (x11570.1). Turkish 1700-1800 new 9510.6 varies up to 9513.6 kHz. Indonesian 0900-1000 new v15026.3 (x15566.2) kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1) 1600-1630 UTC observed on 9485 and v11565.1 kHz, also ann 7?10, 11820, 15555 kHz. (WB Mar 8-9)

PHILIPPINES RVA new Russian progr, Sunday special only, 1430-1525 UTC 9670 kHz, QRM de KFBS Saipan. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

RUSSIA Radio Rossii's "Klub DX" by Pavel Mikhailov in Russian language is now: Sun 1430 &2130 UTC. Wed 1625, Thur 0025 & 0225 UTC. Radio Slavyanka (x7100) now on 6260 kHz from 1500 UTC.

R Nederland Z97 periode in Dutch via SW Bolshakovo, 160 kW, 245 degr: 5835 kHz 2030-2126 UTC 6145 kHz 0500-0600 UTC 7310 kHz 1600-1700 UTC Via Irkutsk Dutch 13695 kHz 2330-0026 UTC, in English 13710 kHz 0930-1126 UTC 250 kW, 152 degr. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

Vo Mediterranean replaced 7390 by new 12060 kHz, and //7440 kHz. Signing on at 1930 UTC when VoR German is in progress, VoM starting at 2000 UTC. HFCC lists Almaty site, but should be via Samara. (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Mar 8) [Z96 listed 12060 1400-2100 EKB 240 255 RUS, Ekaterinburg]

UNID: Voice of Hope on 7520 kHz, 1900-2000 UTC. Observed "Morning Chapel Hour" progr, produced in U.S.A. (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Mar 8)

SEYCHELLES FEBA Radio moved onto 7350 (x6140) kHz with Tamil at 0115-0200 UTC. Bengali on 15445 (x7270) kHz at 1415-1445 UTC. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 9) FEBA Mahe to ME Philippine workers, Suns only at 0500-0558 UTC in Filipino on 15555 kHz, 23332. (WB, Mar 9)

SYRIA R Damascus is now back on 13610 kHz, Arabic 0600-1500 UTC, Russian German French English 1700-0015 UTC. Clandestine st "Voice of Iraq" in Arabic noted till 0530 UTC on v9950 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Mar 1)

THAILAND R Thailand Bangkok in English at 0530 UTC on 15115 kHz, well signal level, but very early in the morning for Europeans. (WB , Mar 9)

TURKEY Tyrkie Polis Radyosu observed recently at 2345 UTC playing Turkish mx, seemingly on 24 hrs schedule? (WB Mar 8)

USA Revised DXing with Cumbre schedule as of 7 March 1997, as seen on the WHR www site.

VIA WHRI, INDIANA: Fri 2330 5745 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am Sat 0600 5760 same Sat 0600 7315 Americas Sat 1400 6040 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am Sat 1830 9495 Americas (Sun 0430 on 5760 no longer listed) Sun 1730 13760 same Sun 2300 5745 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am

VIA KWHR, HAWAII (to Asia and Pacific) (Sat 0200 no longer listed) Sat 0500 9930 Sun 1830 13625 (Mon 0100 no longer listed) Mon 0330 17510 Times and frequs are subject to change, depending upon conditions and WHR's scheduling needs. We can probably expect a time change, and perhaps some frequ changes, at the end of this month. Address for RR's: World Harvest Radio, P.O. Box 12 South Bend, IN 46624, U.S.A. Also, check the World Harvest Radio Web page for the latest schedules of all programs on WHRI and KWHR! Try either http://www.whri.com or http://www.kwhr.com to find out more! According to the WHR Web page, RealAudio for all World Harvest txs is on-line now, so give it a try if you have the right computer equipment. All progrs from all World Harvest txs should be available, including DXing with Cumbre! (73-- Marie Lamb, DXing with Cumbre, Mar 7)

WWCR Z97 Summer Schedule, first part, till April 5th. tx #1 - 100 KW - 46 degrees Freq Time (UTC) Dates 15.685 1100-2300 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 9.475 2300-0100 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 3.215 0100-0500 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 *3.210 0500-1100 30 Mar 96-05 Apr 97 * Note: Change to 3.210 is at 11:05PM-Monday thru Friday and 11:00PM-Sat/Sun tx #2 - 100 KW - 85 degrees Freq Time (UTC) Dates 13.845 1400-0100 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 5.935 0100-1400 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 tx #3 - 100 KW - 40 degrees Freq Time (UTC) Dates 12.160 1400-2300 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 5.065 2300-1200 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 7.435 1200-1400 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 tx #4 - 100 KW - 90 degrees Freq Time (UTC) Dates 9.475 1300-2300 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 7.435 2300-0200 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 2.390 0200-1300 30 Mar 97-05 Apr 97 (WWCR web site, via Juergen Kubiak-D, Mar 9)

RFA - Radio Free Asia as received here in Europe. 49 and 41 mb will not propagating soon, when DST will start, especially bcs in our European afternoon 1300-1700 UTC. At present both KHBN RFA-outlets on 9910 and 9980 kHz are well propagating into Europe. Korean on 25 mb seemingly testing again, observed on March 5th-6th on 11600 kHz, on Mar 8th off, on Mar 9th back on 11705 kHz again. But signal is very poor here, and suffering deep fading. [11705 kHz is also still in use by RL in Azeri til 1600 UTC too]

RFA signal strength here in Europe: Burmese language 1500-1600 UTC 6240 S1-2, 7540 S3, 9440 kHz S3-4.

Chinese language 1500-1600 UTC 7495 S2, 7530 S1, 9455-KHBI S3-4, 9910-KHBN S3-4, and 9805 kHz Delano, California, S 1 under RFI Paris Issoudun. 1600-1700 UTC 7495 S2, 7530 S1, 9805 kHz S 1. 2300-2400 UTC 7495 S2, 7530 S2, 9650 no propagating, 9910 S2-3, 11870-Delano (x11970) S 1, 13800-KHBI no propagating.

New addit Korean 1530-1630 UTC 5855 nothing, 7520 S2, 9980 S3-4, 11600 kHz, poor on 6th, nothing on 8th, on 9th back on 11705 kHz. 2200-2300 UTC 7495 Israel on top, 7530 S2, 7550 S2, 9455-KHBI S 0-1, 9650 kHz S 0-1.

Tibetan language 1300-1400 UTC 7355 S 1-2, 9440 kHz S2. 2300-2400 UTC 7415 S 4, 7550 kHz S4.

Vietnamese lang. 1400-1500 UTC 5865 S 1, 6240 S 1, 7520 S3, 9930-KWHR S 2-3.

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 297 17 Mar 1997 ______

AUSTRALIA Senate hearing on future of external broadcasts. A former director of Radio Australia has told a Senate inquiry the international broadcaster should be independent of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]. A Senate foreign affairs, defence and trade committee has begun hearing evidence in Melbourne on the role and future of Radio Australia and Australia TV. Both have been recommended for closure by a report into the ABC.

Radio Australia director from 1980 to 1989 Peter Barnett says his former employer would be better off without the ABC holding the purse strings. He says Radio Australia should continue to use ABC material, but should have its own independent funding, management and board. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 12)

AUSTRIA Mit Beginn des neuen Sendeplanes (ab der ersten Aprilwoche) gibt es wesentliche Aenderungen beim Medienmagazin von Radio Oesterreich International:

- Der traditionelle Titel "Kurzwellen-Panorama" wird aufgegeben. Die neue, der aktuellen und kuenftigen Entwicklung exakter entsprechende, Bezeichnung lautet:


- Die Erstausstrahlung erfolgt bereits eine Stunde nach Produktion; die Wiederholungen erstrecken sich nun auf das ganze Wochenende. Intermedia in Z97: Freitag/Fri 1605 und 2105 UTC. At 2105 also on MW Bisamberg 1476 kHz. Samstag/Sat 0105*, 0405, 0805, 1105* UTC * = -> Nordamerika, sowie ADR Sonntag/Sun 2005 UTC

DX Telegramm seven times in Z97: Sun 0525 0855 1225 1555 1725 1925, and 2225 UTC. Mon 0025 and 0225 UTC. (Wolf Harranth OE1WHC - Radio Oesterreich International)

BELGIUM RVI Brussels amendments in its tentative Z97 schedule from March 30th, as announced in Flemish "Golfgids" progr: 1200-1400 UTC to NoAM 13785 kHz, due to Damascus on 13610. 15585 kHz to SoEaAS. French 0700-0730 on 15545 kHz also. Sports special on Sats 1800-2100 UTC on 13645 kHz. Schedule not fixed yet. (RVI Mar 8)

CHILE Christian Vision. This week I visited the former tx site of R. Nacional now owned by Christian Vision, they are now adjusting and testing the station. The 8x100 kW Harris txs will be repaired. The three Log Periodic antennas will be used and are already OK, but two of the four curtains will not be used any more due to their catastrophic state (those beamed to Americas). They are not permitted to use the frequs of R. Nacional and are currently trying new ones. If this is a problem the txs may be moved to another country, but if everything works out OK they will starting test transmissions at the end of April and official broadcasts in October. (Felipe Asenjo, Santiago, Chile, in Cumbre-DX, Mar 7)

CLANDESTINE from/to ETHIOPIA on 6315 kHz. Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, unid. here when first hrd at 0400 UTC, Mar 5, thought possibly Madagascar based on sound of the lang.; but found to be this one at 0400 UTC, Mar 6, //5500 kHz. Indicated that they moved here from 7515 kHz on Jan 25. On 6315 kHz slightly stronger, but requires LSB to minimize ute QRM. (Berg) Since this stn is promoting Tigray autonomy, I prefer to list it as a clandestine - Nick. (via Cumbre Dx, Mar 13)

CUBA RHC La Habana noted in English at 0100 UTC 9820 kHz, in Spanish 9505, 9550, and usb9830 kHz. (WB Mar 15)

ETHIOPIA Extended radio progrs announced. Eff 10th March, Radio Ethiopia will be introducing new progrs as well as extending its morning and daytime bcs, the radio ann 7th March. On Mon-Fris, morning bcs in Oromifa 0300-0400, Amharic 0400-0600 UTC. Daytime bcs in Amharic will start at 0800 UTC. Suns daytime bcs will be extended by one hour, til 1500 UTC. ExcSats, morning and daytime bcs will be transmitted on the 31, 41 and 49 mbs SW. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 7) [5990, 7110, v9706 kHz]

FRANCE Amended sked for RFI: French to Africa ' Service Afrique' (27 minutes) 0430 3965 4890 0530 3965 5945 9790 0630 3965 5945 7135 9790 11700 2130 3965 5945 6175 7160 9790, 15300

French to Europe 1100-1145 6175 1700-1800 6175 1800-1900 3965 6175 (Radio World via Cees Van Oudheusden, via EDXP, Mar 3)

GERMANY Deutsche Welle noted being reported as saying their Ext sces have now returned to the planned normal as txs in Kigali, Rwanda, and Trincomalee, Sri Lanka are fully operational after being targets in local civil strife. The need to press ahead with automation at these relay sts will mean fewer staff being sent from Germany. This move will figure well with management plans to cut costs which are needed due to reduced funding from the German govt. (Jack Fitzsimons-UK, in Mar WDXC Contact)

News on DW's Z97 schedule, from March 30th: No Juelich site [by German Telekom] usage anymore. Grigoriopol 999 kHz 500 kW nondirectional. Krasnodar 1170 kHz 600 kW 210 degrees. Nauen single 100 kW unit, 4 x 500 kW units.

If Sines-POR list is correct, at least a 4th tx of 250 kW has been installed recently, and used in combined mode with 500 kW. Or even new 500 kW unit has been installed either. At 1200-1430 UTC segment show two 250 kW, and a single 500 kW unit in use. German 6075, French 11970 both 250 kW, ex-YUG block 1200-1430 UTC with 500 kW on 15545 kHz. German Telekom Wertachtal schedule shows up to 13 x 500 kW in parallel, 75 mb 3995 kHz is now 500 kW nondir, instead of Juelich 100 kW easy dipol.

Madagascar relay of R Nederland will be used in English at 0900-0950 UTC on 15205 kHz. 200 kW 245 degrees to EaAF.

DW English in Z97: 0100-0150 6040 6145 9640 11810 NoAM 0200-0250 1548 7285 9615 9690 11945 11965 12045 SoAS 0300-0350 6085 6185 9535 9615 9640 NoAM 0400-0450 5990 6015 7225 9565 11765 AF/ME 0500-0550 5960 6045 6185 9615 NoAM 0600-0650 11915 13790 15185 17820 17860 21680 WeAF 0900-0950 9565 15205 15410 17800 21600 AF 0900-0950 6160 12055 17715 21680 AS/PAC 1100-1150 15370 15410 17765 17800 WeAF 1600-1650 7185 9735 11810 17800 AF/ME 1600-1650 1548 6170 7225 9875 13690 SoAS 1900-1950 7250 9640 9670 9735 11785 11810 13790 WeAF/ME 2000-2050 7170 9615 both via Sines-POR to EUR 2100-2150 9735 11865 15135 WeAF 2100-2150 7115 9670 9765 11785 AS/PAC 2300-2350 5980 7235 9690 EaAS

More DW 13 mb frequs reappeared: German 21560-RRW 1400-1800 EUR/ME/AF. 21640-CLN 0600-0800 AUS/PAC. Arabic to NE/ME 21705 Wertachtal 1300-1600. Chinese 1000-1050 21640-CLN. French to AF 21695-RRW 1200-1300, Hausa 1300-1350. English to ME 0600-0650 21680-CLN. English to SoEaAS/OCE 0900-0950, Swahili to AF 21600 1000-1050, both Wertachtal-GER. Persian 21695-CLN 0900-0950. (DW radio, tune in)

GUAM Please note a change in our W-96 schedule eff Mar 9, 1997 for the remainder of the W-96 season: DEL KSDA Guam 9495kHz 2200-2300 100kW 285 degrees ADD KSDA Guam 11895kHz 2200-2300 100kW 270 degrees (Bob German, George Jacobs & Associates, Inc., Mar 12)

GUIANA French CRI Beijing in English to NoAM at 0400-0500 UTC via Montsinery-GUF relay replaced 9730 by 9790 kHz. (GH WoR, Mar 13)

INDIA AIR in Tamil at 0000-0100 UTC propagating into EUR on 9835 kHz. (WB Mar 14)

IRAN 7100 kHz VOIRI at 2234 UTC. French giving transmission skeds //6030, 7260, 9022 kHz; suddenly cut off at 2240, leaving the freq to a poor CPBS signal. (Hill, via DXW, Mar 8)

IRIB Tehran Bosnian sce (Serbo-Croatian "Ovdje Tehran") observed in progress at 2200 UTC, lasting til 2240 UTC close-down, on new 7100 kHz in 40 metres HAM band!. //9022 kHz. (WB Mar 8)

7100 kHz, Bosnian sce observed fr 2130-2227 UTC, tx signing on at 2127 UTC. Then IS till 2130 UTC. From 2227-2230 IS, into French till 2233 UTC, tx switched off then. French continues 6030, 7260, and 9022 kHz til 2327 UTC. Arabic 2130-2227 UTC on 6025, 7260, and 9022 kHz. (WB Mar 14)

VOIRI Teheran adjusted their 9590 with 9585 kHz at 1330-1430 UTC, in Urdu causing co- channel QRM to DW-Trincomalee at the same time. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 15)

IRAQ Iraqi radio behaviour. Mother of Battles Radio (Arabic: idha'at umm al-ma'arik) - a sce of the official Rep of Iraq Radio - on 10th March 3935 & 693 kHz at 1700-2000 UTC. At 2000 UTC, when Mother of Battles signed off, the 3935 kHz tx went off the air, while 693 kHz switched to a relay of Iraqi Radio's Voice of the Masses (Arabic: sawt al- jamahir) sce. During this period, Iraqi radio's main progr was on 1035, 963 and 756 kHz, while Voice of Youth was on 1084 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 10)

Observations on MW opposition radios. The Iraqi opposition radio st which identifies itself as Iraqi Army Radio (Arabic: idha'at al-jaysh al-iraqi) was observed on 9th and 10th March to have moved from its long-standing variable MW frequ between 1526 and 1539 kHz to 1566 kHz. It was observed repeating a one-hour bc from fade-in at 1400-1830 UTC and 2015-2100 UTC.

Another Iraqi opposition radio, Al-Mustaqbal (The Future - see following report), was carried on 1566 kHz from 1830-2000 UTC. Al-Mustaqbal also continues to bc on 1008 kHz at various times of the day but not in parallel with 1566 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 9-10)

IRAQ/JORDAN Iraq objects to Jordan-based opposition radio. "What does Baghdad want from Amman?" Iraqi Foreign Minister Muhammad Sa'id al-Sahhaf objected to the continued transmission fr Jordanian territory of the opposition Radio Accord [as published; reference to the radio station called The Future (Al-Mustaqbal), which supports the Iraqi National Accord, a Jordanian-based group opposed to the current Iraqi govt - see note below]. Sahhaf told a number of Jordanian officials who visited Baghdad that this st is unheard by Iraqis, but the continuation of its transmissions from Amman obstructs serious moves to restore bilateral relations. Sahhaf was quoted as saying that Baghdad can retaliate by setting up a mobile radio st near the border to transmit anti-Jordanian progrs, but it does not like to act in this way.

Sources said that Radio Accord was closed down for three days in response to a direct request from Tariq Aziz. The radio, however, resumed transmission following the attack launched by the Iraqi press against the Iraqi opposition being based in Jordan. [A radio st called The Future (Al-Mustaqbal), which supports the Iraqi National Accord, began bcing on 21st April 1996. The radio bcs on MW, possibly from txs in Egypt. A spokesman for the group said in June 1996 that its progrs "are prepared in London and northern Iraq". He denied that the USA was financing the radio st.] ('Al-Urdun', Amman, in Arabic 8 Mar, via BBCM via AGDX)

JAPAN NHK Radio Japan Z97 in English as from April 1st, but relay changes from March 30th onwards. Newly introduced services: 0600-0700 9835 & 12030 kHz to NoAM, 15230 to Hawaii and WeAM, to EUR via UK 5975 & 7230 kHz. At 1700-1800 UTC 7110 kHz also via UK. 2100-2200 UTC 13630 kHz to NoAM. English GS schedule changes: Usual Sackville-CAN 5960 kHz time shift to 0100-0200 UTC (from April 7th). UK Skelton change 0500-0600 UTC 7230 (x6150). 0500-0530 UTC 13630 & 15230 (x9835&12000) kHz. Moyabi-GAB relay 0700-0800 UTC 15230 (x15165) kHz. GS deleted at 0300-0400, 1400-1500, and 2300-2400 UTC. (NHK RJ Media RoundUp, Mar 16)

KAZAKHSTAN/UKRAINE Today I heard the German progr of Radio Kazakhstan Almaty at 1120 UTC. At the end they gave their German schedule as: Tue-Fri at 1120-1140 UTC, Sat/Sun at 1100-1120 UTC on 9620 and 11840 kHz, via Kiev Browary UKR relay. No mentioning of Monday. (Erik Koie-DEN, Mar 12) Spurious signal of Browary 11840 kHz 25 kHz away, on 11815 & 11865 kHz observed today Mar 16th. English on Suns at about 1030-1100 UTC, German 1100-1120, Russian 1120-1200 UTC. (WB Mar 16)

KOREA P.D.R. 3560 kHz R Pyongyang at 1710-1725 UTC. Mx, political talk in English. This freq is used irregularly as a backup feeder. BTW, if anyone having trouble QSLing R Pyongyang, I will help forward your reports via Japan. Write to (Ashimori-JAP, via Cumbre Dx, March 6) 5700 kHz Regarding the recently reported new freq of Pyongyang, it is in actuality 2x2850 kHz. Many North Korean txs produce powerful harmonics, eg 12200 kHz and 18300 (2x, 3x 6100), 12500 and 18750 (2x, 3x 6250), 12800 and 19200 (2x, 3x 6400) etc. are all loud and clear in Japan every day. (Ashimori-JAP, via Cumbre Dx, March 6/13)

LIBYA 500 kW unit tests still around 0900-1000 UTC on 6155, 7120, 9705powerhouse (and [seemingly] very poor on 11805 & 11875 kHz). (WB, Mar 16)

PAKISTAN R.Pakistan noted on the new 7235v kHz (7231 ... 7237 etc) //v9516 kHz at 0030-0130 UTC in Hindi. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 15)

PARAGUAY noted on its frequ varying 31 mb channel, now on 9735.9 kHz (x9737), observed here in EUR around 0000-0015 UTC, in Spanish of course. (WB Mar 14)

PHILIPPINES Revised sked for Radyo Pilipinas, Manila: English 0230-0330 UTC 11885 15120 15270 kHz; Filipino 0330-0400 UTC 13720 15330 17730 kHz; 1730-1930 UTC 11815 15190 kHz. Address: Bureau of Broadcast Services, Office of Press Secretary, Philippines Broadcast Service, 4th Floor, Media Centre Bldg, Visayas Avenuer, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1100. Tel: 920 3963; FAX 924 2745. (Lucio Coceani-AUS, via EDXP, Mar 5)

RUSSIA Voice of Russia in German, Z97 periode till Sept 30th: 0900-1000 15455, 12010, 11745, 1323, 693 1000-1100 Wachenbrunn 1323, Berlin Uhlenhorst 693 kHz only. 1500-1600 12010, 11980, 9720, 7280, 1386, 1323, 1215, 693 1600-1700 11980, 9720, 9450, 1386, 1323, 1215, 693 1700-1800 12010, 11980, 9720, 9450, 7310, 7280, 1386, 1323, 1215, 693 1800-1900 11980, 9720, 9450, 7310, 1386, 1323, 1215, 693 (VoR FAX, Mar 12)

DW Z97 via Russian SW tx sites: RUSSISCH GRIGORIOP 1500 1600 999 500 0ND URS RUSSISCH GRIGORIOP 1800 1900 999 500 0ND URS ENGLISCH IRKUTSK 0900 0950 12055 250 110 CHN JAPAN. IRKUTSK 1230 1300 12055 250 110 FE RUSSISCH IRKUTSK 1900 2100 7255 200 083 URS ARABISCH KRASNODAR 1300 1600 12015 500 188 ME TUERK. KRASNODAR 1600 1650 1170 600 210 SEUR/ME PERSISCH KRASNODAR 1700 1750 7305 200 147 ME BENGALI NOVOSIBIRSK 0100 0150 12045 1000 180 SAS CHINES. NOVOSIBIRSK 1000 1050 15610 200 111 FE DEUTSCH NOVOSIBIRSK 1000 1200 12000 1000 085 FE DEUTSCH NOVOSIBIRSK 1200 1400 12000 1000 085 FE CHINES. NOVOSIBIRSK 1330 1355 9450 200 111 FE URDU NOVOSIBIRSK 1430 1515 9875 1000 195 SAS HINDI NOVOSIBIRSK 1515 1600 9875 1000 195 SAS ENGLISCH NOVOSIBIRSK 1600 1650 9875 500 195 SAS DEUTSCH NOVOSIBIRSK 2200 0000 7340 1000 085 FE INDONES. NOVOSIBIRSK 2200 2250 7140 1000 145 SEAS RUSSISCH PETROPAVL.K.0000 0100 12045 250 263 URS CHINES. PETROPAVL.K.1000 1050 9450 200 263 FE CHINES. PETROPAVL.K.1330 1355 5895 200 263 FE RUSSISCH SAMARA 0000 0100 5925 200 117 URS ENGLISCH SAMARA 0200 0250 12045 250 140 SAS PERSISCH SAMARA 0900 0950 12045 200 188 ME DEUTSCH SAMARA 1400 1600 12055 250 140 SEUR RUSSISCH SAMARA 1500 1900 9800 200 117 URS DEUTSCH SAMARA 1600 1800 9835 250 199 ME DEUTSCH SAMARA 1600 1800 12055 250 140 ME PERSISCH SAMARA 1700 1750 5935 250 188 ME DEUTSCH SAMARA 1800 2000 9835 250 199 ME RUMAEN. SAMARA 1900 2000 9470 200 246 EUR RUSSISCH VLADIVOSTOK 0000 0100 12065 200 320 URS (DW schedule)

SLOVAKIA AWR has resumed the evening English transmissions from Rimavska Sobota-SVK, but is now only 30 mins 2100-2130 UTC on 6055 kHz incl. AWR Wavescan on Suns. Wavescan is now heard Suns at 0500 UTC on 5905 kHz, previously during the second half hour of this transmission. (Mike Barraclough-UK, in Mar "WDXC Contact")

AWR-Europe is testing on 13680 kHz 1400-1430 UTC English, and 1430-1500 UTC Punjabi to India replacing 9465 kHz as from 7th March.

>From March 30th evening transmission to SoAsia is: 0130 Nep 9465 95 degrees 0200 Pun 11610 95 0230 Hin 11610 95 0300 Urd 11610 95 0330 Eng 11610 95 0400 Far 13715 95

1330 Dari 13580 95 SUN only 1430 Nep 13580 95 1500 Pun 13580 95 1530 Hin 13580 95 1600 Urd 13580 95 1630 Eng 11600 95 1700 Far 11600 95 (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 15)

SWAZILAND/SOUTH AFRICA TWR SWZ Z97 schedule, til Oct 26: 3200 0300-0330 Ndebele Zimbabwe 35 3 3200 0400-0430 German Southern Africa 25 233 3200 0430-0600 English Southern Africa 25 233 3200 1630-1700 German South Africa 50 233 3200 1730-1745 Fri Sotho Southern Africa 50 233 3200 1730-1745 Sat+Sun Pedi Southern Africa 50 233 3200 1745-1800 Mon-Fri English Southern Africa 50 233 3200 1800-2015 English Southern Africa 50 233 3240 0300-0345 Shona Zimbabwe 25 3 3240 1600-1630 Tshwa Mozambique 25 3 3240 1630-1645 Shangaan Mozambique 25 3 3240 1800-1830 Ndebele Zimbabwe 25 3 3240 1830-1900 Shona Zimbabwe 25 233 3240 1900-1915 Ndau Zimbabwe 25 233 4760 0300-0330 Swahili East Africa 100 13 4760 0330-0345 Sat Swahili East Africa 100 13 4775 0400-0430 German Namibia 50 313 4775 0430-0600 English Southern Africa 25 233 4775 0430-0805 English Southern Africa 50 233 5965 1600-1630 Tue Tumbuka Malawi 50 5 5965 1600-1630 exc.Tue Chewa Malawi 50 5 5965 1630-1658 Chewa Malawi 50 5 5965 1700-1800 Swahili East Africa 100 13 5965 1800-1815 Sat+Sun Swahili East Africa 100 13 6040 0400-0430 Chewa Malawi 100 13 6040 0430-0500 Tue+Fri Tumbuka Malawi 100 13 6040 0430-0500excTu+Fr Chewa Malawi 100 13 6100 0400-0415 Lomwe North Mozambiqu 25 3 6100 0600-0700 English Cape 25 233 6115 1845-1900 Umbundu Angola 100 313 6115 1900-1915 Mon+Tue PortuguesAngola 100 313 6115 1900-1915 Sat LunyanekaAngola 100 313 6115 1900-1915 Wed-Fri KiKongo Angola 100 313 6115 1900-1930 Sun PortuguesAngola 100 313 6115 1915-1930 Sat Luchazi Angola 100 313 6115 1915-1945 Mon-Fri PortuguesAngola 100 313 6115 1930-1945 Sat Kafunga Angola 100 313 6115 1930-1945 Sun Chokwe Angola 100 313 6115 1945-2000 Kimbundu Angola 100 313 6115 2000-2005 Mon-Fri PortuguesAngola 100 313 7175 1440-1510 French Madagascar 100 53 7175 1510-1555 MalagacheMadagascar 100 53 7315 1420-1425 Mon-Fri PortuguesN. Mozambique 50 3 7315 1440-1510 PortuguesN. Mozambique 50 3 7315 1510-1525 Makua N. Mozambique 50 3 7315 1525-1540 Lomwe N. Mozambique 50 3 7315 1540-1555 Mon-Thu Lomwe N. Mozambique 50 3 9500 0505-0805 English South. Centr. AF 100 005 9500 1540-1555 Sun+Fri Tigrinya Ethiopia 100 13 9500 1600-1830 English Central Africa 100 5 9525 1900-1930 Lingala Zaire 100 343 9525 1930-2000 French Zaire 100 343 9525 2000-2015 Sat+Sun French Zaire 100 343 9650 0605-0805 English Cape 25 233 15195 1400-1415 Urdu Pakistan 100 43

In June, July, and Aug, German will be on MW 1170 kHz instead of 3200 kHz at 0400-0430 UTC. No Tswana, Zulu, Kinyarwanda language progrs anymore via TWR Manzini. More directional instead of nondir antennas are in use. 100 kW unit is now in use for Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, and Madagascar.

TWR Manzini via Meyrton-RSA relay Z97 schedule: 7215 0333-0404 Mon-Wed English Ethiopia/Eritrea 500 20 7215 0333-0404 Thu+Fri Oromo Ethiopia/Eritrea 500 20 7215 0333-0404 Sat+Sun Amharic Ethiopia/Eritrea 500 20 7215 2100-2130 Arabic WeAF 500 335 7215 2130-2145 Sun Arabic WeAF 500 335 7265 1528-1543 Yao Kenya 250 19 7265 1543-1558 Sena Kenya 250 19 9650 1640-1655 Somali Somalia 500 5 9850 1600-1630 Kirundi CeAF 250 19 9850 1630-1700 Mon Borana CeAF 250 19 9850 1630-1700 Tue-Sun Oromo Ethiopia/Eritrea 250 19 9850 1700-1730 Tigrinya Ethiopia/Eritrea 250 19 9850 1730-1800 Amharic Ethiopia/Eritrea 250 19 9850 1810-1825 Sat KinyarwanCeAF 250 7 9510 1830-1900 Nupe WeAF 500 313 9510 1900-1930 Yoruba WeAF 500 330 9510 1930-2000 Fulani WeAF 500 330 9510 2000-2030 Hausa WeAF 500 330 9510 2030-2057 Twi WeAF 500 330 11730 0600-0657 English WeAfrica 500 320 (TWR SWZ schedule)

TAIWAN Domestic: Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC). BCC networks 1 and 2 announce as "Chung-Kuo Kuang-Po Kung-Su" . BCC Popular music network announces as "Chung-Kuang Liu-Hsin Wang". Address: 53 Jen'ai Road, Sec 3, Taipei 10628, Taiwan. Tel: +886-277-10151 Fax: +886-275-19277

BCC NETWORK 1 Taipei 0000-0330 Chinese 11725 15270. 0330-0530 9610. 0530-0900 9610 11725. 0900-1400 11725. 1400-1700 11725. 2100-2200 11725. 2200-0000 9610 11725 15270.

BCC POPULAR MUSIC NETWORK, Taipei 0000-0700 Chinese 9280 11885-(unconfirmed) 15125. 0700-1700 15125. 2100-0000 11885-(unconfirmed), 15125. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 11)

TAJIKISTAN Radio Voice of Free Tajikistan to change frequency, bc the following announcement on 11th March: "Dear listeners, a change will be introduced in the bcing of our progrs fr Sat 16th March this year. You will hear the 0300 UTC progr on 49 mb SW, 5965 kHz. 0600 UTC progr will be bc as usual on 41 mb SW, 7100 kHz. (Voice of Free Tajikistan, Mar 11, via BBCM via AGDX)

USA MONITOR RADIO WEB SITE This web site of the "Christian Science Monitor" has a section devoted to their International SW operations WSHB, Cypress Creek USA, and KHBI, Saipan. It is very nicely done and contains schedules by region, as well as Technical descriptions, including pictures, maps and antenna bearings, of the WSHB and KHBI facilities. Also listed is the of staff at each facility, including e-mail address. This gives one an idea of what staff it takes to run operations such as these. It also has a section to submit a RR for a QSL. It includes a handy on-line form for your report! You can access the days news stories as well as archives. (Dan Ziolkowski-USA, via EDXP, Mar 7)

World Voice of Historic Adventism, Greenbush, ME 9930 kHz 2010 UTC religious radioplay, 2100 UTC ID. World International Broadc., Red Lion, PA 11740 kHz 2007 UTC reli-pop song. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Mar 10)

The Stocks and Funds network was still not on the air in March. In Febr the company has not registered with the Atlanta Business Licencing Dept. Jerry Hoffman, station owner, was given a two year prison sentence in 1971 for a $1 million fraud involving mortgage payments and barred from security actions in New York. He was declared bankrupt four years later. The company was evicted Jan 15th from studios at the Protestant Media Centre by court order for non payment of rent. Hoffman claimed Febr 20th they would be on the air in "a couple of weeks". (RNMN via Mar WDXC Contact)

VOA is now using Hindi at 0030-0100 UTC on 6170 7295(x9650) 9650-THA (x11835) kHz. The new 7295 kHz is co-channeled by Radio Malaysia and also often by PAK 7290 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 15)

External Radio Free Asia is a US government sce aimed at Burma, Cambodia, China, NoKorea, Laos, Tibet and Vietnam. It is overseen by the Bcing Board of Governors. It began bcing at 2300 UTC on 30th Sept 1996. RFA uses International Bcing Board txs in Delano (USA) as well as hired facilites in Palau (KHBN), Saipan (Mariana Islands), Tajikistan and elsewhere(!). Address: Suite 300, 2025 M Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA. Tel: +1-202-530-4900 Fax: +1-202-457-6996 URL: http://www.rfa.org

Radio Free Asia launches Korean sce. On 4th March, NoKorea will hear its first bc of Radio Free Asia (RFA). The RFA Korea progr will be transmitted daily from Washington and heard in Korea from 7-8 am and from 12.30-1.30 am. In its first bc, Richard Richter, president of RFA, will send a message articulating RFA's mission - "our goal is to inform, not to preach. We will report about all kinds of events, subjects, and people. We intend to be interesting, hopefully sometimes entertaining." As in all its language sces, RFA's Korea sce will provide in-depth reporting on in-country nx. some world nx will be provided but only when it directly affects Korea. Nx, nx analysis, expert reporting and letter reading to relatives in North Korea will be the primary focus of the new Korean sce which will follow an open format for now to allow for optimal flexibility. The initial bc of RFA's Korean sce will provide the first of a special two-part series on the food crisis in NoKorea, reporting on the shortage itself. The second part will be bc on 5th March looking at the response of internat food aid donors. The series will include interviews with UNs organizations and NoKorea experts.

Established in March 1996, RFA began Mandarin bcs at the end of Sept, Tibetan in Dec 1996, and Burmese & Vietnamese in early Febr 1997. RFA is a private corporation which is funded by grants authorized by Congress to bc to China, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Tibet, Vietnam and NoKorea. Its mission, as defined by Section 309 of the 1994 International Bcing Act, is "to provide accurate and timely information, nx, and commentary about events in the respective countries of Asia and elsewhere; and to be a forum for a variety of opinions and voices from within Asian nations whose people do not fully enjoy freedom of expression." VoA's "Communications World" progr reported that RFA's new Korean sce was being bc at 2200-2300 UTC 7530, 9455 & 9650 kHz; 1530-1630 UTC on 7520, 9955 & 11600 kHz [but heard testing on 11705 kHz also, ed]. (RFA Febr 28, BBCM via AGDX, Mar 11)

VIETNAM 4678.5 1124 Hanoi OM & YL anncrs in VV //10060, 20/2. (Foster/OZDX) Also at 0928 on same freq, 22/2. (Martin/OZDX) 5597.5 1218 Lao Cai. Unaccompanied chants, 16/2. //6701.4. Also 1305 on 9/2 relaying Hanoi //10059 & 4657.7. (Martin/OZDX) 5864.5 1501 Hanoi. Distorted mess on this NF, jamming RFA 16/2.//5925 & 10059 till 1511* (Vitek/ OZDX) 6549 1034 Unid Viet. Tx in VV 19/2, 1 kHz down from and weaker than Beijing 6550. Next day *1030. If this is Cao Bang it's signing on 1.5 hours earlier. (Foster/OZDX) 6702.4 1045 Lao Cai. Unaccompanied vocals //weak 5597.4, 19/2. (Foster/OZDX) 15010 Voice of Vietnam *1230 s/on EG svc w/o any IS. Opening ancmts by W, advance of prgm contents and news. Fair and fluttery sigs. (Nigro, Mar 2, - all via DXW)

ZAMBIA Roger Stubbe of HCJB shed some light on plans for an expansion of the st's bcing activities in Africa in an interview with Ken MacHarg of the 'DX-Partyline' on 1/3. He said that an application was 'pending' for a 'middle-sized' st in Zambia. Possible languages for the st incl Portug, English, French and possibly some Spanish as well as vernaculars. However, we shouldn't hold our breath - Stubbe indicated - that things are moving very slowly, probably because of local sensitivities about basing an international SW st in the country. Although the privately-run 'Christian Voice' is already operating, its primary audience is domestic with progrs in English only. Stubbe made reference to an application by another organisation in another country which had been in the works for some five years, and was still unresolved. (Matt Francis-AUS, via EDXP, Mar 6)

Time flies - from recent EDXP - Electronic DX Press:

ROBERT JONES, (Sydney, New South Wales): This is the 30th anniversary of our cooperation in DXing, I joined the ARDXC in Febr 1967 when I read that you had taken it over! I was familiar with your name, at that time, as you were a contributor to the fortnightly :"World Radio Bulletin, put out by the World Radio Handbook (now WRTH). Before then, I was not a member any DX Club and I did not write anything, although had been a regular SW listener since I was 14, December 1948. Before the WRH bulletin, I relied upon "Radio and Hobbies" magazine and the Radio Australia DX show "DXers Calling", as well as my own listening observations.

"London Calling" was published six weeks in advance and came weekly by surface mail. The VOA had a bi-monthly colored progran booklet which was discontinued at the end of the Truman democratic administration in early 1953. There were also big cuts in VOA progrs at that time and the VOA txs KGEI, KWID, and KWIX were also closed at Can San Francisco of KGEI of course continued under private ownership. Radio Australia was taken over by the ABC from the Dept of Information in April 1950. Where will we go now? In 1954, we had the very low sunspot minimum number of 3.4 in April. I would guess that thousands of SW listeners gave up altogether that year because of the poor reception conditions. Four years later we had the opposite extreme, with the record high (201) solar cycle, and in the last 20 years, we have experienced the 2nd and 3rd highest cycles (in that order), which have, in my opinion, contributed to the increased popularity of SW listening in the 1980's. (EDXP, Mar 5)

OLAV GRIMDALEN, (Oslo, Norway, Norwegian Telecommunications Authority): The High Frequency Coordination Conference (HFCC) took place in Istanbul-TUR, fr 3-7 Febr. It was impossible to find free frequs in the 6 MHz band, and 7 MHz proved easier as we were able to use the extended bands. Istanbul was an interesting city with 11 million people. The Conference was held during Ramadan - every day canons were fired to remind people when they should eat and so it. In the beginning the shots were a bit scary but we got used to is. Istanbul was a fine city with many ancient buildings and interesting scenes. The Grand Bazaar was very impressive. The next frequency coordination meeting for the winter season 97/98 will be in Poland, in the first week of August. (EDXP, Feb 27)

SHORTWAVE RECEIVERS PAST AND PRESENT - COMMUNICATION RECEIVERS 1945-1996. Second Edition, by Fred Osterman. ISBN 1-882123-06-9. 350 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches. Published by Universal Radio Research. Retail price: US$19.95.

This book is promoted as a comprehensive guide to over 500 SW txs manufactured in the last 50 years. Tabletop (non-portable) general coverage, SW, amateur and speciality rxs are featured. It is designed for the radio collector, the informed rx buyer, or anyone interested in the history and development of SW radios. Over 500 rxs from 60 American and international manufacturers are featured, with commentary on an additional 400 variants. Entry information incudes: rx type, date sold, photograph, size and weight, feature reviews, specifications, new and used prices, variants, value rating, and availability. The data is arranged in alphabetical order of manufacturer.

This book is a heavy tome, weighing in at nearly 2 kg! There has been an enormous effort in researching the material, much of it historical, and photographs of many entries were obtained from early promotional information and specification brochures, enhanced for this work. The manual also discusses buying used rxs, sources, comparisons between tube and solid state gear, restoration, and testing.

A classification is given to each rx: SW bc rx, general coverage bc rx, general coverage communications rx, amateur band communications rx, fixed channel communications rx, marine band communications rx, or kit assembled.

American manufacturers dominate (as would be expected), and the author explains that coverage of European-made sets has been strengthened since the first edition. We also learn about several "rxs that never were" (which didn't make it to the production lines!). Some of these were merely advertising prototypes, with no operating systems, and usually with knobs glued on.

Data for each rx includes features, specifications, circuit complement, accessories, voltages, readout type, physical, manufacturer status, rarity, and sources of reviews. New and used prices (in American dollars) are shown. A rating system gives comparative assessments for each rx, with five stars representing excellent value, down to one star, poor value. Two rxs popular in Australia in the late 1970s are the National-Panasonic DR-49 (RF-4900), rated as three stars and priced at US$180 used, and the Sony ICF-6800W, given a four star rating, and with a used value of US$270-360.

A useful glossary of references is provided, advising us of a number of other publications where we can read about rx reviews, learn about restoration techniques, historical development, and modifications.

An excellent technical introduction into specification measurement is given, which discusses sensitivity, stability, selectivity, and image rejection. >From an Australian perspective, it's interesting to reflect that during the 1950's, many ex-military, war-surplus communications equipments flowed onto the Australian market. These included the well known Marconi CR10 (B28) (originally manufactured for the British Navy in the 1940's), and the Murphy B40. These are not included, probably because they were not readily available in North America. The author acknowledges the omission of the CR00, and seeks information from readers on that model, and its variants.

One of the first commercial general coverage communications rxs to be offered in Australia was the Trio 9R59, in 1961, nine tubes, single conversion, with bandspread 80- 10 metres. We are informed that his model was the first to be manufactured by Trio in Japan. We learn that Trio manufactured rxs under the Lafayette label, such as the popular HA-225, which appeared in Australia in 1965. Data for those rxs is amply provided. We read abut Eddystone, Hallicrafters, National, Drake, Racal, Yaesu, to name only a few!

This book has a tremendous amount of information, clearly requiring meticulous and painstaking research and study in a very complex field. The author acknowledges the assistance extended from several organizations and colleagues, and indicates that work is underway in preparation of a third edition, with possibly a new publication covering portable rxs from 1945 until the present.

We are reminded that SW rxs have a long product life and do not become obsolete after five or even ten years, unlike computers and other consumer electronic items. We are also invited to consider the excellent value which can be realized by purchasing used SW radio, particularly solid state gear manufactured in the past twenty years. The author suggests that problems of tube aging, heat and wear are not factors with these sets and that purchasing a quality used solid state SW radio can afford substantial savings with no loss in performance.

It's also suggested that most tube-type sets are mainly sought by collectors, rather than listeners. We are informed that whilst some tube models still perform very well, these radios are generally best left for the collectors.

In my dual role as a practising Professional communications engineer, and as a monitoring hobbyist of some 45 years, I regard this reference as an excellent work - accurate, topical, relevant and useful. It's printed on high-quality, glossy stock, and will obviously endure for a great many years! It represents very good value, and I'm sure that it will be seen at innumerable Hamfests, SWL conventions, and Field Days in the months to come! It's available from Universal Radio, Inc, 6830 Americana Parkway, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-4113, USA. (BP, in EDXP, Mar)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected]

Murphy's Law Of DX #3: Ever hear of a DXer who found a new station/country on SW and shared this information with the DX community only to be the one NOT to receive his QSL?! (Lobdell via Cumbre Dx)

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 298 22 Mar 1997 ______

ALBANIA R Tirana ext sce in German was off on March 13-14, peak of civil unrest in Albania. Dom sce 6100 kHz, and TWR relay 1395 kHz at 2000 UTC on basic schedule. March 12th on full schedule. Also back since March 15th. (Kai Ludwig-D, Hans-Joachim Brustmann-D, Mar 14)

7160 kHz //6140. Tirana at 0230 UTC opening with "Hello and welcome back to this English bc. We resume our bcs in English after several days suspension because of the troubles affecting Albania recently." The schedule was announced in CET. In UTC, it is valid until 31 March: 1715-1730 7155 6185; 1930-2000 7170 6270 1458; 0145-0200 7160 6115; and 0230-0300 7160 and 6140. The signal on 6140 was being squeezed by interference, but 7160 was quite good. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Mar 17)

Just heard at 1730 UTC, Italian on 1458 & 7170. Albanian 1500-1800 1215 5985 7270. Also German at 1830-1900 on 1458 6270 7270 kHz. Optimistic voice by female reader. ed. Mar 18

AUSTRIA ORF Vienna summer schedule from March 30 - Oct 25:

EUR 0400-2300 6155 1800-2300 5945 SOEaEUR 0400-0800 13730 NoEUR 0800-1100 13730 WeEUR 1100-1400 13730 SoWeEUR 1400-1800 13730

NoAM 0000-0300 9655 1100-1400 13730 0500-0700 6015 via RCI Sackville relay CeAM 0200-0400 9870 SOAM 2300-0200 9870 0000-0400 13730

WeAF 1400-1800 13730 SoAF 1900-2300 13730

NE 0500-0800 15410, 17870 1500-1900 11855 new 1800-1900 13730

SoAS/SoEaAS 1500-1800 13710 FE 0900-1200 15455 retimed AUS/PAC 0800-1100 17870

DX-PROGRAMME NEW "Intermedia" - Medienmagazin in German Fri 1605, 2105 Sat 0105, 0405, 0805, 1105 Sun 2005

DX-Telegramm in German Sun 0525, 0855, 1225, 1555, 1725, 1925, 2225 Mon 0025, 0225

Flash des Ondes in French Sat 1130, 1730, 2030 Sun 0730

Magazine "Report from Austria" daily in English to EUR, at 0430 & 1730 UTC via ASTRA 1B, 11.538 GHz, 7.38 MHz.

Magazine "Report from Austria" daily in English to Americas, at 0230 & 1630 UTC on WORLD RADIO NETWORK (WRN) via GALAXY 5, 3.820 GHz, 6.8 MHz.

Magazine "Report from Austria" daily in English to Africa, at 0430 and 1430 UTC, and Mon-Fri at 0030 UTC, via INTELSAT 707 (1 West) 3915 MHz, Circular Pol, MPEG2 (single channel) Audio 8 (8.022 Mbaud symbol rate & 3/4 FEC).

Magazine "Report from Austria" daily in English to Asia & AUS/PAC, at 0430 and 1430 UTC, and Mon-Fri at 0030 UTC, via ASIASAT 2(100,5 East) 4000 MHz, Vertical Pol, MPEG2, DVB (multiple channel bouquet, 28.125 Mbaud symbol rate & 3/4 FEC) Audio 7 ("Services"). (Radio OEsterreich International)

BRAZIL v11814.97 kHz Radio Brasil Central, Goiania at 2018-2028 UTC. Portuguese ID at tune-in, advertisements, song. Strong signal. v11854.9 kHz Radio Aperecida, Aperecida; at 2030-2040 UTC Portuguese talk, mx bridges, slow songs, tentative ID. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 17)

DENMARK I have now added a Web page in DANISH about the HFCC in Istanbul in Febr. Although in Danish, I hope you'll like to photos. The first one shows the Danish/Norwegian delegation. From the left: Bjorn Schionning, Radio Denmark - Erik Koie, Radio Denmark - Ib Lavrsen, Tele Denmark (=Telecom) - Olav Grimdalen, Norway. The Radio Denmark URL to access is: http://www.dr.dk/rdk At the same time you can have a look at our Z97 schedule - in English. (Sunday greetings from Erik Koie-DEN, Mar 16, )

KOREA RKI Seoul changes in English sce periode Z97 from March 30th, relay site changes only. Schedule of direct bcs fr Seoul tx remaining same. At present, Skelton relay 3970 kHz at 1930 UTC comes in rather poorly, suffering severe interference by nearby RFI in French via Issoudun 3965 kHz seemingly with 500 kW of power. Had to use small 2.7 kHz rx filter to separate each other.

RKI via Skelton will be retimed from 1930 to 2100-2130 UTC, still on 3970 kHz. Sackville 1130 UTC to be retimed at 1030-1100 UTC on 11715 (x9650) kHz then. (RKI Feedback, Mar 16)

RUSSIA/MALTA 7440 kHz //12060. Voice of Mediterranean. Almost non-stop MOR mx 2035 UTC, English ID with schedule 2055, announcing 2000-2200 UTC, then into French 2058, German after 2130 UTC. There was no "DX Mailbag", purported to be aired in the last 15 mins of the English release. 7440 kHz was fair to good, S9; 12060 kHz not as strong, poor to fair, S3. (Sundstrom-NJ, Mar 16)

SPAIN The new printed sched J97 by Secretaria Technica y de Programmas of Radio Exterior de Espana - REE is valid fr March til Sept 97:

EUR 1730-1800Mon 6125 50 G 1800-1900M-F 6125 50 F 2000-2100M-F 6125 38 E 2200-2300S+S 6125 38 E 1700-2100S+S 6140 0 Sp 1700-2200Sat 6140 0 Sp 0500-0700 7275 50 Sp 0700-0800* 7275 50 Sp 1700-2300 7275 50 Sp 0900-1700Sun 9620 0 Sp 1700-1730M-F 9620 50 R 0500-0700 11920 50 Sp 0700-0800# 11920 50 Sp 0700-1700 12035 60 Sp

Orient (ME) 1900-2000 6045 98 F 2000-2200 6045 98 Ar 2200-2300 6045 98 Sp 1825-1855Mon 6130 98 Sefardi 0500-0700 11890 98 Sp 0900-1400* 15110 110 Sp 1400-1700 15110 110 Sp 1700-1900 15110 110 Ar 0900-1400# 17890 110 Sp

NoAF 1900-2000 7270 170 F 2000-2200 7270 170 Ar 2200-2300 7270 170 Sp 2300-0500 9620 230 Sp 2300-0200 11945 230 Sp

CeAF 0900-1600 17755 161 Sp 1700-1900 17755 161 Sp

Guinea Equat 1600-1700 17755 161 Sp 1600-1700M-S15210 161 Sp

AF 1900-2000 7270 170 F 2000-2100M-F11775 170 E 2200-2300S+S11775 170 E

SoAM 0100-0400T-S 3210 nd. Sp 1100-1400*MF 3210 nd. Sp 1100-1400# 5970 nd. Sp 1400-1800*S+S5970 nd. Sp 1800-0000* 5970 nd. Sp 0000-0100*S+M5970 nd. Sp 0100-0400T-S 5990 nd. Sp 0100-0400T-S 5970 nd. Sp 2300-0500 6125 242 Sp 2300-0500 9620 230 Sp 1400-1800# 9745 248 Sp 1800-0000 9745 248 Sp 0000-0100S+M 9745 248 Sp 0115-0145 11775 248 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed?) 1100-1400M-F11815 248 Sp 1300-1800S+S11815 248 Sp 1800-2000#SS11815 248 Sp 2000-2200#Sa11815 248 Sp 2200-0000 11815 248 Sp 0000-0100S+M11815 248 Sp 1800-1900* 11945 230 Sp 2300-0200 11945 230 Sp 1700-1800 15380 248 Sp 0900-1800 17715 230 Sp 1800-1900# 17715 230 Sp 1200-1800#MF17805 248 Sp 1800-2000#SS17805 248 Sp 2000-2200#Su17805 248 Sp 1800-2200 17870 230 Sp 1200-1800* 21570 248 Sp

CeAM 0100-0400T-S 3210 nd. Sp 1100-1400*MF 3210 nd. Sp 1100-1400# 5970 nd. Sp 1400-1800*S+S5970 nd. Sp 1800-0000* 5970 nd. Sp 0000-0100*S+M5970 nd. Sp 0100-0400T-S 5990 nd. Sp 0100-0400T-S 5970 nd. Sp 2300-0500 6125 290 Sp 2300-0500 9540 272 Sp 1100-1400M-F 9630 290 Sp 1900-2300* 9630 290 Sp 1400-1800# 9745 290 Sp 1800-0000 9745 290 Sp 0000-0100S+M 9745 290 Sp 0115-0145 11775 248 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed?) 1100-1400M-F11815 nd. Sp 1300-1800S+S11815 nd. Sp 1800-0000 11815 nd. Sp 0000-0100S+M11815 nd. Sp 1400-1800S+S11880 290 Sp 2200-0000 11880 290 Sp 0000-0100S+M11880 290 Sp 1900-2300# 15110 290 Sp 1200-1800# 17805 248 Sp 1800-2000S+S17805 248 Sp 2000-2200Sun17805 248 Sp 1800-2200 17870 230 Sp 1200-1800* 21570 248 Sp

NoAM 0100-0400 5990 nd. Sp 2300-2400 6055 290 F 0000-0200 6055 290 E 0200-0500 6055 290 Sp 0500-0556 6055 290 E 2300-0500 9540 272 Sp 0415-0445 9690 290 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed?) 1100-1400M-F 9630 290 Sp 1900-2300* 9630 290 Sp 1300-1800S+S11815 nd. Sp 1800-0000 11815 nd. Sp 0000-0100S+M11815 nd. Sp 1900-2300# 15110 290 Sp

PAC 0500-0700 9650, 9760 260 Sp to AUS 1000-1200 9620 102 Sp to JAP (via Beijing - CHN) 1200-1400 11910 138 Sp to PHL (via Xian - CHN)

* til May 3rd - # May 4th - Sept 6th Addr: Radio Exterior de Espana, Apdo. de Correos 156.202, 28.080 - Madrid, Spain. Fax: +34-1-3461815. For transmissions of REE via Cariari, Costa Rica. (REE printed schedule)

SRI LANKA DW Trincomalee Z97 schedule: RUSSISCH 0000-0059 9640 250 015 RUS RUSSISCH 0000-0059 11705 250 025 RUS DEUTSCH 0000-0200 9795 250 345 SAS BENGALI 0100-0150 1548 400 035 SAS BENGALI 0100-0150 9615 250 015 SAS BENGALI 0100-0150 11965 250 015 SAS ENGLISCH 0200-0250 1548 400 035 SAS ENGLISCH 0200-0250 9615 250 015 SAS ENGLISCH 0200-0250 11965 250 015 SAS DEUTSCH 0200-0300 9795 250 345 SAS ENGLISCH 0600-0650 17820 250 060 FE ENGLISCH 0600-0650 21680 250 300 ME DEUTSCH 0600-0800 21640 250 120 SEAS/OC DEUTSCH 0800-0955 21640 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISCH 0900-0950 17715 250 120 SEAS/OC PERSISCH 0900-0950 21695 250 300 ME CHINES. 1000-1050 15185 250 015 FE CHINES. 1000-1050 21640 250 060 FE DEUTSCH 1000-1200 1548 400 035 SAS DEUTSCH 1000-1200 17845 250 060 FE INDONES. 1100-1125 11705 250 105 SEAS INDONES. 1100-1125 17820 250 105 SEAS DEUTSCH 1200-1355 17845 250 060 FE DEUTSCH 1200-1400 1548 400 035 SAS JAPAN. 1230-1300 15225 250 025 CHN JAPAN. 1230-1300 17820 250 060 CHN CHINES. 1330-1355 11835 250 025 FE CHINES. 1330-1355 17820 250 060 FE INDONES. 1400-1425 9535 250 105 SEAS INDONES. 1400-1425 11865 250 105 SEAS DEUTSCH 1400-1600 9655 250 005 SAS URDU 1430-1515 1548 400 035 SAS URDU 1430-1515 6170 250 015 SAS URDU 1430-1515 7225 250 345 SAS HINDI 1515-1600 1548 400 035 SAS HINDI 1515-1600 6170 250 015 SAS HINDI 1515-1600 7225 250 345 SAS ENGLISCH 1600-1650 1548 400 035 SAS ENGLISCH 1600-1650 6170 250 015 SAS ENGLISCH 1600-1650 7225 250 345 SAS DEUTSCH 1600-1755 9655 250 005 SAS PERSISCH 1700-1750 9575 250 300 ME PERSISCH 1700-1750 11705 250 335 ME DEUTSCH 1700-1800 1548 400 035 SAS DEUTSCH 1800-2000 1548 400 035 SAS DEUTSCH 1800-2000 9655 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISCH 1900-1950 7250 250 255 AF ENGLISCH 1900-1950 9670 250 240 AF PORTUG. 2000-2050 7250 250 240 AF PORTUG. 2000-2050 9670 250 255 AF DEUTSCH 2000-2155 9655 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISCH 2100-2150 9670 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISCH 2100-2150 11785 250 120 SEAS/OC INDONES. 2200-2250 5980 250 105 SEAS DEUTSCH 2200-2355 9715 250 060 FE ENGLISCH 2300-2350 5980 250 015 SAS/SEAS ENGLISCH 2300-2350 7235 250 060 SAS/SEAS (DW)

SWITZERLAND SWISS RADIO INTERNATIONAL schedule M97.II / J97 / S97.I Effective Mar 30 - Oct 25, 1997 (R = Rumantsch Swiss Latin) LEK=Lenk, SBG= Schwarzenburg, SOT=Sottens

>>> Engineering schedule show JUL short sign, seems to be <<< >>> German Telekom tx site Juelich-GER, 100 kW. <<<

Relays: BJG = Beijing CHN, MSY = Montsinery GUF, JUL=Juelich

EUR 0400-0445 F 6165LEK 250 kW nd 9535SBG 150 kW 080 degr 0445 I, 0500 G, 0515 E, 0530 F, 0600 I, 0615 E, 0630-0700 F. 0630-1000 F 6165LEK 250 nd 1000-1030 E 6165LEK 250 nd 9535SBG 150 230 1030 G, 1100 F, 1130 I, 1200-1300 E 1300-1500 I 6165LEK 250 nd 1500-1800 G. 1700-1730 E 9905SBG 150 020 1730 G, 1800 I, 1830-1845 F 1800-1830 I 6165LEK 250 nd 1830 F, 1900 E, 1930-1950 Rumantsch

CeAM, NoAM Ea 0030-0315 6135SBG 150 305, 9885SOT 500 305 9905MSY 500 300, G,E,S,F,S,I

NoAM We 0330-0530 6135SBG 150 320, 9885SOT 500 315, G, E(30 mins), F, I 9905MSY 500 320, G, E 0400-0500 60 mins extended, I

AF 0600-0800 9885SBG 150 200, 11860SBG 150 185, 13635SOT 500 165 E,F,I,G

AUS 0830-1055 9885MSY 500 215, 13685SOT 500 260, 17715SBG 150 080 I,E,F,G,P

FE 1100-1245 13635SOT 500 050, 15415SBG 150 050, 17515SBG 150 065 E,F,G,I

FE 1300-1445 7480BJG 120 102 SoEaAS 1300-1445 7230BJG 120 217, 13635SOT 500 080, 15120SBG 150 080, E,F,I,G

SoAS 1500-1630 12075SBG 150 080, 13635SOT 500 090, 15530SBG 150 080, F,G,E

NE / EaAF 1645-1830 9885SBG 150 110, 12075SBG 150 125, 13635JUL 100 140, I,Ar,Ar,F,G

NoAF / NE 1845-2030 9885SBG 150 170, 12075SBG 150 110, 13635SOT 500 200, I,Ar,Ar,E

AF 2045-2200 9870SOT 500 165, 9885SBG 150 200, 9905MSY 500 115, 11640SBG 150 185, I,F,G

SoAM 2215-2400 9885SOT 500 230, 9905SBG 150 260, 11650MSY 500 175, F,G,I,S (SRI schedule, Mar 18)

USA WORLD OF RADIO update: we have some new times on WWCR, eff immediately. The entire schedule is: Thur 2130 UTC 15685 kHz, Sat 0630 5070 (NEW), Sat 1230 7435, Sat 1400 15685, Sun 0400 3215 (cancelled after March), Sun 0830 5070 (NEW), Sun 1000 3210, Mon 0030 5070, Tue 1330 15685. Note that starting April 6, all times shift one UTC hour earlier, but all the frequencies remain the same. (Glenn Hauser, March 19)

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Marie A. Lamb wrote: It's been changed again! And it has been changed yet again! This is the schedule as faxed to me by Joe Brashier at World Harvest Radio, and as posted on the World Wide Web page at http://www.whri.com or http://www.kwhr.com. via WHRI, Indiana: Fri 2330 5745 Eur/ME/Afr/NoAm Sat 0600 5760 same Sat 0600 7315 Americas Sat 1400 6040 Eur/ME/Afr/NoAm Sun 1730 13760 same Sun 1830 9495 Americas, new Sun 2300 5745 Eur/ME/Afr/NoAm via KWHR, Hawaii (to AS & PAC) Sat 0500 9930 Sun 1830 13625 Mon 0330 17510 (Marie Lamb, DXing with Cumbre, Mar 18)

HAWAII 9930 kHz KWHR is now airing Radio Free Asia in Vietnamese daily from 1400-1500 UTC. Due to heavy jamming, apparently from the Vietnamese government, RFA and KWHR monitors are having a hard time hearing KWHR's or anyone else's signal, especially in the Vietnam area. If anyone, especially those in nations in the area of Vietnam, can hear the above program, KWHR would appreciate them sending a reception report letter at the address given in Cumbre DX. We will QSL for the report. We know the signal from KWHR is strong enough to reach Vietnam; we just do not know if anyone is able to hear it due to jamming. (Brashier KWHR, via Lamb, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 17)

VENEZUELA 4900, 5100, 5200 kHz. YVTO, Caracas. Time pips and announcements, //to 5000 kHz but weaker. Hearing this 0300+ on both NRD-535D and HF-150. Tx must be having a problem. Dan Ferguson in Virginia also hearing this -- comparing notes via IRC -- and possible 5300 kHz. (Sundstrom-NJ, Mar 16)

I received an E mail from Richard Hillier of AOR UK (says your acting Editor), giving details of additions to the AR7030 which are shortly to be available. I quote:

NB7030 Notch filter / noise blanker / replacement CPU

The NB7030 will be an all-in-one option comprising three facilities in one: NOISE BLANKER, NOTCH FILTER and FEATURES CPU with added facilities. This option will fit internally with excellent integration for the operator.

>> First part: Audio notch filter - Used to remove annoying whistles when listening in AM, SSB, Data and CW modes. A specially designed 4th order notch shape makes the notch "easy to tune" (unlike some other notch filters on the market) while retaining great depth. Excellent integration provides enhanced features such as notch follow and auto search for tone.

Audio notch filter Tunable 200 Hz to 6 kHz Auto search for tone Auto fine tune / signal tracking Notch follow when tuning (SSB modes) Depth > 40dB 4th order notch (typ 50dB) Width > 10 Hz at -40dB (@ 1 kHz) < 100 Hz at -6dB (@ 1 kHz)

>> Second part: Impulse noise blanker. Useful for reducing ignition noise from passing motor vehicles etc. Switchable and adjustable threshold to ensure the highest performance is maintained. Unlike some other noise blankers, this option even works well in AM mode, not just SSB.

Impulse noise blanker Blanking periods Switchable AM/SYNC 8mS / 12mS Adjustable trigger threshold SSB/CW 1.5mS / 12 mS Two available blanking periods Operates in AM & SSB modes 15 kHz sensing

>> Third part: Enhanced CPU. Operators always want more... and YES, feature rich as it is already, it is possible to add even greater facilities to the AR7030. A replacement plug-in CPU with additional plug-in EEPROM will provide around 400 memory channels, each capable of retaining a 14 character alphanumeric text comment. When tuning across frequencies already stored in memory, the text display will be shown on the LCD for easy station identification. Multiple timers using data stored in memory allows multiple switch-on/off similar to a video recorder, ideal for unattended recording to tape.

The enhanced CPU will be supplied as part of the NB7030 option but as a by-product will be available separately to those who desire the additional functionality without the noise blanker or notch filter. This is referred to as the FEATURES CPU, part number FPU7030.

CPU Greater storage - plug in 400 memory channels 14 character alpha-tag per channel extra features excellent integration

NB7030 Expected "around" GBP 198.00 inc VAT Delivery early April'97 (Richard Hillier AOR, Mar 13, via DX-WINDOW 56b from DSWCI)


What is de AOR AR7030 Mailing List?

This is a free mailing list about the AOR AR7030 communications rx. Subscribers can discuss the receiver and its features, ask questions, give answers and exchange tips. The exchange of messages is a manual operation, which is done once or twice every day. Therefore, it can take a while before a message is send to other subscribers.

How can I subscribe to the list? It's very simple. Send a message to < [email protected] >, and put the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Leave the body of the message empty. In the future, it will be possible to subscribe from the infopage on the World Wide Web.

How can I contribute to the list? Send a message to < [email protected] >. Choose any subject you want (except for the commands subscribe, unsubscribe and help), and type your text in the message body.

How can I unsubscribe from the list? You can't. Why would you unsubscribe from a list that's about such a great receiver? :-) Just kidding! To unsubscribe, send a message to < [email protected] >, and put the word "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Leave the body of the message empty. In the future, it will be possible to unsubscribe from the infopage on the World Wide Web.

How can I get help? Send a message to [email protected], and put the word "help" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Leave the message body empty. You can also take a look at the AOR AR7030 Mailing List Info Page on the World Wide Web. The URL is: http://huizen.dds.nl/~veldhuis


SW st WRMI in Miami, Florida has received a construction permit for a new antenna beamed to North America.

The new antenna -- a rotatable log/yagi -- has two beam positions authorized by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. The first position is an azimuth of two degrees, which is centered on Toronto, Canada, and will cover eastern NoAM. The second position is an azimuth of 284 degrees, which is centered on the city of Hermosillo in northern Mexico. This position will cover western NoAM, roughly from Vancouver to Mexico City. Jeff White, WRMI general manager, says that work has already begun on the new antenna, and he's hopeful that it can be on the air within the next few months or so if all goes according to schedule. The FCC construction permit also allows WRMI to add a second 50,000-watt SW tx in the future. The first priority, however, according to White, is getting the new antenna up and operating. WRMI is currently operating a 50,000-watt SW tx on the frequency of 9955 kHz with a corner reflector antenna beaming 160 degrees from Miami towards the Caribbean and Latin America. With the addition of the new antenna, WRMI will be able to provide virtually complete primary coverage of the entire Western Hemisphere.

The st is owned by Radio Miami International, a privately-owned company which is not affiliated with any govt, political or religious organization. It sells airtime to a wide variety of clients who produce information, entertainment, political, religious, and cultural programming. e-mail: < [email protected] >

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 299 28 Mar 1997 ______

ALBANIA Radio Tirana announced on 20th Mar that the following summertime schedule for English bcs would come into effect on 30th Mar 1997 (all times UTC): 0145-0200 6115, 7160 kHz; 0230-0300 6140, 7160 kHz; 1845-1900 1458, 7270, 9570 kHz; 2100-2130 1395, 7110, 9515 kHz.

Albanian media behaviour. As the crisis across Albania deepened, the progrs of Radio Tirana's ext scee were unheard from 13th til 15th Mar. The English sce resumed on 17th Mar.

The Albanian first dom radio progr stayed on the air during the crisis and adhered to a normal txion sched on MW, but progrs were disrupted and SW txion was also interrupted. The second radio progr was not heard on MW 1458 or SW 6145 kHz for two days after it had reportedly acted independently and carried a news item that Pres Berisha had left the country. The second progr of Radio Tirana st was heard on SW again on 19th Mar.

TWR, which hires airtime on Albanian SW and MW txs, appeared to bc as normal apart from a brief disruption on 13th Mar. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 4 - 21)

Since Mar 18th in German again on 6270 and 7270 kHz, but silent on MW 1458 kHz. At 2000-2300 UTC Albanian ext.(!) sce on 1457.9 kHz //v6169.9 & v9739.9 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, Mar 22)

ALBANIA/USA VOA Express incl in special English bcs. For the benefit of Americans in Albania who might have to receive special instructions from the State Dept concerning a possible evacuation, VOA has added extra English txs. For the rest of you, these special txs give you an opportunity to hear VOA's new 24-hour English satellite network. This incl the VOA Express contemporary mx sce that has replaced VOA Europe. The schedule for these special VOA English txs to SoEUR is: 0700- 1300 UTC 15465 kHz Tangiers-MRC; 792 kHz MW Kavala-GRC, 2100-2130, 2230-2300 & 2330-0300 UTC; 1593 kHz MW Holzkirchen-GER 2300-0500 UTC. Listen soon. The evacuation appears to be nearly complete, so these txs may be very temporary. On 18th Mar VOA ended its extra English txs for Albania, plus a supplementary Albanian bc at 1200-1215 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 15/19/21)

AUSTRALIA Foreign interest in freqs if sces cut. Three world bcs have indicated they are keen to lease SW txion capacity into Asia if RA is forced to cut its bcs. RA's txion manager, Nigel Holmes, says the VoA, the BBC WS and Deutsche Welle have written to RA expressing interest in any spare SW txion capacity. Mr Holmes says this is despite claims by the min for communications, Senator R. Alston, that SW is becoming much less significant. Mr Holmes says at a time when Australia is considering closing its internat radio sce, other countries are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to boost their coverage and signal strength in the Asia-PAC region. (RA ext sce, via BBCM, via AGDX, Mar 17)

BELGIUM Radio Vlaanderen Internat Brussels summer sched Z97 fr March 30, til Oct 25, 1997:

At 1700-1730 UTC Juelich 100 kW to be replaced by Wertachtal relay, Deutsche Telekom, reduced power of 125 kW fr 500, in ME direction 125 degrees.

Mon-Sat 0500-0555 5980 SoEUR 11640 AF Dutch dom sce relay progr 1 0600-0655 6035 No&SoEUR 9925 SoEUR 9940 AUS NZL SoAM SWEUR 0600 Dutch, 0630-0655 E 0700-0725 6035 SoEUR 9925 SwEUR 15545 AF French 0730-0830 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR 9925 SWEUR Dutch 0830-0855 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR German 0900-0925 6035 SoEUR 7190 EaEUR English

0930-0955 15545 AF 17690 AF F, Dutch 1000-1100 6035 SoEUR 17690 AF Dutch 1100-1125 6035 SoEUR 9925 SwEUR 17690 AF Dutch 1130-1155 9925 SwEUR 13785 NoAM Spanish 1200-1325 13785 NoAM 15535 SoEaAS Dutch, 1300 E

1330-1355 French (not on SW) 1400-1430 Deutsche Welle Dutch relay via MW 1512 kHz 1430-1600 dom sce Radio 1 relay

1600-1655 5910 SoEUR 13795 ME/EaAF 17655 AF Dutch, Arabic 1700-1730 13795 ME/EaAF Dutch, this half hour via Wertachtal-GER 1700-1730 5910 SoEUR 9925 Sw&NoEUR (2 txs) Dutch 1730-1755 5910 SoEUR 9925 SwEUR German

13645 AF dom sce Radio 1 relay sports coverage in Dutch Sat 1800-1955 UTC.

1800-1855 5910 SoEUR 13645 (exc. Sat) AF English, French 1900-1955 5910 SoEUR 9925 NoEUR 13645 (excl. Sat) AF Dutch 2000-2055 5910 SoEUR 9925 SwEUR Dutch, Spanish 2100-2130 5910 SoEUR English 2130-2155 9925 NoAM 11690 SoAM French, 2200-2300 Dutch 2300-2325 Spanish, 2330-2355 English

Sun 0500-0930 like weekdays 0930-0955 9925 SoEUR 15545 AF 17690 AF French 1000-1055 6035 SoEUR 15545 AF 17595 AF Dutch 1100-1125 6035 SoEUR 9925 SwEUR 17690 AF Dutch 1130-1155 9925 SwEUR 13785 NoAM Spanish 1200-1230 13785 NoAM 15535 SoEaAS Dutch, 1230-1255 E

1300-1555 9925 SoEUR 11995 SoWeEUR 17655 AF Dutch sports special progr Sportmarathon

1600-2355 like weekdays

MW 1512 kHz 300 kW at 0500-0700, 1900-2300. Reduced power of 25 kW for greater Brussels area 0700-1900 UTC. (RVI Golfgids Feb 22-23, Mar 22; Guido Schotmans, Mar 25)

BELARUS Radio Minsk ext sce summer sched fr Mar 30th: 1830-1900 UTC 1170 7210 11960 kHz, and via Kiev-UKR relay 7410 & 9905 kHz. Repeated at 1930-2000 UTC but via Belarus txs only, on 1170 7210, and 11960 kHz. (Michael Tondel, chief ed R Belarus, via Benno Klink, Mar 21)

CAMBODIA v11940.4 kHz Nat Voice of Cambodia with regard to the recent loggings of this st in the 1245 to 1300 UTC slot. Ed Rausch and I have found that they have several regular periods of extended dead air. The first seems to run from 1246 most usually after program anncs from a male announcer and the second from 1250-1253 UTC followed by anncs by a femal anncr. If you identify a st on that frequency but have no audio, tay around. Most likely they will begin running SeAS mx or anncs soon. (Rippel, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 20) v11940.4 kHz Nat Voice of Cambodia at 1245 UTC w/ SeAS Sing-Song w/ YL vocals. OM anncr. Peaking nicely at 1300 UTC w/ 2+ 1 time pips when they were promptly wiped out by Romania sign-on. (Rippel, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 9) Amazing sig! Tnx Rippel for phone tip! (Rausch Mar 9) (Frodge Mar 9) (Cumbre DX)

CANADA RCI - Radio Canada Internat (R), and CBC - Canadian Bcing Corpor (C). Montreal schedule Z97 till Oct 26th. S=Sines-POR, U=Skelton-UK, V=Moosbrunn-AUT, W=Wertachtal-D, X=Xian-CHN, Y=Yamata-JAP

English 0100-0200 R 9755 0100-0130 Tue-Sat R 9535 11715 13670 0100-0200 Sun+Mon R 9535 11715 13670 0200-0230 Tue-Sat R 6120 9535 11715 0200-0300 Tue-Sat C 9755 13670 0200-0300 Sun+Mon C 6120 9535 9755 11715 13670 0400-0430 R 9715S 11835W 11975V 0500-0530 Mon-Fri R 6050U 7295U 11835U 15430U 1200-1230 R 9660Y 15195Y 1200-1300 daily C 9640 11855 13650 (Mon-Fri -1400) 1300-1600 Suns C 11855 13650 1330-1357 R 9535X 11795X 1330-1400 daily R 11935U 15325S 17820(Mon-Sat only) 1630-1700 R 7150X 9550X 2000-2100 R 5995U 7235U 11690 13650 13670 15150 15325 17820 17870 2100-2130 C 5995U 7235U 11690 13650 13670 15150 15325 17820 2200-2230 C 5960 9755 13670 2200-2230 RC 11705Y 13740 15305 2230-2300 C 5960 9755 13670 (Mon-Fri -2359) 2300-2330 Mon-Fri C 11940 15305 2300-2359 Sat+Sun C 5960 9755 11940 13670 15305 (RCI Montreal)

ECUADOR In HCJB DX Party Line the following frequ changes announced: ENGLISH 0700-1058 9645 (x9445) S.Pacific 100 kW 228 degr 1900-2158 11990 (x11960) Europe 100 042 (HCJB, Mar 22)

11960 kHz. On HCJB DXPL at 1909- UTC, Ken McHarg announced changes eff Mar 30th. English to Europe 1900-2200 UTC moves to 11990 (x11960) kHz, to SoPAC 0700-1100 to 9645 (x9445) kHz. The Europe morning release moves up 1/2 hour (0730-0900 UTC). (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Mar 22)

FINLAND Here is the Z97 sked of R Finland, valid Mar 30-Oct 25, 1997: 5985 1900-2000 E Europe 80 250 1-7 6120 0300-0400 E Europe 130 250 1-7 6120 0400-2130 N Europe 240 100 1-7 6180 0700-0800 E Europe 80 250 7 6180 1315-1430 E Europe 80 250 1-7 6180 1600-1630 E Europe 130 250 1-7 9560 0530-0700 C&W Europe 225 500 1-7 9560 1000-1030 C&W Europe 225 500 6 9655 0400-0530 E Europe 130 250 1-7 9745 1430-1500 E Europe 130 250 1-7 9855 1800-2100 C&W Europe 225 500 1-7 11755 0400-0530 MEast/E Africa 175 500 1-7 11755 0530-2130 C&W Europe 220 500 1-7 11755 0530-0800 SE Europe 175 500 1-7 11755 1000-1200 SE Europe 175 500 1-7 11755 1500-1800 SE Europe 175 500 1-7 11900 1200-1300 N America 310 500 1-7 11900 1400-1500 N America 325 500 1-7 13645 0800-0900 E Europe 75 1000 SSB-6dB 1-7 13645 0900-1000 E Asia 60 1000 SSB-6dB 1-7 13645 1300-1330 SE Asia 90 1000 SSB-6dB 1-7 13645 1500-1600 MEast/E Africa 160 500 1-7 15120 0700-0800 SE Asia/Austr. 75 1000 SSB-6dB 1-7 15145 1500-1600 MEast/E Africa 175 500 1-7 15185 1300-1330 India 130 1000 SSB-6dB 1-7 15235 0800-0900 E Europe 90 500 1-7 15235 0900-1000 E Asia 60 500 1-7 15400 1200-1300 N America 310 500 1-7 15400 1400-1500 N America 325 500 1-7 15440 0400-0530 MEast 160 500 1-7 15440 1600-2000 C&W Europe 225 500 1-7 Progrs in Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French and Russian. (Arto Mujunen-FIN, Mar 20)

GEORGIA 9310 kHz soon. The Voice of Hope bc from Dusheti (Tbilisi), Georgia, using a 100 kW tx with an antenna azimuth of 302 degrees to WeEUR, in winter periode on 7520, replaced in summer schedule by 9310 kHz at 1900-2100 UTC. They hope to have a new sce to India soon. (WoR, Mar 20)

IRAN IRIB Tehran Bengali 1430 UTC, English 1530-1627 UTC 7215 & 9550 kHz. (NHK RJ Media RoundUp, Mar 23)

IRAQ St ID: "Rep of Iraq Radio" (Arabic: "idha'at jumhuriyat al-iraq"). Transmission times may be extended during Ramadan. All frequ use is subject to variation. Although in the past the main progr used a large number of SW channels, HF freqs are now only observed irregularly. VoYouth is reportedly owned by Saddam Husayn's son Uday. It resumed bcing in Jan 1994 after a short break. Rep of Iraq Radio also operates a Voice of the Masses sce and Mother of Battles Radio aimed at neighbouring countries.

0255-0015 UTC, 4615-v-irreg, 7150-v-irreg, 9715-v-irreg. 1377-(not 1700-2000), 1044 1035 963 756 603 558 kHz. 693 585 531 (all: not 0400-2200 UTC).

2000-2200 UTC Voice of Arab Syria (1377 kHz only).

Kurdish sce, 0315-2130 UTC, 6560 1206 kHz 1030-(1600-2030) UTC. VOICE OF YOUTH, Baghdad, 0800-2200 UTC 1084 kHz.

Mother of Battles Radio (Arabic: idha'at umm al-ma'arik) is a sce of official Iraqi radio. It was first heard in late Jan and early Febr 1991 during the (which the Iraqis refer to as "the mother of battles"), after which time bcs appeared to be suspended following the disruption to Iraqi radio as a whole. The st resumed bcing on 2nd Aug 1995. Announcements state that it is intended to be received throughout the the Arab world. In addition to the main nx bc at 1730 UTC, programming includes other nx reports, commentaries and reviews of the Iraqi and Arab press. The txion was previously repeated from 2100-0000 UTC but has not been confirmed recently at this time. As with all Iraqi radio sces, tx operation may be erratic. 1700-2000 9750-v-unconfirmed, 3935 1377 693 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 18)

Iraqi Army Radio (hostile to the Saddam Husayn govt) was first heard on 3rd Oct 1994 although bcs may have begun the previous month. Its ID is: "This is Iraq, Iraqi Army Radio, voice of the brave armed forces" (Arabic: "huna al-iraq, idha'at al-jaysh al- iraqi, sawt al-quwwat al-musallahah al-basilah"). Iraqi Army Radio is carried on a tx operating in the range 1518-1566 kHz (the frequ is varied often to avoid jamming). This tx, which was first heard in late 1993 also carries progrs the Iraqi opposition radios called The Future (Al Mustaqbal). In the past it has also carried Radio Freedom, News Centre of Free Iraq, Voice of Iraq, Iraqi Bcing Corpor (IBC) and Voice of the Free People of Iraq. 1400-1830 & 2015-2200 1518-1566-v kHz, (sign-off time may vary). (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 18)

JAPAN NHK Radio Japan English language General and Regional changes: EUR: new addit Skelton-UK relay 0000-0100 UTC 6155 & 6180 kHz. AM & Hawaii: 1700-1800 UTC 9835 kHz. Delete 1900-2000 UTC.

Asia and Oceania: 0000-0010 E nx 13630 15650 SoEaAS. 0100-0200 15500 17810 AS; 11860-SIN SoEaAS; 21610 OCE; 11890-CLN 15590 SoAS. 0300-0400 17685 OCE. 0500-0600 11840 AS; 11920-SIN OCE. 0600-0700 15550 SoAS. 0600-0800 11840 11910 AS; 11920-SIN OCE; 17810 11740-SIN SoEaAS. 0700-0800 11850 OCE. 1100-1300 7125 AS; 11815 SoEaAS. 1400-1600 7200 SoAS. 1500-1600 9750 AS; 7240 11830 SoAS. 1700-1800 6035 AS; 7200 SoEaAS; 7225 11730 SoAS. 2100-2115 6090 AS. 2100-2200 6035-SIN SoEaAS. (NHK RJ Media RoundUp, Mar 23) MONGOLIA Radio Ulaanbaatar has been called as the Voice of Mongolia since the beginning this year. Here is the new bcing schedule of the VOICE OF MONGOLIA for the up- coming summer season. Language Target UTC Freq Pwr Azi English East Asia 0900-0930 15170 250 126 Australia 1230-1300 12085 250 178 South Asia 1500-1530 9720 250 230 12085 100 178 Russian Far East 0830-0900 15170 250 126 Siberia 1300-1330 12085 250 358 Europe 1900-1930 9720 250 306 12015 100 230 Chinese East Asia 1000-1030 15170 250 126 990 500 120 SE Asia 1200-1230 12085 250 178 990 500 120 South Asia 1430-1500 9720 250 230 12085 100 178 Japanese East Asia 1030-1100 15170 250 126 East Asia 1345-1415 12085 250 126 Mongolian East Asia 0930-1000 15170 250 126 990 500 120 Asia 1130-1200 12085 250 178 990 500 120

The Voice of Mongolia provides QSLs for every qualifying reception report, and 9 different QSLs are available. Reception reports and letters shouldbe sent to the language sections (i.e. English section), Voice of Mongolia, C.P.O.Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Two IRC's or 1$ to cover postage expenses would be appreciated. "I am the Mail Editor at the English section and would be very happy to assist you further. Thank you for your co-operation. (D.Batbayar " via DXW, Mar 20)

NETHERLANDS/LUXEMBOURG MW to Europe: Last minute development just in. As from the start of summer time on Sun Mar 30th 1997, Radio Netherlands will be RETAINING MW for English bcs in the evening hours on 1440 kHz. The time will be 2030-2225 UTC, i.e. just like last summer. The bc is a relay via Radio Luxembourg, Marnach tx with 600 kW, beamed primarily to the UK at 324 degrees. (RN Mar 23)

NEW ZEALAND New Z97 schedule of R NZL International, from Mar 31st: 6070 kHz occasional sports coverage at 1206-1650, daily 1650-1750. 9795 kHz 1750-1952 UTC, 11735 1952-2300, 15115 2300-0458, 9795 0458-0816, 9700 0816-1206. (Arthur Cushen-NZL, via RNMN, Feb 6; WoR, Mar 20)

PERU v6725.6 kHz. R Satelite, Santa Cruz, noted with mx throughout the evening, infrequent IDs, but extensive ID and NA heard 0322-0326 s/off. If this is really 300 watt per '97 WRTH, then it was an exceptional signal through light thunderstorm static. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Mar 22) v6479.8 kHz Radio Altura, Huarmaca at 0013-0046 UTC, Peruvian mx, announcements by male announcer, talk from 0029 UTC, "Atencion...", back to mx 0035 UTC, ID. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 23)

RUSSIA 4040 kHz Evenkiyskaya GTRK "Kheglen" (Kheglen is in Evenki language, in Russian "mletshniy put'" which in English stands for Milky Way), Tura transmits local progr at 0100-0200 UTC, acc to both verification and listening observations. V/s is V. Yuryev, Company Engineer. (Has this one answered to Europe before?) (Mauno Ritola, via DXW, Mar 16)

5290 kHz Krasnoyarsk R. at 2338 UTC. Presumed Krasnoyarsk with man and woman alternating in long talks in Russian, with occasional mx bridges from Tchaikovsky's Andante Cantabile. Not sure if local programming or relay. Silence at 2359 UTC, then 6 pips and continued with what now definitely sounded like a local announcer. Choppy; poor overall. (Hill, via DXW, Mar 15) SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Information (BSKSA). This schedule has been compiled from information supplied by BSKSA and observations by BBC Monitoring. SW freqs are valid until 4th May 1997. Programming has not been confirmed recently. Address (technical/frequ management): PO Box 61718, Riyadh 11575 Technical/frequ management tel +966-1-442-5170 Fax +966-1-404-1692

BSKSA General progr Riyad 0255-0559 7150 1521 1440 and other MW. 0559-0859 11710-v 1521 1440. 0859-1159 15060 11820-v 1521 1440. 1159-1459 15380 15230 15060 1521 1440. 1459-1659 11950-v 11910 11780 1521 1440. 1659-1759 11910 11780 1521 1440. 1759-2159 11935 9870 9555 1521 1440. 2159-2300 1521 1440 945 900 828 747 684 675 612 585 549.

BSKSA Second progr, Jiddah 0300-1459 9580-v 1305 1098 783 702 684. 1459-1659 10990-lsb 9850 1305 1098 783 702 684 675. 1659-2100 1305 1098 783 702 684 675.

BSKSA Call of Islam progr, Mecca 0100-0300 1512 981 936 882. 1500-1700 11950 11910 11780 1521 1440 945 900 828 747 675 648 612 594 585 549.

BSKSA Holy Koran progr, Riyad 0300-0600 11870 9720-v 9620 9555-v 1287 999 981 936 882 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. 0457 UTC Ramadan sign-on time 0600-0900 11785 9715 9530 1287 999 981 936 882 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. 0900-1200 21495 17880 11785 9715 1287 999 981 936 882 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. 1200-1600 15280-v 1512-(from 1300) 1287 999 981 936 882 873-(from 1500) 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. 1600-1800 11710-v 9730 1512 1287 999 981 936 882 873 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. 1800-2200 11935 9705-v 1512 1287 999 981 936 882 873 864 792 765 657 630 612 576 567. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 18)

SOUTH AFRICA The Investment Channel finally appeared on the airwaves. Heard at 1250 UTC on 21745 kHz with SIO 455 and //17735 kHz with SIO 343. Programs were in English with half-our segments of mainly business nx taken from internat nxspapers. Announced address as: P.O.Box 1250, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein. (Sandte, Mar 25)

Investment Channel. 0200 UTC in English. St promos, short reports. Fair signal until 0230 UTC. //7175 kHz much weaker. Their tel no.: Johannesburg 320 6973, Fax 320 6866 (attn. Investment Channel). Mailing address: Investment Channel, P.O.B. 651525, Johannesburg, 2010 South Africa. WWW address: www.sentech.co.za/invest.html. They announce the following schedule: To South Africa 0600-0725 9675 0930-1225 11985 1800-2055 9675 7270 To West Africa 0530-0755 11985 15225 17735 1130-1355 17735 21745 1800-2155 15420 17735 17890 To Ce/Ea Africa 0300-0755 9775 11985 15225 0900-1355 17735 21745 1500-2155 15420 17735 17890 21745 (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, Mar 23)

SWEDEN RADIO SWEDEN - English schedule Mar 29th - Oct 25th: EUR Mon-Sat 1730 UTC 1179 6065 9590 13800 kHz. Sun 1730 UTC 9590 13800 kHz. Daily 1930 UTC 1179 6065 kHz. Sat+Sun 2030 UTC 1179 6065 13625 kHz. Daily 2130 UTC 1179 6065 9430 kHz.

NoAM: 1130 & 1330 UTC 11650 15240 kHz. 0230 7135 kHz. 0330 9430 kHz.

Latin America: 0130 UTC 7290 kHz.

Asia/Pacific: 1230 UTC 13740 15240 kHz. 1330 13740 kHz. 0130 UTC 9435 kHz.

German Mon-Sat 1830-1900 UTC 1179 6065 kHz. Sun 1830-1930 UTC 1179 6065 kHz. German nx daily 1830 UTC also via RadioRopaInfo on LW 261 kHz.

R Sweden in other languages on freqs MW 1179 and SW 5910 5965 6000 6065 6200 7135 7170 7290 9430 9435 9440 9495 9590 9655 9785 11650 11985 13625 13680 13740 13800 15120 15240 15640 15675 kHz. (R Sweden schedule)

UNIDENTIFIED EGYPT/JORDAN/YEMEN? 9295 kHz R Cairo(?) at 1505 UTC with nx in Arabic, by OM YL then ID at 1510 UTC with "idaatu l arabiya min hasemiya(!) min ...(not clear here)" At 1515 UTC with Quran, then at 1530 UTC with telephonic reports after a song play at half hour. News again at 1605 UTC with ID at 1610 (again not clear )//10265 kHz. Suffered from a signal problem and bad modulation. I can presume: it is a spurious signal. ID verified on 18 following another reception of Cairo's txion on 31mb. Both good signals. (Liangas, via DXW, Mar 15) [Hashemite could be Jordan, but center between 10265 and 9265 kHz is 9780 kHz, should be Sanaa, Yemen?]

USA/CIS RFA in Korean language via CIS relay site at 1530-1630 UTC still on 11705 kHz (x11600), Mar 22th. CIS relay 9440 kHz missed today Mar 23, for both Tibetan and Burmese, observed on new 9415 kHz instead. Korean channel 7520 kHz at 1530-1630 UTC had Chinese progr audio of 7530, 9455 and 9910 kHz instead. Extended RFA Chinese 1500-1700 UTC instead of 7495 on 9455 kHz, //7530 kHz. (WB Mar 22-23)

VATICAN CITY Vatican Radio addit Albanian sce, since Mar 19th, temporarily til Mar 29th: 1730-1745 UTC 5882 kHz 80 kW, 7250 kHz 100 kW. (ORF Intermedia, Mar 22)

Mexican National DX Meeting

The Third National Meeting of Mexican DXers will take place in Veracruz, on Mexico's Gulf Coast, Aug 1 and 2, 1997. All four Mexican DX clubs are hosting the event jointly, and they are inviting their DXing neighbours to the north to "come on down" and join them.

Two years ago, the Mexican DX clubs got together for the first time and held a national DX meeting in Tepic, in the state of Nayarit. Last year, the meeting site was the city of Miguel Aúza in Zacatecas State. SW listeners from various parts of Mexico attended, and for the first time representatives of two Mexican SW sts (Radio Mexico International and Radio Educacion) participated.

This year, the meeting is in Mexico's main port city, Veracruz, east of Mexico City on the country's Gulf Coast. Again, the Mexican SW sts are expected to take part, as well as some international SW sts, incl Radio Miami International. And the organizers hope that a number of their DXer neighbors from the US (and other countries as well) will take part too. Depending on the turnout, sessions in English and bilingual sessions may be arranged. (Of course it's helpful if you understand a few words of Spanish!)

For those who are accustomed to large DX conferences like the SWL Winter Fest, the Monitoring Times Convention or the European DX Council Conference, this Mexican DX meeting will certainly be somewhat smaller and more informal. Due to the economic conditions in Mexico, it is difficult for SW listeners to travel great distances to attend this type of meeting. Nevertheless, many listeners do make the effort, and now SW sts are starting to attend as well. The organizers intend for the National Meeting of Mexican DXers to be an example and a stimulus for DXers throughout Latin America to do the same type of thing in their countries. They invite North American DXers to take part as well, as they plan seminars such as "The Present and Future of SW as We Approach the Year 2000."

Veracruz is about six hours by car from Mexico City (or a short 50-minute flight). It is also a scenic 15-hour drive from Brownsville, Texas. The organizers are hoping that DXers from the United States and elsewhere will come to Veracruz and make a vacation of their trip as well. Good airfares are available to Mexico City or direct to Veracruz from several cities throughout North America.

Veracruz has played an important role in the history of Mexico since the arrival of the conquistadores there in 1519. The city has a relaxing tropical atmosphere, offering visitors the opportunity to enjoy strolls along the "malecon" (seaside boulevard) and "jarocho" concerts (the local folkloric dance music) at open-air cafes around the city's central plaza. An hour from Veracruz are the ruins of Zempoala, a ceremonial center of the Totonac Indians, with its Great Pyramid and the Temple of the Chimneys. Elsewhere in the region are numerous nice beaches, colonial cities, handicraft markets, pre-Columbian ruins, volcanoes and national parks to explore.

The costs for the Third National Meeting of Mexican DXers will be very modest. Hotels in Veracruz are quite reasonable by international standards, and the costs of the meeting itself will be nominal and payable at the door. Of course, you'll also have the opportunity to sample some of the regional Mexican cuisine at very reasonable prices.

The meeting itself will take place Fri and Sat, Aug 1st and 2nd. Many of the participants will be staying on Sun, Aug 3rd for a "social day" of informal meetings and sightseeing.

If you would like more information about the Third National Meeting of Mexican DXers, including a registration form and hotel information, write to Jeff White, coordinator of international visitors, at Radio Miami International, P.O. Box 526852, Miami, Florida 33152, USA. Or fax us in Miami at (305) 267-9253. Or send an e-mail message to: @compuserve.com. We will send you complete details as soon as they are available.

All the best, and we hope to see you in Veracruz. (Jeff White, [email protected] Mar 21)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 300 01 Apr 1997 ______

AUSTRIA FLASH Reception reports about the first edition of INTERMEDIA, Radio Austria International's re-formatted media magazine (in the German Sce) will be honoured with a special QSL FIRST DAY-LETTER provided that the report covers the transmission on Fri, 4 April 1997, 2105 UTC on medium wave 1476 kHz (60 kW from Vienna-Bisamberg). (Regular QSL for all other transmissions!)

QSL via: Radio Oesterreich International, A-1136 Wien Fax +431/87 87 8-44 04 e-mail to: [email protected]

...check INTERMEDIA's weekly Internet-Newsline: http://wwww.ping.at/rai/gr/kwp.htm

FIRST DAY SUMMARY of summer periode Z97 Propagation continues to be fine except 16 and 13 mb. This morning 0800-1000 UTC excellent long path propagation, RNZL [0800-1200] 9700 kHz amongst RA Shepparton 9770 & 9860 kHz, and Suara R Malaysia on 9750 kHz too. So, some are very fluttery and obviously dual-path. From same direction RN Bonaire new 9820 0830-0930 UTC, //9720-ATN.

Started monitoring day loud Arabic on 13620 kHz at 0515 UTC, seemingly AIR Delhi 0430- 0530. What appeared to be R Almaty-KAZ heard on 9620 and new 11720 kHz (x11840) via Kiev-UKR relay, schedule seems to be 0500-1600 UTC.

RAI in Italian observed at 0545 on 9580 kHz. Cuba jamming type noted at 0540 UTC on v9795 kHz, at 1300 UTC around 9985 kHz. ME jamming type at 1500-1600 UTC on 9530 kHz. DW carries E DX px on last UTC Sun about 0530-0550 UTC: 6045 & 6185, 9615 kHz.

Then TRT Ankara in Turkish notable on new 6170 kHz (x6040), still registered on 7300 kHz at 0500-0700 UTC, but obviously very late correction in schedule. Persian sce 0830-0930 UTC on new 13770 kHz. More TRT replacing at 1230-1330 UTC English to SoAS 13750 (x13695) kHz, //15290 kHz. Chinese 1100-1200 UTC 15210 replacing 13710.

From about 0600 UTC there was RUI Kiev audible on 6020 7320 9600 9870 11705 11840 13590 kHz. Additional channels observed later around noon: 12050 15520 17680 kHz. From about 1700 UTC more channels: 5905 6090 11830 kHz. RUI Ukraine 2nd progr at 1700-1800 UTC on 12050 & 13720 kHz; parallel to German lang sce on remaining channels.

At 0725 UTC on 7230 kHz listened to very last DX program of NHK World "Media RoundUp" by Mary Kishi. RDP Lisbon appeared 10 kHz up on 6140 kHz (may a punching error), and clashes with DW German Nauen the whole morning, and REE Madrid also here bc football coverage in late afternoon. RAI Rome 2nd progr relay now 5 kHz up on 7240 kHz at 0700- 1200 UTC. Next to new 7270 kHz for Albanian dom sce relay of R Tirana (x6145) at about 0800-1000 UTC, covering terrible Adria ship accident.

R Tashkent-UZB dom sce back on summer frequ 15200 kHz, and usual 15165 at 0430-1400 approx. QBS Qatar good level now on 17825 kHz 0706-1306 UTC; then less strong on 11750 kHz till 2125 UTC close down. DW Trincomalee 21695 kHz 0900-0950 Persian propagating well to EUR. BSKSA Riyadh in Indonesian on 21640 kHz the one and only st on 13 mb, no trace of Dubai 21605.

RHC 11760 kHz in Spanish at 1100 UTC "Mundo Siete" progr. R Budapest in Hungarian on addit 7215 kHz to EUR, Suns only 1100-1200 UTC, usually to AUS/PAC on 13-19 mb. German Sunday special 1200-1300 UTC on new 9820, but suffering by KTWR Guam, //5970 7220. Sofia at 1200-1500 UTC on BBC frequ 6195 kHz, //7310. R Tashkent-UZB to SoAsia at 1200- 1500 UTC back on summer frequ 15295 kHz, //7285 & 9715 kHz. RFI Paris is saving electricity, checked 6175 kHz, but in French a single hour at 1100- 1200 UTC only. Hi, English number station with heavy Czech accent started right in bc band on 9450 kHz at about 1245 UTC. ERT Athens Greek/English at 1200-1350 UTC on 9375 kHz powerhouse also. DW Sines-POR powerhouse 500 kW to ex-YUG languages block, 15545 kHz 1200-1430 UTC.

UNID Taiwanese st in Chinese observed on both new 9745 & 9845 kHz around 1200-1500 UTC. Playing local as well as western middle of road and soft pop songs mx. At 1415 UTC Chinese/English radio lessens. Lasting at least 1200-1500 UTC.

On 29th RFA noted on 9415 kHz via CIS site at 1300-1630 slot (x9440), but not audible today in summer schedule, another puzzle for RFA audience, hi. Discovered Tibetan on 31rd again: now at 1300 UTC on 11575, and weaker 11590 kHz. Vietnamese at 1400 UTC is now on 11605, but weaker on 11590, and usual //9455 KHBI and 9930 KWHR. Chinese 1500 UTC audible on 9455, 11565, 15660 kHz. Burmese 1500-1600 UTC on 11590 & 11605 kHz. No Korean outlet traced here so far.

Lots of ID's by Investment Channel on 17780 kHz from Meyerton-RSA in 1300-1400 UTC range, but very poor signal level to be expected during upcoming southern autumn/winter on 19 - 13 mb. No signal detectable in parallel 15225 ... 15235 kHz range. Observed at 1730 UTC on 5955, 9455, 11870 kHz too.

Came across VoR Japanese sce on at least three 19 mb channels: 15435 15490 15510 kHz at 1300-1400 UTC (mistake on control desk?). (?Religious protestant?) progr noted again in Bengali on 15470 via Tashkent-UZB at 1330-1400 UTC.

Vatican Radio to EaAS 1315-1450 UTC back on 22 mb 13765 kHz, //11625. KWHR Hawaii is always difficult to hear in EUR, observed in Vietnamese(!) at 1400-1500 UTC on 9930 kHz. Regional Greek st ERT Thessaloniki live football coverage on new 6245 kHz to EUR at 1400-2100 UTC, //9935 & 11595. ERT Athens Balcan block 1500-1700 UTC on addit 11575 kHz, //9375 9420 11645 kHz.

ORF Vienna opened new 13710 kHz at 1500-1800 UTC. Forgotten lowered and hiddened BBC German sce explored on 6015 kHz at 1530-1545 UTC.

VoR in English on new OOB 13815 kHz at 1700 UTC, seldom heard these days. RAI Rome 1815- 1905 UTC bc Czech, Slovene, Polish block on both new 6110 & 7145 kHz. English at 1930- 1955 UTC on new 9670 kHz.

R Tirana in Greek on 7155 kHz and may be on 1215 kHz too, at 1745-1757 UTC. In German on 1458 kHz and single new 7295 kHz at 1815-1840 UTC; followed by English 1458 7270 til 1857 UTC; Albanian at least 1900-2000 UTC 1458 6170 kHz.

R YUG Belgrade-Serbia in English still being heard via txs in Bosnia Hercegovina 6100 & very poor 7130 kHz mixing with IRIB Tehran. UNID Chinese (Taiwan via WYFR?) at 1915 UTC on 11945 kHz. R Rossii on usb3965 kHz at about 1700-2000 UTC (army st fr Belarus??).

IRIB Tehran now additional txs in use: German 1730-1825 UTC new 7190 kHz //7260 & 9022. Russian 1930-2027 UTC 7305 kHz, and remarkable time delay 300 ms behind on 7175 kHz. R Tashkent-UZB in German at 1935-2030 UTC on 5035 5060 6230 9540 kHz. RKI Seoul German via Skelton-UK relay 2000-2100 UTC 6145 kHz, and direct 7550 kHz.

R Thailand Bangkok 2000-2045 UTC on strong new 9680 kHz; and inaudible v9656 kHz 1000 Hertz tone only. German, French, English, 2045-2115 Thai.

RUI Kiev in German 2000-2100 UTC on 5905 6010 6020 7180 7240 9640 11830 13590 15520 kHz; RUI 2nd progr in Ukrainian 13720 kHz. DW Polish at 2030-2100 replaced registered 7125 by 7115 kHz via Sines-POR 250 kW.

Two Indonesian propagating in 2200-2400 UTC, VoA Tinang 2200-2330 on 11805, RA Darwin 2130-2400 on 11640 kHz. R Tirana-ALB in 0000-0030 UTC time slot bc sad news on boat accident in Adria sea, on new 6190 kHz. R Nacional Paraguay on v9736 kHz playing very lovely Mexican mx at 0100 UTC.

AFGHANISTAN/CIS [from CIS to AFG] The pro-Rabbani anti-Taleban R Afghanistan in Dari and Pashto is currently heard on v7082 kHz. s-on at 1330 UTC with a song, followed by freq. annoucements, Quran chants, talks and patriotic songs. S-off at 1430 UTC. SIO not more than 2. The official st at Kabul also begins the evening bc at 1330 UTC on 7200 and 1107 kHz. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN, 4S5SL, UADX, Mar 27)

ANTARCTICA v15475.74 kHz LRA36 at 2050 UTC, barely a het until then when some peaks of mx and SP ann broke thru. (Stehen Price-PA-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 16)

AUSTRALIA As of 26 March, Radio Australia introduces a NEW, one hour additional sce in Tok Pisin, as a result of the crisis in Port Moresby. This is on the air at 6am l.t. in Papua New Guinea, corresponding to 2000 UTC. This new txion is in addition to the regular three hour evening program. Frequencies for the new morning service are unknown. A Radio Australia spokesman said the Pidgin service had an audience of more than 500,000 listeners, and its Tok Pisin correspondent, Mr Peter Jonah, would include live reports of the civil unrest in the expanded coverage. (Press Report, Melbourne "Age" of 26 March 1997, via EDXP) The announced sked was 2000-2100 UTC on 6080 and 7240 kHz.

CHINA CRI Beijing English sce e-mail address is: [email protected] (CRI "The Messenger")

COLOMBIA v6014.3 kHz R Mira REACTIVATED 2107 UTC relaying football fr Caracol basica (=810 and v5076.8 kHz) narrated by Edgar Perea. v6065.2 kHz Colmundo Bogota still going 24 h. Prgr mgr Fabio Restrepo G unexpectedly left st, acting prgr mgr is Jorge Hernandez. I have been in touch with him and his boss, so chances are that they will start QSLing in the near future. (Henrik Klemetz, Dateline Bogota, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 23)

CZECH REPUBLIC RADIO PRAGUE summer schedule RADIO PRAGUE Summer Period Z97 March 30th - Oct 25th, 1997 program UTC kHz Area CZECH 0830-0857 11600 SW Europe 21705 EaAF/ME 0930-0957 15640 W.Africa 17485 EaAF/ME 1230-1257 6055 Europe 7345 N.Europe 1330-1357 13580 S./E.Asia 17485 E.Africa 1530-1557 5930 Europe 17485 E.Africa 1730-1757 5930 E.Eu/Asia/Pac. 15640 C.Africa 1930-1957 5930 Europe 11640 AUS/SoA 2100-2127 9495 AUS/SoA exc. 5 May-7 Sept 11600 AUS/SoA 5 May-7 Sept only 9440 W.Africa exc. 5 May-7 Sept 11600 W.Africa 5 May-7 Sept only 2330-2357 7345 N.America 9485 S.America 0130-0157 6200 N. America 7345 S.America 0230-0257 5930 N.America 7345 N.America

GERMAN 0630-0657 5930 Europe 7345 Europe 1000-1027 6055 Europe 7345 Europe 1200-1227 6055 Europe 7345 Europe 1500-1527 5930 Europe

ENGLISH 0700-0727 7345 Europe 9505 Europe 0900-0930 15640 W.Africa 17485 EaAF/ME 1030-1057 7345 N.Europe 9505 Europe 1300-1330 13580 S./E.Asia 17485 E.Africa 1600-1627 5930 Europe 17485 E.Africa/Mi.East 1700-1727 5930 Europe 15640 C.Africa 2000-2027 5930 Europe 11600 SoAS/AUS 2130-2157 9495 AUS/SoA exc. 5 May-7 Sept 11600 AUS/SoA 5 May-7 Sept only 9440 W.Africa exc. 5 May-7 Sept 11600 W.Africa 5 May-7 Sept only 2230-2257 7345 N.America 11600 N.America 5 May-7 Sept only 0000-0027 5930 N.America 7345 N.America 0100-0127 6200 N.America 7345 N.America 0300-0327 5930 N.America 7345 N.America 0330-0357 9480 ME/SoAS 11600 S.&W.Asia

SPANISH 0730-0757 9505 Europe 11600 Europe 1400-1430 11600 Europe 13580 Europe 1800-1827 5930 Europe 11640 EUR/SoAM 1900-1927 5930 Europe 11640 EUR/SoAM 2030-2057 5930 Europe 11600 EUR/SoAM 2300-2327 7345 C.America 9485 S.America 0030-0057 5930 C.America 7345 S.America 0200-0227 6200 C.America 7345 S.America

FRENCH 0600-0627 5930 Europe 7345 Europe 0800-0827 9505 Europe 11600 Europe 1430-1457 5930 Europe 1630-1657 5930 Europe 15640 C.Africa

1830-1857 5930 Europe 11640 SoEUR/WeAF 2200-2227 7345 N.America 11600 N.America 5 May-7 Sept only Transmitters at Litomysl 16E10 49N48

HOME SERVICE FOR EUROPE IN CZECH Mon.-Fri. 0200-2200 UTC 270 kHz LONG WAVE Sat./Sun. 0300-2200 UTC TX at Uherske Hradiste 17E30 49N10

SATELLITE TRANSMISSIONS via World Radio Network ENGLISH 0900-0930 UTC Astra 1B 11.538 GHz tr 22 for Europe V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 7.38 MHz for NoAM 0200-0230 UTC Galaxy 5 3.820 GHz tr 6 V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 6.8 MHz

Czech for NoAM 1300-1327 UTC Galaxy 5 3.820 GHz tr 6 V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 6.2 MHz (R Prague, Mar 29)

ETHIOPIA 5500 kHz Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, full data QSL card signed and stamped by Mr. Fre Tesfamichael in 55 days by registered air mail, this was after receive a partial data letter received previously, full details in a post card of "Blue Nile bridge" printed in Addis Ababa that I sent as ppc. (Ivan Barrera-ARG, Mar 26)

6315 (new frequ) VO the Revolution of Tigray, Mekelle, 0356 UTC noted with now familiar IS, strong signal through ute QRM. First attempted upon receiving a nice QSL letter from station earlier today with mention of this new channel. Noted later in evening from Cumbre download that another reporter had received same schedule. Full Schedule (UTC): 6315 (replaces 7515) and 5500 kHz, 0400-0500, 0930-0930 (sic), 1500-1600; Mon-Fri, 0400-0800, 1500-1600; Sat & Sun. Language Tigrana. (Renfrew, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 20)

GEORGIA Please note the following change in our Z-97 schedule: Del KVOH/Georgia 9310kHz 1900-2100UT Tbilisi Dusheti 100kW 302deg Add KVOH/Georgia 9310kHz 1800-2000UT Tbilisi Dusheti 100kW 302deg (George Jacobs-USA, Mar 28)

GERMANY DeutschlandRadio und Deutsche Telekom setzen ihre gute Zusammenarbeit fort. Lang- und Mittelwellenversorgung gesichert.

Ein Vertrag zwischen der Deutschen Telekom AG und dem DeutschlandRadio beinhaltet die langfristige Sicherung der Ausstrahlung der beiden bundesweiten Programme des DeutschlandRadios, einschliesslich von Verkehrsfunkdaten (AMDS), auf Lang- und Mittelwelle.

Die Sendeleistung der Langwellensender wurde [wieder] auf 500 kW erhoeht. Damit ist der DeutschlandFunk auf Langwelle innerhalb Deutschlands ueberall zu hoeren. Auf den Frequenzen Donebach 153 kHz bzw. Aholming 207 kHz ist der DeutschlandFunk unter normalen Empfangsbedingungen jetzt ausserdem in Oesterreich, der Schweiz, Norditalien, Benelux, sowie im oestlichen Teil Frankreichs zu empfangen. Das ueber den Langwellensender Oranienburg Zehlendorf 177 kHz ausgestrahlte Programm von DeutschlandRadio Berlin deckt etwa 50 Prozent Deutschlands ab. Die Frequenz erreicht ausserdem fast den gesamten Ostseeraum und kann im suedlichen Teil Skandinaviens sowie in weiten Teilen Polens empfangen werden. www page - http://www.d-radio.de

DeutschlandFunk MW 549 kHz Nordkirchen 100 kW Thurnau 100 756 kHz Koenigslutter 200 kW Ravensburg 100 1269 kHz Neumuenster 300 kW 1422 kHz Heusweiler 600 kW satellite Astra 1A, , tr 10, 11.347 GHz, 7.38/7.56

DeutschlandRadio MW 990 kHz Berlin Britz 100 kW SW 6005 kHz Berlin Britz 100 kW satellite Astra 1A, 3Sat, tr 10, 11.347 GHz, 7.74/7.92 (DLF/DLR progr brochure Apr '97)

GUAM As from March 30th, Russian txions of KTWR Guam will be canceled. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Mar 25) 9870 kHz KTWR, Merizo at 1025-1032 UTC, English px, address, ID, mx. If I understood correctly what the announcer said, they'll be on 9865 kHz, as from next Sunday. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 28)

INDIA AIR is now using 9595 kHz at 0015-0430 UTC (instead of starting 0100) by dropping 7170 kHz English 2245-0045 UTC. 2245-0045 now runs on 11620 9705 to SoEaAS; 11620 9950 to NoEaAS. 11620 kHz is from Bangalore 2 x 500kw tx on 2 different antenna and direction. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 28)

IRELAND RTE to bc soccer commentary worldwide. Live comments from RTE Radio 1 on the Rep of Ireland's vital World Cup qualifying tie with Macedonia on Wed, 2nd April, will be carried on five SW frequs at 1500 UTC. 9470 kHz AUS/OCE, 11700 EaEUR, 13740 ME, 15150 NoAM, 17515 AF. There will also be live commentary on the match with Romania on Wed 30th April, at 1700 UTC. Same frequs except: 11820 kHz AF, 13640 kHz ME. Commentaries in live audio format on RTE's Internet site at: http://www.rte.ie/ (RTE, via BBCM, via AGDX, Mar 25)

West Coast radio from IRL via German Telekom Juelich tx: to EUR Sats only 1500-1600 UTC 6175 kHz (x5970), to AF Thurs only 1900-2000 UTC 15625 (11665) kHz. (RVI Mar 31)

ISRAEL "Offshore" station, Radio Gal Wave, raided on land. Now pirate st Radio Gal Wave, which claimed to bc fr a ship in Internat waters off the Israeli coast, has been raided and shut down by police, who found that it actually transmitted from an apartment block on land. The raid came after further complaints over the last few days, in which pilots reported hearing music instead of control tower txions several times. A fresh campaign will mount for the closure of Arutz-7, a right-wing pirate radio ship that really does bc from internat waters. Arutz-7's director-general has, however, used his own txs to tell listeners: "We spend 1m dollars a year to bc from a ship outside Israel's territorial waters, in order not to violate the law." (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 26)

JAPAN Time Signal Station, JJY, will stop its operation in very near future. (Mitsuaki, Mar 20, via Dx Window)

Cumbre Dx report on NHK SSB relays. As you may know, Japan has some low-powered relays of some of its dom sces on SW. During my recent dxpedition to Hawaii, I was able to hear a few of them everyday. What was frustrating is that they never IDed (at least from what I could tell), even at sign off. I asked Mr. Sonny Ashimori of Japan for his help and here is his wonderful reply (Johnson, Cumbre Dx): I can add nothing to the txion sched published in the WRTH, but they seem to be on almost every day and I hear them with excellent reception. These SW relays do not identify themselves, not even when they sign on or off (unless that coincides with the main st's ID time). They simply relay the AM radio programming of the particular sts they originate from, some Radio One (general), others Radio Two (educational), as you can see in the WRTH. NHK dom AM radio IDs are heard at 50 secs past the following times during the day (all times UTC). Radio One: 1959 (s/on), 2059, 2359, 0259, 0959, 1159, 1459* Radio Two: 2029 (s/on), 1219, 0029, 0719, 1319, 1459 (s/off) *) On most nights Radio One does not sign off. They bc all night, then start a new bc day at 5 AM (2000 UTC). ID form is always "(location) Dai-Ichi (or Dai-Ni) Hoso desu. (call letters)," e.g. Radio One: "Osaka Dai-Ichi Hoso desu. JOBK." Radio Two: "Osaka Dai-Ni Hoso desu. JOBB." Some stations omit the verb "desu" after the st name. (Ashimori, in Cumbre Dx, Mar 26)

Hello, here is the NHK Radio Japan Z97 schedule: Arabic 0400-0430 ME/NAf 9515G 0600-0630 ME/NAf 17770S Bengali 0200-0230 SAs 11890S 1130-1200 SAs 12045S Burmese 1130-1200 SEAs 9695* 1345-1415 SEAs 7260* 2340-2400 SEAs 13630 Chinese 0420-0520 EAs 11910*, 15475 0430-0530 SEAs 15120, 17685* 1130-1230 EAs 6190 1200-1300 SEAs 9695* 1500-1600 SEAs 9855* EAs 6090 2235-2320 SEAs 13650* English 0000-0010R SEAs 13630, 13650* 0000-0100 Eu 6155B, 6180B 0100-0200 SEAs 17810 SEAs/IND 11860I EAs 15500* SAs 11890S, 15590* NAm 5960C(from April 7), 11790, 13630* Oceania 21610* 0300-0400 Oceania 17685 0500-0530R CAm 11895F, 13630* Am/HWI 15230 0500-0600 EAs 11840* NAm 6110C Oceania 11920I Eu 7230B 0600-0700 SEAs 17810* SEAs/IND 11740I EAs 11840*, 11910* SAs 15550* NAm 9835, 12030* Am/HWI 15230 Oceania 11920I Eu 5975B, 7230B 0700-0800R Oceania 11850 0700-0800 SEAs 17810* SEAs/IND 11740I EAs 11840*, 11910* Oceania 11920I Eu 7230B ME/NAf 15230G CAf 17815A 1100-1200 SEAs 11815* EAs 7125 NAm 6120C 1200-1300 SEAs 11815* EAs 7125 NAm 6120C(until April 5) 1400-1500 SEAs 7200 1500-1600 SEAs 7200 EAs 9750* SAs 7240, 11730* NAm 9535* SAf 15355G 1700-1800 SEAs 7200 EAs 6035* SAs 7225, 11730* NAm 9535* Am/HWI 9835* Eu 7110* ME/NAf 11880S 2100-2115R EAs 6090 2100-2200 SEAs/IND 6035I NAm 13630* R)Regional Sce, others Gen.Sce.

French 0630-0700 ME/NAf 17770S 0930-1000 Eu 9600B CAf 17815A WAf 15120A German 0600-0630 Eu 11760*, 12030G 1100-1130 Eu 9600B, 11710B Hindi 0230-0300 SAs 11890S 1200-1230 SAs 12045S Italian 0545-0600 Eu 11760*, 12030G 1115-1130 Eu 17630G

Indonesian 0915-1015 SEAs 11690 1030-1130 SEAs 9695* 2235-2320 SEAs 13630

Japanese 0200-0300 SEAs 11860I EAs 11840*, 15500* SAs 15590* NAm 5960C, 13630* Oceania 21610* 0400-0430 SAm 9660F Am/HWI 15230 0400-0500 SEAs 17810 EAs 11840* NAm 6110C Eu 5960B, 7230B ME/NAf 17820S 0800-0900 SEAs 11740I, 11815* EAs 7125 SAm 6070F, 9685 Am/HWI 9835* Oceania 11850, 11920I ME/NAf 15230G CAf 17815A WAf 15220A 0900-0930 SAm 6070F, 9685 0900-1000 SEAs 11740I, 11815* EAs 7125 Am/HWI 9835* Oceania 11850 ME/NAf 15230G 1000-1100 SEAs 11815* EAs 7125 NAm 6120C(from April 6) SAf 17780G 1600-1700 SEAs 7200 EAs 6035* NAm 9535* Am/HWI 9835* 1800-1900 SEAs 7200 EAs 6035* NAm 9535* Oceania 7140 Eu 7110* ME/NAf 11880S 1900-2000 SEAs 7200* EAs 6035* NAm 9535* Oceania 6035I Eu 7110*

Japanese (relay home sce. R.One) 0300-0330 EAf 13700* 0300-0400 SEAs 17810 EAs 11840* SAs 15590* NAm 5960(until April 6), 13630* CAm 11895F SAm 9660F Am/HWI 15230 Oceania 21610* Eu 11760* ME/NAf 9515G 0900-1300 SEAs 9855* EAs 9750* 1300-1400 SEAs 9855* EAs 9750* SAs 12045S NAm 11705C CAf 21490A WAf 15400A 1400-1500 SEAs 9855* EAs 9750* SAs 12045S NAm 11705C 2000-2100 SEAs 7200*, 9825 EAs 6090, 9560, 11910* NAm 13630* Oceania 6035I Eu 7110*, 7210B 2100-2200 SEAs 9825, 11665* EAs 9560, 11910* Oceania 11850* 2200-2300 SEAs 9825, 11665* EAs 9560, 11910* SAm 9685F Oceania 11850* Eu 6055B, 6115B 2300-2400 SEAs 9825, 11665* EAs 9560, 11910* Eu 6180B Korean 0320-0420 EAs 11910* 1030-1130 EAs 6190 1400-1500 EAs 6090 2115-2200 EAs 6090 Malay 1400-1430 SEAs 9695* 2320-2340 SEAs 13650* Portuguese 0930-1000 SAm 9530F, 9685 Persian 0230-0300 ME/NAf 6150G, 11760* Russian 0430-0530 Eu 11760*, 12030G 0500-0600 EAs 11715* 0745-0845 EAs 6145*, 6165* 1000-1100 Eu 11710B 1300-1400 EAs 6090 Spanish 0430-0500 CAm 11895F, 13630* SAm 9660F Am/HWI 15230 0630-0700 Eu 12030G 1000-1030 SAm 9530F, 9685 Swahili 0330-0400 EAf 6135A, 13700* Swedish 0530-0545 Eu 11760*, 12030G 1100-1115 Eu 17630G Thai 1130-1200 SEAs 11740I 1300-1330 SEAs 9695* 2340-2400 SEAs 13650* Urdu 0300-0330 SAs 11890S 1230-1300 SAs 12045S Vietnamese 1200-1230 SEAs 11740I 1330-1400 SEAs 9695* 2320-2340 SEAs 13630

Relays: A-Ascension Island 250kW B-U.K. 250kW C-Sackville, Canada 250kW F-Montsinery, French Guiana 500kW G-Moyabi, Gabon 500kW I-Kranji, Singapore 250kW S-Ekala, Sri Lanka 300kW Others from Yamata, Japan: Freqs marked *) are 300kW, others are 100kW (Kunitoshi Hishikawa-JAP, Mar 26)

LATVIA Latvian Radio to boost transmitter power. The 1st progr of Latvian R will be audible throughout the country. The power of the Riga MW tx 945 kHz will be tripled, thereby ensuring good reception throughout most of the territory of Latvia. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 26)

MOZAMBIQUE/UNITED KINGDOM Renamo radio to be relaunched as Terra Verde. Radio VOR, the Voice of Renamo, is to change its name to Terra Verde [Green Land]. The station will operate on a commercial basis in partnership with a British group. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 19)

NAMIBIA 3270 kHz NBC, Windhoek 2100-2107 UTC English ID: "National Radio, it's eleven o'clock", short news-bulletin, ballad, religious talk. //3289.9 kHz, where NBC suffered from CW-QRM. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 24)

RUSSIA Voice of Russia (Russian sce) Z97 schedule:

EUR and Atlantic region 1700-1900 15430 12060 12040 11630 9810 9610 7400 7340 7280 7260 6045 1900-2000 12040 11840 11630 9810 9610 7400 7340 7280 7260 6045 1323 693 2000-2100 12040 11840 11630 9810 9610 7400 7340 7280 7260 6045

AF 1700-1900 15550 15430 12060 12040 12035 11985 11850 11725 11685 11630 9810 9730 9675 9615 9610 7400 7340 7325 7280 7260 7245 7185 6045 1900-2100 12040 11840 11630 9810 9610 7400 7340 7280 7260 6045

Middle East 1500-1600 11825 11725 11665 9730 9615 7245

FE / AUS / NZL / PAC / OCE 1200-1400 12035 11860 11730 11675 9835 9800 7330 7315 6080

South East Asia 1200-1400 15550 11860 11820 11765 11730 11665 9895 7330 7315 7305 7170 NoAM 0100-0300 15455 13605 12000 11660 9830 9820 7370 7310 7125

SoAM 2300-2400 9830 9820 7370 7310 0100-0300 15455 13605 12000 11660 9830 9820 7370 7310 7125 (VoR fax via Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Mar 25)

According to verification fr TRK Kabbalkteleradio, Nalchik they transmit in Kabardin on Wed & Suns in Balkarian for fellow countrymen in the NE on Thurs at 1830-1900 UTC on 1170, 5905, 7130 kHz. SW frequs were said to be seasonal, these may already be summer frequs. Listening observations in Febr gave MW frequs as 1089 & 1170 kHz and a SW frequ of 6005 kHz. The V/s was Kamal Makitov, vice chairman. (unid, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 28)

SEYCHELLES Due to interference FEBA Radio from Seychelles is now using 7365 (x7350) kHz in Tamil 0115-0200 and Telugu 0200-0230 UTC to India. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 28)

SOUTH AFRICA 3255 kHz BBC World Service, Meierton relay at 2158-2159* UTC Popmx, English ID, off 2159 UTC after "This is London". (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Mar 26)

The new Investment Channel, they are announcing the following frequs fr 30th March: ME & EaAF 0200-0530 6160 7190 9525 11820 0800-1130 15225 17875 1400-1800 9455 11870 11900 15225

Ce&WeAF 0530-0800 9525 11820 15225 17770 1130-1400 15225 17780 1800-2200 5965 7225 9455

SoAF 0400-0700 3230 5955 6120 9675 [11970?] 1000-1200 9675 11970 1600-2100 3230 5955

This is the Investment Channel. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Listen in and see how your investments compare. You can call us at Liechtenstein +41 75 232 58 89 or fax us at Liechtenstein +41 75 232 38 82, or write us at PO Box 1250, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Europe. (Alok Dasgupta-IND; BBCM via AGDX, Mar 25-28)

SRI LANKA v4902 kHz SLBC (p) at 1311 with weak talk. Only heard this one twice in the two years I lived in Colorado so WeTexas apparently has some potential for Asian Dxing. As Dave mentioned, the Sri Lanka sts were weak even in Hawaii. (Johnson, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 19)

TANZANIA Observations by BBC Monitoring on 19th March confirmed that the Dar es Salaam-based private commercial st Radio One is now bcing on MW 1440 kHz. //main Dar es Salaam VHF/FM transmitter on 99.6 MHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 19)

UKRAINE R. Diya Tekh Kto v. More (Radio for those at Sea) on 9450, QSL in Cyrillic !!!, letter in English, Ukrainian mint stamps in 84 days, no IRC sent. QTH: Krymskoye R. - Ul. Karaimskaya 6/d, UKR-330000, Simferopol, Ukraine. (Botto Fiora-I, /Play DX, Mar 16) [also P.O.Box 956, UKR-333034 Simferopol. Broadcasts on Mons only, 0600-0700 & 1600-1700 UTC.(?)]

UNIDENTIFIED 4845 kHz at 0415-0600 UTC R France International on new fq with nx and talks in French //7280, 7315 and until 0430 UTC also Gabon 4890 kHz. After 0430 UTC RFI via Gabon carried another French progr. Several RFI IDs, but the st faded out just before Mauritania should sign-on on 4845 kHz. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Mar 25) v7095 kHz - Unid R. with highly turkish songs at 1700 UTC, with a reference by to man Alma Ata at 1710 UTC then man speaking continuously till my tune out. Azeri matters then gone into azeri music. I wonder if it is R F Azerbaijan. (Liangas-GRC, via TFW, Mar 15- 18) Today noted VOF Azerbijan new v7093 kHz at 1530-1630 UTC (x1630). Iran on Summer time since Sunday 23rd March? (G.Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Mar 25) [from Dushanbe tx site?; Tbilisi Dusheti in Georgia is Christian; ed]

USA VoA Communications World by Kim Elliott lost six of their AF sce frequencies. New CW summer schedule reads [all Sats]: 1030-1100 UTC EaAS SoEaAS PAC 5985-Delano [also widely heard in USA & CAN] 11720 & 15425 kHz. 1730-1800 UTC SoAS EaAS 6110 6160 7125 7215 9645 9700 15205 15255 15395 1730-1800 UTC ME NoAF EUR 9700 9760 15205 15255 2130-2200 UTC ME NoAF EUR 1260 1548 6040 9535 9760 1730-1800 UTC AF 15410 15445 17895

Also bc Sat 1930 UTC FM Berlin 87.9 MHz; Sun 1400 UTC WRN1 via Astra 1B, tr 22, 11.538 GHz, vertical, 7.38 MHz mono subcarrier.

Please fax Kim Elliott on which bc outlet you regularly listen to CW: +1 202 619 25 43 (VoA CW, Mar 29)

13825 kHz WVHA 1100-1200 UTC English progr "Your Story Hour", and "PC Evangelistic Series" strong and clear. WVHA POBox: A, Olamon, ME 04467 USA (Szucs, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 23)

WWCR Z97 Summer schedule, taken from www site. Tx #1 - 100 kW - 46 degrees Freq Time (UTC) Dates 15685 1000-2200 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 9475 2200-0000 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 3215 0000-0400 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 3210 0400-1000 06 Apr 97-31 May 97

Tx #2 - 100 kW - 85 degrees 13845 1200-0100 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 5935 0100-1200 06 Apr 97-31 May 97

Tx #3 - 100 kW - 40 degrees 12160 1300-2300 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 5065 2300-1100 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 7545 1100-1300 06 Apr 97-31 May 97

Tx #4 - 100 kW - 90 degrees 9475 1200-2200 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 7435 2200-0100 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 2390 0100-1200 06 Apr 97-31 May 97 (Juergen Kubiak-D, Mar 25)

Your Personal Invitation to the Radio Netherlands Open Day, Sat June 7th 1997. Via this e-mail we'd like to invite you to share our 50th anniversary with us. In the course of this year there will be a number of special progrs, as listed in our progr magazines such as 'On Target'. But on the first Sat in June we'd like to invite you to visit us at the Radio Netherlands' bc centre in Hilversum. Meet the faces behind the voices, as we open the doors to celebrate a half century of serving the world. The street address is Witte Kruislaan 55 on the northern side of Hilversum's Media Park. Our next door neighbour is the PTT communications tower, so the station complex is easy to find.

Plans for the day are already taking shapen including live performances from mx bands and local artists and a children's progr and an exhibition. Come and see how Radio Netherlands has transformed itself, building on its SW past and now adding digital mx productions, our pages on the Internet, bc and development training, Real Audio, etc. etc.

Special live txions in our Dutch language sce will be bc from the entrance hall which will also be heard on the domestic network Radio 2 (FM only) We'll be involving listeners as much as possible in the activities. The open day is on Sat June 7th 1997, between 10.00 and 16.00 hrs local time. The full street address is Witte Kruislaan 55, 1217AM Hilversum.

If you're coming by train, then get off the train from Amsterdam or Utrecht at Hilversum Noord. If you're coming from direction of Utrecht, cross the footbridge. You'll see the huge MediaPark in front of you. Turn right and follow the road north in the direction of Bussum and the large PTT tower (always visible except in heavy mist). After 5 mins walk, you'll see a set of traffic lights. Radio Netherlands is on the corner.

Help us to help you; If you are coming from abroad to our one-day Open Day, please send us an e-mail in advance. Then we'll ensure that members of the language sections are here to see you. (RN Mar 23)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 301 05 Apr 1997 ______

AFGHANISTAN New anti-Taleban radio launched with Turkish help. The anti-Taleban National Islamic Movement led by General Dostum, included a report headlined: "Historic Balkh radio starts bcing" in monthly publication 'Afghan Press'. Reports from the town of Balkh [west of Mazar-e Sharif in northern AFG] that a new radio - Radio Balkh - has formally started bcing on SW and MW. This st has been supplied and installed with technical and financial assistance from the friendly and fraternal country of the Republic of Turkey. The forces of General Dostum, whose base is in Mazar- e Sharif, control the northern provinces of Afghanistan and are currently engaged in fighting with the Taleban group.

Another anti-Taleban radio st, calling itself R Afghanistan, has bcon SW since Oct 1996. It appears to be operated by supporters of the ousted President Rabbani. Pro-Rabbani officials have told BBCM that it bcs from a facility in Taloqan, Takhar Province, in northern Afghanistan. It may share facilites with a Tajik opposition radio, Voice of Free Tajikistan, which uses the same SW frequ.

Taleban-controlled R Voice of Shari'ah R tx repaired. Three components of a 100 kW tx made by Siemens of Germany, which had been idle for some time, were sent to Germany for repair. R Voice of Shari'ah passes on to all listeners the good news thatfrom now on this R will bc at maximum capacity. Our listeners inside and outside the country can hear the radio's progrs on 1278 kHz MW with better reception. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 27 - Apr 4)

ALBANIA R Tirana in German on new 9570 kHz at 1815-1840 UTC, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Mar 31)

R Tirana ann on 20th March that the following summertime sched for English bcs would come into effect on 30th Mar 1997: 0145-0200 6115 7160 0230-0300 6140 7160 1845-1900 7270 9570 2100-2130 7110 9515 (20 Mar/R Tirana/BBCM, via AGDX)

VoA MW Durres Fllake relay: 1395 kHz 0330-0400 VOA SERB DUR 500 330 1395 kHz 0430-0500 VOA CROA DUR 500 330 1458 kHz 0530-0600 VOA SERB DUR 500 338 (IBB schedule)

AUSTRALIA R Australia Operational Schedule M-97 changes only. Eff from 2100 UTC Sat 30 March 1997

Shepparton Line B: 100kW 00:30-02:00 17860 E 065 02:00-04:00 13755 E 065 04:00-06:30 11880 E 065 06:30-13:00 9580 E 070

Line E: 100kW 00:30-06:30 17795 E 050 06:30-13:00 9860 E 030

Line F: 100kW 00:30-02:00 13755 E 030 02:00-08:00 15240 X 030 08:00-09:00 6080 E 005

Darwin Line N: 250kW 08:00-11:00 13605 E 340 11:00-13:30 13605 S 340 13:30-14:30 9850 C 340 14:30-16:00 9850 E 340

Line P: 250kW 00:00-00:30 17880 F(+) 316 00:30-02:00 17880 E(+) 316 01:00-08:00 17880 X(+) 316 08:00-08:30 17880 E(+) 316 08:30-11:00 9560 I 290 11:00-13:30 9560 S 317 13:30-14:30 9560 C 317 14:30-20:00 9615 E 317 20:00-22:00 9850 E 317 22:00-23:30 9850 S 317 23:30-00:00 17880 E(+) 316

Line Q: 250kW 08:30-11:00 11640 I 290 11:00-11:30 11640 E 290 11:30-12:30 7150 K 315 12:30-13:00 7150 Y 315 13:00-14:30 7150 V 315 14:30-16:00 7380 E 315 16:00-23:00 6090 E 290 21:30-00:00 11640 I 290

Line S: 250kW 00:00-05:00 17750 E 316 05:00-06:00 15530 K 316 06:00-08:00 15530 E 316 08:00-11:00 21725 E 316 11:00-13:00 11660 E 316 13:00-14:30 11660 V 316 14:30-16:00 11660 E 316 16:00-18:00 9580 E 316 18:00-21:00 7330 E 316 21:00-00:00 11855 E 316 Legend: BBC: BBC relay E: General English X: Sport (Sat 02:00-08:00, Sun 03:00-08:00; E otherwise) C: Cantonese F: French I: Indonesian K: Khmer P: Tok Pisin S: Standard Chinese (*)= X on Sat/Sun T: Thai; X on Sat/Sun V: Vietnamese Y: English (Mon-Fri), Vietnamese (Sat,Sun) (+) -6 dB carrier WRT PEP, USB postal address: P.O.Box 428G, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia Phone: +61 - 3 - 9626 1800 Fax: +61 - 3 - 9626 1899 Openline: +61 - 3 - 9626 1825 E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http://www.abc.net.au/ra/default.htm (via Andreas Volk)

R Australia Cricket match live commentary from South Africa on 15510 kHz at 0800 or 1230 UTC till close of play depending on the match sked. On these days 11660 kHz is not heard. This is the same Darwin tx 'S' 250 kW, 316 degrees. Scheduled regularly 0800-1100 UTC 21725, 1100-1600 UTC 11660, see also above. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

AUSTRIA AUSTRIAN R Home Sce: FAX on demand Oesterreichischer Rundfunk ORF (Austrian Radio) provides an extensive Fax polling service for those who cannot access the st by e-mail http://www.orf.at/orf/

If your fax machine is capable to receive fax on demand (and if you don't mind to pay AS 0,22/sec (Mo-Fr, 0600-1600 UTC) or AS 0,13/sec (at other times) - which translates to about $1 a minute (at full rate) - you may pick and chose. From inside Austria call 0459etc., else call +43-1-0459-299 03 01-extension

Extensions (selection): 000 full index 001 ORF fact sheets 1996 100 Index for ORF1 (1st programme, home service) 200 Phrase of the Day () 300 Index for OE3 (3rd programme, home service) 360 Index for 3sat (Satellite TV programme) 401-404 Cooking recipes (ORF Apr 1)

BELGIUM [c.f. BC-DX #299) R Vlaanderen Internat Brussels summer sched Z97 fr March 30, til Oct 25, 1997: AF frequ 0930-1125 is 17690 kHz. French at 2130-2155 UTC on single 9925 kHz, and 1512 kHz only. (RFI printed schedule, Apr 1)

CHINA/TIBET Peoples Bcing Service Tibet announcements in English at 1500 UTC on 6110 kHz 'This is People Bcing Service Tibet program for overseas listeners' followed by a program in Tibetan. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

CIS Trans World R via CIS relay is now using 12035 (x9825) kHz at 0030-0200 UTC and at 1130-1530 UTC on 12005 (x9420) kHz in Indian vernaculars. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

ECUADOR 10080 kHz (spur) HCJB at 0040-0100* UTC, Spur/mixing product of 9745 in English and new 9410 kHz in French. EG/FR pgms mixing together on 10080. 335 kHz separation between 9410, 9745, and 10080. 10080 goes off when 9410 signs off at 0100 UTC. (Alexander, in Cumbre Dx, Mar 29)

What's on the DX Party Line this week? Well, even as this is written we are working on an interview or two which we hope to carry. Meanwhile, we will tell you about a new SW R st planned for the US, we'll review a new book on Web Radio, and in a report left over from last week, Allen Graham will tell us about a once hush-hush st which became legit, and now has gone off the air. EUR Sat 0800 UTC 5865 kHz, 1900 UTC on 11990 kHz. SoPAC & AS Sat 0900 UTC 9645 kHz. NoAM Sun 0100 & 0400 UTC 9745 kHz (Sat evening local time) (Kenneth D. MacHarg, Apr 4)

ESTONIA From April 1st, Estonian R will completely cease bcing the first progr of Estonian R on MW txs in Kardla, Haapsalu and Parnu. Also will stop txing every day at 1830 UTC from MW txs in Laitse, Kohtla-Nomme and Voru. Estonian R is no longer capable of paying for the MW transmissions. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 4)

GEORGIA Improved fine audio quality on Dusheti tx site now. Heard Georgian R English sce at about 0800-0900 UTC on 11910 kHz. Voice of Hope Tbilissi relay at 1800-2000 UTC fine signal on 9310 kHz. (WB Mar 31)

7520 [now 9310] V of Hope, Tbilisi. Great looking oversized card, specially printed for this site. "The Voice of Hope, European Beacon, Tbilisi, Georgia" on front, along with colorful drawing of beams going out from Georgia to Europe, and small picture of the tx site; full-data on back, along with Hereford address and invitation to check out the VoH Web site . Power is 100 kW, 302 degrees from Dusheti (42.03 N/44.41 E). In three weeks for taped report. Worth having. (Berg, Mar. 30; Rausch, Apr. 2)

GERMANY VoA/RFE MW Munich Ismaning relay: 1197 0000-0300 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 1197 0300-0330 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 1197 0330-0400 VOA CZEC MUN 300 065 1197 0400-0415 VOA SLVK MUN 300 065 1197 0415-0430 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 1197 0430-0700 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 1197 1200-1400 VOA ENGL MUN 300 ND MO-FR 1197 1400-1500 VOA ENGL MUN 300 ND MO-FR 1197 1500-1530 VOA BOSN MUN 300 115 MO-FR 1197 1530-1600 VOA ENGL MUN 300 115 1197 1600-1700 RFE SC MUN 300 115 1197 1700-1800 RFE SC MUN 300 115 1197 1800-1900 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 1197 1900-1945 VOA CZEC MUN 300 065 1197 1945-2000 VOA SLVK MUN 300 065 1197 2000-2200 VOA POLI MUN 300 065 1197 2300-2400 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 MO-FR (IBB schedule)

GUAM KTWR moved onto 11835 (x9430) kHz at 1330-1415 UTC in Indian vernaculars. KSDA noted in English at 0130-0200 UTC with 'Wavescan' px on Suns.(30/3) (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

HUNGARY R Budapest (Brody Sandor ut 5-7, H-1800 Budapest, Hungary) summer schedule in German Z97: Mo-Sa 1730-1800 UTC 3975 5970 9755 1930-2000 UTC 3975 7155 9755 Sun 1200-1300 UTC 5970 7220 9820 1700-1800 UTC 3975 5990 9755 kHz. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, Mar 30)

R Budapest at 0000-0100 in Hungarian to NoAM on 9810 kHz. At 0100 UTC in English on 9580 kHz. News followed by DX programme. Fair signal. //6075 kHz weak with co-channel from DW. (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, Mar 31)

INDONESIA 9565 kHz RRI Jakarta at 0930 UTC Pop mx, female announcer with Indonesian ID, nice instrumental version of "I will always love you". (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Apr 1) Audible on odd v11788.5 kHz at 1330-1500 UTC on Apr 2nd. At 1300 live coverage of football nations cup? From 1330 UTC phone-in hitparade of both lovely Asian and western songs. (WB Apr 2)

IRAQ Iraqi R observations. Mother of Battles R was observed signing on at 1700 UTC on 1st April on 3935 kHz. Announced that it bcs on 693 kHz Arabian Peninsula and Gulf. 1377 kHz Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt. 9745 kHz to the Arab Maghreb countries. Attempts to trace the R on these frequencies were unsuccessful. 693 kHz relayed the Iraqi Radio's main progr throughout. No Iraqi R sces have been observed on 1377 kHz for several months. Also not been traced on or around 9745 kHz during repeated checks this year. Republic of Iraq Radio's main progr on 603, 693, 756, 963 and 1035 kHz. Republic of Iraq Radio's Kurdish sce was on 1206 kHz (rather than 1030 kHz which had been observed in Dec) in //with SW 6560 kHz til around 1700 UTC. Republic of Iraq Radio's Voice of the Masses sce could not be traced on any of its listed frequs. Voice of Youth continues to be monitored on 1084 kHz.

The following Iraqi opposition and Kurdish radio sts were observed on 31st March: Radio of Islam, Voice of the Islamic Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan, in Arabic 1600-1650 UTC 4135, 4400 and 6305 kHz.

Voice of Rebellious Iraq in Arabic on 6086 kHz 1300-1530 UTC. It was also observed after 1930 UTC on 1386 kHz.

Radio of Jihad, Voice of Iraqi Islamic Movement 1700-1900 UTC on 1116 kHz.

Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan on 4080 kHz (replacing 4070 kHz, which had been suffering from intense jamming for several days). The Iraqi Kurdistan regional govt st, Harim Radio, 1500-1600 UTC, has also switched to 4080 kHz. At 1845 UTC 31st March, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan announced progr would be bc in accordance with the following schedule [fr Apr 1]: 0345-0500 & 1645-1800 UTC Kurdish. 0500-0600 & 1800-1900 UTC Arabic. 1900-2000 UTC special progrs in Kurdish and Arabic beamed to EUR & ME.

Voice of Iraqi Islamic Revolution continues to be untraced. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 31 - Apr 1)

KOREA/UK R Korea Int. via Skelton in German now 2000-2100 on 6145. English at 2100 on 3970 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, Apr 1) And Korean sce via UK at 0700-0800 UTC also on new 9555 (x9510) kHz. (WB Apr 3)

LAOS v6974.09 kHz LNR, Luang Prabang, 1042-1102 UTC, on March 28 talk M & F anncr in Asian language, then regional mx. Thanks to Dave Valko per tip in Maui DX-pedition logs. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Mar 30) LATVIA Privat R sts R R&R and R Two bc now on MW 1017 kHz (x945). State R replaced 576 by 945 kHz. R R&R bc at 1600-2100 UTC(DST). (Andreas Erbe-D, Apr 1)

MONGOLIA V o Mongolia is well heard in India! [250 kW at 230 degr to Indian subcontinent] on 9720 kHz at 1430-1500 Chinese, 1500-1530 UTC English. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

Voice of Mongolia on 15170 kHz, at 0925 UTC [0830-1100 UTC, 250 kW, 126 degr] in English. Details of the contest followed by closing annoucements by female. Reception possible thanks to very weak reception of R Norway. (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, Mar 31)

POLAND Polish R Warsaw Z97 schedule of English bcs: 1200-1255 UTC 11815 9525 7270 7145 6095 kHz. 1700-1755 UTC 7285 6095 6000 1930-2025 UTC 7285 6095 6035 (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, Mar 27)

ROMANIA RRI Bucarest Z97 in German: 0622-0632 9550 9665 11840 15365 1230-1325 9690 11940 15255 1630-1655 7225 9690 11940 1800-1855 7195 9690 11940 English at noon 1230-1325 UTC 11885 15395, and 17720 kHz. (Andreas Erbe-D, Apr 1)

VoA MW Lugoj Baldur relay: 756 kHz 0330-0400 VOA SERB LUG 400 190 756 kHz 0430-0500 VOA CROA LUG 400 190

RUSSIA Radio Nadezhda [Hope] back on MW 1044 kHz. // Moscow 104.2 MHz. This st, which has been experiencing financial difficulties. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 30)

SEYCHELLES FEBA R landed on 11600 (x11640) kHz at 1257-1415 UTC. Due to QRM [by RFA in Vietnamese] may move to a new channel. FEBA back on 7350 after a brief stay on 7365 kHz at 0112-0228 UTC in Tamil & Telugu to India. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

SOUTH AFRICA/SWAZILAND Trans World R sked til 26th Oct: 0333-0404 Amharic 7215M Sa-Su 0333-0404 Oromo 7215M Th-Fr 0333-0404 English 7215M Mo-We 0600-0700 English 11730M 1528-1543 Yao 7265M 1543-1558 Sena 7265M 1600-1630 Kirundi 9850M 1630-1700 Oromo 9850M Mo-Sa 1630-1700 Borana 9850M Mo 1640-1655 Somali 9650M 1700-1730 Tigrigna 9850M 1730-1800 Amharic 9850M 1810-1825 Kinyarwanda 9850M Sa 1830-1900 Nupe 9510M 1900-1930 Yoruba 9510M 1930-2000 Fulani 9510M 2000-2030 Hausa 9510M 2030-2057 Twi 9510M 2100-2130 Arabic 7215M 2130-2145 Arabic 7215M Su M=via Meyerton (BBCM via AGDX, also via NASWA)

TAIWAN/RUSSIA External VOFC radio / The -owned Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) is to resume Russian-language bcing on 1st April. 0505- 0605 UTC daily on 9955 kHz. The resumed progr will be beamed to Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and other former Soviet countries. (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 27) THAILAND The portion of the R Thailand M97 schedule transmitted from Udorn. March 15, 1997, some freqs updated for Z97. Lang Target Time(GMT) Freq BURM SEA 1145-1200 6040 ENGL Afr 0000-0030 9690 ENGL As/Pac 1230-1300 9885 ENGL As/Pac 1400-1430 9830 ENGL ENA 0030-0100 15370 ENGL Eur 0530-0600 15115 ENGL Eur 1900-2000 7210 ENGL Eur 2030-2045 9680 ENGL WNA 0300-0330 11890 FREN Eur 2015-2030 9680 GERM Eur 2000-2015 9680 INDO SEA 1215-1230 11805 JAPA EAs 1300-1315 7145 KHME SEA 1115-1130 7285 LAO SEA 1130-1145 6040 MALA SEA 1200-1215 11805 MAND Chn 1315-1330 7145 THAI EAs 1330-1400 7145 THAI ENA 0100-0200 11905 THAI Eur 2045-2115 9680 THAI ME 1800-1900 11855? (7210?) THAI WNA 0330-0430 11890 VIET SEA 1100-1115 7285 (DF via CompuServe HAMNET. updated Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 4)

TUNISIA SW txs to be modernized. To make the progrs of the national radio st heard abroad, the council examined a project aiming at modernizing the existing installations and txs in order to allow SW radio bcs to be transmitted via the st at Sidi Mansur and be heard throughout the whole of the Arab Maghreb, ME and Western EUR. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 2)

TURKEY (c.f. bc-dx #294) Changes in final Z97 schedule of TRT Ankara: Del 6120 0300-0400 English 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm Add 7300 0300-0400 English 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm Del 7300 0400-0700 Turkish 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm Add 6170 0400-0700 Turkish 500 325 EMR Eu,NoAm Del 11970 1400-1500 Azerbaijani 500 97 EMR As Add 11865 1400-1500 Azerbaijani 500 97 EMR As Del 13695 1230-1330 English 500 90 EMR As,Aus Add 13750 1230-1330 English 500 90 EMR As,Aus (TRT via Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Apr 1)

UKRAINE New English time segment of RUI Kiev at 1200-1300 UTC on best 12045, fair 12050, poor 15520, may be also on 17680 kHz, but not propagating today. Ukrainian language at same time on 6020 7320 9600 9870 11705 11840 13590 kHz.

From about 0600 UTC there was RUI Kiev audible on 6020 7320 9600 9870 11705 11840 13590 kHz. Additional channels observed later around noon: 12050 15520 17680[til 1700] kHz. From about 1700 UTC more channels: 5905 6090 11830 kHz, delete 9600, 11705 11840. RUI Kiev in German 2000-2100 UTC on 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9640 11830 12040 13590 15520 kHz; English at 2100-2200 and 0000-0100 UTC. German 2300-2400 UTC on 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560 12040 13590 kHz. 5905 kHz produces two terrible spurious signals on 5880, 5889.5, and 5929 kHz.

RUI Ukraine 2nd progr in Ukrainian at 1700-1800 UTC on 12050 & 13720 kHz; 2000-2100 UTC 13720 kHz. 2300-2400 UTC 9550 & 13720 kHz.

What appeared to be R Almaty-KAZ heard on 9620 and new 11720 kHz (x11840) via Kiev-UKR relay, schedule seems to be 0500-1600 UTC. 11720 kHz Almaty relay via Kiev produces two spurios signals, separation 25 kHz away up and down of nominal channel.

1800-1900 UTC relay of Belarus R on 7410 & 9905 kHz. (WB, Mar 31)

RUI Kiev Z97 schedule to NoAM, 1st program 0000-0100 Eng 9550 12040 (7150 May 1 - Sept 1) 0100-0200 Ukr 7150 9550 12040 0400-0900 Ukr (7150 May 1 - Sept 1) 1000-1200 Ukr 12050 1300-1700 Ukr 12050 1800-2000 Ukr 12050 2100-2200 Eng 9550 12040 2200-2300 Ukr 9550 12040

2nd program 0200-0300 Ukr 7150 9550 12040 0300-0400 Eng 7150 9550 12040 1200-1300 Eng 12050 1700-1800 Eng 12050 2300-2400 Ukr 9550 12040 (7150 May 1 - Sept 1) (source NRCU Kyiv, via Joerg Sajuk-D, Apr 4)

UNID Spanish language sce observed at 0020 UTC on v5952.4 kHz. May be CTR R Casino- Limon?? or Bolivian Pio XII?? [All NoAM sts came in very loud this night, especially 5745 kHz.] (WB Apr 4) 5952.3 kHz R. Pio XII, 0110 Mostly in Aymara, but some info in SP on the upcoming Easter parades: "El tren de Octubre se va a dividir en dos grupos, uno que va a ir por esa avenida, y el otro grupo va a ir por la Plaza del Minero...." (Pedersen, via Cumbre Dx, Mar 28)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC German sce on new 11995 kHz at 1200-1215? UTC.

USA In 2130-2200 UTC time range came across of an UNID US st on 13790 kHz, plyaing many religious Gospel songs. Poor signal level, I couln't even catch the station's ID. So decided to let out my 'help letter' to all known DX guys in NoAM. They told me, that would be WINB Red Lion, registered on 13710 kHz, but really 80 kHz up now till 2400 UTC. [yes, WINB, George Jacobs list it in USAP file of March 19th] (WB, Mar 31)

Could have been WINB, Red Lion PA on 13790 kHz (vice 13710 as coordinated for Z97). Just checked 11950 and the same format exists. Also, coordinated sked for WINB shows a switch over from 22 mb to 25 mb @0000 UTC. Heard here too @ 2355 UTC, SINPO 13122. Barely made an English ID at 2359*? Heard mention of Pennsylvania between fades, which could have been either the TX site or the HQ for the organization. (Mark J. Fine-USA, Mar 31)

VoA in Spanish to the American Republics M-F 1200-1230 6030 7370 11890 11945 13775 15265 15390 17875 but Greenville 13775 kHz produces two spurious signals 112.3 kHz away, on 13662.7 and 13887.3 kHz.

My RFA observations of today Mar 31, there are some switching errors, occured obviously on FIRST DAY working in RFA feeder network. Burmese at 1500-1600 on 11590 kHz and better on 11605 kHz. Chinese language outlet at 1500-1600 UTC, 9455 best, 9910, 11565, 15660 kHz all fair audible. 11565 carried some hum, but observed on Apr 1st: R Pakistan co-channel varying from registered 11570 kHz. Delano 9805 not audible. Tibetan slot 1300-1400 UTC audible on 11575 fair & 11590 kHz poor. Vietnamese at 1400-1500 UTC is on 11605 kHz, but 11600 kHz on Apr 1st, loud here in EUR. Fair 9455, Poor 11590, but 9930 S= 0-1 Hawaii. Korean at 1530-1630 UTC no channel audible here in EUR.

Chinese at 2100-2200 UTC on 9395, 9420 & 9455 all with fair level. 9910 used by and underneath AIR powerhouse. 9455 kHz suffering QRM by AWR in Arabic. Korean at 2200-2300 UTC single Korean language audio found on the bands, 9455 kHz on very poor level, but seemingly carrying Korean. And at same time, two channels more, 7460 9365 kHz, all bc endless ID tape in English & Russian language, announced RFA FIRST channel. 7460 kHz bc endless tape til 2254, then switched into romantic US mx, suddenly s-off at 2258 UTC. Chinese at 2300-2400 UTC on 9395 kHz only, but heavy QRM by ERT Athens in its South America sce, same channel. Tibetan at 2300-2400 UTC audible on two channels, 7410 and much stronger 9365 kHz. Vietnamese at 2330-0030 UTC the only st was 9975 kHz, but heavy QRM by WEWN 500 kW Catholic mass from Birmingham USA [2200-2400 UTC] blowing into EUR at 40 degrees. IBB FCC sked Z97 doesn't show anymore RFA freqs and languages, and omitted all reference to sites and powers! (WB, Mar 31 - Apr 1)

R FREE ASIA : 0030-0130 Burmese 11580 11590 11600 1300-1400 Tibetan 11575 11590 1400-1500 Viet. 11590 11600 (cochannel with SEY) 1500-1600 Burmese 11590 11605 (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

World of R Schedule as of April 6, from Glenn Hauser. On WWCR Nashville: Thur 2030 15685, Sat 0530 5070 (NEW), Sat 1130 7435, Sat 1300 15685, Sun 0730 5070 (NEW), Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070, Tue 1230 15685. On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM daytime, 7385 AM and 6205 USB at night. (Glenn Hauser, Apr 2)

Cumbre Dx - here is our schedule for bcs after April 6, 1997. VIA WHRI, INDIANA Sat 0500 5760 7315 Sat 1300 6040 Sat 1730 9495 Sun 1630 13760 Sun 2200 5745

VIA KWHR, HAWAII (to Asia and Pacific) (Times do not shift for KWHR) Sat 0230 17510 Sat 0500 9930 Sun 1830 13625 Mon 0330 17510 (Marie Lamb-USA, Mar 30)

On Febr 3, 1997 a construction permit to build a new SW R st in the USA was granted to Charles C. Josey from Macon, GA. The construction permit expires on Aug 3, 1998, but Mr. Josey hopes to be on the air in Jan or Febr 1998. Mr. Josey is currently building a 50 kW SW tx to be operated on 11910 kHz. The antenna will be a rotatable yagi with a gain of at least 10 dB, an elevation of 7 degrees, a beam width of 53 degrees, and azimuths of 0, 30, and 330 degrees, mounted on a 40-meter-high tower. The tx will be located at 300 Poplar Street in Macon, GA in a business park on the west side of Macon, 32.49:56 N latitude and 83.37:34 W longitude. The st will air primarily religious bcs from 7 P.M. until 7 A.M., starting with a few hours a night. The callsign of the st has not been assigned yet. The call Mr. Josey would have liked was attributed 8 months ago to a local TV st.

The st can be contacted at the following address: Charles C. Josey, 965 Hickory Ridge Drive, Macon GA 31204-1018, U.S.A. Telephone: (912) 477-3433 E-mail: [email protected] (Maes Tx Documentation Project Web page via Lamb, Mar. 29)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in English at 0100-0130 UTC on 9375 kHz. IBRA R "Mukto Prabaho" in Bengali moved to 15470 (x7400) kHz at 1330-1400 UTC via Tashkent. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 3)

VIETNAM v6702.13 kHz Lao Cai BS, 1132-1156+ UTC fade out, on March 28, in local language with tribal/indigenous mx. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Mar 30)


I am pleased to announce that the second edition of the AUSTRALASIAN SHORTWAVE GUIDE, for the Z97 Transmission Season, 30 March - 30 October 1997, is planned for publication on 1 May 1997.

This authoritative, accurate and unique guide to shortwave broadcasts targeted to Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Far East, the Indian sub-continent and Oceania has over 600 entries, with frequencies, transmission times, languages, target areas, relay transmitter sites, bcdays, and other information. The data is presented in dual format: by country, and time. Supplementary articles include a listing of English programs beamed to Australasia of technical interest to international R listeners, and a special illustrated feature on the 50th anniversary of R Netherlands!

The Guide is compiled with the extensive support of bcing stations, transmission planners, frequency coordinators, DX/SWL Clubs and Federations, technical consultants, engineering directorates and a network of worldwide expert monitors.

ISSN 1328-5033 Format: International A4, 28 pages Advance orders are now being accepted, and should be sent with payment, to: ROBERT J. PADULA, 404 MONT ALBERT ROAD, SURREY HILLS, VICTORIA 3127, AUSTRALIA. Price: For delivery to AUSTRALIAN ADDRESSES: 10 Australian dollars - cash, personal cheque, Bank Cheque, or Australian Money Order. For worldwide airmail delivery: 12 Australian dollars, 10 American dollars, or 10 IRC's. Payment should be by cash (Australian or American currency), international bank transfer, or international money order. Cheques in non-Australian currency cannot be accepted. All payments should be made for the credit of ROBERT J. PADULA. ("BOB PADULA" is also acceptable). Promotion of the new Guide would be appreciated and I would be pleased to send a copy to any organization, on request, free of charge, (airmail outside of Australia) for review and marketing purposes. Discount rates apply for bulk copies - minimum of five copies sent to a single address - please contact me for pricing details. 31 March 1997 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906 Worldwide Web: http://www.wp.com.edxp/

EDXP "DX R Bookshop" opens! This is a preliminary advice concerning the opening of the Electronic DX Press Australia "DX R Bookshop". This mail-order venture, from Melbourne, is primarily intended to support the SW monitoring community in Australia, and secondarily in other countries, offering a range of relevant publications and multi-media products. Many titles are not available elsewhere in Australia, and prices charged have been specially negotiated with publishers and authors. Some titles are produced under the EDXP banner. The Bookshop initially offers 17 titles, and additions are planned.

Advance details may be found in the EDXP Home Page, at: http://www.wp.com/edxp/ A Media Release is being prepared and will be forwarded to you via E-mail iin due course. A four-page combined Catalogue / Product Directory / Order Form is available from: Electronic DX Press Australia, Attn: Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, Australia. TEL/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906 E-mail: [email protected] Return postage would be appreciated, but is not mandatory. If you have a product for possible stocking by the Bookshop, please contact me without delay! Bob Padula - Electronic DX Press Australia, Melbourne

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 302 11 Apr 1997 ______

AUSTRIA On Sat, 19 April (International Marconi Day) RADIO AUSTRIA INTERNATIONAL will operate special amateur radio station O E 1 M at 0000-2400 UTC on all bands, SSB and CW. A special QSL is available for both QSOs/reception reports on the ham bands and listeners'reports for programmes of Radio Austria International. Operating modes and frequs of OE1M will be announced at the hour, after the news, by Radio Austria International. QSL address (please do not forget to enclose a self-addressed evelope and an IRC): Radio Austria International, A-1136 Wien, Austria/Europe For a preview of the QSL card and for a full schedule of Radio Austria International, go to: http://www.ping.at/rai/ (Wolf Harranth OE1WHC, -- InterNet: [email protected] )

ALBANIA R Tirana audible in Albanian 0300-2200?UTC 6100 kHz. Albanian 0730-1030?UTC 7270 kHz. Italian 1700-1727 UTC new 6015 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7155 kHz. French 1730-1757 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. Turkish? 1730-1743 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. Greek 1745-1758 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. German 1815-1843 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. English 1845-1900 UTC 1458, 7270 and new 9570 kHz. Albanian 1900-2200 UTC 1458 6170 kHz. English 2100-2130 UTC new 7110 and 9515 kHz. Albanian 2300-2400 UTC new 6190 kHz, //7270 kHz. Albanian 0000-0100 UTC new 6170 kHz, //1458 kHz. English 0145-0200 UTC 6115 and 7160 kHz. English 0230-0300 UTC 6140 and 7160 kHz. Albanian 0300-0500 UTC new v6190 and v7269.85 kHz. Freq varied between both evenings from 6189.73-6190.05 kHz. (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Mar 31. - Krueger-FL via DXW) [Serbian segment hasn't been traced yet.]

Concerning 'QSL card' set from Albania: 13 QSL cards issued on set of Albanian folk music instruments, which are sent out at present by Radio Tirana to confirm reception reports.

Afore mentioned QSL cards printed in Munich Germany by 'Radio Tirana Listener Club' and donated to Radio Tirana incl. transportation. (Dr. Hj. Biener-D)

International postal sces to Albania resumed on 26th March according to Royal Mail here in the UK. (Dave Kenny-UK, Apr 8)

AUSTRALIA/NZL BBC relays in AUS / NZL 9660 2200 2300 smtwtfs Brandon 10 10 WSE SE AS 12080 2200 2300 smtwtfs Brandon 10 80 WSE OC 6100 1100 1130 smtwtfs Rangitaki 100 325 WSE FOR OC (BBC schedule)

BELARUS R. Belarus Minsk replaced Kiev relay frequ 9905 by 9560 kHz, German at 1830- 1900 UTC on 1170, 7210 (blocked by QBS Doha in Arabic), Kiev relay 7410 (co-channel AIR Delhi in E), 9560 (co-channel TRT Ankara), and 11960 kHz. Repeat 1930-2000 UTC on 7210 (R Thailand 1900-2000 in E to EUR EU now 7210 [x9535] kHz) and 11960 kHz, both via Belarus facilities. (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Apr 4)

CAMEROON For those who may have been waiting or have given up on receiving a QSL card from CRTV, "Cameroon Radio TV Corpor" in Yaounde, today I received a p/d QSL card for reception on Sept 5, 1991! I did NOT send them a follow up. The card was postmarked March 25, 1997 and the v/s was Eyebe Tanga, Technical Director. Maybe this is time for a follow-up if you are still waiting. The address is: B.P. 1634. Fax is 237-20-43-40.(Ken MacHarg-EQU, Apr 7)

CHINA 7100 CNR 1 2324-2330; Lang: Chinese; Lively commercials. Weather reports for main cities in China. Commercials again. ID at 2330. Unlisted frequ. 9745 CNR 1 2324- 2330; Lang: Chinese; Commercial for a brand of refrigerator. //6840. Unlisted frequ. 15880 CNR World of Chinese Language 0920-0930* Recorded speech in Chinese; music. Putting spurs on 15953/15807 kHz. Signed off at 0930. //11000. ID as "Hua-yu Shi-jie." Bcs in languages other than Mandarin too. 17550 kHz ? New frequ for CNR 1. 0850-0902 UTC Prgr abt highways. Commercials for a private school, liquor, etc. Pips and ID. //17605, 15550, 15480, 15390, 12120, 11800, 9340, 9290, 7504, 7290 kHz. (Boogert-TWN, via DXW, Mar 31 - Apr 3) [yes I heard 9745 & 9845 kHz carrying same newly opened commercial progr, here in EUR, ed]

CIS BBC Z97 operational schedule shows some CIS relay site entries: 648 0200 0230 smtwtfs Orzu TJK 500 150 PASHTO ME 648 1500 1530 smtwtfs Orzu TJK 500 150 PERSIAN ME 648 1530 1615 smtwtfs Orzu TJK 500 150 PASHTO ME 999 1600 1630 smtwtfs Maiac MDA 500 0 UKRAINIAN UKR 999 1900 1930 smtwtfs Maiac MDA 500 0 UKRAINIAN UKR 999 1930 2000 s.....s Maiac MDA 500 0 UKRAINIAN UKR 1251 0230 0300 smtwtfs?ARM/AZE/TKM?100 0 PERSIAN C AS Dubai-UAE? 1251 1500 1530 smtwtfs?ARM/AZE/TKM?100 0 PERSIAN C AS Dubai-UAE?

12080 1330 1410 smtwtfs Alma Ata 100 132 BENGALI S AS 9860 2200 2300 smtwtfs Chita 500 200 MANDARIN CHN 11640 1300 1530 smtwtfs Chita 500 194 MANDARIN CHN 7330 1600 1630 smtwtfs Ekaterinbu 200 263 UKRAINIAN UKR 7330 1900 1930 smtwtfs Ekaterinbu 200 263 UKRAINIAN UKR 7330 1930 2000 s.....s Ekaterinbu 200 263 UKRAINIAN UKR 9795 0400 0500 .mtwtf. Ekaterinbu 200 263 UKRAINIAN UKR 9890 2200 2300 smtwtfs Irkutsk 250 125 WSE FOR FE 12015 1700 1730 smtwtfs St P 200 147 AZERI C AS 12015 1730 1800 ...... s St P 200 147 RUSS CASIA C AS 12015 1730 1800 .....f. St P 200 147 AZERI C AS 12015 1730 1800 .mtwt.. St P 200 147 RUSS CASIA C AS 12015 1730 1800 s...... St P 200 147 ALT C ASIA C AS 9860 1400 1500 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 HINDI S AS 9860 1500 1530 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 NEPALI S AS 9860 1630 1700 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 BENGALI S AS 9875 0030 0045 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 BENGALI S AS 9875 0045 0130 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 HINDI S AS 17655 0800 0830 smtwtfs Tashkent 200 131 BENGALI S AS 11990 1000 1100 smtwtfs Vladivosto 500 228 MANDARIN FE (BBC schedule, Mar 30)

GUAM KTWR has moved on to 11835 (x9430) kHz at 1330-1415 UTC in Indian vernaculars. Also observed on new 11995 kHz with Chinese at 2230 UTC (x11580). KSDA noted on new 11895 kHz with Indonesian at 2225 UTC, into Javanese dialect 2230 UTC. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Apr 4)

KSDA Guam AWR-Asia Z97 Summer Program Schedule Mar 30 - Oct 26

Local Frequency Meter UTC Time Language kHz Band 0000 0700 Vietnamese* 11775 25 0630 Burmese 17645 17 0800 Mandarin 15225 19 0030 0700 Karen 17645 17 0100 0700 Bangla 17645 17 0900 Mandarin 15225 19 0130 1130 English 17645 17 0200 1000 Mandarin* 13720 22 1000 Mandarin* 15225 19 0300 1100 Mandarin* 13720 22 1100 Mandarin* 15225 19 1000 1800 Cantonese 11980 25 1800 Mandarin 15225 19 2000 English 11790 25 2000 Russian 15170 19 1030 1830 Shanghainese 11980 25 2030 English 15170 19 1100 1900 Minnan/Hakka 11980 25 1800 Indonesian 13720 22 1900 Mandarin 9370 31 1900 Mandarin 15225 19 1130 1830 Javanese 13720 22 1200 1900 Vietnamese 11980 25 2000 Tagalog 13720 22 2000 Mandarin 9370 31 2100 Korean 9650 31 1230 2230 English 13720 22 1300 2100 Mandarin 11980 25 1900 Bangla 13720 22 2100 Mandarin 7455 41 2200 Japanese 9650 31 1330 2330 English 13720 22 2330 English 9650 31 1400 1930 Sinhalese 7400 41 2200 Mandarin 11980 25 2200 Mandarin 7455 41 2030 Chin 9370 31 1430 0030 English 7400 41 2100 Burmese 9370 31 1500 2030 Tamil 7400 41 2030 Hindi 9385 31 2030 Indian~ 9370 31 1530 2100 Kannada 7400 41 2100 Indian^ 9370 31 1600 0200 English 7400 41 2300 Vietnamese 9370 31 1800 Arabic# 13840 22 1700 1900 Farsi 9370 31 0100 Tagalog** 12160 24 1900 Arabic# 13840 22 1730 0330 English 9370 31 2000 0500 Korean 5950 50 0500 Korean 9495 31 2100 0500 Mandarin 9370 31 0600 Japanese 15310 19 2130 0730 English 15310 19 2200 0500 Vietnamese 11775 25 0500 Indonesian 11895 25 0600 Mandarin 11980 25 0600 Mandarin 15225 19 2230 0530 Javanese 11895 25 2300 0900 English 11775 25 0700 Mandarin 15610 19 0700 Cantonese 11980 25 0700 Mandarin 15225 19 2330 0630 Vietnamese* 11775 25 0730 Shanghainese 11980 25

* Broadcasts on Sundays and Saturdays only. ** Broadcasts on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only, ~ Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. - Telugu; Mon, Wed, Fri. - Malayalam ^ Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. - Marathi; Mon, Wed, Fri. - Punjabi # Mar 30-Sept 7. From Sept 7-Oct 26, 7540 khz will be used. (via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, Mar 30)

KTWR PROGRAM SCHEDULE Effective Date: March 30, 1997 Target Language UT Time Days Frequency/MB China Amoy 1415-1500 Sat 9870/31 Amoy 1445-1500 Mon-Fri 9870/31 Amoy 2215-2300 Fri 11650/25 Amoy 2245-2300 Sun-Thu 11650/25 Cantonese 1400-1415 Sat 9870/31 Cantonese 1400-1445 Mon-Fri 9870/31 Cantonese 1400-1500 Sun 9870/31 Cantonese 2200-2215 Fri 11650/25 Cantonese 2200-2245 Sun-Thu 11650/25 Cantonese 2200-2300 Sat 11650/25 Hakka 0825-0855 Daily 11665/25 Mandarin 0900-1130 Daily 9785/31 Mandarin 0900-1230 Daily 11665/25 Mandarin 1100-1330 Daily 9590/31 Mandarin 1130-1530 Daily 9820/31 Mandarin 1230-1400 Daily 11705/25 Mandarin 1400-1530 Daily 9570/31 Mandarin 2130-2330 Daily 11995/25 Swatow 1330-1400 Daily 9870/31 Far East English 0740-0915 Daily 15200/19 Indonesia Balinese 0915-0930 Mon-Tue 15200/19 Indonesian 0930-1100 Daily 15200/19 Indonesian 2100-2230 Daily 9815/31 Madurese 0915-0930 Fri-Sun 15200/19 Torajanese 0915-0930 Wed-Thu 15200/19 Japan Japanese 1200-1300 Daily 9870/31 Japanese 2100-2200 Daily 11700/25 Korea Korean 2030-2130 Daily 9475/31 Myanmar Burmese 1430-1515 Daily 9430/31 North Asia English 1000-1100 Daily 9865/31 South Asia Assamese 1330-1345 Mon-Tue 11835/25 Boro 1330-1345 Wed-Sun 11835/25 Santali 1345-1400 Daily 11835/25 Tamil 1400-1415 Daily 11835/25 English 1500-1630 Daily 11580/25 Vietnam Vietnamese 1140-1155 Daily 9870/31 Vietnamese 1515-1530 Daily 9430/31 S. Pacific English 0855-1000 Daily 11835/25 (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Mar 28)

IRELAND/GERMANY West Coast Radio's Summer Schedule, via German Telekom Juelich tx site. North America Thu 0100-0200 5910 (9875 May 3 - Sept 6) Africa/Australia Thu 1900-2000 15625 Europe Sat 1500-1600 6175 (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Apr 8; also via EDXP, Apr 6)

ITALY Z97 RAI sked shows the It Calcio sporting scs, Sunds, relayed from the Home Sce, 1345-1700 on 9855 CEur, 17780 NA, 21535 SA, 21520 EAf, 21710 CAf/SAf. English to Japan is 2200-2225 on 6150 9565 11815 kHz; Italian to Australia is 1000-1100 on 11925(via Singapore relay). (Sked via Craig Tyson, analysed by Bob Padula). Noted on new 7120 with Polish *2210, 5/4. Also on new 5970 with Cz at 2135, // 7120, 4/4. And on new 6110//7290 with Ar 2140, 4/4. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Apr 4)

KOREA RADIO KOREA INTERNATIONAL has begun offering toll-free fax lines for listeners in a number of countries. Listeners are encouraged to submit reception reports, letters, comments, quiz entries, and so on via these numbers.

The countries where the service has been activated follow... Country Number Australia 1-800-142-644 Canada 1-888-211-5865 Chile 1230-020-4525 China (Shanghai) 108-008823 Finland 0800-11-8298 France 0800-91-2104 Germany 0130-81-7108 Guam 01-800-182-0016 Hong Kong 800-933-833 Hungary 00800-13108 Indonesia 001-800-822-0068 Israel 177-822-0003 Italy 1678-75260 Japan 0031-22-0182 Netherlands 0800-022-0391 New Zealand 0800-44-4951 Philippines 1-800-822-0052 Singapore 800-821-3007 Taiwan 0080-22-2230 Thailand 001-800-822-1007 United Kingdom 0800-89-5995 United States 1-888-229-2312 (Bill Matthews, USA, 5/4).

Radio Korea International added NF 9640 kHz for Japanese 0800-0900 UTC //5975, 7275 kHz. Also introduced a new Japanese bc 0000-0100 UTC 9640 and 11810 kHz. For some reason North Korea keeps jamming RKI in Japanese as well as Korean. (Sonny Ashimori-JAP, via DXW, Apr 4)

MALI v9633.9 kHz RTM Bamako around 0819-0831 UTC, presumably this one appr. 1 kHz down. Native mx and long vernacular talk. [should also be on v7285 and v11960.1] (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Apr 6)

MALTA/RUSSIA TENTATIVE(!) VoM Valetta summer schedule via Russian relays. Malta hasn't adopted summer time (DST). EUR 9765 12060 kHz daily 2000-2100 UTC English, Sun 2100-2130 French, Sun 2130-2200 German, by Mrs. Ingrid Huettmann. JAP/EaAS/FE 9800 kHz Sat 2300-2330 Japanese. PHL/AUS/NZL 15550 17570 kHz Sun 0200-0330 Eng, 0330-0500 Maltese. JAP/EaAS/FE 17570 kHz Sun 0500-0530 Japanese. USA/CAN 7300 kHz Sun 0400-0500 Eng, 0500-0600 Maltese, 0600-0630 German, 0630-0700 Japanese. USA/CAN 13600 kHz Sun 0600-0700 Eng, 0700-0800 Maltese, 0800-0830 German, 0830-0900 Japanese. (RVI Radio World, Apr 6)

From end of April til May 11, Voice of Mediterranean testing new tx site, 1800-1900 UTC, on 5890, and 9765 kHz. (KWRS/Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Apr 9)

PAKISTAN Kricket live coverage report in English noted at 0730 UTC on 15175 kHz. First I was wondering and estimated RA via Darwin outlet here, replacing 15510 kHz, but later R Pakistan Urdu sce was audible in //17900 kHz. (WB Apr 6)

SRI LANKA/JAPAN NHK World Network Japan via Ekala-CLN relay propagate to EUR in French at 0630-0700 UTC on 17770 kHz. (WB, Apr 6)

TAIWAN VoFC Special QSL. Leider hat sich der Termin unserer Sonder QSL Sendung verschoben. Grund ist, dass wir die Sonder-QSL auch in unseren eigenen Programminformationen ankuendigen wollten. Dummerweise hat sich die Auslieferung der Himmelspferde wegen Problemen mit der Druckerei um drei Wochen verzoegert. Der neue Termin ist der 2. und 4. Mai 1997, 1925-2000/ 2125-2200 UTC (Carsten Hoefer, German section, VoFC, Apr 7)

(BC-DX 301 Follow-up). VOFC broadcasts in Russian daily 1705-1800 UTC on 9955 kHz. These txions were ceased on June 29, 1996 due to reorganisations at VOFC. Resumed on Apr 1st, heard w/good signal in Moscow. WYFR also uses this tx, for txsions in Russian 1505-1705 UTC. (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Apr 8)

TAJIKISTAN Today I received a QSL letter from Radio Tajikistan English Sce, Ul. Chapayev 31, 734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan V/s Editor: Gulnaz Abdullaeva. I included a Dollar with my report. He writes: "The Dollar was very helpful for us to speed up sending your letter. This was the first time when we managed to receive money by mail because of disorder at post offices. Probably it would be more safe for you to send international coupon for covering postalcosts. P.S. I'm fond of collecting maps of different countries of the world. I would be very grateful for a map of your country." (Van Arnhem-HOL, via DXW, Apr 5)

UAE/CIS Location of BBC on MW 1251 kHz. From a monitoring source: >> Sorry, BBC is not publishing that QTH. My guess is Dubai.<<

So,they guess UAE, WRTH-97 lists 600 kW tx in Dubai on 1251 kHz, personally I have no any idea about 1251 kHz tx site. (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Apr 8)

UKRAINE From Apr 14 Radio Marabu will extend its international SW and MW sce with additional transmissions via high powered radio txs based at the Ukraine. Radio Marabu will use the facilities of Radio Independence of Lvov in cooperation with the "The All- Ukrainian Festival "Alternativa" as follows: daily 1000-1200, 2100-0000 on 11830 kHz (50 kW). (Radio Marabu, PO Box 1166, 49187 Belm, Germany Tel.: 05406/899484 Fax: 05406/8994).

UNITED KINGDOM All BBC domestic radio and TV tx details are now listed on the BBC's Web site. The TV section also includes ITV and Ch4 and there is a separate list of Ch5 txs. The URL is: http://www.bbc.co.uk/enginfo/ (Ray Woodward-DEN, BDXC-UK Communication Apr)

USA Eff April 6th, 1997, for the remainder of the Z-97 schedule: ADD: WHRI 5745 kHz 2100-2200 UTC 100kW 42deg to Zones 4,5,9,11 (Bob German/George Jacobs & Associates, Inc., Apr 7)

Re: Help UNID US religious 13790 kHz. Just heard your UNID, on 13790 kHz. You probably already found out its WINB from Red Lion PA. Heard a canned ID at 2200 UTC, complete with their Web site "....com" and usual mailing address. Signal here is very weak [in EUR too, ed]. Probably due to my QTH being in their "dead zone" (too far away for groundwave, and not in their beam pattern). The signal is probably beamed to Europe. Sorry it didn't turn out to be something more exotic!! (David J. Valko-USA, Apr 10)

New DXing with Cumbre sked (2 added txions!). There are some frequ changes, which I have plugged in below. Please change any listings you have and spread the word! I hope things settle down for a while!--Marie. There are a couple of new txions that will start this weekend, including one that takes the place of the one on 6040 kHz on Sats that a lot of you have been missing since it has recently dropped.


VIA WHRI: Sat 0500 5745 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am (new frequency) Sat 0500 7315 Americas Sat 1430 6040 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am (new) Sat 1730 9495 Americas (new frequency) Sun 0330 5745 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am (new) Sun 2200 5745 Eur/Rus/ME/Afr/N Am

VIA KWHR, HAWAII (to Asia and Pacific) Sat 0230 17510 Sat 0500 17780 (new frequency) Sun 1830 13625 Mon 0330 17510 (Marie Lamb-USA, Apr 8)

On Apr 4th RFA Korean progr 2200-2300 UTC missed on 7460 kHz again, endless loop tape "this is channel two ...". But audible on 9395 and 9420 kHz. (WB Apr 4)

YUGOSLAVIA Radio Jugoslavija Belgrade World Sce M97 til May 4th [No & SoAM from April 7th]: 250/500 kW tx located not in Serbia, but on Bosnia Hercegovina territory instead. RTS - Radiotelevizija Srbije home sce programme is using 100 kW unit at Stubline in Serbia, scheduled 7200 kHz at 0500-2115varying UTC.

NoAM 7115 kHz 500 kW 2330 Serbian (exc.Sat) 310 degr 2330-0030 Serbian special bc (Sat only) 0000-0030 English (exc. Sun) 0030-0100 Serbian home sce relay RTS (Sat only)

7130 kHz 500 kW 0430-0500 English 325 degr.

SoAM 9720 kHz 500 kW 265 degr WeSoAM 2300-2330 UTC Spanish 9620 kHz 250 kW 235 degr ARG/CHL 2300-2330 UTC Spanish

EUR 6100 kHz 250 kW 000 degr M-F 1530-1545 Hungarian 130 degr M-F 1545-1600 Greek 310 degr 1600-1630 French 310 degr 1630-1700 German 180 degr M-F 1700-1715 Albanian, (//MW Pristina Kosovo 1413 kHz) 130 degr M-F 1715-1730 Bulgarian 310 degr 1830-1900 English 310 degr 1930-2000(-2030 Sat) Serbian 310 degr 2000-2200 German(exc. Sats) but Benno Klink observed bcing daily! 6100 kHz 500 kW nondir 2030-2100 French nondir 2100-2130 English

11870 040 & 11755 055 degr 500/250 kW 1500-1530 Russian 7215 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 1630-1700 German 6100 040 & 7165 070 degr 500/250 kW 1800-1830 Russian 7220 kHz 250 kW 250 degr 1900-1930 Spanish 6185 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 2030-2100 French 310 degr 2100-2130 English

AS 11800 kHz 250 kW 130 degr 1430-1500 Arabic 11870 040 & 11755 055 degr 500/250 kW 1500-1530 Russian 6100 040 & 7165 070 degr 500/250 kW 1800-1830 Russian

AUS 7230 kHz 500 kW 100 degr 1900-1930 English 1930-2000 Serbian (exc. Sat) 1930-2030 Serbian special (Sat only) 2000-2030 Serbian home sce relay RTS (exc. Sat)

AF 15175 kHz 250 kW 220 degr 1430-1500 Arabic 11800 kHz 250 kW 220 degr 1600-1630 French 9720 kHz 500 kW 180 degr 1830-1900 English

Radio Jugoslavija Belgrade World Sce J97 May 4th - Sept 7:

NoAM 9580 & 11870 kHz both 500 kW 2330 Serbian (exc.Sat) 310 degr 2330-0030 Serbian special bc (Sat only) 0000-0030 English (exc. Sun) 0030-0100 Serbian home sce relay RTS (Sat only)

9580 & 11870 kHz both 500 kW 0430-0500 English 325 degr.

SoAM 9720 kHz 500 kW 265 degr WeSoAM 2300-2330 UTC Spanish 9620 kHz 250 kW 235 degr ARG/CHL 2300-2330 UTC Spanish

EUR 6100 kHz 250 kW 000 degr M-F 1530-1545 Hungarian 130 degr M-F 1545-1600 Greek 180 degr M-F 1700-1715 Albanian, (//MW Pristina Kosovo 1413 kHz) 130 degr M-F 1715-1730 Bulgarian 310 degr 1830-1900 English 310 degr 1930-2000(-2030 Sat) Serbian 310 degr 2000-2200 German(exc. Sats) but Benno Klink observed bcing daily! 6100 kHz 250 kW nondir 2030-2100 French 500 kW nondir 2100-2130 English

11870 040 & 11755 055 degr 500/250 kW 1500-1530 Russian 9620 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 1600-1630 French 7215 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 1630-1700 German 9620 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 1630-1700 German 6100 040 & 7165 070 degr 500/500 kW 1800-1830 Russian 7220 kHz 250 kW 250 degr 1900-1930 Spanish 6185 kHz 250 kW 310 degr 2030-2100 French 310 degr 2100-2130 English

AS 11800 kHz 250 kW 115 degr 1430-1500 Arabic 11870 040 & 11755 055 degr 500/250 kW 1500-1530 Russian 6100 040 & 7165 070 degr 500/500 kW 1800-1830 Russian

AUS 7230 kHz 500 kW 100 degr 1900-1930 English 1930-2000 Serbian (exc. Sat) 1930-2030 Serbian special (Sat only) 2000-2030 Serbian home sce relay RTS (exc. Sat)

AF 15175 kHz 250 kW 220 degr 1430-1500 Arabic 15175 kHz 500 kW 220 degr 1600-1630 French 9720 kHz 500 kW 175 degr 1830-1900 English (R YUG via Benno Klink DG1EA, Apr 5)

ZAIRE v15244.5 kHz La Voix du Zaire, Kinshasa at 1656-1715 UTC, Afro mx, male announcer in French, fanfare mx. Slightly stronger when I returned at the shack at 1757 UTC, with clear ID at 1759 UTC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Apr 5)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 303 18 Apr 1997 ______

ALBANIA Radio Tirana on new 1215 kHz. 2100 UTC in English, replacing 1395 kHz, which suffers co-channel Dutch commercial station. Co-channel interference from Virgin Radio. (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, Apr 7)

Serbian segment has been traced yet too: R Tirana audible in Albanian 0300-2200?UTC 6100 kHz. Albanian 0730-1030?UTC 7270 kHz. Serbian 1630-1643 UTC new 6015 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7110 kHz. French 1730-1757 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. Turkish? 1730-1743 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. Greek 1745-1758 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. German 1815-1843 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. English 1845-1900 UTC 1458, 7270 and new 9570 kHz. Albanian 1900-2200 UTC 1458 6170 kHz. English 2100-2130 UTC new 7110 and 9515 kHz, 1395 replaced by 1215. Albanian 2300-2400 UTC new 6190 kHz, //7270 kHz. Albanian 0000-0100 UTC new 6170 kHz, //1458 kHz. English 0145-0200 UTC 6115 and 7160 kHz. English 0230-0300 UTC 6140 and 7160 kHz. Albanian 0300-0500 UTC new v6190 and v7269.85 kHz. Freq varied between both evenings from 6189.73-6190.05 kHz. (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Mar 31 - Krueger-FL via DXW)

ANGUILLA 11775 kHz Dr Gene Scott's University Network. Presumed at 1950 UTC mixing VOA French to AF but in the clear from 2100 UTC until Spain opens around 2154 UTC and completely obliterates Dr Scott. Poor-fair signal strength. (B. Clark-NZL, in Cumbre Dx, Mar 29-30)

ARMENIA AWR via Kamo-ARM relay MW 1314 kHz, Persian 1430-1500, Arabic 1500-1600 UTC. (AWR 'Current')

BELGIUM Paul Brehms of RVI isn't satisfied, due to VoA Grennville 0500-0700 UTC to AF on co-channel 6035 kHz. RVI will test 5985 kHz for RVI outlet to EUR in 0500-0700 UTC time span; 0700-1125 should remain on 6035 kHz. (RVI 'Golfgids', Apr 12)

BULGARIA R Bulgaria Sofia in Russian bc "DX Mix" and "Mailbox" at new time: Fri 1415 UTC 7425 9775 11855 kHz. Sat 0215 6035 7430 MW 1224. Sat 1815 7425 9775. Radio Varna in Bulgarian on traditional v9775 & MW 981 kHz, Fris only 2115-2300 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

R Bulgarien hat Geldprobleme! [postage donation to R BUL German sce] Die anhaltende Wirtschaftskrise macht auch nicht vor dem Auslandsdienst des bulgarischen Rundfunkes halt. In der Briefkastensendung vom 10.04.1997 bat die deutschsprachige Redaktion um Beilage eines IRC's fuer die leere Portokasse. Zur Umstellung vom Winter- auf den Sommerhoerfahrplan konnte nicht an alle Hoerer ein aktueller Sendeplan gesendet werden. Die Hoerer bat man, keine Geldscheine in die Briefumschlaege zu legen, da zahlreiche Briefe geoeffnet und Geldbetraege daraus entwendet wurden. Wer aber trotzdem dem bulgarischen Rundfunk (der deutschen Redaktion) einen Geldbetrag zukommen lassen will, fuer den ist in Deutschland ein Konto eingerichtet worden. Fuer ein Konto in Bulgarien wo Fremdwaehrung eingezahlt werden kann, fallen 2% des Geldbetrages an Gebuehren an. Die Konto-Nr. lautet: Dr. Yonka Dutschewska Sparkasse Bonn Konto-Nr. 111 781 456 BLZ 380 500 00

In der gleichen Briefkastensendung bedankte man sich bei einem schweizer Kurzwellenhoerer fuer seine Spende in Form eines kompletten PC's incl. Scanner und Nadeldrucker. Da es in Bulgarien aeusserst schwierig ist, Farbbaender zu bekommen, wuerde man sich ueber einen gebrauchten Laserdrucker sehr freuen. (Willi Stengel-D, Apr 10)

CANADA 6030 kHz CFVP will probably be relaying progrs fr a local Chinese group between 0400 and 0600 UTC starting on Apr 16th, according to a Calgary newspaper. Apple Radio is aimed at immigrants from Hong Kong, so the bcs will be primarily in Cantonese although Suns may have Mandarin progrs. The groups studios will be at 901 Centre St. N. in Calgary. Apple 1060 will air nx from Hong Kong, local nx and weather, features, humor and musical selections that will include the CKMX 1060 playlist. There will also be phone-in shows. No mention was made of the SW relay in the press clipping, but I would suspect that it will be relayed intact. I will be checking on this one in the coming weeks. (Fisher-CAN, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 5) 6160 kHz CKZN at 2301 UTC in English with maritime weather report, recap of nx headline, into "Best of Morningside". (Bergadano-NJ-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 7)

CHILE Status of inactive Chilean sts by Felipe Asenjo: 9630 kHz R Agricultura I met with their new General Manager, Horacio Hernandez, about two weeks ago. I asked them about their future plans for SW and I offered to help them get back on the air. Horacio was interested in doing so, but the st has no budget for this. Their old 10 kW tx was modified to operate on MW and was sold to a st in Los Angeles (CD120 on 1200 kHz). The st only has a 1 kW tx now. (DIRECT Cumbre Dx Asenjo) 9750 kHz R Mineria's tx and antenna were sold for scrap in 1991 when the st was having financial problems. R Portales still has a tx but their antenna as taken down in 1990. There are no plans to revive the SW operation as the st is facing financial difficulties. R Universidad de Concepcion is having financial problems and their SW tx needs some tubes. The antenna is ok, though. The st is only on FM now as their MW operation has been sold to OCTAVA (CC68). (DIRECT Cumbre Dx Asenjo, Apr 10)

CHINA CNR 1 heard on unlisted 7100 and 9745 kHz, //6840 at 2324 UTC with a weather report and commercials in Chinese. CNR1 0800-0900 15515 17550; 0800-1100 15550 17605; CNR2 0800-0900 17700. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4) 15580 kHz CNR World of Chinese Language, according to my copy of the WRTH'97, this is indeed listed as the "World of Chinese Language" sce and not the Taiwan sce. Apparently the Taiwan sce has been scaled down to one program only, which is understandable as SW propaganda is totally ineffective in Taiwan. "The World of Chinese Language" progr lacks the typical tone which the Taiwan sce has and also the contents are more geared towards mainland Chinese. I will do some more listening on this in the coming weeks. (Boogert-TWN, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 3)

CIS On Apr 9th, 11575 kHz tune in at 1410 UTC, followed by tones (those carried by Russian and former Soviet Rep txs), mx signal fr approx. 1420 UTC and progr fr 1426-1454 UTC. The language was not familiar. (Noel Green-UK, Apr 9) [sce checked here, seems to be rather evangelic bcster in an unidentified IND/BGD language, ed, Apr 12]

CLANDESTINE [Arab world]. Some loggings of Mahmud S. Kamel, ARS: VoMojahed in Persian 3860 kHz 1920 UTC. VoCommunist Party of Iran in Persian 3875 1509; 3890 1735; 3895 1705. VoCommunist Party of Iraq in Arabic 3905 1812. VoIraq Kurdistan (KDP) in Kurdish 4070 1530. VoT People of Kurdistan (PKU) in Arabic 4105 1526; 4122 1900. VoKashmir Freedom in Kashmiri Quran 4116 1530. VoIran Kurd Struggle in Kurdish 4329 1450. VoT Rebellion Iraq in Arabic 6085 1310. VoPalestine in Arabic 15260 1050. (WDXC Contact Apr)

VoNational Salvation in Korean 4452 1655.

DOMINICAN REP v4776.66 kHz. Onda Musical. Brief ID at t/in 2338, sounded like roundtable discussion between 3 or 4 men to 2359 UTC. A couple of high intensity announcments, then a beautiful full ID 0001, into mx progr. Posted on our http://www.trsc.com/sounds.htm page. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Apr 12-13)

ECUADOR 12015 kHz HCJB new frequency for Europe (x11990 still announced). 1938 UTC in English with Ham Radio Today by John Beck. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, McNenly, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 8-9) 12015 kHz HCJB: Because of heavy interference HCJB has again changed its evening frequ to EUR. We are now bcing on 12015. Reception reports would appreciated. Please send all reports to: [email protected]. Thanks. (MacHarg)

EGYPT R Cairo in Affars&Somali 1530-1730 UTC replaced 15155 by 15540 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

FINLAND FBC Helsinki in English: 0200-0230, 0430-0500 MW 558 kHz. 0800-0830 UTC 558, 13645 75 degr, 15235 90 degr. 1230-1300 11900 & 15400 310 degr. 2000-2030 558, 963, 6120 240 degr, 9855 225 degr. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

GEORGIA Radio Georgia in German at 0700 UTC on new 11805 (x11910). (Helmut Fahsel-D, Apr 12) Radio Georgia schedule on SW: 6080 kHz 0500-0600 Tue, Thur in Georgian. 1700[Sat+Sun1600]-1800, 1600 & 1700 Georgian, 1730 English. 11760 kHz 1930-2100 (1930 E, 2000 Ger, 2030 Russian). 11805 kHz 0600-0730 (0600 Russian, 0630 E, 0700 Ger). 11910 kHz (0800 Georgian, 0830-0900 E; 0930-1000 E; 1800-1900 Ger, E) (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

GERMANY 5890 kHz AWR relay *0459 UTC IS, ID in EE/FF/GG/IT, opening mx based on IS, presumed religious talk with man and woman, instrumental mx bridges. Mostly faded out by 0520 UTC. (Mary Lamb-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 8)

AWR Juelich-D relay: EUR 5890 kHz Bulg 0300, Romanian 0400, Hung 0500-0530 7230 kHz German 0800-0900 9835 kHz Bulg 1600, Romanian 1700, Hung 1800-1830 AF 9830 kHz E 2030-2130, Dyula 2130-2200 (AWR 'Current')

GREECE ERT VoG Athens to EUR 2000-2050 UTC on 7430 & 9380 kHz, E, F, Ger, It, Swed. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 13)

ERT S.A. "" ShortWave Transmission Schedule Effective from 30/03/97 (00.00 UTC) TO 28/10/97 (00.00 UTC)

EUROPE 0600-0800 7450 *9425 11645 7430 Greek, Eng 1800-2050 9420 7450 Greek 2100-2150 6260 7450 Greek 2150-2250 6260 Greek 2000-2050 9380 7430 Eng, F, D, I, S

In Medium Waves 1500-1700 9375 11645 9420 11575 Greek, Al, Sc, Bg, R 1900-1950 9380 7430 Al, Sc, Bg, R 1500-0130 792 Al, Bg, R, Sc, Tr (2)

COMMONWEALTH OF IND.STATES & POLAND 1710-1750 11645 9375 9425 15630 Greek, Rus, PI

TASHKENT ZONE 1300-1350 11645 Greek,Rus

CYPRUS,TURKEY & MIDDLE EAST 0400-0555 7450 *9420 15650 9375 Greek, Tr, Ar 1000-1150 9425 9915 Greek, Tr

AFRICA 1200-1250 11645 Greek, Ar, Eng 1800-1850 11645 15150 Greek, Eng

ARABIA & INDIAN OCEAN 0400-0555 7450 9420 15650 9375 Greek, Ar, Tr 1400-1450 7430 15630 11645 9420 Greek, Ar

JAPAN 0900-0950 15415 15650 Greek

AUSTRALIA 0600-0800 7450 9425 11645 7430 Greek, Eng 0900-0950 15415 15650 Greek 2100-2250 9425 7480 Greek, Eng AZORES 0900-0950 15415 15650 Greek

NORTH AMERICA & WESTERN EUROPE 0000-0350 7450 9420 9935 6260 Greek, Eng 1200-1350 15630 15175 9375 Greek, Eng

SOUTH AMERICA & PANAMA ZONE 2200-2300 9395 Greek 2300-2350 9395 11595 9425 9935 P, E, Eng

(1) Eng=English, Al=Albanian, Ar=Arabic, Bg=Bulgarian, F=French, E=Spanish, I=Italian, Pl=Polish, P=Portuguese, R=Romanian, Rus=Russian, S=Swedish, Sc=Serb/Croat, Tr=Turkish

(2) Sats=Al, Suns=Bg, Mons=Sc, Tues=Al, Weds=Al, Thurs=Bg, Fris=R (*) Reception possible in Australia

Macedonia Radio Station Service Area EUROPE 0500-2205 9935; 1400-2100 6245 Greek CYPRUS & MIDDLE EAST 0500-2205 11595 Greek

Usefull Addresses ERT S.A. / ERA-5 'The Voice Of Greece': 432, Messogion Av., 15342 Athens, Greece Tel +301 6066308,6066297 Fax +301 6066309

ERT S.A. / Macedonia Radio Station: 2 Angelaki street, 54621 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel:+3031 244979 FAX +3031 236370

ERT S.A. /General Directorate of Technical Services:402 Messogion Av., 15342 Athens, Greece Tel +301 6014700 Fax +301 6009608

Reception reports via E-mail: [email protected] ( Technical Reports ), [email protected] ( Program Reports ) (from www page)

GUAM KTWR Pacific DX report addit time slot Fris 1045-1100 UTC 9865 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

The post office at Agat on the island of Guam is moving and expanding. Please note that this move gives a new box number to AWR-Asia, KSDA. The number has been changed to Box 8990, the zipcode remains the same, 96928. (WDXC Contact Apr)

HONG KONG There will be no SW weather forecasts this year. The annual race which started last week (Easter) is just about over. This year it is the San Fernando Race to the NoPHLs - it alternates with the China Sea Race. The race received no sponsorship this year and the organizers decided against spending money on SW weather bcs. All this per Martin Clarke, the head of Radio 3 of RTHK. (DIRECT Johnson Cumbre Dx, Apr 4)

HUNGARY Radio Budapest SUMMER SCHEDULE valid 30th March 1997 til 26th Oct 1997

In English To North-America 0100-0130 6075 6190 9580 kHz 0230-0300 6190 9840 11910 kHz

To Europe 1900-1930 3975 7155 9755 kHz 2100-2130 3975 7250 9835 kHz

In German 1730-1800 3975 5970 9755 kHz 1930-2000 3975 7155 9755 kHz (except Sun) 1200-1300 5970 7220 9820 kHz (Sun) 1700-1800 3975 5990 9755 kHz (Sun)

In Hungarian To Europe 1800-1900 3975 7155 9755 kHz 2000-2100 3975 7105 9835 kHz 1100-1200 5970 7215 9840 kHz and 1300-1400 (Sun) 5970 7215 9760 kHz

To South America 2200-2300 6085 9835 11905 kHz (Mon-Sun) 2300-0000 6085 9835 11905 kHz (Sun)

To North-America 0000-0100 6190 9810 11905 kHz 0130-0230 6190 9840 11685 kHz

To Australia 0900-1000 15210 17860 21670 kHz (Mon-Sun) 1000-1100 15210 17860 21670 kHz (Sun)

In Russian 0300-0330 3975 5915 and 7135 kHz 1430-1500 5975 7190 and 9830 kHz

In Ukrainian 0330-0400 3975 5915 7135 kHz 1600-1630 3975 6190 7105 kHz

In Romanian 0400-0430 3975 5915 and 7135 kHz 1530-1600 3975 6110 and 7105 kHz

In Croatian 0430-0500 3975 5930 7185 kHz 1500-1530 3975 6110 7220 kHz

In Slovak 0500-0530 3975 5915 7155 kHz 1630-1700 3975 7295 kHz

In Serbian 0530-0600 5915 7155 9700 kHz 1700-1730 5990 7255 9590 kHz (Mon-Sat) 1930-2000 7155 9835 kHz (Sun) (RB www page)

IRAN VOIRI Tehran is now in English at 1100-1230 UTC on 9585, 11875, 15260 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 12)

IRAQ R Baghdad is often heard in Arabic 1500-1800 UTC 3935 kHz, 1700-2000 4612 kHz, both jammed. Iraqui News Center in Arabic with slow speed speech on 4120 kHz in March, 4070 in April. VoPeople of Kurdistan moved to 4092 kHz, and now to 4080 kHz. (PanIview- BUL, Apr 4)

ITALY New web-address of RAI Rome: http://www.mix.it/ (Benno Klink-D, DG1EA, Apr 11) RAI sked thru 26 October: 0050-0110 Spanish 9575 11880 0050-0110 English 6010 9675 11800 0110-0125 French 6010 9675 11800 0110-0125 Portuguese 9575 11880 0130-0305 Italian 6010 6110 9575 9675 11765 11800 11880 0305-0325 Spanish 6010 9575 9675 11800 11880 0330-0350 Russian 5975 7270 9670 0350-0410 Ukrainian 5975 7270 9670 0400-2200 Italian/3 7175 "Radiodue" 0400-2200 Italian/2 6060 9515 "Radiouno" 0415-0435 Amharic 11905 15400 0415-0440 Italian/EE 5975 7270 0435-0510 Italian 6110 11905(*0435) 15400(*0435) 0445-0505 Lithuanian 5975 9670 0510-0600 Italian 6110 0510-0530 Somali 11905 15400 0510-0530 Romanian 5975 7240 0535-0555 Arabic 11905 15400 0535-0555 Russian 9670 11800 0600-1000 Italian 6110 7240 15240 21520 1000-1100 Italian 6110 7240 11925 15240 21520 1100-1200 Italian 6110 7240 15240 21520 1200-1300 Italian 15240 21520 1320-1355 Albanian 5990 7240 1330-1355 Arabic 6035 7290 9670 1400-1415 Slovene 5990 7240 1400-1430 Italian 15250 17780 1415-1435 German 5990 7240 1435-1455 Croatian 5990 7240 1500-1520 Turkish 5970 7240 1500-1525 Italian 5990 7290 9670 1520-1540 Greek 5970 7240 1530-1555 French 5990 7290 9755 1540-1600 Bulgarian 5970 7240 1555-1625 Italian 5990 7290 9755 1605-1625 Russian 9670 11800 1630-1655 French 7235 9670 1630-1655 Arabic 9690 11880 15245 1700-1800 Italian 7235 9745 11840 15230 15320 1805-1825 German 5990 7130 9670 1815-1830 Czech 6110 7145 1830-1845 Slovak 6110 7145 1830-1905 Italian 15250 17780 1845-1905 Polish 6110 7145 1910-1930 Somali 9745 11840 15250 1910-1930 Serbian 5955 7145 1935-1955 Hungarian 5955 7145 1935-1955 English 6015 7230 9670 2000-2020 Swedish 7180 9755 Mo/We/Fr 2000-2020 Danish 7180 9755 Su/Tu/Th 2000-2020 Russian 6035 7145 9670 2000-2020 Esperanto 7180 9755 Sa 2025-2045 Arabic 6035 7290 2025-2045 English 7120 9710 11840 2050-2110 Portuguese 6110 7290 9710 11840 15250 2110-2130 Spanish 6110 7290 2115-2135 Romanian 5970 7120 2135-2155 Czech 5970 7120 2135-2155 Arabic 6110 7290 2155-2210 Slovak 5970 7120 2200-0400 Italian/1 6060 "Notturno dall'Italia" 2200-2225 English 6150 9565 11815 2210-2225 Polish 5970 7120 2230-0050 Italian 6010 9575 9675 11800 11880 (RAI Web site, via NASWA, Mar 29)

KAZAKHSTAN "Shalkar" progr via 100 kW Kiev-UKR relay now at 0600-1530 UTC on 9620 235 degr & 11720 kHz 254 degr, in Kazakh, Russian, German, Turkish. German Tue-Fri 0820-0840 UTC, Sat/Sun from 0800 UTC, the Mailbox progr must be on May 4th or 11th. Mons 0905-0920 VoA English lessons, 0950-1005 UTC Turkish. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

MONACO ERF/TWR DX progr in German was off the air on Mar 8th, due to complete PC control desk failure in bc house Wetzlar. (ERF; PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

NEPAL Radio Nepal has launched a new sce on the internet system. The listeners can now hear Nepali nx at 1315 UTC and English nxs at 1415 UTC. For the time being, news items of up to three days can be retrieved and heard through the computer. Radio Nepal has reached an agreement with the California-based Ama Consulting Network for one year for this purpose. Radio Nepal can be found at this internet address (UPDATED): http://www.catmando.com/news/radio-nepal/radionp.htm (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 2, update by Erik Koie)

NEW ZEALAND RNZI 03 May - 25 Oct 9795 fr 0458 6100 fr 0816, Sa+Su fr 0758 (x9700), -1206 UTC, special events & sport til 1650 UTC. 6145 fr 1650, Sa+Su fr 1858 (x6070) 9845 fr 1952, Sa+Su fr 1958 11735 Su-Th fr 2107, Fr fr 2107, Sa fr 2059 15115 fr 2307 (Helmuth Fahsel-D, Apr 12)

PERU being heard on 6018.1 - 6018.2 kHz (varies daily) around 0700 UTC til fade out at about 0745 UTC. Is announcing as "La Voz de la Liberacion ... Cadena Radio Victoria ...". At this time bcing evangelical progrs in Spanish. [also heard in the Americas on //5818.9 kHz at 1100-1136 UTC.] Another Spanish speaker is heard at same time, but less strongly on 6045.3 kHz, and also with evangelical progr. Suggest it could be Radio Santa Rosa, Lima. There is also what I think Andina on 5995.3 kHz at 0700 UTC. Nice to hear some LA's still audible mornings. (Noel Green-UK, Apr 9)

PHILIPPINES No txion heard since 8th April and a message received on 11th April from Peter McIntyre of FEBC, Manila: "Tue April 8, a major electrical fault developed in the Bocaue tx building distribution system. The power utility has disconnected the power to the st until the problem is repaired. The standby generators cannot be used for SW bc because they feed into the same distribution system. Please pray that the repairs would advance as quickly as possible so that the st can get back on the air. Some heavy power cables need to be located to replace the damaged ones and then installed. Please pray for the safety of the people doing the work. Peter

PS Latest - the power cable is being replaced (about 80m long) and the earliest we expect to be back on air is Sat. However Mon 14th is more likely.

The reason for the cable failure has not been verified but it may be because of friction by rubbing against a conduit." Just noted on the evening of 12th April their presence on 11995 kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Apr 12)

POLAND/UNID Unidentified Polish language sce observed Suns 0700-0800 UTC on 11665 kHz, noted with religious program. (WB, Apr 13) Polish Radio Warsaw Z97 schedule of English broadcasts: 1200-1255 11815, 9525, 7270, 7145, 6095; 1700-1755 7285, 6095, 6000; 1930-2025 7285, 6095, 6035 (Wojtek Zaremba-POL, via DXW, Mar 27)

PORTUGAL Until Apr 16th, test bc of RDP Lisbon in Portuguese on 7110 kHz, replacing 6140/6130 kHz in daytime Sat/Sun. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 13) At night still on new 6140 (x6130), Mo-Fr 2000-2030 E, 2030-2100 F. (Erich Bergmann, Apr 12)

RUSSIA 7250 kHz Voice of Vietnam via Krasnodar relay, at 0330-0349 UTC in English with nx and commentary. (Carling-USA, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 9)

TWR presently broadcasts in Ukrainian, Mandarin, and Hindi via Radio Moscow and recently it supplied RM with equipment for a satellite downlink which will allow them to receive satellite signals from TWR's progr centre in Bratislava-SVK and distribute them faster and more economically to their outlets in Irkuts and Moldova. (Listening World, TWR handout Spring '97)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA HQ in Arabic: 0300-0600 11785 11870 (x9740, x11935), //9553 9618 9718 17720 kHz. Swahili 0500-0600 17755 (x17760). Indonesian 1000-1150 new 21640 (x21665). (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5020 kHz SIBC at 0845-0945 UTC Radio Happy Hour progr in English with third party messages, announcements about Solomon Airlines, and commercials for clothing and furniture stores with some Simon & Garfunkle EZL mx. Pidgin 0900-0915 UTC incl what sounded like a 10 mins drama. At 0930 Radio Happy Hour progr continued and they started 15 mins of employment opportunity announcements. Lots of good govt jobs available. Best ever heard here. (Buch, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 10)

SRI LANKA A leading 'Tamil Tiger' separatist carrying letters containing coded messages for their followers in the South was arrested in January by Sri Lankan special police. This then led to the arrest of another five suspects who under interogation confessed to having been detailed to destroy the radio transmission tower at Puttalam, used by TWR for broadcasts to India, as a part of their war of economic attrition, not an attack against TWR. Programmes aired over the Puttalam tx draw a letter response of 50.000 a month. (Listening World, TWR handout Spring '97)

TAHITI v15168.52 kHz RFO @ 0256 UTC steady talks in French by OM right through top of hour. (Rippel-HATDX, via DXW Apr 11) UAE VoUAE Abu Dhabi 17885 kHz in Arabic, and //spurious signals on 17765, 17825, 17945 kHz. Regular //17760 & 21735 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

UNIDENTIFIED Arabic lang st bc on v13749.8 ... 13750 kHz audible til fade-out at about 1915 UTC. Terrible audio quality. (WB Apr 12-13) MW 1566 kHz jamming against Arabic speaking st at 1600-2100 UTC. Maybe Iraqui Armed Forces Radio ? On 9675 kHz Arabic at 0530-0600 UTC, maybe VoIraq from Damascus-Syria? Voice of Southern Azerbaijan in Azeri: unusual coincidence ans also other indications - simultaneously with changing to DST in Israel(!), VOSA is now daily 0515-0615 UTC (x0615-0715) UTC on 11935 kHz. The other bc aired Mon, Tue, Thur, Sun only, mentioned 31 mb 93?? kHz (but not heard in 9300-9400 kHz band) [9930? 1530-1630?] (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC new Kazakh lang sce Mo-Fr 1400-1415 UTC, 1415-1430 EbR/Russian on 15245 & 17740 kHz. Due to parliament elections in BUL on Apr 19th til 25th, special bcs in Bulgarian: Mo-Fr 1400-1415 11680, 15130; Mo-Fr 1915-1930 6050, 11950 kHz.

RKI Seoul via BBC relay Skelton: 9555 0700-0800 Korean. 9875 1800-1900 Russian. 6145 1900 French, 2000-2100 German. 3970 2100-2130 English. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

USA Glenn Hauser's 'World of Radio' via WWCR replaced Suns 0730 UTC by 0530 UTC also on 5070 kHz. (GH WoR, Apr 10)

WRMI Schedule, hobby progrs - eff April 7, 1997 Mon-Fri [Tue-Sat] 1300-1330 Viva Miami (Wed) Sp 1315-1330 Computer Beat (Tue) E 1330-1345 Computer Beat (Mon) E 1330-1345 Wavescan (Tues, Wed) E 1400-1430 Viva Miami (Wed) E 1430-1500 Viva Miami (Mon-Fri) E 0015-0045 Viva Miami (Tue-Fri) E 0130-0200 Viva Miami (Wed-Thur) Sp 0245-0300 Wavescan E 0300-0330 Viva Miami Sp 0330-0400 Viva Miami E

Sat 0930-1000 Viva Miami (4th Sat) E 2015-2030 Wavescan E 2030-2100 Viva Miami(1st/5th Sat) E 2100-2200 Viva Miami E 2230-2245 Wavescan (4th/5th Sat) E 2300-2330 Viva Miami (2nd/4th/5th)E 2330-2345 Computer Beat E

Sun 1215-1230 Wavescan (beg Apr 20) E 2000-2015 Computer Beat E 2015-2030 Wavescan E 2030-2100 Encontro DX Portuguese 0000-0015 Wavescan (beg May 4) E (Jeff White-USA, WRMI, Apr 7)

WHRI e-mail address to publish for listeners to write is [email protected] Amongst new progrs of WHRI are: "The Alliance for America Innovation", Mo-Fr 2100-2300 UTC 5745 kHz, the show will focus on the proposed changes by US Fed Govt in 'our' Patient Laws. "Your and the Law" with Jeff Beavers, Mo-Fr 0200-0400 UTC 9745 kHz, the show talks about 'our' laws in America in comparision to what our founding fathers meant and in relation to God's Laws. (Joe Brashier, WHRI, Apr 4)

VoA English Express at 0930 UTC, "VoA Today" 1000-1100 UTC on single 11695 kHz (usually at this time only to Caribbean). R Liberty in Russian addit 15290 kHz at 0800-1100 UTC, usually on MW&FM in Russia only at this time. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

RFA Tibetan on 11575 kHz 1300-1400 UTC. Carrier stayed on and after a few minutes made this announcement in English by man (American accent) "This is channel two. RFA progr channel two" and it was repeated. What appeared to be the same announcement was then made in Russian by a woman - also repeated. This went on until approx. 1410 UTC when carrier was cut. 11590 opened at 1400 UTC Vietnamese sce, at 1500 RFA Burmese sce. 11600 opened at 1400 UTC //Vietn 11590 til off 1456 UTC, co-channel Radio Prague-TCH til 1427 UTC. 11605 1500 Burmese sce, //11590. 11565 [co-channel R Pakistan] 1500 Chinese sce, //9910 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Apr 8)

RFA in Chinese 1500-1700 UTC on 9455 & 11565 kHz underneath PAK. Korean 1530-1630 15660, but on 5855 kHz "This is channel two. RFA progr channel two" tape. (WB Apr 13)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in English: 0100-0130 7190 2x100 185 & 235 degr; 9530 100 270 degr; 9715 2x100 255 & 270 degr. 1200-1230 & 1330-1400 7285 9715 15295 kHz. (PanIview- BUL, Apr 4)

VATICAN CITY Radio Vaticana summer schedule, fr May 4, 1997: EUR1 0230-0040 UTC 527 1530 kHz. 0230-0400 & 1840-2100 4005 0400-0715, 0900-1030, 1200-1300, 1400-2210 5882. 0400-0800, 1400-2100 7250. 0530-2100 # 9645. 0530-1400 11740. 1600-1630 11810. 1840-1900 11625. 0530-1230 # 15595. 0830-1230 # 17550.

EUR2 0420-0730 1611. 0230-0520 & 1800-2000 6185. 0210-0520 & 1610-2000 7365 0210-0300 9645. 0500-0730 & 1550-1800 & 2000-2020 9825. 0615-0730 11740. 1550-1640 11715. 1230-1300 15595 17550. 1550-1640 15185. 2000-2020 7305.

AF 0645-0700 & 1000-1015 & 2045-2100 1530. 2045-2100 4005. 0645-0700 & 2045-2100 5882. 0240-0340 7360. 2000-2045 7365. 2045-2100 7250. 0310-0530 # 9660. 0400-0430 9645 11715. 0645-0715 9645 11740. 1550-1620 11640 13765. 0340-0700 # 11625. 1530-1600 11810 15595. 1700-2045 11625. 0530-0700 # 13765. 0430-0645 15570. 0530-0630 & 1000-1230 # 15595. 1610-1900 15570. 1000-1230 # & 1610-1830 17550.

AM 1100-1200 17700 21850 0030-0100 7305 9605. 0100-0230 6095 7305 9605 0230-0400 7305 9605 (6095).

AS/ 0040-0100 7335 9650 (5980) 0400-0430 9645 11715. AUS/ 2130-2200 9600 11830 (7310) NZL/ 2200-2245 7305 9600 11830 (6160) 2245-2315 9600 11830 (7305) 2315-2400 7305 9600. 1230-1425 11625. 1450-1620 11635. 1530-1630 11810. 1230-1620 # 13765. 0530-0600 & 1000-1230 # & 1530-1600 15595. 1230-1315 15585. 1000-1200 # 17550. (# and few breaks in between; frequs in brackets fr Sept 7) (RV printed schedule Apr-Oct, www page show still winter schedule)

ZAIRE appeared at fair level on 15244.5 kHz on Apr 8 at 1735 UTC past 1800 UTC in French. Not audible on Apr 9th. (Noel Green-UK, Apr 8-9)

TDP, the "Transmitter Documentation Project", has added links on it's homepage to the shortwave radio broadcast transmitter manufacturers currently on the Internet.

Be sure to have a look at http://www.ping.be/tdp and surf to the back of the page to access the links.

If you have not seen the printed version of the TDP SW-97 yet -- an 80 page booklet about all the shortwave broadcast transmitters installed all over the world --, this is your chance to win a free copy. If you complete the contest-form on our homepage at http://www.ping.be/tdp before Friday April 18, 1997 at 20.00 UTC, you may win one of the 5 free copies of the TDP SW-97, drawn at random. The link to the contest-form is right below the above- mentioned links to the transmitter manufacturers. Give it a try, and ... Good Luck. Ludo Maes, P.O. Box 1, B-2310 Rijkevorsel, BELGIUM

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 304 22 Apr 1997 ______

ALBANIA Radio Tirana UPDATE. Albanian 0300-2200 UTC v6100 kHz. (6099.9) Albanian 0730-1030 UTC v7270 kHz. (7269.7) Albanian 0900-1500 UTC v7150 kHz. (7149.9) Albanian 1900-2200 UTC 1458 6170 v9824.44 kHz. Albanian 2300-2400 UTC new 6190 kHz, //7270 kHz. Albanian 0000-0100 UTC new 6170 kHz, //1458 kHz. Albanian 0300-0500 UTC new v6190 and v7269.85 kHz. Freq varied between both evenings from 6189.73-6190.05 kHz, due to unstable main electricity network.

Serbian 1630-1643 UTC new 6015 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7110 kHz. French 1730-1757 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. Turkish? 1730-1743 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. Greek 1745-1758 UTC 1215, 5985, 7155 kHz. German 1815-1843 UTC new 9570 kHz, //MW 1458 and SW 7295 kHz. English 1845-1900 UTC 1458, 7270 and new 9570 kHz. English 2100-2130 UTC new 7110 and 9515 kHz, 1395 replaced by 1215. English 0145-0200 UTC 6115 and 7160 kHz. English 0230-0300 UTC 6140 and 7160 kHz. v9824.44 kHz (new frequ) R.Tirana, 2115 UTC w/female talk, national mx. R.Tirana was mentioned, phone/fax numbers, good signal, //6170, MW 1458 kHz. Radio Tirana, Home sce at 1400 UTC on v7150 kHz. QRM by DW Polish. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Kai Ludwig-D, Apr 16)

ARMENIA TWR expands broadcasts from Armenia. A new evening block began airing from Armenia (864 kHz MW) on 30th March, the start of TWR's summer schedule. Progrs in Turkish, Kurdish-Kurmanji, Farsi [Persian] and English are part of the new block which airs from 1800-1900 UTC. The morning block 0000-0100 UTC contains progrs beamed to the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. ('InfoServ' TWR-Europe nxletter, Vienna, Apr-May 97)

VoArmenia Sunday special on single 15270 kHz, 0800 French, 0830 English, 0900-0915 UTC Spanish, signing off at 09.16:30 UTC. (WB Apr 20)

BANGLADESH v4880.5 kHz 1510-1602* UTC, R Bangladesh, Dhaka with Bengali talks and folksongs. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Apr 19)

CHINA Yunnan Kunming on 6936.6 kHz 1255-1305 UTC in local dialect, Chinese mx til 1330 UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dagupan City, Apr 4-10)

CONGO Piet wrote that he heard something on 4765 kHz, and wondered if this was Brazzaville, Congo back on the air. I immediately tuned my AR7030 to the frequ, and heard a female speaker in French, who regularly mentioned Brazzaville, and Congo. There was mx in the background. 2017 UTC "Radio Congo" ID. (Piet Pijpers & Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Apr 19)

CROATIA English nx on R Croatia 0605 & 0705 UTC 5920 7165 9830 kHz; 1205 UTC 5920 7165 13830; 2105 UTC MW 1134, 5895, 7165 kHz. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 20)

FRANCE RFI in French 1700-2000 UTC 5900 in lsb!, 2000-2200 in usb!, in Arabic 1600- 1755 on new 11650 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

INDIA AIR Delhi in Arabic 0430-0530 (-0600 for pilgrims) on 11730 & 13620 kHz. Feeder frequ 9835 (x9685) kHz. (AWR Wavescan, Apr 20)

IRAN Observations on opposition radios. Voice of the was observed ending its Kurdish progr at 1558 UTC on 3875 & 4375 kHz. The two frequs were later observed to relay Voice of the Iranian Communist Party in Persian. Both channels were jammed and the frequs varied constantly to avoid the jamming. Voice of Iranian Kordestan was observed ending a Kurdish bc at 1430 UTC on 3940 kHz.

Voice of Mojahed was heard at 1900 UTC in //3550, 3850, 4450, 4650, 5150 and 5450 kHz. All channels were jammed and constantly changing frequency by up to 20 kHz to avoid the jammer.

Voice of the Worker was observed in Persian at 1430 UTC on 4190 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 7)

VoIRI changes and observations since March: 0030-0130 Eng 6050 9022 9685. 1100-1325 Eng & Pashtu new7180 9585 (x11790 x11930) v11875.1 v15260.3 but announced 7115 9585 11875 15260. 1330-1600 Arabic new11995. 1430-1625 Bengali & Eng new v9550.4 7215. 1530-1625 Eng 7215 & announced 9550. 1630-1725 Uzbek new 7215. Amharic 5995 new9615. 1700-1727 Swahili new7160 9685. 1730-1927 Bosnian, Alban, Italian new7140 new7340 new9615 9715 (x7145 x9610). 1830-1927 French new7160 7260 9022. 1930-2027 Eng 7260 9022. 1945-2025 Hausa new9605. 2130-2227 Eng 6165 6175. Bosnian new7100 new7140 9720 (x7115 x7145). (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

IRAQ PUK Radio announces summer schedule. Voice of the People of Kurdistan, the radio st of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, carried the following announcement at 1500 UTC on 31st March: "We would like to remind our dear listeners that as of 1st April 1997 our Arabic sce will bc its progrs daily as follows: "The evening transmission will begin at 1700 UTC acc to ST on SW 75 mb, 4120 kHz. The evening progrs will be rebc twice the following day: first at 0300 UTC on the same wavelength, second after the conclusion of the Kurdish progr, which begins daily at 0900 UTC on SW 49 mb, 6015 kHz." (BBCM via AGDX, Mar 31)

NORTH KOREA 3025 kHz Young Soldiers Bcing St presumed the one reactivated here. 1530- 1630 UTC not //1615 (separate programs of similar contents are aired simultaneously). Endless war drama, patriotic songs, soldiers shouting "Long live Comrade Kim Il Sung!" etc. No ID heard today. This st was not heard on this frequ for quite some time. (Ashimori-JAP, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 4)

R Pyongyang new4405 kHz at 1215-1230 UTC, Spanish progr feeder, to SoAM. //6575 9975 11335 kHz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dagupan City, Apr 4-10)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan in English 1600-1630 new7211.7 new11565.1 new 11820.1 (x9513.5 x11570 x11935) 9485 15555.

Tamil sce at 1030-1130 UTC noted terrible audio quality on v15516.1 kHz.

Islamabad in Urdu at 1700-1900 UTC on odd v5827.1 kHz, //11570.1. In Urdu 1330-1530 new11565.1 (x11570.1) 9485. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

PHILIPPINES 6075 kHz Radio Veritas Asia Manila at 2226-2236 UTC. New bc in English and Filipino; Beatles song. Filipino program about High-tech age. (Boogert-TWN, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 3)

RVA 6075 kHz in Tagalog 2230-2300* UTC, English ID at 2259 UTC, then switch to 11820 kHz signing on in BIndonesian.

Now active again: DZB II Dalawa Radyo Mindoro, FEBC, Baco, Mindoro Isl. on 3345.8 kHz at 2150-2331 UTC. Tagalog and dialects, some Engl ID's, nx at 2200-2203 UTC, 2245 UTC nx, 2328 UTC closing announcement, 2330 UTC National Anthem, 9 x birth call, signing off at 2331* UTC. First heard again on April 8th. After long absence time of about a year. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dagupan City, Apr 4-10)

PORTUGAL RDP in Portug 1700-2100 (0700-2000 Sat & Sun) UTC started in Z97 season on 6140 kHz; but tested 7110 kHz also, and is using permanent on latter one now. 1700-2200 new9655. E/F Mon-Fri 2100-2200 new6140/7110. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4; WB Apr 19-20)

RUSSIA/CIS 7325 kHz R.Islamskaja Volna (R.Islamic Wave) in Russian 1530-1600 UTC (Th- Fr only) w/report from the Palestine writers conference, news from Palestine. @1600 UTC into VoR Arab sce. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Apr 16)

Home sce on SW. Radio 1 Odin: 9605 0500-1500, 9790 1100-1300, 11695 0600-1000, 11940 0800-1300, 11990 0500-0700, irreg 0500-0600 11980. R Mayak: 9470 0500-1400, 11985 0500-1300, 12005 0500-1400. also 0300-0600 on 4820 5925 5935 7325. Radio Rossiia: 9720 0500-1400, 11630 0630-1000; 11720 0800-1500, 12025 0500-0800, 12045 1000-1500, 12065 0500-0900. Caucasus sce MW 1089 & 7325: Adigey Radio Maykop, 1700-1800 Mon+Fri, Mon in Agigeyan, Arabic, Turkish mixed, Fri in Agigeyan only. Kabardin Radio Nalchik: 1730-1800 Wed, Thur, Sun only in Kabardin language. (PanIview-BUL, Apr 4)

SLOVAKIA 9440 kHz *0700-0730* UTC, AWR, Rimavska Sobota with "Wavescan" finally back on an audible freq and good time for us Europeans. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Apr 20) [yes, convenient time and reliable reception quality, also 9450-SVK 0900 UTC 6055-SVK 2100, Guam 13720 1230, 7400 1430 & 1600, 9370 1730.]

SLOVENIA German nx on R Slovenia dom sce at 2030-2040 UTC on 918 kHz, in tourist season only. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 20)

SoEaAsia DX-news from South East Asia. Dear friends, I'm back home now after travelling four weeks in Thailand and Laos.

I was surprised by the very good propagation conditions on a number of days in the 13 mb. For example I heard sts like BBC WS on 21660 kHz (ASC?), REE on 21570 kHz, BBC in Portuguese, English by Radio (G, CYP, ASC, SEY?) on 21490 kHz more than 3 hours after sunset (21.10 hrs. local time) or 1410 UTC. I also heard the Chinese time signal st BPM on 20 and 25 MHz (harmonics of 5 and 10 MHz) and two other harmonics of Chinese bcing sts.

CHINA PBS Jiangxi 1 from Nanchang was heard on 25100 kHz (5 x 5020 kHz) between 0355 and 0800 UTC. An unidentified Chinese st was heard on 18030 kHz (3 x 6010 kHz) at 0945 UTC (6010 kHz was also heard).

CLANDESTINE Radio of the Provisional Government of National Union and Salvation of Cambodia is on the air on 5407 kHz from 2330-0130 and from 1130-1330 UTC.

LAOS The External Service of the Lao National Radio is on 1030 kHz only.

THAILAND Radio Station Or Sor bcing from the Royal Palace in Bangkok was heard in NoTHA on 6149 kHz at 0330 until sign off at 0500 UTC. In my e-mail letter from Bangkok dated 27 Febr 97 a frequency was missing. The correct sentence should be: R. Thailand Home Sce on 7115 kHz is not always in //with 4830 and 6070 kHz. I think only the news are in //on all 3 frequs. (Vy 73 de Juergen Lohuis, Riethstr. 33, D-44536 LUENEN, Germany, Apr 15)

SOUTH AFRICA Herewith the updated schedule for The Investment Channel. The schedule went into effect on Sun 13 April 1997. All bcs are in English and are now directed to the ME: 0200-0355 6160 0300-0425 7190 0330-0555 9525 0430-0555 11820, 15225 0600-1155 15165 0600-1455 21745 0600-1725 17665 1200-1755 15170 1630-1725 11870 1800-2155 9475 1830-1955 11870 1900-2155 7225 (via Colin Miller-CAN, Apr 15)

CHANNEL AFRICA Z97 schedule Time UTC kHz kW Target Area Language 0300-0330 5955 500 East/Central Afr English 0300-0325 6000 250 East/Central Afr Swahili 0330-0400 5955 500 Madagascar French 0330-0355 3955 250 Southern Africa Chinyanja 0400-0430 5955 500 Southern Africa English 0430-0455 5955 500 N. Mozambique Portuguese 0430-0455 3345 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese 0500-0530 9675 500 West Africa English 0530-0555 9675 500 Angola/West Afr Portuguese/French 0600-0630 11900 500 West Africa English 0630-0655 11900 500 West Africa French/Portuguese 1500-1525 11900 500 East/Central Afr Swahili 1530-1555 11900 500 Madagascar French 1530-1600 6120 250 Southern Africa Lozi 1600-1625 11900 250 East/Central Afr Portuguese/Swahili 1600-1630 6120 250 Southern Afr English 1600-1630 9685 500 East/Central Afr English 1630-1655 9685 500 N. Mozambique Portuguese 1630-1655 3345 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese 1630-1655 11900 250 Central Africa Swahili/French 1700-1730 6120 100 Southern Africa Chinyanja 1700-1730 11900 500 West Africa English 1730-1755 11900 500 Angola/West Afr Portuguese/French

BBC 0245-0300 6050 500 East/Central Afr Eng Lessons 0300-0330 6050 500 East/Central Afr Swahili 0300-0600 3255 100 Southern Africa English 0300-0600 6190 100 East/Central Afr English 0430-0500 3390 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese 0430-0500 6135 250 N. Mozambique Portuguese 0430-0500 7205 500 Angola Portuguese 0530-0600 6135 250 Mozambique Portuguese 0530-0600 9515 500 Angola Portuguese 0530-0600 11940 250 Angola/West Afr Portuguese 0600-1600 6190 100 Southern Africa English 0600-1600 11940 100 East/Central Afr English 0700-0730 17830 500 West Africa English 1600-2200 3255 100 Southern Africa English 1600-2200 6190 100 East/Central Afr English 1700-1730 3390 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese 1700-1730 6070 500 N. Mozambique Portuguese 1700-1730 9520 500 Angola Portuguese 1700-1900 11860 250 East/Central Afr English 1730-1745 3390 100 S. Mozambique Eng Lessons 1730-1745 6070 500 N. Mozambique Eng Lessons 1730-1745 9520 500 Angola/West Afr Eng Lessons 1745-1800 7230 500 East/Central Afr Swahili 1800-1830 7230 250 Indian Ocean Isles French 2030-2115 3390 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese 2030-2115 6135 250 N. Mozambique Portuguese 2030-2115 7205 250 Angola Portuguese

RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONAL 0300-0355 7135 250 East/Central Afr French (Sentech (Pty) Ltd via Clemitson Apr 2)

TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio Dushanbe in Persian 1715-1800 UTc in superb audio quality on 5800 kHz, reg 1400-1800 UTC in various languages, like Pashto, Arabic, Persian. (WB Apr 20)

THAILAND 9810 kHz, //9566, Radio Thailand, 1243 UTC, lengthy statistics about Radio in Thailand, 1249 nx: sit in Albania, 1258 ID and sudden end of transmission, good signal. (Kammler, on Mauritius, Mar 29) 11955 kHz Radio Thailand at 1350 UTC. Female announcer in Thai until 1357 UTC. Followed by male with closing announcements in English. IS played once at 1358 UTC. (Hankison, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 12) R Thailand in English to Scandinavia 1900-1953 UTC on 9535 (x7210) kHz.

11785 kHz VOA Udorn Thani at 1215-1231 UTC. Man in Chinese comments with cut aways into English. Noted VOA theme between subjects etc. Signal was fair. This is a relay. (Bolland, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 4) VoA Udorn Thani in English 1400-1800 UTC on 7125 kHz. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 20)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic at 0300-0659 UTC on v7285.3, v7474.7, and 11730 kHz. (WB Apr 20)

UKRAINE Radio Ukraina International Kiev Z97 schedule 0000-0100 Eng NoAM 9550 12040 (add 7150#). EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560. 0100-0300 Ukr NoAM 7150 9550 12040. EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 9560. 0300-0400 Engl NoAM 7150 9550 12040. Ukr EUR 6010 6020 6090. 0400-0500 Ukr NoAM (add 7150#) EUR 6010 6020 6090 7150 7320 9870 11705. 0500-0600 Ukr EUR 6020 7150 7320 9870 11705 11840. 0600-0700 Ukr EUR 6020 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590. 0700-0800 Ukr EUR 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590. 0800-1000 Ukr EUR 6020 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590. 1000-1200 Ukr NoAM 12050 (AUS 12045 exc. #). EUR 6020 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590. 1200-1300 Engl NoAM 12050 (AUS 12045 exc. #) EUR 7150. Ukr EUR 6020 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590. 1300-1400 Ukr NoAM 12050. EUR 6020 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590 15520. 1400-1600 Ukr NoAM 12050 (add SoAm 15550#). EUR 6020 7150 7320 As9600 9870 11705 11840 13590 15520 17680. 1600-1700 Ukr NoAM 12050 (add SoAm 15550#). EUR 6020 7320 9640 9870 11705 As11830 13590 15520 17680. 1700-1800 Ukr NoAM 12050 SoAm 13720 (add 15550#). Germ EUR 5905 6020 7320 9640 9870 11705 As11830 13590 15520 17680. 1800-1900 Ukr NoAM 12050 (SoAm 13720 exc. #, add SoAM 15550#). EUR 5905 6020 6090 9640 9870 11705 As11830 13590 15520 17680. 1900-2000 Ukr NoAM 12050 (SoAm 13720 exc. #). EUR 5905 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560 9640 11705 As11830 13590 15520 17680. 2000-2100 Ukr (add AUS 7380#). (SoAm 13720 exc. #). Germ EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560 9640 As11830 13590 15520. 2100-2200 Engl (add AUS 7380#). NoAM 9550 12040 SoAm 13720. EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560 9640 13590. 2200-2300 Ukr NoAM 9550 12040 (SoAm 13720 exc. #). EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560 9640 13590. 2300-2400 Ukr NoAM (add 7150 #) 9550 12040. (SoAm 13720 exc. #). Germ EUR 5905 6010 6020 6090 7180 7240 9560. # = May 1-Sept 1 (source NRCU Kyiv, via Joerg Sajuk-D, Apr 18)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC London in German at 1530-1600 UTC now on 6015 & 9915 kHz, as well as on MW 648 & 1296 kHz. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 20)

USA 7768.5usb kHz VOA is a new frequency for Communications World at 1230-1300 UTC Sats. Its via Greenville. (DIRECT Kim Elliott-USA, Apr 10)

ADD: WSHB 9845kHz 0800-0900UT 500kW 245deg to 55,56,58,59,60 DEL: KHBI 9845kHz 0800-0900UT 100kW 165deg to 55,56,58,59,60 (Bob German of GJA, Apr 17)

Okeechobee is the strongest bc st here in EUR in 16 mb during 2100-2200 time slot. VoFree China via WYFR relay in German on 15600 & 17750 kHz. WYFR in English to AF til close down at 2145 UTC on 17555 kHz. (WB Apr 19)

[USA/ARGENTINA] 9955 kHz R La Colifata, Apr 8, 0230-0259 UTC, heard through WRMI, Spanish progrs with EG ID's, ID as "Esta es Radio La Colifata en su primer emision internacional para la onda corta por los 9955 kHz via RMI...", at 0254 salutations to the USA President, very, very original txion.

9955 kHz Radio Cochiguaz, heard through WRMI on Apr 20, at 0000-0029 UTC, with the usual LAm Andean folk mx, with IDs in SP and EG as "Somos Radio Cochiguaz, somos una emisora libre desde Sudamerica" and ID in EG by lady anncr as "listener friends of the world, you are tuned into Radio Cochiguaz...."then address for reports. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Apr 20)

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR TO BE SOLD. Boston, April 14 -- The Christian Science Church today announced plans to sell major portions of its broadcasting operations.

The Christian Science Monitor said it plans to sell its award winning public radio news operation, Monitor Radio, and has begun discussions with a variety of potential buyers. In addition, the Churchs Herald Broadcasting Syndicate said it will lease or sell the two powerful shortwave stations it currently owns -- WSHB in Cypress Creek, South Carolina, and KHBI on the island of Saipan.

Monitor Radio will continue producing programs at least through June 30, 1997, and will work closely with public radio stations to minimize any disruption a sale may cause. The Christian Science Monitor began producing public radio programs in January, 1984, and has grown to be the second largest provider of news broadcasts to the public radio system after National Public Radio (NPR). (via Cumbre Dx, Apr 17)

The Christian Science Monitor is about to sell Monitor Radio and their two SW sts WSHB in South Carolina and KHBI on Saipan. There will be a press release forthcoming. If you would like to help make them change their mind send email with your comments to Ed Evans - [email protected] (Bob German, GJA, Apr 17)

The press release announcing the sale of WSHB and KHBI has been posted at http://www.trsc.com/monitor.htm -- in case you didn't see it in r.r.s. (Thomas R. Sundstrom, Apr 15)

Monitor Radio and two shortwave stations to be sold. The Christian Science Church has announced plans to sell or lease most of its bcing operations including its award-winning domestic Monitor Radio nx sce and its two SW sts - WSHB and KHBI. In addition, the Church's Herald Broadcasting Syndicate said it will lease or sell the two powerful shortwave stations it currently owns - WSHB in Cypress Creek, South Carolina, and KHBI on the island of Saipan.

To ensure broad international distribution of its religious progrs, the Church said it plans to purchase time on SW sts owned by other broadcasters in portions of Africa, South America and Asia where SW radio is widely used.

"Since the fall of the , international bcing has been evolving rapidly with SW playing less of a role as commercial bcing expanded," Publishing Society Manager Hill said.

"We have seen a decline in our SW listenership as have other SW broadcasters. Distribution channels are different now than when we went into SW ten years ago. We need to focus more on producing progrs than on operating the channels of distribution," Hill said.

Herald Broadcasting Syndicate has retained George Jacobs of George Jacobs and Associates of Washington, D.C. to handle the lease or sale of its SW sts. The Church's first SW st went on the air 30th March 1987. When the Publishing Society sells its bc nx operations, religious progrs will be bc throughout the week on the Church's SW sts until they are leased or sold. Currently, the SW sts air Monitor Radio progrs on weekdays and religious progrs on the weekends. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 17)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in German at 1935-2030 UTC on 5035 5060 6230 9540 9545 11905 kHz. (RVI RadioWorld, Apr 20)

VANUATU v3944.8 kHz, 0615-0705 UTC, R Vanuatu, Emten Langoon heard tentatively with English reading of telegrams ("Full stop") followed by pop songs, e.g. "Happy Walker" sung by Jodie; ann xx00 and 3945 SW before fading out. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Apr 20)

VIETNAM (All frequs are approximately) National Network 1 was heard on 5924, 7155 and 10060 kHz. I noted a satellite delay on 10060 kHz. On Sunday March 16th at 0340 until s/off at 0500 UTC, 7155 kHz was observed with a different programme: Hilltribe mx, not //10060 and 5924 kHz.

National Network 2 is on 4960 and 12035 kHz. Hmong Service was heard on 5030 and 6165 kHz from 0500-0600 and at 1300 UTC. Vietnamese local stations on short wave: Unid. station on 4215 kHz (Lai Chau 1 according to WRTH 97), heard at 1000 UTC with own programme, at 1100 UTC relay of National Network 1.

The National Network 1 was heard from a unknown location drifting between 4675 and 4680 kHz on most days. On March 15th the station drifted around 4718 and the next day this st was found on 4725 kHz. Sign on is at 1000 UTC.

Radio Son La can be heard with sign on at 1200 UTC on 4740 kHz with Hilltribe mx and progrs in Hmong. Sign off is at 1400. Also noted at 0335 until s/off at 0500 UTC.

Quang Tri Broadcasting Station was heard with clear ID on 5050 kHz at s/on at 1000 UTC. During an announcement in Vietnamese I heard the words in English "Quang Tri Foreign Broadcasting Station". Maybe a joke by the announcer ?? I have this on cassette.

Lao Cai was heard with s/on at 1000 UTC on 5595 and 6700 kHz and relay of National Network 1 at 1100 UTC. Own progrs include a lot of Hilltribe mx.

Cao Bang is on 6530 kHz and was heard at 0325 and 1200 UTC with Hilltribe mx. On 6395 kHz I heard Lai Chau 2 (not Lai Cau) with s/on at 1000 UTC with Hilltribe mx and progrs in Hmong. This st was also heard at 0427 UTC with Vietnamese mx. A North Korean station is also on this frequency.

Yen Bai was heard at 1030 UTC on 6548 kHz with interference caused by China Radio International at 1100 UTC. (Juergen Lohuis, on trip in THA/LAO, Apr 15)

Lai Cau 1 new4214.78 kHz 1050-1145 UTC, fr 1055 Hanoi relay //v4722.2, and some satellite time delay, behind 5924.5 kHz. Not //4214.78 & 4959.6 kHz. 1145 UTC local programme til 1213* UTC. ID and QRG's at 1155 UTC. v4722.8 kHz 1310-1500* UTC RTV Gai Lai in Vietnamese. Local px as well as //Hanoi 5925 kHz at 1400-1424 UTC. Local progr 1425-1440 & 1450-1500 UTC. At 1500 UTC suddenly signing off.

Tuyan Quang in Vietnamese v4739.8 kHz 1208-1350* UTC, native mx, march mx, 1157 UTc bamboo flute, no Hanoi relay noted so far.

Lao Cai 2 at 1140-1155* UTC on 5597.7 kHz. Vietnamese local progr and native mx.

Cao Bang BS v6531.5 at 1215-1358* UTC, political talks, ID at 1330 UTC by female announcer. v6702.17 kHz 1140-1458* UTC Lao Cai 1 BS, in Vietnamese, local native mx, Hanoi relay 1153-1305 & 1315-1458 UTC //Hanoi v5924.5, 1305-1315 UTC local progr, many ID's. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dagupan City, Apr 4-10)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 305 27 Apr 1997 ______

AUSTRALIA On the Radio Australia news carried this morning, August 22nd, (0910 UTC) on CBC Overnight, it was announced that the Australian Cabinet has voted to preserve R.A., although with a budget cut of over two-thirds. The reduction from A$23 million to A$7 million will mean the loss of SW bcs to Indo-China and China. However, bcs to the SoPAC and Papua New Guinea will continue. -- Good news, but bad news. (Harold Sellers-AUS, Apr 22)

Word is just begining to filter down that Radio Australia will continue to exist, albeit as a shadow of it former self. It will lose two-thirds of its current budget (of around A$30 million I think), enabling it to continue to provide some sort of service into SE Asia and the Pacific in English only.

Derek Jordan, RA's current CEO, has just gone to air saying that they will have to let go of all their specialist (language) staff. ... First of all, RA's chief executive officer is not Derek Jordan but Derek WHITE. ... The Dept of Foreign Affairs will give RA a further A$1.5 million. It is hoped that RA will be able to continue to provide some service into Indonesia. It is likely that most -- if not all -- shortwave services will stop. ...

... Meanwhile, RA is also withdrawing the Asia sce and will concentrate on the Pacific and Papua New Guinea. Not a word was said about Indonesia. Whereas RA once upon a time was quite comparable in size with Shepparton and relays at Carnarvon and Darwin, strength in kW, languages (9) and in bc hours to RN, only English will now be left, Japanese & French also having been discontinued some time ago. RA during the seventies had a somewhat smaller staff than Radio Netherlands (300-odd to 400-odd). Although I do not know how many people there are now at RN, RA will soon be reduced to some 100. (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, Apr 23)

Radio Australia funding cut by over two-thirds. The Australian cabinet has decided to slash Radio Australia's funding by more than two-thirds. The decision is likely to mean the closure of SW bcs in Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Khmer. The cabinet has decided to maintain Radio Australia's SoPAC and PNG sces with an estimated budget of about 5.5m [US] dollars. This compares with the current Radio Australia budget of more than [US] 18m dollars for operations and bcs. Estimated savings of about 12m dollars will flow to the Australian Bcing Corpor. The Foreign Affairs Dept is to contribute more than 1m dollars to keep Radio Australia's Pacific sce. The funding decision is in violation of an election commitment by the ruling coalition to protect Radio Australia's existing sces and not downgrade them in any way.

Radio Australia cuts a "major disfigurement". The cuts announced on 22nd Apr to Radio Australia's budget mean it has "avoided death, as was recommended by the Mansfield report in Jan, but it has suffered major disfigurement", the sce's Canberra bureau chief, Graeme Dobell, told listeners. "Effectively it [the govt] has decided that, in slashing Radio Australia's funding from about 23m Australian dollars down to about 7m dollars, the focus should be on the SoPAC and on PNG. And what that basically means is a figure of about 7.2m dollars which (?we will receive) in the budget, which will be announced next month, 13th May. "That would consist of about 3.2m dollars for an English sce, to maintain the current English sce, which would go out on satellite, on the Indonesian Palapa-B satellite, a further 2.5m dollars to maintain some SW facilities, probably the SW txs at Shepparton-VIC and, perhaps, Brandon up in Queensland, and a further estimated 1.5m dollars to keep the PNG sce, the Tok Pisin sce, going. "That 7.2m-dollar figure has some flexibility in it and there is a suggestion, looking at those figures, that Radio Australia might be able to resize the figures a little bit to enable it to keep also its Bahasa Indonesia sce going, because it will have the SW ability to deliver to Indonesia. But certainly it will not have the SW facilities, on the cabinet's decision, to feed the other sces, to Indochina and to China."

Interviewed about the funding cuts, Radio Australia's GM, Derek White, said he was "very, very disappointed. It is at least pleasing that we will apparently retain our English sce, via SW and satellite, that we will continue our SW coverage of the Pacific and that we will retain our Tok Pisin sce to PNG. However, it would be extremely disappointing if we have to end our sces to Asia in the languages which deliver the greatest part of our audience and which play an enormous role in building an image of Australia in the region."

Peter Barnett, who headed RA throughout the 1980s, said it was tragic that the funding cuts would mean the loss of SW sces to millions of listeners in Asia. "It's nothing short of a national disaster. I mean, we have really shot ourselves in the foot". (Radio Australia via BBCM, via AGDX, Apr 22)

CHINA - PR. Voice of Pujiang noted on new 9705 kHz *0955-1005 UTC in Mandarin; opening with progr preview, 1000 nx, //4950 & 3280 kHz. Seems x7115 kHz.

CNR-1. Observed on unlisted 15190 kHz 0243-0248 UTC Mandarin; progr about nutrition //9340, 15390 kHz. Also on unlisted 9845 kHz 0204-0230* UTC Mandarin; Nx. 1010 string of ads for wine, cosmetics, medicine, 0215 UTC show kindergarten kids, //9530, 9340, 9290 kHz. (Hans van den Boogert, via EDXP, Apr 7/18)

CRI Z97: Fr 2030-2125 9890 (x7215) via Russia, 7110 7335 7800 9820 kHz; En 2200-2255 9880 (x7170) via Russia. (RVI via Cees van Oudheusden-HOL, via EDXP, Apr 13)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS from CIS to BURMA Voice of Democratic Burma: Jeff Cohen of the WRN has arranged for this st to start bcing from here in addition to Norway. The bcs will be from 1230-1300 UTC starting on May 1st on either 7330 (Vladivostok) or 11820 (Tashkent). (Glenn Hauser WoR, via Cumbre DX, Apr 18)

CLANDESTINE to IRAQ - Voice of the People of Kurdistan. While doing some research, I came upon the following telephone / fax numbers for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Europe. Unfortunately, I have a U.S. number as well, but the PUK representative in Washington does not want to receive reception reports for the station. Maybe some people can try these in Europe! UK: +44-181-642-4518 France: +33- 1-3916-0473 Germany: +49- 30-344-8738 Turkey: +90-312-440-2199

CLANDESTINE to IRAQ - Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan. I also located an e-mail address for *this* station as well as the beginning of their homepage! Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan e-mail: [email protected] webpage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/gara/ Kurdish Democratic Party webpage: http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11534 (Grace, via Cumbre DX, Apr 25)

CONGO Brazzaville Congo noted again on 4765 and 5985 kHz, here in Europe from approx. 1730-2130 UTC. Playing smart marches and ardent speeches. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Apr 23)

COSTA RICA Radio For Peace International. Notes and announcements: 15050 kHz is back on the air with a provisional two element yagi antenna. How do we sound to you? Please take a moment to jot us a signal report wherever you may be on the planet! Glenn Hauser's program rundowns return this week after some absence. We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we enjoy bringing them to you.

Disability Radio Worldwide with Jean Parker returns to RFPI after a production hiatus. Be sure to tune in this week for a captivating look at disability and religion with guest Mary Jane Owen! -joe

RFPI Frequency Schedule: 49 mb 6205 kHz (USB) 0000-1200 10 kW 41 mb 7385 kHz (AM) 2200-1700 30 kW 19 mb 15050 kHz (AM) 1700-0000 10 kW Joe Bernard, Program Coordinator (English), Radio For Peace International P.O. Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica e-mail: [email protected] WWW URL: http://www.clark.net/pub/cwilkins/rfpi Radio For Peace International is a non-profit, non-commercial broadcasting station, supported entirely by charitable contributions.

CUBA Radio Habana Cuba - Young socialists and DGA agents of the world unite! Per Arnaldo Coro Antich (on the weekend edition of "DX'ers Unlimited", Apr 19), a new e-mail address is being phased in: [email protected]

Arnaldo also suggested buying used VHF sets at flea markets and hamfests. I bet there's lots of both every weekend on Paradise Island. (Krueger via DXW, Apr 21)

ECUADOR/USA/MOROCCO Heavy QRM by VoA Tangiers in Serbo-Croatian to HCJB Quito Spanish on 15140 kHz at 1900-1929 UTC. So many free channels on 19 mb at this 30 mins segment ... (WB Apr 22)

FRANCE RFI noted on new 7350 kHz with French 2120 UTC. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Apr 11)

GERMANY Radio Bremen Hansawelle is now bcing on 936 kHz from 0400-2200 UTC with 50 kW. From 2200-0400 UTC the ARD Nightprogr is on this frequ with a power reduced of only 10 kW. (Peter Fildstedt, Apr 21)

End of the DW - Deutsche Welle - offer for West Europe. The DW will cancel five broadcast programs from 1998. Foreign language bc progrs to Denmark, Norway, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands end in Dec 1997. No Danish, Norwegian, Italian, French, and Flemish/Dutch programs anymore by DW Cologne. Saved costs, about 7 million Marks per annum, shall finance new DW Bosnian and Albanian broadcast programs instead. In West Europe and North America DW will strengthen satellite rebroadcasting. The DW supplied about 4500 TV and bc programs with this available offer. Like in the previous year, the German foreign bc service gets altogether 630 million German Marks from taxes in 1997 also. 300 employments were dismantled within the past two years. Nothing news to the future DW bc house location. A decision between the alternatives of either Berlin, Leipzig, or Bonn still is due. (Stuttgarter Zeitung, Apr 22)

DW radio to drop five language sces for Europe. Deutsche Welle will discontinue its western European language sce on 1st Jan 1998. A decision to this effect taken by Deutsche Welle's Radio Council on Fri 18th Apr was announced by the chairman of the Council, Social Democratic Party [SPD] official Guenter Verheugen, in a news conference in Bonn on Mon. Verheugen said that the decision would affect DW radio progrs in Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Italian and French for France. The savings of DM7m would be used for improving the services of Germany's international radio, Verheugen added. He said that, among other things, there were plans to launch a new Bosnian sce. According to Verheugen, 30 employees would be affected by the shutdown of the sces. Dieter Weirich, the head of Deutsche Welle, announced that Deutsche Welle wouldtry to avoid any compulsory redundancies if possible. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 21)

GUAM For Z97, KTWR's Pacific DX Report is as follows: NoEaAS Fris 1045 9865 (new Z97)-(x9870) SoPAC Sats 0940 11835 (x11830) SoAS Mons 1615 11580 SoEaAS Tues 0900 15200. (Wayne Frost, EDXP, Apr 17)

The DX nx within PDXR is compiled by EDXP. Special EDXP QSLs are available - return postage appreciated. Send reports to Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Rd, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, Australia. E-mailed reports accepted and will be confirmed by return E- mail, to

HUNGARY Radio Budapest Z97 - Hungarian to AUS/NZL: 0900-1000, 1000-1100 (Sun only) 15210 17860 21670 kHz. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, sked)

INDIA AIR M97 - English home sce nx: 0030-0035 7110 11870 0245-0300 3945 6045 7110 11830 15135 0730-0735 15185 15260 0830-0840 7250 15185 15260 1135-1140 9595 11620 11710 15185 1230-1235 4860 6150 17860 1430-1435 3945 6150 9565 9835 1435-1435 9565 (sports) 1530-1545 3945 6150 7140 7410 9565 9700 9835 9910 11740 1730-1735 6150 7140 9565 9835. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, EDXP, Apr 14)

IRAN VOIRI Tehran, Z97 sked: 1100-1230 En 7115 9585 11875 15260 1330-1430 Ur 9585 11875 1430-1530 Be 7215 9550 1530-1630 En 7215 9550 1930-2030 En 7290 9022 2030-2130 En 6165 6175 0030-0130 En 6050 9022 9665 0030-0130 Be 9570 0130-0230 Hi 9570. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, EDXP, Apr 14)

IRELAND RTE soccer commentary on SW. Live commentary from RTE Radio 1 on the Republic of Ireland's vital World Cup qualifying tie with Romania on Wed, 30th Apr, will be carried on five SW freqs at 1700 UTC. 9470 kHz (AUS/NZL), 11700 (EaEUR), 11820 (AF), 13640 (ME), 15150 (NoAM). (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 18)

KOREA (North) Observations on Frontline Soldiers' Radio. A radio st which bcs in Korean and identifies itself as "Radio for Soldiers at the Frontline" (Korean: "chonyon chobyongdurul wihan pangsong") is currently observed on 1616, 2625 and 3025 kHz approx. 1400-2010 UTC. The radio, which is believed to have been on the air for several years, appears to be aimed at entertaining North Korean soldiers on overnight sentry duty. Programming consists mainly of North Korean songs, letters from soldiers, readings from Kim Il-Song's memoirs and patriotic dramas or soundtracks from North Korean films. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 25)

MALAWI 3380 kHz MBC Limbe 1955-2020 UTC English Reading of a locally written and produced play "Letter from a Dead Man" I/D YL NX concentrating on local southern African items, mostly read in Chichewa, one or two short Engl items on to pop MX. Seems he is still there but not always audible, or does he only use this frequency weekends? (Clemitson, via DXW, Apr 18)

Someone asked about Malawi on 3380. Here's an answer. I shoulda gone ahead and responded last Sun, 'cause I thought I heard 'em, but I wasn't sure. - Yes, Malawi is still on 3380 kHz. But Sun, although the carrier was fair to good, the modulation was way down, and it was "iffy" about whether I really had a parallel with 5995 -or-thereabouts kHz. The rest of this week propagation was lousy for either 3 or 6 MHz, or both. - This morning though, 3380 kHz had good sigs at 0300 and detectable signals after 0400 UTC, when I could also hear the v5993.4 kHz -more-or-less frequ to get the parallel. They're on, and this morning were signing on about 0250 UTC with a listing of frequs. (Dan Ferguson-USA, via DXw, Apr 20) v3379.95 kHz MBC believed the one heard here 1828 UTC in English, but weak and drifting (Krone, via DXW, Apr 20)

MALTA Voice of Mediterranean, Postbox 143, Floriana, Malta, is conducting test transmissions via new relay location: 27 Apr - 11 May, 1800-1900 UTC on 5890 & 9765 kHz. Test consist Maltese mx and frequ announcements, target area the Westeuropean countries and the Mediterranean area. (Ingrid Huettmann VOM, via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener KWRS, Apr 24)

TENTATIVE(!) Voice of Malta Z97 schedule via Russian relays. Malta hasn't adopted summer time (DST). EUR 9765 12060 daily 2000-2100 En, Sun 2100-2130 Fr, Sun 2130-2200 Ge, by Mrs. Ingrid Huettmann; Japan/East Asia/Far East: 9800 Sat 2300-2330 Japanese; Philippines / Australia / New Zealand: 15550 17570 Sun 0200-0330 En, 0330-0500 Maltese; Japan/ East Asia/Far East: 17570 Sun 0500-0530 Ja; USA/Canada: 7300 Sun 0400-0500 En, 0500-0600 Maltese, 0600-0630 Ge, 0630-0700 Ja; 13600 Sun 0600-0700 En, 0700-0800 Maltese, 0800- 0830 Ge, 0830-0900 Ja. (RVI Radio World, via Cees van Oudheusden-HOL, Apr 6)

***UPDATE: Services to USA and Canada are advised as "test transmissions": 0100-0430 Suns 13605 (En 0100-0200, 0200-0300 Maltese, 0300-0330 Fr, 0330-0400 Ge, 0400-0430 Ja); 1900-2230 Suns 9810 1900-2000 En, 2000-2100 Maltese, 2100-2130 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge, 2200- 2230 Ja. Station name is now "Radio Melita". (Sked to Bob Padula, EDXP, Apr 21)

MOLDOVA Radio Moldova International, Str. Miorita 1, 277028 Chisinau, Republica Moldova. Fax +373 2 723307

Schedule May 30 - Oct 26, 1997 0230-0255 9400 Spanish LatAM 0300-0330 7520 Romanian NoAM 0330-0355 7520 English NoAM 0400-0425 7520 Russian Russia 0430-0455 7520 English NoAM 1230-1300 9400 Romanian NoA 1300-1325 11580 Spanish LatAM 1830-1855 7520 Russian Russia 1900-1925 7520 French France 1930-1955 7520 Spanish Spain 2000-2025 7520 French France 2030-2055 7520 Spanish Spain 2200-2225 7520 English UK 2230.2255 7520 English UK

At 2330-2355 UTC noted an unlisted additional bc on MW in Englisch on MW 1593 kHz via Chisinau-Straseni, the only R Moldova [ext sce] tx which is bcing direct from Moldova [except Grigoriopol ext and relay progrs in separate Pridnestrovye].

Snail mail postal service is still irregularly, so suggest using fax mail sce. (Uwe Volk, Apr 25)

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES TWR expanding Bonaire facilities. Trans World Radio (TWR) began a two-step process of expanded English programming to the Caribbean. More than 14 hours of English progrs are being bc daily to the region from a 50 kW AM MW tx on Bonaire [on 800 kHz]. Plans are also under way for sts in or near the Caribbean to receive the same programming through satellite downlink. Listeners to the English progrs live throughout the Caribbean, as well as in Venezuela. An increasing number of English-speaking tourists will also be among the potential new listeners. Expansion from three to 14 hours daily.

In an interview on HCJB radio's "DX PartyLine" programme on 19th Apr, a spokesman for TWR in Bonaire explained that the new 50 kW tx would be used for English bcs on 800 kHz MW during local daylight hours, from 1100-2300 UTC, when TWR's existing 500 kW tx is off the air. The 500 kW tx would continue to carry the overnight transmissions from Bonaire in Portuguese, Spanish and English. (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 14/19)

NORTHERN MARIANAS Z97 final sked for KFBS Saipan includes the following sces: English: Weds 1830-1900 on 9465 to CeAS; Mong: 1100-1130 11650 to Mongolia; German: 1830-1845 Sun, 1845-1900 Sun/Fri 9465 to CeAS; Uighur: 1600-1615 9495; Indonesian dialects: 0800- 1230 15380 (Banjarese, Gorontalo, Makassarese, Buginese, Sudanese, Javanese, Indonesian); Kazakh: 1545-1600 Fri/Sat 9465, 1615-1630 Tue/Wed 9495; Vietnamese: 1300- 1400, 1400-1430 Mon Tue Thu Fri Sat on 9670; Malaysian: 1430-1530 9670. Freq usage: Tx 1 11650 0855-1400 9465 1400-1900. Tx 2 9495 0955-1630 15380 0800-1100 9670 1300-1530. (Bob Padula/EDXP via Cumbre Dx)

ROMANIA Radio Romania International, Z97 English sces: 0530 Af 15340 17790 15250 17720 0530 As 11790 15270 0630 Eur 9550 15365 9665 11810 0645 Pac 11840 15250 17720 0645 Af 11740 15270 1230 Eur 11885 15365 17720 1430 Af 15335 17720 1730 Af 9550 11940 1900 Eur 9690 11940 11810 9550 2100 Eur 7195 9690 7105 9550 2300 NA 9510 11940 0200 & 0400 NA 5990 6155 9510 9570 11940. (Rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek, EDXP, Apr 20) TAIWAN Schedule for Voice of Free China in English eff to 26 Oct 1997 (some via WYFR/USA): 0200-0300 5950 7130 9680 15345 0200-0300 11740 11825 0300-0400 11825 0300-0400 5950 7130 9680 15345 0700-0800 5950 1200-1300 7130 9610 2200-2300 15600 17750 (Chow-CAN/Crosby KA2RAF)

TAJIKISTAN 11620 kHz Radio Tajikistan has moved here (ex-9905?) for the Z97 season; heard in English at 0245 UTC. Usually rather weak, but in the clear. (Jones, via Cumbre Dx, Apr 22)

UKRAINE Radio Marabu via Ukraine. BROADCASTS VIA HIGH POWERED TRANSMITTERS BASED AT THE UKRAINE. Due to problems providing the Ukrainian broadcaster with progrs the bcs of Radio Marabu via the Ukraine should start now on Apr the 23rd on a "reduced rate" with progrs on Mon, Wed and Fri from 1200-1300 UTC. From mid May onwards the progrs will increase step by step to the earlier announced schedule. Radio Marabu - P.O. Box 1166 - D 49187 Belm - Germany Tel: 05406/899484 Fax 05406/899485 E-mail: [email protected]

Re. bcs from Radio Marabu: According "3sat"-Teletext //SW 11850 kHz, also on MW 1476 kHz (Lvov, 30 kW). These "Radio Independence" may be Radio Nezalezhnist, listed in WRTH on 1476 and VHF 106.7 MHz. Any ideas where the SW transmitter is situated? I presume Lvov- Krasne (various SW facilities there, but currently only 1 x 1000 kW unit for Radio Ukraine in use). (Kai Ludwig, EDXP, Apr 14/21)

USA Joe Costello, RIP. I was surprised to read this in rec.radio.shortwave today. As of the evening of Apr 25, the WRNO home page does not have anything on this. A call today from a friend in the news media business in Louisiana ... reporting Joseph Costello died suddenly Tuesday. Joe was a radio pioneer in Louisiana ... though only in his mid-50's when he died.

He made WRNO-FM a commercial hit long before most other broadcasters realized there was money to be made on the FM band.

Few of us HAVEN'T heard WRNO International, the shortwave station he couldn't believe that other broadcasters hadn't thought of. Most broadcast station owners have a sales/management background, Joe was an broadcast engineer ... which accounts for his unique perspective.

Death due to natural causes, Joe was a large man, like many of us "recovering broadcasters." (With your prayers and The Almighty's help, we can overcome our need to broadcast ...) ([email protected] [Dan Cutrer] via Thomas R. Sundstrom, Apr 25)

1998 Winter SWL Festival. It's never to early to mark your calendar and plan your vacation. From the committee, the 1998 Winter SWL Festival will be held March 12-14, 1998, near Philadelphia, PA. Preliminary information at http://www.trsc.com/swl_fest.htm and more will be posted as received. (Thomas R. Sundstrom-NJ, Apr 23)

Re the new Macon, GA SW stn, on DXPL Ken MacHarg interviewed Joanne Josey, wife of Charles. She says Charles is very talented when it comes to radio and electronics. Both have been hams for 40 years, and the stn will be a retirement pursuit. The tx and antenna will be constructed mainly from electronic salvage. The building is located in downtown, close to the police dept., TV stn and other sces, and so they want to watch the interference situation closely at first -- that is one reason why they will start out bcing 1900-0700 local time. They hope to carry religious programming that is produced in other countries and, in essence, bc it back to them. They hope to have a toll-free international phone system. They are now operating as Oil & Wine Ministries, PO Box 18174, Macon, GA 31209, tel. 912/745-1485. (DXPL via NU, EDXP, Apr 6)

KVHA Z97 NF is 6855 kHz 0200-0300 UTC 500 kW. (HFCC/Bob Padula, EDXP)

Radio Free Asia, revised sked as at Apr 12: 2100-2200 Ch 9910-KHBN 9420 9455-KHBI 2200-2300 Ko 9365 9420 9455-KHBI 7460 2300-0000 Ch 9650 15515-Delano 9910-KHBN 9420 13800-KHBI 2300-0000 Tb 7410 9365 (11580 from 2330) 2330-0030 Vn 9975 9980-KHBN 13710 0030-0130 Bu 11590 11600 13710 11580 1300-1400 Tb 11575 11590 1400-1500 Vn 9930-KWHR 11575 11590 11600 9455-KHBI 1500-1600 Bu 11530 11590 1500-1600 Ch 9455-KHBI 9805-Delano 9910-KHBN 11565-Dushanbe 11615-Dushanbe 1530-1630 Ko 9980-KHBN 5855 1600-1700 Ch 9805-Delano 11565-Dushanbe 11615-Dushanbe. (Nagoya DX Circle, EDXP, Apr 22)

VoA Communications World by Kim Elliott, is bc Sats (exc where specified) at the following UTC times: EAST ASIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA, AND THE PACIFIC: 1030-1100 5985 11720 15425 1230-1300 6160 9645 9760 11715 15160 15425 + 7768.5usb 1730-1800 6110 6160 7125 7215 9550 9645 -and in Japan via the Usen cable radio system, Sat 1000 & Sun 1400.

SOUTH ASIA: 1730-1800 6110 6160 7215 9645 9700 15205 15255 15395

THE MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA, EUROPE: (Listeners in EUR might also try the SW freqs directed to AF) 1730-1800 792 9700 9760 15205 15255 2130-2200 1260 1548 6040 9535 9760

--On VOA Berlin, 87.9 MHz FM, and some cable systems Sat at 1930 UTC. --World Radio Network: Sun 1400-1430 UTC on WRN-1 Astra 1B, 19 degrees east, Tr 22, 11.538 GHz [VH-1], V-Pol, audio subcarrier 7.38 MHz mono, and on cable and local radio sts in some cities).

AFRICA: 1730-1800 15410 15445 17895 --To SoAfrica via MultiChoice Sat 1530 UTC.

AMERICAS: Try 1030-1100 on 5985, 1230-1300 on 7768.5usb, or AF freqs 1730-1800 UTC.

REALAUDIO AND OTHER AUDIO ACCESS VIA INTERNET: --The World Radio Network Web Site -- http://www.wrn.org -- has current and past editions of Communications World. Find "On Demand Audio," then "Sound Store."

--Communications World audio is also available from http://www.voa.gov, gopher://gopher.voa.gov, and ftp://ftp.voa.gov (rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek; Ian Simpson, EDXP, Apr 13/15)

VIETNAM new4214.78 kHz Lai Cau 1 1050-1213* UTC, fr 1059-1145 UTC Hanoi ID relay //v4722.2, and some satellite time delay, behind 5924.5 kHz. Not in //4214.78 & 4959.6 kHz. 1145 UTC local px til 1213* UTC. ID and QRG's at 1155 UTC. v4675 kHz Lam Dong 1131-1230 UTC, ID, relay px fr Hanoi //5924.5 til 1205 UTC, local px at 1207 UTC, switching to Hanoi px again. v4722.5 kHz RTV Gai Lai 1301-1500* UTC in Vietnamese. Tx and audio feeder line problems. Local px, ID at 1324 UTC, as well as //Hanoi 5924.5 kHz at 1359-1424 UTC. Local progr 1425-1440 & 1450-1500 UTC. At 1500 UTC suddenly signing off. v4739.8 kHz Tuyan Quang in Vietnamese 1208-1350* UTC, native mx, march mx, 1157 UTC bamboo flute, no Hanoi relay noted so far. ID's at 1210, 1218, 1220, 1252 UTC. v4795.4 kHz UNID VTN st, noted on Jan 15th, but now off the air. v5029.9 kHz Dia Tieng Noi, Hmong sce from 1320 UTC, native mx, but very strong QRM from Kuching.

5597.7 kHz Lao Cai TV 2 1140-1155* UTC. Vietnamese local progr and native mx. ID at 1145 UTC, flute and drums, political report.

6164.8 kHz Hanoi Hmong sce 2130-2245 UTC, //5029.9 kHz, native mx, not //4959.7 & 5924.5 kHz. v6531.5 Cao Bang BS at 1215-1358* UTC, political talks, ID at 1330 UTC by female announcer. v6702.10 kHz Lao Cai 1 BS 1140-1458* UTC, in Vietnamese, local native mx, Hanoi relay 1153-1303 & 1315-1458 UTC //Hanoi v5924.5, 1305-1315 UTC local progr, many ID's. new v7153 kHz RTV Bac Thai, fade in approx. 0945 -1430* UTC, most of the time Hanoi relay //5924.5. Local px at around 1300 UTC til s-off, take care with ID's. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dagupan City, Apr 4-19)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 306 03 May 1997 ______

ALASKA KNLS Anchor Point heard on a new channel in Chinese at 1400-1500 UTC on 9615 kHz 100 kW 285 degr, with IDs and announcements at 1359 UTC. The last half hour is mixed with Radio Australia on the same spot. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, May 1)

ALBANIA Radio Tirana, transmission schedule. This schedule, eff 30th Mar-26th Oct 1997, is based on information supplied by Radio Tirana. All HF frequs are subject to variation by up to 5 kHz. Radio Tirana, Rruga Ismail Qemali, Tirana, Albania. Tel: +355-42-23239 Fax: +355-42-23650

0000-0500 ALBANIAN 7270 6190 0145-0200 ENGLISH 7160 6115 0230-0300 ENGLISH 7160 6140 0300-2200 ALBANIAN 6100 (relay of home service 1st progr) 0530-0600 ALBANIAN 1215 0700-1000 ALBANIAN 7270 1395 0900-1400 ALBANIAN 7150 (relay of home service 2nd progr) 1400-1700 ALBANIAN 7270 5985 1215 1630-1700 SERBIAN 7110 6015 1458 1700-1730 ALBANIAN 1215 1700-1730 ITALIAN 7202-v 6015 1458 (observed on 7155 kHz also) 1730-1800 FRENCH 9570 7295 1458 1730-1745 TURKISH 7155 5985 1215 1745-1800 GREEK 7155 5985 1215 1815-1845 GERMAN 9570 7295 1458 1845-1900 ENGLISH 9570 7270 1458 1900-2200 ALBANIAN 9825 6170 1458 2100-2130 ENGLISH 9515 7110 1215 2300-0000 ALBANIAN 7270 6190 (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 24)

VoA Durres Fllake relay: 1395 0330-0400 VOA SERB DUR 500 330 Eur 1395 0430-0500 VOA CROA DUR 500 330 Eur 1458 0530-0600 VOA SERB DUR 500 338 Eur

ARMENIA TWR Armenia relay on MW Kamo 864 kHz 1000 kW: 0000 UTC Mo-Fr Kazakh, 0015 Mo-Thur Kyrgyz, 0030 Tue-Fri Korean, 0045-0100 Mon Tue Tadjik, Fr-Sun Uzbek. Also night bcs are planned. Satellite fed from Bratislava Slovakia. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], May 1)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia - more Today ABC Managing Director Brian Johns was interviewed on ABC radio and said that the future of Radio Australia would be decided by the ABC. All the government could do was to reduce funds available to the ABC. However, the ABC might decide to cut expenditure in areas other than RA and keep the station on air.

Brian John's statement must be seen in the light of recently aired concerns that the ABC -- which is supposed to be run independently of government influence -- was nevertheless being manipulated by being squeezed of funds through parliamentary budgeting. (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, Apr 29)

Just heard ABC news reporting that ABC staff dressed in black were outside ABC Melbourne studios, forcing Managing Director Brian Johns to walk "the gauntlet" past "an apparent funeral procession" to get inside the building.

Radio Australia's staff will be reduced from 144 now to 65. Some Asian languages like Cambodian will go, while others will be reduced. However, some SW services at least seem set to be continued.

Tonight at 10:30 hrs EST the announcement that the ABC Board has decided to cut by half RA's budget. Just over 70 staff are to go. It is not yet clear just how this will affect SW broadcasts. I will try to keep you up to date as this develops. (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, Apr 30)

CIS VoA relays via CIS facilities: 648 1700-1800 VOA FARS DUS/TJK 1000 230 ME 648 1300-1400 VOA KORE USS/RUS 1000 230 Kor 7150 2200-2300 VOA CHIN IRK/RUS 1000 152 Chn 11990 1300-1500 VOA CHIN NOV/RUS 100 111 Chn 12025 1400-1500 VOA TIBE KAM/ARM 500 100 Tib 12065 2130-2200 VOA KORE PET/RUS 250 244 Kor (IBB schedule)

CUBA From May 6th, RHC in English to EUR at 2100-2200 UTC will change to 13715am and 13725usb kHz, which used last year. (GH WoR, May 1)

DENMARK Radio Denmark will change the following as of May 1st: 0030 UTC 9985 changes to 9965 kHz (SoEaAS, WeAUS) 0830 and 0930 UTC 15170 changes to 15625 kHz (SoEaAS, AUS) 2130 UTC 7205 changes to 7540 kHz (AUS) 2230 UTC 9405 changes to 9965 kHz (SoAM) 2330 UTC 9405 changes to 9980 kHz (SoAM) 2330 UTC 9480 changes to 9530 kHz (EaNoAM, Caribbean)

The letterbox progr "Tune In" is now bc on the last Sat & Sun of the month fr 1638 UTC Sat, with the last repeat on Sun at 1538 UTC. Please check our web site for more details: http://www.dr.dk/rdk (Erik Koie-DEN, Apr 27)

EGYPT Radio Cairo, Z97 schedule: Arabic to AUS 2000-2200 on 11990; English 1215-1315 to South Asia 17595, 1630-1830 to C&S Africa on 15255, 2030- 2200 on 15375 to West Africa, 2115-2245 to Europe on 9900, 2300-0030 to EaNoAM on 9900 kHz. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP May 2)

GERMANY 21550 kHz Deutsche Welle, via German Telekom Nauen 1200-1300 (and other times too, but only on April 25): this was a special test transmission, celebrating the official inauguration on April 25 of their four brand new 500 kW txers at Nauen (close to Berlin), which are a cooperation between Thomcast & Telefunken, Telekom & DW. Really impressive to see these giants working! This transmission was especially interesting, because it was their first official digital SW transmission: analog & digital transmission on the same channel at the same time without interfering to each other. You can either use your old analog set or a future digital one (if available) to listen to the program.

I also talked to the station chief on this occasion and asked about the old Radio Berlin International facilities, which are still on a compound nearby. There are several 100 kW and two 500 kW (USSR made) txs as well as a couple of courtain antennas nobody needs/wants any longer.

He said, I could take them all with me if I wish. I just would have to arrange transportation... So, if anybody out there is interested in a free 500 kW tx, I can pass on their telephone number ;-)

Btw: The Technical Director of DW said, they expect traditional international SW broadcasting to be around for at least another 15 years. But they are also interested in other technologies like the WorldSpace project. (Kuhl, via DXW, Apr 26) [sure, North Korea is interested certainly! ed]

DW schedule changes: ENGLISH 0100-0150 6040 ANTIGUA 250 340 NAM ENGLISH 0100-0150 6085 SACKVILLE 250 277 NAM ENGLISH 0100-0150 6145 WERTACHTAL 500 300 NAM ENGLISH 0100-0150 9640 WERTACHTAL 500 300 N/CAM ENGLISH 0100-0150 11810 SINES 250 290 N/CAM

ENGLISH 0300-0350 6085 SACKVILLE 250 277 NAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 6185 SACKVILLE 250 253 NAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 9535 SINES 250 295 N/CAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 9615 WERTACHTAL 500 315 NAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 9640 ANTIGUA 250 340 NAM

RUSSIAN 0000-0100 12065 VLADIVOST. 200 320 URS(x12085) PERSIAN 0900-0950 12045 SAMARA 200 188 ME (x12025) BOSNIAN 1200-1230 15545 SINES 250 075 EUR(x15470) CROATIAN 1230-1300 15545 SINES 250 075 EUR(x15470) MACEDON. 1300-1330 15545 SINES 250 075 EUR(x15470) SERBIAN 1330-1430 15545 SINES 250 075 EUR(x15470) CHINESE 1330-1355 11925 TRINCOMALE 250 025 FE(x11835/11865) SWAHILI 1500-1600 7130 KIGALI 250 210 AF (x7185) ENGLISH 1600-1650 7130 KIGALI 250 210 AF (x7185) FRENCH. 1700-1757 7130 KIGALI 250 210 AF (x7185)

Delete SERBIAN 0630-0645 6050 WERTACHTAL 500 120 EUR SERBIAN 0630-0645 7190 WERTACHTAL 500 120 EUR

Additional Slovak 1000-1030 7185W 9770W 15545S (DW schedule)

SWR - SouthWestRadio[SuedwestRundfunk] - New public radio in South West Germany. Planned merger between Suddeutscher Rundfunk Stuttgart (state of Baden-Wurttemberg) and Sudwestfunk Baden-Baden (for state of Rhineland-Palatinata) will be founded envisaged on Jan 1st, 1998. Common radio programme will start from October 1998. Once the second largest public broadcaster on radio and tv in Germany will be build. But some journalist and political organizations protest against the new bcing law, which suffers lack of independence and organization liberty from government. Long problem list must be reduced, before the new bcing law will pass the parliaments in B-W as well as in R-P.

Board of management will be situated in Stuttgart, main radio & TV production center & technical dept. management as well as product contribution to ARD1, 3sat, Phoenix and children channel pool, at Baden-Baden. Regional radio and TV centers in Stuttgart and Mainz. Main radio progr streams will be reduced from eight to six programs: common classical (progr #2), common pop wave (#3), information channel and middle of the road music (#1) progr, both in B-W (Stuttgart) and R-P (Mainz) each, folk music channels (#4) both on same locations for B-W and R-P each. Two separate regional TV progrs originating from Stuttgart and Mainz, both serving common 'Suedwest 3' too.

Hope the technical dept. can preserve both SW channels in future: Muehlacker 6030 kHz and Rohrdorf 7265 kHz, 20 kW of power each. (SDR Magazin)

Ireland vv Romania soccer match on last Wed had RTE live coverage relayed by Deutsche Telekom Juelich tx site, best here 13640 peaking up to 45444, and 15150 kHz, with more or less poor outlets 9470, 11700, 11820 kHz. (WB, Apr 30)

THORSTEN KOCH, Oldenburg, Germany: The Internet Guide To International Broadcasters has changed the server and can now be accessed via the Nordic Shortwave Center: http://swl.sds.se/iguide. (via EDXP, Apr 24)

GREECE Voice of Greece web page http://alpha.servicenet.ariadne-t.gr/Docs/Era5_1.html

GUIANA Fr. CRI Beijing in English via GUF relay back on 9730 kHz 0400-0500 UTC. (GH WoR, Apr 24-29)

IRAN 7093 V.O.Southern Azerbaijan still on this channel. Heard 1600 UTC with Azeri nx by male, later YL talk. At 1629 UTC final announcements, male giving frequency and telephone No., female with last ID. No anthem at sign off 1631 UTC. (Finn Krone-DEN, DXW, Apr 27)

ISRAEL KOL Israel in Russian noted on 7465 kHz at 1230-1300 UTC, additional and not scheduled, but should relay immigrant absorption network, like Russian/Hebrew lessons. (WB May 1)

JORDAN Radio Jordan runs their letterbox progr, also featuring very old reports (1995...), "Friends Abroad" on 11690 kHz: Thurs at 1130 UTC, and Sats at 1430 UTC. (Erik Koie-DEN, Apr 27)

J97 assignments notified to the IFRB from Jordan Radio and TV Corp, Amman, are: 6035 1400-0130 6105 1500-0215 7155 1500-1830 7180 2000-0200 9560 1100-1300, 1400-1630 9610 1500-2100 9630 0300-0600 9785 1100-1300, 2100-2300 9830 1000-1500, 1700-2200 11690 1400-1730, 1230-1430, 1800-2200, 1100-1300 11705 1800-2200 11740 1800-2200 11780 1200-1600 11805 1200-1600, 2100-0200 11810 0300-1500 11820 1000-1230 11835 0500-0900 11860 0700-1000 11935 2100-0200 11945 1500-1800 11960 0300-0530 13630 1200-1500 13645 1100-1300 13655 1000-2300 15170 1100-1300 15215 1100-1500 15270 1400-1700 15340 2100-2300 15355 0300-0900 15355 1000-1300 15435 2000-0200, 0300-0900 17855 2000-0200 All with 500 kW from Al Karanah. (Bob Padula-AUS, May 1)

KAZAKHSTAN Radio Kazakhstan was noted on Apr 24 in German at [weekdays] 1020-1040 UTC on 9620 and 11720 kHz. (Erik Koie-DEN, Apr 27) [Suns approx. 1000-1020 UTC]

MALTA/GERMANY VoMediterranean tests via Juelich at 1800-1900 UTC on 5890 (Europe) and 9765 (to Mediterranean) (!QRM Moscow). Duration approx. 14 days. (Kaule VoM, via wwh-AGDX, Apr 29) >From end of April til May 11, Voice of Mediterranean testing new tx site, 1800-1900 UTC, on 5890, and 9765 kHz. (KWRS/Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Apr 9)

Comment by Nikolay Pashkevich VoM 5890/9765 kHz: "Good signal on both frequs here, BUT they are not in // ! Only announcements are the same, but mx in between is different. 5890 kHz is a few minutes ahead with ID's. Perhaps different tx sites... (?) PS. 9765 is loud and clear here in Moscow, SIO 444; only at 1850 UTC I noted VoR ID in EE on the background." (May 2)

MOLDOVA Radio Moldova International, Str. Miorita 1, 277028 Chisinau, Republica Moldova. Fax +373 2 723307 UPDATE: (c.f. BC-DX #305) At 2330-2355 UTC noted an unlisted additional bc on MW in English on MW 1593 kHz. Night progr of the dom sce 2200-0400 UTC on MW 1593 kHz (Kischinjow 5 kW) and FM 71,24 (Causeni) + 72,02 (Straseni) MHz, 2330-2355 & 0230-0255 English, 0030-0055 Spanish. (Kai Ludwig-D, Apr 27)

NETHERLANDS Radio DELTA 171 [kHz]. Last night, Fri 25th April, the Dutch current affairs programme "Nova" gave a report on the Radio Delta 171 project, a station that wants to broadcast on LW 171 kHz.

It seems that there is a massive protest by the people of Kootwijk, the place where the LW tx is to be located. The people are especially afraid of health problems that would be caused by the strong radiowaves, although there has been a radio tx in the town since 1920.

Delta 171, a station that wants to make programmes for 15-35 year olds, has chosen Kootwijk because there is space there to erect the antennas and because the international radio regulations tell them that the 171 kHz has to originate from Holland. It wants to erect 4 antennas with a height of 320 meters, comparable with those at the Lopik site. It also will take safety measures to prevent the people from the radiowaves. Then Nova gave the example of the apple producer who lives next to the huge antenna park of Radio Nederland Wereldomroep. He complained about headaches, loss of concentration and fatigue. It was not certain whether the apples had anything to complain about. The farmer also showed his fax machine working as a radio. We could hear Radio Nederland's programmes in it! The Dutch radio communication service is yet uncertain about the possible risks to the population of a radio station. In a few months the final decision will be taken about giving a license to Radio Delta 171. (Boel via DXW, Apr 27)

PAKISTAN Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Frequency Schedule J-97 External Sce til Sept 6th. They are starting new services in Chinese and Russian, but to Myanmar dropped. 0030-0130 6070I 7255K Hindi 0100-0130 9545I 11975I Mitali/Bangla 0100-0215 15485I 17705I Urdu to SoEaAS 0230-0245 7255I 15120K 15485I 17705I English slow speed nx 0315-0415 15555I Gujarati to Ea&SoAF 0330-0530 9785I 11820I Irani 0430-0630 11725I 15175I (x17555I also, but not specified yet) Urdu to ME/NE 0645-0745 15555I Swahili [0700-0800 15565K 17540I Myanmar/Burmese has been deleted now.] 0800-1103 15465I 17865I-but not specified yet. Urdu to WeEUR, English slow speed nx 1105-1120 0900-1000 15570K 17540I Bahasa Indonesia 1030-1130 13665K 15516I Tamil 1200-1245 9690I 11820I Chinese NEW sce 1200-1300 9550I 11925K Hindi 1300-1400 11935I 15625I Mitali/Bangla 1330-1530 9485I 11565I 15595K Urdu to ME/NE 1430-1500 5055I 6040I Turki to AFG 1500-1530 5055I 6040I Russian NEW sce 1600-1630 9485I 11565I 15595K to ME/NE, 11935I 15570I to EaAF English slow speed nx 1700-1800 7295K 9515K Turkish 1700-1900 9400I 11720I Arabic 1700-1900 9335I 11570I Urdu to EUR 1800-1900 6190I Urdu to ME workers (Islamabad progr) 1930-2030 9400I 11570I French to No&WeAF and to EUR. K = indicates via Karachi 50 kW, others Islamabad 100/250 kW.

Home sce from Islamabad 100 kW, except API-7 10 kW. API-1 1300-1600 Urdu/Pushto 6060 kHz. API-2 0330 Balti, 0445-0545 Sheena 6060 kHz. 1410 Balti, 1420-1430 Sheena 7125 kHz. API-3 0612-0616 Pushto 9645 kHz. API-4 0600-1115 progr, Urdu, Punjabi, E nx 0800-0804 & 1100-1104 UTC, 7110 kHz. API-7 0100-0105 & 0200-0215 Urdu nx 6070 kHz. 0230-0245 Link for slow speed E nx, 0300-0310 E nx, Sindhi nx, 0400 Urdu nx, 0500 E nx, 0600 Urdu nx, 0608-0612 Sindhi nx, all on 7270 kHz. 0900-1000 link for Indonesian sce. 1230-1300 Kashmiri, 1300 Urdu nx, 1311 Sindhi nx. 1400-1410 E nx, 1500-1530 Urdu nx & commty, all on 9645 kHz. 1600-1630 E nx & comm, link for slow speed nx to Gulf/ME, 1700-1800 link for Turkish sce, both on 7230 kHz. API-8 Rawalpindi III, 0045-0435, 1230-1330, 1345-1815 4790 kHz. 0800(0930Fri)-1215 7265 kHz. 10 kW 0045-0404(Fri-0345), 1230-1805 5025 kHz. 0600-1215 (exc.Fri), Fri 0400-0820 & 1000-1215 both on 7170 kHz. 10 kW 1100-1400 6250 kHz. (R Pakistan via Noel Green-UK, Apr 30)

PHILIPPINES RVA Manila changes effective 4th May. RUSSIAN 9665 1430-1525 (x9670) TO ZONE 31-32 SINHALA 11820 0000-0025 (x9670) ANT 14/270 TAMIL 11820 0030-0055 (x9670) ANT 14/270 PILIPINO 9540 1500-1555 (x11715) ANT 14/300 ME (Alok Dasgupta-IND, May 1) FEBC Manila Z97: English 0100-0300 15450 50 kW India/SeAS, 0930-1100 11635 50 kW China/PNG, 1300-1600 11995 100 kW India/SeAS. Initial morning sces are now: 2230-2330 Indonesian 9780, 2230-2315 Khmer 9495, 2230-2300 Lao 9875, 2200-0000 Chinese 9405 kHz. (Bob Padula-AUS EDXP /Renalto Valentin (FEBC), May 1)

POLAND/UK Unidentified Polish language sce observed Suns on 11665 kHz, noted with religious program theme. (WB, Apr 13) Of course is BBC Cyprus Polish fluttery signal on 11665 kHz at 0600-0615(-0630 Suns only) UTC. BBC Polish www page shows Skelton 9915 & Cyprus 11955(!) but engineering transmission table show 11665 kHz at Limassol Zyyi-CYP 250 kW 337 degr. (Apr 27)

RUSSIA VOICE OF TIBET: 1222-1227 Tibetan on 11570 kHz. VOT did go off FEBA but appeared on 7400 kHz from 1222- 1227 UTC having run extensive announcements on the frequs used by FEBA/VOT operation, presumably from another country. Well 7400 kHz changed to 11570 kHz on the 28th of March to take seasonal changes into account. Its also interesting to note that VOT is sticking very close to Radio Free Asia's Tibetan bcs. When VOT was on 7400, RFA was on 7355 and now RFA is on 11575 just 5kHz up! VOT closes at 1257 and RFA starts at 1300! (G.Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK UADX, May 1)

The Clandestine operation which I reported last time using 11570 kHz from about 1220- 1255 UTC now appears to be in Tibetan (not Burmese as I first thought!). It's via a Russian txer and starts with tones, then a most unusual opening with a man reciting to a musical signal. Actual progr starts approx. 1225 UTC - varies slightly, as does close down. (Noel Green-UK, Apr 30)

Radio Mayak FE outlet: Komsomolsk-Amur 1800-2200 7240, 2230-1200 9670, 1230-1400 7240. Arkhangelsk usb+carrier 0200-0600 5950, 0630-1400 9610, 1430-2200 5920. Volgograd txer is off. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 15)

Religious progrs via VoRussia German sce, but not via Germany relays Wachenbrunn 1323 kHz and Berlin Uhlenhorst 693 kHz: 0943 UTC 11745 12010 15455 1543 UTC 1215 1386 7280 9720 11980 12010 1643 UTC 1215 1386 9540 9720 11980 Freundesdienst Evangelistic Association , CH-5023 Biberstein, Switzerland.

1215 1386 7280 7310 9540 9720 11980 12010 Wednesday 1743 UTC: Lutherische Stunde Evangelistic Association, Clueversborstel 14, D- 27367 Sottrum, Germany. Saturday 1700 UTC Universal Life, Wuerzburg.

Thur-Tue 1843 1215 1386 7310 9540 9720 11980 Werner Heukelbach Evangelistic Association, D-51702 Bergneustadt, Germany. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, KiR [Church in Radio], May 1)

SLOVAKIA Radio Slovakia International. Z97 (fr Mar 30-Oct 26) UTC Target Language KHz 0100-0130 NAmerica English 5930, 7300 SAmerica 9440 0130-0200 NAmerica Slovak 5930, 7300 SAmerica 9440 0200-0230 NAmerica French 5930, 7300 SAmerica 9440 0800-0830 WEurope German 6055, 7300 0830-0900 Australia English 11990, 15460, 17570 0900-0930 Australia Slovak 11990, 15460, 17570 1300-1330 EEurope & Asia Russian 9440, 11990, 13715 1330-1400 WEurope German 5915, 6055, 7345 1500-1600 WEurope Slovak 6055, 7345 SEurope 5915 1600-1630 WEurope French 5915, 6055, 7345 1630-1700 WEurope English 5915, 6055, 7345 1700-1730 WEurope Slovak 6055, 7345 SEurope 5915 1730-1800 EEurope & Asia Russian 5915, 7345, 9485 1800-1830 WEurope German 5915, 6055, 7345 1830-1900 WEurope English 5915, 6055, 7345 1900-1930 WEurope Slovak 5915, 6055, 7345 1930-2000 WEurope French 5915, 6055, 7345

Radio Slovakia International, Mytna 1, 812 90 Bratislava, Slovak Republic FAX: English Service 042-7-496282 German Service 042-7-498247 French Service 042-7-498267 Russian Service - no Fax - (but voice Phone 042-7-498276) (R. Slovakia Int. via JKB, Apr 28)

SOMALIA Plans to "unite" radio stations. Excerpt from report by Somali pro-Uthman Ali Ato radio; as heard throughout. Mr Barreh Mahmud Yarow, alias Barreh Madah, the USC-SNA [United Somali Congress-Somali National Alliance] secretary for settlements and farming, has sent a message of congratulations to the NSC [National Salvation Council] first session for resolutions, which ended on 10th April at the Hotel Lafweyn in Mogadishu. He expressed in his message the support [backing] for the resolutions passed by the NSC, which are in the interests of Somali people. The secretary noted that the decision to unite the radio stations in the country was historic and he welcomed the name for the radio of unity, that is, the Voice of Somali Pacification for the NSC ... (R Mogadishu, Voice of Somali Pacification, 21 Apr via BBCM, via AGDX)

SPAIN The new printed sched J97 by Secretaria Technica y de Programmas of Radio Exterior de Espana - REE is valid fr May til Sept 97. Addr: Radio Exterior de Espana, Apdo. de Correos 156.202, 28.080 - Madrid, Spain. Fax +34-1-3461815. For txions of REE via Cariari (#), Costa Rica: Fax +506-2252938. web page: http://www.rtve.es e-mail: radioexterior.espana@.es

EUR 1730-1800Mon 6125 50 G 1800-1900M-F 6125 50 F 2000-2100M-F 6125 38 E 2200-2300S+S 6125 38 E 1700-2000Sun 6140 0 Sp 1700-2200Sat 6140 0 Sp 0500-0700 7275 50 Sp 1700-2300 7275 50 Sp

1200-1600M-Sa9620 0 Sp 0900-1700Sun 9620 0 Sp 1700-1730M-F 9620 50 R 0500-0800 11920 50 Sp 0700-1700 12035 60 Sp

Orient (ME) 1900-2000 6045 98 F 2000-2200 6045 98 Ar 2200-2300 6045 98 Sp 1825-1855Mon 6130 98 Sefardi 0500-0700 11890 98 Sp 1400-1700 15110 110 Sp 1700-1900 15110 110 Ar 0900-1400 17890 110 Sp

NoAF 1900-2000 7270 170 F 2000-2200 7270 170 Ar 2200-2300 7270 170 Sp 2300-0500 9620 230 Sp 2300-0200 11945 230 Sp

EqAF 0900-1900 17755 161 Sp

Guinea Equat 1600-1700 17755 161 Sp 1600-1700M-Sa15210 161 Sp

AF 1900-2000 7270 170 F 2000-2100M-F11775 170 E 2200-2300S+S11775 170 E

SoAM 0100-0400T-Su5970 nd. Sp # 2300-0500 6125 242 Sp 2300-0500 9620 230 Sp 0115-0145 11775 248 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed) 1100-1400M-F11815 nd. Sp # 1400-1800S+S11880 290 Sp # 2200-0000 11880 290 Sp # 0000-0100S+M11880 290 Sp # 2300-0200 11945 230 Sp 0900-1900 17715 230 Sp 1200-1800 17805 248 Sp 1200-2000Sun17805 248 Sp 1200-2100Sat17805 248 Sp 1800-2200 17870 230 Sp #

CeAM 0100-0400Tu-Su3210 nd. Sp # 1100-1400M-F 5970 nd. Sp # 2300-0500 9540 272 Sp 1400-0000S+S 9745 290 Sp # 1800-0000M-F 9745 290 Sp # 0000-0100Su+Mo9745 290 Sp # 0115-0145 11775 248 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed) 1200-1800 17805 248 Sp 1200-2000Sun 17805 248 Sp 1200-2100Sat 17805 248 Sp

NoAM 0100-0400Tu-Fr5990 nd. Sp # 2300-2400 6055 290 F 0000-0200 6055 290 E 0200-0500 6055 290 Sp 0500-0556 6055 290 E 2300-0500 9540 272 Sp 0415-0445 9690 290 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Wed) 1100-1400M-F 9630 290 Sp #

1300-0000S+S 11815 nd. Sp # 1800-0000M-F 11815 nd. Sp # 0000-0100S+M 11815 nd. Sp # 1900-2300 15110 290 Sp

PAC 0500-0700 9650, 9760 260 Sp to AUS 1000-1200 9620 102 Sp to JAP (via Beijing - CHN) 1200-1400 11910 138 Sp to PHL (via Xian - CHN) (REE printed schedule)

THAILAND/UK BBC World sce is moving its 6085 to 6140 kHz at 1400-1500 UTC via Thailand relay. Also BBC WS in English is now airing 'WAVEGUIDE' on a monthly basis normally in the 4th week. For the month of MAY this bc will be aired under 'SCIENCE UPDATE' on Sunday 25th of May. To Africa Sun at 1501 UTC & Mon at 0730 UTC. To East Asia Sun 1501 UTC. To South Asia Thur at 1515 UTC. To Asia on Wed 0345 & 2345 UTC. To America on Mon 0930 UTC, to America & Europe on Tue 1730, Wed 1230 UTC. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, May 1)

USA World of Radio via WWCR Sats 1130 UTC replaced 7435 by 5070 kHz. (GH Wor, Apr 24-29, May 1)

RFA schedule changes: Vietnamese 1400-1500 UTC 11540 (x11600), and two spurs 35 kHz away on 11505 & 11575 kHz. Burmese 1500-1600 UTC 11530 (x11600), and two spurs 35 kHz away on 11495 & 11565 kHz. Korean 2200-2300 UTC still on 7460 kHz. (WB May 1)

RFA comments: The best signals are however, from the station KHBI in Saipan. Since Monitor Radio which owns and operates these txs have put them up for sale, one wonders as to what the position is going to be. It may even be a case of, strike while the iron is hot policy by Monitor Radio hoping that RFA will buy off the txs, or some company would and hire the station to RFA and sundry, like Africa No 1.

The Vietnamese txions are heavily jammed and in fact from Day 1 they got jammed. Obviously Hanoi got the frequs from the test txion, prior to the regular txsions. Since the Vietnamese sce started, frequs have been changed by RFA to avoid interference and take note of seasonal propagation changes. The Hanoi authorities, have followed them with the jamming. The jamming consists of operating one or more txs on RFA frequs. Some are open carriers but at least one or 2 Hanoi Home Sce txions (HS1 on 10059 and 5925 kHz) are used in an attempt to override RFA's Vietnamese. Sometimes, the VTN tx has been off by more than 5 kHz, but soon corrected! The jamming commences a few mins before Vietnamese begins and stays on a few mins after the end of the Vietnamese sce, resulting in inadvertent interference to the preceeding and following txions. (G.Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK UADX, May 1)

UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashkent to SoAsia morning sce 0100 English, 0130 Dari, 0200-0230 Pushtu, observed here in EUR on new strong 7195 kHz, //medium leveled 7190 and 9375 kHz, and poor 9530 kHz in parallel. (WB May 2)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 307 08 May 1997 ______

AUSTRALIA RA & BBC WS. Just in case you haven't found them yourself yet, you may just care to take a look at the following web sites: http://www.abc.net.au/ra/default.htm http://www.longitude0.co.uk/save-ws/welcome.htm

The first one gives you a day to day description of events as they unfold at RA. The second one, by the friends of the BBC WS, refers to the BBC WS and the problems they are experiencing. Of course, their change of govt may change the picture. Both sites well worth a look! (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, May 4)

CHILE v5824.9 kHz R. Triunfal Evangelica at 2233-2304 UTC, lot of gospel mx, then praises by the Bishop and Director of the st, Fernando Gonzalez Segura, non stop gospel mx. On May 3, heard the s/on at 2200 as "Esta es Radio Triunfal Evangelica ....", on v5824.94 kHz. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 2-3)

CZECH REPUBLIC Radio Prague Program-Summer 1997 April 1997-September 1997

Radio Prague Broadcasts in English Mon News, Current Affairs, Magazine '96 Tue News, Current Affairs, Talking Point, Media Czech Wed News, Current Affairs, The Arts, From the Archives Thur News, Current Affairs, Economic Report, I'd Like You to Meet... Fri News, Current Affairs, Between You and Us (alternative programming replaces "Between You And Us" on Prague Area FM Sat News, Musical Feature (Classical and Ethnic Music alternates with Contemporary and Traditional Jazz) Sun News, Week in Politics, From the Weeklies, Media Prague welcomes all program comments, questions and criticism. It carries out a continuous reception survey and confirms all reception reports by QSL verification cards. Our address: RADIO PRAGUE, Vinohradska 12, 120 99 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Phone (English Section): (+4202) 2421 8349 Fax: (+4202) 2421 8239, (+4202) 2422 2236 E-mail:[email protected]

German sce "Radio Hobby Sendung" Mon 1210 & 1510 UTC, Tue 0640 & 1010 UTC.

Spanish sce "Club DX" last Monday in month, repeat Friday after last Monday. (www page http://www.radio.cz )

ECUADOR 5865 kHz Radio HCJB at Sat 0800-0900 UTC DX Party Line; quite difficult these days to listen to this program and it will get even worse when European summer arrives; I wonder why they have chosen such a late time slot for beaming this to Europe. (Harald Kuhl-D, via DXW May 3) [Should be on 11/12 or 9 MHz, and at least one hour earlier. ed]

EGYPT Please delete the entry in bc-dx #306, and replace with the following: Radio Cairo, Z97 schedule: Arabic to AUS 2000-2200 on 11990; English 1215-1315 to South Asia 17595, 1630-1830 to C&S Africa on 15255, 2030-2200 on 15375 to West Africa, 2115-2245 to Europe on 9900, 2300-0030 to EaNoAM on 9900 kHz. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP May 2)

FRANCE RFI Paris in English, Z97 schedule: 1200-1300 9805Ce&EaEUR 15155Ce&EaEUR 15195NoEaEUR 15540We&CeAF 11600X-SoEaAS 13625WeSoAM 17575WeSoAM. 1400-1500 17560ME 7110X(fr Sept7)/11910X(til Sept 6)India 15405SoEaAS/India. 1600-1700 11615NoAF/ME 11700We&CeAF 12015Ce&EaAF 15210 15460 15530CeAF. 1600-1730! 15210Ce&EaAF 15460EaAF. X=Xian-CHN relay. (RVI Radio World, May 4)

RFI French 1700-1800 UTC still on MW Strassbourg 1278 Khz. 0400-0500 UTC via MW Cyprus 1233 kHz. Moyabi 0400-0600 4890 kHz. Issoudun 3965 kHz 0400-0500 & 2100-2200 UTC.

SoEaAsia relay of RFI Paris: Kunming Yunnan-CHN 1296 kHz to NoVTN and NoLAO 1500-1600 Vietnamese, 1600-1700 French. 684 kHz [? via Sor Ror "Voice of the Navy Bangkok-THA 20 kW ?] to SoVTN 1300-1400 UTC French.

GERMANY Additional DLF frequencies in Bielefeld and Nuremberg: From mid of March 1997 DLF Cologne via Bielefeld 95.5 MHz. DLRadio Berlin Bielefeld 106.2 MHz and Nuremberg 105.6 MHz. (DLF/DLR printed programm magazine)

Correction to latest report about Suedwest-Rundfunk. (c.f. BC-DX #306)

Currently Sueddeutscher Rundfunk is bcing to Nordbaden/Nord-Wuerttemberg, while Suedwestfunk serves Suedbaden/Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern and Rheinland-Pfalz. The two "landscapes", excluding Rheinland-Pfalz, were original independent Bundeslaender, founded in 1945. Nordbaden/Nord-Wuerttemberg was occupied by the Americans, while Suedbaden/Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern as well as Rheinland-Pfalz were part of the French [occupied] zone. When in 1952 the new Bundesland Baden-Wuerttemberg was founded, unifying the northern and southern parts of Baden and Wuerttemberg, SWF and SDR were already working in their still existing "borders". If you have the possibility of looking at a map of Germany, you will find the target areas quite strangely formed. Knowing that radio-waves don't stop at borders, the step of founding a single sce for the South-West of Germany is only natural. It should already have taken place 45 years ago, but as often when politics is involved, it takes some time. (Christian Elsholz-D, May 6)

11820 kHz 1700 kHz RTE Ireland via Julich with live commentary on Ireland vs Romania match. Lot of interference intermittant from other bcs on this frequ. Signal was strong but not a good choice of frequency for Southern Africa. However hats off to RTE for showing some innovative thinking. Radio Sweden please take note. (Norrie, via DXW, Apr 30)

Nauen 500-kW SW transmitters inaugurated. Cologne, 25th April: One of the most modern SW stns started operating in Nauen (west of Berlin) today. Thus, the transmitting power of Deutsche Welle (DW) in Germany has more than doubled. With investments totalling some DM 70m, the station was expanded by four new 500kW SW txs.

The Deutsche Telekom plant enables DW to bc its radio progrs via SW to crisis regions in SoEaEurope clearly with better quality. At the same time, Nauen offers the preconditions for entering the field of digital SW technology.

Altogether DW will air some 36 hours of radio progrs on a daily basis via Nauen: 24 h in German, 5 h in English, 90 mins each in Arabic and Bulgarian, 60 mins in French for AF and Spanish for So&CeAmerica, as well as Romanian, 30 mins each in Brazilian, Indonesian and Hungarian.

"With the help of an ultra-modern antenna array, the maximum field strength can be concentrated exactly on the target area. This is particularly important for DW's progrs for crisis regions," Dr. Hans-Dieter Godtmann, the technical director of DW, said. "Particularly in crisis regions, developing countries, and states without , SW radio offers the only opportunity to receive uncensored information," stated Dr Hildegard Stausberg, DW's editor in chief for foreign languages in Nauen.

Godtmann stressed that the txing stn in Nauen shows that DW will continue to use SW in the future, too. "Nauen offers the prerequisites for the planned digitization of SW. Our foreign language progrs profit from that. This is a quantum leap for DW." The advantages of digital SW are already being tested in various bcs in Nauen. The contract that DW concluded with Deutsche Telekom on the use of the plant extends until the year 2016. (Deutsche Welle press release, 25 Apr via BBCM via AGDX)

GERMANY/MALTA I'm listening VoM at the moment, undoubtly 5890 and 9765 kHz feeds from different tape recorders. ID in Italian at 1810 UTC on 5890, and at 1813 UTC on 9765 kHz. Something odd is going on, perhaps they use two different tape recorders at the moment, but the time difference is three minutes, not three seconds, hi. It was the same yesterday. (Nikolay Paskevich-RUS, May 4)

AL QUAGLIERI - Can anyone clear this up: Per tip from Mahendra Vaghjee in Mauritius, tuned into VO Mediterranean test 1800-1900 UTC on 9765 kHz today (//5890 kHz inaudible). Went on IRC #swl and listened with Jay Novello. VOM was there, mixing with VOR in English to EUR. VOM off at 1900 UTC, but someone remained on in English and it wasn't VOR. After a frustrating hour of listening to very poor signal in English, stn went into Arabic @1957 UTC ... then Jay found //12060 kHz, making this likely VOM. Jay asks, "so does this mean 9765 kHz switched from VO Russia to VO Mediterranean, right when Juelich's test went off?" Inquiring minds want to know. [Malta is still on standard time, not on summer DST! ed]

IRAN 7215 kHz VOIRI at 0027* UTC, ending bc in Chinese; IS and into MEastern language at 0030 UTC, but cut off at 0034 UTC. (Bob Hill-USA, DXW Apr 29)

NIGERIA v6025.08 kHz, Enugu, "Saturday Night . . ." prgm with rock and African mx, brief anmts by gal, somewhat muffled voice audio, 2240 UTC May 3. TC and ID for Natl Sce at 2300 UTC, almost wiped out by Cuba s/on on 6030 kHz. (Berg-USA, DXW, May 4)

PAKISTAN (c.f. BC-DX #306) Another VERY interesting item for me is R.Pakistan new sce in Russian. But I'm afraid, there is a type error in the R.Pakistan sched. Russian txions listed at 1500-1530 UTC on 5055 and 6040 kHz. At the same time (1430-1530) programme for AFG in Turki (?) is listed on the same freqs. [should read 1430-1500 UTC, ed] I checked 5055 kHz today at 1500-1530 UTC and there was no bcs in Russian. So, ANY additional info will be appreciated. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 4)

"I presume their Russian service is primarily for the nearby Asian Republics -- can't see it reaching much further than that! Chinese will have a 'noisy' reception on 9690 due jammers there for Taiwan". (Noel Green-UK, Apr 30)

PERU v6203.72 kHz R. Cuzco at 2150-2157 UTC, melodic mx by Jose Luis Rodriguez, at 2157 UTC ID as "Desde el Cuzco al mundo, esta es Radio Cuzco...". v6479.82 kHz R. Los Andes at 0212-0220 UTC, May 4, folk OA mx, at 0218 UTC "Son las 9 de la noche con 18 minutos". (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 2-3)

PHILIPPINES/ALBANIA/USA Radio Veritas Asia Manila has changed 9670 to 9665 kHz, for bcs in Russian 1430-1525 UTC, so, I wonder if RVA Frequency Manager has ever checked this channel. I assume he hasn't, TWR in Russian uses 9665 from March 30, 1340-1500 UTC via Cerrik-ALB, and than R.Liberty in Tatar-Bashkir 1500-1600, so another sourse of heavy QRM for both sts.

I have already notified Tech. Dept. of TWR and RL about it. Perhaps RVA will have to change the freq. again very soon. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 4)

RUSSIA/CIS Domestic sces on SW, Z97 schedule: Radio Rossii, European version, 0100-2300 UTC Moscow 0100-0300 5910, 0330-1500 7105, 1530-2300 5905. Moscow 0100-0500 6110, 0530-1400 9720, 1430-2000 6030. Moscow (usb) 0100-0500 12175, 0530-1400 16300, 1430-1800 12175, 1830-2300 8005. Moscow (usb) 0100-0400 11575, 0430-1600 16330, 1630-2300 11575. St.Petersburg 0100-0600 9845, 0630-1000 11630, 1030-1600 12045, 1630-2000 7200, 2030-2300 7380. Samara 0100-0400 7325, 0430-0900 12065, 0930-1300 11750, 1330-2300 7355. Krasnodar 0100-0400 7345, 0430-0800 12025, 0830-1500 11720, 1530-2300 9560. 1530-2301 Radio Rossii, West Siberian version, 2100-1900 UTC Yekaterinburg 2100-1900 7220.

Radio Rossii, East Siberian version, 1900-1700 UTC Novosibirsk 1900-2200 9815, 2230-1000 9870, 1030-1700 9815. Irkutsk 1900-2200 9655, 2230-1000 15475, 1030-1700 9655.

Radio Odin (R Orbita-3), 2200-1700 UTC Saransk 2200-0300 7270, 0330-0700 11990, 0730-1300 11940, 1330-1700 9645. Samara 2200-0200 6195, 0230-1430 9605. Yekaterinburg 2200-0200 9790, 0230-1000 11695, 1030-1300 9790.

Radio Mayak 24 hours/day St.Petersburg 0200-0500 5925, 0530-1000 12005, 1030-1400 11685. St.Petersburg 0200-0430 5935, 0500-1230 11985, 1300-2200 9885. Kaliningrad 1300-2100 6015. Saransk 0200-0400 7440, 0430-1400 9470, 1430-2200 7345. Komsomolsk-Am.1800-2200 7240, 2230-1200 9670, 1230-1400 7240. Arkhangelsk 0200-0600 5950, 0630-1400 9610, 1430-2200 5920. (usb+carrier) Volgograd txer is off.

Radio Islamskaya Volna (Islamic Wave), Z97 schedule. Tue-Fri in Russian, Arabic, Tatar.

Radio Kala Aturaya (Voice of Assyrian), Z97 schedule. Sat in Assyrian, Russian, English, Persian, Arabic. 1500-1600 UTC 612 & 9880 Moscow, 1089 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, addit 1170 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, 1494 St.Petersburg, 1314 Kamo-ARM. 1530-1600 UTC 7325 Krasnodar.

Adygey Radio, Z97 schedule. Mon & Fri 1700-1800 UTC in Adygey, Arabic, Turkish. Kabardino-Balkar Radio, Z97 schedule. Wed & Sun 1730-1800 UTC in Kabardin. Both on 1089 & 7325 kHz Krasnodar Tbilisskaya. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 15)

Special News for Polar Regions is bc Mons only 1515-1545 UTC on 9490 kHz via Samara. These txions are beamed to the Antarctic continent. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 28)

"Have you any information about LOCATION on VoRussia on 9800 & 9835 kHz, both of which appear to open at 1000 UTC, -- both seem F.E. locations." (Noel Green-UK, Apr 30)

In Nikolay Rudnev-RUS list: 9800 kHz VoR Russian via FE (TCR-6 & GPR-8, Ussuriysk-Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-Amur, Khabarovsk). 9835 kHz GPR-11 Novosibirsk, both 1200-1400 UTC. VoRussia Russian sce via Moldova-Pridnestrovye, Maiac 1700-1900 11945 15430. 1900-2100 11840. 0100-0300 7125. Via Tashkent-UZB: 1200-1400 11820.

RFI Paris sked via Russia: Irkutsk 12025 0930-1030 Chinese, 1100-1300 Lao & Khmer. 2300-0100 French Novosibirsk 7420 2200-2300 Chinese. 12075 1200-1300 Chinese. Ussuriysk- 9830 2200-2300 Chinese. 12005 2300-2400 French. Vladivostok (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, RFI schedule, Apr 28)

SOUTH AFRICA World Music Radio back on the air !! Many European SW listeners will recall the jingle "Come along with us - we've got a good thing going - WORLD MUSIC RADIO". Now this popular st of the 70'ies and 80'ies will be back on the airwaves again very soon.

The new World Music Radio - WMR - will commence bcing as of May 31st 1997 and will be on the air every Sat and Sun at 1800-2200 UTC on two frequencies: 3345 kHz (for SoAF only) and 6290 kHz for "the rest of the World". The tx site is [Meyerton?] South Africa, and Africa will be the prime target area for the new bcs of WMR. However the strong signals of the 250 kW tx is also believed to be well heard in parts of SoAS, the ME & EUR.

World Music Radio will - as the station has been doing in the past - play the best of the current hits and the best of the hits from the past - presented in a personal, informal and friendly style.

The antenna beam of the 250 kW tx on 6290 kHz has not been decided yet. In order to find the best solution test txions will be conducted on May 8th, 10th and 11th on this frequency, and listeners all over the World - but in Africa in particular - are invited to monitor these txions and let us know which ones are received at a good level. Here the schedule on 6290 kHz for May 8th, 10th and 11th. Antenna no. 1: 1800-1828, 2000-2028 and 2100-2128 UTC Antenne no. 2: 1900-1928, 2030-2058 and 2130-2200 UTC Antenna no. 3: 1830-1858 and 1930-1958 UTC

Monitoring observations are requested by fax (+45 70 222 888) or by e-mail to [email protected] (but please observe that there will be no QSL-card available for these test txions; if someone desperately need a verification we will provide a QSL-letter on request. A QSL-card will be made available for the "offficial" bcs as of May 31st 1997. By then reception reports should be forwarded to: WMR, P. O. Box 112, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark - enclosing return postage). Further details on World Music Radio can be found at: www.wmr.dk ([email protected] [Wolfgang Ellensohn-D, May 4])

TAIWAN Voice of Free China: According to the latest information from VOFC, it has re- started Russian sce since Apr 1. Schedule: 1705-1805 UTC 9955 kHz. Please also refer to its WWW page: http://www.bcc.com.tw (Mitsuaki-JAP, via DXW, May 5)

USA WHRI and KWHR Cumbre Dx times WHRI Angel 1 (SoAM / Caribbean) 0500-0530 Sat 7315 kHz 1730-1800 Sat 9495 kHz

WHRI Angel 2 (EUR/ME/AF) 0500-0530 Sat 5745 kHz 1430-1500 Sat 6040 kHz 2200-2230 Sun 5745 kHz

KWHR Angel 3 (AS/PAC) 0230-0300 Sat 17510 kHz 0500-0530 Sat 17510 kHz 1830-1900 Sun 13625 kHz 0330-0400 Mon 17510 kHz (Joe Brashier WHRI)

Address for written and taped reception reports: World Harvest Radio, P.O. Box 12, South Bend IN 46624, USA URLs for World Harvest Audio Web site, which includes real-time RealAudio transmissions of "DXing with Cumbre" and other World Harvest programs: or World Harvest Radio also QSLs reception reports for RealAudio transmissions; you can report them through the Web site. Schedules and frequencies are also available there. (Marie Lamb-USA, May 3)

New SW station: Here's a breaking story so hot I could not even include it in the headlines a few minutes ago! This info comes from George McClintock of WWCR and details are rather sketchy so far... It appears that another SW stn is authorized to be built in the State of Georgia, a rather unusual one. The call letters have already been assigned - WEUR.

The tx may be 500 kW - we're not sure of that yet - and the location is St Mary's which is in the very southeastern tip of Georgia near the coast. This has been approved by the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] and IRAC [Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee] and the plans are for it to bc commercially back towards Europe. Someone who visited the site said there were people there who speak German. (WoR/WWCR, 24 Apr)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 308 15 May 1997 ______

ALBANIA R Tirana in English 1845-1900 UTC replaced by 7270 by 7295 kHz, //1458 & 9570 kHz. (WB May 12)

ARGENTINA/USA The following, is a information concerning to Radio La Colifata, from ARG. This is a special stn that - as I have informed -, bc progrs produced by the residents of the neuropsychiatric hospital Jose T. Borda in Buenos Aires, ARG. The first time that they bced on SW have been on Apr 18, 1997 at 0230-0300 UTC through WRMI, 9955 kHz in USA. They are very happy by to have received lot of reception reports from countries in all America, Europa and also from the Pacific by this special txion.

9955 R. La Colifata, full data QSL card, wrote on front "primera emision internacional en onda corta", rcvd in 17 days signed by A. Olivera, Director & Norberto Pugliese in charge for the bc on SW + form letter in Spanish with acknowledge for to listen the stn and other comments concerning to the stn, card stamped as "LT22 FM La Colifata"; according to N.Pugliese, this is the first QSL sent out by the station on the current week for the first report received by them. The stn have also a E-mail address: [email protected] Finally, on the end of the form letter, they have wrote the following phrase in Spanish ...." Los locos habren los caminos que mas tarde recorren los sabios "..., signed by Carlo Dossi, a italian diplomatic and writer (1849-1910). QSL sent directly out from Argentina. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 8)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia's (RA's) English sce is unlikely to remain a 24 h sce in the current format and its future SW reach is uncertain, the stn's "Feedback" feature reported. Ass gen manager Terry Brown told an interviewer the coverage of the Shepparton tx was such that without a tx in Darwin it would be "problematical" to get a signal west of a line from EaINS through the PHL to Beijing. "We hope that we will have some tx availability from Darwin."

The English and nx staff would be cut by half. We'll probably cut down to something like 18 hours and we may fill in the rest of the time. Brown said provision had been made to stay on WRN "at least for the time being", large audience listeners in North AM & EUR via World Radio Network (WRN). RA would also try to maintain the Internet sce. (RA, BBCM via AGDX, May 4)

BELARUS 'Radio Mogiljow Transit' bcing Sats 0600-0800 UTC on FM 72,24 MHz and SW 5965 kHz. (R Rossii, DX Klub no. 360, May 4; Andreas Erbe, Kai Ludwig-D, May 12)

BRAZIL v4884.97 kHz, R. Difusora Acreana, 0949-1015 UTC, Program of Brazilian Pops with M announcer host. 0951-0954 ad block with two different canned IDs. Very strong clear signal until adjacent het QRM from R. Villa Rica starting at 0955 UTC. (Dave Valko, May 8)

CLANDESTINE to/from ZAIRE 7060 kHz Radio Butembo, a new stn in support of the Zairian rebels, was heard at 1600 UTC. Butembo is a town in EaZaire and is under the control of the rebels. The stn has programming in Swahili and Vernaculars. (BBCM via AGDX, May 2)

GERMANY One of the most modern SW stns in EUR started operating in Nauen near Berlin on 25th Apr 1997. With investments totalling some DM70m, the stn was expanded by four new 500 kW SW txs. The modernization of Nauen is part of a new concept of the radio network in Germany. The lease of the nine 100 kW sts at Juelich has been discontinued, while four new 500 kW senders have been rented at Wertachtal. The output of Deutsche Welle (DW) from Germany has thus increased from 7000 kW to a total of 8600 kW.

The Telekom plant enables DW to bc its radio progrs via SW to crisis-hit regions in SoEaEUR with clearly better quality. "With the help of an ultra-modern antenna array, the maximum field strength can be concentrated exactly on the target area. This is particularly important for DW's progrs for crisis regions," Dr. Hans-Dieter Godtmann, the technical director of DW, said. Altogether DW will air almost 36 hours of radio progrs on a daily basis via Nauen: 24 hours in German, four hours and 10 mins in English, three hours in Arabic, two hours in Romanian, 110 mins in Spanish for South and Central America, 80 minutes in Bulgarian, 60 mins in French for Africa, 25 minutes each in Brazilian [Portuguese] and Indonesian, and 30 mins in Hungarian.

Nauen offers the preconditions for entering the field of digital SW technology. Godtmann stressed that the txing stn in Nauen shows that DW will continue to use SW the future. " Nauen offers the preconditions for the planned digitization of SW. Our foreign language progrs profit from that. This is a quantum leap for DW." The advantages of digital SW are already being tested in various bcs from Nauen. The contract that DW concluded with Telekom extends to the year 2016. (DW, BBCM via AGDX, May 5)

GERMANY/RUSSIA (Special VoR Moscow German sce progr for Greater Berlin area MW Berlin Uhlenhorst 693 kHz) Die Stimme Russlands hat seit neuestem im Deutschdienst ein spezielles Programm fuer Berlin, was laut Walja nur auf 693 kHz kommt, und zwar um 1700-1800 ME(S)Z (1500-1600 UTC), nennt sich "Hallo Berlin". [Walja = Valentina Choschewa.] (Andreas Erbe, Kai Ludwig-D, May 12)

INDIA The 5th 500 kW tx in Bangalore is now in operation by AIR. [full details will be mailed to you in a day or two-alok] (Alok Dasgupta-IND, May 11)

AIR Chennai on v4920.06 kHz at 1850 UTC, male speaker in unid language with live sports report, after 1900 UTC same in English, at 1916 UTC "and return you to the studio's of ", then studio ID, short talk and off the air. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, May 9)

6150 kHz All India Radio, unknown site at 1728-1739 UTC, IS, TS, nx in English, followed by vernacular talk at 1735 UTC. African mx heard in background: Nairobi? (Mark Veldhuis- HOL, May 9)

IRAQ Kurdish Conservative Party radio heard. A previously-unobserved Kurdish-language radio stn was heard bcing at 1500-1700 UTC on 4th May. It was txing on around 4190 kHz SW (the frequency varied to avoid interference). This frequency is within the range used by other Iraqi Kurdish radios such as Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan (operated by the Kurdistan Democratic Party) and Voice of the People of Kurdistan (operated by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan). The stn identified itself as "Voice of Independence, Radio of the Conservative Party of Kurdistan" (Kurdish: era dangi sarbakhoyi, izgay parti parezgarani kurdistani). The Conservative Party of Kurdistan is known to be based in NoIraq. It is currently allied to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. (Monitoring research, BBCM via AGDX, May 4)

KAZAKHSTAN Radio Almaty bcing in Tartar Fris 1130-1200 UTC on 1080, 4545, 5350, 9780, 11950 kHz - and on all Radio Almaty 1st progr outlets. Russian at 0100 and 1600 UTC, English at 1630-1700 UTC on 1197 and 1539 kHz. (R Rossii, DX Klub no. 360, May 4; Andreas Erbe, Kai Ludwig-D, May 12)

KENYA Kenya Bcing Corpor, Nairobi v4934.96 kHz 1920 UTC female speaker in English, African song. There was an amazing difference in QRN between my T2FD and MK-1 antenna's, the latter producing a higher noise level. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, May 9)

KOREA NORTH (D.P.R.) For the first time in my memory, on May 8, Pyongyang Bcing Stn aired the regular random number bc on ONLY 6400 kHz and NOT the normally parallel 3250 kHz from 1500 UTC. All the other SW channels (3250, 3320 & 6250 kHz) carried regular nx and mx. Normally from 1500 UTC, 3250 & 6400 always carry random numbers, while 3320 and 6250 carry either regular programs or a different set of random numbers. NoKorea has several regular and irregular random number txions daily (apparently for its spies in SoKorea and Japan), some of which are aired as regular "programs" on Pyongyang Bcing Stn, North Korea's official sce for Koreans in SoKorea and Japan. (Ashimori via Cumbre Dx, May 8)

While the activity of Frontline Soldier Radio remains irregular on the 3 freqs (1616, 2625, 3025 kHz), further monitoring has revealed that the stn, when it's on, bcs almost always 1400-2000 UTC. There is no IS, but the ID ("Chonyun Chobyondurul wihan Bangsong imnida.") is heard more regularly than before, especially about 30 +/-3 min. past the hour, followed by the stn's theme mx, as well as at sign on and sign off. Progrs on the 3 channels are always separate, even when they are all on, although very similar programs such as diff commentaries read by the same announcer are often heard simultaneously. Frequent brownouts still interrupt txions on all channels. (Ashimori via Cumbre Dx, May 5)

LITHUANIA/GERMANY R Vilnius in Lithuanian 0000 UTC, English 0030-0100 UTC to NoAM replaced 5910 by 9875 kHz. (RVI Radio World May 11)

MALTA/RUSSIA? Voice of Mediterranean (progr Radio Melita heard at 2155 UTC on May 4 with German talk, 2159 man and woman with announcements, but no ID heard. At 2203 UTC went into Japanese, again no ID. Talk and mx, some English pops. One brief English announcement heard introducing a talk in Japanese, seemed to a piece on Maltese cultural tradition. Announcer said it was "... of Malta". Good signal. Sked in EDXP listed Suns 9810 1900-2000 English, 2000-2100 Maltese, 2100-2130 French, 2130-2200 German, 2200-2230 Japanese. (Sellers-ONT, May 7)

OMAN 6120 kHz R.Oman with sign on at 1800 UTC in Arabic, into nx and commentary. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 7)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan in Urdu 0800-1100, and English 0800-0805 & 1100-1120 UTC, on 15465 & v17865.2 kHz. (WB May 11)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3335 kHz, R. East Sepik, 0948-1010 UTC, Mostly talk in Pidgin by M anncr with occasional Pop and local native island mx. Did copy one or two time checks and possible mention of Papua New Guinea. (Dave Valko, May 7)

PERU?? v4974.7 kHz, R. Del Pacifico?? at 1015-1024 UTC, tune-in to long talk by man with mentions of "dos de Mayo", "su programa", "problemas", "de la tarde", "la vida", "8 de la manana", and probable phone number 35-35-47. (Dave Valko, May 8)

POLAND/CIS Radio Maryja reactivated on SW. Heard today at 1755-1959 UTC abruptly off, on 6255 kHz in Polish with usual progr format, including R.Vatican relay 1800-1820 UTC, which was not in //with 5882 kHz outlet. Powerful signal S9+40db in Moscow, perhaps via a tx somewhere in the European part of CIS. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 8)

When looked out for WMR 6290 and R Tashkent 6230 kHz, today came across new relay outlet of Polish Catholic assoc. Radio Maryja, noted on SW 6255 kHz at approx. 1900 til 20.00:00 UTC signing off. Had tremendous signal here in Stuttgart, so assume at least 100 kW, not Amateur Radio equipment in use. Any idea? [Kaliningrad-RUS or Ukraine tx centres?] (WB May 8)

RUSSIA Voice of Russia, Russian sce on SW, Z97 schedule: Moscow (GPR-1) 0100-0300 9830 (7370) 1500-1600 11850 (9730) 1700-1900 11850 12060 (9730) 1700-2100 9810 11630 (7340, 6045) 2300-2400 9830 (7370)

St. Petersburg (GPR-2) 1500-1600 11975

Samara (GPR-3) 1200-1400 11665 11765 15550 1500-1600 9615 11665 11725 (7245) 1700-1900 7400 9615 11725 (7245)

Krasnodar (TCR-4) 0100-0300 & 2300-2400 9820 (7310) 1700-2100 12040

Yekaterinburg (YeRC) 1200-1400 11675 1700-2100 9610

Novosibirsk (GPR-11) 1200-1400 9835 12035

Chita (TCR-12) 1500-1600 & 1700-1900 11685 (7185) 1200-1400 7315

Ussuriysk-Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-Amur, Khabarovsk (TCR-6 & GPR-8) 0100-0300 11660 12000 15455 1200-1400 6080 7330 9800 11730 (7305) 11860 (7170)

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy (PKRC) 0100-0300 13605

Via Moldova-Pridnestrovye, Maiac 1700-1900 11945 15430. 1900-2100 11840. 0100-0300 7125.

Via Tashkent-UZB: 1200-1400 11820. Alternative frequencies are in parenthesis. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 28)

MW news from Russia, updated by Grigory Grigoriev-RUS: Radio Venets Moscow off air due to financial difficulties. Radio Krishnaloka on new frequ St. Petersburg 1323 kHz bcing to 1800 UTC. At 1800-2000 UTC Radio Radonezh on this frequ can be heard and at 2000 UTC Voice of Russia.

In Vladivostok there are some new stations, Russkoe Radio Lenna on 783 kHz 2100-1400 UTC. Radio Musykalnaya Klassika on 1251 kHz. Radio Delovaya Volna on 1296 kHz 2320-0100 UTC. Radio Studio OK on 1476 kHz. In Krasnoyarsk there is Radio Russkaya Volna on 1332 kHz.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Kray is Radio Ussuriysk on 1503 kHz 2300-1200 UTC. Radio Samara has moved to 1107 kHz (x1143), and only Radio Mayak is on 1143 kHz.

Finally, in Moscow a new opposition radio station is Novaya Volna [New Wave] on 1017 kHz at 1830-1900 UTC Tue/thur only. (via BDXC Communication May '97)

SOUTH AFRICA 6290 kHz World Music Radio test transmission, signing on at 1800 UTC with announcements in English "This is World Music Radio on 3345 and 6290 kHz" and pop mx. Still on at 2000 UTC re-check. Good signal, although with some breaks in txion. Barely audible on //3345 kHz. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 8)

World Music Radio via Meyerton-RSA on 6290 kHz is coming in very strong (as I type this on May 8th) since tune-in around 2100 UTC, with no noticeable difference in reception with the antenna change at 2128. Playing non-stop pop/dance type of mx, interspersed with WMR jingles. 3345 kHz not audible. (Alan Roe-UK, May 8)

6290 kHz reception in Germany. The 6290 kHz outlet from Meyerton propagates well into Germany, medium signal level, some fading, in the clear. Best signals shows the antenna, which was in use 1857-1933 UTC (which is "antenna 2" in your announcement). "Antenna 3" (1827-1857 and from 1933) shows rather poorer signal level. "Antenna 1" seems to be roughly with same results as these "Antenna 3". May it be, that "antenna 2" is exactly directed towards Europe (azimuth appr. zero degrees)? I use a 500-DEM-receiver with telescopic antenna indoor. It would be interesting for me, which antennas are concretely in use. It suppose, "antenna 1, 2, 3" are in fact the same curtain installation (HR 4/4?) and the guys at Meyerton only switches it's beam pattern. It seems to me, that "antenna 2"-pattern could be the best choice for listeners in Europe. (Kai Ludwig-D, May 8)

Bearings fr RSA: ME/EGY/SYR/CeAF 7.5 degr, EUR (GER, SUI, F, UK) 340-350/342.5 degr, POR/USA/CAN 305-320/315 degr. (WRTH 1970)

The antenna in use at 1800-1958 UTC is a HRS 4/3/0,5 and the antenna in use at 2000-2200 UTC is a HRS 4/4/0,5. The antenna beams are changed and it is so that (what I call) "Antenna 1" is an azimuth of 342 degr, "Antenna 2" is an azimuth of 355 degr and finally "Antenna 3" is 19 degr - which obviously is covering Europe less well. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, May 12)

6290 kHz WMR at 2112-2157 UTC, lot of mx and ID's as "This is WMR...." then address in Denmark and ID's announcing that they are in test txions. At 2122 UTC heard "Macarena" mx, and at 2133 UTC a SoAM Andean folk mx. SINPO: 35443 heard in the center of the Buenos Aires city. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 10)

3345 kHz World Music Radio, Meijerton at 1823-1827 UTC. Second test txion with 100 kW tx. Reggae mx, WMR jingle. SINPO 24343. //6290 kHz, 250 kW.(Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 10) Best signal level of WMR noted here at 1800-1827 & 2028-2058 UTC, using antenna no. 1 (342 degr). Medium level for antenna no. 2 (355 degr), and poor and fluttery signal for antenna no.3 (19 degr). (WB May 10)

SWITZERLAND Less Italian also as from March 30 on Swiss Radio International. Policy of the station for next year involves greater use of shortwaves for Arabic and French to Africa, and less Italian (maybe also others) which can be heard elsewhere (e.g. FM relays, in Bologna area already two private stations relay the Italian nx from SRI on a total of six frequencies. (Stefano Valianti-I, in BDXC Communication May 1997)

TAIWAN VoFree China English schedule 31 Mar - 26 Oct with presumed relays via WYFR marked with an asterisk: 0200-0300 5950* 7130 9680* 11740* 11825 15345 AS AUS AM 0300-0400 5950* 9680* 11745 11825 15345 AS AM 0700-0800 5950* AM 1200-1300 7130 9610 AS AUS 2200-2300 15600* 17750* EUR (BDXC Communication May '97)

TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio in English at 0245-0300 UTC replaced 9905 by 11620 kHz. (RVI Radio World May 11)

THAILAND R Thailand Bangkok English sce Z97 schedule: 0000-0030 9690 AF 0030-0100 15370 AM 0300-0330 11890 AM 0530-0600 15115 EUR 1230-1300 9885 AS AUS 1400-1430 9830 AS AUS 1900-2000 7210 EUR 2030-2045 9680 EUR (BDXC Communication May '97)

BBC Thailand Nakhan relay is using 7205 kHz at 1400-1500 UTC, Hindi 1500-1545 Urdu (ex 6095) 1545-1615 UTC Tamil - all replaces Singapore Kranji relay. Also 6140 (ex 6085) is used by BBC Hindi sce at 1400-1500 UTC from Singapore Kranji instead of Thailand relay. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, May 11)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC to broadcast in Arabic five extra hours a day. The BBC Arabic Sce is to bc to the Arab world all day from 5th May, becoming World Service's largest speech-based sce after English, which is bc 24 hours a day. It will be increasing its progring by five hours to close the gap between the breakfast show and the lunch time progrs, bcing for a total of 17.75 hours a day from 0330-2115 UTC.

Arabic is one of the top language priorities for WS, bcing to nearly 14 million people in the Arab world. The new progrs at 0715-1215 UTC will be targeted particularly at students and women. The new progrs can be heard initially on MW in NoEgypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel/Palestine. (BBC WSce press release, BBCM via AGDX, Apr 28)

URUGUAY Vacant channels in 31 mb for Uruguay are 9670, 9680, 9770 kHz. Inactive channels are CXA71 9515 (SODRE), 9620 (CXA6 SODRE, which is being expected to resume operation in a near future), and 9640 (CXA8). Recently, the Director of the DNC, Dr. Ernesto Dehl, has revealed his opinion about the convenience of the use of SW by Uruguayan stations to enhance the image of the country to the world. The Nat'l telecom authority will try to ease the assignment process to local bcs and to help them -if they cannot afford the purchase of such equipment - in the way of using agreements with foreign countries which could be in a position of granting favorable financial plans to this purpose. (Nigro, via Cumbre Dx, May 1)

USA Addit KHBI Saipan 9355 kHz 2000-2100 UTC 165 degr to 56,59,60. (Bob German of George Jacobs & Assoc.Inc., May 8)

Glenn Hauser's World of Radio progr via WRN to Europe, eff Mar 30, Astra 1B, 19 degr east, tr22, VH-1, 11.538 GHz, v-pol, audio subcarrier 7.38 MHz: Sat 0330-0400, Sun 1030-1100, Sat 1600-1630 UTC. (BDXC Communication May '97)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in German at 1935-2030 UTC on 5035 5060 6230 9540 9545, and 11905 kHz, letterbox/DX px on Tues. English bcs are from 1200-1230 and 1330-1400 UTC 7285, 9715, 15295 kHz (fourth channel not traced yet) to SoAS; 2030-2100 and 2130-2200 on 9540 and 9545 (x7105) kHz. 0100-0130 UTC to SoAS on 7190 7195-strongest 9375, and 9530 kHz. Also Uzbek at 2100-2130 and 2200-2300 UTC on 4850 9540 9545 kHz. (WB May 1-8)

VENEZUELA v4939.4 kHz Radio Amazonas seems to be reactivated. Heard at 1100 and 2300 UTC, but sig is weaker. 9750 Radio Occidente seems to be on the air from 1800 to 2200 UTC approx. (Henrik Klemetz, May 1/3 Dateline Bogota via Cumbre Dx)

ZAIRE A radio st apparently operating in support of the rebel Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire and calling itself "Radio Butembo, Radio of the People", was heard bcing on 25th Apr on 7060 kHz SW. The town of Butembo is in the eastern Zairean province of North Kivu, between the towns of Goma and Bunia, and close to the Ugandan border. This area is known to be under the control of the rebel alliance. The stn was heard to identify itself in Swahili as "Radio Butembo" at 1602 UTC on 25th April and in French as "Radio Butembo, the Radio of the People" at 1630 UTC. The radio also carried material in the Zairean language of Kindande. Other rebel-controlled radios have also called themselves "Radio of the People" or "Voice of the People" . (BBCM via AGDX, Apr 25)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 309 19 May 1997 ______

ALBANIA Relay of home sce 2nd progr in Albanian 0900-1400 UTC v7149.8 kHz (x6145). Serbian 1630 UTC on 1458 6015 7110 kHz. Italian 1700-1730 UTC on 1458 6015 and 7155 kHz (QRM BBC). English 1845-1900 UTC now back on 7270 (x7295) kHz, //1458 & 9570 kHz. 0000- 0500 Albanian on v6189.9 kHz. (Alan Roe-UK, WB May 17-18) TWR in English 0645-0820 UTC on both v9744.8 and 9755 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, O.Chengeliev, S.Ivanova, May 8)

ARGENTINA 8098 kHz, LSB Feeder relaying LS4 R. Continental, Buenos Aires (MW590) 0302 UTC ending newscast: "Hasta aqui el Panorama Informativo de la Medianoche ... servicio informativo Continental", followed by Alejandro Dolina's "La Venganza Sera Terrible" at 0305. Very weak. (Nigro, via Cumbre Dx, May 8)

ASCENSION ISLAND BBCWS verie signer, Mrs. Nicola Nicholls, Transmitter Engineer. (WDXC Contact)

AUSTRALIA RA Darwin 250 kW 316 degr, noted 2100-2400 UTC on 11855usb kHz. (PanIview- BUL, May 8)

BELARUS 4982 kHz Radiostansiya Mayak in USB mode at 0540 UTC Russian, 10 o'clock nx (Moscow time) at 0600 UTC, most probably another relay via Belarussian military transmitters. (Koutamanis-GRC, via Cumbre Dx, May 13)

BELGIUM Good news, agreement between Belgium govt and BRTN signed, and RVI German language sce will continue fore more coming five years, from Oct 1997. (RVI Radio World, May 19)

BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA RTV Sarajevo replaced 7108usb by 7102.5 kHz USB + carrier. Observed bcing football nx at 1530-1600 UTC. QRM by Budapest on nearby 7105 kHz, 1530 Romanian, 1600 Ukrainian. (WB May 18)

CHAD 7120 kHz Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne at 1550-1602 UTC Hard-to-copy signal of man talking in vernacular with balafon mxc and a short prayer in Arabic. At 1600 UTC well known IS with frequs and tentat ID in French. Again with interval signal and sign off. Slight interference VOA Udorn Thani-THA on 7125 kHz. (Piet Pijpers-HOL, May 12)

CHINA CRI Beijing English sce 1700-1755 UTC new 7150, and 7160 kHz. E 1400, Chinese 1500-1700 UTC new 11825 kHz (QRM ARS). (PaniView-BUL, May 8)

CUBA RHC La Habana in English to EUR retimed. On 13715 and 13725usb kHz now at 2030- 2130 UTC. At 2200-2300 UTC 6180 replaced by 6000 kHz. (GH 'WoR', May 8) Noted on new 13680 kHz with Spanish at 2130 UTC. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, May 10)

Dxers Unlimited - . New Weekend Sked: after a one week trial, Dxers Unlimited will be aired during the weekends at the same just around the 0130 and 0330 UTC slots that are used at present for the mid week edition. With these changes I think it's going to be easier for everyone wanting to catch the two editions of the show, especially those who follow the exclusive and not copyrighted "Arnie Coro's propagation update and forecast". The just after 0630 UTC edition will be changed to just after 0530 too.

Here's the new sked: 13715, 13725-SSB, just after 2100 Tues&Sats; 6000 just after 2200 Tues&Sats; 6000, 9820, 9830* just after 0130 and 0330 UTC Weds&Suns; 9820, 9830-SSB just after 0530 UTC Weds&Suns. Beam headings are: 13715 041 degr, 13725 037 degr, 6000 2200 to the Caribb and SoEa USA; 6000 all other times 010 degr; 9820 0130 and 0330 348 degr; 9820 0530 315 degrees; 9830 at all times 037 degrees.

Hope this helps everyone find Dxers Unlimited, and especially the propagation update without having to remember that the hours are different for the mid week and week end programs...from now on they are the same... (Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Host of DXers Unlimited, in rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, EDXP, May 18) French 2000 UTC on 13715am and 13725usb. Portuguese 2000 UTC 13680 kHz. Spanish at 2100 UTC on 13680, 11760, 9820 kHz. (WB May 19)

CYPRUS BBCWS Cyprus: verie signer Steve Welch, BBC East Mediterranean Relay Station, P.O.Box 4912, Limassol, Cyprus. [WRTH incorrectly lists box 891] (WDXC Contact)

ECUADOR HCJB "DX Party Line" retimed Sat morning edition to 0809-0900 UTC, very, very poor in EUR on 5865 kHz, fade out around 0630 UTC. [Station should use 9.4 MHz band instead.] German 0430-0500 UTC 5860 & new 9365 kHz. Spanish 2130-2200 new 9365 & 12025 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8) [English 12015 kHz 1900-2158 UTC suffering QRM by IBRA Radio Arabic at 2000-2100 UTC, see under Russia]

HCJB WORLD RADIO TO RELOCATE INTERNATIONAL TRANSMITTER SITE. In compliance with a govt request, HCJB World Radio plans to relocate its internat tx site at Pifo, Ecuador, just east of Quito. Ecuador's Civil Aviation headquarters recently announced that a new Quito airport will be constructed near Pifo [by a private company!]. HCJB has owned the 110-acre tx site for which the stn is negotiating for govt compensation. The site houses 11 txs, as well as 32 antenna systems and towers.

HCJB President Ron Cline calls the relocation a huge job of up to four years, but says the government's decision is no disaster for HCJB. He says, "God has a great plan for us." He says HCJB will study how to best continue gospel radio bcs worldwide, and that relocation will allow ministry reorganization in light of new opportunities worldwide. For a complete report please tune in to the DX PARTYLINE this Sat [May 18] with Ken MacHarg. (Colin Miller-CAN, May 16) [Yes, heard the extended interview. Will end in liquidation for European, Middle Asian and Pacific sce departements, because the respective SW antennas won't be built up again. ed]

EQUATORIAL GUINEA v15185.81 kHz, Radio East Africa at 2035 UTC, noted with usual paid religion and distorted audio. Huge signal when it's on. No ID heard, but inferred ID from past loggings. Noted it had drifted up to v15186.02 by 2245 UTC, when the programming consisted of much more interesting unmodulated carrier. (Novello, via DXW, May 6)

ETHIOPIA VoTigre Revolution in Tigrignian 1500-1600 UTC new 6315, and 5500 kHz (x7515). Also noted at 0330, 0400-0500 UTC, Sat/Sun til 0800 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

GEORGIA KVOH Voice of Hope will be testing from Dusheti tx in the Rep of Georgia on May 15 and 16, 1997 with a bc beamed to India. The test will be from 1400-1600 UTC on 12120 kHz. If you hear these tests please send us a reception report to [email protected] (Bob German, Cumbre Dx via Lamb May 11)

12120 kHz Voice of Hope, open carrier at 1345 UTC, but nothing was heard until 1409 UTC, then ID and address in the UK into Gospel program, very weak. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, May 15) 1415-1430 UTC Presumed with religious progr with the story about the three Hebrew children, thrown into the fire by Nebukadnezar. Fading some of the time, but signal very clear and readable without any disturbing noise. (Piet Pijpers-HOL, via Cumbre Dx, May 15)

GERMANY/RUSSIA/MOLDOVA DW Russian sce update: 0000-0100 5925 7105 9640 9690 11705 12045 12065. 0300-0400 693 1188 6025 7105 9650. 0400-0500 on satellite only. 1500-2100 693 1188 9715 11915. 1500-1600 & 1900-2100 Maiac Moldova 999 kHz, 500 kW. 1500-1800 7135 (x9800). 1500-1900 15425. 1800-1900 9800. 1800-2100 7125 7255. 1830-2000 5980. (DW monthly magazine)

DLF - Deutschlandfunk LW channel Donebach 153 kHz 500 kW is now substitute by spare unit at Deutsche Telekom Koenigs Wusterhausen near Berlin, approx. 50 kW. For a month duration now Donebach is under maintenance procedure, antenna mast may to be refurbished. Signal level from replace site is very low in southern Germany. Co-channel Brashov-Bod Romania usually blocked and covered totally by DLF, now heard here during nighttime too. Another much stronger DLF replacement signal observed here additionally daytime till 1600 UTC, but this seems coming from old traditional Mainflingen site east of Frankfurt Main. On weekends May 3/4 and 10/11 Donebach was on air again, at least with 250 kW, but on 17th missed totally, occured on 18th again. (all info acc observations. Christian Bruelhart-SUI; WB, May 1-18)

GUATEMALA v4799.7 kHz Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian at 0157-0207 UTC, LA mx, male speaker in Spanish, ID at 0201 UTC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 12)

HUNGARY Radio Budapest observed on new 11685 kHz with Hung 0030-0100 UTC May 16th; also on new 6085 kHz with Hung 2200-2230 UTC, 9835 and 11905 kHz. Bad co-channel QRM from BRF Munich also 6085 kHz. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, May 16)

INDIA All India Radio (AIR) news is now available on the Internet. Internet users anywhere in the world will be able to access AIR news free of charge just by accessing AIR's Internet address at: http://air.kode.net (All India Radio, via BBCM, May 2)

AIR Delhi changes: Engl feeder sce 1215-1230 UTC new 17860. Tamil 1115-1215 new 17860, and 13710 15770 kHz. Thai sce 1115-1200 5 kHz up 17895 kHz, 15340 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

New 500 kW Bangalore unit observed on 17785 kHz, 0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic, and Urdu special 0530-0600 UTC during Makkah [Mekka] pilgrimage. R Kashmir, AIR Srinagar opening earlier at 0000 UTC on 4950 kHz. AIR Gangtok (Sikkim) noted opening at 0030 UTC. (Jose Jacobs via AWR Wavescan, May 19)

4840 kHz All India Radio Mumbai 1730 nx and ID in English. (Oiet Pijpers-HOL, via Cumbre Dx, May 8) My father, who live in Mumbai, says that the name is being changed back to Bombay. The state govt of Maharashtra wanted the name change, but the Federal govt wants it changed back as no one in the Internat business community is familiar with the new name. So be listening for IDs as All India Radio Bombay in the future. (Johnson, via Cumbre Dx, May 11)

IRAN VoIRIB Tehran observed on new MW 711 kHz, //531, 540, 558, etc. at 1630 UTC. (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, WDXC Contact)

IRIB in Arabic 1330-1700 UTC new 9650 and 11995 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

[New IRIB Tehran morning sce in German language planned] Die Stimme der Islamischen Republik Iran plant die Einfuehrung einer deutschen Morgensendung fuer den Sommer, bzw. den Herbst. Vorschlaege von Seiten der Hoerer zur Sendezeit sind willkommen. Danach soll ein Komitee die Hoererwuensche zusammenfassen und ueber die genaue Sendezeit und moegliche Frequenzen entscheiden. Fax vom Leiter der deutschen Redaktion, Herrn Zanganeh. (Benno Klink-D, May 13)

ITALY AWR Forli replaced 11610 by 11795 kHz for Arabic at 1000-1100 UTC. (AWR Wavescan, May 19)

KAZAKHSTANA R Almaty in English at 1530-1600 UTC on 6230 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

LIBYA still testing txs bcing 1000 Hertz test tone, but retimed one hour earlier. Now approx. 0730-0945 UTC on 6155, 9655, 9705-strongest here, 11770 kHz. But NOT on 7120 kHz. At 0845-0900 UTC also separate opening procedure tone signal on 15415 kHz. (WB May 17)

LITHUANIA/GERMANY R Vilnius in Lithuanian 0000 UTC, English 0030-0100 UTC via Juelich- D tx 100 kW 295 degr, on 9635 kHz, but other source says 9875 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

MALTA (Germany/Russia) VoMediterranean 1800-1900 UTC via Juelich-D 5890 kHz, 1800-2000 UTC 9765 via Russia, 1900-2000 12060 via Russia. (PanIview-BUL, May 8) Voice of the Mediterranean, Since May 1st the German progr "Hier ist Valetta" of this stn has been on from 1900-2100 UTC on 9765 and 12060. >From May 11 till May 24 a test progr with mx and announcements will be transmitted via German Telekom from 1700-1800 UTC on 9625 kHz. A previous test program had also been transmitted via German Telekom. All this per Mrs. Ingrid Huettmann at the stn. (Cumbre Dx, Willi Passmann-D, May 15)

MOLDOVA The following are relays via the 999 kHz tx at Maiac Pridnestroviye, 500 kW: 1500-1600 DW in Russian, 1600-1630 BBCWS in Ukr, 1630-1800 Voice of Russia in Russian, 1800-1900 DW in Russian [see also under Germany, DW mentioned Russian 1900-2100 UTC], 1900-1930 BBCWS in Ukr, Mo-Fr 1930-2000 TWR in Ukr, Sa-Su 1930-2000 BBCWS in Ukr.

Voice of Russia via Maiac 1548 kHz 1900-2000 in Russian, //Moscow 612 kHz. (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, WDXC Contact)

MONGOLIA VoM Ulaanbaatar in English 1500-1530 UTC on 9720 kHz. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, RN May 15)

NIGERIA/SOUTH AFRICA R Kudirat Nigeria: verie signer Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications Nalicon, Box 9663, London SE1 3ZD, England. (WDXC Contact)

7255 kHz Voice of Nigeria has restarted regular programming. First heard May 10 at 1910 UTC, and regular reception on subsequent days. Observed sched is <1900-2200 in English, and 2200-2300* in African vernacular. (Jones via Lamb, Cumbre Dx, May 13)

7255 Voice of Nigeria at 2150 UTC business and financial nx ID Voice of Nigeria Lagos talking drums into local lang at 2200 UTC. English sched 0500-0800 UTC, 1200-1400, 1900- 2200 UTC. (Rausch May 13) I presume that Rausch's sched is what he heard announced. (Johnson, via Cumbre Dx)

Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu on reactivated freq of 7255 kHz at 2045-2100 UTC E talks about Nigeria, Commander of Lagos. ID. Sports results. (Anker Petersen-DEN, May 14)

OMAN R Sult of Oman in Arabic 2000-2132 UTC on new 5980 7230 9735 kHz, also noted on 6120 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan special sports progrs 0630-1230 UTC 15175 kHz, fr 1130 UTC v17900.2 (seemingly now on 17865.2). (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation 1330-1530 9485I 11565I 15595K Urdu to ME/NE 1600-1630 9485I 11565I 15595K to ME/NE, 11935I 15570I to EaAF English slow speed nx but Karachi observed wandering and splashing on 15593.5 ... 15593.7 kHz. (RVI Radio World; WB, May 19)

PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia Manila final Z97 sked shows Russian sces rearranged. Now 0230-0325 UTC on 11805 kHz, and 1430-1525 on 9670. These sces replace former bcs 2130-2225 and 1030-1125. Tagalog (Pilipino) sces also retimed: 2230-2255 6075, 1500-1525 11715, 1525-1555 (Wed, Fri, Sun) 11715. Chinese bcs have been adjusted, now 2100-2255 6190, 1000-1155 9520. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP May 18)

PORTUGAL RDP in Port 1700-2100 UTC (Sat/Sun til 2000) on new 11870 kHz, 300 kW, 144 degr to AF, delete 15515 kHz. Mo-Fr 0500-1200 (Sa/Su 0700-2000), Mo-Fr 1600-2000 7110 replacing 6130/6140 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

RUSSIA RN in Dutch, Network Europe 0500-0600 UTC new 6145 kHz, via Kaliningrad Bolshakovo, 160 kW, 245 degrees. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

R Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok 0715-0800 Irkutsk 15490, 1000 kW, 150 degr, //not heard, but maybe 9600 10344usb 15435 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

IBRA Radio [Swedish Whitsun religious movement] in Arabic "Bismallah as Sabakh" at 2000- 2100 UTC, on Samara 5935 250 kW, Moscow 12015 200 kW, and Moscow 12020 kHz 500 kW. Maybe also on MW Tbilisskaya Krasnodar 1089 kHz. (WB May 18) [blocking HCJB Quito 12015 kHz from 1956 UTC]

Giving address at 2028 UTC Box 7420, 3315 Limassol, Cyprus. At 2058 UTC adresses in Limassol Cyprus, Beyrouth Lebanon, Hebron, were given. (WB May 18)

Universal Life Radio in English 1430-1525 UTC new Jigulevsk 15460 (x9830) kHz 240 kW 190 degr. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

R Medetsina dlya vas 'Medicine for you' on 810 & 1485 kHz 0300-1300 UTC. R Nadezhda has returned to 1044 kHz after being absent in Febr, also noted on 1053 kHz. R Samara has moved from 1143 to 1107 kHz and expects to bc 18 hours a day. R Krishna Lokha appeared on 1323 kHz in St Petersburg, //Moscow 963 kHz. Pirate stn R Nadezhda in Livny, Orel oblast bcs Sats 2100-2330 UTC on 1626 kHz. Address: 303800 Orel oblast, Livny, ul. Mira D 227, k4, San Sanych.

GRTK Amur has regional progrs on 189 kHz 0100-0200 Tu/Th/Fr, 0700-0800 Mo-Fr, 0810-0900 Mon, 1900-2100 Tu-Th, 2000-2100 Fr, 2210-2300 Sat. Uland Ude is heard on new 960 kHz with 20 kW with regional progrs and R Rossii. Russkoe Radio Lenna bcs from Vladivostok on 783 kHz 1900-1200 UTC. Radio Musykalnaya Klassika bcs Vladivostok 1251 kHz. Radio Delovaya Volna bcs in Vladivostok on 1296 kHz 2130-2300 UTC. Radio Studiya O'Key bcs in Vladivostok 1476 kHz. R St Yunost bcs in Tver on 1449 kHz with 25 kW 0900-1900. R Svoboda uses 1098 kHz in Moscow 0200-2000. R Radonezh has been heard on 1323 kHz 1800- 1900, //to usual 612, 846 etc. R Gorod 'City' in Krasnoyarsk has dropped 1332 kHz and is now on FM only. R Russkaya Volna, 660017 Krasnoyarsk, ul. Dictatury, Proletariata 3, will hence use 1332 kHz.

Greater Moscow area current LW & MW: 153 RST Yunost 171 R-1 Ostankino 198 RST Mayak 261 R Rossii 549 RST Mayak 612 Moya Volna, R Radonezh, Islamskaya Volna, Assirian R, V o Russia. 693 DW in Russian and German. 738 R Orfey 792 R Rakurs 846 R Moskva, R Podmoskoviye, R Radonezh 873 R Rossii 918 Otkrytoye R 963 Krishna Lokha 1071 RIA Radio 1098 R Liberty 1116 Khristianskiy Kanal 1152 R Orfey 1206 R Ekho Moskvy 1260 BBCWS in Ru & Engl 1305 R-1 Ostankino 1359 RST Mayak 1413 R Kamerton 1440 RFI in Ru & Fr 1467 VoRossiia Engl 1485 RST Tsentr 1485 R Medetsina dlya vas (Igor Zhurkin-RUS, Pavel Miroshnikov-Irkutsk-RUS, Igor Ashihmin, Valentin Kolchanov, Vadim Alexeyev, Andrey Tavrizov, Vladimir Kovalenko, WDXC Contact May '97)

SOUTH AFRICA Kathy Otto (of Sentech) informs me that The Investment Channel has ceased bcing via the Meyerton facilities. Txions ceased at 2200 UTC on May 12. (Jones via Lamb, Cumbre Dx, May 13)

Best signal level of WMR test bcs noted here at 1800-1827 & 2028-2058 UTC, using antenna no. 1 (342 degr). Medium level for antenna no. 2 (355 degr), and poor and fluttery signal for antenna no.3 (19 degr). I used the Yaesu FRT-7700 attenuator to measure exact dB level. (WB May 8/10)

Voice of Democracy "Radio Kudirat" Nigerian opposition radio via Meyerton-RSA tx still on 6205 kHz at 1905-2010 UTC, in English and Nigerian vernac. (RVI Radio World, May 19)

SPAIN Glenn Hauser monitored REE Sefardi (Spanish Jewish language) progrs. Orient (ME) 1825-1855Mon 6130 98 Sefardi SoAM/CeAM 0115-0145Tue 11775 248 Sefardi (Martes =UTC Tue) NoAM 0415-0445Tue 9690 290 Sefardi (Martes =UTC TuE) (Glenn Hauser-USA WoR, May 8)

TAJIKISTAN VoTibet 1220-1255 UTC new 11570 kHz via Dushanbe 200 kW, 125 degr. (are buyed also txion time on 11550 & 11560 kHz.) ExTashkent-UZB 7400 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

Tamil group is to start a bc of one hour to Sri Lanka and India from CIS from the 19th May. 1300-1400 UTC seemingly on or near 12070 kHz, but frequ not fixed yet. Have not got the frequ yet. Its a former BBC journalist team. Whether its an anti SL Govt station or like BBC London, RVA Manila. Will see. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Apr 17; RN May 15)

IBC is the name of a new Tamil stn bcing to Tamils in Europe on the Astra satellite and on SW to Sri Lanka and India. Carried out tests from Dushanbe 15/16/17 May 1330-1430 UTC on 12070 kHz 100 kW. 15th and 16th only carrier, 17th programming materialized. Reception only fair at best due to signal strength. Regular bcs to begin around the end of the month. Might shift to another CIS location. Yet to see whether this is a genuine broadcaster or a politically motivated station. According to an interview in MNetwork is a private, independent broadcaster for entertainment, education and to give unbiased news. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, May 19)

THAILAND R Thailand in English via Udorn Thani, 500 kW: 0530-0600 UTC 15115 kHz 321 degr, 1230-1300 9885 132, 1400-1430 9830 132, 1900-2000 7210 329, 2030-2045 9680 321 (x9555). (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

TURKEY VoT Ankara now in USB(!) mode instead of LSB mode. 1730 German 9630. 1830 English 13695, 2200 6130 kHz. LSB mode 13750 kHz English 1230-1300 UTC.

Strange wandering TRT frequ on May 1st: nominal frequ 5980 kHz at 1600-1815 UTC every 25-30 seconds with 100 Hz down, and at 1815 UTC ended already on 5876.5 kHz. After 1815 UTC started on 5900 kHz, 3 mins 45 secs later on 5905, after 4 mins 15 secs already on 5910 kHz etc., up to 5942.5 kHz at 2025 UTC, then back on nominal 5980 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

TURKMENISTAN During a recent visit to Turkmen Radio in Ashgabat, I got the following information in addition to a QSL. Although the WRTH still mentions the "Voice of Turkmen" progrs, they were dropped when Turkmenistan became independent on Oct 27, 1991. Their true Foreign Sce seems to have remained largely unknown. It was started on Sept 4, 1993. When it ended on Apr 18 last, they had English Mons to Fris at 1900-2000 UTC and Russian at the same time on Weds. Frequs: 279, 675, & 5015 kHz. The sce may return some time in the future, however. (Marten van Delft-HOL, via DXW, May 5)

UKRAINE Radiostudiya Dnepropetrovsk 1071 kHz, addr 320000 Dnepropetrovsk, ul. Ivana Sirkova 19. Donetsk 711 kHz addr 340000 Donetsk, ul. Kuybysheva 61. R Mazhor 1242 kHz addr 330000 Simferopol, ul. Karaimskaya 6, i.e. same as Crimean Radio. R Nikolayev (Nikolayevskoya Oblastnoye R) transmits its second programme on 1350 kHz with 10 kW Tu- Fr 0600-1400 and Sa-Su 0645-1300 UTC. (Victor Puzanov-UKR, WDXC Contact)

UNIDENTIFIED STATIONS / UNKNOWN COUNTRIES 9980 kHz Spanish at 0500-0600 UTC. v15450.1 kHz Chinese 0400-0800 UTC, blocked by RTT at 0800 UTC. 7570 kHz 1615-1716 UTC in Somali(?). (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC London French 0700-0730 17695. Albanian Mo-Fr 1315-1345 11680 15225. Russian 1400-1500 12005 (x12010). Kazakh & EbR/Russian Mo-Fr 1400-1430 15245 & 17740. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

URUGUAY 5780 kHz LSB is an Uruguayan Navy utility tx in Montevideo used as feeder to relay soccer match txions from AM stns in Montevideo to the crew aboard of the school ship "Capt. Miranda" during important matches such as the Penarol and Nacional teams which were playing the "Libertadores de America" Cup. Heard on May 6, relaying CX22 Radio Universal (1070 kHz) 0110 with Penarol vs. Millonarios and CX16 Radio Carve (840 kHz) on the next following day, with the match Nacional vs Colo Colo. This 5 kW tx was also heard relaying family chats. At first thought to be a txion originated by Radio Universal to serve the crew at the Uruguayan Antarctic base "Gral. Artigas". But when called the CX22 tx site they said to me there was no SSB tx there doing this. Then, I called the Communications Command, the 2nd Support and Communications Battalion, where the "Radio Monitoring Control" is housed and the Air Force Base which takes the role of communications to the Antarctic Base. They gave me the tel number which allows direct calls at local rates with anybody interested in speaking with the Antarctic crew. So I managed to spoke with the radio man there. So nice!. But he was not listening to any soccer match, so I gave him the frequency and I could hear the operator through the phone tuning his rx to the frequency and confirmed they were blasting in and in USB. Also, I could hear a goal by Penarol and the end of the match at 0120. He complained not having known about this frequency to hear the whole match. At the moment there are 11 people in the base and 9 of them are Penarol's fans. When I finished speaking with him I returned to my radio shack and found the family chat with the vessel that was later IDed as the "Capt. Miranda".

The final chapter of this detective story was to call the Punta Brava coastal site to confirm that this was a Navy tx, and the Uruguayan flag ship is now off the northern coast of Brazil. Thanks Novello tip. (Horacio A. Nigro-URG, via Cumbre Dx, May 6/7)

USA WGTG I spoke with David Frantz of the stn this morning and this is what he had to say about his stn. WGTG has had problems with the local community. A neighbor accused the stn of putting out RF that was giving a young boy, who has Down's syndrome, seizures. WGTG responded to this by taking the stn off of the air voluntarily. During this time, they underwent an FCC technical inspection, which they passed. They also had a field engineering survey of their RF. The stn not only meets existing standards, but also is already in compliance with new standards due to take effect in Sept. On the public relations front, the same neighbor has accused the stn of being a militia base. The neighbor recorded a few of the shows aired on WGTG and played them at local churches, which then rallied to the neighbor's side. Frantz explained his position as a commercial stn that rents air time. In a response to the community, WGTG will rent a meeting hall and explain their operation to the public in about a month. The stn returned to the air shortly after 1200 UTC on May 14th on 9400 kHz. They will not be using 5085 kHz for the moment as the coupler for that frequency took a lightening strike and is being repaired. (DIRECT Johnson, Cumbre Dx, May 14)

3210 kHz, WWCR, 1000 UTC, Splattering all over the 90 mb. Sounded like two programs at once and SEVERELY distorted!! Its bad enough US domestic stns are in the Tropical bands, but to cause interference like this is totally unacceptable. Does anyone know how to contact the FCC via E-mail?? I'm so angry with WWCR and their QRM in the 90 mb (as well as other freqs), I wish to express opinions with the FCC. (Dave Valko, 12 May, )

Glenn Hauser's "World of Radio" update: Website now updated, with all previous summaries, Spanish DX texts. URL may be shortened to: http://idt.net/~khecht19/ghauser

WWCR bc Sat 0530 gone, replaced by Sat 0600 on 3210 kHz; not clear whether Sat 1300 on 15685 will be returning [YES, heard again on Sat 18th!!]; other times remain. Switch fr 12160 to 5070 kHz for WWCR-3 moved forward to 2100 UTC even tho it's summer, so our Sun 2330 UTC will remain on 5070 kHz after all. (May 15) Thur 15th 2030 15685 didn't propagate into Europe. But Sat 1300 seems now back for World of Radio. Reliable all the time is Tues issue 1230 UTC, both on 15685 kHz. ed.

UZBEKISTAN Democratic Voice of Burma in Burmese 1230-1300 UTC new 7330 & 11830 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, May 8)

ZAMBIA It looks like one country in the southern part of Africa is going to be easier to hear in a short time. HCJB's Roger Stubbe writes from Lusaka, Zambia where he met with the gen dir of the Zambia National Broadcasting Company [ZNBC], Duncan Mbazima. - In another two to three weeks the installation will be finished for two 100-kW SW txs to replace the aged and out of [words indistinct] provided by China nearly 20 years ago. One will serve Radio One and the other Radio Two. - While the equipment is being paid for and installed by the mainland Chinese govt, the SW txs are Continentals [US manufacturer of high-power txs] the same as used by Zimbabwe Bcing and Christian Voice [a SW relig stn based near Lusaka]. Along with the new txs, installation is proceeding with three new antennas (?for the) txs. The antennas will be lazy-H type, beamed vertically for national coverage [i.e. radiating their signals at a high angle so that they are reflected back to earth within a short distance of the tx]. The set of antennas will include one for 60 m, one for 49 m and another for 41 m. This will allow the flexibility required for the changes expected in the sunspot cycle... Testing has not yet begun on the txs but he did say he expects them to be on the air about mid-May... [Zambia signed an agreement with China in June '94 for the latter to supply and install two 150-kW SW txs] (HCJB Voice of the Andes, via BBCM, May 1)

New products for early June

Dear friends, we announce the publication of five new products: - 1997/1998 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services; - 1997 Internet Radio Guide; - Visual Radio; - Shortwave Communication Receivers 1945-1996; - 1997 ARRL Handbook on CD-ROM.

The brandnew 1997/1998 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services covers the latest Internet, Navtex, radiofax and radiotelex meteorological data sources worldwide. It includes hundreds of sample charts, homepages, images, and messages recently monitored.

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Visual Radio is a superb frequency database management and equipment control software. It imports selected entries from our ut97 or oldfreq databases, or copies our complete bc97.dbf file within a few seconds. Now you can easily compile your own master frequency file, enter, modify, update and delete Klingenfuss data, and add your own entries.

For customers outside of North America, we now offer Fred Osterman's massive new handbook Shortwave Communication Receivers 1945-1996.

The outstanding 1997 ARRL Handbook on CD-ROM is now available from us as well, reflecting the state of amateur radio communication technique in the late 1990s.

For detailed descriptions and some sample pages and colour screenshots please refer to http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/ or ask for our new 24 pages summer catalogue to your snail mail address. Regular customers will get their copy automatically around the end of MAY.

Regarding the unauthorized inclusion of JVFax, Klingenfuss, Wavecom, SHOC etc. trademarks and company names in deliberately misleading meta-tags [easily unmasked with Netscape browsers by clicking View + Document Source] - thereby unexpectedly diverting your innocent and unsuspecting Internet searches to the homepage of a certain "Hoka" - we make it very clear that - we did never have, we do not have, and we will never have any relationship with such infamous enterprises and their outlets; - we will not tolerate such criminal methods by any parasitical gangster company whatsoever; - such dirty business practices do not conform with established netiquette standards.

As an alternative, we know of several advanced projects that will crack the digital data decoder amateur market pretty soon. This will finally put an end to you wasting your dear money for that kind of totally inadequate and unergonomic amateurish software that is still sold at exorbitant prices. To start with, have a look at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/F6FLT/

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A comprehensive test by means of our Double Compact Disc with Modulation Types was published 11 MAY 1997 on http://www.cybercomm.net/~slapshot/wun.html by Carlos J Sanz from Spain. Ary Boender from the Netherlands had the same idea and says in the brandnew APR 1997 WUN Newsletter Product Review (uploaded 12 MAY 1997 on http://www.leonardo.net/berri/wun/ ) that "using the Klingenfuss Modulation CD ... I am impressed, the scanning feature locks quickly to the correct mode and begins to decode." RADIORAFT will decode ARQ-E, ARQ-E3, ARQ-M, ARQ-N, ARQ6, ASCII (IRA), AUTOSPEC, CIS-11, CW (Morse), FEC-A, HNG-FEC, IRA (ASCII), ITA2, Morse (CW), NAVTEX, Packet Radio, POL-ARQ, RUM-FEC, SI-ARQ, SITOR, SPREAD, and SWED-ARQ, and it offers bit analysis plus fully automatic mode and speed and shift detection as well. Additional modes such as ACARS, PACTOR, and POCSAG are in preparation. The full version costs a mere 30 USD. Voila!

Special request: Since we use e-mail to save time, please do not repeat NOT send any compressed, encrypted, zipped etc. messages. We will delete such files immediately without any further action or return notice. Please do use plain language in Creole, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Portuguese or Spanish, and do avoid the use of accents, diacritics, umlauts and similar national alphabet letters in your own interest. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

You can now use our straightforward new e-mail address [email protected] as well.

Thank you for your attention, and see you again at the top exhibition HamRadio in Friedrichshafen, 27 to 29 JUN 1997, stand 164 in hall 1 as usual! 73 es best DX, Joerg Klingenfuss Klingenfuss Publications, Hagenloher Str. 14, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany Phone ++49 7071 62830 Fax ++49 7071 600849 E-Mail [email protected] WWW-Site http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/

Don't Rush The Lord "Don't Rush The Lord: A Pilgrimage to God's Purpose" by Kenneth D. MacHarg, William Carey Library, 1997, 104 pages.

This book describes the call to mission work of Ken and Polly MacHarg. It also contains several chapters about the history, programming and facilities of HCJB, The Voice of the Andes. One chapter is even a "walk-through" of the HCJB studio and transmitter facilities. While written from a specifically Christian point of view, it is an interesting insight into a major international broadcaster of interest to any shortwave enthusiast.

Ken MacHarg is a program producer with HCJB and host of HCJB's DX Party Line. "This important and fascinating book fills a neglected niche between full scale missionary biographies and textbooks on missionary life and work. Ken MacHarg focuses on the first term of missionary service and takes you on an exciting journey which begins with the story of how God interrupted his life and led and led him and his wife to ministry with HCJB World Radio in Quito." --Kenneth D. Mulholland, Columbia International University in his Foreward.

"Don't Rush the Lord is more than a story of two people's commitment to follow the Lord. It is really larger than the journey described of two willing servants who wanted to be involved in building His Kingdom. This is a book that anyone even thinking about missions should read." --Ronald A. Cline, President, HCJB in his Preface.

Retail price $9.95 Can be ordered through Christian books stores, or for $9.95 plus $2.00 shipping and handling ($4.00 from outside North America) from HCJB, Box 39800, Colorado Springs, CO 80949 USA. (Kenneth D. MacHarg-EQA, May 15)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - CompuServe 100523,3446

BC-DX 310 26 May 1997 ______

ALBANIA RTV Shqiptar, Cerrik, v6099.82 kHz, 0800 UTC advertisement for company in Tirana, nx mentioning Vranitzky, Phil Collins ballad. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, May 23)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia has announced special frequs for coverage of the Australian cricket tour of the UK: Coverage of all one-day internationals (from 22nd May) and tests (beginning 5th June) will be from 0910-1300 and from 1430-1800 UTC. Frequs will be: for Asia, 15510 kHz for the entire coverage period and 9580 kHz from 1600 UTC; for the PAC and PNG (hours not specified), 9860 kHz. (Radio Australia ext sce, BBCM, May 11)

The final Budget breakdown for RA shows future funding arrangements as such: Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade to contribute A$4m, and the Dept of Communications and the Arts to contribute A$3.2m for a SW and satellite sce to PNG and the South Pacific. ABC will add to this funding to provide Indonesian, Mandarin, Khmer and Vietnamese programming estimated at A$4.7m - meaning total funding of A$11.9m for Radio Australia in 1997/98.

The National Transmission Agency will receive funding of A$2.5m for SW txion costs from Brandon, Queensland and Shepparton, Victoria. The Darwin facility will no longer be used for RA SW, and the NTA will explore possible future uses of the Cox Peninsula site. (Matt Francis-AUS, EDXP, May 13) (Ed: What happens to the Northern Territory SW Sce, running 50 kW from Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, and Katherine? !!! Bob Padula)

Radio Australia's staff numbers will be reduced from the present 144 to 67 after cuts to the sce's budget, its "Feedback" feature on 18th May reported.

Radio Australia Derek White told an interviewer the need for the Darwin tx was more important now that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) board had decided to retain sces in Mandarin (Standard Chinese), Indonesian, Vietnamese and Khmer. That txion is operated by the National Transmission Agency - it is not ABC funds that pay for the txion, it is entirely a govt decision that that tx would not be available to us." White had "surprised us all" by announcing his retirement after 37 years in the bcing industry, the presenter said. The last five of these had been at Radio Australia, on whose behalf he had worked " assiduously" . (RNZI/BBCM, in Communications World, May 10, via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, EDXP, May 19)

BOLIVIA National elections day will take place on June 1st, so stations may be on extended schedule. (Nigro, Cumbre Dx, May 19)

BULGARIA /RUSSIA Russia seeks radio outlet in Bulgaria. Radio Voice of Russia wants to lease one of our biggest txs to use it to transmit 18 hours of progrs per day for Bulgaria. This proposal, which would bring in thousands of dollars in payments for leasing the equipment alone, has evidently startled the Bulgarian specialists employed by the Posts and Telecommun. Comm. The practice of recent years has shown that not only are numerous private domestic radio stns able to coexist in the Bulgarian bcing sector with , but so too are foreign stns like DW, RFE Europe, the BBC, VoA, France Inter [as published, presumably RFI] and others. In this context, Voice of Russia has just as much right to bc from Bulgaria as the VoA, for example. The listeners are the ones who should decide which station to tune in to. After the invasion of the German WAZ ['Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung'], it will be no surprise if soon we witness Russian interest in the Bulgarian newspaper market, for surely the world, in the words of Marshall McLuhan, is a big electronic village. (BBCM via AGDX, May 14)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS from RUSSIA? to IRAN. 5900 kHz Democratic Voice of Iran, a new stn, is testing here from 1730-1800 UTC. (advertisement in unnamed Paris newspaper via World of Radio, Cumbre Dx, May 16)

Democratic Voice of Iran began txions to Iran in Farsi on the 12th of May from 1730-1759 UTC on 5900 kHz. Sigs are strong here in Sri Lanka. This is an attempt by Iranians abroad to present a balanced picture of what is happening. The timing suggests that they wanted a sce to get into Iran before the elections on Friday the 23rd May. On the 21st of May the station inadvertantly txed the progrs of the VOTibet at 1730 UTC instead of the DVIran!! This obviously puts both VOT and DVI on the same txing complex! But the question is where is that txing stn?!!

Voice of Free Azerbijan is now on 12070 kHz 1530-1630 having moved from 7093 kHz for summer. Last summer they started up by using 12085 kHz then moving down to 9930. Usual Azeri etc. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Apr 24)

CROATIA Croatian Catholic Radio, based at Salata (district) in Zagreb, began test txions bc on 103.5 MHz from 0400-2200 UTC. With speech-based programming between 0700-1000 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, May 17)

CUBA OK, this weekend will be the second one in which RHC's DXers Unlimited will be aired around 0130 and 0330 UTC instead of at around 0230 and 0430 UTC. This new sked is going to be permanent, so that the mid-week edition and the weekend edition will be aired at the same time. The 0530 UTC mid week edition on 9820 and 9830 kHz will be kept on that time frame, and the weekend edition on those two frequencies will be there too. As regards to the old 2130 UTC edition on 13815 and 13925 kHz [sic] should read 13715 & 13725, it was moved to around 2100 UTC to try to make better use of the very narrow propagation window with the present level of solar activity.

OK, try to record this weekend on 6000 kHz, starting at 0130 and at 0330 UTC, the show will be aired in that half hour segment.

Regarding 9830 kHz we are filing with ITU in order to have Croatia move from that channel we have been using for a long time. Seems their frequency management leaves a lot to be professional !!! Kind Regards, ARNIE CORO

New no.3 e-mail address [email protected] (via Erik Koie-DEN, May 17)

GEORGIA Tests from High Adventure Ministry VoHope 15/16 May on 12120 kHz fr Tbilisi were very successful. Regular sce to begin June 4th. Good signals in SoAS. Progr consisted of the sce meant for 9310 kHz as indicated in the announcements. Gave the UK address. For the life of me I don't know why folks at the stn can't understand that British towns and postal addresses are not familiar to non British listeners and can not be rattled off like on a domestic bcers soap advert. The Gospel broadcasters, the preachers, rattle of parts of the Bible and reference to it as if all those who listen have come for their Sunday worship in their own Church, across the street. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Gospel bcs. They have a right to bc, even a greater right than RFE, RL or Radio Liberty or Radio Marti. What intrigues me is that they are no better than Canned progrs from US TV dumped on Asian and African TV stations! (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, RN May 15)

VOH, May 23, at 1750 UTC s.on on 9310 kHz strong carrier, somewhat low in modulation compared to carrier level. The President of VOH giving a BIG plug for Georgia and President of Georgia as a fine man and asking investors to go to Georgia and help the coutry. Also mentioned that its a beautiful land of fine people. They also play some Georgian mx somedays before VOH progrs start up at 1800 UTC. Thats really nice. If other stns too like Radio Netherlands, VOA, BBC, RFI, who use relay stns do the same. I mean a bit of mx or some such thing, that would be really great. Of course VOA gives airtime to Radio Thailand, Morrocco, Greece etc. I think thats good. From a DXers point of view, I somehow don't feel I have QSLd Madagascar by getting a card from the R.Netherlands relay. True we QSL tx sites, or as real humane DXers don't we QSL in our hearts the tx and the country and it could be never the same as getting the indigenous bc QSLd!! Bob Padula might not agree! (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, May 24)

GERMANY/MOLDOVA? DW German progr on 1548 kHz. On May 15th at 2030-2100 UTC test bcs of DW German language progr were observed on MW 1548 kHz (//3995, 6075 etc.), 43433. DW Trincomalee Sri Lanka is too far away, so estimated test coming from Maiac Pridnestroviye Moldova site in CIS. (Matthias Gatzke via Kai Ludwig-D, May 15/21) [punching error of Russian personell at the satellite tx ground station?]

INDIA 4790 kHz - INDIA- AIR External Service at *0000-0030* UTC. I've been hearing the morning Tamil sce -- a fixture on 4990 for many years--on new 4790 //13795 and 9910 kHz, several evenings since May 5. Most days it mixes at equal strength with co-channel Peru- -except for May 6, when it was astoundingly powerful, totally burying the OA and by far the strongest AIR signal I've ever heard on 60 meters! Not sure if this is still the Chennai tx -- but wherever it is, it must be running at least 250 kW. Even more perplexing, where does this leave AIR's regional txion from Itanagar, which is also supposed to be operating here from *0025? UTC. (Hill-MA-USA / DX Report, via TFW, May 18)

Here is the answer: AIR Itanagar is now on 4990 kHz moving out of 4790 kHz making Azad Kashmir Radio clear. AIR Madras moved in to 4790 kHz replacing and making way for Itanagar from 4990 0000- 0115 UTC, both morning and evening txs. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, May 24)

All India radio is going to have a relay stn in either WeAF or the West Indies. This will enable AIR to reach the Americas where there is a large concentration of Indians. Negotiations are under way with friendly countries of these areas. - In Doddaballapur (a place 45 kms fr Bangalore in SoIndia) All India radio has installed six 500 kW SW txs. The area of the antenna farm is 260 hectares and has 35 remote controlled antennae using 21 towers. Using them, progrs can be beamed in eight different directions. Progrs are fed via satellite link from Delhi, but in case of failure a local tudio will step in with 'canned' progrs which will be updated every week. (Sudipto Ghose, Calcutta via WRTH, via DXW, May 19)

INDONESIA RRI Jakarta on 15150 kHz is inactive since the beginning of May. Evening progr is heard on 15125 kHz instead of it. But 15125 kHz is "Programa Nasional Satu". Its sign off time is 1300 UTC. (Juichi Yamada-JAP, Jembatan Dx, May 18)

At DX-Camp of the AGM of DSWCI in Lohals/Langeland an UNID stn noted at 2205 UTC on 3277 kHz. RRI Jakarta reactivated? At same time RRI Jambi could be observed very well on 4925 kHz. (Frank Helmbold-D, May 16)

Although this is not a DX catch, it may help you make one. I hope that this information will help you to find Indonesian stns at a time when extended hours will make the job easier. May 29 marks this nation's DPR (congressional) elections, so watch for extended bcs. Political parties to listen for are: Golkar, PPP (pronounced "Pay Tiga") and PDI (pronounced "Pay Day Eee."). Names that will undoubtedly pop up include: Harmoko, Tutut, Ali Alatas, Ismail Hasan Metareum, Soerjadi (pronounced "Sooryadee"), Gus Dur, and Megawati.

Key words are: pemilu (election), pemerintah (government), keamanan (security), bintang (star), partai (party), hejau (green, pronounced "hayzhau"), kuning (yellow), merah (red), golput (voter abstention) and pesta demokrasi (festival of democracy). Another phrase that will definitely be used is: tujuh puluh punt kosong dua persen (70.02%), which is the government party's expected total. (Grace, via Cumbre Dx, May 23)

IRAN VoIRIB Tehran in Arabic 1115-1700 UTC on 9650, 11995 kHz. (ORF DX Telegramm, May 25)

IRAQ Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party - new radio heard. A radio stn speaking in the name of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party (Arabic: al-hizb al-ishtiraki al- dimuqrati al-kurdistani) was observed in progress at 1545 UTC on 12th May carrying what it described as an experimental txion on 4230 kHz. "This is the Radio of Kurdistan, Voice of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party (Arabic: huna idha'at kurdistan, sawt al-hizb al-ishtiraki al-dimuqrati al-kurdistani; Kurdish: era radioy kurdistana, dangi hizbi socialisti demukrati kurdistan) txing on 75 metres SW, corresponding to 4230 kHz. The radio signed off at 1700 UTC, saying: "Here we end our experimental txion. Until we meet again in another bc, goodbye." On 13th May, the radio was heard from fade-in at 1445 UTC with mx. At 1605 it carried a nx bulletin consisting of non-Kurdish, international news. The radio ended its 10-minute news by promising listeners that it would meet them again in future bcs. After a few mins of mx, it went off the air. (The Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party was known as the Kurdistan Socialist Party- Iraq until Nov 1994. It was initially set up in Oct 1993 as a breakaway movement from the Unified Kurdistan Democratic Party. It is a member of the Democratic Alliance of Kurdistan, an alliance of five parties under the leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), formed in December 1996. (BBCM via AGDX, May 12-13)

MOZAMBIQUE v3209.9 kHz Emissao Nacional, Maputo at 2015-2100 Presumed this one with easy mx, male speaker (sounded like Portuguese, but I could not ID the language), gong a few seconds before 2100 UTC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 22)

NEW ZEALAND Internat., Rangitaiki, on 9795 kHz at 0756 UTC, Southsea type of song, not signing off at 0758 UTC as in BBCM schedule, nx by female speaker, ID. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, May 23) [Mon-Fri -0816 UTC, Sat/Sun -0758 UTC, in printed RNZLI schedule, ed]

PAKISTAN 9335 kHz new frequ R Pakistan in Urdu 1700-1900 UTC, w songs at 1731 UTC, ID at 1800 UTC, in Arabic 9400 kHz. (Liangas-GRC) Radio Pakistan starts Chinese, Russian sces: Islamabad, 12th May. RP today launched two new sces in Chinese and Russian languages in its ext bc, thus bringing the total of its ext sces to 16. [Nikolay, so Russian language should be noted in Moscow too!?]

Sources from Radio Pakistan said the daily Chinese sce will go on air at 1200 UTC on 9690 and 11820 kHz, while the Russian sce for Central Asian States will start at 1500 UTC on 5055 and 6040 kHz. The duration of each sce is 30 mins. (part of item from , Beijing, BBCM via AGDX, May 12)

4950 kHz Radio Pakistan 1730-1740 UTC. Nx in English about Pakistan and Punjab, followed at 1735 UTC by news in vernacular, also mostly about Pakistan. Sign off at 1740, no identification heard. Fair signal, also on 4790. (Piet Pijpers-HOL, Cumbre Dx, May 21) [?!? 4790 kHz is a new frequ for AIR Delhi! ed]

PHILIPPINES On Saturday 1230-1315 UTC Mass in Chinese of Vatican radio is relayed by RVA Manila on 6020 kHz and [satellite delay compared to] direct from CVA on 11625, 13765, 15585 kHz. (GH WoR, May 22-27)

RUSSIA/MALTA Moscow and Malta. Two loggings for your interest: 9765 kHz Russia, VoRussia Moscow WS, 1835 UTC, May 18 a Sunday, Christian sce with man giving sermon, interspersed with portions of hymns. Continued to 1858 UTC ID for RMWS, sked announcement and then transition into Voice of the Mediterranean (see next logging). Fair.

9765 kHz Russia, relay of VOM Malta, 1900 UTC sign-on following chimes and bells, man with "This is VOM...Malta." Church mx, man announced "From Malta, VOM presents..." and into a Christian Scripture message preceeded and concluded with a few bars of Zamfir mx, at 1908 UTC a talk began by two men speaking about a mx composer. Fair to poor, May 18th, //12060 kHz very weak. (HTS Harold Sellers-CAN, DX Ontario, May 18)

Dmitriy Lukashev reports from Kemerovo Region where a new radio stn has started operating. It is called (?Slovo) and can be heard in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Tyumen and Kemerovo regions of Russia as well as in Krasnoyarsk and Altay territories. - Radio Slovo starts its bcs at 1000 UTC. It bcs on LW at 270 kHz [presumably via the Novosibirsk tx on this frequ]. Lukashev sent us an article from the newspaper 'Kuznetskiy Vesti' which had been published in Novokuznetsk. He promised to send details in a letter at a later stage.

Voice of Russia, budget cuts. It is planned to cut by 42 per cent the money meant to support by Russian govt. We would like to explain to our listeners that the cuts in the budgetary spending may affect our company to a certain extent. As you know, the Voice of Russia daily bcs for 88 hours in 33 languages. In the experts' assessment there are over 100m listeners in various countries, who regularly tune into the Voice of Russia WS. But it is not only our radio company that is facing problems. (Voice of Russia, via BBCM, via AGDX, May 4-7)

SOUTH AFRICA 3320 kHz Radio Sonder Grense, Meijerton 2226- UTC Popballads, ID as "R S G". (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 22)

"Chaotic" situation alleged at SABC radio news. "It is like death ..." This is how SABC [South African Bcing Corpor] employees describe the situation in the corridors and offices of the corporation's radio sces in the well- known building at Auckland Park, Johannesburg. Former employees bluntly describe the situation as "chaotic". They specifically describe the news bulletins of the Afrikaans sce, Radio Sonder Grense [Radio Without Borders], as farcical.

The worst is that the news editor of the newly integrated radio sce, which includes all of SABC's radio sts, Akashnee Thompson (nee Singh), understands very little, if any, Afrikaans.

However, despite these denials, this is how the situation is described in the corridors of the radio sce: "Everyone is sitting back and waiting to see who qualifies for the severance packages. Meanwhile, Radio Without Borders can begin to change its name to radio without people." (BBCM via AGDX, May 11)

SRI LANKA SLBC Colombo is running until around 1830 UTC on 4940 kHz with Cricket Commentries in English, 24, 27 and 28th. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, May 24)

TAHITI v15167.48 kHz RFO Papeete, May 15, 0315-0320 UTC, progr of vocal selections hosted by male announcer in French; promo ad by woman at 0319 UTC, then back to host and another vocal. Weak-fair level with audio best using LSB - greater tx noise on USB. * Also checked circa 0230 on May 16 & 17 when up slightly to 15167.51 kHz with lots of carrier but severe tx growl and no detectable audio. I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for the last remaining tx? (DMC via DXW, May 19)

UAE ABU DHABI. Final J97 sked: Far East (Japan): 0200-0400 17770, 0200-0700 21735, 09090-1300 21735; Far East (Australia): 0200-0400 15315, 0400-0600 21630, 1300-1600 9605; North Africa: 0700-2500 17760, 1500-1800 15265, 1800-2200 11945; Europe: 0600-1400 15265, 1400-1700 13605, 1600-2200 9770, 1700-2200 11710; Middle East: 0200-0500 6180, 0500-0800 7215, 0800-1400 13605, 1400-1600 11945, 1600-2200 6180; India & Pakistan: 0200-0600 and 1600-2000 9695. All progrs in Arabic. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, May 19)

UNITED KINGDOM There is a completely different organization in London also made up of Tamil people who had been working for BBC but now want to start up their own bcs to provide a news sce to the Tamil-speaking areas. It's known as IBC - the International Broadcasting Corporation - and in fact they plan to test on 15th, 16th and 17th May at 1330-1430 UTC via the Dushanbe-TJK site on 12070 kHz for south India and Sri Lanka, and then they may begin regular bcs by the end of the month. Also they have a temporary 107.4 MHz outlet in London. The World Radio Network is involved in helping out both of these organizations. (BBCM via AGDX, May 15)

USA 17895 kHz Voice of America *1758 UTC on May 15 Two mins of "Yankee Doodle", then big band mx: "In The Mood", "Chattanooga Choo-Choo". Then dead air, carrier on and off. Usual VOA s/on annct and more Yankee Doodle 1810 UTC, then back to the big band mx. arrier cut and another s/on 1816. 1826*. 15 kW test from Delano acc to Dan Ferguson. Blocking VOA English from Morocco. (Novello, via DXW, May 19) delayed of some days. 73 de Giovanni Serra [email protected]

WRNO -- In his written will, Joe Costello left the stn to Loyola University. However, on his deathbed he verbally left the stn to the archbishop. Fortunately, Loyola is part of the archbishop's turf, so apparently what is going to happen is that the stn is going to go to Loyola, which in turn will donate it to the archbishop. Whether the stn will then be kept or sold, who knows. But for sure if it is kept by the archbishop, anti-Catholic and similar programming is unlikely to continue once existing contractual obligations are fulfilled. (Jacobs via Magne via Lamb, Cumbre Dx, May 2)

VOA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory will be conducting another of its tests of a new HF - or SW - digital txion system. These will be via Delano-CA, 20th, 21st and 22nd May at 1915-2045 UTC on 17895 kHz and 22nd May at 1615-1745 UTC on 13730 kHz. These txions will begin with the VOA ID in analogue voice mode, then various types of digital txion that will probably be indecipherable. Reports are nevertheless welcome to let us know about signal strength and interference. For a number of technical reasons, the txions may have to be moved from Delano to Greenville-NC. In this case the frequencies would be changed and I don't know what those new frequs would be. (VOA, BBCM via AGDX, May 17)

ZAIRE/CONGO Voix du Congo was heard on 18th May bcing on the same SW channel 15245 kHz used in the past by Voix du Zaire. (BBCM via AGDX, May 18)

Here some SW Radio URL's: Cadena Caracol, Real Audio http://www.caracol.com.co/

RadioTacna,Peru http://principal.unjbg.edu.pe/radio/radta.htm

La radio a Cuba http://infotel.shiny.it/rsabbia/cuba.htm

Radio Amanaecer Rep. Dominicana http://jupiter.tricom.net/amanecer/

Radio Habana Cuba http://www.whitepine.com/radio_havana/

Radio Nacional Venezuela

Radio Oriental Uruguay http://netgate.comintur.com.uy/cx12/

RAE http://www.primenet.com/~miglia/rae.htm

Radio Montecarlo - Montevideo - Uruguay http://netgate.comintur.com.uy/cx20/index..htm

Cadena 40 Principales (SER), Spain: http://www.cadena40.es

Cadena 100 (COPE), Spain: http://www.cadena100.es (Aldo Moroni-I, via TFW, May 18)

DX-Listeners' Club would like to present our publication "AMazing AM".

This excellent book is the result of years of intensive work by the authors Svenn Martinsen and Kjell Arne Olsen. This A4 sized illustrated softback contains 240+ pages, and include all known loggings of MW stns worldwide made by norwegian DX-ers from 1945 to 1995.

The book is devided in sections; - Europe (excl. The British Isles, Iberian peninsula and International Waters) - Iberian peninsula (Spain, Portugal, Andorra) - United Kingdom, Ireland and International Waters - Africa - Asia - Pacific - North America - Central America - South America

In each section you'll get a table sorted in frequency order, including station name, location, if the fq is past or present, callsigns (if any), country, logged in Norway which year(s), and in many cases information of who was the first to log the station. there are numerous footnotes giving additional information on name changes, frequency changes etc.

Much work has been but into making this not only a list of loggings, but also an excellent piece of documentation of MW bcing history.

In addition to the printed book, we also offer a PC diskette version of the listing. This is available in Excel, d-Base and Word for Windows (2.0 and 6.0) formats. (When ordering state which!) Orders for AMazing AM should be sent to: DX-listeners' Club, P.O.Box 7080, Vestheiene, N-4602 KRISTIANSAND, NORWAY.

The price for the printed version OR the electronic version is the same: NOK 150,- Or you can order both for NOK 200,- These prices do not include export postage. We'll charge no extra postage for the diskettes, but for the book there are the following extras: Airmail Nordic: Add NOK 20,- Surface Nordic: no extras. Airmail Europe: Add NOK 40,- Surface Europe: Add NOK 10,- Airmail Worldwide: Add NOK 90,- Surface Worldwide: Add NOK 30,- (The current exchange rate is 1 USD = NOK 7,08 / 1 GBP = NOK 11,44 / 1 DEM = NOK 4,171)

We prefer to receive payment in form of a VISA authorisation to draw the amount from your account. Remember to include your name, account number, expiry date and the authorized sum in NOK, plus your signature. We can also accept cash (NOK or equivalent in your own currency) included with your letter, but cannot take the responsibility for lost mail! We also accept transfers to our postal giro account 0804 5520960, BUT will have to charge you additional NOK 25,- to cover receiving expences. I have prepared a Word-document with some examples from the book, in case you want to see what it looks like. Please feel free to request this AMazing AM test-document, by mailing to me at: [email protected]

NORDX'97 We are happy to invite fellow DX-ers to this years NORDIC CHAMPIONSHIPS, NORDX-97. I hope you will a) find this information package useful for your own interest, og b) use the material below, for presentation in your magazine/programme, and promote the contest. A logo has been produced, and can be requested through an e-mail to: [email protected] asking for one. It will then be returned to you promptly as an attached Word-document.

We hope you will publish the details in your DX-magazine/DX-programme as soon as possible, and encourage people to take part! Magazines who like to receive a ready-to- print free "advert", feel free to mail us. 73 de Bernt Erfjord NORDX'97

NORDX'97 DX-Listeners' Club of Norway are happy to invite all DXers to this year's Nordic DX Championships, Nordx '97. The contest will be staged during the weekend from Fri, Oct 17 to Sun, Oct 19.

As usual, individual DXers from non-Nordic countries may also compete and be eligible for prizes, although the official Nordic Championship is of course restricted to competitors from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. DXers from other countries are requested to mail a written VISA authorisation to DXLC at the address below, autorizing us to draw NOK 75,- from your account. Please remember to include full name, account number, expiry date and signature. Alternatively, non-Nordic participants may pay NOK 100,- into postal giro account no. 0804 5520960, at Nordx '97, DXLC, PO Box 7080 Vestheiene, N-4602 Kristiansand, Norway. (The surcharge is to cover giro charges.) You may also send NOK 100,- or USD 15,- in cash, or 16 IRCs. (For your information, the current exchange rate is 1 USD = NOK 7,08 / 1 GBP = NOK 11,44 / 1 DEM = NOK 4,171)

The deadline for registrations is Sept 30. (Registrations are also accepted after this date, but at the entrant's own risk: No refunds will be availiable should the schedule not reach you in time for the contest!) DXLC will endeavour to compile a challenging, varied and interesting shedule for Nordx '97, if possible including one or two special treats. To avoid missing out on those special QSLs, make sure you register in time! There will be a wide range of radio related prizes, with one of the major prizes being drawn from among all contestants submitting logs, regardless of final championship rankings. All correspondence should be addressed to: Nordx '97, DXLC, PO Box 7080 Vestheiene, N-4602 Kristiansand, Norway, or the following e-mail address: [email protected].

We also have a web page up and running, which will carry updated information about the contest: http://www.dxlc.com/nordx/

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 311 02 Jun 1997 ______

ALBANIA 6115 kHz Radio Tirana at 0230-0300 UTC in English, ex 6140, //7160 kHz. Also at 0145-0200 UTC. (Fine-PA-USA, May 25) 6115 (new frequ?) Radio Tirana at 0230 UTC English bc, ex-6140 kHz. May have been an operational error; the freq for the 0230 UTC bc was still 6140 kHz on May 24, and 6115 kHz is a sched freq for the 0145-0200 UTC bc. (Mary Lamb-USA, Cumbre Dx) v7159.8 kHz at 0145 UTC. English ID by a man, followed by theme mx and detailed schedule by a woman with times in CeEURTime. Woman with nx headlines at 0148 UTC. All were related to the economic crisis, which was alternately described as "the difficulty" and "the crisis that consumed the country." A very hurried sign-off at 0156 UTC, followed by 30 secs of theme mx and an open carrier. Completely gone at 0157 UTC. Audio a little low. (Evans-USA, via Cumbre Dx, May 28)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia on SW may become inaudible in Europe. Radio Australia will "cease operations" from its Darwin tx on 1st July, the host of the sce's "Feedback" feature reported on 25th May. A listener in GER was told that from that date, satellite equipment might be his only means of hearing Radio Australia, as signals currently received in Europe come from Darwin. RA is bc on satellite in EUR via the WRN - World Radio Network. (BBCM via AGDX, May 25)

BELGIUM Earlier this week the Flemish govt approved a new management agreement with our stn - the Flemish public broadcaster BRTN, soon to be renamed VRT [Vlaamse Radio en Televisie, Flemish Radio-TV]. This agreement describes what sces the bcer should provide in return for public funding and is valid for five years. One of the few changes to the draft concerns Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal. Now to our great delight the Flemish govt is insisting that RVI should continue its bcs in German - one of Belgium's three national languages. RVI intended to axe its progrs in German, in Spanish and Arabic at the end of Oct 1997. However, it's not yet known what form the German-language progr will take. We here at RVI hope that the management will allow us to continue with our daily magazine "Hier ist Brussel". (Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal, BBCM via AGDX, May 18)

CAMEROON The only SW txs I note operating in my country are Yaounde on 4850 and Garoua on 5010 kHz. All the other txs are off the air, and there are continuing problems in obtaining spare parts to get back on the air. As an interim measure, the govt has set up FM txs in some areas, but hopes to get the SW txs back on the air. (Achanyi-Fontem-CME, via Cumbre Dx, May 15)

CANADA Because of the Canadian election, RCI Montreal additional relay transmissions via US VoA Greenville and Delano, BBC on ASC, Woofferton & Skelton-UK, SIN, Austria Vienna-AUT, Germany Wertachtal, Russia Irkutsk and Khabarovsk, Tadjikistan Dushanbe.

On Monday June 2nd local time, meaning UTC Tue June 3rd: French on the top of the hour, English start at half past the hour. 0000-0500 UTC via Sackville-CAN partly on 5960 6010 6120 9535 9755 9780 11705 11715 11940 13670 15305 kHz.

0000-0300 UTC 6005-ASC. 0000-0100 UTC 6035 SKE-UK. 0000-0400 UTC 3985 7255(2x) 7325 SKE-UK. 0030-0100 UTC 12090-TJK, 13695-IRK. 0100-0200 UTC 6180 SKE-UK. 0100-0200 UTC 9755 WOO-UK, 9520-CAN, 0130-0200 UTC 11905 G-USA, 13655 D-USA. 0100-0330 UTC 11685-SIN, 15460-SIN. 0200-0300 UTC 6045 SKE-UK. 0200-0400 UTC 11905 G-USA, 13740 D-USA. 0300-0330 UTC 6040-ASC and SKE-UK synchronized, 9760 SKE-UK, 11835-AUT. 0330-0430 UTC 5875-ASC and SKE-UK synchronized. 0330-0500 UTC 15560 IRK-RUS, 17820 KHA-RUS, 17870 D-USA. 0400-0430 UTC 3985 7325(2x) 9715 SKE-UK, 11905-WER, 11975-AUT. 0430-0500 UTC 5875-ASC, 3985 6050 7235 11655 SKE-UK. (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29)

Radio Canada Internat has signed a partnership agreement with Mexican National Radio. Under the accord with the Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, RCI progrs in Spanish will be rebc on 19 stns of the IMER network in Mexico, and on 40 other affiliated stns via the PanAm satellite. RCI will also rebc progrs fr MEX. The Executive Director of RCI Montreal, Bob O'Reilly, says that the accord is especially good for Canada. Mr. O'Reilly noted that the population of Mexico City alone is approximately half the population of all of Canada. Mexico's ambassador to Canada, Sandra Fuentes, praised the partnership in view of the precarious existence of RCI some months ago. She says it's important that the Hispanic voice of Canada continue to be heard. The federal govt announced in Dec 1996 that RCI would survive in the context of a broader communications strategy to highlight Canada in the world. (RCI Montreal, via Buch Cumbre Dx, May 29)

CHAD v4940.5 kHz Radiodiff. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena at 2121-2130 UTC. Heard on this frequ thanks to a tip from Piet Pijpers. The engineer made a mistake, should be on 4904.5 kHz. Afro mx, male speaker in French, ID at 2123 UTC. Bad audio, overmodulated. 7120 kHz Radiodiff. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena at 1456-1510 UTC Presumed. Native mx, vernacular talk, flutes. IS heard at re-check 1600 UTC, then stn left the airwaves. BTW: In the 60 meterband, they are now back on 4904.5 kHz. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 25-26)

CHILE v3180.84 kHz Emisora Tepual, harmonic, 0334-0349 UTC May 25, folk mx (cueca chilota), umbias and ID hrd at 0347 as "Radio Tepoal", very weak signal. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 27)

CHINA China Radio International printed sked effective from 5 May: (Sked did not show relay sites, I have assumed them to be as shown below) English 0000-0100 NAM 9710Ma 11695Ma 0300-0400 NAM 9690Sp 9710Ma 11695Ma 0400-0500 NAM 9560Sa 9730My 0900-1000 sPA 9785 11755 1000-1100 sPA 9785 11755 1200-1300 PA/AS 1341 7385 9715 11660 11795 1300-1400 PA/AS 1341 6140 7385 9535 9715 11660 1400-1500 NAM/sAS 6140 7405 9535 11825 1500-1600 NAM/sAS 7160 7405 9535 9785 1600-1700 e+sAF 15110Ma 15130Ma 1700-1800 e+sAF 7405 9570 11910 1900-2000 w+nAF 9440 11515 2000-2100 EU 6950 9920 2000-2100 AF 7160 9440 11715Ma 15110Ma 2100-2130 e+sAF 11715Ma 15110Ma 2100-2130 EU 3985Sw 2100-2200 EU 6950 9920 2200-2300 EU 9880Ru Relay Sites Ma: Mali My: Montsinery, French Guiana Ru: Russia Sa: Sackville, Canada Sp: Spain Sw: Lenk, Switzerland (Alan Roe-UK, May 26)

CLANDESTINE from ? to TIBET on 11570 kHz (new frequency), Voice of Tibet, at 1222-1227 UTC. This stn, operated by the Foundation for the VoT based in Norway, started operations using txs of FEBA Seychelles. Soon, they were jammed by Beijing, using audio from a private English stn operated for the benefit of the expatriate community in Beijing. VOT responded by changing the freq fr 15445 to 15480 kHz, and then the stn started alternating between 15445 and 15480 in an attempt to shake off the jammer stn! From close monitoring, it was observed that the Chinese were not on a cat and mouse game as active, or nearly anywhere as efficient, as the jamming from the ME aimed at Voice of the Mojahed or the Kurdish stns. The Chinese jammers were so predictable, it was noted, that it took them about 5 to 7 days to get on the new freq, so much so that we had a joke that the monitoring stn first had to discover the change by the VOT/FEBA and then log it, inform Beijing where, and an order had to be signed to change the freq of the jammers! Therefore, more often than not, VOT was clear of the jammer, which was always behind VOT. However, the Chinese found a more effective way of silencing the stn, or so they thought, by applying diplomatic pressures on the non-aligned govt at Mahe' to get FEBA to take VOT off.

Well, the VOT did go off FEBA, but appeared on 7400 kHz from 1222-1227 UTC, having run extensive announcements on the freqs used by the FEBA/VOT operation, presumably from another country. 7400 kHz changed to 11570 kHz on March 28 to take seasonal changes into account. It is also interesting to note that VOT is sticking very close to RFA's Tibetan bcs. When VOT was on 7400, RFA was on 7355, and now RFA is on 11575 kHz, just 5 kHz up! VOT closes at 1257, and RFA starts at 1300 UTC! Signals observed in Colombo, Sri Lanka indicate that they are not as strong as from FEBA txs; however, reports from Tibet, China and northern India indicate reasonable reception, even on domestic radios. The Chinese have not yet started any form of jamming the VOT since it moved out of FEBA txs. Taking into account that VOA and BBC Chinese bcs are jammed even when they change freqs, it is naive to believe that PRC monitors haven't located these txions and those of RFA Tibetan. It is also intriguing that RFA's Chinese and Tibetan are not jammed! Is it a policy of, "Let's continue what we have [already] jammed, and not get into it more and more"? (Goonetilleke UADX via Kropf via Johnson, Cumbre Dx, May 30)

COLOMBIA Opposition Radio Patria Libre reactivated. After some months off the air, the Colombian clandestine stn, Radio Patria Libre, was heard again on 1st May and, since 10th May, has been heard daily from 2200-2230 UTC on 6250 kHz. (WoR WWCR radio, BBCM via AGDX, May 22)

CONGO 9610 kHz Radiodiffusion Television Congolaise, Brazzaville at 1601- UTC. Tentative. Male speaker in French, short pieces of native mx, tentative ID: "Radio Congo". WRTH97 lists this one from 1100-1400 UTC. Can anyone confirm it is on the air at around 1600? (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 26)

CUBA Radio Habana Web address, update of BC-DX #310: Radio Habana now has a new Website at http://www.rhc.org (Andy Sennit WRTH, May 27)

ECUADOR In compliance with a govt request, HCJB World Radio plans to relocate its international tx site at Pifo, Ecuador, just east of Quito. Ecuador's Civil Aviation headquarters recently announced that a new Quito airport will be constructed near Pifo. HCJB has owned the 110-acre tx site for which the stn is negotiating for govt compensation. The site houses 11 txs, as well as 32 antenna systems and towers. HCJB President Ron Cline calls the relocation is a huge job of up to four years, but says the govt's decision is no disaster for HCJB. He says, "God has a great plan for us." He says HCJB will study how to best continue gospel radio bcs worldwide, and that relocation will allow ministry reorganization in light of new opportunities worldwide. (HCJB/Simpson/EDXP/Padula-AUS, via NASWA, May 31)

This means HCJB will no longer attempt to bc direct from Ecuador to EUR (they're already seeking a relay), and may also have to use a South American relay to reach NoAM. The whole shebang could take up to 4 years to pass, but at the end of that time we may no longer be able to hear HCJB direct from Ecuador. (HCJB DXPL/Hauser/WOR, via NASWA, May 31)

EL SALVADOR The current radio environment: some commercial stns used to bc on SW, but they have been off since the 1970s. The last txions on SW from a non-clandestine stn were from Radio Nacional in the early 1980s, I think. I have spoken with ANTEL (El Salvador's equivalent of the FCC), but they don't want to talk about any plans for future uses of SW. Actually, this is a bad time to make inquiries of this sort, as the govt in in the process of privatizing the radio bands. Nevertheless, it is very improbable that someone would be interested in SW in El Salvador, given that a small tx on El Salvador Volcano can almost cover the entire country on FM. Since the conversion of the clandestine stns to commercial radio, there haven't been any stns that tx on SW. In El Salvador, it is very difficult to buy a good SW radio, given the fact that there is very little interest in it since the war. One possibility is that there would be a stn that would bc to the immigrants in the USA, but local stns in the USA have direct programming from Salvadoran stns, for example Los Angeles or Washington DC. (Molina-SLV, Cumbre Dx, May 26)

ETHIOPIA 6940 kHz, R Fana, May 20, 0340 UTC, lovely local songs into more clear mentions of "Radio Fana", fair //weak 6210 kHz. (Finn Krone-DEN, also fine May 26)

GEORGIA King of Hope via Tbilissi Dusheti 100 kW at 120 degr at direction of SoAS, English 1355-1600 UTC on 12120 kHz. (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29)

GERMANY Drei Bewerber fuer Mittelwellenfrequenzen im Nordosten. Um die ausgeschriebenen Mittelwellenfrequenzen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern haben sich fristgemaess drei Radioanbieter beworben. Ausgeschrieben worden waren am 1. April dieses Jahres die Mittelwellen Neubrandenburg, Putbus-Ruegen, Rostock und Schwerin fuer ein Hoerfunkvollprogramm, wie die Landesrundfunkzentrale Mecklenburg-Vorpommern am Donnerstag in Schwerin mitteilte.

Mit dem Programm "Countrystar" bewarb sich die Radio Starlet Programm- und Werbegesellschaft mbH aus Herzogenaurach bei Erlangen (Franken). Die Anklamer Thimme & Schmidt GbR (Vorpommern) plant mit "Power Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" ein breit angelegtes Radioprogramm vor allem fuer Hoerer zwischen 14 und 39 Jahren. Der Berliner Armin Kaempf plant den Sender "Radio Nordost" als neuen Europasender.

Nach Pruefung von Vollstaendigkeit und Zulaessigkeit der Antraege will die Landesrundfunkzentrale den Bewerbern Gelegenheit geben, sich zu gemeinsamen Vorhaben zu verbinden. Erst danach werde der Landesrundfunkausschuss eine Lizenzentscheidung treffen.

Es handelt sich um die QRG's MW Rostock 558 kHz, Helpterberg 657, Putbus ("Ruegen") 729 und Schwerin 999 kHz. (ADN press release, via Kai Ludwig, May 29)

DLF Programmtip: Das Feature "Radiopropaganda im 2. Weltkrieg" Di 10. Juni, 1715 UTC (1915 MESZ). Swingtime am Adolf-Hitler-Platz. Bereits im 2. Weltkrieg erreichte das deutsche Radio mit neuester Technik Hoerer nicht nur in Grossbritannien, sondern auch in Nordamerika. In Berlin ging live ein grosses Studio-Orchester auf Sendung, um mit hoher Perfektion jene Musik zu spielen, die die Nationalsozialisten sonst unnachgiebig verfolgten - JAZZ. Gegen den Anspruch des Propaganda-Ministeriums setzte das Auswaertige Amt eine eigene "Rundfunkpolitische Abteilung".

GREECE/USA Voice of Greece planning to use US relay txs. Last August we reported that the Voice of Greece Athens had some strange registrations for bcs via VOA sites in the US such as Delano CA which weren't actually in effect, but could this be an indication of something that was being planned? Some suggested it was just a mistake in the registrations, but now it seems something was being planned. An American listener who keeps in touch with the Voice of Greece frequency manager, received this note from him [on] 24th April: In a few months I hope we will be able to transmit from Delano and Greenville NC. And, John says, this would refer to the 1200- 1350 UTC bc on 9590 from Delano at a heading of 75 degrees, right across the US. So, keep your ear on that freq or further news, in case this actually comes to pass... (WoR, WWCR radio, via BBCM via AGDX, May 22)

In 90 days, ERT Athens will relay some 12 progr hours daily by VoA via Greenville NC and Delano CA. ERT is being set up an earth station in Greece for this purpose. (VoA Engineering, via Kim Elliott, VoA Communications World, May 31)

HUNGARY RFE Hungarian documents go to national library. Budapest's National Szechenyi Library (NSzL) and Radio Free Europe (RFE) have concluded an agreement on handing over a copy of the RFE's Hungarian material. Under the accord, signed on Thurs 22nd May by NSzL and RFE, in the coming years the library will receive the copies of 4,400 rolls of tape, 200 rolls of microfilm and 650,000 pages of text, or be entitled to make copies of the original documents. The microfilms were made between 1951 and 1960 and the textual progrs between 1951 and 1993. RFE Hungarian txion came into being in 1951, when Americans and Hungarians joined their forces in the hope that one day Hungary will be free and independent again. (BBCM via AGDX, May 23) IRAN A radio stn identifying itself in Persian as "the Democratic Voice of Iran" (Persian: radio-ye seda-ye azadikhahan-e iran) was monitored on 22nd May at 1730-1800 UTC on 5900 kHz.

"Dear listeners, please tell your friends to listen to our radio stn. Please also write to us via the internet, or send us to the following addresses in Sweden and Britain: [Addresses indistinct] Fax number in the UK: 0541 525 051."

"For the time being, you can send your news reports and material to us at fax no 33-1- 43999565 in France and 4618 314 148 in Sweden. Transmission frequencies and postal addresses will be brought to the attention of our dear compatriots in the next communique.

In a covering letter received by BBCM, the organizers asked that the radio's name be rendered as "Democratic Voice of Iran" and also said: "Please be informed that contrary to the [advertisement's] text, we have decided not to have txions on MW because of the poor reception. Therefore, one more SW freq will be added instead in the near future" . (BBCM via AGDX, May 22-27)

LIBYA 15415 kHz Libyan Arab Jamahirya Bcing at 1648-1710 UTC. In Hungarian with "Moamer Kadhafi: The Green Book." (Szucs-HNG, Cumbre Dx, May 22) [Hungarian on 22nd, Polish 23rd, Bulgarian 25th, Slovak? 31st, of the month]

LITHUANIA/GERMANY R Vilnius to NoAM 0000-0030 Lith, 0030-0100 UTC via German Telekom Juelich tx site on 9855 kHz. Ceased test frequ of 9875 kHz. (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29)

MONTSERRAT Radio Antilles Montserrat has had to close down MW 930 kHz. Suspends operation on end of May, because of continuing vulcano activity in southern part of the island. Stn had been relaying BBC, DW, previously RCI and VoA also. (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29) Although this isn't a shortwave item, it has some internat bcing significance. Montserrat's Radio Antilles, which survived a hurricane eight years ago, will close at the end of May due to problems caused by the island's active volcano, the Caribbean News Agency reported on Friday. The Barbados-based agency, quoting a radio stn official, said the board announced the decision to close to management and staff after a meeting on Wed. The official attributed the closing to financial problems and the difficulty of operating since the volcano forced the stn to relocate. Staff at the stn, which had relayed the VoA and the BBC to much of the Carribean, had managed to keep it operating in the months since the British island colony's Soufriere Hills volcano roared to life in July 1995. The stn was forced to relocate from its base in the southern part of the island, considered most threatened by the active volcano, but was able to stay on the air and keep eight staff members working. Scientists last weekend raised the island's volcano alert level after its activity increased. It remained at the "Orange" level in Friday. (Reuters WS, via Fleming/Mary Lamb, Cumbre Dx, May 27)

Radio Antilles [govt-run commercial stn], which operates out of Montserrat, has decided to close its operations at the end of the month, a senior company official told Cana Thurs 22nd May. The official, who requested anonymity, said the board announced the decision to management and staff after a meeting on Wed. He said the decision stems from financial problems and the ongoing volcanic crisis which has rocked the country. Since the Soufriere Hills volcano started acting up on 18th Jul 1995, Radio Antilles has moved from its base in the south, which is under evacuation orders, on three occasions. In the northern so-called safe zone, the radio stn has also found operating from a makeshift location difficult, since the bulk of its txion equipment is still at O'Garra's, in southern Montserrat. The closure means that eight staffers who were kept on throughout the crisis will be on the breadline. Following Wed's board meeting, staffers received communication from management of the board's decision. (BBCM via AGDX, May 22)

NAMIBIA v3289.9 kHz NBC, Windhoek at 1838-1902 UTC, German sports-talk, oldies mx, interview, song, into Afrikaans sce at 1900 UTC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 26)

NIGER v9705.2 kHz La Voix du Sahel, Niamey at 1158-1207 UTC, Drums, TS, male speaker with nx in French, lots of instrumental jingles, Niamey mentioned. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, May 26)

PAKISTAN Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation 1600-1630 9485I 11565I 15595K to ME/NE, 11935I 15570I to EaAF English slow speed nx but Karachi observed wandering and splashing on 15595.6 ... 15597.9 kHz. Jumping around up to 3 kHz within seconds. (WB, May 30-31)

PHILIPPINES Radyo Pilipinas via Tinang tx site in English 0230-0330 UTC updated schedule 11885 15120 15270 kHz. (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29)

POLAND Polish Radio's new LW masts likely to go ahead. The Polish Radio new bcing centre can be built near Solec Kujawski, Bydgoszcz Province [northern Poland], in the coming year.Official procedures preceding the start of the construction can be completed still this summer. The odds are that residents of the Solec commune approved the construction of the two over-300-m high Polish Radio masts for the first channel in the referendum on Sunday. The channel's scope was reduced after the fall of a 650-m mast at Konstantynowo near Gabin in 1991. The scope of the new txs will be smaller than that guaranteed by the mast near Gabin. The Polish Radio first channel will be heard well in Poland and in Lithuania, Belarus and most likely in Germany and Austria. The investment's cost is put at about 15.5m US dollars. [LW 225 kHz] (BBCM via AGDX, May 26)

RUSSIA Thanks to Sean Warner of the Russian Internet Net (http://www.rossiya.net/), here's an interesting newspaper story on the Voice of Russia: http://www.spb.ru/times/current/time-stands.html

According to Warner, the St Petersburg Web is one of the better Russian Web sites. Back up to http://www.spb.ru and have a look around. (Thomas R. Sundstrom, [email protected] May 31)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Holy Quran progr at 1600-1800 UTC well heard on 9730 to Africa, v11708.3 kHz to Egypt, Libya, v11833.6 kHz to Yemen, EaAF. (WB Jun 1)

SOUTH AFRICA/DENMARK The new World Music Radio - WMR - will commence bcing as of 31st May 1997 and will be on the air every Sat & Sun at 1800-2200 UTC on two freqs: 3345 kHz (for SoAF only) and 6290 kHz for "the rest of the world" . The tx site is Meyerton-RSA, and Africa will be the prime target area for the new bcs of WMR. However, the strong signals of the 250-kW tx is also believed to be well heard in parts of SoAS, the ME and EUR. Monitoring observations are requested by fax (+45 70 222 888) or by e-mail to [email protected] A QSL-card will be made available for the "official" bcs as of 31st May 1997. By then reception reports should be forwarded to: WMR, P.O. Box 112, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark - enclosing return postage. Further details on World Music Radio can be found at: www.wmr.dk (WMR, BBCM via AGDX, May 2)

>From an e-mail by Rodgers Gamuti, Client Manager, Sentech, South Africa: Stocks and Funds, also known as the Investment Channel, disappeared from the airwaves not too long ago. Mr. Jerry Hoffman, President of Stocks and Funds, telephoned one late afternoon, announcing that he was terminating the contract that same day, and that txions would cease that same evening. A fax followed, confirming the termination. The initial contract term was for two years. The contract was terminated just after seven weeks of txions. The reason for terminating the contract was, in Mr. Hoffman's own words, "Rodgers, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we have had a tremendous response from listeners across Africa with thousands of possible investors. Great! The bad news is that phones and faxes in Africa do not work well. It takes six weeks for a letter to reach Atlanta from Africa. Contacting listeners and prospective investors by fax is virtually impossible. It would take almost four months just to establish what a listener really wants. This does not make good business sense. We, therefore, have decided to stop bcing into Africa tonight. We are on TV in SoAM, and will continue with that." Mr. Hoffmann did not indicate whether the termination was due to finance, poor reception or anything at all. (Gamuti-RSA, via Johnson Cumbre Dx, May 26) SWEDEN During the weekend, Radio Sweden/Teracom will try to improve the reception of the bc in English from 1330-1400 UTC directed to NoAM, especially the western part. This test will be on 11655 kHz, but other freqs may also be tested during the weekend. Reception reports, preferably by e-mail or fax, are highly appreciated! A couple of T- shirts and caps have been set aside for some of the reports arriving no later than June 5th. Please note that reports from locations outside the target area are appreciated. The txion will use 500 kW and a curtain 4/4/0.5 antenna from the site in Hoerby, located in the south of Sweden. Reports may be sent to: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +46 8 671 2060 (Nilsson Swedish Teracom via hard-core-dx, May 28)

UKRAINE Due to several requests floating in to our address we will point out again the up-to-date txion times via the UKR based txs. RADIO MARABU is on the air every Mon, Tue & Thur 2000-2100 UTC on 11830 kHz, 1476 kHz and 106.7 MHz FM. (Radio Marabu, http://www.mediaDD.de/radiomarabu/ May 28)

URUGUAY 11835 kHz, CX14 El Espectador, Montevideo, the owner Luis de Maria, owner of died tragically in an accident May 22 at Cancun, Mexico.

Telecom authorities have ancd that the process of converting analog to digital MW and FM bcing will be starting in year 2000. The system to be adopted is still on an evaluation stage. (Nigro-URG, via DXW, May 23)

USA Additional VoA Greenville 15135 kHz at 1730 UTC, on Sats media & hobby progr "Communications World". (Glenn Hauser WoR, May 29)

15135 kHz Greenville NC, best channel here ! SINPO 45554 17895 kHz Tangiers MRC, clear channel, meant for Center Africa, but deep fading here in Europe, SINPO 45433.

All other channels more or less disturbed, suffering by co-channel or neighbouring channel interference.

9760 kHz Tangiers MRC, suffering on both sites, Budapest Hungary in German on lower 9755, and Voice of Russian English world service on upper 9765 kHz. SINPO 32332. Performing much better during W96 HF season.

15255 kHz Kavalla GRC, suffering by an Arabic station on co-channel !!! SINPO 32332. Co-channel by Radio Cairo Egypt ??

15410 kHz Tangiers MRC, poor signal level, meant for Eastern Africa. Suffering by powerhouse signal on upper 15415 kHz, coming from Tripolis, Libya. SINPO 23332.

15445 kHz Botswana relay, poor signal level, SINPO 23332. Suffering by medium levelled Helsinki, Finland, on 15440 kHz.

NEW 15135 kHz is great for European listeners during Z97 summer season.

In winter season Kavalla 9760 kHz and medium wave Holzkirchen 1593 kHz will be improved and the better choice for Center European audience.

Subject: VoA CW 1730 UTC in Europe. Dear Wolfgang: Many thanks for the reception reports. I am pleased to get the good news about 15135 kHz. Next I hope to get 15580 kHz extended to 2200 UTC on Sats. 73 Kim

VOA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory will be conducting another of its tests of a new HF - or SW - digital transmission system. These will be via Delano, California, 20th, 21st and 22nd May at 1915-2045 UTc on 17895 kHz and 22nd May at 1615-1745 UTC on 13730 kHZ. These txions will [The following attachment could not be decoded because line 1 was too long.] begin with the VOA ID in analogue voice mode, then various types of digital txion that will probably be indecipherable. Reports are nevertheless welcome to let us know about signal strength and interference. For a number of technical reasons, the txions may have to be moved from Delano to Greenville NC. In this case the freqs would be changed and I don't know what those new freqs would be. (Voice of America, via DXW, 17 May)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE eff May 30: On WWCR Nashville, Thur 2030 15685, Sat 0605 [not 0600] 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sat 1300 15685, Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070 [June, July, August, on 12160 instead plan seems changed, staying on 5070], Tue 1230 15685.

On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-2400 period, 7385 2200-1200, 6205-USB 0000- 1200 UTC. Fri 2000 15050 Sun 2300 15050, 7385 Sat 0400 7385, 6205-usb Mon 0700 7385, 6205-usb Sat 1100 7385, 6205-usb Tue 1900 15050 Sat 1800 15050 ** Wed 0300 7385, 6205-usb Sun 0200 7385, 6205-usb Wed 1000 7385, 6205-usb Sun 0900 7385, 6205-usb **not heard while 15050 schedule is curtailed. RFPI times may vary slightly.

Technical note: The primary transformer for the amplifier section for our 19 m freq 15050 kHz gasped its last breath after soaking up a voltage spike last weekend. We have installed a lower rated unit while we search for a new one. Meantime, we are operating at about one-half of the normal output of 10 kW and reducing the number of hours the freq is on the air. 6205 kHz (USB) 0000-1200 10 kW 7385 kHz (AM) 2200-1700 30 kW 15050 kHz (AM) 1900-0000 5 kW (Glenn Hauser, May 30)

Cuban jamming observed on 15330 kHz against R Marti-USA Spanish progr at 2200-2400 UTC. (WB May 31)

VATICAN CITY Voice of Love, Voice of the Humanitarian Catholic Message from LBN on 11715 kHz. This is an Arabic-language progr fr a Lebanese Catholic stn, Voix de la Charite, relayed via Vatican Radio from 0430-0500 UTC. Their ID in Arabic is: "Sawt al- mahabah, sawt al-risalah al-masihiyah al-insaniyah min lubnan." (BBCM via AGDX, May 23)

PUBLICATIONS Transmissions in English - Z97. This is a 48 page A5 booklet with a comprehensive listing of worldwide Transmissions in English, listed in Time Order and cross-referenced with a separate listing in Country Order. Compiled by Alan Roe in association with the World DX Club.

Cost is only UKp 1-50, or US$3-00 or 4IRCs, including postage, from Arthur Ward, 17 Motspur Drive, NORTHAMPTON, England, NN2 6LY.

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 312 10 Jun 1997 ______

BULGARIA R Bulgaria Sofia monitoring 11720 kHz. Radio Bulgaria Sofia frequency management departement is asking for monitoring 11720 kHz in Europe in our evening. Scheduled 1615-2000 UTC Plovdiv 500 kW 306 degr German, French, German, English 2100-2200 UTC Ploviv 250 kW 306 degr English

Co-channel frequency is in use by Radio Pakistan 1700-1900 UTC in Arabic, and Radyo Pilipinas Manila, Philippines 1730-1930 UTC.

VoIRIB Tehran is also co-channel 11720 kHz between 1945-2025 UTC in Haussa.

Please send reception report to Radio Bulgaria Frequ Management Mr. Ivo Ivanov fax +359 2 650 560 (may functioning on BUL daytime only)

Here are the reception conditions in Stuttgart: Up to 1900 UTC no interference at all, here in southern Germany. Plovdiv comes in with superpower signal loud and clear, signal strength of S=9 +60 dB. Much better than 9700 kHz.

In last half hour of Radyo Pilipinas, Manila [11720, 11890, 15190], 1900-1930 UTC slight minor co-channel interference, but very, very low signal level, and noted on Communications rx only. It is insignificant.

Also VoIRIB Tehran is very low, between 1945-1959 UTC not observed underneath R BUL. After closure of Plovdiv tx, at 2000 UTC Tehran noted with very low signal level, SINPO 1-23211, but deep flutter fading. Haussa is bc in a total different azimuth direction towards Africa, therefore no interference in Center Europe.

R BUL English at 2100-2200 UTC: Plovdiv not as strong as 500 kW in 1615-2000 UTC time range. Signal is on lower level, would estimate using Sofia 100 kW, instead of registered Plovdiv 250 kW. But reception in main target UK & IRL, as well as Scandinavia, Holland, should be different.

Side band splash interference at 2100-2130 UTC by lower side band 11715 kHz VoA Tangiers-MRC, 500 kW, 059 degr, in Serbian language, parallel MW 1593, SW 7210 9615 kHz.

BUT at present 9700 kHz signal doesn't satisfy at my location. Signal strength in summer is only S=3. There is some splattering noise in the 9697 to 9704 kHz range, noted on all three rxs in use. It seems, that some China mainland [white noise] jamming against Taiwan in 9690...9695 kHz range is splattering over. Or the Voice of the Arabs Radio Cairo Egypt on co-channel 9700 kHz is producing very unclean modulation signal, or even is suffering by NE jamming (SYR, IRQ, IRN) against R Cairo itself on that frequency. Sorry but I couldn't determinate the origin of the disturbance. (WB Jun 6-8)

CANADA RCI Montreal bc Election Special on June 3rd. Came across last half hour 0429- 0459 UTC. Via Skelton-England relay, best SIO 555 on 7235 and 11655 kHz, medium level SIO 433 on 3985 & 6050 kHz. Irkutsk relay 15560 kHz SIO 252. (WB Jun 4)

CHINA In the May-June issue of "The Messenger" from China Radio Internat, it is noted that on July 1 China Radio Internat and China Nat Radio will bc the "handover ceremony" live from Hong Kong. Time is noted as midnight on June 30, presumed to be Hong Kong time, which is UTC +8 (So this would be July 1, 1800 UTC). No mention made of freqs, or whether this will be a special bc or contained within normal scheduled txions. It also noted that CRI will have a special progr July 1. Also noted: E-mail address for CRI as (Dan Ziolkowski, via EDXP, 22 May)

CROATIA/GERMANY? Croatian Radio monitored in NoAM performing strong signals. Should be bc now additionally via Juelich relay of Deutsche Telekom. 0300 Croatian, 0400 English both on 9495 kHz. On 9520 kHz at 0100 UTC few minutes bc in Spanish. (WoR Glenn Hauser- USA, Jun 5)

CUBA Thorsten Koch drew to my attention the *correct* URL for Radio Habana is www.radiohc.org (Andy Sennit-HOL, Jun 5)

Guarani progr at 2200-2300 UTC noted on 15340 kHz. At same time DW Antigua performed also well, Brazilian Portuguese/Sp 2230-0050 on 15105 kHz, and much better German sce 2200-2400 UTC 15410 kHz. (WB May 31)

FRANCE China Radio International relays over RFI Issoudun, Z97: 7305 Ro 1900-1957; 6150 Pl 2000-2027, 2030-2057 Bu, 2100-2127 Al, 2130-2157 Hu. (NDXC via EDXP, Jun 1)

GERMANY German "Deutsche Telekom Juelich" tx station is planning to introduce an Internet page. New schedule of Croatian Radio HRT Zagreb via Juelich tx site, since May 31: 9470 kHz 0900-1100 UTC 260 degr long path via SoAM to AUS, NZL 9520 kHz 0100-0300 UTC 240 degr to SoAM 9495 kHz 0300-0500 UTC 305 degr to NoAM East, to be moved to 49 mb in Sept. 9595 kHz 1800-2000 UTC 160 degr to SoAF

Test bcs of VoMedit Malta on 5890 kHz have been successful end of April and in May 1997. But very few reports arrived concerning parallel 9625 kHz. Tests used playing magnetic tapes at Juelich tx stn, that's explain why a significant time delay occured against parallel VoRussia tests on 9765 kHz. Once in regular sce, new satellite equipment will be installed in Valetta, Malta, to link Juelich tx site.

In frequency management, Deutsche Telekom has an aid agreement with Deutsche Welle frequ dept, and is now a member in HFCC organization too. Are also links to ILG - Bernd Friedewald's worldwide frequ. listings, and to private radio station Nexus in Italy, the publisher of decontroled HFCC listings. (Deutsche Telekom, Jun 6)

German reg stns currently giving good reception here in Melbourne: 6005 2200-2300 & 0500-0600, 6085 2200-2230 & 0500-0600, 6030 2200-2230, 7265 2200-2300 UTC. (Bob Padula- AUS, EDXP, May 31)

On June 4th live coverage of German parliament "Bundestag" debate on LW DLF 153 kHz and MW DLR Berlin Britz 990 kHz (x855). (Kai Ludwig-D, Jun 4)

After 25 years in use, DLF LW 153 kHz is replacing(!) antenna masts by new one's at Donebach tx site. During the construction stage, old 100 kW unit at Koenigs Wusterhausen [ex GDR tx] is in use, from Senderhouse #3. (DLF Techn. Dept., Jun 5)

INDONESIA The operation in 19mb of RRI-Jakarta returned to former schedule on June 2. 15150 kHz was not heard again, and 15125 kHz operates from local morning to 1300 UTC singing off. (Jembatan, Juichi Yamada-JAP, Jun 4)

LIBYA/NIGER/BRAZIL Interesting signals on 9705 kHz channel. Before 0659 UTC an unid Brazilian stn in Portuguese at approx. odd v9704 kHz. Then at 0659 UTC La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, is starting. Andy, WRTH '97 print out 1100 UTC?! And at varying 0725...0730 UTC Libya starting its test tone performance ahead of both stations. Parallel 1000 Hertz test tone signals on 6155 underneath Vienna, new 9655 (x7120), and 11770 kHz. (WB Jun 7)

LITHUANIA Universelles Leben, the German missionary radio progr that is bc via Lithuania as well, will be bc with a different schedule from Sitkunai SW stn starting June 1, 1997. The schedule will be as follows: Suns 1100-1200 German 9710 50 259 degr 1200-1230 English 9710 50 259 degr 1300-1330 Russian 9710 50 79 degr Reception reports, especially for the new Russian half-hour bcs, are highly welcome. Reports should be sent to: Universelles Leben, SANTEC-Studio, Marienstrasse 1, D-97070 Wurzburg, Germany. Reports on first five Russian bcs (June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29) will also be verified by the txing stn, if accompanied by 1 IRC and sent to the following address: LRTC Kauno filialas, Vaizganto 13, LT-3000 Kaunas, Lithuania. (Zilionis-LTU, May 31)

MONACO/ALBANIA On v9904.9 kHz, Norea Radio via TWR, May 29, *1930, TWR Electric Piano IS, Finnish and Swedish announcements, including ID in Swedish as "Norea Radio Sverige". Then a religious progr in Finnish called "Raamattu kannesta kanteen" (Bible from beginning to the end), produced by the Finnish national church, continuing through 2000 UTC. Announcement at beginning and at 2030* UTC after what appeared to be a half-hour progr in Swedish mentioned that the progr is on 1503 kHz all year around, and on SW during the summer months, 31 meters. Xmtr drifted up as high as 9904.92, was quickly adjusted back down to 9904.9, and had drifted downwards to 9904.88 kHz by signoff. 1503 kHz is apparently via Poland, acc to the TWR Monaco web page at http://www.gospelcom.net/twr/t_monte_carlo.htm. Special thanks for language identification and translations to Risto Kotalampi in #swl, who was listening to samples I was feverishly ftp'ing him. (Novello-NC, via Kai Ludwig, Jun 1)

[9905 kHz heard here on June 3rd & 4th. Modulation of Norea Radio is somewhat "scratching", so assumed to becoming rather from Albania. Kai Ludwig, Jun 6] Yes, TWR via Cerrik-ALB, 1930-2030 UTC, 100 kW, 033 degr. (Acc Chuck Roswell, TWR Vienna, via EDXP, via No. Uno, Jun 5)

PERU 4790 kHz Radio Atlantida, Iquitos at 2327-2336 UTC. Advertisements (e.g. Coca Cola), ID, informative progr, mentioning Malaria. v9721.6 kHz Radio Victoria, Lima at 2220-2252 UTC. Singing children, male speaker in Spanish, mention of "...Lima, Peru", LA music, ID. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jun 3-4) v6676.24 kHz, R. Huamachuco, 0131-0155* UTC, Nice OA campo mx w/excited sounding M anncr between and over songs. Many ments of Peru and ". . . del Campo" possibly pgm name. Clear ID by M at 0142 UTC. Obvious canned s/off ID anmnt w/QTH by M over Herm Alperts ! "A Taste of Honey", and pgm end. Carrier stayed on however. A tone began abt 0158 UTC, but the signal disappeared altogether at 0201. Fairly strong but high Thunderstorm QRN lvls. Tnx H. Klemetz tip. (Dave Valko-USA, Jun 3)

PHILIPPINES Radio Mindoro. -- Interesting excerpts from a letter of O.M.F. - Overseas Missionary Fellowship [in German: UMG - Ueberseeische Missions Gemeinschaft e.V., Am Hensunger Hof 12, D-35325 Muecke.] Communic Dept. International Center Singapore.

"... Mike Harrison has forwarded onto me your letter regarding Radio Mindoro. Your question comes at a good time in regard to the radio stn. I will first give you a little background information.

The radio stn bcs on SW in above the Mangyan Bible School in Mindoro. The frequ is 3345 kHz. At present the stn is on the air three times a week, Wed and Sat mornings and Sun afternoons. In total there are about 6 hours of progrs a week. The power supply for the stn had previously been provided by a small hydro-electric plant close to the stn.

However at the end of 1993 there were several typhoons which caused extensive flooding and damage and the hydro plant was destroyed. We were uncertain what the future was for the station, but then a visitor gave a gift enabling a diesel generator to be purchased, and bcing recommended. We are finding the bcing is more expensive as we have to use the diesel generator, and this is one of the reasons we have reduced the number of hours bcs. In addition, possibly due to uncertainties that have existed about the future of the stn the number of donations being received for this project have reduced.

The station is a joint project between OMF - Overseas Missionary Fellowship, FEBC Manila, and MTCA - the Mangyan Tribal Church Association. The MTCA provide the personnel for the announcing and the programming. FEBC provide the technical personell and technical assistance. And OMF provide some of the local management and funds for running the stn. Recently FEBC have put in an application for a MW frequ. This would enable progrs to recieved by a much larger audience. However the stn would need to be moved in order to do this. ..." (John Richards, Mindonoro Superintendent, via Dr. H.J.Biener-D KiR, May 31)

POLAND additional SW outlet. Today at 1015 UTC I came across Polskie Radio in Czech on 5995 kHz, typical low modulation depht, no //in 49 and 41 mb found. These program lasted until 1025 UTC, and from 1030 onwards a bc in Polish was aired. At the begin of the Polish progr only the "Eutelsat Hot Bird" subcarrier by "TV Polonia" was given. Obviously these is an additional SW outlet in //with the "Eutelsat" satellite transmissions. Usually Polskie Radio has SW outlets only between 1100 and 2055 (in winter 1 h later), further bcs out of this hours was until now aired via satellite only and are not listed in WRTH. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jun 2) [Pope John Paul II is currently visiting Poland, any special event bc?, ed]

RUSSIA Thanks to a tip of Eric Weng via Dr. Juergen Kubiak, polish private catholic radio program "Radio Maryja" observed on 7400 kHz also, daily at 2000-2200 UTC, since May 19. [c.f. BC-DX 308 6255 kHz 1755-2000 UTC] R Marya heard here by Kai Ludwig on Jun 4th also, SINPO 55545. Typical powerful Russian tx & good modulation, superb feeder line. Russia registered 7400 kHz in Z96(!) season for Samara 250 kW 280 degrees. (WB June 4)

China Radio International, Z97, Russian relays: 1600-1657 Ar 15540 St. Petersburg 1800-1827 Fa 12065 StPetersburg 1830-1927 Ar 12035 Kurovskaya 2030-2127 Fr 9890 Samara 2200-2257 En 7170 Taldom. (NDXC, via EDXP, Jun 1)

Trans World Radio, Z97 Russian relays:

0000-0030 Assamese (En Sa/Su) 7430 Tashkent 0030-0200 12035 Irkutsk 1130-1600 Indian langs (En 1530-1600) 12005 Irkutsk 1200-1300 Ch 7205 Ussuriysk. (NDXC via EDXP, Jun 1)

R Mayak is on new 3965 kHz between 0200-2200 UTC. Murmansk 20 kW is listed in the Z97 schedule, but the actual site is reported to be Arkhangelsk; USB + carrier is used.

Voice of Russia in Serbo Croatian replaced 9865 by 15455 kHz, 1800-1900 UTC.

Voice of Russia, WS in Russian, Z97 additions and corrections [c.f. bc-dx #308].

GPR-3 Samara 1700-2100 7300 (x7400) addit 1500-1600 & 1700-1800 15490 GPR-2 St. Petersburg addit 1700-1900 11920

R Islamskaya Volna & R Kala Aturaya are on new 9865 (x9860). Radio Islamskaya Volna (Islamic Wave), Z97 schedule. Tue-Fri in Russian, Arabic, Tatar. Radio Kala Aturaya (Voice of Assyrian), Z97 schedule. Sat in Assyrian, Russian, English, Persian, Arabic. 1500-1600 UTC 612 & 9865 Moscow, 1089 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, addit 1170 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, 1494 St.Petersburg, 1314 Kamo-ARM. 1530-1600 UTC 7325 Krasnodar.

The following regional stns are active on SW, as of May 1997: kHz kW UTC location 4040 5 2100-1900 Tura 4485 17 2300-2100 Ufa 4520 2 1700-1500 Palana 4820 50 2300-2100 Khanty-Mansiysk 4825 50 1900-2100 Yakutsk 4860 80 1900-2100 Chita 4895 50 2300-2100 Tyumen 5015 100 0700-1300 & 1800-2200 Vladivostok (Ussuriysk?) 5290 5 2300-1430 Perm 5290 50 2100-1900 Krasnoyarsk 5930 50 0100-2300 Murmansk 5940 100 1700-1500 Magadan 6160 40 0100-2300 Arkhangelsk 7140 50 1900-1700 Yakutsk 7200 5 0100-1500 Yoshkar-Ola 7200 100 1900-1700 Yakutsk 7210 100 1900-1700 Khabarovsk 7320 100 1700-1500 Magadan 7345 50 2000-1800 Yakutsk 9530 100 1700-1500 Magadan 9600 100 1700-1500 Magadan 11650 5 1500-2100 Perm 11840 15 1700-1500 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 15165 5 1530-2300 Yoshkar-Ola All txions are one hour later in winter season Nov-Mar. All regional stns relay Radio Rossii, when they don't bc their own progrs. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, May 26)

SOUTH AFRICA 6290 kHz WMR, 1954-2058 UTC, May 31, mx progrs, with lots of IDs as "This is World Music Radio" or "WMR", jingles, comments by M announcers, also mention of fax number 45-70-222888 and address P.O.Box 112, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark. SINPO: 35443. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, May 31)

TAIWAN www page address of VoFree China, mostly in Chinese letters bcc.com.tw/global/vofc/vofc01/vofc01.htm

But scrolling downwards will result in showing you some pictures of the VoFCh editorial personell, readable are some programme schedules in western languages, ... as well as some typo's and fault's. Our parent-house BCC is offering Taiwanese domestic sce progrs in Real Audio: all news sce and pop mx channel. On BCC homepage (bcc.com.tw) under the headline "Broadcasting Corporation of China" and photo picture of the bc house, you will see six "buttons", three in red colour in upper row, single violet and two yellow buttons in below row. The upper left button links to Popular Network, the below leftest to News Network. On following page click then Real Audio.

Carsten Hoefer is leaving VoFCh, so send all e-mail to German service [email protected] And state always as "subject" clearly "German Service" on all e-mail or fax.

Special bc of VoFCh on Tue July 1st, when British Hong Kong colony will be restituted to mainland China. Hong Kong is very important for Taiwan in political and economical respect, and is Taiwan's open door to China, the second largest export market for Taiwan. German sce Tue Jul 1st, 1815-1900 (9955 kHz), 2115-2200 (15600, 17750 kHz). Sat Jul 12 feature on Taiwanese opposition movement, Democratic Progressive Party DPP. 1825-1900, 2125-2200 UTC. (VoFCh, German sce, Carsten Hoefer, [email protected] )

TUNISIA RTT in Arabic wandering down fr 11730 to v11728.4 kHz at 1830 UTC. (WB Jun 7)

UNIDENTIFIED jamming station observed on 11545 kHz at 2130 UTC. Against whom? (WB Jun 7)

USA Consulting company George Jacobs & Associates, Inc. announced th following Z97 season changes: ADD: KSDA Guam 7455 kHz 1600-1700UT 100kW 165 degr to zone 41 ADD: KVOH Tbilisi 12120 kHz 1400-1600UT 100kW 122 degr to zone 41 (Bob German-USA, Jun 4)

Glenn Hauser's 'Mundo Radial' heard in Italy Fri 2115-2130 on 15685 kHz. World of Radio outlets on 15685 kHz are also well heard all over Europe.

Monitoradio announces all-religious programming starts June 28 (recording) so WSHB must not be sold yet. KHBI dropping 5 bcs, so more RFA relays, two more languages? (Glenn Hauser-USA World of Radio, Jun 5-10)

Two new txions for DXing with Cumbre WHRI Angel 1 (To: South America/Caribbean) 2130-2200 Sun 9495 kHz (new) KWHR Angel 3 (To: Asia/Pacific) 1130-1200 Sat 9930 kHz (new) Address for written and taped reception reports: World Harvest Radio, P.O. Box 12, South Bend IN 46624, U.S.A.

RFA in Vietnamese at 2340 UTC observed on 11580 kHz from UNID tx site, also on 9975 kHz. (WB May 31)

UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashkent, Z97 schedule: 1130-1200 Uighur, 1330-1400 Ch, 1430-1500 Uighur, 2230-2300 Ch, 2230-0000 Uighur all on 5060; 1200-1230 En, 1230-1300 Urdu, 1300-1330 Hindi, 1330-1400 En, 1400-1430 Urdu, 1430-1500 Hindi all on 15295 9715 7285 7190; 1520-1550 Dari 9715 9540 7285 6190;

1550-1630 Uz 9715 9545 9540 7285 6190; 1630-1700 Fa, 1700-1730 Ar 9715 7285 6190; 1700-1730 Tu 9545 9540; 1730-1830 Uz 9715 9545; 1830-1900 Fa 9540 7285; 1900-1930 Ar 6190; 1935-2030 Ge 11905 9545 9540 6230 5060 5035; 2030-2100 En, 2130-2200 En 9545 9540; 0100-0130 En, 0130-0200 Dari, 0200-0230 Pashto 7285 5975 5955; 0230-0330 Uz 9545 9540 7285 5975 5955; 0400-0430 Tu 15200 15165.

Uzbek Radio: Local 4510 0930-1000, 1200-1230; Uzbek-1 5995 0000-2100; Uzbek-2 15200 0430-1400, 15165 0430-1230, 4850 0000-2300, 9540 1630-1700 2100-2130 2200-2300, 9545 1300-1530, 1630-1700, 2100-2130, 2200-2300. (NDXC via EDXP, Jun 1)

Observed on 9540//4850 with HS-2, 2100-2130, 31/5. Also observed on 5060 *2230 Ch, 30/5, (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Jun 1) [observed here in EUR on both 9540 and 9545(x7105)].

Hinweis auf ein Angebot der AGDX im WWW:

Puenktlich zu Beginn der Urlaubszeit bietet die AGDX auf der Webseite http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwh/euro.html

Tips, wie mit einfachen Empfaengern (z.B. auch Autoradio) in den wichtigsten europaeischen Urlaubsgebieten deutsche Stationen auf Mittelwelle empfangen werden koennen. Die Webseite enthaelt ausserdem Hinweise auf interessante Mittelwellen- Lokalsender in einigen Urlaubsgebieten. Die Informationen wurden vom Mittelwellen- Redakteur der Fachzeitschrift "Weltweit Hoeren", Klaus Spielvogel, zusammengestellt. (AGDX, Jun 1)

TDP, the "Transmitter Documentation Project" has included 2 new sces to it's homepage at http://www.ping.be/tdp/.

SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER AIRTIME an overview of airtime for sale and of stations looking for airtime

TUBES details about and links to shortwave transmitter tube manufacturers

Another service will be added in the near future :

SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER MARKETPLACE an overview of new and second hand shortwave transmitters for sale

Welcome to the world of shortwave radio transmitters ! Ludo Maes

The TDP homepage deals with shortwave radio broadcast transmitters in all possible ways. We supply information on the shortwave transmitters installed around the world with every possible detail. If you need a new or second hand shortwave transmitter, this is the place to be. If you want to sell a shortwave transmitter, this is the place to be. If you want to hire or sell airtime on a shortwave transmitter, this is the place to be.

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 313 16 Jun 1997 ______

BANGLA DESH 7185 kHz at 1236-1300 UTC, ext sce of R Bangla Desh, English, tx problems, break downs. SINPO 45443, soft song "Long live Bangla Desh". (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

BOSNIA i HERCEGOVINA Radio BIH in Bosnian is back on the air since May 4th. v7102.5 kHz, USB mode, signing on every day approx. between 0400-0530 UTC. Ann MW 612 kHz, SW 7105, & FM network. ID is: Ovdje je Radio Bosnje i Herzegovine na srednim talasima chetiristo i devetdeset metara (on MW 490 m) ili shestodvanaeset kiloherza, na kratkim talasima od cheterdeset i jedan metara (on SW 41 m) odnoso sedamtisocha i pet kHz (on 7105 kHz) i mrezha ultrakratkih predajnika (on FM network). (PanIview-BUL, [Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, O.Chengeliev, S.Ivanova, Jun 3)

BULGARIA R Bulgaria in Turkish now on 5900 kHz (x6040) Mo-Fr 0415-0500, Sa/Su 0500- 0630 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

R Bulgaria Plovdiv tx site was totally silent on June 10th, at about 1800-1900 UTC. Only Sofia on 5860 & 7425 kHz, and dom home sce relay Stolnik on 7670 kHz could be observed. At about 2100 UTC Ploviv in Arabic was on air again. (WB, Jun 10)

CANADA Acc to Radio Canada International Montreal schedule, bc in English/French 1330- 1459 UTC to Europe from Sines-POR observed on 15535 (ex 15325) kHz. (Juergen Kubiak-D, Jun 8)

CHAD 7120 kHz Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena 1540-1601* UTC Native mx, vernacular talk, drums, IS, ID and freqs in French, IS again and off. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jun 14)

CHINA David Forster in OZDX has a survey of Chinese reg stns he heard in April. 40%, compared with WRTH, are inactive and have been replaced by MW and FM frequencies. Hubei is no longer on SW, 3940 is inactive. Nei-Menguu is now only on 3900 and 4750 kHz. Inactive Hohot used to be on 8 SW freqs. 45 channels are active and 20 of China's 30 regions are on SW, if you include CRI tx sites. (via WDXC Contact Jun)

CRI Beijing changes: English 1700-1757 UTC new 7150 and new 11910 kHz. Chinese 1500-1700 new 11825. Russian 1600-1900, new 9730, 1800-2000 new 11685 (x7435). (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

In the May-June issue of "The Messenger" from China Radio Internat, it is noted that on July 1 China Radio Internat and China Nat Radio will bc the "handover ceremony" live from Hong Kong. Time is noted as midnight on June 30, presumed to be Hong Kong time, which is UTC +8. No mention made of freqs, or whether this will be a special bc or contained within normal scheduled txions. It also noted that CRI will have a special progr July 1. Also noted: E-mail address for CRI as: [email protected] (Dan Ziolkowski, via EDXP, 22 May) BUT, midnight in the GMT + 8 time zone is 1600 UTC, which is the correct time for the handover. (Dan Ferguson-USA, Jun 12) [So this would be June 30th, 1600 UTC, ed]

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS (most likely from Saudi Arabia) Voice of Iraqi People in Arabic now 1300-2300 UTC v9568.6 11713 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

Democratic Voice of Iran [via TJK or UZB?] in Persian has been monitored on 5900 kHz at 1730-1800 UTC, since May 12th. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN via RNMN, Jun 12) COSTA RICA Scratchy noise on 31mb around 1200 UTC has been traced to TIFC, Costa Rica on 9645 kHz [not 6145 as I said!!]. (Glenn Hauser WoR, Jun 12)

ECUADOR In compliance with a govt request, HCJB World Radio plans to relocate its internat tx site at Pifo, Ecuador, just east of Quito. Ecuador's Civil Aviation headquarters recently announced that a new Quito airport will be constructed near Pifo. HCJB has owned the 110-acre tx site for which the stn is negotiating for govt compensation. The site houses 11 txs, as well as 32 antenna systems and towers. HCJB Pres Ron Cline calls the relocation is a huge job of up to four years, but says the govt's decision is no disaster for HCJB. He says, "God has a great plan for us." He says HCJB will study how to best continue gospel radio bcs worldwide, and that relocation will allow ministry reorganization in light of new opportunities worldwide. (HCJB/Simpson/EDXP/Padula-AUS, via NASWA Jun 11)

This means HCJB will no longer attempt to bc direct from Ecuador to Europe (they're already seeking a relay), and may also have to use a SoAmerican relay to reach NoAmerica. The whole shebang could take up to 4 years to pass, but at the end of that time we may no longer be able to hear HCJB direct from Ecuador. (HCJB DXPL/Hauser/WOR, via NASWA, Jun 11)

GEORGIA Radio Georgia was heard underneath BBC on 11760 kHz, 1930-2100 UTC in English, German, and Russian. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

Consulting company George Jacobs & Associates, Inc. announced th following Z97 season changes. Please note the following change in our Z-97 schedule. Fr Jul 4, 1997 til the end of the Z-97 season: ADD: KVOH Tbilisi 12120 kHz 1400-1600UT 100kW 122 degr to zone 41 ADD: KVOH Tbilisi 9310 kHz 1700-1800UT 100kW 302 degr to zones 18,27,28 (Bob German-USA, Jun 4 / 12)

GERMANY/PORTUGAL Deutsche Welle, Voice of Germany, in Croatian and Albanian 1700-1800 UTC replaced 11785 by 11905 kHz, //15470, both Sines-POR, 250 kW, 75 degr. (PanIview- BUL, Jun 3)

German 0400-0600 addit Wertachtal 11795 500 kW 270 degr to OCE?. 2200-2400 11795 (x7340) Novosibirsk-RUS 1000 kW 85 degr to FE. Bosnian 1200-1230 15545(x15470) Sines-POR 250 kW 75 degr Croatian 1230-1300 15545(x15470) Sines-POR 250 kW 75 degr Macedon 1300-1330 15545(x15470) Sines-POR 250 kW 75 degr Chinese 1330-1355 11925(x11865) Trincomalee-CLN 250 kW 25 degr Persian 0900-0950 12045(x12025) Samara-RUS 200 kW 188 degr Romanian 0830-0930 11615(x11675) Wertachtal 500 kW 125 degr Romanian 1900-2000 7115(x 7125) Nauen 500 kW 125 degr Russian 0000-0100 12065(x12085) Vladivostok-RUS 200 kW 320 degr Russian 1500-1800 7135 Wertachtal 500 kW 45 degr Russian 1800-2100 7125 Wertachtal 500 kW 45 degr

Serbian delete 0630-0645 UTC. BUT additional: Serbian 1330-1430 7185 Wertachtal 500 kW 120 degr Serbian 1330-1430 9770 Wertachtal 500 kW 120 degr Serbian 1330-1430 15545 Sines-POR 250 kW 75 degr Spanish 0200-0255 6040(x 6045) Wertachtal 500 kW 270 degr (DW tune in, July edition)

HUNGARY The Anniversary Register. The responses to the invitation to join in the celebrations of 40 years of the R Budapest DX Show has been magnificent. The Anniversary Register already has four files of listeners able to verify their years of tuning in to Radio Budapest; Forty Or More, Thirty Or More, Twenty Or More, and Ten Or More. This month we begin publication of excerpts from the earliest files.

It is a sobering thought that all the listening recorded in those files was done during the early years of the . RB bcs then included sizeable chunks of propaganda; not the sort of thing that helped one make an informed judgement on Hungarian life or policies. Indeed, the DX Show was launched on 4th Oct 1957, as a first tentative attempt by RB bcs to escape the constraints imposed by Cold War propaganda. They won a notable victory when the powers-that-be conceded that the DX Show should have its own frequency and air time, and be free from political content.

Nevertheless, RB bcing was not exactly recommended listening in the West, as anecdotes from W.B.MacLachlan and R.C.Watts will illustrate. Reading them one needs to have in mind what might have befallen a Hungarian student or serviceman who sent reception reports to Western stns, assuming in the first place that they would have any reception to report. Listening to Western radios was made impossible by the simple expedient of jamming.

Memories like these, our own and those of our listeners, make the Anniversary Register a mirror of the history of the past four decades. Perhaps, it is best summed up by John R. Megson who contrasts bcs from the fifties with those of 1997: "One thing is clear, the enormous contrast between Hungary today and the Hungary I first knew from my radio listening...". (R Budapest International magazine, June)

MEMORIES -- ...I first began listening to RB in 1955, using Stromberg Carlson SW radio... One of my most vivid memories is when I won a case of Tokay wine in a contest in mid May 1956... Another memory is when the FBI investigated me (I was all of 16 at the time) for listening to "subversive propaganda" of Radio Budapest. A light clicked in my mind ... to look at the correspondence, there were telltale marks that all the letters from RB had been steamed open and examined. (W.B.MacLachlan-USA)

...and my first QSL was for a transmission dated Aug 4, 1957. (Knud Eriksen-DEN)

...As far as verification fr RB my first was on 6250 kHz, and my listening goes back to the 1930's. (Arthur T. Cushen-NZL)

...I started listening in Dec 1957. First QSL of RB dated on Febr 11, 1958. (Bjoern Fransson-SWE)

I am enclosing a QSL from July 1958, when I was living in England. My rx was an EC WD Surplus R1155, which was quite good. Congrats ... (Bill Farmer-AUS, now retired)

My rx was an American Nacional NC60 with 4 valves. QSL card I received in 1959. (Raimo Aarnimetsa-SWE)

Copy of my 1960 QSL card while a Officer with the US Air Force in Germany in Top Secret security clearance at the time. Was mailing reports via Deutsche Bundespost and the West German Intelligence Sce was of course reading my mail. Ended up being investigated to see if I was a security risk. "Advised" not to communicate with the EaEUR countries. In the "old days" I used a Philips radio, which cost in a military store for US $ 21 these days. (R.C. Watts-USA)

I missed your first DX bc on 4 Oct 1957, as that was the date of the first Russian 's launch. (Bob Duggan N4IA, Atlanta, USA, URL http://www.guernsey.net/-sgibbs/www.html )

All started by Eddie Startz on R Hilversum, international DXing took off! I am old enough to believe it was 'a bit naughty' to listen to R Luxembourg. Thanks are due to your P.T.T. authority for having the resources available in these 'broad-minded' times to still manage the service. ... but future of even the BBC WS is under microscope. (John Gomer-England)

I have been a listener to RB for a long time, first RR on 23 Dec 1966, QSL card is dated Sept 24, 1967. I have got the RBSWC newsletter either directly, or via the World Wide DX Club Germany. (Borje Nilsson-SWE)

INDIA AIR Tibetan sce - jamming noted at 0130-0200 UTC on Bangalore 11900 & 13700 kHz both 500 kW, but parallel Panaji-Goa 9565 kHz 250 kW not affected. The 1215 UTC bc on Aligarh 7410 kHz 250 kW, Delhi 9565 100, Bangalore 11695 500, freqs are not affected either. (WDXC Contact Jun) [but jamming heard here in EUR last winter in 1215 UTC time slot too, ed]

All India Radio Frequency Changes - effective 5th May 1997. Home Services: AIR Itanagar 4990 replaces 4790, an interchange with Chennai. This was eff due to interference fr Azad Kashmir Radio, Muzaffarabad on 4790. The newly allocated afternoon freq for AIR Itanagar is 6150 kHz. Reception reports could be sent to Mr Suresh Naik, Superintending Engineer.

AIR Gangtok: 3390 signs on at 0030. Radio Kashmir, Srinagar: 4950 signs on at 0030. AIR Vividh Bharati, Delhi, Guwahati, Chennai & Mumbai: 10330 evening sign on is at 1245 (ex 1330) UTC. AIR Guwahati 7280 afternoons now signs on at 0945 (ex 1015). AIR Shimla - unconfirmed reports of usage of 4930 kHz.

Ext Sces: As the sixth 500 kW tx in Bangalore and the first 250 kW tx at Aligarh are off air for maintenance (lack of spares actually), some of the sces have been cancelled or move to other txs. Some of these cancelled sces might be back on air already. 0000-0045 Tamil to SoEaAS 4790 replaced 4990 via Chennai 100kW - see Itanagar above. 0130-0229 Nepali to NEP on 9550 via Aligarh 250 kW is cancelled.

0130-0200 Tibetan to Tibet-CHN on 11900 & 13700 both via Bangalore 500 kW suffers from jamming, but 9565 via Panaji 250 kW does not suffer from jamming. Also 1215- 330 Tibetan to Tibet-CHN on 11695, 9565 & 7410 does not suffer from jamming.

0315-0530 Hindi / Gujarati / Swahili to EaAF on 17625 via Bangalore 500 kW is cancelled; 0430-0530 Arabic to Saudi Arabia on 17785 via Bangalore 500 kW moved to Aligarh 250 kW; 1000-1100 English GOS to PAC on 15050 via Aligarh 250 kW cancelled; 1115-1215 Bamar to Myanmar on 11710 replaces 10330 via Kingsway 50 kW. 1300-1500 Sinhala to Sri Lanka on 9700 via Aligarh 250 kW is not heard - cancelled? 1515-1730 Swahili / Hindi to EaAF on 15075 via Bangalore 500 kW is cancelled.

- All India Radio's website http://www.air.kode.net has been online since 2 May 1996 with a text based sce. Fr 13 Jan it has been providing audiofiles of its progrs in RealAudio 2.0 format.

There is also a private Indian radio stn that has gone on the net. At http://www.radioasianet.com is Radio Asia Net launched by Delhi based Corum Medium Corpor with round-the-clock songs from Hindi films (a staple diet), news headlines, business information related to stocks and shares and travel information to net surfers around the world in English and in Hindi, besides a countdown progr, interviews with celebrities and a cricket talk show. A free sce, the radio stn hopes to recover costs from advertising of Indian products, matrimonial and real estate classifieds to expatriates. This is an innovative way to get around restrictive bcing practices in this country which is country under debate under the Indian Parliament. (DX Grapevine, via EDXP, Jun 1)

INDONESIA v4789.1 kHz RRI Fak Fak, 0945-1000 UTC signing-off, high QRN, active again. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

IRAN VoIRIB Tehran changes: Haussa 1945-2027 UTC 11750 replaced by 11720 kHz. Bosnian, Albanian, Italian 1730-1927 UTC new 5925 kHz, and //7340 & 9615 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

ISRAEL KOL Israel in Russian 1730-1855 UTC addit 9365 kHz (co-channel QRM CRI in Russian!), //7465, 9435 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

ITALY There are no Sunday "Wavescan" bcs in the worldwide AWR English network via various tx sites and countries, on 9465 kHz at 0400 UTC. 11640 0600, 15620 1700, 9830 & 11610 2030, 15170 1030, 11600 & 13580 1630. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

KIRIBATI on new 9810 kHz at 0900-1005 UTC signing-off, USB mode, co-channel VoRussia in English. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

KOREA SOUTH. R. Korea International complete sked:

0000-0100 Japanese 9640 11810 0000-0100 Korean 5975 15575 0100-0200 Korean 7275 0100-0200 Spanish 11725 11810 15575 0200-0300 English 7275 11725 11810 15575 0300-0400 Korean 7275 11725 11810 15575 0700-0800 Korean 7550 9555 0800-0900 English 9570 13670 0800-0900 Japanese 5975 7275 9640 0900-1000 Korean 5975 7275 7550 9570 13670 1000-1030 Spanish 7550 11715 11725 1000-1100 Korean 5975 6135 7275 9570 13670 1030-1100 English 11715 1030-1100 Spanish 7550 11725 1100-1130 Korean-nx 6145 9640 9650 11725 1100-1200 Russian 5975 6135 7275 1130-1230 Indonesian 9570 13670 1130-1230 Mandarin 9640 1200-1230 English 7285 1200-1300 Japanese 5975 6135 7275 1230-1300 English 7285 9570 9640 13670 1300-1400 Chinese 5975 6135 7285 1300-1400 French 9570 1300-1400 Korean 9640 13670 1400-1500 Indonesian 13670 1400-1500 Japanese 5975 1600-1700 Arabic 6480 7275 15575 1600-1700 English 5975 9515 9870 1700-1800 French 7275 9515 9870 1700-1800 Russian 6480 1700-1900 Korean 5975 7550 15575 1800-1900 German 6480 7275 1800-1900 Russian 9875 1800-1900 Spanish 9515 9870 1900-2000 Arabic 6480 7550 9515 9870 15575 1900-2000 English 5975 7275 1900-2000 French 6145 2000-2100 German 6145 7550 15575 2000-2100 Russian 5975 2000-2100 Spanish 6480 7275 9870 2100-2130 English 3970 6480 15575 2100-2200 French 9870 2100-2200 Korean 5975 7275 9640 2130-2200 English 6480 15575 2200-2300 Chinese 5975 7275 9640 2200-2300 Spanish 6480 2300-2400 Indonesian 7275 9640 2300-2400 Korean 5975 15575 (Matthews-OH, via NASWA, Jun 11)

MOLDOVIA VoRussia relay in English via Grigoriopol Maiac 13815 kHz at 2000-2100 UTC. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 19)

MONGOLIA R Mongolia Internat, in English at 1230 UTC, ID, SINPO 34433. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

MOROCCO RTM Rabat in Arabic daily 1000-2103 UTC on 15345 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

PERU v7040.44 kHz. R Melodia(t). Signal poor before my sunset 2325 UTC, best S5-7 around sunset, than faded a bit. A few annts prior to Peruvian NA 0049-0053, carrier off. This is a probable, but would like to get a decent ID on tape. Echo turned up too high and CW interference, some within 50 Hz of frequ, combined to make this a tough one despite decent signal level. At this time of the year, it's a 20-minute window to do so. (Sundstrom-NJ-USA, Jun 8)

First log: R Nacional del Peru, Lima, observed on unusual time 1230-1255 UTC, then fade- out on 6095 kHz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 2)

PHILIPPINES (c.f. bc-dx #312) v3345.5 kHz, R Mindoro DZB II, religious radio stn, fade-in at 0840 UTC. Active again. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

Radio Veritas Asia, Manila changes: Filipino 1500-1525 (-1555 Wed, Fri, Sun) replaced 11715/9540 by 9680 kHz. Russian at 1430-1525 UTC replaced 9670/9665 by 9660 kHz. (schedule via PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

POLAND New Radio Tower. A new AM Poland Radio I Program broadcast tower will be erected near Solec Kujawski, following a local referendum just completed to approve it's construction. The local population is hoping that many jobs will be created to erect and operate the tower. The new tower is a replacement for a fallen steel mast, which crumbled to the ground several years ago, as a result of errors in maintenance. Since the replacement is not going to be as tall as the original, it's signal strength will be weaker. (DONOSY - LIBERAL DIGEST May 27, ISSN 0867-6860. Contact Barbara Klimas at [email protected] - via Joerg Hertzer-D, Jun 9)

PORTUGAL RDP Lisbon in Portuguese: Mo-Fr 0900-1100, Sa-Su 0800-1800 UTC, 17685 replaced by 17725 kHz. Mo-Fr 1600-2000, Sa-Su 1500-2200 replaced 11870 by 11740. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

QATAR QBS Doha in Arabic: 0200-0705 & 1705-2130 11785 (x7210). 0705-1305 17770 (x15395). 1305-1705 11785 (x11750). 0200-2130 v9570.2 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

RUSSIA Special Polar News in Russian language via Samara 9490 kHz, 1515-1545 UTC on Mons only! These txions are beamed to the Antarctic continent. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 7)

Radio Station Tikhey Okean via Chita 11655 kHz at 1832 UTC. 1800-1900 UTC Irkutsk 9895 kHz 250 kW 125 degr. Chita 11655 1000 150, both under R Nederland. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Apr 12; PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

Radio Maryja - The Voice of our Home - in Polish on the air 1500-2200 UTC on 7400 kHz, relayed Vatican Radio Polish 1800-1820 UTC, but 8 seconds signal delay. Now 1500[today 14th open carrier til 1600, then starting R Maryja]-2000 on 12010, 2000- 2200 on Samara 7400 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

VoRussia progrs replaced 12010 kHz by 9890 kHz. (Andreas Erbe-D, Jun 12)

On 15470 kHz there are three progrs from Russia/CIS: VoRussia in Hindi, VoR in Russian, and 1330-1400 UTC christian progr "Mukhto Probaho" in Bangla via Tashkent-UZB. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

SYRIA The 3rd tx (when not in use for clandestine operation) is on the air at varying times. 0600-1500 UTC v9950.2, 12085, 13610 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

TAJIKISTAN Radio Dushanbe monitored schedule: 11620 kHz 0100 Dari, 0200 Persian, 0300 Dari, 0345 English, 0400 Arabic, 0415-0500 Persian. 7245 kHz 1400-1800 langs in same order, Englsih feature at 1645 UTC. 4635, 5800, 9905 0030-0430 home sce I, Russian 0400-0415. 4635, 5800, 7510, 1430-1830 home sce I. No English at 0245 UTC on 11620 kHz! (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

TUNISIA RTT in Arabic on odd frequs v11728.3 & 15450.3 kHz at 0530 UTC. (WB Jun 14)

UAE VoUAE Abu Dhabi final J97 schedule, all programs in Arabic: 0200-0400 6180 9695 15315 17770 21735 0400-0500 6180 9695 21630 21735 0500-0600 7215 9695 21630 21735 0600-0700 7215 15265 21735 0700-0800 7215 15265 17760 0800-0900 13605 15265 17760 0900-1300 13605 15265 17760 21735 1300-1400 9605 13605 17760 1400-1500 9605 11945 13605 17760 1500-1600 9605 11945 13605 15265 1600-1700 6180 9695 9770 13605 15265 1700-1800 6180 9695 9770 11710 15265 1800-2000 6180 9695 9770 11710 11945 2000-2200 6180 9770 11710 11945 (Padula-AUS/EDXP, via NASWA, Jun 11)

UNIDENTIFIED jamming station observed on 11545 kHz at 2130 UTC. -- Jamming against espionage number station "Lincolnshire Poacher", [operating from UK and Limassol Cyprus?, ed]. Scheduled frequencies are 6959, 9251, or 15682 kHz, all on USB mode. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Jun 10)

9510 kHz Chinese at 1300-1500 UTC. 9670 kHz Chinese Suns only at 1400-1530 UTC. 12070 kHz SoAsian lang [Tamil, ed] at 1330-1430 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

UNID SoAM stn on 5960 kHz, fade-in on PHL in 0930-1100 UTC signing-off. Spanish relig progr, Ecuador mentioned, "La Voz de Mundial", since Apr 15th noted in the Philippines. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 3)

Please inform Roland Schulze, that UNFORTUNATELY the stn heard on 5960 kHz NOT is SoAM. This stn heard today in the morning is from USA, the stn is WEWN, Birmingham-AL, USA, ID as "Radio Catolica Mundial", with religious progrs. Sorry OM Roland. (Ivan Gabriel Barrera-ARG, Jun 13)

WEWN Z97 schedule: 0000 0800 6890 500 285 10 0000 0800 7425 500 285 10 0000 1000 5825 500 40 27-29 0300 0800 9370 500 160 11-15 0700 1000 7365 500 35 27-29 0800 1100 5960 500 160 11-15 <<<<<<<< 0800 1300 7425 500 20 4,5,9 0800 1300 7425 500 285 10 1000 1800 15610 500 35 27-29 1000 1800 15745 500 40 27-29 1100 1400 9465 500 160 11-15 1300 1600 9455 500 20 4,5,9 1300 1600 11875 500 285 10 1400 1500 15375 500 155 11-15 1500 1700 15375 500 140 11-15 1600 2000 11875 500 20 4,5,9 1600 2400 13615 500 285 10 1700 0300 15375 500 155 11-15 1800 2000 13640 500 35 27-29 1800 2000 15745 500 85 46-48 2000 0400 7520 500 35 27-29 2000 2200 6890 500 20 4,5,9 2000 2200 15745 500 85 46-48 2200 0300 7395 500 20 4,5,9 2200 0800 6890 500 20 4,5,9 2200 2400 9975 500 40 27-29

UNITED KINGDOM BBC Albanian Mo-Fr 1315-1345 UTC on 11680 & 15225 kHz. >From June 2nd: 1400 UTC Kazakh, 1430 Kyrgyz new sce, 1445-1500 Mo-Fr 15245 & 17740 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jun 3)

USA WVHA in German Sat/Sun at 1100 UTC on 17535 kHz. (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Jun 8)

New Edition of 'Tropical Bands Survey (TBS)' by Anker Petersen, and - the 'CLANDESTINE STATIONS LIST (CSL)' edited in 13th Edition as usual by Finn Krone have been available for sale from the DSWCI. More than 60% of the stns listed have been updated since last year's Editions.

DSWCI publish an annual TBS with actual bcing schedules of ACTIVE stns on the bands between 2000 and 5800 kHz. This range covers the 120, 90 and 60 mb bands assigned for tropical bcing worldwide, and the internat bcing band of 75 m covering Europe, Asia and Africa, - plus the frequency bands in between, which are assigned for other sces. eriod. We have had access to our own monitoring network of experienced DX-ers who readily provided other members with their observations of bcing on the tropical bands. A majority of the domestic bcing stns in the tropics do not bc on a daily basis and their txions hours vary quite a lot. Some are even off the air for months and then return. There are several reasons for this amongst which the most common ones are technical, financial or power supply problems. Other stns are only switched on during special events, like elections or important sports games.

Clandestine bcing is a mirror of the unrest in our world. A clandestine stn is a radiostation which bcs material of an "outlawed" political nature, and which often has been declared illegal by the govt in the target country of the stn. Because of the nature, parts of the bcing schedules of the stns are quickly outdated. The CSL from the DSWCI is a unique publication containing all available information on these stns as they bc right now. It is compiled in both orders of frequency and bcing time. The 23 pages countries and station information is larger than ever.

The TBS and the CSL are sold by the DSWCI, c/o Bent Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK 3500 Vaerloese, DENMARK for 50 DKK, 10 USD, 6 GBP or 13 DEM per issue. 15% discount is given, if a DX Club orders a total of 20 copies or more. DSWCI Bank account is 3001 4001-528459 and postal giro account 710-3409. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Jun 1)

NEW!! : The World on Radio, the ultimate guide to SW listening for the European DXer (but also useful in other parts of the world), both for the beginner and experienced. A listing of all countries and stns that can be heard on SW here in Flanders. Freqs, languages and times are included. Fully updated (although, we admit, not complete), all checked and now yours to use. Come and have a look at this nice list on the following page : http://www.club.innet.be/~ind1570/

Corrections and additional information are always welcome ! (DXAntwerp-BEL, Jun 14)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 314 23 Jun 1997 ______

RADIO OESTERREICH INTERNATIONAL laedt ein zu einem Hoerertreffen anlaesslich der HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen: Samstag, 28. Juni 1997, 1400 MESZ Halle 2, Saal B (neben dem Stand der QSL Collection)

RADIO OeSTERREICH INTERNATIONAL gemeinsam mit der Vereinigung Berliner Empfangsamateure der ADDX - Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DXer und der AGDX - Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX laden ein zu einem Hoerertreffen anlaesslich der Internationalen Funkausstellung in Berlin Samstag, 30. August, 1800 MESZ "Preussisches Landwirtshaus" Flatowallee (ex Reichssportfeldstrasse) von der IFA zu erreichen ab Halle 17 mit Bus 149, 5 Haltestellen Richtung Spandau/Heerstrasse bis Heerstrasse/Flatowallee.

Wir koennen bei schoenem Wetter im Freien sitzen, bei schlechtem im Saal.

------Wolf HARRANTH OE1WHC Jun 16 InterNet: [email protected]

Der UKW/TV Arbeitskreis der AGDX laedt ein zum UKW/TV-DXer-Treffen bei der HAM-Radio am Sa 28.06.97

Treffen fuer UKW- und TV-DXer anlaesslich der HAM-Radio Friedrichshafen

Auch in diesem Jahr veranstaltet der UKW/TV-Arbeitskreis der AGDX wieder fuer interessierte Hobbyfreunde ein Treffen zum Erfahrungs- austausch zum UKW- und TV-DX. Christian Bruelhart hat dazu fuer Samstag Abend, den 28.06., ab ca. 17.30/18.00 MESZ im Restaurant/ Hotel Traube Waggershausen (Stadteil Friedrichshafen) einen Tisch reserviert. In demselben Lokal treffen sich am Abend zuvor die Kollegen von der ADDX. In der "Traube" fand auch schon das 1996er Treffen des UKW/TV- Arbeitskreises statt. Christian hofft auf eine rege Beteiligung und bittet nach Moeglichkeit um eine vorherige Anmeldung. Aber auch fuer Kurzentschlossene wird sich wohl noch ein Plaetzchen finden.

Info: Christian Bruelhart, Tel. 0041-1-9414482, eMail internet: [email protected] eMail MausNet: Christian Bruelhart@C-B (Frank Helmbold)

AFRICA Superb conditions for daytime reception of Africans on 41/31 mb noted on Jun 15 in the 1230-1300 UTC time range: 7120 Chad in French (SINPO 25343); 9634 Mali in Vn with French nx at 1300 (34333); 9705 Niger in Vn (32442; QRM by very strong Sitkunai-LTU tx on 9710), 9570 (presumed) FRCN Kaduna with African tribal chant (23422). Reception quality of all stns decreased past 1300 UTC. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Jun 16)

ARGENTINA Radio Nacional de Buenos Aires will celebrate its 60th anniversary on July 6. I hope that the stn prepares its special pennant. (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki-JAP, Jun 17)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia on SW may become inaudible in Europe. Radio Australia will "cease operations" from its Darwin tx on 1st July, the host of the sce's "Feedback" feature reported on 25th May. A listener in Germany was told that from that date, satellite equipment might be his only means of hearing Radio Australia, as signals currently received in Europe come from Darwin. [Radio Australia is bc on satellite in Europe via the World Radio Network.] (BBCM via AGDX, May 25)

SW txs may be leased to Radio Free Asia. Negotiations are under way to lease Australian SW txs in Darwin to international bcs. The communications minister, Richard Alston, told parliament that the major SW txs at the Cox Peninsula near Darwin would be shut down on 1st July. But Senator Alston said the txs currently used by Radio Australia could be reactivated at short notice if international bcs, such as the American Radio Free Asia, want to lease time. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 17)

BELARUS According to a QSL card received from Radio YUNOST, their 6260 outlet originates from a 150 kW tx in the Rep of Belarus. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Jun 16)

Interesting. There are reports of a 150-kW-rig at the Kalodiscy site, installed in the 60's, if correct. These tx was already believed to be hopeless broken down. Have the guys managed to repair it? In 1500-1700 UTC range Radio Slavyanka (the stn of the Russian forces) is also reported on 6260 (ex7100) kHz - originate from this tx in Belarus too?! (Kai Ludwig-D, Jun 17)

CAMBODIA Khmer Rouge radio now controlled by split anti- faction since Jun 16th. Last scheduled bc by Pol Pot bc 1130-1330 UTC on 12th June. Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot destroyed the movement's radio stn before fleeing from his base in Anlong Veng in NoWe Cambodia on 13th June. When monitored again on 16th June, the radio bc a four-minute statement saying that Pol Pot's treason had been ended on 14th June ". The radio was monitored at 2330 UTC on 17th June carrying its scheduled bc, announcing the surrender of Pol Pot and proclaiming "a new era in Cambodian history". Pol Pot is still alive on Sunday 22nd. Will be hand over to CBG govt soo. His health isn't very well.

Radio of the Provisional Govt of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia adopted its present name on 11th July 1994; prior to then it had called itself Voice of the Great National Union Front of Cambodia (VGNUFC). VGNUFC had been operating under that name since 27th Oct 1991 when it was formed by a merger of the Khmer Rouge's Voice of Democratic Kampuchea and the Coalition Govt of Democratic Kampuchea's Voice of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea, which had been heard since Jan 1979 and Febr 1983 respectively. (BBCM via AGDX, monitoring Jun 12-19; some CNN comments in between, Jun 22)

CHINA CRI recently announced on their English sce that they will move to a new high- tech studio complex (equipped with digital technology) in the near future. Their new address will be: China Radio International, Beijing 100029 (x100866), China. (Matthias Gatzke-D, Jun 16)

CLANDESTINE The Voice of Southern Azerbaijan observed at 1530-1630 Mon Tue Thur Sun on 12070 kHz. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jun 9)

Voice of Free Nigeria [movement] scheduled Sat at 1900-2000 UTC on 11680 kHz. Noted also on test bc 7180 kHz at Thurs night lately. Address: VoFree Nigeria, P.O.Box 441395, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46244 U.S.A. tel. 1 - 317 216 45 90 (RNMN, Jun 19) [all CIA sponsored Clandestine Radio Stations which bc in the past, had a box number at Indianapolis! ed]

VoOromo Liberation bc to Ethiopia Mon Wed Sat only, via txs in Ukraine. 1700-1800 UTC on 9925 kHz. (BBCM, Monitoring Times via WoR, Jun 19)

COLOMBIA v5076.7 kHz Caracol, Santafe de Bogota at 0602-0620 UTC, Spanish talk, jingles and advertisements. RTTY-QRM in USB, so best in LSB. Some CW-QRM at times though. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jun 19)

COSTA RICA WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE, SHORT VERSION eff June 19: RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-0500 period, 7385 2200-1200, NEW 7585-USB 0000-1200

CONTINENT OF MEDIA (COM) is an additional half-hour carried only by RFPI for a one-week cycle once per month, the June edition starting on the 20th immediately following W.O.R., i.e. half an hour later than the times above, except on Sunday/Monday. It deals primarily with domestic media developments in North America. Let us have your reaction! COM may also appear at other times when space is available. COM will be going on hiatus for the summer.

RfPI Costa Rica replaced 6205 by 7585usb mode at 0000-1200 UTC, due to complaints from Australia. Other AM channels are 15050 kHz till 0500 UTC, and 7385 kHz. (Glenn Hauser, Jun 19)

CUBA RHC La Habana in Portuguese at 2300-2400 UTC on 11970 kHz. (WB JUn 20)

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Kinshasa radio now identifies as RTNC. Observations on the Kinshasa-based national radio stn (formerly Voix du Zaire) show that it now identifies itself as "RTNC, Radio- Television Nationale Congolaise, emettant de Kinshasa" (RTNC, Congolese National Radio- Television, bcing from Kinshasa). It sometimes also uses the slogan "la voix du peuple" (the voice of the people). The radio continues to be observed on 15244.5 kHz between approx 0500-1830 UTC. (The former Voix du Zaire regional radio station in Bukavu has identified itself as Radio-Television Congolaise since 23rd Apr) (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 1)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA R Africa Malabo heard the other day on v15185.7 kHz at 1800 UTC, bcing American accent religious progrs. QRM by Radyo Pilipinas via Tinang-PHL 15190 kHz. (WB Jun 21)

ESTONIA Voru MW tx closes. Relays of Estonian Radio's Vikerraadio progr via the Voru MW tx 810 kHz would end on 1st June, the radio reported the previous day. The Vikerraadio progr can be heard throughout southern Estonia on the VHF/FM freq of 106.1 MHz. (BBCM via AGDX, May 31)

GERMANY MW tx of SFB Berlin Charlottenburg Stallupoener Allee 567 kHz, 100 kW lowered its power to estimated 2 kW around June 1st. Despite Radio B2 progr will leave the airwaves not before end of August 1997. SFB MW followed the closure of ORB Koenigs Wusterhausen 693 kHz, 40 kW, which ceased in June 1993.

MW history in the exBritish sector of Greater Berlin after WW II: NWDR (NordWestdeutscher Rundfunk Berlin) started using Telefunken 5 kW unit on 1330 kHz on Aug 17, 1946. Followed then by new 20 kW Lorenz tx in spring 1949. Frequ changed to 566 kHz in March 1950. Additionally an 1 kW RCA unit was used by the British occopying power for BFN - British Forces Network - on MW 1095 kHz. >From Aug 1953 BBCWS London started relaying on 1295 kHz with 5 kW, changed later to 809 kHz.

On June 1st, 1954, NWDR Berlin was replaced by newly founded SFB [Radio Free Berlin] and took over MW site at Charlottenburg. First progr on 566 kHz, 2nd progr (ex BFN unit) replaced 1095 by 1484 kHz. 566 kHz powered up from 20 to 100 kW using new Telefunken unit, 20 kW reserve. 5 kW units replaced by latest technology in the seventhies. In Nov 1978, when the new Geneva plan came into effect, SFB 2nd progr replaced 1484 by 1449 kHz. 100 kW unit replaced by two most modern Telefunken PDModulation 100 kW txs in 1981. In 1987/88 followed by exchange of the two self radiated masts, of 130m height each.

In Dec 1988 BBC ceased using MW Berlin 810 kHz. After unification of both German republics DLF Cologne used MW 810 kHz for few years. 1449 kHz was used for foreign workers living in Germany at night, remaining bcing SFB 1st progr. But from Oct 20, 1994, when "Radio Multikulti" started, 1449 kHz ceased sce for ever. MW 567 kHz reduced its power to 50 kW. (Dieter Leupold via Kai Ludwig-D, Jun 15/18)

HUNGARY/USA RFE Hungarian documents go to national library. Budapest's National Szechenyi Library (NSzL) and Radio Free Europe (RFE) have concluded an agreement on handing over a copy of the RFE's Hungarian material. Under the accord, signed on Thursday [22nd May] by NSzL Director Geza Poprady and RFE adviser Ross Johnson, in the coming years the library will receive the copies of 4,400 rolls of tape, 200 rolls of microfilm and 650,000 pages of text, or be entitled to make copies of the original documents. The microfilms were made between 1951 and 1960 and the textual programmes between 1951 and 1993. The library will take over the material, process it and make it available to researchers continuously. At the ceremony, US ambassador to Hungary Donald Blinken read out a letter from , in which the US president stresses the importance of all Hungarian citizens gaining access to documents helping a better understanding of the past 40 years. Poprady said the transferrers had set the general accessibility of the material as a condition for the deal. Johnson said the RFE Hungarian txion came into being in 1951, when Americans and Hungarians joined their forces in the hope that one day Hungary will be free and independent again. (BBCM via AGDX, May 23)

INDONESIA/EAST TIMOR/PORTUGAL Timorese arrested for listening to Portuguese radio. RDP Internacional [RDPI - Portuguese state radio] has just reported a new wave of violence in East Timor. The Indonesian authorities are persecuting people who listen to RDP Internacional and who watch RTP Internacional [Portuguese state television]. Yesterday [4th June] several Timorese were caught committing this crime - as Indonesia sees it. It is believed that at least 23 people were arrested in Los Palos, Dili and other areas. RDP[I] can be heard on SW in East Timor. It is the most popular stn after Australia's ABC and America's Voice of America. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 5)

KENYA 6990 kHz, KBC; Nairobi, Jun 10, 1640-1800 UTC, booming in on this freq. Unknown vernacular language, but good ID's. Nice African mx played. Checked 4915 and 4935 for //, but there they had other pxs. Nothing on 4885. New frequ, but site unknown. 6990, KBC Nairobi; Jun 11, 1515-1605, Swahili. Request progr. Mix pop, afropop and western mx played. 1600 I/D Anthem T/S followed by nx. Excellent signal. (Clemitson-RSA, Bjoern Fransson-SWE, via DXW, Jun 11)

MEXICO External radio to get new txs. A few weeks ago Juan Mort, director of XERMX [Radio Mexico Internacional] e-mailed me that they were going to raise power in June so I asked him back for more details and the reply came on this week's "Mailbag" progr in English... They are now saying that they are going to add two more txs, not only 5985 and 9705 [kHz], but they plan to bc again on 11770 with 10 kW starting in July. And, furthermore, in August, they hope to bring back 15430 with a 50 kW tx and log periodic antenna. They're making a great effort to make this happen... (WoR via WWCR via BBCM via AGDX, May 22)

NIGER 9705 kHz La Voix du Sahel, Niamey at 1059-1108 UTC, native mx, ID and freqs in French, drums, program in vernacular. Also 19/6 at 1200 UTC with news in French. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jun 19) [now a daily guest in Stuttgart too]

NUMBER station in Spanish observed on 11566 kHz at around 2330 UTC, female voice. (WB Jun 20)

POLAND Radio 1 available on internet. We would like to inform our listeners that you are also able to listen to our "Home and Abroad" bulletins as well as the entire output of Polish Radio 1 around the clock via the internet. Once you are logged on, the following address should be selected: www.radio.com.pl/jedynka (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 2)

RUSSIA/IRAN 5900 kHz, Democratic Voice of Iran, Jun 10, 1727-1800 UTC, started with an open carrier, followed by taped identifications in Farsi (repeated all the time). Then interval signal and a program in Farsi, including "Phone-in" conversations. Closed down at 1759 UTC after interval signal. Immediately afterwards there started a "Voice of Russia World Service" txion on the freq. Maybe their tx is being used? (Bjoern Fransson- SWE, Jun 17)

Voice of Russia, Russian sce Z97, update of bc-dx #308 Moscow GPR-1 1700-1800 add 9675, 1700-1900 add 11775 1700-2100 9795 (x9810) St.Petersburg GPR-2 1700-1900 add 11920 Samara GPR-3 1700-2100 7300 (x7400) 1500-1600 add 15490, 1700-1900 add 15490

Yekaterinburg Z97 7220 2100-1900 7330 1600-2000 7370 2030-2200 9610 1700-2100 9790 1030-1300 9790 2200-0200 9795 0400-0500 9865 2030-2200 11675 1200-1400 11695 0230-1000 12020 1600-2000 15455 (alt 9865) 1500-2000 15465 (alt 7370) 1600-2000 15545 (alt 7380) 1600-2000

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Z97 5895 1330-1400 5930 1330-1430 7300 1900-2200 7315 1000-1100 7345 1500-1800 9450 1000-1100 9825 0700-0800&1800-1900 9895 1200-1400 11970 1000-1100 12010 0100-0700 12015 1000-1300 12045 0000-0100 12050 0100-0700&1900-2000 12065 0930-1430&2130-2200 13605 0100-0300(-0430 Mon) 13645 0130-0700 13665 0100-0700

Radio Station Tikhiy Okean Z97 0715-0800 7185 7210 7490usb 9670 9825 10344usb 12055 12070 15490 daily 5940 7320 9530 960 Sat & Sun only 1115-1200 5015 daily 1800-1845 5015 5960 7170 7240 9735 9825 9895 11655 11755 daily

Special program for fishermen from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy "Kamchatka Rybatskaya" Z97 1900-2000 Tue Thur Sat 7300 12050

GPR-11 Novosibirsk Z97 7140 2200-2300 7340 2200-2400 7420 2200-2300 7440 1630-1900 9450 1130-1230 9450 1330-1500 9480 1000-1100 9480 1130-1500 9705 1730-2000 9815 1030-1700 9815 1900-2200 9835 1000-1500 9845 1130-1500 9870 2230-1000 9875 1430-1700 11845 1330-1600 11970 1130-1300 11990 1300-1500 12000 1000-1400 12035 1000-1500 12045 0100-0200 12075 1200-1300 15375 1000-1100 15535 1000-1100 15550 1500-1700 15610 1000-1100

TCR-6 Vladivostok-Ussuriysk, GPR-8 Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-Amur Z97 5960 1800-1900 6080 1200-1600 7170 1800-1900 7185 0700-0800 7205 1200-1500 7240 1230-1400 7240 1800-2200 7245 1000-1500 7330 1000-1400 7390 1000-1400 7490usb 0700-0800 & 1000-1200 9670 2230-1200 9735 1800-1900 9800 1000-1500 9810 0830-1100 9830 2200-2300 11660 0100-0300 11775 1800-1900 11800 0830-1100 11860 1230-1400 11960 1000-1500 11990 1000-1100 12000 0100-0700 12005 2300-2400 12055 0700-0800 12065 0000-0100 12070 0530-0800 15180 0100-0500 15435 1000-1200 15455 0100-0700 15470 0600-0900 17595 0100-0700excSun 17570 0200-0530Sun 17570 0600-0800

GPR-10 Irkutsk, TCR-12 Chita Z97 7150 2200-2300 7255 1900-2100 7315 1200-1400 9655 1030-1700 9655 1900-2200 9875 1000-1100 9860 2200-2300 9890 2200-2300 9895 1800-1900 10344usb 0700-0800 11640 1300-1530 11655 1800-1900 11685 1500-1900 11695 1000-1500 11870 1330-1500 12005 1130-1600 12025 0930-1030 12025 1100-1300 12025 1400-1800 12015 2300-0100 12035 0030-0200 12055 0900-1000 12055 1230-1300 13695 2330-0030 13710 0930-1130 15470 1200-1300 15475 2230-1000 15490 0600-0900 15550 0200-0500Sun 15560 0600-0900 15580 0600-0800 17580 0600-0800 (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jun 9)

Radio Rossii in Russian noted on 15165 kHz 1700-2300 UTC, //Moscow 6030 kHz. National Anthem at 2200 UTC. VoR Greek sce replaced 9865 by 15545 kHz, 1900-2000 UTC. (WB Jun 21)

SOUTH AFRICA World Music Radio at present bc weekends only, plans to start daily transmissions from Nov 1st. Using Meyerton-RSA antenna in the direction of EUR 342 degrees. (WoR, Jun 19)

TAJIKISTAN Opposition radio changes bc time. Tajik opposition radio Voice of Free Tajikistan will change its bcing time from Sat 14th June. The first progr will be bc at 0230 UTC on SW 49 mb, 5965 kHz and 41 mb 7100 kHz. The second progr will be bc at 0530 UTC 41 mb 7100-7300 kHz. At the same time the Voice of Free Tajikistan kindly asks its audience to inform it about the quality of the signal in their areas in order to take measures to improve the quality of reception. Thank you for your help in advance. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 8)

Opposition radio adds new bc times. The Voice of Free Tajikistan bcs its progrs every day at 0230, 0330, 0530 and 0630 UTC on 5960 kHz and 7100 kHz. The Voice of Free Tajikistan progrs will begin with the recitation of Koranic verses. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 17)

TANZANIA 9685 kHz, tentat. TZA/English, OM discussing events in Brazzaville around 1625 UTC, fairly good reception. (Vladimir Titarev, Kremenchuk-UKR, Jun 18)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic wandering down fr 11730 to v11728.6 kHz on June 7th, 11727.4 on 20th, 11727.0 on 22nd. // at 0930 UTC today v15450.3 and 17735.3 (x17500). (WB Jun 7)

UNIDENTIFIED 7543.5-lsb, with vestigial carrier, 6/19 1237 tune-in to preacher in Spanish, 1240 winding up program with hymn; was La Voz de la Salvacion with an address in Carolina, Puerto Rico; more music, 1247 begin Una Voz en el Aire. Nothing but the prospect of identifying a new station could keep me listening to a screaming gospel huckster for half an hour, with no ID break between programs or at top of hour; fading down gradually, 1330 music, 1349 talk, and gone by 1430. Reminds me of HRMI, which by this hour was not audible on 5890, but that's not conclusive at all. RFPI on 7585-USB was still audible at 1326. (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, Jun 19)

I'm hearing a stn on v9612.91 kHz. At 1048-1150+ UTC. Nothing but long (and I mean LONG) talks with occasional mx bridges. The language sounds French, but it could even be English. Its just too weak for me to be certain. There appeared to be a tone followed by a mx bridge right at 1100 exactly, so their clocks are accurate anyway. I couldn't find any parallels. I did a search on it in the past bulletins but all I found was 9612 Jayapura, and its not them. I'm suspecting its probably just a spur of a major bc, but you never know. (You know the general rule of thumb: if its off frequency and sounds like a boring major broadcaster, its probably Albania!!) (Dave Valko-USA, Jun 21)

Here in EUR Radio Mayak 24 hours/day, tx Arkhangelsk 0200-0600 5950, 0630-1400 9610, 1430-2200 5920. (usb+carrier) is heard here at 1000 UTC on 9610 kHz upper side band, measured to approx. 9612.5 kHz on some rxs. (WB Jun 22)

UNID stn in one of the languages of Latin family noted at 1810 UTC on odd 15105.2 kHz, hetting BBC-ASC co-channel. Brazil in Portuguese?? (WB Jun 21)

UNITED KINGDOM/SRI LANKA Tamil radio stn IBC on the air. A Tamil radio stn identifying itself as "IBC" (International Broadcasting Corporation) is currently bcing on tr 18 of the Astra satellite (Sky Movies, 11479 MHz vertical, audio subcarrier 7.56 MHz). Since 7th June the sce has also been heard in parallel from a low-power tx in the London area on 107.4 MHz VHF/FM. A London telephone number is announced: 0171 787 8000. The terrestrial sce on 107.4 MHz in London is believed to be operating under a 28-day Restricted Service Licence from the Radio Authority. (On 15th May Radio Netherlands'" Media Network" progr reported that IBC, which had rented space at the World Radio Network headquarters in London, was planning to bc on satellite to Tamils in Europe. The stn was also reportedly planning a daily SW txion to South Asia. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 7)

USA New Georgia SW stn WWBS planned. Earlier this week I spoke to Charles Josey, who is now building the tx for what he hopes will be the newest private SW stn in the United States. The station will be located in Macon, Georgia. It's unusual in that it will transmit from an urban location - an old tower from an electric high power line will be placed on top of a building. On top of that tower will be a four element yagi antenna cut precisely for 11910 kHz, the only freq the stn plans to use at first. The yagi is rotatable but Mr Josey has applied only for beam headings towards Canada. That signal should also be audible in the US and perhaps also in Japan and China. Mr Josey is building the tx using parts from a WWCR tx badly damaged by fire a few years ago. Programming and revenue will be from the usual block sales of time, mostly to religious progr producers. Mr Josey has applied for the call letters WWBS. I asked him if those call letters stood for anything and he said "nothing in particular" . Mr Josey will retire in Nov and will then be able to devote full time to building his stn. (VoA, via BBCM via AGDX, May 31)

Christian Science changes from June 28th. Monitor Radio Int. will stop sce. >From June 16th German sce schedule EUR 7535 kHz Fri 0400, Tue 0500, Thu,Sun 0600, Mon,Wed,Sat 0700, Sat,Sun 0900. 13770 Wed 1900, Mon,Thur,Fri 2000, Tue 2100. 15665 Mon,Wed,Fri 1800, Sat 1900, Tue,Fri 2100. NAm 5850 Sat 0200 SAm 7395 Fri 0900 9455 Tue,Thu 1200 15665 Wed,Fri,Sat 2300. Target also SoAF, China, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand. (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Jun 17)

U.S. Monitor Radio network to cease operation. The Christian Science church said Mon it had failed to sell Monitor Radio and the nx network used by more than 200 public radio stns in the US will stop bcing on June 27. A last-minute bid to sell the bc operation to World Times Inc. failed because not enough stns had agreed to carry the programming when new owners took over July 1, officials said. "Because of the timing, a number of key stns had moved ahead and made other binding commitments for July 1," Monitor Radio's Marketing and Development Director Susan Schardt told public radio stns.

The Christian Science church, which also publishes The Christian Science Monitor nxpaper, announced in April it would sell or discontinue the radio network by the end of June to concentrate financial resources on other projects. "We were really working against the clock," said Crocker Snow, pres of World Times, which publishes WorldPaper, a weekly supplement used by nxpapers and magazines in 26 countries. The company announced its bid June 2. Nearly 70 Monitor Radio employees will lose their jobs at the network's Boston headquarters in addition to staff and stringers in several bureaus, Schardt said.

Monitor Radio began operation in 1984 and now distributes three weekday magazine-style programs and an hourly headline sce. It is often used by stns to supplement programming by the larger National Public Radio network. The church in 1992 shut down its short- lived cable tv network, The Monitor Channel, and sold a Boston tv stn because of financial problems. It is also attempting to sell two SW radio stns. (Reuter, via David R. Alpert, KB2LUM, TRS, Jun 16)

Please note the following change in our z-97 schedule. From July 8, 1997 until the end of the Z-97 season: ADD: WSHB 15280 kHz 2200-2300 UTC 500kW 137degr to zone 13 ADD: WSHB 15280 kHz 2300-2400 UTC 500kW 167degr to zones 11,12,13,14 ADD: KHBI 9385 kHz 0900-1000 UTC 100kW 195degr to zones 55,56,58,59 ADD: KHBI 9385 kHz 1100-1300 UTC 100kW 195degr to zones 55,56,58,59 (Bob German, George Jacobs & Associates, Inc., Jun 17)

USA KVOH - The Voice of Hope at 0000-0200 UTC in Catalan and 0200-0400 in English on 9975 kHz, at 0155 UTC. Address: P.O.Box 93937, Los Angeles, CA 90093, USA. (Uwe Volk, on Hawaii trip, Jun 18)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE, SHORT VERSION eff June 19: WWCR Nashville, Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0605 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sat 1300 15685, Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070, Tue 1230 15685. (Glenn Hauser, Jun 19) [fair level heard on both 15685 kHz in EUR, Thur 2030, Sat 1300. Jun 19-21]

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in various ME languages 1550-1930 UTC on 7285, 9540, and 9545 kHz. Uz, Pe, Ar, Uz, Pe, Ar language sections. (WB Jun 21)

ZAMBIA 6265 kHz, Radio One, Jun 9, 0547-0603 UTC, Local Language Interval Signal from 0557 ID by woman "Radio One....Zambia". (Eramo via DXW, Jun 17)

SOUTH ASIA RADIO GUIDE-10 By the time you receive this letter you may have received the latest edition of SOUTH ASIA RADIO GUIDE (#10) June 1997. This book contains 50 vernacular bc with their times and freqs and also English Language bcs in 4 six hourly blocs. Also included a list of DX Program daywise and a separate list of Mailbag program also daywise.

INDIA : Rs. 15/- in mint postage stamps TILL stocks last. OVERSEAS : 7 IRC'S AIRMAIL worldwide. SAMPLE COPY : December 1996 edition in India Rs. 5/- in mint postage stamps. Alok Dasgupta, 1123 R.N. Tagore Road, Calcutta - 700 077, INDIA PH : +91 33 557 1871 E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Scott also has a World Wide Web site, as well as his University Network. Dr. Scott's Web site is at http://www.drgenescott.org, and the University Network's Web site is http://www.drgenescottunivernet.com (Eric Bueneman via The Four Winds on Line, Jun 16)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 315 30 Jun 1997 ______

ARGENTINA Time change on RAE Buenos Aires bcs from June 30th: all bcs one hour earlier in UTC, English to EUR at 1800 UTC, German at 2100 UTC. ARG mail service regulations don't allow to include foreign bills on letters to RAE. RAE English sce section will even answer listener letters, which not covered by included IRC's. (Uwe Volk-D, Jun 22)

Here is the NEW schedule from RAE, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior Buenos Aires, valid fr 30 June 1997, times are in UTC. PORTUGUESE NEW 1000-1100 (x1100-1200) & 0100-0200 11710 kHz. JAPANESE NEW 1100-1200 (x1000-1100) 11710 kHz. SPANISH 1200-1400 11710 kHz NEW 2200-2300 (x1800-1900) & 0100-0200 15345 kHz 2300-0100 9690 & 15345 kHz. FRENCH NEW 1800-1900 (x2100-2200) 15345 kHz. 0300-0400 11710 kHz. ENGLISH 1900-2000 15345 kHz & 0200-0300 11710 kHz. ITALIAN 2000-2100 15345 kHz. GERMAN NEW 2100-2200 (x2200-2300) 15345 kHz.

LRA1 Radio Nacional programme "Panorama Nacional" in Spanish is bc at 0900-1200 UTC on 6060 & 15345 kHz and at 1500-1600 on 15345 kHz. Sat & Sun connection with LRA1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires. The NEW director of RAE currently is Miss Perla Damuri. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Jun 23)

AUSTRALIA Future use of Darwin transmitter site: Various commercial and internat bcs have expressed interest in using the Cox Peninsula SW tx site near Darwin after July, when Radio Australia will cease using the facility for its bcs to Asia due to budget cuts. The National Transmission Agency, which is responsible for the station, told a Senate estimates committee in Canberra on 11 June that there had been informal approaches from both 'commercial and national' bcs about using the site. Radio Australia's outgoing general manager, Derek White, told the committee he was aware of approaches by Merlin Communications (txion operators for the BBC WS), and Radio Free Asia. He also said that he had informed other broadcasters who previously expressed interest in leasing time. The committee heard that almost $12 million had been spent at Darwin since 1991 on upgrading work, incl the addition of new txs and the relocation of a 300 kW tx from Carnarvon. The NTA intends to 'mothball' the site after 1 July.

RA to cut Asian language services: RA is rescheduling its Asian language sces >From July, RA will halve its daily bc hrs for Indonesian (from 5 to 2.5); Chinese will be cut from 4.5 to 2.5 hrs; Vietnamese from 1.5 hrs to 1 hour; and Khmer, which will remain at one hour per day. (Matt Francis-AUS, via EDXP, 19 Jun)

CAMBODIA v5407 kHz. Heard at 1200 UTC in presumed Khmer with many mentions of Pol Pot, under ute QRM better in USB only could here this on the Collins R390a 2 kc/s mechanical filters. poorstrength, lasted till 1216 when ute squashed him. (John Wright-AUS, ARDXC, Jun 22)

CHINA HONG KONG HANDOVER - Special progrs. Britain relinquishes the largest remaining part of its Empire on Jun 30 with the handover of Hong Kong to China. BBC WS presents world class coverage of this historic event centring on live coverage of the handover ceremony at 1600 UTC, and backed by a wealth of progrs on Hong Kong, past, present and future. Newsdesk at 1000-1130 UTC goes live to the British Ceremony at sunset in Hong Kong where Chris Patten will make his last speech as Governor of the colony. At 1300-1400 UTC a Newshour special talks to those attending the official Hong Kong govt banquet, and BBC Correspondents get reaction from key locations in Hong Kong including the border crossing, the harbour and the old British Naval base.

At 1500-1630 UTC, World News special with live coverage of the actual handover at midnight Hong Kong time (1600 UTC), and comment from studio guests. A roundup of the day's events will be on Newsdesk at 1800 UTC. Listeners in EaAS will also hear a special edition of East Asia Today at 1400 UTC. WS's Hong Kong nx progrs. Other WS progrs will have a Hong Kong theme this month.

[oooh too late, just over] Tim Luard's series Hong Kong: Imperial Orphan continues with the final four parts from 31 May: City State, Treaty Port, Special Region and Global Village. Assignment has a special edition on 26 and 27 June which looks at how daily life might change for ordinary people in Hong Kong as a result of the handover, and in WS's magazine programme Outlook on June 27, John Tidmarsh goes to Hong Kong to see what the atmosphere is like during the days leading up to the historic handover of power to China. Following up the programme's interview with Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten last year, John will be talking to local people about concerns over their and of the press under Chinese rule.

Global Business on 29 June will look at whether Hong Kong will be able to maintain its position as the main trading centre of the region under Chinese rule. Are concerns about creeping corruption in the business world well founded? Global Business is produced by David Edmunds.

World Service's religion department is not ignoring this landmark event either: Focus on Faith on 27 and 28 June will be presented by Mike Ford, recently returned from Hong Kong. He's been hearing the views of Hong Kong's Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Jews about this week's handover. On 28 and 29 June In Praise of God comes from St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon in Hong Kong. Worship is led by the vicar, the Rev. John Aldis and the associate minister, the Rev. Wing on Pang.

>From June 30 Off the Shelf presents A Many Splendoured Thing by Chinese author Han Suyin in eight episodes. Read by Pik-sen Lim, this true story set in Hong Kong in 1949 and 1950 is the autobiographical story of the love between Han Suyin and Mark Elliot, an English journalist.

Coverage of the Hong Kong handover on Mon 30 June Newsdesk AE,AF,AS - Mon 30 June 1000 - 1130, 1800 - 1830 UTC Newshour special AE, AF, AS Mon 30 June 1300 - 1400 World News special AE, AF, AS Mon 30 June 1500 - 1630 East Asia Today special only Mon 30 June 1400 - 1500 (Richard Buckby Jun 27)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS to IRAN. Democratic Voice of Iran: In a communication by telephone & fax with the chief editor of Democratic Voice of Iran, he told me a little bit more about their radio stn:

>>Our radio stn is, in fact, quite independent of any political, ethnic or religious group. But at the same time we respect all the political groups fr right to left as long as they oppose the domination of Velayat-e-Faghih and respect Human Rights, basic rights of the people of Iran, international norms and principles and they believe in parliamentary democracy, pluralism, secularism, sovereignty of the people of Iran, territorial integrity of the country and in non-violent political activity. Non-violent, because we do not believe that democracy can be shot through the barrels of cannons into a country. In that case dictatorship will emerge without question.<<

He also told me two postal addresses: BCM Box 5842, London, WC1N 3XX, UK Box 554, 11479 Stockholm, Sweden Do not mention the name of the stn or even the word >>radio<< on the envelope when writing. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jun 16)

CLANDESTINE to NIGERIA 11680 kHz Voice of Free Nigeria *1900-1959* in English and local languages, interviews and statements about politics in Nigeria, strong signal in Europe; fr 1940 UTC co- channel interference by carrier of Radio Pyongyang, bcing in Japanese fr 2000 UTC on v11679.9 kHz. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jun 21) (tx site unk): Voice of Free Nigeria, 11680, carrier on 1853, s/on 1900 in English. Listener show/call-ins. Fair signal, s5-7. The Web site at http://pw2.netcom.com/~fnm/ does not have any broadcast information, just news about the movement. Carrier off after 20 UTC. Checked the Sentech Web site for jollies, but nothing posted. RNMN and Cumbre DX say this bc is Sats only. Earlier today, probably VoFN but no ID heard, noted tune-in 1810 in French then mx starting about 1820 or so. The carrier was abruptedly taken off the air at 1830. (Sundstrom-NJ, June 21)

The Voice of Free Nigeria - media release, 7 June: The Free Nigeria Movement (FNM) is pleased to announce that it has completed arrangements for the setting up of a radio stn which would serve primarily as a direct link of communication between the FNM and the people of Nigeria. Called the Voice of Free Nigeria (VoFN), it shall have its inaugural bc on 12 Jun from 0400-0500 UTC on 7180. Thereafter, starting on 14 June, the bcs shall be 1900-2000 UTC every Sat evening on 11680. The VoFN is intended to serve as a source of information, education, and entertainment to the Nigerian people, and shall deal with matters pertaining to Nigeria of the past, present and the future as envisioned by the FNM.

The FNM is a grassroots based global mass movement, working for the restoration of total freedom to Nigeria and its people, with a membership base composed of both Nigerians and friends of Nigeria. For more information on the Free Nigeria Movement, or the Voice of Free Nigeria, please visit the website of the FNM at http://pw2.netcom.com/~fnm or call FNM at +1 (317)216-4590 or write us at the address above. Long live Freedom, Long live the Voice of Free Nigeria, Long live the Free Nigeria Movement, Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria. On behalf of the Free Nigeria Movement: Tunde Okorodudu Dan'Iyan, President, FNM General, FNM Free Nigeria Movement, PO Box 441395, Indianapolis, IN 46244 USA; Phone/Fax (317)216-4590; Email: Listserv: [email protected] "SUBSCRIBE FREENIGERIA". (Matt Francis, 19 Jun,and Communications World, 21 Jun, via Mick Ogrizek, via EDXP, Jun 28)

COSTA RICA Radio For Peace International Weekly Program Update for week ending 29 June, 1997 RFPI has found a replacement for our 6.205 (USB) frequency: 7.585 (USB). After a week of testing, preliminary reports are hopeful. Thanks to all those who e- mailed with their reception reports. We had dropped our 6.205 (USB) sce after rxing notification from The Australian Maritime Safety Authority that these txions were causing interference to safety communications between Australian Coast Radio Stns and ships at sea in the South Pacific and India Oceans.

RFPI Frequency Schedule: BAND FREQ/MODE UTC/UTC TIME 41 meters: 7.585 MHz (USB) 0000-1200 (Output: 5kW) 41 meters: 7.385 MHz (AM) 2200-1700 (Output: 30kW) 19 meters: 15.050 MHz (AM) 1700-0500 (Output: 10 kW) RR's via e-mail are gratefully welcomed. On-line QSL's and quarterly schedules are available. For a QSL card and a grid schedule, send your report with US $1 or 3 IRC's. Thank you for your interest in RFPI. We look forward to serving you long into the future. Joe Bernard, Program Coordinator (English) Radio For Peace International P.O. Box 88 Santa Ana Costa Rica e-mail: [email protected] WWW URL: http://www.clark.net/pub/cwilkins/rfpi (Jun 22)

ETHIOPIA Radio Fana sent their usual QSL card, v/s Gen Manager Mulugeta Gessese. While I reported 6940, their QSL just mentions 6210 & 8335. A sked included says Mo-Fr 0330- 0530, 0900-1100, 1530-1730 (Fris-1930), Sa-Su 0330-0730, 1500-1800 UTC. Langs used are Amharic and Oromiffa. Took seven months for the answer. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jun 20)

GERMANY NDR Hannover Hemmingen 828 kHz lowered to 20 kW of power. (x100, x50 kW). The MW mast will be dismantelled on uncertain date in three to five years time. The parallel FM mast will be renewed soon. (Wilfried Gaertner-D, Jun 27)

IRAN 6185 kHz V.O.Mojahed, Jun 15, 1955 UTC, surprised to find Farsi on this freq, into anthem like song, heavily jammed. Jammer left the air 1958 when male announcer came back and gave ID as "Radio-ye Seda-ye Mojahed" and freqs. Off at 2000. On 6175 kHz where V.O.Mojahed is listed, another strong jammer continued. No chance to hear whether Farsi underneath. On June 16 noticed //6175 1815 UTC. (Finn Krone-DEN, via DXW, Jun 16)

NEW ZEALAND New Web site - New Zealand Broadcast Radio Directory. - Main menu http://www.radio.net.nz - Links page http://www.radio.net.nz/links.html

For those interested in the New Zealand Radio scene this is a new independent site which is still under development - it covers: Station Directory, Industry News, Industry, Directory, Equipment Sales, Job Placement, Forum, History, Links to other New Zealand related radio Web sites such as - New Zealand Ministry of Commerce - who are responsible for the regulatory side of bcing in New Zealand; - New Zealand on Air - who fund programming on radio and TV about New Zealand and New Zealand interests; - Radio New Zealand International - RNZI is New Zealand's SW Stn and voice of the Pacific; - New Zealand Radio DX League - Link to a New Zealand radio listeners' and Radio DXers' site; - New Zealand Amateur Radio Txs - Link to a New Zealand Ham Radio Site - NZART; - Bcing Standards' Authority - Statutory body that maintains acceptable standards in bcing TV and Radio in New Zealand. Keep an eye on the pages as they are still being developed to their full potential and will change while being updated. (Rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek-AUS, via EDXP, 21 Jun)

RUSSIA Here is a message,I received today by fax from St.Petersburg:

International Campaign of Assisting Radio NERRS. Throughout 1996,dozens of representatives of Internat Bcing stns and hundreds and thousands listeners and DX-ers from many countries of the world participated in protest campaigns against closure of RCI, R.Channel Africa and R.Australia. Largely due to their efforts,the mentioned stns didn't leave SWs and are still among the leading Internat bcs. Now, in the middle of 1997, Radio NERRS, the first internat SW stn from Russia, has to appeal for aid to bcs and audience all over the world. Radio NERRS (Northern European Radio Relay Service) has planned and is still planning to bc to EUR, NoAF and ME via 200 kW SW txs, situated near St.Petersburg, as well as the 1200 kW MW tx in Kaliningrad Oblast, in the extreme west of Russia. In June 1996, our stn submitted the application for bcing license to the Federal Service on TV and Bcing in Moscow. During the following months we reached all the necessary agreements, particularly, with the Ministry or Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. However, at present, at the final stage,the Federal Sce on TV and Broadcasting is persistenly refusing to grant us the license without explaining its actions and despite the fact, that issue of licenses for international SW bcing is determined by the relevant resolution of the Govt of the Russian Federation.

In such a situation, we decided, that it is necessary to appeal to the internat bcs and SW audience with the request to support the idea of setting-up our radio stn. No money or other expence are required. The minimum of time and job. Only your letter in Russian, English or other language to one of the addresses given below. We are asking you to express your support to the idea of organizing Radio NERRS, which to you personally will signify the appearance of another radio stn; and also to state, what place in your life and, possibly, work is taken by SW radio. Possibly, it would be your letter, that will assist us in overcoming the bureaucratic barriers and will make it possible for Radio NERRS to start bcing in the near future. These are the addresses to which you can send letters supporting the idea of setting-up Radio NERRS:

Prime-Minister, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Government of the Russian Federation, Krasnopresnenskaya 2, Moscow 103274, Russia or

Chairman, Valentin Lozutkin, Federal Service on TV and Broadcasting, Pyatnitskaya 25, Moscow 113326, Russia

Will you, please, make the note "International Campaign of Assisting Radio NERRS" on the envelope. We shall be grateful to all radio stns, publications and DX clubs, which will circulate this appeal among the internat audience, and we also thankful in advance to all those, who will participate in the International Campaign of Assisting Radio NERRS. Mikhail Timofeyev - Coordinator of the Radio NERRS project, fax +7 (812) 543-5401 (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, 25 Jun)

SOUTH AFRICA The URL of Channel Africa is http://www.sabc.co.za/units/chanafr/

On the dom scene, things are still changing. The SABC has completed the re-launch and re-naming of its indigenous language sts. Meanwhile, a familiar name has reappeared on the Radio dial: Radio Bop. This is listed as Mmabatho Radio in WRTH97, but the stn (which used to be the Bophuthatswana Bcing Corpor) has gone back to its familiar ID of Radio Bop...the bop now standing for the type of mx they play (their audience is 95% black). They're back on 540 kHz now, presumably still with the 100 kW stereo tx.

And the reason they're in this section is that they have a Web site, at http://www.bop.co.za where you can read about the history of the stn and what they do now. It's worth checking out this page just to admire the graphics. (Thorsten Koch-D, Andy Sennitt-HOL, via DXW, Jun 22)

UKRAINE/KAZAKH REP v11721 kHz Radio Kazakhstan 0900-0919 UTC in German with nx and features, //9620, [both via UKR relay]; while announcing the new time of 1000-1020 UTC for their German txions on Mon, Wed, Thu & Sun, at least this Sun they started at 0900 UTC; they send out their own QSL card if return postage is provided. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jun 22)

Z97 sked for Radio Ukraine International Kiev, English: 2100-2200 Eur 5905 6010 6020 7240 9560 13590, NA 9550 12040 Australia 7380 0000-0100 Eur 5905 6010 6020 7240 9560, NA 7150 9550 12040 0300-0400 NA 7150 9550 12040 1200-1300 NA 12050, Scandinavia 7150.

The DX SW Program in English is on the air on Sats at 2130 on 7380, to Australia. The Ukrainian DX program is at 2130 Sats, to Asia on 6090 7180 and 9640, and at 0030 on 6090 and 7180. (Radio RUI Kiev/Mick Ogrizek-AUS, via EDXP, Jun 27)

USA/SOUTH AFRICA/BAHAMAS Don't ask me why, but I just received a looong fax from 'The Investment Channel Sales Ltd.', seemingly now based in the Bahamas. If I understand them correctly, they want me to become their sales agent for Germany. What a strange idea. Anyway: In their message they say they are >>one of the worlds most powerful media distributors<<. And: >>When fully implemented, the Investment Channel will bc to 50 million homes and over 100 countries.<< They are seemingly planning radio and tv bcs around the week around the clock, this time using satellite distribution rather than SW. Remains to be seen whether their new plans will be more successful than their SW adventure. Will count this one as another strange QSL. (Harald Kuhl-D, Jun 20)

HFCC members schedules will be available for the first time on the HFCC servers (public area) approx. at the end of June 1997. Please check http://www.hfcc.org/public again in the next few days. (Alfredo Cotroneo Jun 12)

ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO 1997 "Wavescan" DX Contest

The annual DX Contest presented by "Wavescan", the global DX program fr Adventist World Radio, will be held during the month of Sept 1997. All reception reports dated during the month of Sept 1997 and addressed to the Indianapolis office will be verified with the colorful new, "World's Smallest QSL Card".

The 1996 DX contest was a very large and complex contest, honoring the 25th anniversary of the first bc fr Adventist World Radio over the tx facilities of Radio Trans Europe in Sines, Portugal. The 1997 DX contest, in contrast is quite simple, easy and brief. Here are the requirements:-


PART 1. Send at least one reception report on any AWR txion over any SW stn in any part of the world, dated in Sept 1997. These reception reports may be on an AWR program over any SW stn that is owned by Adventist World Radio, over any SW stn that is leased by Adventist world Radio, or it may be an official AWR program over another SW stn. All reception reports received at the AWR Office of International Relations in Indianapolis for reception reports dated in Sept 1997 will be honored with one of these small, colorful, full data QSL cards.

PART 2. List your five smallest QSL cards, giving their dimensions, and full QSL details as listed on each card. You should list your oldest QSL cards and/or your most distant QSL cards and/or your most attractive QSL cards in this range of smallest cards in your collection.

OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. It is not necessary to enter both parts of the contest to receive your copy of "The World's Smallest QSL Card". You may just send a reception report if so desired.

2. Each report will be verified with "The World's Smallest QSL Card", which is a full data QSL card printed in color and measuring just 3" x 1 3/4" (3" x 1.75" or 7.5 cm x 4.5 cm). This is a limited edition QSL card. It is available only for the contest month Sept 1997, it is available only fr the Indianapolis office, and it is not available at any other AWR location.

3. Judging for this 1997 contest will be based upon the following criteria:- a. Adequate fulfillment of Part 1 and Part 2. b. The smallest and best and most distant and most colorful small QSLs as listed for part 2. c. Neatness and style of presentation (The fact that English may be the second language and that office facilities may vary in different parts of the world will be taken into account.)

4. Awards will include:- a. Six copies of the "World Radio TV Handbook" or "Passport to World Band Radio", one to each continental area. b. Six color copies of the Vence painting of AWR-Asia KSDA on Guam, large enough to frame and hang on your wall; one to each continental area. c. Six sets of United States Presidential coins, one to each continental area. d. Six sheets of the new AWR QSL stamps, one to each continental area. e. Several hundred small AWR curios and mentos, as available. f. "World's Smallest QSL Card" for each reception report. g. AWR QSL stamp, specially endorsed for the 1997 DX contest. h. The world winner will be awarded the coveted Bronze Medallion. 5. We are expecting an overwhelming mail response to our 1997 DX contest. Please assist where possible, by enclosing a business size envelope (approximately 8 1/2" x 4") addressed to yourself.

6. Where possible, please enclose return postage in U.S. postage stamps, notes in a major world currency, or IRC coupons.

7. Judging will be finalized only after the mail response has been received fr all parts of the world, probably towards the end of Oct. Details will be released shortly afterwards.

8. Each entry, preferably by airmail, should be postmarked during Sept 1997 and should be addressed to:- 1997 "Wavescan" DX Contest Box 29235 Indianapolis Indiana 49229 USA.

WORLD'S SMALLEST QSL CARD Would you like to add a copy of the world's smallest QSL card to your QSL collection? You can, as part of AWR's 1997 DX contest during the month of Sept. Adventist World Radio is issuing a limited edition QSL card, "The World's Smallest QSL Card", which measures just 3" x 1 3/4" (3" x 1.75" or 7.5 cm x 4.5 cm).

It will be available only fr AWR's Office of International Relations in Indianapolis and only during the month of Sept. The 1997 DX contest, in association with "Wavescan", the global DX program fr Adventist World Radio, will focus on small QSL cards. Up to this time, the world's smallest QSL cards are the size of a business card and were issued by SW stns in Mexico many years ago. Participants in the 1997 contest are invited to prepare a reception report on any AWR broadcast and to submit a list of their five smallest QSL cards, giving dimensions and QSL details.

Awards for the 1997 DX contest will include copies of the "World Radio TV Handbook", "Passport to World Band Radio", QSL stamp sheets, presidential coins, and AWR mementos. In addition to the smallest QSL card, each entry will also receive a specially endorsed QSL stamp indicating the 1997 DX contest.

It is anticipated that there will be an overwhelming mail response to our 1997 DX contest and listeners are invited to assist where possible, by enclosing a self- addressed business size envelope. Return postage in the form of U.S. postage stamps, notes in a major world currency, or IRC coupons would be appreciated.

Entries should be sent by airmail and should be postmarked during the month of Sept 1997 and should be addressed to the "Wavescan" office at Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana 46229, USA.

Pressemitteilung - 5.-7. Sept 1997 3. DX-Camp der Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde in Friedeburg-Marx

Es ist wieder soweit: Vom 5. bis 7. Sept 1997 findet auch dieses Jahr wieder das DX-Camp der Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde statt. Auch diesmal wurde als Ort auf einem zu einer Pfadfinderunterkunft umgebauten Bauernhof von Renke Siefken im ostfriesischen Dorf Marx gewaehlt. Die laendliche Umgebung hat sich in den letzten Jahren als fuer den DX-Empfang sehr geeignet heraus gestellt. Auf dem Gelaende des Bauernhofes koennen Antennen mit einer Laenge von bis zu 100 Metern ausgelegt werden. Leider ist das Gelaende nicht fuer Beverage-Antennen geeignet, dafuer gab es aber in den letzten Jahren mit grossen MW- Rahmenantennen gute Empfangsergebnisse.

Das Camp beginnt am 5. Sept um 15 Uhr und endet am 7. Sept im Laufe des Vormittags. Die Kosten fuer das gesamte Camp betragen 30 DM (Besucher, die nicht am gesamten Camp teilnehmen koennen, werden gebeten, sich an den Unkosten zu beteiligen) und enthalten Uebernachtung (Achtung: Schlafsaecke nicht vergessen, Matratzen sind vorhanden, evtl. Liegen mitbringen) und Fruehstueck, Mittag- und Abendessen. Wer am Samstag, dem 6. Sept, mal ausser der Reihe das Camp besuchen moechte, ist herzlich eingeladen.

Zur Anreise: Der Pfadfinderhof ist ueber die Bundesautobahn A29 (Oldenburg- Wilhelmshaven) zu erreichen: Abfahrt Bockhorn/Varel, dann ueber die Bundesstrasse B437 Richtung Friedeburg, in der Ortschaft Marx beim Glockenturm rechts abbiegen, nach 250 Metern ist auf der rechten Seite das DX-Camp. Anschrift vor Ort: Boergerhoern 13, D-26446 Friedeburg-Marx. Weitere Informationen zum DX-Camp gibt es unter folgender Anschrift: Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde, c/o Jan Lueschen, Stiekelkamp 2, D-26125 Oldenburg, Telefon +49 (0)441-301068, oder per Electronic Mail: [email protected] (Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde, 26. Juni 1997)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 316 07 Jul 1997 ______

ALGERIA RTA Algiers in E at 1600 UTC on v15161 kHz. (WB Jul 5)

AUSTRALIA R Australia: Due to the budget cut R Australia (RA) have discontinued Thai and French language bc on Fri, June 27 and the Cantonese language will end on Sun, 29 June 1997. RA had great number of French speaking listeners in the Pacific Islands and will be greatly missed. The story is the same in China, where RA bc was not jammed at all and had huge number of listeners. (John Kecskes-AUS, DXW, Jun 30)

RA to be "all but silenced" in Asia. At around the time China takes control of Hong Kong, RA will be all but silenced in the region, the station's "Dateline" feature reported on 24th June. The six high-powered txs in Darwin will be turned off at the end of the last shift next Mon (30th June), mothballed as a result of standoff between the government and the Australian Broadc Corpor (ABC). (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 27)

CUTS AT RADIO AUSTRALIA, French, Thai and Cantonese sces close down. Two of Radio Australia's language sces, French and Thai, will close tomorrow [27th June]. A third sce, Cantonese, will close on Sunday [29th June], also because of budget cuts imposed by the govt and the Australian Broadc Corpor.

The French sce, which started in 1940 as part of a govt wartime propaganda effort, has in recent years concentrated on the Pacific region. Its news and other progrs have been rebroadcast daily on local radio stns throughout the French-speaking Pacific - in Vanuatu, New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Progrs produced by RA's Thai sce, which started at the end of the World War II, have been bc on numerous local radio stns in Thailand. The Cantonese sce was launched in 1964, with listeners in SoChina, Hong Kong and SoEaAsia. The end of the three sces comes ahead of the closure on Mon, June 30, 1100 UTC, of RA's main txs for SW signals into Asia [on the Cox Peninsula, near Darwin].

... Without Darwin it would be difficult to get a clear signal into WeAsia: "We are hoping that those Darwin txs may be fired up again in the not too distant future. The chairman of the ABC, our parent body, has written to the minister for communications to explore this and we have other very strong supporters who are saying, look, we need those main vocal cords into Asia, the govt should open them."... Txion manager Nigel Holmes elaborated on the "unenviable task of knitting together a schedule for English, Tok Pisin, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia, Khmer and Mandarin using only the Shepparton and Brandon (Queensland) sites. Two lines of txion have been allocated for Asia, three for the Pacific and one for Papua New Guinea. "We are very anxious to find out what the reach of Shepparton is into NoAsia and into SoEaAsia particularly," Holmes said.

It was very doubtful that listeners in SoEa and SoAsia would be able to enjoy reception as experienced to date, he added, because Shepparton essentially has only one bearing that can target Asia, of 329 degrees(!!!). A line on this bearing would pass through Ambon, Manila and Hong Kong, "and that's what Asia will now be, in terms of RA's bcs", whereas Darwin could cover a sector from about 280 degrees - through Sri Lanka - to about 15 degrees, which would put a bc into Japan. Shepparton's txs, at 100 kW, are between 2.5 and three times less powerful than Darwin's, Holmes added, as well as being 3,000 km further south. "For English, of course, competing with the languages, which are given priority into Asia at the moment, for their first bcs at least, this obviously reduces our capacity to get a signal into Asia even further," Broadbent suggested. Holmes said RA would now "have to do strange things, like bcing sports on the weekend and all of a sudden there will be a one-hour Khmer txion in the middle of live sports coverage".

Holmes said it had only been possible to test one frequency, in the 15 MHz band, from Shepparton into Asia. This had been running for about two years, primarily to put English and Indonesian into eastern Indonesia, around Ambon, and had been audible in the late afternoon in Beijing. However, the signal had been virtually inaudible in Indochina and south Asia.

The Indonesian sce, which is RA's largest language section, will also bc its last evening sce today. In future, the morning sce will be repeated in the evenings. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 26-29)

RA frequency schedule Z97, is valid from 30th June 1997: Freqs marked "x" carry "Grandstand", a separate sports sce, at 0200-0800 UTC on Sat & 0300-0800 UTC on Sun. Address: Radio Australia, PO Box 428G, Melbourne 3001, Vic, Australia. Tel: +61-3-9626-1800 (general) or +61-3-9626-1912/3/4 (txion); Fax: +61-3-9626-1899 (general) or +61-3-9626-1917 (txion); E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.abc.net.au/ra/default.htm

English Language Service 0000-0030 17795 17750 15415 15365 13755 13605 12080 9660 0030-0200 17795 17750 15415 15365 13755 13605 12080 9660 0200-0400 17795 17750 15415 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0400-0500 17795 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0500-0600 17795 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0600-0700 21725 17750 15415 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0700-0730 21725 17750 15415 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0730-0800 21725 17750 15415 15365-x 15240-x 13605 12080-x 9660-x 0800-0830 21725 17750 15415 15365 12080 9710 9580 5995 0830-0900 15365 12080 11640 9710 9580 5995 0900-1100 11640-(to 1000) 9580 1100-1130 9580 6080 1130-1200 6080 1200-1230 11800 9580 6080 5995 1230-1300 11800 9580 6080 5995 1300-1400 11800 9580 6080 5995 1400-1500 11800 9415 5995 5870 1500-1600 11800 11660 9615 9415 5995 5870 1600-1700 11660 9615 9415 6080 5995 5870 1700-1800 11880 9615 9415 6355 6080 5870 1800-1900 11880 9615 9415 7240 6355 6080 1900-2000 11880 9615 9415 7240 6355 6080 2000-2100 11880 9615 9415 6355 2100-2130 15365 12080 11880 9660 9615 9415 7240 6355 2130-2200 15365 13755 12080 11695 9660 9615 7240 2200-2300 17795 15365 13755 11695 2300-2330 17795 17750 15365 13755 12080 11695 9660 2330-0000 17795 17750 15365 13755 12080 11695 9660

Foreign Language Service 0400-0500 Chinese 17750 15415 0500-0600 Cambodian 17750 15415 0830-1100 Indonesian 9770 6080 0900-1200 TOK PISIN 9710 6020 5995 (formerly known as Neo-Melanesian or Pidgin) 1000-1100 Cambodian 11640 1100-1330 Chinese 11660 9415 1300-1500 Vietnamese 9415 1330-1500 Cambodian 11660 2000-2100 TOK PISIN 7240 6080 2130-0000 Indonesian 15415 2200-2300 Chinese 17750 (BBCM via AGDX, date of latest update 03 Jul 97) [nothing heard here in 1800-2100 UTC range, for example on strange 6355 kHz, ed]

BELARUS/UKRAINE Radio Belarus Minsk German sce started new monthly progr "DX Window", bc on first Saturday of the month. 1830 UTC 1170 7210 11960, and Ukraine relay 7410 & 9560 kHz. Repeat at 1930 UTC except UKR channels. Contributions to be send to Thomas Baier, Ringstr. 113, D-66424 Homburg-Saar, Germany. (Thomas Baier-D, Jun 29)

BRAZIL v11783.2 kHz Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, at 2126-2132 UTC Portuguese talk, jingles and IDs. (Mark Veldhuis, Jun 25)

Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 11805.03 kHz, 04-07-97, 2050 UTC. Radio Marumby, Florianapolis, 11724.81 kHz, 04-07-97, 2059 UTC. Radio Nova Visao, Santa Maria, 11704.89 kHz, 04-07-97, 2113 UTC. Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 11815.00 kHz, 04-07-97, 2133 UTC. Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 11915.07 kHz, 04-07-97, 2138 UTC. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jul 4)

CAMBODIA Khmer Rouge radio cuts broadcast hours. The Khmer Rouge radio stn, Radio of the Provisional Govert of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia, made the following announcement of its txion times when signing on for its 2330 UTC bc on 27th June. "The first txion, in the morning, is 2330- 0100 UTC; at night, 1130-1300 UTC on 41 & 60 mb. This announcement means that total daily bc time has been reduced from four to three hours, with 30 mins cut from both the morning and evening txions, which used to be at 2330-0130 and 1130-1330 UTC respectively. The station is heard on 5407 kHz. (Khmer Rouge radio resumed txions on 16th June after being off the air for a few days, from 13th to 15th June. Since then the station has been under the control of the breakaway Khmer Rouge faction which has split from the movement's former leader, Pol Pot.) (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 27)

CANADA At 0300 UTC Canadian local stn CKZU-Vancouver in English on 6160 kHz has been noted in Germany with local nc and weather report. (Hans Joachim Koch-D, Jul 3)

ETHIOPIA On July 3rd, Radio Fana observed on 6210 & 6940 kHz. Progr starts at 0330 UTC in Oromo. Be careful on 6210 kHz, due to IRIB Tehran co-channel here til 0328 UTC. [Also clandestine radio "Kurdistan Independence Radio" on v6210 kHz from 0430 UTC! ed] (Hans Joachim Koch-D, Jul 3)

GEORGIA Tentatively Tbilisi in Georgian lang observed at 0800 UTC on 11910 kHz. Reading long list of frequencies and seemingly progr time ann. (WB Jul 6)

GERMANY From SDR Stuttgart magazine: 12 % of the potential audience, and 19 % of the elder people, is still listening to MW SDR Muehlacker 576 kHz 500 kW, instead to the wide spread FM frequencies in state of Baden Wuerttemberg. Statewide most wanted progrs are SWF3 pop mx wave, and S4 popular folkloric mx progr, with an daily audience of 1.5 million each. SWF2/SDR2 classic and culture progr have an audience of 150.000 people, similar figures resulted for the private radios. (SDR Jul/Aug Magazine)

UNIVERSAL LIFE, the radio progr bcing via Lithuania and Russia, address: Universelles Leben, SANTEC-Studio, Marienstr. 1, D-97070 Wuerzburg, Germany. (BDXC Communication, Jul)

English to Asia via VoR Sun 1300-1330 on 11700 kHz, Sat at 1445 on 15460, Tue at 1520 on 15460. German via Belarus Fris 1900-1930 UTC on 11960 kHz. e-mail [email protected] WWW-page http://www.universelles-leben.org US address: Universal Life - The Inner Religion, PO Box 3549, Woodbridge, Connecticut, 06525, USA; Tel: 203-2817771. (Univ. Life, Jun 15, via Kai Ludwig)

Radio Bremen, tx Bremen-Horn-Lehe changes. As from August 18th, all Radio Bremen FM progrs and ARD 1 TV progr will replacing Horn- Lehe MW & FM location by German Telekom PTT tower at Bremen-Walle, power remaining on same level. From same tower, Telekom is bcing ZDF [Second German tv channel], Nord3 [Northern German sce 3rd tv progr], and some commercial tv progrs.

MW Bremen 936 kHz will remain for the time being, but MW installation will be replaced by new R Bremen MW location at 'Wuemme lowland [marsh plain flat] near Oberneuland' in 1998. Equipment approval has been given already. (Frank Helmbold-D, AGDX, Jul 2)

IRAN/IRAQ/SYRIA VoIRI Teheran replaces 9550 with 11790 kHz in Bengali at 1430-1530 and English at 1530-1630 UTC. (Alok Das Gupta-IND, Jul 1)

Voice of the Mojahed: The Mojahedin-e Khalq's radio continues to be monitored as usual on several shortwave frequencies - for example at 1600 gmt sign-on it is heard on or around 3550, 3840, 4440, 4640, 5140 and 5440 kHz. Powerful jamming affects all channels, forcing them to move up or down in frequency in an attempt to avoid the jammer.

New Kurdish radio starts bcing - Med TV report. Kurdistan Independence Radio had starting bcing. Med TV reported that the radio, which started bcing "two days ago" (20th June), bcs in Kurdish. "Its bcing times an freqs are as follows: 0400-0530 and 1300-1530 UTC, 6200, 6205, 6210 kHz." So far BBCM has not heard any bcs from "Kurdistan Independence Radio". (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 27)

KOREA The Voice of the People (from South Korea) changed its schedule on June 25 as follows: 1100-2100 UTC 3912 kHz; 2300-0100 6518, 6600; 0300-0700 6600. (Toru Yamashita/Asian Broadc Inst., JAP, via DXW, Jun 30)

MADAGASCAR Deutsche Welle, Talata-Volondry, 15205 kHz, 0902 UTC, English nx. (Michiel Schaay [email protected] Jun 24)

NETHERLANDS Latest news on Delta LW project. A spokesperson for Delta 171, a planned project that would involve bcing in English to the UK and other countries from a very powerful LW tx in the Netherlands, has given further details of the stn. She said that whilst contracts for the supply of the txing equipment have been supplied, other aspects of the project remain to be finalized. The following are excerpts from a RNMN report: ... We called Delta 171. Back at the end of April, Telefunken Sendertechnik - and that's a wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental Electronic Corporation of Dallas, Texas - said they'd signed a turnkey contract to provide a new two MW LW AM bcing stn for Delta 171. Two one-MW txs are to be coupled together and connected to a four-mast directional antenna beamed primarily at the UK. The tx site is listed at a place called Kootwijk, a town in the eastern part of the Netherlands not far from Apeldoorn. ... We've finalized the contracts, yes that's true. Yes. All this subject to building applications and so on. ...

Delta 171 has received some local opposition to the original scheme, even though the site already has antennas on in belonging to the maritime facility Scheveningen Radio, but it hasn't stopped them. ... Two weeks ago Delta Radio submitted a new proposal which would mean the antenna masts would be less obtrusive in the area, which in fact is a nature reserve. ... We have been looking into Amsterdam. Our offices are now in Amsterdam and that might be a very good option.

A decision on whether planning permission will be granted for the tx site is expected in a few days time. Other procedures still have to be followed so that by the end of the summer it will be clear how the project will progress. In the meantime, Delta 171 is operating a toll free telephone number in the Netherlands - 0800 8171 - and if you live abroad you could try 31 800 8171, but our experience says that it doesn't often work outside the country. You can also use traditional snail mail and the address is Delta 171, PO Box 75065, 1070 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (RN ext sce June 26, BBCM via AGDX)

The Dutch local radio stn Horizon 92.9 from Leende in the Netherlands will offer special summer bcs to travelers and holidaymakers in EUR, and beyond. During the next 10 weeks a half-hour program will be aired via the facilities of IRRS in Milan/Italy. The aim of the program is to keep Horizon's normal FM listeners updated on what is happening 'home'. It will be presented in the Dutch language, but also announcements in English will be made. Starting 28 June 1997, 'Horizon Worldwide' can be heard every Sat until 30 Aug via IRRS at 1930 UTC on 3985 kHz. A repeat will take place every Sun 0800 UTC on 7125 kHz. //Eindhoven-HOL live each Tue at 1800 UTC 92.9 MHz. In 1996, listeners' reports were received from all over Europe, Russia, Poland, the Czech Rep, Latvia, the US, Canada, SoAfrica and Argentina. Horizon Worldwide, PO Box 80, NL-5595 ZH Leende, the Netherlands. Returnpostage is highly appreciated. e-mail: [email protected] (press release, Jul 4)

PAKISTAN Radio Pakistan noted at 1837-1900 UTC on new 9335 kHz, //much better v11570.1 kHz. Very bad audio feeder quality on 9335. (Kai Ludwig, Jun 20)

PARAGUAY R Nac del Paraguay in Sp from 2100 UTC onwards on v9737.6 kHz. Usually very popular nice So&CeAM music with very special flower, my favorite Latin American stn. (WB Jul 5)

PERU 7040.45, R. San Ignacio, 0048-0118, OA campo mx, long echo tlk by live M anncr over instru. OA campo mx from 0053-0106 w/at least 1 ID (possibly 3) and ments of Peru, Santa Cruz, San Ignacio, and occasionally numbers. Nice clear TC and ID at 0110 and! ment of San Ignacio. More mx and anmnts. Fair at best but seemed to be getting gradually better. Pretty high QRN from just passed front, and occas. CW QRM. (Dave Valko-USA, June 27)

ROMANIA Bucharest in Romanian home sce relay at 1600 UTC on v15104.8 kHz. (WB Jul 5)

RUSSIA/MOLDOVA HF schedules Z97 of various tx centres in Russia: GPR-2 St.Petersburg Popovka & Kaliningrad Bolshakovo 5835 2030-2130 5925 0200-0500 5935 0200-0430 6015 1300-2100 6145 0500-0600 7130 1730-2000 7200 1630-2000 7230 1600-1900 7280 1500-1900 7300 2300-0300 7310 1600-2000 7380 2030-2300 7390 1500-2100 9480 2300-0300 9740 1930-2200 9775 1600-2200 9845 0100-0600 11630 0630-1000 11685 1030-1300 11745 0900-1000 11920 1700-1900 11975 1500-1600 11985 0500-1300 11985 1400-1600 12000 1500-2200 12005 0530-1000 12015 1700-1800 12045 1030-1600 12065 1630-2000 15540 1400-1700

TCR-4 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya 5935 1530-2000 7250 2100-0300 7260 0000-0200 7260 0300-0400 7295 1700-2100 7305 1700-1800 7325 1530-2000 7345 0100-0400 9560 1530-2300 9600 0000-0300 9620 2000-2300 9810 1600-2230 9820 2300-0300 9885 1300-2200 11720 0830-1500 11765 1830-2000 11785 1200-1600 11980 1500-1900 11985 1700-2000 12015 1300-1600 12025 0430-0800 12040 1700-2200 13645 0300-0700 15350 1400-1800 15435 1230-1500 15455 0900-1000 15485 1500-1900 15490 1000-1500 17560 1000-1200 17610 0600-1400

GPR-1 Moscow region 5905 1530-2000 5910 0100-0300 6030 1430-2000 6110 0100-0500 7105 0330-1500 7290 1600-2000 7440 1930-2200 usb8005 1830-2300 9450 1600-2100 9450 2300-0300 9470 2300-0300 9480 1500-2100 9630 1800-2200 9675 1400-2000 9710 1500-2200 9720 0530-1400 9720 1500-2200 9765 1600-2200 9775 2300-0300 9785 1500-1800 9795 1700-2100 9810 2300-0300 9820 1600-2200 9830 2300-0300 9840 1600-2100 9865 1500-2000 9865 2300-0300 9880 2030-2300 9880 2300-0300 11630 1700-2100 11655 1000-1600 11690 1500-2000 11695 1600-2000 11710 1300-1500 11775 1400-2000 11850 1500-1900 12010 (alt. 7420) 1930-2200 12015 2000-2100 12020 2000-2100 12030 1600-2000 12035 1400-2000 12045 1700-1800 12060 1700-2100 12070 1700-2200 usb12175 0100-0500 & 1430-1800 usb14950 0100-0400 & 1630-2300 (alt. usb11575) 15460 1100-1400 15460 1500-1600 15560 1100-1400 usb16300 0530-1400 usb16330 0430-1600

GPR-3 Samara & Saransk 5925 0000-0100 5935 1500-2100 6195 2200-0200 7270 2200-0300 7300 1700-2100 7325 0100-0400 7345 1430-2200 7350 1600-2200 7355 1330-2300 7400 2000- 7440 0200-0400 9470 0430-1400 9470 1500-2200 9490 1515-1545(Mons only, to Arctica) 9490 1600-2200 9605 0230-1430 9615 1500-1900 9645 1330-1700 9800 1500-1900 9835 1600-2000 9890 1500-2000 9890 2030-2200 9890 2300-0300 11665 1200-1600 11700 1300-1500 11725 1500-1900 11750 0930-1300 11765 1200-1400 11820 1600-2000 11890 1500-2000 11940 0730-1300 11990 0330-0700 12010 0900-1000 12010 1500-2000 12045 0200-0300 12045 0900-1000 12055 1400-1800 12065 0430-0900 13645 1330-1530 15110 1200-1500 15230 1200-1500 15500 0700-1300 15510 1000-1400 15550 1200-1400

Maiac-Grigoriopol in Moldova(Pridnestrovye). The txs carry Voice of Russia progrs in English, Russian, French, Spanish, Port, and Arabic. To AF, EUR, No&SoAM. 7125 2230-0300 7230 0030-0300 9620*0030-0300 9665 2030-2400 11750*2230-2400 11840 1930-2200 11840 2230-0300 11945 1400-2000 13815 1500-2200 15340 1600-2200 15430 1000-1900 *=alternat. 7105 (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jun 20)

SAUDI ARABIA Clandestine radio stn Voice of the Iraqi People, v9568.6 kHz, 1043 UTC, tentative, with Arabic talks and announcement by male speaker. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jul 4) [Beware of QBS Doha on nearby 9570.2 kHz. Niamey Niger every day on 9705 kHz at same time slot, starting at 0700 til past 1200. And Mali v9734 kHz, Libya test tone on 9655 kHz too. ed + Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Jun 4/5]

SRI LANKA 11905 kHz, SLBC Colombo on Jun 25, 0058 UTC, After mammoth Budapest leaves the channel, SLBC has been showing with pips on the hour and bits of ID caught ("You're tuned to ... Sri Lanka ..."), then a variety of subcontinental vocals and announcements by man or woman, probably in Sinhala. Followed past 0145. I don't know what their s/on time is these days now that Sri Lanka has changed its local time. Reception ranges from barely mediocre to very poor. Other Sri Lanka signals noted on 25mb around this time: R. Japan relay on 11890 in English (fair, though splattered by VOA/11895) and VOA relay on 11705, also in English (very poor). (Bob Hill-USA, via DXW, Jun 30)

SWITZERLAND Private Radio Evviva, Zurich, ceased folkloric music sce program on MW Beromuenster Gunzwil 1566 kHz, and Astra satellite outlet, as from Jun 30th, 2200 UTC, most likely due to lack of funds. In the past, owner of Radio Evviva appealed to Swiss frequency and PTT Swiss Telecom authorities for a frequency on the lower end of the MW band, to expand its Swiss audience, and to push back Swiss public bcing a similar program on powerful MW 531 kHz.

MW 1566 kHz couldn't serve the main target in Northern [Swiss German speaking] Switzerland effectively. During daytime, signals blown out in nearby Zurich area. [and also 100 kms north of Beromuenster tx site, which I noted last week during a trip to Swiss-German border area, ed] Far better reception conditions on 1566 kHz noted for example in Stuttgart or Munich Germany, some 150 to 200 kms north of the main target zone.

Negotiations between Switzerland and Austria have been in progress to use a frequency which registrated by the ITU Geneva originally for Austria, like either 585 or 630 kHz. So, Radio Evviva may re-appear in near future on a different MW channel.

Original contribution in German language: Radio Evviva stellt seinen Betrieb am Montag, 30.6. um 2200 UTC definitiv ein. Betroffen sind die MW 1566 und Astra-Tonuntertraeger.

Dies, weil der Schweizer Bundesrat am vergangenen Mittwoch n i c h t s entschieden hatte, was mit Evviva weiter geschehen soll - mit AUT waren Verhandlungen im Gange, dass Evviva eine bessere MW-QRG im Bereich von 600 kHz (also vermutlich 585 oder 630) bekommen sollte, aber Evviva scheint wohl der finanzielle Schnauf ausgegangen zu sein. ([email protected] Jun 30)

TAIWAN WYFR via VO Free China rescheduled their Indian Sce as from 1st July. 11550 kHz 0000-0100 Hindi, 0100-0200 English (NEW) 1510-1610 Hindi, 1610-1810 English (Alok Das Gupta-IND, Jul 1)

THAILAND Radio Thailand Z97 schedule, * VoA Udon Thani relay: 0000-0030 11905 9690-* 9655 927 English to NoAM 0030-0100 15370-* 11905 9655 927 English to AS & NoAM 0100-0200 Thai, 0300-0330 English, 0330-0430 Thai 0530-0600 15115-* 11905 9655 927 English to EUR 1100-1115 11905 9655 7260-* 927 Vietnamese to AS 1115-1130 Cambodian 1130-1145 11905 9655 6030-* 927 Lao, 1145-1200 Burmese 1200-1215 11905 11805-* 9655 927 Malay, 1215-1230 Indonesian 1230-1300 11905 9885-* 9655 9505 927 English to AS/AUS 1300-1315 11905 11850-* 9655 927 Japanese, 1315-1330 Chinese 1330-1400 11955-* 11905 9655 927 Thai to AS 1400-1430 11905 9830-* 9655 927 English to AS/AUS 1800-1900 11905 9690-* 9655 927 Thai to ME 1900-2000 11905 9655 7210-* 927 English to EUR 2000-2015 11905 9680-* 9655 927 German to EUR, 2015-2030 French, 2030-2045 English, 2045-2115 Thai (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 26)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic at 2200 UTC on v7474.6 kHz (daytime v11729.1). Terrible audio from that tx unit, lasting at least two months now. Similar faulty modulation occurs on TRT Ankara outlet 9460 kHz at present. (WB Jul 5-6)

UNIDENTIFIED On 7543.5 kHz in LSB mode, in the two weeks since I first reported this stn, I have seen absoluetly no reports of anyone else hearing it. I checked again the following evening, Jun 19, and it started to fade in around 2345 UTC. On Jun 20, a weak carrier around 1200, audio faded in at 1223 with preaching in progress. Next check Jul 1 at signing on 1241 but too weak to copy; 1255 faded in stronger with preaching, 1315 mx; at 1342 ending "Una Voz del Aire" progr with Mexican mx, and starting "Una Cita con Dios" giving an address on Central Avenida in Los Angeles. At 1507 still audible but weaker, and gone by 1525. Never any sign-on, sign-off or IDs heard other than names of progrs. Perhaps this is a Mexican aficionado doing his part for evangelism, and his clock is 12 mins slow or 18 mins fast... Jul 2 had moved up to v7544.1 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-USA, Jun 19/28, Jul 1-2, WoR Jul 3)

USA ALBANIAN ELECTION COVERAGE. The Voice of America has added a bc in Albanian to provide coverage of elections in the country. The bc runs Jun 22 - Jul 13, 1997: 1415-1430 UTC on 11925, 13720, and 15290 kHz. (Tony Jones-PRG, via Cumbre spec, Jun 29)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE, SHORT VERSION effective July 2: On WWCR Nashville, Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0530 5070 [NEW temporary], Sat 0605 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sat 1300 15685, Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070, Tue 1230 15685.

On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-0500 period, 7385 2200-1200, NEW 7585-USB 0000-1200.

NEW!! On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0400 on 5085 (Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 2)

[WoR noted on new 5070 kHz Sat 0530 UTC, but unfortunatelly stn fade-out started at 0540 UTC in Center EUR. Sat 15685 was replaced by religious progr on Jul 5, ed]

Radio Free Iran. The previous week's edition of "Communications World" had reported that the US House of Representatives and the Senate had both passed their separate versions of the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1997. The report said that the Senate version of the Act gives two million dollars to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) "to operate a new Radio Free Iran, which would transmit into Iran news in Farsi [Persian] about Iran". It said the House of Representatives version of the Act "calls for a study about establishing a Radio Free Iran and a Radio Free Africa, but it does not allocate any money for either station". "A conference between the House and the Senate to iron out differences will begin in July," the programme said. (BBCM via AGDX, JUn 29)

NEWS FROM WRMI - July 1, 1997 NEW ANTENNA UPDATE - WRMI's new rotatable log-yagi antenna beamed to North America is well under construction. The tower has been completely erected. As I write this, the engineers are working on the elevator mechanism which will lift the antenna to the top of the tower. This device will also be able to lower the antenna to the ground in the event of a hurricane, for example. We are hopeful that the new antenna can be on the air during the month of July.

WRMI ON THE AIR 24 HOURS PER DAY - In June, WRMI began bcing 24 hours per day on weekdays, and slightly less on weekends. Much of the new progr is in English and consists of the "AmeriNet" talk radio network, based in Tampa, Florida. NEW TIMES FOR VIVA MIAMI AND WAVESCAN - Our English-language DX progr from Adventist World Radio, "Wavescan," has been expanded from 15 to 30 mins as of July, in order to bring you more DX news and features. At the same time, we have shortened the English- language version of "Viva Miami" from 30 to 15 mins and we have added a number of bcs of Viva Miami each week. "Viva Miami" includes letters from listeners, interviews, DX news, travel information, music and a variety of other features. In July, several editions of "Viva Miami" will have interviews and other items from the 1997 European DX Council Conference held in the Czech Rep last month. In August, "Viva Miami" will go on the road to Mexico, and in late Sept and Oct, the program will feature Alaska.

SPECIAL PROGRAMS FROM SOUTH AMERICA - WRMI will relay another special bc of the South American "pirate" stns Radio Pirana International and Radio Cochiguaz on UTC July 28, 1997 at 0100-0130 (Radio Pirana International) and 0130-0200 (Radio Cochiguaz) UTC on 9955 kHz. Special QSL cards will be issued for reception reports sent either to WRMI or directly to the stns in question. (Jeff White WRMI, Jul 1)

UK BDXC - British DX Club visit to Radio London RSL from Walton Pier on Sat Aug 9th. The full cost per person is 5 British pounds. This recreation of the sixties offshore radio station which will be bcing close to the original anchorage off Frinton-on-Sea. More information via phone 01202 - 570 979, or e-mail [email protected] (Mike Terry, 26 Pinewood Avenue, Northbourne, Bournemouth, BH10 6BT )

VIETNAM VoV R Hanoi in E at 1600 UTC on v15009.8 kHz. (WB Jul 5)

YUGOSLAVIA Serbia denies plan to ban foreign radio broadcasts. The Serbian information minister has denied as groundless the claims that she has ever asked for a ban on the Voice of America, Deutsche Welle and Radio Free Europe bcs. She has also denied that Radio-TV Serbia is to take over Radio-TV Kragujevac [town in central Serbia]. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 27)

For immediate release: New Booklet "LA DXing No.6". After a long silence of 5 years, Radio Nuevo Mundo is pleased to announce publication of another legendary booklet exclusively for those interested in DXing stations in Latin American countries: "LA DXing". If you are interested in clandestine stations, LA DXing No.6 is it! If you are interested in Peruvian shortwavers, LA DXing No.6 is it!! If you are interested in identification texts, LA DXing No.6 is it!!! If you are interested in station photographs, LA DXing No.6 is it!!!!

Here is a table of contents of the "LA DXing No.6": 1. SINTONIA DX (LA stations by frequency) 2. TRABALENGUAS DX (ID text transcription of LA stations) 3. RELAMPAGO DX "Por las Rutas del Peru" (Station profile), featuring 49 legal/illegal shortwavers in 16 cities in the Departments of San Martin, Loreto, Ucayali, Huanuco and Amazonas. 4. TERREMOTO DX (Station profile, etc.) 4.1 DX Trip to La Mosquitia, featuring SW stations in La Ceiba (HRLW), Puerto Lempira (HRRI/HRXK/HRET) and Puerto Cabezas (YNPMK). 4.2 WRTH 50 years and Latin America 4.3 Radio Rebelde (Cuba) 4.4 Last Days of Radio Impacto (Costa Rica) Authors include Tor-Henrik Ekblom (Denmark), Don Moore (USA), Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (Japan) and Tetsuya Hirahara (Japan) for your full reading satisfaction. Also you can enjoy looking at many photographs (studio, station, personnel, etc.) as well as a lot of logotypes of the stations.

Total page: 270 pages Size : A5 (21cm x 14.8cm) Price : US$20.00.- or 20 IRCs or JY2,200 for airmail delivery Method of payment: Cash (US dollar notes only, no coins) or IPMO (International Postal Money Order) or Postal Gyro (Tokyo 00180-1-89806, Tetsuya HIRAHARA). No checks (irrespective of personal or bank) accepted.

LA DXing No.6 is available from: Tetsuya HIRAHARA (RNM), 5-6-6 Nukui-kita, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184, JAPAN For inquiry on bulk order (more than five copies to a single address) please send an e-mail to: [email protected] Tokyo, June 28, 1997

1) The booklet TDP SW-97, the "Transmitter Documentation Project". This annual publication listing all the shortwave broadcast radio transmitters in the world ran out of it's first print quite early, but now large stocks are available again. Details like location, geographical coordinates, number, power, name of manufacturer, type number, year of installation and year out of use are listed as well as a number of statistical information about shortwave transmitters, transmitter manufacturers, etc. Be sure to order your copy now, there are distributors in Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Sweden and United Kingdom or you can order directly from Belgium. You will be surprised about the wealth of information available for such a low price.

2) "TDP Shortwave Transmitter AIRTIME" service. We bring offer and demand together to people who are looking to hire airtime on a shortwave transmitter or who have capacity on their shortwave transmitter for rebroadcasts. There are now 8 broadcasting organisations from around the world offering airtime for sale, but we are still looking for a broadcaster offering airtime to Asia and the Pacific. A few radio stations are still looking for a specific target area, so check the service for more details.

3) "TDP Shortwave Transmitter MARKETPLACE" service. This service is now fully operational. Here you will find info about the current new shortwave transmitters that are on the market with technical details and photographs. 54 shortwave transmitters from 15 different manufacturers are listed. There is also a service which brings offer and demand for second hand shortwave transmitters together. We currently have 10 shortwave transmitters for sale and 4 organisations are still looking for a specific second hand shortwave transmitter.

4) Shortwave TRANSMITTER Manufacturers. A comprehensive list of shortwave transmitter manufacturers with complete details and links to their homepages.

5) Shortwave Broadcast ANTENNA Manufacturers. Links and details about manufacturers of antennas designed for shortwave broadcast purposes.

6) Shortwave Transmitter TUBE Manufacturers. A directory of manufacturers of shortwave transmitter tube manufacturers and companies who rebuild used shortwave transmitter tubes.

The above services can be consulted at http://www.ping.be/tdp

Ludo Maes, TDP, P.O. Box 1, B-2310 Rijkevorsel, Belgium Tel : +32 3 314 78 00 Fax : +32 3 314 12 12 E-mail : [email protected] Web : http://www.ping.be/tdp/

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 317 14 Jul 1997 ______

ALBANIA/USA VoA Durres Fllake relay schedule: 1395 0330-0400 VOA SERB DUR 500 330 1395 0430-0500 VOA CROA DUR 500 330 1458 0530-0600 VOA SERB DUR 500 338 1458 2200-2230 VOA SERB DUR 500 330 (IBB schedule Jul 1)

TWR Cerrik in Ukrainian observed by Nikolay Rudnev-RUS from 1535 UTC on 9970. (May 16)

ALGERIA Came accross Radio Algiers Int. in English at 2053 UTC, seems the slot for these program is now 2000-2100 UTC. Tx off-frequency on 15158, medium signal on clear channel, slightly distorded modulation. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 6) [in afternoon on v15161, ed]

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia introduced a new schedule on 30 June, and modifications from July 10th at 0700 UTC. This reflects the closure of Darwin and reduced language sces. Shepparton operates around the clock with six 100 kW SW txs in use simultaneously, and Brandon maintains two 10 kW SW txs (but not 24-hrs). Some unusual frees are now listed from Shepparton:

5870 030 degrees 1400-1800 English. 6355 050 degrees 1700-2130 English, but now replaced by 11880 at 065 degr due to QRM. 9415 329 degrees 1100-1330 Chinese, 1330-1500 Vietnamese. 9415 030 degrees 1500-2130 English.

RA would like reports of the Asian bcs, on azimuth 329, 339, 353 and 355 degrees from the curtains and rhombic antennas at Shepparton. The Darwin facility will be mothballed and the staff redeployed at, amongst other locations, the Jindalee project at Alice Springs. Reports can be sent to Radio Australia, FAX +61 3 9626 1917 or GPO Box 428G, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia (Attention: Arie Schellaars)

Shepparton txing schedule, as fr July 10th: 329 degrees - Line A: 17750 2200-0830, but started on July 10th at 0700 UTC. 9770 0830-1100, 9415 1100-1500, 9615 1500-2200; 329 degrees - Line B: 15415 2130-0830, 11640 0830-1100, 11660 1100-1700; 065 degrees - Line B: 11880 1700-2130. 090 degrees - Line C: 15365 2100-0900; 030 degrees - Line C: 6020 0900-1200; 070 degrees - Line C: 11800 1200-1600; 339 degrees - Line C: 6080 1600-1900; 005 degrees - Line C: 6080 1900-2100; 050 degrees - Line D: 17795 2200-0600; 329 degrees - Line D: 21725 0600-0830; 339 degrees - Line D: 6080 0830-1400; 030 degrees - Line D: 5870 1400-1800, 7240 1800-2200; 353 degrees - Line E: 13605 0000-0800, 9710 0800-1200; 050 degrees - Line E: 5995 1200-2130; 355 degrees - Line E: 11695 2130-0000. 030 degrees - Line F: 15240 2130-0200 [13755 dropped temporarily], 15240 0200-0800, 9580 0800-1500, 9415 1500-2130.

Brandon txing schedule, as fr July 10th: 010 degrees - Line G: 9660 2100-0800; 5995 0800-1200. 080 degrees - Line J: 12080 2100-0900.

(Ed: The reference to Jindalee is for the "Jindalee Over the Horizon Radar Network" project ["JORN"]. Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP).

- Following a decision by the Australian Government earlier this year, our tx site at Cox Peninsula, near Darwin, was closed at 1100 on Mon 30 June. This closure has had a major impact on RA's ability to sce its audiences in Asia, a situation which is further exacerbated at times when we would normally offer our general English sce and special sporting coverage such as the current Australian Ashes tour of England.

Adapting to these changes we are now only able to offer our Asian listeners an extremely limited coverage of the remaining Ashes tests.

>From this Thurs, 3 July, the first day of the third test, listeners in Asia should tune to 11660 [in replacement of scheduled 9615 ?] between 1500-1800. Listeners in the PAC will be better served, but will miss the first three hours of coverage. They should tune to 9580 between 1200-1800.

We sincerely apologise for this truncated coverage, especially for our listeners in Asia. We are most anxious to have your immediate reaction to these changes. Please send your comments E-mail Thank you. Roger Broadbent, Manager, English & Pacific Services, Radio Australia.

(RA media release of 30 Jun, via Mat Francis, comments by Bob Padula via EDXP, amendments by Arie Schellars of RA via WB, Jul 10)

Since the Darwin txs has shut down, Radio Australia could here in EUR sometimes received in 1500-1700 UTC range on 11660. (Erich Bergmann-D, Jul 8)

The Australian Democrats say the closure of Radio Australia's Darwin [SW] tx may make it more difficult to contact and evacuate Australian citizens in Cambodia. The Democrats' Senator Vicki Bourne has called on the govt to immediately recommission Radio Australia's Darwin tx to improve the signal to Cambodia. She says the tx closed last week following govt budget cuts to the ABC [Australian Broadc Corpor]. Senator Bourne says Australians in Phnom Penh have been told by Ambassador Tony Kevin to listen to the BBC and Voice of America for information on the situation in the capital. She says the govt must reverse its decision because Australian and Cambodian lives may depend on it. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 7)

"School of the Air", via Royal Flying Doctor Sce, observed on 5145 and 5845 in period 0000-0200*, 5 Jul (Dieter Habicht). (Ed: Most likely via VNZ Port Augusta, South Australia. Utility stn, but included here for general interest, observed during the Mid Winter Survey. BP). (via EDXP, Jul 8)

CHINA Voice of the Strait, Fuzho, in Amoy language on hx2754 (2x1377) at 1440-1700 UTC signing off. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

CONGO / SIERRA LEONE In our local newspaper I found following item of news agency AP: "Deutsche Post AG" [German Mail Sce] has announced, that currently all connections to Congo (these one with the capital Brazzaville) and Sierra Leone are disrupted, due to the situation "similiar to civil war" there. So letters and parcels couldn't delivered in these countries, already posted shipments will returned to the sender. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 10)

CYPRUS Bayrak-Radio Television, the state broadcaster in northern Cyprus, now has a site on the world wide web. The site also contains a live RealAudio feed of Bayrak Radio 1 in Turkish. The URL is: http://www.cc.emu.edu.tr/press/brt/brt.htm.

An e-mail address for Bayrak Radio-TV is given as: [email protected]. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 7)

CZECH REPUBLIC Jeff White reports that Czech Rep. wants to sell SW airtime. (WoR Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 10)

CZECH REP/GERMANY Deutsche Welle expands on Czech mediumwave radio. The Czech programme of Deutsche Welle radio is to expand its presence on MW in the Czech Rep fr 1st July 1997. On weekdays, a news programme of DW radio can be heard live on the freqs of Czech radio nationwide between 1245-1300. Over the past year and a half, the Czech rebroadcasting partner has been txing the progr "That Was the Day in Germany" , which includes short news reports, interviews, and features, every day between 1910-1930. Czech Radio launched a joint project with DW, VoA, the BBC and RFE in Nov 1995. On this occasion, a new -sixth- channel (CRo6) was opened, which now reaches 12 per cent of the population every week. The bc "The Day in Germany" by DW radio/Czech is being aired between 15-minute blocks of VoA (1230-1245) and the BBC (1300-1315). This makes it possible to obtain information from Washington, Bonn and London in the Czech language on the radio at prime time. (DW via BBCM, AGDX, Jul 1)

ETHIOPIA/CIS A previously-unheard Amharic-language radio stn calling itself " Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia" (Amharic: Andit Netsa Ethiopia Dimts Radio Agelgilot) has been heard since 18th June. It bcs on Suns & Weds only at 1615-1715 UTC on 12105. Address: PO Box 5801, Washington DC 20016, USA. Aerial bearings indicate that the stn is using a tx in one of the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union. Although poor reception has precluded a detailed assessment of the stn's bcs, in its mode of operation and contact address Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia is very similar to two earlier SW stns that were hostile to the current Ethiopian govt: 1. Voice of Ethiopian Patriotism (Amharic: Admas Ethiopia Yeager Fikir Dimts): This radio, which supported the Coalition of Ethiopian Democratic Forces, was heard in Oct and Nov 1992. 2. Free Radio Voice of Ethiopia Unity (Amharic: Yenetsa Radio Yeethiopia Andinet Dimts): This was first heard in Nov 1993. It was heard intermittently the following year but not since then. Both of these earlier stns announced postal addresses in Washington DC, bc from SW txs in the former Soviet Union, and only operated on Suns and Weds, as is also the case with Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia. (BBCM via AGDX, 18 Jun-2 Jul)

GERMANY VoA/RFE relay schedule Munich Ismaning in Bavaria: 1197 1900-1945 VOA CZEC MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 1800-1900 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 2300-2400 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur MO-FR 1197 1945-2000 VOA SLVK MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 2000-2200 VOA POLI MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 1700-1800 RFE SC MUN 300 115 Eur 1197 1600-1700 RFE SC MUN 300 115 Eur 1197 0000-0300 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 1400-1500 VOA ENGL MUN 300 ND Eur MO-FR 1197 1530-1600 VOA ENGL MUN 300 115 Eur 1197 0300-0330 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 0400-0415 VOA SLVK MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 0330-0400 VOA CZEC MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 0415-0430 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 1500-1530 VOA BOSN MUN 300 115 Eur MO-FR 1197 0430-0700 VOA ENGL MUN 300 065 Eur 1197 1200-1400 VOA ENGL MUN 300 ND Eur MO-FR

VoA/RFE relay schedule Holzkirchen in Bavaria: 1593 1700-1730 VOA SLVK HOL 150 ND 1593 2100-2130 VOA SERB HOL 150 ND 1593 1900-1930 RFE SC HOL 150 ND 1593 2130-2200 RFE SC HOL 150 ND 1593 0400-0515 RFE CZ HOL 150 ND MO-FR 1593 2000-2100 RFE SC HOL 150 ND 1593 0515-0600 RFE SL HOL 150 ND MO-FR 1593 1930-2000 VOA SERB HOL 150 ND 1593 1600-1700 VOA ENGL HOL 150 ND 1593 1800-1900 RFE SC HOL 150 ND (IBB schedule Jul 1)

Deutsche Welle in German 1000-1400 on 15490, Indo 1400-1425 15470. [Wertachtal?] (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Jul 8)

Radio Budapest found on new frequency; could be another German relay? (WoR Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 10)

GREECE ERT Athens schedule via VoA Kavalla-GRC and Rhodes location: Kavalla in Northern Greece MW 792 Suns 0800-1000, daily 1000-1300, 1400-1600, 1900-1930, 2030-2130. 6260 0000-0350. 7430 0600-0800 & 1900-2050. 7480 2100-2150. 9375 0400-0550, 1200-1350, 1500-1700. 9380 1900-2050. 9520 0400-0600 & 1400-1450. 9425 1715-1750, 2100-2350. 9935 2300-2350. 11575 1500-1700. 11645 0000-0350, 0600-0800, 1400-1450, 1800-1850. 15150 1800-1850. 15175 1200-1350. 15630 1715-1750. Rhodes Island MW 1260 0900-1200 & 2200-2230 UTC. (ERT schedule)

HAWAII HWA Marine wx forecast stn in Honolulu in English on usb6200 from 1200 UTC onwards. Not every day. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

INDONESIA RRI Tanjung Karang (WRTH lists Tanjung Pinang) in BI observed on new 4920 til 1800 UTC close down. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

JORDAN Jordan radio Amman schedule, sked eff fr March 15: English 1000-1630 UTC 11690. Arabic 0300-0500 9630 11810 15435 0500-0800 11810 11835 15435 0800-1000 11810 1000-1200 11810 15355 1200-1400 11810 13630 1400-1500 13630 1500-1700 6105 7155 13630(-1530) 1700-2100 6105 7155 15435 2100-0100 6105 11935 15435 (Roy Patrick, WDXC Contact Jul)

Jordan-based Iraqi opposition radio off air for repairs. The Jordanian nxpaper 'Al-Hadath' on 30th Jun reported Iraqi opposition sources based in Amman as saying that relations between the Jordanian govt and the Iraqi opposition were "good" and that "there is no political crisis between the two sides". The paper continued by referring to the "suspension" of the radio stn of the opposition Iraqi National Accord (INA), "which is believed to transmit from Amman". It cited sources in the INA as saying that "the radio, which transmits on two freqs, was recently jammed by the Iraqis and that technical repairs are being made to strengthen its txion." The sources added that "the repair work might take a long time, but the stn will resume txion when it is ready." (The INA radio referred to is known as Al-Mustaqbal ("The Future"), which began bcing in Apr 1996. In the past it has been heard on various MW freqs incl 1008, 1035 and 1566.)

Jordan Radio-TV launches web site. Jordan Radio and Television is on-line on the world wide web as of today [24th June]. The site offers general information relating to Jordan Television [JTV], Jordan Radio and the Jordan Satellite Channel, incl programme and txion schedules. Internet surfers will have access to JTV national and internat nx, weather and features. The site can be accessed under http://www.jrtv.com (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 24/30)

Jordan-based Iraqi opposition radio closes down. The radio of the Iraqi National Accord Movement [The Future - Al-Mustaqbal], which was active at the time of [former Jordanian Prime Minister] Kabariti's govt, has ceased bcing. Sources from the movement stated that the radio stopped for technical reasons and jamming by Iraqi security agencies; however, reports suggest that the radio stopped on political grounds after Prime Minister Abd al- Salam al-Majali was charged with opening a new chapter in relations with Iraq and following his repeated meetings with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz. It is well known that the Iraqi govt agencies do not have the technical capability to jam the state-of-the-art radio of the National Accord Movement, which it received as a gift, valued at over 25m dollars, from the United States. [Al-Mustaqbal Radio, mouthpiece of the Iraqi National Accord Movement, which used to transmit on 1008, has not been observed since 15th June.] (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 5)

KOREA RKI Seoul in E til 0830-0850 UTC on 13670, but joined by powerful North Korean jammer around 0845 UTC, aimed to RKI Korean sce 0900-1100 UTC on same channel. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

KUWAIT Final J97 sked for Radio Kuwait: Arabic: 6055 0200-1305 Gulf Area 9855 1800-0000 Eu/NAm 9880 1315-2130 ME 11990 1615-1800 Eu/NAm 15110 0445-0930 SAs, 1315-1730 15495 0200-1305 ME 15495 1800-0000 CAf/NAf/WAf 15505 0815-1740 CAf/NAf/WAf 15505 0400-0805 Eu 17885 0900-1505 FE

English: 11675 0000-0530 WNAm 11990 1800-2100 Eu/NAm 13620 0930-1605 Eu/NAm 15505 1745-2300 Eu/NAm (Marc Vissers in rec.radio.shortwave via Mick Ogrizek, 7 Jul, via EDXP)

LIBYA LJB noted around 2045 UTC on all three 19 mB channels: 15235, 15415, 15435. 15415 with good signal, 15235 and 15435 much weaker - obviously beamed to other targets than Europe. All in //with talks in Arabic, as usual tinny sound on really low modulation depht. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 6)

Extended excerpts of 'Green Book' reading in various languages on 15415 only, like Russian on 1st day of each month, German on 5, Polish 23, Bulgarian 25, approx. 1700- 1815 UTC. (WB)

MOROCCO RTM Rabat on 15335 is a fraction of a second too late compared to 15345. Also audio quality is far better than RTM Tangiers 15345 at noon. 15335 seems to be coming via new VoA Briech tx site. Scheduled 11920 0000-0500, 15335 1100-1500 & 2200-0000. (Kai Ludwig-D, WB, Jul 8)

NICARAGUA Radio Miskut still operates on 5770 and will continue. Current power is adequate only for reliable local reception. Please do not assume that time on SW 5770 is nearing an end! In actuality a new SW xmtr is being readied and will be on line as soon as transportation is available. It should provide the authorized power of 500 watts. In June, operations began on 104 MHz FM with coverage of the local area using the identical feed from the low power 5770 transmissions. MW operations will probably not be initiated currently. With proposed SW antenna improvements, and new xmtr, it is expected that SW reception will be greatly enhanced, and new program material is contemplated including "The Atlantic Baseball Net" featuring live sportscasts of games. Broadcasting operations run by indigenous groups in Latin America are quite rare. Radio Miskut is one such and has a dedicated regional audience. While money is very scarce, ingenuity is not. The FM operations are currently going by the name "Radio Bilwi". Bilwi is the indigenous name for the city of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Later there may be some differences in program material on the SW and FM frequencies. More later. (John C. Freeman, Tech Systems, July 2 on WORLD OF RADIO 901) John has made assisting Radio Miskut his personal mission. See his article a few months ago in MONITORING TIMES. Before and after 1200 UTC on July 9 and 10 I was able to detect a very weak broadcast signal on usb5770, presumably this. (direct Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, Jul 10)

NIGERIA/SOUTH AFRICA/USA Voice of Nigeria is the country's official ext radio sce. It used to be part of the Federal Radio Corpor of Nigeria (FRCN) but was removed fr the FRCN by a 1991 decree. VoN was off the air following tx breakdown in late 1995. Tests resumed from new txs in Nov 1996 with regular programming restarting in May 1997. Frequs used in the past: 17800, 15185 and 15120. 7255 0500-2300 UTC. English at 0500, 0600, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1900, 2000 UTC. French at 0700, 1100, 1800. Hausa at 0800, 1200, 2200. Fulfulde 0900, 1300, 2100. Swahili 1400 UTC. Addr: Voice of Nigeria, PMB 40003, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234-1-269-3075/3078 Fax: +234-1-269-1944

Multilingual "Voice of Free Nigeria" is operated by the Free Nigeria Movement (FNM) which says that the stn is intended to serve as a "source of information, education and entertainment to the Nigerian people" and will deal with "matters pertaining to Nigeria of the past, present and the future as envisioned by the FNM". It opposes the current Nigerian govt and was inaugurated on 12th Jun 1997. Aerial bearings indicate the use of an African tx location. Sat only 1900-2000 UTC 11680. Addr: Voice of Free Nigeria, P.O.Box 441395, Indianapolis, IN 46244, USA. Tel: +1-317-216-4590 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://pw2.netcom.com/~fnm

National Liberation Council of Nigeria's "Radio Kudirat Nigeria", the Voice of Democracy (formerly Radio Democrat Internat) began bcing on 12th June 1996. It is opposed to the current Nigerian govt and says that it is the voice of the Nigerian pro-democracy movement. It said that it was launched to complement the activities of its sister stn, Freedom Radio (also known as Freedom Frequency) which has bc on 99.9 MHz in the Lagos area in the past. It bcs from a 500-kW tx in Meyerton South Africa. 1900-2010 UTC 6205. Nx 1915-1920 UTC, Newstalk 1920-1935 UTC. Addr: Nalicon UK, PO Box 9663, London SE1 3LZ, UK Fax: +44-171-403-6985; e-mail: [email protected] or: Nalicon USA: PO Box 175, Boston, MA 02131, USA Fax: +1-617-364-7362; e-mail: [email protected]

National Democratic Coalition's "Radio Nadeco", which describes itself as "the voice of free Nigeria", bcs in support of the National Democratic Coalition of Nigeria (Nadeco), and is opposed to the current Nigerian govt. The bcs, which were inaugurated on 30th Jun 1997, are tx via WWCR, a SW stn based in Nashville, USA, which hires airtime on a commercial basis. 0500-0515 UTC in English 5070-(via WWCR) Addr: Radio Nadeco, 514 10th St NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004, USA Tel: +1-202-347-1960 Fax: +1-202-347-0921 URL: http://www/panafrica.com/nadeco/nadeco.htm (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 3)

NIGERIA [non]. Radio NADECO's monitors in Nigeria complain that they cannot hear the broadcast at 0500-0515 UTC M-F via WWCR 5070 because of interference from VOA. This must be Sao Tome, 5970, at 0500 in English toward Nigeria, via cheap-receiver image 900 or 910 below, an unfortunate coincidence. Until July 10, NADECO programs were jumbled with news and analysis broadcast in wrong order, and no announcements have been made nor posted on their website www.nadeco.org about the bonus repeat WWCR has been giving them M-F at 1630-1645 on 15685, which may very well provide better reception. Of course, W.O.R. listeners already knew about that last week (direct Glenn Hauser, OK, and W.O.R. 901, Jul 10)

PHILIPPINES Radio Pilipinas schedule: Tinang 0230-0330 UTC 11885 15120 15270. 1730-1930 11720 11890 15190. Poro 0330-0400 13770 15330 17730. (R Pilipinas schedule)

... A brief news item in the 2nd May edition of 'Asian Advertising and Marketing' magazine ... said that the Philippines govt has notified US that it must close Voice of America facilities in North Luzon by the end of May. The Philippines wants to develop the 20 hectare property into an eco-tourism park. Well, that would be the VOA relay stn at Poro, and it is still txing VOA progrs. The Poro facility has a one million watt MW tx on 1143 and six SW txs. I inquired about the, but the International Broadcasting Bureau - VOA's parent agency - has no comment about the future of the Poro site. If the Poro facility were to be closed, the US SW relays now being built on Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands could substitute but at a greater distance from the target. Because Radio Free Asia [RFA] so far has no permission to use relay facilities in the Philippines or Thailand, Tinian will likely be heavily used by RFA with little tx time left over for VOA. US international bcing is faced with the dilemma of finding txs for not one but two international bcing sces with what may be a shrinking number of relay sites. This is further complicated by an amendment this week in the House of Representatives to increase funding for Radio Free Asia with a "sense of the Congress" provision that RFA should become a 24-hour service. The US Senate would have to agree. I'll keep you informed about legislation now pending that could bring changes to US international broadcasting. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 14)

Acc to the "Philippine Daily Inquirer" Vietnam has protested to the Philippines about the "pro-democracy" broadcasts coming from the US-run Voice of America facility in San Fernando, La Union. [Poro site] A govt source said that Vietnam called the attention of Philippine Ambassador Rosalinda Tirona four months ago to these broadcasts. The source went on to say, Vietnam viewed these bcs as an incitement to disobedience, but this is not the first time that Manila has received complaints of this kind from its neighbours. China and Myanmar have also complained to the PHL in early 90's about bcs they said were coming from the US facility. US Embassy officials, however, have denied that its VoA facility at Poro Point was responsible for the broadcasts. They suggested that they could have come from Palau. The US also has a facility on that island state. [sic] The source said the allegations may be true as Manila has no way of monitoring bcs coming from the 20-hectare VoA facility which the PHL govt are now asking Washington to return. He concluded by saying "We rely on their (US) good faith".

The US has been operating its VoA facility at Poro Point since 1963 courtesy of the "Radio Broadcast" agreement it signed with the PHL. The bcs used to be aired by Radio Free Asia but since last year the job has been taken over by the Asia-Pacific Network. These bcs come out several times a week.

The source goes on to suggest that the PHL is helping to propagate "US foreign policy objectives". "Allowing ourselves to be a party against our neighbours". Manila has already asked Washington to vacate and dismantle its facility at Poro Point as it was keen on developing the area as an "economic zone". The two countries are holding consultations about the eventual US departure. These talks are expected to last three months. VoA wants a new site to be similar to the features of its present home, which is located near the sea where there are no obstructions in the txion of its bcs. (John Orford-PHL, via WDXC Contact, Jul)

RUSSIA/ARMENIA/TAJIKISTAN VoA relay schedule, DUS=Dushanbe, IRK=Irkutsk, KAM=Kamo, NOV=Novosibirsk, PET=Petropavlovsk, USS=Ussurijsk Vladivostok 648 1300-1400 VOA KORE USS RUS 1000 230 Kor 648 1700-1800 VOA FARS DUS TJK 1000 230 ME 7150 2230-2300 VOA CHIN IRK RUS 1000 152 Chn 7150 2200-2230 VOA CHIN IRK RUS 1000 152 Chn 11990 1300-1500 VOA CHIN NOV RUS 100 111 Chn 12025 1400-1500 VOA TIBE KAM ARM 500 100 Tib 12065 2130-2200 VOA KORE PET RUS 250 244 Kor (IBB schedule Jul 1)

Frequency changes as fr 1st July: Radio Rossii 12060 0430-1800, 15455 0430-0700, 15465 0730-1400 Voice of Russia Vietn 1200-1300 15500 (x15560), also Engl 1100-1200, Engl 1300-1400. Hindi 1300-1400 15560 (x15490), Urdu 1400-1500.

Radio Free Asia in Tibetan 1300-1400 on 12030 from unknown location, "This is only a test". (Klaus Lieberwirth-D, Jul 8)

SLOVAKIA R.Slovakia Internat. has the following new address: P.O.Box 55, SLO - 810 - 05, Bratislava 15, Slovakia. New phone: (+421) 7 - 4317742 (Peter Fratik) (U.Sennewald, Germany/Play DX # 941 Jun 30, via TFW)

THAILAND Radio Thailand about to add five languages and revamp schedule; we have planted the idea of using VOA transmitters in the USA. (WoR Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 10)

TURKEY planning to change frequency for the worse at 0300 UTC. (WoR Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 10)

Please note the following changes in our Z97 HFBC schedule that will be eff as of July 1st, 1997: DEL 13670 0700-0900 18,28 EMR 500 kW 325 7 Ant.6 U DEL 13670 1300-1500 27E,28 EMR 500 kW 310 -7 Ant.6 U DEL 6135 2200-2300 27,28 EMR 500 kW 300 25 Ant.6 U DEL 6170 0400-0700 6,7,10,18,28 EMR 500 kW 335 25 Ant.67 D ADD 15240 0400-0700 29SE,30S,42,43W EMR 500 kW 72 -10 Ant.2 D (TRT Engineering, Jun 27)

New media, old problems: jamming and misinformation, Interference to Med TV. The Kurdish TV channel Med TV was, after a short period off the air the channel returned to the air on an Intelsat satellite only to be severely disrupted by official raids on its premises in Belgium and the UK. Last month, Turkey protested to Syria about terrestrial relays of Med TV and on 1st July the station started tests on a Eutelsat satellite again. Within hours of the start of those tests, viewers and engineers observed a rogue signal which obliterated the video and audio of Med TV. Accidental interference on satellites is not unknown; satellite uplink stations make switching errors just like radio stations and the result is usually an unmatchable mixture of two TV signals. This week's interference was different; it completely swamped Med TV with a noisy dark screen and silenced the TV sound. Although seldom seen, the technical feasibility of jamming satellite TV has always existed: Each satellite in orbit has a number of transponders on board. A transponder is simply a receiver and a re-transmitter connected together. Any signal directed at the satellite on the correct input or uplink frequency will be received, converted to the output frequency or downlink and then sent back to Earth at higher power. A satellite operator can only switch off a transponder, alter the sensitivity of the receiver and switch between or move the directional uplink or downlink antennas. With satellite signals, what goes up must come down and so other satellite users are being affected too. According to Med TV and CTV, a London-based broker for satellite space, the Eutelsat organization is taking the situation very seriously and investigations are therefore under way. Any number of well-equipped uplink stations in the service area of the satellite could be the culprit and it is difficult to narrow the search to less than a whole region. In theory the threat of withdrawal of existing access to the satellites should be enough to prevent unauthorized use of a satellite if it is by a member country. In reality it may prove very difficult for Eutelsat to trace the location of the offending uplink site or sites to one nation.

Med-TV blames Turkey for apparent jamming. Med's director, Hikmet Tabak, believes that only the Turkish govt has both the political motive and the financial and technical capacity to block the Eutelsat for the entire txion period. BBC Monitoring is unable to confirm or deny that the loss of reception was due to the reasons outlined by Med TV in its press release. (BBCM, via AGDX, Jun 11)

UNIDENTIFIED UNID African stn noted using 9710 at 1300-1500 UTC, but on June 7th only. In Vernaculars, sports report, mentioned Zambia, South AF, Congo, Nigeria, Angola. This is a former frequency of MBC Mauritius, which has future plans to use 4855 & 9710 again at 1300-0200 UTC, acc. WRTH '97. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

Thanks to three former colleagues in Florida who have checked out my unID on 7544v. David Crawford had it July 4 at 1330 on 7543.8 LSB plus carrier, charasmatic-style service in Spanish. Terry Krueger listened July 5 on 7543.6 at 0229-0249, clear and weak with sermon; sounded very low power, very far away or both. Robert Wilkner had it at 2330 on 7544.06 July 5, and at 1023 past 1050 on 7543.42v. I still detect it most mornings around 1230-1300, but my patience is running short with a station barely audible which will not identify itself. Monitoring in various parts of Latin America might give us a clue to location based on strength, and direction-finding would also be a big help (direct Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 901, Jul 10)

UNITED KINGDOM According East Anglian Productions (EAP) the organization has got a "RSL Licence" of the UK Radio Authority from July 18-Aug 14. Progr style is similar to former British Pirate Radio "Wonderful Radio London ("Big L"), transmitting from ship (!) on MW 1134. Higlights are rescue helicopter training on Aug 8th, eine "Big L Disc Party Night" on 16th, and "Big L Staff Reunion Dinner" on 16th.

RR's to EAP Dept. radio London Studio House 21-23 Walton Road Frinton-on-Sea Essex CO13 0AA UK e-Mail [email protected] (Hans-Friedrich Dumrese-D, Jul 5)

USA 24-hours Mandarin from Voice of America/Radio Free Asia. President Clinton and "many members of Congress" are backing a proposal to step up US international bcs to China, the Voice of America's "Communications World" progr reported on 29th June. It said that, "if the legislation does become law, the BCing Board of Governors [which oversees US internat bcing] would work out the specifics of the expansion. This would probably include stepping up Mandarin [Standard Chinese] bcing to 24 hours a day." The report said the 24 hour-a-day Mandarin sce would be shared between VOA and Radio Free Asia (RFA). RFA would also add a Cantonese sce, its eighth language sce. "Communications World" noted that "news accounts have also mentioned bcs in additional Chinese dialects". It said the increased US bcing to China was expected to cost about 40m dollars. (Voice of America 29 Jun 97 & 21 Jun 97, via BBCM, via AGDX)

VoA in Spanish observed in the Philippines on new 7360 at 1200-1230 UTC. But seems a punching error, VoA schedule shows 7370 only. Via Delano California 250 kW 120 degr, Mon-Fri only. Creole sce to Caribbean Mon-Fri 1130-1200 UTC on nearby 7365 via Delano at 100 degrees. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30)

Letter received from Joseph Dentici, frequency manager at WEWN says that from Jul 1st 6890 will be dropped due to complaints from the Royal Doctors Flying Sce in Australia on 6891.5. 5825 will be used instead. This was serving EUR but he has changed the European bearing from 40 to 35 degrees and will try and cover EUR from the US American tx. (via WDXC Contact, July)

DXING WITH CUMBRE SCHEDULE AS OF JULY 11, 1997 WHRI Angel 1 (SoAM/Caribbean) 0500-0530 Sat 7315 1730-1800 Sat 9495

WHRI Angel 2 (EUR/ME/AF) 0500-0530 Sat 5745 1430-1500 Sat 6040 2200-2230 Sun 5745

KWHR Angel 3 (Asia/Pacific) 0230-0300 Sat 17510 0500-0530 Sat 17780 1130-1200 Sat 9930 1830-1900 Sun 13625 0330-0400 Mon 17510

Be sure to listen for tests of KWHR's new Angel 4 tx, which is scheduled to arrive in Hawaii the week of July 14th. Tests may possibly start in Aug; when we have more details from World Harvest Radio, we'll let you know. Here are the freqs for the tests, which are still awaiting FCC confirmation and which are subject to change. 6020 1300-1900 17555 1900-0700 11565 0700-1300 UTC The target area for KWHR Angel 4 is the SoPAC, but reports of the tests are welcome from anywhere. (WHR, via Marie Lamb, Jul 11)

VATICAN CITY Vatican Radio has it's crooked channel ex-5882 now corrected to 5885. (Erich Bergmann-D, Jul 8)

YEMEN Radio Aden in English is audible in EUR at Sats & Suns (Mo-Fri frequency blocked by RDP Lisbon) 0600-0700 UTC on v9780.2 [9779.76 on Jul 7]. (Erich Bergmann-D, Jul 8)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 318 21 Jul 1997 ______

ALGERIA in various languages 1100-2100 UTC noted on 11715.2, varying 15158.2-15159.2 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov-BUL, Jul 10)

AUSTRALIA I have been checking RAustralia in various time slots the previous day: Due to poor propagation no Shepparton signal reached EUR in the 0500-0700 UTC slot.

At 2300-2400 UTC slot 11695 kHz is the best freq so far, S2-3 in peaks, but flutter fading signal occured. 15365 kHz on S=2 level, 15415 S=1-2 underneath powerhouse Libya co-channel.

1100-1200 & 1500-1600 UTC no reception at all from downunder. (WB Jul 18-20)

BRAZIL v6183.7 kHz, Radio Nacional da Amazonia; Brasilia, Jul 8, 0027-0101* UTC, Portuguese. (Eramo) v6183.2, R.Nacional da Amazonia, 11 July, 2243 UTC. (Steyn, both via DXW, Jul 16) v6183.22 kHz, R. Nacional de Amazonia, 2156-2205 UTC. Very strong and //11780 which was better. In mornings as well about 1030 fade out. (Dave Valko-USA, Jul 11)

CHINA CPBS Taiwan Service in Standard Chinese for both First and Second Progrs: "Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo Diantai Xianzai Kaishi Dui Taiwan Guangbo" ("This is the Central People's Broadcasting Station. We now begin our bc to Taiwan"). First Progr "Di Yi Tao Jiemu", Second Progr "Di Er Tao Jiemu".

In Chinese, Amoy and Hakka. 0055-0615 15710 11935 11100 1116 765 0955-1400 11935 11100 9380 1116 765 1400-1700 11100 9380 7620 1116 765 1700-2300 9380 7620 6015 1116 765 2300-0005 11935 11000 9380 1116 765

CPBS TAIWAN SERVICE SECOND PROGRAMME 0000-0105 11000 9170 1224 1089 927 910 684 0355-0605 15880 11000 1224 1089 927 910 684 and sign off Tue only. 0605-0955 15880 11000 1224 1089 927 910 684 excl. Tues 0955-1059 15880 11000 1224 1089 927 910 684 1059-1805 11000 9170 1224 1089 927 910 684 2055-2235 9170 6790 1224 1089 927 910 684 2235-0000 11100 9170 1224 1089 927 910 684

PLA Fujian Front, Voice of the Strait, which until March 1984 called itself the People's Liberation Army's Fujian Front radio station, bcs from Fuzhou for listeners in the Offshore Islands and Taiwan. "Haixia Zhi Sheng Guangbo Diantai Diyi Tao Jiemu" - First Progr "Haixia Zhi Sheng Guangbo Diantai Dier Tao Jiemu" - Second Progr Address: PO Box 187, Fuzhou, Fujian 350012, China.

VOICE OF THE STRAIT FIRST PROGRAMME 0000-0200 6115 5050 4940 1377 1269 0855-0959 7280 6115 4940 1377 1269 0959-1130 7280 6115 5508 4940 4130 2755 1377 1269 1130-1700 5508 5050 4940 4130 3900 2755 1377 1269 2155-0000 6115 5050 4940 1377 1269

VOICE OF THE STRAIT SECOND PROGRAMME 0255-0700 9505 6000 846 (ends one hour earlier on Tues) 0955-1600 6000 4900 846 (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 10)

CUBA Full Radio Habana Cuba - RHC schedule valid after Jul 1 st. RHC is bcing in 9 diff languages, 8 on a regular daily schedule and Esperanto during local time weekends, that is Suns & Mons UTC days. Accurate reports of txions will be most appreciated and a QSL card and verification letter will be sent to those requesting it free of any charges. Postal address: Radio Habana Cuba, P.O. Box 6240, Habana, CUBA 10600. E-Mail for engineering, technical, Dx programs, QSL requests, use: [email protected] and for information related to programming, use: [email protected]

SPANISH LANGUAGE TXIONS / MORNING BC TO THE AMERICAS 6070 kHz 12-15 UTC Mexico 100 kW 270 13dB 6180 kHz 11-15 UTC C.America 50 kW 230 15dB 9550 kHz 11-14 UTC Venez-Col 100 kW 135 10dB 11760 kHz 11-15 UTC OMNI-D 100 kW OMMNI 03dB 15340 kHz 12-14 UTC S.AM-W 100 kW 172 15dB

TXION TARGETED TO EUROPE NO RELAY STATIONS ARE USED AT THE PRESENT TIME SPANISH 13680 kHz 21-23 UTC Spain-Port 100 kW 053 17 dB 11760 kHz 21-23 UTC Spain-Port 100 kW 053 13 dB 9830 kHz 21-23 UTC S.E. Europ 30 kW 037 10 dB * * Single Side Band Suppresed Carrier at -12 pilot carrier level, Upper Sideband used.

ENGLISH 13715 kHz 20.30-21.30 UTC N.E. Europ 100 kW 041 13 dB 13725 kHz 20.30-21.30 UTC N.E. Europ 20 kW 037 13 dB * * SSB ,same TX as for Spanish.

FRENCH 13715 kHz 20.00-20.30 UTC N.E. Europ 100 kW 041 13 dB 21.30-22.00 UTC 13725 kHz 20.00-20.30 UTC N.E. Europ 20 kW 037 13 dB * 21.30-22.00 UTC * SSB, same TX as for Spanish

PORTUGUESE 11760 kHz 20.30-21.00 UTC Spain-Port 100 kW 053 13 dB 13680 kHz 20.00-20.30 UTC Spain-Port 100 kW 053 17 dB

ARABIC 11760 kHz 20.00-20.30 UTC Mediterr. 100 kW 053 13 dB 13680 kHz 20.30-21.00 UTC Mediterr. 100 kW 053 13 dB

ESPERANTO * ONLY ON SUNDAYS 13715 kHz 19.30-20.00 UTC N.E. Europ 100 kW 041 13 dB 22.00-22.30 UTC CARIBBEAN AFTERNOON LOCAL HAVANA TIME BCS CREOLE 6180 KHz 21.30-22.00 UTC Caribbean 100 kW 110 06 dB

FRENCH 6180 kHz 22.00-22.30 UTC Caribbean 100 kW 110 06 dB 23.30-00.00 UTC ENGLISH 6180 kHz 22.30-23.30 UTC Caribbean 100 kW 110 06 dB

SPANISH TO THE AMERICAS EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 5965 kHz 00.00-05.00 UTC Mexico 50 kW 270 15 dB 6000 kHz 00.00-01.00 UTC E.North Am 250 kW 010 17 dB 6070 kHz 00.00-05.00 UTC C.America 50 kW 230 15 dB 6180 kHz 02.00-05.00 UTC N.America E 100 kW 020 13 dB 9505 kHz 00.00-05.00 UTC S. America W.250 kW 172 17 dB 9550 kHz 00.00-03.00 UTC S. America C.100 kW 137 10 dB 11970 kHz 00.00-03.00 UTC S. America E.250 kW 160 17 dB 11760 khz 00.00-05.00 UTC Americas Omni100 kW Omni 03 dB 13715 kHz 00.00-05.00 UTC S.America E.100 kW 156 10 dB

PORTUGUESE TO SOUTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 11970 kHz 23.00-23.30 UTC S.America E. 250 kW 160 17 dB 23.30-00.00 UTC 15340 kHz 22.00-22.30 UTC S.America C. 50 kW 137 15 dB 23.00-23.30 UTC

GUARANI TO SOUTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 15340 kHz 22.30-23.00 UTC S.America C. 50 kW 137 15 dB 23.30-00.00 UTC

QUECHUA TO SOUTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 15340 kHz 00.00-00.30 UTC S.America C. 50 kW 137 15 dB

ENGLISH TO NORTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BROADCAST 6000 kHz 01.00-05.00 UTC N.America E. 250 kW 010 17 dB 9820 kHz 01.00-05.00 UTC N.America C. 100 kW 348 15 dB 9820 kHz 05.00-07.00 UTC N.America W. 100 kW 315 15 dB 9830 kHz 01.00-05.00 UTC N.America E. 30 kW 037 13dB* 9830 kHz 05.00-07.00 UTC N.America E. 30 kW 037 13dB* SSB , also beamed to Europe.

CREOLE TO NORTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 6180 kHz 00.00-00.30 UTC N.America E. 100 kW 020 13 dB 01.00-01.30 UTC N.America E.

FRENCH TO NORTH AMERICA EVENING LOCAL TIME BC 6180 kHz 00.30-01.00 UTC N.America E. 100 kW 020 13 dB 01.30-02.00 UTC ESPERANTO TO THE AMERICAS 6070 kHz 23.30-00.00 UTC C.America 50 kW 230 15 dB 9820 kHz 07.00-0730 UTC N America W. 100 kW 315 15 dB** ** This transmission is actually Monday morning UTC day. 11760 kHz 15.00-15.30 UTC OMNI 100 kW OMNI 03 dB 11760 kHz 23.30-00.00 UTC OMNI 100 kW OMNI 03 dB (Arnaldo de J. Coro Antich - RHC via George S.Thurman on usenet via JKB, 26 Jun)

EGYPT R Cairo in Russian is now on nominal(!) freq 6120 kHz, after two years off. Co- channel QRM by R Oman at 1800-1900. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

ETHIOPIA Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia, Amharic: Andit Netsa Ethiopia Dimts Radio Agelgilot) was first heard on 18th June 1997. Addr: PO Box 5801, Washington DC 20016, USA Aerial bearings indicate the use of a transmitter site in CeAsia. In its mode of operation and contact address Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia is very similar to two earlier stns that were hostile to the current Ethiopian govt: Voice of Ethiopian Patriotism (heard in 1992) and Free Radio Voice of Ethiopian Unity (heard in 1993-94). Both of these earlier radios announced postal addresses in Washington DC, bc from SW txs in the former Soviet Union, and only operated on Suns and Wedns, as is also the case with Radio Voice of One Free Ethiopia. 1615-1715 AMHARIC 12105 (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 10)

R.Voice of One Free Ethiopia, 12105, 1644 UTC, female and male speakers in presumed Amharic, mentioning Africa and Haile Selasi, folk mx, tentative ID and address. Ending with folk mx which stops at 1719 UTC. Lousy modulation, SINPO 44444. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Jul 16)

GEORGIA R Georgia in English with good signal 1830-1900 UTC on 11910 kHz. Also home sce with good(!) modulation on 5040 kHz, 0200-0400, 1400-1600 UTC. [Co-operating with George Jacobs Assoc. and Voice of Hope relay txions, resulting in better equipment for foreign currency funds?] (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10, ed)

GERMANY German domestics on SW. In 1998 Sueddeutscher Rundfunk (SDR) and Suedwestfunk (SWF) will replaced by a new public body, called Suedwestrundfunk (SWR). Hubert Sauer asked the SDR, what will this mean for the SW outlets from SDR Muehlacker (6030) and SWF Rohrdorf (7265). Here the answer from the technical management: "At the moment we can't say, what will happen with the SW txs when SDR and SWF merge to SWR. However, it is to expect that both txs will remain in operation. The question is, which of the various progrs will be carried on SW. More detailed announcements we can surely give at the same time in next year."

In this context I want to draw your attention to the item regarding Radio Bremen closes it's txing site Horn-Lehe in BC-DX 316. These closure of the complete site will simply mean, that most likely SW 6190 is buried and off for good. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 13)

HUNGARY Radio Budapest made changes to its Z97 sked on 1 July. Now using new freq of 6120 kHz for English to NA 0100-0130, ex6075. Full English sked is: 1900-1930 Eur 3975 7155 9755 2100-2130 Eur 3975 7250 9835 0100-0130 NA 6120 9580 0230-0300 NA 9840 11910. 6120 observed here in Melbourne 0100-0130 with good signals, 11am-1130 am our local time, mid winter. (Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Jul 11)

On Oct 4th, 1957, first aired "DX Show" of R Budapest is now on the air: English Wed 2105 3975 7250 9835. Thur 0235 9840 11910. German Mon & Wed 1950 3975 7155 9755. Tue & Sat 1750 3975 5970 9755. Wed & Fri in bcs 1430-1700 UTC as follows: Russian 1430 5975 7190 9830 Croatian 1500 3975 6110 7220 Romanian 1530 3975 6110 7105 Ukrainia 1600 3975 6190 7105 Slovak 1630 3975 7295. And repeated on the next day: Russian 0300 and Ukrainian 0330 both 3975 5915 7135 Romanian 0400 3975 5930 7290 Croatian 0430 3975 5930 7185 Slovak 0500 3975 5915 7155.

Serbian bcs have no DX progrs, scheduled 0530 5915 7155 9700, 1700 exclSuns 5990 7255 9590. 1930 Suns only 7155 9835 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

IRAN/ETHIOPIA VoIRI Tehran in Armenian 0300-0328 UTC, followed by R Fana, Ethiopia 0328-0430 UTC both on new 6205 kHz. Latest changes in VoIRI schedule, Bosnian 0600-0657 new progr on 9525 kHz. 2130-2227 new 5925 (x9720) //7100. English 1100-1227 new 11930 (x7115), //9585 11875 v15260.4 kHz. Swahili new time 1730-1827 new 9650 (x1700-1727 x9685). Hausa 1945-2027 new 11720 co-channel Plovdiv-BUL (x11750), //9605. French 2230-2327 new 6030 //7260 9022.

Jamming of Iran vs. VoA in Persian on 11835 & 15145 kHz, but no jamming on //1548 & 9680 kHz, 1800-1900 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

LIBERIA "Star Radio" founded by US Govt, an US Foundation bcing soon from Monrovia on SW. Proposed freqs are 3400 and 5890 kHz. (WoR, Jul 17)

Andy Sennitt of WRTH have got some inside information: The organization has purchased four secondhand 10kW Collins SW txs formerly used as standby units by DW in Germany. (via DXW-72)

According to information received by BBCM from the Fondation Hirondelle, Star Radio will use the following freqs: 104 MHz local Monrovia FM, 3400 and 5890 kHz SW. FM bcs started on 10th Jul. BBC Monitoring had not heard Star Radio on the above SW freqs. Station hopes to begin country-wide SW txions a few days before the polls - in time to give all 13 presidential candidates five mins on air to present their case by responding to a questionnaire. Star hopes to translate all the interviews into half a dozen local languages. Star Radio is located in the not-quite-fully refurbished station headquarters in Monrovia's Mamba Point district. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 18)

MEXICO Radio Mexico International, XERMX, reports that they have adjusted their schedule and that English-language progrs may be heard as follows through [until] Oct: 1400-1430, 1500-1530, 1900-1930, 2000-2030 UTC 5985 & 9705 kHz. Mon-Sat 0300-0330 & Mon-Fri 0400-0430 on 9705 kHz only. Incidentally, these bcs incl United Nations Radio bcs which are scheduled to air on Fris 1500-1530, Wed 2000-2030, Mon 0400-0430. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 18)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan in Arabic 1700-1900 UTC on new 11720 kHz co-channel Plovdiv-BUL, (x7305), //v9400.1. New sce in Russian noted on 5055.1 & 6040 kHz at 1500-1530 UTC with poor signal in EUR. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

PERU Adventist SW tx nearing completion. A 5-kW SW tx being renovated for a new term of sce in Peru is nearing completion in the Elco tx factory in Costa Rica. AWR- PanAmerica, reports plans call for transfer of the tx to Peru in Oct. To transfer the tx to the Voice of Hope affiliate radio stn at Juliaca, near Lake Titicaca in southern Peru, for a new programme sce in the Quechua language. The tx will also bc progrs in Spanish and Ayamara, to Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia, northern Chile and Argentina and parts of Brazil. (AWRecorder, BBCM via AGDX, Jul 18)

PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia noted on new 9555 kHz at *1000 UTC in Hmong; Chinese observed at *1000 on 9520. Vietnamese sce on new 11850 good level *1030. VOA[Tinang]- PHL noted on rarely heard 7260, with morning service in Khmere *2200-2230, Vietnamese 2230-2330*. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Jul 12)

RUSSIA/CIS DW-Petropavlovsk observed on new 9450 kHz with Chinese, *1000 UTC. - BBC- Vladivostok noted on 11990 with Chinese, 1000-1030. - RFI-Irkutsk oberved 12025 with Chinese, 1015. - RN-Tashkent: noted on MF 5855, ex 5905, with Indonesian *2130-2230*. (Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Jul 11-12)

Radio Palana in Russian 4520 kHz 0000-0030 & 1900-1945 UTC. R Kamchatskaya Raibatskaya fr Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy on 12050 kHz, Tue/Thur/Sat 1900- 2000 UTC. (Vladimir Kovalenko via PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

Voice of Vietnam relay via Armavir-Krasnodar, Spanish/English 0300-0400 7260, 240 kW, 298 degrees. VoR in German, Polish, 1500-1900 UTC new 9890 Samara, 250 kW, 285 degr, repl 12010, now serving R Mariya Poland. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

In recent months Adventist World Radio [AWR] has been instrumental in the start of new production in five langs: Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Armenian and Georgian. The Voice of Hope media centre in Tula, Russia, has opened its doors to the production of radio progrs in Armenian and Georgian. A new studio was recently outfitted for this purpose to add to the capabilities of the media centre. The official opening of the studio took place on 5th March. This additional progr production in Tula will benefit from the experience of the Russian language producers. The new Alma Ata-KAZ studio consists of an office, a control room, and a recording booth. Recording and editing is all digital. "The studio is well provided for and on par with other AWR progr partners around the world" says Smit. "The production teams include native speakers of these langs," says the Europe region director, "people who have excellent training and experience, who are excited about the prospect of preparing progrs for their countries." AWR expects these langs will be ready to air in October this year and is currently investigating the best medium available to reach the language populations. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 11)

TAHITI v15167.32 kHz, R. Tahiti, Jul 11, 0311 UTC, with good signal this evening. 0309 into Polynesian mx. (Rippel) v15167.55 kHz, RFO Papeete, heard from Ont. on June 12, the signal was missing on Jun 18/19, causing me to unceremoniously declare it off shortwave! But RFO came back on Jun 20, as first noted by John Fisher at 0435, with usual growling tx - lots of carrier but very low level audio. * SW remained on Jun 21-23, hefty carrier but same low audio, whereas //MW-738 noted with vastly improved audio (as compared to July/96): ie. great signal w/vocal in French at 0440 (tx SS+1hr) on Jun 21; also at 0900 with France Inter pgme, //5054.9 Cayenne on Jun 22. (DMC, both via DXW, Jul 16) [its Tahiti season in EUR too. June is the best month of the year to catch South Sea stns here, ed]

THAILAND From July 15th, Radio Thailand bcs to North America via VoA Udorn Thani relay, some changes: 0030-0200 EaNA, 0300-0430 WeNA both on 15395 kHz (x15370). 0030 & 0330 English, 0100-0200 & 0330-0430 Thai. (Dan Ferguson via WoR, Jul 17)

Radio Thailand planning new language sces, in fact launching five new language sces shortly: Cantonese, Tagalog, Arabic, Spanish and Russian. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 10)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis well known for widely wandering from registered channels, now adjusted the 11730 (0600-1700) and 7280 (1700-2330) unit to exact .0 kHz frequ (x11726.7 / x7286.4). Heard also in Arabic at 0600-1700 UTC on 15449.0 kHz (x15450.4 ... x15451). 1900-2330 7475.7 (x7474.7) (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10; WB Jul 20)

UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International runs two channels of bcing. CHANNEL 1 (FOR EUR, RUSSIA, CE-ASIA AND KAZAKHSTAN) Ukrainian 0100-1700, 1800-2000, 2200-2300 German 1700-1800, 2000-2100, 2300-2400 English 2100-2200 & 0000-0100.

Frequencies WE & CE EUR 5905 1700-0200 6010 2000-0500 7240 1900-0100 9560 1900-0300 9870 0400-1900 11705 0400-2000 13590 0600-2300 15520 1300-2100 17680 1400-2000 RUSSIA, CE ASIA AND KAZAKHSTAN 6090 1800-0500 7170 1900-0300 7320 0400-1800 9600 0600-1600 9640 1600-2300 11830 1600-2100 11840 0500-1600

CHANNEL 2 (THE REST OF THE WORLD) Normally it relays Channel 1 progrs. Different from Channel 1 one-hour progrs are bc at 0200, 1700, 2000 and 2300 in Ukrainian as well as at 0300 & 1200 in English. Frequencies CeEUR: 936 1700-0700. NoEUR: 7150 0400-1600 UK & NoAmerica 7150 0100-0400 (Apr, Sept, Oct) 7150 2300-0500 (May to Aug) 9550 & 12040 2100-0400 12050 1000-2000 For CeAsia, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia & Australia 12045 1000-1300 (Apr, Sept, Oct) 7380 2000-2200 (May to Aug) For WeAfrica & SoAmerica 13720 1700-2400 (Apr, Sept & Oct) 15550 1400-1900 (May to Aug)

All times are given in UTC. The power of txs is various -- from 100 on some of the European freqs to 1000 kW to the remote target areas (e.g. on 12045 and 7380). Please note that R.Ukraine Int. is also using the freq of 6020 kHz from 0800 to 0700 with omnidir antenna and 100 kW of power. R.Ukraine Int. also bcs three half-hour Romanian language progrs at 1700, 1930 and 2100 on 657 (TX in Chernivtsi), 1431 (Mykolaiv). The last Romanian progr 2100 is also bc on 936 kHz from Lviv. R.Ukraine Int. is also been rebc in Kazakhstan via the low-power TXs there. The fqs are Akmola (1395 kHz), Alma Ata (1494 kHz), Kustanai (67.28 MHz) and Komsomolets (72.92 MHz).

R.Ukraine Int. also has three DX - px. They go on the air at the following times: English on Sats at 2130, Suns at 0030, 0330 & 1300. It lasts five mins and not weekly, one or two times a month. German on Weds at 1735, 2035 and 2335. Ukrainian irregularly, approximately once a month. The programme is called "Na Shkali Priymacha Ves Svit" ( "The Whole World On Radio Dial" ) and it lasts 15 mins. Each edition is bcs at leat six or seven times during the day. (station's employee Alexander Yegorov, via Kostyantyn Kusy, Jul 12)

UNIDENTIFIED Chinese progr on 17755 kHz at 0700-0805 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

UNITED KINGDOM New Kazakh sce Mon-Fri 1400 UTC, and BBC EbR/Russian 1415-1430 on 15245 & 17740 kHz, not print out in "On Air" magazine. Deleted Romanian Sat/Sun 1545-1600, and Albanian Sat/Sun 1730-1745. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

USA DXING WITH CUMBRE SCHEDULE AS OF JULY 11, 1997 (By the way, 2 corrections to the DXing with Cumbre Schedule, correction by Joe Brashier-WHRI) WHRI Angel 1 (SoAM/Caribbean) 0500-0530 Sat 7315 1730-1800 Sat 9495 2230 - 2300 9495

WHRI Angel 2 (EUR/ME/AF) 0500-0530 Sat 5745 1430-1500 Sat 6040 2200-2230 Sun 5745

KWHR Angel 3 (Asia/Pacific) 0230-0300 Sat 17510 0730-0800 Sat 17780 1130-1200 Sat 9930 1830-1900 Sun 13625 0330-0400 Mon 17510

Be sure to listen for tests of KWHR's new Angel 4 tx, which is scheduled to arrive in Hawaii the week of July 14th. Tests may possibly start in Aug; when we have more details from World Harvest Radio, we'll let you know. Here are the freqs for the tests, which are still awaiting FCC confirmation and which are subject to change. 6020 1300-1900 17555 1900-0700 11565 0700-1300 UTC The target area for KWHR Angel 4 is the SoPAC, but reports of the tests are welcome from anywhere. (WHR, via Marie Lamb, Jul 11; Joe Brashier, Jul 14)

FCC records show an experimental license to Caprock Consulting Group, Flower Mound, Texas for WA2XJS on 1790, 4050, 10200, 18220, 27755 and 49820 kHz for RF susceptibility testing (Hary Helms' website via World of Radio 902) Flower Mound is between Dallas and Denton. Wonder what kind of modulation and if they ever ID. W.O.R.- World of Radio - schedule changes: The Sat 1300 on 15685 from WWCR is definitely gone. UTC Tue 0400 on 5085 from WGTG may use USB plus carrier as it did on July 15. Remaining times on WWCR: Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0530 5070, Sat 0605 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070, Tue 1230 15685. (Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 17)

CLANDESTINE from USA to CHINA 9725 (new frequency) Radio Free Asia 2100-2200 UTC Chinese bc first heard Jun 20, but only ID'd in recent days (local Brazilian co-channel). (Jones via Lamb Cumbre Dx, Jul 8) [tx location not published by RFA so far, may coming from either KNLS or KHBI facilities, ed]

WWCR (Worldwide Christian Radio). WWCR is a SW stn which hires airtime on a commercial basis to many different groups including political and religious organizations and other broadcasters. Most progrs are in English or Spanish. WWCR operates four separate services from its four 100-kW txs, as indicated below. One tx (marked ENGLISH-2) is used entirely by Dr. Gene Scott's University Network; Another (marked ENGLISH-4) is used entirely by Brother R.G. Stair's Overcomer Ministry. These are evangelical progrs which may also be heard in parallel on other stns. RTE (Dublin) bcs are carried via Network 3 at various times. This schedule is valid from 1st July-31st Aug 1997. Address: WWCR radio, 1300 WWCR Avenue, Nashville, TN 37218, USA. Tel: +1-615-255-1300 Fax: +1-615-255-1311 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http;//www.wwcr.com/cr_sked.htm

0000-0400 3215 0400-1000 3210 1000-2200 15685 2200-0000 9475

0000-0200 13845 (Dr Gene Scott - University Network) 0200-1200 5935 1200-0000 13845

0000-1300 5070 1300-2100 12160 2100-0000 5070

0000-0500 7435 (Brother R.G.Stair - Overcomer Ministry) 0500-1200 2390 1200-1300 12160 1300-2200 9475 2200-0000 7435 (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 10)

"Voice of Nigeria" Radio NADECO via WWCR to Nigeria: 0500-0520 UTC 5070 kHz, repeat Mo- Fr 1630-1645 15685 repeat of morning txion. (RVI, Jul 13)

New additional VoA Hausa sce introduced on July 11. Daily 1500-1530 UTC. No frequencies have been given so far. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 18)

SAO 1530 0500-0530 HAUS SAO 4960 0500-0530 HAUS SAO 6120 0500-0530 HAUS BOT 7415 0500-0530 HAUS GB 9480 0500-0530 HAUS BOT 9885 0500-0530 HAUS SAO 7135 1500-1530 HAUS SAO 9540 1500-1530 HAUS SAO 11990 1500-1530 HAUS (IBB schedule)

VoA changes: English EUR 1700-1800 Greenville 15135, (xKavalla 792). Russian 1300-1400 15245 (x15115). 1700-1800 11965 (x11885). Albanian 0500-0530 9585 (x7285). Arabic 1800-1900 addit 1260. Burmese 1130-1230 11850 (x11930 12010). Urdu/Pashto/Dari 0100-0215 9705 (x9805) Hindi 0030-0100 9785 (x9650). Indonesian 1130-1230 12010 (x11930). Tibetan(jammed by CHN) 0000-0100 11730 (x11725). Urdu 1330-1430 9505 11730 (x9510 x11735).

RFE/RL changes: Russian 1000-1200 15130 (x15215). Armenian 0200-0300 7170 (x7180) 1400-1500 15385 (15340), 1600-1700 9790 (x9820). Azeri 0300-0400 7265 9695 (x7180 x11875). 1800-1900 7190 11770 (x9575 x9785). Georgian 1900-2000 7105 (x11815). Kazakh 1100-1200 15385 (x15340). 1300-1400 15145 (x15340). Tajik 1500-1600 11735 (x11850), new progr 1600-1700 11660 11805 15370 delete 1800-1900 (7190 9595 11770). Tatar&Bashkirian 0300-0400 9765 (x9770), 0500-0600 9680 (x9505) 1500-1600 9665 (x9660). Turkmen 1600-1700 15490 (x15370). Uzbek 1700-1800 delete 9785. (PanIview-BUL, Jul 10)

Now Voice of Greece is being relayed by VOA txs in the United States. Here's the schedule effective July 19th: 0600-0800 9775 via Delano to AUS, NZL & PAC 0900-0950 9775 via Delano to AUS 1200-1350 9550 via Greenville to CAN 1830-2200 11730 via Delano to CAN & 17745 via Greenville to LatAM. (Communications World, Jul 19, via Mick Ogrizek; Dan Ferguson (IBB) 19 July)

VIETNAM High power Can Tho transmitter station in service. The national radio today begins putting into service its second bcing stn, this one covering southern Vietnam and beyond. The new txing complex - called VN2 - has been built in Can Tho Province in the Mekong delta and includes a system of txion lines 6 km long. VN2 has a total capacity of 3,500 kW including three wave generators [txs] and a system of antenna poles 90-135 m high. VN2 will txmit progrs of nx, mx, culture and national security issues on two channels for 18 hours 2200-1600 UTC.

It will also be used to bc on SW many external progrs in Lao, Cambodian, Thai, Indonesian, Chinese, English, French and Vietnamese langs to Asia, SoEaAsia and other countries. The txing stn will also bc a progr in Khmer lang for Khmer ethnic minority in southern provinces and a general progr for people in Mekong delta for six hours a day. Together with the VN1 txing stn in Hanoi, the commissioning of VN2 is a further step in reaching the goal of radio coverage for 98 per cent of population nationwide. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 10)


The Ontario DX Association is pleased to announce that India BroadBase'97 is now available for immediate shipping. IBB'97 is produced in collaboration with Manosij Guha and the Universal DX League based in New Delhi, India. The aim of this publication, which is of great interest to DXers in North America and around the world, is to promote a better understanding of the Indian broadcasting scene by providing the most accurate and comprehensive information available anywhere.

This 6th annual edition was delayed until mid-year but has been thoroughly updated with the most accurate schedules and other information available to June, 1997. Its availability at this time will be particularly useful as shortwave listeners and DXers look forward to the upcomimg traditional fall/winnter/spring 1997-98 listening season.

IBB'97, a cover-bound edition comprising some 50 pages in an 8.5 x 11 format, includes extensive listings of stations ranging from Medium Wave to TV/FM and Satellites. The introductory and general information chapters, supported by an extensive Bibliography, contain much background information about the organization of the government broadcaster, All India Radio.The extensive domestic network of Regional and Feeder stations of AIR on shortwaves is covered in great detail, with the well-known graphical charts exclusive to IBB which show program schedules/contents in 5-minute increments for the entire 24hour day.

India BroadBase is compiled and published by volunteer staff of the ODXA and the UDXL who are interested in making this unique publication widely available to the shortwave hobby at minimum cost. Please order from Ontario DX Association, Box 161, Stn A, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2N 5S8. Remittances in Canadian or U.S. funds are acceptable for airmail delivery within North America @ $9.00 (postpaid), or for other international destinations, pricing is US$10.00 (postpaid). (David Clark, via EDXP, Jul 14)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 319 28 Jul 1997 ______Next edition will be published Aug 11, 1997

ANGOLA The UNITA radio stn, Voice of Resistance of the Black Cockerel (Voz da Resistencia do Galo Negro - Vorgan), was observed on 22nd July signing on at 0445 UTC with a bc in Portuguese on 7090 kHz. The Voice of Resistance of the Black Cockerel, Vorgan, bcs three times a day. The first txion is 0450-0900 UTC on 41 mb, 7090 kHz; the second 1050-1430 UTC on 31 mb, 9770 kHz; and the third and last txion is 1650-2100 UTC on 49 mb, 5985 kHz." 1830-1845 UTC English nx. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 25)

ARGENTINA Here the following information about a MW stn from La Plata city that bc on Suns (local time day) through SW freqs his progr called "De Coleccion" (of collection) in Spanish and in //MW freq of 1270 kHz, on Sun *2300 up to Mon 0200 hours. This progr is beamed to Antarctica on SSB mode. The stn is only in one or two of the following freqs, 3390, 4469, 5400, 5415 & 8098 kHz. When there is soccer txions, the txion of the progr start with some time delay. (This information is supplied by Raymundo Cruz from La Plata city, and according to Jorge Aloy, the stn also is on 13361 or 13365 khz). I talked by phone today with Mr. Jorge Bourdet, editor of the progr, and he inform me that between 0115-0130 hours, they have a phone contact with his listeners directly to the air in a segment called "charla con los oyentes, la distancia tiene premio" (talking with the listeners, the distance have award) at the phone number 54-21-270507, or 54-21- 216607 where the award is a cassette recorded with this same conversation that after is sent to the listener. The well of this new, is that the progr will confirm all reception reports about this txion on SW freqs with a very nice LS11 QSL with full details (as freq., date & time). A good chance for to confirm other Argentine stn on SW.

Please send your RR's to: "De Coleccion"; Sr. Jorge Bourdet; Casilla 96; 1900-La Plata; Argentina, and please, include 2 IRCs. As final comment, Mr. Jorge Bourdet also is in charge for the progr "Con cierto estilo" (with certain style) bc from Mon-Fri at 2200- 0000 on the same stn. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Jul 24)

ARMENIA WRTH just received a most interesting letter from Armenag Sansaryan who runs the International Relations Bureau of . Mr. Sansaryan says, in part: "In Dec 1997 we are going to celebrate our radio's 50th anniversary". "You must be wondering why this letter is coming to you from Canada? Let me explain. In present time, the telephone, fax and mail sces in and out of Armenia are very erratic at their best. Therefore we decided to conduct our 50th anniversary public relations campaign from here. I shall be back in Armenia in mid-Oct, to continue my work there". "I volunteered my sces for the PR campaign of the 50th anniversary, which was gladly welcomed in Yerevan. In fact, I took early retirement in Canada, and I shall move to Yerevan to continue my work at the radio's foreign sces there". In the meantime, you can contact Mr. Sanasaryan at: Voice of Armenia International Relations Bureau 6055 Balmoral Brossard PQ J4Z 2H5 Canada Tel/Fax: (514) 445 6592.

Mr. Sansaryan also included the current schedule of the Foreign Sce: Times Days Language Area kHz 0200-0300 Sunday only Armenian LAm 9965 0300-0315 Sunday only Spanish LAm 9965 1400-1430 Daily Azerbaijani ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1430-1445 Daily Georgian ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1445-1530 Daily Kurdish ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1530-1600 Daily Persian ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1600-1630 Daily Russian ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1630-1730 Daily Armenian ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1730-1745 Mon-Fri Turkish ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1745-1800 Daily English ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1800-1900 Mon-Fri Arabic ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1800-1815 Sat/Sun Turkish ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1815-1900 Sat/Sun Arabic ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1900-2100 Daily Armenian ME 7480, 4990, 4810, 864 1900-2000 Daily Armenian Eu/Am 9965, 7480 2000-2030 Daily French Eu/Am 9965, 7480 2030-2100 Daily English Eu/Am 9965, 7480 2100-2115 Daily Spanish Eu/Am 9965, 7480

BTW, Mr. Sanasaryan also enclosed an article about the history of the Voice of Armenia which I am considering for use in WRTH98, and also a cassette tape of some airchecks which I haven't had time to listen to so far. (WRTH/Andy Sennitt-HOL, via DXW, Jul 21)

AUSTRALIA On 9615 kHz from 2050-2100 UTC segment only, on 17 July. >From 2000-2050 UTC co-channel powerhouse QRM by Deutsche Welle Sines-POR. At 2100 VOA-Briech (MRC) signing on in Serbian. .. Lucky European may use the 10 mins gap to listen to RA. Better reception on 11660 kHz. At 1430-1500 UTC Vietnamese lang progr, followed by English til 1700 UTC. (Hans-Joachim Koch-D, RMRC-Aktuell, Jul 20)

2310 kHz, VL8A, Alice Springs at 2002-2007 UTC, nx and reports in English, tentat ABC ID, female announcer, the Boomtown Rats with "I don't like Mondays". //2325 kHz, VL8T Tennant Creek, which was slightly stronger. (Mark Veldhuis-D, Jul 24)

BELGIUM/ETHIOPIA/UKRAINE RVI Brussels 9925 kHz at 1700-1800 UTC suffering co-channel interference by unidentified stn. RVI is eager for reception reports. (RVI Golfgids, Jul 26) First attempt on Jul 27th was negative, but on Mon 28th Clandestine radio stn Voice of Oromo Liberation noted co-channel loud and clear, S=33433 ahead of RVI Brussels, which 31 mb channel is in the dead zone at my location.

Voice of Oromo Liberation is sometimes referred to as "SBO" after its title in the Oromo-language, "Sagalee Bilisumma Oromoo". It supports the Oromo Liberation Front and other groups opposed to the Ethiopian govt. SBO was first heard in 1988-92 from a SW tx in Sudan. It was reported in March 1993 that SBO had resumed bcing via SW stn WWCR in Nashville, USA. SBO was heard again between Febr-Apr 1995, this time via another US SW stn - WHRI in Indiana. The current series of bcs began in Jul 1995 via a SW tx in Ukraine. Postal addresses: SBO, PO Box 510610, 13366 Berlin, Germany SBO, Prinzenallee 81, 13357 Berlin, Germany (tel: +49-30-4941036; fax: +49-30-4943372) SBO, PO Box 73247, Washington, DC 20056, USA Mon, Wed, Sat 1700-1800 (winter 1600-1700) in Oromo language 9925 kHz (x9930, x9870). (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 3/96, Jun 12/97)

CLANDESTINE from CIS to ETHIOPIA 12105 kHZ, Voice of One Free Ethiopia 1615-1645 UTC in Amharic. From 1613 carrier, at 1615 mx, ID and mx, ... then mx, from 1641 announcer. Very good. (Szucs via Cumbre 148, Jul 20)

ECUADOR The frequency for our morning release to Europe 0730-0930 UTC will change as of Fri, 25 Jul 1997. You can now hear us on 9765 kHz rather than 5865 kHz. We are hoping this will give us better reception in to Europe. Please let us know how effective the change is by dropping us a Reception Report when you can. (Colin Miller-CAN, Jul 22)

Good morning from a sunny and windy Quito! This message is directed to our listeners in Europe. Some of you may be getting this message because you are on a combined list that is not specific to a particular geographic region. If this is the case, you may ignore this message and please excuse the interruption. I am writing to inform you that as of the 0730-0930 UTC release in English on Fri, 25 July 1997, we will be bcing on 9765 kHz in the 31 mb to Europe. Thanks to so many of you for your patience while we searched out a new frequency, and made the necessary equipment changes here. Please let us know your comments about reception on this new frequency when you have a moment.

I am sorry that we are not able to change the time of the release. When the new program schedule went into effect in March we made a change to allow for Daylight Savings Time which was reviewed by various sources. Even so, we made an error in shifting the time of the release and for that we are very sorry. Unfortunately due to equipment limitations here, we are unable to make a change in the time of the release. We were hoping to do so. Thank you for being a listening friend of The Voice of the Andes. We are here to serve you, so please let us know how we can best do that. Again, we invite your reports on the new frequency and other comments you may have. (Allen Graham, HCJB Operations Director, via Christoph Ratzer-AUT, Jul 23)

After an absence of nearly three and a half months, I noted HCJB's European morning English outlet on 9765 kHz today from about [0600- German, French, Spanish] 0730-0930 UTC. Former 5865 kHz was totally useless since mid of March 1997 in this time slot. Sometimes I could follow HCJB's broadcasts to Pacific on 9645 kHz in similar time slot, but co-channel interference by Vatican Radio occured here often. QRG 9765 kHz signal strength S=4 til about 0700 UTC, S=3 til about 0915 UTC, then fade-out and from 0920 UTC totally useless. From 0500-0700 UTC slight interference by REE Madrid in Spanish on lower side 9760 kHz, their Pacific service on long path via South America 260 degrees, signal level peaks at about 0615 UTC and some side band splash occured. Remarkable but not so tremendous. I switched to upper side band for reception of HCJB. TRT Ankara Turkey in Azerbaijani language is broadcasting on co-channel 9765 kHz 0730-0825 UTC, with 500 kW in 85 degrees towards Center Asian Turkish language speaking countries, target zones are 29SE, 30SW, 39NE, and 40NW. TRT seldom interfering HCJB's signal, but peaks underneath HCJB, some minutes at about 0820 til 0825 UTC close down. From exact 0834 UTC RDP Lisbon Portugal starts using 9780 kHz in Portuguese language at least weekends Saturday & Sunday. Noted bcing very broad unclean signal, side band splatter into Europe, when playing lovely Portuguese music. Then I switched back to HCJB lower side band and listened til fade-out at 0915 UTC. (WB Jul 26)

ETHIOPIA external sce in English 1600-1700, French 1700-1800 UTC on 7165 kHz fairly strong, but QRMed, with Het from co-channel Croatia and RFE in Romanian since 1700 UTC. ETH home sce still on since 0300 UTC on 9704.2 kHz, 0330-0400 severe VoA Romanian co- channel QRM. Then good conditions, weak but "fair" overall, and from 0600 UTC co-channel Niger 9705 exact starts, a bit stronger near S5 ... S8 both. Niger heard all through the day, ETH just sporadically, eg around 1200 UTC. (Vladimir Titarev-UKR, Jul 17) [in CeEUR mostly Niger on top of ETH, latter one very weak. At about 0700-0930 UTC usually secret whistle 1000 Hertz tone test of mystery Libyan tx site. ed]

GERMANY Some Deutsche Welle changes, taken from newly published progr magazine for both radio and tv, latter in German, English, and Spanish language. May coming into effect from Aug 1st(?): German delete Novosibirsk 7340 kHz 2200-2400 UTC to EaAS/FE delete Trinco 9655 kHz 1800-2155 UTC to SoEaAS/OCE Antigua replac 15275 by 15285 kHz 1200-1400 UTC to LatAM & Ce+NoAM NEW Bulgarian segment 1830-1920 UTC 6170 7125 7255 9615 15105 replaced by 15470 kHz Chinese 1330-1355 via Wertachtal, and Indonesian 1400-1425 via Nauen.

English 0200-0250 delete 11945 via Nauen, to SoAS. 2100-2150 9765 replaced by 9665 via Wertachtal, to SoEaAS/OCE. Japanese 1230-1300 17820 replaced by 11765 via Trinco. Persian 1700-1750 delete 11705 via Trinco. Spanish 2300-0050 delete 11810 via Nauen. (DW Jul 24)

Brother Stair was heard to say that he is considering buying time on Deutsche Telekom, [Juelich tx site] if funds can be raised. (Jim Moats, OH, World of Radio 903, Jul 24)

GREECE/USA Now Voice of Greece is being relayed by VOA txs in the United States. Here's the schedule eff Jul 19th, D=Delano, G=Greenville: 0600-0800 9775D to AUS, NZL & Pacific 0900-0950 9775D to AUS 1200-1350 9590G to CAN 1830-2200 11730D to CAN & 17745G to LatAM. (VoA Communications World, 19 July via Mick Ogrizek; Dan Ferguson (IBB), via EDXP, 19 July)

Voice of Greece relays via VOA Delano and Greenville started Jul 19. We have been predicting this would happen for almost a year. Ironically, the first two minutes of Communications World on 7768.5-USB at 1230 were replaced by Greek mistakenly, and VOA CW was joined just as Kim was talking about the schedule. The 1200-1350 on 9590 (not 9550) from Greenville has some co-channel QRM at first, but then pounds in, including English news at 1340 with awkward phrasing such as "The today's session...". The 1830-2200 broadcast on 11730 from Delano also booms in, including English news at 1840 and 2000, but why the Balkan languages before 2000? Weaker on //17745 Greenville to LAm. (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 903, Jul 24)

KAZAKHSTAN/UKRAINE New progr schedule of Radio Kazakhstan via Kiev-UKR relay 9620 & 11720 kHz. Sun/Mon/Wed/Thur 0900-0920 German, Tue/Fri/Sat English. Wed 0920-0940 English, Tue 0940- 1000 Turkish, daily 1000-1020 Russian. From 1020 UTC Shalkar Kazakh lang dom sce relay. Address: Radio Almaty, ul Zheltoksan 175, 480013 Almaty, Kazakhstan Tel +7-3272-630763/633716 (main numbers) Tel: +7-3272-637694 (head of foreign-language bcs) Fax: +7-3272-631207 (Hans-Joachim Koch-D, RMRC-Aktuell, Jul 20; BBCM via AGDX, Jul 17)

INDONESIA/JAPAN Fakfak, Irian Jaya, the state-owned Indonesian bcing system [Radio Republik Indonesia] (RRI) during the fiscal year 1997/98 will construct a 10-kW radio bcing stn in Pasir Putih village, 10 km east from here. The project, which will be funded by the Japanese govt, is estimated to cost 6bn rupiah [about 2.4m US dollars]. The construction of the radio stn is chiefly aimed at helping to disseminate news and information in the remote areas of the province. It is also aimed at updating the people in far-flung villages about the developments in the region. He said the local government has already prepared land totalling some 6.2 hectares for the project. Among others, a 100-metre vertical antenna, a diesel generator house and several staff houses will be built on the project site. Siregar said the old stn will be maintained and will be used in cases of emergency like when problems hit the main stn. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 21-25)

Surprisingly strong signal from RRI Jakarta during daytime: 9680 kHz from 1200 til close down at 1300 UTC, playing lovely Indonesian mx. Observed again from 1500 UTC on clear channel. (WB Jul 27)

IRAN Large SW stn at Sirjan opens after seven years. A large SW tx site at Sirjan in southern central Iran has been opened by President Rafsanjani. The site is believed to house ten 500 kW txs and directional arrays. It is thought that the txs, made by Telefunken of Germany [subsidiary of US Continental Electronics Corpor, Dallas TX], were installed in 1990 but testing only started in May 1996. Iran opened a similar site near Mashhad in the mid-1980s, which according to the 'Transmitter Documentation Project' takes the total number of very high power SW txs to 28. Curiously, only four such txs are used at any one time for SW bcing by Iran and the global audibility of Iranian radio has not yet improved.

IRNA: A high voltage [power] SW radio stn was put into operation in the city of Sirjan, Kerman province [in southern central Iran], today [16th July] in the presence of President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. The stn along with four other radio stns can send progrs to all parts of the world. The project to put the stn into operation had cost 26bn Iranian rials plus 35m dollars. The stn includes 10 high voltage [power] SW radio stns for the bc of ext sce progrs, 48 fixed and rotating antennas, two freqs for every region, a power plant, a high voltage power post [antenna] and a sender [tx] site. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 16)

Text of 17 May 1996: IRIB Tehran tests at "giant" Sirjan SW stn. The country's giant SW radio stn in Sirjan [Kerman Province] underwent a test run yesterday. The head of the Islamic Rep of Iran's Voice and Vision [Iranian radio and TV] was present at the ceremony. We have a report on this: [Correspondent] From the point of view of equipment, the radio stn is one of the world's biggest radio stns. It has ten 500-kW txs, 48 fixed directional antenna systems on top of 33 masts and a multi-band steerable antenna. The radio stn has been built on 18 sq.km. of land. The Sirjan SW radio stn is able to beam the progrs of the Voice [radio] of the Islamic Rep of Iran to most parts of the world, particularly those regions which the country's other SW stns cannot cover. Apart from an emergency seven megawatt power stn, this radio stn also enjoys an advanced computer system which is able to operate automatically all the equipment used in progr txion. The construction, installation and commissioning of this powerful radio stn have been carried out by the engineers, experts and technical personnel of the Voice and Vision's Planning and Development Unit within three years. (VOIRI dom sce 1, via BBCM via AGDX, May 17, 1996)

Replay of TELEFUNKEN Sendertechnik GmbH, Sickingenstr. 20-28, D-10553 Berlin, Germany. Tel +49 030 3463 2417, fax +49 030 3463 - 2419 and -2733: "Comment: Equipment [except emergency Diesel power generator] was supplied by TELEFUNKEN Sendertechnik GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Training of IRIB personnel was conducted by TELEFUNKEN in Berlin also. Installation and commissioning has solely been carried out by IRIB personnel." (TELEFUNKEN, fax of Jun 13, 1996) Common project of IRIB and Telefunken started in 1988.

MALI RTM Bamako playing native African songs around 1000 UTC on v9633.9 kHz. Not on 11960 kHz today. (WB Jul 27)

MOROCCO RTM Rabat in Arabic loud and clear on 15335 kHz via VoA Briech tx site, //15345 kHz distorted audio signal via old Tangiers site. 1100-1500 UTC. (WB Jul 27)

NETHERLANDS Talk Radio and Jazz Radio are two stns that have moved out of the Radio Netherlands building in Hilversum to find a new home in Amsterdam. So if you listen to Talk Radio on 1395 kHz MW, the new address to write to is simply this: Talk Radio 1395, PO Box 74045, 1070 BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. fax +31 20 515 8516. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 17)

PAKISTAN R PAK Karachi in Urdu 1330-1530 UTC still on odd 15596.5 kHz, //9485 & 11565 kHz. (WB Jul 26)

ROMANIA French sce of RRI Bucharest on 15365 kHz has symmetrical spur signals on 15012.2 and 15717.8 kHz, +/-352.8 kHz away. (WB Jul 27)

RUSSIA Radio Islamskaya Volna (Islamic Wave), Z97 schedule. Tue-Fri in Russian, Arabic, Tatar. Radio Kala Aturaya (Voice of Assyrian), Z97 schedule. Sat in Assyrian, Russian, English, Persian, Arabic. 1500-1600 UTC 612 & 9880 Moscow, 1089 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, addit 1170 Krasnodar Tbilisskaya, 1494 St.Petersburg, 1314 Kamo-ARM. I checked 9880 today after 1500: It is really off at these time. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 25)

Adygey Radio 7325 in Arabic,Turkish and local 1700-1800, co-channel BBC in Hungarian 1700-1730 via Skelton. Islamskaya Volna 7325 in Russian, Arabic 1530-1600 // 612 1500-1600 Kabardino-Balkar R. 7325 in local language 1700-1800 7325 is a non-directional outlet from Tbilisskaya site (known as Krasnodar or Armavir, also the MW txs 1089 and 1170 are housed there), here in Germany hardly to receive. Listet Islamskaya Volna channel, I also checked 9880 at 1500-1600, but only KWT is heard on this freq. The 9880 outlet originates from Taldom site, about 100 kms north of Moscow. That is too far away for groundwave reception in Moscow, but too close for skywave propagation - the SW outlets from Nauen are here, 120 km south of Berlin, also mostly inaudible. The 9880 channel is beamed towards Central Europe (coming in well here) and carrys tonight VoR in E as well as China Radio Int. Unfortunately at time I have in the 1500-1600 range no possibility to check Islamskaya Volna 9880. In last winter they bcs to CeEurope [no -- to NE, Mediterr & NoAF] on 49 mb freq; I can't find it in my records (may be it was on 6120) [no -- on 5925 & 5935 kHz]. (Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 23)

SAO TOME New VoA Sao Tome verie signer is Mr. Manuel Neves, Transmitter Plant Technician. (Stephens in Hard Core Dx, May)

SAUDI ARABIA BC schedule of Saudi Arabian SW, til Sept 7th: Main Programme 0600-0900 9720IRN-AFG-PAK 11710EGY-LBY 11820YEM-EaAF 0900-1200 11820YEM-EaAF 15060NoAF 1200-1500 15060NoAF 15230WeEUR 15380IRN-AFG-PAK 1700-1800 11780NoAF 11950IRN-AFG-PAK 11965WeEUR 1800-2300 9555NoAF 9870WeEUR

Call of Islam 1500-1700 11780NoAF 11950IRN-AFG-PAK 11965WeEUR

Second progr for Saudi Arabian Kingdom and neighbouring countries 0300-1700 9580 1700-2100 6020

Holy Quran 0300-0600 9555YEM-EaAF 9665EGY-LBY 9720IRN-AFG-PAK 11870CeAS 17895CeAS 0600-0900 9530LEB-SYR-ISR-JOR 0900-1200 17880SoEaAS 21495SoEaAS 1200-1600 15165EGY-LBY 15280YEM-EaAF 1600-1800 9730CeAF 11710EGY-LBY 11835YEM-EaAF 1800-2100 9705IRN-AFG-PAK 11935NoAF 2100-2300 11935NoAF

Foreign programmes 0400-0500 15335SOM Somali 0400-0600 15060TUR-GRC-CYP Turkish 0500-0600 17760TZN-KEN-UGA-MOZ-SWZ Swahili 1000-1200 21670INS-MLA-BRU Indonesian 1200-1400 15345PAK-BGD-No&CeIND Urdu 1400-1500 15345BGD Bengali 1400-1600 11730IRN-AFG Farsi 1500-1600 9730CeAS Turkestani 1600-1700 17775Ce&WeAF Bambara (station schedule, PaniView-BUL, Jul 10)

SWAZILAND Trans World Radio, target is Africa, except Urdu to Asia. 0300-0330 daily NDEBELE 3200 0300-0345 daily SHONA 3240 0300-0330 daily SWAHILI 4760 0330-0345 Sa SWAHILI 4760 0333-0404 Mo,Tu TIGRINYA 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Th,Fr OROMO 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Mo-Fr ENGLISH 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Sa-Su AMHARIC 7215 Meyerton 0400-0430 Tu/Fr TUMBUKA 6040 0400-0430 excl.Tu/Fr CHEWA 6040 0400-0430 daily GERMAN 4775 1170 0400-0415 daily LOMWE 6100 0430-0500 daily CHEWA 6040 0430-**** daily ENGLISH 6100 4775 3200 0505----- daily Freq change 9500 6100 4775 3200 0600----- daily Freq change 11730 Meyerton(to 0630) 9650 6100 4775 0700----- daily Freq change 9650 9500 4775 ****-0735 daily 0630-0645 Su ENGLISH 11730 Meyerton 0735-0805 Sa-Su ENGLISH 9650 9500 4775 1400-1415 daily URDU 15195 1420-1425 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 7315 1440-1510 daily FRENCH 7175 1440-1510 daily PORTUGUESE 7315 1510-1525 daily MAKUA 7315 1510-1555 daily MALAGASY 7175 1525-1540 daily LOMWE 7315 1528-1543 daily YAO 7265 Meyerton 1540-1555 Mo-Th LOMWE 7315 1540-1555 Su+Fr TIGRIGNA 9500 1543-1558 daily SENA 7265 Meyerton 1600-1630 Tu TUMBUKA 5965 1600-1630 Mo-Fr TSHWA 3240 1600-1630 Sa-Su PORTUGUESE 3240 1600-1630 We-Mo CHEWA 5965 1600-1830 daily ENGLISH 9500 1600-1630 daily KIRUNDI 9530 Meyerton 1630-1700 Mo BORANA 9530 Meyerton 1630-1700 Tu-Su OROMO 9530 Meyerton 1630-1700 daily CHEWA 5965 1630-1700 daily GERMAN 3200 1630-1645 daily SHANGAAN 3240 1640-1655 daily SOMALI 9650 Meyerton 1700-1800 daily SWAHILI 5965 1700-1730 daily TIGRIGNYA 9850 Meyerton 1730-1745 Fr SOTHO 3200 1730-1745 Sa-Su PEDI 3200 1730-1800 daily AMHARIC 9530 Meyerton 1745-1800 Mo-Fr ENGLISH 3200 1800-1815 Sa-Su SWAHILI 5965 1800-1830 daily BAMBARA 9600 1800-2015 daily ENGLISH 3200 1800-1830 daily NDEBELE 3240 1810-1825 Sa KINYARWANDA 9530 Meyerton 1830-1900 daily BAULE 9600 1830-1900 daily NUPE 9510 Meyerton 1830-1900 daily SHONA 3240 1845-1900 daily UMBUNDU 6115 1900-1930 Su PORTUGUESE 6115 1900-1930 Su-Tu PORTUGUESE 6115 1900-1915 We-Fr KIKONGO 6115 1900-1915 Sa LUNYANEKA 6115 1900-1930 daily LINGALA 9525 1900-1930 daily YORUBA 9510 Meyerton 1915-1930 Sa LUCHAZI 6115 1930-1945 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 6115 1930-1945 Sa KAFUNGA 6115 1930-1945 Sa-Su CHOKWE 6115 1930-2000 daily FRENCH 9525 1930-2000 daily FULANI 9510 Meyerton 1945-2000 daily KIMBUNDU 6115 2000-2005 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 6115 2000-2015 Sa-Su FRENCH 9525 2000-2030 daily HAUSA 9510 Meyerton 2030-2057 daily TWI 9510 Meyerton 2100-2145 Su ARABIC 7240 Meyerton (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 24)

SYRIA Syrian-based anti-Iraq bc reportedly halted. An Iraqi opposition radio stn which bc from Syria for 17 years has gone off the air amid warmer ties between the two countries, an Iraqi opposition official said Sun 20th Jul. "The radio stn was no longer bcing Friday. The last progr was on Thurs night 17th Jul. The "Voice of Iraq", which was run by the Iraqi opposition and employed Iraqi journalists, bc progrs which strongly attacked the Baghdad government of President Saddam Husayn. An anti-Syrian radio stn which bc from Iraq closed three months ago. Relations between Syria and Iraq, broken off in 1980, have improved in the past three months. [Note: When monitored on 19th July, the Damascus radio freqs that were used to relay "Voice of Iraq", namely 828, 1125 and 9950 kHz, were observed to carry a separate bc consisting of Arabic, mostly Iraqi, songs from 1900 to 2030 UTC. The entire bc was repeated 0300-0430 UTC on 20th July on 1125 & 828 kHz. At 1905 UTC on 20th July, the three freqs 828, 1125 and 9950 kHz were again observed to begin a separate bc with the same pattern of mostly Iraqi songs as observed on 19th July.] (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 19-22)

TAIWAN/BELARUS Re: Bjelorussia on 9955 kHz ??? > I am not so often in the 31 m band afternoons, so dont know > what I heard on 9955.04 kHz at 1600 UTC, Jul 18 and 20, > Bjelorussian ID as BL International, ul. Papayova address > in Minsk. What's? (Finn Krone-DEN)

Undoubtly, it is WYFR Russian sce via VoFreeChina-TWN tx. Daily 1505-1705 UTC. They announce an address in BLR: B-A International, ul. Chapaeva 5, 220600 Minsk, Belorussia. (B-A stands for Belorussia-America joint venture,which also operates FM station in Minsk, 104.6 Mhz). (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Jul 22)

3335 kHz CBS Taipei (presumed) at 2010-2014 UTC, male speaker in Chinese. (Mark Veldhuis-D, Jul 24)

USA/HAWAII By the way I did confirm that the our New SW tx did arrive last week at our transmitter site in Naalehu Hawaii. Work putting it together is now under way. (Joe Brashier-USA, WHRI, Jul 21)

Online Logbook of German DX Club "Rhine Main Radio Club" http://www.satellinet.de/RMRC Updated every Sunday afternoon. Redaktion RMRC - Aktuell

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 320 09 Aug 1997 ______

ALASKA [non]. The August NASWA Listeners' Notebook has an item from Nikolay Rudnev, Russia, that KNLS is bcing Radio Free Asia at 2100-2200 UTC in Chinese on 11765, 2200- 2300 Korean on 11785, 2300-2400 Chinese on 11785. Since this would be a new tx site for RFA, I asked Mike Osborne of KNLS to confirm this; I expected a pro-forma denial or no- comment, but instead he absolutely denies this in E-mail of July 29: "KNLS hasn't in the past, and is not now providing air time to any other organization. KNLS is absolutely not the source of the transmissions you listed [as above]. There have been discussions with several other organizations about such a possibility, but I don't expect anything to happen soon, if at all."

This makes us wonder about source of Rudnev's info -- or is it disinfo? Another RFA item originating with Nagoya DXers Circle, via Electronic DX Press, attributes the same transmissions to VOA Delano -- but I doubt this too as I am not hearing them as would be expected from there. Furthermore also in August LN Rudnev lists more RFA txions via another new site in Mongolia, in Burmese, Korean, Vietnamese -- not Chinese!!--but this must also be questionable. (Glenn Hauser, World of Radio #904)

New KNLS, Alaska web site. This is Alaska Calling! Greetings from stn KNLS, bcing from the top of the world, Anchor Point, Alaska. The New Life Station now has a new domain name and a new set of web pages. Please check out our updated web space at www..org Our email address will remain "[email protected]". (Mike Osborne, fax (615) 371-8791, email: [email protected] http www.knls.org mail Station KNLS, Anchor Point, AK 99556 U.S.A.

ALGERIA/NIGERIA Algerian radio heard on Nigerian opposition freq. Algeria Radio's Channel 3 (French Network) was observed on 11679.75 kHz at 1845 UTC on Sat 26th July, 15 mins before the Nigerian opposition stn, Voice of Free Nigeria, was due to being its regular weekly one-hour bc on 11680 kHz. At 2000 UTC, Voice of Free Nigeria opened on 11680 kHz, although for a few moments, Algeria Radio continued to bc on 11679.75 kHz before that tx went off the air at about 2001 UTC. The signals from both txs peaked on the same aerial. (Algerian Radio does not normally bc on 11680 kHz. Aerial bearings taken on Voice of Free Nigeria over the past few weeks have indicated the use of a tx in or near Algeria by Voice of Free Nigeria. (BBCM via AGDX, JUl 26)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia sked received fr the Engineering Dept. AUSTRALIA: This is Radio Australia's frequency guide. All txions directed to Asia now originate from txs at Shepparton in Victoria. Prior to 1 July 1997 most RA Asian sces were bc from Darwin in NoAUS. RA would appreciate reception reports on our Asian freqs. These should be sent to: Transmission Manager Radio Australia GPO Box 428G or fax: + 61 3 9626 1917 Melbourne VIC 3001 or email: [email protected] AUSTRALIA


Frequencies marked "*" carry "Grandstand", a separate sports service, at 0200-0800 UTC Sats, and 0300-0800 UTC Suns, will be one hour earlier between Oct-March.

English Time (UT) HongKong 329/355 degr kHz 0100-0400 0900-1200 15415 0600-0830 1400-1630 15415, 21725 0600-0900 1400-1700 17750* 0900-1000 1700-1800 11880 (x11640) 1100-1800 1900-0200 6080 1500-1700 2300-0100 11660 1500-2200 2300-0600 9435 (x9615) 2130-0000 0530-0800 11695 2300-0400 0700-1200 17750*

Indonesian Time (UT) Central 329 degr Indonesia kHz

2130-0000 0530-0800 15415 0830-1100 1630-1900 6080, 9770

Standard Chinese Time (UT) Beijing 329 degr kHz 2200-2300 0600-0700 17750 0400-0500 1200-1300 15415, 17750 1100-1330 1900-2130 9435, 11880 (x9415 & x11660)

Vietnamese Time (UT) Hanoi 329 degr kHz 0000-0100 0700-0800 15415 1330-1500 2030-2200 9435, 11660 (x9415)

Khmer Time (UT) Phnom Penh 329 degr kHz 0500-0600 1200-1300 15415, 17750 1000-1100 1700-1800 11880 (x11660)


English Time (UT) Port Moresby 030 degr kHz 2100-2200 0700-0800 7240, 9660 (030/010 degr) 2130-0000 0730-1000 11695 (not Solomons, but incl West Papua and Philippines) 2130-0200 0730-1200 13755 (x15240) 0000-0800 1000-1800 13605 0200-0800 1200-1800 15240* 0800-0900 1800-1900 5995, 9710 0800-1200 1800-0100 9580 1800-2000 0400-0600 6080, 7240 1800-2130 0400-0730 9415

Tok Pisin (Pidgin) Time (UT) Port Moresby kHz 2000-2100 0600-0700 6080, 7240 0900-1200 1900-2200 5995, 6020, 9710

PACIFIC OCEAN English Time (UT) Samoa kHz degr 2100-2200 1000-1100 12080 080 2200-0900 1100-2200 15510*(x15365) 090 2100-0600 1000-1900 17795 050 2130-0200 1030-1500 13755 (x15240) 030 2300-0900 1200-2200 12080* 080 0200-0800 1500-2100 15240* 030 0800-1200 2100-0100 9580 030 1200-2130 0100-1030 9415 329 1200-2130 0100-1030 5995 050 1200-1800 0300-0700 5870 330 1700-2130 0600-1030 11880 065 1800-2000 0700-0900 7240 030 n.b. 1. Regional times are representative only. Transmissions may reach adjacent time zones. 2. All "Asia" bcs from Shepparton are beamed along a line which joins Shepparton, Ambon, Manila and Hong Kong. This bearing (about 330 degrees) avoids central and western Indonesia, Indochina and SoAsia. 3. All frequencies are under assessment and subject to change. (via Alok Dasgupta-IND, Aug 2)

RA's latest freq revisions since July 28 are working well here in the mornings. 9580 is closing at 1200 (except for silly ball games), but opening at 1200 are 5870, 5995 and 9415, all received well and with 9415 presumably holding up the longest. Unfortunately, except for nx on the hour, there is no longer any RA feature programming after 1200, but National Radio relays. (Glenn Hauser OK, Jul 30)

According to the HCJB World Radio-Australia, Winter 1997 News letter, "HCJB World Radio- Australia has been gifted with a property in Kununurra, WeAustralia and the mission is investigating the possibility of establishing an International bcing facility on this site." (possible to be able to better reach Asia, ME and other Muslim World, jk ) (John Kecskes-AUS, via Cumbre Dx, Jul 24)

BELARUS Radio Minsk web site. I have found an official home page for Radio Minsk in Belarus. The home page is in German because it's the only foreign language currently used by the station and it's at: www.nestor.minsk.by/radiod And incidentally, on that page they mentioned that an expansion of broadcasts in Belarusian to North America and Australia is planned. (RNMN via BBCM via AGDX, Jul 24)

BELGIUM/ETHIOPIA/UKRAINE RVI Brussels 9925 kHz at 1700-1800 UTC suffering co-channel interference by unidentified stn. RVI is eager for reception reports. (RVI Golfgids, Jul 26)

First attempt on Jul 27th was negative, but on Mon 28th Clandestine radio stn Voice of Oromo Liberation noted co-channel loud and clear, S=33433 ahead of RVI Brussels, which 31 mb channel is in the dead zone at my location. (ed, Jul 28)

Voice of Oromo Liberation is sometimes referred to as "SBO" after its title in the Oromo-language, "Sagalee Bilisumma Oromoo". It supports the Oromo Liberation Front and other groups opposed to the Ethiopian govt. SBO was first heard in 1988-92 from a SW tx in Sudan. It was reported in March 1993 that SBO had resumed bcing via SW stn WWCR in Nashville, USA. SBO was heard again between Febr-Apr 1995, this time via another US SW stn - WHRI in Indiana. The current series of bcs began in Jul 1995 via a SW tx in Ukraine.

Postal addresses: SBO, PO Box 510610, 13366 Berlin, Germany SBO, Prinzenallee 81, 13357 Berlin, Germany (tel: +49-30-4941036; fax: +49-30-4943372) SBO, PO Box 73247, Washington, DC 20056, USA Mon, Wed, Sat 1700-1800 (winter 1600-1700) in Oromo language 9925 kHz (x9930, x9870, 100 kW, 160 degrees, zones 39 & 48). (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 3/96, Jun 12/97)

BOLIVIA Stns from Bolivia in 49 mb noted in the PHLs at around 0915-1035 UTC on 6085.3, 6105.3 and 6135 kHz R San Gabriel / R Panamericana / R Santa Cruz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 23)

BULGARIA Contact Radio Bulgaria via E-Mail: [email protected] Private e-mail address of RB employee, which can be used to reach RB German lang section. Include a single IRC, when ordering the coming winter schedule of R Bulgaria, which is now available. (R Bulgaria, Jul 28, via Andreas Erbe)

CAMBODIA Voice of Kampuchea in Vietnamese active again: 11940.1 kHz at 0100-0114* UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 23)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS Voice of Tibet in Tibetan at present bcing at 1225-1255 UTC on 11570 kHz. Shortly will open new morning service on 7120 kHz, time slot will be 2230-2300 UTC to Asia. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, in RNMN, Aug 7)

CZECH REPUBLIC The future of the foreign sce of Radio Prague is unclear. The budget for 1998 will be cut by 25% and the rumours say that only the Czech and English sections remain on SW, while the German, French and Spanish sections should go to Internet. But there is still time for the final decision, which we can expect in September or October. (Karel Honzik-CZE OK1XKH, in DXW75, Aug 5)

Radio Prague will cease programs in German, French and Spanish at the end of 1997, and only sces in English and Czech will remain. (R Prague German sce via Kai Ludwig-D, Jul 27-29)

GEORGIA/SRI LANKA/INDIA Tamil radio stn IBC on the air bcing test txions via Tbilissi Dusheti tx on 15075 kHz, 1330-1430 UTC. Expected signal should much better than signals via Dushanbe-TJK tx facilities, which was not adequate enough to fair signal level in Sri Lanka. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, in RNMN, Aug 7)

"IBC" (International Broadcasting Corporation) is currently bcing on tr 18 of the Astra satellite (Sky Movies, 11479 MHz vertical, audio subcarrier 7.56 MHz). Since 7th June the sce has also been heard in parallel from a low-power tx in the London area on 107.4 MHz VHF/FM. A London telephone number is announced: 0171 787 8000. The stn was also reportedly planning a daily SW txion to South Asia. (BBCM via AGDX, Jun 7)

GERMANY/MYANMAR The Democratic Voice of Burma bcing via Deutsche Telekom Juelich tx facility since June 23rd. Since July 1st regular schedule daily at 1245-1345 UTC 15330 kHz. Since June 1st bcing also in RealAudio via Internet www.communique.no/dvb/ (Andreas Erbe-D, Aug 3) [observed by Grigory Grigoriev in Russia on July 9th, SIO=444]

WDR Cologne magazine "WDR Print" on Internet: http://www.wdr.de/wdrprint

HUNGARY List of Hungarian private radio stns on MW: Kaposvar Kapos Radio 1602 kHz 1 kW Somogy Radio 1602 1 Kazincbarcika Ujhullamhossz 1485 1 Lakihegy Calypso Radio 873 20 Siofok Radio Juventus 810 12/95(?night/day?) Sio City Radio 1602 1 (RBSWC DX News 4-5-6/1997, via Andreas Erbe-D, Aug 3)

ICELAND It's unusual to hear anything new on , but Alan Roberts in PQ found old pop songs in English, but no talk, on 189 kHz July 30 from 0200 past 0300 when it started to fade; signal was on average a bit stronger than Saar-183 which is listed at 2000 kW. The 189 signal was even audible on a portable radio with built-in ferrite antenna. We are wondering what this is--the new operation in Netherlands? The only listed 189 outlets in WRTH are high power in Georgia, seemingly too far east, and low power in Sicily (World of Radio #904)

From Adrian Peterson: Let me give you some further information on the LW station in Europe. I was in Iceland a few days ago, and I also heard this LW station on 189 kHz. At the time, this channel was on the air with irregular test broadcasts and the programming was in parallel with 207 kHz. The 207 kHz transmitter is an old one which is located on the northern edge of the capital city of Reyjkavik and it radiates from a folded dipole antenna. The new transmitter is also at 100 kW and it is located at an old American Conelrad base about 120 kM inland. The antenna at this new location is a vertical mast radiator. This new station will take over the 207 service and the old 207 will be closed and retired.

I asked, "Why does Iceland prefer to broadcast on LW rather than MW?" The answer I received is that LW serves two purposes in Iceland very satisfactorily. The signal is a good steady signal over a wide area, night and day. Then, during the long winter in Iceland, when darkness is prolonged, European stations on MW come in so strong that they would cause interference to MW stations in Iceland. Another item of radio news from Iceland is in reference to the regional LW station located at Eidar. Currently this station is on the air with 20 kW on 207. Currently, this station is being upgraded to 100 kW and it will retain the 207 channel.

I would suggest that those who need a QSL from Reykjavik 207 should obtain it quite soon before it leaves the air for ever. (Adrian M. Peterson-USA, Jul 31)

INDONESIA New v7173.1 kHz RRI Seuri noted in the PHLs 0745-0853 UTC close down, Programa Nasional. RRI Sorong observed at 0120 UTC on v9741.8 kHz. R Mindoro DZB II noted on Suns at around 0900 UTC, bad modulation and tx problems. RRI Kendari again active on this old frequ v4000.2 kHz, at 1250 UTC into RRI Jakarta relay at 1259 UTC, //4003.2, 4753.3, 4925, 5059.2, 9565 kHz. Reactivated v5987.6 kHz RRI Menado at 0745-0756* UTC, weak signal, but heard here after long break. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 23-27)

IRAN Announced English sked for VOIRI: 1130-1230 Gulf 11930, FE 15260. Pakistan 9555, Pakistan/India 11875. 1530-1630 SEA/India/Australia 13605, India 11790. 1930-2030 E. Europe 7260, W. Europe 9022. 2130-2230 SEA/Australia 6165 6175 0030-0130 CAm 6050, CAm/NAm/S. Africa 9022. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Jul 26)

Voice of Rebellious Iraq (Arabic: Sawt al-Iraq al-Tha'ir; Kurdish: Dangi Iraqi Shurashgar) supports an Iranian-sponsored Shi'i group, the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), and is hostile to the current Iraqi government. SAIRI also prepares progrs for Voice of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. Voice of Rebellious Iraq is believed to transmit from Iran. According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, it began bcing on 12th March 1991. In the past, frequencies around 1431, 5555, 6330, 7050-7100 and 8000-8200 kHz have been used. Addresses: POBox 11365/738, Tehran, Iran; PO Box 37155/146, Qom, Iran; PO Box 36802, Damascus, Syria. 1200-1430 Arabic/Kurdish 6050-(6030-6090v) kHz, 2000-2230 1386 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 31)

IRAQ Iraqi radio audibility; ext sces untraced. Republic of Iraq Radio's main domestic sce is currently observed from fade-in after 1500 UTC on the MW freqs 1035, 963, 909, 756 and 558 kHz. Voice of Youth from Dar al-Salam (a Baghdad-based local radio stn) continues to be traced on 1084 kHz with extremely poor reception after 1700 UTC. Mother of Battles Radio from Baghdad has not been observed since March. Voice of the Masses from Baghdad, as well as other Iraqi radio ext-sce bcs on SW, have also been unheard for several months. However, announcements indicate that both of these sces may still be operational. For example on 17th July, Iraqi tv announced that at 0700 UTC "Iraqi television, Rep of Iraq Radio from Baghdad, Voice of the Masses from Baghdad, Iraqi radio in Kurdish, all the beamed [external] Iraqi radios, and all operational freqs" would begin to relay Saddam Husayn's speech on the 29th anniversary of the 17th-30th July revolution. The only official Iraqi radio sce regularly audible on SW in recent months has been Republic of Iraq Radio's domestic Kurdish sce, which continues to be heard on 6560 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 1)

ITALY Special DX bc from AWR-Forli. The small SW stn operated by Adventist World Radio in Forli Italy announces a double DX bc beamed towards NoAmerica. These programs are scheduled to be on the air over the last weekend in Sept and they form part of the annual DX contest conducted by Adventist World Radio. "The purpose of these bcs is to give listeners in NoAmerica, and perhaps elsewhere in the world, the opportunity to hear our exotic little stn," states Christoph Gysin, who is the stn engineer at AWR-Forli. The double DX bcs are scheduled to be on the air as follows:

- Sat night Sept 27 in USA, which is Sun morning Sept 28 UTC - Sun night Sept 28 in USA, which is Mon morning Sept 29 UTC 0100 - 0300 UTC on both occasions.

Programming will consist of two episodes of the AWR global DX progr "Wavescan", one of which will feature a Station Profile on AWR-Forli. Other segments of the special bcs will be taken from the regular programming of AWR. Program announcements will give details of the special QSL cards that will be issued for these twin DX bcs. The specific freq that will be in use for these DX bcs has not yet been determined, but it will be announced as soon as the information becomes available. The rotatable log periodic antenna will be oriented on New York City, which should give the opportunity for wide reception throughout the NoAmerican continent.

Two special QSL cards will be available for the DX bcs from Forli. All reception reports addressed to the AWR Office of International Relations at Box 29235, Indianapolis 46229, USA will receive a copy of the "World's Smallest QSL Card". All reception reports addressed to the stn at Box 383, I-47100 Forli, Italy will receive a regular QSL card with a special endorsement denoting the DX bcs. Also available will be a copy of the AWR QSL stamp, which can be affixed to the QSL certificate. If desired, listeners may send two reception reports, one to each location. Please remember to enclose return postage, in the form of currency notes or postage stamps in an international currency, or IRC coupons.

Last year, at the time of the annual DX contest, similar plans were made for a special DX bc from AWR-Forli beamed towards NoAmerica. However, two days in advance of the bc, the tx mal-functioned and it was off the air for several days. To the credit of the international radio world, not one spurious reception report was received, though some listeners courteously wrote in and explained that they did not hear the program. The small AWR station currently on the air at Forli operates with an output power of approx 2.5 kW. The SW sce from this stn is to be augmented by a large new stn that AWR plans to erect at Argenta on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy. This new station is currently in the planning stages. (AWR Adrian Peterson-USA, Jul 30)

JAPAN Low power local stns observed in SSB/usb mode on 3375.5, 3607.5 and 3970.3 kHz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 23)

KENIA AWR Africa is now bcing in six languages to Africa. Bcing in new additional Dyula language, produced in the AWR studio at Abidjan for about 10 million people in the speech area. The first 90 programs in Somali language for East Africa have been produced by a team at the new AWR Africa address in Kenya (Post Office Box 42276, Nairobi, Kenya).

Bcasts of Alian Andriamitantsoa in Malegasy language are now on air via SW as also via FM stations in Madagascar. Til now AWR has been bcing to Africa in Arabic, English and French. Haussa, Ibo, Fulani and Yoruba are planned for WeAF. Amharic, Oromo and Tigrinya for Ethiopia and KiNyaRwanda to EaAF. The supraregional Africa engagement of AWR started in 1983 at the panafrican SW tx Africa No. 1 from Gabun. In use are now SW txs at Slovakia, Germany, and Italy. (Church in Radio, KiR Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Jul 5)

KOREA D.P.R. Radio Pyongyang's Japanese Sce announced today that eff Aug 4, the txion schedule will be changed as follows: 0700-1000 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 kHz 1100-1400 621, 3250, 6070, 6520, 7580 kHz 2300-0100 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 kHz 3250 kHz is now announced for the first time in many years. - That's a total of only 9 hours per day, down from the current 12. Most probably all the other languages will also undergo a major change, so allow me some time to monitor them all! (Ashimori, Aug 1 in Hard-Core-DX)

From Aug 4th, German sce three times a day, daily at 1800, 2000 and 2100 UTC, all on 9325 and 13790 kHz. (Radio Pyongyang's German sce, Jul 31, via Andreas Erbe)

LIBYA Foreign language bcasts from Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting on 15415 kHz during the late afternoon heard from 1700-1915 UTC. Back in 1993 we gave the schedule for these bcasts and it still appears to be fully or at least partly effective at present: Russian 1st - 3rd, 16th - 18th, 29th of each month. German 4-5, 19-20. Hungarian 6-7, 21-22. Polish 8-9, 23-24. Bulgarian 10-11, 25-26. Czech/Slovak 12-13, 27-28. Romanian 14th. Serbo Croatian 15th, 30-31. (Tony Rodgers, BDXC-UK Communication)

LITHUANIA Sitkunai SW tx nominal on v9710 kHz, well known for producing mixture products has been noted on 10376 kHz (9710 + MW 666 = 10376), when 9710 is on action. On 10376 kHz bcing MW progr of 666 kHz. (Andreas Erbe-D, Aug 3) [has been heard here and also on symmetrical 9044 kHz (9710 minus MW 666 = 9044), first reported in winter 1993/94. ed]

MADAGASCAR Well I have an Information which may be of interest to your editor: RTA - RADIO TELEVISION ANALAMANGA, freq 5950 kHz, bc 24 hrs in Malagasy and French with Pop Musical Prog. The Owner is an Italian : Ottacio Ermini. This stn has not been mentioned in any DX publication yet. (direct Mahendra Vaghjee, Aug 1)

5950 kHz RTA - Radio Television Analamanga, Jul, 0000-2400, have you ever heard of this stn which bcs 24 h ? In Malagasy and French [HEARD EARLY IN THE MORNING TILL LATE IN THE NIGHT] with Pop Mx in English & French. Only address I have is P.O.Box 7547 Tananarive - Madagascar. (Vaghjee via Passmann Jul 30) The owner is an Italian. His name is Ottacio Ermini. The full address is: Ampesiloha P.O.Box 7547 - TANA 101 Phone /Fax 261 02 628 04 - Madagascar. (Vaghjee, Mauritius, via Passmann, Aug 2)

On Aug 2 I tried at 2130 and found 5950 completely empty, no carriers. Same Aug 3 at 1800 with Madagascar fine on 5009.5 at the same time. Also previous attempts failed. (Finn Krone in DXW 75, Aug 5) Finn, that 5950 freq is not 24 hour and when I've tuned in I get Arabic chanting. (2128) The signal is good so could be coming from relatively close by. I will keep checking. Have you any idea of supposed programme content? (Norrie) yes, cf. above. Maybe Yemen you heard? Still no actual logs reported apart from Mauritius. But would be nice, if it were a reality. (FK)

PAKISTAN Latest printed sked from Radio Pakistan (July 1997) shows Slow Speed English news bulletins at: SeAS 0230-0245 15485 17705 7255 15125 West Europe 1100-1120 15465 17900 ME and NoAF/WeAF 1600-1630 9485 11565 15595 EaAF/SEAF 1600-1630 11935 15570. (John Wright-AUS, via EDXP, Jul 26)

In Hindi: 0030-0100 UTC 9516 (ann as 6070) 7485 (x7255) kHz. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Aug 2)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Active stns from PNG which noted in the PHLs lately: 0950-1233 UTC 3205 3220 3235 3275 3305! 3315 3325 3335 3375 3395 3905 kHz. 3305 kHz in // to NBC progr 4890 kHz up to 1400* UTC. Afterwards NBC National progr still on 4890 kHz. R Western 3305 kHz on low power approx. 2-5 kW, but seemingly using new tx equipment. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 27)

RUSSIA Palana / Korjakskij Awtonomnaja Okruga / Kamtschatka: Radio Palana bcing local progrs in local langs 0400-0430 and 2300-2345 UTC on 4520 kHz. [Also Omsk registered on 4520 kHz 2300-1800 UTC 50 kW nondir.]

In May new stn Tarmenskoje Radio(?) Moscow started test bcs on 1233 kHz. Starts at 0800 (LT?). Addr: Technitscheski Zentr Ostankino, ul. Akademika Korolewa 19, Moscow, 127 727, Russia. (Radio Rossii Klub DX Jun 30; via Andreas Erbe-D, Aug 3)

9865 kHz at 1500 UTC, Islamskaya Volna in Russian, after open carrier s/on with "Govorit Moskva" and the usual opening announcements. Medium level with slight splash from neighboring channels (SIO 343). Seems, these outlet is really beamed towards Tatarstan as announced, the signal was weaker than on 9890 from Samara (running open carrier as warm-up for s/off 1530). [Registered 1400-2300 UTC via Ekaterinburg with 240 kW in 265 degrees.] (Kai Ludwig-D, Aug 1)

R Station Pacific Ocean Vladivostok in Russian at 0730 UTC on 15490 kHz, observed by Grigory Grigoriev in Russia on May 24th.

ST. HELENA DAY will be on Oct 26th, this year. www page and eMail experiment interlink of Lennart Deimert-SWE: http://www.sthelena.se

Also Swedish DXer John Ekwall and Jan Tuner are involved in this action. Updated on July 9th, 1997.

SOUTH AFRICA Dxing at the Indian Ocean coast north of Durban. I have spent a week at the Indian Ocean coast north of Durban and managed to sneak in a couple of evenings DXing, primarily MW. I have never DXed from that location before and I could not believe the difference in what could be heard there compared to Johannesburg. On a much shorter antenna MW stns from the FE came in whole evening, and at times even some Australians. At that time the ME stns are absolutely dominant here in Johannesburg, there they were hardly audible. The difference is about 400 kms in direct line. Quite incredible. This, coupled with my experience at Copperton some 800 kms S-W of Johannesburg (which strongly and consistently favours reception from other parts of the world) convinces me that location is probably more important than any other factor including the propagation conditions, time of the year, solar activity etc., at least on MW. (Vashek Korinek-RSA via DXW, Jul 27)

SWAZILAND TWR in Urdu: 1400-1420 UTC 15310 (x15370) kHz [IDs 1400-1405 and px 1405- 1420]. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Aug 2)

UKRAINE Radio Rossii Nostalgie supposed to be via Saporoshije 4485 kHz (5 kW?). (kdx 368) [Also from Ufa region on 4485 kHz, 80 kW.] Local MW Charkow observations: txs of Ukrainskoje Radio (UR)-1 (and local progrs of Charkowskoje OR) on 1485 and Majak 810 kHz are both silent. BBC in Russian, Ukrainian and English observed on MW 612, UR2 on 837, VoA / Radio Liberty in Ukrainian on 1260, and Oniks Radio on 1539 kHz. (Charkow listener, via Radio Rossii Klub DX Jun 30; via Andreas Erbe-D, Aug 3)

Tnx to a tip in BC-DX, I confirm RUI's DX program in English Sat at 2130-2136 on 12040, and UT Sun 0029-0035 on 7150; presumably also at 0330 at 1300. Same speaker as before, when it was on Wednesday, Alexandr Yehorov, and it was introduced as "Radio Page for DXers" but this episode was nothing but going thru reception reports to RUI (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, July 26-27) [has been before on Thur 1230, 2130, Fri 0030 & 0330. ed]

UNIDENTIFIED Latin American v5983.55 kHz, 0950-0956 UTC, Brief instru. mx and possible s/on w/canned opening anmnts by M in Spanish. Being blown away by WYFR s/on at 0957 UTC. Extremely weak. Will take an excellent opening to log this whatever it is. (Dave Valko-USA, Jul 28)


The Radio Authority has published a summary of the responses to its consultation paper on the possible use of 225 kHz for a future national commercial service. They say that technical constraints mean that any decision is now further from, rather than nearer to, resolution and that no decision can be taken at this stage. However, international negotiations are currently continuing and a further statement will be made by the authority in the autumn.

Public consultation. A total of 29 responses were received on the consultation document. Four were from members of the public, ten from potential applicants, the remainder from the radio industry.

Technical issues - delays likely. Two factors are likely to delay any definite decision: Firstly, objections to the proposed station have been received from the governments of France, Luxembourg and Spain. Secondly, a study commissioned by the Authority has confirmed the 'practical difficulty' of radiating a second sce from Droitwich, they say it may be more economic to bc from a new site. (BCDX-UK Communication U.K. news edited by David Kenny)

USA Radio Free Asia sked, updated to 12 July: 1300-1400 Tibetan 11590//11575 (Dushanbe-D); 1400-1400 Vietnamese 11590(D) 11540, 9930(KWHR) 9455(KHBI); 1500-1600 Burmese 11590(D) 11530; 1500-1600 Chinese 11955(Delano) 11945//9455(KHBI) 1565(D) 9910(KHBN); 1530-1630 Korean 15660 9980(KHBN) 5855; 1600-1700 Chinese 11955(Delano) 11945//9455 KHBI 11565(D) 9910(KHBN); 1700-1800 Chinese 11955(Delano) 11945//KHBI; 2100-2200 Chinese 15515 11765(Delano) 9910(KHBN) 9725//9455(KHBI) 9420(D); 2200-2300 Korean 11785(Delano) 9455(KHBI) 9420 9365 7460; 2300-0000 Chinese 15515 13800(KHBI 11785(Delano) 9910(KHBN); 9420(D) 2300-0000 Tibetan 9365//7410(D); 2330-0000 Vietnamese 13710 11580 9980(KHBN) 9975(Kamo); 0030-0130 Burmese 13710 11600//11590(D) 11580. (NDXC - Nagoya DX Circle JAP, via EDXP, Jul 26)

Schedule of R. Free Asia via KNLS Alaska published -- but KNLS emphatically denies they are carrying any other stn. Another source says Delano?? Also schedule for RFA via Mongolia, but is it erroneous too? (via WoR#904 Glenn Hauser-USA, Jul 30)

Greetings to all from WHRI/KWHR! Nothing really new on KWHR Angel 4. At last work yesterday (7/30/97) they were still at the tx site putting together and installing the tx. All seems to be going well and on schedule.

This is the revised schedule for DXing with Cumbre as from July 31. Some changes in the KWHR schedule; the 0730 Sat and 0330 Mon times have been dropped, but there is a new txion at 1630 Sun. WHRI's 2230 Sat txion is also a new addition.

WHRI Angel 1 (SoAmerica/Caribbean) 0500-0530 Sat 7315 kHz 1730-1800 Sat 9495 kHz 2230-2300 Sat 9495 kHz

WHRI Angel 2 (EUR/ME/AF) 0500-0530 Sat 5745 kHz 1430-1500 Sat 6040 kHz 2200-2230 Sun 5745 kHz

KWHR Angel 3 (AS/PAC/AUS/NZL) 0230-0300 Sat 17510 kHz 1130-1200 Sat 9930 kHz 1630-1700 Sun 9930 kHz 1830-1900 Sun 13625 kHz

One new ministry program on KWHR Angel 3 that will be of interest. The Voice of the Martyrs is airing a program with a different approach. The program titled "The Radio Voice of China's Christians" features testimonies of Chinese Christians. The testimonies which are about 24 mins long are recorded in China and sent to the U.S. headquarters in Oklahoma and produced in the Mandarin language program. The program airs Sats on KWHR 9930 kHz 1230-1300 UTC. (WHRI, Joe Brashier-USA, Jul 31)

USA/CHINA/KAZAKHSTAN USA considers Uighur broadcasts to China. A delegation of Uighur nationalists from CeAsia had talks with the US State Dept and Voice of America in Washington about beginning Uighur-language bcs to the Xinjiang- Uighur Autonomous Region of China on 7th July, the Kazakhstan newspaper 'Golos Vostochnogo Turkestana' reported on 24th July. In a leader article, the Alma-Ata-based Uighur nationalist newspaper said the State Dept "spoke of the benefit of constant and detailed bcs about Uighurstan" to the delegation from the East-Turkestan Revolutionary National Front, led by Front leader Yusuf Muhlisi. Voice of America said Uighur-language bcs on RFA and the VoA are being considered. The Front itself, in conjunction with the Istanbul-based Uighur International National Centre, is addressing this issue by making an English-language documentary film about the Uighur cause, under the direction of Tashkent-based film-maker Masvud Mansurov. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 1) VIETNAM v7153.3 kHz, RTV Bac Thai, on July 5 at 1405-1422* in Vietnamese. (Korinek, DXW74, Jul 27) VoV Hanoi observed at 1800 UTC with English nx on v15009.7 kHz. (ed, Aug 4)

TERMIN KALENDER 1997 Nr. 15/1997 vom 30.07.1997 Redaktion: Ulrich Schnelle (USG), Pf. 102420, D-45824 Gelsenkirchen tel. +49 - 209 - 209796, eMail: [email protected] In eckigen Klammern: Angaben ueber Veranstalter/Infoadresse [further information, addresses, etc. given in brackets]

22.08.97 - 24.08.97 25. Intern. DX-Camp d. SWLCS in Merchweiler [SWLCS, Pf.1170, D-66549 Illingen]

30.08.97 - 07.09.97 Internationale Funkausstellung [radio & tv exhibition] Berlin [Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, D-14055 Berlin, tel +49 - 30 - 3038-0]

30.08.97 Gemeinsames IFA-Kurzwellenhoerer-Treffen in Berlin. [SWL meeting in Berlin] [AGDX e.V., Postfach 1107, D-91001 Erlangen; or: ADDX e.V., Postfach 130124, D-40551 Duesseldorf; or: ROI, "Intermedia", A-1136 Wien, eMail [email protected] ]

31.08.97 Besonderes Treffen fuer UKW/TV-DXer m. Besichtigungsfahrt am Rande der IFA veranstaltet vom UKW/TV-Arbeitskreis. [VHF/FM/TV sightseeing tour] [Michael Woldt, tel +49 - 30 - 825 63 45]

05.09.97 - 07.09.97 DX-Camp Marx in Friedeburg-Marx/Ostfriesland, [Jan Lueschen, Stiekelkamp 2, D-26125 Oldenburg]

12.09.97 - 14.09.97 UKW-Tagung Weinheim mit Jahrestreffen des UKW/TV-Arbeitskreises und Nachtreffen der Doebriach-Teilnehmer. [Frank Helmbold, eMail: [email protected]]

14.09.97 (Termin geaendert!! Urspruenglich 13.09.97) ADDX-Jahreshauptversammlung in Remscheid, beim technischen Klubdienst der ADDX e.V., ab 14.00 h Ortszeit [ADDX, Postfach 130124, D-40551 Duesseldorf]

03.10.97 8. Deutschland-Kontest des EAWRC [Adolf Schwegeler, Bahnhofstrasse 56, D-50374 Erftstadt]

04.10.97 40. Jahrestag der englischsprachigen DX-Show von Radio Budapest. [R.Budapest, Brody Sandor u.5-7, H-1800 Budapest]

17.10.97 - 19.10.97 2. DX-Camp am Waldsee in Gruenplan/MVP noerdlich Rheinsberg. [Berliner Empfangsamateure, Postfach 113, D-13511 Berlin]

17.10.97 - 19.10.97 DX-Camp im Brueningshof in Seebergen [Hans Gotschlig, Kutscherweg 18, D-28665 Lilienthal, tel +49 - 4298 - 1684]

17.10.97 - 19.10.97 Nordic DX-Championships "NordDX'97" (DX-Kontest) [c/o DXLC, PO Box 7080, Vestheiene, N-4602 Kristiansand, eMail: [email protected]]

26.10.97 Radio St.Helena Day [Informationen siehe Fachpresse] [see item above under St. HELENA]

26.10.97 St. Helena-Field-Day in Duisburg (Kurz-Camp am Sonntag, Beginn moeglicherweise auch schon frueher, weitere Infos ab ca. 15.09.) [KWFR e.V., Postfach 101555, D-45815 Gelsenkirchen, eMail: [email protected]]

26.10.97 - 02.11.97 Co.Rad-Tropenband-Contest 1997 [CO.RAD., c/o Marco Cerruti, POBox 146, I-13100 Vercelli, Italy]

27.10.97-21.11.97 World Radio-Communication Conference in Geneve-SUI

01.11.97 (Termin verlegt vom 18.10.!!) Inter-Radio 1997 in Hannover/Messe [Heckmann GmbH, Hohenzollernstr.4, D-30161 Hannover, tel. +49 - 511 - 99 09 50]

15.11.97 - 23.11.97 Hobby & Freizeit-Messe Augsburg mit adxb-DL-Beteiligung [adxb-DL, c/o Thomas Schubaur, Am Hansenhohl 9, D-86470 Thannhausen eMail [email protected] ]

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 321 17 Aug 1997 ______

ALASKA The question of whether KNLS is transmitting Radio Free Asia has now been resolved thanks to this further note from Mike Osborne: "I owe you an apology. It seems that KNLS is broadcasting for RFA and has been doing so since January. In December I left the full time staff and now provide English language programming to the ministry as a contract service. I work out of my home. Obviously, I'm a little further out of the loop than I thought." (WORLD OF RADIO 906, via Glenn Hauser OK, Aug 14, [items from this report may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages] )

ALBANIA R Tirana in Albanian medium signal level in EUR also, noted to NoAM: 2300-0500 UTC Shijak v6190.2 & Cerrik v7269.9 kHz. (WB Aug 9)

BURUNDI On 6140 kHz Radio Nationale du Burundi tx Gitega on the air again after civil unrest there. Has reactivated and reported by listeners in India and Sri Lanka, in Europe try in 1730-2100 UTC time slot. (Indian listener via Finn Krone reporting in AWR DX progr Aug 10; Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK in RN Media Network, Aug 8)

COSTA RICA [non]. RFPI's 7385 has been subject to bubble-jamming, first noted August 6 at 0205. Since then it has been on most but not every night as early as 0100, as late as 0500. When it is on, it is heard continuously, worse on the lower side. Strength here is often almost as strong as RFPI, but RFPI is still intelligible. James Bean in Maine says it is not so strong there or in California, and seems to be coming from south of him, with a similar presumably Cuban sound marring WHRI-7315; and may be the topic of this week's Far Right Radio Review on RFPI. If this continues, strength and directionality observations will be most welcome. (WORLD OF RADIO 906, via Glenn Hauser OK, Aug 14, [items from this report may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages] )

ECUADOR Reisedienst von HCJB Missionaren in Europa. Mitarbeiter der deutschen Redaktion von HCJB sind im Sommer in Europa:

-- Esther Neufeld, Ruediger u. Dorothea Klaue. Kontakte ueber Vereinigte Deutsche Missionshilfe, Bremer Str. 41, D-27211 Bassum.

-- Klaudia u. Eckehart Wolff. Kontakt ueber Deutsche Missionsgemeinschaft, Buchenauerhof, D-74889 Sinsheim. (Kirche in Rundfunk) [Church in Radio]

EGYPT R Cairo distorted audio on Spanish sce 9740 kHz at 0140 UTC, //9475 kHz. Arabic Gen sce 1300-1900 UTC to NoAF and SoEUR nominal on 17670 kHz, wandering to v17671.8 kHz. (WB Aug 9)

ETHIOPIA New 9490 kHz, Voice of Oromo Liberation (via Ukraine tx), Aug 10, 1705-1755* UTC, on this new frequency, (x9925). Usual type songs, Oromo YL echoo ann 1723. Nice mx they have. Strong, co-channel V.O.Russia in Italian, also strong, very annoying. (Krone) [c.f. BC-DX #320, item under Belgium/Ethiopia/Ukraine]

GERMANY Interesting www site of Italian DXer Paolo Morandotti from Milan, protest against closure of DW's Italian language service in coming December.

But appeal to [Rundfunkrat of ] DW Cologne may also of interest to German DX scene. http://www.intrasoft.it/dw (Luigi Cobisi, [email protected] )

DW in German clear channel at 0000-0300 UTC, from Trincomalee-CLN 9795 kHz. French sce at 1245 UTC, in AF lang time slot 1200-1350 UTC via Kigali relay 21695 kHz. (WB Aug 9)

INDONESIA v3264.7 kHz RRI Gorontalo. 2115 UTC popular mx. ID, Indian style mx. Weak. v3635.8 kHz RPDT2 Buol, at 1155-1400 UTC. v4606.4 kHz RRI Serui. 1040 slow mx. 1052 male talks with ID. Weak. 5987.6 RRI Manado. 0650 popular mx. 0659 SCI. Weak signal. v7173.1 kHz RRI Serui. Popular mx at 0755 UTC. 0814 ID by male as "RRI Serui". Signed off at 0853. Weak. v9741.8 kHz RRI Sorong. 0120 popular mx. 0129 ID, IS, time pips, local nx. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 7-8/15/20/30 / Aug 1)

Have you ever listened to Radio Republik Indonesia on the tropical bands and wondered what the studios look like? Now it's all on the web! The YB0RMI Indonesian Radio Web contains: Radio Republik Indonesia studio and tx photos, links to Live Broadcasts via the Internet, and domestic FM station homepages (most are in English!)

(that's a zero in the callsign)

Please check it out! When I'm able to visit more cities around the archipelago, I'll add more info and pictures of other broadcasters! (Nick Grace C., YB0RMI / KA1UXT, Jakarta, Indonesia via Deja News. Deja News/USENET via Mick Ogrizek, via EDXP, 3 Aug; all via Jembatan INS/Japan)

IRAN/IRAQ VoIRI Tehran in Persian observed around 1120 UTC on new 13790 kHz. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Jul)

SAIRI (Voice of Rebellious Iraq, Arabic: Sawt al-Iraq al-Tha'ir; Kurdish: Dangi Iraqi Shurashgar) supports an Iranian-sponsored Shi'i group, the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revol in Iraq (SAIRI), and is hostile to the current Iraqi govt. SAIRI also prepares progrs for Voice of the Islamic Revol in Iraq. Voice of Rebellious Iraq is believed to tx from Iran. According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, it began bcing on 12th March 1991. In the past, freqs around 1431, 5555, 6330, 7050-7100 and 8000-8200 kHz have been used.

Addrs POB 11365/738, Tehran, Iran; POB 37155/146, Qom, Iran; POB 36802, Damascus, Syria.

Arabic/Kurdish 1200-1430 UTC, 1215 UTC nx in Arabic. 6050-(6030-6090v) kHz. 2000-2230 UTC 1386 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Jul 31)

A bunch of us on IRC channel #swl are hearing Iraq loud & clear on 11292 kHz from around 2000-2304 UTC. What we can't ascertain is if this is Mother of All Beatles Radio or whatever quaintly-named sce, or a relay of the dom sce? The IS before t.o.h. is unfamiliar.

Forgot to mention that I've put a recording of the Baghdad ID/IS up on my web page: http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ (Al Quaglieri via NASWA LN, Aug 11 and response Aug 14)

11292vnf, R Baghdad, 2000 Aug 10. First discovered on 11290 kHz Aug 9 by David Ross in IRC channel #swl who suspected a stn of ME origin; then Al Quaglieri matched a taped ID to the one printed in WRTH 97. On Aug 10, on 11292; played an unfamiliar IS just before 2000 UTC. Uses 5 pips on the hour; program was a mix of talk and mx segments. Plug pulled in mid-sentence 2307. Stn appeared briefly on 11290 Aug 11 around 1931, but only lasted a couple of mins. Stn seems to use a number of different ID's ways at different times; I attempted to transcribe one as "tipatila nahabari irra'hati jumhuriya tih'ranhaa min batta", the last word of which was actually "Baghdad". The #swl crowd speculated that this might be one of Iraq's auxiliary sces such as Mother of Battles Radio, so I ran a few samples by an AR speaker in my local Lebanese grocery store. He said it was "the govt radio stn from Baghdad, Iraq", and cautioned me "but you can never tell, sometimes there are stns that say they're bcing from Iraq, but they're really coming from somewhere else." I assured him I was aware of the existence of such stns, and persuaded him to listen to a bit more of the tape. He said the news sounded pretty much like the Baghdad party line, and that the stn seemed to "have no special name". We spent the rest of the lunch hour talking about Algerian Rai music and Lebanese pastries. (Novello-NC Aug 10/11) RealAudio Sample of two ID's plus TOH formalities (1:09) response from Bob Hill, 12-Aug: The stn on 11290 (exactly there today rather than 11292) ID'd very clearly after ending news at 2015: "Idha'at-u jumhuriyah-t-il iraq min baghdad." This would make it the General Sce. I tuned in at 1907, when it was fair but very fady and with extremely fuzzy audio. By 2000, it was still very fady and fuzzy, but the overall strength was quite impressive. response from Finn Krone, 12/13-Aug: Hello agn Al, just short note. ID at 2000 said "Min idha'at Jumhuriyat al-Iraq min Baghdad" which should be General Sce. Booming in, now on 11290.0 (dB9+30) - still horrible modulation.

ISRAEL IBA "refused to help jam" Voice of Palestine. At the end of the week, Israel Broadcasting Authority [IBA] Director-General Mordekhay Kirschenbaum refused to accede to Communications Minister Limor Livnat's request to help jam the Voice of Palestine's [VOP] radio bcs. Kirschenbaum was asked by Minister Livnat to lend a MW tx to security elements so they could use it to jam VOP bcs. Kirschenbaum refused to give them the tx, saying: The IBA deals in bcing, not jamming. The govt decided to jam the txions immediately following the terrorist attack in the Mahane Yehuda market [on 31st July]. Yesterday, political sources in Jerusalem stressed that the govt had considered the possibility of issuing a special order to impound the IBA tx but subsequently rejected the idea. The sources implied that the Prime Minister's Office and the Defence Ministry accepted Kirschenbaum's refusal with "understanding", owing to the "sensitivity and unconventional nature of the request". The defence establishment is now considering whether to buy[!] such a tx and use it to jam Palestinian bcs. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 4)

KOREA (D.P.R.) North Korea is jamming RFA Korean on all the freqs. It's pretty effective, making RFA Korean practically useless around here, unless you have the trained DXer's ear.

R. Pyongyang made a major change of times and freqs on 4 Aug. Each txion now lasts 57-58 (formerly 50) mins. Bcs begin and end without the NA, except Korean bcs, which begin with the anthem but end without it. Some exceptions were observed on all the days I monitored. The feeder on 3560 kHz came back on last Sat after a week's absence. Also on 4 Aug, the stn's official name in Korean, Chinese and Japanese was changed to Radio Pyongyang. Until last week it was KCBS. In all the other languages the same change took effect in 1982. R. Pyongyang's recent changes have also affected the txion times of the KCBS (HS) and Pyongyang B/Cing Stn. KCBS on 6100 kHz shares the tx with R. Pyongyang's JP svc on 6070. PBS on 3250 is interrupted to carry R. Pyongyang's JP svc three times daily. (Ashimori, Japan, in Hard-Core-DX, via NU 1436, DXW and EDXP)

NEPAL Radio Nepal usually operates on only two of the three listed SW channels at any given time. The 7 MHz freq is normally used in summer and the 3 MHz freq in winter. Addr: Radio Nepal, PO Box 634, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel +977-1-215773; fax +977-1-221952 URL www.catmando.com/news/radio-nepal-radionp.htm

0015-0520 & 0715-1715 UTC in Nepali 7165-(summer) 5005 3230-(winter) 1143 810 792 684 648 576 kHz. Nx in Nepali at 0115, 0315, 0515, 0715, 1115, 1315, 1515, 1710 UTC. 0215-0225 & 1415-1425 UTC nx in English, 0330-0335 nx in Newari, 0335-0340 nx in Hindi, 1215-1220 nx in Maithili. Sats only 0520-0715 UTC in Nepali 7165-(summer) 5005 3230-(winter) 1143 810 792 684 648 576. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 7)

PAKISTAN R Pakistan in Urdu WS 1330-1530 UTC on v15593.1 kHz, //9484, 11565. (WB Aug 9) Slow speed English nx from Radio Pakistan - here I hear this bc to Europe at 1100-1120 UTC on [new] 15520 [x15465/x15470] and 17865 kHz - the latter one being the strongest. (Erik Koie-DEN, Aug 13 / [email protected] )

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Radio Free Bougainville may shut down. Radio Netherland's "Media Network" correspondent in New Zealand Arthur Cushen said on 31st July, that with the signing of a peace agreement between the PNG authorities and separatists in Bougainville, "it looks like Radio Free Bougainville, which is still on 3850 kHz, will come to an end". He added that Radio United Bougainville, the stn run by the PNG govt, "could be faded out because in the old days they [PNG] had a stn in the northern Solomons which bc into Bougainville. And that would probably be reactivated or rebuilt, now that there's peace in the area."

(Radio Free Bougainville bcs irregularly in support of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) and the Bougainville Interim Govt which unilaterally declared independence from PNG on 17th May 1990. The radio, which was set up with help from Australian radio amateurs, reportedly began bcing on 25th Jan 1992. In Febr 1994 the PNG govt set up its own stn, Radio United Bougainville, in order to counter Radio Free Bougainville. Both sts operate on adjacent freqs. Radio United Bougainville bcs in support of the Bougainville Transitional Govt.) (Arthur Cushen in RNMN, Jul 31)

PORTUGAL We recently returned from a trip to Portugal and gathered the following information regarding the SW radio stns overthere.

Radio Portugal - At Sao Gabriel (08.42W 38.47N) the following SW txs are actually in use : 1 x 300 kW Telefunken S4005 4 x 100 kW Continental 418B 1 x 100 kW Brown Boveri SK51 2 x 100 kW General Electric G-100B The stn was build around 1953/54. Before, the progrs of Radio Portugal were txed from a location near Lisbon in Charneca, just north of the city center. Most of the antennas are rhombics, with a few curtain arrays as well. The 300 kW tx is mainly used for bcs to Africa and Timor. (TDP - Ludo Maes, Aug 10)

RFE-RL - Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty no longer bcs from Portugal. Txions via Maxoqueira ended in 1995 and via Gloria in 1996. Both sites are currently being dismantled. The actual coordinates vary largely from the ones found in the HFCC and WRTH. Maxoqueira is at 08.46W 38.57N and Gloria at 08.40W 39.02N. In the past, I read articles stating Gloria was close to Sao Gabriel, just across the road, but this is certainly not the case. The Maxoqueira site is almost completely dismantled. The txs, 6 x 500 kW Asea Brown Boveri SK55C3-2P units have been shipped to Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands. At this moment, they are taking down the antennas. All towers are expected to be down by the end of August. If I would have visited the stn 2 months later, it would have been almost impossible to trace it's location. The Gloria site is currently being dismantled.

The tx setup was as follows: 2 x 50 kW RCA BHF-50B 4 x 250 kW General Electric 4BT250C2 7 x 250 kW Continental 419F 8 x 250 kW Continental 419F-2 No decision yet on what will happen to the RCA and General Electric units, the major of the city can decide what will happen to the General Electric units. Of the 7 Continental 419F units, 5 will be moved to Spain (Playa de Pals) and 2 to Greece (Kavalla). Of the 8 Continental 419F-2 units, 5 have been donated to the Govt of Greece (maybe in exchange for continuation of the Rhodes and Kavalla facilities). 3 of these will probably be installed in Avlis and 2 in Thessaloniki. The remaining 3 are going to Sri Lanka (Iranawila). It is not known if the antennas at Gloria will be dismantled as well. (TDP - Ludo Maes, Aug 10)

Radio Renascenca - The SW tx at Muge (08.41W 39.05N) went of the air in Dec 1996 due to a damaged socket of the final tube in the Harris SW-100 tx. Repair is on it's way but it is not sure that Radio Renascenca will resume bcs on SW. The site at Muge was build around 1979. Bcs on SW from Radio Renascenca before that time came from a location named Buraca near Lisbon. The power as listed in many publications as 3 kW seems incorrect, it only used to be 500 Watts. Only the power of the MW tx at the same site was raised from 500 Watts to 3 kW at a certain time. (TDP - Ludo Maes, Aug 10)

PORTUGAL - Radio Trans Europe All 3 units of 250 kW (Marconi B6122) are in use at Sines (08.46W 37.57N) and not one in stand-by as listed in the WRTH. Most of the relays are from Deutsche Welle, and a few from RCI and Radio Portugal. There are 2 fixed curtain array antennas, 1 fixed log-periodic antenna and 2 rotatable curtain arrays which are really impressive. (TDP - Ludo Maes, August 10)

Radio Museum - There is a Radio Museum in Lisbon (Museu da Radio), located Rua do Quelhas 21 which really is worth a visit. There is an exhibition with photos about the history of Portuguese radio bcing and an impressive collection of antique radio sets I have never seen before. In addition, there is a library with books and publications about radio that is unique in it's kind. (TDP - Ludo Maes, Aug 10) TDP, P.O. Box 1, B-2310 Rijkevorsel, BELGIUM Tel +32 3 314 78 00 Fax : +32 3 314 12 12 E-mail : [email protected] Web : http://www.ping.be/tdp

RUSSIA On Sats 1500-1600 UTC only: R Kala Aturaya on Tbilisskaya 7325 and Ekaterinburg 9865 kHz. Tue-Fri carrying Islamskaya Volna progr. (WB Aug 9)

MAGADAN RADIO form main studio centre Magadan. When not carrying local progrs, Magadan radio relays Radio Russia. This schedule has been compiled entirely from monitoring observations. Because of poor reception it is possible that local programming may be carried at additional times. Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean (Radio Pacific Ocean) broadcasts from Vladivostok for Russian seafarers. Address: ul Kommuny 8/12, 685000 Magadan 13, Russia. 1730-1500 UTC 9600 9530 7320 5940 234 kHz. 1900-2000, 0220-0300, 0620-0700 local progr. 0715-0800 Relay of Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 7)

Radio Militseiskaya Volna via Radio 1, Mons 1300-1500, Tues-Sats 1300-1355. Addr: Militsejskaya Volna, Golutvinskij pereulok 10/8, Moscow 117049, Russia. (MIDXB July via Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS)

Radio 1 is the "all bands" Russian radio network. Militsejskaya Volna means Police Wave, but despite of its name, progrs usually are devoted to western pop mx. Also bcs locally in Moscow on 107.8 MHz FM. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Aug 6)

9690 kHz, Radio Tatarstan, *0800-0900* UTC, opened its SW sce on Aug 1st, 1997. Daily 0800-0900 UTC in the Tatar language beamed to St.Petersburg and north-west region of European part of Russia. (NERRS Monitoring/Timofeyev via DXW, Aug 10)

ST.PETERSBURG txing centre, all VoRussia English E 7130 1400-1600 D 9740 1600-2200 B 9775 1600-2200 C 15540 1400-1600 Abbrev: B = 30/03/97 - 07/09/97 C = 30/07/97 - 27/09/97 D = 07/09/97 - 25/10/97 E = 25/09/97 - 25/10/97 (Mikhail Timofeyev via EDXP, 8 Aug)

Russian Radio scene: Mayak and Yunost to merge, Radio-1 to close. Domestic radio changes The govt crackdown predicted by some nxpapers against Russian Public TV (ORT) over its reporting of the Svyazinvest share deal has so far failed to materialize. On safer ground perhaps, Pres Yeltsin has decreed that changes be made to state radio. In Oct 1995 he suggested that the Mayak and Yunost stns could be privatized, but the Interfax news agency this week reports that the two radio stns will be merged instead into a new national state bcing company, taking the name Mayak. Both radios were controlled by the remnants of the Ostankino organization, which lost so much influence when the first national TV channel, now ORT, was stripped away from its control. There are three main national dom radio networks, including time-shifted versions.

The following are all run by Ostankino: Radio-1, which is to be closed, is mainly speech-based and tends to be on LW; Mayak (meaning beacon) is a continuous mx and nx sce, often on MW; and Yunost (meaning youth) is for a younger audience. There is also Orfey, a cultural stn with limited distribution. The most popular national stn is Radio Russia; often on FM, it is controlled by the All Russia State TV and Radio Company (VGTRK), which runs Russia's TV.

Radio-1 lost its influence in the post-Soviet era; its distribution network was reduced as the actual running costs of the massive network could not be met. Its progrs did not fare well against Mayak, Russia's Radio or the emerging local media. On the Internews web site, an article on the Russian media says that in recent audience surveys, the local independent media have become the preferred source of entertainment and information. What remains of Radio-1 and its network will pass to the new Mayak organization to supplement Radios Mayak, Orfey and Yunost and to VGTRK for Russia's Radio. However, funding for the expanded Mayak will only be equivalent to that which previously met Mayak and Yunost' s costs. It is also not clear how the progrs will change in the new Mayak/Yunost stn. Mayak's format is nx and light mx, while Yunost ranges from serious talks to rock mx. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's (RFE/RL) web site ascribes the changes to possible savings of 34m dollars; the government had been unable to meet the stations' costs this year, it noted. Finally, both Interfax and RFE/RL report that national radio distribution, probably meaning the "wired" radio system, will be as follows: channel 1 - Radio Russia; channel 2 - the new Mayak; channel 3 - the state regional radio and private stations. This confirms the continuation of two of the national radio networks but does not clarify the role of the private sector in Russian radio. Details should emerge as the changes start to be heard on the air.

Russian ext radio. Russia operates a state ext radio sce called the Voice of Russia. Formerly named Radio Moscow, it has subsumed the Russian-language ext radio Golos Rossii and Radio Rodina (homeland) and outlived Radio Peace and Progress. Voice of Russia is heard in 33 langs for 95 hours a day and is now ranked 12th in the world in progr hours; in 1980 it was first. Armen Oganessian, chairman of the Voice of Russia, speaking at a conference on the role of internat bcs in the post-Cold War era, pointed out that the bcs it used to make in 77 langs, during the Soviet era, reflected the global ambition of communism. However, the Voice of Russia's own web site says that the cuts have been "motivated not so much by political or historical reasons as by the cost of txs, additional capacities and signal delivery. The Voice of Russia is not a commercial stn. It fully depends on the national budget." The cuts at the Voice of Russia have been severe, but may not yet be complete. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 7)

SLOVAKIA R Slovakia Internat, Bratislava, to AUS/NZL/PAC in English 0830-0900, Slovak language 0900-0930 UTC observed on 11990, 15460, and 17570 kHz. (WB Aug 10)

SOUTH AFRICA Concerning TWR South Africa mail thefts still not cleared up yet, the organization set up a new addr: TWR South Africa, Private Bag 987, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. (ERT/TWR DX Mix, May 10, 1997)

USA From newsgroup rec.radio.shortwave: WVHA gone dark. WVHA ceased all transmissions Wed Jul 16. Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. disconnected electricity Fri Jul 8. Finance Company took over property Thurs July 31. WVHA employees terminated and security company contracted to secure site Mon Aug 4. Don't count on getting that QSL card. (@MAINE.MAINE.EDU [NOSPAM!], 5 Aug 1997 16:40:32 UTC)

When WGTG gets the WORLD OF RADIO tape before Monday, it may appear at unscheduled times, e.g. Aug. 11, UTC Monday 0515 on 5085-USB; perhaps also on 9400 daytime Saturday or Sunday, in addition to the scheduled time of UTC Tuesday 0400 on 5085-USB. (WORLD OF RADIO 906, via Glenn Hauser OK, Aug 14, [items from this report may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages] )

Chuck Harder, in his "For the People" magazine received Aug 6, says: "A 'monster' 50,000 watt Continental 317-C-2 radio transmitter has been purchased and will soon arrive at a 39-acre site near Lake City, Florida. There the shortwave station will be built as well as a repeater station for WFVR 910 AM, Valdosta, GA. The new SW will beam our program 'For the People' to the East Coast during prime time and will be repeated three hours later for the West Coast." Chuck also says he hopes to continue present schedule on WHRI, WWCR. SW station would be owned by American Community Oriented Radio Network-- ACORN--which is affiliated with Harder. It also owns WFVR, and WNTF 1580 Bithlo, FL. He says ACORN will also make SW radios. No further details. (Joel Hermann, WORLD OF RADIO 906, via Glenn Hauser OK, Aug 14, [items from this report may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages] )

The Christian Science Publishing Society took over fr Monitor Radio when it ceased production on June 27th. Broadcasts are now composed of religious progrs in various langs.

Christian Science German lang schedule to Europe: 0400-0600 7535 Fri 0500-0700 7535 Tue 0600-0800 7535 Thu Sun 0700-0900 7535 Mon Wed Sat 0900-1100 7535 Sat Sun 1800-2000 15665 Mon Wed Fri (13770 fr 2 Sep) 1900-2100 13770 Wed (11550 fr 2 Sep) 1900-2100 15665 Sat (13770 fr 2 Sep) 2000-2200 13770 Mon Thu Fri 2100-2300 13770 Tue (7510 fr 2 Sep at 2200-0000 UTC) 2100-2200 15665 Tue Fri (11550 fr 2 Sep) 2200-2300 15280 Tue Fri ( 7510 fr 2 Sep) to No & SoAmerica 0200-0400 5850 Sat 0900-1100 7395 Fri 1400-1600? 9455 Tue Thu ?2300-0100 15665 Wed Fri Sat Address: Herold der Christlichen Wissenschaft, POBox 1524, Boston, Massachusetts 02117, U.S.A. (Kirche in Rundfunk) [Church in Radio]

In a letter written by Kim Elliott, host of VoA's "Communications World", and published in "" [he is of course speaking for himself and not for the agency], he says "East Asia is one of the most difficult parts in the world to get a clear radio signal in to, especially with Chinese, Burmese, Vietnamese and North Korean jamming. And one of the most difficult to get news out of. Even if Congress were to fund US international broadcasting as regularly as conservative commentators advocate, transmitting, news gathering and personnel resources remain finite. For instance, qualified broadcasters able to speak Tibetan and Burmese are extremely scarce in the US, and there are limited number of vacant SW frequs, countries willing to host US relay txs and good freelance radio reporters in remote foreign locations. With these resources split between Radio Free Asia and the Voice of America, which will eventually compete in eight languages, US broadcasting to East Asia cannot reach its potential. To make matters worse, whilst these limited resources are being split, senior management and their requisite budgets for further office suites and travel expenses have been doubled. The audience for international broadcasting consists mainly of those looking for the regional and world news, as more comprehensive, objective and timely than the news from their state-controlled domestic media. If it is to be effective international broadcasting must be heard with the clearest possible signal on the pedestrian SW radios that are available in these countries. The US only weakens its broadcasts by splitting its signal. It can better serve these listeners, vex the dictators of Asia, to give value for tax payers money with one station rather than two". (Washington Post via Chet Copeland/WoR, Jul 24, via BDXC-UK Communication)

Bill Whitacre, Head of IBB Monitoring, explained in an interview with Kim Elliott on VoA's "Communications World" recently that Radio Free Asia could do better "but is not doing too badly" in getting its signals into mainland China, despite the disadvantage that they cannot use IBB transmitters in Thailand or the Philippines. Things are getting better as time goes on, as they find new organizations and administrations who will lease transmitters to them. The main problems for Radio Free Asia up to now has been weak signals being delivered to the target areas. They can find clear frequencies but it is just getting the signal there. An example, the problem for the RFA Mandarin service is that a transmitter as far away as Delano in California apparently offers the best reception in Beijing. By comparison, the problem for the Voice of America Mandarin service, who can use transmitters in Thailand and the Philippines, is that of Chinese jamming. Bill Whitacre referred to it as "Mayak" jamming, from the old days when the Russians used to use an overmodulated home service signal as a jammer with detrimental results "which people don't stay around for". (from interview with Bill Whitacre on VoA Communications World, Jul 5, via Tony Rogers BDXC-UK Communication)

Item from VoA Guide Aug-Oct '97 - Dr. Feedback -: "Between 2200-0100 UTC on 17735 kHz [Tinang-PHL 250 kW], the tx appears to close down for some time varying from seconds to minutes, very often, which can be disappointing. Sometimes it's been so long that I've given up and tuned to another SW stn." [listener in Australia]. Dr. Feedback sees a number of such complaints from Asian listeners. Apparently, farmers near the VoA relays in Thailand and the Philippines will, at certain times of the year, burn their fields. The ash gets into the antenna feedlines, causing electrical arcing, which shuts down the tx for a few seconds.

UZBEKISTAN R Taskent's Asian sce 0100-0230 UTC on 9375 kHz medium level in EUR, typical local mx. Home sce first channel at same time on 5995 kHz. (WB Aug 9)

26.10.97 St. Helena-Field-Day in Duisburg (Kurz-Camp am Sonntag, Beginn moeglicherweise auch schon frueher). [KWFR e.V., Postfach 101555, D-45815 Gelsenkirchen, eMail: [email protected]]

Da die beiden Naturfreundehaeuser in Breckerfeld und Kempen-Toenisberg, die Schauplatz der KWFR-Winter- und Sommer-Camps sind, an diesem Tag nicht zur Verfuegung standen, musste ein anderer Platz gesucht werden. KWFR-Vorsitzender und Tennisspieler Heinrich Gudhardt hatte den Einfall, mal in der Vereinsgaststaette seines Tennisclubs in Duisburg zu fragen, und dies mit positivem Ergebnis:

Es soll also am Sonntag, dem 26. Oktober ein St. Helena-Fieldday stattfinden, und zwar in der Vereinsgaststaette des Tennisclubs Neumuehl in Duisburg. Zum Hoeren steht dort ein grosser Raum zur Verfuegung, fuer Verpflegung und Getraenke sorgt die Vereinswirtin; zivile Preise wurden zugesagt. In einem Nebenraum besteht die Moeglichkeit, sich auf mitgebrachten Luftmatrazen oder aehnlichem auszuruhen. Seitens der Veranstalter wird auch erwogen, das Camp eventuell eher, bereits am Samstag Abend oder Nachmittag zu beginnen, und neben dem eigentlichen St. Helena-Abend auch anderweitig zu DXen und Radio zu hoeren.

Als Veranstaltungsschluss ist der fruehe Montagmorgen geplant, es kann jedoch jeder individuell teilnehmen und Ankunft und Abfahrt selbst bestimmen. Weitere Informationen werden im Laufe der 38. Kalenderwoche, also ab etwa 15. September verfuegbar sein. Bis dahin soll eindeutig festgestellt sein, ob dieser Ort wegen etwa doch vorhandener Stoerungen nicht doch ungeeignet ist, und wann Beginn und Ende der Veranstaltung sein werden.

Die Rahmenbedingungen koennen ab obigem Datum unter folgenden Adressen erfragt werden: Briefpost: KWFR e.V., Postfach 101555, 45815 Gelsenkirchen Telefon: 0209-209796 (U.Schnelle) oder 0201-535692 (H.Gudhardt) eMail: [email protected]

AUSTRALIAN DXING FEDERATION FORMED! I am pleased to announce that the AUSTRALIAN DXING FEDERATION has been formed, as an outcome of the DXing-1997 Conference held here in Melbourne on 10 Aug 1997. Foundation Clubs of the ADXF are: Australian Radio DX Club Incorporated (ARDXC), South Pacific Union of DXers Incorporated (SPUD) and the International Correspondence DX Group (ICDX). A Steering Committee has been established, consisting of representatives of the above Clubs, to formulate the overall strategy and detailed Rules of ADXF. A principcal objective is to publish a professional hard-copy journal monthly, to be known as the "Australian DX Listener" (ADXL) which would be forwarded to all members of the Clubs comprising the Federation. Until formal adoption of the Rules, the Electronic DX Press Australia will continue to facilitate the progression of the new Federation. As EDXP is not a "Club", it would not be a member of the Federation, unless the Federation's Rules provided for this. A meeting of the Steering Committee is to be held within a month.

The establishment of the Federation is strongly supported by the three foundation Clubs and it is to be hoped that the remaining Australian Clubs will join. In the interim, EDXP will provide an secretarial service on behalf of ADXF, and correspondence and enquiries may be directed to EDXP, at the address shown in the EDXP header.

A Media Release about ADXF will be sent out shortly to all recipients of EDXP, including the remaining Australian non-member Clubs (Southern Cross DX Club, DXers Calling, Newcastle Scanner and SWL Group), the South Pacific Association of Radio Clubs, nd the Wireless Institute of Australia.

Those attending the formation meeting of ADXF were:

** South Pacific Union of DXers: Lucio Coceani and Dieter Habicht; ** Australian Radio DX Club: Allen Fountain, Keith Wilson; ** International Correspondence DX Group: Robert Copeman, Chris Hambly; ** Bob Padula (facilitator): Electronic DX Press.

The Steering Committee consists of:

Lucio Coceani (SPUD); Robert Copeman (ICDX); Dieter Habicht (ARDXC); Bob Padula (EDXP - facilitator pro-tem)

ADXF - "The Voice of Australian DXers". (BP)

Subject: World on Radio The Online "The World on Radio" publication has now changed format and can be found at: http://www.club.innet.be/~ind1570

It is a frequency list of all radio countries and stations that can be heard here on shortwave in Flanders.

I do not intend to present a complete list. This list's sole purpose is to help beginners find their way in the entire frequency spectrum and to provide the more experienced shortwave listener with a tool he can use during his listening hours.

As this list is especially intended for listeners in Western Europe (people outside this area can however also make use of it), times have been limited to the 05.00-22.00 UTC time slot. Any additions, corrections and/or remarks are always welcome.

Enjoy the shortwave bands !

All times used are in UTC (CET -1 h in Winter, CET -2 h in Summer).

One final comment : Although I am a member and one of the editors of DXAntwerp, this is NOT a DXAntwerp publication but a publication made and compiled by Herman Boel.

DXAntwerp's online publication can be found at http://www.club.innet.be/~dxa or follow the link on my page. (Herman Boel Jul 28)

ERGO RECEIVER CONTROL SOFTWARE FOR THE AOR AR7030 Please find attached a Product Announcement for ERGO Version 2.0, a software package to control the AOR AR7030 receiver and support radio listening. I am sending you this information because of your interest in short wave lis ening and leadership in the industry. I would appreciate very much if you would take a moment to review this material, and if you are interested, invite you to download the Demonstration Version.

Contact at [email protected] John Fallows, President Creative Express Corporation, August 1st, 1997

=== Creative Express Corporation announces ERGO Version 2.0 === control software for the AOR AR7030 receiver. The program was written by John Fallows, VE6MBA of Calgary, Alberta and has been beta tested by several experienced AR7030 users around the world.

Product Features ERGO provides a comprehensive and integrated environment to control the AR7030 including: * a friendly "virtual front panel" for the receiver with control over receiver functions including on/off, volume, frequency, tone, passband, squelch, gain, mode, and more. The program can be "driven" with either a mouse or the keyboard;

* band scanning features including seeking the next station, profiling an entire band, and dual scan;

* 400 Quick Memories which can be scanned and synchronized with the receiver's memories;

* a user-defined 500 record Database which can be used to tune or scan the receiver. The database can be sorted or filtered by frequency, station name, country, transmitter site, scheduled times, group or language;

* propagation evaluation to any transmitter site in the database, including printed reports;

* world maps - a Mercator projection and an Azimuthal- Equidistant projection customized to the user's location. Maps display locations, signal paths and terminator, either automatically for the current time and date, or manually for any time and date to assist in reception planning;

* signal strength display in a bar meter or time-series scope.

System Requirements: A minimum configuration is Windows 3.x running on a 486/66 with 8Mb RAM and 800 by 600 video. The recommended configuration is Win95 running on a Pentium with 16Mb RAM and 1024 by 768 video.

Product Availability: A Demonstration Version of ERGO, as well as additional information is available now from the ERGO home page at http://calgary.shaw.wave.ca/~jfallows/Ergo_1.htm

ERGO Version 2.0 will go on sale after August 15th, 1997 and may be purchased from: Creative Express Corporation P. O. Box 373 16 Midlake Blvd. SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2X 2X7

The purchase price of ERGO Version 2.0 is $US 139.00 (U.S. Dollars) and payment may be made by certified check or money order to Creative Express Corporation at the above address. Additional distribution channels are currently being developed. Inquiries may be made to by e-mail to [email protected]

Demonstration Version: In order that potential users can fully explore the features of ERGO prior to purchase, a Demonstration Version is available over the Internet at the ERGO Home Page.

The Demonstration Version has the following limitations imposed: * the volume, tone and IF gain controls are disabled; * only the first 40 Quick Memories are enabled; * the Database is read-only and a sample database is provided; * the user's location and time zone are fixed on Calgary, Alberta; * block transfer of memories and database printing are disabled.

Given these limitations, however, the program still provides all of its features including full use of the sample database to control the receiver, band scanning and profiling, use and synchronization of memories, propagation evaluation and visual map display, and overall receiver tuning. (July 31)

Book tip: Biener, Hansjoerg: Massenmedien fuer Christus. Ein Ueberblick ueber missionarische Medienarbeit in Deutschland, Muenchen: Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Religions- und Weltanschauungsfragen, 1997 (Dokumentations- Edition, Band 30) 200 Seiten DIN A5, ISBN 3-927890-40-5, 24.00 DM. ...im zweiten Kapitel geht es um die eingesetzten Medien, Hoerfunk und Fernsehen werden auf den Seiten 112-140 abgehandelt. Im dritten Kapitel finden sich Informationen ueber die 50 oeffentlichkeitswirksamsten Radio-, Schriften- und Telefonmissionen. Elf Seiten Register.

Biener, Hansjoerg: Christliche Rundfunksender weltweit. Rundfunkarbeit im Klima der Konkurrenz. (Calwer Theologische Monographien, Band C22), Calwer Verlag Stuttgart, 1994. ISBN 3-7668-3287-5, 98.00 DM (Kirche in Rundfunk) [Church in Radio]

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 322 23 Aug 1997 ______

ARGENTINA v11132.8 kHz LSBmode Aspen 102, a FM stn from Buenos Aires, heard at 0043 UTC with usuasl pgrms of FM 102.3 Mhz on Aug 16. On USB R Rivadavia heard at 1830-1900+ UTC football txion in //to MW 630 kHz MW on Aug 16. (Norberto Pugliese-ARG, Buenos Aires via Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Aug 16)

AUSTRALIA Hello Bob and thanks for keeping us informed as to the 'goings on'. I have attached the current schedule and take this opportunity to advise you that as of next Sun 24 Aug starting at 0600 UTC, the following changes will be made.

At 0600-0830 UTC the non-propagating 21725 kHz to Asia will be dropped and 11880 kHz to the Pacific (50 degr)is to take its place. Indonesian on 6080 kHz at 0830 UTC is being replaced with English to PNG/WePAC up to 1200 UTC then a slew change to 005 degr for more English intended for Asia on 339 degr. The 2200 to midnight UTC period sees 17750 dropped to 15240 kHz with Standard Chinese then, at 2300 UTC, change to on Asia bearing of 329 degrees. (Arie Schellaars, Radio Australia, via EDXP, 18 Aug).

BELARUS Radio Minsk in Belorussian 1500-1800 UTC on long established Mahiliou 15175 kHz 5 kW, //6115, 7145, 7210 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

BULGARIA NEW powerful MW tx under construction. A dispute in Bulgarian nxpapers about the future use of new 1000 kW tx on MW goes on. Located near the village Balgarevo (NoEa of Varna), near Cap Laliakra on the Black Sea coast. This tx is under construction since end of the 80's, but not ready yet. In 1990- 1991 the inhabitants of Balgarevo protested versus the installation, due to the high dangerous radiating and strong magnetic field and the building project was stopped.

According to our suppose, this tx was intended to bc the Radio Moscow Middle East sces in Turkish & Arabic etc. [NE sce too, but Libya on same channel] The registered freq in EBU list was Stara Zagora 1125 kHz directional 32 dB.

The opposition socialist (ex-Communist) nxpaper "Duma" informed on May 14th, that during the visit of Mr. Shipitko, Vice-chief of VoR Moscow in Bulgaria, he said VoR is ready to buy 18 hours daily of the bc time of this tx, for 324000 US$ per month or 0.6 US$ per kWh. "Duma" mentioned that under construction are also other SW txs of 150 kW [sic, this latter item is a mistake. VoR (RM then) previously used 500 (2x250?) kW units at modern tx site Plovdiv in the 80's. ed] On Jul 7th daily nxpaper "Demokratsia" informed the Russian request for bcing via Balgarevo tx site was stopped officially. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

CHINA Radio Free Asia's listed Delano[?] site on 11765 kHz at 2130 UTC, for the Chinese sce, is now occupied by a strong China National Radio txion, Network One sce, til s/off at 2200 UTC, ssme ime as RFA scheduled to close! Apparently a deliberate attempt to disturb the RFA bcs. (Bob Padula, Aug 16)

[on same day strong jamming of overmodulated distorted FM type noted here against RFA Mandarin network 2100-2200 UTC 9725 & 9795, //progr 9905 and Delano(?) 15515 kHz. ed]

COMORES I have a talk with the Director of R.Comoro on line and he told me that they have technical problems with their SW tx and hope to be on the AIR in two months time. The freq is 3331 kHz from 0600-0000 COMOROS TIME - That is from 0300-1900 UTC in French, Arabic & Comoro language. Station phone number is: 2 69 73 25 31. (Vahgee- Madagascar/NASWA LN, via DXW Aug 19)

ECUADOR HCJB--The Voice of the Andes, Program Highlights. In 1993 we bc a Railroad Special on Saludos Amigos. It featured special mx dealing with trains and letters from listeners around the world who told about their experiences with train travel or working on the railroads. The program brought over-whelming response from listeners worldwide, some of whom said it was the best radio program they had ever heard. We repeated the special several times. Now, due to numerous requests, we will be repeating the program again. Join us for railroad music, musings and sounds on Saludos Amigos, HCJB's International Friendship program. Host: Ken MacHarg.

EUR & ME 0800 UTC 9765 kHz, 1900 UTC 12015 kHz. SoPAC and Asia 0900 UTC 9645 kHz. Americas 0100 & 0400 UTC Monday (9 p.m. and midnight EDT Sun evening LT) 9745 kHz. (Kenneth D. MacHarg, HCJB, Aug 15)

EGYPT Radio Cairo in Uzbek 1530-1630 on new 9620 kHz. Voice of Arab in Arabic 2000- 0030 UTC on new 9670 (x9700), //11665 & 15285. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

GEORGIA Voice of Hope in English now from 1700 UTC, til 2000 on 9310 kHz. Radio Republic of Abkhazia in Abkhaz not every day 1035-1155 UTC 9494.7 kHz. On Wed Aug 6th: 1000-1400 relay of "Yunost/Molodezhnii Kanal", than 1400-1515 R Abkhazia in Abkhazian and Russian. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

GERMANY 9855 kHz Deutsche Telekom Juelich (p) *0100-0200* UTC Brother Stair live expounding on test bc from powerful German tx site. (Rausch Aug 10) 0100-0200 after the Radio Vilnius relay leaves the air. Brother Stair heard. The progr heard here was not in parallel with the one being run at the same time on WRNO. (Jones via Lamb, via Cumbre Dx, Aug 8)

Universal Life Radio 1945-2015 UTC on new 5890 kHz [DTK Juelich?] as follows: Mon & Sun in German, Tue in E, Wed in It, Thur ?, Fri Croat, Sat in Spanish. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

ICELAND Rikisutvarpid Radio in Icelandic usb-mode: 1855-1930 new 9260 and 11402 (x9275 & x7735) kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

(c.f. BC-DX #321) Test broadcasts on 189 kHz noted here in Aachen Germany at night from 0100 UTC onwards, using old vintage tube Telefunken "Concertino" rx of the 50's. (Klaus Spielvogel-D, Aug 21)

INDIA AIR Delhi changes: Tamil 1115-1215 13710 & 17860 (x13750 & x17865). Telugu 1215- 1245 new 13710 (x13750). Thai 1115-1200 5 kHz up on 17895. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

INDO-CHINA While touring Vietnam and Laos recently, I focussed my attention to Laos and Cambodia in particular. Due to the fighting in Cambodia, I unfortunately could not visit that country. As for Laos, the WRTH mentions as locations PROVINCES with bcing, rather than cities. The following is a list of the respective provinces with the capital cities added in brackets. * Xieng-Khouang (Phonsavan): SW inactive. MW now on 1215 kHz (ex 1200), at 1000-1300 and 2230-0100. * Champassak (Paks‚): SW inactive. * Houa Phan (Xam Nua): Now on 4690 kHz (ex 4660) till 0000 and at 1000-1100. * Luang Prabang (same): SW heard on 6975 kHz. * Oudomxay (Muang Hay): SW inactive.

The National Sce from Vientiane continues on 6130 kHz parallel with 580 kHz MW. The external sce (among others in English at 0600-0630 & 1330-1400 and in French at 0530- 0600 and 1300-1330) is heard on 1030 kHz only. They announce "7145 kHz", but it was not heard there or on 7116v kHz. The use of 7116 would not be very sensible either, as Radio Thailand's Home Sce uses 7115 kHz most of the day, parallel with 4830 and 6070 kHz. VOA also uses 7115 kHz in Khmer at 1330-1500.

During my trip I often tuned to Cambodia's SW freqs of 6090 and 11940 kHz, but I heard nothing at all. Like in Holland, I heard on 6090 kHz an UNID Chinese stn at 2300, mixed with R Ukraine in German. (The same progr in Chinese was also heard on 5935 kHz). At 0000 hrs VOA opens in Tibetan on 6090 kHz. I did hear two UNID Cambodian stns, possibly clandestines: On 5405 kHz with sign on 1130 and at 2330-0100. Striking was the frequent use of the word "communist", in reference to , it seemed. The other stn was on 6569 kHz at 1030-1330. (van Delft, via DXW, Aug 19)

INTERNATIONAL WATERS/ISRAEL On MW 1143 kHz Arutz Sheva: according to the verification from Mr. Baruch Gordon, they txit the general sce 24 hrs on 1143 kHz and religious sce also 24 hrs on 711 kHz. They have a website at and e-mail address to the newsdesk is: (Mauno Ritola-FIN, Aug 17)

IRAN VOIRI Tehran changes: new Armenian language 0930-0957 9615. Bos/Alb/It 7145 (x5925). It 0630-0727 9022, 13605, 15084. 1200-1257 13605, 15084, 15350. 1900 7145, 7340, 9615. Hausa 0545-0627 11720. Malay 1300-1327 11790. Bosnian 2130-2225 7125, 7145, 7170. 11930 replaced by 11830 for E 1100, Pashto 1230, Urdu 1330-1725. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

IRAQ R Iraq Int'l on v11784.92 kHz, French at 2205, 2230 into English, s/off with anthem to 2300 UTC. Lots of announcements, brief news at beginning of txion, mostly mx sprinkled with announcements of mail address. At the s/off clearly mentions (incorrectly) 11890 kHz as the freq for this txion. Signal quite strong throughout the hour, but audio tinny as if on a telephone line feed. Nevertheless the audio is considerably better than the UTC evening Arabic release on 11292v; that is almost impossible to understand due to the low modulation. Excerpts from the 1/2 hour are posted at (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Aug 14)

11785. A bubble jammer surfaced today, noted from t/in 2155 onwards, heard under R Iraq Intl. Here in NJ, the bubble jammer is weaker than RRI, but signal strength varies... and garbles the RRI audio from time to time. (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Aug 15)

ITALY RAI Rome Italian home sce relay 1100-1200 UTC new 9660, //6110, 7240, 15240, 21520. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

LIBYA Libyan Jamahiriyah Broadcasting ID: "Sawt al-Watan al-Arabi al-Kabir" (V o the Greater Arab Homeland). At 1600-1745 UTC readings from the Green Book are bc on 15415 kHz in: Russian - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th, 18th, 29th of each month German - 4th, 5th, 19th, 20th of each month Hungarian - 6th, 7th, 21st, 22nd of each month Polish - 8th, 9th, 23rd, 24th of each month Bulgarian - 10th, 11th, 25th, 26th of each month Czech/Slovak - 12th, 13th, 27th, 28th of each month Romanian - 14th, 29th of each month Serbo-Croat - 15th, 30th, 31st of each month

On occasions, additional Voice of the Greater Arab Homeland programming may be carried outside the times shown below instead of dom sce relays. No Libyan ext sces in English have been observed for many years.

0000-0400 Arabic 15435 15415 15235 1251 711 0115-0130 News 0330-0335 News

1045-1230 Arabic 15435 15415 15235 1251 711 1130-1140 News 1140-1200 Today's Report

1600-1745 Multilingual 15415 (Green Book readings)

1645-0000 Arabic 15435 15415-(from 1800) 15235 1251 711 1715-1745 News and press review (not Ramadan) 1730-1800 News and press review (Ramadan only) 2015-2045 News & comment 2315-2345 News & comment (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 13)

MEXICO While XERTA was running open carrier the night before and early on UT Aug 15, after 0405 there was an hour of a variety of music interrupted by about a dozen different ID tapes every four minutes or so, my first confirmed logging of them, on about 4800.7. By this hour Guatemala seemed to be off tho there was still a weak het on the low side, perhaps African. Among the phrases in the various Spanish IDs were: "XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de America"; "la primera y ultima emisora comercial en Mexico"; "transmitiendo en ingles, frances y espanol"; "con 50 mil watts de potencia radiada"; "desde la Torre Latinoamericana"; At 0505 switched to English for a half-hour program promoting and apparently produced by the state of Baja California, with musical theme "Ebb Tide". Closing at 0537 said would be back tomorrow at same time, and mentioned 25 and 31 meter bands(??). 0539 back to Spanish, "nace una nueva estrella, XERTA". Probably stayed on all night as Hector Garcia B. reported a few nights before and he said the power was actually 2 kW. Checked again from 1150 with light classical music, no breaks until 1218 with more Spanish IDs every few minutes. The frequency had not drifted during the night; TG interference was back now but could be eliminated on the ATS-909 by using USB. Fading after 1300, but still a trace detectable at 1400 check. I phoned the studio back at 0448 and heard the same audio in background. The operator seemed excited to get a call from Oklahoma but was too busy to talk for long. (Glenn Hauser's SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 97-09, Supplement Aug 15)

MYANMAR/NORWAY/GERMANY Cland radio stn "Democratic Voice of Burma" (Burmese: "Democratic Myanmar a-Than") is hostile to the current Burmese govt (the "State Law and Order Restoration Council", SLORC). It began bcing on 19th July 1992, at which time it announced that it was operating on behalf of the govt-in-exile, the National Coalition Govt of the Union of Burma (NCGUB). Bcs are currently via txs in Norway and Germany. Addr: PO Box 6720, St Olavs Plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47-2220-0021 Fax +47-2236-2525 E-mail: [email protected] URL http://www.communique.no/dvb/ 1245-1345 in Burmese 15330-Deutsche Telekom Juelich tx in Germany 1430-1455 in BURMESE 11850-Norway (both +SHAN/KAREN/KAYAN languages) (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 13)

PERU v5039.2 kHz Radio Libertad de Junin, Junin (presumed), 2310-2332 UTC. Easy songs, short announcements by male in Spanish, talk. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Aug 16)

ROMANIA (c.f. BC-DX #319) French sce of RRI Bucharest on 15365 kHz still has symmetrical spur signals on 15013.8 and 15716.8 kHz, +/-351.8 kHz away. (WB Aug 16)

RUSSIA New 9690 kHz R Tatarstan, try WRTH address page 117 u/ TS: Resp. Tatarstan, ul. M. Gorkogo 15, 420015 Kazan. (Timofeyev in DXW, Aug 18) [observed here starting open carrier on 0742 UTC, and crash start of programming at 0800 UTC. But suffering severe interference by DW Antigua 9690 kHz 250 kW 205 degr to PAC/AUS/NZL in German language. ed]

When looking for RNMN 11655 kHz via Meyerton-RSA noted strong test tone from 1752 UTC, open carrier followed til ann at 1800 UTC: "Govorit Vladivostok" in Russian, signal well ahead of RNederland progr. Vladivostok progr using numerous channels at 1800-1845 UTC ann also "Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean". Amongst them noted here Chita 11655, Novosibirsk(?) 15470, very strong Irkutsk 9895, Khabarovsk 9825, and Nikolaevsk-Amur 9735 kHz. Local 5015 kHz and 6 & 7 MHz channels unheard here in EUR. (WB, Aug 21)

RUSSIA/CIS Voice of Russia Z97 MW schedule via txs in Russia, E - European part of Russia, S-Siberia, FE-Far East Russia: kHz kW callsign tx location UTC 585 1200 RV-769 Belogorsk, S 1000-1400 612 40 RV-1141 Moscow, E various 630 500 RV-750 Komsomolsk-Amur, FE 1100-1400 648 1000 RV-445 Ussuriysk, FE 1000-1300&14-15 (Vladivostok) 720 1000 RV-679 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, FE 1100-1400 801 1200 RV-116 Atamanovka, S 1000-1500 1080 1000 RV-489 Angarsk, S 1130-1500 1089 1200 RV-681 Tbilisskaya, E 1500-1700&18-20 (Krasnodar) 1143 150 RV-373 Bolshakovo, E 1600-2000 (Kaliningrad) 1170 600 RV-680 Tbilisskaya, E 1400-1600&17-19 (Krasnodar) 1215 600 RV-372 Bolshakovo, E 1500-1900 (Kaliningrad) 1251 600 RV-70 Ussuriysk, FE 1000-1500 (Vladivostok) 1386 1200 RV-367 Bolshakovo, E 1500-1900 (Kaliningrad) 1494 1200 RV-857 Popovka, E 1500-2200 (St.Petersburg) Voice of Russia Z97 MW schedule via txs in CIS states kHz kW callsign tx location UTC 999 500 RV-954 Maiac, Moldova 1630-1800 1125 1000 RV-932 Asgabat, Turkmenistan 1300-1600 1314 1000 RV-602 Kamo, Armenia not scheduled anymore 1467 150 RV-240 Maiac, Moldova 1600-2200 1548 1000 RV-950 Maiac, Moldova 1500-2000

Voice of Russia Z97 MW schedule via txs outside CIS states kHz kW tx location 603 China 693 5 Berlin Uhlenhorst, GER 1269 China 1323 1000/ Wachenbrunn, Germany 150 at night fr 1700 UTC. VoR in English to SoEaAS 1000-1100 UTC via UNID stn on 580 kHz, most likely via VTN.

GPR-1 Moscow region, freq changes as of Aug 1, 1997. 2300-0300 UTC 7310 (x9830) R & E, 7380 (x9450) 7420 (x9775) 7440 (x9810) Sp & P.

Radio Rossii new freqs 0100-0400 9500, 0430-0700 15455, 0430-1800 12060, 0730-1400 15465, 1430-1800 11675, 1830- 9845. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Aug 8)

SRI LANKA 17850 kHz SLBC Colombo, on Aug 13, 1032-1131* UTC, English ann and pop songs with usual ID's such as "This is the Ext Sce of the Sri Lanka Bcing Corporation" incl. nx at 1045 UTC, //11835 kHz - but no any signal on an announced freq of 15120 kHz which is not in use for a long time. (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Aug 18)

SYRIA Voice of Islamic Palestinian Revolution in Arabic 0300-0430 & new1900-2030 UTC both on 9950.2 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

UKRAINE/RUSSIA/[BELARUS] (ex) Synchronized LW network on 171 kHz. [Bolshakovo Kaliningrad in Russia] and Lvov Ukraine both on nominal LW 171 kHz, BUT bcing now different progrs.

[Pres Yeltsin has decreed that changes be made to state radio. In Oct 1995 he suggested that the Mayak and Yunost stns could be merged etc. Now, obviously the UKR cancelled relaying Russian progrs from Moscow. Cold radio war of relaying Russian TV and radio progrs resulting in a mess on LW 171 kHz. ed]:

Radio Ukraine is - since a couple of days - active with separate UKR progr on longwave 171 kHz. The tx output is estimated 800 Hz too high (tuned at about 171,8 kHz), resulting in a terrible het, which makes the channel useless. Per radio with narrow filter tuned down to 169 kHz to combate these awful het, I heard at 1600 UTC clear Radio Odin audio (typical time pips into ongoing mx) and some sideband splatter from the mistuned tx, which sounded like an Radio Ukraine interval signal.

After 2100 (with Radio Odin closed down) I heard on nominal 171 kHz Radio Ukraine Internat in Romanian (//MW 1431), at 2130 the tx was switched into the SW progr (in English, from 2200 onwards in Ukrainian).

These is very likely the LW tx at Krasne site (near Lvov), which in the past was in use for Radio Odin too. The Kiev tx is still on 207 (til 2200 s/off coming in with classical mx, here in eastern Germany dominating the channel over Aholming). I think, the use of 171 by the UKR in competition with the Russian txs is a bad idea.

Has somebody information, that Radio Odin's LWs will (connected with the Yeltsin-decree / proposal) shut down, letting 171 in the clear for the Ukraine?? Incidentally, Mr. Senger told me also, that he heard on 234 the unmistakable Mayak interval signal. Until now Popovka (near St. Peterburg) carried Radio Odin on 234. Has these changed? (Helmut Senger via Kai Ludwig-D, Aug 21)

UNIDENTIFIED both in Arabic 7390 kHz 0200-0400 UTC, 11758 1200-1900, but not Tunis. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

UNKNOWN SITES Voice of Free Ethiopian Unity in Amharic new time 1730-1830 (x1615-1715) UTC on Sun & Wed 12015 kHz.

Sedaye Mojahed (Voice of Mojahed) hostile to Iranian authorities in Persian was reported til 0600 UTC, 1st progr 6175, 2nd progr v5750 & v6250. Starting Aug 1st: VoM2 til 0600 UTC. From 1600 v4650, v5150, new5650, v5750, v6250 (ex 3550 3850 4450 5500). On Jul 19th & 23rd on 9565 kHz 0630-0800 & 1830-2000.

Sedaye Hezbe Kommuniste Irana (VoCommunist Party of Iran) in Persian 1657-1757 now: v3910-3930 (x3888) and v4370-4400.

Sawto Shaab al Iraq (VoPeople of Iraq) is a communist radio, different to station with same name operated from Saudi Arabia territory on 9570 & 11713 kHz. VoPI in Arabic signing on 1727 til past 1830 UTC v3900-3920 kHz range. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

USA SW stn WVHA off the air. An anonymous posting to the rec.radio.shortwave internet newsgroup said that the US private SW stn WVHA went off the air on 16th July, its electric power disconnected and its employees terminated. The 500-kW WVHA tx is in Scott's Corner, Maine. It was originally owned by the Christian Science Monitor. More recently it was owned by World Voice of Historic Adventism [WVHA] Incorporated, a Florida-based religious group. But now the equipment is in the possession of Finova, WVHA's finance company. For months there have been reports that WVHA has been having money problems and was looking for a buyer. I spoke to an attorney for Finova; he said that Finova would like to sell the WVHA facility intact - if that's not possible it will be sold in pieces. Seems to me that WVHA in Maine would be a great facility for reaching ships and boats in the Atlantic Ocean. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 15)

RFA test transmissions 0600-0700 12025 kHz. 1400-1500 unid lang, 1500-1600 in Lao(?), 1600-1700 in Tibetan, all on 13755 kHz. 0700-0800 15170 in English, Russian ID on Jul 18th. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashkent, Uzbek Radio schedule is divided as follows: (1) Bcs that are not affected by time changes. (2) Bcs that may be one hour LATER in WINTER. Some progrs in Uzbek for Uzbeks abroad identify as "Radio Vatandosh" (Vatandosh=Homeland). Addr: Radio Tashkent, ul.Khorezmskaya 49, Tashkent 700047, Uzbekistan Tel +7-3712-441210 Fax +7-3712-440021

RADIO TASHKENT (1) 0100 English, 0130 Dari, 0200 Pashtu, 0230-0330 Uzbek, new9715 (x7195) 9530 9375 7190 kHz. 0400-0430 Turkish 15200 15165 kHz.

1200 English, 1230 Urdu, 1300 Hindi, 1330 English, 1400 Urdu, 1430 Hindi, 15295 9715 7285 7190 kHz. 1520 Dari 9715 9540 7285 6190, 1550 Uzbek 9715 9545 9540 7285 6190. 1630 Persian, 1700-1730 Arabic 9715 7285 6190. 1700-1730 Turkish 9545 9540. 1730 Uzbek, 1830 Persian, 1900-1930 Arabic, 9715 9545 9540 7285 6190. 1935-2030 German 11905 9545 9540 6230 5060 5035. 2030-2100 & 2130-2200 English 9545 9540.

RADIO TASHKENT (2) 1130-1200, 1330-1400 & 1430-1500 Uighur 6230 6155 5060 900 kHz. 2230-2300 Chinese-STD 5060. 2330-0000 Uighur 5060 (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 13)

VATICAN CITY In an item on local daily newspaper Il Messaggero of some months ago, the VR powerful transmitters inside Vatican territory of S.Maria di Galeria cause interferences at some electric devices in the homonymous Italian village near this site. People complained that it is very troublesome to listen VR programs into their cellphones, telephones, TV and FM radio set etc. I don't know if either Italian and Vatican authorities resolved this problem, considering the delicate diplomatic aspect of the issue. (G.Serra, Italy, Aug 20)

Vatican Radio general schedule, til end of Oct 1997. FM & MW & SHORT WAVE AFRICA 0240 FRENCH 103.8 7360 0310 ENGLISH 103.8 7360 9660 0340 SWAHILI 103.8 9660 11625 0405 AMHARIC,TIGR. 103.8 9660 11625 0430 FRENCH 103.8 9660 11625 15570 0500 ENGLISH 103.8 9660 11625 15570 0400 ARABIC 96.3 9645 11715 +0530 PORTUGUESE 103.8 11625 13765 15570 0530 MASS IN LATIN 93.3&105 15595 6.00 FRENCH 103.8 11625 13765 15570 N0600 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 15595 0630 ENGLISH 103.8 11625 13765 15570 0645 ARABIC - W 93.3 1530 5880 9645 11740 15595 N1000 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 15595 17550 +1000 ANGELUS - 7 H 93.3 1530 15595 17550 +1130 MASS IN E - 5 103.8 15595 17550 1200 ITALIAN 93.3&105 15595 17550 15.30 ARABIC 96.3 11810 15595 +1550 MASS IN E - 6 103.8 11635 13765 1610 KISWAHILI - 1,2,3,4,5,7 103.8 15570 17550 1635 AMHARIC,TIGR. 103.8 15570 17550 1700 FRENCH 103.8 11625 15570 17550 1730 ENGLISH 103.8 11625 15570 17550 1800 PORTUGUESE 103.8 11625 15570 17550 +1840 ROSARY 103.8 9660 11625 15570 1900 SPANISH - 6 103.8 9660 11625 2000 ENGLISH 103.8 7365 9660 11625 2030 FRENCH 103.8 7365 9660 11625 2045 ARABIC 93.3 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645

AMERICAS 0030 PORTUGUESE 96.3 7305 9605 0100 SPANISH 96.3 6095 7305 9605 0145 SPANISH 96.3 6095 7305 9605 0230 FRENCH 96.3 7305 9605 0250 ENGLISH 96.3 7305 9605 0315 SPANISH 96.3 7305 9605 1100 PORTUGUESE - W 96.3 17700 21850 1130 SPANISH - W 96.3 17700 21850

ASIA - AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 0040 HINDI/TAMIL/MAL./ENGLISH 103.8 7335 9650 0400 ARABIC 96.3 9645 11715 +0530 MASS IN LATIN 93.3&105 15595 N0600 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 15595 N1000 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 15595 +1000 ANGELUS 7 - H 93.3 1530 15595 17550 +1130 MASS IN E - 5 103.8 15595 17550 1200 ITALIAN 93.3&105 15595 1230 CHINESE 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 103.8 11625 13765 15585 +1230 MASS IN CH - 6 103.8 11625 13765 15585 1315 JAPANESE 103.8 11625 13765 1345 ENGLISH 103.8 11625 13765 1405 VIETNAMESE 103.8 11625 13765 1450 HINDI/TAMIL/MAL./ENGLISH 103.8 11635 13765 1530 ARABIC 96.3 11810 15595 +1550 MASS IN E - 6 103.8 11635 13765 N1600 FRENCH-ENGLISH 93.3&105 11810 2130 JAPANESE 103.8 9600 11830 7310* 9600* 2200 CHINESE 103.8 7305 9600 11830 6160* 7305* 9600* 2245 ENGLISH 103.8 9600 11830 7305 9600* 11830* 2315 VIETNAMESE 103.8 7305 9600

EUROPE - 1st PROGRAMME 0230 ALBANIAN 93.3 1530 4005 0245 SLOVENIAN 93.3 1530 4005 0300 CROATIAN 93.3 1530 4005 0315 CZECH 93.3 1530 4005 0330 SLOVAK 93.3 1530 4005 0345 HUNGARIAN 93.3 1530 4005 0400 POLISH 93.3 1530 5880 7250 0420 GERMAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 0440 FRENCH 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 0500 ENGLISH 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 0520 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 +0530 MASS IN LATIN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 11740 15595 N0600 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 11740 15595 +0610 RUMANIAN LIT. - 7 H 93.3 1530 7250 9645 0645 ARABIC - W 93.3 1530 5880 9645 11740 15595 +0730 MASS IN ITALIAN - 7 H 93.3&105 527 1530 7250 +0830 ORIENTAL LIT. - 7H 93.3 1530 11740 15595 17550 0900 PAPAL AUDIENCE - 3 105.0 527 5880 N1000 I, F, E - W 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 9645 11740 15595 17550 +1000 ANGELUS - 7 H 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 9645 11740 15595 17550 1015 ITALIAN - 7 H 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 1030 FRENCH-6 93.3 11740 1050 SPANISH-6 93.3 11740 N1200 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 9645 11740 15595 17550 1300 Sp, P 93.3 1530 9645 11740 N1400 G, POLISH 93.3 1530 5880 7250 9645 1430 MUSIC 1-2-3-4-6-7 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 1430 ITALIAN - 5 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 +1500 VESPERS 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 1530 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 N1600 F, E 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 7250 9645 11810 1630 ALBANIAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1645 SLOVENIAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1700 CROATIAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1715 HUNGARIAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1730 CZECH 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1745 SLOVAK 93.3 1530 5880 7250 1800 POLISH 93.3 1530 5880 7250 9645 1820 GERMAN 93.3 1530 5880 7250 9645 +1840 ROSARY 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 11625 N1900 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 1920 ESPERANTO - 7 H 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 1930 FRENCH 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 1950 ENGLISH 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 2010 SPANISH 93.3&105 527 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 2030 PORTUGUESE 93.3 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 2045 ARABIC 93.3 1530 4005 5880 7250 9645 2100 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 N2130 ITALIAN 93.3&105 527 1530 5880 2210 MUSIC 93.3&105 527 1530

EUROPE - 2nd PROGRAMME 0210 ARMENIAN 7365 9645 0230 RUSSIAN 6185 7365 9645 0300 UKRAINIAN 6185 7365 0320 BYELORUSSIAN 6185 7365 0340 LITHUANIAN 6185 7365 0400 LATVIAN 6185 7365 0420 RUMANIAN 1611 6185 7365 0440 BULGARIAN 1611 6185 7365 0500 SCANDINAVIAN 1611 7365 9825 6185* 7365* +0615 UKRAINIAN LIT. - 7 H 96.3 1611 9825 11740 1230 RUSSIAN 96.3 15595 17550 1550 ARMENIAN 1611 11715 15185 9825* 11715* 1610 RUSSIAN 96.3 1611 9825 11715 15185 7365* 9825* 11715* 1640 UKRAINIAN 96.3 1611 7365 9825 1700 BYELORUSSIAN 96.3 1611 7365 9825 1720 LITHUANIAN 96.3 1611 7365 9825 1740 LATVIAN 96.3 1611 7365 9825 1800 RUMANIAN 96.3 1611 6185 7365 1820 BULGARIAN 96.3 1611 6185 7365 +1840 ROSARY 96.3 1611 6185 7365 1900 SCANDINAVIAN 96.3 1611 6185 7365 1920 ESPERANTO - 3 96.3 1611 6185 7365 2000 RUSSIAN 96.3 7305 9825 [nominal 5880 channel is bcing really on 5883 kHz (x5882, 5885).] Explanation of symbols: W=Weekdays; H=Holy days; 1=Mon.; 2=Tue.; 3=Wed.; 4=Thu.; 5=Fri.; 6=Sat.; 7=Sun. Programmes bc on FM are intended for Rome area. The frequencies marked * will replace the others from Sept, 7th 1997. + = Liturgies, N = News. (Vatican Radio via JKB/WWDXC, 11 Aug)

VIETNAM v4959.67 kHz Hanoi 2nd progr, at 2232 UTC. Male and female ann in Vietnamese, short tune on electronic piano. No ID heard. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Aug 18)

YEMEN Sanaa in Arabic irregularly 1300-2210 UTC back on 5950 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

PRESS RELEASE NORDX'97 DX-Listeners' Club of Norway are happy to invite all DXers to this year's Nordic DX Championships, Nordx '97.The contest will be staged during the weekend from Fri, Oct 17 to Sun, Oct 19.

As usual,individual DXers from non-Nordic countries may also compete and be eligible for prizes, although the official Nordic Championship is of course restricted to competitors from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. DXers from other countries are requested to mail a written VISA authorisation to DXLC at the address below, authorizing us to draw NOK 75.- from your account. Please remember to include full name, account number, expiry date and signature. Alternatively, non-Nordic participants may pay NOK 100,- into postal giro account no. 0804 5520960, at Nordx '97, DXLC, PO Box 7080 Vestheiene,N-4602 Kristiansand, Norway. (The surcharge is to cover giro charges.) You may also send NOK 100.- or USD 15.- in cash, or 16 IRCs. For your information, the current exchange rate is 1 USD = NOK 7.08 / 1 GBP = NOK 11.44 / 1 DEM = NOK 4.171). The deadline for registrations is Sept 30. (Registrations are also accepted after this date, but at the entrant's own risk: No refunds will be availiable should the schedule not reach you in time for the contest!). DXLC will endeavour to compile a challenging, varied and interesting schedule for Nordx'97, if possible including one or two special treats. To avoid missing out on those special QSLs, make sure you register in time! There will be a wide range of radio related prizes, with one of the major prizes being drawn from among all contestants submitting logs, regardless of final championship rankings. All correspondence should be addressed to: Nordx'97, DXLC, PO Box 7080 Vestheiene, N-4602 Kristiansand, Norway, or the following E-mail address . We also have a web page up and running, which will carry updated information about the contest: http://www.dxlc.com/nordx/ (Bernt Erfjord, DX-NEWS, via EDXP, Aug 13)

Einladung zum Jahrestreffen des UKW/TV-Arbeitskreises und Treffen der Teilnehmer des DX-Camps Doebriach

In diesem Jahr ist Weinheim an der Bergstrasse nicht nur der Veranstaltungsort der UKW- Tagung und des Jahrestreffens des UKW/TV-Arbeitskreises, sondern auch die Teilnehmer des Doebriach-Camps feiern dort ein Wiedersehen und zeigen sich gegenseitig ihre Fotos, Dias und Videos. Weinheim liegt an der Bahnstrecke Frankfurt/Main-Heidelberg-Stuttgart und ist aus allen Richtungen sehr gut zu erreichen. Aus Richtung Mannheim kommt man nach Weinheim mit der Ueberland-Schmalspur-Strassenbahn der OEG. Die Autofahrer benutzen am besten die A5 Darmstadt-Heidelberg, die unmittelbar an Weinheim vorbeifuehrt. Termin: 11. bis 14. Sept 1997 (Do-So, 3 Uebernachtungen) Veranstaltungsort und Uebernachtungsmoeglichkeit: Jugendherberge Weinheim, Breslauer Strasse (westliches Neubaugebiet). Wir sind dort als geschlossene Gruppe untergebracht. Der UKW/TV-Arbeitskreis ist als Verein dem DJH angeschlossen. JH-Einzelausweise sind daher nicht notwendig. Vorlaeufiges Programm: Do 11.09. Anreisetag. Fr 12.09. 09.30h Tageswanderung durch den Odenwald nach Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim (ca. 15 Kilometer). Mit dem OEPNV in die Innenstadt, kurze Stadtbesichtigung (alte Bruecke, Schloss), Auffahrt mit der Bergbahn auf den Koenigstuhl, Rueckfahrt nach Weinheim mit OEG oder DB. 18.30h Abendessen in Weinheim, anschl. Doebriach-Foto/Dia-Nachlese, gemuetliches Beisammensein. Sa 13.09. ganztaegig: Moeglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der UKW-Tagung (Fachvortraege, Messe- und Flohmarktbesuch). Nachmittags/abends: Treffen des UKW/TV- Arbeitskreises. Weiter wie Freitag abend(?). So 14.09. vormittags: Moeglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der UKW-Tagung, (Fachvortraege, Messe- und Flohmarktbesuch). 12.00h Mittagessen im Woinemer Brauhaus (nahe Bhf), 14.00h Heimreise. Anmeldung: Standardmaessig werden die Teilnehmer in der recht huebschen, ruhig gelegenen Jugendherberge untergebracht. Wer moechte, kann natuerlich auch in einem Hotel, Gasthof oder Pension uebernachten. Fuer diese ist aber keine zentrale Reservierung ueber uns moeglich. Man wende sich bitte in diesem Fall direkt an die Stadtinformation Weinheim, Bahnhofstr. 15, D-69469 Weinheim, Tel. 0 62 01 - 99 11 17

Anmeldungen an Robert Adam, "Jahrestreffen 1997", Duisbergstr. 6, D-67133 Maxdorf, Tel. 06237-8300, eMail: [email protected] oder [email protected] (moeglichst bis zum 29. Aug 1997)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 323 30 Aug 1997 ______

ANGOLA I stumbled across very strong VORGAN (now calling itself "Programcao Nacional da VORGAN") on their old 7090 kHz around 0500 to past 0600 when the noise started getting the best of them. Programming is fast-paced mix of Western & African pop mx with lots of produced ID's and snappy dj. (Quaglieri-NY, Aug 21)

AZERBAIJAN Voice of Justice bcs on SW and FM. A new independent radio stn, Voice of Justice, bc its first progrs in the Azerbaijani language in Stepanakert on 12th Aug. The stn is the brainchild of a group of Artsakh [Karabakh] journalists, is the first non- state independent radio sce in the Nagornyy Karabakh Rep, aimed to establish a dialogue between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and thereby to help speed up the process of a just settlement of the Karabakh problem. Progrs will go on air on Tues & Thurs at 1500 UTC, and are repeated on Weds & Fris at 0600 UTC on 31 mb SW and VHF/FM, or 9677 kHz and 101 MHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22)

BANGLADESH R Bangladesh home sce at 1255-1305 UTC on v4879.2 kHz. Also overseas sce on 7185 kHz 1245-1255 E nx. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jul 27 - Aug 11)

BELARUS Radio Minsk in Belorussian 1500-1800 UTC on long established Mahiliou 15175 kHz 5 kW, //6115, 7145, 7210 kHz. [Heard also later at night in 1500-2200(1600-2300 winter) UTC time range. Parallel Hrodna 17805 kHz 9 kW also propagating when monitored on Aug 24th at 2000 UTC]. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

BELGIUM BRTF Brussels future plans on mediumwave: Main channel Wavre 621 kHz 300 kW. R Hainaut Mons at La Louviere 1125 kHz to be rebuilt, future use for 621 kHz night service and reserve unit. R Liege on 1233 kHz released, intended for future different [private?] network. R Namur 1305 kHz closed for ever. (RVI Brussels Golfgids, Aug 23)

BOSNIA US military bcs to Bosnia: Radio Mir. Excerpts from "Communications World" report by VoA [Presenter Kim Andrew Elliott]. In this past Monday's [11th Aug] 'Washington Post', Democratic Senator Carl Levin had an opinion article suggesting that the US bc from an airplane to the people of Bosnia. These radio and TV bcs would be from a US military EC-130E Commando Solo, the same type of aircraft that was used for bcs in Haiti and during Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. The bcs in Bosnia would provide news to counter the control of Bosnian Serb media by Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic...

The US military is already bcing to the people of Bosnia and Croatia in the local languages. The 'USA Today' nxpaper on Mon 11th Aug had an article about Radio Mir, a stn operated by the US Army from Camp McGovern in NoWe Bosnia near the Croatian border. Mir means peace in various Slavic languages. Radio Mir operates on 106.2 MHz FM and 1017 kHz MW. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 16)

BULGARIA Due to financial reasons the local home sce progr "Ehir Sofia" will be closed from Sept 1st. Operating on MW 774 and OIRT FM band. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

CHAD 6165 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne at 1820 UTC Arabic talk by man, full French ID at 1830 UTC - except 4904 on Aug 12-13. (Timofeyev/NERRS-RUS via DXW, Aug 12)

COLOMBIA Two opposition radios on the air. Two Colombian opposition radio stns are currently on the air, Glenn Hauser's "World of Radio" reported on 14th Aug, citing the "Dateline Bogota" newsletter published by Henrik Klemetz. Radio Patria Libre (operated by the National Liberation Army, ELN) was heard on 6250 kHz in June around 2200 UTC while La Voz de La Resistencia (operated by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC), which had not been heard since Sept 1996, was heard on v6259.2 kHz on 2nd Aug at 2158-2230 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22)

COSTA RICA REE Cariari de Pococi, on 3210 kHz, 1110-1140 UTC, ID, Span talks. First REE CTR log for me. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 6)

FRANCE/Fr GUIANA/CHINA CRI Beijing via Issoudun relay 1800-1900 in Russian sce on 9535 kHz 500 kW 55 degr. Starts around 1759 UTC with RFI IS then switching to CRI's IS and ID. //direct from China 11765 11685 9730 9365 7435 7420 7375 7315 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 15)

CRI via France: 6150 2000 Polish, 2030 Bulg, 2100 Alban, 2130-2157 Hung; 7305 1900 Romanian, 1930-1957 Czech.

CRI via Montsinery-GUF 9730 0300 Chinese, 0400-0457 Engl; 11850(11770?) 0000-0057 in Engl?/Port? [couldn't traced here]; 13685 0200-0257 Spanish.

GEORGIA/SRI LANKA/INDIA Tamil radio stn IBC on the air bcing test txions via Tbilissi Dusheti tx on 15075 kHz, 1300-1350 UTC Aug 20-22 & 26-28 12120 kHz; Aug 23-25 15075 kHz.

I asked IBC to change the freq from 12120 to 12110 kHz because of the CPBS txion and today the stn was on 12110 until 1350 UTC when they s.off and the txer moved to 12120. Tomorrow they should be on. 15075 kHz was so weak, at best only fair to poor in strength tho no QRM. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, in RNMN, Aug 7, and 28)

IBC, Dusheti-Georgia, 12110 kHz, 28-08-97, 1305 carrier on & off, but at 1305 UTC a short peace of South Asian folk mx was carried, then silent carrier and off, SINPO 45444. At 1308 interference from digital transmission (Twinplex) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid, selcalling TQMV. Just re-checked at 1338 UTC, playing folk mx, male speaker with clear ID: "IBC, Tamil", female talks, good signal but a little more fading: SINPO 45434. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Aug 28) VoHope from 1400 UTC on 12120 kHz is also strong SINPO 54444. Audio signal is much cleaner than 9310 kHz EUR sce. (WB Aug 28)

HAWAII World Harvest Radio and KWHR Angel 4! Here is the latest directly to me from Corporate Chief Engineer Doug Garlinger.

KWHR Angel 4 located at South Point in Naalehu Hawaii is expected to begin on air Equipment test the week of Sept 1, 1997. If all goes well World Harvest Radio hopes to be on the air with Program Test Authority from the F.C.C. and regular programming no later than the week of Sept 17, 1997. To kick off our new SW sce to the South Pacific World Harvest Radio will feature a simulcast with it sister FM in South Bend, Indiana the during the first Month of bcing on KWHR Angel 4. Our sister FM stn is know locally in South Bend, Indiana as PULSE FM and airs the best in Contemporary Christian Music 24 hours a day.

World Harvest Radio invites all to tune in and sent in reception reports. Special Test and First Day QSL Cards will be available to all who sent reception reports and ask. The frequencies are 1300-1900 6020 kHz / 1900-0700 17555 kHz / 0700-1300 11565 kHz. Addr: World Harvest Radio, P. O. Box 12, South Bend, IN. 46614 USA Fax +1 219 291-9043 Or leave on our web site at "http://www.kwhr.com" Email: [email protected] (Joe Brashier-USA, WHRI/KWHR, Aug 27)

ICELAND Letter from RUV: "Thank you for your report. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV) is now testing a new LW tx 189 khz. It will be officially opened next month and will carry a mixture of our two radio progrs we tx on our FM network. The tx is located at Gufuskalar on the tip of Snaefellsnes peninsula, West Iceland. We are using a former US Navy Loran mast, 412 meters high. The two txs are new, manufactured by Harris, each one of 150 kW. The new LW facility is replacing an older one near Reykjavik that has existed since the beginning of RUV in 1930. The purpose is to reach our listeners at sea and inland, where we do not have FM txs. It is also a back up to our FM system as part of our civil defence arrangements.

We have a smaller LW stn at Eidar, East Iceland, near Seydisfjordur. It will bc on 207 kHz. with a 150 kW tx, starting soon. Perhaps you will monitor that one as well. Please let us know." (Markus Oern Antonsson, Director Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. Organization: Icelandic National Broadcasting, Efstaleiti 1, 150 Reykjavik, Iceland Markus Orn Antonsson via Klaus Spielvogel-D, Aug 22)

INDONESIA RRI Manado v5987.6 kHz again active, noted at 0715-0756* UTC, ID by female, popular mx. RRI Sorong, v9741.8 kHz at 0920-0940 UTC, Arabic mx, ID at 0934, Independence National Holiday. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 17)

IRAN 3910, Communist party of Iran, Aug 10, 1757, OM commenting in Farsi at 1752. USB- C only reception 24122 with a song at 1757. ID at 1800 then closing with inernationale ... (Liangas-GRC via DXW, Aug 10) 5900, Democratic Voice of Iran, Aug 12, 1735-1800*, still here in Farsi, fine ID 1750 after talk and talk, then Iranian songs, ID and IS before off. (Finn Krone-DEN via DXW, Aug 12)

VoIRI heard using 9615 from sign-on 1630-1730 in UNID language [Armenian?]. 1730 Bosnian (S-Cr), 1830 Albanian, 1900-1930 Italian. On 7145 (x5925) at 1630-1830 in //, and on 7340 at 1730-1830 & 1900-1930 also in //. Obvious satellite feed delay between frequencies - 7145 little behind -, so new Sirjan put into service widely, heard often since start of August. [c.f. BC-DX #322] (Noel Green-UK, Aug 15)

IRIB in Bosnian 2130-2225 also on new 7100 kHz, SIO 444. //7145; probably ex7125 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, Aug 28)

IRAQ Iraqi radio heard again on shortwave. Domestic service - Rep of Iraq Radio is currently being observed on the unusual out-of- band SW frequ of 11292 kHz. The bc, which is a relay of Rep of Iraq's main dom sce in Arabic (//756 kHz MW), has been observed irregularly at various times between 1900-2305 and 0550-0900 UTC. On 14th Aug, Rep of Iraq Radio was observed at 2230 UTC on 9755 kHz, in //11292 kHz, although 9755 kHz has not subsequently been observed. A freq announcement bc at 2000 UTC on 17th Aug referred only to the SW freq of 7190 kHz, although this channel has not been confirmed. External service - Iraqi Radio's ext sce is also being heard again on SW for the first time in several months. It is currently audible on 11785 kHz with a progr in French from 2200-2230 followed by English from 2230-2300 UTC, although the exact timing of the programming is variable and the radio announces a freq of 11890 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, monitoring Aug 14-18, - Aug 22)

PanIview reported Radio Iraq Daulia (R Iraq Internat) in Arabic on 11785 kHz 2000-2200 UTC, cochannel QRM by QBS Doha til c-down 2125 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

4065 kHz, V of Iraqi Kurdistan, Aug 10, 1819, OM in unknown for me lang similar betw Turkish and Arabic (=therefore Kurdish) then with arab-turk song. OM cuts song saying something abt 'dictatorian'. After the song continuous refs to Kurdistan 1819 with mx again Arabic and western. (Liangas-GRC via DXW, Aug 10)

UNID - a listener sent a tape with a recording at 0305 on 4050.9 kHz - musical intro then ID "Huna xxxra (2 or three syllables) di Kurdistan, xxxxx (two or three words) di Kurdistan", followed by musical interlude and news. (ORF InterMedia, Aug 21)

KOREA D.P.R. Starting Aug 1st several changes have been noted on Radio Pyongyang ext sce. Each progr lasting now 58 mins duration, ex 50 mins for decades. Monitored freq usage: 6520 kHz 1500-2200 UTC Ar Ko Ko/Ru Ar En Ar Fr. 6575 kHz 1500-2200 UTC Fr Ko Sp En Sp Fr En. 9325 kHz 1700-2200 UTC Ru Ge Ru Ge Ge. 9345 kHz 1300-1400 UTC Ja. 1500-2300 UTC Fr Ko Sp En Sp Fr En Ko. 9640 kHz 1400-1600 UTC Ch En. 9975 kHz 1300-2200 UTC Sp Ch En Ko Ko/Ru Ar En Ar Fr. 11335 kHz 1400-1700 UTC Ch En Ko. 11700 kHz 1700-1800 UTC Sp 13650 kHz 1300-1700 UTC Sp Ch En Ko.(noted on 13649.6 kHz Aug 28) 13790 kHz 2000-2100 UTC Ge 0500-0600 En. Ko/Ru is mixed progr in Korean&Russian for Korean nationals, which deported under Stalin dictatorship to Kazakhstan, worked for USSR and held in guarded camps. Other announced frequencies are 11335 11700 11740 11745 11845 15130 15230 15340 17735 (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12; Noel Green-UK, Aug 15)

Young Soldiers BS channel2 on v3024.5 kHz, 1430-1500 UTC, Korean revolutionary songs. Channel1 on new v2623.9 kHz 1359-1440 UTC, same style of progr, but not//3024.5. Not listed in TBS97. BBCM listed 2625 kHz instead. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 6/17)

LAOS v4691, Lao National Radio, Houa Phan (tent.), 1054 UTC, Very weak, but did catch bits of mx. Gone at 1111 UTC recheck (pres sked). This may very well be possible on the east coast N.A. on a good morning. Should be possible in the evening as well in Dec. (Dave Valko-USA, Aug 24)

LIBERIA Fondation Hirondelle (Star Radio) was set up and is managed by Fondation Hirondelle (Swallow Foundation), a Swiss-based non-governmental organization, in partnership with Radio Monrovia (a private FM station). It is funded by the US Agency for International Development. It was set up with the aim of providing Liberians with impartial news and information and began bcing, initially on FM only, on 15th July 1997. Languages used: Bassa, English, Dan, Grebo, Liberian English, Lorma, Kissi, Kpelle, Krahn, Kru, Mandingo, Mano, Mende, Vai.

Address: Fondation Hirondelle, 3 rue Traversiere, 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland Tel: +231-226820/226176/227390 (LBR) +41-21-6472805 (SUI) Fax: +231-227360 (LBR) +41-21-6474469 (SUI) E-mail: [email protected] (LBR) [email protected] (SUI)

0500-2000 5890-(daytime-planned) 3400-(night-planned) 104 0505-0540 nx vernac, 0615 & 0715 nx Liberian Engl, 0630, 0730 & 0757 nx Engl. 0800-1705 Relay of Radio Monrovia (incl. news 0900, 1500, 1700) 1705-1740 nx vernac, 1815 & 1915 nx Liberian Engl, 1830, 1930 & 1957 Engl. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 21)

MADAGASCAR BBC has donated 6 MW, SW and FM txs to Madagascar to promote English in the Island and it will be fixed in six different provinces.

Curiousuly, 5950 and 6075 these two stations after contacting them, they are out of the air for some time now - I contacted Radio Tsioka vao to enquire. I have been informed that they have technical problem and will be on the air again in the near future (These are FM stns and are operating on SW without licence). (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, via DXW, Aug 24)

MAURITANIA 7245 kHz Radio Mauritania at 1836 UTC in French talk on local items by man - except usual evening freq of 4845 these days. (Timofeyev/NERRS-RUS via DXW, Aug 12)

MOZAMBIQUE More information in addition to DXW76: 3272.5 kHz Aug 12, 2201-2207* final nx bulletin from Maputo //6110.8 - but I am not quite sure what was it on 3272.5: Maputo or Beira with capital nx relay? 6110.8 Aug 12 1700-2207* R.Mocambique, Maputo - no English px at 1800. Best reception with minimum interferences at 1800-1810 and at around 2200 9617.5 Aug 13 1525-1620* R.Moambique, Maputo ex. usual 9619, poor audio, moved to 6110.9 at 1620 11812 Aug 13 0830- R.Mocambique, Maputo - much weaker than on //15291.8 - first noted with two tx in // for a long time 15291.8 Aug 13 0830-1205 R.Mocambique, Maputo again noted in the 15 MHz band! (Timofeyev/NERRS-RUS via DXW, Aug 12-13)

NEW ZEALAND Changes in RNZI schedule, fr 7th Sept, according to updated web pages (12th Aug): 1650-1851 6145 kHz Mo-Fri 1852-2051 9875 kHz Su-Th 1852-2106 9875 kHz Fri 1852-2058 9875 kHz Sat The rest unchanged. (Francisco Rubio Cubo, Spain, via DXW, Aug 24)

RNZI's "Mailbox" is now bc at an additional time of 1130-1200 UTC every 2nd Mon, on 6100 kHz. The other bcs are Mon 0430 15115, Thurs 0830 6100, and Fri 1930 6145. The next bc is Mon, Sept 1st. (Arthur Cushen-NZL via Lamb via Cumbre Dx, Aug 20)

PAKISTAN in French 1930-2015 not heard on 9400 kHz. Turki and Russian 1430-1530 UTC to CeAs republics noted on 6040 kHz only. Chinese 1200-1230 replaced 11820 by 11835 kHz. May be some tx has broken down; Noel Green reported missing Arabic 1700-1900 UTC also on 9400 kHz. French progr closed at 2000 UTC playing PAK N.A., but open carrier til 2015 UTC [Aug 24]. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12) Tamil sce 1030-1130 was using 15516 kHz, but has gone off this freq, replacement not yet known. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 15)

Urdu heard 1330-1530 Karachi v15624.8 (x15595), // Islamabad 9485 & 11665. E nx 1600- 1630 UTC noted on Karachi v15625.9; Islamabad 9485, 11665. BUT also on ?API-7 Karachi Near East sce link v9601.6 kHz (x9645?), and on 7488 (x7230) kHz. //English Programme 1600-1614 UTC. Split at 1615 UTC, 7488 & 9601.6 kHz had separate NE progr with playing music to foreign workers then, - extended bcing time ? Remarkable it was Thurs night [like our Sat weekend!]. Lasting til signing off about 1700 UTC. From 1615-1630 UTC all three ext sce channels continued by slow speed E news, but the Karachi tx on v15625.9 kHz carried both audio progr signals, mixture of mx and news. Urdu night sce at 1700- 1900 noted on usual v9334.6 and 11570 kHz, but no Turkish and/or Arabic sce. (WB Aug 28)

POLAND Polish Radio to change freqs during maintenance. In spite of the maintenance work on the [radio] mast in Raszyn [central Poland], announced for late Sept, the First Programme of the radio will be audible throughout the country. Polish Telecommunications SA has informed Polish Radio that on 24th Sept it is starting maintenance work on the mast of the LW txion centre at Raszyn. The work is to go on for eight weeks. In view of the fact that Polish Telecommunications SA has not completed the construction of the LW mast at Konstantynow, near Gabin, the decision to shut down the Raszyn stn means that Polish Radio will not be able to transmit the most popular radio progr, the First Progr on LW.

During the maintenance work on the mast at Raszyn, the First Programme will be txed on the freqs of all of the existing First Progrs VHF tx, on MW freqs of Radio Bis, the lower VHF range of the 2nd Progr and the upper VHF range of Radio Bis [formerly Polish Radio 4th Progr].

In view of the inability to implement the act on the reconstruction of the mast at Konstantynow, the board of Polish Radio SA has undertaken the construction of its own txing stn for the First Progr. Thanks to the attitude of the residents and the authorities of Solec Kujawski, work is to begin there in the near future which will ensure good reception of the First Progr, which is so very necessary for all the residents of our country and also the most popular radio progr. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22)

RUSSIA Universal Life Radio in English Suns at 1300-1355 11700 kHz. VoRussia in Urdu 1400-1500 UTC 11700 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

Radio Tatarstan - This SW sce started on 1st Aug 1997 and is bc from a high power SW tx at Samara. Programming is mainly in the Tatar language, but incl some segments in Russian (such as press reviews or weather reports). 0400-0500 9690 (to Siberia/Far East area) 0600-0700 6130 (to Urals/Tyumen area) 0800-0900 9690 (to Moscow/St Petersburg area) Addr: Tatar Radio, Ul. Maksima Gorkogo 15, 420015 Kazan, Tatarstan Tel: +7-8432-367493 (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 21)

All transmissions are relay via Samara transmitting site. (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW Aug 24)

Regarding your last news bulletin, there was discussion about R Odin 234 kHz. I can hear Popovka[?] with R Odin progr. Some years ago I heard Grigoriopol with Mayak here, maybe that's the one? (Mauno Ritola-FIN, Aug 23)

[WRTH '97 listing, also relaying Ostankino R Odin, ITU registration: St.Petersburg at Krasnyy Bor 30E21 59N59 1000 kW 30.4 dB Samara at Syzran 49E46 53N11 2000?kW 33.4 dB Yerevan at Kamo-Armenia 44E30 40N11 500 kW 27.4 dB ITU: Maiac-Moldova (Kichinev) 28E52 47N00 1000 kW 30.4 dB but latter is inactive now. ed]

Deutsche Welle noted on new 9900 kHz, German *2200-2230, presumed via Novosibirsk tx centre. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Aug 27)

RUSSIA/UKRAINE/[BELARUS] (ex) Synchronized LW network on 171 kHz. (c.f. BC-DX #322) Thank you very much for your e-mail message on 171 kHz. We sent this information to our management in Moscow and we hope this problem will be solved in the coming time. We will glad to receive any information about the tx's problems in GPR-2 or wherever in Russia in the future. By the way, we did not bc any Radio Mayak signal on 234 kHz via our St.Petersburg's tx. There is a Radio One progr at present there only. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS via Kai Ludwig-D, Aug 25)

SRI LANKA SLBC starts European radio sce. The Sri Lanka Bcing Corp [SLBC] in its 70th history enters a significant phase with the opening of its European sce Sats only from 1900-2000 UTC on 5975 kHz [via the BBC's Skelton tx in the UK] and will directed to cover all of Europe. The new European service will be [word indistinct] progrs bc on Sats only. It will aim at giving the correct picture of Sri Lanka and will include music, business, investment, tourism, culture, news analysis, and the latest government policy statements.

Meanwhile, the SLBC under its reorganization programme will introduce two new innovations. A significant feature will be the bc of the BBC's South Asian progr [BBC Tamil and Sinhala sces are to be relayed by SLBC] without any restriction. A nx bulletin of the BBC progr is being bc on the Sinhala national sce from last Febr. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 16-22)

Skelton powerhouse heard here loud and clear on Sat 23rd. I consider it was the very first programme, but the progr content was word burdened over and over again. Interview of finance(?) minister was booring too. For sure, plain European listenership isn't willing to follow and doesn't like such progr content. Only after 25 mins a short piece of music could be heard unfortunately.

Progr missed Asian flower. Remainds me painfully in contrast to lovely SLBC bcs in the 70's via SW Ekala 11800 kHz, which could be heard every day with lots of fascinating Asian music. (WB Aug 23)

SUDAN Omdurman putting in a fair signal daily on 9200. Heard fading in with Arabic at 1630 followed by French at 1700 and English at 1800-1900 then Arabic. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 15)

SWAZILAND Trans World Radio Manzini, Z97 schedule, target is Africa, except Urdu to Asia. 0300-0330 daily NDEBELE 3200 0300-0345 daily SHONA 3240 0300-0330 daily SWAHILI 4760 0330-0345 Sa SWAHILI 4760 0333-0404 Mo,Tu TIGRINYA 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Th,Fr OROMO 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Mo-Fr ENGLISH 7215 Meyerton 0333-0404 Sa-Su AMHARIC 7215 Meyerton 0400-0430 Tu/Fr TUMBUKA 6040 0400-0430 excl.Tu/Fr CHEWA 6040 0400-0430 daily GERMAN 4775 1170 0400-0415 daily LOMWE 6100 0430-0500 daily CHEWA 6040 0430-**** daily ENGLISH 6100 4775 3200 0505----- daily Freq change 9500 6100 4775 3200 0600----- daily Freq change 11730 Meyerton(to 0630) 9650 6100 4775 0700----- daily Freq change 9650 9500 4775 ****-0735 daily 0630-0645 Su ENGLISH 11730 Meyerton 0735-0805 Sa-Su ENGLISH 9650 9500 4775 1400-1415 daily URDU 15195 1420-1425 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 7315 1440-1510 daily FRENCH 7175 1440-1510 daily PORTUGUESE 7315 1510-1525 daily MAKUA 7315 1510-1555 daily MALAGASY 7175 1525-1540 daily LOMWE 7315 1528-1543 daily YAO 7265 Meyerton 1540-1555 Mo-Th LOMWE 7315 1540-1555 Su+Fr TIGRIGNA 9500 1543-1558 daily SENA 7265 Meyerton 1600-1630 Tu TUMBUKA 5965 1600-1630 Mo-Fr TSHWA 3240 1600-1630 Sa-Su PORTUGUESE 3240 1600-1630 We-Mo CHEWA 5965 1600-1830 daily ENGLISH 9500 1600-1630 daily KIRUNDI 9530 Meyerton (x9850) 1630-1700 Mo BORANA 9530 Meyerton (x9850) 1630-1700 Tu-Su OROMO 9530 Meyerton (x9850) 1630-1700 daily CHEWA 5965 1630-1700 daily GERMAN 3200 1630-1645 daily SHANGAAN 3240 1640-1655 daily SOMALI 9650 Meyerton 1700-1800 daily SWAHILI 5965 1700-1730 daily TIGRIGNYA 9850 Meyerton 1730-1745 Fr SOTHO 3200 1730-1745 Sa-Su PEDI 3200 1730-1800 daily AMHARIC 9530 Meyerton (x9850) 1745-1800 Mo-Fr ENGLISH 3200 1800-1815 Sa-Su SWAHILI 5965 1800-1830 daily BAMBARA 9600 1800-2015 daily ENGLISH 3200 1800-1830 daily NDEBELE 3240 1810-1825 Sa KINYARWANDA 9530 Meyerton (x9850) 1830-1900 daily BAULE 9600 1830-1900 daily NUPE 9510 Meyerton 1830-1900 daily SHONA 3240 1845-1900 daily UMBUNDU 6130 (x6115) 1900-1930 Su PORTUGUESE 6130 (x6115) 1900-1930 Su-Tu PORTUGUESE 6130 (x6115) 1900-1915 We-Fr KIKONGO 6130 (x6115) 1900-1915 Sa LUNYANEKA 6130 (x6115) 1900-1930 daily LINGALA 9525 1900-1930 daily YORUBA 9510 Meyerton 1915-1930 Sa LUCHAZI 6130 (x6115) 1930-1945 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 6130 (x6115) 1930-1945 Sa KAFUNGA 6130 (x6115) 1930-1945 Sa-Su CHOKWE 6130 (x6115) 1930-2000 daily FRENCH 9525 1930-2000 daily FULANI 9510 Meyerton 1945-2000 daily KIMBUNDU 6130 (x6115) 2000-2005 Mo-Fr PORTUGUESE 6130 (x6115) 2000-2015 Sa-Su FRENCH 9525 2000-2030 daily HAUSA 9510 Meyerton 2030-2057 daily TWI 9510 Meyerton 2100-2145 Su ARABIC 7240 Meyerton (updated by Noel Green-UK, Aug 15; WB, Aug 22)

TAIWAN New v3635.8 kHz FuHsing, most likely 4th harmonic of BEH3 Taipei-1 on 909 kHz. Found them also //Chinese progr on FuHsing BEH5 Taipei 1089 kHz. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 6/17)

TUNISIA RTT Tunis in Arabic monitored on new 11725 kHz 1700-1900. 0600-1700 11730. 0800-1700 v15449...15451/today 15448.3 & 17735.3. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12, WB Aug 24 TURKEY TRT Ankara English 2200-2250 UTC on 9655 kHz producing unclean spur signals in 31 mb above the nominal freq. Strongest spurious signal in 9896.1 ... 9896.4 kHz range, varying few hundred Hertz within ten minutes. But spur isn't symetrical, no spur on v9413.6 kHz occured. TRT spur causing in terrible signal to RN, IS at 2225, starting 2230 UTC on nominal 9895 kHz. R Cairo is on exact 9900 kHz. (WB Aug 22)

UNIDENTIFIED UNID African stn noted using 9710 at 1300-1537* UTC, but on June 7th and Aug 16th only. Signing off with NA, 1440-1531 sports reports. 1531 UTC progr in French "..la press". In Vernaculars, African folk mx, sports report, mentioned Zambia, South AF, Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Brazaville, Harare. This is a former frequency of MBC Mauritius, which has future plans to use 4855 & 9710 again at 1300-0200 UTC, acc. WRTH '97. Stn on the air on Sats only, but not every Saturday. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30, Aug 15)

Mahendra Vaghjee from Mauritius: You may rest assured Wolfgang its definitely not MAURITIUS, but I will try if something up I will let you know. (Aug 28; also Godfrey Clemitson-RSA, Aug 28)

USA RFA introduced its 6th progr language. Numero UNO via World of Radio #907 reported new Laotian language at 1130 and 2200 UTC. Noted here in EUR at 2200-2300 UTC on powerhouse 5930 kHz loud and clear. //9365 kHz suffering co-channel HCJB Quito in Spanish to Europe til 2230 UTC, from 2230-2300 UTC loud and clear signal. Poor signal on 9725 kHz and covered by Chinese speaking stn (CNR1?). 9940 kHz on medium level=35333, but from 2250 UTC suffering by Chinese jammers waiting for Mandarin progr starting at 2300 UTC. Distorted and overmodulated signal of CNR1 against RFA progrs noted regularly since Aug 19th. Also very strong at 2100-2200 on 9795 kHz, and noisy signal on 9420 kHz too. Laotian 1130-1230 UTC observed on two channels 15170[medium level] and very strong 17805 kHz. Latter one suffering QRM by REE Madrid which starts co-channel Spanish to SoAM at 1200 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX Aug 22; Numero UNO via WoR#907, Aug 21)

WWCR Nashville dropped "Good morning from America", consequently Mons "Spectrum" and Tues "Ham and More" both at 0800 UTC replaced tx #1 3210 by 5070 kHz. (WoR #907, Aug 21)

US evangelist hires German SW airtime. Brother Stair's Overcomer Ministry has started hiring airtime on Deutsche Telekom SW txs in Germany [DTK Juelich], Glenn Hauser's "World of Radio" reported on 14th Aug. The bcs have so far been observed on 9855 kHz at 0100-0200 UTC and also on 9475 kHz at 0400 UTC. Programming is not// to Brother Stair's bc via WWCR radio, but originates on tapes played at the tx site in Germany, Hauser said. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22)

High Adventure Ministries: transmitter update. A circular letter from George Otis of High Adventure Ministries [a California-based evangelical organization which bcs on SW via txs in Lebanon, Georgia, Palau, Russia and the USA] gives three items of interesting radio information:

- An additional 100-kW Harris tx has just been shipped across to the island of Palau to augment their shortwave service to Asia and the Pacific. - Their new service from Russian transmitters is now beamed to central and southern Asia. - The King of Hope [shortwave] transmitter in Lebanon was destroyed by an internal fire. (AWR Indianapolis, via BBCM via AGDX, Aug 17)

WRNO is back on 15420 kHz, noted on poor level of S=2 at 2200 UTC. (WB Aug 22)

Chuck Harder, in his "For the People" magazine received Aug 6, says: "A 'monster' 50 kW Continental 317-C-2 radio tx has been purchased and will soon arrive at a 39-acre site near Lake City, Florida. There the SW stn will be built as well as a repeater stn for WFVR 910 AM, Valdosta, GA. The new SW will beam our progr 'For the People' to the East Coast during prime time and will be repeated three hours later for the West Coast." Chuck also says he hopes to continue present schedule on WHRI, WWCR. SW stn would be owned by American Community Oriented Radio Network--ACORN--which is affiliated with Harder. It also owns WFVR, and WNTF 1580 Bithlo, FL. He says ACORN will also make SW radios. No further details. (Joel Hermann, WORLD OF RADIO 906)

In Web pages George Jacobs and Assoc, indicate the following FCC-licensed SW bc stns for sale: WVHA, Maine, for $5 Million US. WSHB, South Carolina, for $13 Million US. WRMI, Miami, for $850.000 US (Francisco Rubio Cubo, Spain, via DXW, Aug 24)

WWCR. The Winter schedule, eff 26 Oct, is now posted on their Web site at (Tom Sundstrom-NJ, Aug 23)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE, effective August 26: On WWCR Nashville, Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0600 5070 AND 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sun 0900 3210, Sun 2330 on 5070 replaced by UT Mon 0300 on 3215 [NEW], Tue 1230 15685. On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000 --on 15050 AM in 1900-0500 period, 7385 2200-1200, NEW 7585-USB 0000-1200. NEW!! On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0400 on 5085-USB. If the tape arrives before Monday additional unscheduled times may occur, such as UT Mon 0515 on 5085-USB or on 9400 Sat, Sun daytime. WORLD OF RADIO WEBSITE MOVES. With thanks to Kevin Hecht for getting us started and maintaining it the past year, we are now moving to: http://www.grove.net/~ghauser (Glenn Hauser OK, Aug 27-28)

UZBEKISTAN Radio Nederland in Indonesian via Tashkent relay replaced 5905 by 5855 kHz for 2130-2225 UTC progr. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov & Ivo Ivanov, Aug 12)

VIETNAM v6704.1 kHz, Lao Cai B.S., 1048-1054 UTC, Just tribal choral mx. v5595.1 was much weaker so couldn't tell if //. This channel was distorted. v5924.58 was doing well but fading at 1106 UTC recheck. (Dave Valko-USA, Aug 24)

JRC NRD 545 JRC is now releasing a brand new DSP based rx, the NRD545 at Ham-Radio show held here in Tokyo at this weekend. The following are the main features of the NRD545: One chip DSP processing for all modes (LSB/USB/CW/RTTY/FM/AM/ECSS (USB/LSB) Continuous IF filtering from 40 Hz to 10 kHz with 10 Hz steps (no mechanical/crystal filters necessary!) PBS Noise reduction Beat Canceller NB Notch Filter/Auto Tracking AGC (off/1/2/3/4) adjustable BFO Squelch Tone controle S-meter 1000 channels of memories Built in RTTY demodulator (the same as used in the NRD 525 & 535) Clock & Timer 1 Hz step and displays down to 10 Hz Memory/Band Scan & Sweep RS232C ** Option TCXO crystal 30 MHz-2000 MHz converter

It uses the same cabinet and LCD display of the JST 245 as I have been informed so far. There is 2 units for display and it sounds pretty well. I have the gut feeling that the NRD 545 is very promising! The price tag would be between \200000 - \300000 but they have mot decided yet. They say the cost of the parts is much cheaper than the NRD 535D but they spend so much money for programing and DSP chip. It will be available sometime later this year or the beginning of next year. The leaflet (News release) is also available so that they have already decided to launch the NRD 545 as far as I can imagine. Takashi Kuroda, Tokyo, Japan e-mail: [email protected] (on rec.radio.shortwave via Martin Elbe, DXW Aug 24)


EDXP has been putting extensive effort into facilitating the bringing together of the various Australian DXing/SWL groups to discuss the future of the hobby moevment in his country. I convened a recent meeting of representatives of the Australian Radio DX Club, the South Pacific Union of DXers, and the International Correspondence DX Group, which formally established the concept of the AUSTRALIAN DXING FEDERATION, resulting in a formal Media Release being sent out worldwide. Those Clubs and Groups resolved to proceed with setting up the Federation, and a Steering Committee was established which was to draw up a set of Statutes for consideration of the founding Clubs.

In a most extraordinary reversal,the South Pacific Union of DXers and the International Correspondence DX Group have now disassociated themselves entirely from the Federation, despite having given formal endorsement to the proposal, and having made a specific commitment to participate.

The situation with the other clubs is: Southern Cross DX Club - unwilling to support the Federation; DXers' Calling - no response at all to many formal letters and E-mail messages; Newcastle Scanner and SWL Group - no response.

Under such circumstances, the Federation appears to have been abandoned, which is greatly disturbing. The slogan provisionally adopted was "The Voice of Australian DXers" and the proposed common magazine was to have been titled "The Australian DX Listener".

I can offer little comment, except to suggest that the majority of the DXing groups in Australia, by choosing not to participate at any level in a Federation, are clearly signalling their intention to place personal interests before the welfare and longer- term survivability of the movement overall. The matter is even more surprising when it is recognized that the actual form and charter of the Federation had not been determined, and that this was to have been decided collectively by the founding Clubs. The Federation COULD have been a loosely linked organization, but the majority of Clubs never gave it a chance to work. Credit to ARDXC for its support, but a Federation can't exist with only one Club.

EDXP is sent to all of the Clubs, and to many members of their managing committees, and I would invite those folk from the Clubs who are opposed to the Federation to offer some sort of view as to the reasons for not supporting the concept, which I would publish in EDXP for worldwide release. There had been substantial interest in ADXF by the European and North American DX Club Federations.

The "Voice of Australian DXers" has now been silenced, and it could well be suggested that this may now herald the beginning of the complete disintegration of the hobby in this country. (EDXP, Aug 28)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 324 06 Sept 1997 ______

Last week summer conditions seem to have come to an end now, and better conditions are ahead. The sunspots are increasing, too for some weeks now - hopefully it's the start of the steep slope upwards we are waiting for. (Andre Schmidt in EDXP)

ALBANIA R Tirana in Albanian to EUR 0900-1500 UTC on v7149.8 kHz. At 1500-1730 UTC on 5985 kHz, //v7269.8 and MW 1215 kHz. (WB Aug 28) Albanian to EUR 1900-2200 UTC on v9824.9 kHz [under BBC Rampisham in Russian], //usual 1458 and v6170 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 23)

AUSTRALIA At least six hours of Radio Australia's round the clock programming is now a relay of the ABC's Radio National, listeners to the " Feedback" feature were told. "We switch to Radio National daily at 1205 UTC and apart from injecting nx bulletins on five of the seven days we stick with this dom network until 1800 on weekdays and 1900 UTC at the weekend." (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 15)

AUSTRIA MEDIUMWAVE QSL 1476 kHz 1600-2200 UTC 60 kW Wien-Bisamberg - operated jointly by Oe1 (First Progr, home sce), open access radio and (2100-2200) Radio Austria International. At long last we can offer a QSL for those txions, giving you the chance to get Austria confirmed on MW. - There will be *no* particular details, so no need to send three reports to get three different progrs confirmed. We will confirm reports of *our* txions with full details - all other reports will just be passed on. INTERMEDIA on MW: Fris 2105 UTC.

RADIO OESTERREICH INTERNATIONAL VIA WRN3 We joined the new German channel of WRN/World Radio Network. You can now listen to us on an *analog* transponder (Astra 1A, 11.436-Sky Movies, V, 7,38) als well as via *Astra Digital Radio ADR* (Astra 1C, 10.964-ZDF, H, 7,56). No special QSL!

ROI daily 0000-0400, 0800-0900, 1300-1330 and 1800-1830 UTC; Sat/Sun also 0500-0530. INTERMEDIA via WRN3: Sats 0105, 0805; Suns 0330 DX-TELEGRAMM via WRN3: Suns 0025, 0525, 0855.


Our Homepage can be accessed via: http://www.orf.at/roi - Sign our guest book and you will (on request) be put on a special mailing list for hobby-related news - Take part in our Internet Quiz and win a token from Austria - Direct access to our INTERMEDIA pages (important links, a weekly choice of new hobby-related links, additional information related to our latest edition of INTERMEDIA, and much more): htp://www.orf.at/roi/intermedia

(BTW: Don't miss to have a look at Taiwan's broad/narrow-cast loudspeaker tower aimed at the People's Republic from Quemoy island - illustrating the 5th and final part of our Taiwan Report, INTERMEDIA, Sept 5-7)

*e-mail* - please use the proper address [email protected] *Only* for contibutions to INTERMEDIA [email protected] Reception reports, letters, schedules... [email protected] Technical mail concerning our frequency planning

Enjoy! Wolf Harranth OE1WHC, DX Editor, Radio Austria International A-1136 Wien, Austria (Sept 3)

AZERBAIJAN/USA Ministry denies censoring Radio Liberty relays. The Democratic Party of Azerbaijan [DPA] press sce, citing reliable sources, has reported the Azerbaijani National Security Ministry is "editing" the progrs of Radio Liberty... The head of the Communications Ministry tv and radio production assoc resolutely denied this information:

The tv and radio production association is not jamming the progrs of Liberty Radio, it rebcs them. Under our agreement, these progrs are bc every day for five hours from radio stn No 1, located near Gyandzhlik metro stn. Radio Liberty pays us money for this. Radio Liberty sent us a satellite rx under the terms of the agreement. This radio stn [No 1] did indeed have some jammers before it was reconstructed. Radio Liberty bc on SW from abroad. In accordance with instructions which we received from Moscow, we swamped these SW freqs with jamming signals. At present this radio [site] is bcing on 1530 kHz MW [7 kW].

The contents of the progrs bc by the radio do not concern me; we are paid for the relays by the hour. Yesterday Mr Belousov from Radio Liberty phoned us and complained about poor reception of some progrs from Baku. Sometimes we have problems with the bcs... Yesterday we gave instructions to check the quality of the bcs. Now the bcs are perfect and there are no interruptions.

You said that you used to jam Radio Liberty on instructions from Moscow. Could this radio be jammed again on the instructions of the National Security Ministry? At present all the procedures are being changed. One would have to spend a lot of time to install these jamming installations again.

An international convention prohibits jamming MW. We did not jam these [MW] freqs even when the USSR existed. At the present time there is no equipment for jamming MW... At the present time it is not possible to jam progrs bc on MW and even Russia would fail to do this if it ever wanted to. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22-28)

Gyandzha is also the location of the last intact Azerbaijan SW tx on 6110 kHz, LW 218, MW 549, 1476 kHz, info taken from WRTH '97.

Voice of Justice (presumably) observed today on 9677.4 kHz at 1500-1531 UTC then abruptly off, wobble carrier, bad modulation, lot of interference.., best in AM mode, male/female talk, Azerbaidjan was mentioned several times. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Sept 2)

BELARUS Latest observed schedule (Aug 21-23) of the Radio Mayak USB txions: 0300-1800 4982, 5134. 1100-1400 4855. 1800-0300 2738, 2829 kHz. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS/NERRS, via DXW, Aug 21-23)

BELGIUM (c.f. BC-DX #323) RTBf tx at Liege 1233 kHz, at the moment this freq is still on the air carrying RTBf La Premiere, so if you want a QSL, please hurry. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, DX-ANTWERP, Aug 31)

Most of you already know that from the end of October there will be some drastic changes here at Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal [RVI]. Two languages will be scrapped, that's Spanish and Arabic; bcs in German and French will be reduced drastically. "Brussels Calling" [RVI's English progr] is concerned, the number of daily txions will be brought down to five from the present six.

Unfortunately we won't be using the facilities of RN Bonaire for [English-language] txions to NoAM. Our Dutch -lang colleagues will be using these txs twice a day - 2300 UTC for a half-hour bcs to the eastern part of NoAM and 0430 UTC for a repeat. Listeners in North America will have to rely on our txion on SW at 1300 UTC. Our French-language magazine "Ici Bruxelles" will be bc at the weekends only. The first time on Fri evening at 2130 UTC to NoAM on SW; Sats & Suns 0930 UTC to No&CeAF on SW & MW 1512, at 2000 UTC to EUR on MW 1512. >From the end of Oct the txions of our German-lang progr "Hier is Bruessel" will be restricted to Sat & Sun 0900 UTC and 2030 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 24)

BRAZIL The next Brazilian summer time will begin in Oct 6th, at 0300 UTC. States in the South, Southeast and Northeast(some) will set its time to UTC-2. All states in the north and mostly of the northeast will keep unchanged. This is valid till Febr 14th, 1998. (Djaci Franklin Silva via Cumbre Dx, Aug 27)

CHAD 6165 kHz Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena at 1957 UTC. Heard for 3 minutes, before CRI began a program via Switzerland. African sounding mx, male speaker in French. Presumed it was them, but no ID heard. Checked 4904,5 kHz. at 2019 UTC, where the stn was not heard. Later got E-mail from Jay Novello, who heard ID before S/off at 2201 UTC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sept 2)

CHINA 4915 kHz PBS, Nanning, dialect, Chinese mx, talks, 1154-1230 UTC, 1200 ID, TA, at 1201 Beijing relay, nx reports, ID in Chinese now. SINPO 24332. //2340 2415 4800 4850 4975 4990 5020 5320 6750 6840 6890 7225 7505 7770 7935 9062 9080 9290 9380 kHz. Around 1225 UTC a short piece of jamming on 9080 kHz. v6034.8 kHz Yunnan BS, Kunming 1230-1259*, pres. Vietnamese px, female talks. Talks about VTN, 1246 Vietnamese px, muffeled audio. SINPO 34333. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 18/24)

S97 sked for Radio France International Paris, through until 28 Sept, shows China relays: 7110 (x11910) Xian 1400-1500 English 11600 Xian 1200-1300 English 11700 Beijing 1030-1130 French 11890 Beijing 1100-1200 French 15440 Beijing 0100-0200 French. (TDF/Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Aug 31)

CRI Beijing noted using new 9585 kHz for Russian at 1700-1757 UTC. Very loud signal here. Chinese mx without announcement had been heard between 1545-1630 UTC a couple of days earlier til sudden off. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 1) [same stn noted here in last two weeks, both on 9585 and 9670 kHz in same time slot, very clear audio, maybe another relay[?]. Seemingly rearmed its sce in August, both on regular CRI and in the jamming field. There are Continental txs for mainland China newly planned, I sawed an item on this matter in spring 97. ed]

CYPRUS/UK Local staff at a major BBC World Sce radio relay stn in Zygi continued their 48-hour strike yesterday [28th Aug] after 12 colleagues had been issued with redundancy notices. Sacked members demonstrated outside the British High Commission in Nicosia to protest against the decision and call for the sackings to be withdrawn. Protesters said the British govt had gone ahead with the sackings in a move to privatize certain services and introduce new technology. It is understood further cost cutting measures at the stn will see another 16 staff get the sack. There had been 61 personnel manning the relay stn.

The Zygi relay stn transmits World Sce progrs in over 40 languages to Russia, EaEUR, NoAF, the ME and EaAS. The BBC said the strike had not caused any break in txion or disruption to the sce. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 29)

GEORGIA Abkhazian Radio Sukhumi in Russian at 1130 UTC on v9494.8 kHz. Tamil stn IBC on test via Dusheti-GEO noted with subcontinental mx around 1300-1345 UTC, but very poor signal level in EUR. (WB Sept 5)

GERMANY Since Aug 4th, new prophetic community "Universal Life Radio" 1945-2015 UTC on new 5890 kHz via DTK Juelich as follows: Mon, Thur & Sun in German, Tue in E, Wed in It, Fri Croat, Sat in Spanish. Also since Aug 4th, "Faith Cathedral Fellowship" [Brother Stair] on 9855 kHz to Eastern NOAM, via Deutsche Telekom Juelich *0100-0200* UTC Brother Stair live expounding from powerful German tx site. And at 0400-0500 UTC to Westcoast NoAM on 9475 kHz. (commercial RadioHoeren & Scannen, Sept 97; Rausch, via Cumbre Dx, Aug 10)

HAWAII The following is a change of frequency for our new tx KWHR, angel 4, in Naalehu Hawaii TARGETED TO THE SOUTH PACIFIC! 1300-1900 is changed to 7510 kHz. All others are the same: 1900-0700 17555 kHz, 0700-1300 11565 kHz. These are final from the F.C.C. As stated to you testing will begin 0000 UTC on Sun Sept 7, 1997.

Here is the latest on equipment testing for KWHR Angel 4. No testing has been done as of Sept 5, 1997 due to delays. F.C.C. approval has been given to begin on air testing on Sept 7, 1997 at 0000 UTC Time. So DXer's should begin to tune in beginning Sun Sept 7 and the week following for Equipment testing and on air announcements. Special Test QSL cards will be available. Write to KWHR, P. O. Box 12, South Bend, IN. 46614, U.S.A. They can be left on our web site at "http://www.kwhr.com" or emailed to "[email protected]". Fax +1 (219) 291-9043. (Joe Brashier-USA, Sept 5)

INDONESIA v6153.3 kHz RRI Biak, 2135-2155 UTC, local nx, lost or signing off. 24332. n7241.5 (x7234.4) kHz RRI Palu, 0915-1205 UTC, ID, reports, piano mx, adv., Dangut mx, 1000 RRI Jakarta relay "Warta Berita", night prayers, 1032 ID, popular mx, 1100 gongs, local px. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 18/19/24)

11785 kHz RRI Jakarta (Cimanggis?) at 1459-1505 UTC, IS, Indonesian ID, "Warta Berita". Co-channel Russia and Quatar. SINPO: 42443. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sept 2)

IRAN (c.f. BX-DX #323) VoIRI heard using 9615 from sign-on 1630-1730 in UNID language [Armenian?]. According to my files this is Amharic to ETH. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Aug 29)

IRAQ Republic of Iraq Radio, Mother of Battles Radio, Radio of All Arabs (Arabic: idha'at umm al-ma'arik, idha'atu kul al-arab) is a sce of official Iraqi radio. It was first heard in late Jan and early Febr 1991 during the Gulf War (which the Iraqis refer to as "the mother of battles"), after which time bcs appeared to be suspended following the disruption to Iraqi radio as a whole. The stn resumed bcing on 2nd Aug 1995. Announcements state that it is intended to be received throughout the the Arab world. As with all Iraqi radio sces, tx operation may be erratic. 1600-1900 in Arabic 9715, 1377-unconfirmed, 693-unconfirmed. 1630-1700 nx and commentary. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 28)

9715 kHz seems to open at 1400 UTC mixing with Tashkent. ID appears to be the same as heard on 11290-92, so probably their GS. DW Russian co-channel fr 1500. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 1)

Over the past month, Iraqi radio appears to have reactivated a number of SW txs. The following freqs have been observed recently (all txion times are highly variable; the times given below are the maximum spans observed):

Republic of Iraq Radio (the main dom sce in Arabic from Baghdad) is currently heard on MW freqs 1035, 963, 909, 756 and 558 kHz and the following SW freqs: 11785-11787 kHz 0900-1200 UTC, 11292 kHz 1900-2300 UTC, 9755 kHz 1900-2300 UTC, 9715 kHz 1400-1600 UTC.

Voice of the Masses (a dom/ext sce in Arabic) is heard on 9715 kHz 0615-0900 UTC approx. Mother of Battles Radio (an ext sce in Arabic aimed at neighbouring countries) is observed on 9715 kHz 1600-1900 UTC. The sign-on announcement states that the radio bcs "on 693 kHz beamed to our listeners in the Arabian Peninsula and Arabian Gulf; 1377 kHz beamed to our listeners in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt; and 9715 kHz beamed to our listeners in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and northern Egypt."

Radio Iraq International is currently observed on a variable SW freqs 11785-11787 kHz as follows: Arabic approx. 0000-0300 and 2000-2200 UTC; English 0300-0400 and 2230-2300 UTC; French 2200-2230 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, 15 Aug-1 Sep)

IRELAND/UNITED KINGDOM United Christian Broadcasters. UCB is a Christian evangelical broadcaster based in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. It operates a satellite sce licensed by the UK Radio Authority as follows: Astra 1B 19.2E (Sky Sports, 11509 MHz vertical, audio subcarrier 7.56 MHz). UCB is also relayed via unlicensed SW, MW and VHF/FM txs located in the Republic of Ireland.

Addr: UCB, Hanchurch Christian Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8RY, UK Tel: +44 - 1782 - 642000 Fax: +44 - 1782 - 641121 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.ucb.co.uk 0000-0000 English 6200-IRL, 549-IRL, 87.7-108 MHz-IRL. On 6200 kHz United Christian Broadcasters at 2333 UTC. In English with middle-of-the- road type gospel mx and some talk. Fair signal, but a lot of QRN noted at this time. (Mark J. Fine-USA, Aug 30)

The new Radio 8-6-4, The Voice of Evangelism, on 864 kHz comes in here with strong signals. Found them this morning with pretty weird programming: at 0317 hrs tune-in hellfire preaching, followed by Irish songs like "Island of the Whisky", horrible James Last muzak and another quarter hour of brokered US hellfire preaching. Some ID's "This is the Voice of Evangelism, Radio 8-6-4. Fulltime bcing recommends soon". Anybody out there with more informations, especially an address? My guess is, that it's a new tx somewhere in Ireland and not a reincarnation of the old Big M tx in Monaghan. Comes in stronger than Big M ever was. And they had 1 kW, so this one might be interesting for US DXers too! (Martin Elbe-D, Aug 30)

ISRAEL Kol Israel's Arabic progr heard in progress at 1800 UTC [also at 1130 UTC] on 15280 kHz, no trace of anything on v15480 kHz. S-off v2108 UTC after nx and NA. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 23) [seemingly a move due BBC/VoR on 15475/15485, ed]

ITALY Spurious signal of RAI Rome on 7223.3 kHz [of nominal 7240], hetting DW Trincomalee 7225. Balcan block 1500-1600 UTC, 1500 Turk, 1520 Greek, 1540 Bulgarian. (WB Aug 28)

LIBERIA 5100 kHz R. Liberia Int., 0040-0101* UTC, Romantic ballads to 0058 UTC when live M anncr gave song anmnts, ID mentioning R.L.I. was a sce of LCN, his own name, brief sked, goodbyes, instru. NA (sounding like a live recording), brief tone and off. Very nice, strong signal. (Dave Valko-USA, Aug 30)

PAKISTAN E nx 1600-1630 UTC noted on Karachi v15625.9, but now back to v15594 Sept 2nd; Islamabad 9485 250 kW 282 degr, 11565. BUT also on API-2 Karachi Near East sce link v9607.5/9607.9[x v9601.6 x9645?], and on 7485/v7485.3 [x7488 x7230) kHz. //English Programme 1600-1614 UTC, then separate Urdu? til 1700 UTC. (WB Aug 29) On 6074.2 kHz Radio Pakistan at 1600-1700 UTC in unknown language - may be in Dari(?) [Urdu?], new bc //to varying 9607 kHz. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS/NERRS, Aug 21)

Radio Pakistan's Arabic sce found on 9585 kHz 250 kW 282 degr, retimed/reduced to 1800- 1845 (x1700-1900) UTC. Is co-channel VoA Arabic via Woofferton! On 21st used 9400.1 kHz again, but back on 9585 on 22nd. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 23)

Pakistan continues to do "strange" things. I've been finding their WS to WeEUR at 1700- 1900 UTC sometimes on 11580 instead of 11570 kHz. Their French sce at 1930 is sometimes on, sometimes not. Sometimes only on one freq only. On the 31/Aug neither Islamabad tx was carrying WS to the Gulf & ME 1330-1530 UTC - only using Karachi which was oscillating around 15593 kHz. Arabic appears regularly now on 9585 kHz at 1800-1845. I've never heard the // which is listed on 11720 kHz due BUL & PHL. API-4 9335 kHz 100 kW 313 degr was emitting a loud "whine" on the USB but this has been corrected, but audio is still noisy. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 1)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA n3305 kHz R Western, relay px //4890, oldies, at 1500: "its one'clock". Not every day! n3375 R Western Higlands, 1425-1428* UTC, Pidgin, annment by s/off. No //on NBC 4890 and either in the 31 mb freqs. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 22/24)

RUSSIA Voice of Assyria (Kala Aturaya). In the recent past Voice of Assyria has also bc on the following MW freqs: 1494 kHz St.Petersburg, 1314 kHz Kamo (Armenia), 1170 kHz Krasnodar, 1089 kHz Krasnodar, and 612 kHz Moscow. Addr: Voice of Assyria (Kala Aturaya), ul Pyatnitskaya 25, Moscow 113326, Russia. Sats 1500-1600 [winter 1600-1700] UTC in Assyrian 9865 [winter 5935], 7325-(from 1530), in Russian Arabic Persian English.

Moscow Islamic Centre. This radio was first heard in May 1992, when it called itself "Rukhi Miras" ("Spiritual Heritage"). In the recent past Islamskaya Volna has also bc on the following MW freqs: 1494 kHz St.Petersburg, 1314 kHz Kamo (Armenia), 1170 kHz Krasnodar, 1089 kHz Krasnodar, and 612 Moscow. Addr: Islamskaya Volna, Pyatnitskaya ulitsa 25, Moscow 113326, Russia. or Islamic Centre, Vypolzov pereulok 7, Moscow 129090, Russia. Tel: +7 - 095 - 233 - 6426 / 6423 / 6629 1500-1600 [winter 1600-1700] Tues to Fris in Russian (Irreg Arabic/Tatar). 9865 [winter 5935] 7325-(from 1530). (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 28)

Kamtschatska Rybatska bcing Tue, Thur and Sat 1900-2000 on 7300 and 12050 kHz. Nowosti dlja Poljarnikow 1515-1545 on 9490 (Samara) and 7440 (Novosibirsk). (KDX 371, via Andreas Erbe, Aug 31)

R Petrozavodsk Kareliya noted relaying R Mayak at 1900-2000 UTC on 15215 kHz. //5920, 9885 kHz. Registered at 1530-2200 UTC, 20 kW only. (Excellent SW conditions today!). (WB, Sept 5)

Radio France International Paris: S97 - 7-28 Sept, Russian relays: 7420 Novosibirsk 2200-2300 Chinese 7430 (x12075) Novosibirsk 1200-1300 Chinese 9830 Oussouriisk 2200-2300 Chinese 12005 Oussouriisk 2300-0000 French 12025 Irkutsk 2300-0100 French 0930-1030 Chinese 1100-1200 Laotian 1200-1300 Cambodian (TDF/Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Aug 31)

SRI LANKA/UK The new sce of the SLBC using Skelton relay on 5975 on Sats at 1900-2000 UTC in English to EUR is heard well in Denmark. Tonight they brought nx from Sri Lanka about their constitution and the war, Sri Lankan pop songs, talk about a Buddhist Festival and Devil Dancers. QSL was promised for reports to their Colombo address. SINPO 54544. (Anker Petersen-DEN, Aug 30)

SLBC on 4870, 4902.1, like wise 5020!, from 1500-1530 UTC, coming in here with S=2-3.

SLBC 6035.00 kHz, 1300-1400 following s/off CRI in Vietnamese. Tamil speaking, mentioned many different countries around Sri Lanka. Subcontinental mx. At 1330 UTC TA, 5 short/1 long times pips, before started with drums, flutes, like Indian mx, mentioned S-L again. Political talks. 1349 "..Salem Aleikum ..". 1358 UTC flute IS, sound scale up+down. 1400 TA 5/1 pips, s/off. Definite no religious px, not from TWR. S=8-9 on s-metre scale. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 22/23/24)

The Tamil stn on 6035 kHz is not the propaganda sce. Its a back up for 5020 kHz Tamil sce using the 12.5 kW Puttalam. Since the Jaffna area was wrestled from the Tamil Tiger rebels the Puttalam stn is being used at this time 1200-1400 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Sept 4)

SWITZERLAND SRI Berne NE and EaAF sce 1645-1830 UTC heard using 9745 instead of 9885 kHz, Schwarzenburg 150 kW 110 degr. //12075 13635 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 23) [co-channel 9885 are Armavir-RUS and Vladivostok-FE latter from 1800, ed]

TAHITI On v15167.55 kHz, RFO Papeete, Aug 27, 0255-0305, & 0402 local progr with female vocal in French; island mx bridge and mention of RFO by woman at 0300. At 0402 retune, now with France Inter progr, //5054.9. Fair level during peaks. Drifted up slightly to 15167.58 kHz at 0402 UTC. (Clark, via DXW, Sept 1)

TURKEY Voice of Independent Kurdistan, the mouthpiece of the Kurdistan Workers'Party (PKK), hostile to the Turkish govt, was heard bcing in progress at 1400 UTC on 30th Aug on 6205 kHz. The bc lasted until 1545 UTC when the stn suddenly disappeared. The entire bc was in Kurdish. The radio, which previously used freqs around 7 MHz, was last observed by BBC Monitoring in Sept 1995. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 30)

UKRAINE/RUSSIA (c.f. BC-DX #322-323) RUI Kiev heard using v171.57 kHz with own programming in //to SW channels at 1900 UTC. Seems to be a heterodyne with other transmission on 171 kHz. At 2200 UTC RUI Romanian progr is heard in //with audible Kopani Mykolayiv 1431 kHz 500 kW. At conclusion of Romanian 2130 UTC txion on v171.57 switches to last half hour of English //9550 etc. RUI IS & ID at 2200 followed by Ukr progr //SW.

Frequ schedule read in English at end of txion but no mention of LongWave. Strong signal in Blackpool-UK during nighttime, but not easy to ID during daytime. Presumably the 1000 kW tx listed at Lviv. I think Russia's Radio-1 was using this frequency, so maybe this stns reported close down has something to do with Ukraine now using it for own progrs. (Noel Green-UK, Aug 23)

Lvov longwave drops Radio-1 for Ukrainian radio. Observations in mid-August indicated that the 1000 kW LW tx at Lvov in Ukraine, which previously relayed Radio-1 from Moscow, was off the air. However Russian-based txs on the same freq continued to relay Radio-1. When checked on 26th Aug from 1100 UTC, what is presumed to be the Lvov LW tx was observed to have been reactivated on the off-channel freq of 171.57 kHz, causing interference to the Russian-based txs. In addition, the UKRian tx was carrying Ukrainian radio's dom first progr instead of a relay of Radio-1 from Moscow. This continued until 1800 UTC when a relay of Ukrainian radio's ext sce in Ukrainian commenced, including Radio Ukraine Internat in English 2100-2200, 0000-0100 and 0300-0400 UTC. Programming reverted to Ukrainian radio's dom first progr at 0700 UTC. As of 28th Aug, Ukrainian radio was still bcing its own progrs on 171.57 kHz.

On 4th August the Interfax news agency reported that the national Radio-1 network would be closed and its frequencies distributed between the remaining state radio networks; Yunost/Mayak, Russia's Radio and local stns.) (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 12-28)

Since yesterday [Sept 2] evening the Lvov-Krasne LW tx operates exactly on 171 kHz. So the het is gone. Now the channel presents a terrible mess of Radio Odin and Radio Ukraina here in eastern Germany. (Kai Ludwig-D, Sept 3)

UNIDENTIFIED 9710 kHz Sats 1300-1537*. UNID African stn noted using 9710 at 1300-1537* UTC, but on June 7th, Aug 16th only. Signing off with NA, 1430-1531 sports reports. 1531 UTC nx in French, progr in French "..la press". In Vernaculars, African folk mx, sports report, mentioned Zambia, South AF, Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Brazaville, Harare. Stn on the air on Sats only, but not every Saturday. >From 1450 UTC VoR Moscow sign.on, at 1500 UTC in French here. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Jun 30, Aug 15/16/24)

Mahendra Vaghjee from Mauritius: You may rest assured Wolfgang its definitely not MAURITIUS, but I will try if something up I will let you know. Afraid I cannot shed much light on your 9710 kHz query.

Have not seen any reports which may indicate that Mauritius has actually returned to the frequency as yet.

Had a full day today, could not spend much time DXing, but did leave my standby receiver on the frequency during the day. Checked from time to time. There was a carrier, and under some heavy QRM one could make out a French speaking station. This evening around 1740 UTC I received the French service of R Moscow here. Will keep watching, and have asked some fellow DXers opinions. Awaiting their replies. Possibly something will show up over the weekend. Will have to wait and see. (Mahendra Vaghjee-MAU, Aug 28; also Geofrey Clemitson-RSA, Aug 28) [tendency to Kinshasa-Zaire, see WRTH 1983 / 1984, 9710 kHz under Zaire, Michiel Schay-HOL]

Have you been able to Identitied the African Station on 9710 kHz? If not yet therefore I presumed that it should be Radio Malagasy, as I received a fax from the Director Mamy Rafenomanantsoa, a schedule in which I note many new freqs on SW: and now R.Malagasy is using 9690 and as thereis no other stn as you describe in your e- mail, message therefore I presume it should be R.Malagasy on Test?

Here are the freqs used by RADIO NATIONAL MALAGASY, B.P. 442 - Antananarivo 101 - FAX: 230 454 5102 - Madagascar

MalagasyT UTC+3 Freq 0600-0800 3140*, 5010 0800-1800 5010, 6135, 7150#, 9690 1800-2200 3140, 5010 {*} 3288 is not on the list and has been replace by 3140. [#] 7150 I have checked, but it is on 7155 instead of 7150. Well hope this information will be helpful in certain way. (Mahendra Vaghjee-MAU, Sept 4)

USA/CHINA China has started jamming the Mandarin-language progrs of Radio Free Asia, Voice of America's "Communications World" reported on 23rd Aug. It said that jamming consists of "noise" or progrs from Chinese domestic radio - bc on the same freqs as RFA. The progr added that "the US-govt funded Radio Free Asia has been txing in Mandarin since Sept 1996, but it's not been jammed by the Chinese until the past few days..." "RFA president Richard Richter said despite the efforts of the Beijing govt, we know we are getting through thanks to our multiple txion sites throughout the Pacific basin. RFA leases SW txs at various site - which they will not divulge - in the Asia-Pacific region. The Thai and Philippines govts do not allow RFA to use VOA relay facilities in those countries." "According to Agence France Presse, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman would not explicitly confirm the jamming. But, the spokesman said, it is obvious that RFA is targeted against China and other Asian countries and is launching further interference in other countries internal affairs. This will naturally meet with the resolute opposition of the Asian countries, including China, said the Chinese spokesman" . "VOA's Mandarin-sce has been jammed by China since 1989 and that jamming continues. Vietnam, North Korea and Burma have, off and on, also jammed VOA and/or RFA bcs." "Radio Free Asia's Lao sce began bcing on 18th Aug... The govt of Laos immediately criticized the inauguration of the RFA Lao sce. A Lao ministry of foreign affairs official said that the RFA bcs would strain relations, which have steadily improved between Laos and the US... RFA now bcs in Mandarin, Tibetan, Burmese, Korean, Vietnamese and Lao, and plans to add Khmer and possibly Cantonese. RFA content is limited to nx and current affairs about its target countries and about the EaAS region, and about US relations with EaAS. VOA also bcs nx and current affairs about EaAS plus coverage of world and US affairs in these same languages." (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 23/29)

RFA S97 schedule til Oct 25th, 1997 (COMPLETE): 5855 1530-1630 KORE 5930 2200-2300 LAO 7410 2300-0000 TIBE 7455 2230-2300 LAO 7470 2200-2300 KORE 7495 1500-1700 MAND 7495 2100-2200 MAND 7495 2300-0000 MAND 7530 1500-1800 MAND 7530 2100-2200 MAND 7530 2200-2300 KORE 7530 2300-0000 MAND 7540 1400-1500 VIET fr 28 Sept 7540 1500-1600 BURM fr 28 Sept 7550 2300-0000 TIBE fr 28 Sept 9365 2200-2300 LAO 9365 2300-0000 TIBE til 27 Sept 9395 2200-2300 KORE 9405 1400-1500 VIET 9405 1500-1600 BURM 9420 1530-1630 KORE 9445 1500-1630 MAND 9455 1400-1500 VIET 9455 1630-1800 MAND 9455 2200-2300 KORE 9725 2100-2200 MAND 9725 2200-2300 LAO 9795 2100-2200 MAND 9905 1130-1230 LAO 9905 1500-1700 MAND 9905 2100-2200 MAND 9920 1400-1500 VIET 9920 2330-0030 VIET 9930 1400-1500 VIET 9940 2200-2300 LAO 9940 2300-0000 MAND 9975 2330-0030 VIET 9980 1530-1630 KORE 9980 2330-0030 VIET 11565 1530-1630 KORE 11575 1300-1400 TIBE 11580 0030-0130 BURM 11580 2330-0030 VIET 11590 0030-0130 BURM 11590 1300-1400 TIBE 11590 1400-1500 VIET 11590 1500-1600 BURM 11600 0030-0130 BURM 11765 2100-2200 MAND 11785 2200-2300 KORE 11785 2300-0000 MAND 11945 1500-1600 MAND 11945 1600-1800 MAND 11955 1500-1800 MAND 13685 1130-1230 LAO 13710 0030-0130 BURM 13710 2330-0030 VIET 13800 2300-0000 MAND 15170 1130-1230 LAO 15515 2100-2200 MAND 15515 2200-2300 KORE 15515 2300-0000 MAND 17805 1130-1230 LAO (via Internet www page)

VoA Kavalla heard using new 11700 kHz with a "crash" start slightly after 1500 UTC missing s-on procedure, but appears to be their Uzbek sce //15185-WOF & 15245-MRC, til s/off 1530, Sat/Sun 1545. 11835-KAV heard VoA English instead, maybe replaced by 11700. VoR Urdu co-channel 11700 'til 1459+ close. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 1)

Actually, the World of Radio URL is -- otherwise you wind up with a directory listing and no page. We've included the full URL in our Hot Links at (Thomas R. Sundstrom-NY, Aug 30)

As for the reports on the sale of WRMI, the background is this: Two of the four owners (not myself or our engineer) are interested in selling their shares of the station. So we made an arrangement with George Jacobs to try to sell the shares of those partners. If a buyer would insist on buying more than half of the shares, the other two owners said we would at least consider selling part or all of our shares. But this doesn't appear very likely at the moment. In the end, nothing may change, or perhaps we will replace our two partners with others. (Jeff White-USA, WRMI, in DXW Sept 1)

VIETNAM n4214.18 kHz Lai Chau 1, 1045-1215* UTC, til 1055 local px, ID, from 1100-1130 Hanoi px relay, TA 5/1 pips, 23332, //5924.60 & 6703.90 Lao Cai. 1130-1145 common px on all five channels, also //7153.40 & 10059.80 kHz. Correct name is Lai Chau, nothing noted near 4722 kHz. Quang Tri BS m5050 kHz was also heard in this time range, 34333. m4740 kHz at 1155 UTC tx s/on carrying R Son La, NA, piece of hill tribe mx at 1200 UTC. TA, presumably ID by female. Talks in dialects. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 22/23/24)

CONVENTION '98 Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the New Zealand Radio DX League from Thurs 5th of Febr, commencing 3;00 PM to Sunday the 8th of Febr 1998, closing at 11 AM.

Venue: Camp Iona, Herbert, North Otago, New Zealand

Camp Iona is situated a short distance from the township of Herbert and has numerous accomodation blocks including a "lodge" reserved for older members. Other accomodation is of motor-camp standard. There is a large hall, sports hall and plenty of ablutions facilities.

Format: The Convention will provide a full programme including discussion groups, guest speakers, sight-seeing, radio activities, an auction, quiz-night and a dinner at 1 p.m. on Sat at the Boulders Park Restaurant to commemorate the League's 50th anniversary.

Convention costs: NZ $80 per person for whole Convention, if you are only attending certain functions or nights please let us know and we will calculate the cost accordingly. Payment to be made in full at time of registration, by cheque, money-order etc. Make cheques payable to: North Otago Branch NZRDXL. please do not send cash. The above cost covers all on site accomodation and meals and the Commemorative dinner.

Please send any e-mail enquiries to Basil Jamieson, [email protected] or to Paul Ormandy: [email protected]

Please ask for the e-mail registration form via Convention '98 C/o Basil Jamieson 14 O R D Oamaru

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 325 14 Sept 1997 ______

ALBANIA/MONACO TWR Monaco is using 9680[ALB?] //9755-MCO for E morning release 0655- 0820 UTC. They are in sync, so both Monaco tx's? (Noel Green-UK, Sept 4) Strong symmetric spur signals of Durres Fllake 1458 kHz observed on 1422 and 1503 kHz. (Jens Wuepper-D, Kai Ludwig-D, Sept 10)

ALGERIA/We SAHARA National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic via ALG SW facilities observed on 11610 kHz s/on at 1800 UTC. Observed during holiday in MRC. Local MW 1544 kHz also observed in MRC [formerly varying on 1355 kHz, 0600-0800, 2050-2145 UTC. Tx location in Tindouf/Bechar-ALG area, acc direction finding in Portugal and the Canaries, with Martens MW frame aerial loop. ed].

Addr: Directeur d'Information, Polisario Front, B.P. 10, El-Mouradia, 16000 Alger, Algeria. (Dieter Leupold-D, via DX Telegramm, Sept 7)

AUSTRALIA RA Shepparton in Cambodian [and Engl between], noted on 15415 kHz at 0500- 0600 UTC, but poor signal quality here in EUR. (WB, Sept 7)

AZERBAIJAN I heard what was probably Stepanakert on 9677 kHz. Was on air at 1510 at fair level but poor audio, closed 1535. Actual near v9677.5 kHz. Nearby VoR in E 9675 and RVA Manila 9680 in Pilipino. It's also audible today same time sending out a nice "whistle" too! (Noel Green-UK, Sept 2/4)

BELGIUM RVI Brussels in Dutch planning relay usage in W97 periode: Via Bonaire 2300-2330 to EaNoAM, 0430-0500 to WeNoAM. 3rd txion to SoAM, time not fixed yet. Madagascar to SoAF 1000 UTC. Tashkent-UZB to SoEaAS, and Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy- RUS to INS/AUS/NZL at 1200 UTC. Three times a day using DTK Juelich instead of Wertachtal tx site to Ce and EaEUR. (RVI Golfgids, Sept 6)

CHINA I note strong China Radio International Beijing on 7130 kHz 1400-1600 UTC with some splatter to VOA 7125 kHz. This is a new move and appears that China has already made S97 changes?? Old sked was 1400-1500 11825 9535 7405 7160 1500-1600 9785 7160 Appears they changed 7160 to 7130 kHz. [but noted back on 7160 now] (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Sept 6)

CRI Beijing 9585 kHz also 1600-1657 as well as 1700-1757 in Russian. Very strong here so could be one of the new 500 kW tx units? Chinese jammers sometimes on til past 1500 UTC. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 4)

Thought I had Delano on 11955 kHz at 1500 UTC, but was very excellent reception of CNR- 1, //7504, 11540. Have also heard what I 'think' is CNR-1 on 13610 kHz at 1230-1330 UTC, but difficult to get good reception under Damascus-SYR of course. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 10)

(c.f.BC-DX 322 and 323) New Xinjiang transmitter [site] for external broadcasts. A powerful tx [site!] for the ext bcs of CRI came into use at the txion stn in Urumqi in Xinjiang yesterday [29th Aug]. This shows that China now ranks among the industrially advanced countries in the world which have a powerful, world-class tx for overseas bcs. The tx will greatly improve the reception of CRI's overseas bcs. While CRI ranks among the world's top three in terms of the number of languages it uses and the number of hours it bcs, its total txion power lags quite far behind. With the approval of the State Council [words indistinct] a powerful tx [site] was built in Xinjiang. When other[!] txs come into use together with this one, China's txion capacity for its overseas bcs will rank among the top three in the world.

Abdulahat Abdurixit, chairman of the Autonomous Region People's Govt; He Dongcai, vice- minister of the Min of Radio, Film and TV; and CRI Director Zhang Zhenhua attended a ceremony marking the inauguration of the tx [site]. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 30) text in brackets by yours truly.

Comment: Since August 16th, a lot of DXers worldwide, like Bob Padula, Noel Green and Victor Goonetilleke, noted increased usage of more SW channels by CRI Beijing with a superb powerful signal, and audiowise a very clean signal quality. Freed some SW stations in mainland China to use for jamming txions against VoA and RFA broadcasts. [ed]

CHINA/Fr GUIANA Checking out 11850 kHz at 0000 UTC Aug 31 for Wolfgang Bueschel, found CRI with strong signal opening Portuguese, apparently via FrGuiana. Took several minutes at outset to give entire language schedule, times here hopefully converted correctly to UT: 1900-1930 Af 7180 9535; 1930-2000 Af/Eu 7150 7385 9770 9785; 2200-2230 SAm 6950 7435; 0000-0030 SAm 11850; 0030-0100 SAm 7435 11500 11850; 2100-2200 Eu 6165 (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 11)

CHINA/SINGAPORE/Jamming I note strong Chinese speaking Radio stn on new 6157 kHz from 0815 UTC onwards. Terrible overmodulated audio, mentioned Shanghai. Seems jamming against Radio One Singapore on 6155 kHz. Nearby DW Antigua 6160 kHz is not afflicted with.

Pure mx progr was heard at 0840-0920 UTC, but more severe jamming observed at 0920 UTC on v7241.4 kHz. VoA 9635 kHz at 1410 UTC in English bcing "VoA Today", but at 1420 UTC starts a "music jammer" incl. Chinese anns. (c.f. BC-DX #324 under China) (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 25, 27, 28)

COSTA RICA RfPI schedule: 7385 kHz 30 kW 2200-1700 UTC, 7585 2 0000-1200, 15050 10 1700-0500. (William Matthews-USA in AWR Wavescan, Sept 7)

CZECH REPUBLIC R Prague in French at 0600 UTC producing two spurs on 7291 and 7399 kHz, symmetrical to nominal 7345 kHz outlet. Observations in NoAM show similar spurs on v6295, of nominal Litomysl 6200 kHz at 0100-0230 UTC. (WB, Sept 7)

ECUADOR The English language sce at HCJB is asking listeners to monitor the freq of 9365 from 0700-0930 UTC over a 2 to 3 day period, to see if it is a clear freq in their areas. HCJB is hoping the channel will provide clear reception in Europe. Send reports to: [email protected] (HCJB via MediaScan/SCDX, via Cumbre Dx, Sept 2)

GEORGIA 7050 kHz, 1920 UTC, A clandestine stn with txions in Georgian language was noted here. Also ID in Russian as "Svobodnaya Gruzya" (Free Georgia). As interval signal they played a melody of a popular Georgian song "Suliko". Fair signal in the European part of Russia. (Voice of Russia Klub DX, Aug 31, via Pashkevich, via DXW)

Tamil stn IBC London, via Dusheti-Georgia, 15075 kHz, 1321-1353* UTC, ID, subcontinental mx, Tamil, SINPO=25332. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 24)

GERMANY/TWR EUROPE Saving program on TWR Europe: ERF - Evangeliums-Rundfunk Germany will save 200.000 German Marks anually. From Nov 1st, 1997, ERF will reduce its broadcasts on SW & MW. German language sce of TWR Austria via Radio Tirana-ALB facility Durres Fllake 1395 kHz [daily 2100-2130 LT] will be cancelled, but will remain on MW Mainflingen-D and via Astra satellite. ERF via SW 1205-1220 LT on 6230 & 7160 kHz to be ceased. Broadcasts via [Radio Eviva txions] on MW Beromuenster Gunzwil 1566 kHz ceased in July. Hobby progr ERF-DX-Mix in future on Sats 1415 UTC, from Nov 1st. (ERF/TWR Germany, Sept 10)

HAWAII Please note the following change in our Z-97 schedule. DEL: KWHR Hawaii 13625 kHz 1800-2000UT 100kW 225 deg OC ADD: KWHR Hawaii 13625 kHz 1800-2000UT 100kW 300 deg As/Oc ADD: KWHR Hawaii 17555 kHz 1900-0700UT 100kW 225 deg OC ADD: KWHR Hawaii 11565 kHz 0700-1300UT 100kW 225 deg OC ADD: KWHR Hawaii 7510 kHz 1300-1900UT 100kW 225 deg OC

DEL: KWHR Hawaii 7510 kHz 1300-1600UT 100kW 225 deg OC ADD: KWHR Hawaii 7560 kHz 1300-1600UT 100kW 225 deg OC (Bob German, George Jacobs & Associates, Inc., Sept 8/11)

INDONESIA v7234.6 kHz RRI Palu, again on air here. [x7241.5] (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 18, 19)

IRAN is heard coming on 9585 kHz at 1500-1600 UTC - in Uzbek? (Noel Green-UK, Sept 4)

IRELAND/UK UCB - United Christian Broadcasters, Hanchurch Christian Centre, Stoke-on- Trent ST4 8RY, UK, provided funeral coverage of Princess Diana at 1000-1200 UTC via IRL tx on SW 6200 kHz. (WB Sept 6)

RTE Dublin special Hurling sport live coverage on Sept 14th and 28th from 1430 UTC, [most likely via txs at Skelton and Rampisham-UK]: 11660 to EaEUR, 11835 AUS, 13630 NoAM, 15170 ME, 15195 WeAF, and 17660 to all AF. (VoA Communications World, Sept 6)

ISRAEL KOL Israel in Arabic 0600-1000 on 15480, but at 1200-2130 UTC replaced by new 15280 kHz. (WB, Sept 7)

KOREA D.P.R. Radio Pyongyang, Korean Central Broadcasting Stn, Pyongyang 0000-0100 E 15230 13650 11845 0000-0100 Sp 15130 13760 11700 11335 0400-0500 Fr 13790 11740 0400-0600 Ko 9345 7200 0400-0500 Sp 17735 15340 15180 13650 0500-0600 E 13790 11740 0500-0600 F 17735 15340 15180 13650 0600-0700 Ko 17735 15340 15180 13790 13650 11740 11715 0700-0800 Ch 9345 7200 6125 0700-1000 Ja 9650 7580 6070 3250 621 0700-0800 Ru 13790-v 11740 9975-v 6575 0800-0900 Ko 9345 7200 6125 0800-0900 Ko/Ru 13790-V 11740 9975 6575 0900-1000 Ch 9345 7200 6125 4405 0900-1000 Ru 13790-V 11740 9975-V 6575 1100-1200 Ch 9345 7200 6125 4405 1100-1200 E 15230 13650 11335 9975 9640 3560 1100-1400 Ja 7580 6520 6070 3250 621 1200-1300 F 13650 11335 9975 9640 6575 3560 1200-1300 Ko 9345 7200 6125 4405 1300-1400 Ch 9345 7200 6125 4405 1300-1400 Sp 13650 11335 9975 9640 3560 1400-1500 Ko 13650 11335 9975 9640 3560 1500-1600 Ar 9600 6520 1500-1600 E 13650 11735 11335 9975 9640 3560 1500-1600 F 9345 6575 4405 1600-1700 Ko 13650 11735 11335 9975 9640 9600 9345 6575 6520 4405 3560 1700-1800 Ko/Ru 9975 9600 6520 1700-1800 Ru 13790-v 9325 3560 1700-1800 Sp 13760-v 11700 9345 6575 4405 1800-1900 Ar 9975 9600 6520 1800-1900 E 13760 11700 9345 6575 4405 1800-1900 Ge 13790 9325 3560 1900-2000 E 9975 9600 6520 1900-2000 Ru 13790-v 9325 3560 1900-2000 Sp 13760 11700 9345 6575 4405 2000-2100 Ar 9975 9600 6520 2000-2100 F 13760 11700 9345 6575 4405 2000-2200 Ge 13790 9325 3560 2100-2200 E 13760 11700 9345 6575 4405 2100-2200 F 9975 9600 6520 2200-2300 Ko 13760 11700 9345 6575 2300-0000 E 15130 13760 11700 11335 2300-0100 Ja 9650 7580 3250 621 2300-0000 Sp 15230 13650 11845 (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 4)

13760 kHz Radio Pyongyang at 2133 UTC. In English with "Listener's Mailbag" program, hosted my man. Discussion about national anthem. ID by man at 2140. Outstanding signal for this time of day, and again at 2317. (Mark Fine-USA, Sept 7)

LAOS new 4690.9 [x4660] kHz Lao National Radio Hou Phan is active. Sign on at approx. 0955-1100* UTC. Hill tribe mx, talks, native singing. Sign off with IS. Beware of similar format on nearby VTN regional stns. v6973.5 kHz Luang Prabang regularly, suffering signal elevel, relay //6130 [S=3] kHz at 1200 UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 24,25,26,27)

LIBYA Libyan 1000 Hz test tone bcasts at about 0730-1015 UTC on 7120, 9655, and 11770 kHz. (WB, Sept 7)

MADAGASCAR Yes confirm that Madagascar is on 3140 //5009 kHz fade in around 1510 UTC. Weak and full of static. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK UADX, Sept 8)

MOLDOVA RMoldova Int in French observed at 1200 UTC on 11810 kHz. (Gerhard Widera-D, via ORF DX Telegramm, Sept 7)

MONGOLIA R Ulan Bataar in Russian 0830 progr "Drushba", and English 0900-0930 UTC monitored in EUR on 15170 kHz, but extremely poor signal level noted. (WB, Sept 7)

Voice of Mongolia, Khonkhor, 15170 kHz, 11-09-97, 08:59 interval signal, male and female speakers with ID in Russian, then into English: "Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English", SINPO 34333, but soon improving to SINPO 44444. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Sept 11)

MYANMAR 9730 kHz R Myanmar noted 0710-0730* UTC, E progr, internat mx, SINPO=35443, IS. Scheduled 0330(Sat/Sun 0230)-0730 UTC. at 1200 UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Aug 28)

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand International - RNZI operates from a 100-kW tx at Rangitaiki near Taupo. Valid fr 6th Sept-25th Oct 1997. English 0000-0459 15115, 0459-0758[Sat/Sun]-0817[weekdays] 9795, 0758/0817-1206 6100, 1206-1650 6100 (occasional sports bcs). 1650-1851[Mon-Fri] 6145, 1852-1951[Sun-Thur] 9875, 1952-2052 9875, 2052[2059Sat, 2107Fri]-2307 11735, 2307-0000 15115. E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.actrix.gen.nz/biz/rnzi/ Internet Audio: http://www.rnz.co.nz/indexn30.html (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 4)

OMAN Latest observed schedule of Radio Oman (Aug 21-23): 6085 0200-0400+; 6120 0200-0400+, 1800-2130; 7170 1400-1700; 7230 0200-0400+, +1200- 2130; 9510 0700-1000; 9735 1600-2130; 11890 1000-1400; 15140 0800-1600. (Mikhail Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Aug 31)

PAKISTAN v3661.2 kHz AKR //4790.4 kHz relay EE R. Pakistan nx at 1600 and in it they said Karachi is to have a new Broadc House for R. Pakistan 15 stories high. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK UADX, Sept 8)

R Pakistan's Tamil sce retimed to 1000-1030 (x1030-1130) on 15330 (x15516) and could just trace 13665 kHz in//. Please be aware of 15624.8 kHz, their Bangla sce uses 15625 & 11935 at 1300-1400 via API-3 100 kW & API-4 same. Karachi APK-3 nominal 15595 does vary, but have'nt heard it so high. This operates from 1330 //9485 11565. API-7 9645 should carry Indonesian 0900-1000, Kashmiri 1230-1300, Urdu nx 1300-1304, Sindhi nx 1311-1318, E nx 1400-1410, Urdu nx & comm 1500-1530, E nx comm & link for ssb 1600-1630, then Turkish 1700-1800 UTC, I heard it with UNID sce at 1630 UTC til off 1700. I still think it probably was APK-2 - that should be on 7295 kHz for Turkish, but can't trace it. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 4)

R PAK in Arabic observed on 9330 [x9585 x9400] kHz 1800-1845 UTC, most likely via Islamabad 282 degr. (WB Sept 8)

Some information has arrived from Pakistan which should clear up the 'mystery' of v7488 and v9601...9607 kHz. A revised Z97 freq schedule was introduced on Aug 14th: All dropped totally: Hindi 0030-0130 7485 & 9516, 1200-1300 9550 11925. Bangla 0100-0130 9545 & 11975, 1300-1330 11935 15625. Swahili 0645-0745 15555. Irani 0330-0530 9785 & 11920.

New and revised schedule: Gujarati 0330-0400 15325I 233 degr (retimed x0315-0415 x15555) Indonesian 0900-0930 15625K 118 17540I 120 (x0900-1000 x15570) Tamil 1000-1030 13665K 120 15330I 197 (x1030-1130 x15516) Hindi 1100-1145 new 9520I 147 11775I 147 13665K 96 Bangla 1200-1245 new 11970I 118 15625I 118 Irani 1300-1345 new 9785I 260 11910I 260 Hindi 1615-1700 new 6070I - 7485K 96 9600I 147 API1 APK3 API2 on Sept 13: varying 7486.2 down to 7485.4, //9600.1 Turkish 1730-1800 7255K 300 9515K 300 (x1700-1800 x7295) Arabic 1800-1845 7145I 282 9585I 282 may now on 9330 see above. (x1700-1900 x9400 x11720) today Sept13: v9333.7, but 7145 blocked by RAI Rome in Polish. French 1930-2000 9400I 282 11570I 313, today on 9585 & 11570.

Their latest S97 freq schedule which should have come into operation on Sept 7th is not yet to hand. Changes noted are: 0800-1103 UrduWS & 1105-1120 E slow speed nx to WeEUR 15520 & new17835 (x17865) 1330-1530 UrduWS v15595K 282? APK3 unstable tx. 1600-1630 E nx, ssnx to Gulf & ME 9515I (x9485I) 282 & 11565I 282 also new to Gulf/ME 6070I - 7485K 96 9600I 147 API1 APK3 API2 1700-1900 UrduWS to WeEUR still varying 11570 or 11580, 9335 dropped. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 10) v6169.8 Radio Pakistan 1406 UTC in English with nx, also //9515 kHz. (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Sep 10)

New broadcasting HQ to be built in Karachi. The executive committee of the National Economic Council has approved various development projects in education, communications, health, water and power sectors costing over 72bn rupees... The construction of a new bcing house in Karachi was also approved, which would be a modern bcing house, along with 15-storey office block and audience participation hall for 400 persons... (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 8)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 9675 kHz heard on 30/7 til 0805 and 31/7 til 0835, but not since. E ID as 'Karai Radio' and nx at 0800 UTC. Weekend extension? (Noel Green-UK, Sept 4)

QATAR/IRAQ/BRAZIL/INDONESIA While monitoring for IRQ on 11785, QBS Doha has gone from 11785. Can't find to where yet. Brasilia 11780 which came on at 0800. RRI Jakarta 11785 now up to usable level at 0900. Something Arabic co-channel Cairo-EGY? RRI Jakarta is now excellent afternoons til off at 1600 UTC. (Noel Green-UK, Sept 10)

Checking for RII Sept 10 at 2245, found no trace of it on 11290, nor on 11785 where English had been; instead, weak but clear signal with A Voz do Brasil program a satellite hop behind //11780 Amazonia, with 2259 ID as Radio Guaiba [gwa-EE-ba] back down from 11795v. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 11)

RUSSIA Partial sked of txions fr Angarsk Relay Centre, updated Jul 1997: 7150, 2200- 2300, VOA Mandarin (1000 kW, 152 degr); 7255, 1900-2100, DW RS (200 83); 9655, 1030-1700 R. Rossii RS; 9655, 1900-2200, R. Rossii RS; 9890, 2200-2300 BBC (250 125); 12005, 1130- 1530 TWR Sri Lanka, subcont. lang.; 12005, 1530-1600 TWR-SL EG; 12025, 1100-1200 RFI Khmer; 12025, 1200-1300 RFI EG; 12035, 0030-0200 TWR-SL subcont. lang.; 12055, 0900- 0950, DW EG (250 110); 12055, 1230-1300 DW Indo. (250 110); 13695, 0030-0059 BBC; 13710, 0930-1025 RN EG; 15475, 2230-1000, R. Rossii RS; 15550, 0200-0330 Voice of Mediterranean Malta EG; and 15550, 0330-0500 Voice of Mediterranean Malta, Maltese. (Feodor Brazhnikov, Irkustk DX Club via Rausch-NJ; accompanied RID QSL, via NU, Aug 24)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Arabic usb feeder noted at 1630-1650 UTC on 10660 kHz. (Oliver Popp-D in DSWCI SWN, Sept)

SOUTH AFRICA This morning I have been informed by KATHY OTTO of Sentech by e-mail that WORLD MUSIC RADIO is no longer on the air from Meyerton facilities. The last bc went on the air on the weekend of 23 & 24 Aug. (Steyn & Vaghjee) [I had the chance to have the QSL from Stig Hartvig Nielsen and Kathy Otto and must consider myself among the rare to have from DEN and RSA] (Vaghjee, Sept 3)

After 3 months on air we have not succeeded in selling a single commercial. The interest among DXers seems to concentrate on QSLs, very few have supported WMR by buying one of our T-shirts. So we have to leave the scene to the state-run and not least the religious stns which seem to have no problems in filling the well with money. There is a very slim chance that WMR will return, either within a few weeks or on the 1. Nov. Apart from yourself and Mahendra, hardly anybody seems to have noticed that we are off the air (Stig Hartvig-Nielsen/WMR, Sept 5)

Please note that WMR has been off yesterday. (DX-Camp Marx Sep 7) Just tried to listen to World Music Radio, but they seem to be off the air. Nothing on 3345, on 6295 kHz at 1810 hrs strong signals from Irish stn "Reflections Europe" (also good on 3910 and fair on 12255 kHz. Hadn't heard 12 MHz for ages.) Any infos on WMR? Freq change or given up? (Elbe, Sept 7) cf Stig's comments. (all via DXW, Sept 7)

World Amateur Radio Day will be celebrated on Sept 20th and the theme of this year's event is Amateur Satellites. A special progr will be bc on SW on Sept 20th, beamed fr RSA SoAF to various parts of the world. The progr will feature amateur radio's contribution to satellites and space communications with input from various AMSAT groups around the world. Txion sponsored by South African Semtech: 1300-1355 7205 to SoAF 17690 to EUR/AF/ME 1900-1955 3215 to SoAF 7375 to EUR/AF 2100-2155 9570 to NoAF Reception reports can be sent to IARU World Amateur Radio Day, POBox 1842, Hillcrest 3650, South Africa. (RSGB Sept, via WDXC-UK Sept)

SYRIA Broadcasting Sce of the Syrian Arab Rep, Syrian Arab Republic Radio. Main progr Damascus. Arabic 0225-0500 1485 918 827 783 747 666 612 567, 0315-0330 nx, 0415-0500 nx reports. 0500-1600 13610 12085 1485 918 827 783 747 666 612 567 1600-2345 1485 918 827 783 747 666 612 567. [12085 & 13610 may used by ext sce later the night]. Second progr Damascus 0300-1500 1314 1125 1071 954 877.3-v 617-v Addr: Al-Umawiyin Square, Damascus. Tel: +963 11 228 053/668 Fax: +963 11 720 700 (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 4)

TONGA Earlier reports of the Tonga Bcing Commission's return to SW were true but shortlived. TBC Dep Gen Manager said TBC returned to SW early June with all night bcs on 5030. However cyclone Higa struck Tonga and Fidji mid June taking out TBC's antennas and their satellite link. The latter is provided under contract and can only be repaired by BBC technicians in Australia. They are anxious to return to SW but are at the mercy of the BBC's availability. (Hankison Cumbre DX, via WDXC-UK Contact Sept)

Per Arthur Cushen, on R. New Zealand Aug 31, Tonga is strongly considering re-activating their 5030 xmtr after repairs to their FM are completed. (Rippel-VA in NU, Sept 7)

UKRAINE RUI's uniquely-named DX program, though it may change from week to week, Whole World on the Radio Scale, Aug 30 at 2135 on 12040, gave Sept schedule changes. 7150 to UK/NAm at 2300-0400 changes to 0100-0400 so that eliminates English at 0000 [however, Ivan Grishin now hears it on 5905]. Going back to the seasonal situation in April, the Australia beam at 2000-2200 on 7380 including English at 2100, has been replaced by 1000-1300 on 12045 with English at 1200. WAf/SAm beam at 1300-1900 on 15550 replaced by 1700-2400 on 13720 with English at 2100. Other output remains the same until Oct 25. (Glenn Hauser-OK, WORLD OF RADIO 909, Sept 11)

National radio may close for lack of funds. Today we have a situation which is, so to say, unprecedented: it is entirely likely that tomorrow [10th Sept] we will not hear the nx from the Ukrainian Nat Radio Comp. As we have reported, yesterday [8th Sept] the radio began working outside the law because state financing for it has ceased. Thus, as stipulated by the Supreme Council [parliament] law on the budget for 1997, the radio should have ceased bcing today [9th Sept] on four channels. The channels that are not affected are those relaying parliamentary sessions. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 9)

UNITED KINGDOM/Isle of Man Following a request from the Isle of Man bcing commission, the UK Radiocommunications Agency has agreed in principle to assign the LW freq 279 kHz to the Isle of Man. International clearance is now being sought for a 300 kW tx to be located on the island. If this is successful the freq is expected to be advertised by tender. Several groups are likely to be interested, including United Christian Broadcasters and Celtic Rose Radio. Originally the Isle of Man wanted to use 225 kHz, but that freq was subsequently grabbed by the Radio Authority who now seem to be going out of their way to find dubious technical reasons not to use it. Ironically, this could be doing the Manx govt a favour, since 279 is likely to be a much clearer channel throughout the UK than 225 kHz would ever be! (David Duckworth, Ray Woodward, Dave Kenny, Sept BDXC-UK Communication)

Got a full-detailed QSL-card from Radio Caroline after just 15 days. Address was different to the one I used in my report. QSL came from Radio Caroline Sales, 148 Grange Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 9PR. Verie signer is John Knight. Apart from the QSL a sticker and offers to buy Radio Caroline-devotionalia. (Martin Elbe-D, Sept 11)

USA VoA provided coverage in English of the FUNERAL of Princess Diana. Eff Sept 6th, 1000-1200 UTC. Observed here in EUR via Munich 1197, Holzkirchen 1593, Briech-MRC 9730 15525, Kavalla-GRC 11835 11915 15375, Sao Tome-STP 17895, Botswana-BOT 13725 17570, Udorn Tani-THA 9645, Tinang-PHL 15405 kHz. (WB Sept 6)

WORLD OF RADIO scheduling. Tho it did not happen the first week, subsequently the Sat 0600 on WWCR did simulcast on 3210, 5070. The extra airing on WGTG 5085-USB UT Mon at first at 0515, but Sept 1 was at 0435; as well as usual UT Tue 0400+. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 11)

VENEZUELA Radio Nacional de Venezuela has recently reactivated its ext sce. In the past it bc in French, English and Spanish. The 1800-1900 UTC progr is repeated in all subsequent txions. All bcs begin with a 15-minute news segment "The Day's News in Brief". 9540 kHz Spanish 0000-0100, 0300-0400, 1100-1200, 1400-1500, 1800-1900, 2100- 2200 UTC. Addr: P.O. Box 3979, Caracas 1050, Venezuela. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 4)

VIETNAM 5595v, R. Lao Cai, Aug 23, *2228-2300+, //6704v, local progr till 2300 then relay Hanoi //4959.968-.972v, 5924.567-.571v and 10059.259-.260v, also was noted on Aug 21 at 1328 with local progr and relay Hanoi past 1400 till closing between 1506-1528. 6533.2-.4v, UNID Vietnamese regional - may be Cao Bang, Aug 21, 1329-1400*, with local progr only. 6596.166-.366v, UNID; may be Vietnamese regional, Aug 23, 2243-2302*, with local progr only. (Mikhail Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Aug 31)

VIETNAM/RUSSIA VOV relay via Russia has already gone back down to 5940 kHz for winter at 0100 UTC, but quickly overpowered by Dr Scott on 5935 WWCR; 5940 also replaces 7125 as best frequency for V. of Russia at 0000-0100 and the best time for Vietnam in English now seems to be 0330 on 7260 after Spanish at 0300. (Ivan Grishin, Ont.-CAN, WORLD OF RADIO 909, Sept 11) [5940 via Tbilisskaya Armavir Krasnodar; 7125 Grigoriopol Moldova]

THE NEW Drake R8B RX: The main change over the R8A is the addition of a sideband selectable synchronous detector. Drake has also upgraded the electronics to accomodate a total of 1,000 memory channels, and the scan speed has also been increased. They have also done some manufacturing "clean up" on the boards such that a small amount of digital noise appearing only on higher fqys has been corrected. The rx has been slated for release October 1 at a price of $1199. Drake said to watch their WWW site for release date anmts: (Rippel-VA via NU, Aug 31)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected] BC-DX 326 20 Sept 1997 ______

AFGHANISTAN Taleban radio to bc from Kandahar on SW. Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Kandahar Prov will bc progrs on 7200 kHz SW fr Tue 16th Sept, the pro-Taleban Radio Voice of Shari'ah (Kabul) reported on 14th Sept. The bc will be 0230- 0345 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 14)

ARGENTINA RAE, Radiodif Argentina al Exterior, from 1st Oct '97 will have the following full NEW schedule: Jap NEW 1000-1200 (x1100-1200) 11710 kHz. Sp 1200-1400 11710 kHz & NEW 2200-2400 9690 & 15345 kHz. Engl NEW 1800-1900 (x1900-2000) 15345 kHz & 0200-0300 11710 kHz. Ital NEW 1900-2000 (x2000-2100) 15345 kHz. Fr NEW 2000- 2100 (x1800-1900) 15345 kHz & 0300-0400 11710 kHz. German 2100-2200 15345 kHz. Port NEW 0000-0200 11710 (x1000-1100 & 0100-0200). *On the air Mons-Fris (LT) Sats&Suns (LT) are bced LRA1 Radio Nac Buenos Aires progrs. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Sept 16)

13365 LSB, Unid feeder, Sept 11, 2025-, typical Spanish lang progr of Buenos Aires FM stn relayed on SW; at the same time telephony on USB; all very weak despite RAE powerhouse today on 15345v; the good old times of late openings are starting their come back, thanks to the new solar cycle. (Harald Kuhl-D, Sept 19)

ARMENIA Voice of Armenia: They have delayed their 50th anniversary month celebrations from Sept-Dec for the following reason-- "We have decided to set up an amateur radio stn at the radio house in Yerevan to give worldwide ham radio enthusiasts a chance to make two-way contacts with our ancrs during the entire month of our celebration [Dec]. Through our communiques to the DX clubs worldwide, ham radio SWLs will also be encouraged to send in their rpts. We shall set up three txs, two linear amplifiers, and the tent. callsign of this amateur stn will be EK6R50 (EK6, Armenia; R50, radio's 50th anniversary). However, there are not enough suitable amateur equipment in Yerevan at the moment, and we have to send the txs, linears and antennas from NoAM, despite of hostile blocades of the neighboring two countries. This will take a couple of months, and it is the reason of our postponement. We also want to make our celebration a memorable event, with special QSL-cards and certificates, etc." (Armand Ozbasar (Sanasaryan), Voice of Armenia Intl Relations, VA2EE & EK9EE, via Dexter-WI, via NU, Sept 14)

ARMENIA/USA Rebcing of progrs of the VoA radio stn, which was recently stopped by the American side because of the high rent being asked by the Armenian radio company, will resume in the near future. To resume rebcing on new rent conditions, which will be 40 per cent more than in the past. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 12)

AUSTRIA ORF's 0030 broadcast in English to us on 9655 has been hit by co-channel from RDP International, Portugal, first noted Sept 14 when it was on top of ORF; on Sept 17 ORF was on top at first but by 0054 was buried by Portugal, which is still weaker than its own //9570, so 9655 probably to S. America. I expect we can kiss ORF goodbye, as they have shown no concern in past about clearing up clashes, such as doggedly sticking all last winter on 7325 at 0230 despite BBC, and I fear they may do the same in W97. Those who want to complain to ORF's frequency manager can use the new [email protected] (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 18)

AZERBAIJAN VoAzerbaijan in E & Ru 1700-1800 UTC on 6109.97 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, Ognyan Chengeliev, Sylvia Ivanova, P.O.Box 199, BG-1000 Sofia-C, Sept 8)

BANGLADESH 15521.2 kHz Radio Bangladesh, Dhaka at 1504-1515 UTC. Male and female speaker in Bengali, musical interludes. Bangladesh mentioned. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sep 14)

BOTSWANA 4820 kHz, Radio Botswana, Gaborone, local language, man announcer, nx, comments and mx, ID mention Botswana and Gaborone 0419-0500. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Sept 16)

CANADA 6130 kHz, CHNX Halifax, Sept 8, 2219, E, CHNS-ID, wx - USB. Also heard with a clear CHNX-SW ID at 2345 UTC a few days ago. (Gatzke in DXW) 9625 kHz, CBC Northern Quebec Sce, Sept 4, *1057-1115, anthem, full French ID and "Le Radio Journale de Radio Canada" at 1100. Also on Sept 5 at 0412-0506* UTC with classical mx, nx and NW. (Nikolai Timofeyev-RUS, in DXW Sept 14)

CHINA/VOT Since Sept 11th the Voice of Tibet 11570 kHz is being jammed by China, during its scheduled txion in Tibetan 1225-1255 UTC. The VOT signal is under the CNR signal. It is not sure from which part of China the jamming comes, but their signal is strong. The jamming might have something to do with the Communist Partys Congress starting on Fri the 12th, and might last for 5-6 days. Perhaps, they might stop when the Congress is over.

It's now 1305 and what happened was at 1255 VOT s.off and Chinese txion continued, but before 1300 they went off the air. So definitely there was a 2nd stn with VOT and it was stronger. It looks fairly certain that China is interfering with the VoTibet. RFA Mandarin started to get jammed on Aug 16th, after one year going unjammed. RFA on 11575 and 11590 are NOT jammed. Only VOT so far. So it is very obvious they find VOT bcs more effective in progr content than RFA to make it necessary to jam and not RFA. Replacement of VoT freq may occur soon. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK UADX, Sept 13) [CNR starts on 11570 at 1200 UTC, ed]

Subject: New CRI tx site in Urumqi Xinjiang. Olle Alm from Sweden has been investigating the SW scene from China during the past year and he concludes that the Continental txs included in the TDP for a few years already are now coming on the air. (Ludo Maes-BEL, Sept 14)

Observations of CRI via [supposed to be] new Urumqi Xinjiang relay. 1600-1700 Russian 11650 11500 9965 9860 9655 U9585 7375 U7255 1700-1800 Russian 11650 11500 9860 9655 U9585 7780 7420 7375 U7255 6950 1730-1830 Chinese 9820 U9670 7800 7335 7110 QRM by TWR Albania in Russian Tue-Sun, Bjelorussian Mons 1702-1747 also on 9670 kHz (x9665). 1800-1900 Russian 11685 U9655 9535 9365 7420 1800-1900 German 9920 6950 1800-1830 Hungarian U9900 9860 7385 U7255 6933 1800-1900 Russian 11685 9655 9535 9365 7420 1830-1930 Arabic R12035 9770 7480 1830-1900 Bulgarian 9860 7385 U7255 6933 1830-1930 French U9670 7800 7335 7110 1830-1900 Italian 9965 U9900 7405 1830-1900 Persian 11515 9785 9440 1900-1930 Albanian 9965 7385 1900-2000 Cantonese 11945 7780 1900-1930 Czech 7375 U7255 6933 1900-2000 English 11775 11515 9440 1900-2000 German 9920 U9900 6950 1900-1930 Portuguese 9535 6920 1900-1930 Romanian 9860 1900-2000 Russian 11685 9655 9365 7420 1900-1930 Turkish 9785 7405 1930-2000 Albanian 9965 7405 1930-2000 Czech 7375 7305 1930-2030 French 7800 7335 7110 1930-2000 Portuguese 9785 U9670 7385 1930-2000 Romanian 9860 U7255 6933 2000-2100 English 9920 U9670 9440 7180 6980 6950 2000-2030 Serbo-Croat 9860 9365 7385 U7255 6933 2030-2100 Polish 7405 7375 U7255 2030-2230 French U9900 7800 7335 7110 2100-2200 English 9920 U9670 6960 6950 2100-2130 English U7175 (or reactivated Bamako-MLI?) 2100-2200 Arabic 11515 9440 U7250 2100-2300 Spanish 11515 U9670 9440 U7250 2130-2230 French U7175 (or reactivated Bamako-MLI?) 2230-2330 Chinese U7175 (or reactivated Bamako-MLI?) 2300-0000 Russian U9725 7110 4883 4815 U = supposed to be fr Urumqi (PanIview-BUL Sept 8, WB Sept 17)

CONGO Dem. Rep. of v5066.3 kHz La Voix du Peuple, Bunia, 1723-1744 UTC. Afro mx, male speaker in French, tentative ID, Jean Michelle Jarre tune, long talk. (Mark Veldhuis- HOL, Sep 11)

CROATIA Zagreb vanished lately from previous German relay frequencies, so I checked their website. As before, no sites specified, but I translated from Croatian and CEST their new schedule effective Sept. 7:

ENAm 0100-0300 5890, 1130-2000 13830, 2000-2200 11635 WNAm 0300-0500 5895 AuNZ 2000-2200 5850 SAm 2300-0100 5890 SAf 2000-2200 9595

English news is M-F at 0603, 0803, 1203, 2103; Sat/Sun 0703, 1203, 2103. (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 910, Sept 18) PanIview noted 11635 kHz to NoAM retimed 1900-2400 UTC. (Sept 8)

ETHIOPIA 6940 KHz, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, Oromo, Man and female announcer, Musical Progr and Comments, ID //6210 kHz 0342-0355. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Sept 13)

ETHIOPIA/UKRAINE RVI Brussels 9925 kHz at 1700-1800 UTC suffering co-channel interference again, by Clandestine radio stn Voice of Oromo Liberation noted co-channel loud and clear, S=44434 ahead of RVI Brussels, which 31 mb channel is in the dead zone at my location. (WB, Sept 17)

Voice of Oromo Liberation is sometimes referred to as "SBO" after its title in the Oromo-language, "Sagalee Bilisumma Oromoo". It supports the Oromo Liberation Front and other groups opposed to the Ethiopian govt. SBO was first heard in 1988-92 from a SW tx in Sudan. It was reported in March 1993 that SBO had resumed bcing via SW stn WWCR in Nashville, USA. SBO was heard again between Febr-Apr 1995, this time via another US SW stn - WHRI in Indiana. The current series of bcs began in Jul 1995 via a SW tx in Ukraine.

Postal addresses: SBO, PO Box 510610, 13366 Berlin, Germany SBO, Prinzenallee 81, 13357 Berlin, Germany (tel: +49-30-4941036; fax: +49-30-4943372) SBO, PO Box 73247, Washington, DC 20056, USA Mon, Wed, Sat 1700-1800 (winter 1600-1700) in Oromo language 9925 kHz (x9490, x9930, x9870, 100 kW, 160 degrees, zones 39 & 48). (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 3/96, Jun 12/97)

GERMANY DW schedule changes: Delete German on 15490 [x11615] 1000-1400 UTC from Krasnodar?-RUS to SoAS/AUS. German sce heard testing on new freq 11870 kHz at 1200-1400 UTC.

BENGALI 0100-0150 9815 NOVOSIBIR. 1000 180 SAS BOSNIAN 1200-1230 15470 SINES 250 075 EUR CHINESE 1000-1050 5895 PETROPAVL. 200 263 FE CHINESE 1000-1050 7390 NOVOSIBIR. 200 111 FE CHINESE 1330-1355 7390 NOVOSIBIR. 200 111 FE CHINESE 1330-1355 15210 WERTACHTAL? 500 075 FE CROATIAN 1230-1300 15470 SINES 250 075 EUR ENGLISH 0200-0250 7355 SAMARA 250 140 SAS ENGLISH 1600-1650 7305 NOVOSIBIR. 500 195 SAS ENGLISH 2100-2150 9765 WERTACHTAL 500 090 SEAS/OC HINDI 1515-1600 7305 NOVOSIBIR. 1000 195 SAS JAPANESE 1230-1300 5925 IRKUTSK 250 110 FE MACEDON. 1300-1330 15470 SINES 250 075 EUR ROMANIAN 1900-2000 6000 SAMARA 200 246 EUR RUSSIAN 0000-0100 11975 VLADIVOST. 200 320 RUS RUSSIAN 1500-1900 9800 SAMARA 200 117 RUS RUSSIAN 1900-2100 7395 IRKUTSK 200 083 RUS SERBIAN 1330-1430 15470 SINES 250 075 EUR URDU 1430-1515 7305 NOVOSIBIR. 1000 195 SAS (DW plus magazine Oct 1997; PanIview-BUL, Sept 8)

Universal Life via DTK Juelich 100 kW tx 140 degr is in German on Thurs 1945-2015 UTC 5890 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Sept 8)

GUAM KSDA AWR Guam in Engl 1600-1700 UTC on new 7455 kHz (x7400). Wavescan Suns at 1601 UTC, usually four weeks belated.

INDONESIA 4777 kHz RRI Jakarta, Kebayoran, at 1415 UTc male talk and local pops. //9565 & 11785, but 4777.0 was slightly earlier than other two freqs. 4777 was heard after short absence and slightly down its frequency (x4777.1). (Juichi Yamada-JAP, in Jembatan #28, Sept 10)

9565 kHz VoI via Bonto Sunggu. 0937 UTC a one-day switching error saw them //usual 9525 and equally mistaken 9630 kHz with Malay sce. Back to normal Programa Nasional 1 on 9565/9630 since then. 9680 RRI Jakarta. 0952 Progr Nasional 2 with educational progrs. Had been inactive in local eve for quite a while till now. //11750, 11885, 15150 kHz. (David Foster-AUS, in NU via Jembatan #28, Sept 3/10)

IRAN VOIRI Tehran in Armenian 0930-0957 UTC on new 11705 kHz, //9615. Swahili new morning on single 11750 kHz at 0330-0427 UTC. (PanIview-BUL, Sept 8)

The ESD of the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Rep of Iran [VVIRI] currently bcs radio progrs in 27 languages. During the past year new sces have been added. Two of the sces are beamed to AF: Swahili and Hausa. Two [new] sces - Albanian and Italian - are beamed to EUR. Two are beamed to CeAsia and the Caucasus: Kazakh and Armenian. And, recently, two sces beamed to SoEaAS - one in Chinese and one in Malay - were introduced. Other radio progrs that will be bc soon are in Japanese and in Georgian. The Georgian progr will be beamed to CeAsia and to the Caucasus. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept

IRAQ Bcs by Radio Iraq Internat have been highly erratic for some time. This schedule only shows txions confirmed by recent monitoring observations. Target areas assumed. All times and freqs are variable. The current bcs are greatly reduced from those observed at various times in the past, when the stn was sometimes on the air for most of the day. Languages used in the past five years have included Ar, Engl, Fr, German, Persian, Ru, Somali, Sp, Tigrigna, Turkish. In addition to the txions shown below, Iraqi radio's dom sce bcs a "Voice of Palestine" progr. There is also a separate ext sce, called Mother of Battles Radio.

Addresses: PO Box 7728 or PO Box 8145, Baghdad. All on v11785 kHz, v0000-0300 Ar, 0300-0400 Engl, 1900-2200 Ar, 2200-2230 Fr, 2230-2300 Engl.

"Republic of Iraq Radio" (Arabic: "idha'at jumhuriyat al-iraq"). Main progr Baghdad 0155-2315 11785-v-(0900-1155) 11292-v-(0600-0900, 1900-2305) 9755-v-(1900-2300) 9715-v-(0600-0900,1400-1600) 1377-(not 1600-1900) 1035 963 909 756 693-(not 0300-2100) 585-(not 0300-2100) 558 531-(not 0300-2100)

Kurdish Sce 0215-2030 6560-irreg 1206 (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 11/18)

PanIview noted schedule as follows: 11758 kHz 1700-1900 Arabic, and some spurs on 11717.7, 11719.9, 11722.1, and on each +2.2 kHz up to 11741.9 kHz. v11784.9 kHz at 1900-2130 UTC was whistling with QBS Doha on exact 11785 kHz, plus Iranian jamming. 2130 UTC French nx, comm, editorial px - giving wrong sched 2300-2330 on 11890 in 22mb [sic]. 2200-2220 Engl, on 14/8 2200-2300 in Fr & Engl, 2300 Arabic, 2315 close down. 15/8 F&E 2153-2250. Then Ar 1900-2127 +Iranian jamming, F&E 2200-2300 +Korean jamming against RFA. Past 2300 in Arabic.

9715 kHz Turkish or Azeri[?]. Radio Baghdad home sce: irregularly 11292/11290 2000-2315 UTC in Arabic. 9749.9 1400-1645 UTC. Regularly now: 9714.9 kHz 0600-0915, 1400-1845. 11292 kHz 0600-0855 & 1915-2315. 11786.9 0915-1345.

VoMojahed in Persian - hostile to Iranian govt - 1400-2000 UTC on v6177 kHz, jammed on two freqs 6174 & 6175 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9)

IRELAND/UK RTE Dublin special Hurling sport live coverage on Sept 14th and 28th from 1430 UTC: 11660 to EaEUR, 11835 AUS, 13630 NoAM, 15170 ME, 15195 WeAF, and 17660 to all AF. (VoA Communications World, Sept 6)

Compared RTE relay channels by using three rxs: 11834.95 to AUS seemingly coming from BBC relay site [Kranji-SIN or Zygi-CYP ?] had noticeable time delay, so fed by satellite, single or twice hops. Best signal on 11660.03, well signals on 13630.03 and 15195.03, may coming from Skelton- UK. Poor signals on 15170.11 and 17660.08 kHz, may coming from Rampisham. (WB Sept 14)

The supposed Irish stn I reported this morning on 864 kHz is identifying as "Jukebox Memories". Oldie-format, as the name implies. Must have high-power, as they come in here with a SINPO of 44454! (2015-2100 UTC). Canned bc, as the announcer wished a good morning... They just mentioned an address: Jukebox Memories, Media House, 21-23 Walton Road, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex CO13 0AA. Same address as EAP - East Anglian Productions, the guys which were behind the Big L event last month. (Martin Elbe-D, Sept 14)

ISRAEL KOL Israel in Arabic dom sce relay 1600[Sat/Sun 1300]-2130 UTC on new 15280 kHz (x15480). (PanIview-BUL, Sept 8)

ITALY Football live coverage "Tutto Il Calcio" and sports events in Italian language Suns 1345-1700 UTC 9855 CeEUR, 17780 NoAM, 21535 SoAM, 21520 EaAF, and 21710 Ce&SoAF. http://www.rai.it/raiinternational

AWR Forli special programme - new time. Comments are letter to Glenn Hauser: I appreciate your comment regarding the usage of 7240 kHz for a special bc from AWR- Forli and of course, your observation is accurate. However, we are in a difficult situation regarding these special bcs from AWR-Forli. In choosing a freq, we have looked at many options, including another band altogether. However, somewhere in the range of 7 MHz is most satisfactory for propagation reasons and also because of technical limitations at the stn. AWR-Forli was originally established as an interim stn with the intent that a much larger stn would subsequently be erected in Italy and this new stn, to be located at Argenta, is now in the active planning stages. Thus AWR-Forli does have technical limitations. As you are aware, the usual channels normally in use from AWR- Forli are in the 41 mb. We are unable to locate a clear channel in the 41 mb above 7300 kHz, and we are unable to go out of band. Thus, the only alternative is to choose a channel below 7300 kHz.

The purpose of these two special bcs from AWR-Forli is to give listeners in NoAM, and elsewhere as well, the opportunity to hear this stn and for most listeners, it will be a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. We are not transgressing into the NoAM amateur band for the purpose of introducing a new bcing sce with high power. Instead, it is a special DX bc with low power for the benefit of internat SW monitors and DXers. It is simply a two night bc consisting of two hours on each occasion. Thus, AWR-Forli is seeking the goodwill of the amateur community for the purpose of presenting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many listeners to hear an exotic low powered SW stn, for which a very exotic QSL card will be issued.

I might also add that many of the AWR staff at locations in EUR, LatAM, Guam and the US are themselves amateur radio operators who understand and appreciate the protocols associated with the privileges of txing on the amateur radio bands. It is also true, that many of the active radio personnel who DX the internat SW bands and who would like to hear this stn also hold an amateur radio license.

Yes, the actual time of the bcs has been changed and is different from that which was first announced. and again, the reason for this change is because of the high congestion of radio stns in the bcing bands. The correct schedule reads as follows:- UTC Sun & Mon Sept 28 & 29 0300-0500 UTC on 7240 kHz power of 2.5 kW. Thank you for your interest in this matter, and best wishes again in your own bc activity. (Adrian M. Peterson, N9GWY. via DXW, Sept 14)

JAPAN NHK World Tokyo in Jap 0500-0600 UTC on new 12025 kHz (x12000?). (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9)

KOREA D.P.R. 15228.3v Radio Pyongyang, Engl program on constantly moving freq, //11335.1 kHz. (Harald Kuhl-D, Sept 15) [?seemingly 1100-1200 E 15230 13650 11335 9975 9640 3560]

NEW ZEALAND RNZI 06 Sept - 25 Oct 9795 daily fr 0458 6100 fr 0816, Sa+Su fr 0758, daily -1206 UTC, special events & sport til 1650 UTC. 6145 Mon-Fri fr 1650 9875 fr 1852, Sa+Su opening fr 1852 11735 Sun-Thur fr 2050, Fri fr 2108, Sat fr 2059 15115 daily fr 2306 (PaniView-BUL, Sept 9)

NORWAY As per recent info published in Norwegian DX-Nx, UKE-senderen will be operating Oct 10-Nov 2. Test txions can be expected from Sept 20 onwards. ARK is licensed to run 1485 kHz at 100 Watt, 7215 at 1 kW and FM at 100 w. Check out ARK's homepage at http://www.stud.ntnu.no/studorg/la1k/. (Mjelde in Hard-Core-DX, Sept 14)

NORWAY/GERMANY Bcs of Radio Democratic Voice of Burma via Germany 1245-1345 UTC on new 15330 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9) [via DTK Juelich 100 kW 90 degr ?]

POLAND On Sept 24th maintenance work on the [radio] mast in the LW txion centre at Raszyn [central Poland] will start. The work is to go on for eight weeks. In view of the fact that Polish Telecommunications SA has not completed the construction of the LW mast at Konstantynow, near Gabin, the decision to shut down the Raszyn stn means that Polish Radio will not be able to transmit the most popular radio progr, the First Progr on LW 225 kHz.

In view of the inability to implement the act on the reconstruction of the mast at Konstantynow, the board of Polish Radio SA has undertaken the construction of its own txing stn for the First Progr. Thanks to the attitude of the residents and the authorities of Solec Kujawski, work is to begin there in the near future which will ensure good reception of the First Progr, which is so very necessary for all the residents of our country and also the most popular radio progr. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 22)

RUSSIA Radio Rossii new addit freqs 0100-0400 9500 9720, 0400-0700 15455, 0400-1400 12060, 0700-1400 15465, 1400-1800 11675 12060, 1800-2300[?] 9600 9845. Acc to Olle Alm- SWE these txs apparently are the former SSB txs at Taldom, some 110 kms north of Moscow, Radio Center #3 of GPR-1. It takes 5 to 20 mins instead of usual 30 mins to switch the txs from one freq to an other. VoR WS Russian sce txions on 11630 and 12060 between 1700-2100 UTC discontinued. VoR WS E sce on new 15590 0600-0900 UTC. UNID tx site, Deutsche Welle in German between 1000-1400 UTC on 11615 kHz, somewhere in the CIS? (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Aug 26)

New Radio Tatarstan in Tatar 0400-0500 Samara 9690 kHz 200 kW 65 degr. 0800-0900 Samara 9690 250 kW 305 degr. 0600-0700 6130 kHz, but not observed in BUL. VoR changes from Sept 7: Alban 1500-1600 6000 7185 9840 (x11690 11890 15545) Serbian 1600-1700 7185 7300 (x9840 11890) 1800-1900 6000 7140 7150 7185 7300 9840 (x9470 11690 11820 11890 15545) Bulgar 1700-1800 6000 7150 7185 7380 (x11690 11820 11890 15545) Greek 1900-2000 7150 7185 7370 7380 9470 9840 (x11690 11820 11890 15455 15465 15545) (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9)

Tura: In Evenki Autonomous Area the Evenki State TV and radio company (?Kheglen) in the town of Tura is bcing local progrs in Russian and Evenki langs daily 0000-0100 and 0400- 0415 UTC on 4040 kHz. Novosibirsk: A MW tx relaying Moscow Mayak progrs was switched off in Novosibirsk in the end of July. Now the region has only one MW tx in operation for relaying Radio 1 on 1287 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 7)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA in Ar "Holy Quran" progr 0300-0600 UTC addit 11785, co-channel QBS Doha in Ar. //9553.5 9663.5 9718.3 11870 17895 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9)

SLOVAKIA Radio Slovakia Internat announces that they plan to close their SW stn located at Velke Kostolany quite soon. They plan to transfer the programming from Velke Kostolany to the larger and higher powered stn located at Rimavska Sobota. No specific date has been announced for the closure of Velke Kostolany but conjecture would suggest that it could be at the end of this current bcing period in a few weeks time. There are two txs at 100 kW located at Velke Kostolany, one of which was on the air a while back with programming from Adventist World Radio. This station was also in use by Radio Prague in the era before Czechoslovakia was divided into two nations. At this stage, it is not known what impact this move will have on AWR programming from Rimavska Sobota. Currently, AWR has exclusive usage of txs RS09 & RS10 at Rimavaska Sobota and shared usage with RSI of tx RS08. RSI has exclusive usage of tx RS07. Each of these units is rated at 250 kW. (Adrian Peterson-USA, via DXW, Sept 14)

SOUTH AFRICA 3320 kHz Radio Sonder Grense, Meijerton at 1750-1801 UTC oldies mx, male announcer in Afrikaans giving ID and address, promo, time check, saying they prepare tape with next progr, which started a few seconds later. BBC Meijerton relay also good 1802 UTC on 3255 kHz. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sep 13)

SWAZILAND 3240 kHz TWR, Mpangela Ranch at 1804-1810 UTC. Songs and talk in presumed Ndbele. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sep 13)

TAIWAN The Voice of Asia is part of the overseas division of the Bcing Corpor of China (BCC). The BCC operates various dom radio sces in Taiwan and two separate ext radio sces: 1. Voice of Free China, the main ext sce. 2. Voice of Asia, which is aimed at at listeners in mainland China and SoEaAS. It was inaugurated on 1st Jan 1979. VoFrChina and VoAsia share the same technical facilities. The txions in Standard Chinese may also include material in Amoy and Cantonese. Address: Voice of Asia, POBox 24-777, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-7710151 (ext. 2431); Fax: +886-2-7519277. The stn still uses a 1200 kW MW stn at Kaohsiung. 0500-0700 CHINESE-STD 7285 0700-1100 CHINESE-STD 9280 0800-0900 CANTONESE 7445 0900-1000 HAKKA 7285 1100-1200 ENGLISH 1200-1300 INDONESIAN 1300-1445 CHINESE-STD 1450-1500 CHINESE-STD 1500-1600 THAI 1600-1700 INDONESIAN all on 585 7445 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 11)

TURKEY/[Kurdistan] Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), The Voice of Independent Kurdistan [Kurd: Aira Dengi Kurdistani Sarbakhoya; Turk: Burasi Radyo Kurdistana Sarbakha] was first observed by BBCM 25th Febr 1993. It has been heard to make references to "the fascist Turkish govt" and, on 1st March 1993, carried an announcer-read commentary by the secr-gen of the Kurdistan Workers'Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan. The Turkish 'Sabah' nxpaper reported on 10th Oct 1993 that the PKK had started test bcs on 2nd Oct 1992 from "one of its camps in NoIraq". After a two-year absence, Med TV reported the resumption of bcs in June 1997. Kurdish 0400-0530 6205-v (unconfirmed), 1400-1530 6205-v. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 18)

UKRAINE 6691 kHz is obviously 7240 minus 549 kHz, from Brovary site. A little substitute for the famous Kopani powerhouses with it's famous mixing products. (Kai Ludwig-D, Sept 14)

UNITED KINGDOM BBC Russian and EbR 0800-0830 UTC: 15340 0800-0815 Woofferton 250 58 RUSSIAN RUS 15340 0815-0830 Woofferton 250 58 BBC ENGLISH RUS 15340 0930-1030 via BBC Zygi-CYP.

Spur signal of Rampisham mixture 9635 & 9850 kHz noted on 9957.5 kHz [plus half of 235 kHz] at 2100-2130 UTC. [Symmetrical second spur should be on 9522.5 kHz in theory, hi] 9635 2100-2130 Rampisham 500 95 HUNGARIAN CeEUR 9850 2030-2100 Rampisham 500 105 BBC ENGLISH EUR 9850 2100-2115 Rampisham 500 105 SERBIAN SEaEUR 9850 2115-2130 Rampisham 500 105 CROATIAN SEaEUR (PanIview-BUL, Sept 9)

USA Radio MIAMI news, Sept 1997. New times for WAVESCAN (English-language DX progr produced by Adventist World Radio): UTC Sat 2130 [and 2300 5th Sat], Sun 1900 and 2030, Mon 0045, Wed 1400. Mon-Fri Viva Miami in English Thur 1415, Tue-Fri 1430, 2200[E/Sp]. Viva Miami in Spanish Fri 1330. Sat Viva Miami in English Sat 2230[4th&5th], Sat 2245. Sun Viva Miami in English Sun 1230.

Nuevo horario para "Con Frecuencia" (programa DX en espanol producido por Ruben Guillermo Margenet): UTC viernes 1300, domingo 2130, lunes 0300 UTC. (Jeff White WRMI, Sept 1)

The below is based on conversations with stn personnel that took place on September 10th: WRNO was only on 15420 for a few weeks. They haven't been able to get the tx to go to that freq for a few days now, although they are working on repairing it. Freq schedule is: 1500-2300 15420 or maybe 7355 if the former if off. 2300-0300 7355 and 0300-0600 on 7395. Initial sign on will shift one hour later starting on Oct 26th. (Hans Johnson-TX, Cumbre DX Sept 11)

USA/CHINA AWR plans MW sce to China. Use of MW tx to bc to NoEa China is on the agenda for AWR [Adventist World Radio]. For 12 years we have been successful in bcing to CHN on SW from Guam, but we want to try MW to see if we can capture an even greater audience. Details of the plan are not yet available. Hours on the new stn will be limited during the test period but may be extended if response is positive. ('AWRecorder' newsletter, Bracknell (UK), Aug 97)

Due to popular demand, my on-line publication "The World on Radio" has now changed back to its original country order format. It now however includes also progr information of some stns (more in the near future), which makes it the ideal companion for every DXer and progr listener.

Have a look at it on the following page : http://www.club.innet.be/~ind1570

The file is now reduced to 64kB (instead of the earlier 240 kB). People who would still like to get the freq list, can do so by sending me an e-mail: [email protected] Please specify which word processor you are using. (Herman Boel-BEL, DXAntwerp free radio and QSL-editor, Sept 12)

DRAKE MANUALS: If you want to take a closeup look at the Drake rxs, the operating manuals for the SW-1, SW-2, SW-8 and R-8A are available for downloading and viewing with Adobe Acrobat (.pdf format) at (Jerry Berg-USA, via NU Sept 14)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given.

Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 327 27 Sept 1997 ______

ARMENIA/CANADA...The e-mail address I gave for the Canada Bureau from the Voice of Armenia in one of my recent messages is wrong. You must ommit the '>'. So the correct one is [email protected] (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Sept 24)

AUSTRALIA RA missing from 5870 kHz, Sept 25 at 1300 but found on 5890 instead //9415, 5995. May be bad news for the Honduran, if it ever plans to come back; not reported for quite a while. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 25)

AUSTRIA ORF Vienna - Radio Austria International - SW bcing schedule W97 EUR 6155 nd HQ 300 0400-2300 EUR 5945 nd VER 100 1800-2300 SoEaEUR 13730 115 LPH 100 0400-0800 NoEUR 13730 360 LPH 100 0800-1100 NoAM 13730 295 HRS 300 1100-1400 NoAM 7325 305 HR 500 0000-0300 NoAM West 6015 268 HRS 250 0500-0700 RCI Sackville-CAN relay CeAM 9870 275 HRS 300 0200-0400 SoAM 9870 255 HRS 300 2300-0200 SoAM 9495 255 LPH 100 0000-0400 WeAF 13730 235 LPH 100 1400-1800 WeAF 9495 170 HR 500 1900-2300 ME 15410 115 HR 300 0500-0800 ME 17870 115 HRS 100 0500-0800 ME 9655 115 HRS 100 1500-1900 SoEaAS 11780 90 HR 500 1500-1800 FE 15240 55 HRS 100 0800-1100 AUS/NZL 17870 100 HR 500 0800-1100 (ORF schedule, Sept 19)

Wolf Harranth of ORF says my previous item could be taken as malicious. This was certainly not my intent, although I spoke strongly out of total exasperation at their previous failure to clear up clashes, hoping to get their attention. Further checks show Portugal on 9655 at least between 0000 and 0300, thus blocking both 0030 and 0230 English. Now via BC-DX I have seen ORF's W-97 schedule, indeed with 7325 replacing it to NAm at 0000-0300. This will be fine, unless BBC still plans to use it at the same time 0230 which I do not yet know. Later: Wolf tells me that Portugal went to 9655 planned for W97 early by mistake and will soon leave! (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 25)

BELGIUM (Germany/Bonaire/Madagascar/Russia/Uzbekistan) Today Sept 20, I was at the 'RVI Open Day' and I was able to gather some nx. As we already knew, it was confirmed that the Spanish and Arabic txions will be abolished fr Oct 26th. French and German will be bc only during weekends. Number of personnel will drop from 47 to 32. The listeners club will be abolished. There will be no more monthly QSL's and you can get only one QSL per year.

Tx usage at Wavre will be reduced to 18 freq hours on weekdays, 21 hours 30 mins on Sat and 30 hours 30 mins on Suns. We made also a trip to Wavre and there we could see that some curtain antennas are not in very good shape. From one antenna the reflector screen felt down and at another antenna the screenwires were entangled. They are now waiting for repair for several weeks.

The MW tx 1512 kHz at Wolvertem will be used between 1500-1700 UTC by Deutsche Welle and between 2130-2330 UTC by Radio Netherlands.

Power of the MW tx will be Oct 26th-Nov 30th as follows: 0600-0730 & 1800-2330 UTC 300 kW. 0730-1800 UTC 20 kW. Dec 1st '97 - Mar 28th '98 as follows: 0600-0830 & 1800-2330 UTC 300 kW. 0830-1800 UTC 20 kW.

Freq usage via relay-txs facilities in foreign countries (for Dutch language programs only) will be as follows:

UTC Freq Relay Direction Azimuth ------0430-0500 6120 Bonaire WeNA 305 1000-1030 15145 Madagascar SoAf 245 1200-1230 13795 Tashkent SoEaAS 130 6170 Petropavlovsk INS/AUS 245 15120 Bonaire SoAM 170 1700-1730 7255 Juelich Moscow 60 1700-1800 11680 Juelich Middle East 115 1900-1930 5960 Juelich Prague 100 1900-2000 5910 Juelich EUR ND 2300-2325 9555 Bonaire EaNA 335 (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Sept 20)

RVI Brussels English sce in W97 periode fr Oct 26th: 0830-0900 6130 EUR, 13795 AUS/SoWeEUR 1300-1330 13680 EaNoAM (0030 UTC outlet ceased totally) 1730-1800 5910 EUR, 9925 EaEUR, 11680 ME via DTK Juelich 1830-1900 9925 AF/SoEUR, 13745 AF 2100-2130 MW Wolvertem 1512 kHz. (RVI Radio World, Sept 21)

RADIO VLAANDEREN INTERNATIONAAL Schedule W97 (26 Oct 97-28 Mar 98) UTC Lang kHz TX kW Az Target 0430-0500 N 6120 BON 200 305 North America (West) 0600-0625 N 9925 WAV 200 153 Africa + South-East-Europe 13745 WAV 200 167 Africa 0630-0655 N 9925 WAV 200 137 South-East-Europe 9940 WAV 100 225 Australia + South-West-Europe 0700-0825 N 6130 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9925 WAV 200 197 South-West-Europe 0830-0855 E 6130 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 13795 WAV 100 225 Australia 1000-1025 N 15145 MAD 200 245 South-Arfica 1130-1155 N 9925 WAV 100 32 North-Europe 11745 WAV 200 137 South-East-Europe 1200-1230 N 6170 P.K 250 245 East-Asia, Australia 13795 TAC 100 130 South-East-Asia 15250 BON 200 170 South America 1200-1255 N 6130 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9925 WAV 200 197 South-West-Europe 1300-1325 E 13680 WAV 100 293 North America 1700-1725 N 5910 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 7255 JUL 100 60 East-Europe 9925 WAV 200 197 South-West-Europe 11680 JUL 100 115 Middle-East 1730-1755 E 5910 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9925 WAV 100 84 East-Europe 11680 JUL 100 115 Middle-East 1800-1830 N 9925 WAV 200 153 Africa 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 1830-1855 E 9925 WAV 200 153 Africa 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 1900-1930 N 5910 JUL 100 ND Europe 5960 JUL 100 100 East-Europe 9925 WAV 200 153 Africa 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 1930-1955 N 5910 JUL 100 ND Europe 9925 WAV 200 153 Africa 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 2000-2055 N 5910 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9590 WAV 200 197 South-West-Europe 2300-2325 N 9555 BON 200 335 North America (East) Deviations on Fridays 2130-2155 F 9925 WAV 100 293 North America Deviations on Saturdays 0900-0925 D 6130 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9925 WAV 100 84 East-Europe 0930-0955 F 15545 WAV 200 177 Africa 21510 WAV 200 157 Africa 1900-2100 N* 9850 WAV 200 173 South-Europe 11725 WAV 100 167 Africa 1900-1930 N 5910 JUL 100 ND Europe 5960 JUL 100 100 East-Europe 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 1930-1955 N 5910 JUL 100 120 Europe 13745 WAV 200 152 Africa 2000-2055 N 9590 WAV 200 197 South-West-Europe Deviations on Sundays 0900-0925 D 6130 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 9925 WAV 100 84 East-Europe 0930-0955 F 15545 WAV 200 177 Africa 21510 WAV 200 157 Africa 1030-1130 N 17690 WAV 200 152 Africa 21510 WAV 200 157 Africa 1400-1700 N* 9925 WAV 200 163 South-Europe 11890 WAV 100 197 South-West-Europe 17680 WAV 200 157 Africa Languages : N = Dutch; E = English; F = French; D = German BON = RNW Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) JUL = DTK Juelich (Germany) MAD = RNW Antananarivo (Madagascar) P.K = Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy (Russia) TAC = Tashkent (Uzbekistan) WAV = Waver (Belgium) N* = Sports (relay Radio 1 - Home service)

Medium Wave Wolvertem 1512 kHz 0600-0730 0700-0830 300 kW Dutch 0730-0830 0830-0930 25 kW Dutch (01.12.97-31.01.98: 300 kW) 0830-0900 0930-1000 25 kW English 0900-1000 1000-1100 25 kW Dutch Sa+Su: German + French 1000-1300 1100-1400 25 kW Dutch 1300-1330 1400-1430 25 kW English 1330-1500 1430-1600 25 kW Dutch 1500-1700 1600-1800 25 kW Relay Deutsche Welle 1700-1730 1800-1830 25 kW Dutch 1730-1800 1830-1900 25 kW English 1800-1830 1900-1930 300 kW Dutch 1830-1900 1930-2000 300 kW English 1900-2000 2000-2100 300 kW Dutch 2000-2100 2100-2200 300 kW Dutch Sa+Su: French + German 2100-2130 2200-2230 300 kW English 2130-2330 2230-0030 300 kW Relay Radio Nederland Wereldomroep (RVI Brussels, Paul Brems, Sept 25)

[RNW in English now on Wolvertem 1512 kHz instead of Marnach-LUX 1440 kHz.]

CHINA More observations of CRI via [supposed to be] new Urumqi Xinjiang relay. 1600-1700 Russian 11650 11500 9965 9860 9655 U9585 7375 U7255 1700-1800 Russian 11650 11500 9860 9655 U9585 7780 7420 7375 U7255 6950 1730-1830 Chinese 9820 U9670 7800 7335 7110 QRM by TWR Albania in Russian Tue-Sun, Bjelorussian Mons 1702-1747 also on 9670 kHz (x9665). 1800-1900 German 9920 6950 1800-1830 Hungarian U9900 9860 7385 U7255 6933 1800-1900 Russian 11685 9655 9535 9365 7420 1830-1930 Arabic R12035 9770 7480 1830-1900 Bulgarian 9860 7385 U7255 6933 1830-1930 French U9670 7800 7335 7110 1830-1900 Italian 9965 U9900 7405 1830-1900 Persian 11515 9785 9440 1900-1930 Albanian 9965 7385 1900-2000 Cantonese 11945 7780 1900-1930 Czech 7375 U7255 6933 1900-2000 English 11775 11515 9440 1900-2000 German 9920 U9900 6950 1900-1930 Portuguese 9535 6920 1900-1930 Romanian 9860 1900-2000 Russian 11685 9655 9365 7420 1900-1930 Turkish 9785 7405 1930-2000 Albanian 9965 7405 1930-2000 Czech 7375 7305 1930-2030 French 7800 7335 7110 1930-2000 Portuguese 9785 U9670 7385 1930-2000 Romanian 9860 U7255 6933 2000-2100 Chinese U9670 7780 2000-2100 English 9920 9670 9440 7180 6980 6950 2000-2030 Esparanto U9900 7405 2000-2030 Serbo-Croat 9860 9365 7385 U7255 6933 2030-2100 Polish 7405 7375 U7255 2030-2230 French U9900 7800 7335 7110 2100-2200 English 9920 U9670 6960 6950 2100-2130 English U7175 2100-2200 Arabic 11515 9440 U7250 2100-2200 Spanish U9670 2130-2230 French U7175 2200-2300 Spanish U9670 U7250 2230-2330 Chinese U7175 2300-0000 Spanish U?7160 2300-0000 Russian U9725 7110 4883 4815 2300-0000 Amoy new 9457 9440 8260 7190 6140 U = supposed to be fr Urumqi (WB Sept 17/22/26/27/28)

On Sept 29th CRI German sce will carry a feature on Radio Mongolia. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Sept 22)

COLOMBIA Tentatively v6062.16 kHz Colmundo International around 0050 UTC. Good signal S=4. RNBrazil at same time on v6183.21 kHz, RNacPRG on v9737.23 Hz. (WB Sept 21)

COSTA RICA Due to continuing jamming on 7385, which I have heard as late as 0900, RFPI has decided to change 7585 from 2 kW SSB to 10 kW AM at 0000-1200, meaning that 15050 will no longer be heard after 2400. However, 7585 was missing on UT Sept 25. A new frequency is being sought for the SSB unit. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Sept 25)

CUBA Starting Mon 22 Sept at 1100 UTC Radio Havana Cuba Spanish to the Americas will air on NEW FREQUENCY 6000 kHz (x6180). Beamed to 230 degr -CeAM - and will last until 1500 UTC. The tx power is 50 kW, mode is A3, i.e. standard AM 10 kHz channel.

Reports of the new freq may be sent to [email protected] or via Air Mail Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish to the Americas Broadcast Apartado 6240, Havana CUBA 10600 (Arnie Coro, host of Dxers Unlimited, Sept 21 )

CYPRUS Bayrak Radio Transmissions/Frequencies/Schedules. Please forward all your mail concerning BRTK transmissions - reception reports etc. to: [email protected] Please also repeat any messages (if not replied to) between 1 Mar - 23 Sept '97, will reply to all as soon as possible. (M. Tosun, Head of Tx. Dept. BRTK, via Christoph Ratzer-AUT, Sept 24)

ECUADOR ELECTRONIC DX PRESS Australia - New feature over HCJB Quito Ecuador. I am pleased to announced that arrangements have been made for news from the "Electronic DX Press Australia" to be bc in the "DX Partyline", over HCJB Quito Ecuador. The first presentation will be on Sat 27 Sept 1997, 128 during the English releases. The feature will be known as "EDXP News" and it will concentrate on SW bcing from AS, the PAC, and the FE, and special full-detailed EDXP QSLs will be issued for correct RR's. Reports should be sent to:

EDXP QSL SERVICE, ATTENTION: BOB PADULA, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, Australia

QSLs will be sent airmail - return postage would be appreciated - two IRCs or two US dollars, outside of Australia. Within Australia, four 45 cent mint Australian stamps.

All reports will also be forwarded on to HCJB in Quito. DX Partyline for the PAC is bc on Sats 0909 UTC 9645 and 21455 kHz. Other timings: Sats 0809 9765 kHz, Suns 0109 9745 and 21455 kHz, 0409 on 9745 and 21455 kHz.

Reception reports and comments on this new feature from anywhere in the world would be welcomed! The "EDXP News" segment will be a regular feature in the DX Partyline, initially on a monthly basis. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Sept 21) Tel/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906 e-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.wp.com/edxp/

Ecuadorian telecom Emetel is now in private hands. Phone no. for Radio HCJB Quito have been changed subsequently. German section of HCJB have got a new fax no. 00593 - 2 - 267263. Internet e-mail address is Since June 1997 newly access to "Arbeitsgemeinschaft HCJB" via (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Sept 22)

ETHIOPIA (Clandestine) On the 20th Sept 1997 I had a native speaker of Oromo listening for me to the "Voice of Oromo Liberation" (The Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo). This particular broadcast featured a talk about "the opposers of the Oromo Liberation Front past and present", a message of encouragement not to believe "the Amharic propaganda" and a talk on the situation of the Kurdish people in Iraq and Turkey. My guest found the broadcast "very interesting" but declined to comment on the content or accuracy of the programmes any further. Being not familiar with different fractions in Kurdistan he could not speculate about possible connections between the OLF and a certain Kurdish group. "Voice of Oromo Liberation" (The Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo) was first heard in 1988. Since 1995 there have been regular broadcasts via a SW tx in Ukraine, currently Mons, Weds, and Sats 1700-1800 UTC on 9925 kHz [RVI Brussels co- channel, ed].

Some additional information on the history of the conflict between the Oromo people and any central government in Addis Abeba as supplied by my guest: The Oromo people have long been ruled or dominated by the Amharic people. The Amharic rulers even forced another name on the Oromo: "Galla", "a very disgraceful word", meaning like: "the barbaric people". The language of the Oromo is called Oromifa or rather Afaan-Oromo (tongue of the Oromo). After the fall of the Mengistu regime in 1991 writing of the Oromo language switched from Amharic characters to the Latin alphabet, which according to my guest fits better to the actual pronunciation. The spelling is not yet fixed, but the double vowels signify a long vowel. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Sept 22)

ETHIOPIA ? [non]. Nightly checks of Deutsche Telekom's 5910 kHz at 0100 UTC, besides WCRI on Thur and R. New Nigeria on Sun, have turned up another broadcast in an unidentified language mentioning Ethiopia, UTC Sat Sept 20 only at 0100-0200 UTC; another clandestine service? Needs to be identified. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., WORLD OF RADIO 911, Sept 25)

GERMANY DW German noted at 0100 UTC on unregistered 9750 kHz, //9765, 9795. At 1000- 1400 UTC on new 11870 kHz. (WB Sept 20)

GERMANY/LITHUANIA Universelles Leben, SANTEC-Studio, Marienstr. 1, D-97070 Wurzburg, Germany, via Sitkunai-LTU and DTK Juelich-D: 1100-1200 s...... German 9710S 1200-1230 s...... English 9710S 1300-1330 s...... Russian 9710S 1945-2015 ..t.... English 5890J 1945-2015 ...w... Italian 5890J 1945-2015 sm..t.. German 5890J 1945-2015 .....f. Croatian 5890J 1945-2015 ...... s Spanish 5890J (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 18)

GERMANY (NIGERIA [non]). Following Ivan Grishin's tip last week, I taped and monitored carefully 5910 via Germany UTC Sunday Sept 21 at 0100. Immediately following Radio Vilnius with no transmitter break and no detectable change in strength, Radio New Nigeria opened in English, subtitled Voice of the Nigerian Advocacy Group for Democracy and Human Rights. Then a 5-minute talk by a woman speaking what sounded like a Black American rather than Nigerian accent; some music; then "brief commentaries" introduced as in Efik at 0013, Yoruba at 0118. At 0124 wrapup in English, said cassettes and other promotional items could be ordered from P.O.Box 202, Boston, MA 02131, or E-mail [email protected] Gave a different E-mail address which I could not copy correctly for commentary on their programs; closed with "another Mo-Jo [?] production" and off at 0129* sharp. I have asked them for more info, such as whether they have other transmissions actually aimed at Nigeria. Later found E-mail response from Maureen Gold. She says this started June 12, 1997! (But apparently no one in the DX world noticed.) Sked is now To Af Sat 0600- 0629 on 11995, NAm UT Sun 0100 on 5910, new freq from Sept 6, doesn't say what the old one was; and CEu Sun 1500-1529 on 6175, no sites specified but probably all Germany. She says their website will open within a week, http://www.nagdhr.com and the other E-mail address is: [email protected] (Glenn Hauser-OK; WORLD OF RADIO 911, Sept 25)

INDONESIA RRI Natuna began its bc on 26 May 1997. The stn is the third RRI stn in the Prov of Riau where RRI Pekanbaru and RRI Tanjung Pinang are operating, and situates at Ranai where is the biggest town in the Natuna Isl. While RRI Tanjung Pinang still uses facilities of cassette (tape, RRI Natuna have facilities of CD (Compact Disc). RRI Natuna is supported by Siemens, the famous electric company in Austria, and have a (1 kW tx of FM stereo and tools of bcing which can use out of doors. (Usually name of RRI stn is a town name, not Island name).

For example, RRI Tajung Pinang situates in Bintan Isl, so Tanjung Pinang is name of town in Bintan Isl. Therefore, the information of RRI Natuna leaves us doubt a little. We must investigate still more. (Republika via Dirgantara, Aug 1997, via Jembatan Sept 21) v9679,9 RRI Jakarta (Cimanggis) at 1257-1300* UTC. Indonesian talk, short instrumental tune, ID: "Radio Republik Indonesia, Programa Nasional Dua", tune again untill 1300 UTC, the off air. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sept 22)

IRELAND/UK RTE Dublin special Hurling sport live coverage on Sept 14th and 28th from 1430-1600 UTC: Kranji-SIN 11835 to AUS; Rampisham-UK 11660 to EaEUR; Skelton-UK 13630 NoAM, 15170 ME; Ascension Isl 15195 WeAF, and 17660 to all AF. (Glenn Hauser-OK World of Radio, Sept 18)

Compared RTE relay channels by using three rxs: 11834.95 to AUS coming from BBC relay site Kranji-SIN, had noticeable time delay, so fed by satellite, twice hops. Best signal on 11660.03 fr Rampisham-UK. Well signals on 13630.03 and 15195.03, coming from BBC Skelton-UK site. Poor signals on 15170.11 and 17660.08 kHz from BBC Ascension relay. (WB Sept 14)

The supposed Irish stn I reported this morning on 864 kHz is identifying as "Jukebox Memories". Oldie-format, as the name implies. Must have high-power, as they come in here with a SINPO of 44454! (2015-2100 UTC). Canned bc, as the announcer wished a good morning... They just mentioned an address: Jukebox Memories, Media House, 21-23 Walton Road, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex CO13 0AA. Same address as EAP - East Anglian Productions, the guys which were behind the Big L event last month. (Martin Elbe-D, Sept 14)

JORDAN Letter from R Jordan after 9 years !! Yesterday a friend of me has sent me by fax a leter received from R Jordan after 9 years of his letter and is rewriten below:

Dear listener, since your last RR some nine years ago a lot of changes have taken place in our network of SW progrs txed to your area. We've installed power full txs all computerized and state of the art. We have created a special unit to look into your letters and reception reports and respond to them. Your letters will be aired on a twice weekly program "Friends Abroad" designed to respond to your inquiries immediately on air prior to mailing you the information you request. Our English language program on the Sw of 11690 kHz are txed daily from 1000-1630 UTC we would highly appreciate receiving your reception report on this frequency. Sincerely, Jawad Zada, Radio Jordan, POB 1041, tel 773111 Exch cable Add TV - telex 22282 21244. (via Zacharias Liangas-GRC, Sept 26)

MEXICO Radio Mexico Int'l 9705 kHz has an Engl progr 0300-0315 UTC called "Antena Radio Summary" consisting of news, cultural affairs and sports. Lots of IDs. Good strength on Sept 17 but with a het. (Harold Sellers-CAN, Sept 21)

MOROCCO Radio Mediterranee Internationale (Medi 1) is a bilinual (French/Arabic) commercial radio stn for listeners in the Maghreb. It is 51 per cent Moroccan owned and 49 per cent French. The French holding is through Sofirad. Medi 1 bcs from SW and LW txs at Nador, Morocco and is also relayed on VHF/FM in several Moroccan towns. Its studios are in Tangiers. Bc hours may vary during Ramadan. Address: 3 et 5 rue Emsallah (B.P. 2055), Tanger, Morocco. Tel/Fax: +212-9-936363 URL: http://www.med:1.com Arabic/French 0500-0100 UTC SW 9575, LW 171 kHz. Nx in French at 0630, 0730, 0830, 1230, 1700, 1930, 2200 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 25)

NORWAY The Student Festival UKA'97 in Trondheim (Oct 10th-Nov 2nd). As usual during UKA, the Student Festival's radio stn "Ukesendern" will be tx on SW and MW (and FM of course). The plan is to transmit 24 hrs a day on 7215 kHz and 1485 kHz, with an output power of approx. 1000 Watt (SW) and 100 Watt (MW). We will use a GroundPlane antenna (approx. 1/4 lambda) on SW and an Inverted Vee on MW. The txs are located in Trondheim. For more information please take a look at our web-pages http://www.stud.ntnu.no/studorg/la1k/us/, or write me a mail. (Lars Bredesen-Vestby / LA9QIA, Sept 25)

OMAN Latest observed schedule of Radio Oman (Aug 21-23: 6085 0200-0400+; 6120 0200- 0400+, 1800-2130; 7170 1400-1700; 7230 0200-0400+, +1200-2130; 9510 0700-1000; 9735 1600-2130; 11890 1000-1400; 15140 0800-1600. (Mikhail Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW via EDXP, Aug 31)

POLAND Radio Polonia 11815 kHz in English at 1210 UTC talking about the upcoming elections in Poland. Fair, suffering co-channel interference from a Spanish language station on Sept 19. (Harold Sellers-CAN, Sept 21)

RUSSIA Khanty-Mansiysk Radio - When not carrying its own local progrs, Khanty-Mansiysk Radio relays local sces fr Radio Tyumen or Radio Russia from Moscow. Khanty-Mansiysk Radio may also identify itself as "Radio Yugry". Daily Russian 0000-2000 UTC 4820 4520- (irregular) 1152 225 kHz; except Tue-Fri 0100-0110, Mon-Fri 0110-0130, Sat 0310-0400, Mon-Sat 0700-0800 UTC, local progs. Addr: RTV centre, ul.Mira 7 (or ul.Lenin 21), 626200 Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia.

Radio Perm - When not carring local progrs, this stn relays Radio Russia from Moscow. Daily Russian 2100-1900 UTC SW 5290, MW 1512 1458 585 kHz, FM 66.02 MHz. Local progr at 0010-0130 Mons-Fris, 0100-0200 Sats, 0220-0300 Mons-Fris, 0310-0400 Suns, 0500-0510 Mons-Fris, 0510-0600 Suns, 0700-0800 Sats, 0800-0810 Mons-Fris, 1200-1300 Mons-Fris, 1510-1600 Weds, 2358-0000 Suns-Thurs. Addr: Permskaya Gosudarstvennaya Telekinoradiokompaniya, ul. Tekhnicheskaya 21, 614600 Perm (or: ul.Krupskoy 26, 614060 Perm), Russia.

Yekaterinburg Radio - When not carrying local progrs, this stn relays Radio Russia fr Moscow. Yekaterinburg was formerly known as Sverdlovsk. Daily Russian 0000-2100 UTC LW 279 kHz, 71.06 MHz. Local progrs at 0010-0200 Mons-Fris, 0310-0600 Suns, 0310-0620 Sats, 0810-0900 Mons-Fris, 1210-1300 Mons-Fris. Addr: ul. Lunacharskogo 212, 620219 Yekaterinburg, Russia. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 25)

ST. HELENA 11092.5 kHz, re R. St Helena Day 1997 (Sunday, Oct 26th), the host for this year's b/c will be Derek Richards (also radio amateur ZD7CTO), who has worked with R. St Helena for 8 years. The 4 hour progr, which starts at 1900 UTC on Sun, Oct 26th, has almost the same format as earlier bcs -- opening speech by the Governor, short info about the island's assets, the life on the island, etc. Also included will be a quiz and a lottery, as well as incoming calls from the outside world. One new thing: an award will sent to any listener who has three or more QSL-cards from earlier txions (they do have records). More info can be found on during the coming weeks.

Some details regarding the programming of R St Helena Day can now be found on the homepage. I advise you who have interest in this SW bc, to send your comments or suggestions direct to the producer, which is Derek Richards this year. Fax number is 290-4542. (Ekwall-SWE, via NU, Sept 21)

SAUDI ARABIA Latest observed schedule of BSKSA (Sept 15-16): MAP: 0600-0900 9718.2 11708.5 11818.5, 0900-1200 11818.5 15060, 1200-1500 15060 15230 15377, 1700-1800 11780 11948.2 11965, 1800-2300 9555 9870 HQ: 0300-0600 7150 9553.5 9620 9718.2 11785, 0600-0900 9530 11785, 0900-1200 17880 21530, 1200-1600 7150 15277.8, 1600-1800 7150(till 1700) 9730 11708.5 11833.4, 1800-2100 9703.2 11935 Call of Islam: 1500-1700 11780 11948.2 11965 2nd px: 0300-1700 9578.6, 1700-2100 12038.4

Ext sces: 0400-0500 15335 Somali, 0400-0600 15060 Turkish, 0500-0600 17755 Swahili, 1000-1200 21705 Indonesian, 1200-1400 15345 Urdu, 1400-1500 15345 Bengali, 1400-1600 11730 Persian, 1500-1600 9730 Turkmen, 1600-1700 17775 Bambara (MAP/Call of Islam can be also heard on 10990 or 3868 in USB, and 2nd px in LSB)

"I usually use some "Soviet made" communication receivers, such as R-250M2 or R-399A (Vladimir Titarev has the same!). As I am a bcing engineer of the GPR-2 now I can periodically work at our monitoring centre near St.Petersburg - if I have any free time there I can listen to the world using various professional directional receiving aerial systems. Yes, there are the fantastic results from time to time with these antennas!" (Mikhail Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring via DXW)

SOUTH AFRICA 17690 kHz ZS6SARL via Sentech Relay, Sept 20, /1257-1355*, special txion celebrating World Amateur Radio Day (held once a year on the third Sat of Sept), txion sponsored by Sentech and South African Telecom; they mentioned the possibility that they will do this again next year; booming signal and close to FM quality on the DSP receiver; tnx tip in BCDX. (Harald Kuhl-D, Sept 20)

SUDAN 9200 kHz R. Omdurman, 1856-1900 UTC. End of EG nx by W, ID, same slow instrument ballad (its a version of a Pop song but can't remember it!!!) they used for sev. years now and voice-over final ID anmnts by W including a ment of 31 meters. Decent signal. (Dave Valko-USA, Sept 21)

TAIWAN Voice of Free China, the ext radio of Taiwan, plans to change their name from Jan 1st, 1998 to Taipei Radio International. Thanks to Glenn Hauser and BBC World Media. (Gayle Van Horn, Monitoring Times, Freq Manager/QSL/SWBC Loggings Editor, Sept 23)

USA 7490 kHz WJCR Upton Kentucky, Sep 17, 2200-2300 UTC, Lots of contemporary Christian mx, strong but not very well modulated, Presenter was not very talkative, so didn't ID'ed them at first, but with the aid of some DX-friends on the net and after getting some sleep I succeeded. Was surprised to hear no begging for money. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Sept 17)

RFA S-97 schedule, new RFA Khmer sce starts Sept 29th: 5855 1530-1630 Korean 5930 2200-2300 Lao 6015 2230-2330 NEW Khmer 7400 2300-0000 Tibetan (x7410) 7460 2200-2300 Korean (scheduled on 7470) 7530 1500-1800 Mandarin 7530 2100-2200 Mandarin 7530 2200-2300 Korean 7530 2300-0000 Mandarin 7560 2230-2330 NEW Khmer 9365 2200-2300 Lao 9395 2200-2300 Korean 9405 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9405 1500-1600 Burmese 9445 1500-1630 Mandarin 9455 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9455 1630-1800 Mandarin 9455 2200-2300 Korean 9725 2100-2200 Mandarin 9725 2200-2300 Lao 9795 2100-2200 Mandarin 9905 1130-1230 Lao 9905 1500-1700 Mandarin 9905 2100-2200 Mandarin 9930 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9940 2200-2300 Lao 9940 2300-0000 Mandarin 9975 2330-0030 Vietnamese 9980 1530-1630 Korean 9980 2330-0030 Vietnamese 11565 1530-1630 Korean 11575 1300-1400 Tibetan 11580 0030-0130 Burmese 11580 2330-0030 Vietnamese 11590 0030-0130 Burmese 11590 1300-1400 Tibetan 11590 1400-1500 Vietnamese 11590 1500-1600 Burmese 11600 0030-0130 Burmese 11765 2100-2200 Mandarin 11785 2200-2300 Korean 11785 2300-0000 Mandarin 11945 1500-1600 Mandarin 11945 1600-1800 Mandarin 11955 1500-1800 Mandarin 13685 1130-1230 Lao 13710 0030-0130 Burmese 13710 2330-0030 Vietnamese 13800 2300-0000 Mandarin 15170 1130-1230 Lao 15405 1230-1330 NEW Khmer 15515 2100-2200 Mandarin 15515 2200-2300 Korean 15515 2300-0000 Mandarin 17805 1130-1230 Lao 17820 1230-1330 NEW Khmer

RFA does not publicize its tx sites, but some DXers figured them out. (Kim Elliott-USA, in VoA Communications World, Sept 27; Internet www page, Sept 29)

On Fri Sept 26th, RFA test IS and ID endless loop tape noted on 7400 kHz at around 2230- 2330 UTC, like "...you are listening to Radio Free Asia, this is RFA's Khmer[!] service ...". RFA Mandarin on 7530 kHz at 2300-0000 UTC was covered by CNR Chinese co-channel jamming. On Sept 27th Tibetan 2300-2400 UTC on 7550 kHz instead of 9365 kHz, //7400. Open carrier on 15405 kHz at 1300 UTC, but no test loop on air. (WB, Sept 26/27/29)

UZBEKISTAN 6060 kHz R Uzbekistan at 2325 UTC, with IS then ID and programming in Mongolian [? rather Chinese, ed] under this was the startup of the Xinjiang Programming. (Liangas-GRC, Sept 14)

VATICAN CITY Vatican Radio Chinese 2200-2245 UTC on new 6160 kHz. (WB Sept 20)

Sept 20, 1997

It is with great sadness to report the following passing of our SWL brother:

Mr. Arthur T. Cushen 1920 - 1997

New Zealand's best known shortwave and DX radio enthusiast Arthur Cushen passed away at 12.30am NZ Time this morning, Saturday 20 September in Invercargill Hospital. His wife Ralda was with him at the end.

One of the Worlds leading AM and Shortwave DXers based in Invercargill, New Zealand. A major contributor to DX radio programmes Worldwide and contributor to many DX Club magazines around the World.

The funeral service is on Tuesday. In the funeral notice she has requested no flowers, but a donation to the N.Z. Foundation for the Blind.

Messages of condolence may be sent to: Mrs. Ralda Cushen 212 Earn St Invercargill New Zealand

Dawn Beckingsale (Arthur's secretary) [email protected]

Bryan Clark ([email protected]) plans to attend the funeral representing the NZ Radio DX League and will be happy to pass on any messages to Mrs. Cushen

This report was compiled from various reports. Thank you to: Mark Nicholls, Bob Colyard, Bryan Clark, Dawn Beckingsale, Marie Lamb and Rob Ross.

(Colin Miller-CAN; Ulis R. Fleming via Cumbre Dx, Sept 20)

ARTHUR CUSHEN Cumbre DX contributors may be aware that internationally known DXer, Arthur Cushen, has been battling cancer for some time now. I spoke to Arthur's wife Ralda earlier today and she confirmed that his situation took a turn for the worse last Saturday 13 September and he was admitted to hospital. The outlook is not good and Ralda permitted me to spread the word to the wider DXing fraternity. She said that messages for Arthur should still be addressed to his home - 212 Earn Street, Invercargill, New Zealand.

Like many DX and SWL enthusiasts in Australasia, Arthur played a big part in my getting into this great hobby in the early 1960s and his name is synonymous with short-wave and radio in New Zealand. I am presently researching the DX scene 50 years ago, in the lead- up to the 50th anniversary of the NZ Radio DX League approaches, and its not surprising to see Arthur's name appearing as one of the most active DXers in the DX journals of the 1940s. Please remember Arthur and Ralda in your prayers. (B Clark, NZ Radio DX League, via Cumbre Dx)

Arthur was one of the grand old men of DXing, one of the legends of the hobby. He began listening in 1935, and over the years he not only set the pace in many areas of the hobby, but he used his DXing skills for important public purposes, including the extensive monitoring of prisoner of war messages during World War II. Arthur became blind in 1954 after a lifetime of deteriorating sight, and served as National Vice- President of the New Zealand Association of the Blind for many years. In 1970, Her Majesty the Queen, while in Wellington, personally awarded him the M.B.E.-- Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. He was a monitor for many stations, and a life member of the New Zealand DX League.

He edited and produced many hobby programs and publications, both in New Zealand and throughout the world. In recent years we regularly heard his voice over "Media Network."

Arthur's experiences have been well-chronicled in his 1979 book, "The World In My Ears," and in "Arthur Cushen's Radio Listeners Guide" (1988), and will be long remembered. (NU Sept, Sept 21)

I donot know how to express myself at this moment of grieve. I've no word to express my sorrow and deep anguish. He is FATHER TO all the present DXers who was in touch with him during our teens. Always helped by his long letter to each individual. It is a great shock to all of us here and we lost not only a greatest DXer of the World but a good friend also.

In the late sixties when I started DXing I heard his name and got his address from FEBC Radio International's SW Mailbag program. I wrote a letter to him with great fear whether this great man in this hobby will ever reply to me - a very new to dxing. Immediately I got a long encouraging letter. After 2 months I received a surprised packet containing an edition (1966) of World Radio TV Handbook. That was the first time I saw WRTH and even at that time I was not aware of such a book.

Since then I received every year Ralda and Arthur's new year best wishes to me and my family. I used to correspond with him 2/3 times a year.

Personally his work, letters and radio news over the air helped and inspired me much and despite several odds I continue in this fascinating hobby. Still I kept all the letter and books he sent me - specially the autographed edition of 'The world in my Ears'.

The last letter I received from him on receipt of SOUTH ASIA RADIO GUIDE (#10). He always encouraged me in publishing the book every year.

While extending our deepest sympathies to Ralda we could not think of how her life will be without Arthur. We'll be missing his words on the world of radio in our ears. (Alok Dasgupta, Calcutta, India, Sept 21)

There will be a special Media Network Programme to pay tribute to Arthur and his long service to Radio, and Radio Netherlands on the 25th Thursday, the usual Media Network programme times and frequencies. It would be greatly appreciated if you could listen. (G.Victor A. Goonetilleke 4S7VK, UADX, Sept 21)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 328 04 Oct 1997 ______

ALASKA This is Alaska calling! Greetings from America's last frontier, station KNLS in Anchor Point, Alaska. Our frequency list for the winter season follows.

KNLS is no longer the only SW facility in Alaska! In a recent interview, KNLS English sce host, Mike Osborne, spoke with the director of HAARP (High frequency, Auroral, Atmospheric, Research, Project), jointly operated by the U.S. Department of Defense and several leading universities. The facility does ionospheric research of interest to the DXing community. HAARP also accepts reception reports during special radio events. If you missed the interview on KNLS, you can still learn more about this fascinating project by sending for the free HAARP interview cassette. Use the contact information below to request your copy.

KNLS HF Transmission Schedule, Sept 28, 1997 to Mar 28, 1998

0800 6150 English 0900 6150 Russian 1000 7365 Mandarin 1100 6150 Russian 1200 7365 Mandarin 1300 7365 English 1400 7355 Mandarin 1500 7355 Mandarin 1600 7355 Mandarin 1700 7355 Russian

HOW TO QSL STATION KNLS. Reception reports for stn KNLS are much appreciated and will be QSL'd as quickly as possible. Your report may be mailed, faxed, sent by audio recording or email. All QSL's will be returned by surface mail. To qualify, a report must include: The date and time (UTC only) of the tx, the approximate frequency, and as many program details as you can supply.

KNLS will provide only ONE QSL for each report, regardless the number of entries. We do NOT provide QSL's for other tx operators who may air World Christian Bcing progrs, or other[!] programmers using KNLS facilities. Mail= P.O. Box 473 Anchor Point, Alaska 99556 U.S.A. Email= [email protected] Fax= (615)371-8791 www= www.knls.org (via Mike Osborne Sept 30)

ALBANIA/MONACO TWR Monaco is using 9685 Cerrik-ALB? //9755-MCO for E morning release 0655-0820 (-0835 Sat, -0850 Sun) UTC. Signal is much better than 9755.

TWR Russian/Bjelorussian 1702-1747 UTC 5 kHz down again, now setteled on 9660 kHz, //11635 kHz, both via Cerrik-ALB. (WB, Oct 3)

All ASIA Well propagation from AS/PAC continent observed on Sun 28th: R NZL Internat on 9795 kHz 0458-0758. RA Shepparton 11880 (x21725) 0600-0830. BBC Kranji-SIN 11765 0900-1130. RRI Jakarta on 9565 and 11785 kHz at 1100-1200. RTM K-L 9750 kHz at around 1100-1200 UTC. (WB Sept 28)

ARMENIA VOICE OF ARMENIA. I regretfully have to inform you that I am no longer associated with the Voice of Armenia radio stn. We are closing this temporary International Relations office by the end of this month, and due to an administrative decision, there shall neither be a 50th anniversary celebration, nor a "Special event" ham station to commemorate this event.

Kindly make no further mention of this topic to your esteemed readers, not to cause them any further inconvenience. For QSL'ing and other related correspondence, I advise your readers to write directly to the radio stn in Yerevan, Armenia. (Armenag Sanasaryan-CAN, via Guido Guido Schotmans-BEL, Sept 26) Religious progrs via Radio AR Intercontinental Kamo-ARM 9965 kHz 1000 kW, in German daily 1800-1815 UTC "Stimme des Trostes - Arche Schweiz", 1815-1830 Mons "Radiofenster" new, Suns "Arche Hamburg". (Andreas Erbe-D, Sept 27)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia changed 5870 to 5890 kHz at 0900 and 1800 UTC last week. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 1) Most likely due KOREA, NORTH 5872.3 kHz Pyongyang Bcing Stn (presumed) on a new freq? Heard //to 6398 at 1106 with anthem type mx and a woman announcer. (Johnson in Cumbre Dx, Sept 29)

AZERBAIJAN Voice of Justice bcs on SW, a new independent radio stn bcing its first progrs in the Azerbaijani language in Stepanakert. Is the first non-state independent radio sce in the Nagornyy Karabakh Rep. Progr schedule Tues & Thurs at 1500 UTC, and repeat on Weds & Fris at 0600 UTC on 31 mb SW and VHF/FM, or 9677 kHz and 101 MHz. Observed here Fris[!] 1500-1532 UTC, actual centered on v9677.31 kHz, then abruptly off, wobble carrier, very poor audio modulation, progr content couldn't realized, tried AM, SYNC, CW, LSB, and USB mode, but best in AM mode. (WB Oct 3)

BELARUS/UKRAINE R Belarus Minsk replaced Kalodziscy summer channel 11960 kHz by 7105 kHz for winter season. Til Oct 25th at 1800-1900 UTC, fr Oct 26th one hour later. //Kalodziscy 7210, Charkov Ternivka-UKR 7410, Kiev Brovary-UKR 9560 kHz. (WB Sept 28)

BOLIVIA 4939.3 kHz Radio Norte, Monteros, Santa Cruz, Spanish, Musical progr, comments, man announcer, ID, s/off 01.17* UTC. Signal very weak ..."Radio Norte Monteros..FM estereo, Onda Media, Onda Corta 60 metros..desde Monteros, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.." English ID and s/off 00.56 - 01.17*. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Sept 28)

BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA The US military has sent three Airforce EC130 electronic warfare aeroplanes to Bosnia. These would be used to bc nx in other efforts to enforce the Dayton peace accord during Muncipal elections in Bosnia. The aircraft also have the ability to jam or overide bcs by supporters of former Srpska President, Radovan Karadzic. The US has said that the Karadzic supporters have not honoured an agreement to soften the rhetoric of their bcs against Srpska Pres Plavsic and NATO peace-keeping troops. According to a Pentagon spokesman, the role of planes is to broacast TV, radio, can bc on AM and FM as well as HF and military communications bands. Has also capability to block txions. Will bc in support of Dayton peace accords and provide fair and balanced news and information. (Communications World, Sept 13; via Mick Ogrizek EDXP)

BRAZIL 3375 kHz, Radio Clube Dourados, Dourados, Port, Mxal Progr and comm, ID "Clube de Dourados AM 720 kHz ZY390 5000 watts da potencia, Radio Dourados Onda Corta 90 metros ZY907 sintonizable ao 3375 kHz..." 02.26 - 03.05 UTC. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Sept 27)

BRUNEI RTB Brunei. Somebody said RTB Brunei will go on SW. I'll check with them. Please see RTB response below: "Sorry, RTB has no plans to operate in the Short-Wave band in the near or distant future. Should any planning be going on it may be at the political level but we have not been informed if so." Sincerely, Head of Engineering Secretariat. (via Wishnu Brata-INS, Sept 29)

CHINA (c.f. BC-DX #327) Strong open carrier noted at around 2300 UTC on 9655 kHz, may coming from new CRI site in Urumchi; addit Urumchi 7255 kHz channel 1700-1800 Russian, 1800-1830 Hungarian. CRI Amoy sce 2330-0000 UTC noted on addit v9456.97 kHz, //6140, 7190, 9440 kHz. (WB, Sept 26/27)

CLANDESTINE/GERMANY (Ethiopia) 5910 kHz, the one hrd here at 0100 Sats (UTC), with tx believed in Germany [DTK Juelich, ed], is Rainbow Radio, a previously-unheard Ethiopian opposition stn bcing in Amharic. At 0100 Sept 27 they began their bc as follows: "This is Rainbow Radio [Amharic: "Keste Damena Radio"]. Rainbow Radio, the Voice of Peace and Brotherhood, bcs every Thurs to our listeners in ETH and EaAF on the 19 mb., 15365 kHz, at 1900-2000 [East African time, 1600-1700 UTC]. Every Friday it b/cs on the 49 mb, 5910 kHz, to our listeners in NoAM and its surroundings, from 2100-2200 [EDT, 0100-0200 UTC Sats]. Every Sat it bcs on the 49 mb, 6130 kHz, to our listeners in WeEUR, 1900-2000 UTC. Here are the details of today's progr: nx, the European Parliament's decision on Ethiopia, European papers' editorials on Ethiopian and African issues, mx." (Dave Kenny-BBC Monitoring) So that's Thurs at 1600-1700 on 15365, and Sat at 0100-0200 on 5910 and 1900-2000 on 6130. Tnx to Dave for responding to our inquiry. See NU Sight & Sound for a recording of this one. (Jerry Berg-MA, via NU, Oct 3)

CLANDESTINE/GERMANY (Nigeria) Radio New Nigeria. Rich D'Angelo reports further: e-mail from Maureen Gold re the Special Oct 1 [Wed] Independence Day Bc. "This one hour SW radio bc will include a message to the nation, a panel discussion, commentaries, latest music release (a tribute to Princess Diana) and a newsbrief." Times and freqs: NIG & WeAF, 0600-0659 UTC 11995, CeEUR 1800-1859 UTC 5890, and to NoAM 0000-0059 UTC on 5900. [I'm not sure if that is 0000-0059 Wed UTC=Tue ECNA, or 0000-0059 Thurs UTC=Wed ECNA; probably the latter. JB]

For sound bits of the b/c, "visit us at (on Oct 1st)." (No sound there yet, and no mention of this special bc either. JB) Sked of regular bcs confirmed as: to NIG & WeAF at 0600-0629 Sat 11995, NoAM 0100-0129 "Sat" [means Sun UTC, Sat ECNA] on 5910 ["new freq fr Sep 6-Oct 25"], and to CeEUR 1550-1529 Sun on 6175. (NU special Jerry Berg-MA, Sept 30)

CUBA 5025 SSB Radio Rebelde. I remember having heard Radio Rebelde in SSB several times about 12-24 months ago. I do not know the reason why and when they are switching the mode, but it is nothing new. (Passmann, Sept 19)

This is an old Siemens radiotelephone tx at our site. You may have heard it sometimes on 9830 kHz with Radio Havana Cuba programming. We have another 10-kW Siemens of 1961 vintage, and if the also-old Brown Boveri 10-kW AM starts acting up, we then use the SSB tx, usually with the following parameters: USB, carrier set at -6 dB, and bandwidth set at 5 kHz. We may also use it at full carrier + USB, giving about 2.5-kW power on 5A3H mode of emission. The way I like to run the Siemens 30-kW rig for RHC on 9830 kHz is with -12 dB carrier level, USB, bandwidth set at 5 kHz. That gives you a pilot carrier reference for you to zero beat exactly. By the way, we use it to bc our English progr to Europe, and get many nice reports. I listened to it myself while in Germany in 1996, and was very pleased with the quality of reception at the bottom of the solar cycle. (Arnaldo Coro-CUB CO2KK, Sept 21, via Cumbre Dx)

RHC in Esparanto language noted bcing Suns only at 1930-2000 UTC on single 13715 kHz. RHC daily on 11760 kHz in Spanish from 1100 UTC onwards. (WB Sept 28)

CZECH REPUBLIC R. Prague may be fighting for its life; previous reports indicate a new company is being sought to operate the ext sce. Sept at 1307 on 13580, I caught the tail end of an announcement asking listeners in solidarity with Radio Prague to write to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Glenn Hauser-OK, WoR Sept 25)

GERMANY Radio Korea International German sce listeners meeting.

Am Samstag, 1.11.1997 findet ein Hoerertreffen statt, organisiert von der Deutsch- Koreanischen Gesellschaft e.V. und dem Funkclub Exclusiv Leipzig e.V., das ist der Verein von Roland Lippe. Beginn 1700 LT, Ort Restaurant Kim, Richard-Wagner-Str. 1, Leipzig (das muss irgendso eine Parallelstr. zum Bruehl sein, ist also in bester Lage). "Teilnahmegebuehren entstehen keine."

Man erbittet Anmeldung bis zum 18.10.1997, Tel. +49 - 341 / 5643613, oder Funkclub Exclusiv e.V., Pf. 12 31, D-04132 Leipzig - wobei die Postfach-Nr, die ich in meiner Adressenliste von R.Lippe stehen habe in einer Stelle mit der angegebenen differiert. Weiss nicht, bei wem der Fehler liegt. Quelle: EAWRC-Bulletin. (via Adreas Erbe-D, Sept 27)

GREECE...ERT Athens to CeAM via Avlis 2200-2350 UTC replaced 9395 by 9388 kHz, 100 kW 260 degr. (WB Sept 27)

GUAM KSDA AWR Guam Hindi sce noted loud and clear on 9385 kHz at 1500-1600 UTC. Moved then 1600-1900 UTC to 7540 kHz, new Arabic sce since Sept 7th. (WB Oct 3)

HUNGARY From Sept 29th, Radio Budapest German sce running in limited budget, using two freqs in // only. From Oct 26th one hour later! Mon-Sat 1730-1800 3975 5970 Mon-Sat 1930-2000 3975 7155 Sun 1200-1300 5970 7220 Sun 1700-1800 3975 5990 Hungarian EUR daily 1800-1900 3975 6025 9755 2000-2100 3975 9835 Sun 1100-1200 5970 7215 Sun 1300-1400 5970 7215 SoAMm daily 2200-2300 6085 9835 11905 Sun 2300-2400 6085 9835 11905 NoAM daily 0000-0100 9810 11905 0130-0230 9840 11685 AUS daily 0900-1000 15210 17860 21560 Sun 1000-1100 15210 17860 21560 (R. Budapest Kurzwellenskala, via Andreas Erbe-D, Sept 23)


ARABIC 0430-0530 WeAS 11730 ALG 13620 BLR 15050 ALG 17785 BLR 1730-1945 WeAS 9910 ALG 13620 BLR

BALUCHI 1500-1600 SoAS 6165 DEL 11585 BLR

BURMESE 0100-0130 SoEaAS 9950 DEL 11870 DEL 1215-1315 SoEaAS 11620 DEL 11710 DEL

CHINESE 1145-1315 NoEaAS 11840 BLR 15050 DEL 17705 BLR

DARI 0300-0345 WeAS 7225 DEL 9910 ALG 11735 BLR 13620 BLR 1315-1415 WeAS 7140 DEL 9910 ALG

FRENCH 1945-2030 We&NoWe AF 9910 ALG 13620 BLR 13780 BLR

GOS-I ENGLISH 2245-0045 NoEaAS 7410 BLR 9950 DEL 11620 BLR 9705 ALG 11620 BLR

GOS-II ENGLISH 1000-1100 AUS & NZL 11735 BLR 13700 BLR 15050 ALG 17387 DEL 11585 ALG 13700 BLR 15050 ALG 17840 BLR

GOS-III ENGLISH 1330-1500 SoEaAS 9545 DEL 11620 BLR 13710 BLR

GOS-IV ENGLISH 1745-1945 EaAF 11935 BOM 15075 ALG EUR 7410 BLR 9950 DEL 11620 BLR We & NoWe AF 9650 ALG 13780 BLR

GOS-V ENGLISH 2045-2230 AUS & NZL 7150 DEL 9910 ALG 11620 BLR 11715 ALG EUR 7410 BLR 9650 ALG 9950 DEL 11620 BLR

GUJARATI 0415-0430 EaAF 15075 BLR 17387 ALG 1515-1615 EaAF 11620 BLR 15175 BLR

HINDI 0315-0415 EaAF 15075 BLR 15180 DEL 17387 ALG 1615-1730 EaAF 9950 DEL 13720 BLR 15075 ALG 1945-2045 EURE 7410 BLR 9950 DEL 11620 BLR 2300-2400 SoEaAS 9910 ALG 11740 BLR 13795 BLR 0315-0415 WeAS 11855 PAN 15075 BLR 1615-1730 WeAS 7410 ALG 13770 BLR

INDONESIAN 0845-0945 SoEaAS 15050 ALG 17387 DEL

NEPALI 0130-0228 SoAS 3945 GOR 6045 DEL 7250 PAN 9550 ALG 11715 BLR 0700-0800 SoAS 7250 GOR 9595 DEL 11850 DEL 1330-1430 SoAS 3945 GOR 4860 DEL 6045 DEL 7410 ALG 11695 BLR

PERSIAN 0400-0430 WeAS 11730 ALG 13620 BLR 15050 ALG 17785 BLR 1615-1730 WeAS 7265 DEL 9910 ALG 11585 BLR

PUSHTU 0215-0300 WeAS 7225 DEL 9910 ALG 11735 BLR 13620 BLR 1415-1530 WeAS 7140 DEL 9910 ALG

RUSSIAN 1615-1715 EUR 11620 BLR 15140 BLR

SINDHI 0100-0200 SoAS 5990 ALG 7125 DEL 11790 BLR 1230-1500 SoAS 6165 DEL 11585 BLR

SINHALA 1300-1500 SoAS 9700 ALG 15020 DEL

SWAHILI 0430-0530 EaAF 15075 BLR 17387 ALG 1515-1615 EaAF 9950 DEL 13720 BLR 15075 ALG

TAMIL 0000-0045 SoEaAS 9910 ALG 11740 BLR 13795 BLR 1115-1215 SoEaAS 13710 BLR 15770 ALG 0000-0045 SoAS 4790 MAD 9835 DEL 1115-1215 SoAS 15075 DEL 17860 DEL

TELUGU 1215-1245 SoEaAS 13710 BLR 15770 ALG

THAI 1115-1200 SoEaAS 15340 BLR 17895 ALG

TIBETAN 0130-0200 SoAS 9565 PAN 11900 BLR 13700 BLR 1215-1330 SoAS 7410 ALG 9565 DEL 11695 BLR

URDU 0015-0430 SoAS 6155 DEL 9595 DEL 0100-0430 SoAS 11620 BLR 0830-1130 SoAS 9595 DEL 11620 DEL 1430-1930 SoAS 4860 DEL 6045 DEL (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 2)

INDONESIA 4925 kHz RRI Jambi at 1655-1659* UTC, English songs, ID in BI at 1659 UTC, followed by SCI IS. Left the air 12 secs before top of the hour. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sept 26)

IRAN IRIB Tehran in Italian noted on 15230 kHz, in //13605 & 15084 kHz, 0630-0730. (WB Sept 28) VoIRIB Tehran German sce heard recently on 3rd channel of 7160 kHz [announced that freq] at 1730-1825 UTC, // 7260 & 9022 kHz. Co-channel QRM by China at 11800. [RFI Gabon 250 kW 40 degr noted here in Stuttgart instead]. Stn is planning addit German morning sce, 55 mins in duration, some time in 0530 to 0730 UTC time slot. Technical dept is seeking for reliable freqs. (Benno Klink-D DG1EA, Sept 30 / Oct 1)

IRAQ Voice of Kurdistan www page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/gara/vok1.htm (Klaus Spielvogel-D, via Kai Ludwig, Oct 2)

LAOS v4690 kHz Houa Phan, Sept 21, +2315-0000* UTC, in Lao and Laotian dialects. Weak signals, but detectable. None of the other provincial stns, including Luang Prabang (which was on the air until recently) was hrd this morning. Vientiane-6130 at 2330 was crystal clear, with an enchanting mx prgm. The Ext Sce on 7116v (nom7145) has been off the air for several years; the old tx must be a museum piece! (Weerakoon-SL in NU, Sept 21)

LIBYA 1000 Hertz test tone bcs in week 37 & 38: 6155 9655 & 11770 kHz; in week 39: 6155 and 9655 only, and two unsetteled hums on 7120.20 / 7120.88 kHz. Daily approx. 0800-1000 UTC. (WB Sept 28)

LITHUANIA Lithuanian Radio restores its 2nd HS Program on Medium Wave. Lithuanian Radio restored bcing of its 2nd Home Sce progr on MW, just a few weeks after deleting it on Sept 1. The move was trigged by the fact that many listeners complained of not being able to hear the 2nd progr on FM, because they had no FM capable rxs. However, Lithuanian Radio did no sacrifice its money to please the MW listeners: it simply put the 2nd progr on 612 kHz channel, previously used to bc the 1st progr of Lithuanian Radio. The latter is now being transmitted on 666 kHz as the only MW freq, via a single 500 kW stn in Sitkunai. For the 2nd progr on 612 kHz, two synchronous stns are used: Vilnius 50 kW and Klaipeda kW. (Sigitas Zilionis, DX Editor, Sept 27) Lithuanian Radio Sitkunai 9710.18 kHz starts at 0800 UTC, usually producing mixture spur signal on tx location, subtract/add 666 kHz, the freq of their MW outlet on same location. Today noted also on 9044.18 and on symmetric 10376.18 kHz. (WB Oct 3)

MADAGASCAR 5009.5 kHz RTV Malagasy, Antananarivo at 1704-1726 UTC. Great signal. Easy mx, male announcer in Malagasy, ID and talk in French at 1715 UTC, short musical interludes. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Sept 26)

MOZAMBIQUE 3240 kHz Beira heard on this new freq with much better reception (x3273). 2130 Non-stop English and African songs. No Portuguese talk but rather an ID as Beira by a man at 2159. This mx progr at 2130 is usually in Portuguese. 2200 nx fr Maputo in Portuguese. A bit more talk by man in Swahili after the nx and then sign off with anthem at 2206. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Sept 28) The '97 WRTH list the "B" program as being in Swahili and other vernaculars so I guess this is what you heard (Johnson). (Cumbre Dx via Fleming, Sept 28)

NETHERLANDS My Spanish DX report for Oct will all appear in one edition of Radio- Enlace on Radio Nederland, Fri Oct 3 and Sun Oct 5. After that with a couple of minutes added on WWCR, Thu 2100 and Fri 2115 on 15685 (in Nov these will move one UTC hour later, and in Dec will move to 9475); and on RFPI, which lately has been running Mundo Radial after 1400 on Wed and Sat when the China QRM on 7385 is over. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Oct 2)

PAKISTAN Additional sports [Kricket?] coverage of R PAK noted on Sept 28th: progr was in progress at 0700 UTC on 17555 kHz and also at about 1200-1300 UTC on same channel. Urdu WS 0800-1103 UTC and English segment at 1105-1120 UTC on new 17555 (x17835), and 15520 kHz. On Oct 3rd back on 17835 kHz, and //15520 which is covered by VoR co-channel. (WB Sept 28/Oct 3)

PORTUGAL/INDONESIA RDP Lisbon progrs in Tetum and Portuguese are subject of [most likely] INS jamming on 17595 kHz. Jamming signal of continues pulse bip jammer noted on Mons-Fris progr 1105-1300 UTC. RDP bcing Sats/Suns at 0800-1000 UTC. (WB Oct 3)

QATAR QBS Doha current observed schedule: 0243-0706 7210, 9570.2 0707-1304 9570.2, 17895 1305-1704 9570.2, 11750 1705-2125 7210, 9570.2 (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Sept 24-25)

RUSSIA/CIS Polish Catholic progr "Radio Marya" noted at about 0600-0800 UTC on 9905 kHz. Seemingly additional morning sce via Samara tx site. (WB, Kai Ludwig, Sept 28)

9905 kHz, Radio Maryja via Samara, Sept 28, 0745 UTC with live coverage of catholic sce, strong on clear channel, suddenly off at 0800. Acc. Ed Rausch in Cumbre-DX #157 (thanks to him for pointing out this undiscovered outlet) is 9905 kHz announced as Mon-Sat 0500- 0715 UTC, Sun 0700-0900 [?0600-0800?]. 1500-1700 12010, 1700-2200 7400. (Kai Ludwig-D, Sept 28))

Here is a freq change in the GPR-2 current sched fr Sep 19: 7405 replacing 7335 0100- 0600 (Radio Rossii via St.Petersburg). (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW)

NEW [Tbilisskaya] 6120 & [Yekaterinburg] 9740 kHz. Voice of Assyria (Kala Aturaya). In the recent past Voice of Assyria has also bc on the following MW freqs: 1494 kHz St.Petersburg, 1314 kHz Kamo (Armenia), 1170 kHz Krasnodar, 1089 kHz Krasnodar, and 612 kHz Moscow. Addr: Voice of Assyria (Kala Aturaya), ul Pyatnitskaya 25, Moscow 113326, Russia. Sats 1500-1600 [winter 1600-1700] UTC in Assyrian 9740 replacing 9865 [winter 5935], 7325-(from 1530), in Russian Arabic Persian English. Moscow Islamic Centre. This radio was first heard in May 1992, when it called itself "Rukhi Miras" ("Spiritual Heritage"). In the recent past Islamskaya Volna has also bc on the following MW freqs: 1494 kHz St.Petersburg, 1314 kHz Kamo (Armenia), 1170 kHz Krasnodar, 1089 kHz Krasnodar, and 612 Moscow. Addr: Islamskaya Volna, Pyatnitskaya ulitsa 25, Moscow 113326, Russia. or Islamic Centre, Vypolzov pereulok 7, Moscow 129090, Russia. Tel: +7 - 095 - 233 - 6426 / 6423 / 6629

1500-1600 [winter 1600-1700] Tues to Fris in Russian (Irreg Arabic/Tatar). 9740 replacing 9865 [winter 5935] 7325-(from 1530) [winter 6120?]. (BBCM via AGDX, Aug 28) (and direct Adreas Erbe-D, Sept 27)

Islamskaya Volna observed on 6120 //9740, 1089 and 1494 1500-1600. Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri here acc to the stn announcement. By the way, 6120 in use from Sept 7 for VoR Arabic Sce 1600-2000 incl Islamskaya Volna at 1600 and Adygey and Kabardino-Balkar Radio (tentat) at 1700 UTC. (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW Sept 25)

VoR Moscow, the following was observed over the period 20-26 Sept, 1997, for English bcs of VoR. Equipment used was Drake R8A at the QTH noted in the tag area.

1200-1300 9490 11655 11880 1300-1400 15500 1400-1500 11665 11985 15460 15540 1500-1600 15460 15540 1600-1800 9740 9765 9775 1800-1900 7290 7350 9740 9765 9775 9810 1900-2000 7290 9740 9765 9775 9810 9945 2000-2100 7350 7370 9765 9775 9810 2100-2200 7175 7350 7370 9765 9775 2200-2400 5940 0000-0100 5940 7310 0100-0200 12010 12050 15595 0200-0400 12010 12050 13645 15595 0400-0500 12010 13645 15595 0500-0700 12010 12050 13645 15595

[Krasnodar] 5940 is being used for VoVietnam 0100-0300 UTC. It was being used as a replacement for 7125 and 7250. [VoR had some satellite circuit problems to fed its tx sites outside Moscow region satisfactorical, ed] (Mark J. Fine-USA, Sept 27)

Heard in EUR: 0600-0900 15490 17610 17795 0900-1000 17610 17795 1100-1300 11655 15510 15560 17560 17610 17755 17775 17795 1500-1600 9675 9730 9740 11775. (WB Sept 28)

Vo Tibet 1225-1255 UTC changed from 11570 to 11540 kHz on Sept 26th, cochannel jamming by CNR Chinese progr. "Mukto Probaho" in Bengali 1330-1400 UTC replaced 15470 by 7400 kHz via Tashkent-UZB 240 kW 130 degr, fr Sept 28. R. Rossiy at 0730-1400 UTC 15465 replaced by 15520 kHz, blocked co-channel R Pakistan fr Sept 20th. (Klaus Lieberwirth via Dietmar Schneider, Sept 30)

SOMALIA (?) [non]. I taped the last 50 mins of the UTC Sat Sept 27 airing of the unID program via Germany at 0100-0159 UTC. Reception was quite good, and I listened carefully for any familiar words. I never heard "Radio" or anything recognizable as an ID; nor "Oromo". I did hear Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Somalia, Aydid and ; the second half-hour was mostly music, and the final announcement before closing at 0159, where one would expect an ID, seemed to include the word "Somali". I've included a tape of this announcement on World of Radio 912 this week, and hope someone can recognize the language if not identify the program. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Oct 2)

SOUTH AFRICA/SEYCHELLES I've just learned from TWR, that from 26th Oct they will relay two bcs for FEBA Mahe-SEY, via the Meyerton tx site in South Africa. The progrs will be in the Yao and Sena languages and run 1527-1542 and 1542-1557 UTC respectively. The freq will be 7265 kHz and FEBA will use their own IS. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Sept 30)

TAIWAN According to an official newsletter of the Voice of Free China, "Voice of Dragon" Sep. 1997 Japanese edition, the Voice of Free China will change its name to "CBS - Taipei Radio International" on Jan. 1st, 1998 because of merging the overseas bcing dept of the Bcing Corpor of China (VOFC) and Central Bcing System. "The Voice of Asia", BCC's SoEaAsian sce will use its name after that. The new stn will use 17 languages - English, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Amoy, Hakka, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Uighur. The overseas broadcasting department of BCC will move to the studio of CBS in Dec. 1997. Its address is: 55, Pei'an Road, Tachih, Taipei 104, Taiwan. (Yamashita, via DXW, Sept 29)

TURKEY TRT Ankara W-97 - HF BROADCASTING SCHEDULE Eff 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998

5960 1700-1800 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Bulgarian 5960 1930-2030 EMR 500 261097-290398 USB English 5970 1730-1800 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Macedonian 5970 1830-1930 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB German 5980 1600-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 5980 2300-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 5990 1900-2000 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Bosnian 6035 1830-1930 EMR 500 261097-290398 USB German 6050 1500-1600 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 6110 1930-2030 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB English 6120 1500-1700 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 6120 1700-0500 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 6135 1800-1900 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Russian 6135 2300-2400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 6145 1530-1630 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 7110 1230-1330 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Bulgarian 7110 1700-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 7150 1130-1230 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 7150 2030-2130 EMR 500 261097-290398 USB French 7200 2130-2230 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 7240 1630-1730 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Hungarian 7245 2030-2130 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB French 7255 2030-2130 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB French 7265 1500-1700 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 7300 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9445 1130-1230 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 9445 2200-0800 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9460 0800-2200 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9460 2200-0800 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9505 1030-1130 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Serbo-Croatian 9560 1300-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9565 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9630 1030-1130 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Rumanian 9630 1330-1430 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9655 2300-2400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9670 1230-1330 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Albanian 9675 1400-1500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Russian 9685 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9710 1400-1500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Persian 11760 1200-1300 EMR 500 261097-010298! DSB Chinese 11795 0930-1030 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Persian 11800 1430-1530 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB German 11835 0830-0930 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 11900 1300-1400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Urdu 11910 1100-1600 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish (Fris only) 11955 0500-1700 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 13710 1000-1200 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 13710 1200-1300 EMR 500 010298!-290398 DSB Chinese 13770 0930-1030 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Persian 15130 0830-0930 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 15145 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15200 1000-1200 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 15290 1330-1430 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB English 15350 1000-1700 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15385 1700-1000 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15415 1000-1300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 17705 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 17775 0500-0800 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 21715 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 1)

VOT is looking for a frequency to replace 7300 at 0300 in English for W97 which will then be at 0400; I suggest 5870, but not sure if they can go that low. (Gigi Lytle-TX, via Joe Hanlon, WORLD OF RADIO 912, Oct 2) [see above]

USA RFA S-97 schedule, new RFA Khmer sce started Sept 29th: 5855 1530-1630 Korean 5930 2200-2300 Lao 6015 2230-2330 NEW Khmer 7400 2300-0000 Tibetan 7460 2200-2300 Korean (scheduled on 7470) 7530 1500-1800 Mandarin 7530 2100-2200 Mandarin 7530 2200-2300 Korean 7530 2300-0000 Mandarin 7550 2200-2300 Lao (x9365) 7550 2300-0000 Tibetan (x9365) 7560 2230-2330 should be NEW Khmer, but never observed here. 9395 2200-2300 Korean 9395 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9395 1500-1600 Burmese (x9405) 9445 1500-1630 Mandarin 9455 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9455 1630-1800 Mandarin 9455 2200-2300 Korean 9725 2100-2200 Mandarin 9725 2200-2300 Lao 9795 2100-2200 Mandarin 9905 1130-1230 Lao 9905 1500-1700 Mandarin 9905 2100-2200 Mandarin 9930 1400-1500 Vietnamese 9940 2200-2300 Lao 9940 2300-0000 Mandarin 9975 2330-0030 Vietnamese 9980 1530-1630 Korean 9980 2330-0030 Vietnamese 11510 1230-1330 NEW Khmer(x17820) 11565 1530-1630 Korean 11575 1300-1400 Tibetan(jammed by CHN) 11580 0030-0130 Burmese 11580 2330-0030 Vietnamese 11590 0030-0130 Burmese 11590 1300-1400 Tibetan(jammed by CHN) 11590 1400-1500 Vietnamese 11590 1500-1600 Burmese 11600 0030-0130 Burmese 11765 2100-2200 Mandarin 11785 2200-2300 Korean 11785 2300-0000 Mandarin 11945 1500-1800 Mandarin 11955 1500-1800 Mandarin 13685 1130-1230 Lao 13710 0030-0130 Burmese 13710 2330-0030 Vietnamese 13800 2300-0000 Mandarin 15170 1130-1230 Lao 15405 1230-1330 NEW Khmer 15515 2100-2200 Mandarin 15515 2200-2300 Korean 15515 2300-0000 Mandarin 17805 1130-1230 Lao RFA does not publicize its tx sites, but some DXers figured them out. (Kim Elliott-USA, in VoA Communications World, Sept 27; Internet www page, Sept 29)

On Fri Sept 26th, RFA test IS and ID endless loop tape noted on 7400 kHz at around 2230- 2330 UTC, like "...you are listening to Radio Free Asia, this is RFA's Khmer[!] service ...". RFA Mandarin on 7530 kHz at 2300-0000 UTC was covered by CNR Chinese co-channel jamming. On Sept 27th Tibetan 2300-2400 UTC on 7550 kHz instead of 9365 kHz, //7400. Open carrier on 15405 kHz at 1300 UTC, but no Khmer test loop on air. On Oct 3rd Khmer sce had fine signal, noted on new 11510 kHz (x17820) and 15405 kHz. Tibetan 1300-1400 UTC on 11575 and 11590 kHz suffering by tremendous "white noise" jamming by mainland China. 9405 replaced by 9395 kHz for Vietnamese and Burmese sce. (WB, Sept 26/27/29, Oct 2/3)


A new edition of the popular British DX Club publication "Radio Stations in the United Kingdom" has just been published. This 1997-98 edition (a 48-page A5 booklet) has been completely revised and updated to include all U.K. domestic AM and FM stations currently on the air (both BBC and independent). It also comes with a free supplement covering radio stations in the Republic of Ireland.

Features include: * Many new stations on the air since the last edition was published 18 months ago * Stations listed by frequency and by name * Frequencies cross-referenced to show parallel channels. * Transmitter powers and sites shown for each frequency * Includes postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. * Brief background to the various radio services. * Advice on reception reports and verification signers. * Details of low-power stns at football grounds/race circuits, etc

RSUK is available from BDXC's London address: British DX Club, 126 Bargery Road, Catford, London, SE6 2LR.

PRICE (covers airmail postage within Europe, surface mail elsewhere): - UK addresses: 2.50 pounds sterling - Rest of the World: 3.00 pounds sterling / 7 International reply coupons / 5 US dollars / 10 Deutsche Marks (dollar/DM payments in cash only).

E-mail enquiries: [email protected] URL: www.co.umist.as/BDXC [BDXC must be in capital letters] (Sept 29)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 329 11 Oct 1997 ______

ALBANIA Radio Tirana to increase transmission hours. Four new leaders of Radio Tirana depts were declared yesterday. Radio Tirana is the only official radio in Albania. The Radio Tirana director, Martin Leka, told media representatives on Wednesday [17th Sept] that "these changes are carried out in the context of restructure and of a new programme drafted for the future". Leka said that in a brief period, Radio Tirana will increase the number of txion hours from 34 to 57 and will renovate the technique, which, he said, is of the years [19]50-60. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 18)

ANGOLA UNITA stn to be renamed Wake Up Radio. The postponement of the introduction of sanctions against UNITA [National Union for the Total Independence of Angola] was last night [24th Sept] "on the verge" of being considered by the troika of observers [Portugal, the USA and Russia] in New York. 'Diario de Noticias' has learnt that one of the UN Security Council's demands - that by 30th [Sept] UNITA's radio stn Vorgan [Voice of the Resistance of the Black Cockerel] should be changed into a multiparty stn, giving up its previous role as an intensive propaganda tool - has been made possible with the allocation of a freq in Luanda. The new UNITA stn will be called Wake Up Radio. ('Diario de Noticias' via BBCM via AGDX, Sept 25)

ANTARCTICA v15475.96kHz 1945 UTC R.Nac.Arcangel, Base Esperanza - Talk about Cordoba, QSL info, lots of Argentine mx. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Oct 8)

ARMENIA TWR via Kamo-ARM 864 kHz 1000 kW at 0000-0100 UTC in Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Korean to ME, Tajik/Uzbek. 1855-1900 English, 1900-1930 Persian, 1930-1945 Kurdish/Turkish, 1945- 2000 Turkish. (TWR W97 schedule)

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia [RA] presenter Roger Broadbent told listeners to the "Feedback" feature on 20th Sept that while RA's schedule had not, since the closure of the Darwin tx, described any freqs as audible in EUR, reports did indicate reception on two freqs. These were 11880 kHz from 1700-2130 UTC and 11695 2130-2300 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 26)

RA Shepparton noted 11880 0600-0900, and 329 degr 0900-1330, actually heard til 1400 with what is probably Khmer 1000-1100, followed by Chinese til close. 11660 kHz is heard to s-on at 1200 in English and apparent off 1700 UTC. Suffers by RL-KAV Tajik 1600-1700, and VoA-MRC Slovak 1700-1730, both also 11660. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

BELARUS Radiostanziya Belarus: Relays via UKR maybe cancelled. Radiostanziya Belarus (Radio Minsk) told in it's German progr on Oct 4: "We are still unsatisfied about the reception quality of our txs in the Ukraine. Most of our listeners will find one of our direct freqs usable, so we will likely do without the Ukrainian txs, especially as tx rents and feeder lines becomes more and more expensive."

Comment: Indeed both 7410 and 9560 (latter one from a tx at Kharkiv with a typical growl, you are possibly familiar with it - in the past these rig was on 4795...) are subject of cochannel interference, especially 7410 is practically blocked by AIR. On the other hand, 7105 is the best SW channel, and at least here in eastern Germany MW 1170 comes in very well. So the relays via Ukraine are surely dispensable, at least so long as RRT select otherwhise occupied frequencies again and again. (Kai Ludwig-D, Oct 4) [yes 1170 kHz is well heard in Stuttgart too, ed]

BONAIRE DW W97 schedule via RNW Bonaire relay: lang UTC freq site kW degr target ENGLISH 0500-0550 5960 BONAIRE 250 305 NoAM (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

BRAZIL R Cultura Sao Paulo on 17815 kHz in Portuguese fade-in at 0900 ... 1100 UTC, at 0900 NHK-ASC went off. Channel blocked again 0930-1000 NHK-ASC in French, then same signal was audible past 1400 UTC on clear channel again. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

CAMBODIA UCD opposition group to set up radio stn. Excerpts from report by Cambodian 'Oddamkeakte Khmer', an opposition nxpaper which generally reflects the views of the Khmer Nation Party Cambodia's principal political leaders who fled during last July's coup d'etat are trying to operate a radio stn to spread news about their resistance struggle. This radio stn, whose progrs will concentrate on political and military developments, is to be set up in O Smach, the military base of the resistance.

The former commander of the Fourth Military Region of the Khmer Royal Armed Forces emphasized that resistance fighters need to set up this radio stn because the 10 or more radio and television stns (both private and government-run) in Phnom Penh have now become an absolute tool of the coup-maker Hun Sen, ... and is making them broadcast false information. The stn will begin operation in Nov.

[Information Minister] Ieng Muli warned: "I know about that (but) it is a clandestine radio. We will take every measure to silence it completely." ... "Because these fighters are an illegal group, whatever they do is also illegal." ... (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 23 / Oct 3)

CANADA DW W97 schedule via RCI Sackville relay: lang UTC freq site kW degr target ENGLISH 0100-0150 5960 SACKVILLE 250 240 No/CeAM GERMAN 0400-0600 6045 SACKVILLE 250 277 NoAM ENGLISH 0100-0150 6085 SACKVILLE 250 277 NoAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 6085 SACKVILLE 250 277 NoAM ENGLISH 0300-0350 6185 SACKVILLE 250 268 NoAM GERMAN 1400-1600 13790 SACKVILLE 250 227 No/CeAM GERMAN 1600-1700 13790 SACKVILLE 250 227 No/CeAM (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

CHINA/RUSSIA CRI changes via Russia relay, French 2030-2125 UTC 7215 (x9890), English 2200-2255 UTC 7175 (x9880). (RVI Radio World, Oct 4) Voice of Tibet still on 11570 kHz in the clear, but CNR jammers on 11540 kHz instead. 1224-1255 UTC via CIS site. (WB Oct 5)

CUBA Rising flux means the return of bc harmonics in the 18, 23, 24 and even 30 MHz bands; RHC heard on new 18210 = 3 x 6070 kHz, Sept 21 at 1415 UTC, better signal than on fading fundamental, announcing philatelic contest for the 30th anniversary of the death in combat of Che Guevara and his companeros. (Glenn Hauser-OK USA, SW DX report 97-14, Sept 25)

ECUADOR v21454.97 kHz 1635 UTC HCJB, Quito - lots of Spanish & Italian songs (Ramazzotti) 1700 UTC, Informativo de los Andes. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Oct 4)

ETHIOPIA Radio Ethiopia National sce. This schedule shows the overall txion span. There may be interludes at various times of the day. Reg progrs may be carried on MW freqs at certain times, e.g. 855 kHz (Harar). Radio Ethiopia also operates an ext sce.

Address: Radio Ethiopia, PO Box 1020, Addis Ababa Tel: +251-1-551011 Fax: +251-1-552263 0300-2000 Mon-Sat multilingual 9705-v 7110 5990 873 855 684 kHz. 0400-2000 Suns. 1030- 1045 UTC nx in English. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 7) Rainbow Radio (Amharic: Yeh Ye Keste Damena Radio New) was first heard in Sept 1997, although it may have begun bcing some months earlier. The radio appears to be run by an Ethiopian opposition group and is believed to bc via hired SW txs in Germany. 0100-0200 UTC Sat Amharic to AM 5910 kHz. 1600-1700 Thur to AF 15365 kHz. 1900-2000 Sat to EUR 6130 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 7)

GERMANY DW W97 schedule via DTK Juelich tx site: lang UTC freq site kW degr target POLISH 1730-1800 3995 JUELICH 100 0ND EUR POLISH 1300-1330 6015 JUELICH 100 070 EUR SERBIAN 1030-1100 9670 JUELICH 100 130 EUR (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

Test bcs of Polskie Radio 5 Warsaw via DTK Juelich tx site has been postponed(!) for November 1997. [previously scheduled from 12 Oct- 25 Oct 1997 1900-1925 in Russian, 1930-1955 in Ukrainian language. 5840 kHz towards Russia, Moscow target. 6135 kHz towards Ukraine, Kiev target.]

DTK Juelich W97 schedule Oct 26, til March 19, 1998. The abreviations of DTK - Deutsche Telekom Juelich puzzeled me up. I was trying to figure out what UNL and TOM stand for, see my puzzling results downstairs. 5840 kHz conflict, registered for both HRT and TOM to same target at same time.

RTE Ireland sports special bcing moved to BBC/Merlin-UK Rampisham, Skelton, Ascension Isl, Kranji-Singapore.

Latvian Radio Vilnius 5905 0000-0100 295 daily LRT EaNoAM from Oct 27

West Coast Radio Ireland 5905 0100-0159 295 Thur WCRI EaNoAM 6175 1500-1600 290 Sats WCRI WeEUR 11665 1900-2000 160 Thur WCRI AF

Digital mode tests 5900 1000-1600 060 daily Telefunken/Berlin Technical University

Croatian Radio Zagreb 5840 0200-0400 320 daily HRT WeNoAM 6120 0200-0400 300 daily HRT EaNoAM 9505 0000-0159 240 daily HRT SoAM 9590 2100-2200 160 daily HRT SoAF 11730 0700-0800 230 daily HRT NZL 11730 0800-1000 260 daily HRT AUS

Democratic Voice of Burma 11850 1245-1345 080 daily DVB Burma, SoAS

Deutsche Welle 3995 1730-1800 ND daily DW Poland 6015 1300-1330 070 daily DW Poland 9670 1030-1100 130 daily DW Serbia, Montenegro

Radio Nederland Wereldomroep 6045 1125-1325 ND daily DW(RNW) Ce+WeEUR

Radio Vlaanderen Internat 5910 1900-1959 ND daily DW(RVI) Ce+WeEUR 5960 1900-1929 100 daily RVI CeEUR 7255 1700-1729 204 daily RVI EaEUR 9505 1700-1759 115 daily DW(RVI) NE/ME/SoEaEUR

Swiss Radio International 5850 1630-1815 115 daily SRI NE/EaAF 7410 1830-2030 040 daily SRI NoEUR, NoRussia 13635 1100-1330 080 daily SRI SoAS

Adventist World Radio 5840 0400-0459 115 daily AWR EaEUR Bulgarian 5890 0500-0600 115 daily AWR EaEUR Romanian 5890 1700-1800 115 daily AWR CeEUR Bulgarian 5890 1900-2000 115 daily AWR EaEUR Romanian 7230 0800-0900 145 Sat/Sun AWR SoEUR Italian 9835 1630-1700 090 daily AWR RUS/CIS/SoAS * * Kazakh Sun/Wed, Kyrgyz Mon/Thur, Uzb Tue/Fri, Russian Sats. 9835 2000-2200 200 daily AWR NE/EaAF French/Engl/Dyula

UNL - Universelles Leben - Universal life 5890 2045-2115 140 daily UNL We+CeEUR 7345 1630-1659 125 Sat UNL NE from Nov 8 9490 1830-1859 160 Sun UNL SoAF from Nov 2 11605 1800-1829 170 Sun UNL Ce+WeAF from Nov 2

TOM - I think Ivan Grishin has figured out what TOM stands for: The Overcomer Ministry, i.e. Brother Stair. Also adds up to 12 freq hours per day as he has stated. Brother Stair, who tested via Deutsche Telekom during August, has not been heard in Sept, but on his USA freqs was heard to say he was signing a contract with DTK for 12 hours per day (Jim Moats, OH in World of Radio 911 via Glenn Hauser, 25 Sept)

So what of the NIG & ETH clandestines?? (Glenn Hauser, Oct 8) (Ethiopian [clandestine] radio station Rainbow Radio (Keste Damena Radio)? (Nigerian [clandestine] radio station Radio New Nigeria)?

6170 0100-0259 295 daily TOM EaNoAM 5840 0200-0359 310 daily TOM Ea/Ce USA 6025 0200-0359 320 daily TOM WeNoAM 6175 1600-1759 ND daily TOM CeEUR 9500 0600-0759 255 daily TOM AUS/NZL 11985 1600-1759 115 daily TOM NE/ME/EaEUR

Trans World Radio 5840 1700-1730 105 daily TWR Romanian to Romania ND = non directional pattern

Nigerian Advocacy Group. Radio New Nigeria describes itself as the voice of the Nigerian Advocacy Group for Democracy and Human Rights, a Boston (USA)-based pressure group which opposes the current Nigerian govt. The stn says that it began bcing on 12th June 1997. Programmes are in English and Nigerian languages. The stn is believed bc via a hired SW tx in Germany. Address: PO Box 202, Boston, MA 02131, USA Fax: +1-617-364-7362 E-mail: radionnigaol.com or nagdhraol.com URL: http://www.nagdhr.com RADIO NEW NIGERIA, Boston (USA) 0100-0130 s...... ENGLISH/VERNACS to NoAM 5910 0600-0630 ...... s ENGLISH/VERNACS to AF 11995 1500-1530 s...... ENGLISH/VERNACS EUR 6175 (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 2)

Digital Broadcasting on AM band. Deutsche Telekom started test bcing txions via MW station Berlin Koepenick [Uhlenhorst] on 810 kHz (0.4 kW) in autumn 1994. During IFA - Internat Berlin Radio and TV Exhibition digital test bcasts carried via more powerful stn DLF Berlin Britz [ex RIAS] 855 kHz 5 kW. (Michael Woldt, REFLEXION 142, via Juergen Lohuis, Oct 3)

>From Sept 11, WDR MW tx Langenberg on 720 kHz 20 kW extended its bc schedule, now on air day and night. To obtain a WDR Langenberg QSL card containing detailed data, send your comprehensive report to: WDR Sender Langenberg, Richard-Tormin-Str. 3, D-42555 Velbert, Germany. (Helmut Runge-D, Juergen Lohuis-D & Christian Bruelhart-SUI, Oct 3)

HAWAII KWHR Naalehu Hawaii in English noted in Blackpool-UK weak signal at 0700-0800 UTC on 17780 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

IRAN The Iranian opposition station Voice of Iranian Kordestan was heard bcing in Persian from 1500-1530 UTC on 3942 kHz. The radio signed on with the following announcement: "Dear listeners, the Voice of Iranian Kordestan Radio presents its progrs daily at 1400-1530 UTC for one hour in Kurdish, and for 30 mins in Persian on SW in the 41 & 75 mb. This progr is repeated the next day from 0330-0500 UTC."

"Voice of Iranian Kordestan" (Persian: "Seda-ye Kordestan-e Iran"; Kurdish: "Ira Dangi Kurdistani Irana") was first heard in 1973-75, and then again from 1980. It is operated by the Kordestan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI). The radio announces that it bcs in the 41 and 75 mb. Freqs vary to avoid jamming. In the past it has used a large number of freqs, incl those in the ranges 7050-7420, 4890-5080, 4630-4665, 4060-4370 and 3875-3965 kHz. Bcs are usually suspended for around 12-13 days following the Persian New Year (on 20th or 21st March). Address: KDPI, c/o AFK, Boite Postale 102, F-75623 Paris Cedex, France. 0330-0430 daily Kurdish 3940-4200v (repeat of previous day's 1400 bc) 0430-0500 daily Persian 3940-4200v (repeat of previous day's 1500 bc) 1400-1500 daily Kurdish 3940-4200v 1500-1530 daily Persian 3940-4200v (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 24 / Oct 3)

Middle East warble jamming noted on 1566 kHz at 1800-1900 UTC, most likely against IRN.

IRAQ Holy Koran Radio to start on 15th Oct. A decision has been taken to establish a new radio called the Holy Koran Radio. The radio will start txions on 15th Oct, which marks the second anniversary of the Great March Day. The decision to establish the radio emanates from the elevated principles of the national faith campaign led by His Excellency Pres Saddam Husayn. (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 24) v9114.7 kHz, Rep. of Iraq Radio, 1742-1922v* UTC, Oct 3, another bizarre freq choice for Baghdad, observed with what seemed anti-Saudi rhetoric, as well as typical ME vocals; not there next day. Had been first noted Sep 30 on v9115.7 at 1838-1859*, and again Oct 1 on the same reading at 1825. Also faintly audible on //9715, well under DW Russian; nothing on 11292v or 11787v any of these days when checked. Audio always too low to catch a spoken ID. (Hill-MA, via NU)

9755 kHz, Radio of Rep of Iraq, noted first on Sep 3t at *1900-2100* in Turkish, huge signal almost daily since then. Also much weaker arnd 1600-1900 in AR (1600 ID, nx by man ["nashra 'l ahbar min izaat'l jumhuriya 'l iraq min baghdad"], 1615 YL ID). Sept 28 at around 1730, in AR, just fair. QRM from Egypt, het. Sked is very erratic, e.g. on Sept 30 it appeared with 1900-2000 FR, 2000-2100 EG, no Turkish at all. Oct 1 hrd at 1900-2100 in Turkish as "normal." (Titarev-UKR via NU)

11785 kHz 2100 UTC R. Iraq Int., Baghdad ? - After absence of almost two weeks on this freq, stong carrier but very awful modulation, speech as well as mx impossible to follow! Carrier well over co-channel DW-CLN Language? 11785 2050 R. Iraq Int., Baghdad - Today much weaker signal but also much better modulation, ann. of times and freqs as before. DW-CLN too strong today after 2100 UTC to copy. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Oct 7/8)

JORDAN appears to have changed back to winter time, same as ISR. Only seems to use two txs, Heard to close at 0905 on 15435, on 11810 is active at 0600 and still on at 1600. English 11690 1100-1730, and on 9830 in Arabic from 1800. [Dan Henderson reported spur signals of the latter one on 10000 kHz, but may on symmetric 9660 also, ed]. No trace of listed 6105 7155 11835 13630 15355 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

LAOS 6130 kHz 2245 UTC LNR Vientiane - Nice modern local mx, 2300 ID as 'Thini sathani withayu krachasiang Vientiane'. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Oct 4)

LIBERIA Star Radio, Liberia, Special NORDX QSL-Card 1950-2010 UTC - Sat, 18 Oct 1997 - 3400 or 5880 kHz Among the 23 stns which Nordx participants are invited to listen out for, is the new SW stn Star Radio in Liberia. A special QSL-card will be awarded for correct RR of the 1950-2010 UTC time segment included in the contest. The stn will be bcing on either 3400 or 5880 kHz. Star Radio is based in Monrovia, Liberia, where it has been transmitting on on FM 104 since 15 July 1997. Since 16 Sept, the stn has also been bcing test txions on SW with 10 kW. During this test period, the hours of txion are usually 0500-0800 and 1700-2000 UTC and the stn is alternating between 3400 and 5880 kHz. Star Radio aims to provide an independent source of information for Liberians living in the country and in neighboring regions. It emphasizes the search for peace and the promotion of human rights in Liberia. Star Radio is staffed by Liberian journalists, funded by USAID and managed by the non-govermental organization "Fondation Hirondelle" based in Switzerland. (For further information, refer to their home page at: http://www.hirondelle.org/)

MADAGASCAR DW W97 schedule via RNW Madagascar relay: lang UTC freq site kW degr target ENGLISH 0900-0950 15145 TALATA VOLON.200 245 EeSoAF (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

MALDIVES V of Maldives - Male on MW 1449 kHz. Sign-on at 0025 UTC with bird chirping IS, time pips 0030 for 0530 LT in the morning, ID in Dhivehi "Mee Dhivehi Raajjeyge adu" opening anncts followed by recitations from the Koran and religious prgs. (95 pct of the Maldivians are Muslims) A two hour English sce is now heard daily 1200-1400 UTC. Txion begins "This is the English Sce of Voice of Maldives" Time pips and time checks for 5 p.m. LT followed by a progr summary. No signs of the SW operations, as yet. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN UADX, Oct 5)

MOLDOVA TWR via Maiac-Grigoriopol-MDA site 999 kHz, 500 kW, 1730-1800 & 2030-2100 UTC in Belarus(Mons), Russian (Wed+Fri), Ukrainian (Tue+Thur). DW W97 schedule: lang UTC freq site kW degr target RUSSIAN 1600-1700 999 GRIGORIOPOL 500 0ND CIS RUSSIAN 1900-2000 999 GRIGORIOPOL 500 0ND CIS (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

MONACO TWR Monaco in Russian from Oct 26: 1440 UTC 7365 kHz MCO 1800 UTC 7355, 5890 kHz both via ALB 1900 UTC 6235, 7245 kHz Sats only, towards ISR (Nikolai Pashkevich-RUS, Oct 5) [see also under Moldova]

MONGOLIA VoMongolia (xRadio Ulaanbaatar) schedule Sept 28, 97 - Mar 28, 98: 0830-0900 RUSSIAN 12085 ASIA 250 126 0900-0930 JAPANESE 12085 ASIA 250 126 0930-1000 MONGOLIAN 12085 MW 990 ASIA 250 126 1000-1030 CHINESE 12085 MW 990 ASIA 250 126 1030-1100 JAPANESE 12085 ASIA 250 126 1100-1130 MONGOLIAN 12085 MW 990 ASIA 250 178 1130-1200 CHINESE 12085 MW 990 ASIA 250 178 1200-1230 ENGLISH 12085 AUS 250 178 1300-1330 RUSSIAN 12085 SIBERIA 250 358 1345-1415 JAPANESE 12085 ASIA 250 126 1430-1500 CHINESE 12085/ 9720 SO ASIA 100/250 178/230 1500-1530 ENGLISH 12085/ 9720 SO ASIA 100/250 178/230 1930-2000 ENGLISH 12085/ 9720 EUROPE 100/250 230/306

In a letter to me David O'Connor writes: "Choice of freqs is not completely up to the VoM, but is allocated, so we have very little opportunity to get one that pleases you. I'm sorry the reception isn't better, but we are a very long way away, and have no relay facilities to help the signal along." Concerning the e-mail address he mentions that incoming e-mails are often answered by ordinary mail, "because the terminal is often difficult to use - lots of others use it a lot, and the office is a long way away." e-mail The schedule contains some futher information on the VoM: "All of The Voice of Mongolia's bcs come directly from its Khonkhor txing stn, about 25 kms east of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital. It broadcasts through Soviet-made 100, 250 and 500 kW txs and curtain antennas built in the mid sixties. The first bc in Sept 1964 was a half- hour txion in the Mongolian and Chinese languages, beamed to China. In the next few years, Mongolian internat bcing expanded in terms of languages used, broadcast hours and target areas. The English sce of Radio Ulaanbaatar, which was renamed The Voice of Mongolia on Jan 1, 1997, was launched on Jan 29, 1965." (via Uwe Volk-D, Oct 5) Curtain antennas towards FE 126 degr, SoEaAS/AUS 178 degr, SoAS/ME/SoAF 230, EUR 306, Siberia 358 degr.

Mongolia on 4790 kHz. Here is a message I received from Ludo Maes, but Moscow is not the best place I'm afraid, to monitor low power stn from Mongolia.

Dear DX-friend, We supplied a 2 kW SW tx to Mongolia to be installed near Saynshand in the Dornogobi desert. This SW tx is at the moment on it's way to Saynshand where it will arrive around Oct 13, 1997. Once there, it will probably take a week or two for installation so that the tx is expected to be ready to go on the air by the end of Oct. The radio stn is part of a general aid progr for the shepherds in the region sponsored by the Danish Govt and will likely bc nx, wx information and educational progrs to the people living in this mountainous region.

We would be very pleased if you could monitor this stn which will bc on 4790 kHz and report back to us about reception conditions. We selected you because we believe you are living not too distant from the tx location to be able to hear the stn, although it is of course a low power stn. (TDP c/o Ludo Maes-BEL, via Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Oct 8)

MONTSERRAT DW W97 schedule via RNW Montserrat relay. This vulcano island still appears on DW schedule [??]: lang UTC freq site kW degr target ENGLISH 0100-0150 930 MONTSERRAT?? 100 0ND CeAM/Carib (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

MOROCCO RTM Rabat seems only to be using the VoA Briech site on 15335 at 1100-1500 & 2200-0000 UTC, 11920 0000-0500. No trace of Tangier 15335, 17595, 17815. RAE again audible on 15345 kHz at 0900, 1700, 1800 instead. So, is the Tangier site closed? (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

NORWAY Radio Norway Internat, Final Farewell from Fredrikstad. 1630-1700 UTC - Sat, 18 Oct 1997 - 11680 kHz. A special, one-off bc in English from Radio Norway Internat will mark the official closing down of the SW tx at Fredrikstad on Sat, 18 Oct. This will be the very last opportunity to hear and verify this site. The progr will contain glimpses from the history of the Fredrikstad tx, along with other features concerning the SW medium and the hobby of DXing. Radio Norway International and the SW facility at Fredrikstad in South-Eastern Norway both came to life on 3 Jan 1948 when a 100 kW tx was inaugurated. (Watch out for RNI's 50th anniversary celebrations early in the new year!) The current 500 kW Thomson tx (now radiating 350 kW) was installed in 1976. This tx was closed on 1 Jan 1997, following the opening of the new 500 kW facility at Sveio II. Having remained operational since, the Fredrikstad tx will now be dismantled. This special bc, which is beamed to EUR & NoAM, is txed to coincide with the Nordic DX- Championships (Nordx '97), organized by DX-Listeners' Club of Norway. Correct reception reports of this bc will be rewarded with a special QSL-card. (Olav Nordli, Oct 9)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA National Broadcasting Corporation (PNG). Today the news that the Papua New Guinea NBC was about to lose its Port Moresby studios. It seems that a Court in PNG has ordered that NBC pay $750,000 (Aust) in compensation, following a successful claim for wrongful by a former employee who was dismissed some five years ago. It would appear that the NBC doesn't have the money. Lawyers for the successful litigant have now threatened to foreclose on NBC headquarters with a view to selling it. Unless the claim were to be paid promptly, the lawyers further said that they would soon begin to bar NBC employees from entering the studio building so that program making would become impossible. (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, Oct 7)

PNG 9675 kHz has been heard many days now, fading in around 0700 UTC and s-off seems variable, anytime between 0730-0830 UTC. Reception made easier as TWR English has been using v9684.8-Cerrik-ALB in //9755-MCO, only latter announced. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

PHILIPPINES FEBC Manila W97 schedule. Eff 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 Far East Broadcasting Co. Box 1, Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines

9405 0900-1600 Mandarin 9405 2200-2400 Mandarin 9475 1000-1030 Amoy 9475 1030-1100 Swatow 9475 1100-1230 Cantonese 9475 1230-1600 Mandarin 9495 2230-2315 Khmer 9495 2315-2415 Vietnamese 9780 2230-2330 Indonesian 9795 1115-1200 Vietnam Tribal 9795 1200-1300 Vietnamese 9795 1300-1330 Vietnam Tribal 9795 1330-1345 Burmese Tribal 9795 1345-1400 Mien 9875 2230-2300 Lao 9875 2300-2330 Hmong 11610 1030-1045 Mien 11610 1045-1100 Khmu 11610 1100-1130 Hmong 11610 1130-1200 Lao 11610 1200-1300 Khmer 11635 0930-1100 English 11650 2300-2315 Akha (Sat/Sun) 11650 2315-2330 Lahu 11650 2330-2345 Wa 11995 1400-1600 English 12005 0800-1030 Jav/Indonesian 15095 0915-0945 Ogan 15095 0945-1015 Batak 15095 1015-1045 Malay 15095 1045-1115 Acehnese 15095 1130-1145 Mon 15095 1145-1230 Burmese Tribal 15095 1230-1345 Burmese 15095 1345-1430 Burmese Tribal 15450 0100-0300 English 15450 0500-0900 Mandarin 15465 0115-0130 Burmese Tribal 15465 0130-0145 Kuki (Sat,Sun) 15465 0130-0145 Meitei(Mon-Fri) 15465 0145-0200 AoNaga(Sat,Sun) 15465 0200-0215 Zoukam (Sat) 15465 2330-0115 Burmese 15520 2345-0030 Shan (FEBC via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 3)

QATAR QBS Doha in Arabic found on new 17895. Opens 0707-1304, then moves to 11750 at 1307-1800, 7210 1805-close 2124 UTC. Cannot trace it before 0700. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6) [switching time differs, should be 1707, see below]

QBS Doha current observed schedule: 0243-0706 7210, 9570.2 0707-1304 9570.2, 17895 1305-1704 9570.2, 11750 1705-2125 7210, 9570.2 (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Sept 24-25)

RUSSIA DW W97 schedule via Russia relay, see new Moscow SW relay: lang UTC freq site kW degr target RUSSIAN 1600-1700 999 GRIGORIOPOL 500 0ND CIS RUSSIAN 1900-2000 999 GRIGORIOPOL 500 0ND CIS

RUSSIAN 2000-2200 5895 IRKUTSK 100 083 RUS JAPANESE 1230-1300 5925 IRKUTSK 250 110 FE ENGLISH 0900-0950 7380 IRKUTSK 250 110 CHN RUSSIAN 2000-2200 7395 IRKUTSK 100 083 RUS JAPANESE 1230-1300 9450 IRKUTSK 250 110 FE ENGLISH 0900-0950 12055 IRKUTSK 250 110 CHN

TURKISH 1700-1750 1170 KRASNODAR 600 210 SoEUR/ME PERSIAN 1800-1850 5965 KRASNODAR 200 147 ME ARABIC 1300-1600 9860 KRASNODAR 500 188 ME ARABIC 1300-1600 12015 KRASNODAR 500 188 ME

GERMAN 1600-2000 7445 MOSKVA 250 169 ME/EaAF GERMAN 1600-2000 9830 MOSKVA 250 169 ME/EaAF

GERMAN 2200-0000 5925 NOVOSIBIRSK 1000 085 FE INDONES 2200-2250 7235 NOVOSIBIRSK 1000 145 SoEaAS CHINESE 1330-1355 7305 NOVOSIBIRSK 200 111 CHN URDU 1430-1515 7305 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 195 SoAS HINDI 1515-1600 7305 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 195 SoAS ENGLISH 1600-1650 7305 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 195 SoAS GERMAN 1000-1400 7315 NOVOSIBIRSK 200 111 FE (x11870) GERMAN 1000-1400 7340 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 085 FE GERMAN 2200-0000 7340 NOVOSIBIRSK 999 085 FE BENGALI 0100-0150 7355 NOVOSIBIRSK 999 180 SoAS GERMAN 2200-0000 7375 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 125 FE CHINESE 1000-1050 7390 NOVOSIBIRSK 200 111 CHN CHINESE 1000-1050 9450 NOVOSIBIRSK 200 111 CHN CHINESE 1330-1355 9450 NOVOSIBIRSK 200 111 CHN GERMAN 1000-1400 9480 NOVOSIBIRSK 500 145 SoAS/SoEaAS

CHINESE 1000-1050 5895 PETROPAVLOVS.200 263 CHN CHINESE 1330-1355 5895 PETROPAVLOVS.200 263 CHN RUSSIAN 0000-0100 9815 PETROPAVLOVS.250 263 RUS RUSSIAN 0000-0100 12045 PETROPAVLOVS.250 263 RUS

RUSSIAN 0000-0100 5925 SAMARA 200 117 CIS PERSIAN 1800-1850 5935 SAMARA 250 188 ME RUSSIAN 1600-2000 5945 SAMARA 200 117 CIS ROMANIAN 2000-2100 6000 SAMARA 200 246 EUR GERMAN 1400-1600 7315 SAMARA 250 140 SoAS GERMAN 1600-1800 7315 SAMARA 250 140 SoAS ENGLISH 0200-0250 7355 SAMARA 250 140 SoAS ENGLISH 0200-0250 9815 SAMARA 250 140 SoAS PERSIAN 1000-1050 15525 SAMARA 200 188 ME

RUSSIAN 0000-0100 9865 VLADIVOSTOK 200 320 RUS

Moscow and St. Petersburg relay 0300-2300 UTC German, except Russian 0400-0500 and 1600-2200 UTC: 0300-2300 693 MOSKVA 010 0ND MOSCOW area 0300-0400 1188 ST.PETERSBUG 010 0ND PETERSBG area (Andreas Volk-D, Sept 30)

At present in S97-1 periode DW using Novosibirsk relay at 1000-1400 UTC on 11870 kHz 200 kW 111 degr. (Andreas Volk-D, Oct 7)

15520, Radio Rossii, Oct. 4, 1255 with light mx, 1300 time pips and "Moskovskaya vremya", news, introduced with jingle "Vesti - informazionaya vypusk Radio Rossii", SIO 555. Klaus Lieberwirth told me, 15520 is on the air 0730-1400. The powerhouse signal makes me wonder: I guess, it indicates antenna beam towards CeEUR (other SW outlets of Russian home sces are much weaker). Will Radio Rossii now also serve targets outside the CIS, possibly as replacement for the sharply reduced Russian-language bcs from Voice of Russia? (Kai Ludwig-D, Oct 4)

Sakha Republic Radio - Yakutsk. Yakutsk is in the Sakha Republic (also known as Yakutiya); Local time zone is UTC +10 hours in summer, +9 hours in winter. When not carrying local programming, Yakutsk relays Radio Russia from Moscow. 0000-2200 daily. Local progr 0100-0500 daily, 0910-1000 Sat/Sun. 7345 7200 7140 4825 171 kHz. Address: Dom Radio, Ordzhonikidze 48, 677007 Yakutsk, Respublika Sakha. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 7)

SEYCHELLES FEBA heard on new 11640 kHz at 1600-1700 UTC, sounds in Amharic which is listed on 9865 kHz at this time, but not heard. Amharic is Fri-Sun and Guragena language on Mons only 1600-1630 UTC, Amharic daily 1630-1700. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

SOUTH AFRICA TWR Manzini W97 schedule via Meyerton-AFS relay, eff 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 7215 0330-0400 12 Tigrinya 7215 0330-0400 3 67 Amharic 7215 0330-0400 45 Oromo 7265 1527-1542 1234567 Yao (FEBA) 7265 1542-1557 1234567 Sena (FEBA) 9510 1800-1830 1234567 Fulfulde 9510 1830-1900 1234567 Hausa 9510 1900-1930 1234567 Yoruba 9510 1930-2000 1234567 Nupe 9510 2000-2030 1234567 Twi 9530 1600-1630 12345 KiRundi 9530 1600-1630 6 Kinyarwanda 9530 1600-1630 7 French 9530 1630-1700 1 Borana 9530 1630-1700 234567 Oromo 9530 1700-1730 1234567 Tigrinya 9530 1730-1800 1234567 Amharic 9530 1800-1815 23456 Amharic 9600 1800-1830 1234567 Bambara 9600 1830-1900 1234567 Baoule 9600 1900-1930 1234567 French 9650 1640-1655 1234567 Somali 9650 1657-1713 123 Shuwa 9650 1657-1713 456 Juba 9650 1657-1727 7 Arabic 11730 0600-0630 1234567 English (TWR SWZ, Sept 17, via Michiel Schaay-HOL)

CHANNEL AFRICA W-97 schedule English 0300-0330 5955 Ea&CeAF 0400-0430 5955 SoAF 0500-0530 9675 WeAF 0600-0630 11900 WeAF 1300-1455 9440 SoAF (Sat&Sun) 1300-1455 15330 Ea&CEAF (Sat&Sun) 1300-1455 17675 WeAF (Sat&Sun) 1500-1530 9440 Ea&CeAF 1600-1625 5955 SoAF 1700-1730 15240 WeAF

French 0330-0400 5955 Madagascar 0430-0455 9525 Ce&EaAF 1530-1555 9440 Madagascar 1630-1655 11900 Ce&EaAF

Portuguese 0430-0455 3345 So Mozambique 0430-0455 5955 No Mozambique 0530-0555 9675 Angola 0630-0655 11900 Angola & WeAF 1630-1655 3345 So Mozambique 1630-1655 9440 No Mozambique 1730-1755 15240 Angola & WeAF

Swahili 0300-0325 6000 Ea & CeAF 1500-1525 11900 Ea & CeAF 1600-1630 11900 Ea & CeAF

RADIO SONDER GRENSE (dom sce) 0000-0430 3320 0430-0700 6000 0700-1600 7185 1600-2400 3320 (via Andreas Volk-D, Oct 7)

SWAZILAND TWR Manzini W97 schedule. Eff 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 3200 0300-0330 1234567 Ndebele 0400-0430 1234567 German 0430-0500 1234567 English 1630-1700 1234567 German 1730-1745 1234 English 1730-1745 5 Sotho 1730-1745 6 Tswana 1730-1745 7 Pedi 1745-2015 1234567 English 3240 0300-0345 1234567 Shona 1800-1830 1234567 Ndebele 1830-1900 1234567 Shona 1900-1915 1234567 Ndau 4760 1630-1645 1234 Portuguese 1630-1645 5 7 Shangaan 1600-1630 12345 Tshwa 1600-1630 7 Shangaan 1600-1700 6 Portuguese 4775 0400-0430 1234567 German 0430-0700 1234567 English 5965 1600-1630 1 34567 Chewa 1600-1630 2 Tumbuka 1630-1658 1234567 Chewa 1700-1800 1234567 Swahili 1800-1815 67 Swahili 6040 0300-0330 1234567 Swahili 0330-0345 6 Swahili 0400-0430 1 34 67 Chewa 0400-0430 2 5 Tumbuka 0430-0500 1234567 Chewa 6100 0400-0415 1234567 Lomwe 0430-0735 1234567 English 0735-0805 67 English 6130 1845-1900 1234567 Umbundu 1900-1915 12 Portuguese 1900-1915 345 KiKongo 1900-1915 6 Lunyaneka 1900-1930 7 Portuguese 1915-1930 6 Luchazi 1915-1945 12345 Portuguese 1930-1945 67 Chokwe 1945-2000 1234567 Kimbundu 2000-2005 12345 Portuguese 7175 1440-1510 1234567 French 1510-1555 1234567 Malagache 7315 1435-1440 12345 Portuguese 1440-1510 1234567 Portuguese 1510-1525 1234567 Makua 1525-1540 1234567 Lomwe 1540-1555 1234 Lomwe 1540-1555 5 Portuguese 1540-1555 67 Kimwani 9500 0505-0735 1234567 English 0735-0805 67 English 1540-1555 5 7 Tigrinya 1600-1830 1234567 English 9525 1900-1930 1234567 Lingala 1930-2000 1234567 French 2000-2015 67 French 9650 0605-0735 1234567 English 0735-0805 67 English 15310 1400-1415 1234567 Urdu (TWR SWZ, Sept 17, via Michiel Schaay-HOL)

SWITZERLAND Acc to information from SUI the eldest Swiss SW stn at Schwarzenburg will draw back from overseas sce for SRI next year [fr Mar 30?]. Only non-directional reserve unit for Lenk 6165 kHz, and EUR sce in 31mb will be kept in service for the time being. Schwarzenburg Z97 schedule on 31 mb 9535 kHz is 0400-0700 80 degr, 1000-1300 230 degr: 9905 1700-1845 20 degr. SW Sottens in western Switzerland with 500 kW of power will remain overseas. Lenk 3985 kHz is used for CRI Beijing relay to CeEUR. Will SRI increase using curtain antennas at Juelich facility in Germany? See also SRI entry under Germany. (Christian Bruelhart-SUI, Oct 6)

SRI W97 schedule FREQ UTC CIRAF LOC kW AZI FREQ UTC CIRAF LOC kW AZI 3985 2100-2300 27,28 LEK 250 ND 5840 0500-0730 28SE,29 SBG 150 080 5850 1630-1815 38E,39 JUL 100 115 6135 0030-0545 4,6-9 SBG 150 305 6165 0500-2300 18,27,28,37N LEK 250 ND 7230 1300-1445 49,50,54 PEK 120 217 7410 1830-2030 18,29NW JUL 100 040 7480 1300-1445 44NE,45 PEK 120 102 9535 1100-1330 37N SBG 150 230 9620 1630-1815 38,39 SBG 150 125 9620 1830-2130 47,52,53,57 SBG 150 170 9885 0030-0545 8,10,11,12N SOT 500 290 9885 0600-0815 37S,46 SBG 150 200 9885 0830-1030 55,59,60 GUF 500 215 9885 1100-1330 44,45 SOT 500 050 9885 1400-1615 29,30,40,41 SBG 150 080 9885 2000-2130 52,53,57 GUF 500 115 9885 2200-2400 13-16 SOT 500 230 9905 0030-0500 6-8,10,11 GUF 500 310 9905 1630-1815 38,39,48 SOT 500 140 9905 1830-2130 47,52,53,57 SOT 500 140 9905 2200-2400 11,12,13NW SBG 150 260 11650 2200-2400 12E,13-15 GUF 500 175 11725 1830-2130 37S,38W,46 SBG 150 185 11860 0600-0815 37S,38W,46 SBG 150 185 12075 0830-1030 55,58-60 SBG 150 245 12075 1100-1330 44,49,50 SBG 150 065 12075 1400-1615 29,30,40,41 SBG 150 080 13635 0600-0815 47,52,53,57 SOT 500 165 13635 1100-1330 49,50,54 JUL 100 080 13635 1400-1615 29,30,40,41 SOT 500 090 13685 0830-1030 55,58-60 SOT 500 260 (via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 7)

UAE Here is a current English schedule of UAE Radio from Dubai: 0329-0350 12005*, 13675, 15400, 21485 (11945) 0529-0548 15435, 17830, 21700 1029-1050 13675, 15395, 21605 (17825) 1600-1638 13630*, 13675, 15395, 21605* (11795, 17825) Remarks: * = unannounced frequencies (announced - but not in use - frequencies between brackets) (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, via DXW, Oct 1)

USA/CAMBODIA [c.f. BC-DX #328] Radio Free Asia starts Khmer sce. The Radio Free Asia [RFA] Khmer sce will begin bcing on Mon [29th Sept]. Khmer is the language of Cambodia. The schedule is 1230-1330 UTC on 15405 and 17820 kHz, and 2230-2330 on 6015 and 7560. RFA does not publicize its tx sites, although expert DXers are able usually to figure them out. [17820 moved to 11510, WB]

Reception reports concerning any of the above mentioned txions [Liberia, Norway, USA] may be sent to the following address, enclosing 2 IRCs for return postage: Nordx '97, DX-Listeners' Club, PO Box 7080 Vestheiene N-4602 Kristiansand, NORWAY E-mail: [email protected]

The US-funded RFA is now bc in all seven of its originally planned languages: Mandarin, Tibetan, Korean, Burmese, Vietnamese, Lao and now Khmer. As part of a proposed expansion of US internat bcing to China, RFA might also add Cantonese and Wu - the Shanghai dialect. RFA's Khmer sce may have trouble competing with cross-town rival VOA. The VOA's Khmer sce has the advantage of the [powerful] MW relay at Bangkok, 1575 kHz, one million watts. That MW relay is important to the success of VOA's Khmer, Lao, Burmese and Bangla sces.

Address: Suite 300, 2025 M Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA. Tel: +1 - 202 - 530 - 4900 Fax: +1 - 202 - 457 - 6996 URL: http://www.rfa.org (VoA "Communications World" Sept 27 , BBCM via AGDX, Oct 3)

USA 5890 kHz, VOA Greenville will carry a special txion for the Nordic DX Championship on Sun, Oct 19 at 0400-0500. Progr will include VOA nx, and then VOA Express "Classic Rock" at 0410 UTC. "Classic Rock" is ordinarily available only via satellite to VOA affiliates. This will be the first time it is on SW. There will be special greetings to those listening on SW. (Kim Elliott in VoA Communications World, via NU; WB Oct 4)

US Delano worth mentioning, heard VoGreece on 9775 kHz around 0700 UTC in //with 9425 Avlis. Audible as a low level fluttery signal [across Northern Canada, ed]. Delano heard again on 11815 kHz at 1500 UTC after RL Lampertheim in Turkmen goes off. Is doing R Marti in Sp and /713820 Greenville, again low level and fluttery. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE -- eff as of Oct 8, 1997 from Glenn Hauser NOTE: some important changes in our schedule on WWCR.

On WWCR Nashville, Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0600 5070 AND 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sun 0130 5070 [NEW], Sun 0900 3210, Mon 0300 3215, Tue 1230 15685.

On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-2400 period, 7385 2200-1200, 7585 0000-1200.

NEW!! On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0400 on 5085-USB. If the tape arrives before Mon additional unscheduled times may occur, such as UTC Mon 0500 on 5085-USB or on 9400 Sat, Sun daytime.

W.O.R. is a listener-supported, public-service program about communications around the world, especially, but not limited to, Shortwave Broadcasting. Look for separately distributed rundowns of topics in each half-hour edition, or on our website, which has now moved to: http://www.grove.net/~ghauser also usually in RFPI Weekly Updates, previews by E-mail or newsgroups. The site also has complete WOR scheduling info including AM & FM, World Radio Network. www.DXing.com news: FCC grants new experimental stn WA2XNS in Massachusetts, SW freq list, for antenna testing. Radio Free Asia may get $30 million more thanks to Republicans and Chinese jamming -- just so there are no trade restrictions. Daylight shifting time just started in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, New Zealand; so most bcs on air one actual hour earlier. (World of Radio #913, Glenn Hauser, Oct 8)

VIETNAM The Voice of Vietnam txing stn is located at Thoi Long in the O Mon district. It has three 500 kW and two 1000 kW txs. In addition to the use by the Foreign Language Sce of the VOV, the stn is used domestically 18 hours a day, as well as for progrs for the Khmer ethnic group in the area, and a general progr for people on the Mekong Delta (6 hours a day). (van Delft, via DXW, Oct 5) [BBCMS reported about inauguration, may be six months ago, ed]

DX CONTEST The Tropical CO.RAD 1997 Memorial Bernhard Gruendl DX Contest will be held Sun, Oct 26-Sun, Nov 2. It is in memory of Bernhard Gruendl, one of the most serious European tropical band DXers and a contributor to the WRTH, who was killed in a car crash in June of 1991. This is a research contest, solely for DXers located in EUR, to help all DXers who for various reasons are unable to listen regularly at night. The freqs to be monitored are 3200-6950 kHz. SW bc stns are the only ones to be monitored; utility stns, amateur stns, and standard time and freq signal stns will not be counted.

Contestants are to listen to these target areas on these dates at the listed UTC times: Sun, Oct 26 1900-2300 Africa Mon, Oct 27 1900-2100 Asia/Pacific Tue, Oct 28 2100-2300 Africa Wed, Oct 29 1900-2100 Asia/Pacific Thur, Oct 30 2100-2300 Africa Fri, Oct 31 2200-2400 Americas Sat, Nov 1 0000-0200 Americas Sun, Nov 2 0000-0400 Americas Stns are to be logged for 30 mins each. Program details will count for additional points; the more details, the more points. Logs must be written. Recordings of stations will not be accepted. Participants must include the following information for each stn logged: stn name, town/city, country; UTC time and date; freq in kHz; progr details; rx and antenna type used; quality of reception in SIO code. For each correctly logged stn, 20 points will be given, with extra points for correct progr details. For every incorrectly logged stn, there will be a 20-point penalty.

Loggings and contest fees must be sent to the following address before Dec 31, 1997: CO.RAD, c/o Marco Cerruti, P.O. Box 146, 13100 Vercelli, Italy.

The contest fee is 6 IRC's, $5 USD, or 5,000 Italian Lire. DXers living in the former Communist countries are exempt from the fee. Again, this contest is only open to DXers located in EUR. Prizes will include one 1998 WRTH, one copy of L.A. DXing #5 from Radio Nuevo Mundo, and much more. Each participant will receive a complete results list and a certificate which indicates his/her ranking and total number of points. (Monferini Play-DX 948, Oct 3)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 330 18 Oct 1997 ______

ST. HELENA - This year the St. Helena Day of Radio St. Helena will be placed on Oct 26, planned QRG is 11092.5 in SSB Mode at 1900-2300 UTC. Postal address: Radio St. Helena, Jamestown, St. Helena (South Atlantic Ocean). Fax +290 4542. Web URL is < http://www.sthelena.se/ (Kubiak-FRG, WWDXC, Aug 11)

BRAZIL RN Amazonia noted on v6183 kHz at 0710 UTC, presume now comes on one hour earlier since they adjusted to DST. 17815 kHz is definitely Brazil and peaking very nicely around 1100 UTC, splash when CAN comes in at 1330 17820, then detected again around 1730 UTC. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 9)

BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria Ext Sce of the Bulgarian National Radio Oct 26, 1997-Mar 28, 1998

Bulgarian SoAM 0100-0200 7170, 9415 PL 250/258, PL 500/245 NoAM 0100-0400 7375, 9485 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 Balkans 0400-0500 1224 VD 500/205 EaEUR 0400-0500 5890, 7230 SF 100/30, SF 100/30 Balkans 1300-1600 1224, 5865 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 ME 1600-1700 7415 PL 500/126 SoAF 1600-1700 15195 PL 500/180 EaEUR 1600-1900 5935, 7425 SF 100/30, SF 100/30 Balkans 1730-1815 747 PT 500/ND Balkans 1900-2000 747, 1224 PT 500/ND, VD 500/205 ME 1900-2000 7540 PL 250/140 EUR 1900-2200 5865, 7335 PL 250/248, PL 250/306

ENGLISH NoAM 0000-0100 7375, 9485 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 NoAM 0500-0600 7375, 9485 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 EUR 1200-1300 15130, 15290 PL 250/292, PL 500/306 EUR 2000-2100 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306 EUR 2200-2300 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306

FRENCH NoAM 0400-0500 7375, 9485 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 EUR 0700-0800 7375, 9475 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 EUR 1100-1200 11605, 15130 PL 500/295, PL 250/292 EUR 1800-1900 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306 EUR 2100-2200 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306

GERMAN EUR 0615-0700 7375, 9475 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 EUR 1100-1200 11860, 15290 PL 250/306, PL 500/306 EUR 1715-1800 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306 EUR 1900-2000 7530, 9700 PL 500/295, PL 500/306

SPANISH SoAM 0000-0100 7170, 9415 PL 250/258, PL 500/245 CeAM 0200-0300 7135 PL 250/295 SoAM 0200-0300 7170, 9415 PL 250/258, PL 500/245 EUR 1700-1800 9985, 11855 PL 250/258, PL 250/270 EUR 2215-2315 5860, 7485 PL 250/258, PL 250/270

RUSSIAN EaEUR 0300-0400 1224, 5890, 7230 VD 500/205, SF 100/30, SF 100/30 EaEUR 1500-1600 5935, 7425, 9825 SF 100/30, SF 100/30, PL 250/50 EaEUR 1900-2000 5935, 7425 SF 100/30, SF 100/30

ALBANIAN Balkans MTWTF.S 0530-0600 1224, 5940 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans .....S. 0730-0830 1224, 5895 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans MTWTFSS 1645-1730 1224, 5865 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans MTWTFSS 2000-2045 747, 1224 PT 500/ND, VD 500/205

GREEK Balkans MTWTF.S 0500-0530 1224, 5940 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans .....S. 0500-0600 1224, 5940 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans .....SS 0900-1000 5965, 7295 SF 100/ND, SF 100/ND Balkans MTWTFSS 1730-1815 1224, 5865 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans MTWTFSS 2045-2130 747, 1224 PT 500/ND, VD 500/205

SERBIAN Balkans MTWTF.. 0600-0700 1224, 5940 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans ...... S 0730-1000 1224, 5895 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans .....S. 0830-1000 1224, 5895 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans MTWTFSS 1600-1645 1224, 5865 VD 500/205, PL 250/248 Balkans MTWTFSS 2130-2215 747, 1224 PT 500/ND, VD 500/205

TURKISH Balkans MTWTF.. 0515-0600 5980, 7390 PL 250/140,SF 100/ND Balkans .....SS 0600-0730 1224, 6135, 7365 VD 500/205,PL 250/140,SF 100/ND Balkans MTWTFSS 1815-1900 1224, 5865, 7540 VD 500/205,PL 250/248,PL 50/140

HORIZONT HOME SERVICE RELAY EUR MTWTF.. 0700-1000 1224 VD 500/205 EUR MTWTFSS 1000-1300 1224 VD 500/205 MEDIUM WAVES 747 kHz-406 m 1224 kHz-245 m Tx Sites VD=VIDIN, PT=PETRITCH, SF=SOFIA, PL=PLOVDIV Radio Bulgaria, 4, Dragan Tsankov Blvd. BG-1040 Sofia, Bulgaria P.O.Box 900, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Fax: (+359 2) 650 560 (Andreas Volk-D, Oct 10)

CHINA/USA VOA, RFA aim at imposing US values on China. From the Chinese nxpaper 'China Daily' web site headlined "Funding radios hurts ties". The House International Relations Committee recently approved two bills authorizing funds for the compulsive sales of American values to China. One is the "Political Freedom in China Act of 1997", which aims at strengthened monitoring of China's "human rights violations." The other is "Radio Free Asia Act of 1997", which will heavily fund Radio Free Asia and Voice of America (VOA) to develop round-the-clock sce in Mandarin, Cantonese and Tibetan, and further bcing capability in Xinjiang and other Chinese regions. As a means of the US government, VOA has been active in exerting American influence on others. The reason for establishing Radio Free Asia is obvious: The United States is attempting to impose its values and "democracy" on peoples in Asia. The ideas of freedom and democracy are not as clean and pure as depicted on the two radio shows. The US dangerous ambitions to create troubles and instability in the countries it does not favour can be seen in the languages and regions selected by VOA and Radio Free Asia. The US obsession of imposing Western-style human rights and democracy on China has naturally met with strong opposition of the Chinese people. Such a vision is not instrumental to a healthy relationship between the countries. Good Sino-US relations are conducive to the world and to the two countries' stability and prosperity. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 2/10)

CZECH REPUBLIC Radio Prague W97-1 period 1997 Only valid: 26 Oct-31 Dec 1997[!]. German, Spanish and French language section sces will end on Dec 31.

Czech 0930 - 0957 11600 100 S.W. EUR 21705 100 EaAF 1030 - 1057 17485 100 WeAF 21705 100 ME/ SoAS 1330 - 1357 6055 100 EUR 7345 100 N.EUR 1430 - 1457 13580 100 N.Am./SoAS/AUS/NZL 21700 100 EaAF 1630 - 1657 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 EaAF 1830 - 1857 5930 100 E.Eu./ Asia/ AUS/NZL 9430 100 CeAF 2030 - 2057 5930 100 S.EUR/ WeAF 9430 100 SoAS / AUS/NZL 2330 - 2357 5930 100 NoAM 7345 100 SoAM 0130 - 0157 6200 100 NoAM 7345 100 SoAM 0230 - 0257 5930 100 NoAM 7345 100

German 0730 - 0757 5930 100 EUR 7345 100 1100 - 1127 6055 100 EUR 7345 100 1300 - 1329 6055 100 EUR 7345 100 1600 - 1627 5930 200 EUR

English 0800 - 0827 9505 100 EUR 11600 100 1000 - 1030 17485 100 WeAF 21705 100 ME/ SoAS 1130 - 1157 7345 100 N.EUR 9505 100 EUR 1400 - 1430 13580 100 N.Am./SoAS/AUS/NZL 21700 100 EaAF 1700 - 1727 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 EaAF 1800 - 1827 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 SoAS / AUS/NZL 2100 - 2127 5930 100 NoAM / EUR 7345 100 WeAF 2230 - 2257 5930 100 NoAM 7345 100 0000 - 0027 5930 100 NoAM 7345 100 0100 - 0127 6200 100 NoAM 7345 100 SoWeAS 0300 - 0327 5930 100 NoAM 7345 100 0330 - 0357 7350 100 ME 11600 100 SoWeAS

Spanish 0830 - 0857 9505 100 EUR 11600 100 1500 - 1527 9430 100 EUR 13580 100 1900 - 1927 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 EUR / SoAM 2000 - 2027 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 EUR / SoAM 2130 - 2157 5930 100 EUR 7345 100 EUR / CeAM 2300 - 2327 5930 100 CeAM 7345 100 SoAM 0030 - 0057 5930 100 CeAM 7345 100 SoAM 0200 - 0227 6200 100 CeAM 7345 100 SoAM

French 0700 - 0727 5930 100 EUR 7345 100 0900 - 0927 9505 100 EUR 11600 100 1530 - 1557 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 1730 - 1757 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 CeAF 1930 - 1957 5930 100 EUR 9430 100 WeAF Transmitters at Litomysl 16E10 49N48, 100/200 kW.

Home Service for Europe in Czech Mon-Fri 0300-2300 UTC, Sat/Sun 0400-2300 UTC LW 270 kHz, tx at Uherske Hradiste 17E30 49N10

Satellite transmissions via World Radio Network English 1000-1030 for EUR, Astra 1B 11.538 GHz, Transponder 22, V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 7.38 MHz 0300-0330 for NoAM, Galaxy 5 3.820 GHz, Transponder 6, V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 6.8 MHz Czech 1400-1427 for NoAM, Galaxy 5 3.820 GHz, Transponder 6, V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 6.2 MHz German 1300-1329 & 1530-1559 for EUR, Astra 1A 11.436 GHz, Transponder 16, V-Polarization, Audio Subcarrier 7.38 MHz Astra 1C 10.964 GHz, Transponder 33, H-Polarization Astra Digital Radio, Channel B, 7.56 MHz.

Local FM transmissions, English Mon-Fri 1630-1700 UTC, 92.6 MHz, 100.7 MHz, 101.1 MHz, for Prague & Central Bohemia.

RADIO PRAGUE welcomes all programme comments, questions and criticisms. It carries out a continuous reception survey and confirms all reception reports by QSL verification cards .

Direct telephone lines to Radio Prague's departments: Czech +420 2 24222236 English +420 2 24218349 French +420 2 24222211 German +420 2 24222235 Spanish +420 2 24222237 Internet +420 2 24215456

Address Radio Prague, Vinohradska 12 Fax: +420 2 24218239 CZ-120 99 Prague 2 Czech Republic E-mail: [email protected] http://www.radio.cz/ http://www.prague.org/ Radio Prague, Internet Team, [email protected] P.S. Check out the new look of our web pages!! We have also opened our U.S. mirror site at http://www.prague.org (via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 8)

DENMARK RADIO DENMARK schedule Oct 26 1997-Mar 29, 1998. 1st edition, Sep. 28 UTC Area kHz Beam 1730-1755 Europe, North West Africa 7485 180 Russia 7560 95 South East Europe, Eastern Africa 9590 155 Eastern North America, Caribbean 13805 280 1830-1855 Europe 5960 195 Europe, North West Africa 7485 180 Southern Europe, Africa 9590 165 Eastern & Central North America,Greenland 11840 300 1930-1955 Eastern Europe 7485 145 Western & Southern Africa, New Zealand 9590 180 Canada, Greenland 9960 315 Northern Europe, Southern Scandinavia 243/1062 ND 2030-2055 Europe, North West Africa, Canary Isl. 7540 195 Australia 7570 65 Canada, Greenland 9960 315 2130-2155 Australia 7570 65 2230-2255 Far East 7405 35 South America 7570 235 2330-2355 Far East 7405 35 Eastern & Central North America, Caribbean 7465 300 South East Asia, Western Australia 7560 80 South America 7570 235 0030-0055 Eastern North America, Caribbean 7465 280 South East Asia, Western Australia 7560 80 0130-0155 Eastern North America, Caribbean 7465 280 South Asia (India) 7545 95 Eastern & Central North America, Greenland 7565 300 0230-0255 Eastern North America, Caribbean 7465 280 South Asia (India) 7545 95 Eastern & Central North America, Greenland 7565 300 0330-0355 Western North America, Greenland 7520 315 Western Middle East 7545 120 Eastern Middle East 9975 110 0430-0455 Western North America 7520 315 Russia, Eastern Middle East 7420 95 Western Middle East 9975 120 0530-0555 Europe, North Africa 7545 180 South East Europe, Eastern Africa 9975 145 0630-0655 Europe 5965 180 Europe, Western Africa, New Zealand 7180 180 South West Europe, Western Africa, Canary Islands, New Zealand 9590 220 Africa 13800 165 0730-0755 Europe, Western Africa, Canary Islands, New Zealand 7180 195 Europe, New Zealand 9590 165 Europe, Western Africa 11625 180 0830-0855 Australia 11625 220 Eastern Middle East, South Asia (India) 15175 95 0930-0955 Australia 11625 220 Far East 13800 35 1030-1055 Europe, North West Africa, Canary Islands 15220 195 South America 17840 235 1130-1155 Europe 7295 180 South America 15605 250 1230-1255 Far East 9905 35 Eastern North America, Caribbean 11840 280 Europe 13800 180 Russia, South East Asia, Australia 15605 80 1330-1355 Europe 9590 180 Far East 9905 35 Russia, South East Asia, Australia 13800 80 Eastern & Central North America,Greenland 13805 300 1430-1455 Russia, South Asia, Eastern Middle East 13800 95 Eastern & Central North America,Greenland 13805 300 1530-1555 Western North America, Greenland 11840 315 Russia, South Asia (India) 12055 95 Eastern Middle East 13800 120 1630-1655 Russia, South Asia (India) 9985 95 South East Europe,Eastern & Centr. Africa 13800 145 Western North America, Greenland 13805 315

Address: Radio Denmark, Rosenorns Allee 22, DK-1999 Frederiksberg C. RD office +45 35 20 57 84 - Telefax +45 35 20 57 81 e-mail: schedule, progr matters: [email protected] technical, reports: [email protected] WWW: http://www.dr.dk/rdk - incl RealAudio of our broadcasts.

The daily live txions in Danish are aired at 1730 & 0930 UTC. Txions in-between are repeats. The letterbox progr, "Tune In" is heard on the last Sat & Sun of the month from 1738 UTC, the last bc being on Sun at 1638 UTC.

Radio Denmark shares the Norwegian txs with Radio Norway. They bc at xx.00-xx.30, followed by Denmark at xx.30-xx.55, 24 hours a day. Stns: Kvitsoy and Sveio each has two 500 kW txs. They are located on the Norwegian West coast near Stavanger and Haugesund. Kvitsoy covers the Eastern Globe, while Sveio covers the Western Globe. TX Kalundborg, Denmark = 300/250 kW. Radio Denmark replies complete reports by a QSL-card. Although not necessary, return postage is appreciated (1 IRC or 1 US dollar). (via Erik Koie, Oct 11)

ETHIOPIA/GERMANY (c.f. BC-DX #329) New opposition stn "Rainbow Radio". A previously-unheard Ethiopian opposition radio bcing in Amharic and calling itself "Rainbow Radio" was monitored signing on at 0100 UTC on 27th Sept. The stn was bcing on 5910 kHz SW from a tx believed to be located in Germany. The stn began its bc with the following opening announcement: "This is Rainbow Radio [Amharic: Keste Damena Radio]. Rainbow Radio, the voice of peace and brotherhood, bcs every Thurs to our listeners in Ethiopia and EaAF on the 19 mb SW, 15365 kHz, at 1600- 1700 UTC. "Every Fri [in target, Sats in UTC] it bcs on the 49 mb, 5910 kHz, to our listeners in NoAM and its surroundings, from 0100-0200 UTC Sats. "Every Sat it bcs on the 49 mb, 6130 kHz, to our listeners in WeEUR, 1900-2000 UTC". "Here are the details of today's progr: Nx; the European Parliament's decision on Ethiopia; European papers' editorials on Ethiopian and African issues; music." (BBCM via AGDX, Sept 27)

FRANCE Special radio stn for football fans to launch in June 1998. There will soon be a new radio stn specially for football fans: on 8th June 1998 a new station, christened '98 Radio France', entirely devoted to the football World Cup will begin bcing on France Inter's LW frequency 162 kHz. Every day from 0400-2300 UTC listeners will be able to follow a special progr which includes the rebcing of all the matches in full and news and review progrs devoted to the event. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 3)

GERMANY DLF Munich freq is now 101.7 MHz. New Deutsche Welle law allow broadcasting commercials on DW programmes. DW 1998 budget cut by 10m to 602 Million German Marks. (DLF MultiMedia, Oct 11)

AWR Broadcast Schedule for the SW Station DTK Juelich, of 19 Sept 1997. W97-2 - 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 DTK Juelich station, 100 kW 0400 Bul Bul 28,29,38,39 5840 115 0430 Bul Bul 28,29,38,39 5840 115 0500 Rom Rom 28,29,38,39 5890 115 0530 Rom Rom 28,29,38,39 5890 115 0600-0800 - 0800 Ita Ita 28,38 7230 145 Sat/Sun only 0830 Ita Ita 28,38 7230 145 Sat/Sun only 0900-1630 - 1630 var nwAs 29-31,39-42 9835 90 Kazakh: Sun/Wed, Kyrgyz Mon/Thu, Uzbek Tue/Fri, Russ Sats. 1700 Bul Bul 28,29,38,39 5890 115 1730 Bul Bul 28,29,38,39 5890 115 1800-1900 - 1900 Rom Rom 28,29,38,39 5890 115 1930 Rom Rom 28,29,38,39 5890 115

2000 Fre wAfr 37,38,46 9835 200 2030 Eng wAfr 37,38,46 9835 200 2100 Eng wAfr 37,38,46 9835 200 2130 Dyu wAfr 37,38,46 9835 200 (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 10)

GERMANY/LITUANIA - "Die Kosmische Welle" on 9710 via tx Vilnius and via DTK Juelich also. web site e-mail Fax (+49) 931 3903233 QTH: Haus des Universellen Lebens, Haugerring 7, D-97070 Wurzburg, Germany.

HAWAII QSL from WWVH Kauai, Hawaii. A new post address was glued on the envelope: NIST Radio Station WWVH, P.O.Box 417, Kekaha HI 96752, USA. (Jari Lehtinen, DXW)

HUNGARY Excerpts from Radio Budapest W-97 schedule (26 Oct 97-29 Mar 98) English EUR 2000-2030 3975 9535, 2200-2230 3975 9840 NoAM 0200-0230 6030 9840, 0330-0400 6010 9840 German EUR Mo-Sa 1830-1900 3975 9805, Mo-Sa 2030-2100 3975 5965 Sun 1300-1400 7135 9840, Sun 1800-1900 3975 9805 (Andreas Volk-D, Oct 11)

After six years of silence Radio Budapest goes back to speak Italian. For five weeks, from Oct 27-Nov 24 , the editorial office of Szulofoldunk, the program for the Hungarians in the world, will start a short txion in Italian on Monday, realized with the collaboration of the Italian radiolisteners Luigi Cobisi and Paolo Morandotti. For the first time an international radio stn reopens its own programs in Italian language, even if for a limited period, giving the possibility, for listeners of all over the world, for resuming a discussion interrupted on June 30th 1991, when Radio Budapest was forced, by the assumption of new obligations toward its own fellow citizens and the bordering countries, to cease the Italian programs. Nevertheless, as a consequence of our contacts at the 30th European DX Council (Florence, Apr 1996) and at European Journalists Association Congress (Budapest, Oct 1996), it was possible to obtain a space of few but meaningful minutes in Italian language. The responsible of Szulofoldunk Bela Szomraky, perfectly bilingual and chief editor of the past Italian progr, will be the first Italian progr guest, and will present testimonies, memories and voices upon the past and nowadays Italo-Hungarian relationships; he agreed to edit the first bc, allowing to the Italian editing staff for the other programs. For this occasion it has been realized three unusual initiatives of contact with radio listeners: 1) an extraordinary edition of the Florence DX Newsletter, the Florentines DX-ers newsletter 2) the web site , realized by the Intrasoft of Milan, Italy 3) a special QSL from Budapest that will be emitted by Radio Budapest for reception reports to the Italian progr.

The Italian progr schedule is as following (Oct 27th, Nov 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th): EUR 1950-1957 UTC 3975, 9840, and 2150-2157 UTC 3975, 9530. SoAM 2350-2357 UTC 6165, 9835, 11660. NoAM 0150-0157 UTC 6030, 9840, and 0320-0327 UTC 5905, 9840. AUS/NZL 1050-1057 UTC 15395, 17790, 21560. Internet web < http://www.wrn.org/stations/hungary.html > Also on Satellite Eutelsat EUR 2250-2257 UTC on 11.596 GHz, (16 degrees east, horizontal polarization, audio 7.02 MHz). Galaxy 5 satellite to AM 2250-2257 UTC on 3.820 GHz (vertical polarization, audio 6.2 MHz). For more info, please contact Luigi Cobisi, Firenze - Italy, e-mail < [email protected] > fax +39 55 2340266, or Bela Szomraky, Budapest - Hungary, fax 0336 1 328 8838 (Luigi Cobisi-I, via TFW, Oct 11)

INDONESIA RRI makes some changes, seems effective today the 12th Oct. or lets say I detected it today! 11750//9680 kHz joins Prgr Satu on 15150 kHz around 1100 to s.off at 1300 UTC. 15150 heard strong at 0900 on its own, no //s noted. New is Prgr Dua on 11755 from t/in 0900 blasting thru //9630 going past 1500. This appears either a tuning error for 11785. Note that 11755 and 11750 both operating at the same time 1100-1300 causing some spill over to each other. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Oct 12)

IRAQ Baghdad changed the bcing time, French now 2000-2030, English 2030-2100 UTC, v11785 kHz. (RVI Radio World, Oct 12)

ISRAEL KOL Israel Arabic, noted on 15430 kHz at 1800 on Oct 7, and found it again on air at 0650 UTC on 8th. Poor and could not copy on the 7th, but better on the 8th - strong, some hum and splash from Jordan 15435 kHz. I noted Israel missing off 15480. At recheck 0730 I found ISR 15480 back on and 15430 gone. Found 15430 kHz again at 1545 UTC tune-in Oct 8th very loud but so is the splash from powerhouse LBY 15435 kHz. Must be alternating from 15430/15480. New KOL Arabic schedule, to the Middle East 0400-2230 5915 0400-0630 & 1300-2230 9815 0630-1130 & 1300-2230 15480 (Noel Green-UK, Oct 9)

ITALY AWR Broadcast Schedule for the SW Station Forli, of 19 Sept 1997. W97-2 - 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998

AWR Forli station 2.5 kW 0630 Fre nwAfr 28,37,38 7270 195 0700 Ara nwAfr 28,37,38 7270 195 0730 Ara nwAfr 28,37,38 7270 195 0800 Ita sEur 28,37,38 7230 150 Mon-Fri only 0830 Ita sEur 28,37,38 7230 150 Mon-Fri only 0900 Ger cEur 27,28 7230 350 0930-1000 - 1000 Ara neAfr 37,38 11795 150 1030 Ara neAfr 37,38 11795 150 1100 Ita sEur 27,28 7230 350 1130 Ita sEur 27,28 7230 350 1200 Ger cEur 27,28 7230 350 1230-1300 - 1300 Fre cEur 27,28,37 9665 300 1330 Ara cEur 27,28,37 9665 300 1400 Ara cEur 27,28,37 9665 300 (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 10)

JORDAN Jordan Radio Amman in English now on winter time 1100-1730 UTC still on 11690 kHz. (RVI Radio World, Oct 12)

KOREA D.P.R. / USA Agency criticizes increased funding of VOA, RFA. Pyongyang, 2nd Oct: The US House of Representatives Committee on International Relations reportedly approved a bill 29th Sept calling for increasing funding for Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia, tools for ideological and cultural infiltration into Asian nations. The bill calls for providing VOA and Radio Free Asia with 40m dollars annually from the fiscal year that starts 1st October and also requires an annual budget totalling 2m dollars for the strengthening of radio programming aimed at the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea]. The fact reveals again the dominationist design of the US reactionary conservatives who have escalated ideological and cultural infiltration into Asian nations in defiance of strong protest by the Korean and other Asian people. With socialism frustrated and the people's cause of independence suffering setback in some countries, the imperialists are trying hard to obliterate the Chuche character and national character of other countries and gratifying their dominationist ambition. nder the motto of "integration" of the world, they are strengthening the criminal activities of VOA and Radio Free Asia representing their reactionary policies such as wanton interference in other nation's internal affairs, spread of American view of value and propaganda of corrupt culture. They have put into operation such despicable propaganda tools as Radio Free Asia for the purpose of turning the whole world including Asia into Western-style "free world" and subordinating and assimilating all other nations to them and invested an increasing amount of money in their activities. They have maintained anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK and persistently escalated ideological and cultural infiltration for disintegrating Korean socialism from within along with military pressure. The bill was approved at a time when the US Pacific fleets were demonstrating ill-boding moves around the Korean Peninsula. Such facts require the Korean people and army to heighten vigilance against the imperialists. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 2)

LIBYA I've also been hearing the tones on 7120 and 9655 kHz [and 6155 11770 irreg. at about 0745-0945 UTC] I wonder at their purpose. Libya seems to have "sorted out" their txer using 15415 & 15435 kHz. 15235 kHz is still not in use at present. That tx appears to be the one wandering about 15285-15305 kHz. Acc to Ludo Maes TDP 4th edition they have 9 x 500 kW txers at Tripoli/Sabratha dating 1977-1995. Three now off air. Plus 2 x 100 kW at Sebha and 19 x 100 kW at an UNID site, 10 installed in 1991. The Colonels hobby must be collecting radio transmitters! (Noel-Green-UK, Oct 9)

MADAGASCAR Radio Madagascar gets new 30 kW SW tx. In the third week of Sept, Radio Netherlands Madagascar relay stn celebrated its 25th anniversary of continuous operation. Part of the celebrations included the presentation of a 30 kW SW tx for use by Madagascar's dom radio sce. This is in addition to an existing 100 kW tx. I understand, Victor [Goonetilleke, in S-L], that you can hear it? [Goonetilleke] Well, Radio Malagasy's home sce is being observed on 3140 kHz just outside the 90 mb and they also transmit on 5010 kHz and reception is quite good, especially on 5010 after 1800 hours UTC. Well, the new freq is quite interesting for us because that's way out of the other stns in the 90 mb so it's in the clear and it appears to replace the old freq 3288 [kHz]. (BBCMS via AGDX, Oct 2)

MYANMAR A quick check between 1230-1330 UTC reveals very good signals from Defense Forces Unit in Taunggi on 6570 kHz to s.off at 1330 UTC. Myawadi is on 5973 kHz doing good at 1230 past 1330 usual s.off at 1530. 4725 the local dialect sce is strong, but has been having a loud hum for a couple of months now. s.off at 1330 aprox. Yangon continues to be on 5985.85 to 1600 UTC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Oct 12)

NORWAY 7215 kHz UKE Senderen; Trondheim, Oct 10, 0830-0841 UTC norwegian anns, chorus mx. Sounding like an official opening ceremony, as their normal format sounds completely different. Poor reception, considering 1 kW power. SINPO 15432. This year they are on the air from Oct. 10 till Nov. 2. More infos on their homepage http://www.uka.ntnu.no/ E-mail address is [email protected] (Martin Elbe-D, Oct 10) Noted with non-stop pops testing on Oct 7 & 8, 7215 kHz til sudden off at 0825 UTC, fair signal in Blackpool-UK. (Noel-Green-UK, Oct 9)

SLOVAKIA AWR Broadcast Schedule for the SW Station Rimavska Sobota, of 19 Sept 1997. W97-2 - 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 Rimavska Sobota RSO-080 250 kW 0500 Ara neAfr 38,47,52,53 11610 165 0530 Ara neAfr 38,47,52,53 11610 165 0600 Ara neAfr 38,47,52,53 11610 165 0630 Ara neAfr 38,47,52,53 11610 165 0700 Eng nwEur 27,28 9435 305 0730-2200 - 2200 Eng nwEur 27,28 6055 305

Rimavska Sobota RSO-090 250 kW 0200 Pun nwInd 39-42 7235 95 0230 Hin nInd 39-42 7235 95 0300 Urd Pak 39-41 7240 95 0330 Far Irn 39-41 7240 95 0400-0700 - 0700 Ger cEur 27,28 5940 275 0730-0930 - 0930 Eng nwEur 27,28 9450 305 Sat/Sun only 1000 Eng nwEur 27,28 9450 305 Sat/Sun only 1030-1500 - 1500 Pun nwInd 39-42 9475 95 1530 Hin nInd 39-42 9475 95 1600 Urd Pak 39-42 9475 95 1630 Far Irn 39-42 7325 95 1700 Eng Pak 39-42 7325 95 1730-2100 - 2100 Ara nwAfr 37,38,46 5960 235 2130 Ara nwAfr 37,38,46 5960 235 2200 Fre nwAfr 37,38,46 5960 235

Rimavska Sobota RSO-100 250 kW 0300 Som eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 0330 Swa eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 0400 Eng eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 0430 Mlg eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 13580 165 0500-0600 - 0600 Eng cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 11640 185 0630 Fre cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 11640 185 0700-0800 - 0800 Ara nwAfr 37,46 13580 235 Note 1 0830 Ara nwAfr 37,46 13580 235 Note 1 0900 Fre nwAfr 37,46 13580 235 Note 1 Note 1: No broadcast on the following dates: Jan 21, Apr 22. 0930-1530 - 1530 Ger cEur 27,28 5940 275 1600 Som eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9450 165 1630 Swa eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9450 165 1700 Eng eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9450 165 1730 Mlg eAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9450 165 1800 Ara neAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 1830 Ara neAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 1900 Ara neAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 1930 Ara neAfr 38,47,48,52,53 9465 165 2000 Fre cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 7265 185 2030 Eng cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 7265 185 2100 Eng cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 7265 185 2130 Fre cAfr 37,38,46,47,52 7265 185 (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 10)

SPAIN Spanish MW Extended Schedule. Next Oct 19th, regional elections will be held in Galicia (Northwest part of Spain). From 1800 UTC special progrs will be aired all night long thru the MW stns in Galicia. Languages to use are Spanish and Gallego (it sounds like Spanish and Portuguese mixed). Here the list of MW Stns to be active that night: 531 RNE-5 R5 PONTEVEDRA 558 RNE-5 R5 LA CORUNA 639 RNE-1 R1 LA CORUNA 774 RNE-1 R1 ORENSE 801 RNE-1 R1 LUGO 837 COPE COPE FERROL 855 RNE-1 R1 PONTEVEDRA 873 SER R.GALICIA, SANTIAGO 900 COPE COPE VIGO 972 RNE-1 R1 MONFORTE relay 1026 SER R.VIGO 1080 SER R.CORUNA 1098 RNE-5 R5 LUGO 1116 SER R.PONTEVEDRA 1143 COPE COPE ORENSE 1224 COPE COPE LUGO 1287 SER R.LUGO 1305 RNE-5 R5 ORENSE 1413 RNE-5 R5 VIGO 1503 RNE-5 R5 MONFORTE relay 1584 SER R.ORENSE (Jorge Garzon, THE MEDITERRANEAN DX GROUP (MEDI DX), Oct 9)

SRI LANKA Tamil Sce of SLBC is using 6035 1300-1400 //5020 kHz. 6035 had been used by the TWR to India and then for a Tamil propaganda bc after TWR left it, and now by SLBC. The antenna is a low strung dipole about 30 feet off the ground f0r almost vertical take off. Its on a mashy ground close to the sea and sometimes at high tide its like in a lagoon. this tx is a Marconi 12.5 kW which was imported to jam Tamil Tiger bcs, which finally came into the hands of TWR which refurbished it and was allowed to use it for some time. Since the TWR wasn't sure how long they would be able to use the TX the antenna was a make shift, strung on ex telegraph wooden poles and the 200 meter long open wire feeders were strung on wooden poled about 7 feet off the ground, using PVC water pipe type home brew insulators. Well that's what you are hearing! Puts in a good signal here. In the meantime the SLBC inaugurated a MW stn on 855 kHz said to be 5 kW State of the art! operation built by TCI and Marconi. A twin tower affair, one acting as a reflector. This is located in the North Central Town of Vavunia and bcs to the North and the East in Tamil, the heartland of the war ravaged part of the island. Signals are excellent as reported in South India and the North and the East of Sri Lanka, while here in Colombo I can barely hear it, indicating that it is doing what it is supposed to do. Signals are overall S=4 while TWR 400kW on 882 gets a S=5. The sked is 2300-1600 UTC. The stn identifies as "Vanam Padhi" which is the name of a bird. No mention os SLBC or Sri Lanka. The only indication are the time checks and postal address which is the same as SLBC. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Oct 12)

SWEDEN Radio Sweden in English (26 Oct to Mar 28th, 1998): To Europe: 1830-1900 1179 6065 9645 (exc. Sun) 1830-1930 9645 (Sun) 2030-2100 1179 6065 2130-2200 1179 6065 9655 (Sat & Sun) 2230-2300 1179 6065 7325

To North America: 0230-0300 7280 0330-0400 7115 1230-1300 11650 15240

To Asia/Australia 0120-0200 7265 1330-1400 9705 13740 1430-1500 11880 1430-1500 11650 15240 (Andreas Volk, via EDXP, Sept 25)

TERACOM test via R. Sweden on 11655, big QSL Diplom very official, V/s Magnus Nilsson, HF freq planning, QTH: TERACOM, Svensk Rundradio AB, P.O.Box 17666, S-118 92 Stockholm, Sweden, Fax: (+46) 0 86710260, e-mail < [email protected] > (Gornati-I, Play DX, Oct 6)

USA WYFR Family Radio, schedule W-97 (26 Oct 97-29 Mar 98)

English to NoAM 1000-1100 5950* 1100-1200 5950* 7355 1200-1300 5950* 7355 11830* 11970* 1300-1400 5950* 11830* 11970* 13695 1400-1500 5950* 11830* 17760* 1500-1600 11830* 17760* 1600-1700 11830* 15215 17760* 0000-0100 6085 9505* 0100-0400 6065* 9505* 0400-0500 6065 9505 0500-0700 5985 *= Network programs (Mon-Sat only)

English to EUR / AF 0400-0500 9985 0500-0600 9985 11550 0600-0700 7355 9985 0700-0800 7355 9455 9985 1600-1700 15695 17555 21525 1700-1900 15695 17555 1900-2000 17555 2000-2100 5810 7355 15565 21525 2100-2200 7355 11580 15565 2200-2300 11580 15565

English to IND 0100-0200 11550 1610-1810 11550

Spanish to EUR 2200-2300 7355

Spanish for the Caribbean 0100-0300 5985 9985 0300-0500 5985 1000-1100 6085 1100-1300 6085 11740 1300-1400 6085 2200-0100 5985

Spanish to MEX and CeAM 0000-0500 9715 11895 0500-0600 9705 11855 1100-1200 9605 11725 1200-1300 9575 9605 11725 1300-1400 11725 15130 15355 1400-1500 15130

Spanish to SoAM and the Caribbean 0100-0200 9605 0800-1000 6105 9555 1000-1100 6105 9555 9575 1100-1200 9575 11830 2300-0100 15170 15215 17845

German to EUR and NoAF 0300-0400 9985 0400-0500 7355 11550 0500-0600 5850 7355 1700-1800 15565 1900-2000 5825 15565

French to EUR and AF 0600-0700 5850 9455 11580 1800-1900 17760 21720 21525 2000-2100 5825 11665

French to CAN 1100-1300 13695 2300-0000 6085

French to the Antilles 1000-1100 9680 11740 2300-0100 15400

Italian to EUR and NoAF 0600-0700 7520 11550 0700-0800 5850 1800-1900 15565 2100-2200 5825 11665

Portuguese to AF 0400-0500 11580 1900-2000 21525

Portuguese to Brazil 0100-0200 9690 11885 0800-0900 6175 9605 0900-1000 6175 9605 9575 9860 2200-2300 15130 2300-0100 11885

Russian to RUS/CIS 0300-0400 7435 9355 0400-0500 5850 1505-1705 9955 1700-1800 17760 21725

Mandarin to CHN 1102-1602 6300 9280 2100-2200 6300 9280 2200-0000 6300 9280 9630

Hindi to IND Sorry, I can't read the symbols, but probably same schedule as before: 0000-0100 11550 1502-1602 11550 (ADDX Kurier via Andreas Volk-D, Oct 11)

USA/SAIPAN Christian Science Publishing Society. W97 SW Frequ Schedule 28 Oct 97-31 Mar 98. All bc lasting 60 mins. WSHB 1 32.41.02N 81.07.51W WSHB 2 0000 9430 C & S Amer 7535 EaNoAM/Carib 0100 7535 Cent No Am 9430 Ce & SoAM 0200 5850 W & C NoAm 7535 Mexico 0300 5850 We No Amer 7535 --OPEN-- 0400 7535 Ea Eur/Rus 9840 Ce & SoAF 0500 7535 Cent Europe 7425 We & CeAF 0600 7535 We EUR 0700 7535 We EUR 0800 7535 Europe 9845 Australia / NZL 0900 7535 Europe 7395 Brazil/ SoAM 1000 6095 ENAm/Carib 7395 SoAM 1100 6095 ENAm/Carib 7395 Ce & SoAM 1200 6095 ENAm/Carib 9455 Ce & SoAM 1300 6095 CeNoAM 9455 Mexico 1600 18930 EaAF 1700 18930 CeAF 1800 11550 Ea Europe 18930 SoAF 1900 11550 Ea Europe 17510 WeAF 2000 7510 We Europe 9355 Europe 2100 7510 We Europe 9355 ENAm /Europe 2200 7510 We Europe 13770 Brazil 2300 7510 SoEur/WeAfr 13770 SoAM

KHBI 1 15.07.20N 145.41.37E KHBI 2 0800 15665 East Europe 0900 9355 /Kor/Russia 13840 Australia 1000 15725 Indonesia 9355 China 1100 9355 /Kor/Russia 9385 Australia 1200 9355 SoEaAS 9385 Australia 1300 9355 India 1400 9355 China 1800 9355 Eur/ME 9385 South Africa 1900 9355 Eur/ME 9385 South Africa 2000 13840 New Zealand 0000 15665 China

Mid-Season Freq changes on March 3, 1998: WSHB-1 1300 9430 1800 15665 1900 15665 2000 13770 2100 13770 WSHB-2 2000 11550 2100 11550 KHBI-1 0900 15665 KHBI-2 1000 15665 2000 11860

Coordinated Alternative Frequencies WSHB 0300-0400 7535 72 Degr 0600-1000 9835 57 Degr 1800-2000 13770 25 Degr 2000-2200 15665 42 Degr (WSHB/KHBI, Oct 3, via Michiel Schaay-HOL)

VATICAN CITY Due to DSTime in Brazil, Vatican Radio Portuguese now heard at 0900-0930 UTC 17700 21850 kHz (x1100-1130). Spanish to SoAM still on 1130-1200 UTC same channels. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 9)

VIETNAM The Voice of Vietnam txing stn is located at Thoi Long in the O Mon district. It has three 500 kW and two 1000 kW txs. In addition to the use by the Foreign Language Sce of the VOV, the stn is used domestically 18 hours a day, as well as for progrs for the Khmer ethnic group in the area, and a general progr for people on the Mekong Delta (6 hours a day). (van Delft, via DXW, Oct 5) [BBCMS reported about inauguration, may be six months ago, ed]

(c.f. BC-DX #329 under Liberia, Norway, USA)

Nordic DX Championships 1997 (Nordx) 17-19 October 1997 hosted by DX-Listeners' Club of Norway

Nordx is a contest to find the most skilful DXer in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. It attracts over 100 contestants from these countries and the rest of Europe. Contestants are required to listen out for 23 stations at predetermined times and frequencies, some of which are quite easy, others very difficult. Contestants are ranked according to a points system which takes into account the number of stations they have managed to hear and the difficulty of those stations, as well as the quality of the logs they have submitted. Nordx '97 is staged between 17 and 19 October.

Further information about Nordx '97 may be obtained from the address above or by referring to our web page: http://www.dxlc.com/nordx Nordx 97, Olav Nordli, Sarsgt. 12, 0562 Oslo. Mail: [email protected] Nordx 1997 is organized by DX-Listeners' Club of Norway. Mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.dxlc.com/nordx

(direct and via DXW)

New on the TDP web site !

Dear Radio-Friend, Welcome to this update about TDP, the "Transmitter Documentation Project".

Since our last mailing (August 4, 1997) a wealth of additional information about shortwave radio has been added to our website.

Here are the details : 1) DIGITAL Shortwave Radio

Shortwave radio broadcasting is moving into the digital age as well. Here you will find in ormation about the proposed systems with technical details and the manufacturers, organisations and radio stations involved in this fascinating evolution which will certainly cause a revival of shortwave radio broadcasting.

2) Shortwave Radio STATIONS

Links to the websites of the radio stations that broadcast on shortwave, sorted in the most comprehensive way possible. Have a look to convince yourself.

3) TDP Shortwave Transmitter MUSEUM

We are building up a museum with technical information about shortwave broadcast transmitters that are no longer manufactured today but are still in use at many sites around the world. We have lots of documentation in our archives to include on this page, only time has prevented us right now to extend it more, but be sure to have a look from time to time to find the information you need.


If you are looking for airtime or for a shortwave transmitter, or if you have airtime or a shortwave transmitter for sale, be su e to visit our "TDP Shortwave Transmitter AIRTIME" and "TDP Shortwave Transmitter MARKETPLACE" services.

5) The MANUFACTURERS Pages If you want to consult the website of a shortwave ANTENNA, TRANSMITTER or TUBE manufacturer, here you will find the links, addresses, telephone and fax numbers.

6) The booklet TDP SW-97, the "Transmitter Documentation Project".

TDP SW-97 is a booklet listing all the shortwave broadcast transmitters installed around the world with every possible detail plus a number of articles and statistical breakdowns. Ordering information, press releases, references and reviews can be found right here.

Be sure to have a look at our website at http://www.ping.be/tdp to consult any of the above information. We just moved to a faster server which should give you a quick access to our pages.

Kind regards, Ludo Maes

Our web site deals with shortwave radio broadcast transmitters in all possible ways. We supply information (in our publication TDP SW-97) on the shortwave transmitters installed around the world with every possible detail. If you need a new or second hand shortwave transmitter, antenna or tube, this is the place to be. If you want to sell a shortwave transmitter, this is the place to be. If you want to hire or sell airtime on a shortwave transmitter, this is the place to be.

TDP c/o Ludo Maes Tel : +32 3 314 78 00 P.O. Box 1 Fax : +32 3 314 12 12 B-2310 Rijkevorsel E-mail : [email protected] BELGIUM Web : http://www.ping.be/tdp

A new edition of the popular British DX Club publication "Radio Stations in the United Kingdom" has just been published. This 1997-98 edition (a 48-page A5 booklet) has been completely revised and updated to include all U.K. domestic AM and FM stations currently on the air (both BBC and independent). It also comes with a free supplement covering radio stations in the Republic of Ireland.

Features include:

* Many new stations on the air since the last edition was published 18 months ago * Stations listed by frequency and by name * Frequencies cross-referenced to show parallel channels. * Transmitter powers and sites shown for each frequency * Includes postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. * Brief background to the various radio services. * Advice on reception reports and verification signers. * Details of low-power stations at football grounds/race circuits, etc

RSUK is available from BDXC's London address:

British DX Club, 126 Bargery Road, Catford, London, SE6 2LR.

PRICE (covers airmail postage within Europe, surface mail elsewhere): -UK addresses: 2.50 pounds sterling -Rest of the World: 3.00 pounds sterling / 7 International reply coupons / 5 US dollars / 10 Deutsche Marks (dollar/DM payments in cash only).

E-mail enquiries: [email protected] URL: www.co.umist.as/BDXC >>>>>[BDXC must be in capital letters]<<<<< (Dave Kenny/BDXC) - always a must if you look for UK stns on MW and FM, ed.

(direct and via DXW)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 331 19 Oct 1997 ______

ST. HELENA - This year the St. Helena Day of Radio St. Helena will be placed on Oct 26, planned QRG is 11092.5 in SSB Mode at 1900-2300 UTC. Postal address: Radio St. Helena, Jamestown, St. Helena (South Atlantic Ocean). Fax +290 4542. Web URL is < http://www.sthelena.se > (Kubiak-FRG, WWDXC, Aug 11)

RADIO ST HELENA Some news has been received from St Helena about the bc on Sun Oct 26. Please take a look on http://www.sthelena.se for the updated infos. (Ekwall via KIWI R, via DXW, Oct 12)

AFGHANISTAN Radio Afghanistan (pro-Rabbani). This anti-Taleban stn, which identifies itself as Radio Afghanistan, was first heard by BBCM on 29th Oct 1996. It appears to be operated by supporters of Borhanoddin Rabbani, the former president of AFG, who was ousted from Kabul by Taleban forces in late Sept 1996. Acc to pro-Rabbani officials in Tashkent, the radio bcs fr a facility in Taloqan, in the centre of Takhar Province in northern AFG. It operates on the same freq as the Tajik opposition radio Voice of Free Tajikistan, and may well be sharing facilties. (The Kabul-based Taleban-controlled Radio AFG also identifies as Voice of Shari'ah.)

Dari/Pashto 0730-0835 & 1230-1330 UTC v7084 kHz, 0740-0755 nx. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 15)

ALGERIA RTA noted on air at 0700 on v11749.9 kHz in French, //11714.8 & 7245, latter changes to Arabic at 0800. Still going at 0900 UTC, v15160 opens 0900 also in French (plus noises that sound like a hen in desperate trouble!) (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

AUSTRALIA 2485 1405- AUS VLK8K ABC Katherine, National ABC progr, country mx, music request progr, strong static QRN! (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 4)

RA has been noting on 15415 kHz staying on air past 0830 UTC til covered by GRC at 0900, 17750 still goes off 0830. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

Severe disruption to affect some RA listeners soon. Radio Australia's "Feedback" feature on 11th Oct warned of severe disruption for some listeners during the coming week because of work at the Shepparton tx site in Victoria. Txion manager Nigel Holmes said work over recent months to repair lines connecting the txs to a group of aerials known as the J-group, which are more than 50 years old, would be finished during the next week. Listeners in Papua New Guinea were advised that RA's signal is also available from the low-power, 10 kW tx at Brandon in the far north of Queensland, and it was hoped that one of the Shepparton aerials directed to the southwest Pacific would also put an audible signal into PNG. Listeners in Asia, entirely reliant on the J-group, would find no Radio Australia signals between midnight and 0630 UTC on the days of the repairs. Work at Shepparton would not affect satellite signals. Holmes explained that because of the risk of exposure to radiation while the J-group was being disconnected, there would also be a total shutdown of Shepparton for 10-15 minutes from midnight UTC on Mon 13th Oct for the next five days, and again on Mon and Tues of the next week. This would have to be repeated from around 0620 on those days. The benefit of the repair work would be in improving tx reliability rather than bringing about a noticeable change in the quality of reception. Shepparton now bcs 144 hours of programming per day, Holmes pointed out. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 11)

Radio Australia will be conducting work at its Shepparton site starting on Mon, Oct 13th. The work will be on some of Radio Australia's antennas that serve PNG and SoEaAS. The results will be:

1) No service at all from Shepparton 0000-0620 for about 10 minutes. 2) No service at all to SoEaAS from this site between 0000-0630. No alternative frequencies are being provided. For English, this affects 17750 and 15415 kHz. 3) No sce to PNG between 0000-0630 from Shepparton.

Listeners are being instructed to listen via Brandon on 9660 kHz. Affected English freqs include 13605, 13755, and 15240 kHz. The work will be between Mon and Fri this week and Mon and Tues of next week. This per the station's Feedback program. (DIRECT Johnson via Cumbre DX, Oct 12)

BULGARIA (c.f. BC-DX #330) Eff 26 Oct, W97 sked for Radio Bulgaria shows: Deletion of the English sce to EaAS 1200-1300 on 13790 - this is being replaced by English to EUR on 15230 and 15290 kHz.

Deletion of the SW relay of the "Horizont" HS px. Deletion of the Arabic and Italian sces. Deletion of the late-evening txion in Serbian, which will be available only on MW on 747 kHz (Petritch nondir 500 kW and Vidin 500 kW 305 degr) 2045-2130 UTC.

English txions: 0000-0100 7365 9485 SA, 0500-0600 7375 9485 NA, 1200-1300 15130 15290 EUR, 2000-2100 and 2200-2300 7530 9700 EUR. Spanish to EUR on new 9985 1700-1800 UTC. (Sked from Andreas Volk, researched by Bob Padula, EDXP, Oct 13)

CHINA n8260 1235-1255* CHN R Beijing in Bamar, IDs, internat mx, (Roland Schulze-PHL, Sept 3) Domestic CNR-1 heard on 9500 kHz around 0830. Very weak but in //17550 & 17605. I can therefore confirm that the one tentatively reported some weeks ago on 13610 kHz is definitely China carrying CNR-1 progr //15550 at 1100. Is a fluttery dual path signal but fair to good level. Heard still on air at 1300 UTC. Their only 13 MHz channel that I know of! (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

7770 kHz. CNR 2, noted t/in 1135 with a surprisingly good signal, one woman talking, nothing distinctive about the program. Parallels noted 9064 and 7440, but both much weaker throughout the listening period. All sites presumed different as no outlets were in sync. At 12 UTC, 4 time pips with the last a higher note. Was 10db/s9 at 1135, still s8 at 12. (Tom Sundstrom, Oct 18) [yes, 41 mb surprisingly good here in EUR too]

CUBA I received an e-mail this morning from Arnie Coro at RHC telling me Cuban radio stns will not bc "entertainment music" this week until the burial of Ernesto "Che" Guevara next week. This is due to the week of mourning that has been declared by the Cuban government. (Kehoe via Cumbre Dx, Oct 12)

EGYPT Eff 26 Sept, Egyptian Radio and TV, Cairo, listed for daily Ar sce to AUS 2000- 2200 11990. English sces are shown: 1215-1330 17595 SoAS, 1630-1830 15255 CESoAF, 2030- 2200 15375 WeAF, 2115-2245 9900 EUR, 2300-0030 9900 EaNA, 0200-0330 9475 NA. (Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct 13)

Egyptian Radio and Television Union. This sce identifies itself as "Arab Republic of Egypt Radio from Cairo" (Arabic: "Idha'at Jumhuriyat Misr al-Arabiyah min al-Qahirah"). The main MW freq for this sce is 819 kHz. The following freqs are also used at various time of the day: 1602, 1386, 1368, 1350, 1314, 1305, 1278, 1188, 1179, 1143, 1080, 1008, 981, 936, 918 and 882 kHz. Address: PO Box 1186, Cairo. Tel: +20-2-575-7155 Fax: +20-2-772432

General sce in Arabic 0000-0200 819. 0200-0350 EUR 12050 819. 0350-0659 EUR ME AF AM 12050 9800 9770 9620 819. 0659-1059 15475 15115 12050 11785 9800 819. 1059-1259 15475 12050 11785 9850 9800 819. 1259-1359 17670 15475 12050 11785 9850 9800 819. 1359-1459 17670 12050 11785 9850 9800 819. 1459-1859 17670 12050 9850 9800 819. 1859-0000 12050 9850 9800 819.

Egyptian Radio's Voice of the Arabs ("Sawt al-Arab") sce bcs 24 hours a day to an audience in both EGY and the rest of the Arab world. The main MW freq is 621 kHz. Other MW freq may also be used at various times, incl 1107 and 1008 kHz. Arabic 0300-0600 EUR ME 15285 9850 621. 0600-1400 15285 11980 621. 1400-1800 15285 621. 1800-0030 15285 11665-(from 1900) 9700 621.

RADIO CAIRO. This schedule has been compiled from information supplied by the bc engineering department of the Egyptian Radio and Television Union (ERTU). ERTU bc engineering dept. Addr: PO Box 11511, Cairo, Egypt Tel/Fax: +20-2-5789491 Telex: 92152 Real Audio: http://www.sis.gov.eg/vidaudio/html/audiofm.htm

Schedule eff 26 Sept 1997-23 Apr 1998. 0030-0430 ARABIC 9900 0045-0200 SPANISH 11715 9740 9475 0200-0330 ENGLISH 9475 1015-1215 ARABIC 17745 1100-1130 ARABIC 17800 1115-1215 THAI 17770 1215-1330 ENGLISH 17595 1215-1315 MALAY 17770 1300-1600 ARABIC 15220 1300-1330 PERSIAN 15160 1320-1450 INDONESIAN 17770 1330-1430 BENGALI 17595 1330-1530 PERSIAN 11560 1500-1600 HINDI 17690 1500-1600 PASHTO 17710 1530-1630 AFAR 15155 1530-1730 SWAHILI 11975 1530-1630 UZBEK 9620 1600-1800 ALBANIAN 9950 1600-1800 TURKISH 6230 1600-1800 URDU 17690 1600-1645 ZULU 11875 1630-1830 ENGLISH 15255 1630-1645 ENGLISH 11875 1630-1730 SOMALI 15155 1645-1730 SHONA 11875 1730-1900 AMHARIC 15155 1730-1815 NDEBELE 11875 1800-2100 HAUSA 15210 1800-1900 ITALIAN 9988 (yes odd) 1800-1900 RUSSIAN 6120 1830-1915 LINGALA 15255 1830-1930 WOLOF 15375 1900-2000 GERMAN 9900 1930-2030 BAMBARA 15375 1930-2030 FULANI 17840 2000-2200 ARABIC 11990 2000-2115 FRENCH 9900 2030-2200 ENGLISH 15375 2030-2230 FRENCH 15335 2100-2200 YORUBA 15210 2115-2245 ENGLISH 9900 2215-2330 PORTUGUESE 15420 2300-0030 ENGLISH 9900 2345-0045 ARABIC 17770 15220 (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 15)

ETHIOPIA Radio Ethiopia. This stn changed its name from "Voice of Ethiopia" to "Radio Ethiopia" in Aug 1994. The separate Radio Ethiopia National Service carries a bc in English on Mons-Fris 1030-1100 UTC 9705, 7110 and 5990 kHz. The Voice of Peace bc at 1100 UTC is a separate, UNICEF-funded, humanitarian sce inaugurated on 11th Mar 1993 and intended for Somalia. Address: Radio Ethiopia External Service, PO Box 654, Addis Ababa

1100-1200 Somali 11800 9560 ("Voice of Peace" - see above). 1200-1300 Somali 9560 7165 990 (nx 1200) 1300-1400 Afar 9560 7165 990 (nx 1300) 1400-1500 Arabic 9560 7165 990 (nx 1400) 1600-1700 English 9560 7165 990 (nx 1630) 1700-1800 French 9560 7165 990. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 15)

GERMANY Bundestag adopts new law on Deutsche Welle. With the votes of the coalition and several Social Democratic Party of Germany deputies, the Bundestag adopted on Thurs evening [9th Oct] the Law on German Foreign Radio and TV, which regulates the operation of DW. In addition to newly formulating the tasks of the programme, it also permits commercials[!] and sponsoring to contribute to the radio and TV station's financing. Furthermore, it sets out the move of Deutsche Welle from Cologne to Bonn, as soon as the necessary preconditions have been established there by completing and furnishing the so- called Schuermann building... (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 9)

GUAM KTWR with Indian vernaculars at 1330-1415 UTC on a new 15200 kHz replacing 11835 26th Oct. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18)

HUNGARY Now I cannot hear Budapest 6025 kHz daytime domestic sce relay, off?? (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

ICELAND New sked for Reykjavik, Icelandic National Public Radio: EUR 1215-1440 11402 13860. 1855-1930 7735 9275. AM 1410-1440 and 1935-2010 11402 and 13860. 2300-2335 9275 and 11402 All progrs in Icelandic. (INPR/Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct13)

INDONESIA 7225 kHz Voice of Indonesia. 2000-2100 noted on this new freq in English //9525. New channel for 1730-2100 service! (Mikhail Timofeyev via DXW, Oct 7)

RRI on new channel 11755 kHz noted 0000-1600 UTC possibly for the South Asia Games - most of the time carrying Sports commentaries. Also noted English 0100-0200 hrs on 9525 and 11785 (new). (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18) [yes, RRI schedule seemingly looking rather erratic, WB] v3134.1 1320-1403 INS RSDPT2 Halmahera Tengha, Soasia, presumably ID at 1350. pop mx, lost in QRN. v3231.8 1415-1500 INS RRI Bukittinggi, popular mx, southsea mx, at 1500 RRI Jakarta relay. //3325, 3344.8, 3976, 4003.2, 4753.3, 4777, 4927, 5040. v3249.8 -1436* INS RRI Banjarmasin, presumably, no ID was given, a piece of Gamelan mx, sign-off, earlier than listed. v3355.3 1844-1906 INS RRI Sumenep, and RRI Jakarta relay progr, dangut mx, puppet show, gongs. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 4)

IRAN I've been monitoring various IRIB services and have found: Arabic 15350 on air 0600-1130 close. 13605 0900-1130. 11995 1330-1600 when covered by RFI. TUR in Persian til 1355. 11745 fade in 1100-1330. 9665 & 7190 1700-2130. 6025 on air 2030-2230. 6025, 7260 & 9022 all 2130-2230. Chinese 1330-1430 9635 11885 13605 (Abu Dhabi here fr 1400). English 1100-1230 11875 & 15260, followed 1230-1330 by Pushto?? 1530- on 11790, no //found yet. Irani 1030-1100 only on 17780. Italian 1200-1300 13605 15084 15350 (15084 resumes Persian 1300, 15350 off.) Indonesian/Malay 1300-1330 13605, beam/tx change after Italian. Russian 1400-1500 9735 & 11960. An UNID lang starts on same two freqs at 1500 - like Kazakh. But goes off up to 10 mins later. Swahili 1730-1830 9650. Urdu 1330-1430 & sounds Bengali 1430-1530 9745 & 11790. On 7260 & 9022 kHz: 1530 Russian, 1630 Turkish also //9735. Also // 7160 1730 German, 1830 French, 1930 English, 2030 Spanish. 2130-2230 Arabic and //6025. UNID language 1300-1330 15365 under Romania [Malay?]. And on 7215 closing 1430. Sounds Persian or very similar fading in around 1330-1700 on 7180. Not sure if all one language or not [Kurdish?]. I am now VERY familiar with their IS, Anthem(?) and well versed in the Koran, hi. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

VOIRI - Teheran's some of the recent changes : Bengali 0030-0130 7215 (unannounced), 9575. 1430-1530 7215 9745(new) 11790. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18)

IRAQ At least on Oct 4 and 10, but not every day, R. Iraq Int'l English on 11785 ran from precisely 2057-2157, strong but distorted and co-channel from DW and Brazil. (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 914)

Also heard here Oct 14, barely a signal at first check 2015, presumably French; 2103 English mentioned 25 meter band; talk at 2120-2136 mostly incomprehensible but kept mentioning 11785 and may have been mailbag; 2137 ID as Baghdad, Radio Iraq International; 2142 "special program". Reception gradually improved but still awful with rushing sound believed to be transmitted rather than interference; 2155 heterodyne came on the frequency. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WoR #914, Oct 16)

ISRAEL KOL Israel in Arabic now noted 15430 on air til 0730, and 15480 kHz opening at 0715 UTC, so using two txs. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

ITALY RAI International radio broadcast schedule Short Wave seasonal schedule W97 - fr 26th Oct 1997-29th Mar 1998

North - Central - South - America 1400-1425 15250 17780 Italian 1830-1905 11800 15250 Italian 2230-0050 6010 9675 11800 Italian * 0050-0110 6010 9675 11800 English 0110-0125 6010 9675 11800 French 0130-0305 6010 9675 11800 Italian 0305-0325 6010 9675 11800 Spanish 0130-0230 11765 Italian 2230-0050 9575 11880 Italian 0050-0110 9575 11880 Spanish 0110-0125 9575 11880 Portuguese 0130-0230 6110 Italian 0130-0305 9575 11880 Italian 0305-0325 9575 11880 Spanish

EUR 1530-1555 5990 7290 9760 French 1555-1625 5990 7290 9760 Italian 1805-1825 5990 7120 9670 German 1935-1955 6015 7225 English 2000-2020 6015 7185 Swedish (Mon-Wed-Fri) 2000-2020 6015 7185 Danish (Sun-Tue-Thu) 2000-2020 6015 7185 Esperanto (Saturday) 0330-0350 7270 Russian 0350-0410 5975 7270 9670 Ukrainian 0530-1300 6110 Italian 0445-0505 5975 9670 Lithuanian 0510-0530 5975 7235 Roumanian 0600-1300 7240 Italian 1335-1355 5990 7235 Albanian 1400-1415 5990 7235 Slovene 1415-1435 5990 7235 German 1435-1455 5990 7235 Croatian 1500-1520 5975 7235 Turkish 1520-1540 5975 7235 Greek 1540-1600 5975 7235 Bulgarian 1815-1830 6040 7240 Czech 1830-1845 6040 7240 Slovak 1845-1905 6040 7240 Polish 1910-1930 6040 7240 Serbian 1935-1955 6040 7240 Hungarian 2115-2135 6015 7290 Roumanian 2135-2155 6015 7290 Czech 2155-2210 6015 7290 Slovak 2210-2225 6015 7290 Polish 0330-0350 5975 7270 9670 Russian 0535-0555 7235 9670 11800 Russian 1605-1625 5975 9670 11905 Russian 2000-2020 6040 7240 9670 Russian

Spain - NoAF 0415-0440 6010 7270 Italian/English 1430-1455 6035 7290 9690 Arabic 1500-1525 5990 7290 9690 Italian 1630-1655 7235 9670 French 1700-1800 7235 9670 Italian 2025-2045 6035 7295 Arabic 2050-2110 6185 7125 Portuguese 2110-2130 6185 7125 Spanish 2135-2155 6110 7125 Arabic

Ea/CeAF - NE 0415-0435 9690 11840 15320 Amharic 0435-0510 9690 11840 15320 Italian 0510-0530 9690 11840 15320 Somali 0535-0555 9690 11840 Arabic 0600-1300 15240 21520 Italian 1630-1655 9690 11905 15240 Arabic 1700-1800 11840 15320 Italian 1910-1930 9670 11840 15250 Somali 2025-2045 7125 9685 11840 English 2050-2110 9710 11840 Portuguese 1700-1800 15230 15320 17870 Italian 2050-2110 15250 Portuguese

AS - FE - OCE/AUS/NZL 1000-1100 11925 Australia Italian 2200-2225 6150 9675 11900 Japan English

EUR - Mediterranean Area 0300-0500 6060 Notturno all'Italia Italian 0500-2300 6060 9515 Radio Uno Italian 0500-2300 7175 Radio Due Italian

On Sun, 1345 and 1700, the progrs are subject to reduction or suppression to bc nx and commentaries of sporting events in Italian language, 'Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto' and 'Domenica Sport': 1345-1700 9855 Central Europe 1345-1700 17780 North America 1345-1700 21535 South America 1345-1700 21520 East Africa 1345-1700 21710 Central and South Africa

Medium Wave Time 2300-0500 846 & 900 kHz Notturno dall'Italia Europe Italian 1430-1445 567 Mediterranean Area Arabic 2000-2030 1440 North - Central Europe Italian Updated information can be found on Internet at the following address http://www.rai.it/raiintern/ (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 12)

Italy gives AWR permission to build SW radio station. Adventist World Radio came one step closer to realizing plans for a major SW facility for NoAF, ME and WeAS in Sept when a regional government in northern Italy granted permission for construction to begin. Regional authorities granted permission on 23rd Sept 1997, thereby clearing the way for construction to begin once building permits are obtained.

"We expect to begin construction early next year," says Jacobsen. "We have been reviewing proposals from several manufacturers and we plan to make major decisions on the station hardware by the end of this year." Former AWR-Europe Manager Greg Hodgson is guiding the project until the end of the year when Brook Powers, assistant chief engineer at AWR's Guam station, will become project director. ('AWRecorder', via BBCM via AGDX, Sep 97)

JORDAN From Jordan Radio and TV (Direct): Arabian Gulf/FE/AUS/NZL: Ar 1500-0100 6105; 0300-1400 11810. EGY/SDN/WeArabia/EaAF: Ar 0300-0500 9630; 1200-1530 13630. Ce&EaEUR/Moscow: Ar 0500-0800 11835; 1500-2100 7155. NOAF/CeAM: A 1000-1200 15355. SoAM/Brazil: Ar 2100-0100 15435. NoAM/WeEUR: Ar 0300-0800 15435; 2100-0100 11935; ENGLISH 1000-1630 11690. WeEUR: Ar 1600-2100 9830 (Sharp via DXW, Oct 12)

KIRIBATI Referring to the comments in last week's DXW, it's true that the SW service was originally set up as a feeder to Kiritimati (a.k.a. Christmas Island) when a MW tx was set up there. That MW tx operated on 1115 kHz, later co-channel with the main MW tx on 846kHz. However, the Kiritimati tx broke down, and it was decided that since some of the inhabitants had SW txs, the "feeder" would be kept on the air as a de facto bcing sce. For that reason, it ceased to be a feeder because there was nothing for it to feed! If the MW tx , or some other tx, has subsequently come back on the air, nobody has told us - and since it would probably be on the same freq as the main one, DXers would not be aware of its existence. As far as the suggestion to check the Internet is concerned, I've done that many, many times....and so far found nothing.

WRTH may be "inconsistent" because DXers are themselves sometimes inconsistent in defining what constitutes a bc sce. You only have to look at the different guidelines used by various DX organizations to know that. We do not, as a rule, publish details of txs that are not intended for reception by the general public. In this case, I decided that since Radio Kiribati itself has stated that the txion on SW was a "broadcast" then we should list it. If the Bcing Sce of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia starts listing its SSB feeders in its official transmission schedule, then I will list those as well. But it doesn't - so I don't :-) (Andy Sennitt-HOL, via DXW, Oct 12)

KOREA Special broadcast on RKI. To commemorate the 200th edition of the DX Report on Radio Korea Internat, Adventist World Radio has been invited to participate in a special one-time relay bc. The special bc will air on Dec 21st and the early hours of Dec 22nd during RKI's regular English language bcs. This unique opportunity will allow DXers to QSL their reception of AWR as relayed via Radio Korea International's global network. AWR announces that all correct reception reports will earn a verification card with special endorsement to mark the event. For those of you pursuing Adventist World Radio QSL stamps for your Reception Certificates, this will be an opportunity to earn up to three additional sites for your certificate: AWR - Kimje, AWR - Skelton, and AWR - Sackville. RKI hopes you'll join in the fun for this special 200th edition of the DX Report. (Bill Matthews-USA, Oct 13)

LAOS v6973 -- LAO Luang Prabang, maybe inactive or very low power level. I can't hear them anymore. But Hoh Phan on v4690.9 kHz regular here from 1000-1100*. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 6)

LEBANON Israeli raid targets Hezbollah radio. Hezbollah sources have reported that the air raid carried out by enemy planes at 1330 this afternoon [14th Oct] targeted the antenna of Hezbollah's Voice of the Oppressed radio in Nabi Shit [in southern Lebanon], causing extensive damage and intermittent suspension of transmission. According to eyewitnesses, the raid shattered the glass windows close to the radio antenna and caused damage to [word indistinct] farms. All sources affirmed that no human casualties had been sustained. [Voice of the Oppressed continues to be observed with normal programming on 684 kHz.] (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 14)

LIBERIA The following second E-mail message has been rcvd from Star Radio: "Dear Jerry Berg. Thanks for your reception report sent to STAR radio. STAR radio is a USAID funded independent radio stn serving Liberians in Liberia and the surrounding territories. It is managed by the Swiss based NGO Fondation Hirondelle. We bc in English, Liberian English, French and 14 local Liberian languages. We are bcing on a Collins SW tx from just outside Monrovia. The rated output is 10 kW but the signal is nearer 4 kW. We use a tuned antenna which is designed to serve the region only. In common with other SW txions the signal bounces off the ionosphere, back to earth again and therefore it's not surprising that you picked it up -- however imperfectly -- in Lexington. We are presently testing our SW tx which has been recently installed. We are txing on 5880 kHz fr 0500-0800 and 3400 kHz 1700-2000. We shall reverse these freqs fr next Sun, 19 Oct. We have been txing on stereo FM 104 from 15 July and our signal reaches well beyond the city of Monrovia as the surrounding land is mostly flat. Sincerely, George Bennett, Chief of STAR Radio."

So: Right now they are closer to 4 kw than 10, and eff Sun, Oct 19, 3400 kHz will be used at 0500-0800, 5880 kHz at 1700-2000. FAX no. and E-mail address from NU 1438: 231/227360; and [email protected] (Jerry Berg-USA, NU, Oct 13)

MALAGASY Radio-Television Nationale Malagasy (RNM) is the government-run radio stn. SW freqs are subject to change. This schedule lists only those freqs believed to be active at the time of publication. Alternative SW freqs (all variable): 2495, 2465, 3232, 3288, 3370, 4960 kHz. Low-power MW txs may also operate on several additional channels, none of which have been confirmed, eg: 1602, 1554, 1502, 1323, 1278 and 1260 kHz. Address: B.P. 442, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar. Tel: +261-2-22381/21745 Fax: +261-2-31719

0300-0459 Malagasy 5010 3140 1394. 0459-1459 9690 7155 6135 5010 1394. 1000 nx in French. 1459-1900 5010 3140 630. 1715 nx in French. 1900-2100 Sats only 5010 3140 630. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 15)

MALI [non]. An English schedule from CRI dated May 5, has just been received with the former Mali relay frequencies 9710 and 11715 marked out at 0000 and 0300; and the same for E&S Africa at 1600 with 15130 and 15110 replaced by 9565, 9620; 2000 and 2100 11715 and 15110 replaced by 9535, 7180, but we suspect the new ones are Urumchi rather than Mali. (via Gigi Lytle, WORLD OF RADIO 914, Oct 16)

NORWAY Farewell transmission on Radio Norway Internet. Fredrikstad 500/350 kW tx 11680 kHz monitored carefully today Oct 18th, 1629-1659 UTC. Overlap BBC London in Bulgarian via Rampisham 500 kW 105 degrees til 1629 UTC, co-channel from 1620 UTC, when Fredrikstad tx switched on with open carrier. Deep signal fading invasion occured. SINPO 3-4 4 4 3 3-4, Arabic/ME station slightly on 11675 adjacent channel. Very interesting program content, congrats to both R Norway and DX Listener Club of Norway. (WB, Oct 18)

11680 kHz - RNI, Fredrikstad, with final, special bc in English fr this tx site 1630 s/on to closing with national anthem 1658, oc to 1700. Reviewed history of RNI and Fredrikstad site itself, interesting background info. No surprises here, very good signal. Audio clip of opening at (Tom Sundstrom-USA, Oct 18)

Status of Ukesender'n: "At present we are up and running 24 hrs. a day on 7215 kHz (approx. 400 watts carrier) with a 1/4-wave vertical antenna. I've noticed that there are some other stns txing on the same freq, so I don't know how easy it is to hear us over there. The schedule is as follows: 1000-1200 UTC, morning prgm with interviews and other info; 1200-1400, concerts/mx; 1400-1600, mx; 1600-1800, rerun of the morning progr; 1800-1000, mx. Every hour there is nx. Norwegian local time is UTC+2 until Oct 25 (I think), when it changes to UTC+1 [schedule converted to UTC summer, WB]. For more info, please take a look at our web pages Unfortunately, the schedule pages are only in Norwegian. Regards, Lars Bredesen-Vestby." (via Numero Uno USA, Oct 14)

Just checked UKE's homepage, to see if I could find a hint on their stn. They have real- audio now, check under http://www.uka.ntnu.no/gjenger/kultur/ukesender/uslive.html The e-mail address is changed too, it's [email protected] now. Anybody who can hear them on SW? (Martin Elbe-D, Oct 13)

OLAV GRIMDALEN, NTA, OSLO, NORWAY in EDXP by Bob Padula, Australia: I've just returned from another HFCC coordination conference in Warsaw. We managed to solve most of the collisions, but there will always be some problems which we would have liked to be solved in another way. Coordination is to negotiate to find solutions,. Most of the delegates have understood this and do their best to help each other. Others were not too willing this time to help out. In order to find out if administrations really would use the frequencies they had put down in their schedules, three monitoring stations will start monitoring the whole schedule of the HFCC group. This is to try to put an end to the use of "wooden" frequencies which have been implemented into the database during the conference. "Wooden" frequencies are those that may not be used by administrations - such frequencies are used as a trading object or to prevent others from using them. HFCC has urged members bot to implement frequencies unless they intend to use them,. The results of the monitoring of frequencies will be discussed during the next meeting which will take place in Belgium in February 1998.

RNI has a Web page that is updated whenever there is a change of frequency. There is also a page where I inform listeners about the best hours of reception in different sectors based on listener reports. You will find the pages under

To those of you who understand Norwegian I have put up a list of the best listening hours for the different parts of the world. (Olav Grimdalen in EDXP, Oct 1)

PAKISTAN 5027 1800-1808* PAK R Pakistan, Quetta, Urdu, ID, NA, 1808 sign-off. Nothing on 4790 at this day. n5055.1 1520-1533* PAK R Pakistan Islamabad, Turki ext sce, NA. Only listed Nov-Apr in TBS. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 6)

PHILIPPINES v3345.8 0805-0830 PHL DZB II R Mindoro in Tagalog, religious progr. (Sept 21) v3345.8 2320-2331* PHL DZB II R Mindoro in Tagalog & Dialects, 2329 Nat Anthem, choir, religious progr, 2330-2331* five birth calls IS! (Oct 3) (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 6)

RVA Manila changes eff 19th Oct. Sinhala 0000-0030 & Tamil 0030-0100 UTC 9670 (ex 11820), Hindi 1330-1355 & Bengali 1400-1425 UTC 9680 (ex 9555), Zomi-Chin 1530-1555 (Sat, Mon) 9525 (ex 9555). (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18)

RUSSIA Here is a new morning sce from GPR-2 Kaliningrad 1386 kHz tx fr Oct 1: Daily 0445-0500 UTC "Universal Life" in German, 0500-0600 UTC VoR in English. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, DXW, Oct 12) n4730 1210-1300* RUS VoRussia, E nx report, //9715, 9875, 11655. (Sept 22) n4859.9 1134-1145 RUS Chita, Atamanovka, Chita Oblast, Buryat, talks ID at 1137 UTC, internat mx, //7345 kHz (Sept 10).

9530 0720-0800 RUS R Stantsiya Tikhiy Okean, regular here in Russian, IDs, regard on seamen, tankers fleet to Spain, Singapore etc., mentioned tanker "Amur". (Roland Schulze-PHL, Sept 15-16)

Voice of Russia (Russian Sce) W97 schedule EUR 1800-2000 9775b, 9450a, 7340, 7310, 7160, 7125 2000-2100 1323, 693. 2100-2200 693. FE/AUS/NZL 1300-1500 9780b, 9490b, 9470a, 7245a, 7195, 7185, 7170, 6205 ME 1600-1700 15470b, 9830a, 9745, 9715, 9560, 7355, 7235 AF 1800-2000 15470b, 9830, 9745, 9560a, 9480, 7355, 7310, 7255, 7185 SoEaAS 1300-1500 15550b, 12055, 12015a, 11820, 7235, 7195, 7185, 7170 AM 0000-0100 9890, 7350 0200-0400 9895, 9890, 7350, 7260a, 7125, 6065. a=prior to March 1st, 1998. b=from March 1st, 1998. (Fax from VoR, via Pashkevich-RUS, Oct 17)

Listed Komsomolsk na Amure 9675 is carrying R.Stantsiya Tikhiy Okean from 0715 UTC and //9530, 9825, 15490, and usb10344 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

SLOVAKIA The 200 kW MW tx in Banska Bystrica [central Slovakia] will be put back into operation at midnight [2200 UTC] tonight [14th Oct]. It will transmit Slovak Radio 1 on the freq of 702 kHz. The tx, which covers a large part of central Slovakia, has been temporarily shut down since 1st August 1997. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 14)

SOUTH AFRICA Eff 26 Oct, W97 sked for Channel Africa shows use of freqs in the extended bands for the first time! 9440 1300-1455 E (Sat/Sun), 1500-1530, Fr 1530-1555, Port 1630-1655 17675 English 1300-1455[?]. Dom Sce is now greatly reduced on SW: Radio Sonder Grense - 0000-0430 and 1600-2200 3320, 0430-0700 600, 0700-1600 7185. (Sked from Kathy Otto, researched by Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct 13)

Channel Africa, please note the following two additions to Channel Africa's W97 schedule which commences on 26 Oct 1997: English: 1800 - 1830 15240 West Africa French: 1830 - 1855 15240 West Africa (Kathy Otto-RSA, Oct 16)

SPAIN The new printed sched by Secretaria Technica y de Programmas of Radio Exterior de Espana - REE is valid fr Oct 28th 97 til Febr 28th 98:

EUR 0500-0700 6000 50x Sp fr Oct 26 0500-0700 7275 50x Sp 0500-0700 11920 50x Sp til Oct 25 0700-0800 7275 50x Sp fr Oct 26 0700-1700 12035 60x Sp 0900-1700 9620 0x Sp (Sun) 1200-1600 9620 0x Sp (Mon-Sat) 1700-1730 9620 50x R (Mon-Fri) 1700-2100 6125 0x Sp (Sun) 1700-2200 6125 0x Sp (Sat) 1700-2300 7275 50x Sp 1730-1800 6125 50x G (Mon) 1800-1900 6125 50x F (Mon-Fr) 2000-2100 6125 38x E (Mon-Fr) 2200-2300 6125 38x E (Sat, Sun)

Orient (ME) 0500-0700 11890 98x Sp 0900-1400 15110 110x Sp 1400-1700 15110 110x Sp til Oct 25 1400-1700 11715 110x Sp fr Oct 26 1700-1900 15110 110x Ar til Oct 25 1700-1900 11715 110x Ar fr Oct 26 1825-1855 6130 98x Sefardi (Mon) 1900-2000 6045 98x F 1900-2000 7270 170x F 2000-2200 6045 98x Ar 2000-2200 7270 170x F 2200-2300 6045 98x Sp 2200-2300 7270 170x F

NoAF 1900-2000 7270 170x F 2000-2200 7270 170x Ar 2200-2300 7270 170x Sp 2300-0500 9620 230x Sp 2300-0200 11945 230x Sp

CeAF 0900-1900 17755 161x Sp

Guinea Equatorial 1600-1700 17755 161x Sp 1600-1700 15370 161x Sp (Mon-Sat)

AF 1900-2000 7270 170x F 2000-2100 11775 170x E (Mon-Fri) 2200-2300 11775 170x E (Sat, Sun)

SoAM 0900-1900 17715 230x Sp 1100-1400 5970 nd. Sp (Mon-Fri) 1100-1400 11815 248x Sp (Mon-Fri) 1200-1800 17805 248x Sp (Mon-Fri) fr Oct 26 1400-1800 9745 248x Sp (Sat/Sun) 1400-1800 11880 290x Sp (Sat/Sun) 1800-2100 17845 248x Sp (Sat-Sun) 1800-2200 15125 248x Sp fr Oct 26 1800-2200 17870 248x Sp til Oct 25 1800-0000 9745 248x Sp 2100-2200 17845 248x Sp (Sat) 2200-0000 11880 290x Sp 2300-0200 11945 230x Sp 2300-0500 9620 230x Sp 2300-0500 6125 242x Sp 0000-0100 9745 248x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0000-0100 11880 290x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0100-0400 3210 nd. Sp (Tue-Sat) 0100-0400 5970 nd. Sp (Tue-Sat) 0115-0145 11775 248x Sefardi (Martes)

CeAM 1100-1400 5970 nd. Sp (Mon-Fri) 1100-1400 9630 290x Sp (Mon-Fri) 1100-1400 11815 248x Sp (Mon-Fri) 1200-1800 17805 248x Sp 1400-1800 9745 248x Sp (Sat, Sun) 1400-1800 11815 248x Sp (Sat, Sun) 1400-1800 11880 290x Sp (Sat, Sun) 1800-2100 17845 248x Sp (Sat, Sun) 1800-2200 15125 248x Sp fr Oct 26 1800-2200 17870 248x Sp til Oct 25 1800-0000 9745 248x Sp 1800-0000 11815 248x Sp 1900-2300 9630 290x Sp 2100-2200 17845 248x Sp (Sun) 2200-0000 11880 290x Sp 2300-0500 6125 242x Sp 2300-0500 6160 290x Sp fr Oct 26 2300-0500 9540 272x Sp til Oct 25 0000-0100 9745 248x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0000-0100 11815 248x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0000-0100 11880 290x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0100-0400 3210 nd. Sp (Tue-Sat) 0100-0400 5970 nd. Sp (Tue-Sat) 0100-0400 5990 272x Sp (Tue-Sat) 0115-0145 11775 248x Sefardi (Martes) 0200-0500 6055 290x Sp

NoAM 1100-1400 9630 290x Sp (Mon-Fri) 1300-1800 11815 290x Sp (Sat, Sun) 1800-0000 11815 290x Sp 1900-2300 9630 290x Sp 2300-2400 6055 290x F 2300-0500 6160 290x Sp fr Oct 26 2300-0500 9540 272x Sp til Oct 25 0000-0100 11815 290x Sp (Sun-Mon) 0000-0200 6055 290x E 0100-0400 5990 272x Sp (Tue-Sat) 0200-0500 6055 290x Sp 0415-0445 9690 290x Sefardi (Martes) 0500-0556 6055 290x E

PAC 0500-0700 9650, 9760 260x Sp to AUS, til Oct 25 0700-0900 9615, 9650 260x Sp to AUS, fr Oct 25 1000-1200 9620 102x Sp to JAP (via Beijing - CHN) 1200-1400 11910 138x Sp to PHL (via Xian - CHN) (bearings not printed out in schedule and therefore tentative, but copied according other sources like REE winter schedule in previous years)

"Amigos de Onda Corta" DX progr in Spanish, Suns 0000 and 1000 UTC. Dxismo y dxistas. Comunicaciones, satelites, receptores, parabolicas, frecuencias, emisoras y todo lo relacionado con el mundo de las telecomunicaciones.

Addr: Radio Exterior de Espana, Apdo. de Correos 156.202, 28.080 - Madrid, Spain. Fax: +34-1-3461815. For transmissions of REE via Cariari see Costa Rica. (REE printed schedule, Oct 11)

SYRIA Broadcasting Service of the Syrian Arab Republic. This schedule has been compiled entirely from recent monitoring observations. Transmission times may vary. Bcs in Hebrew and Russian to Israel may be one hour EARLIER in SUMMER. Address: Omyyad Square, Damascus, Syria. Tel: +963-11-720700

1600-1830 Hebrew 783. 1700-1800 Russian, 1805-1905 German both 13610. 1830-1900 Russian 783 (for Russian immigrants in Israel) 1905-2005 French, 2005-2105 English, 2105-2205 English, 2215-2315 Arabic, 2315-0030 Spanish, all on 13610 12085 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 15)

UAE UAE Radio Dubai located on new 15370 kHz with sudden sign-on at 1030 UTC in English, //13675, 15395, 21605. Changes to new 13630 kHz at 1300 and still going at 1830. 21605 changes to 11795 at v1600 UTC. Cannot trace this 4th tx between 0600 and 1030 on any band.

Abu Dhabi noted using 17885 kHz on air 0700-1100, co-channel KWT from v0900. 17825 0800- 1200. 17760 0700-1100. 15360 1200-1500. 15265 1100-v1700. 13605 1400 - still going 1900. 11945 on air 0600-0730. 9605 is thought to be this stn at 1730-1830. The low powered 9695 also heard between 1430-1730. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 15)

UNIDENTIFIED n4730 ?? (Afghan stn via TJK in Pushto?) 1302 UTC, female mentioned "Afghanistan and Tehran". 1328 ME style mx, 1332 short ann, 1334-1338 mx again, male talking on "Kabul". (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 6)

USA VOA to EUR via Greenville from 26 Oct to use new 15120 (ex 15135) [17-18?]. (RVI via Cees van Oudheusden, via EDXP, Oct12)

Radio Free Asia, observed on new 9835 kHz with Tibetan, *2300-0000* UTC. Listed 7550 and 7400 not audible. I will award a certificate to anyone who can corectly list the complete schedule of RFA, with all txer sites! (Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct 11) Still looking out for second RFA Khmer channel at 2230-2330 UTC, monitored only on 6015 kHz yet. Publicized //7560 kHz never heard. Very heavy CNR jamming noted on RFA Chinese channel 9795 kHz at 2100-2200 UTC. (WB, Oct 17)

Noel was amazed to hear Radio Marti via Delano on 7405 kHz at 1200 UTC and found //9565 Delano also audible mixing with CRI English and AIR Tibetan from 1215. Just how 7 MHz managed to propagate I don't know! Have heard Marti Delano 13820 kHz around 1730. KAIJ same time on adjacent 13815. Also shure was KTBN 7510 around 1300, when Delano 7405 still audible. Mornings KTBN is often audible past 1000 then fades out. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 6)

On 7490 unidentified US stn appears every day, registered is WJCR 50 kW 55 degr. Also RfPI unexpected strong at same time. (WB Oct 18)

WORLD OF RADIO TIME SHIFTS. With the end of DST Oct 26, our times on WWCR and WGTG are expected to shift one UTC hour later, but stay on the same frequencies through Nov. Times on RFPI always stay at the same UTC, 7585 has recently returned to the USB mode after trying LSB for a couple of nights. (GH WoR #914, Oct 16)

SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. The Deutsche Telekom W97 schedule includes 12 frequency-hours a day attributed to "TOM". Ivan Grishin figured out this must stand for The Overcomer Ministry, i.e. Brother Stair, who was previously heard by Jim Moats to say he was buying 12 hours a day following tests in August via DTK.

Here's the schedule effective Oct 26 via BC-DX: 0600-0759 9500 255 degrees Au/NZ 1600-1759 6175 ND CEu, 11985 115 NE/ME/EEu 0100-0259 6170 295 ENAm 0200-0359 5840 310 CNAm, 6025 320 WNAm

Note that during the prime hour of 0200 due to overlap he is on three frequencies at once to NAm. I can hardly wait. (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 914, Oct 16)

VIETNAM 6547 1115-1159* VTN R Yen Bai, Vietn dialects, politic talks, with mx bridges, 1130 gongs IS!, hill tribe mx, ID, also given at sign-off. v6538.2 ... 6537.1 1158-1220 VTN Cao Bang, Vietnamese talks, ID, Hill tribe mx. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Sept 29/Oct 1)

DXer's CALENDAR Oct 10 (Friday)-Nov 2 (Sunday), UKE-senderen, 7215, 24 hrs. Oct 18 (Saturday), R. Norway Intl via Fredrikstad (for NORDX-97), 11680, 1630-1700. Oct 18 (Saturday), Star Radio, Liberia (for NORDX-97), 3400 or 5880, 1950-2010. Oct 18 (Saturday), Ecos del Torbes, 4980, special NORDX-97 anmts, 2200- 2300. Oct 19 (Sunday), VOA Express "Classic Rock" for NORDX, 5890, 0400-0500. Oct 26 (Sunday), R. St. Helena Day, 11092.5, 1900-2300. (Numero Uno, Oct 12)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 332 25 Oct 1997 ______

PROPAGATION SURPRISE Superb propagation condition on Oct 20th: all East Asian stations came in well like a nearby European station around 2100-2300 UTC. Shepparton noted on 11695 kHz S3-4, giving RA e-mail address at 2158 UTC. RRI at 2200 on both 9680 [S=5] and 11755 kHz. Ukraine 12040 like a local station. DW Novosibirsk in Indonesian on 7140 kHz 1000 kW. On 6 & 7 MHz band strong Chinese and Korean jamming stations observed on 5990, 6015, 6025, 6035, 6135, and 7250 kHz. CRI Moscow relay producing terrible feeder audio transmission on 7175 2200-2255 UTC. From the opposite WYFR in Spanish 11650 2045-2245, HCJB on 12015 & 12025, and at 2200 in Japanese on 11615 loud and clear. RHC as usual on 11760 kHz at same time span. (WB Oct 20)

Stick your rx on 1566 kHz around 1700 UTC, have been hearing HLAZ Korea almost daily. Clear ID's with call sign on hour. Also am 99% certain I heard it in //1188 kHz. 1566 kHz usually Mayak via BLR, also AIR E nx at 1730 UTC. An UNID Arab thought in the ME (not Tunis) I'm informed, Iran and an Unid in Portuguese thought Azores, 1188 BEL & HNG. Also heard CRI Urumchi Russian sce on 1521 kHz mixing with BBC in Czech/Slovak then English. Saudi Arabia also fading up/down and two UK locals! I presume the BBC originates from Kosice-Cizatice, but not listed in anything I have -- nor in the W97. So, is it a "Relay Station" or being used by the Slovak govt to broadcast other stations. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 20)

ST. HELENA - This year the St. Helena Day of Radio St. Helena will be placed on Oct 26, planned QRG is 11092.5 in SSB Mode at 1900-2300 UTC. Postal address: Radio St. Helena, Jamestown, St. Helena (South Atlantic Ocean). Fax +290 4542. Web URL is < http://www.sthelena.se > (Kubiak-FRG, WWDXC, Aug 11)

RADIO ST HELENA Some news has been received from St Helena about the bc on Sun Oct 26. Please take a look on http://www.sthelena.se for the updated infos. (Ekwall via KIWI R, via DXW, Oct 12)

ALBANIA TWR W97 schedule via Cerrik, til March 29, 1998

TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU TRM PWR ANT AZI 0600-0615 1234567 KURDISH 25 11635 SW1 100 A12 090 0615-0630 1234567 POLISH 49 05910 SW4 100 A24 350 0745-0935 6 ENGLISH 31 09685 100 310 0745-0950 7 ENGLISH 31 09685 100 310 0745-0920 12345 ENGLISH 31 09685 100 310 0930-0945 23456 HUNGARIAN 49 05930 SW2 100 A24 350 1544-1559 1234567 KURDISH 41 07155 SW2 100 A13 090 1600-1630 1234567 POLISH 49 05905 SW1 100 A24 350 1602-1617 67 ARMENIAN 41 07155 SW2 100 A13 090 1602-1617 67 ARMENIAN 31 09950 SW4 100 A12 090 1602-1632 12345 ARMENIAN 41 07155 SW2 100 A13 090 1602-1632 12345 ARMENIAN 31 09950 SW4 100 A12 090 1700-1730 12 67 FARSI 41 07385 SW1 100 A13 090 1700-1730 12 67 FARSI 31 09665 SW2 100 A12 090 1700-1745 345 FARSI 41 07385 SW1 100 A13 090 1700-1745 345 FARSI 31 09665 SW2 100 A12 090 1800-1815 123 LITHUANIAN 49 06235 SW2 100 A25 350 1800-1815 1 RUSSIAN 49 05890 SW4 100 A04 033 1800-1815 1 RUSSIAN 41 07355 SW1 100 A03 033 1815-1845 1 BELORUS 49 05890 SW4 100 A04 033 1815-1845 1 BELORUS 41 07355 SW1 100 A03 033 1800-1845 234567 RUSSIAN 49 05890 SW4 100 A04 033 1800-1845 234567 RUSSIAN 41 07355 SW1 100 A03 033 1900-1915 6 RUSSIAN 49 06235 SW1 100 A21 130 *) To Israel 1900-1915 6 RUSSIAN 41 07245 SW2 100 A22 130 *) To Israel

TWR - Shijak, Albania TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU TRM PWR ANT AZI 0615-0630 123 567 POLISH 41 07385 SW1 100 S11 350 0930-0945 23456 HUNGARIAN 41 07385 SW1 100 S11 350 1600-1630 1234567 POLISH 41 07385 SW1 100 S11 350 1800-1815 123 LITHUANIAN 41 07385 SW1 100 S02 033 (TWR Vienna office, Oct 15)

ARMENIA VoArmenia, Yerevan, in Spanish on Suns only at 0900-0915 UTC (x0700-0715), 15270 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

AUSTRIA VK0TS on INTERMEDIA Tom Stokes VK0TS on Maquarie Island is always on the other end of a pile up. We talk to him and learn about that remote island, his job there with the ANARE program, and his activities as a radio amateur. The broadcast is in German but you'll hear Tom loud and clear in between, and we plan to offer the whole interview in English as a RealAudio file on our website http://www.orf.at/roi

INTERMEDIA, the weekly media magazine from Radio Austria International in Vienna Fri/Sta/Sun Oct 31 / Nov 1-2 Fri 1705 UTC 6155 (Eu); 13730 (Eu, Af); 9665, 13710 (As) 2205 1476, 5945, 6155 (Eu); 13730 (Af) Sat 0205 7325, 9870 (NAm); 9495 (SouthAm) 0505 6155, 13730 (Eu); 6015 (NAm); 15410, 17870 (As) 0905 6155, 13730 (Eu); 15455 (As); 17870 (Pac) 1205 6155, 13730 (Eu); 13730 (Nam) Sun 1125 6155, 13730 (Eu); 13730 (Nam) And via Astra Digital Radio, WRN3 etc. - Frequencies: Homepage (Wolf Harranth OE1WHC, Oct 21)

Til March 29th, 1998: Intermedia - Media magazine in German language on Fri 1705, 2205; Sat 0205, 0505, 0905, 1205; Sun 2105 UTC. DX Telegramm in German language Sun 1055, 1325, 1655, 2055, 2325 UTC. French DX progr "Flash des Ondes" presenter Vera Bock, Sat 1230, 1830; Sun 0730 UTC.

ORF Vienna - Radio Austria International - SW bcing schedule W97 EUR 6155 nd HQ 300 0400-2300 EUR 5945 nd VER 100 1800-2300 SoEaEUR 13730 115 LPH 100 0400-0800 NoEUR 13730 360 LPH 100 0800-1100 NoAM 13730 295 HRS 300 1100-1400 NoAM 7325 305 HR 500 0000-0300 NoAM West 6015 268 HRS 250 0500-0700 RCI Sackville-CAN relay CeAM 9870 275 HRS 300 0200-0400 SoAM 9870 255 HRS 300 2300-0200 SoAM 9495 255 LPH 100 0000-0400 WeAF 13730 235 LPH 100 1400-1800 WeAF 9495 170 HR 500 1900-2300 ME 15410 115 HR 300 0500-0800 ME 17870 115 HRS 100 0500-0800 ME 9655 115 HRS 100 1500-1900 SoEaAS 11780 90 HR 500 1500-1800 FE 15240 55 HRS 100 0800-1100 AUS/NZL 17870 100 HR 500 0800-1100 (ORF schedule, Sept 19)

BULGARIA Drastic changes in Radio Bulgaria network: Ceased txs til March 28, 1998: Site Kostinbrod 2 x 50 kW, site Stolnik 1 x 15, 1 x 150 kW.

Corresponding bcs ceased fr Sept 29, 1997: Kostinbrod 1/2 50 kW ach 5860 1500-2115 Balkan sce in Ser, Alb, Gr, Turk, Bulg. 5930 0800-0900 Suns Gr 5945 0415-0500 Mon-Fri Turk. 6195 1200-1500 Bulg 7355 1715-1800 Turk

Stolnik 150 kW 7115 0400-0630 Gr, Alb, Ser, Turk. 7135 0800-0900 Sun Gr 7310 1200-1500 Bulg 7510 1715-1800 & 2000-2045 Italian. 9700 1615-1700 German (now only on 11720). Stolnik 15 kW 7670 0300-2100 Bulg "Horizont" home sce relay Plovdiv 9850 0300-1700 Bulg "Horizont" home sce relay [NG Oct 19]

Power reduced of txs til Mar 28, 1998: Plovdiv 2 x 300 kW (ex 2 x 500), 3 x 150 kW (ex 3 x 250). Vidin 1224 and Petritch 747 kHz reduced from 500 to 300 kW each.

Ceased sces fr Oct 26, 1997: all bcs in Arabic & Italian.

Changed targets fr Oct 26th: Bulg new to SoAF (xCeAS). English new daytime txion to EUR (xEaAS).

The Balkan sces left SW and will be on MW only, as fr Oct 26th: 1730-2215 747 & 1224 kHz in Bulg, Turk, Alb, Gr, Ser. R Bulgaria also ceased several txions in OIRT FM band. (PanIview, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, Ognyan Chengeliev, Sylvia Ivanova-BUL, Oct 10)

CANADA RCI-Radio Canada International (R), and CBC-Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (C), Montreal schedules W97 (winter 97-98). C=Cape Greco-CYP, S=Sines-POR, U=Skelton-UK, V=Moosbrunn-AUT, W=Wertachtal-D, X=Xian- CHN, Y=Yamata-JAP

English 0000-0029 C 6040 9535 11865 (Tue-Sat) 0000-0059 C 5960 9755 (Sun+Mon) 0200-0259 R 6155 9535 9755 9780 11865 0300-0359 CR 6155 9755 9780 (Tue-Sat) 0400-0429 R 6150S 9505V 9645U 0600-0659 R 6050 6150U 9740U 9760 11905U (Mon-Fri) 1200-1229 R 6150Y 11730Y 1300-1359 C 9640 11855 1330-1357 R 6150X 9535X 1400-1459 C 9640 11855 (Mon-Fri, Suns -1659 UTC) 1430-1459 R 9555U 11915S 11935U 15325S 1630-1657 R 6140X 7150X 2100-2159 R 5925 5995U 7235U 9805 11945 13650 13690 15150 17820 2200-2229 C 5995 7235U 9735U 9805 11945 13690 15150 11705Y 2300-2329 C 5960 6040 9535 9755 11865 2330-2359 C 5960 6040 9535 9755 11865 (Sat+Sun) 2330-0059 C 5960 9755 (Mon-Fri) (RCI Montreal, Oct 17)

CHAD 7120 kHz Radiodiff. Nat. Tchadienne; N'Djamena, 1550-1601* UTC, local mx with announcements by woman in vernacular. IS followed by ID and freqs in French. Again very short IS, sh/down. Good signal but qrmVOA on 7115. (Pijpers, via DXW, Oct 16)

CHINA CNR1 on new 9500 kHz noted around 2350 UTC, and at 0830 UTC. (Noel Green-UK; WB, Oct 6/18)

New CRI frequencies monitored recently: 7200 1700-1927 Engl, Persian, French. 9870 1730-2057 Ch, Persian, Engl, Ch (co-ch BSKSA Arabic) 9900 1730-2227 Ch, It, German, Esperanto, Alb, French (co-ch from 1900 Cairo, fr 2200 DW via [Novosibirsk]Russia. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS Voice of Southern Azerbaijan in Azeri one hour later, from Sept 14th: 0615-0715 11935 [under RNW in Dutch], 1630-1730 12070 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10; Noel Green-UK, Oct 20) [which ME country changed to winter time on Sept 14th? SYR?]

ECUADOR HCJB World Radio Broadcast Schedule W97-A 26 Oct'97-29 Mar'98 ARABIC 2000-2130 12025 250 58 NoWeAF 2000-2130 15550 100 41 NoWeAF CZECH 0530-0600 9645 100 40 EUR exc. Mon+Fri 1830-1900 12025 250 40 EUR exc. Mon+Fri 1830-1900 15550 100 41 EUR exc. Mon+Fri ENGLISH 0000-0400 9745 100 356 NoAM (E) 0000-0500 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 0400-0700 9745 100 330 NoAM (W) 0500-0700 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 0700-0900 5865 250 38 EUR 0700-0900 9365 100 35 EUR 0700-1058 9645 100 228 SoPAC 0700-1100 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 1100-1600 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 1100-1600 12005 50 43 Caribb 1100-1600 15115 100 160/353 N/SoAM 1900-2200 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 1900-2158 12015 100 42 EUR FRENCH 0030-0100 9410 100 340 CAN 0630-0700 9765 100 40 EUR 1930-2000 12025 250 40 EUR 1930-2000 15550 100 41 EUR GERMAN 0430-0500 5860 250 38 EUR 0430-0500 9365 100 35 EUR 0600-0630 9765 100 40 EUR 0930-1000 6125 100 155 SoAM 1900-1930 12025 250 40 EUR 1900-1930 15550 100 41 EUR 2300-0000 12005 250 124/330 No/SoAM JAPANES 0430-0458 9765 100 330 NoAM (W) 1130-1200 9415 250 320 JAP 2200-2300 21455 1 35/225 EUR/S. Pac. 2200-2300 11615 100 126 SoAM KIKONGO 0500-0515 9765 100 100 WeAF Mon-Fri PORTUG. 0800-0930 6125 100 155 Brazil 1500-1800 15295 100 100 Brazil 2300-0230 11615 100 124 Brazil QUICHUA 0830-1000 6110 100 155 SoAM 0830-1030 690 50 000/180 Ecuador 0830-1400 6080 8 90 Vert SoAM 0830-1400 3220 8 90 Vert SoAM 2100-0300 6080 8 90 Vert SoAM 2100-0300 3220 8 90 Vert SoAM 2130-2358 9745 100 155 SoAM RUSSIAN 0200-0430 5860 250 38 WeRUS 0515-0700 5865 250 38 WeRUS 0515-0700 9365 100 35 WeRUS 2230-2300 12005 250 124/330 No/SoAM SLOVAK 0530-0600 9645 100 40 EaEUR Mon+Fri 1830-1900 12025 250 40 EaEUR Mon+Fri 1830-1900 15550 100 41 EaEUR Mon+Fri SPANISH 0700-0730 9765 100 50 EUR 1030-1358 9765 100 340 NoAM 1030-1400 11960 100 131 SoAM 1030-0504 690 50 000/180 Ecuador 1030-0504 6050 50 18/172 SoAM 1400-0458 15140 100 150/330 No/SoAM 1600-1900 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC 2130-2228 12025 250 50 EUR 2130-2230 9365 100 35 EUR 2300-2400 21455 1 35/225 EUR/SoPAC TADJIK 0115-0130 5860 250 38 CeAS Sun-Thur UKRAIN. 0500-0515 5865 250 38 WeRUS 0500-0515 9365 100 35 WeRUS UZBEK 0130-0200 5860 250 38 CeAS Sun-Thur

EGYPT R Cairo in Russian drifting around, 1800-1900 UTC on 15/8 6119.3, 27/9 6120.7, in Farsi on 28/9 1330-1530 new freq 5780 kHz, but 5780 x 2 = 11560 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

GERMANY TWR W97 schedule via DTK Juelich, til March 29, 1998 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU PWR AZI 1700-1730 1234567 ROMANIAN 49 05840 100 105 Expected increase to 45 mins during the season. (TWR Vienna office, Oct 15)


3945 0130-0228, 1330-1430 GOR 50 NEPALI SoAS 4790 0000-0045 MAD 100 TAMIL SoAS 4860 1330-1430 DEL 50 NEPALI 1430-1930 URDU SoAS 5990 0100-0200 ALG 250 SINDHI SoAS 6045 0130-0228 DEL 50 NEPALI SoAS 1330-1430 DEL 250 NEPALI SoAS 1430-1930 DEL 250 URDU SoAS 6155 0015-0430 DEL 100 URDU SoAS 6165 1230-1500 DEL 100 SINDHI 1500-1600 BALUCHI SoAS 7125 0100-0200 DEL 100 SINDHI SoAS 7140 1315-1415 DEL 100 DARI 1415-1530 PUSHTU WeAS 7150 2045-2230 DEL 250 GOS-V ENGLISH AUS,NZL,OCE 7225 0215-0300 DEL 100 PUSHTU 0300-0345 DARI WeAS 7250 0130-0228 PAN 250 NEPALI 0700-0800 GOR 50 NEPALI SoAS 7265 1615-1730 DEL 100 PERSIAN WeAS 7410 1215-1330 ALG 250 TIBETAN 1330-1430 NEPALI SoAS 1615-1730 ALG 250 HINDI WeAS 1745-1945 BLR 500 GOS-IV ENGLISH 1945-2045 HINDI EUR 2045-2230 BLR 500 GOS-V ENGLISH EUR 2245-0045 BLR 500 GOS-I ENGLISH NoEaAS 9545 1330-1500 DEL 250 GOS-III ENGLISH SoEaAS 9550 0130-0228 ALG 250 NEPALI SoAS 9565 0130-0200 PAN 250 TIBETAN 1215-1330 DEL 100 TIBETAN SoAS 9595 0015-0430 DEL 250 URDU SoAS 0700-0800 DEL 100 NEPALI 0830-1130 DEL 100 URDU SoAS 9650 1745-1945 ALG 250 GOS-IV ENGLISH We&NoWeAF 2045-2230 ALG 250 GOS-V ENGLISH EUR 9700 1300-1500 ALG 250 SINHALA SoAS 9705 2245-0045 ALG 250 GOS-I ENGLISH SoEaAS 9835 0000-0045 DEL 100 TAMIL SoAS 9910 0000-0045 ALG 250 TAMIL SoEaAS 0215-0300 ALG 250 PUSHTU 0300-0345 DARI WeAS 1315-1415 ALG 250 DARI 1415-1530 PUSHTU WeAS 1615-1730 ALG 250 PERSIAN 1730-1945 ARABIC WeAS 1945-2030 ALG 250 FRENCH We&NoWeAF 2045-2230 ALG 250 GOS-V ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 2300-2400 ALG 250 HINDI SoEaAS 9950 0100-0130 DEL 50 BURMESE SoEaAS 1515-1615 DEL 250 SWAHILI 1615-1730 HINDI EaAF 1745-1945 DEL 250 GOS-IV ENGLISH 1945-2045 HINDI EUR 2045-2230 DEL 250 GOS-V ENGLISH EUR 2245-0045 DEL 250 GOS-I ENGLISH NoEaAS 11585 1000-1100 ALG 250 GOS-II ENGLISH NoEaAS 1230-1500 BLR 500 SINDHI SoAS 1500-1600 BALUCHI SoAS 1615-1730 BLR 500 PERSIAN WeAS 11620 0100-0430 BLR 500 URDU SoAS 0830-1130 DEL 250 URDU SoAS 1215-1315 BURMESE SoEaAS 1330-1500 BLR 500 GOS-III ENGLISH SoEaAS 1515-1615 BLR 500 GUJARATI EaAF 1615-1715 RUSSIAN EUR 1745-1945 BLR 500 GOS-IV ENGLISH EUR 1945-2045 BLR 500 HINDI EUR 2045-2230 BLR 500 GOS-V ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 2045-2230 BLR 500 GOS-V ENGLISH EUR 2245-0045 BLR 500 GOS-I ENGLISH SoEaAS 2245-0045 BLR 500 GOS-I ENGLISH NoEaAS 11695 1215-1330 BLR 500 TIBETAN 1330-1430 NEPALI SoAS 11710 1215-1315 DEL 100 BURMESE SoEaAS 11715 0130-0228 BLR 500 NEPALI SoAS 2045-2230 ALG 250 GOS-V ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 11730 0400-0430 ALG 250 PERSIAN 0430-0530 ARABIC WeAS 11735 0215-0300 BLR 500 PUSHTU 0300-0345 DARI WeAS 1000-1100 BLR 500 GOS-II ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 11740 0000-0045 BLR 500 TAMIL 2300-2400 HINDI SoEaAS 11790 0100-0200 BLR 500 SINDHI SoAS 11840 1145-1315 BLR 500 CHINESE NoEaAS 11850 0700-0800 DEL 100 NEPALI SoAS 11855 0315-0415 PAN 250 HINDI WeAS 11870 0100-0130 DEL 250 BURMESE SoEaAS 11900 0130-0200 BLR 500 TIBETAN SoAS 11935 1745-1945 BOM 100 GOS-IV ENGLISH EaAF 13620 0215-0300 BLR 500 PUSHTU 0300-0345 DARI WeAS [PanIview reported usb13620] 0400-0430 BLR 500 PERSIAN 0430-0530 ARABIC WeAS 1730-1945 BLR 500 ARABIC WeAS 1945-2030 BLR 500 FRENCH We&NoWeAF 13700 0130-0200 BLR 500 TIBETAN SoAS 1000-1100 BLR 500 GOS-II ENGLISH NoEaAS 1000-1100 BLR 500 GOS-II ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 13710 1115-1215 BLR 500 TAMIL 1215-1245 TELUGU SoEaAS 1330-1500 BLR 500 GOS-III ENGLISH SoEaAS 13720 1515-1615 BLR 500 SWAHILI 1615-1730 HINDI EaAF (Noel Green,Oct20) 13770 1615-1730 BLR 500 HINDI WeAS (Noel Green,Oct20) 13780 1745-1945 BLR 500 GOS-IV ENGLISH We&NoWeAF 1945-2030 BLR 500 FRENCH We&NoWeAF 13795 0000-0045 BLR 500 TAMIL 2300-2400 HINDI SoEaAS 15020 1330-1500 DEL 50 SINHALA SoAS (Unid,Nepali?0715-1245 UTC, NG) 15050 0400-0430 ALG 250 PERSIAN 0430-0530 ARABIC WeAS 0845-0945 ALG 250 INDONESIAN SoEaAS 1000-1100 ALG 250 GOS-II ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 1000-1100 ALG 250 GOS-II ENGLISH NoEaAS [1115-1215 DEL 50 TAMIL SoAS,monitored instead 15075 by NG Oct 20] 1145-1315 DEL 250 CHINESE NoEaAS 15075 0315-0415 BLR 500 HINDI WeAS 0315-0415 HINDI EaAF 0415-0430 BLR 500 GUJARATI 0430-0530 SWAHILI EaAF 1115-1215 DEL 50 TAMIL SoAS 1515-1615 ALG 250 SWAHILI 1615-1730 HINDI EaAF 1745-1945 ALG 250 GOS-IV ENGLISH EaAF 15140 1615-1715 BLR 500 RUSSIAN EUR 15175 1515-1615 BLR 500 GUJARATI EaAF 15180 0315-0415 DEL 250 HINDI EaAF 15340 1115-1200 BLR 500 THAI SoEaAS 15770 1115-1215 ALG 250 TAMIL 1215-1245 TELUGU SoEaAS 17387 0315-0415 ALG 250 HINDI 0415-0430 GUJARATI EaAF 0430-0530 ALG 250 SWAHILI EaAF 0845-0945 DEL 250 INDONESIAN SoEaAS 1000-1100 DEL 250 GOS-II ENGLISH AUS, NZL, OCE 17705 1145-1315 BLR 500 CHINESE NoEaAS 17785 0400-0430 BLR 500 PERSIAN 0430-0530 ARABIC WeAS 17840 1000-1100 BLR 500 GOS-II ENGLISH NoEaAS 17860 1115-1215 DEL 100 TAMIL SoAS 17895 1115-1200 ALG 250 THAI SoEaAS (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18)

INDONESIA RRI Jakarta in BI on 9680 and new 11755 kHz at 0000 UTC. (WB Oct 19) 9565.0, RRI Jakarta; Bonto Sunggu, relay of sports event at Senayan Stadium, Jakarta at 1134. This progr was relayed by RRI Manado(3214.8kHz) but other RRI stn was not relayed. RRI Jakarta Programa Nasional Dua on 15150 was not relaying this. (Yamada-JAP via DXW, Oct 12)

11755, RRI, Oct 18, 0000-1600, possibly for the South Asia Games - most of the time carrying sports comments. New11785, V.O.Indonesia, Oct 18, 0100-0200, noted English //9525 (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18) 9680 kHz, RRI, 0959, BI - 11785 no longer noted at this time. 15150, RRI Jakarta, 1159 UTC, SCI, news //9680. (Rooy via DXW, Oct 18/19)

Maybe they changed the freq for the EUR sce. Someone reported them on 7225 kHz recently with the English program at 2000 UTC. Last week I heard them in Spanish at 0030 and in English at 0100 UTC on new 11785 kHz, booming in with a strong and undisturbed signal here in NoGermany. Their home sce has recently been audible on new 11755 (//9680) around 2300 UTC. (Mathias Gatzke, Oct 20)

IRAN VoIRIB Tehran changes, since Sept 7th. Swahili 0330-0427 11750, new13605. Bosnian 0530-0627 (x0600-0657) 9525, new13610, new15230. (co-ch Syria on 13610) Kazakh 1500-1527 7160(co-ch CRI), new9585. English 1530-1627 new13605(co-ch Abu Dhabi), 7215, 11790. Armenian 1630-1727 new11720(co-ch BUL), 6005, 9615. GeFrEngl 1730-2027 new7160, 7260, 9022. Russian 1930-2027 new9745(co-ch CNR in Chinese). Bosnian 2130-2227 new7125(x7100), 7145, 7170, 7175 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

All on 11830 kHz: E 1100-1225, Unid 1230-1325, Urdu 1330-1425, Kazakh? 1430-1500, Unid 1500-1600 when Ukraine opens. E 1100-1225 also on 9585, due to splash from Norway 9590 - impossible to copy 1200-1400. VoA Udorn in Chinese 9585 1400-1500, then IRIB heard again 1500-1600 UTC on 9585 in Unid language. Kazakh 7160 heard opening at 1500 UTC, co-ch CRI, but Tehran seems to go off at 1530. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 20)

IRAQ While waiting for special VoA Greenville NORDX transmission came across English feature/commentary on 11785 kHz, most likely Baghdad broadcast around 0430 til 0457 UTC when signing-off. Channel heavily disturbed by ME jamming. (WB Oct 19) 11785, Radio Iraq Int'l, 0405-0416, English nx, notes about Iraq's geography and some history on Baghdad. (Escoto via DXW, Oct 15) 11290 kHz, R Bahgdad, GenSce, 0750-0855, Arabic with songs, phone-in and talk about Iraq. (Anker Petersen-DEN, via DXW, Oct 18)

JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan's schedule will be changed from UTC 0100, 26th Oct 1997 as below: Asian Continent from Yamata 0100-0300 15570(ex.15500) 0600-0800 15570(ex.11910) South Asia from Yamata 1500-1600 7240(ex.11730), 11730(ex.7240) 1700-1800 7225(ex.11730), 11730(ex.7225) North America from Yamata 0600-0700 6190(ex.12030) North America from Sackville 0300-0400 5960 J1 px. (ex.0100-0200 5960 E) 1200-1300 6120 E px. (ex.1000-1100 J) Central America from Yamata 0430-0530 9835(ex.13630) South America from Montsinery 2200-2300 13680(ex.9685) America and Hawaii from Yamata 0600-0700 9505(ex.15230) 1600-1800 6190(ex.9835) Europe from Skelton 0400-0500 6095(ex.7230) 0500-0600 6150(ex.7230) The other schedules than the above are same as before. (Kunitoshi Hishikawa-JP, Oct 21)

The Japanese Ministry of Posts and Telecomm on Oct. 18 announced its decision to close down the standard time and freq stn JJY (2500, 5000, 8000, 10000, 15000 kHz) and replace it with a LW [!] stn in 1999. There was no mention of the new freq, power, etc. Because LW travels along the ground and does not depend on ionosheric reflection, the time signal will be 10,000 times more accurate than its current SW counterpart. JJY is also often inaudible in western Japan due to severe interference from WWV, WWVH, and other time stns in Russia, South Korea, China, and Taiwan. (Sonny M. Ashimori, Oct 17)

JORDAN Radio Jordan in Arabic on 1/10 1800-2200 on new [spurious] 9660 kHz, //6105 & 9830 kHz. At 1800-1900 UTC different Ar progr on 6105. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10) [Spurious signals on both sides of 9830 kHz, away 170 kHz each. That's 9660 and 10.000 kHz, also reported by Dan Henderson during holiday on Sardenia isl in Italy, ed]

MONACO TWR W96 schedule, til March 29, 1997 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU TRM PWR ANT AZI 0745-0935 6 ENGLISH 31 09870 SW1 100 GBD 324 0745-0950 7 ENGLISH 31 09870 SW1 100 GBD 324 0755-0920 12345 ENGLISH 31 09870 SW1 100 GBD 324 0930-0945 123456 GERMAN 49 06230 SW2 100 AL6 013 0930-0945 123456 GERMAN 41 07160 SW5 500 I0 026 0930-1015 7 GERMAN 49 06230 SW2 100 AL6 013 0930-1015 7 GERMAN 41 07160 SW5 500 I0 026 0945-1000 123 5 SLOVAK 31 09490 SW1 100 I+ 065 0945-1000 6 CZECH 31 09490 SW1 100 I+ 065 1130-1200 6 SLOVAK 31 09490 SW1 100 I+ 065 1105-1120 123456 GERMAN-Dec 1st 49 06230 SW2 100 AL6 013 1105-1120 123456 GERMAN-Dec 1st 41 07160 SW5 500 I0 026 1200-1245 7 HUNGARIAN 31 09490 SW1 100 I+ 065 1330-1415 123 5 CROATIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1330-1345 67 CROATIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1330-1345 4 SERBIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1345-1415 7 MACEDONIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1345-1415 4 CROATIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1345-1415 6 SLOVENIAN 41 07255 SW2 100 II0 085 1415-1430 6 GERMAN 49 06230 SW2 100 AL6 013 1415-1430 6 GERMAN 41 07160 SW5 500 I0 026 1430-1500 1234567 GERMAN 49 06230 SW2 100 AL6 013 1430-1500 1234567 GERMAN 41 07160 SW5 500 I0 026 1440-1455 7 RUSSSIAN 41 07365 SW1 100 I+ 033 1440-1540 6 RUSSSIAN 41 07365 SW1 100 I+ 033 1440-1555 2345 RUSSSIAN 41 07365 SW1 100 I+ 033 1455-1555 1 RUSSSIAN 41 07365 SW1 100 I+ 033 1515-1600 12 45 CZECH 41 07355 SW5 500 I+ 044 1530-1600 3 CZECH 41 07355 SW5 500 I+ 044 1515-1530 3 67 SLOVAK 41 07355 SW5 500 I+ 044 1601-1616 7 HUNGARIAN 49 06235 SW5 500 I+ 044 1601-1631 123456 HUNGARIAN 49 06235 SW5 500 I+ 044 (TWR Vienna office, Oct 15)

NETHERLANDS Winter schedule of "Media Network" in RNW's English progr: Thur 0750 B9830 B11895 0950 P7260 I9810 1150 W5975 J6045 1350 M9895 F13700 M15585 1750 M6020 M9605 Mey11655 2150 Wo1512 1950 M6020 M9605 F9895 Mey11655 B15315 Fri 0050 B6020 B6165 D5905 A7305 M9860 M11655 0250 M9860 M11655 0450 B6165 B9590 (RNW English schedule)

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Int. [summer!] frequency schedule 26 Oct 97-Mar 98 1650-1852 9810 Mon-Fri 1853-2052 11735 Sun-Fri 1959-2058 11735 Sat 2053-0458 15115 Sun-Fri 2059-0458 15115 Sat 0459-0815 11905 Mon-Fri 0459-0758 11905 Sat & Sun 0816-1206 9700 Mon-Fri 0758-1206 9700 Sat & Sun CLOSEDOWN 1206-1650. Occasional Use eg Sport 1206-1650 6105 (Adrian Sainsbury-NZL, Oct 19)

NORWAY VoTibet in Tibetan 1224-1255 UTC now on 11530 kHz (x11570). Seemingly suffering by "White Noise" jamming by China mainland. Chinese speaking station still on 11570 kHz. (WB Oct 19)

PAKISTAN Radio Pakistan changes fr Sept 7th: Urdu 0430-0630 new11725, new15190(co-ch CNR), 17555.1. 1330-1530 new9515, 11565.1. 1700-1900 new9330(plus several spurs), new11580. Urdu/E 0800-1120 new15520(co-ch R Rossii), new17835. [now 10 kHz up on 15530 kHz, NG Oct 19] English 1600-1630 new9515, 11565(co-ch RFA Korean). French 1930-2000 new9585, //11570 or 11580. Hindi 1615-1700 v7485, //6070, good reception here. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA These PNGs were on this morning: 3205 (easily best), 3220, 3260, 3275, 3305 (better than has been and gone at 1135 recheck), 3325, 3335, 3355, 3365, 3375, 3395, and 3905. No sign of 3385 or 4890 oddly enough. (Dave Valko-USA, 18 Oct)

RUSSIA Indicator for winter conditions in the northern hemisphere: Murmansk 20 kW relay of R Rossii booming in around 0400-0530 UTC, scheduled on 5950 kHz at 0200-0630 UTC at 225 degrees. (WB Oct 19)

Radio Mariya in Polnish, new morning bc 0500-0715 Mon-Sat, 0600-0800 Suns, new9905 very good signal. New 1500-1700 12010, 1700-2200 7400. On 7400 1600-1700 VoR in Polish. Adygey Radio Mons&Fris 1700-1800, Kabardin Radio Wed, Thur & Sun 1730-1800 all on new 6120 kHz (x7325), //MW Krasnodar 1089 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

Review of DW Novosibirsk relay: Fr July 1st 15490 kHz 1000-1400 UTC in German 500 kW 145 degr, but to be replaced by 9480 kHz fr Oct 26. From Aug 1st on two additional freqs 2200-2400 9900 (7375 fr Oct 26) kHz German 500 kW 125 degr. From Aug 20th 1000-1400 11870 (x11615) German 200 kW 111 degr to China, 7315 from Oct 26. (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, Oct 13)

RUSSIA/IDENTIFIED 4730N, UNID, Oct 6, 1302, (Afghan stn via TJK in Pushto?) 1302 UTC, female mentioned "Afghanistan and Tehran". 1328 ME style mx, 1332 short ann, 1334-1338 mx again, male talking on "Kabul". (Roland Schulze-PHL) 4730 [Afghan stn via TJK] +1300 is R Moscow Int relayed from Tajikistan in Dari Pashto, Uzbek etc [ex 4740]. You may recall, after the Soviet invasion of Kabul in 1978 [?] this tx was used to relay R AFG. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN UADX, via DXW, Oct 17)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA changes fr Sept 7th: Arabic "Holy Quran" 0300-0600 new11740(x11870) [co-ch BBC Ar], 0600-0900 addit new11785 [co-ch Cairo Ar] //9530. 0900-1200 new21530 good(x21495), 17880. Swahili 0500-0600 new 17755(x17760). Indonesian 1000-1200 new21705(21670). (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

The Ministry of Information fr Saudi Arabia has ordered 2 new 500 kW SW txs to be installed at their stn in Riyadh. (TDP/Maes)

SEYCHELLES W97 FEBA schedule, eff til March 29, 1998 0115-0200 Tamil 7350 0200-0230 Telugu 7350 0200-0215 Urdu (Pak) 11690 Sa-Th 0200-0230 Urdu (Pak) 11690 Fr 0215-0230 Sindhi 9785 We-Mo 0215-0230 Punjabi(Pak) 11690 Sa-We 0230-0245 Baluchi 9785 Sa, Su 0200-0215 9785 Mo 0200-0215 Siraiki 9785 Fr-Su 0230-0245 Pushto 11690 0245-0300 Dari 11690 0300-0330 Farsi 11690 0315-0400 Swahili 9820Su/Mo/We-Fr 0315-0345 Swahili 9820 Th/Fr 0345-0415 Arabic 11695 Mo-Th, Sa 0345-0430 Arabic 11695 Su/Fr 0400-0415 Portuguese 9420 Th 0400-0430 Portuguese 9420 Fr-We 0430-0500 Dari 15555 Fr 0500-0558 Tagalog (ME) 15555 Su 0530-0600 Sinhala (ME) 15555 Fr 0800-0815 Oriya 15540 Th 0800-0900 English(SoAs) 15540 Fr 0800-0845 Telugu 15540 Sa 0800-0830 Malayalam 15540 Su 0815-0900 Hindi 15540 Th 0830-0845 Badaga 15540 Su 0845-0900 Kannada 15540 Sa 0845-0900 Tamil 15540 Su 0915-0930 French 15430 0930-0945 Malagasy 15430 Sa, Su 1000-1058 Tagalog (ME) 15540 Fr 1100-1130 Arabic 15540 1145-1200 Tsangla 15445 Sa/Su 1200-1230 Tibetan 15445 1200-1205 Creole 11675 1205-1220 French 11675 1230-1245 Nepali 15445 1245-1300 Mundari 15445 Fr-We 1245-1300 Nagpuria 15445 Th 1300-1330 Malayalam 11600 1300-1315 Kui 15445 Su/Tu 1300-1315 Oriya 15445 Mo, We 1300-1330 Oriya 15445 Th 1300-1315 Bhili 15445 Fr, Sa 1300-1330 Tamil 9810 1315-1330 Bhojpuri 15445 Fr-We 1330-1345 Gujarati 11600 1330-1345 Chattisgahri 15445 Sa-Th 1330-1345 Marwari 15445 Fr 1330-1400 Sinhala 9810 1345-1400 Punjabi (India) 11600 Mo-Sa 1345-1400 Marathi 11600 Su 1345-1400 Hindi 15445 1400-1415 Urdu (India) 11600 1400-1443 Urdu (Pak) 9810 Mo-Sa 1400-1458 Urdu (Pak) 9810 Su 1412-1427 Bangla 15445 Fr 1412-1442 Bangla 15445 Sa-Th 1415-1458 Hindi 11600 1443-1458 Hindko 9810 Th-Sa 1500-1515 Badaga 7270 Su, Mo 1500-1515 Konkani 7270 Tu/We 1500-1515 Tulu 7270 Th, Fr 1500-1530 Kannada 7270 Sa 1500-1530 English(SoAs)11600 Tu-Sa 1500-1545 English(SoAs)11600 Su/Mo 1500-1558 English 9810 Mo-Sa (Network) 1515-1530 Kannada 7270 Su-Fr 1530-1545 Nuer 11705 Fr-Mo 1532-1547 Makonde 9795 We-Sa 1545-1600 Dinka 11705 Fr-Mo 1600-1630 Amharic 11640 Fr-Su (x11675 acc PanIview-BUL) 1600-1615 Hazaragi 11600 1613-1658 Swahili 9810 Fr-We 1613-1643 Swahili 9810 Th 1615-1630 Guragena 11640 Mo-We (x11675 co-ch CRI) 1615-1630 Dari 11600 1630-1700 Amharic 11640 1700-1730 Somali 9810 11745 1700-1730 Oromo 11640 Su (x11675) 1802-1832 Farsi 9455 1832-1847 Azeri 9455 Fr-Mo 1833-1848 French 9500 Tu, We 1833-1905 French 9500 Th-Mo 1900-1945 Arabic 9455 (Colin Miller-CAN, Oct 17) (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

SOUTH AFRICA Please note the following two additions to Channel Africa's W97 schedule which commences on 26 Oct 1997: English 1800-1830 15240 WeAF French 1830-1855 15240 WeAF (Kathy Otto-RSA, Sentech (Pty) Ltd, Oct 16)

SWEDEN RSI changes: Engl 1330-1400 new11655, 13740, 15240. Swedish 1545-1615 new 15675 (x15640 co-ch Israel). Latvian 1645-1700 new6130(x5965, not6200). (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

TAIWAN...VoFreeChina in Arabic replaced 9610 by 9630[good] kHz, //11550. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

TUNESIA The ONT from Tunisia has ordered 4 new 500 kW SW txs to be installed at a stn in Sidi Mansour. (TDP/Maes)

TURKEY/POLAND With Warsaw now off 225 kHz I've been hearing Van in Turkey about 2000 UTC, peaks to a fair signal level. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 20)

TURKEY TRT Ankara W-97 - HF BROADCASTING SCHEDULE some corrections, eff 26 Oct 1997-29 Mar 1998 5960 1700-1800 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Bulgarian 5960 1930-2030 CAK!250 261097-290398 DSB English 5970 1730-1800 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Macedonian 5970 1830-1930 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB German 5980 1600-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 5980 2300-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 5990 1900-2000 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Bosnian 6035 1830-1930 EMR 500 261097-290398 USB German 6050 1500-1600 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 6120 1500-1700 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 6120 1700-0500 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 6135 1800-1900 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Russian 6135 2300-2400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 6145 1530-1630 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 6175 1930-2030 EMR!500 261097-290398 USB English (x6110)

7110 1230-1330 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Bulgarian 7110 1700-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 7150 1130-1230 EMR 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 7150 2030-2130 EMR 500 261097-290398 USB French 7200 2130-2230 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 7240 1630-1730 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Hungarian 7245 2030-2130 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB French 7255 2030-2130 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB French 7265 1500-1700 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 7300 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English

9445 1130-1230 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Greek 9445 2200-0800 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9460 0800-2200 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9460 2200-0800 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9505 1030-1130 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Serbo-Croatian 9560 1300-2300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9565 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 9630 1030-1130 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Rumanian 9630 1330-1430 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9655 2300-2400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9670 1230-1330 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Albanian 9675 1400-1500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Russian 9685 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 9710 1400-1500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Persian

11760 1200-1300 EMR 500 261097-310198! DSB Chinese 11795 0930-1030 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Persian 11800 1430-1530 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB German 11835 0830-0930 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 11900 1300-1400 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Urdu 11910 1100-1600 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish (Fris only) 11955 0500-1700 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB Turkish

13710 1000-1200 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 13710 1200-1300 EMR 500 010298!-290398 DSB Chinese 13770 0930-1030 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Persian

15130 0830-0930 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Azerbaijani 15145 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15200 1000-1200 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Arabic 15290 1330-1430 CAK 250 261097-290398 DSB English 15350 1000-1700 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15385 1700-1000 CAK 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 15415 1000-1300 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish

17705 0400-0500 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB English 17775 0500-0800 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish 21715 0500-1000 EMR 500 261097-290398 DSB Turkish (TRT via Benno Klink-D DG1EA, Oct 19)

VoT noted with usual punching errors: Bosnian 1800-1900 5960 (x6135) on 8/9. Macedonian 1630-1700 7116(co-ch VoT in Turk 7115), nom7160. English at 0300-0350 UTC tested on new5870 kHz good signal. (nom7300). (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

UAE Radio Abu Dhabi in Arabic, fr Sept 7th: 0800-1100 new17765, new17825, nom17885, new17945. All freqs +/-60 kHz away each other, so assumed spurious signals of 17825 & 17885 kHz. 1100-1200 17825, 21630. 1200-1400 new15360, 15265, 21630. 1400-1600 new15360, 13605, 15265. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

UKRAINE/ETHIOPIA What I'm almost certain is Voice of Oromo Liberation heard on 7570 kHz opening 1600 UTC on 15 & 19th Oct. Good signal. Language sounds right and music is from that area of Africa. No trace of stn on 9490 where Finn Krone last heard it. (Noel Green-UK, Oct 20) [Last heard by yours truly back on 9925 (x9490) Sept 18. Cland stn is on air Mon, Wed, Sat via tx in Ukraine, ed]

UNIDENTIFIED Arabic speaking stn on v6115.5 kHz 1500-1552 22/9, 1500-1803 on 24/9. Co-ch Minsk on nom6115. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

USA RFA in Khmer fr Sept 29th: 1230-1330 11510(x17820) & 15405. 2230-2330 on 6015 & 11510 kHz(not on 7560). All freqs heard with good signals in Bulgaria. From Oct 26: Lao 1130-1230 9915, 15660 & 17535. Other services on 6240, 7495, 7520, 7530, 7540, 7550, 9455, 9570, 9650, 9805, 9910, 9915, 9930, 9955, 9965, 9985, 11870, 11945, 11980, 13710, 13800 kHz. (PanIview-BUL, Oct 10)

UZBEKISTAN 7190 kHz, Radio Tashkent, man Announcer, ID, nx, mx, ID 0213-0232 UTC. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Oct 17) [heard similar Uzbek progr on 7195 kHz til 2359 UTC, ed]

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BC-DX 333 27 Oct 1997 ______

First day remarks on winter periode W97: fine reception fr Sri Lanka in EUR morning, DW English Trincomalee 0600-0650 UTC on 21705 //17820 kHz. NHK from Ekala relay in Arabic/French 0600-0700 17770 kHz. Tashkent-UZB in Uzbek is back on usual winter freq of 15330 kHz, //15165. RA Shepparton in E on both 11880 at 0600-0900, and on 9710 0800-0900. Fluttery RNZI peaks at 0830 UTC on 9700 kHz, scheduled 0758-1206 UTC. VoI Jakarta in E at 0800 UTC now on 11785 kHz, but ann still 9525 kHz, fine signal at 0845 UTC.

R Alamaty-KAZ via Kiev-UKR relay replaced 11720 by 11840 kHz, and still 9620 kHz. 11840 kHz is defect, producing hums on 11823, 11857, and 11874 kHz. Almaty home sce on 11950 kHz stronger than usual, like as strong as a decade ago. Plovdiv-BUL in Serbian at 0820 UTC still on summer frequ 9475 kHz. Swiss-German accented religious progr at 1136 UTC on usb7120 kHz, seems to be via Nexus Milano relay (x7125), sect address Box 4505 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Croatia took over daytime 6025 kHz channel, which left by Hungarian home sce relay in mid October. HR Zagreb in Croatian now on 6025 and 7185 (x7165) kHz on daytime, at least til 1700 UTC. 100 kW unit seems to be on stronger 7185 kHz. VoR new OOB freq of 17495 kHz in E at 0630 UTC. R Rossii in Russian [Krasnodar? to EUR] left 15430/15520 kHz in favour for 13705 kHz. RNW in English to WeEUR at 1130 UTC now via Wertachtal 5975 and Juelich 6045 kHz, both excellent signal level. R New Nigeria in English to EUR Suns only at 1500-1600 UTC on 6175 kHz SINPO 55555. Poor freq selection by Spanish Foreign radio's freq management: 1400-1900 UTC to ME/EaAF in Spanish and Arabic on new 11715 kHz, hetting heavily regular RTA Algiers co-channel here for years. Algier is remarkable off the freq on about v11714.64 kHz. (WB Oct 26)

ALBANIA Radio Tirana, ext SW bcing schedule 26 Oct 1997 - 29 March 1998 UTC LANGUAGE FREQ PWR AZI CIRAF 0000-0600 Albanian 6090 100 300 7, 8 0000-0600 Albanian 7270 100 305 7, 8 0245-0300 English 6115 100 305 7, 8 0245-0300 English 7160 100 305 7, 8 0330-0400 English 6140 100 305 7, 8 0330-0400 English 7160 100 305 7, 8 0400-2300 Albanian 6100 100 ND 28 0800-1100 Albanian 7270 50 ND 28 1500-1800 Albanian 5985 50 ND 28 1500-1800 Albanian 7270 50 ND 28 1800-1830 Italian 6015 50 ND 28 1800-1830 Italian 7155 50 ND 28 1830-1845 Turkish 5985 100 130 39 NW 1830-1845 Turkish 7155 100 130 39 NW 1845-1900 Greek 5985 50 ND 28 SE 1845-1900 Greek 7155 50 ND 28 SE 1845-1915 German 6080 100 350 28 1845-1915 German 7120 100 350 28 1900-1915 Serb/Croat 6015 50 ND 28 SE 1900-1915 Serb/Croat 7110 50 ND 28 SE 1915-1945 French 6180 100 310 27 SE 1915-1945 French 7240 100 310 27 SE 1945-2000 English 6025 100 305 27 NW 1945-2000 English 7135 100 310 27 NW 2000-2300 Albanian 6170 100 350 28 2000-2300 Albanian 7270 100 310 27, 27 2200-2230 English 6025 100 305 27 NW 2200-2230 English 7135 100 310 27 NW (via Marc Vissers DX Antwerp-BEL, Oct 24)

CANADA With CKFX 6080 kaput, CHNX 6130 becomes the QRP champion at 50 watts, if they still don't have the higher-powered unit going. Since CFRX 6070 was booming in, I decided to check 6130, not really expecting to hear it--but Oct 23 at 1026 tune-in, there it was amid their special SW ID, on USB only, weak but relatively clear. Ads and music, UT-3 TCs still in effect, IDs as Oldies 96, news. Already at 1035 the SW ID came up again: "You are listening to radio station CHNX shortwave, 6130 kHz on the 49 meter band. We are broadcasting from the studios of CHNS radio in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 24 hours a day." Then wx from the Weather Network. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Oct 23)

6130,03-usb CHNX, Halifax at 2233-2255 UTc ID at tune-in: "CHNX, Oldies 96", male DJ in English playing oldies mx, female speaker from Weather Network with forecast, promos/advertisements. Good signal, Laos heard weak in LSB. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Oct 23)

CHILE The following, is a recently obtained information about the CHILE stns that currently are operating on the SW freqs. This news have been obtained during my recent trip to this country. All txions are in Sp language, except indications. Times in UTC.

RADIO SANTA MARIA, Coyhaique. (//840 kHz) 6029.6 kHz, 10 kW, Mon-Sat 0900-0300 (-0300 Sun), Sun 1000-0300 (-0300 Mon). This stn relays Radio Chilena (MW 660 kHz) progrs Mon- Sat 0900-1000, 1640-1800, 2200-2230, Mon-Sun 0200-0230. Sun 1100-1130 & 1600-1630. During soccer events relays on Sun only from 2000+.

RADIO PATAGONIA CHILENA, Coyhaique. (//970 kHz) 6080 kHz, 1 kW, Mon-Sat 0900v/0930v-0300 (-0300 Sun), Sun 1000-0200 (-0200 Mon). This stn currently is with serious economic problems and his SW txions are with irregularity. This stn not relay more to Radio Portales (1180 kHz in Santiago), and the stn currently relays progrs fr the FM stn Radio Zero from Santiago taking his signal directly from the satellite.

RADIO ESPERANZA, Temuco. 6090 kHz, 10 kW, Mon-Fri 24 hrs (except cuttings between 2000- 2230 currently) but during the next summer they will bc 24 hrs. Sat-Sun 24 hours. ENGLISH daily 0630-0700 exc Sats. GERMAN Sun only at 1130-1200 hrs.

RADIO TRIUNFAL EVANGELICA, Talagante. 5824.9v kHz, 0.05 kW, Daily 2100v-0000v exc Thu & Sun. Heard w/good signal on 21/10/97 between *2131-0008* w/gospel progrs. Currently the UTC = -3 valid from 11 Oct 97 - 14 Mar 98 (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Oct 23)

CHINA Mainland. - The new high-powered Urumqui txers for CRI are now listed: 7200 1700-1727 English 1800-1827 Persian 7230 1830-1927 French 7255 1700-1757 Russian 1800-1827 Hungarian 1830-1857 Bulgarian 1900-1927 Czech 1930-1957 Romanian 2000-2027 S/Croatian 2030-2057 Polish 9635 2000-2057 English 9670 1730-1827 Chinese 1830-1927 French 1930-1957 Portuguese 2000-2057 Chinese 2100-2157 English 2130-2157 French 9900 1800-1827 Hungarian 1830-1857 Italian 1900-1927 German 2000-2027 Esperanto 2030-2057 Italian 2100-2127 Albanian 2200-2257 Spanish (NDXC) (Ed: The above data was researched from a composite sked released by NDXC. Other channels may be in use, but not designated in the sked. Bob Padula-AUS EDXP) CRI relays via Mali now listed since 10 Oct: 7170 2000-2057 English, 2100-2127 English, 2130-2227 French, 2230-2257 Chinese, 2300-2357 Spanish; 9770 1730-1757 Hausa, 1800-1827 Hausa, 1830-1927 Arabic, 1930-1957 Portuguese. (NDXC) (Ed: That signifies only one txer in use 1730-1757. BP.)

CNR4 Network (Minorities Sce: eff 9 Oct: Tibetan 0000-0027 0530-0557 1030-1057 15670 11630 11375, 1300-1327 11630 11375 8566 Uighur 0030-0057 0600-0627 1100-1127 15670 11375 10260, 1330-1357 11375 10260 8566 Kazakh 0100-0127 0630-0657 1130-1157 15670 11375 10260, 1400-1427 11375 10260 8566 Korean 0430-0457 1000-1027 9920 9775 8566, 1200-1227 2130-2157 9775 5420 4190 Mongolian 0500-0527 9920 9775 8566 4800, 1430-1457 11375 10260 8566, 1230-1257 9775 5420 4800 4190, 2200-2227 9775 5420 4800 4190. (NDXC via EDXP, Oct 22)

The Chinese Number Stn "New Star Broadcasting" Starts Fifth Channel. First noted on 19 Oct, 1997, the Chinese number stn "New Star Broadcasting Station" has now put out a fifth channel on the in-band freq of 13750 kHz. Noted as early as 2300 and as late as 0900. The format of bcs is the same a the other channels and identification is as follows: "Zheli shi Xinxing guangbo diantai, di wu tai" or "This is New Star Bcing Stn, the fifth channel." This channel distinguishes itself from the other channels by a hum in the signal. This fifth channels has probably been set up to relief the other four channels. Activity has been notably down (especially Suns), bcs are usually on the hour or half hour (not always both) and sign-off time has been noted as early as 0900 UTC. To recap, the freqs of all channels are now as follows....11430 New Star Channel 1; 15388 New Star Channel 2; 9725 New Star Channel 3; 8300 New Star Channel 4; 13750 New Star Channel 5. (Hans van den Boogert-TWN via EDXP, Oct 22)

CONGO Brazzaville radio identifying as "Radio Liberte". Congolese radio in Brazzaville, which previously IDed itself as "Radio Congo" or "Radio Nationale Congolaise" was observed on 9610 kHz at 0709 UTC on 17th Oct with the following announcement in French: "Dear listeners, good morning. This morning, we are bcing to listeners within and outside Congo on 9610 kHz in the 31 mb until 0900 UTC. You can tune in to us again this afternoon from 1600-1900 UTC on 5985 kHz in the 49 mb. Dear listeners, thank you for tuning in to the progrs of Radio Congo Liberte. This is Brazzaville, Radio Congo Liberte." At the end of the bc, the announcer identified the stn simply as "Radio Liberte". Radio Congo Liberte or Radio Liberte was the name of the clandestine stn operated by supporters of former military ruler Denis Sassou-Nguesso whose forces took control of Brazzaville last week. Since the takeover, Congolese radio has not been heard on its FM freqs of 87.5 and 86.5 MHz. However it is now heard on 93.2 and 96.3 MHz - freqs which it used in the past, but which from June 1997 were used by Sassou-Nguesso's Radio Congo Liberte. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 17)

5985 R. Congolaise de la Liberte, 1950-2023:17*, Occasionally tuned in briefly during the period 1950-2010 and hrd the same live FR speech by M w/audience throughout. Stayed with it after 2010. Many ments of internationale, Brazzaville, Afrique, and democracie. Finally studio M at 2016-2020 over Hi-life mx w/def. ment of radio and then Brazzaville later. "Funeral for a Friend" by Elton John, then instru. Congo NA at 2022-2023, and off. Unfortunately I didn't hear any formal ID even after replaying the tape several times. Not that bad of a signal, and mainly clear. (Dave Valko-USA, Oct 25)

COSTA RICA RFPI has been testing a new frequency, 6970. Tim Hendel says it started UT Oct 21 on USB, but when I checked the next night it was on AM, not bad signal //7385 and no 7585 but was on AM with noticeably inferior modulation, including during World of Radio UT Wed at 0300. 6970 not on all-night, as not heard during checks around 1100 on Oct 22, 23. No jamming lately. (Glenn Hauser, OK; WORLD OF RADIO 915, Oct 23)

ESTONIA Our Ext Sce asked me to forward to you the following information: English Sce 5925 kHz SW, 103.5 MHz FM Mon-Fri 1615 UTC (in winter) 15 mins nx Mon 2000 UTC (in winter) 30-minute magazine-progr

Finnish Sce 5925 kHz SW, 103.5 MHz FM Mon-Fri 16-1615 UTC (in winter) 1035 kHz MW, 103.5 MHz FM, Sun 0815-0900 UTC (in winter) Progrs in Esperanto 5925 kHz SW, 103.5 MHz FM, Tue 2030-2045 UTC (in winter) Eesti Raadio has four channels (three in Estonian, one in Russian) but none of them works on SW. You can have a lood on our Home Page in Internet. Majority of materials are in Estonian. http://www.er.ee

Unfortunately due to the financial shortage, ER had to reconsider txing the progrs. We are not the owners, we have to rent txs so we could send on air our progrs. And the rent is very high - we have to pay to the Estonian Telecom approximately 35% from our budget (as we have progrs on four channels on FM and for our listeners they are transmitted also on MW. Not everybody has money to buy new modern rxs with so called western FM. This problem with eastern and western FMs dates back to Soviet times). If we'll spend all the money on txs there'll be nothing left for making progrs. Our main obligation is to make progrs for our listeners in Estonia and so we had to close down some of our Foreign Sces - Estonian, Swedish and German txs on SW. And the SW is used only to transmit progrs in English, Finnish and Esperanto. (Ilona Hausmann-EST, Head of Internat Relations, Oct 21)

GEORGIA Eff 26 Oct, registrations for Voice of Hope, Tbilisi, (High Adventure Ministries): 9310 1300-1530 India, 1600-1700 EaAF. (George Jacobs & Assoc)

GERMANY "Universelles Leben" (New Life stn) via Juelich observed on 5890 kHz, *2000- 2010* UTC in English, announcing GER and USA mailing addresses. (Bob Padula-AUS, Oct 14)

Here is just my personal comment about the new DW schedule starting 26 Oct: DW will no longer use any 21 KHz freqs for the German sce worldwide. DW used this band for decades in German, now they have to reduce freqs for cost reasons, I suppose (Probably these freqs often gave good reception in the PAC area, compared to the ABC here in EUR in better times). DW still plans to use two freqs in the 21 kHz band to AF during winter period: 21600 kHz in English at 0900 and in Swahili at 1000 to SoAF and 21705 in English at 0600 to WeAF. (Andre Schmidt-D via EDXP, Oct 22) [but DW foreign language outlets are still on 21 MHz: like English 0600-0650 via Trincomalle-CLN 21705 kHz, ed]

GREECE ERT - Voice of Greece - Athens SW transmission schedule, 26 Oct '97 - 29 March '98 0000-0350 5895 6260 7450 9425 NoAM,WeEUR Greek, except English Tue-Sun 0130-0140 & 0340-0350 0400-0555 9375 9420 11645 15650 CYP,TUR,ME,SoAS,AUS Gr Turk Ar 0600-0800 7430 7450 9425 11645 EUR,AUS Greek English 0740-0750 0600-0800 #9775 #9775 JAP,AUS Greek English 0740-0750 0800-0900 UTC no transmission. 0900-0950 15415 15650 JAP,PAC Greek 0900-0950 #9590 15415 15650 AUS Greek 0900-0950 15415 15650 AZORES Greek 1000-1150 9420 9915 NE,ME Greek Turkish 1200-1250 11645 15650 17525 AF Greek Arabic English 1240-1250 1200-1350#*9580 12105 15175 15650 NoAM,WeEUR Greek English 1440-1450 1300-1350 11645 CeRUS,KAZ,UZB Greek Russian 1400-1450 9420 11645 15630 15650 NE, ME,IND OCE Greek Arabic 1500-1700 MW Kavalla 792 kHz BALC Gr Alb S-Cr Bul Rom 1500-1700 7450 9375 9425 11645 BALC Gr Alb S-Cr Bul Rom 1710-1750 7450 9375 9425 11645 CIS,POL Greek Russian Polish 1800-1850 11645 15150 AF Greek Engl weekdays 1840-1850 1800-2050 7450 9420 EUR Greek 1800-2200#15485#17705 NoAM,SoAM Greek 1900-1950 7430 9380 BALC Bul Alb Rom S-Cr 2000-2030 MW Kavalla 792 kHz BALC Bul Alb 2000-2050 7430 9380 EUR English French German Italian Swedish 2100-2150 6260 7450 EUR Greek 2100-2250 11595 11645 AUS Gr Engl Sun-Fri 2240-2250 2130-2200 MW Kavalla 792 kHz Bul7,S-Cr1,Tur2,Alb3,Bul4,Rom5,Alb6 2150-2250 6260 EUR Greek 2200-2300 9395 SoAM Greek 2300-2350 9395 9425 11595 11710 SoAM Port Sp Engl Mon-Fri 2335-2345 * Delano relay, reception in NoAM only. # US relay 1 - 7 Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun

TX site Perea N. Malgara, Thessaloniki domestic programme relay in Greek language: EUR 0600-2205 9935, 1400-2100 7430. ME/CYP 0600-2300 11595. Technical reception reports may be sent via Email: [email protected] Program reports: [email protected] (fax Voice of Greece Oct 23)

GREECE/USA ERT Athens W97 schedule via US (VoA) facilities: DL=Delano CA, GA=Greenville NC, KAV=Kavalla, RHO=Rhodes 792 0830 1000 KAV Sun 792 1000 1300 KAV 792 1300 1330 KAV Sun 792 1500 1700 KAV 792 2000 2030 KAV 792 2130 2230 KAV 1260 1000 1030 RHO 1260 1030 1100 RHO 1260 1100 1300 RHO 1260 2200 2230 RHO 5895 0000 0345 KAV 7430 1900 1945 KAV 7430 2000 2045 KAV 7450 0600 0800 KAV 9375 1500 1700 KAV 9380 1900 1945 KAV 9380 2000 2045 KAV 9420 0400 0600 KAV 9425 0000 0345 KAV 9425 1700 1745 KAV 9425 2300 2345 KAV 9425 2300 2345 KAV 9580 1200 1400 GA 9590 0900 1000 DL 9775 0600 0800 DL 11595 2100 2245 KAV 11645 0400 0600 KAV 11645 0600 0800 KAV 11645 1400 1445 KAV 11645 1500 1700 KAV 11645 1715 1745 KAV 11645 1800 1845 KAV 11645 2100 2245 KAV 11710 2300 2345 KAV 11710 2300 2345 KAV 12105 1200 1345 KAV 15150 1800 1845 KAV 15175 1200 1345 KAV 15485 1800 2200 DL 15630 1400 1445 KAV 17705 1800 2200 GA (Usenet Oct 21)

GUAM PACIFIC DX REPORT - KTWR Guam Northeast Asia Fris 1045 9865 South Pacific Sats 0940 11835 South Asia Mons 1615 11580 Southeast Asia Tues 0900 15200 (EDXP Oct 22)

Guam, Saipan and the Philippines were afflicted with typhoon Joan, also reporter Roland Schulze was hit, but his town area suffered not too much damage.

AWR KSDA Asia on 17645 kHz 0130- ... UTC on Sat 18th English Dx px "Wavescan #143", report by DSWCI Finn Krone. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 20)

HAWAII KWHR eff 26 Oct: Txer-A 2200-0400 17510 0400-0800 17780 0800-1800 9930 1800-2000 13625 2000-2200 15405 Txer-B 1300-1600 7560 1600-1900 7510 1900-0700 17555 0700-1300 11565

Until further notice, KWHR(txer-B) is simulcast with the sister FM stn PULSE FM, at South Bend, Indiana, bringing Contemporary Christian Mx to NoIndiana 24-hrs daily. (Ed: The Radio Free Asia sce in Vietnamese is shown 1400-1500 on 9930) (KHBI/KWHR/Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Oct 22)

HUNGARY Radio Budapest English bc schedule W97 season EUR 2000-2030 3975 9840 2200-2230 3975 9840 NoAM 0200-0230 9840 11910 0330-0300 6010 9840 English DX progr in 2nd broadcast on every Wed only, no Sun/Mon bcs. (RB Oct 22)

Sunday special, in German "Gruss and Kuss" 1300-1400, in Hungarian 1400-1500 UTC noted both on new 7135 & 9840 kHz. (Kai Ludwig-D, Oct 26)

ICELAND Rikisutvarpid - Icelandic Radio, SW freq schedule valid since Jul 1, 1997, all in Icelandic, power 10 kW 1215-1300 11402 EUR, 15790 EUR 1855-1930 9260 EUR, 11402 EUR 1410-1440 11402 NoAM, 13860 NoAM 2300-2335 9275 NoAM, 11402 NoAM Transmitters located at Rjupnahaed, near Reykjavik. Also on LW 189 & 207 kHz 24 hours daily (via Marc Vissers DX Antwerp-BEL, Oct 24)

INDONESIA RRI seems to have commenced a new schedule for its high powered txs, possibly involving **THREE** sites. The ext sce (VOI) between 0030-0400 is now on 11785, instead of 9525. 11785 is also used for VOI 0800-0900, 1000-1100 and 1200-1300, whilst 9525 remains at 0900-1000 and 1100-1200. The English sce announcements still refer only to 9525 for the blocks at 0100, 0800 and 2000.

On "World of Radio" 18 Oct, a contributor in EUR reported that 7225 was heard in parallel with 9525 at 1730-2100. DXers in EUR will recall that 7225 was the main freq used by RRI for the Overseas Sce in that time period, from the site at Padang Cermin (near Medan Sumatra), but has been inactive over the last three years. This site had a 1983 Thomson CSF 250 kW unit and an antenna azimuth of 305 degr to the ME and NoAF. If this site has been reactivated I wonder if it is in danger fron the current forest fires?

I have monitored the Dom Sce as follows. Radio Nasional Satu: 15125 Cimanggis 2200-0900 beamed Ea 11755 new:Cimanggis 2200-1600 beamed NoEa 9630 Bontosongu 2100-1500 beamed We 9565 Bontosongu 2100-1500 beamed Ea 4777 (7.5 kW) Kebayoran 1100-2300

Radio Nasional Dua: All outlets are 2200-0200 and 0900-1300 only. 15150 Cimanggis beamed NoEa, 11750 Bontosongu beamed We, 9680 Cimanggis NoWe.

Note: 11885 has not been used regularly since the end of July but is still announced. Cimanggis is 50 kms south of Jakarta and Bontosongu is 20 km south of Ujung Padang. Kebayoran is 7 km SW of the centre of Jakarta City. The 1997 TDP Transmitter Documentation Project discloses that Kebayoran WAS the main RRI txing site between approxitely 1950 and 1970. Does anyone know, for sure, if this site still exists? (Robert Jones-AUS via EDXP, 19 Oct).

RRI noted on new channel 11755 0000-1600 possibly for the South Asia Games - most of the time carrying Sports commentaries. Also noted English 0100-0200 on 9525 and 11785 (new). (Alok Dasgupta-IND via EDXP, Oct 18)

7225 Voice of Indonesia. 2000-2100 noted on this new freq in English //9525. New channel for 1730-2100 sce! (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS via DXW, Oct 7)

Last week I heard them in Spanish at 0030 and in English at 0100 on new RRI Nasional Program Network-2 observed on new 11755 at 2150 parallel with 9565, different to the other HS program on 9680. At 2200, all three outlets oserved with common news hook-up. 9565 has bad co-channel QRM from Rome, English to JAP 2200-2225. Ext Sce vanished from 9525 and EUR sce 2000-2100 could not be located anywhere! (Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct 19)

9553 0358-0410 RRI Ujung Pandang, relay RRI Jakarta, good signal, "berita Orahlaga" at 0358. "Radio Rep INS Tengha Central - Jakarta". //9565, 9630, 9741.8, 11755, 15125, all QRGs on air. n9614.3 Unknown tx site, maybe RRI Jayapura, 0415-0459 UTC, very weak, but readable, pop mx, phone in progr. At 0459 UTC relay RRI Jakarta "Sari Berita". //9565 kHz. Never heard an INS stn on this freq. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 20)

IRAN IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran sked as of Sept! 0030-0125 English 6050 9022 9685 0030-0130 Bengali 9575 0030-0330 Arabic 9685 0130-0330 Spanish 6015 6175 0130-1330 Persian 15365 15084 0330-0427 Swahili 13605 11750 0330-0730 Arabic 7130 11910 15350 0430-0530 Turkish 9540 11790 0530-0627 Bosnian 15230 13610 9625 0530-0627 Spanish 11790 15260 0545-0620 Hausa 11720 0630-0725 Italian 9022 13605 15084 0630-0730 French 11790 15260 15315 0930-0957 Armenian 9615 11705 0930-1530 Arabic 11745 1100-1230 English 15260 11875 11830 9585 1200-1255 Italian 13605 15084 15350 1230-1330 Pashto 15260 11875 11830 9585 1230-1400 Azeri 9735 1330-1430 Chinese 6050 7215 1330-1430 Malay 15330 15260 11885 11750 7180/7160 6050 1330-1430 Urdu 15260 11875 11830 9585 1330-1700 Arabic 9650 11995 1330-2000 Persian 6020 1400-1500 Russian 11930 9735 1430-1525 Bengali 11790 13605 7214 1500-1526 Kazakh 9585 7160 1530-1625 Russian 7260 9022 1530-1630 English 7215 11790 13605 1630-1725 Uzbek 7215 1630-1727 Armenian 9615 11720 1630-1730 Persian 7230 1630-1730 Turkish 9735 1630-2030 Persian 6005 1700-1727 Swahili 7160 9685 (old time?) 1700-2130 Arabic 7190 9660 1700-2230 Arabic 6025 1730-1827 German 7160 7260 9022 1730-1827 Swahili 9650 1730-1830 Bosnian 9615 7140 7340 //9720? 1730-1830 Russian 7115 7290 1830-1900 Albanian 9615 7140 7340 //9720? 1830-1927 French 7260 7160 9022 1900-1927 Italian 9615 7140 7340 1930-2030 English 9022 7260 7160 1930-2030 Persian 7130 1930-2030 Russian 7175 7290 7305 9745 1945-2015 Hausa 11720 9605 2130-2225 Bosnian 7170 7145 7125 2130-2225 English 6175 6165 2230-2325 French 6030 7260 9022 2330-0025 Chinese 7215 (Irkutsk DX Club via NASWA, Oct 25)

JAPAN 3925 / 3945 new sign-on time 2028 UTC. R Tampa Tokyo, 17/10, IS stringed instruments, 2029 ID by female. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 17/20)

KOREA Rep. KBS has ordered a new 100 kW SW tx to be installed at their stn in Suwon. (Ludo Maes/TDP via DXW, 19 Oct)

KOREA D.P.R. n4769.8 0955-1025* R Pyongyang, 17+18/10, tx carrier, 1000 IS, 1005 instrumental National Anthem, Korean ID "...Pangsong imnida...", revolut songs, 1020 closing announcement, signing-off at 1025. No // freqs discovered so far. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 17/20)

LATVIA Radio Latvia. We are changing our local time from UTC+3 to UTC+2 on Oct 26. Since the Latvian nx summary is part of the SW sce every weekday the timetable of the whole SW sce will slide by one hour behind. The targets inr Russia are Moscow and surroundings. The English progr is aimed at NoGER and Southern England.

The 5935 kHz SW tx has 100 kW amplifier output. ERP must be around 150 kW but we do not know exactly. There are three switchable antennas for various target areas and the precise radiation diagrams can be asked from PTT. German and Swedish sces are suspended due to shortage of funds. We are exploring the Internet and satellite bcing as more perspective alternatives of internat bcing. The schedule is now as follows.

Weekdays: 1950 UTC Russian, azimuth 100 degr. 2000 UTC Latvian daily news summary, azimuth 250 degr. 2030 UTC News in English. 2035 End of sce. Saturdays: 1900 UTC English weekly summary 250 degr. 1930 UTC Russian weekly summary 100 degr. 2000 UTC End of sce. For DX cards please write to Ms. Jogita Cinkus, 8 Doma laukums, LV-1505 Riga Latvia. Please visit our homepage www.radio.org.lv (Aivars Ginters-LVA, via Marc Vissers DX Antwerp-BEL, Oct 12/20)

MOLDOVA Radio Moldova International Freq Schedule Valid 26 Oct 1997 - 28 Mar 1998 0230-0255 Spanish 9400 120 240 LAm 0300-0330 Romanian 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 0330-0355 English 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 0400-0425 Russian 6135 120 60 RUS 0430-0455 English 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 1200-1225 Spanish 15315 120 315 MEX 1230-1300 Romanian 9400 120 315 USA/CAN 1930-1955 Russian 7500 120 60 RUS 2000-2025 French 7520 120 275 F 2030-2055 Spanish 7520 120 275 E 2100-2125 French 7520 120 275 F 2130-2155 Spanish 7520 120 275 E 2200-2225 English 7520 120 300 G (conflict with co-ch RFA) 2300-2325 English 7520 120 300 G (conflict with co-ch RFA)

Note (unfortunately in Romanian) : Conform acordurilor, incheiste de institutis de la Moskova cu statiile de radio din SUA, frecventa 7520 kHz de la ora 2000 UTC poste fi utilizata doar in cazul, cind emitatorul va incepe emisis exact la 2000 si nu va emite nici purtatoares de frecventa, nici oricare alte semnale pina la acessta ore. Transmitter : Galbeni (near Bacau), Romania Address RMI, Str. Mioritsa 1, 277028 Chisinau, Moldova Tel. +373 2 723379 - Fax : +373 2 723307 (via Marc Vissers-BEL, DX Antwerp, Oct 24)

NORWAY Farewell transmission on Radio Norway Internet. Fredrikstad 500/350 kW tx 11680 kHz monitored carefully Oct 18th, 1629-1659 UTC. Overlap BBC London in Bulgarian via Rampisham 500 kW 105 degrees til 1629 UTC, co-channel from 1620 UTC, when Fredrikstad tx switched on with open carrier. Deep signal fading invasion occured. SINPO 3-4 4 4 3 3-4, Arabic/ME station slightly on 11675 adjacent channel. Very interesting program content, reviewed history of RNI and Fredrikstad site itself, interesting background info. Congrats to both R Norway and DX Listener Club of Norway. (WB, Oct 18)

Fredrikstad 11680, reply from Olav Mo Grimdalen to Kai Ludwig in Eastern Germany: You would have had a better signal with a good wire antenna. The antenna used was a log periodical antenna direction 250 degrees. Opening angle +/-30 degrees. As this was a compromise transmission with a large target involved I had to direct the antenna into 250 degrees in able to cower EUR and USA. If it has been only EUR I would have used 7 or 9 MHz and beamed 180 degrees. Then your signal receptions would have been 5-5-5. I am sorry that I could not provide a better signal on these conditions. (73/Olav LA3UV Oct 19)

PAKISTAN The Pakistan Bcing Corpor can be found at http://radio.gov.pk/Intro.html There is information on the full range of bcs available. Not only is the Ext Sce schedule given, but uniquly the starting date of every language sce is also mentioned. (Andy Sennitt in DXW, Oct 19) [BUT no freqs included for Urdu/English sce in web page:http://www.radio.gov.pk/worl.html

Radio Pakistan changes fr Sept 7th: Urdu 0430-0630 new11725, new15190(co-ch CNR), 17555.1. 1330-1530 new9515, 11565.1. 1700-1900 new9330(plus several spurs), new11580. Urdu/E 0800-1120 new15530(x15520 co-ch R Rossii), new17835. [now 10 kHz up on 15530 kHz, NG Oct 19] English 1600-1630 new9515, 11565(co-ch RFA Korean).

Gujrati 0330-0400 15325 to BGD, IND, AF Indonesian 0900-0930 15625, 17540 to INS, MLA, BRU, TZA. Tamil 1000-1030 13665, 15330 to SoIND and S-L. Hindi 1100-1145 1175[typing error seemingly 11725?], 13665. Chinese 1200-1230 9675, 11835 to CHN. Mitali/Bangla 1200-1245 11970 15625 to BGD/IND. Persian 1300-1345 9785, 11910 to IRN. Hazargi 1400-1430 MW 756 to AFG. Turki 1430-1500 5055, 6040 to AFG and CeAS. Russian 1500-1530 5055, 6040 to CIS and RUS. Dari 1600-1700 MW 1260 kHz to AFG. Hindi 1615-1700 6070, 7485, 9520, 9600 to IND. [v7485, //6070, good reception here] Turkish 1730-1800 7255, 9515 to TUR. Arabic 1800-1845 7145, 9585 to ME & NoAF. French 1930-2000 new9585, //11570 or 11580. [www: 9400, 11570] (www.radio.gov.pk/exter.html Oct 23)

PALAU Eff 26 Oct, registrations for KHBN are: 9955 0800-1600 2200-0000, 9965 0700-1800 2200-0000, 9985 2100-0000 0700-1600. (George Jacobs & Associates)

PERU 3250.8 kHz R.Comas Television, 19/10, 0350-0402, folk mx, ID's as "Radio Comas Television agradece tu sintonia", then salutations, also ID as "Comas AM", pgm 'Lo mejor de la cumbia peruana'. 5385.2 R. Huarmaca, 19/10, 0106-0128, folk peruvian mx, ID at 0115 by M anncr as "Radio Huarmaca". 6479.6 R. Altura, 19/10, 0406-0420, salutations pgm, ID at 0420 as "..Radio Altura de Huarmaca..". 6725.5 R.Satelite, 19/10, 0240-0257, folk mx, ID's as "Satelite en su dial, Satelite super radial" and "..desde Santa Cruz transmite Radio Satelite.." 6811.3 Ondas del Rio Mayo, 19/10, 0140-0151, messages and ID hrd at 0141 as "...Ondas del Rio Mayo...". 6815.8 NEW STATION, La Voz de ??? (I understand some words similar to 'la Colina'??), from Provincia de Huancabamba, 19/10, 0159-0237* s/off, folk mx, at 0204 ID as "A traves de los 6800 de su dial...La Voz de la ..... de la Provincia de Huancabamba...."at 0207 folk mx, at 0214 again ID by jingle "La Voz de....", at 0220 folk mx, at 0227 "la ultima entrega de la noche" then mx and announcement of the local time "9 de la noche con 29 mins", 0234 PRU Nat Anthem and at 0237* s/off. Very low signal, and the voice of the male announcer not clear for a good ID. Logs made in Chile in "El Quisco" beach, with a ICF-2010 and a 15 mts longwire antenna. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Oct 25)

PHILIPPINES R. Veritas Asia Manila changes eff Oct 19th: Sinhala 0000-0030 & Tamil 0030-0100 9670 (ex 11820), Hindi 1330-1355 & Bengali 1400-1425 9680 (ex 9555), Zomi-Chin 1530-1555 (Sat/Mon 9525 (ex 9555). (Alok Dasgupta-IND via EDXP, Oct 18)

Radyo Pilipinas Manila in E=English, P/E=Pilipino/English W97 schedule via VoA installations in the Philippines. P=Poro T=Tinang 11730 1730-1930 E T 11730 1730-1930 E T 11805 0230-0330 P/E T 11890 1730-1930 E T 11890 1730-1930 E T 13770 0330-0400 P/E P 15120 0230-0330 P/E T 15190 1730-1930 E T 15190 1730-1930 E T 15270 0230-0330 P/E T 15330 0330-0400 P/E P 17730 0330-0400 P/E P (Usenet Oct 21)

DX PROGRAMS - Oct 1997, DX DIAL FEBC Manila Wed 1315-1320 11635 100 IND/SoEaAS Sat 0115-0120 15450 50 IND/SoEaAS Sat 0940-0945 11635 50 CHN/PNG Sat 1440-1445 11995 100 IND/SoEaAS (EDXP, Oct 22)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA n3205 1145-1205* 16/10 R Sandaun, Vanimo, Pidgin, south sea mx, 1200 childrens choir, earlier singning off time, see TBS97. 3305 1205-... R Western Daru, 16/10, Pidgin nice south sea mx. 3315 2015-2025 R Manus Lorengau, 17/10, Pidgin, ID, Country singer, fade-out... 3375 2005-2014 R Western Highlands, Mount Hagen, 17/10, Pidgin, relig progr, 2010 ID, "music long Radio Western Highlands seen this morning[?]" (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 16/20)

POLAND Polskie Radio 5 --Homepage Internet http://www.radio.com.pl/piatka e-mail [email protected] Broadcasting Schedule, ext sce fr Oct 26- Dec 31.

Polish 1130-1159 7285 5995 1200-1225 7285 7270 1630-1729 9690 7285 6000 2200-2259 6095 6035 2302-2359 1305 819

English 1300-1359 11815 9525 7270 7145 6095 1800-1859 7285 6095 6000 2030-2129 7285 6095 6035 E-mail Internet audio http://www.wrn.org/audio/html

GERMAN 1230-1259 9525 7145 6095 1500-1525 9525 7145 6000 1600-1629 7270 7145 6000 1730-1759 7285 7270 6095 6035 6000

CZECH 1100-1129 7285 5995 Mon-Sat 1700-1725 7215 6095 1500-1525 (Suns only) 6000

BELARUSSIAN 1230-1255 7285 5995 1430-1525 7270 6095 1800-1855 7180 6250

ESPERANTO 1430-1459 7285 7145 6000 1900-1929 7285 6095 2130-2155 7270 6095 6035

LITHUANIAN 1400-1425 7145 6095 1600-1625 7180 6035

RUSSIAN 1200-1229 9525 7145 6095 1400-1429 9525 7285 7270 1530-1559 7270 7145 6095 1900-1925 7185 6000 2000-2025 7270 6095 6000

UKRAINIAN 1530-1555 7285 6035 1630-1655 7180 6095 1930-1959 7270 6095 6000 ESPERANTO - adress e-mail - INTERNET: [email protected] INTERNET AUDIO: http://www.wrn.org/audio/html (extract of unbelievable file amount of 267 kB in total, ooooh my God)

RUSSIA Voice of Malta noted on 12060 kHz via Russian relay, with Arabic 2010-2100* UTC. (Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Oct 18)

GPR-2 W97 schedule freq time tx site kW degr target bcaster lang ------5920 1600-1700 Kaliningrad 120 205 EUR VoRussia Ge 5920 1600-1700 Kaliningrad 120 245 EUR VoRussia Ge 5920 1700-1800 Kaliningrad 120 205 EUR VoRussia Po 5920 1700-1800 Kaliningrad 120 245 EUR VoRussia Po 5920 1800-1900 Kaliningrad 120 205 EUR VoRussia Ge 5920 1800-1900 Kaliningrad 120 245 EUR VoRussia Ge 5920 1900-2000 Kaliningrad 120 205 EUR VoRussia Po 5920 1900-2000 Kaliningrad 120 245 EUR VoRussia Po 5920 2000-2200 Kaliningrad 60 205 Eu/NWAF VoRussia Fr 5920 2000-2200 Kaliningrad 60 245 Eu/NWAF VoRussia Fr 6015 1400-2200 Kaliningrad 60 83 CIS R.Mayak Ru 6015 1400-2200 Kaliningrad 60 118 CIS R.Mayak Ru 9680 1000-1100 Kaliningrad 120 205 EUR VoRussia Ge 9680 1000-1100 Kaliningrad 120 245 EUR VoRussia Ge 5925 0300-0700 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS R.Mayak Ru 5935 0300-0600 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME R.Mayak Ru 5990 1830-2000 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME R.Mayak Ru 6045 1430-1800 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME R.Mayak Ru 6090 1700-1800 St.Petersburg 400 222 EUR VoRussia Hung 6090 1800-1900 St.Petersburg 400 222 EUR VoRussia Slovak 6090 1900-2000 St.Petersburg 400 222 EUR VoRussia Czech 7130 1400-1600 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Engl 7130 1600-1700 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME CRI Beij Ar 7130 1700-1800 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Ar 7130 1800-1830 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME CRI Beij Farsi 7130 1830-2100 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Ar 7150 2030-2200 St.Petersburg 400 215 NWAF VoRussia FR 7290 1730-1800 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia S-C 7290 1800-1900 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia Ital 7290 1900-2000 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia S-C 7290 2000-2200 St.Petersburg 400 215 NWAF VoRussia FR 7335 0200-0700 St.Petersburg 400 147 CIS R.Rossii Ru 7335 2030-0000 St.Petersburg 400 147 CIS R.Rossii Ru 7340 1430-2000 St.Petersburg 400 147 CIS R.Rossii Ru 7390 1600-1700 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia Alb 7390 1700-1800 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia S-C 7390 1800-1900 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia Ital 7390 1900-2000 St.Petersburg 400 215 EUR VoRussia S-C 7425 1800-1830 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME BBC Azeri 7425 1830-1900 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME BBC Azeri Fri only 7425 1830-1900 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME BBC Russian exc.Fri 7440 0000-0100 St.Petersburg 800 268 SAm VoRussia Port 7440 0100-0400 St.Petersburg 800 268 SAm VoRussia Sp 9480 1800-2200 St.Petersburg 200 215 NWAF VoRussia Ru 9715 1600-1700 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Ru 9840 1400-1600 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Engl 9840 1600-1700 St.Petersburg 400 147 ME VoRussia Farsi 9865 1600-1700 St.Petersburg 200 215 NWAF VoRussia Fr 9865 1700-2100 St.Petersburg 200 215 NWAF VoRussia Ar 9865 2100-2200 St.Petersburg 200 215 NWAF VoRussia Fr 9865 2200-2300 St.Petersburg 200 215 NWAF VoRussia Port 9890 0000-0100 St.Petersburg 800 268 SAm VoRussia Ru 9890 0100-0200 St.Petersburg 800 268 SAm VoRussia Sp 9890 0200-0400 St.Petersburg 800 268 SAm VoRussia Ru 9890 1700-2300 St.Petersburg 400 268 EUR VoRussia Engl 11785 1030-1400 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME R.Mayak Ru 11985 0730-1400 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS R.Mayak Ru 12045 0730-1400 St.Petersburg 400 147 CIS R.Rossii Ru 12065 0630-1000 St.Petersburg 200 147 CIS/ME R.Mayak Ru (NERRS Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, Oct 22)

SIERRA LEONE/NIGERIA Nigerian aircraft destroy radio and TV tx. In Sierra Leone the national radio and tv have been silenced today [16th Oct] after an attack by Nigerian aircraft of the WeAF peace force Ecomog [ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group] destroyed its tx. Two bombs hit the stn which is situated some 10 km from Freetown. (RFI via BBCM via AGDX, Oct 16)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5020 1910-1935, SIBC Honiara, 18/10, Pidgin, relig mx, "Sunday morning 19th Oct", 1925 five mins Pidgin nx, adv Toyota cars, 1930 E nx, 1935 UTC "Welcome Voice of Hope" in E progr. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 20)

SOUTH AFRICA Please note the following changes on Channel Africa's W97 schedule, commencing on 26th Oct 1997: Delete: English 1300-1455 15330 Ea&CeAF (Sats & Suns) Add: English 1300-1455 17870 Ea&CeAF (Sats & Suns) (Kathy Otto, Sentech (Pty) Ltd, Oct 22)

THAILAND Radio Thailand W97 schedule via VoA relay: BAK=MW Ayutthaya UDO=Udorn Thani 1575 1030-1100 THAI BAK 1575 1200-1230 THAI BAK Mon-Fri 6040 1130-1145 LAO UDO 6040 1145-1200 BURM UDO 7145 1300-1315 JAPA UDO 7145 1315-1330 MAND UDO 7145 1330-1400 THAI UDO 7285 1100-1115 VIET UDO 7285 1115-1130 KHME UDO 9530 1400-1430 ENGL UDO 9535 1900-2000 ENGL UDO 9535 2000-2015 GERM UDO 9535 2015-2030 FREN UDO 9535 2030-2045 ENGL UDO 9535 2045-2115 THAI UDO 9680 0000-0030 ENGL UDO 9810 1230-1300 ENGL UDO 11805 1200-1215 MALA UDO 11805 1215-1230 INDO UDO 11855 1800-1900 THAI UDO 11890 0300-0330 ENGL UDO 11890 0300-0330 ENGL UDO 11890 0330-0430 THAI UDO 11890 0330-0430 THAI UDO 11905 0030-0100 ENGL UDO 11905 0100-0200 THAI UDO 15115 0530-0600 ENGL UDO (Usenet Oct 21)

USA WHRI / KWHR Frequency Schedule, eff Oct 26 - Apr 4, '98. WHRI ANGEL 1 0000-1000 7315 kHz 1000-1300 9495 kHz 1300-1800 15105 kHz 1800-0000 9495 kHz

WHRI ANGEL 2 2200-0400 (Mo-Sa) 5745 kHz 2200-0200 (Sun) 5745 kHz 0400-1000 (Mo-Sa) 5760 kHz 0200-1000 (Sun) 5760 kHz 1000-1500 6040 kHz 1500-2200 13760 kHz

KWHR ANGEL 3 2200-0500 17510 kHz 0500-1800 9930 kHz 1800-2200 13625 kHz

KWHR ANGEL 4 1900-0700 17555 kHz 0700-1300 11565 kHz 1300-0900 7560 kHz (Joe Brashier WHRI/KWHR, Oct 22)

RFA schedule in W97 Burmese 0030-0130 7455, 7530, 11580, 13710. 1500-1600 6240, 9400. Chinese 1500-1630 9445, 1500-1700 7495, 1500-1800 7530, 9805, 9910, 11945, 1630-1800 9455. 2100-2200 7495, 7530, 9775, 9795, 9910, 11980. 2300-0000 7495, 7530, 9910, 11870. Cambodian 1230-1330 7520, 11510. 2230-2330 7520, 11510. Korean 1530-1630 5855, 7475, 9955. 2200-2300 7470, 7495, 7530, 9455, 9650, 11980. Laotian 1130-1230 9915, 15660, 17535. 2200-2300 6240, 7550, 9570, 9910. Tibetan 1300-1400 7530, 9400, 15385. 2300-2400 7415, 7550, 9875. Vietnamese 1400-1500 6240, 9400, 9455, 9910, 9930. 2330-0030 7520, 9930, 11580, 13710.

W97 schedule BBC London via GA=Greenville NC, DL=Delano CA 5975 1100-1130 SPAN GA Mo-Fr 5995 0245-0345 SPAN DL 5995 0245-0345 SPAN DL 5995 0345-0400 SPAN DL Tue-Sat 5995 0345-0400 SPAN DL Tue-Sat 6130 1100-1130 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 6130 1300-1330 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 6175 0430-0800 ENGL DL 6175 0430-0800 ENGL DL 9515 0245-0345 SPAN DL 9515 0245-0345 SPAN DL 9515 0345-0400 SPAN DL Tue-Sat 9515 0345-0400 SPAN DL Tue-Sat 9590 0000-0230 ENGL DL 9590 0000-0430 ENGL DL 9670 1100-1130 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 9670 1100-1130 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 9670 1300-1330 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 9670 1300-1330 SPAN DL Mo-Fr 9895 0230-0430 ENGL DL 15315 1300-1330 SPAN GA Mo-Fr 17715 2115-2130 ENGL DL Mo-Fr 17715 2115-2130 ENGL DL Mo-Fr (Usenet, Oct 21)

WORLD OF RADIO TIME SHIFTS ON WWCR from Oct 26: Thu 2130 15685, Sat 0700 3210 5070, Sat 1230 5070, Sun 0230 5070, Sun 1000 3210, Mon 0400 3215, Tue 1330 15685. On WGTG Tue 0500 5085-USB. For complete details see our fully updated website: http://www.grove.net/~ghauser

WORLD OF RADIO TIME SHIFTS on WRN from Oct 26: Europe via Astra, Sat 0430, 1700, Sun 1230 UT; NAm via Galaxy, Sat 1700, Sun 0630 UT ex-Sat 0530; Africa/Asia/Pacific digital, Sat 1700 only. (Glenn Hauser OK, Oct 23)

VIETNAM n4958.1 1440-1459 Voice of Vietnam HS2, 14/10, Fremch + Vietnamese lesson, originate from RCI Canada, songs like on "Canada" in French, //12035 kHz but co-ch QRM of REE Madrid. 1459 ID in French, into Vietnamese afterwards. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 17/20)

YUGOSLAVIA From the 0100 UTC ENAm broadcast on Oct 21 comes the new R. YUG sked eff Oct 26: 0100 ENAm 6195, 7115; 0200 WNAm 6180, 7130. Typically, no response received from RY regarding absence of 0430 WNAm broadcast. (Sanchovich, WORLD OF RADIO 915, Oct 23)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 334 01 Nov 1997 ______

New W97 periode is in progress, but still missing few schedules of internat bcasters, like R Finland, RRI Bucharest, RKI Seoul, Vatican Radio, R Tashkent. Some of the above mentioned stns still publicize their summer 1996[!] schedules on their web pages. (ed)

AFGHANISTAN Taleban change country's official name. Report by Taleban-controlled Radio Voice of Shari'ah. The following is an order on the use of the word emirate instead of state in the name of the Islamic State of Afghanistan: Under an instruction by His Eminence Amir ol-Momenin, dated 21st Mizan 1376 [13th Oct 1997], henceforward the Islamic State of Afghanistan will be called the Islamic Emarat [preceding word in Arabic, meaning leadership or commandership] of Afghanistan. All agencies, state administrations and other citizens of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shall make sure to publicize and use this appellation. The letterheads of all letters and memos as well as other governmental and nongovernmental documents shall be embellished with the word emirate instead of state. The order shall be implemented as from the date it has been issued. [The change of name formalizes the position as head of state in Taleban-ruled Afghanistan of Mohammad Omar Mojahed, leader of the Taleban, who is known as Amir al-Momenin (Leader of the Faithful).] (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 26)

ARMENIA The Voice of Armenia has started a daily German progr on Oct 27th. It was heard at 2045-2115 UTC on 4810 and 9965 kHz (best on 9965 kHz with S 4-5). (Volker Willschrey & Paul Reinersch via Thomas Kubaczewski, Germany - Oct 29) [on 30th: 9965 S=5+60 powerhouse, 4810 S=3] German language txion also Suns 0930-0946 UTC on 15270 kHz. (Hubert Gams-AUT, Oct 26)

AUSTRALIA 5995, R. Australia, coming thru at 2007 Oct 25 with Engl nx; weak, but many ments of Australia, and very distinctive Aussie accent. (Sellers-ONT) 8638, VNG, 1059 Oct 25, 1114, time ticks and CW IDs. Poor but clear. (Valko-PA) 9415, RA carrying "R. National" [dom network--JB] prgmng fr *1200 when HCJB closes on the freq; //9580 (with BBC QRM), which was on before 1200. (Vaghjee-Mauritius) Hrd here as well, same time frame, both sigs about the same after 1200. RA is listed (PWBR) for 9415 later in the day. (Berg-MA, all via NU, Oct 26)

CAMBODIA New name for Khmer Rouge radio. The radio stn of the Provisional Govt of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia - the Khmer Rouge radio - at 1130 UTC on 25th Oct carried the following announcement: "Starting from Mon 27th Oct, our radio will change its name to Voice of the National United Army [sathani vitthyu samleng kangtoap samakki cheat]. The radio freqs and bcing times remain the same.Thank you."[Radio of the Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia supports the Khmer Rouge. It adopted that name on 11th July 1994; prior to then, it had called itself Voice of the Great National Union Front of Cambodia (VGNUFC). VGNUFC had been operating under that name since 27th Oct 1991 when it was formed by a merger of the Khmer Rouge's Voice of Democratic Kampuchea and the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea's Voice of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea, which had been heard since Jan 1979 and Febr 1983 respectively. Since 16th June 1997 the stn has been controlled by a breakaway Khmer Rouge faction which split from the movement's former leader, Pol Pot.] (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 31)

CANADA RCI has made a late change to the W97 schedule during the 0300-0400 hour UTC Tue-Sat; instead of CBC's This Morning Tonight, the Canadian Forces program has resumed, first half English, last half French, on 6155, 9755, 9780. (Bill Westenhaver, RCI, WORLD OF RADIO 916, Oct 30)

CHINA People's Broadc Stn. Station Identification: "Qinghai renmin guangbo diantai", Address: 96 Kunlun Lu, Xining, Qinghai 810001. 2220-1505 Chinese 6260 3950 666, 1200-1230 nx (relay of CPBS news hook-up), 1400-1415 nx (provincial hook-up), 2230-2300 nx (relay of CPBS news and press review). Qinghai People's Broadcasting Station Tibetan Programme, centre Xining. Tibetan 0355-0545, 1055-1540, 2255-0055 UTC 6500 1251 kHz.

Fujian People's Broadcasting Station. Some bcs may be in Amoy or Fuzhou dialect. ID in Mandarin: "Fujian Renmin Guangbo Diantai". Address: 2 Gutian Lu, Fuzhou, Fujian 350001, China

FUJIAN PBS (News Station). 2155-1600 Chinese-Std 5040 4975 2340 1370 882. Fuzhou dialect 612 558. 1330-1400 English lesson (for Fujian cadres) FUJIAN PBS (Economic Station). 2200-1600 Chinese-Std and Fuzhou dialect, 1467 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 23/29)

CLANDESTINE RADIO STATIONS Kurdistan Democratic Party (Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan (Kurdish: era dangi kurdistana iraqiya; Arabic: sawt kurdistan al-iraq, sawt al-hizb al- dimuqrati al-kurdistani al-iraqi) bcs in support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Mas'ud Barzani. The KDP says the radio stn was established in Sept 1963. A sce to EUR was introduced on 27th Apr 1995. The KDP also operates Kurdistan Television, KTV, which bcs on several VHF and UHF channels in Iraqi Kurdistan from 1600-2200 UTC. UK Address: KDP Press Office, PO Box 4912, London SE15 4EW, UK Tel +44-171-931-7764 Fax +44-171-931-7765 Email [email protected] URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/gara/ Main studio centre at Salah al-Din. 0345-0500 Kurd 0500-0600 Ar 1645-1800 Kurd 1800-1900 Ar 1900-1930 Kurd/Ar all on 4060-v 1610-alt 1566 kHz, 93 MHz.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Voice of the People of Kurdistan (Kurdish: "aira dangi gelli kurdistana", Arabic: "sawt sha'b kurdistan") was first observed on 23rd Oct 1988, but may have been in existence for some time before then. It supports the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani. The radio was based in Galalah until Oct 1992 when it moved to Sulaymaniyah. It was forced out of Sulaymaniyah when KDP forces took over the city in Sept 1996. Prior to then it had also operated FM and tv sces. Progrs from "Voice of Iraq-Iraqi Broadcasting Corp" have been carried on Voice of the People of Kurdistan in the past. The radio has in the past used freqs around 15060-v, 7270-v, 6295-v, 5845-5880-v, 4000-4200-v and 3930-3960-v. 0400-0700 Kurd/Ar 4100-v (repeat of 1400 bc). 1030-1330 Kud/Ar 6030-v (repeat of 1400 bc). 1400-1700 Kur/Ar 6030- v 4100-v kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 23)

CLANDESTINE (China). 13750, New Star B/Cing Stn, first noted on this new channel Oct 19. Noted as early as 2300 and as late as 0900. The format is the same as the other channels, and ID is: "Zheli shi Xinxing guangbo diantai, di wu tai," or "This is New Star B/Cing Stn, the fifth channel." This channel distinguishes itself from the other channels by a hum in the signal. This fifth channel has probably been set up to relieve the other four channels. Activity has been notably down (especially Suns), b/cs are usually on the hour or half-hour (not always both), and s/off time has been noted as early as 0900. To recap, the fqys of all channels are now: 11430 (Ch 1), 15388.04 (Ch 2), 9725 (Ch 3), 8300.01 (Ch 4), and 13750 (Ch 5). (van den Boogert-TWN, Hard-Core-DX via NU, Oct 26)

The Voice of Free Nigeria (VoFN), the radio stn of the Free Nigeria Movement (FNM) is changing its bc freq from 11680 to 11715 kHz eff from Sat Nov 1st. The VoFN is the radio stn which serves primarily as a direct link of communication between the FNM and the people of Nigeria. The bc time shall remain at 1900-2000 UTC every Sat. (direct, also via DXW and RNMN, Oct 30/31)

COSTA RICA 6970U, RFPI, 0114 Oct 21, //7385 AM, but 6970 had worse modulation. Had FIRE progr and ID at 0202. No ment of any freqs at ID. Gone when checked later at 0343. (McDonough-MA) 6969.96U, 0519-0523 Oct 25, exc with tear-jerking drivel about illegal Latino living condx in NYC. //7385.15. (Krueger-FL, all via NU, Oct 26)

CROATIA From Oct 26th Croatia took over daytime 6025 kHz channel, midst between Kiev 6020 and SDR Stuttgart 6030. 6025 left by Hungarian home sce relay in mid October. But Zagreb noted instead on 6175 today. HR Zagreb in Croatian now on 6175 and 7185 (x7165) kHz on daytime, at least til 1700 UTC. 100 kW unit on much stronger 7185 kHz. (WB Nov 1)

CZECH Rep. Spurious of Litomysl 7345 kHz, observed on various excellent rxs, Radio Prague in German, Nov 1st, 0730-0800 UTC, two very strong spurious signals of 7345 kHz noted on 7291.1 and 7398.9 kHz. (WB Nov 1)

ECUADOR HCJB W97 Schedule Change. The change reflects an amendment to the hours we are bcing Portuguese within SoAM: 15295 kHz 1530[ex1500]-1800 UTC. All other information remains the same. (David M. Lewis-EQA, HCJB, Oct 28)

GERMANY/POLAND >From Nov 10th, Polskie Radio Five will carry test broadcasts via DTK Juelich tx site towards Russia and Ukraine. 1900-2000 5890, 1900-1930 6175, 1930-2000 5840 kHz. (RadioHoeren & Scannen, Nov)

GREECE (c.f. BC-DX #333) Noted new multilingual segment in VoGreece morning sce to Europe, i.e. French at about 0740, German 0750, so read new ERT schedule carefully again, and discovered the following English sce segment: ERT - Voice of Greece - Athens SW transmission schedule, 26 Oct '97 - 29 March '98 0000-0350 5895 6260 7450 9425 NoAM,WeEUR Greek, except English Tue-Sun 0130-0140 & 0340-0350 0600-0800 7430 7450 9425 11645 EUR,AUS Greek E 0730, F 0740, Ger 0750 0600-0800 #9775 #9775 JAP,AUS Greek E 0730, F 0740, Ger 0750 0900-0950 15415 15650 JAP,PAC Greek E 0940-0950 0900-0950 #9590 15415 15650 AUS Greek E 0940-0950 0900-0950 15415 15650 AZORES Greek E 0940-0950 1200-1250 11645 15650 17525 AF Greek Arabic English 1240-1250 1200-1350#*9580 12105 15175 15650 NoAM,WeEUR Greek English 1340-1350 1800-1850 11645 15150 AF Greek Engl weekdays 1840-1850 1900-1950[!!] 7430 9380 EUR English French German Italian Swedish 2100-2250 11595 11645 AUS Gr Engl Sun-Fri 2240-2250 2300-2350 9395 9425 11595 11710 SoAM Port Sp Engl Mon-Fri 2335-2345 All times for E sce are assumed, usually no details given by ERT. (fax Voice of Greece Oct 23)

HUNGARY Radio Budapest W97 winter schedule, valid fr 26th Oct '97 - 28th Mar '98.

English NoAM 0200-0230 6030 9840 0330-0400 9840 6010 EUR 2000-2030 3975 9535 2200-2230 3975 9840

Hungarian EUR 1900-2000 3975 9840 2100-2200 3975 9530 1200-1300 7220 9840 1400-1500(Suns only) 7135 9840 SoAM 2300-0000 6165 9835 11660 (daily, Suns til 0100) NoAM 2100-2200 9840 0100-0200 6030 9840 0230-0330 6030 9840 AUS 1000-1100 15395 17790 21560 (daily, Suns til 1200)

German 1830-1900 3975 9805 2030-2100 3975 5965 (except Suns) 1300-1400 7135 9840 (Suns only) 1800-1900 3975 9805 (Suns only)

Russian 0400-0430 3975 6005 1530-1600 5945 7180 Ukrainian 0430-0500 3975 6005 1700-1730 3975 5945 Romanian 0500-0530 3975 7260 1630-1700 3975 7185 Croatian 0530-0600 3975 5965 1600-1630 3975 5965 Slovak 0600-0630 3975 7155 1730-1800 3975 7190 Serbian 0630-0700 7155 9870 1800-1830 7255 9805 (Mon-Sat) 2030-2100 5965 9835 (Suns only) (Radio Budapest homepage, Oct 28)

INDONESIA 4753.1 RRI Ujung Pandang. Relay of SoEaAS Games from RRI Jakarta Programa Nasional Satu at 1033 which was //3214.8 kHz (RRI Manado) & 9565 kHz (RRI Jakarta) but other freq had own progr. ID at 1058 as "Radio Republik Indonesia Nusantara Empat Ujung Pandang" then IS. Local nx "Warta Berita" 1100. Acc my monitoring from Oct 17-19. While RRI Ujung Pandang on 4753 kHz and RRI Manado on 3214.8 kHz relayed the special progr from RRI Jakarta Programa Nasional Satu in most of the local evening time except of local nx, other RRI stn often relayed the progr irregularly and sometimes switched from own progr to the relayed progr suddenly. 4925 kHz RRI Jambi. Relay of SoEaAS Games from RRI Jakarta Programa Nasional Satu at 1232. Other RRI stn also relayed this sports live progr. At 1250 "Berita Keluarga" from own studio was heard. ID by male at 1254 as "bersama Radio Republik Indonesia Jambi, Programa Satu". SCI at 1258 and switched operating frequency from 4925 kHz to 4927 kHz at 1259. Fair. 9565 RRI Jakarta, Cimanggis. 0415-0459. Popular mx, telephone conversation. //9614.3 Samarinda, this parallel freq is the first time for me to hear, but very weak. RRI Jayapura reactivated? 9741.8 kHz RRI Sorong. 0331-0350. Female talks with ID. Poor.

9614.2v RRI Samarinda. 0211-0320. Relay of Jakarta nx "Varia Nusantara" till 0215, then ending mx "Bagimu Negri". At 0232 ID as "...Radio Republik Indonesia Samarinda". Also at 0233 female ID as "RRI Samarinda, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur". 0300 ID by male, IS "Bunyibells", time pips, local nx as "Berita Regional" till 0308 At 0309 "lagu Indonesia tradisional oleh seorang biduan" till 0331. The bcing time is at 0100-0500?

4000.2 RRI Kendari. 1315 ID by female & male, popular mx. Moderate. 4003.2 RRI Padang. 1325 female talks, popular mx. Weak. 4926.9 RRI Jambi. 1650-1703#. Popular mx, ID, SCI at 1659, then relay of Jakarta nx "Ikhtisar Berita" but signed off at 1703. Moderate. (Roland Schulze-PHL, via Jembatan, Oct 18/21/22)

11755.1 RRI Jakarta. Islamic religious progr at 2216. Islamic mx at 2243. ID by male at 2258 as "Inilah Radio Republik Indonesia Stasiun Nasional Jakarta" then SCI. "Warta Berita" at 2300. This freq was Programa Nasional Satu. //9565 kHz, but not //11750kHz.

Usually the sound from Bonto Sunggu is late [satellite delay] for that from Cimanggis, but the sound on 11755.1 kHz was heard at the same time on 9565 kHz (Cimmangis). 11755kHz is instead of 11785kHz (Cimmangis) of dom sce. So I presume the tx site on 11755kHz is Cimmangis. (Juichi Yamada-JAP, Oct 17)

11785 kHz V.O.Indonesia. 0100-0200, noted English //9525. (Alok Dasgupta-IND, Oct 18)

15125 RRI Jakarta, Cimangiss. "Warta Berita" at 1200. ID by female at 1209 as "Inilah Radio Republik Indonesia, Programa Nasional Satu" (This ID was very irregular. Announcer should say location name between "Radio Republik Indonesia" and "Programa Nasional Satu".), then dangdut music progr. Still heard at 1400. 15150kHz was not observed at this time. Usually 15125kHz signs off at 0900. On Oct 23, 15150kHz of Programa Nasional Satu(Not Programa Nasional Dua) was heard in stead of 15125kHz at local evening. (Juichi Yamada-JAP, Oct 22)

15150 RRI Jakarta, Cimanggis. Arabic lesson at 1015. ID by male at 1027 as "Programa Nasional Dua, Radio Republik Indonesia Jakarta" then "Siaran Pendidikan". //9679.9 kHz & 11750 kHz. (Juichi Yamada-JAP, Oct 17)

Voice of Indonesia on 9525kHz has signed off at 1130 since the middle of Oct, so we can not listen to Japanese 1130 and Indonesian 1200 at 9525 kHz. But after that I found the frequency of these progrs was changed. My monitoring schedule on Oct 23+25 is as follows.

-0830-0900# English 11785 kHz #0900-1000# Malay 9525 kHz #1000-1030 Thai 11785 kHz (exThai 1100-1130) 1030-1130 Chinese 11785 kHz (exThai 1000-1100) 1130-1200 Japanese 11785 kHz 1200-1300# Indonesian 11785 kHz

The bcing time in Thai and Chinese was changed and the freq is used on 11785 kHz. In Japanese progr, the freq was still ann as 9525 kHz. I do not know whether this schedule is liquid because Thai progr was observed on 9525 kHz on Oct 26. we have to continue to observe the schedule for the time being. (Juichi Yamada-JAP, Oct 18)

Voice of Indonesia 15149.81 German/French. Despite of very lousy propagation of stns in 16 and 19 mb today, -- only HCJB 15550, Libya 15415 and Sackville 15325 on the band --, I came across of a piece of South Sea mx on 15150 kHz, SINPO 25222. Surprise, surprise, it's really Voice of Indonesia's European sce, 1730 Spanish, 1800 German, now from 1900 French sce is in progress, exact freq is 15149.81 kHz. And English sce 2000-2100 UTC will follow. No //signal observed so far, i.e. either on 7225, 9525, 9565, 11755, or 11785 kHz. Never heard Indonesia at this time slot on 19 mb. Would expect Jakarta here in the mornings between 0500 and 1000 UTC. VoI's European Sce left 9525 on Sept 29th, and noted a few days using 7225 kHz instead. In parallel to the South East Asian sports games, VoI schedule became very irregular, mostly sports txions could be heard on unusual times and freqs. (WB, Oct 29) [on Oct 30th VoIndonesia was underneath co-channel VoGreece's African sce]

Comment: Voice of Indonesia 15149.81 German/French, just listening to VoI in BI on 15150 kHz at 1600 UTC, SIO 344 good signal. (Benno Klink-D DG1EA, Oct 30)

IRAN [?] 7190, Voice of Palestine, 25 Oct, 2009, "Sawt al-filistin" by Arabic speaking OM, played some 'opposition-sounding-mx', talks about Jihad and Israel, another male speaker also talked about Israel with very recognizeable Hebrew accent in his voice, parl. to 6025 SIO 444, audio on 7190 somewhat delayed compared to the 6 MHz outlet, no further parl's founded, at 2024 male speaker mentioned London-based postal address, directly followed by YL in German who did give an German PO-box number, VOIRI ID at 2031 by male; A px, SIO 444 (Joosten, via DXW, Oct 28)

VoIRIB tehran Italian sce 0630-0726 on new 15230 (x9022), and 13605, 15084. French at same time new 15325 (x15315), and 11790, 15260. (WB Nov 1)

IRAQ [non] Clandestine radio stn "V of Iraqi People" of Iraqi Communist Party. Voice of the Iraqi People (Arabic: idha'at sawt al-sha'b al-iraqi, idha'at al-hizb al- shuyu'i al-'iraqi) has been heard since 1982, although a radio of the same name and Communist Party affiliation was heard between 1963 and 1968 bcing clandestinely from Bulgaria. It may have some connection with Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, which reported that the stn had been inaugurated on 21st March 1982. It appears to share facilites with the Freedom Radio Station, voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan, which was first heard in Febr 1997 on the same freqs. The radio describes itself as "Voice of the Iraqi People, radio of the Iraqi Communist Party". In the past, it has bc regularly in Sorani Kurdish (Kurdish ID: Era Dengi Gel-y Iraqi) as well as in Arabic. Arabic 0400-0500 4755-v 3855-v (repeat of previous day's 1830 bc). 1830-1930 same channels. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 29)

IRELAND RTE will b/c Ireland v. Belgium football on Oct 29 at 1930 UTC over 6010, 7110, 9845 & 9860 kHz. (VOA CommWorld) I'm not sure over which stn--BBC? Deutsche Telekom Juelich? (Jerry Berg-USA, Oct 26)

RTE via ? RTE football Ireland vv Belgium, Wed Oct 29th, 1930-2129 UTC. It was probably a sports live coverage txion via UK/BBC/Merlin txs. Final result of the football match was Ireland 1 vv Belgium 1 Could nicely listen to a tremendous signal on SW 6010 kHz and followed in // seeing direct TV relay on DSF - 'German Sports Channel' on TV set tonight. All SW txions stopped at 2129 UTC, despite RTE commercials and commentary supplement were still in progress. After some sunspot disturbance occured in the afternoon, and a lot of fluttery signals too [see different item concerning unusual Indonesia reception at 1900 UTC on 19 mb here in EUR], reception improved during the Football match. Skelton-UK 6010 kHz S=5+60 dB twisted the needle. Both adjacent channels free this night. 7110 kHz obviously not used [at least not fr UK, likely used for AUS coverage via Kranji Singapore site?] for this test match coverage. Terrible 7110 kHz channel coverage here: CNR Beijing in French, TRT Ankara in Turkish to NoAF, and RDP Lisbon in Portuguese too. No room for RTE relay. At least, I heard nothing here in CeEUR. 9845 kHz and 9860 kHz performing well too. But 9860 suffered by co-channel new CRI Urumchi powerhouse. 9845 S=3-4, 9860 32332. (WB Oct 29)

Radio Telefis Eireann, Ireland's national broadcaster, is txing special progrs on SW dealing with the election of a new president and two important soccer internationals which will decide whether Ireland or Belgium get a place in next year's World Cup competition. The progrs are: Ireland v Belgium: 29th Oct, 1930 UTC 6010, 7110, 9845 and 9860 kHz. Election Count: 31st Oct, 2100 UTC 6010, 6125, 7180, 7210, 15250 and 15360 kHz. This Week: 2nd Nov 1300 UTC 5070, 7150, 13610, 15105, 15115, 17605, 17790 and 17810 kHz. Belgium v Ireland: 15th Nov 1900 UTC 6010, 7110, 9335, 9565 and 9860 kHz. All the above progrs will also be available in audio on RTE's Internet site: http://www.rte.ie (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 24)

IRELAND [non]. West Coast Radio Ireland is desperately looking for letters of support from listeners in any part of the world, as a station delegation is meeting soon with a member of the Irish government. The delegation wants to have a substantial folder of letters to help in a bid to get State support for the station. "WCRI, Claremorris, Mayo, Ireland" will find them by airmail; or "[email protected]" by E-mail. The NAm broadcast has shifted to 5905 kHz Thur UTC at 0100-0200 via Germany. (Finbarr O'Driscoll, Ireland, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING, Oct 30)

JAPAN NHK World Yamata in Japanese 0900-1500 UTC on 9750 kHz observed here in EUR. E 1700 and Jap 1800-1900 via Ekala 11880 reporting fr suffering stock market. (WB Nov 1)

KENYA VoKenya Nairobi on 4935 was off the air most of Oct and check with stn confirmed that the TX had problems and engineers were working on it. I hear it back from around the 28th strong signal accompanied by a hum, fr around 1600 past 1800 UTC, 4885 goes on and wasn't off the air, but is not as strong as 4935, but no hum problems. Myanmar 4725 and Malaysia 4845 are two more hum txers. The art of maintenance of SW txs seem to be a lost art! (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, UADX, Oct 31)

LATVIA (c.f. BC-DX #333) Latvian Radio schedule, despite what they say, these times are in CET not UTC. So for example English is now at 2130 UTC (not 2030). (Dave Kenny-UK, BDXC, Oct 31)

LITHUANIA NEW WEB PAGE STRUCTURE. WWW pages with information about Lithuanian bcs have been moved and restructured. There are three basic pages now. - Radio, by company: http://www.is.lt/ratekona/rtv/ltu/radio-e.htm - FM radio, by frequency: http://www.is.lt/ratekona/rtv/ltu/radio-fq.htm (under construction) - TV, by company: http://www.is.lt/ratekona/rtv/ltu/tv-e.htm

Old URLs will still be valid, with all references to them automatically redirected to new URLs. This will last for a couple of months, then old URLs will be deleted. For info on foreign bcing in Lithuanian, look at http://www.is.lt/ratekona/1index-e.htm#u (Sigitas Zilionis-LTU, DX Editor, Oct 28)

NEW ZEALAND Minor change for R NZLI, extended live sports coverage after 1206 UTC on 6105 will end at 1500 UTC, then on 6070 kHz til approx. 1652 UTC. (Cumbre Dx in WHRI, Nov 1)

NORWAY 7215 kHz, Uke-senderen, generally weak on Oct 20 and stable in the short term, though varying up to fair and down to inaudibility over periods of about 20 min. First hrd 0955, last noted with any degree of certainty around 1510. Prgmng seemed to fit a one-hr. format, with passive hours involving a few minutes of scripted material at the hour, followed by pops and album tracks, with no anmts for the rest of the hour. More lively periods had ancrs talking to each other in a stream-of-consciousness style, and starting with "good morning" in the mid-afternoon. I guess they were sleeping off the effects of a heavy night; quite traditional in Scandinavian student carnival weeks. Not very dynamic prgms, but their resources are probably stretched rather thin if they have a 24-hr. schedule. Signals would be better at night, but then QRM makes 7215 unusable here. They must be getting reasonable radiation out for my daylight rcpn to be possible, so maybe there is a chance for more distant rcpn for people who don't have troubles with European QRM on and near 7215. (Campbell-ENG, via NU, Oct 26)

PARAGUAY UNID stn hetting co-channel DW on 9735 kHz at unusual time 0700-0800 UTC today. Seemingly R Nacional de PRG extended bcasting time [normally off at 0400 UTC], centered at v9736.1 kHz. (WB Nov 1)

POLAND [c.f. BC-DX #333] Polskie Radio 5 --Homepage Internet http://www.radio.com.pl/piatka e-mail [email protected] Correction in Broadcasting Schedule, ext sce fr Oct 26- Dec 31.

Czech 1100-1129 7285 5995 Mon-Sat 1700-1725 7215 6095 Slovak[!] 1500-1525 (Suns only) 6000 (Oct 28)

Polish radio must reorganize to meet competition. The need to compete and the resultant constant need for modernized technology, mean that the years ahead may be critical ones for Polish Radio, member of the Polish Radio board of directors, writes in 'Rzeczpospolita'. These difficulties, in the author's opinion, are augmented by the urgent need for independent construction of a [LW] tx stn to bc the First Programme. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 22)

PORTUGAL RDP Lisbon live football coverage Sats 1600-1700. Sats 0800-2100 7110, 9780, 17725, 21655; 1300-2100 15200, 17745; 1600-1900 21515. East Timor-INS sce on Sats/Suns 0800-1000 17595 produces two spurious signals on 17433.6 and 17756.7 kHz. (WB Nov 1)

ROMANIA Seemingly RRI Bucharest retimed some services, Italian noted at 1500-1526 on 11810, French at same time 11940 15390 17790. In German 1230-1326 replaced 15255 by 15390 kHz, //9690, 11940. (WB Nov 1)

RUSSIA Voice of Russia World Russian sce, D97 til Febr 28. 0000-0100 7350 9890 0200-0400 6065 7125 7260 7350 9890 9895 1300-1500 6205 7170 7185 7195 7235 7245 9470 9780 11820 12015 12055 1600-1700 7235 7355 9560 9715 9745 9830 1800-2000 7185 7210 7255 7355 9480 9745 9830 1800-2200 7125 7160 7310 7340 9450 2000-2100 612 693 999 MW.

Pavel Mikhailov's "Klub DX" Sun 1430 & 2130 UTC, Wed 1625, Thur 0025 & 0225 UTC. (Nikolai Rudnev-Rus, Oct 23)

About MW Kaliningrad Bolshakovo 1386 kHz: current W97 schedule between 1600-2300 as usual - but with NEW azimut beamed to NoWeEUR [275 degr] ex.CeEUR[245 degr]. The tx power is 1200 kW as usual. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, GPR-2, Oct 27)

Comment: VoR German to CeEUR seems to be now on MW 1215 kHz at 245 degr, 8-mast-system +/-30 degr slewable. VoR Moscow English sce on 1386 kHz, observed at least in 1600-1900 UTC slot. (Kai Ludwig-D, Oct 27/28)

GPR-2 KALININGRAD SPECIAL REQUEST Here are some important changes in the GPR-2 W97 Kaliningrad MW schedule: 1 - Our tx on 1215 kHz uses a NEW azimuth of 245 degr (ex of 230) beamed to CeEUR. Daily 1600-2000 UTC 600 kW.

2 - Our tx on 1386 kHz uses a NEW azimuth of 275 degrees (ex 245) beamed to NoWeEUR. Daily 1600-2300 UTC 1200 kW.

We very need to know about the reception quality of all our txions on these freqs (Voice of Russia in German and English and Universal Life) and we will be very glad to receive any comments about it. We suppose that some interference take place on 1215 kHz from Virgin Radio (UK) - especially in the western parts of Germany. It is very important for us to know what kind of reception with simple portable MW rxs in use. If you will send us some observations please indicate your exact location or nearest big city. All your information is very important for our technical department here at St. Petersburg and for the chief engineer of our Kaliningrad txing centre. Our e-mail address is: [email protected] (Mikhail Timofeyev, NERRS GPR-2, St.Petersburg, RUS, Oct 29)

Today I received a QSL card from Qala Atouraya (Assyrian Voice), heard on Sept 6th at 1500 UTC of 9865 kHz with SINPO 54444. The stations address is: Radio Qala Atouraya (Assyrian Voice), 25 Pyatnitskaya st., Moscow 113326, Russia. QSL was signed by Roland T. Bidjamov, Editor of Qala Atouraya program.' (Koehler via DXW, Oct 28)

THAILAND R Thailand in Thai to ME 1800-1900 on new 11855 kHz. (WB Oct 30)

SAUDI ARABIA 12038.51, BSKSA 2nd Progr, Oct 21, 1810, presumed per previous Victor G. logging, with AR light mx and talk. Another BSKSA low-power tx on 11708.16 kHz also audible at same time. (Novello, via DXW, Oct 28)

ST. HELENA 11092.5 kHz 1900 UTC 26/10 R.Saint Helena - opening speech by Governor. At first reception was quite good but decreased rapidly because of the heavy buzzing interference probably coming from MKD in Cyprus. Sometimes Radio Saint Helena disappeared totally under MKD. I think that in the States, the reception must be much better than here in Europe. Probably a lot of European DX'ers went to bed with a headache again [yes, WB]. If RSH could move a few kHz down, it would be a nice choice and would improve the reception quality enormous. If a frequency change is not possible, moving from USB to LSB could improve the audio quality too. (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Oct 27)

11092.5usb, *1900 Oct 26 with IS and ID, into welcoming speech by Govenor of the island. FAX number given as 290-45-24. Exc rcpn on R1051H. (Rippel-VA) *1900 Oct 26, hrd on its annual txion; horns IS, ID, message from Governor, Linda and Cecil Womack's "Celebrate the World." Despite ute whine, stronger and more intelligible than last year at this location. (Novello-NC)

Great Signal at 1858 during IS, into great signal during s/on as St. Helena Govt B/Cing Svc. Great going guys--Welcome back. (Henderson-MD)

The good news is that St. Helena is being hrd with good rerecption. What about your side? (Vaghjee-Mauritius) Okay reception, but that whine is a pain. Is it me, or has the quality of recpeption of this one declined every year? (Jerry Berg-USA, Oct 26)

Listened to special St. Helena Day via Cable & Wireless txing site on ssb mode 11092.5 kHz shortwave. Sun Oct 26th, 1997, 1900-2215 [but progr lasted til 2300] UTC. SINPO report 1 2 3 3 1 here in southern Germany. Poor signal level, at best 1900-1925 UTC here, later on much weaker, this year, same signal level like in 1994. Not as strong as last year. Used three receivers in parallel, like ancient Drake SPR-4, Kenwood R-1000, Sony ICF-2010 and at best, British made AOR AR7030 rx set. An UNID? utility on about 11093 kHz helped me to a headache after three hours hum listening, hi. Best here at 1900-1925, and from 2135 UTC onwards. (WB Oct 26)

THAILAND W97 Broadcast Schedule of Radio Thailand, World Sce, for listeners in all parts of the world, on SW 9655 and 11905 kHz, 25 and 31 mb, txed fr BANG PHUN, PATHUM THANI, CeTHA, and relayed over txs in BAN DUNG, UDON THANI, NoEaern Thailand, on freqs shared with the Voice of America, as defined below: (eff Oct 26, 1997)

UTC language dir freq 0000-0030 English EUR-AF 9680 0030-0100 English US-Ea 11905 0100-0200 Thai US-Ea 11905 0300-0330 English US-We 11890 0330-0430 Thai US-We 11890 0530-0600 English EUR 15115 1100-1115 Vietnamese AS-PAC 7285 1115-1130 Khmer AS-PAC 7285 1130-1145 Lao AS-PAC 6040 1145-1200 Burmese AS-PAC 6040 1200-1215 Malaysian AS-PAC 11805 1215-1230 Indonesian AS-PAC 11805 1230-1300 English AS-PAC 9810 1300-1315 Japanese AS-PAC 7145 1315-1330 Mandarin AS-PAC 7145 1330-1400 Thai AS-PAC 7145 1400-1430 English AS-PAC 9530 1800-1900 Thai ME 11855 1900-2000 English EUR 9535 2000-2015 German EUR 9535 2015-2030 French EUR 9535 2030-2045 English EUR 9535 2045-2215 Thai EUR 9680 (R Thailand, Oct 27)

VoFA - Voice of Free Asia relaunched as "Radio Saranrom". VoFA, a high-power MW radio stn operated by the Thai Foreign Ministry has been renamed "Radio Saranrom" (the name is taken from that of the building in which it is based). VoFA was set up during the Cold War with an anti-communist mission, but now hopes to promote relations with neighbouring countries. It is also hoped that the new name will avoid the confusion which has arisen since the launch of the US-government funded RFA - Radio Free Asia, which bcs on SW to the region. On the third floor of the main building at Wang Saranrom, which currently houses the Dept of Information, there is a small radio studio that served as a bulwark against communism at the zenith of the Cold War. Known as Voice of Free Asia (VFA), it has one of the world's most powerful MW radio txions [1575 kHz] at 1000 kW, located in Ayutthaya's Phachi District.

Since 1965, the Foreign Ministry has been operating VFA with a handful of staffers and bcing in six different languages. Although its daily worldwide bc was only three and half hours long, VFA had a listening audience in 40 per cent of the inhabited earth. With the changing tide of a post-Cold War world, VFA has adopted a new name, Radio Saranrom, and seeks to present the world with a Thai voice and views on internat matters. Information Dept Dir-Gen Surapong Jayanama says the new name reflects the dynamism of the regional political and economic environment. End of anti-communist crusade "We are no longer living in the Cold War period fighting communism. At present, Thailand is seeking to improve and promote relations with neighbouring countries," he said. "The raison d'etre for the anti-communist crusade has disappeared," Surapong said.

Thailand's Foreign Ministry is probably the only ministry in the world that runs a full- time radio stn with its own personnel, bcing in Thai, English, Malay, Vietnamese, Lao and Khmer. It is planning to add Burmese to the bc in the near future. Like many other SW radio stns that sprang up in the region to battle the communist threat, VFA was born with the assistance and cooperation of Washington. It was created under the govt of Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn in exchange for setting up a txion stn in Thailand for Voice of America at the start of the . VFA aired propaganda and anti- communism messages day and night, which were aimed principally at Laos and Vietnam, former hard-core communist states. After the Cold War and the settling of the Cambodian conflict, VFA changed its tune and began reporting current affairs and economic happenings. Its special progr for Thai workers overseas is popular as it provides the latest nx and useful tips regarding the protection of their rights while abroad. During the UN-sponsored election in Cambodia in 1993, Radio Saranrom provided free time slots for the UN to publicize the election and urge Cambodians to vote.

Station "confused with Radio Free Asia". However, another SW battle was on the horizon. With the success of the now-defunct Radio Free Europe in bringing about democracy in Eastern Europe, the US Congress decided that Asia needed a similar stn. A few years ago, it decided to establish a new SW sce, Radio Free Asia (RFA), with the sole objective of bcing to communist countries to promote democracy in Asia.

China, Laos, Vietnam and Burma expressed outrage at the idea. Furthermore, the RFA idea put Thailand in an awkward position. During the Chuan administration, the Foreign Ministry was approached to help tx nx produced by RFA, but the ministry was reluctant to comply. During this period, the govt also refused to allow the US set up a floating arms stockpile in the Gulf of Thailand. The Chuan govt did not want to be seen as interfering in the affairs of other southeast Asian countries, especially with Thailand's relations with its neighbours improving. However, Thailand was obliged to assist with RFA under a Thai-US cooperation agreement. Eventually the controversy died down. RFA recently celebrated its one- year anniversary and RFA officials have hailed it as a success. Why? Because communist Asian countries have so far failed to jam the bc, which has been attempted from secret locations which are frequently rotated.

Radio Saranrom, meanwhile, hopes to use its bc to promote the image and foreign policy of Thailand. Another goal is to educate its listeners about Thai culture, history and society in the hope of attracting tourists. The new name, the ministry feels, will help other countries understand Thailand better. Asian countries such as communist NoKorea had mistaken VFA for RFA or thought the two stns shared a philosophy and transmitted from the same location. Before the mistaken identity issue was cleared up, Laos and Vietnam often complained to the ministry about RFA bcs. In April of this year, Pyongyang had to officially apologize to Bangkok for wrongly criticising VFA, which it had confused for RFA. Ministry officials in charge of the radio stn welcome the name change, saying it will end the confusion once and for all. "Our radio stn is not about free or not-free countries, it is about Thailand," one former radio operator said. The ministry feels Radio Saranrom can become a new source of information for listeners in neighbouring countries. Surapong said that news about the Association of SoEa Asian Nations [ASEAN] and SoEa Asia in general, and economic reports related to the Asia- Europe Meeting and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, are given priority at the station.

Although today's bc is devoid of past polemics, the stn does sometimes air critical comments about Thailand taken from the local press for its overseas audience. As the country embraces its " people's constitution" and moves towards a more civil society, Radio Saranrom is keen to echo Thailand's reality and the changes that have come with it. (BBCM via AGDX, Oct 17)

UNITED KINGDOM Spurious signals from Rampisham 11895 kHz; observed a few spurious signals on four different rxs -- like a garden fence -- of BBC Croatian txion registered Rampisham 1200-1230 UTC 11895 kHz 500 kW 105 degr symmetric spur channels 11463 11572 11680 11787.3 and 12003 12111.6 12218.4 12326.3. All spurs 4 kHz wide, no carrier detected, therefore all frequencies approximate. The AOR SYNC mode function evaluated the frequency of the spur transmission. but had difficulties to track it and to remain locked. (WB Nov 1)

UKRAINE Radio Ukraina International. SW freqs 26 Oct '97-29 Mar '98 in Ukrainian, English and German. 1st Program - to EUR, RUS, KAZ. (Ukrainian, exc English at 0400-0500, German at 0000-0100, 1800-1900 and 2100-2200)

Time UTC Freq kHz 0000-0100 5905 5940 6010 6020 6080 7290 7420 9560 0100-0200 5905 5940 6010 6020 6080 7205 7290 7420 0200-0400 5940 6010 6020 6080 7205 7420 0400-0500 5985 6020 7205 0500-0600 5985 6020 7205 7420 0600-0700 5985 6020 7285 7420 9610 11825 0700-0800 5985 7285 7320 7420 9610 11720 11825 13590 0800-1300 5985 6020 7285 7320 7420 9560 9610 11720 11825 13590 15520 17680 1300-1400 5985 6020 7285 7320 7420 9560 11720 11825 13590 15520 17680 1400-1500 5985 6020 7285 7320 7420 9560 11720 13590 15520 17680 1500-1600 6020 6080 7285 7420 9560 11720 13590 1600-1700 5940 6020 6080 7285 7420 9560 11720 1700-1800 5905 5940 6020 6080 7285 7420 9560 11720 1800-2000 5905 5940 6020 6080 7420 9560 2000-2300 5905 5940 6010 6020 6080 7205 7420 9560 2300-2400 5905 5940 6010 6020 6080 7205 7290 7420 9560

2nd Program. (Ukrainian, exc English 0100-0200, 0400-0500, 1200-1300 and 2200-2300) to North America 0000-0500 7150 0500-0800 6030 7150 1300-1900 9870 2000-2300 6085 - to North Europe, Baltic 0600-1800 7285

3rd Program - to Latin America (Ukrainian, except English at 1200-1300) 0000-0400 6050 0900-1500 17725

Relay of Belarus: 1900-2000 6010 7205

Relay of Shalkar progr of Radio Almaty-KAZ: 0200-0400 5905 7290 0400-0500 7290 0500-0600 7290 9620 11840 0600-1500 9620 11840 1500-1600 11840 (Source: NRCU, Kyiv. Joerg Sajuk-D, Ukraina DX-Monitoring-World-Ring, Oct 25)

USA WORLD OF RADIO time change on WWCR: The Sun 1000 on 3210 has been replaced by Sun 0730 on 5070, from next week or perhaps already this week. WoR on WORLD RADIO NETWORK--correction. Last week one of the Astra times was wrong; Sun at 1130 UTC, not 1230. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Oct 30)

RFA Tibetan 1300-1400 monitored on new 15385 kHz, //7530, 9400 kHz. (WB Nov 1)

The 500 kW SW station in Maine previously known as WCSN and WVHA has finally been sold. The buyer is LeSea Broadcasting, owner of WHRI and KWHR. Price was only $1.5 million, and this may drive down the price for other SW stations on sale, such as WRMI asking $650K. Due to regulatory red tape, the Maine station is not expected back on the air until December. (George Thurman, TX and WORLD OF RADIO 916, Oct 30)

U S A [non]. The Brother Stair relay via DTK Germany for W97, schedule previously given, does not start until Nov 1, as B.S. has announced on his program, heard by Jim Moats. A satellite link from Walterboro to Juelich is being set up. At 0200-0400, DTK schedule shows both B.S. and Croatian Radio on 5840; I am already hearing the latter //6120. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Oct 30 and WORLD OF RADIO 916)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent in German noted on winter freq 7105 (x9545) at 1935-2030. //5035 5060 6230 9540, and 11905. English at 2130-2200 on 7105 & 9540 kHz. Morning ME/SoAS sce 0100-0230 E, Dari, Pushtu noted on single 9540 kHz only. No trace on 49 and 41 mb. Afternoon sce in E, Hindi and Urdu to ME/SoAS 1200-1500 now on 5975 6025 9715 kHz. (WB Oct 31/Nov 1)

VIETNAM VoV Hanoi in English at 1800 UTC noted on winter freq v12019.43, and //9839.90 kHz. (WB Oct 30)

YUGOSLAVIA 11780 via Bijeljina Bosnia. Radio Yugoslavia Belgrade 1458-1505 IS, ID, then news in Russian. SINPO 45444. Very good conditions. (Nobuo Takeno-JAP, via Cumbre Dx, Oct 25) [heard also IS 7115 at 0130, ed]

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BC-DX 335 07 Nov 1997 ______

ARMENIA The Voice of Armenia has started a daily German progr on Oct 27th. It was heard at 2045-2115 UTC on 4810 and 9965 kHz (best on 9965 kHz with S 4-5). French at 2015-2045, English 2115-2145. (Volker Willschrey & Paul Reinersch via Thomas Kubaczewski, Germany - Oct 29) [on 30th: 9965 S=5+60 powerhouse, 4810 S=3] Also Sunday txions, French 0900-0930, German 0930-1000, Engl 1000-1030 all 15270 kHz. (Hubert Gams-AUT, Oct 26; RVI Radio World, Nov 2)

AUSTRALIA/USA Radio Australia / Radio Free Asia Today the news that the (non-active) Radio Australia txs in Darwin might before too much longer be rented by the newly-formed RADIO FREE ASIA. Some consternation has been expressed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Radio Australia, that use of these former RA txs by what is in some circles perceived as a "propaganda station" might contaminate Radio Australia's good name as a non-biased news provider into the Asian sub-continent. (Dick Speekman-AUS, Nov 6) [WHY NOT? Darwin is fully functioning, why these scruples to carry national US programmes? ed]

5995, RA Shepparton, 20/10, E report on the Cook Isl. over "Increase of Alcoholism", progr called "Good Life", how help relig organizations. -- Same problems here in PHL too --. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

BELARUS n4855, 1328-1411*, Utility relay by Minsk, R Mayak, 23/10, ssb/usb, Russian, talks and mx, 1330 ID, Russian songs. Strong QRN on it, with echo effect, but readable, sound like a HAM signal coming via North Pole path. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

4982U, UNID, 1525, Relay Radio Mayak, male talk in RR, 1526 ID "Radiostanziya Mayak", followed by tango-style mx, 1530 male spoken news or cmtry, 1531 sport-report (reporter greeting with "Dobry vecer", "Russia" often named), 1536 typical RR-song. (Elsebusch via DXW, Oct 28)

CAMBODIA 11940.35, National Voice of Cambodia, 1308-1313*, Slow western popmx with cambodian male songs followed at 1313 with female speaker in Vietnamese with clear mentioning of Cambodia and s/off. (Van Rooy via DXW, Nov 1))

CANADA W97 relays of foreign bring stations via Sackville, til Mar 29, 1998: BBC 1059:30-1200 5965 250 240 1200-1400 5965 250 240 1200-1400 9515 250 268 1400-1559:30 9515 250 268 1400-1559:30 15220 250 285 1559:30-1614:30 9515 250 268 1614:30-1659:30 9515 250 268 (Sat only) 1700-1859:30 17840 250 285 2200-2359:30 6175 100 268 2200-2359:30 9590 250 268 2359:30-0429:30 6175 100 268 all to U.S.A.

CRI 0300-0359 9560 250 189 SoAmer 0500-0559 9560 250 277 USA

DW 0100-0150 5960 250 240; 6085 250 277 0300-0350 6185 250 277 0400-0559 6045 250 277 1400-1659 13790 250 227 all to U.S.A.

KBS 1000-1029 11715 250 176 S.Amer 1100-1129 6145 250 212 USA 1100-1129 9650 250 240 USA 1130-1159 9650 250 240 USA

NHK 0200-0359 5960 250 240 0400-0559 6110 250 253 1100-1259 6120 250 268 1300-1459 11705 250 285 all to U.S.A.

RMC 0400-0420 5960 250 212; 9755 250 240 all to U.S.A.

ROI 0500-0659 6015 250 268 USA

Organizations BBC London CRI - CHINA RADIO INTERNAT. DW - Deutsche Welle, Germany KBS - Korean Broadc. System NHK - NHK Radio Japan RMC - ROI - Radio Austria (RCI ENGINEERING, via Marc Vissers, Nov 3)

CHINA Beijing relay RFI W97 schedule, 120 kW 11600 253 Fr IND 0100-0200 11890 217 Fr SoEaAS 1100-1200

Xian relay RFI W97 schedule, 120 kW 7110 258 E IND 1400-1500 11600 188 E SoEaAS 1200-1300 11700 138 Fr PA/NG 1030-1130 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL, English Sce schedule eff Nov 3, 1997 Duration 60 min. exc * 30 min. 0300 NAm 9690E 0400 NAm 9560CAN, 9730GUF 0500 NAm 9560 0900 SPac 9785, 11755 1000 SPac 9785, 11755 1200 SPac 6950, 7385 1200 SEAs 1341, 9714, 11660 1300 NAm 1120 (Washington DC) 1300 SEAs 1341, 11660 1300 SPac 7385 1400 SAs 11825, 9535 1400 NAm 7405 1500 SAs 7160, 9785 1600 ESAf 9565, 9620 1700 ESAf 7150, 9570, 7405 1900 WNAf 6955, 9440 2000 ESAf 7170, 7160 2000 WNAf 7175, 9440 2000 EUR 6950, 9920 2100*WNAf 7170 2100*ESAf 7170, 9535, 7180 2100 EUR 6950, 9920 2200*EUR 3985L 2200 EUR 7170R Relays: CAN - RCI Sackville, E - REE Spain, GUF - RFI Montsinery, L - SRI Lenk-SUI, R - VoR Moscow (Sonny M. Ashimori-JAP, Nov 4)

COSTA RICA RFPI has resumed 21465-USB; heard Nov 3 at 2100 //15050-AM, and so strong I had to back off the RF gain; stayed until abrupt closing in middle of a program around 2315. Hope they keep it on in the 1800-2400 period at least. In contrast, HCJB on 21455- USB was barely detectable as usual. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 4)

CUBA As fr Nov 1st: addit 6180 kHz for English fr RHC La Habana daily at 0500-0700 UTC to WeNoAM. //9820, 9830usb. (Arnaldo Coro-CUB, CO 2 KK, via RVI Radio World, Nov 2)

Subject: W97 RHC Schedule. Radio Havana Cuba W97 schedule is now ready. It will start next week effective Nov 10th. Not many changes from previous period. Would send it as soon as I have finnished reviewing it. Thank you very much indeed for mailing the other stations schedules, as I don't have access to the WWW Web Pages, and if someone doesn't send direct e-mail, I miss them. (Arnaldo Coro-CUB, CO 2 KK, Nov 2)

On DXers Unlimited Oct 28, Arnie Coro revealed that 13600 will be the new USB fq to EUR when new sked goes into effect Nov 10, ex-13725. Getting the whole story out of him at once is never to be expected; he did not say whether 13715 would remain the AM fq, nor whether English would continue at 2030-2130. Also, 6180 has already been added at 0500- 0700 in English, beamed to ENAm and EUR, not WNAm as reported elsewhere, //9820 and 9830-USB. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 4)

ECUADOR/SoAM Logging report from Rio Napo region, Southeastwards fr Misahualli, Ecuador, rx Sony ICF-PRO80 (freq readout 5 kHz! only), Nov 9-11. Local time, UTC-5h kHz ITU Station, Location, Details ------3220 EQA HCJB in Quichua 4790 PRU R Atlantida, Iquitos 4825 PRU LV de la Selva, Iquitos 4920 EQA R Quito (heard everwhere in EQA) 4935 PRU R Tropical, Tarapoto 4990 PRU R Ancash, Huaraz 5020 PRU R Horizonte, Chachapoyo 14h50 progr Sabor Tropical, many Cumbias 5060 EQA R Progreso, Loja much Cumbia, Salsa, distorted sound 5075 CLM CARACOL Bogota 5275 PRU R NC, Nueva Cajamarca Cumbia (colombiana + andina/peruana), internat pop mx 5495 PRU R Laja, Laja, Cajamarca Cumbia andina 5520 PRU R Sudamerica, Cutervo much Cumbia andina 17h30 Frecuencia Comunicativa (=Mensajes), and underneath by Ennio Morricones "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", Telephon no. 736090, MW 1060 kHz announced. 5630 PRU R Ilucion, Cutervo Valses, Cumbias, Huaynos 17h10 Seccion Comunicativa (=Mensajes), and underneath old instrumental titel Gruppo Ventures 5730 unid, Merengue 5765 PRU R Master, Moyobamba 17h30 progr Recorriendo los Andes 6405 unid Oct 10th, 16h14-16h51 progr Contrapunto Latino, bad announcement audio quality, on all annments underneath Andean guitar mx 6535 PRU Difusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba, Piura Cumbias, Huaynos, many Ids 6675 ? no ID observed 6810 PRU Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca (Frank Helmbold, St. Gotthard-Str. 57, D-28325 Bremen, Germany eMail: [email protected] (max 64kB/day)

FINLAND Radio Finland, tx Pori. W97 schedule 6120 0500-0620 Fi Eu 6120 0620-0630 Ss Eu 6120 0630-0700 Ge Eu 6120 0700-1000 Fi Eu 6120 1000-1200 Ss Eu 6120 1200-1700 Fi Eu Sat/Sun 6120 1700-2230 Fi Eu Af Sat/Sun 6120 2230-0000 Fi Eu 11755 0630-0745 Fi Eu Af Me Sat/Sun 11755 0740-0800 Fr Eu Af Me 11755 0800-1300 Fi Eu Af Sat/Sun 11755 1300-1415 Ss Eu Af 11755 1410-2000 Fi Eu Af 9560 0630-0700 Ge Eu Af 9560 0700-0745 Fi Eu Af 9560 0740-0800 Fr Eu Af 9875 1700-2000 Ss Eu Af 9875 2030-2100 En Eu Af 9815 1100-1130 Ge Eu Af 6135 2040-2100 Fr Eu Af 6135 2100-2130 En Eu Af 6135 2130-2200 Ge Eu Af 9635 0500-0620 Fi Eu Af Me 9635 0620-0630 Ss Eu Af Me 9680 1600-1630 Ss Eu Af Me 9680 1630-1700 Fi Eu Af Me 11880 1600-1630 Ss Eu Af Me 11880 1630-1700 Fi Eu Af Me 6030 0400-0500 Fi Eu 6180 1430-1500 Ru Eu 6135 1700-1730 Ru Eu 6015 0500-0620 Fi Eu 6015 0620-0630 Ss Eu 11805 0930-1000 Ru Eu As Pa 13645 0930-1000 Ru Eu As Pa 5970 2000-2100 Fi Eu Sat/Sun 9760 0800-0900 Fi As Pa Sat/Sun 9760 0900-0930 En As Pa 9760 1000-1030 Fi As Pa 13645 1130-1200 Fi As Pa Sat/Sun 15225 0800-0900 Fi As Pa Sat/Sun 15225 0900-0930 En As Pa 15225 1000-1030 Fi As Pa 15225 1130-1200 Fi As Pa Sat/Sun 11805 1400-1415 Ss As Pa 11805 1410-1430 Fi As Pa 13645 1400-1415 Ss As Pa 13645 1410-1430 Fi As Pa 11735 1200-1230 Fi Na Sat/Sun 11735 1300-1330 Fi Na Sat/Sun 11735 1330-1400 En Na 15400 1200-1230 Fi Na Sat/Sun 15400 1300-1330 Fi Na Sat/Sun 15400 1330-1400 En Na 11785 1500-1515 Ss Na 11785 1510-1600 Fi Na 13645 1500-1515 Ss Na 13645 1510-1600 Fi Na (via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 4)

FRANCE Allouis RFI W97 schedule, 100 kW 3965 4kW ND Fr WeEUR 0000-0900 1600-2400 6175 178 Fr NoAF 1800-1900 6175 ND Fr WeEUR 0500-1600 1700-2200 6175 ND E WeEUR 1600-1700 7160 178 Fr NoAF 1600-1800 11845 178 Fr NoAF 1400-1600

Issoudun RFI W97 schedule, 500 kW except when 250 kW is stated 3965 075 Fr EaEUR 0300-0400 1900-2000 3965 250 060 Po EaEUR 2200-2300 3965 180 Fr NoAF 2100-2200 0400-0700 3965 095 S-C EaEUR 2000-2100 3970 180 Fr NoAF 0400-0700 5900 085 Fr EaEUR 1800-1900 5900 060 Po EaEUR 1700-1800 5900 055 Ru EaEUR 1900-2000 5900 098 S-C EaEUR 2000-2100 5900 055 Fr EaEUR 1800-1900 5900 085 Ro EaEUR 2100-2200 5915 060 Po EaEUR 2200-2300 5915 075 Fr EaEUR 2000-2100 5915 060 Fr EaEUR 2100-2200 5915 095 Fr EaEUR 2100-2200 5920 263 Fr CeAM 0000-0100 0130-0300 2200-2300 2330-2400 5920 263 Sp CeAM 0100-0130 2300-2330 5925 180 Fr NoAF 0400-0700 5925 250 215 Sp WeEUR 2200-2300 5925 088 Fa NE/ME 1800-1900 5945 120 Fr EaAF 0300-0500 2100-2200 5945 180 Fr NoAF 0500-0700 5945 300 Fr NoAM 0000-0300 2200-2400 5945 088 Fr NE/ME 0300-0500 5990 180 Ar NoAF 1700-1800 5990 060 Fr EaEUR 0300-0500 5990 055 Po EaEUR 0545-0600 5990 055 Fr EaEUR 0500-0500 6045 105 Fr EaEUR 0300-0600 6045 060 Fr EaEUR 0600-0700 6150 060 Fr WeEUR 1800-1900 6175 180 Fr NoAF 1900-2200 6175 070 Fr EaEUR 1700-1800 6175 060 Fr EaEUR 1900-2000 6175 250 270 Fr WeEUR 1100-1200 7120 070 Fr IND SoEaAS 0000-0100 2300-2400 7135 130 Fr EaAF 0300-0400 7135 120 Fr EaAF 0400-0500 7135 180 Fr NoAF 0700-0800 7135 088 Ro EaEUR 2100-2200 7135 155 Fr NoAF 0600-0700 7135 200 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 7135 105 S-C EaEUR 1500-1600 7135 105 Ro EaEUR 1600-1700 7135 155 Fr CeAF 0300-0500 7135 170 Fr CeAF 0500-0600 7135 088 Fr EaEUR 1900-2000 7135 060 Fr EaEUR 1800-2100 7135 060 Po EaEUR 1700-1800 7160 155 Fr NoAF 1700-1800 2000-2200 7160 180 Fr NoAF 1700-2000 7160 200 Fr NoAF WeAF 1800-1900 2000-2200 7280 060 Fr EaEUR 0400-0800 7280 105 Fr NE/ME 0300-0600 7305 180 Fr NoAF 0700-0800 7315 130 Fr EaAF 2000-2200 7315 075 Fr EaEUR 1600-1800 7315 162 Fr CeAF 2000-2200 7315 090 Fr NE/ME 0300-0600 7325 180 Ar NoAF 1600-1800 7350 080 Ru EaEUR 1900-2000 7350 090 Fa NE/ME 1800-1900 7350 100 Ar NE/ME 1700-1800

9485 110 Fr EaAF NE/ME 1730-1800 9485 110 E EaAF NE/ME 1600-1730 9485 145 E NoAF 1600-1700 9485 120 Fr EaAF 1800-2200 9495 095 Fr EaEUR 1500-1600 9495 075 Fr EaEUR 1400-1500 9495 085 Fr EaEUR 1600-1800 9550 090 Fr NE/ME 0500-0700 9605 055 Fr EaEUR 1500-1600 9655 180 Ar NoAF 1600-1700 9715 245 Fr SoAM 0200-0300 2200-2300 9745 055 Fr EaEUR 0600-0700 9790 263 Fr CeAM 0000-0300 2200-2400 9790 130 Fr EaAF 1700-1800 9790 153 Fr CeAF 0400-0700 1800-2200 9790 070 Fr SoEaAS IND 1500-1700 9790 300 Fr NoAM 1130-1200 9790 180 Fr NoAF 0800-0900 9790 155 Fr NoAF 0700-0800 9790 185 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 9790 135 Fr EaAF 0300-0500 1800-2200 9790 070 Fr SoEaAS IND 1500-1700 9790 180 Fr NoAF 0800-0900 9790 155 Fr NoAF 1700-1800 9790 180 Fr NoAF 1500-1700 9790 204 Fr WeAF 0700-0800 1700-2100 9800 230 Fr SoAM 0000-0100 0130-0200 2200-2300 2330-2400 9800 230 Sp SoAM 0100-0130 2300-2330 9805 075 Fr EaEUR 1300-1400 9805 105 Fr EaAF 0500-0600 9805 098 S-C EaEUR 1500-1600 9805 250 085 Ro EaEUR 1600-1700 9805 055 Ru EaEUR 1400-1500 9805 075 E EaEUR 1200-1300 9805 075 Fr EaEUR 0600-1200 1300-1400 9845 120 Fr EaAF 0500-0600 9845 088 Ar NE/ME 1600-1800

11615 300 E NoAM 1200-1300 11615 140 Fr EaAF 1730-1800 11615 075 Fr EaEUR 1400-1500 11615 140 E EaAF 1600-1730 11615 100 Fr NE/ME 1500-1600 11670 060 Fr EaEUR 0900-1130 11670 105 Fr EaEUR 0700-0900 11670 075 Fr EaEUR 1400-1500 11670 060 Ru EaEUR 1400-1500 11670 050 Ru EaEUR 1400-1500 11685 100 Fr NE/ME 0600-0800 11700 300 Fr NoAM 1130-1300 11700 295 Fr NoAM 1100-1200 11700 185 Fr WeAF 0700-0800 11700 153 Fr NoAF 0600-0800 11700 135 Fr EaAF 0400-0600 11700 200 Fr WeAF NoAF 0800-0900 11705 162 Fr CeAF 1700-2000 11705 135 Fr EaAF 1800-2000 11705 130 Fr EaAF 1700-1800 11845 180 Fr NoAF 0800-1600 11845 250 180 FrNoAF 0900-1100 11965 185 Fr WeAF 1700-2000 11975 055 Fr EaEUR 0700-0900 11995 120 Fr EaAF 0600-0700 1800-1900 12015 162 Por CeAF 1700-1800 12015 203 Por WeAF 1700-1800 12030 070 E SoEaAS 1400-1500 15135 120 Fr EaAF 0700-0800 15155 080 Ru EaEUR 1400-1500 15155 080 Fr EaEUR 0800-1200 1300-1400 15155 080 E EaEUR 1200-1300 15155 135 Fr EaAF 0600-0700 15195 055 E EaEUR 1200-1300 15195 055 Fr EaEUR 0800-1200 1300-1400 15300 155 Fr NoAF 0900-1500 15300 153 Fr CeAF 0700-0900 1500-1700 15300 135 Fr EaAF 1500-1700 15300 204 Fr WeAF 0800-1700 15315 185 Fr WeAF 0800-1600 15365 300 Fr NoAM 1300-1600 15460 120 Fr EaAF 1500-1700 15530 273 E CeAM 1200-1300 15530 162 E CeAF 1600-1700 15605 095 Fr NE/ME 1400-1500 15605 088 Fr NE/ME 0800-1000 15605 100 Fr NE/ME 1000-1200 15605 095 Fr NE/ME 0700-1100 1400-1500 17575 273 E CeAM 1200-1300 17575 273 Fr CeAM 1130-1200 17605 138 Fr EaAF 1400-1600 17620 120 Fr EaAF 0700-1600 17620 185 Fr WeAF 0900-1700 17620 250 120 Fr EaAF 0700-1000 1400-1600 17650 100 Fr NE/ME 0800-1400 17800 138 Fr EaAF 0600-0800 17850 153 Fr CeAF 0800-1600 21580 156 Fr CeAF 0900-1500 21620 138 Fr EaAF 0700-1500 21620 250 138 Fr EaAF 1400-1500 21685 185 Fr WeAF 0900-1400 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

GABON Moyabi relay RFI W97 schedule, all 250 kW 4890 ND Fr CeAF 0400-0600 5945 045 Fr EaAFNE/ME 0300-0400 7135 307 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 7135 165 Fr CeAF 0400-0500 7135 ND Fr CeAF 0600-0800 7160 040 Fr CeAF EaAF 1800-2200 7315 040 Fr EaAF NE/ME 0300-0400 9790 ND Fr CeAF 1200-1400 9790 127 Fr CeAF 0400-0500 9790 307 Fr WeAF 1800-2200 9845 045 Fr EaAF NE/ME 0400-0500 9845 305 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 11700 307 E WeAF 1600-1700 11700 307 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 11700 125 Fr CeAF 0500-0600 11995 045 Fr EaAFNE/ME 0500-0600 12015 125 Por CeAF EaAF 1700-1800 12015 165 E CeAF 1600-1700 15315 305 Fr WeAF 0700-0800 15540 307 E WeAF 1200-1300 17560 045 E NE/ME 1400-1500 17605 127 Fr CeAF 1100-1200 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

GUIANA Fr Montsinery relay RFI W97 schedule, all 500 kW 5920 295 Fr CeAM 0130-0200 0400-0500 5920 295 Sp CeAM 0100-0130 1000-1030 9715 215 Fr SoAM 0000-0200 2300-2400 9790 280 Sp CeAM 1000-1030 9790 280 Fr CeAM 1030-1100 9790 320 Fr NoAM 0200-0300 9790 080 Fr WeAF 0600-0700 9790 295 Fr CeAM 0100-0200 9800 295 Fr CeAM 2330-2400 9800 280 Fr CeAM 0130-0200 0400-0500 9800 295 Sp CeAM 2300-2330 9800 310 Fr NoAM CeAM 0000-0100 9800 280 Sp CeAM 0100-0130 9800 295 Fr CeAM NoAM 0200-0400

11670 280 Fr CeAM 2330-2400 11670 215 Fr SoAM 1030-1200 11670 215 Sp SoAM 1000-1030 11670 295 Sp CeAM 1200-1230 11670 295 Fr CeAM 1100-1200 11670 280 Sp CeAM 2300-2330 11995 215 Por SoAM 2200-2300 11995 215 Sp SoAM 0100-0130 2300-2330 11995 165 Por SoAM 0000-0100 11995 215 Fr SoAM 0130-0200 2330-2400 13625 310 E CeAM 1200-1300 13625 155 Por SoAM 0000-0100 13625 310 Fr NoAM 1300-1400 13625 155 Fr SoAM 1030-1130 13640 280 Sp CeAM 1200-1230 13640 280 Fr CeAM 1100-1200 1230-1300 13640 305 Fr NoAM 2200-2300

15200 155 Por SoAM 0000-0100 2200-2300 15200 280 Sp CeAM 2100-2130 15200 280 Fr CeAM 2130-2200 15300 080 Fr WeAF 1700-2200 15435 215 Sp SoAM 1200-1230 15435 215 Fr SoAM 1230-1400 15515 280 Fr CeAM 1230-1330 15515 280 S Fr CeAM 1330-1400 15515 280 Sp CeAM 1300-1330 15515 280 Cr CeAM 1330-1400 17560 215 Sp SoAM 1200-1230 17560 215 Fr SoAM 1300-1400 17575 310 Fr NoAM 1400-1600 17575 295 Fr CeAM 2130-2200 17575 215 Sp SoAM 1400-1430 1600-1630 1800-1830 17575 215 Fr SoAM 1430-1600 17575 295 Sp CeAM 1400-1430 1600-1630 17620 155 Por SoAM 2200-2300 17620 080 Fr WeAF 1600-1700 17630 280 Fr CeAM 2130-2200 17630 280 Sp CeAM 1800-1830 2100-2130 17630 215 Sp SoAM 1600-1630 17860 295 Fr CeAM 1300-1330 1430-1600 17860 295 S Fr CeAM 1330-1400 17860 295 7 Cr CeAM 1330-1400 17860 295 Sp CeAM 1400-1430 1600-1630 21645 280 Sp CeAM 1400-1430 1600-1630 1800-1830 21645 280 Fr CeAM 1430-1600 21685 080 Fr WeAF 1400-1500 21765 215 Sp SoAM 1800-1830 2100-2130 21765 215 Fr SoAM 2130-2200 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

INDIA AIR Imphal 4775.1 1606 folk songs, male announcer, signing off somewhere between 1615 and 1625 UTC. I replayed the tape and caught a clear site ID and frequent mentions of Tamil. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 5)

INDONESIA 3264.8 1135 RRI Gorontalo with 43543, and RRI Bengkulu 3264.6 22532. 3905.1 RRI Merauke and RRI Banda Aceh 3904.8 1245-1321, 23/10. n v9614.3 0210- RRI Samarinda, 22/10, Jakarta relay "Vria Nusatan", 0215 ID "RRI Samarinda, provinci Kalimantan Timur". Seemingly active here at 0100-0500 UTC, but not// 3295 & 6135. // 9553 9562 9630 9741.8 11755 15125 all heard. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

VoINS Jakarta in E observed in EUR at 0100-0200 UTC on 9525 kHz. (WB Nov 2)

15150, RRI Jakarta, 1 Nov, 1221, Female speaker in BI with clear ID at 1221 as Radio Republiek Indonesia Jakarta programa nacional. 24333

15150, RRI Jakarta, 2 Nov, 1250-1303*, Popmx with Indonesian male songs, at 1252 2 male speakers in BI with mentionings of Jakarta and Irian Jaya at 1254, at 1256, they mentioned Jakarta and Malaysia and presumed Sulawesi followed by popmx with indonesian male songs, at 1259 hawaiwan type of guitarmx til 1301 then silence until 1303 s/off. 33333 (Van Rooy via DXW, Nov 2)

JAPAN Yamata relay RFI W97 schedule, 300 kW 6120 235 Vi SoEaAS 1400-1500 7140 290 Fr SoEaAS 1030-1200, Ch 1200-1300 9570 235 Fr SoEaAS 2300-2400 9660 290 Ch SoEaAS 0930-1030 9830 235 Fr SoEaAS 1030-1200 15440 235 Fr SoEaAS 0000-0030 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

NHK World ONLINE NHK World Radio Japan, the international TV and radio sce operated by the Japanese public broadcaster NHK, will hold a special event called "NHK World ONLINE" from Nov 10-23. During that period, NHK World will provide the following sces on the Internet on an experimental basis:

1 -- Video-On-Demand sce of NHK World's "Dayline Japan". NHK World's weekday TV nx progr in English will be available "on-demand" on the Internet via Realplayer software. The progr is bc worldwide via satellite and cable TV stns at 6 p.m. JT and will be updated on our homepage every weekday around 9 p.m. JT.

2 -- Audio sces of News and Programs. NHK World's radio sce "Radio Japan" bcs in 22 languages. News in 21 languages (excl Jap) and a current affairs progr in Japananese will be available on the Internet also via Realplayer software. The contents will be updated once a day.

3 -- Picture Card Show on the Net. A short progr explaining Japanese culture and society in various languages will be available on our homepage. The progr can be enjoyed through Realplayer software or Twin VQ software.

4 -- News Script Sce. NHK World's nx scripts in various languages will be displayed on our homepage. The scripts will be updated once a day.

5 -- NHK World Show Case. "What is NHK World?" "How can I watch NHK TV in Europe?" "Is there any information on Japan in Portuguese?" This is the place to answer all of these questions!

We will issue a special verification card to anyone who sends in an accurate reception report for the service 1, 2, and 3.

We will issue the card for Shortwave reception as well.

Please contact NHK World for details: fax + 81 3 3481 1350 homepage http://www.nhk.or.jp/world/ e-mail info@intl..or.jp

During the special event period, fr Nov 10-23: e-mail [email protected] homepage http://www.nhk.or.jp/world/ (NHK Radio Japan, via Th.Kubaczewski Berlin, Nov 6)

NHK Radio Japan schedule til March 31, 1998.

EUR 17630GAB 1100-1130 Sw/Ital 12030GAB 0430-0700 R/Sw/Ital/Ger/Sp 11760 0300-0400 NHK1, 0430-0645 R/Sw/Ital/Ger 11710UK 1000-1130 R/Ger 9600UK 0930-1000 Fr, 1100-1130 Ger 7230UK 0600-0800 E 7210UK 2000 NHK1 7110 1700 E, 1800-2000 GS, 2000 NHK1 6180UK 2300-0100 NHK1/E 6155UK 0000 E 6150UK 0500 E 6115UK 2200 NHK1 6095UK 0400 GS 6055UK 2200 NHK1 5975UK 0600 E 5960UK 0400 GS

ME 17820SLA 0400 GS 17770SLA 0600-0700 Ar/Fr 15230GAB 0700-1000 E/GS/GS 11880SLA 1700-1900 E/GS. 9515GAB 0300 NHK1, 0400-0430 Ar 6150GAB & 11760 0230-0300 Persian.

AF 21490ASC & 15400ASC 1300-1400 NHK1 17815ASC 0700-0900 E/GS, 0930-1000 Fr. 17780GAB 1000 GS. 15355GAB 1500 E. 15220ASC 0800 GS. 15120ASC 0930-1000 Fr. 13700 0300-0400 NHK1/Swah 6135ASC 0330-0400 Swahili

NoAM 13630 0100-0400 E/GS/NHK1, 2000-2200 NHK1/E. 11790 0100-0200 E. 11705CAN 1300-1500 NHK1. 9535 1500-2000 E/GS/E/GS/GS. 6180 & 9835 0600-0700 E. 6120CAN 1100-1300 E. 6110CAN 0400-0600 GS/E. 5960CAN 0200-0400 GS/NHK1.

America and Hawaii 15230 0300-0530 NHK1/GS/SP/E. 9835 0800-1000 GS. 9505 0600 E. 6190 1600-1800 GS/E.

CeAM 11895GUF 0300 NHK1. 9835 & 11895GUF 0430-0530 Sp/E.

SoAM 13680GUF 2200 NHK1. 9660GUF 0300-0500 NHK1/GS/Sp. 9530GUF & 9685 0930-1030 P/Sp. 6070GUF & 9685 0800-0930 GS.

OCE 21610 0100-0400 E/GS/NHK1. 17685 0300 E. 11920SNG 0500-0900 E/E/E/GS. 11850 0700-1000 E/GS/GS. 11850 2100-2300 NHK1. 7140 1800 GS. 6035SNG 1900-2100 GS/NHK1.

SoEaAS 17810 0100-0200 E, 0300-0500 NHK1/GS, 0600-0800 E. 11860SNG 0100-0300 E/GS. 11815 0800-1100 GS, 1100-1300 E. 11740SNG 0600-0800 E, 0800-1000 GS. 11665 2100-0000 NHK1. 9855 0900-1500 NHK1. 9825 2000-0000 NHK1. 7200 1400-1600 E, 1600-2100 GS/E/GS/GS/NHK1. 6035SNG 2100-2200 E.

15120 & 17685 0430-0530 Ch. 13650 2235-0010 C/M/T/E. 13630 2235-0010 In/V/B/E. 11740SNG 1130-1230 T/V. 11690 0930-1030 BI. 9855 1500 Ch. 9695 1030-1430 SoEAs langs In/B/C/T/V/M. 7260 1345-1415 Burmese.

AS 15570 0100 E, 0200 GS. 11910 0320-0420 Korean. 11910 & 15475 0420-0520 Ch. 11840 0200-0500 GS/NHK1/GS, 0500-0800 E. 11715 0500-0600 R. 9570 0900-1500 NHK1, 1500 E. 9560 & 11910 2000-2400 NHK1. 7125 0800-1100 GS, 1100-1300 E. 6145 & 6165 0745-0845 R. 6190 1030-1230 Kor/Ch. 6090 1300-1600 R/K/Ch, 2000 NHK1, 2100 E, 2115-2200 Kor. 6035 1600-1800 GS/E, 1800-2000 GS.

SoAS 11890SLA & 15590 0100 E. 15590 0200-0400 GS/NHK1. 15550 0600 E. 12045SLA 1130-1300 Be/Hi/Ur, 1300-1500 NHK1 11890SLA 0200-0330 Be/Hi/Ur. 11730 & 7240 1500 E. 11730 & 7225 1700 E. (NHK R Japan printed schedule, Nov 3)

JAP/SINGAPORE 11920 NHK Radio Japan, Kranji relay 0711-0720, male speaker with nx in English, financial nx, weather, top stories from other Asian bcs. //7230 Skelton-UK //17810 Yamata //17815-ASC. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 4)

KOREA D.P.R. n v4769.8 /0955-1026* R Pyongyang, only spradic active! Korean, no nx, revolutionary songs and ID only, progr time is 1005-1020 UTC. Not listed. 34433. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

KOREA/UK RKI Seoul via Skelton relay: 9510 Korean 0700-0800. 3970 German 2000, French 2100, E 2200-2230. (RVI Radio World, Nov 2)

LUXEMBOURG R Nederland's "Network Europe" progr via RTL MW tx Marnach 1440 kHz 600 kW at 324 degr towards GB & IRL: 0600-0700 & 1700-1800 UTC. (RVI Radio World, Nov 2)

MALAYSIA RTM Kajang, 4845 1558 tentat with folk song and male speaker, both sounding like Tamil, pips at the hour but too weak to pick up a definite ID. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 4) 15294.9 VoM Kajang 0756-0801 mx, male speaker in English, instrumental song, 2 tone TS, nx. Getting weaker. No ID heard, so tentative. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 4)

MOLDOVA Radio Moldova International Freq Schedule Valid 26 Oct 1997 - 28 Mar 1998 0230-0255 Spanish 9400 120 240 LAm 0300-0330 Romanian 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 0330-0355 English 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 0400-0425 Russian 6135 120 60 RUS 0430-0455 English 7500 120 315 USA/CAN 1200-1225 Spanish 15315 120 315 MEX 1230-1300 Romanian 9400 120 315 USA/CAN 1930-1955 Russian 7500 120 60 RUS 2000-2025* French 7520 120 275 F 2030-2055 Spanish 7520 120 275 E 2100-2125 French 7520 120 275 F 2130-2155 Spanish 7520 120 275 E 2200-2225 English 7520 120 300 G (conflict with co-ch RFA) 2300-2325 English 7520 120 300 G (conflict with co-ch RFA)

* Note: Acc to an agreement between Broadc.Institute at Moscow and US-FCC, freq 7520 kHz can be used by MDA-ROU at 2000 UTC with crash start only. No test tone and no carrier to be used before 2000 UTC. [via Erich Bergmann, Ansbach, Nov 2] Transmitter : Galbeni (near Bacau), Romania Address RMI, Str. Mioritsa 1, 277028 Chisinau, Moldova Tel. +373 2 723379 - Fax : +373 2 723307 (via Marc Vissers-BEL, DX Antwerp, Oct 24)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Many regional stns s/off at around 1200 UTC. 4890 NBC Port Moresby, new ID "This is the Voice of the Nation Karai Sce". The nx will be given only at 7pm/7am LT, because of weather problems and strong rain fall. 45544 (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

ROMANIA RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, W97 schedule. e-mail [email protected] Schedule received via coarse grained fax, therefore some frequencies are illegible

0700-0756 Arabic 15250illeg 15365 15380 17790 NE NoAF 1400-1456 Arabic 15365 17745 17790 21460/21560illeg NE NoAF 1800-1829 Armaneashti/Aromana MW 756 Dobrudja Balkan 2030-2059 Armaneashti/Aromana MW 756 7145 Dobrudja Balkan 0500-0530 Bulgarian MW 756 5955 Balkan 1530-1600 Bulgarian MW 756 5955 Balkan

0200-0256 English 6155 7195 9510 9570 9690 11940 NoAM JAP NZL 0400-0456 English 5990 6155 11740 15335 11940 NoAM SoAS 0600-0656 English 5965 6155 NoAM 0641-0656 English 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 0700-0756 English 17775 AF 1300-1356 English 15250 15390 17735 17745 WeEUR CAN 1700-1756 English 7195 9690 11940 WeEUR 2100-2156 English 5955 5990 6175 7195 We&No EUR 2300-2356 English 5955 7195 9570 11830 WeEUR NoAM

0500-0556 Francais 6155 9590 CAN 0615-0628 Francais 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 1100-1156 Francais 15250 17745 17790 21460/21480illeg WeEUR NoAF 1500-1556 Francais 11940 15380 15390 17790 WeEUR 2000-2056 Francais 5990 7195 9690 WeEUR 0628-0641 German 7105 9510 9625 11775 CeEUR 1200-1256 German 9690 11940 15365 [but really on 15390!] CeEUR 1600-1656 German 6175 7195 9690 CeEUR 1900-1956 German 5955 6040 7145 7195 CeEUR

1730-1756 Greek MW 756 6180 Balkan 1830-1900 Greek MW 756 6140 Greek 0500-0526 Hungarian Magyar nyelven 6140illeg HNG SVK UKR 2030-2056 Hungarian Magyar nyelven MW 630 5955 HNG SVK UKR 1400-1426 Italian MW 756 11810 Italy 1500-1526 Italian MW 756 11810 Italy 2000-2026 Italian MW 756 7120 Italy 1430-1456 Persian 11810 Iran 2000-2026 Persian 7105 9530illeg Iran 0100-0156 Portugues 9570 11830 Brazil 2200-2256 Portugues 9570 9665 11790 11830 Portugal Brazil

0000-0156 Romanian 9510 11940 WeEUR NoAM 0500-0556 Romanian 15335 17805/17895illeg AS 0600-0615 Romanian 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 1100-1156 Romanian 6185 15390 17775 Balkan EUR 1600-1656 Romanian 7105 9665 ISR NE ME 1800-1856 Romanian 5990 6135 7195 CeEUR 2100-2156 Romanian MW756 6055 7175 Balkan EUR 2300-2356 Romanian 9510 11910 LatAM

1300-1356 Russian 6185 9570 11775 Ea RUS FE 1500-1556 Russian 5965 7105 EUR RUS 1900-1956 Russian 5965 6085illeg EUR RUS 1700-1728 Serbian MW 756 exYUG 1900-1928 Serbian MW 756 exYUG 0000-0056 Spanish 7145 9570 9665 11830 LatAM 0300-0356 Spanish 6155 9570 LatAM 1800-1856 Spanish 9625 11810 15335 Spain 2200-2256 Spanish 9510 11940 Spain LatAM 1530-1556 Turkish MW756 5955 Balkan Turkey 1830-1856 Turkish MW756 5955 Balkan Turkey 0530-0556 Ukrainian 6085 UKR 1600-1626 Ukrainian MW756 5955 UKR (RRI printed schedule, Nov 2)

Not in printed schedule, but most likely also still relaying Romanian home sce progr: 0300-0700 7225 9690. 0700-1200 11940 15105. 1200-2100 11790 15105. 2100-0300 6105 9570. (ed)

RUSSIA Irkutsk relay RFI W97 schedule, 500 kW, antenna characteristics in brackets: 7305 180 Lao SoEaAS 1100-1200, Khmer 1200-1300[8/8/1 8x8=64 dipols!] 7420 152 Ch SoEaAS 0930-1030 [4/8/1 32 dipoles] 12025 180 Fr SoEaAS 0000-0100 2300-2400 [8/8/1 8x8=64 dipols!]

Novosibirsk relay RFI W97 schedule 5945 200 111 Ch SoEaAS 2200-2300 7430 500 125 Ch SoEaAS 1200-1300

Vladivostok relay RFI W97 schedule, 500 kW 7315 OUS 228 Ch SoEaAS 2200-2300 9830 OUS 228 Fr SoEaAS 2300-2400 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

17570, R St Thiky Okean Irkutsk 0815 Start of progr with male in russian: Govoryth Vladivostok followed by organ, Int Sig and noise of seawater and seabirds, followed by male in Russian with mentioning of regionale Radio Stansya Thiky Okean followed by female in Russian and popmx with Russian male songs, echo on this freq, //10344 on USB, the Irkutsk site suffered in the beginning of the progr of several short txion breakdowns. 10344 = Vladivostok site (usb) 24333; 17570 = Irkutsk site 34333. (Van Rooy via DXW, Nov 2)

ST. HELENA 11092.52, R. St. Helena, *1858-2304* Oct 26, PTP carrier suddenly in USB mode with trumpet fanfare IS played four times, brief march theme by band, ID for MW- 1548, then anmt of the special SW b/c on 11092.5 kHz, followed by message from the Governor marking the 7th anniversary of R. St Helena Day from "your friendly island stn, R. St Helena." Derek Richards then commenced hosting the prgm with several mx selections until the overseas phone calls started rolling in. Callers from S. Africa and Pacific regions generally seemed to indicate better propagation than last year, whereas callers from EUR and NoAM generally seemed to experience just fair rcpn compared with other b/c occasions. Constant hi-pitched ute carrier on USB marred rcpn quality; rather precise USB tuning was also required to minimize glaring audio distortion, notably on voice, from the 1.5 kw C&W tx. Also 2259-2304*--retuned to catch closing anmt, incl indication there would be another b/c next year from "R. St Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean." tx remained on and after pause: "and now for our local listeners on R. St. Helena, it's 11 o'clock." Closing devotional message/choral, then, without further s/off anmt, directly into GSTQ at 2303. Signal was just as strong as before, S9+ on peaks. (Clark-ONT)

Fairly good signal on this year's event, although a droning ute noise constantly audible near freq. Some pop mx, but mainly phone calls from foreign DXers and several ments. of a contest. Had to turn it off prematurely due to local thunderstorm. (Zeller-OH, both via NU 1448)

"Thank you to all of you who E-mailed me during the bc. It was really a thrill reading all those E-mails dropping in. As you understand, just a few could be read, as the telephone-line was really 'hot' all the time. If you remembered, I asked you just to send short messsages. Well, most of you did, but there were also some rcpn rpts as well. We are a little old-fashioned here at R. St Helena, so when the RMS anchors with mailbags, we act like children--are there any letters for me? Please, don't take this moment away from us--it's just that mail lets us remember the b/c a little longer. So please, send all rcpn rpts by snail-mail. Greetings to all of you from me and the rest of the crew at R. St Helena, "The Voice of the South Atlantic." (Derek Richards, R. St. Helena, via the RSH Mailing List)

SOLOMON ISL. 5020 /1855- SIBC, noted regular, IS, choir NA, English ID & QRG's, religpx, 1930 Pidgin nx, best 35543. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

SOUTH AFRICA Meyerton relay RFI W97 schedule, 250 kW 7135 019 Fr EaAF 0300-0400 (RFI schedule via Michiel Schaay-HOL, Oct 30)

SRI LANKA New VoA relay Iranawila test freqs available at various times, 0300-1400: 5960, 6000, 6055, 6180, 7110, 7200, 7295, 9530, 9610, 9655, 9660, 9705, 9710, 9780, 9850, 9875, 11695, 11775, 11835, 11905, 12020, 13610, 13730, 13795, 15105, 15110, 15290, 15295, 15535, 17565, 17720, 17735, 17895, 21460, 21610 & 21835. "The new IBB facility at Iranawila is testing today, Oct 30, on 17895 kHz, with 1 kHz tones, from now [0949 EST, I think--Jerry Berg NU] till 1400 UTC." (Dan Ferguson-VA, fr NU 1447-A, Oct 30)

UNID/PORTUGAL n7110, 1810-1830, 21/10, Port, sport report, football live coverage. Cochannel three other stations and a bubble jammer. Maputo-MOZ? with 10 kW? [No, usually RDP Lisbon football coverage of European Nation and Clubs Cup competition, RDP here 0800-2100 to EUR (x6130 on previous season), c.f. BC-DX #334.] (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25)

USA LeaSea Broadcasting (WHRI) has purchased WVHA in Maine and plans to be on the air by Xmas. (George Jacobs Assoc. via Paul McDonough-MA, NU Nov 2) ex WCSN. LeSEA Bcing -- parent organization of World Harvest Radio -- has purchased the former WVHA SW stn stn in Maine. The deal is complete and only needs FCC approval. Progr will start as soon as possible, and will be similar to WHRI's and KWHR's. The call letters for the Maine SW will be WHRA - World Harvest Radio Africa. The stn will be bc with 250 kW tx power. A target date of Dec 1st has been set to begin regular progr for KWHR Angel 4 to the SoPAC. The simulcast with our local South Bend stn, Pulse FM, will continue until then. (Brashier via Cumbre DX, and direct, Oct 28/31) n3600 1420-1500 VOA (unid site-?), 23/10, E "Asia Report", nx. Editorial on NATO, QRM free on lsb mode. //Poro 1143, 9670, 15425. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 25) [3600 half of 7200 kHz, Poro?-PHL or new VoA Iranawila relay spurious signal?]

WORLD OF RADIO schedule, eff Nov 4: WWCR Nashville, Thur 2130 15685 [9475 fr Dec], Sat 0700 5070 AND 3210, Sat 1230 5070, Sun 0730 5070 new, Mon 0400 3215, Tue 1330 15685. WWCR Nashville, 1300 WWCR Ave., Nashville, TN 37218 USA http://www.wwcr.com E-mail:

RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-2400 period, 7385 2200-1200, 6070-USB 0000- 1200, 21465-USB probably 1800-2400, as resumed at least testing from Nov 3. Radio for Peace International, Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica; or P.O. Box 20728, Portland, OR 97294, USA http://www.clark.net/pub/cwilkins/rfpi e-mail

On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0500 on 5085-USB. If the tape arrives before Mon addit unscheduled times may occur, such as UT Mon 0600 on 5085-USB or on 9400 Sat, Sun daytime. If the tape does not arrive until Tues, backup time is UT Wed at 0600. (Glenn Hauser-OK, Nov 4)

SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother Stair's relays via Germany are now underway, on somewhat different sked than originally in DTK Juelich listings: 0000-0200 5840, 0200-0400 5880, 7335 (swamping CHU which never gets any respect), all to NoAm, as announced by B.S. on non //WWCR-7435 at 0237 Nov 4 and confirmed; rest of the sked he gave, mostly with incorrect local time conversions, so let's hope the freqs are right: 0600-0800 ANZ 9500, 1600-1800 EUR 6175, 1700-1900 ME 11650. Says he has option to go 24 hrs on "Radio Jewlick". (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 4))

DXING WITH CUMBRE SCHEDULE AS OF OCT 26, 1997. Note that the times for WHRI have been changed to reflect the USA's return to Standard Time. KWHR's times have not been changed. There are a few freq changes.

WHRI Angel 1 (AMs / Caribbean) 0600-0630 Sat 7315 1830-1900 Sat 9495 2330-2400 Sat 9495 WHRI Angel 2 (EUR / ME / AF / RUS / NoAM) 0600-0630 Sat new freq 5760 1530-1600 Sat new freq 13760 2300-2330 Sat 5745 1830-1900 Sun 13760 KWHR Angel 3 (AS / PAC) 0230-0300 Sat 17510 1200-1230 Sat 9930 1630-1700 Sun new freq 7560 1830-1900 Sun new freq 7560 (Cumbre Dx, Nov 1)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent home sce relay first progr at 0100 on 5995 kHz. In German noted on winter freq 7105 (x9545) at 1935-2030. //5035 5060 6230 9540, and 11905. English at 2130-2200 on 7105 & 9540 kHz. Morning ME/SoAS sce 0100-0230 E, Dari, Pushtu noted on 5955 5975 9540. Afternoon sce in E, Hindi and Urdu to ME/SoAS 1200-1500 now on 5975 6025 9715 kHz. (WB Oct 31/Nov 1-3)

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 336 15 Nov 1997 ______

Total solar activity black out. When listening to Radio Netherlands yesterday (Nov 6) at noon on [DTK Juelich] 6045 kHz to hear their Media Network, it was SINPO 5x5. Five minutes before the start of Media Network at 1152 UTC I had a telephone call, and when I returned, 6045 kHz was totally silent. I checked some other receivers - everything was silent - no stations at all were heard from 13 to 49 meters, EXCEPT for an extremely strong signal from Norway on 9905 kHz. During my almost 40 years of SWL'ing I've never experienced such a total SW fade out! It lasted about 10 minutes on each side of 12 UTC (approx 1150-1210 UTC)...and it was most interesting to hear stations return! (Erik Koie-DEN OZ3YI, Nov 7)

In previous days I got some advice from a lot of keen people, to tell me about coming total black out on shortwave, predicted for Wed, Nov 5th. BUT concerned me only indirect, because I stay at the office the whole day, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. I always set my UHER tape machine of ancient 1972 usually to RNMN Juelich 6045 kHz 1152-1225 on Thurs[!], and yesterday when I checked the tape, I heard only noise on my tape, I was wondering, when I tried to listen to the tape at about 2000 UTC. And then helped me to follow the RNMN via MW Wolvertem 1512 kHz at 2152 UTC onwards. So, you gave me the explanation for that MN gap, hi! [ed]

The predicted propagation disturbance lasted still the whole Friday, Nov 7th. At 2200- 2400 UTC only the following stn could be noted on higher shortwave bands: 9757-MRC, 9690-RRW, 9765-RRW, 11785-RRW, 11820 Nauen, 11835-ASC, 13780 Sines-POR, 15335 RTM Briech-MRC, 15345-ARG. Today Sun Nov 9th afternoon, ionosphere becoming normal conditions, receiving signals from every corner of the world again. (WB Nov 9)

The 4th largest solar flare in history today (X9), Nov 6, was reported on tonight's Media Network program. Conditions will be disturbed through Monday. If this is really the 4th largest solar flare in history, could be some really strange propagation over the next 3 or 4 days. There was a big bump in the proton level today and the K index was about 4 when I looked at 2200 UTC. (Buch via Cumbre Dx, Nov 7)

ALBANIA From Oct 29 TWR Russian sce, after my advance, changed the freq [Cerrik-ALB] 7355 to a new 7315 kHz, //5890 also 100 kW. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Nov 8)

AUSTRALIA/USA Plans to bc Radio Free Asia from Darwin condemned. Shadow Communic Minister says it is disgraceful that the federal govt is even considering allowing the US's to bc into Asia from Australia. Radio Australia's [RA] tx [at Cox Peninsula, near Darwin] in the Northern Territory, abandoned [earlier this year] because of budget cuts, is wanted by Radio Free Asia [RFA], which wants to bc into CHN and VTN. Unlike Radio Australia, RFA's sce is not an impartial sce. It is a part of the outrageous outcome of this govt's cut, destroying RA effectively in the recent budget. We [the Labor Party] spent 30m dollars when we were in govt upgrading the txs at Cox Peninsula to give RA a decent coverage of all of southeast and north Asia. And now they have that money used by RFA, which is not noted for being factual or unbiased - it pumps out a particular line. It really is disgraceful that that is going to replace 50 years of RA having a reputation of being a factual, even-handed broadcaster into Asia. RA boss says RFA move "not welcome news" (RA Nov 4, via BBCM/AGDX)

The manager of RA, Jean-Gabriel Manguy, says the possibility of a US stn using txs near Darwin to bc into Asia is not welcome news. Speaking to the ABC's Darwin office, Mr Manguy says the proposal for the US Congress- funded Radio Free Asia [RFA] to transmit from the Northern Territory is a concern because of its progrs' agenda. [Manguy] From what we understand it's not so much that RFA wants to buy the txs as to lease the txs. So therefore the decision comes to the Australian govt and the govt has to do decide what it wants to do. Certainly at RA people are amazed that somebody else should be using what we consider are national txs, of course. (RA Nov 6, via BBCM/AGDX)

The old RA Darwin txs will not be used by Radio Free Asia for txions into China, Cambodia and the southeast Asian sub-continent. This was announced yesterday by Australia's Foreign Affairs Dept. Reasons cited were both technical as well as political: Technical -- because it concerned a 3-month trial period. Since the txs had been mothballed, recommissioning them for such a short period would not have been "cost- effective". Political -- such transmissions by US-based propaganda were deemed to be "not conducive" to Australia's interests and good relations with China and "inappropriate" for other parts of Asia. (Dick W. Speekman-AUS, Nov 8)

CAMBODIA National Radio Phnomh Penh observed fr 1300-1313* c/down on v11940.33 kHz. (WB Nov 9) 1215-1228* in French nx report CBG mx, moderate. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 29)

CANADA Concerning RCI and the W97 schedules, the updating concerns only the 0300-0400 programming to the Caribbean, which will continue to be Canadian Forces Network programming on UTC Tue-Sat. You may note that the 0600-0700 CFN block is listed both under English and French for the whole hour. I checked with Gerald Theoret, our Frequency Manager, and he said that was because CFN was reserving the right to alter the content of the hour from the present 30 mins in English and 30 mins in French, should the need arise. One change from the printed schedule concerns the 2230-2300 Mon-Fri programming in French. Instead of being a relay from the dom SRC network, this slot is filled, as of 27 Oct, with an RCI-produced progr entitled "Canada Ce Soir." It's a nx & magazine progr, especially intended for Canadians living or travelling abroad. (Bill Westenhaver at RCI, via EDXP, Oct 31)

CHINA Guizhou People's Broadcasting Station. ID "Guizhou Renmin Guangbo Diantai" Address: 259 Qingyun Lu, Guiyang, Guizhou 550002. Ch 2210-0600 & 0850-1605 UTC 7275 3260 1026 927 765 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 6)

CLANDESTINE 9230 from SUDAN? to ERITREA? Sowt al Haq (Voice of Truth) New stn. After listening to Steve Martin's tape, I asked Dave Kenny of BBCMS if they could take a listen for this stn. Here is what he had to say (Johnson) Sowt al Haq appears to be an Eritrean opposition stn run by the Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement. BBCMS is hearing it at 1415-1445 in Eritrean and 1500-1530 in Ar. Just a guess, but it may be from a tx in Sudan (the Voice of Sudan opposition stn is believed to bc from Eritrea). (Dave Kenny BBCMS, via Cumbre Dx, Nov 11)

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Cristal Internacional, Santo Domingo, 5013.50, 2153 UTC, continous talks, nx reports from CeAM, sub-standard modulation, 2219 ID, SINPO 34343 at times. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 6)

ECUADOR HCJB, The Voice of the Andes will be presenting a three week dramatic special in February. Called "Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom," the new radio drama will focus on the German pastor and theologian who wrestled with the role of faith in a godless society. Created by Focus on the Family Radio Theater, this outstanding, fully produced drama presents the life of one of Christendom's greatest thinkers. Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life and writings (including the now classic "The Cost of Discipleship" and "Letters and Papers From Prison") emphasized his conviction and faith in God's grace, love and justice, even in a society that tried to obliterate such beliefs. "Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom" explores Bonhoeffer's personal struggle with his growing faith as it played out against the Third Reich's oppression of Jews and the German church. At heart was his desire to remain loyal to his homeland while refusing to take part in its evil. But the conflict between his beliefs as a Christian and his duty as a German forced him to take a stand that alienated him from his government and the church itself. Ultimately, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was invited to join the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler and his Nazis. And in so doing. Bonhoeffer's convictions and conclusions led him into international intrigue, on missions to help Jews escape Germany and, finally, his arrest by the Nazis. The story of one man's battle against the evils of Nazism, a decadent culture and compromising church, "Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom" highlights the remarkable parallels between ideologies of the past and those that prevail in society today. Faith. Liberty. Freedom. Find out what they're worth by tuning in to "Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom" on HCJB February 1, 8 and 15th.

TO EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST: 0700 UTC on 5865 and 9365 kHz. 1900 UTC on 12015 kHz

TO THE SOUTH PACIFIC AND ASIA: 0900 UTC on 9645 kHz TO THE AMERICAS 0100 and 0400 UTC Mon (NoAM Sunday evening LT) on 9745 kHz (Kenneth D. MacHarg-EQA, Nov 11)

GEORGIA 6290 1805- Voice Of Hope, 1805, male with syndicated religion, very loud hum/buzz on txion. Gave addr in England and announcements giving freq as 9310kHz. (Ormandy-NZL, via TFW, Oct 26)

6290, Voice of Hope EG progr hrd at 1950 Nov 8, strong but overmodulated signal (tho modulation better during the 2030 progr). Recorded private religious progrs, with VoH IDs at 1958, 2028, 2058, and off at 2100*. Invited rpts to the Hereford address. I don't recall running across this freq before; however, 6290 is listed as the freq of the "Voice of Hope Europe--Beacon" sce at http://www.highadventure.org/hiadvj.html

I believe that is what they call the European sce txed from Georgia. There are also some interesting stn photos on the "List of VOH Stns" page at this website. (Berg-MA & Rausch-NJ, via NU Nov 9)

GERMANY 6175 1600- Brother Stair The Overcomer Ministry noted with progr about end- time-message from god about the destruction of the US, addr is Brother Stair, Box 691 in SC 29488 Walterboro, U.S.A., this one is a relay via Deutsche Telekom in Juelich. Goog reception until 1630. (Schoech GER, via TDW Nov 1)

GERMANY\POLAND\PORTUGAL Yesterday Nov 11 I tried 5840, 5890 and 6175 twice at 1915 and 1945, but found both channels empty (resp. otherwhise occupied). But possibly Juelich was for 49 mb always in dead zone here. I wouldn't think, that Polskie Radio uses Radio Renascenca as test signal, because that wouldn't make sense. Furthermore I presume, Juelich would pick Polskie Radio from the "Eutelsat Hot Bird" satellite instead of establishing a separate feeder landline.

On 10th about 1945-1955 could listen to a fine [44554] signal on 5840 obviously via Juelich, and in an East European language, most likely Ukrainian, because some items sounded more close to Polish language. But I am not shure, today 1900-1930 seemingly Ukrainian, then 1930-1955 tentatively in Polish???

All your confusion tend towards this solution: -->>> four <<< 50 mb outlets from Juelich at 1900-2000 time slot.

-- PR5 in Ukr/Polish on 5840

-- PR5 in Russian on 5850

-- AWR in Romanian 5890, but mixture signal coupled by PR5 Polish audio from 5840 kHz,

-- RVI Brussels on 5910, an UNID underneath, but couldn't identify, if this was a piece of either PR5 or AWR audio mixture signal. Or it is even Moscow in Russian, 20 kW.

-- 5890 no Portuguese, but Romanian instead. But seemingly wrong feeder line fr Eutelsat Hot Bird satellite.

[follow-up] After being relayed by DTK for three days, R Renascenca has disappeared from the air. Polish Radio is heard 1900-1930 on 5840, 5890 and 1930-2000 on 5840 in Russian, 1930-2000 on 5850 in Ukrainian. (Nick Pashkevich-RUS, Nov 13)

GREECE [non] /USA For propagation snobs: ERT Athens 1200-1350 heard today via Delano- California instead of Kavalla 12015 and 15175, Avlis 15630, remarkable delay of one and a half seconds at least. Separate AF progr on single 11645 only. (WB Nov 9)

INDONESIA 2899.3 1248-1305 RPDT2 Ngada poor signal on Oct 21. 1300 RRI Jakarta relay, very weak, strong splatter, best on LSB mode reception. 3264.6 (x3264.8) RRI Gorontalo 1135-1215, beware of much weaker RRI Bangkulu on 3264.4 kHz, Oct 23/Nov 3. 3384.9 1315-1340 RRI Kupang good signal on Oct 26. 3542 1120-1230 RDPT2 Sumba Timur, Waingapu, south sea mx like PNG regionals progr, signal poor to moderate, Oct 26. n3904.8 RRI Banda Aceh, weak signal, take care of RRI Marauke on 3905.1, which is also active at this time, Oct 23. nv3976.10 ... .46 kHz RRI Surabaya, 1050-1340, clear ID's at this time span, but very weak, strong splatter fr RRI Pointianak, Oct 31 + Nov 4. 4606.4 1214-1220 RRI Seuri, ID, traditional mx, best 35433, Oct 30. n4845.2 RRI Ambon, 0940-1115, again active, weak to moderate, Nov 3 + 4. 9565 RRI Nasional Jakarta satu, ID at 0230 UTC, agrar report, 0259-0306 Warta Berita, Bagimu Negri, Gamelan mx. //9630, 15125, Oct 31. 9614.2 new RRI Samarinda approx. 0100-0700 UTC, Oct 31 + Nov 2.

9525 VoINS Jakarta 0115-0200*, E px, "Indonesia My Country" report on Central Java, historical houses in the town of Kudus, old Javanese songs. //unannounced 11785. Schedule given for English 9525 kHz 0100, 0800, 2200 UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 31)

VoINS Jakarta in English at 0100 UTC fine signal on 9525 kHz. (WB Nov 9)

IRAN IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, updated in last week acc observations by yours truly: 0030-0125 English 6050 9022 9685 0030-0130 Bengali 9575 0030-0330 Arabic 9685 0100-0200 Persian 7180 0130-0330 Spanish 6015 6175 0130-1330 Persian 15365 15084 0330-0427 Swahili 13605 11750 0330-0730 Arabic 7130 11910 15350 0430-0530 Turkish 9540 11790 0530-0627 Bosnian 15230 13610 9520 0530-0627 Spanish 11790 15260 0545-0620 Hausa 11720 0630-0725 Italian 13605 15084 15230 0630-0730 French 11790 15260 15325 0930-0957 Armenian 9615 11705 0930-1530 Arabic 11745 1100-1230 English 15260 11875 11830 9585 1200-1255 Italian 13605 15084 15350 1230-1330 Pashto 15260 11875 11830 9585 1230-1400 Azeri 9735 1330-1430 Chinese 6050 7215 1330-1430 Malay 15330 15260 11885 11750 7180/7160 6050 1330-1430 Urdu 15260 11875 11830 9585 1330-1700 Arabic 9650 11995 1330-2000 Persian 6020 1400-1500 Russian 11960 11930 9735 1430-1525 Bengali 11790 13605 7214 1500-1526 Kazakh 9585 7160 1530-1625 Russian 7260 9022 9735 1530-1630 English 7215 11790 13605 1630-1725 Uzbek 7215 1630-1727 Armenian 6005 9615 11720 1630-1730 Persian 7230 1630-1730 Turkish 9735 1630-2030 Persian 6005 1700-1727 Swahili 7160 9685 (old time?) 1700-2130 Arabic 7190 9665 (2000-2030 Voice of Palestine noted on 7190) 1700-2230 Arabic 6025 1730-1827 German 7160 7260 9022 1730-1827 Swahili 9650 1730-1830 Bosnian 9615 7140 7340 1730-1830 Russian 7115 7290 1830-1900 Albanian 9615 7140 7340 1830-1927 French 7260 7160 9022 1900-1927 Italian 9615 7140 7340 1930-2030 English 9022 7260 7160 1930-2030 Persian 7130 1930-2030 Russian 7175 7290 7305 9740 1945-2015 Hausa 11720 9605 2130-2225 Bosnian 7170 7145 7125 2130-2225 English 6175 6165 2230-2325 French 6030 7260 9022 2230-2325 Persian 7145 7125 2330-0025 Chinese 7215 (Nov 8)

IRELAND [BBC / Merlin] Radio Telefis Eireann, Ireland's national broadcaster, is txing special progrs on SW, RTE will cover the football world cup match Belgium vv Ireland in Brussels on Sat Nov 15th, from 1900 UTC. Hired SW txs, using 6010 7110 9330 9565, and 9860 kHz. 7110 kHz obviously not fr UK, likely in usage for AUS coverage via Kranji Singapore site?] for this match coverage. The above progr will also be available in audio on RTE's Internet site: http://www.rte.ie (RNMN Nov 13)

KOREA (Rep of) 9650 Radio Korea [via RCI Sackville relay] 1140 UTC "Multiwave Feedback" (formerly known as Shortwave Feedback) in English. Per announcement, the progam name change was made on Nov 2nd, due to the addition of RealAudio on the updated RKI web pages.(Mark Fine-USA, Nov 9)

RADIO KOREA INTERNATIONAL, Frequency Schedule, eff Oct 26, 1997 3970 G Skelton 250 93 Eu 1800-1900 Ru 3970 G Skelton 250 105 Eu 2000-2100 Ge 250 175 Eu 2100-2200 Fr 250 105 Eu 2200-2230 En 5975 KOR ND 0800 Ja, 0900 Ko, 1100 Ru, 1200 Ja, 1300 Ch, 1400-1500 Ja 5975 KOR ND 1600 En, 1700-1900 Ko, 1900 En, 2000 Ru, 2100 Ko, 2200 Ch, 2300-0100 Ko 6135 KOR ND 1000 Ko, 1100 Ru, 1200 Ja, 1300-1400 Ch 6145 CAN Sackville 250 212 eNAm 1100-1130 Ko (NS) 6150 KOR EUR 2200-2300 Sp 6480 KOR EUR 1800 Ge, 1900 Ar, 2000 Sp, 2100-2130 En 7275 KOR ND 0800 Ja, 0900 Ko, 1100-1200 Ru 7275 KOR ND 1400 Ja, 1500 Ru, 1600 Ar, 1700 Fr, 1800 Ge, 1900 En, 2000 Sp, 2100 Ko, 2200 Ch, 2300-0000 BI 7275 KOR ND 0100 Ko, 0200 En, 0300-0400 Ko 7285 KOR CHN 1200 En, 1300-1400 Ch 7550 KOR EUR 0700-0800 Ko 7550 KOR SoAM 0900 Ko, 1000-1100 Sp 7550 KOR EUR 1600 Ar, 1700-1900 Ko, 1900 Ar, 2000-2100 Ge 9510 G Skelton 300 110 Eu 0700-0800 Ko 9515 KOR ME/AF 1600 En, 1700 Fr, 1800 Sp, 1900-2000 Ar 9570 KOR AUS 0800 En, 0900-1100 Ko; SoEaAS 1130-1230 BI, 1230-1300 En 9580 KOR SoAM 1000 Sp, 1100-1130 Ko (NS) 9640 KOR ND 0800-0900 Ja 9640 KOR ND 1100 Ko (NS), 1130 Ch, 1230 En, 1300-1400 Ko 9650 CAN Sackville 250 240 eNAm 1100 Ko (NS), 1130-1200 En 9870 KOR ME/AF 1600 En, 1700 Fr, 1800 Sp, 1900 Fr, 2000 Sp, 2100-2200 Ar 11715 CAN Sackville 250 176 SAm 1000-1030 Sp 11725 KOR SoAM 0100-0200 Sp, 0200 En, 0300-0400 Ko 11810 KOR SoAM 0000-0100 Ja, 0100 Sp, 0200 En, 0300-0400 Ko 13670 KOR EUR 0800 En, 0900-1100 Ko 13670 KOR SoEaAS 1130 BI, 1230 En, 1300 Ko, 1400-1500 BI 15575 KOR EUR 1700 Ko, 1900 Ar, 2000 Ge, 2100-2200 En 15575 KOR NoAM 2300 Ko, 0100 Sp, 0200 En, 0300-0400 Ko NS = Korean News Sce. (Compiled By Marc Vissers from RKI printed schedule. Marc Vissers-BEL, DX-Antwerp, Nov 11)

LITHUANIA Lithuanian Radio Changes ITS MW Frequencies again. On Nov 7, 1997, Lithuanian Radio reactivated some of its MW stns that were closed on Sept 1 due to financial saving policy. Not all of the stns were reactivated, and some of the reactivated stns operate at reduced power and on different freqs. Lithuanian Radio now bcs its two progrs on MW as follows:

kHz Station Power,kW Prgr 612 Vilnius 20 2 612 Klaipeda 20 2 666 Sitkunai 500 1 1107 Sitkunai 30 2 1107 Viesintos 20 2 1107 Bubiai 7 2 1107 Druskininkai 7 2 1557 Vilnius 10 1 1557 Klaipeda 10 1 As usually, the changes took place without advance warning. It seems like Lithuanian Radio has no plan about what it should broadcast on what freqs at what time. Sporadic and unexplainable changes just confirm that. (Sigitas Zilionis, DX Editor, Nov 9)

MALTA W97 sked for Voice of the Mediterranean: 7440 Mon-Sat 2000-2100 En, 2100-2200 Ar; Fri 2000-2200 Ar; Sun 2000-2100 En, 2100-2130 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge - EUR/Mediterranean region; 15550 17570: Sun 0200-0330 En, 0330-0500 Maltese - AUS/NZL; 17570: Sun 0500-0530 Ja - Japan; 9660: daily 1200-1300, Sun 0900-1230 EUR and Mediterranean; 0810: Sun 1900-2000 En, 2000-2100 Maltese, 2100-2130 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge, 2200-2300 Ja - NoAM. (Not yet operational). The daily progrs are presented under the title "Voice of the Mediterranean"; Sun midday progrs 0200-0530 in En, Maltese and Ja are presented under the title "Radio Melita"; the Sun evening progrs 2000-2200 are under the title of "Valetta Calling". (VoM / Bob Padula-AUS, Nov 11) [Ed: All txers presumed to be in Russia, sites not specified. BP)

NIGER 5020, Niamey, seems definitely off. They were barely audible some weeks back, and then one night when I checked at 1930 there was a huge signal but it turned out to be Honiara. That's a thrill. I see Roland Schulze in the PHL reporting better signals from them. I feel they have either refurbished the tx or have a new tx, or have done up the antenna. Being an antenna-crazy guy, I don't know why some of these stns don't invest in a little more copper cable, etc! (Victor Goonetilleke-SL 4S7VK, via NU, Nov 9)

NIGERIA [non, clandestine] Voice of Free Nigeria is operated by the Free Nigeria Movement (FNM) which says that the stn is intended to serve as a "source of information, education and entertainment to the Nigerian people" and will deal with "matters pertaining to Nigeria of the past, present and the future as envisioned by the FNM". It opposes the current Nigerian govt and was inaugurated on 12th June 1997. Voice of Free Nigeria is believed to use a tx in Algeria. Sat 1900-2000 English 11715 MULTILINGUAL. Voice of Free Nigeria, P.O.Box 441395, Indianapolis, IN 46244, USA. Tel: +1 - 317 - 216 - 4590 e-mail: fnmix.netcom.com http://pw2.netcom.com/~fnm (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 6)

PAKISTAN Engl slow speed nx at 1105-1120 UTC on new 15550.3 (x15530) and 17835.15 kHz [0800-1120], but announced the following freqs: 7475 for India, 11760, 13620, and 15485 to SoAS. English til 1615, then Hindi 1615-1700 UTC on v7482.58 kHz. (WB Nov 8)

And that's about R PAK changes. I don't yet have their D-97 sched, but have noted the following: Urdu WS 0800-1103 & English Slow Speed bulletin 1105-1120 to WeEUR on 15550 (x15530) and in //17835. Tamil 1000-1030 15465 (x15330) //13665. Bangla 1200-1245 11975 (x11970) // 9785. Irani 1300-1345 11975 (x11910) // 9775 (x9785). Urdu WS Gulf & ME 1330-1530 11570 (x11565) 9650 (x9515), Karachi v15375. English 1600-1615 nx, 1615-1630 Engl Slow Speed bulletin, as Urdu 1330-1530, & to EaAF on 15570 & 17720 not audible in UK. Urdu 1700-1900 WS to WeEUR not changed, 9330 & 11570. Arabic 1800-1845 9425 (x9585) & 7460 (x7145). French 1930-2000 to WeEUR not changed 11570, to No&WeAF 9710 (x9585). Services not mentioned not traced so far. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 9)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG regionals, some of the stns are inactive lately. kHz stn 1000-1200 2000-2100 UTC days in Oct '97 2410 R Enga a a 21-29 3205 R Sandaun a 16 3220 R Morobe a 28 3235 R West New Britain i i total inactive since Oct 1st due to flood.

3245 R Gulf Karema a i active again, has got new tx? 3260 R Madang a 27-29 3275 R Southern Highlands a 27-29 had problems with thieves and vandals. 3290 R Central i i inactive at all 3305 R Western a 16 3315 R R Manus a a 17-29 3325 R Bougainville a i presumbl. 21-29 irregularly due to lack of funds. 3335 R East Sepik i i inactive 3345 R Northern i i inactive 3355 R Simbu i i inactive 3365 R Milne Bay i i inactive 3375 R Western Highlands a a 17-29 had problems with thieves and vandals. 3385 R Eastern New Britain a a 20-29 3395 R Eastern Highlands a i 28-29 3905 R New Ireland a a 17-29 3245 R Gulf Karema is active again, E & Pidgin 1020-1114* UTC low modulation, poor to weak, native drums, 1104 nx in E, 113 the main points again, no closing ann, no NA, suddenly switched off. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Oct 30; Johnson via WDXC Nov)

PARAGUAY Radio Nacional seems to have severe tx problems at times. They were causing severe splatter on their 9736 (nominal) channel, with severe QRN spreading from 9730- 9756 kHz, at times making HCJB on 9745 Khz at 0100 on the 9th virtually useless. (Daryl Rocker-USA, Nov 9) Mohawk Valley SWL Club DX Camp #4. Other loggings and items of interest will be posted soon at our web site: http://www.angelfire.com/mo/mvswlc/index.html

PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio is using a tx fr Radio Veritas Asia Manila at Palauig, PHL for it's daily txion in Chinese to EaAS 1230-1315 UTC. The freq is 6020 kHz with a power of 250 kW, beamed at 355 degr, this acc to the HFCC W97 schedule (site 'PUG'). (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 12)

PORTUGAL RDP Lisbon 9780 kHz has a harmonic on 19560 kHz, noted at 1230 UTC, //17725 kHz. DW Sines 6025 English to WeAF at 0600-0650 UTC, //Nauen 7225. (WB Nov 9)

ROMANIA The Romanian HS 17850 is causing much disturbance and radiating only "noise" (like a roar). Was spreading over 17820 to 17880, but now confined mostly to 17840- 17860! //15105 also noisy with hum and low audio. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 10)

RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, W97 schedule. e-mail [email protected] Schedule received via coarse grained fax, therefore some frequencies are illegible

0700-0756 Arabic 15250 15365 15380 17790 (rep 17720) NE NoAF 1400-1456 Arabic rep 11740 rep15250 15365 17745 17790 (21460/21560illeg) NE NoAF 1800-1829 Armaneashti/Aromana MW 756 Dobrudja Balkan 2030-2059 Armaneashti/Aromana MW 756 7145 Dobrudja Balkan 0500-0530 Bulgarian MW 756 5955 Balkan 1530-1600 Bulgarian MW 756 5955 Balkan

0200-0256 English 6155 7195 9510 9570 9690 11940 NoAM JAP NZL 0400-0456 English 5990 6155 11740 15335 11940 NoAM SoAS 0600-0656 English 5965 6155 NoAM 0641-0656 English 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 0600-0656 English 17775 AF (print out 0700-0800) 1300-1356 English 15250 15390 17735 17745 WeEUR CAN 1700-1756 English 7195 9690 11940 WeEUR 2100-2156 English 5955 5990 6175 7195 We&No EUR 2300-2356 English 5955 7195 9570 11830 WeEUR NoAM

0500-0556 Francais 6155 9590 CAN 0615-0628 Francais 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 1100-1156 Francais 15250* 17745 17790 21480 WeEUR NoAF (*rep 15360 typing error?) 1500-1556 Francais 11940 15380 15390 17790 WeEUR 2000-2056 Francais 5990 7195 9690 WeEUR 0628-0641 German 7105 9510 9625 11775 CeEUR 1200-1256 German 9690 11940 (15365* print out) * but really on 15390 CeEUR 1600-1656 German 6175 7195 9690 CeEUR 1900-1956 German 5955 6040 7145 7195 CeEUR

1730-1756 Greek MW 756 6180 Balkan 1830-1900 Greek MW 756 6140 Greek 0500-0526 Hungarian Magyar nyelven 6140illeg HNG SVK UKR 2030-2056 Hungarian Magyar nyelven MW 630 5955 HNG SVK UKR 1400-1426 Italian MW 756 11810 Italy 1500-1526 Italian MW 756 11810 Italy, rep on 9690 but not print out. 2000-2026 Italian MW 756 7120 Italy 1430-1456 Persian 11810 Iran 2000-2026 Persian 7105 9530illeg Iran 0100-0156 Portugues 9570 11830 Brazil 2200-2256 Portugues 9570* 9665 11790 11830 Portugal Brazil *reported on 9510. 0000-0156 Romanian 9510 11940 WeEUR NoAM 0500-0556 Romanian 15335 17805/17895illeg AS 0600-0615 Romanian 7105 9510 9625 11775 WeEUR 1100-1156 Romanian 6185 15390* 17775 Balkan EUR * spurs on 15035 & 15745. 1600-1656 Romanian 7105 9665 ISR NE ME 1730-1856 Romanian 5990 CeEUR 1800-1856 Romanian 6135 7195 CeEUR (rep on 7145?) 2100-2156 Romanian MW756 6055 7175 Balkan EUR 2300-2356 Romanian 9510 11910 LatAM

1300-1356 Russian 6185 9570 11775 Ea RUS FE 1500-1556 Russian 5965 7105 EUR RUS 1900-1956 Russian 5965 6085illeg EUR RUS 1700-1728 Serbian MW 756 exYUG 1900-1928 Serbian MW 756 exYUG 0000-0056 Spanish 7145 9570 9665 11830 LatAM 0300-0356 Spanish 6155 9570 LatAM 1800-1856 Spanish 9625 11810 15335 Spain 2200-2256 Spanish 9510 11940 Spain LatAM 1530-1556 Turkish MW756 5955 Balkan Turkey 1830-1856 Turkish MW756 5955 Balkan Turkey 0530-0556 Ukrainian 6085 UKR 1600-1626 Ukrainian MW756 5955 UKR (RRI printed schedule, Nov 2; rep = reported amendments by Noel Green-UK)

Relaying Romanian home sce progr "Romania Actualitati": ?0400-0800 9570 11970. 0800-1500 15105 17850. 1500-2000 9570 11790. 2000-0400? 6040 7225.

Romanian for Mariners: 0800-0856 15335 15370 15380 17745 17790 0900-0956 15380 17745 17790 21480 21590 1000-1056 15250 15335 15380 17745 17790 (Noel Green-UK, Nov 10)

RUSSIA Dr Gene Scott via Samara? tx 17590 kHz at 1120 UTC, talking on California law on tax and donation handling. (WB Nov 8)

Thomson-CSF wins contract for radio control centre. Thomson-CSF company of France has signed a contract on delivering a new system for management and control of the radio frequency spectrum in order to develop and improve the use of Russia's radiocommunications system. A special branch of Thomson-CSF, Thomson-CSF Communication, will set up a system of radio control which will cover the whole of Russia. It will include a national centre, which will make it possible to be in technical control of VHF freqs, and a similar centre for SW freqs as well as a network of regional and subregional control centres.

Russian State Broadcasting "Voice of Russia", schedule, eff 26th Oct 1997, is based on monitoring research and information supplied by VoR. Some VoR txions (eg. in , German and Spanish) may carry religious or other progrs on a commercial basis. VoR uses SW & MW txs in Russia, other CIS countries, China and Germany (1323 and 693 kHz). Voice of Russia, Pyatnitskaya 25, Moscow 113326, Russia. Fax +7-095-2302828 e-mail: lettervor.ru http:/www.vor.ru or http://www.vr.ru

Foreign Language sces 0000-0100 E AM 7180 7170 7125 7105 5940 P AM. 9810 9450 9370 7440 7420 7390 7330 7310 7115 0100-0200 E AM 7350 7125 7105 5940 Sp AM 9890 9810 9450 7440 7420 7390 7330 7310 7180 7115 6185 5915 0200-0300 E AM 13665 12045 0200-0400 Sp AM 9945 9810 9450 7440 7420 7390 7330 7310 7230 7180 7115 6185 0400-0500 E AM 12045 7260 7175 5930 5920 0500-0600 E AM 7175 6065 5920 0600-0700 E AS/AUS/AM 21790 17570 17495 15470 15460 12055 12025 7175 6065 5920 1323 0700-0800 E AS/AUS/AM 21790 17860 17570 17495 15470 15460 12055 12025 7175 6065 6005 5920 1323 0800-0900 E AS/AUS 21790 17860 17570 17495 15470 15460 12055 12025 9825-(from 0830) 1323 0900-1000 E AS/AUS 17860 17495 12025 9875 9825 1323 1000-1100 E AS/AUS 17860 17755 17495 15560 15540 15470 12025 11820 11540 9835 9825 972 1000-1100 Ge EUR 15540 12010 9680 1323 693 1000-1100 Ko AS 7490 7380 7135 5940 4010 1251 648 1100-1200 Ch AS 9895 5905 4010 1251 801 648 585 1100-1200 E EUR/AS 17860 17755 17495 15560 15470 12065 12025 11820 9875 9825 9450 7245 7195 7170 6205 4730 972 1100-1200 Ge EUR 1323 693 1100-1200 Ja AS 7490 7135 720 630 1200-1300 Ch AS 9895 6145-(from 1230) 1251 585 1200-1300 E EUR/AS 17860 17755 15560 12065 11820 11695 9940 9780 9725 7390 7245 7195 7170 6205 4730 972 1200-1300 Ko AS 7135 4010 648 1200-1300 Vn AS 9450 7220 603 1230-1330 Mo AS 1080 801 1300-1400 Ch AS 9895 7220 7205 7195 6145 4040 1251 1080 801 585 1300-1400 E AS 11695 9450 1300-1400 Hi AS 12065 9940 9860 9800 9780 9725 7390 7295 7155-(from 1330) 1269 972 1300-1400 Ja AS 7135 720 630 1400-1445 Be AS 9940 7350 1269 1400-1600 Ch AS 11820 9895 7205 7195 7135 7125 6145 6100 5910-(from 1500) 4010 1251 1080 801 648 585 1400-1500 Da/Pa AS 9400 7295 4975 4940 4730 1125 972 1400-1500 E AS 11695 9840 9470 7130 1323 1400-1500 Ur AS 12065 9860 9800 9780 9725 7390 7155 1445-1500 Ne AS 9940 7350 1269 1500-1600 E EUR/ME/AF 9840 9470 7235 7130 4975 4940 1125 1500-1600 Hi AS 12065 9860 9800 9725 7390 7350 7155 972 1500-1600 Tu EUR/ME 7275 7210 1600-1700 Al EUR 9820 7390 7350 7185 6000 5950 1548 1600-1700 E EUR/ME/AF 9975 9705 9470 7380 7175-(from 1630) 6130 4975 4940 1170 1125 1089 1600-1700 Fr EUR/ME/AF 9865 7280 7215 6030 6020 1600-1700 Ge EUR 7420 7360 7300 5920 1386 1323 1215 693 1600-1700 Pe As 9840 5935 5925 1700-1800 Ar ME/AF 9865 9840 9635 7130 5935 5925 1089 1700-1800 E EUR/ME/AF 9450 7440 7355 7325 7185 7175 5965 4920 1386 1700-1800 Fr EUR/ME/AF 7280 7215 6020 1700-1800 Ge EUR 7420 7360 6145 1323 1215 693 1700-1800 Hu EUR 9820 7330 7140 6090 5975 1700-1800 Po EUR 7370 7300 5920 1143 1700-1800 Ro EUR 7380 7350 7230 6000 1700-1800 S-Cr EUR 7390 7185 6030 5950 1548 1800-1900 Ar ME/AF 9975 9840 9375 1170 1800-1900 Bu EUR 7380 7350 7230 7185 6000 5950 5905 1800-1900 E EUR/ME/AF 9890 7440 7325 7255 7210 7175 1386 1800-1830 Fi EUR 5965 5940 4920 1494 1800-1900 Fr EUR/ME/AF 9470 7325 7280 7215 7115 6020 1800-2000 Ge EUR 7360 7300 6145 5920 1323 1215 693 1800-1900 It EUR 9820 7390 6030 5975 1548 1800-1900 Sk EUR 7370 7330 7140 6090 1830-1900 No/Sw EUR 5940 4920 1900-2100 Ar ME/AF 9865 9840 9375 7295 7130 5935 5925 1089 1900-2000 Cz EUR 7370 7330 7140 6090 1900-2000 E EUR/AF 9890 9440 7490 7440 7325 7305 7255 7210 6130 5965 5940 4920 1386 1143 1900-2000 Fr EUR/ME/AF 9470 7280 7215 7205 7175 6110 1900-2000 Po EUR 7300 5920 1143 1900-2000 S-Cr EUR 7390 7380 7350 7290 7230 6000 5975 5950 1548 2000-2100 E EUR 9890 9820 9440 7490 7440 7325 7305 6130 5965 5940 4920 1494 1386 2000-2100 Fr EUR/ME/AF 9470 7360 7205 7150 6110 5920 1323 2000-2100 Gr EUR 7380 7370 7350 7230 7140 5950 1548 2000-2100 Po EUR/AF 7330 7300 7255 7210 6145 5975 2100-2200 E EUR 9890 9800 7440 7320-(from 2130) 7180 5965 5940 1494 1386 2100-2200 Fr EUR/ME/AF 9865 9550 9470 7360 7215 7205 6110 6000 5920 1323 2100-2200 Sp EUR 7330 7300 6145 5975 2200-2300 E EUR/AM 9890 7440 7360 7320 7205 5965 5940 1494 1386 2200-2300 Po EUR/AF 9865 9630 9470 7330 7310 7300 6145 6110 6000 5975 1323 2300-0000 E AM 7180 7170 7125 7105 5940

Russian sce 0000-0100 AM 9890 7350 0030-0045 Wed "DX Club" 0200-0400 AM 12000 9895 9890 7350 7260 7125 6065 5940 0230-0245 Thur "DX Club" 1300-1500 AS/AUS 12015 9780 9490 9470 7245 7235 7195 7185 7170 6205 1430-1445 Sun "DX Club" 1600-1700 ME 15470 9830 9745 9715 9560 9450 7355 7235 7125 1800-2000 EUR/AF 15470 9830 9775 9745 9560 9480 9450 7355 7340 7310 7255 7210 7185 7160 7125 2000-2200 EUR/ME/AF 9775 9450 7340 7310 7160 7125 693 612 2130-2145 Sun "DX Club" (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 6)

12015, R. Tatarstan is on the air at 0500-0600 on this NF, ex-9690. Two other progrs remain unchanged: 0700-0800 on 6130, and 0900-1000 on 9690. (DX-Mix, Bulgarian Radio, via Nick Pashkevich-RUS in DXW)

The studio is in Kazan, and tx site in Samara.' Verie signer is Hania Hazipovna Galimova. Addr: GTRK Tatarstan, ul. M. Gorkogo 15, 420015 Kazan, Russia. (Van Arnhem-HOL, DXW, Nov 9)

SAUDI ARABIA Latest observed schedule of BSKSA: MAP: 0600-0900 9718.2 11708.5 11818.5, 0900-1200 11818.5 15060, 1200-1500 15060 15230 15377, 1700-1800 11780 11948.2 11965, 1800-2300 9555 9870 HQ: 0300-0600 7150 9553.5 9620 9718.2 11785, 0600-0900 9530 11785, 0900-1200 17880 21495 [x21530] v15278.83, 1200-1600 7150 15277.8, 1600-1800 7150(till 1700) 9730 11708.5 11833.4, 1800-2100 9703.2 11935 Call of Islam: 1500-1700 11780 11948.2 11965 2nd px: 0300-1700 9578.6, 1700-2100 12038.4

Ext sces: 0400-0500 15335 Somali, 0400-0600 15060 Turkish, 0500-0600 17755 Swahili, 1000-1200 21640 [x21705] Indonesian, 1200-1400 15345 Urdu, 1400-1500 15345 Bengali, 1400-1600 11730 Persian, 1500-1600 9730 Turkmen, 1600-1700 17775 Bambara (MAP/Call of Islam can be also heard on 10990 or 3868 in USB, and 2nd px in LSB) (Mikhail Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring via DXW, Sept 15-16) [updated Nov 8-9 by WB]

SINGAPORE Radio Singapore International has changed the freqs for its Malay sce. I am now hearing them on 6070 (x6135) and 7245 (x7250). Nice signal on 6070 with great Malay mx and ID by woman at 1310. (Johnson via Cumbre Dx, Nov 3)

SLOVAKIA According to the Web site of Slovak Radio (home sce) http://www.slovakradio.sk the current MW line up is considerably different from WRTH 97.

Tx kHz kW Progr Rimavska-Sobota 567 20 S4 Zilina 567 14 S4 Orava 621 14 S4 Banska Bystrica 702 200 S1 Bratislava 792 10 S4 Skacin 864 1 S4 Poprad 900 14 S4 Kosice 927 10 S4 Nitra 927 50 S4 Bratislava C. 1017 5 S4 Rimavska-Sobota 1017 50 S4 Banska-Bystrica 1035 7 S4 Presov 1071 40 S4 Nitra 1098 750 S1 Notes: (1) Only Banska Bystrica listed on 702, Presov not mentioned. (2) Many of the txs listed as S1 in WRTH 97 actually carry S4 (the regional and minority network). (3) Powers are assumed to be as in WRTH 97, or (in some cases) as in earlier editions of WRTH. (Andy Sennitt in MW News via NRC IDXD 65-04, Oct 97)

Since Sept Slovak MW 1521 kHz is used again for BBC Slovak [2000-2030?] and partly English WS. MW 1521 kHz is a synchronized network containing powerful Kosice Cizatice 600 kW, and local Rimavska Sobota 14 kW. Latter one has been off few kHz, on approx. 1525 kHz causing severe interference to both SVK and CVA Vatican Radio 1530 kHz. Problem seems fixed now. (Christian Bruelhart-SUI, Nov 9)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5020, SIBS, Honiara, 6 Nov, 1900-1920, s/on, NA ID and nx. Same female speaker I've heard in Jan in Blokhus. I was listening together with Nils Schiffhauer in his shack. Nils got a professional DSP receiver for a test, a Telefunken E 1800A. On the 7030 we could detect the carrier, but not more. On the 1800 it was possible to understand fragments. The clarity of this signals is absolutely breathtaking, I never heard such a good receiver before (and I heard a lot of receivers together with Nils, from Watkins Johnson to Rohde and Schwarz. But nothing can compete with this one.) I thought, that for intelligibility of signals the 7030 is most probably the best. After hearing the 1800 I know better. Alas, the price is a little bit too high for my not so deep pockets: 33.000 US Dollars for a receiver is a little bit prohibitive... Later we heard PNG on 4890 kHz like a local station. Almost Hi-Fi-quality. (Martin Elbe-D, Nov 8)

5020, SIBC, Nov 6, 1900-1920, Int sig with drums and pipes, NA (checked with the one you can find as a midi file at http://home.sol.no/~go01/anthems.html a good way to confirm a NA), garbled ID. Faded out after 1920. Weak. No signals from Niger. (Magrone, via DXW, Nov 8)

SWITZERLAND During a sightseeing tour to Swiss SW txing stn Schwarzenburg in last week, the following information was given: Swiss Telecom Schwarzenburg tx site will close on March 26, 1998, definitively. (Christian Bruelhart-SUI, Nov 9)

UAE VoUAE Abu Dhabi in Ar at 0500-0700 on 13605, 13755 & 21735 kHz. 0700-0800 13605, 13755, 21630. 0800-1200 13755 17760 17770(-1100) 17885. 1200-1300 17760 17885. 1300-1500 13605 17760. 1500-1600 9515 13755. 1600-? 6180 9770. Cannot trace any other freqs between 0600-1700 so may have reduced the number of txs on air at certain times.

Beware of Kuwait also on 17885 kHz, and Qatar on 17895; Oman on 11890 & 15140. UAE Radio Dubai at 1100 on 13675 new15370 15395 21605. (WB Nov 8-9; Noel Green-UK, Nov 9)

846 MW Umm Al Quwain BS bcs 0215-1905 with 10 kW tx and omnidirectional antenna in following languages: 0215-0700 Ar, 0700-1100 Ur, 1100-1300 Malayalam, 1300-1800 Ar and 1800-1900 Sinhala. The v/s is Mr. Abd El Gawad Al Ashri, CE. In a very friendly letter he also states that he was born in EGY and used to work as bcing engineer at the Arish stn in Egypt for 8 years until this assignment which began in Jan 1997. He also says that he received a report fr FIN there and is sorry that he didn't have time to reply. (Ritola on HC-DX, via DXW, Nov 8) 7170, Voice of the U.A.E, 6 Nov, 2130, new freq with standard Arabic ID and into bedtime story or whatever; co-channel QRM from VoR. (Hill, Nov 6 via DXW)

UKRAINE R UKR Internet on 5915 kHz at about 2200-0300 observed, but not listed in printed schedule, 6085 instead. 5915 kHz used in W96! sched for 2200-0500 UTC to NoAM, //7150 then, E at 2200, 0100 and 0400-0500 UTC. (Kai Ludwig-D, Nov 13)

UNIDENTIFIED/IRAQ? Arabic speaking stn noted on Nov 8th at about 0600-0900 UTC in 25 mb. Unstable distorted signal wandering from 11736.1 at 0610 UTC, downwards to 11733.8 at 0653, 11732.7 0700, 11732.2 0730, 11732.05 0845 UTC. No parallel freq could be observed on whole SW spectrum at this time. Not heard on Nov 9th. [Bagdad-IRQ?] Not RTT Tunis on exact 11730, //7475, v15449.04 kHz.

At same time very professional fine clear signal on 11290 kHz in Arabic also. On Nov 9th [tentat.] Bahgdad in Arabic noted at 0730 UTC on both 11290 and v11787.01 kHz

Near East jammer - engine type - noted ahead of RAI Italy on 9515 kHz, seemingly 24 hours on air, (fr IRN/IRQ/SYR?). (WB Nov 8) [against UAE?, see new 9515 for VoUAE]

USA The 500 kW SW stn in Maine previously known as WCSN and WVHA has finally been sold. The buyer is LeSea Broadcasting, owner of WHRI and KWHR. Price was only $1.5 million, and this may drive down the price for other SW stns on sale, such as WRMI asking $650K. Due to regulatory red tape, the Maine stn is not expected back on the air until Dec. (George Thurman, TX and WORLD OF RADIO 916/ SW/DX Report 30 Oct)

'The Overcomer Ministry', Brother Stair via Deutsche Telekom Juelich. Huge signal noted from through to sign-off at 0759 UTC on 9500 kHz with over the top preaching and boasting about the number of txs Brother Stair has at his disposal. Gave postal address of PO Box 691, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488, USA. A schedule I've seen also has him on the air via Juelich on 6170 0100-0259; 5840 0200-0359; 6025 0200-0359; 6175 1600- 1759; 11985 1600-1759. (Matt Francis, via EDXP, Nov 9)

USA/SRI LANKA New VOA Sri Lanka tx testing. A tx at the new VOA [Voice of America] relay site in Iranawila, Sri Lanka, is now testing. So far it's only a test tone. The test schedule is 0300-1100 and 1200-1400 UTC. Eventually this new VOA site will have at least four 500-kW txs. This will be an important relay facility because there are no major VOA SW relays between Thailand and Greece. A much better signal for VOA Hindi, Urdu and CeAsian language sces can be expected when the Iranawila site becomes fully operational. So far I've not been able to determine if the Iranawila relay could also be used for Radio Liberty or Radio Free Asia, or if the Sri Lankan govt has been approached about allowing these stns to use this facility. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 1)

UZBEKISTAN 7205 kHz Tashkent NF *0200 UTC to Pakistan. (Bob Padula-AUS, during Tahiti holiday, Nov 2) [usually //5955 5975 9540]

VIETNAM v4795.3 Tuyan Quang is here some days, not regular active. Clear ID's. Not// 5924.5 & 4959.6, til 1430*, moderate signal. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 4)

YUGOSLAVIA/Srpska BOSNIA Radio Yugoslavia W97 En sces 0100-0130 6195 7115 NoAM (Mon- Sat), 0200-0230 6100 7230 NoAM, 1330-1400 11835 AUS/NZL, 1930-2000 6100 WeEUR 9720 SoAF, 2200-2230 6100 EUR 6185 WeEUR. Serbian sces to AUS/NZL: 1400-1430 (RTS) 11835, 2030-2100 (Sun-Fri) 7230, 2030-2130 (Sat)(Special progr 7230. (Radio Yugoslavia/Bob Padula). [via tx site Bijeljina in Srpska Bosnia.]

Updated web page. This is just a note to let you know I finally got off my behind and made some much- needed changes to my web page, which features shortwave interval signals and identifications. There remains much to be done: updating schedule info, the addition of a "gone but not forgotten" audio archive, and possibly even a quiz of sorts. In the meantime, please do visit and help me shake out the bugs that I know are lurking in there somewhere. As always, your contributions - in the form of quality studio or off- air recordings - are always welcome, as are your comments and suggestions. The address: http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ 73, Al Quaglieri

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 337 22 Nov 1997 ______

ANGOLA 6220 kHz VORGAN at 2010 UTC. Tuned in to pop mx progr. 2053, said "Boa Noite, Angola" over Elton John song, then canned "VORGAN" intro to nx 2056. Announcer gave date as Nov 5, 49 mb, freq 6220 kHz (announcer paused after the "seis mil" as if he was unsure of the exact freq), said "a manha 5 horas y 50 minutos" on the 31m freq 9770 kHz. March/anthem at sign off that matches South Africa's NA, as noted by Korinek. Gone 2101. Also present Nov 6. New freq replacing 5985? (Novello via Cumbre Dx, Nov 5)

R.VORGAN observed on frequency 7100 on Oct 31 from 2000 till sign off 2102. And on 10 Nov it has been heard on 6220 and I checked it again on 12 Nov on 6220 and Vorgan was there but not on 7100 there. (Vaghjee via Cumbre Dx, Nov 13)

9770, VORGAN; Jamba, Nov 14, 0850-0910, Portuguese/VV. Male ann "Studio Vogan" followed by romantic mx. I/D complete with vibraphone ann at 0900 into VV talk progr in classical"Vorgan" style. 44343 (Godfrey Clemitson-RSA, via DXW, Nov 14)

ARGENTINA 15280 kHz, Radio America Internacional, Oct 24th at +2252-2335* UTC, discovered by the DXer Jose Mauricio Rangel Neira, from Cucuta-COL, who inform me in a letter sending me a report for this stn, that the stn has been active with test txions on this day. During the progrs in Spanish with the announcer Jose Holowaty (ex-KGEI, USA), they mention some IDs as "imperioso reporte de prueba por la onda corta", "el telefono en Estados Unidos, area de la Bahia de San Francisco: 650-3471587", "en Buenos Aires, nuestra senal 6295730", "fax 650-3476320 zona de la Bahia de San Francisco, "Radio America Internacional en fase preliminar de pruebas a nivel continental" "La misma voz que fue La Voz de la Amistad",(Jose M. Rangel Neira, Colombia via GIB, Oct 24)

15280 Radio America Internacional, after to receive this information from Mr. Rangel Neira of Cucuta, Colombia, I call by phone to the number in Buenos Aires: 6295730, and I talked personally through phone with Mr. Jose Holowaty, and he inform me that the txion reported have been a test txion. They are planing now began regular txion in the next weeks (without date fixed still now) with around 16 hours daily firstly in Spanish,including 1 or 2 hrs in Engl, after they also will include Portug in the progrs. For my surprise, he inform me that the tx is located here in ARG, in the General Pacheco area, using a tx of 30 kW power. The tx have more power, but the stn have a very good system of antennas and with this power will be sufficient by now, according to Mr. Holowaty. This not is the same tx or antennas from the ex-Radio Nac de Chile on SW, according to Mr. Holowaty, the negotiations in Chile not to come to have success. Radio America Internacional also have an address in San Carlos, California, USA. Here in ARG the address is: Intendente Abel Costa 289, 1708 Moron, Argentina. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Nov 15)

15280 Radio America Internacional. New stn. Thank Jose Neira tip. This stn tested in late Oct at around 2300 hours. They plan to start regular txions in the next few weeks, in Sp, Engl, and Port for about 16 hrs day. The tx is running at 30 kW for the moment and is located in the General Pacheco area. This is not equipment or antenna from the ex-Radio Nac de Chile. Radio America was not able to get an agreement to use the Chilean equipment. Addr: Intendente Abel Costa 289, 1708 Moron, Argentina. They also have an address in San Carlos, California. Phone numbers in Argentina 650-347-1587 or 629-5730. Fax to 650-347-6320. (Barrera via Cumbre Dx, Nov 15)

AUSTRALIA/USA Light at first, but on Nov 13 around 1300, the bubble jamming on RA's 9580 freq had become heavy, on both LSB and USB. I think it's pretty obvious all this nonsensical jamming is coming from Cuba, truly a menace to the short airwaves. What can be done? Perhaps, lacking an address for the jamming facility, a barrage of complaints to and boycott of RHC would be in order. (Glenn Hauser-OK, USA, Nov 13) Radio Australia is carrying a second RealAudio stream to provide live coverage of test cricket during the series just beginning, Webmaster told listeners to the "Feedback" feature. The cricket site can be found at: http://www.abc.net.au/local/cricket.htm or via a link from RA's own front page. For listeners in the PAC, commentary will be on 13755 kHz from around 2345 UTC, moving to 15240 kHz from 0100 UTC until close of play. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 8)

US official wants "partnership" on Radio Free Asia. The US says it wants a partnership with Australia to use powerful SW txs near Darwin to bc to Asia. Radio Australia was forced to stop using the site earlier this year because of government budget cuts. China has expressed deep concern about the possibility of the US RFA bcing from the Darwin txs, calling on Australia to handle the issue with caution.

A former head [secretary] of the Foreign Affairs Department says AUS should refuse to allow the US to broadcast to Asia from txs near Darwin. Prof Stuart Harris was commenting on a proposal for the American-funded so-called RFA to use the powerful SW txs on the Cox Peninsula. Prof Harris says ideological American bcs to CHN would hurt Australian interests. [Harris] That's relevant to the suggested use of txs for RFA. That's largely a product of a neo-conservative[!] ideology; it's an aggressive instrument that is counter to Australia's policy and interests.

However, Northern Territory chief minister Shane Stones said he would rather see the Darwin site used by RFA than lying idle.

>From an interview in VoA Communications World, Nov 8th: [Elliott] So you would say that the news of RFA has the same qualities of balance and objectivity as the news from Radio Australia and BBC and VOA going into Asia?

[Richter] Er, yes, at least. And I would like to think that we might we might even be a little better than some of these other bcs, but that of course is a prejudice that I'm permitted to have as the head of RFA.

RFA has had problems getting access to choice tx sites. The govts of THA and of the PHL do not allow RFA to tx from the powerful VOA SW relays in those two countries. As a result, RFA has had to settle for leases of tx time from private religious SW txs and old Radio Moscow txs in various republics of the former Soviet Union. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 5)

BELGIUM RVI announced that its listeners' club has been closed, and there is a new QSL policy: one per semester, instead of one per month. Gee, I haven't got a QSL from Belgium since World's Fair Radio in 1958, and I've survived. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 16)

BONAIRE Some spurious cases last week, see below. Mixture product of RN Sp 15315 kHz and E 6165 kHz appeared on difference 9150 kHz, scheduled by RN 2330-0100 UTC. (GH WoR, Nov 13)

BRAZIL heard on 15414.9 at 0800 mixing with R Australia and GRC from 0900 then blocked by TUR 1000. Heard again at 1700 as Libya faded til it faded about one hour later. No ID heard so far, but presume Radio Clube, Ribeiro Preto. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 10)

Radio Clube Paranaense Curitiba, 9725, 2019 male Brazilian sports reporter, adverts, tentative ID, SINPO 25342. Radio Nova Visao Santa Maria, v11704.97, 2009 tent, male Brazilian speaker, adverts, SINPO 25222. Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, v11814.95, 2005 male speakers with ID and slogans, sports reports, SINPO 44444. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 14)

BULGARIA R BUL in German 0615-0700 UTC on Plovdiv 9475 kHz 300 kW, produces two unwanted spurious signals on 9432.64 and 9517.36 kHz. (WB Nov 15) Radio Sofia observed on unlisted new7515 with Bu to Balkans 2045 [scheduled 1900-2200 at 306 degr], //5865. Apparently a change from planed 7335 where unheard, [on latter one noted two separate Russian bcs. BUL suffering by Chinese CNR2 7516 kHz, ed]. (Bob Padula-AUS, Nov 19)

CHINA The new CRI schedule distributed by Ashimori perpetuates at least one mistake-- the Canadian relay on 9560 in English is at 0400 in summer, 0500 in winter as recently reconfirmed here, tho it tends to be above the winter MUF; not at both times. CRI closing freq announcements are rarely accurate; currently they keep saying "9405" instead of 7405 for the 1300 and 1400 bcs. A revised progr schedule has eliminated the Tues repeat at :45 of Sun's Listeners' Letterbox. (Glenn Hauser-OK, USA, Nov 13)

COSTA RICA 6980 kHz (USB mode) Radio For Peace International, Santa Anta, Engl, man and female announcer mx and comms, ID and address, 0229-0302"..our address Radio For Peace International, P.O.Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica". (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Nov 15)

RFPI freq schedule: 43 m 6980 kHz USB 0000-1200 10 kW 41 m 7385 kHz AM 2200-1700 30 kW 19 m 15050 kHz AM 1700-0000 10 kW 13 m 21465 kHz USB 1200-0000 3 KW New 6980(x7585) & 21465 kHz (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 15)

CUBA As if in response to my previous item, on a subsequent DXers Unlimited, Arnie Coro confirmed that RHC English to Europe stays at 2030-2130 but the new USB freq is 13605 instead of 13600 as he said before. I checked this Nov 11 around 2100 and found it blown away by the super-splatter Marian monster, WEWN on 13615; and it would still have been a problem even on 13600. Actually, Arnie never responds directly to me or mentions me. I suspect I am on the RHC blacklist for being associated with WWCR. How would the rightwing nuts on rec.radio.shortwave who think I am a commie explain that? (Glenn Hauser-OK, USA, Nov 13)

Latest RHC problems on the European sce: on Nov 14 at 2100, 13715 no longer had the double-carrier problem, but the audio kept rising to a peak, cutting back to nothing, and rising again every few seconds. This continued into the French progr at 2130, where a new announcement mentioning //13605-USB still called 13715 "FM" instead of "AM". But on Nov 18, 13715 had resumed its previous problem at 2020 confirming my earlier observations: there was a brief tx break, during which the strength went down but the audio continued at a higher level. I believe this was because once again two non- synchronized txs were in use, the stronger signal with weaker audio. When the stronger one came back on it tended to blot out the stronger audio on the weaker tx, and by 2025 there was hardly any modulation audible, which continued into 2030 En. (Glenn Hauser, OK, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING, Nov 20)

RHC is now a daily guest at least for first hour in Spanish 1100-1200 UTC on 11760 kHz. (WB Nov 15)

13605 usb mode, R Habana, Nov 15, 2030-2050, Engl. Female announcer with I/D and freqs. Male with Newsdesk. Pres Castro welcomes delegates from sixteen LatAM countries for meeting L.American Parliament. Panama will not renegotiate canal treaty with USA. Cuba's fight against drugs. 54444. (Godfrey Clemitson-RSA, via DXW, Nov 15)

CYPRUS CBC Nicosia in Greek "Radiofonikon Idryma Kyprou" Fri/Sat/Sun at 2210-2245 via BBC/Merlin Zygi 6180 new7105 and 9760. Lovely Greek mx as usual. (WB Nov 14)

ECUADOR v21454,9 HCJB, Pifo 1206-1215 Excellent reception of English sce with religious talk and sports nx, mx, promo and ID. SINPO: 34444 //12005 kHz. //15115 kHz. (echo effect). (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 14)

Mixture product of HCJB 9645 and 9365 kHz appeared on difference plus/minus 280 kHz, 9085 and 9925 kHz. 0700-0900 UTC. (GH WoR, Nov 13)

ERITREA Eritrean National Alliance, Voice of Free Eritrea, (Arabic "Sawt Eritrea al- Hurrah"; Tigrigna "Demtsi Natsa Eritrea") was first observed in Nov 1997 although it may have been operating for some time. It says that it is the mouthpiece of the Eritrean National Alliance, an umbrella organization including the Eritrean Liberation Front, Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Eritrean Liberation Front - National Council, all of which are opposed to the Eritrean government. It appears to share a freq and tx with another Eritrean opposition radio stn, Voice of Truth. The tx may be located in Sudan. 1415-1445 daily Arabic/Tigrigna 9230 kHz.

Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement, Voice of Truth, (Arabic: Sawt al Haqq) was first observed in Nov 1997 but may have been operating for some time. The radio stn supports the Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement and is hostile to the government of Eritrea. It appears to share a tx and freq with another Eritrean opposition radio stn, Voice of Free Eritrea. The tx may be located in Sudan. Transmission times may vary. 1500-1545 daily Arabic 9230 kHz. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 13)

Voice of Free Eritrea, Unidentified, 9230, 1415 presumed this one, at 1415 UTC suddenly on with folk mx, male speakers, shaky modulation and suffering from radioteletype interference, SINPO 23332.

Voice of Truth, Unidentified, 9230, 1500 15.00 UTC s/on, male Arabic speaker, Quran prayers and talks, stronger than sister stn Voice of Free Eritrea at 1415 UTC, but they definitely use the same tx. SINPO 34333. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 14)

GEORGIA Please note the following change in our [Voice of Hope] schedule eff Dec 7th, 1997 until the end of the W97 season: DEL: 9310 kHz 1300-1530 UTC TBL 100 kW 122 degrees to zone 41 ADD: 12120 kHz 1400-1630 UTC TBL 100 kW 122 degrees to zone 41 TBL = Dusheti tx site (GJA Bob German-USA, Nov 19)

6230 R. Georgia *2030 after Tashkent s/off at 2024 and what seemed a gospel stn closed at 2030, Tbilisi finally alone on the channel opening Russian with several "Radiostantsiya Gruziya" IDs and into nx. Fuzzy audio characteristic of all Tbilisi txs these days. This channel apparently replaces 11760. (Bob Hill-USA, via EDXP, Nov 15)

Observed 2030-2100* on 6230 with Ru (Bob Padula-AUS, Nov 19)

Voice of Hope, High Adventure Ministries: Planned sked for W97 has been varied, for Tbilisi. New sked is: 1400-1630 12120 (ex 9310 1300-1530) En to CIRAF 41 (IND), 1630- 2200 on 6290 En to CIRAF 27/28 (WeEUR). The Indian sce is known as "The Voice of Hope Indian Beacon"; the European sce is "The Voice of Hope European Beacon". RR's for the Beacon Network should be sent to: PO Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR United Kingdom. Reports for other Voice of Hope pxs should be sent directly to the sites in Palau (KHBN), California (KVOH), and Lebanon.The Ministry HQ address is: PO Box 100 Simi Valley, California 93965, U.S.A. (High Adventure Ministries/Bob German - George Jacobs and Associates) (HFCC/Bob Padula-AUS, Nov 19) Noted at excellent level on 6290 with En 2000-2100 (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 19)

GERMANY Regarding the test bcs of Polskie Radio via Juelich and Nick Pashkevichs observation of Radio Renascenca instead, Deutsche Telekom txing stn (DTK) Juelich said on Nov 13: Due to a switching error in our satellite rxing system, Radio Renascenca was aired instead of Polskie Radio. But from today all should be right: Polskie Radio 1900- 2000 on 5840 to CeRUS, 1930-2000 on 5850 to UKR and 1900-1930 on 5890 to NoRUS. These test txions will last until Nov 23. Partly the programs will be taped at Juelich instead of live rebcing. This means it will not always be in parallel to the SW outlets from Poland itself. (Kai Ludwig-D, Nov 14)

Tests of Polskie Radio 5 Warsaw via DTK Juelich tx site, lasting til Nov 23rd: 5840 kHz 1900-2000 UTC 060? CeRussia 5850 kHz 1930-2000 UTC 075? UKR 5890 kHz 1900-1930 UTC 040? NoRussia (Guenter Hirte, DTK Juelich, Nov 13)

CLANDESTINE [?] fr Germany to EARTH, Radio New Nigeria their new freq schedule is Sats 0600-0629 11670 to NIG and WeAF Suns 0100-0129 5905 to NoAM. Suns 1500-1529 6175 to CeEUR (DIRECT Cumbre DX Johnson Nov 14)

5905 R. New Nigeria, 0101-0142+, Usual political progr by W anncr starting the progr w/the same canned ID as heard previously. Played Soul song called "The Fighter", and aired live talks and interviews from various conferences. Went on past 0142, so probably going 1 hour now instead of half hour like before. Heard on this NF pounding in. (Dave Valko-USA, Nov 16)

"The Overcomer Ministry" of Brother Stair via DTK Juelich [bearings taken fr previous schedules.] NoAM 0000-0200 5840 295 degr 0200-0400 5880 310 degr 0200-0400 7335(illeg.) 320 degr AUS 0600-0800 9500 255 degr EUR 1600-1800 6175 nondir ME 1700-1900 11650 115 degr (GH WoR, Nov 13)

6175, "Brother Stair" via Juelich, Nov 11, 1602, Engl, terrible bawler gives sched; good signal with several interference from co-channel Radio Romania and wobble-jamming from the ME / IRN. (Kai Ludwig-D, Nov 11)

INDONESIA VoINS Jakarta in English at 0800-0857 UTC daily guest here in EUR now, wonderful signal on 11785 kHz of course. (WB Nov 15)

RRI 15150 - a very weak and UNID signal on this freq heard between about 0930 til off at 1300, may be this stn. Heard on Nov 9th to open at 1315 UTC at excellent level with HS relay until s-off at 1758, ending with Warta Berita. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 10)

15150, RRI Jakarta, 15 Nov, 1430-1521, Wajang radioplay with gamelan mx with gongs and flute and male ans female singer until 1458 then male speaker in BI with ID as 'Radio Republik Indonesia Jakarta Programa Nasional Satu', SCI, followed by timepeeps at 1459 and warta berita by male speaker in BI. Amazing signal 55544 (Van Rooy via DXW, Nov 15)

RRI Jakarta, putting in a huge signal on 11755 at 1030 with RRI promo followed by Indon ID for 'programa nasional satu' and 'gelombang' info. CRI in En to PAC will need to find a new freq as it is being swamped by RRI here. (Matt Francis via EDXP, Nov 15)

INDONESIA/PORTUGAL 17595 RDP progrs to East Timor are being jammed by an Indonesian progr on the same freq. This acc to listeners here who can no longer hear RDP. This acc to a report on Portuguese TV of Nov 14. (BBCMS via AGDX, Nov 20) Pulse blip jammer noted here on Oct 3 (Bueschel BC-DX) The schedule of these bcs is: 0800-1000 Sat/Sun in Port, 1205-1300 Mon/Fri in Tetum, 1300-1400 in Portuguese. (BBCMS via AGDX, also via Cumbre Dx, Nov 20)

IRAN IRIB Tehran in Italian at 1200-1255 UTC on 13605 15084 15350 kHz, But 13605 mixed up two progrs, Italian and IRIB Persian, latter //15260. (WB Nov 15)

IRAQ My UNID tentat distorted Baghdad outlet v11732 kHz never heard again, only single day on Nov 8th on air. (WB Nov 16)

IRELAND/UK Football test match Belgium vv Ireland coverage by RTE Dublin via Merlin facilities on Nov 15th at 1900-2100 UTC. 6010 and 9860 doing well here in WeEUR. 9330 kHz fluttery and weak, seems from overseas relay, due to satellite delay hops remarkable. 9565 kHz suffering by overcrowded 31 mb usage. Heard 7110 kHz but very weak and underneath at least further more three stns on same channel. (WB Nov 15)

KOREA D.P.R. SW schedules of KCBS (HS) and PBS (South Korea sce) monitored in Japan on Nov 12-15. Low freqs that cannot be checked during local daytime approx. 2100-0900 are presumed to stay on continuously. The exact on/off times of PBS 3250 cannot be checked for this reason.

Korean Central Bcing Stn 2850 KCBS 2000-1800 3220* Hamhung 2000-1800* 3350 Pyongsong 2000-1800 3920 Hyesan 2000-1800 3945# ??? 2000-1800 3960 Kanggye 2000-1800 3970* Wonsan 2000-1800* 6100+ KCBS 2000-0630, 1500-1800 9665+ KCBS 2000-0930 11680 KCBS 2000-1800 *) 3220 Hamhung and 3970 Wonsan relay PBS 1800-2000. +) Only 6100 and 9665 are announced at s/on and s/off. #) NF 3945 may be Chongjin (QSY from 3980?). N.B. 2350 Sariwon has been absent since early this year.

Pyongyang Bcing Stn 3220 1800-2000 (rel. via KCBS Hamhung) 3250* 2100-2200?, 0200?-0630?, 1500-2030 3320 2100-1900 3970 1800-2000 (rel. via KCBS Wonsan) 6250+ 2100-1900 6400+ 2100-1800 (6398v as of Nov 15) *) 3250 relays R Pyongyang in JJ 2300-0100, 0700-1000, 1100-1400. +) Only 6250 and 6400 are ann at s/on and s/off. (Sonny M. Ashimori-J, Nov 16)

LIBERIA 3450, R. Veritas, Monrovia, 15 Nov, 0603-0620, E religious progr, prayers, readings "from the book of wisdom", religious songs. Was booming in at tune in with a SINPO 45444, but from 0615 onwards started to fade out rapidly. 3400 kHz Star Radio came in with the same incredible quality. This new stn is most likely identical to ELCM listed on 97.8 MHz in the WRTH. I came home late in the night from a tough business trip to Barcelona, and when the phone was ringing early in the morning I was quite angry at first, expecting troubles at work or an idiot who was dialling a wrong number. Turned out to be Finn Krone with a telephone alert, drawing me to this freq. Thanks for this hot tip, Finn! (Martin Elbe-D, Nov 15)

According to two key SIM missionaries featured on Moody Broadcasting Network's "Prime Time America" on 18 Nov, ELWA will soon be on the air again from Monrovia, Liberia. Initially SIM is planning to install a new 275-Watt FM tx. The political situation in Liberia is relatively stable again, and SIM decided to go ahead with the project. There is a damaged 10 kW SW tx (ex 4760) which needs to be worked on, and an antenna to be erected. There is no target date yet for the return to SW. (Colin Miller-CAN, Nov 20)

Antennas still stand, but the grounds are home to 27,000 people, displaced by the civil war. Tiny huts are open to cold winds from the nearby Atlantic and flooding at high tide. People sleep on the bare ground and commonly die of pneumonia. A former resident called "VOA a death trap, a hell on earth." (David C. Butty, Detroit News via Mike Cooper, R.I.B., via Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 20)

LIBYA testing with 1000 Hz test tone signal again, heard on 3rd channel 11770 kHz, and usual 6155 & 9655 kHz, approx. 0730-1030 UTC. Not on 7120 anymore. (WB Nov 15)

MADAGASCAR 9692, R. Malagasy; Antananarivo, 14 Nov, 0800-0840, Malagasy. Talk progr fr names mentioned could have been local newscast. I/Ds at 0815 & 0830. The earlier stn ann was followed by further talk. Antananrivo mentioned several times. Impression gained that the progr was of an educational nature. No // found. 33333 (Godfrey Clemitson-RSA, Nov 14)

MALI RTM Bamako wandering down to v9632.95 kHz, noted at 0900 UTC in French, nx, fine signal, its now season for WeAfricans. v11960 is always off. (WB Nov 15)

PAKISTAN The Pakistan Bcing Corporation can be found at http://radio.gov.pk/Intro.html

Radio Pakistan schedule has now arrived and is: Urdu 0100-0215 11760 15485 WS to So&SoEaAS English 0230-0245 11760 13620K 15485 slow speed nx bulletin to So&SoEaAS to India 7485. Gujrati 0330-0400 15325 to BGD, IND, AF Urdu 0430-0630 11725 new15170 17555 WS to Gulf & ME.

Urdu/E 0800-1120 new15550(x15530) 17835. E at 1103-1120. [The Gen Sce in Urdu at 0800-1100 and in English 1100-1120 is now again on 15530(x15550) and 17835 kHz. Erik Koie-DEN, Nov 20]

Indonesian 0900-0930 15425 17540K to INS, MLA, BRU, TZA. Tamil 1000-1030 13665K 15465 to SoIND and S-L. Hindi 1100-1145 7255 9515 13665K. Chinese 1200-1230 9675 11835 to CHN. Mitali/Bangla 1200-1245 9785 11975 to BGD/IND. Persian 1300-1345 9775 11975 to IRN.

Urdu 1330-1530 new9650 11570 15375K WS to Gulf & ME. Hazargi 1400-1430 MW 756 to AFG. Turki 1430-1500 5055 6070 to AFG and CeAS. Russian 1500-1530 5055 6070 to CIS and RUS. Dari 1600-1700 MW 1260 kHz to AFG. English 1600-1630 new9650 11570 15375K WS to Gulf & ME. 15570 17720 to Ea&SoEaAF. 1615-1630 E slow speed nx bulletin. Hindi 1615-1700 6070 7485K 9525 to IND. Urdu 1700-1900 9330 11570 WS to WeEUR. Turkish 1730-1800 6120K 7340K to TUR. Arabic 1800-1845 7460 9425 to ME & NoAF. Urdu 1800-1900 6290 Islamabad progr to Gulf & ME. French 1930-2000 11570 to WeEUR, 9710 to No&WeAF. K = Karachi 50 kW, others Islamabad 100/250 kW.

Home sces API2 100 kW 0330-0430 Balti, 0445-0545 Sheena 6060. 1300 Urdu nx, 1304-1316 Pushto, 1323-1600 Pushto 6040. API4 100 kW 7110 kHz, 0600 Urdu nx, 0604-0800 Rawalpindi progr, 0800-0900 Islamabad progr, 0900 Pushto, 0904-1115 Islamabad progr, E nx at 1100-1104. API1 100 kW 4275, yes 4275 kHz = 70.18 metres 1414 Balti nx, 1422-1430 Sheena nx. API7 10 kW 6070 0100-0102 Urdu, 0200-0225 Urdu comm & editorials. 0230-0245 link for slow speed nx bulletin. 7270 0300-0310 E nx, 0400-0404 Urdu, 0500-0504 E nx, 0600-0604 Urdu, 0700-0704 Punjabi,0800-0804 Sindhi 9645 0900-0930 Indonesian link, 1000-1030 Tamil link, 1100-1145 Hindi link, 1200-1210 Urdu nx&comm, 1230-1300 Kashmiri, 1302 Punjabi, 1309-1316 Sindhi 1400-1414 E nx & commercial nx, 1500 Urdu nx & comm 1515-1530 Urdu newsreel. 7230 1600-1630 E nx, comm, link for slow speed bulletin 1700-1715 Urdu nx/Pasmanzar,1730-1800 Turkish link.

API8 100 kW Rawalpindi III 4790 0045-0435, 1230-1330, 1345-1815. 7265 0800(Fri 0930)-1215 Regional sces Quetta 10 kW 5025 0045-0404(Fri-0345) & 1200-1805 7155 Fri 0400-0820, 1000-1145. Sat-Thur 0600-1145. Peshawar 10 kW 5068 1100-1400. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 13)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA From "The Herald", newspaper 16th Nov. PNG is sufferring blackouts due to power failures and conserving water supplies due to the terrible El Nino effect on the country. Some Dx-ers have reported sudden cuts in txions. The cost of using the diesel generators as back up, is prohibitive. Now from a friend of mine, working as a pilot, he tells me that the rains are hopefully not that far away, as of Mon 17th Nov, the afternoon buildups are occuring in the Western regions. Tens of thousands will perish in the coming few weeks without rain. (John Wright-AUS, ARDXC, Nov 19)

PORTUGAL (see also under Indonesia) Due to poor HF and satellite coverage to South East Australia, RDP is about to start tests from DTK Juelich. For the Americas, RDP may also be relayed by VoA (actual sites not known). The 300 kW RDP tx is still inoperational, waiting on spare parts. (CLR deAssuncao Goncalves, SWN, via EDXP Nov 19)

W97 21 mHz band allocations for RDP: 21515 1300-1500 39 41 (Mon-Fri) 1500-2000 39 41 (Sat/Sun) 21655 0800-2100 12 15 46 (Sat/Sun) 1000-1200 12 15 46 (Mon-Fri) 1700-2000 12 15 46 (Mon-Fri) 21720 1000-1200 48 52 53 57 (Mon-Fri) (HFCC/Bob Padula via EDXP, Nov 19)

RDP International, Sun Nov 16 sports bc found on 17908, somewhat distorted and warbling carrier. Proved to be //listed 17745, and matching spur which was even louder and clearer than the other two freqs, 17583. Also //21655 quite weak--with so many open freqs still on 13mb, why go adjacent to BBC 21660? (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 20) [RDP here for decades, ed]

ROMANIA [was] I see in BC-DX that RRI has a new bc for NAm at 0600-0656 on 6155 and 5965. -- Yes, RRI was here at this time slot. But, ORF Vienna suffered on its long established daytime freq 6155 kHz. (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 918) Common action of ORF Vienna, their audience and Dxers Europeanwide forced RRI to leave the freq at least in early morning time slot. RRI may still use 6155 during our night towards NoAM. (WB, Nov 21)

RUSSIA Radio ODIN (Radio One) W97 SW schedule: GPR-3 Saransk Kovylkino 120 kW 67 degr 2300-0400 6030 0430-1200 11750 1230-1800 6115

GPR-3 Samara 100 kW 85 degr 2300-0400 5960 0430-0900 9480 0930-1300 9490 1330-1530 5960

Yekaterinburg Radio center 200 kW 83 degr 2300-0300 9845 0330-1100 15255 1130-1400 9845 The service continues to be bc despite of announced closure.

Special News For Polar Regions, W97 schedule Now 1615-1645 6025 via Novosibirsk 100 kW 335 degr 7255 via Samara 100 kW 140 degr

Voice of Russia World Russian Service, few changes in Pavel Mikhailov's "Klub DX" Sun 1430 & 2130 UTC, Mon 0230, Wed 1625, Thur 0025 UTC.

Islamskaya Volna observed on usual winter freq Tbilisskaya 6005 kHz 100 kW 190 degr, MW 1089 and 1494 kHz, 1600-1700 Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri here. Adygey Radio on Mons & Fris 1800- 1900, Kabardino-Balkar Radio (Wed, Thur, Sun) at 1830-1900 UTC. Voice of Assyria (Kala Aturaya, Sats 1600-1700). Radio Islamskaya Volna and Kala Aturaya are bc via Moscow GPR- 1 6130 kHz, 250 kW 285 degr.

Voice of VTN Hanoi via Russia in W97: 0100-0300 Engl + Vietn 7250 kHz 1000 kW 315 degr; 0300-0400 Engl + Spanish 5905 500 290 degr; both via Krasnodar Armavir Tbilisskaya.

CRI Beijing via Russia in W97 periode: 1600-1700 7130 400 145 St. Petersbg Arabic 1800-1830 7130 400 145 St. Petersbg Persian 1830-1930 7200 200 190 Moscow Arabic 2030-2125 7215 250 285 Samara French 2200-2255 7170 250 285 Moscow English (Nikolai Rudnev-Rus, Nov 5)

17570, 10344U, 9850 - Radiostantsia Thikiy Okean was heard with strong but flutter signal at 0815 UTC on 17570 kHz from Irkutsk and also on the USB feeder freq of 10344 kHz from Khabarovsk where is was weak. Furthermore also direct from Vladivostok on 9850 kHz. There the signal was mediocre. All freqs almost free from interference. Nice local ID 'Govorit Vladivostok', IS, followed by Thikiy Okean ID. Program Panorama (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Nov 17)

TWR D97: 0000-0030 Assamese 7430-UZB Tashkent, 0030-0200 Asian langs 9825 Irkutsk, 1130- 1530 Asian (Sat 1430-1445, Sun 1515-1530 En) 7420 Irkutsk, 1200-1300 Ch 5895 Ussuriysk). World University Network - D97: 0800-1300 En 17590 Samara. [observed in EUR too] (NDXC via EDXP, Nov 19)

SINGAPORE Eff Oct 26th, Radio Corpor of Singapore introduced this new sked for its Home and Ext SW sces: 6000 2300-1100 Ch HS 1100-1400 Ch ES 1400-1600 Ch HS 6015 1100-1400 En ES 6070 1100-1400 Ml ES 6120 1100-1400 Ch ES 6155 1100-1400 En ES 0000-1100 En HS 1100-1400 En ES 1400-1600 En HS 6160 2300-0000 En HS 7170 2300-1600 Tm HS 7245 0000-1100 Ml HS 1100-1400 Ml ES 1400-1600 Ml HS 7260 2200-2300 Ml HS (RCS/Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 19)

SOMALIA Radio Hargeisa observed. Radio Hargeisa has been observed since 13th Oct between 1600-1800 UTC on a variable freq of 7061-7071 kHz. The radio's stn's signature tune and identification remain the same as in the past: "Radio Hargeisa, the Voice of the Rep of Somaliland" (Somali: Halkani wa Radio Hargeisa, Codka Jamhuriyada Somaliland). Radio Hargeisa begins its morning txion at 0330 UTC with a 10 minute nx bulletin in Somali at 0400 UTC. It has not been possible to confirm the morning sign-off time due to poor reception. Afternoon progrs begin at 1500 UTC. A 10-15 minute nx bulletin in Somali is bc at 1700 UTC, nx headlines at 1756 UTC followed by sign-off at 1800 UTC. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 8)

SEYCHELLES FEBA RADIO Mahe, Seychelles, Indian Ocean revised Broadcast Schedule, W97 26th Oct 1997 to 29th Mar 1998

TX location: 04 deg 36" S, 55 deg 28" E.

UTC DAYS LANGUAGE CIRAF FREQ DEG PWR ======0115-0200 SMTWTFS TAMIL 41 7350 040 B 100 0200-0230 SMTWTFS TELUGU 41 7350 040 B 100 0200-0215 SMTWT.S URDU TO PAK 40,41 11690 028 N 100 0200-0230 .....F. URDU TO PAK 40,41 11690 028 N 100 0200-0215 S....FS SIRAIKI 40,41 9785 028 N 100 0200-0215 .M..... HINDKO 40,41 9785 028 N 100 0215-0230 SM.WTFS SINDHI 40,41 9785 028 N 100 0230-0245 S.....S BALUCHI 40,41 9785 028 N 100 0215-0230 SMTW..S PUNJABI TO PAK 40,41 11690 028 N 100 0230-0245 SMTWTFS PUSHTO 40,41 11690 028 N 100 0245-0300 SMTWTFS DARI 40,41 11690 028 N 100 0300-0330 SMTWTFS FARSI 39,40 11690 358 N 100 0315-0345 ..T..F. SWAHILI 48,52,53 9820 280 B 75 0315-0400 SM.WT.S SWAHILI 48,52,53 9820 280 B 75 0345-0430 SMTWTFS ARABIC 38-40,48 11695 340 B 100 0400-0415 ....T.. PORTUGUESE 53 9455 232 N 75 0400-0430 SMTW.FS PORTUGUESE 53 9455 232 N 75 0430-0500 .....F. DARI 40,41 15555 028 N 100 0500-0558 S...... TAGALOG TO ME 38-40,48 15555 340 B 100 0530-0600 .....F. SINHALA TO ME 38-40,48 15555 340 B 100 0800-0815 ....T.. ORIYA 41 15540 040 N 100 0815-0900 ....T.. HINDI 41 15540 040 N 100 0800-0900 .....F. ENGLISH TO SAS 41 15540 052 N 100 0800-0845 ...... S TELUGU 41 15540 052 N 100 0845-0900 ...... S KANNADA 41 15540 052 N 100 0800-0830 S...... MALAYALAM 41 15540 052 N 100 0830-0845 S...... BADAGA 41 15540 052 N 100 0845-0900 S...... TAMIL 41 15540 052 N 100 0915-0930 SMTWTFS FRENCH 53 15430 208 N 75 1000-1058 .....F. TAGALOG TO ME 38-40,48 15540 340 B 100 1100-1130 SMTWTFS ARABIC 38-40,48 15540 340 B 100 1200-1205 SMTWTFS CREOLE 53 11675 208 N 75 1205-1220 SMTWTFS FRENCH 53 11675 208 N 75 1145-1200 S.....S TSANGLA 42 15445 040 N 100 1200-1230 SMTWTFS TIBETAN 42 15445 040 N 100 1230-1245 SMTWTFS NEPALI 42 15445 040 N 100 1245-1300 SMTW.FS MUNDARI 41 15445 040 N 100 1245-1300 ....T.. NAGPURIA 41 15445 040 N 100 1300-1330 SMTWTFS MALAYALAM 41 11600 040 B 100 1300-1330 SMTWTFS TAMIL 41 9810 040 B 100 1300-1315 .....FS BHILI 41 15445 040 N 100 1300-1315 S.T.... KUI 41 15445 040 N 100 1300-1315 .M.WT.. ORIYA 41 15445 040 N 100 1315-1330 SMTWTFS BHOJPURI 41 15445 040 N 100 1330-1345 SMTWTFS GUJARATI 41 11600 040 B 100 1330-1345 SMTWT.S CHATTISGARHI 41 15445 040 N 100 1330-1345 .....F. MARWARI 41 15445 040 N 100 1330-1400 SMTWTFS SINHALA 41 9810 040 B 100 1345-1400 .MTWTFS PUNJABI TO IND 41 11600 040 B 100 1345-1400 S...... MARATHI 41 11600 040 B 100 1345-1400 SMTWTFS HINDI 41 15445 040 N 100 1400-1415 SMTWTFS URDU TO IND 41 11600 040 B 100 1400-1443 SMTWTFS URDU TO PAK 40,41 9810 040 B 100 1412-1442 SMTWTFS BANGLA 41 15445 040 N 100 1415-1458 SMTWTFS HINDI 41 11600 040 B 100 1443-1458 ....TFS HINDKO 40,41 9810 040 B 100 1443-1458 S...... URDU TO PAK 40,41 9810 040 B 100 1500-1515 .MT.... BADAGA 41 7270 040 B 100 1500-1515 ...W..S KONKANI 41 7270 040 B 100 1500-1515 ....TF. TULU 41 7270 040 B 100 1500-1530 S...... KANNADA 41 7270 040 B 100 1500-1530 ..TWTFS ENGLISH TO SAS 41 11600 040 B 100 1500-1545 SM..... ENGLISH TO SAS 41 11600 040 B 100 1500-1558 .MTWTFS ENGLISH NETWORK 41 9810 040 B 100 1515-1530 .MTWTFS KANNADA 41 7270 040 B 100 1530-1545 SM...FS NUER 48,53 11705 280 B 75 1532-1547 S..WTFS MAKONDI 53 9795 280 B 75 1545-1600 SM...FS DINKA 48,53 11705 280 B 75 1600-1615 SMTWTFS HAZARAGI 40,41 11600 028 N 100 1600-1630 S....FS AMHARIC 48 11725 322 N 100 1615-1630 .MTW... GURAGENA 48 11725 322 N 100 1615-1630 SMTWTFS DARI 40,41 11600 028 N 100 1613-1658 SMTW.FS SWAHILI 48,52,53 9810 280 B 75 1613-1643 ....T.. SWAHILI 48,52,53 9810 280 B 75 1630-1700 SMTWTFS AMHARIC 48 11725 322 N 100 1700-1730 S...... OROMO 48 11725 322 N 100 1700-1730 SMTWTFS SOMALI 48 9810 322 N 75 1700-1730 SMTWTFS SOMALI 48,52,53 11745 280 B 75 1800-1830 .....F. TAMIL 38-40,48 11745 340 B 100 1830-1900 .....F. MALAYALAM 38-40,48 11745 340 B 100 1800-1830 SMTWTFS FARSI 39,40 9455 358 N 100 1830-1845 S....FS AZERI 39,40 9455 358 N 100 1833-1848 ..TW... FRENCH 47,48 9500 280 B 75 1833-1903 SM..TFS FRENCH 47,48 9500 280 B 75 1900-1945 SMTWTFS ARABIC 38-40,48 9455 340 B 100

B: Broad beam of 68 deg at -6dB, elevation 12 deg, HRR 2/3/0.5,G=15dbi N: Narrow beam of 35 deg at -6db, elevation 12 deg, HRRS 4/3/0.5,G=18dbi slew +/-12 or 18 deg FEBA Radio, Ivy Arch Road, WORTHING BN14 8BX, U.K. www.feba.org.uk last updated 971112, 0900 UTC (Taken fr the FEBA Radio website by Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 15)

TAJIKISTAN 5750 Tajik Radio. 1830 here and on //5800 with exotic flute mx and male vocals; man in Turkic language (no doubt Tajik or Uzbek) at 1845, followed by woman at 1850. Resumed flute mx, which now sounded more Western (a la Zamfir), interspersed with comments by man and woman. Both outlets off at 1900 as per sked. Weak/fair, with TV oscillator birdies not helping reception. (Bob Hill, via EDXP, Nov 14) D97 scheduled 1730-1900 7510 5800 4635 5750 (ex 9905). (NDXC via EDXP)

UKRAINE RUI Kiev in English noted on a variety of freqs on Nov 15, at 0100-0200 UTC to NoAM bc via UKR channels, except 6050 and 7150, latter both Ukrainian language (via supposed Mykolayiv Kopani 1000 kW): despite scheduled for Ukrainian, 5905, addit 5915 (seemingly ex6085), 5940 6010 6020 6080 7205 7290 7420 9560 and also spurious signal on 5870 (mixture of 5905 / 5940 from same tx site Kyyiv Brovary), all in English.

Radio Ukraine in E at 1200-1300 heard also on scheduled 7285(under Warsaw), and strong 9870[Mykolayiv Kopani?], and also scheduled 17725, but latter covered by Lisbon in Portuguese. DX Klub in English couldn't observed lately. (WB Nov 14-15)

CLANDESTINE from UKRAINE to ETHIOPIA 9980 Voice of Oromo Liberation, 1700-1800 sign off, in local language. Male/female talk, canned ID with word "Oromo", a lot of local mx.(Pashkevich-RUS via Cumbre Dx, Nov 19) New frequency, ex 9925 (Johnson)

UNID I have often noted an unid ME Arabic stn on 7295 kHz at around 0400-0530 UTC last time. There were some ID's very like to Iraqi State Radio announcements and some mentions as "Izaatul...Iraq...", "Baghdad", "Saddam", etc. But may be it was an anti- Iraqi stn? Strong interference til 0400 from RL in Belorussian, then from VoA in English. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, Nov 17, )

USA I did hear Delano on 15485 rebcing GRC at 1800, after BBC off. And on 13820 doing R Marti at 1700 as Greenville went off on Nov 9th. Only weak and fluttery. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 10)

1700, WCMQ, Miami, 16 Nov, 0530-0545, S ID's and test-announcements and LA ballads and Salsa mx. They are testing with full 10 kW day and night at the moment. Terrific signals, SINPO 33443. (Martin Elbe-D, Nov 16)

There has been some question whether WMLK is still operating, as many of us seldom hear it on 9465. But Brian Alexander, not far away in Pennsylvania, heard it Oct 31 at 0433 after AWR closed, and again at 0645, 0905 checks and *1700, but always weak and never on Saturday. (Glenn Hauser-OK, WORLD OF RADIO 917, Nov 13)

DXing With Cumbre schedule as of Nov 7 WHRI Angel 1 Americas/Caribbean 0600-0630 Sat 7315 kHz 1830-1900 Sat 9495 kHz 2330-2400 Sat 9495 kHz 1330-1400 Sun (new) 15105 kHz

WHRI Angel 2 EUR/ME/AF/Russia/NoAM 0600-0630 Sat 5760 kHz 1530-1600 Sat 13760 kHz 2300-2330 Sat 5745 kHz 1830-1900 Sun 13760 kHz

KWHR Angel 3 AS/PAC 0230-0300 Sat 17510 kHz 1200-1230 Sat 11565 kHz 0030-0100 Sun (new) 17510 kHz 1630-1700 Sun 7560 kHz 1830-1900 Sun 7560 kHz (Nov 15)

US Information Agency -- Radio Marti, which began bcing on 20th May 1985, is an US-govt funded sce aimed at Cuba. Together with TV Marti, it is operated by the Office of Cuba Bcing, part of the US Information Agency's International Broadcasting Bureau (which also operates VOA and Worldnet TV). All progrs are bc on 1180 kHz MW fr a 50/100-kW tx at Marathon Key, FL. SW freqs come from the VOA txing stns at Greenville, North Carolina, and Delano, California. Some progrs now originate from a Radio Marti studio in Miami. Radio Marti, 400 6th Street, Washington, DC 20547, U.S.A. Tel: +1-202-401-7013 Fax: +1-202-401-3340 All bcs are in Spanish 0000-0300 daily 7365 6030 0300-0400 daily 7405 7365 6030 0400-0500 excMons 7405 6030 0500-0900 excMons 6030 0900-1000 excMons 6030 5890 1000-1200 daily 6030 5890 1200-1400 daily 9565 7405 1400-1500 daily 13820 11930 1500-1700 daily 13820 11930 11815 1700-1800 daily 13820 11930 11815 9825 1800-2200 daily 13820 11930 9825 2200-2300 daily 15330 13820 11930 2300-2400 daily 15330 13820 6030 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 13)

UZBEKISTAN Today I came across R Tashkent's DX Club in English. Stn announced the following English sces: 0100-0130 UTC 5955 5975 7205(received here under RUI Kiev!), 9540(strongest channel), and announced 5th channel 5040 kHz (but not observed so far). 1200-1230 & 1330-1400 UTC 5975 6025 9715, and announced 5060 kHz, but not observed this winter, was used previous winter W96 periode and monitored here loud and clear then. 2130-2200 & 2230-2300 UTC 7105 & 9540. (WB Nov 15)

VIETNAM/USA v10059,76 Hanoi 1 1309-1315 Beautiful Vietnamese mx, short announcements by female speaker, talk. Had to listen in LSB, due to RTTY-QRM in USB. SINPO: 24433 (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 14) Noted here in Stuttgart from 1030 UTC onwards, ed.

Vietnam unhappy with RFA proposal. On Australia's consideration of Free Asia radio's [the US surrogate broadcaster RFA] proposal for relaying its progrs from Darwin, a spokesman for the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry said [that] together with many Asian countries, VTN has many times voiced protests against this radio, which bcs in many local languages, beaming at some regional countries with an aim to imposing its viewpoint on, and interfering in the internal affairs of, regional countries. We hope that AUS understands very well the stance of Vietnam and all the Asian countries on this issue, (?thus) it will make a decision (?favourable to) Australia's policy of developing friendship relations with Asian countries, including VTN. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 6) [see also under Australia]

It might be interested to know that Andy Sennitt and Bart Kuperus both are leaving the WRTH at year's end. For more on this story read the recent issue of Shortwave News from the Danish Shortwave Club International - or check out the Nordic Shortwave Center web site at http://swl.sds.se/ (Hermod Pedersen, Nordic Shortwave Center, Nov 13)

And now a small update on the Telefunken E1800A rx: Last week I mentioned a price of 33.000 US Dollars for this rx. That was a wrong info! Nils contacted the manufacturer in the meantime and asked them for more details on the price. They couldn't tell him the exact price, but the rx in this configuration is prized "considerably" above 100.000 DM, and that's the price *without* value added tax. So it might take me even two bank holdups before collecting enough money to upgrade my shack. (Martin Elbe-D, Nov 15)

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This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 338 29 Nov 1997 ______

ALBANIA/MONACO Here are some freq changes made recently by TWR Cerrik-ALB tx site: Armenian 1602 7170 9940 (x7155 9950). Persian 1700 7385 9675 (x9665). Ru 1440 7365 via Monte Carlo, also on addit 9485 Cerrik-ALB. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Nov 22)

Albanian Radio-Television (RTSh). This schedule, eff 26th Oct 1997-26th Mar 1998, is based on monitoring observations and information supplied by Radio Tirana. All HF freqs are subject to variation by up to 5 kHz. Addr: Radio Tirana, Rruga Ismail Qemali, Tirana, Albania Tel: +355-42-23239 Fax: +355-42-23650 0000-0600 Al AM 7270 6090 0245-0300 En AM 7160 6115 0330-0400 En AM 7160 6140 0630-0700 Al EUR 1215 0400-2300 Al EUR 6100 (relay of home sce 1st progr) 0800-1100 Al EUR 7270 1395 1500-1800 Al EUR 7270 5985 1215 1800-1830 It EUR 7155 6015 1458 1830-1845 Tu TUR 7155 5985 1215 1845-1915 Ge EUR 7120 6080 1458 1845-1900 Gr GRC 7155 5985 1215 1900-1915 Se YUG 7110 6015 1915-1945 Fr EUR 7235 6180 1458 1945-2000 En EUR 7135 6025 1458 2000-2300 Al EUR 7270 6170 1458 2200-2230 En EUR 7135 6025 1215 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 13) v6088.36, R. Tirana, 0124-0200, Tlk and MoR mx. ID by W and into next pgm at 0200. Much clearer at 0200 as 6085 interfering stn went off. Suspected this was Tirana. (Dave Valko-USA, Nov 23)

ANGUILLA RHC La Habana is the indicator for No&CeAM reception, on 6000 kHz of course, when well propagation in progress, you will hear Caribbean Beacon Anguilla Dr. Gene Scott bcs on 6090 kHz also, approx. 0700-0900 UTC. (WB Nov 23)

ARGENTINA 15280 Radio America Internacional Now, Mr. Holowaty is visiting Paraguay still next month of Dec. When Mr. Holowaty return to Buenos Aires, I will contact again to him personally and I will question some more details, I hope that he mention me more details. Buth, Ohhh, after 30 mins approx. that I'm talking with the people of General Pacheco Radio, they now are a PRIVATE enterprise that concern now to STARTEL S.A., and yes, the tx is located in the same site from where are the txs of LRA1 or RAE, in General Pacheco, but the txs and area are totally independent each of them and they are inside the private site corresponding to General Pacheco Radio. The site ARG is correct, they confirm me all the information, except about the real power,that is a confidential information from they, but the tx now used by Radio America Internac with 30 kW really have more power, but, with this power they only test the reach of the txion catched by Rangel Neira in Colombia; using a rhombic antenna in AM mode. Finally my contact inform me that the tx will be rented to Radio America Internac, but they don't know when exactly will start the official txions. When I talked with Mr. Holowaty in the past week, I understand that probably may be in the next months, may be perhaps from Jan 1998?? (Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Nov 19)

BELARUS There is an anmt on their website that Michail Tondel, Chief Editor of the Ext Sce (and V/S), died on Nov 11 at the age of 55, following a serious illness. (Jones-PGY, via NU, Nov 23)

BOLIVIA 4945 2215 R. Illimani, La Paz. v5952.3 0000 R. Pio XII, Oruro, noted in Austria. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT, Nov 22)

BRAZIL In 2000-2100 UTC range noted Brazilians, football coverage of Botafogo vv? on v11804.74 R Globo, 11925 R Bandeirantes, and different progr on 11815 R Brazil Central Goiania, mx fr MEX, EQA, PRU. (WB Nov 22)

4845 Radio Metereologia, Ibitinga (Sao Paulo), Port, man announcer, mx progr, advert, " Bom dia Bom dia...Radio Metereologia...falando para o Brasil". 4955 Radio Clube, Rondonopolis, Port. 5965 Radio Transmundial (via Radio Nova Visao), Santa Maria, Port, man announcer, gospel mx Adoracao Total progr. 6105 Radio Cultura, Faz do Igua‡u, Port, religious mx, ID by musical jingle and electronical sounds on the background Radio Cultura" 1002-1005. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Nov 23)

CHINA Radio China is On-line! I am glad to announce the birth of RADIO CHINA, a web site with some real information, full grown when delivered, so no construction signs in sight. And best of all: IT'S FREE!!!!!! So what do you get?


Want to learn some Chinese? Here is the place to go. An introduction to the language, important phrases, radio Chinese and station IDs in Chinese. 94 WAV-files make it all come to life (ADPCM compressed for faster downloading).

NEW STAR BROADCASTING STATION New Star Broadc Stn, or Xin Xing Guangbo Diantai in , is a number stn bcing from somewhere in EaAS, probably CHN or TWN. New Star is not your run-of-the-mill number stn. It features fancy presenters, hip mx, and cool announcements like "We wish you health and happiness," to get you through the day. All this deserves a homepage on the Net, so....here it is.

LISTS Freq schedules of China National Radio 1, 2, Taiwan and Chinese World, plus winter schedules of Chinese progrs of major internat bcs.

INTERESTING STUFF Direct access to a unique page: "DXing NoKOR [KRE]: Monitoring the Headless Beast." My good friend Sonny M. Ashimori does great job of keeping track of the radio situation in NoKOR. Highly recommended. Plus yearly listings of loggings made by the author - almost 700 - since 1989. Come and reminisce with me.

And where can you all find these free goodies? Give your fingers a warm-up and type the following in your favorite Netscape browser http://w2.dj.net.tw/~hansenglish/radio/ Best viewed in 800x600 resolution. Written with Netscape Composer. This is not the most beautiful home page in the world and frankly speaking I don't care. If you like the information, then use it. If you don't, then I don't want to know either :-) I do appreciate if hearing from you if you find any bugs. (Hans van den Boogert-TWN, Nov 24)

CLANDESTINE [Cambodia] 5407.15, tent. Radio of the Provisional Govt of Natl Union and Salvation of Cambodia, 1150 Nov 23, talk and delicate female vocal mx. Occasional SSB traffic QRM. Submerged under the noise floor by 1210. (Novello-NC) 5407.3, the Khmer Rouge stn is back here and doing very well, good modulation, etc. at 1200. (Victor Goonetilleke-SL 4S7VK, via NU, Nov 23)

[Iran] n3900.1 VoCommunist Party of Iran, 1730-1758*, presumably, no ID's or ann at all, only IRN mx played. 24332. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 12)

COSTA RICA RfPI 0800 on v6980.06 usb mode, surpressed carrier, and v7384.85 am-mode. (WB Nov 23)

CROATIA Monitored schedule Croatian Radio between Nov 16-18 via Deanovec, slightly different from schedule on their homepage: 0600-1500 v6175.36 0600-1530 7185 1500-(1830?) v6025.3 1530-(1830?) 7150 Only sign-off times not yet confirmed personally. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 18)

CUBA RHC La Habana in Port at 2000-2100 noted on fair level 11760, and medium level 13680 kHz. English in our mornings approx. 0600-0800 fine signal on 6000 kHz. (WB Nov 22)

CZECH REPUBLIC R Prague's German sce 1300-1327 has a mixture signal on 8635 kHz, formula add difference of 7345 minus 6055 kHz to 7345 kHz resulting in 8635 kHz. Also further spurious signals of Litomysl 6055 kHz noted at same time and in Czech 1330- 1357 on freq difference of 79 kHz each, like a garden fence: 5818 5897 5976 [nominal 6055 midst] 6134 6213 6292 6371 kHz. (WB Nov 22)

DENMARK/NORWAY Dec 1st 1997-Mar 29, 1998 Changes in 2nd edition from Nov 27 - * = change

1930-1955 Eastern Europe 7485 145 Western & Southern Africa, New Zealand 9590 180 Canada, Greenland 9960 300* Northern Europe, Southern Scandinavia 243/1062 ND

2030-2055 Europe, North West Africa, Canary Isl. 7540 195 Australia 7570 65 Canada, Greenland 9960 300*

0330-0355 Western North America, Greenland 7520 315 Western Middle East 7545 120 Eastern Middle East 9940* 110

0430-0455 Western North America 7520 315 Russia, Eastern Middle East 7420 95 Western Middle East 9940* 120

0530-0555 Europe, North Africa 7545 180 South East Europe, Eastern Africa 9940* 145

0630-0655 Europe 5965 180 Europe, Western Africa, New Zealand 7180 180 South West Europe, Western Africa, Canary Islands, New Zealand 9590 220 Africa 13805* 165

1030-1055 Europe, North West Africa, Canary Islands 15220 195 South America 18950* 235

1330-1355 Europe 9590 180 Far East 9905 35 Russia, South East Asia, Australia 13800 80 Eastern & Central North America,Greenland 13790* 300 (Erik Koie-DEN, Nov 27)

ETHIOPIA/UKRAINE From a letter of Clandestine radio Station "The Voice of Oromo Liberation" [Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO)]: SBO currently broadcasts to EaAF and the ME on 9930[sic, lately via Kiev 9980] kHz in the 31 mb 1600-1700 UTC, six days weekly exc. Tues. SBO began txion in 1988 which went on til Jun 1992, when it was forced to discontinue because of circumstances beyond its measure. It briefely resumed bcing at the beginning of 1995, but discontinued shortly due to poor reception in the target area. The current txion began in Jun 1995 and is being well received by a great majority of our people in ETH and neighbouring countries.

The Oromo people endured a century of colonial subjugation under successive Abyssinian regimes that not only forbade the public use of Afaan Oromoo, the Oromo language, but also denigrated its rich oral literature, condemned its magnificent culture to oblivion, and above all tried to deny the very existence of this great nation of more than 25 million. The current regime in Ethiopia, under a veil of mock democracy, continues to perpetrate the oppression and exploitation of the Oromo in a more systematic way.

The aim of the Voice of the Oromo Liberation is to reach the millions of Oromos living in rural areas cut off from the rest of the world by a curtain of poverty, illiteracy and above all colonial oppression. (Alemu Bedassa, 2nd Secretary, SBO Committee Europe, SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Prinzenallee 81 D-13357 Berlin, Germany. or POBox 51 06 10, D-13366 Berlin, Germany. Tel & fax +49 30 494 10 36 fax +49 30 494 33 72 - Nov 17)

GEORGIA VoHope Dusheti bcing religious VoHope progr "She Was Unclean" En at 2000-2100 on new 6290. (WB Nov 22) Georgian Radio Tbilissi in En overmodulated signal 11910 kHz at 0829-0900 UTC. (WB Nov 23) 7475, IBC, Tamil stn hrd testing at 0100-0200 in Tamil, might start regular b/cs immediately. (Victor Goonetilleke-SL 4S7VK, via NU, Nov 15)

Georgian Radio is heard on 6230 by the following sched: 1830-1900 & 1930-2000 in En; 2000-2030 Ge (beware of co-channel R.Tashkent also in Ge); 2030-2100 Ru. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Nov 26)

GERMANY [Nigeria (clandestine stn)] - Radio New Nigeria describes itself as the Voice of the Nigerian Advocacy, Group for Democracy and Human Rights, a Boston (USA)-based pressure group, which opposes the current Nigerian govt. The stn says that it began bcing on 12th Jun 1997. Progrs are in English and Nigerian langs. The stn is believed bc via a hired SW tx in Germany, [DTK Juelich tx site]. Addr: PO Box 202, Boston, MA 02131, USA Fax: +1-617-364-7362 E-mail: radionnigaol.com or nagdhraol.com URL: http://www.nagdhr.com En/Vernac Suns 0100-0130 5905 to NoAM Sats 0600-0630 11670 to AF Suns 1500-1530 6175 to EUR. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 20) [US addr looks like other CIA sponsored groups]

[IRELAND] West Coast Radio Ireland's Winter progrs are as follows: Thur 0100-0200 NoAM 5905 Sat 1500-1600 EUR 6175 Txions fr DTK Juelich, 100 kW. (WCRI/Bob Padula via EDXP, Nov 21) [not UTC Wed, acc GH WoR]

WELLE WEST, is the radio stn for the area Heinsberg in Germany. We will - as the first German local stn - bcast a contemporary program via SW (DX). At christmas German people are able to send greeting via WELLE WEST to friends at the east coast of NoAM for the first time. (the progr will be produced in German) Dec, 26th 1997, 0100-0300 UTC. LT: 8pm - 10 pm EST on Dec, 25th 1997 Target area: east coast of NoAM - DTK Juelich freq 5905 kHz, 100 kW More details on our homepage: http://www.wellewest.lokalradio.de or with requested eMail. QSL-Questions welcome! (WELLE WEST - Frank Weiler, Nov 26) v3970 kHz 1500 VoRussia En WS. 3rd hx of Wachenbrunn 1323. 1323 kHz 1815 VoR German sce via Wachenbrunn, interfered by UNID progr in Danish! (Uwe Volk-D, Nov 26)

INDONESIA nv3996.2 RRI Pointianak, 1645-1706, popular mx, singer group, nothing noted on 3976. 1659 SCI relay RRI Jakarta "Iktisar Berita", til 1705 "Bagimu Negri", 1706 & 1730 ID. Best 35433. This was my UNID of Oct 16th.

[illeg.] syn3960.7 RRI Palu, 1321-1331, Nov 10, ID, popular mx. 23332.

4927 RRI Jambi 1640-1700*, ID by male, popular mx, earlier s-off at 1700, new s-off time? 35433. (all fr Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 12)

15150 RRI Jakarta progr Nasional? around 1500-1800. Also ahead of co-channel Finland on 11755 kHz at 1530. (WB Nov 22)

15150, RRI-Jakarta, 1652 Nov 22, wayang kulit till 1658, when local ID for Programa Nasional and ments. of Programa Satu, wayang kulit, and empat Waktu Indonesia Barat. Six high pips at 1700, followed by generic RRI ID and Warta Berita. Astounding, beautiful signal, just pounding in at room-filling volume! Extremely unusual rcpn. As you might expect, this preceded an ionospheric disturbance that began late in the afternoon. (Hill-MA via NU, Nov 23)

3395.1 RRI Tanjung Karang 1526-1536 Non-stop ballads, female speaker in BI at 1535 with tentative ID. SINPO: 24332 3976.0 RRI Pontianak 1519-1525 end of nx from Jakarta, Love Ambon, local ID, mx, talk. SINPO: 34444 4753.3 RRI Ujung Pandang 1510-1517 nx in BI (Jakarta relay). Best in LSB mode. SINPO: 34444 4777.1 RRI Jakarta 1502-1509 Male speaker with nx in BI, ID. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 22)

IRAN 5995 VOIRI, Tehran 1406 Urdu //9585 & 11830, 1526 Bengali? (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 16)

[Iran/Iraq] 7295, Voice of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Nov 19, 0500-0527* with clear VOIRI Tehran one interval signal at the end of txion. Also on Nov 21, 0350 //6195 and 9610. Thank you very much for all e-mail answers on this my observation and especially to Tony Jones! There was another clandest stn via state Irani radio. (Timofeyev-RUS/NERRS Monitoring, in DXW Nov 24)

IRAQ UNID Arabic at 0600-0700 v7146.84 [Baghdad?]. Official Baghdad from 0730 medium level on 11290, and poor 11787. (WB Nov 22)

[CLANDESTINE (Iraq)] 7115, presumed Voice of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, now bcing 30 mins longer than previously, and hrd at *0330-0530* //usual 9610 and new 6195 and 7295. IDs have always been scarce from this one, but the format (Koranic chants and frequent references to Saddam and Iraq) suggest that it is still the same stn as that hrd previously. (Jones-PGY via NU, Nov 23)

KOREA D.P.R. v11680.92 R Pyongyang Korean home sce at 1240. (WB Nov 22)

The heavy jamming against Pyongyang BS 6250, first noted Sept 25, has been increased again and is now observed throughout the day, 2100-0930 & 1500-1900. Curiously, no other SW freq seems to be jammed. By the way, the reas 6250 is off 0930-1500 is because the same tx airs the Voice of National Salvation 1000-1400 6005. Likewise, the Korean Central BS 6100 goes off 0630-1530 to do Radio Pyongyang in Ja 0700-1000 & 1100-1400 6070. KCBS 9665 is off 0930-1730 to air the Voice of National Salvation 1000-1700 4120. Radio Pyongyang's Jap sce has been off the air 7580 & 9650 0700-1000 and 6520 and 7580 at 1100-1400 almost every day since last week. Sometimes they are back on just one hour, but off again the next. 3250 and 6070 are always on, but reception is poor.

(Sonny M. Ashimori in DXW via EDXP, Nov 21)

Thanks to this week's high MUF, I finally finished Radio Pyongyang's sched (monitored Nov. 17-20). Low freqs during daytime were checked by harmonics. Those too high for late nights somehow came in just these few nights. This replaces my incomplete report in last Aug. 0000-0100 En 11845 13650 15230 0000-0100 Sp 3560 4405 11335 11700 15130 0400-0500 Ko 9345 0400-0500 Fr 3560 11740 13790 0400-0500 Sp 4405 13650 15180 15340 17765 0500-0600 En 3560 11740 13790 0500-0600 Ko 9345 0500-0600 Fr 4405 13650 15180 15340 17765 0700-0800 Ch 6125 7200 9345 0700-0800 RR 3560 11740 13790 0700-1000 Ja 621 3250 4405 6070 7580 9650 0800-0900 Ko 6125 7200 9345 0800-0900 Ko/Ru 3560 6575 9975 11740 13790 0900-1000 Ch 6125 7200 9345 0900-1000 Ru 3560 6575 9975 11740 13790 1100-1200 En 3560 9640 9975 11335 13650 15230 1100-1200 Ch 6125 7200 9345 1100-1400 JJ 621 3250 4405 6070 6520 7580 1200-1300 Ko 6125 7200 9345 1200-1300 Fr 3560 9640 9975 11335 13650 15230 1300-1400 Ch 6125 7200 9345 1300-1400 Sp 3560 9640 9975 11335 13650 15230 1400-1500 Ko 3560 9640 9975 11335 13650 15230 1500-1600 Fr 6575 9345 1500-1600 Ar 4405 6520 9600 1500-1600 En 3560 9640 9975 11335 11735 13650 1600-1700 Ko 3560 4405 6520 6575 9345 9600 9640 9975 11335 11735 13650 1700-1800 Sp 6575 9345 11700 1700-1800 Ru 3560 9325 13790 1700-1800 Ko/Ru 4405 6520 9600 9975 1800-1900 Ge 3560 9325 13790 1800-1900 Ar 4405 6520 9600 9975 1800-1900 En 6575 9345 11700 13760 1900-2000 Ar 6575 9435 11700 1900-2000 Ru 3560 9325 13790 1900-2000 En 4405 6520 9600 9975 2000-2100 Ge 3560 9325 13790 2000-2100 Fr 6575 9345 11700 2000-2100 Ar 4405 6520 9600 9975 2100-2200 En 6575 9345 11700 13760 2100-2200 Ge 3560 9325 13790 2100-2200 Fr 4405 6520 9600 9975 2200-2300 Ko 6575 9345 11700 2300-0000 Sp 11335 13650 15230 2300-0000 En 3560 4405 11335 11700 13760 15130 2300-0100 Ja 621 3250 7580 9650 KK/RR is a strange mix of Korean and Russian. (direct Sonny M. Ashimori-JAP, Nov 21/26)


The Radio Pyongyang schedule I reported last week should read:

Sonny M. Ashimori

North Korean harmonics are booming in here with strongest signals since last sunspot peak. I received the following, among many others, between 0400-0600 on Nov 18.

5700 (SIO 232) = 2 x 2850 Korean Central BS 6962 (SIO 433) = 2 x v3481 Voice of National Salvation (cland) 10443 (SIO 333) = 3 x v3481 Voice of National Salvation (cland) 11400 (SIO 444) = 4 x 2850 Korean Central BS 12500 (SIO 333) = 2 x 6250 Pyongyang BS 12800 (SIO 222) = 2 x 6400 Pyongyang BS 14250 (SIO 344) = 5 x 2850 Korean Central BS 17100 (SIO 232) = 6 x 2850 Korean Central BS 18300 (SIO 242) = 3 x 6100 Korean Central BS 23360 (SIO 343) = 2 x 11680 Korean Central BS

Hxs of North Korean jammers against the South's "Voice of the People" and "Radio Echo of Hope" (both clandestine) are also very strong on 12690, 13020, and 13200.

SoKOR stns (both official and clandestine) don't seem to produce hxs like NoKoreans do. (Sonny M. Ashimori-JAP, in DXW, Nov 21)

KOREA Rep.of R Korea Internat, Seoul. Korean Broadcasting System (KBS). Sched valid til 29th Mar 1998. Some bcs relayed via RCI Sackville (marked "-c") and the BBC's Skelton-UK site (marked "-u"). Radio Korea International, KBS, 18 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, South Korea. Tel: +82-2-781-3710 Fax: +82-2-781-3799 URL: http://kbsnt.kbs.co.kr (audio is also available)

0000-0100 Ja 11810 0100-0200 Ko 7275 0100-0200 Sp 15575 11810 11725 0200-0300 En 15575 11810 11725 7275 0300-0400 Ko 15575 11810 11725 7275 0700-0800 Ko 9510-u 7550 0800-0900 En 13670 9570 0800-0900 Ja 9640 7275 5975 0900-1000 Ko 13670 9570 7550 7275 5975 1000-1100 Ko 7275 6135 5975 1170 1000-1100 Sp 11715-c(-1030) 9580 7550 1100-1130 Ko 9650c 9640 9580 6145c nx sce 1100-1200 Ru 7275 6135 5975 1170 1130-1230 Ch. 9640 1130-1200 En 9650-c(one hour earlier 1130-1230 Ins 13670 9570 on 11715 in summer) 1200-1300 En 7285 1200-1300 Ja 6135 5975 1170 1230-1300 En 13670 9640 9570 1300-1400 Ch 7285 6135 5975 1170 1300-1400 Ko 13670 9640 1400-1500 Ins 13670 1400-1500 Ja 7275 5975 1500-1600 Ru 7275 1600-1700 Ar 7550 7275 1600-1700 En 9870 9515 5975 1700-1800 Fr 9870 9515 7275 1700-1900 Ko 15575 7550 5975 1800-1900 Ge 7275 6480 1800-1900 Ru 3970-u 1800-1900 Sp 9870 9515 1900-2000 Ar 15575 9515 7550 6480 1900-2000 En 7275 5975 1900-2000 Fr 9870 2000-2100 Ge 15575 7550 3970-u 2000-2100 Ru 5975 2000-2100 Sp 9870 7275 6480 2100-2200 Ar 9870 2100-2130 En 6480 3970-u 2100-2200 En 15575 2100-2200 Fr 3970-u 2100-2200 Ko 7275 5975 2200-2300 Ch 7275 5975 2200-2300 Sp 6150 2300-0000 Ins 7275 2300-0100 Ko 15575 5975 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 20)

MALI Mali has been heard on Nov 21 at 2300 with usual px (mainly FF talk and AA mx) on its two freqs of 4782.5 and 4835 kHz in parallel. The latter had a sligthly better signal here. (Martin Schoech-D, Nov 21) [daytime on v9632.95]

MALTA Voice of the Mediterranean has a "DX Corner" in its En progrs on Sats, in the sce to EUR & Mediterranean Region 2000-2100 on 7440. (Radio Mediterranean direct, and Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Nov 22) VoM present schedule: to EUR and Medit Region 7440 Mon-Sat 2000 En, 2100-2200 Ar, exc. Fris 2000-2200 Ar 711 Mon-Sat 0600 En, 0700-0800 Ar, exc. Fris 0600-0800 Ar Sun 0600 En, 0700 Fr, 0730-0800 Ge 7440 Sun 2000 En, 2100 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge to PHL, AUS, NZL 15550 & 17570 Sun 0200-0330 En, 0330-0500 Maltese to JAP 17570 Sun 0500-0530 Japanese. (VoM, Nov 19)

Ingrid Huettmann, die Produzentin der deutschen Programme von Voice of the Mediterranean, hat einen Truemmerbruch und Nervenschaeden an ihrer rechten (Schreibhand!) erlitten. Wer Genesungswuensche an Frau Huettmann schicken will: Voice of Mediterranean, German service, P.O.Box 143, Valetta, Malta. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Nov 21)

MOLDOVA RMoldova Internat in Sp tremendous on 7520 kHz 2030-2100. Suffering by overmodulated phone line audio quality from Chisinau to Galbeni-ROU tx site. (WB Nov 22)

NORWAY In the schedule, I have at hand here, 1700 7485, resp. 1300 9590 are listed for these hours. Are these freqs wrong and/or only three txs operational? (Kai Ludwig-D in an e-mail to R Norway) ...As to your comments, we are for the time txing an unregular schedule due to maintenance work on the low periodical antenna. Next week we will be back on normal sce. (Olav M. Grimdalen-NOR, Nov 21)

OMAN heard on new 11740 kHz opening approx. 1559. Clock chimes on hour for 8 o'clock (UTC+4). Very strong on Nov 20, and all over RFE Briech-MRC in Bulg. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 21)

PAKISTAN (c.f. BC-DX #337) R PAK Ur/En 0800-1120 UTC now back on 15530 //17835. They are currently carrying Cricket test match commentaries (PAK vv West Indies) and when in progress use 15 MHz to WeEUR and leave 17555 on air to Gulf & ME. This is NOT a change of freq. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 21)

PERU 4995 2250 R. Andina, Huancayo, 4855 2325 R. La Hora, Cusco. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT, Nov 22)

6479 Radio Altura, 0123-0154, Sp, female announcer, messages for local habitants (Comunicados) ID " ...en la sintonia de Radio Altura...". 6811.3 Ondas del Rio Mayo, 2355-0004 Sp, man announcer, advs, mxcal progr, messages for local habitants (Comunicados) ID "...... Ondas del R¡o Mayo.....para todo Cajamarca". (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Nov 23-24)

PHILIPPINES 15190 PBS Tinang fading in at 1800 UTC. Kim Elliott's CW Sats at 1230 well audible here on Tinang 11705, and //9760, 15425. (WB Nov 22) Radio Veritas Asia's official W97 schedule thru Mar 29, 1998 0000-0025 9670 Sinhala 0000-0025 9535 Karen 0030-0055 9670 Tamil 0030-0055 9535 Kachin 0100-0125 15335 Bengali 0100-0125 15530 Telugu 0130-0155 15335 Hindi 0130-0225 15530 Vietnamese 0200-0225 15335 Urdu 0230-0325 11805 Russian 1000-1025 9555 Hmong 1000-1155 9520 Mandarin 1030-1125 11850 Vietnamese 1130-1155 9670 Burmese 1200-1225 9670 Karen 1200-1225 9505 Indonesian 1230-1255 9670 Kachin 1300-1325 7265 Vietnamese 1330-1355 9660 Sinhala 1330-1355 9680 Hindi 1400-1425 9680 Bengali 1400-1425 9520 Tamil 1430-1455 9520 Teligu 1430-1525 9660 Russian 1530-1555 9525 Zomi-Chin (MoSa) 1530-1555 9670 Urdu 1500-1525 9680 Filipino (ME) 1525-1555 9680 Filipino ME:We Fr Su 2100-2255 6190 Mandarin 2230-2255 6075 Filipino (EaAS) 2300-2325 11820 Indonesian 2300-2325 9505 Indonesian 2330-2355 9535 Burmese 2330-2355 9670 Vietnamese from RVA http://www.pworld.net.ph/user/fmrva/ (Sonny M. Ashimori-JAP, Nov 19)

POLAND 6000 R.Maryja via Warsaw ? 1710 UTC, Polish religious px. [yes, Sunday Mass at 1630-1727 UTC, ed]. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 16)

PORTUGAL Txion sched of Radiodifusao Portuguesa (RDP) Lisbon. This sched is divided into two services: 1) bcs in Port; 2) in foreign languages (En, Fr and Tetum). Sched eff fr 26th Oct 1997-29th Mar 1998. Addr: RDP-Internacional, Ave.Eng.Duarte Pacheco 6, P-1070 Lisbon, Portugal or RDP Internacional, PO Box 1011, P-1001 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel +351-1-3820000 Fax: +351-1-3871381 http://www.rdp.pt/rdp/potugal

Portuguese 0000-0430 No&SoAM 11840 9655 9600 9570 6150 0430-0500 Sun/Mon No&SoAM 11840 9655 9600 9570 6150 0600-1300 Mon-Fri EUR 7110 0700-1300 Mon-Fri EUR 9780 9630-(0745-0900 DW Sines tx) 7110

0800-1000 Sat/Sun SoEaAS/AUS 17595 (for East Timor INS) 0800-1300 Sat/Sun EUR/AF/AM 21655 17725 9780 9615-(0930-1100 DW Sines tx) 7110 1300-1800 Sat/Sun 21655 17745 17725 15200 9780 7110 1800-2100 Sat/Sun 21655 17745 15200 11740 9780 7110

1000-1200 Mon-Fri AF/AM 21720 21655 17725 1300-1430 Mon-Fri ME/AS 21515 1300-1400 Mon-Fri SoEAAS/AUS 17595 (for East Timor INS)

1500-2000 Suns ME/AS 21515 1600-1900 Sats ME/AS 21515 1700-2100 Mon-Fri EUR/AF/AM 21655-(-2000) 11740 9815 9780 7110

RDP-INTERNACIONAL - FOREIGN-LANGUAGE SCE, all Mons-Fris only. 0430-0500 En AM 9570 6150 1205-1300 Tetum language SoEaAS/AUS 17595 (for East Timor INS) 1430-1500 En ME/AS 21515 2100-2130 En EUR 9815 9780 7110 2130-2200 Fr EUR 9815 9780 7110 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 20)

Last week I neglected to give the time for RDP spurs on 17908, 17583 kHz - - around 1530 UT. I see in BBCM that the source of these, 17745, is on the air Sat and Sun only, at 1300-2100. Nov 23-24 it was not so strong, and the spurs were not heard. See also ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 919, Nov 27)

ROMANIA RRI's best-heard Eng bc, now at 1300 on 17745, doesn't fade in here until sometime during the hour, but is usually good by the end at 1356. Noted on Fri Nov 21 with Letterbox at 1340. However, on Sat and Sun this is blocked by Portugal (q.v.). One of RRI's other freqs, 15250, has been missing, until noted on with a very poor signal Nov 25, Meanwhile, the new bc at 0600 has deleted 6155 upon complaints from Austria and its morning listeners in Europe, say Wolfgang Bueschel and Kai Ludwig; I wonder if the sending still exist on the other listed frequency, 5965. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 919, Nov 27) [No, not observed on 5965, only Belarus and unid Russian stn (Samara?) on that channel. NOR/DEN 180 degr NoEUR, also scheduled here at 0600-0700, WB]

RUSSIA Unid Russian stn noted on 11750 approx. 0600-0900, strong this morning, when R Finland 11755 - normally powerhouse signal here - is in the dead zone. Unusual narrow bandwith audio of approx. 2.8 kHz, like phone line sound, no satellite feed noise. Seemingly Radio ODIN (Radio One) W97 GPR-3 Saransk Kovylkino 120 kW 67 degr 2300-0400 6030 >>0430-1200 11750<< 1230-1800 6115

VoA Chinese fr Novosibirsk powering on 5910 at 1320 UTC. (WB Nov 22-23)

Rst Pacific Ocean - Tikhy Okean - heard opening at 0815 with IS and "Govorit Vladivostok" on 17570 (excellent multi-path signal here), 10344usb, 9850, 7490usb usually mixing with WJCR, and 7175 mixing with RAI Sicilia, 17570 & 7175 carry VoR En til 0800, then have a quiet 15 mins. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 21)

7525 Radio Odin (Radio One), 1900 in Ru with nx bull into musical progr. Site is unknown, this channel has not included in the HFCC registration list. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Nov 26) [punching error of 7255?]

World University Network - D97: 0800-1300 En 17590 Samara. (NDXC/EDXP, Nov 21)

12015 R. Tatarstan via Samara, 0505-0535 fadeout Nov 22, talks in vernac. and interesting local songs without any instruments, from fair to very poor. (Korinek-SoAfr via NU, Nov 23)

9600, Magadan Radio; Okhotsk, Nov 22, 0813, Male speaker in Ru with mention of Siberia and also several mentioned R Rossii, at 0819 female speaker in Ru followed by male at 0821, at 0833 western popmx with Ru male songs. // 5290, 5940, 7320, 7345. This must be the Asian version of R Rossii not //with the European version on 9720 and 11990. 5290 = Krasnoyarsk 24222 5940 = Arman Magadanskaya Oblast 25222 7320 = Arman Magadanskaya Oblast 25222 7345 = Yakutsk 25333 9600 = Okhotsk Magadanskaya Oblast 35333 (van Rooy-HOL, in DXW, Nov 24)

RWANDA R Rwanda, Kigali, noted daily at 1500-1559 UTC (break in CZE/SVK bcs) in French. At best in second half hour, due to BBC Mandarin s-off then. (Uwe Volk-D, Nov 16)

SOMALIA Radio Hargeisa. Following the declaration in May 1991 of an independent Rep of Somaliland in the north of Somalia, this stn has identified itself as "Radio Hargeisa, the Voice of the Rep of Somaliland" (Somali: Halkani wa Radio Hargeisa, Codka Jamhuriyada Somaliland). Address: PO Box 14, Hargeisa. Street address: Ex-Indian Club, Tima-Cadde, near the Main Street, Hargeisa. 0330-0530 & 1500-1800 Somali 7071-v(7061-7071) 0400-0410 nx, 1700-1715 nx, 1756-1759 headlines. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 20)

SOUTH AFRICA Channel Africa approx. 1700-1855 [extends weekends only?] on 15240, En except Port 1730, Fr 1830. (WB Nov 22)

SRI LANKA SLBC Colombo in En 1430 v9729.94. (WB Nov 22)

TAHITI Last hrd in early Oct, when the signal was actually improved over earlier in the year. But in the last week, no trace of them, and fairly confident that v15167.5 has finally closed. (Bryan Clark-NZL, RNMN, via NU)

15167v, not traced at all during Nov, despite the fact it has always been audible even under the worst of condx. Would now seem to be off SW. (Jones-Paraguay via NU, Nov 16)

Reminiscence: Personally I was always trilled by that stn, was often a good indicator for PAC conditions especially during the May/Jun/Jul season, easily to find due the usual whistle tone on odd freq. Appeared here in EUR in the 70's around 0400 til 0800 UTC on three channels v9750 v11827, and v15167. Well heard also during my holiday trips to SoEaAS [yes 1972 in US hold Saigon] and MEX/GTM. (WB)

THAILAND R. Thailand has changed both freqs to NoAm as of Nov 21: 0030-0200 13695 (x11905); 0300-0430 15460 (x11890) (Warren561, WORLD OF RADIO 919, Nov 27)

First half hour of each in En; not much here on 15460, but some days 13695 is loud tho fluttery, other days barely audible; wide variation due to high latitude path which could be avoided by using Delano and Greenville (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 26)

TAIWAN Voice of Asia Taipei in Thai at 1500 UTC fine signal on 7445. (WB Nov 22)

TAJIKISTAN 5750/5800/7510 kHz, Tajik Radio, 1803. Scheduled here between 1730-1900 (7510 kHz from 1530-). (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 16) D97: 1730-1900 7510 5800 4635 5750 (ex 9905). (NDXC via EDXP, Nov 21)

Democratic Voice of Iran: 1830-1900 Persian 5840/5835 Dushanbe. Voice of Tibet: 1222-1257 7400 Dushanbe. (NDXC via EDXP, Nov 20) [ref. VoT: 11530, CRI, *1200-1257*, CH hrd daily, but without IS (just goes straight into prgm). I don't know if it's legitimate, or intended as a jammer against Voice of Tibet (now moved?). (Jones-PGY in NU, Nov 23)]

[tent. TJK] 5865, RFA currently being hrd in Lao at 2200-2300 on this unlisted freq, //6240, 7550, 9570 & 9910. Also hrd at 1130-1230 on 15660 & 17535, both of which have problems with the progr feed. (Jones-PGY in NU, Nov 23)

TUNISIA RTT Sfax Ar v15535.62 noted at 0800-1145, //11730, 17735.19 kHz. (Noel Green-UK, Nov 21; WB Nov 22)

UAE VoUAE Abu Dhabi in Ar at 0200-0400 6170 17770 15315 21735; 0500-0700 on 13605 13755 & 21735; 0400-0600 21630, 0700-1500 17885. 0700-0800 13605 13755 17885 21630; 0800-1200 13755 17760 17770(-1100) 17885. 1200-1300 17760 17885. 1300-1500 13605 17760. 1500-1600 9515 13755. 1600-? 6180 9770.

UAE R Dubai monitored 0300-0330 Ar, 0330-0400 En 12005 13675 15400, 0415-0530 Ar and 0530-0600 En 15435 17830 21700. Sign-on appears to be 0300 in lieu of 0230. 1100 on 13675 new 15370 15395 21605. (updated by Bob Padula-AUS EDXP, Nov 17; Jones-PRG, NU Nov 15) *0600-1637* on 21605 (also hrd on 13675 between 0930 and 1130); and 1700-2050* on 11795, 13630, 13675 & 15395. (Jones-PGY via NU, Nov 23)

Here are some new frequencies in UAE Radio from Abu Dhabi current schedule: 6170 Nov 21, 0345 [exc usual 6180] //9695, 21630, 21735 9515 Nov 18, 1445-1600* //9570(from 1500), 11710, 13605 9570 Nov 18, *1500-1755, co-channel with QBS Doha 13755 Nov 19, *0500-0800 with great signal here near St.Petersburg and //13605(from 0600),21630 (till 0600 and from 0700) and 21735 (till 0700) (Timofeyev-RUS/NERRS Monitoring, in DXW, Nov 24)

Beware of Kuwait also on 17885, and Qatar on 17895; Oman on 11890 & 15140. (ed)

UKRAINE R. Kiev home sce in Ukr noted in GER on 17955 kHz (3x5985) and 5985 kHz at about 1400 UTC on days when propagation peaks. (Juergen Lohuis-D, Nov 26)

UNID 6144 kHz - heavy carrier all day long, who is this ? 5890 kHz - UNID - until 0900 UTC, no English or Sp, weak. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 18)

Comm: I don't know. DTK Juelich? RA Shepparton also here, I assume fr 0900 UTC. R Marti Delano to Cuba 0900-1200 Tue-Sun only in Sp. Albanian fr Sofia-BUL is on 5895. [comments by WB]

USA WORLD OF RADIO FREQUENCY CHANGE. From Dec-Febr, WWCR-1 plans to open 9475 an hour earlier at 2100, so our first bc Thur at 2130 should be much better heard in NAm and EUR on 9475 than it has been on 15685. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Nov 26)

13790 WINB Red Lion PA now heard playing gospel mx at 1805 UTC. (WB Nov 22)

New? WWBS plans to start on 1 Febr 1998. During mid Nov the antenna work was continuing. Initial target area will be CAN. (Joanne Josey, via Cumbre Dx, via EDXP, Nov 13)

Details: Permittee - Charles C. Josey; txer location 30 Poplar St, Macon, GA. Addr Charles C.Josey, WWBS, 965 Hickory Ridge Drive, Macon, GA 31204-1018 U.S.A. Tx 50 kW, target zones 3,4,9. Antennas: One rotatable YAGI to 330, 0, or 30 degr, 53 degr beamwidth, 7 degr elevation. (FCC/Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 21)

WLC, 75-year-old maritime communications stn for the Great Lakes, is closing down its voice services after Nov 28 at 1930-2030, since shipping company clients refused to pay a modest monthly fee. Check SSB shore freqs 2514 and 4369, paired with ship channels 2118 and 4077. QSL address: Central Radio Telegraph, WLC, P. O. Box 280, Rogers City, MI 49779 (Joe Olig, RIB and WORLD OF RADIO 919, Nov 26)

KVOH W97 schedule 1300 Sign On 9975 Sp 1600 Sign Off 9975 1600 Sign On 17775 Sp 0000 Sign Off 17775 0000 Sign On 9975 Sp 0300 English 0600 Sign Off 9975 We have Program Test Authority from the FCC to operate two txs simultaneously. We intend to commence two tx operation during the W-97 season. (KVOH e-mail via Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 25)

UZBEKISTAN Tashkent's Uzbek sce at 1730-1830 on 7105 and 9540 kHz. (WB Nov 22)

R Taskent D97 schedule: 0100-0130 En, 0130 Dari, 0200 Pashto, 0230-0330 Uz 9540 5975 5955 0400-0430 Tu 15330 15165. 1200-1230 En, 1230-1300 Ur, 1300-1330 Hi, 1330-1400 En, 1400-1430 Ur, 1430-1500 Hi, 9715 6025 5975 5060 1230-1300 Uighur, 1430-1500 Ch, 1530-1600 Uighur 5040 1520-1550 Dari 9540 6025 5975 5060 1550-1600 Uz 9650 7205 7105 6025 5975 1630-1700 Persian, 1700-1730 Ar 7205 6025 5975 1700-1730 Tu, 2030-2100 En, 2130-2200 En 9540 7105 1730-1830 Uz 9540 7205 1830-1930 Persian 7105 6025 1900-1930 Ar 5975 1935-2030 Ge 11905 9540 7105 6230 5060 5035 2330-0000 Ch, 0030-0100 Uighur 5060

Uzbek Radio: Local sce 4510 0930-1000, 1200-1230 Uzbek-1 5995 0000-2100 Uzbek-2 15330 0430-1400. 15165 0430-1230 4850 0000-2300 9540 1630-1700 2100-2130 2200-2300 7105 1300-1500 1630-1700 2100-2130 2200-2300. (NDXC via EDXP, Nov 21)

Lower freq official allocations are 4850 0000-2300 100 kW ND CIRAF 30 5035 1930-2030 100 kW 310 deg 28 5040 1130-1500 50 kW 55 deg 42 43 2230-1300 50 kW 55 deg 42 43 5060 1200-1500 100 kW 150 deg 41 1930-2130 100 kW 300 deg 28 6230 1930-2030 100 kW 310 deg 27 6260 0100-2100 20 kW ND CIRAF 30 (HFCC/Bob Padula-AUS via EDXP, Nov 21)

VIETNAM 4214.38 Lai Chau 1, was not active on Nov 12th. nv4795.3 Tuyan Quang, 1310-1430, Vietnamese, and dialects, political talks, 1330 ID, "..Vietnam ...Tuyan Quang", hill tribe mx, native songs, NOT in //v5924.5 or 4959.6!!! Regular around this QRG! Best 34443. nv5034.9 Dia Tieng Noi, 1315-1328*, Hmong sce, //6165.6. hill tribe mx, at 1328 ID by female. No NA was heard. 5034.9 = 44333, 6165.4 = 33433.

5050 Quang Tri BS, 1058-1105, time pips, En ID!, IS, Vietnamese, and dialects, regular noted here. 45543. nv6539.4 R Cao Bang, 1225-1305, Vietn, ID, 1228 hill tribe mx, at 1300 //progr 6701, and 5924.5 Hanoi relay, til 1305, then local progr again, x-tal defect, distorted modualtion, progr lasted longer than listed. 24332. n6700.7 Lao Cai 1 BS, 1015-1125, Vietn, political talks, 1030 gongs. march mx, 1032 native songs, NOT //5597.7, but came on air in //progr from 1125 UTC, then //5924.5 Hanoi relay, but QRG 5597.7 s-off at 1147*. 6700.7 is overmodulated, all announcements are echo hall effected. 6700.7 = 34432, 5597.7 only S=2. v7154.7 RTV Bac Thai, 1255-1320, Vietn, 1255-1300 Hanoi relay, //5924.5, then local progr with ID, at 1303 starts a jammer co-channel, which s-off at 1312 UTC. Hill tribe mx, best 35543. (all by Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 4)

4796v R.Son La (tent), Nov 18, 1218-1401*, Vn talks and local mx 6463v R.Yen Bai (tent), Nov 18, 1138-1214*, Vn talks and local mx 6541v R.Cao Bang, Nov. 18, *1200-1400*, Vn talk and local mx One more stn - R.Lao Cai - was observed on usual freqs of 5598v and 6701v. (Timofeyev-RUS/NERRS Monintoring, in DXW Nov 24) v10059.46 Hanoi home sce relay, fade-in from 1040 UTC. (WB Nov 22) v4959.6 Hanoi 1544-1550 Vietnamese mx, ID and same tune as played at start of VoV txions. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Nov 22)

4959.63, tent. Natl Net 2, Hanoi. 1057 Nov 21, oriental female vocal, 1059 very distinctive theme song/IS. Also hrd on presumed Lao Cai-6700.89 this past Monday, 1100 with 5+1 time pips, brief M&W statement into anthem. Good signal. (Mohrmann VT) 5924.55, R. Hanoi-1, 1140 Nov 23, lots of talk, //10059.75. (Novello-NC) 6590, presumed Cao Bang, 1353-1405 Nov 11, talk by YL, local flute mx at 1401. Poor with QRN. (Fisher-Singapore) 6700.89, presumed Lao Cai, 1049 Nov 17, unknown lang. Man with chants, 1058 beautiful flute tune, followed by (perhaps) IS. Carrier dropped abruptly down to .79. At 1100, 3 pips, woman ancr followed by anthem, then man talking at 1101. RTTY and SSB splatter, poor signal. (Mohrmann-VT) 11540 & 11590, Hanoi HS being used to jam RFA Vietnamese, 1400-1500, still on although RFA moved out of these freqs Oct 26[!!]. Also 2330-0030 on 13710 and 11580 with HS-1. 11570 is strong with Hanoi, 11580 is very weak. (Victor Goonetilleke-SL 4S7VK, Nov 23) (Preceding items from NU, Nov 23) v4795.6, Son La B.S. (pres.), 1159-1215, instru. NA, W briefly (ID?) followed by Asian mx bridge. 1200 M anncr and into simple Asian flute mx. Weak but there w/stable carrier and clean audio. Pres. Cao Bang BS was noted on 6540.3v at the same tim! e w/M vcl mx; weak wobbling carrier. (Dave Valko-USA, Nov 23)

Radio, TV stations damaged by typhoon. Radio and TV stns in provinces along the southern coast are trying urgently to overcome the damage caused by Typhoon #5 [Linda]. With support from the VoVTN Radio, the heavily damaged radio stns of Ca Mau and Bac Lieu are repairing their equipment in order to return to normal operation. Though still having to face many difficulties, officials, editors, correspondents and technicians working in stns of provinces along the southern coast such as Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Soc Trang, An Giang, Kien Giang, Bac Lieu, Ca Mau and Ben Tre are trying to finalize their entries for the coming fourth national radio bc festival. (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 16)

------Wanted: ICOM IC-1275 - 23 cm allmode unit ------

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

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ODD frequencies noted in recent 24hrs: R Hanoi dom sce 2nd progr at about 2300-0100 10059.44. Hanoi frist progr in Vn same time span 9729.73. VoVTN Hanoi at 1845 v9839.89. Strong open carrier, no audio, on 9675.86. Thailand usually some hundred Hertz up: 9655.52. Sana'a-YEM in Ar at 0500-0600 on 9780.30, reg 0255-2130. (WB Nov 29/30)

ANTARCTICA 15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel / Radio La Colifata. Continuing with the special annual txions on SW, during the next 18 Apr 1998, Radio La Colifata will bc his own progrs through the txs of LRA36 on 15476 from 2000. As some of you know, is a stn that bc within the Neuro-psychiatrist Hospital Dr. J.T. Borda in the city of Buenos Aires, where the same interns ("colifatos") make his own progrs. The progrs will be make for the Base Esperanza staff and for all DXers and SWLs interested in this txion. The same, (as in the first opportunity through WRMI 9955 on 18 Apr 1997 0230-0300) will be possible thanks to the DXer Norberto Pugliese after conversations with the current head of the Base Esperanza and director of LRA36, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Casela, who to give the txr to this stn. All reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card if you write to: Radio La Colifata, Casilla 17, 1640-Martinez (B.A.), Argentina. They only ask 2 IRCs for the postal fees. (Norberto Pugliese, via Gabriel Ivan Barrera-ARG, Nov 29)

ARMENIA ARMENIAN NATIONAL RADIO, PROGRAM SCHEDULE OF "THE VOICE OF ARMENIA" WINTER 97-98 864 4810 Pe Daily 0330-0400 Az Mo-Fr 0400-0430 En Sa-Su 0400-0430 Gg Mo-Fr 1500-1515 Tu Sa-Su 1500-1530 Tu Mo-Fr 1515-1530 Ru Mo-Fr 1530-1600 Ku Mo-Fr 1600-1645 Arm Mo-Fr 1645-1715

1314 4810 Ar Daily 1715-1800

9965 4810 Mon-Sat only Arm 1930-2015 Fr 2015-2045 Ge 2045-2115 En 2145-2215

15270 4810 Suns only Arm 0815-0900 Fr 0900-0930 Ge 0930-1000 En 1000-1030

9965 Arm 0200-0245 Sp 0245-0315 (Guido Schotmans-BEL, Dec 3)

AUSTRALIA RA Shepparton noted at 1300 on 9415, reg 1100-2130 Ch/Vn/En. (WB Nov 30)

What's going on with RA's freqs? A revised sked as of Dec 1 is on their website, but doesn't match what I am actually hearing. Best morning freq, 9415 altho on the sked at 1200-2130 has been missing; instead I heard RA on 9590 Dec 2 at 1245 as well as 9580, and still going under BBC/WYFR after 1250 carrier and 1300 programming. Hope this is not a permanent change from loud and clear 9415. The 49 mb freq 6020 has Bonaire clash at 1200, and at 1300 something in Ch, much worse than the abandoned 5870 and 5890. Same situation on Dec 3. (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 920, Dec 4)

RA seems to have dropped use of 9415 & 9435 during the times they were previously used. Now found on 9590 doing En coming up at 1200 - past 1400. Co-ch KTWR Chinese - NOR/DEN 1300-1355, then overwhelmed by splash from DW 9595 Ge & 9585 Ur etc. I suggest 9590 replaces 9415. Heard on 9500 with Ch 1100 and Vn 1330-1500 then En. Suggest this replaces 9435. Still on 11880 for Ch but goess off 1330. Can't find a // for the Vn. 11660 very weak til 1330 //9590 when suddenly improves in strength, beam change?. Can't be sure what time 11660 9590 9500 are on-air til. All fade out. 17750 15510 15415 all audible til off at 0900, En. Couldn't trace 11880 at this time, but found on air in En at 1030 then into Ch 1100-1330 off. 9770 audible when FNL left 9760 (dreadful splatter) at 0900 and in En (not Indonesian) til off 1100. 9660 still on 0900+ doing Tok Pisin //9710 (audible thro LTU which is off freq anyway) and tent 6020 (under UKR). New 9500 came up at 1100 for Ch as mentioned before. On Dec 3rd 1130, no trace yet of RA 9590 - KTWR Ch good on there. 9580 audible 0800-1000 then again fr 1100 after Ch jammers (intended for BBC) went off. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

BELGIUM/GERMANY RVI Brussels makes the following freq changes: Fr Sat 29 Nov 1997, the (Sats only) sports progr in Dutch at 1900-2100 moves fr 9850 & 11725 to 9925 & 11890 to SoEUR & whole AF respectively. Fr Mon 1 Dec 1997, the daily progr in Du to EaEUR at 1700-1730 moves fr 7255 to 7410. This txion is via DTK Juelich, 100 kW, 60 degr. (Paul Brems-RVI via Guido Schotmans-BEL, Nov 27

Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal - schedule W97 fr 26 Oct 97 - 28 Mar 98

prog kHz tx kW degr Target area 0430-0500 N 6120 BON 200 305 NoAM (We) 0600-0625 N 9925 WAV 200 153 AF; SoEaEUR 13745 WAV 200 167 AF 0630-0655 N 9925 WAV 200 137 SoEaEUR 9940 WAV 100 225 AUS; SoWeEUR 0700-0825 N 6130 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9925 WAV 200 197 SoWeEUR 0830-0855 E 6130 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 13795 WAV 100 225 AUS 1000-1025 N 15145 MAD 200 245 South AF 1130-1255 N 9925 WAV 100 32 NoEUR 11745 WAV 200 137 SoEaEUR 1200-1230 N 6170 P.K 250 245 EaAS; AUS 13795 TAC 100 130 SoEaAS 15250 BON 200 170 SoAM 1200-1255 N 6130 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9925 WAV 200 197 SoWeEUR 1300-1325 E 13680 WAV 100 293 NoAM 1700-1825 N 5910 WAV 200 163 SoEUR > 7410 JUL 100 60 EaEUR <<< 9925 WAV 200 197 SoWeEUR 11680 JUL 100 115 ME 1730-1755 E 5910 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9925 WAV 100 84 EaEUR 11680 JUL 100 115 ME 1800-1830 N 9925 WAV 200 153 AF 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 1830-1855 E 9925 WAV 200 153 AF 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 1900-1930 N 5910 JUL 100 ND EUR 5960 JUL 100 100 EaEUR 9925 WAV 200 153 AF 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 1930-1955 N 5910 JUL 100 ND EUR 9925 WAV 200 153 AF 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 2000-2055 N 5910 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9590 WAV 200 197 SoWeEUR 2300-2325 N 9555 BON 200 335 NoAM (Ea)

Exceptions on Fris 2130-2155 F 9925 WAV 100 293 NoAM

Exceptions on Sats 0900-0925 D 6130 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9925 WAV 100 84 EaEUR 0930-0955 F 15545 WAV 200 177 AF 21510 WAV 200 157 AF 1900-2100 N*> 9925 WAV 200 173 SoEUR <<< >11890 WAV 100 167 AF <<< 1900-1930 N 5910 JUL 100 ND EUR 5960 JUL 100 100 EaEUr 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 1930-1955 N 5910 JUL 100 ND EUR 13745 WAV 200 152 AF 2000-2055 N 9590 WAV 200 197 SoWeEUR

Exceptions on Sundays 0900-0925 D 6130 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 9925 WAV 100 84 EaEUr 0930-0955 F 15545 WAV 200 177 AF 21510 WAV 200 157 AF 1030-1130 N 17690 WAV 200 152 AF 21510 WAV 200 157 AF 1400-1700 N* 9925 WAV 200 163 SoEUR 11890 WAV 100 197 SoWeEUR 17680 WAV 200 157 AF BON = Bonaire-ATN JUL = Juelich-D MAD = Antananarivo-MDG P.K = Petropavlovsk-Kamtsjatka-RUS TAC = Tashkent-UZB WAV = Wavre-BEL

D = Ge E = En F = Fr N = Du/Flemish N* = Sports (relay of home sce Radio 1 in Du)

MW Wolvertem-BEL 1512 , 0600-0730 1800-2330 300 kW, 01.12.97-31.01.98 til 0830 UTC: 300 kW, remaining 25 kW. 0600-0730 Du 0730-0830 Du 0830-0900 En 0900-1000 Du Sat & Sun: Ge + Fr 1000-1300 Du 1300-1330 En 1330-1500 Du 1500-1700 Progr fr DW Cologne (Ge) 1700-1730 Du 1730-1800 En 1800-1830 Du 1830-1900 En 1900-2000 Du 2000-2100 Du Sat & Sun: Fr + Ge 2100-2130 En 2130-2330 Progr fr RNW Hilversum (En)

History of changes: 29 Nov 97 1900-2100 9850 repl with 9925 1900-2100 11725 repl with 11890 01 Dec 97 1700-1730 7255 repl with 7410 (Paul Brems-RVI via Guido Schotmans-BEL, Nov 27)

BULGARIA R BUL Sofia new freqs: Bu 1300-1600 addit 9850, // 1224 5865. Bu 1900-2000 7515(x7540) Plovdiv 250 140 degr. //EUR 747 1224 5865 7335. Tu 1815-1900 747 1224 5865 7515(x7540). (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

CAMBODIA 11940.4 2355 Voice of Cambodia, tx sign-on, carrier til 0001, En ID, QRG's by female, only Cb folk mx played, no nx or comm reports! Never observed such progr before. At 0016 close announcement with a piece of mx, sign-off. Fr progr followed at 0017, IS, ID and QRG's in Fr, till 0030* UTC. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 24)

CHINA Zhejiang People's Bcing Stn. in Standard Chinese: "Zhe-jiang ren-min guang-bo dian-tai". Stn does not bc on Tues between 0505-0855. Addr: 11 Wulin Xiang, Moganshan Lu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310005, China. 2130-0000 Ch 2475 1503 1476 1404 1287 1134 1080 963 810 585 567 531 2230-2300 Nx relay of CPBS Beijing.

0000-1505 Ch 2475 1503 1476 1404 1287 1134 1080 963 810 585 567 1200-1230 Nx relay of CPBS Beijing, 1430-1500 En Lessons (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

CROATIA New sched finally appeared on their website and strangely enough valid fr 1st Dec, while it was already in use since a few weeks.

J= DTK Juelich-D EUR 24h 1125, 1400-0630 1134 , 1500-1830 6025, 0600-1500 6175, 0600-1530 7185, 1530-1830 7150. EaNoAM 0200-0400 6120J. WeNoAM 0200-0400 5840J. AUS 0800-1000 11730J. NZL 0700- 0800 on 11730J. SoAM 0000-0200 9520J (ex 9505). SoAF 2100-2200 9590J. I did hear 13830 during the morning of the weekend Nov 22-23 too. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 30)

CUBA D97 schedule, RHC La Habana, eff Nov 10: En - EUR 2030-2130 13715 100 041 degr 13 dB 2030-2130 13605 20 037 degr 13 dB The 13605 transmission is made using SSB mode at reduced carrier USB, 20 PEP, -12 dB pilot carrier.

Fr - EUR 2000-2030 & 2130-2200 13715 100 041 degr 13 dB 2000-2030 & 2130-2200 13605 20 037 degr 13 dB

Sp - EUR 2100-2300 usb9830 30kW PEP 041 degr 13 dB 2100-2300 11760 100 053 degr 13 dB

Sp - NoAF 2100-2300 13680 100 053 degr 15 dB

Po - EUR 2000-2030 11760 100 053 degr 13 dB

Po - NoAF 2030-2100 11760 100 053 degr 13 dB 2000-2030 & 2030-2100 13680 100 053 degr 17 dB

Sp - Americas 1200-1400 6070 100 270 degr 10 dB 1100-1400 6000 50 230 degr 13 dB 1100-1300 955O 100 137 degr 13 dB 1100-1500 11760 100 dipole ant 0 dB 1200-1400 15340 100 172 degr 15 dB

Sp - The Americas 0000-0100 6000 250 010 degr 17 dB 0000-0500 5965 50 270 degr 15 dB 0000-0500 6070 50 230 degr 15 dB 0200-0500 6180 100 020 degr 10 dB 0000-0500 9505 250 170 degr 17 dB 0000-0300 9550 100 137 degr 13 dB 0000-0100 9820 100 348 degr 15 dB 0000-0500 11760 100 160-340 0 dB 0000-0300 11970 250 160 degr 19 db 0000-0500 13715 100 160 degr 13 dB

Po - SoAM 2200-2230 & 2300-2330 15340 50 156 degr 15 dB 2300-2400 11970 250 160 degr 19 dB

En - the Caribbean 2230-2330 6000 75 110 degr 3 dB Broad antenna pattern - High vertical angle radiation

En- NoAM 0100-0500 6000 250 010 degr 17 dB 0100-0500 9820 100 348 degr 15 dB 0100-0700 9830 30 037 degr 10 dB 0500-0700 9820 100 315 degr 15 dB 0500-0700 6180 100 020 degr 10 dB

Fr - the Caribbean 2230-2300 & 2330-0000 6000 100 110 degr 3 dB

Fr - NoAM 0030-0100 & 0130-0200 6180 100 020 degr 10 dB

CREOLE - the Caribbbean 2130-2230 6000 100 110 degr 3 dB

CREOLE - NoAM 0000-0030 & 0100-0130 6180 100 020 degr 10 dB

GUARANI- SoAM 2230-2300 & 2330-0000 15340 50 156 degr 15 dB

QUECHUA - SoAM 2330-0000 15340 50 156 degr 5 dB

Special Esperanto weekend bcs 1500-1530 & 2330-0000 11760 100 non dir 1930-2000 13715 100 041 degr 13 dB 0700-0730 9820 100 315 degr 15 dB (Arnie Coro via EDXP, Nov 29)

ECUADOR HCJB En to PAC heard 5 kHz down 9640 kHz at 0800-1100. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

ERITREA Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea (VOBME) is the official govt-run radio of Eritrea. ID in Ar "Huna Asmara, Idha'at Sawt al-Jamahir al-Iritriyyah". ID in Tn "Ezi Kab Asmara Zemehalalef Medeber Radio Demtsi Hafash Eritrea Eyu". ID in Am "Yeh be Asmera ketema yemigegne yesifiw yeritrea hezeb demts yeamarigna agelgilot new". Addr: POBox 872 (progr) or POBox 243 (techn), Asmara, Eritrea. Tel +291-1-119-100 Fax +291-1-127-115

945 5000 and 7085 0300-0400 Mon-Fri Tn 0400-0500 daily Tigre 0500-0700 Sats Tn 0930-1030 Mon-Fri Tn 1100-1200 Suns Tn 1200-1300 Sat/Sun Tn 1500-1600 daily Kunama 1600-1700 daily Tigre 1700-1830 daily Tn

1089 4000 v7390 0300-0400 daily Ar 0930-1030 daily Ar 1600-1700 daily Afar 1700-1800 daily Ar (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

GEORGIA VoHope Dusheti 1800-2000 on 6290 mixed up co-channel R Pakistan Islamabad sce to ME workers in 1800-1900 time span. (WB Nov 30)

Radio Georgia in Ge also on 6230 at 1800. 11805 0700-0730. (Lutz Andreas, Nov 30)

GERMANY Relig progr Universal Life bcing Swiss Ge sermon, and direct live translation into En lang at 1830-1859 9490 via DTK Juelich tx, 160 degr. (WB Nov 30)

I hear the En sce of Radio Vilnius on (new?) addit 5880 //5905 , probably also via DTK Juelich. SINPO 44444. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Dec 3) [time?]

GUATEMALA 4778.41, R. Coatan, 2242-2256, Long tlk feature by M, ad/promo block at 2253 incl ID. Played instr.version of "Silent Night" at 2255; the first time to hear Christmas mx on SW this year!!! Fair but QRMed. (Dave Valko-USA, Nov 29)

4825 1150-1154* Sistema Radial Tezulutlan, Quichi, relig talks, Marimba mx playing, but abruptly stop and sign-off suddenly at 1154*. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 24)

HAWAII 1300+ tuning in to KWHR on 7560. Dec 1st was a superb AS/FE/PAC day and this one was heard til blocked by NOR/DEN opening 1700. Gave a clear ID at 1600 and playing mostly popular relig mx. At same day KNLS ALS 7365 at 1000 & 1200 and on 6150 at 1100. Maybe super Dxers in the FE can help, 7114.95 fading in about 1330 and audible til around 1500. Flute mx til 1400 and then nx. Tentatively Th lang, so their home sce stn? (Noel Green-UK, Dec 1-3)

HUNGARY Budapest NF# 9805 *1800 Serbian //7255. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 26)

ICELAND 9260U# Rikisutvarpid 1851 here instead of sched 9275 with vocal ballad and usual Ic talk; also //11402 instead of sched 7735. (Bob Hill-USA, EDXP, Nov 19) Checked here on Nov 29, noted on 9260 only, no trace on either 7735, 11402, or 13860. (WB, Nov 29)

INDIA Radio Kashmir, Srinagar, 4950 1533, male speaker, sounds like En, 1600 presumed ID, Indian flute, male speaker, Kashmiri folk songs, 25242. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Nov 30)

INDONESIA 9525 VoIndonesia, 1158-1201, Love Ambon with closing voiceover anmts in Ja; into BI at 1200. Fairly good. (David M. Clark-CAN, Nov 11) VoI at 2300-0100 noted here in EUR on 11755 . (WB Nov 29) 11785 0840-0900*, En ID popular mx, nx. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22)

9565 9630 11755 15125 RRI Jakarta 0835-0845 BI "Progama Satu". (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22)

IRAN Islamic Rep of Iran Bcing. Voice of the Islamic Rep of Iran (VIRI) is the ext sce of the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Rep of Iran (VVIRI), which is also known as Islamic Rep of Iran Bcing (IRIB). This sched, based on information supplied by VIRI, is valid until Mar 1998. Freqs are liable to variation, especially on the Ar sce. Some bcs are also relayed in Tehran [*] on VHF/FM 106.70. Ext bcs fr Mashhad in Dr, Pe (for TJK) and Uz are the subject of a separate schedule.

0030-0130 Be 9570 7215 7130 765 0030-0130 En 9685 9022 6055 * 0030-0130 Sp 9650 6175 0130-0330 Sp 9650 6175 6055 6010 0130-0230 Ur 9570 7130 6005 765 0230-0430 Az 9615 702 0230-0430 Ku 639 612 0230-0330 Pa 9570 7150 6005 765 0230-0330 Sp 6050 6015 0230-0430 Tkm 1449 0300-0330 Arm 6210 0330-0430 Pa 9570 7150 6005 765 0330-0430 Swa 13605 11750 7260 0430-0530 Tu 11790 9520 0530-0630 Bo 15230 13610 9525 9520 0530-0630 Sp 15260 11790 0545-0630 Ha 15450[my UNID Ar] 11720 0630-0730 Fr 15325 15260 11790 0630-0730 It 15230 15084 13605 9022 0730-0800 Ma (Only on satellite) 0800-0900 Ch (Only on satellite) 0930-1000 Arm 11705 9615 1000-1100 It (Only on satellite) 1100-1230 En 15260-v 11875-v 11830 9585 765 702 * 1130-1730 Ku 1161-(to 1530) 930-(to 1530) 639 1200-1300 It 15230 15084 13605 1230-1330 Pa 11875-v 11830 9585 7180 765 * 1300-1330 Ma 15365 15200 13605 11885 11790 7215 1330-1430 Ch 15200 13605 11885 9625 7215 1330-1430 Ur 11830 11790 9750 9585 7115 6175 5995 765 97.70-(for Tehran) 1400-1500 Ru 11960 11930 9735 1449 702 1430-1530 Be 13605 11875 11790 7215 5995 1430-1530 Pa-Z 11830 1098 765 (progr from Zahedan studio) 1500-1530 Ka 9750 9585 7160 1500-1730 Tkm 1449 1530-1630 En 13605 11790 7215 * 1530-1630 Pa 9570 7150 6005 765 1530-1630 Ru 9585 9022 7260 1404 1530-1730 Ur-Z 11830 1098 (progr from Zahedan studio) 1630-1730 Arm 11720 9620 6210-to 1700, 6005 1630-1830 Az 1404 1323 1630-1730 Tu 9735 9022 7260 1730-1830 Bo 9615 7340 7145 1730-1830 Ge 9022 7260 7160 1730-1830 Ru 7290 7115 1730-1830 Swa 9745 9650 7165 1830-1900 Al 9615 7340 7145 1830-1930 Ass 936 1830-1930 Fr 9022 7260 7160 1830-1930 Tu 1404 639 1900-1930 It 9650 7340 7145 7140 1930-2030 En 9022 7260 7160 1404 1930-2030 Ru 9740 7305 7290 7175 1945-2030 Ha 11720 9605 2030-2130 Sp 9022 7260 2130-2230 Bo 7170 7145 7125 2130-2230 En 6175 6165 * 2330-0030 Ch 9570 7215 7130 2330-0030 Fr 9022 7260 6030

VIRI Ar sce 0130-0330 9685 9022 0330-0730 5995 576 0730-0830 15350 5995 1224 576 0830-1130 15350 13605 11745-(fr 0930) 1224 576 1130-1700 15350-(to 1330) 11745 1224 1080-(fr 1600) 576 1700-2130 9665 7190 6030-(1730-1900) 6025 1224 1080 2130-2230 9022 7260 6025

Addr POBox 19395-6767, Tehran, Iran Fax: +98 21 2051635; Tel: +98 21 2042808 E-mail: iribdci.iran.com (General) iribrecdci.iran.com (Research Centre)

This sched shows sces bc by the Voice of the Islamic Rep of Iran (VIRI) fr its studios at Mashhad, the capital of Khorasan province in NoEaIRN, for listeners in CeAS. The MW tx on 720 is reportedly located at Tayyebad, also in Khorasan province. The Tj bcs at 0330 & 1600 may be in standard Pe. Stn ID in Pe: "Inja Mashhad ast, Seda-ye Jomhuri-ye Eslami-ye Iran, markaz-e Khorasan". ("This is Mashhad, the Voice of the Islamic Rep of Iran, Khorasan centre.")

0100-0300 Da 7180 720 0300-0330 Uz 720 0330-0500 Tj 720 1330-1530 Da 7180 720 1530-1600 Uz 7180 720 1600-1730 Tj 7180 720 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

ITALY 7306 USB Con Frecuencia Suns *1035-1103* Sp DX progr, based in ARG and bc each weekend on SW via Radio Europe Italy, and WRMI (times?), as well as on local stns in LatAM; they QSL by a card for two IRCs; announced address: Con Frecuencia, Casilla de Correo 950, 2000 Rosario, Argentina. (Harald Kuhl-D, Nov 22)

NUEVO HORARIO PARA "CON FRECUENCIA" (programa DX en espanol producido por Ruben Guillermo Margenet): viernes (Fri) 1300, domingo (Sun) 2130, lunes (Mon) 0300. 1300-1330 Con Frecuencia (viernes Fri) Espanol 2130-2200 Con Frecuencia (domingo Sun) Espanol 0300-0330 Con Frecuencia (lunes Mon) Espanol (WRMI, Sept 1) May one hour later during winter time.[?]

[ITALY/CANADA] Swiss-German accented religious progr at 1136 on usb7120 via Nexus relay. Here are further comments by HJB: Seit 1967 hat der deutsch-kanadische Prediger Hans Dietrich Nimz als Teil seiner Gemeindearbeit auch ein deutschsprachiges Rundfunkprogramm, das seit einigen Jahren auch ueber IBA-Nexus ausgestrahlt wird. Hans Dietrich Nimz wurde 1938 in Pommern geboren und wanderte 1962 nach Kanada aus. Dort arbeitete er zunaechst als Bankangestellter und ging dann in die geistliche Arbeit. Nach verschiedenen Stationen auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent ist er jetzt an der German Church of God, 10135-85 Av., Edmonton Alberta T6E 2K1, Canada taetig. (Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Nov 21)

RAI Rome on NFs - 7295# r *2025 but QRMing c/c IBB; 7125# En *2025 QRMing c/c DW-Trinc; 9685# *2025 En //11840 7125; 6040# Sk 1932. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 23)

JORDAN Here is a current monitoring schedule of Radio Jordan: 0400-0900 Ar 15435 0400-1500 Ar 11810 1100-1730 En 11690 1600-0200 Ar 6105 1800-2200 Ar 9830 2200-0100 Ar 15435 (Timofeyev/NERRS Monitoring, Nov 25-26, via DXW)

KAZAKHSTAN BBC London Alma Ata relay, Be 9830 1330-1415 100 132 degr to SoAS HR 2/4/0.8. (HFCC list)

KOREA D.P.R. 4770 1205-1228* R Pyongyang, NA, ID, nx, choir mx like exSoviet mx. Not regular active, not listed. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 25-28)

What Roland heard is one of North Korea's regular random number txions fr 1200 (not daily) on 4770 and 5870v. It is not Radio Pyongyang, and there is no ID. Why, the bc doesn't even have a name. (Sonny Ashimori-JPN, Dec 6)

KOREA Rep. RKI Seoul via URL put your RR in the RKI form and send it via Internet direct to RKI Seoul. (Lutz Andreas, Nov 30)

MALAYSIA 6025 RTM K-L usually Chinese progr five, noted in BM, not in Ch. Jamming underneath [against whom?], also jamming on 6010 at same time. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22) [Cland radio stn 6010 Voice of Nat Salvation Haeju KRE/KOR 0955-1700 Kr]

MALTA/RUSSIA VoM Valetta opened on 9660 at 1200 in En, followed by It til 1300. Ar 1300. I presume this is a new sce via RUS? (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

NETHERLANDS Radio Netherlands W97 schedule: 0030-0130 En 11655M 9860M 7305Q 5905D 0130-0225 Du 15315B 6165B 6020B 0130-0325 En 11655M 9860M 0230-0425 Sp 9590B 6165B 6020F 0330-0425 Du 11655M 9860M 0430-0525 En 9590B 6165B 0530-0625 Du 9715B 6165B 0600-0700 Du 9895F 7130F 6020F 5955F 0630-0725 Du 11660B 9720B 0700-0900 Du 9895F 6020F 5955F 0730-0830 En 11895B 9830B 0830-0925 En 13700I 9830B 5965B 0900-1100 Du 9895F 5955F 0930-1025 Du-Carib. 6020B 0930-1125 En 9810I 7260P 1030-1125 Du 21480M 17580M 9820B 9720B 1100-1200 Du 13770F 11895F (Not Su) 9895F 5955F 1130-1155 Sp 9715B 6020B 1130-1325 En 6045J 5975W 1130-1325 BI 21480M 17580M 15590T 7375P 1200-1225 Sp 9715B 6020B 1200-1300 Du 13700F(Su only) 9895F 5955F 1300-1600 Du 9895F 6015F 5955F 1330-1425 Du 13755F 7375P 5930P 1330-1525 En 15585M 13700F 9895M 1530-1625 Du 15585M 12090M 1600-1700 Du 9895F 6015F 5955F 1630-1725 Du 11655M 6020M 1700-1800 Du 9895F 6015F 5955F 1730-1830 En 11655Z 9605M 6020M 1830-1925 Du 21590B 17605B 11695F 9860F 1830-2025 En 15315B 11655Z 9895F 9605M 6020M 1930-2025 Du 9860F Su 1930-2025 Po 21590B 17605B Su 2030-2125 Du 17605B 15315B 11655M 9895F 6020F 6015M 2030-2125 Du 15525B 2130-2225 Du 15315B 11730B 9895F 2130-2225 Du-Carib. 6030B 2130-2325 BI 9590M 7285M 2230-2325 Sp 15315B 11730B 9895F 6020F 2330-0025 Du 12090P 9590M 7285M 2330-0025 Sp 6190F 6020F 2330-0125 En 6165B 6020B F=Flevo-HOL B=Bonaire-ATN M=Madagascar-MDG T=Tashkent-UZB J=Juelich-D W=Wertachtal-D I=Irkutsk-RUS P=Petropavlovsk-RUS Q=Novosibirsk-RUS Z=Meyerton-RSA D=Dushanbe-TJK G=Wolvertem-BEL (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

PAKISTAN Pakistan Broadc Corpor (PBC). This sched, compiled from monitoring observations and information supplied by Radio Pakistan, is valid fr 2nd Nov 97-7th Mar 98.

0100-0215 Ur 15485 11760 0230-0245 En 15485 13620 11760 7485 (nx at dictation speed) 0330-0400 Gu 15325 0430-0630 Ur 17555 15170 11725 0800-1104 Ur 17835 17555-alt 15550 15530-alt 0800-0805 En nx 0900-0930 Ins 17540 15425 1000-1030 Ta 15465 13665 1100-1145 Hi 13665 9515 7255 1105-1120 En 17835 17555-alt 15550 (nx at dictation speed) 15530-alt 1200-1245 Be 11975 9785 1200-1230 Ch 11835 9675 1300-1345 Pe 11975 9775 1330-1530 Ur 15375 11570 9650 (1400-1410 nx in En, dom sce) 1400-1500 Hazargi 756 (for AFG) 1430-1500 Uz 6070 6040 5055 (for AFG) 1500-1530 Ru 6070 5055 1600-1800 Da 1260 1600-1630 En 17720 15570 15375 11570 9650 (1600-1615 nx fr dom sce) (1615-1630 nx at dictation speed) 1615-1700 Hi 9600 9525 7485 6070 1700-1900 Ur 11570 9425 9330 1730-1800 Tu 7340 6120 1800-1845 Ar 7460 1800-1900 Ur 6290 (Islamabad progr) [mixed up co-channel VoHope Dusheti-Georgia, Nov 30, 6290.1 heard on PHL also, by Roland Schulze, Nov 21] 1930-2000 Fr 11570 9710

Addr: Radio Pakistan, Broadcasting House, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad Tel +92-51-81003326/37/38 Fax +92-51-811861 Telex 5816 PBCNO PK Cable: DIGBROCAST http://www.radio.gov.pk (audio files also available). (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA n4890 and 9675 alternating each other? On Nov 22nd bcing on 9675 only, but active on 4890 on Nov 23rd and not on 9675. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22-23)

PHILIPPINES UNID feeder, ssb4720 VoA site? 1259 IS En ID, addr in Washington DC, fr 1300 in Korean. 25332, Nov 25. Different Asian languages on usb/lsb side on Nov 27. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 25-27)

PORTUGAL DW-Sines NF# 9805 Bu *1700-1800*. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 26)

RUSSIA A sce not so far Ided in Ru heard using 7100 at around 0700-1100 when propagation permits. Low level and flutter suggests a distant location. Before RA came on 9500 could hear very weak Mayak Krasnoyarsk 20 kW 20 degr to zone 22, //Saransk 9470 150 190 to zone 29 & Murmansk usb7310 50 195 at 0630-1500 zone 19. I wonder if this is the flea-power 5 kW listed as Blagoveshchensk? (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

[HFCC reg 7100 Moscow 100 kW nondir at 1300-2100(!) to zone 19. Michiel Schaay/Klingenfuss Super Frequ list shows 7101.5 Tech. & Industr. Inst. Test Ra Izmir TUR 0800-1000 & 1200 1400 Tu domestic sce, Sept-May. Heard them in previous winters in Stuttgart too. usb7310 reg 0530-1500]

4920 VoRussia, Yakutsk, 2058, En progr hrd, first noted at 2051. ID by M for the VoRussia WS and gave sked at 2058. Somewhat weak but readable. Gone at 2102 recheck. Last hrd on 7 Nov 1996. (Dave Valko-USA, Nov 29)

BBC London in Ch 7330 1300-1530 & 2200- 2300 via Chita 500 200 4/4/1. Ukr via Ekaterinburg 5905 1700-1730, 2000-2030[-2100 Sat/Sun], 200 263 HR 4/4/1. 7370 0500-0600 Mon-Fri 200 263 HR 4/4/1. Also //Grigoriopol Moldova 999 500 kW. BBCWS En for FE 5905 2200-2300 Irkutsk 250 125 FE HR 4/4/1. St Petersburg 7425 1800-1830 Azeri to CeAS 200 147 HR 2/4/0.6. 1830-1900 Sun En Alt AS, Fri Azeri, Mon-Thur+Sat Ru. Vladivostok relay 7330 Ch to FE 1000-1100 500 228 HR 4/4/1. (HFCC list)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Riyadh NF: 15165# Somali *0400-0500* (x15335). (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 27)

SOLOMON Isl 5020 SIBC 1125-1130* Pidgin + En, ID market prices for food products. 1129 instrumental NA til 1130*. QRM by Jingxi PBS-CHN, and SLBC Colombo-CLN. 23332 (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22)

TADJIKISTAN R Dushanbe noted here on 5750(strongest) and 5800 in //. Ar 1700, Persian 1715-1800, Tajik? 1800-1900. (WB Nov 30)

Here below the schedule for Voice of Free China and Voice of Asia thanks to a tip from Sonny Ashimori in Japan : (URL : http://www.246.ne.jp/~abi/sked-twn.htm - don't know who put it there and I couldn't connect again tonight, so you have the find out for yourself :-))

TAIWAN VOICE OF FREE CHINA winter sched til Dec 31 Ay 0300-0400 SEAs 7130 11915 1000-1100 SEAs 7130 15270 15345 FE 11745 Pac 9610 1400-1500 FE 7130 SEAs 11745 Ar 2000-2100 Af/ME 9955 15270 Ca 0100-0200 NAm 5950* 15440* 0300-0400 CAm 11740* 0500-0600 SEAs 11825 11915 15270 15345 NAm 5950* 9680* 1000-1100 SEAs 7285 7445 11915 1100-1200 SEAs 15270 1300-1400 SEAs 11915 15345 Ch 0100-0200 SAm 15215* 17845* 0400-0500 NAm 5950* 9680* SEAs 7130 11825 15270,15345 0700-0800 SEAs 7130 0900-1000 SEAs 7445 11915 15270 15345 FE 11745 Pac 9610 1200-1300 SEAs 15270 FE 11745 1900-2000 Eu 15600*,17750* ME/NAf 9955 En 0200-0300 FE 7130 15345 SEAs 11825 NAm 5950* 9680* CAm 11740* 0300-0400 FE 11745 15345 SEAs 11825 NAm 5950* 9680* 0700-0800 NAm 5950* 1200-1300 FE 7130 Pac 9610 2200-2300 Eu 15600*,17750* Fr 0700-0800 Eu 7520* 2000-2100 Eu 9610 15600* Ge 1800-1900 Eu 9955 2100-2200 Eu 15600*,17750* Hk 1100-1200 SEAs 11860 15345 1400-1500 SEAs 11915 15345 BI 0600-0700 SEAs 7130 11825 11915 1200-1300 SEAs 11860 15345 Ja 0100-0200 FE/NAm 11745 15345 1100-1200 FE/NAm 7130 11745 1300-1400 FE/NAm 7130 11745 Ru 1705-1805 Eu/ME 9955 Sp 0200-0300 SAm 15215* 17845* 0400-0500 CAm 11740* 0600-0700 5950* 2100-2200 Eu 9610 2300-2400 SAm 15130* 17805* Th 0600-0700 SEAs 15270 15345 1500-1600 FE/NAm 7130 SEAs 9610 2200-2300 SEAs 7445 15345 Vn 1500-1600 SEAs 11915 15345 *) relay via WYFR USA. FP: Govt decided to establish the new national broadc stn specialized in overseas sce in merger of VOFC and CBS in Jan 1998. The new name is expected to be Taipei Radio Internat.

The VoFCh ann Dec 1 that eff Jan 1, 1998, when the stn becomes "Taipei Radio International," part of its bc schedule will also change. Ja sce will be changed to 1100-1200 & 1400-1500 7130 11745 2100-2200 7130 11745 15345 Will anyone help complete this with the other languages? The VOFC also ann that a special first-day QSL card will be issued to reports on Jan 1. [Sonny M. Ashimori-JAP, Dec 2]

VOICE OF ASIA winter sched til Dec 31, bcs to the Mainland China. Ay 0900-1000 1422 Ca 0800-0900 7445 Ch 0100-0300(Sun) 15270 0500-0700(-0900 Sats) 7285 0700-1100 9280 Hk 0900-1000 285

Bcs to SoEaAS Ch 1048-1100* 585 1300-1445 585 7445 1448-1500* 585 7445 *History of CHN progr 1600-1700 585 7445 En 1100-1200 585 7445 BI 1200-1300 585 7445 Th 1500-1600 585 7445 2300-2400 7445 (Last modified: Nov 20, 1997. via Marc Vissers-BEL, Nov 30)

TURKMENISTAN It's quite surprising what can be heard if a channel is clear of hight power Europeans. If you are still out of bed at 2300 some night then try LW 279 kHz. Asgabat has been more or less regular on that freq after Minsk goes off and you can check it really is them by tuning //5015. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

UAE Abu Dhabi D97 sched, fr Nov 2nd/97, all in Ar: FE 15315 0200-0400, 21735 0200-0700, 17770 0900-1100, 11690 1100-1300 AUS 17770 0200-0400, 21630 0400-0600, 11710 1300-1600; NoAF 21630 0700-1000, 17760 1000-1500, 9570 1500-1800, 7170 1800-2200; EUR 13605 0600-0800, 17885 0800-130, 13605 1300-1600, 9770 1600-2200; ME 6170 0200-0500, 13755 0500-1200, 9515 1200-1600, 6180 1600-2200 IND/PAK 9695 0200-0600 1600-2000. (UAE R Abu Dhabi/Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 29)

UAE. Dubai, fr Sept 30/97: NoAM 0230-0400 15400 12005 13675 FE 0415-600 21700 15435 17830 EUR 0615-1645 21605, 1700-2100 11795, 0615-2100 15395 13630 NoAF 1030-1200 15370, 1200-2100 13630

All in Ar, exc En 0330-0400, 0530-0600, 1030-1100, 1600-1630 (UAE R Dubai/Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 29) NFs: 12005#*0300 Ar, En 0330-0400 // 15400; 13630# Ar 1725 //13675 11795 (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 27)

UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International. This schedule has been compiled from recent monitoring observations. It is important to note that freq usage is highly variable. At certain times up to three separate progrs in Uk may be carried simultaneously. The second sce may carry mainly cultural progr and/or relays of parliamentary sessions.

RUI may be carried on additional LW/MW freqs at various times (eg 171, 936, 1350, 1431, 1512 ). The exact usage of these freqs has not been confirmed.

0000-0100 Ge EUR AM 7290 7205 6020 6010 5905 0000-0100 Uk EUR AM 7150 6050 5915 171 0100-0200 En EUR AM 9560 7420 7290 7205 7150 6080 6050 6020 5940 5905 171 0200-0300 Uk EUR AM 7420 7205 7150 6080 6050 6020 6010 936 171 0300-0400 Uk EUR AM 7420 7205 7150 6050 6020 6010 0400-0500 En EUR AM 11905 7205 7150 6020 0500-0600 Uk EUR AM 7420 7205 7150 6030 5895 0600-0700 Uk EUR AS AM 17725 11825-(fr 0630) 9610 7420 7285 6020 5985 0700-0800 Uk EUR AS AM 17725 13590 11825 11720 9610 7420 7285 6020 5985 0800-0900 Uk EUR AS 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 11720 9610 9560 7420 7285 6020 5985 0900-1000 Uk EUR AS AUS 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 11720 9610 9560 7420 7285 6020 5985 1000-1100 Uk EUR AS AUS 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 9610 9560 7420 7320 7285 6020 5985 1100-1300 Uk EUR AS AUS 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 9870 9610 7420 7320 7285 6020 5985 1200-1300 En EUR AS AUS 17725 9870 7285 1200-1300 Uk EUR AM 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 9610 7420 7320 7285 6020 5985 1300-1400 Uk EUR AM 17725 17680 15520 13590 11825 9870 7420 7320 7285 6020 5985 1400-1500 Uk EUR ME AF 17680 15520 13590 9870 9560 7420 7320 7285 6020 5985 1500-1600 Uk EUR AS AUS AM 13590 9870 9560 7420 7285 6020 1600-1700 Uk EUR AM 9560 7420 6080 6020 5940 1700-1800 Uk EUR AS AUS AM 7420 6080 6020 5940 5905 1800-1900 Ge EUR AS AUS AM 7420 6020 5940 5905 1800-1900 Uk EUR AS AUS AM 6085 1900-2000 Uk EUR AS AUS AM 6085 6020 5905 2000-2100 Uk EUR AS AUS AM 6085 936 2100-2200 Ge EUR AS AUS AM 7420 7205 6080 6020 6010 5940 5905 2200-2300 En EUR AS AUS AM 7420 7205 6080 6020 6010 5940 5905 936 2200-2300 Uk EUR 6050 2300-0000 Uk EUR AM 7240 7150 6080 6020 6010 5915 5905 936 171 Addr: Radio Ukraine International, Kreshchatyk 26, 252001 Kiev, Ukraine Tel (Ukr sce): +380-44-229-2870/1757 Fax: +380-44-229-4585 (BBCM via AGDX, Nov 27)

Spurious signal of 35 interference Kiev-UKR 5905/5940, noted at around 1700-1900 on 5695 5730 5765 5800 5835 5870 . (WB Nov 30) 5835 (spurious), RUI, Nov 30, 0020, German = progr outlet for Europe (// 7205), weak. Likely a mixing product, so far I haven't puzzled out the formula. (Ludwig) 5870, R. Ukraine Intl, 2200 En, not hrd every day, and would seem to be a mixing product, 2 x 5905 - 5940. (Jones-PGY via NU)

UNID 13870 non-stop saxophon orchestra mx, seemingly from AS/FE, mx break after 45 mins. New antennas for Urumqui-CHN or VoA Iranawila-Sri Lanka? According to an inquiry of ORF Vienna INTERMEDIA SW Panorama progr: 0700-0900 13870 non-stop mx progr observed, obviously TEST bcs. [At present Nov 30, 2245 UTC, same txion heard here playing saxophone orchestra mx over and over again. BUT I can't attach this type of mx to any country or bcing stn.] (Wolf Harranth-AUT OE1WHC, ORF Vienna Intermedia, Nov 30; ed)

Comment: New txs ordered or installed at VoA Iranawila-Sri Lanka, CRI Urumqui-China 500 kW, RKI Suwon-Korea 100 kW, BSKSA Riyadh-Saudi Arabia 2 x 500 kW, RFA Tinian Island (xMaxoceira Portugal txs), KTWR Guam 5th 100 kW tx. Tests of Urumqui from August 19 til Sept 6th in 7 and 9 MHz band sounded playing typical Chinese mx and could been constrained to CRI easily. Iranawila test tones couldn't noted here in EUR yet. Tinian isl. installation is obviously far behind any test actions yet.

From SUPER FREQUENCE LIST 1998 by Michiel Schaay via Klingenfuss Publications Nearest registration to 13870: 13865 China Radio International CHN 1800 1830 Hu Eu alt. frequency 13865 China Radio International CHN 1830 1900 Bu Eu alt. frequency 13865 China Radio International CHN 1930 2000 Ro Eu alt. frequency 13865 China Radio International CHN 2000 2030 Pl Eu

Unid Ar stn on exact 15450 around 0400-0630? Poor signal compared to JOR 15435, UAE Dubai 15395, TUR 15385. Different Ar progr from TUN? Not same progr on RTT Sfax 7475 kHz. Or it's really KOL Israel Ar sce?, which left usual 15480 for 15420 in its morning sce. KOL Ar sce noted from 0800 on 15480 again. (WB Nov 30)

USA 9465 0424 35433 USA WMLK En rlg. (Hans-Friedrich Dumrese-D, Nov 27)

WRMI txion sched - eff Dec. 1, 1997

Mon-Fri 1045-1100 En 1100-1430 Sp 1430-1445 En 2245-2300 En 2300-0000 Sp Tues-Sat 0000-0300 En/Sp 0300-0400 Sp 0400-0530 En Sat 1100-1500 Sp 2000-2200 Sp 2200-0030 En Sun 0030-0415 Sp 0415-0530 En 1200-1300 Sp 1300-1500 En 1500-1715 Sp 1715-1930 En 2100-2130 En 2130-2230 Po 2230-0000 Sp Mon 0000-0030 Ge 0030-0115 Sp 0115-0300 En 0300-0430 Sp All days are UTC. All bcs on 9955 with 50 kW beaming primarily to the Caribbean and LatAM. (Jeff White-FL USA, Nov 27 [email protected] )

WHRA (Maine): Stn is ready and back up to 500 kW, but since they did not acquire the license they must file a new FCC construction permit application. They expect to receive equipment test authority in early Jan, and will test for four or so weeks, intended target AF & ME, approx. 10 hrs. per day. First day of progr will be Feb 15, 85th anniv. of founder Lester Sumrall. (WHRI via DXPL, via NU Nov 30)

WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE, SHORT VERSION eff Dec 2 WWCR Nashville, Thur 2130 9475 [NEW for Dec, Jan, Feb. fr March back on 15685 again 2100-2200], Sat 0700 5070 AND 3210, Sat 1230 5070, Sun 0730 5070, Mon 0400 3215, Tue 1330 15685.

RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1500-2400 period, 7385 2200-1200, 6980-USB 0000- 1200, 21465-USB 1200-2400.

On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0500 on 5085-USB. If the tape arrives before Mon addit unscheduled times may occur, such as UT Mon 0600 on 5085-USB or on 9400 Sat, Sun daytime. If the tape does not arrive until Tue, backup time is UT Wed at 0600.

W.O.R. is a listener-supported, public-service progr about communications around the world, especially, but not limited to, SW Broadcasting. Look for separately distributed rundowns of topics in each half-hour edition, or on our website: http://www.grove.net/~ghauser also usually in RFPI Weekly Updates, previews by e-mail or newsgroups. This site also gives complete details of all our bcs on satellite, cable, AM and FM, Internet, in Sp, and about our publications, contact info, etc. (Glenn Hauser OK, Dec 2)

UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent on new 5065 [best in usb mode]. //5060 9715, 1200-1205 En. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22) [5065 is a punching error of 5975? Scheduled on 5060 5975 6025 9715, ed]

BBC London Tashkent relay, 7375 Be 0030-0045, Hi 0045-0130, Ur 0130-0145 200 131 HR 4/4/1. 7430 Hi 1400-1500, Np 1500-1530, Be 1630-1700. 17655 Be 0800-0810. (HFCC list)

VIETNAM v4795.1 1158 Tuyan Quang, mx piece, hill tribe mx, ID, Vn talks, 34333. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 25) Hanoi foreign sce on v10010 1200-1500. v10059 is audible here daily at 0830. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

Radio Stations in the United Kingdom - 15th Edition. This popular BDXC publication details all UK domestic radio stations currently on air. Also includes a supplement listing stations in the Rep of Ireland. Price: UK p.2.50; overseas p.3 / US$ 5 / DM 10 or 7 IRC's. British DX Club, 126 Bargery Road, Catford, London, SE6 2LR, England.

The third edition of the Australasian Shortwave Guide, covering the Winter TXion season (W97), will be ready for mailing on 8 Dec. This is the authoritative, accurate and unique SW guide to bcs in En and other languages targeted to AUS & NZL, and En txions beamed to SoAS, the FE, and the Indian sub- continent. Over 600 entries with freqs, txion times and days, languages, target areas, relay tx sites and other information. The data is presented in dual format: by country and UTC time. Supplementary articles include: - A comprehensive listing of E-mail addresses for internat bcs - DXing Mongolia

The Guide is produced and distributed by "Padula Books", and is compiled with the extensive support of bcing stns, txion planners, freq coordinators, technical consultants, engineering directorates and a network of worldwide expert monitors. Author is Bob Padula, OAM, who has many decades of experience at both the hobby and professional levels in internat bc engineering. The Guide is indispensible for internat bc monitoring, and is 28 pages, A4 format, professionally printed and bound. Price - To AUSn addresses - A$10. - Elsewhere - A$20 (US$15) Orders with payment should be sent to: Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, AUS. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel/fax +61 3 9898 2906 From outside of AUS: cash (AUSn or US dollars), international money order, bank draft (payable at an AUSn bank in AUSn dollars). Cheques drawn on banks outside of AUS will NOT be accepted. Readers in NZL may purchase fr Burnet-Pollard Books,.PO Box 149, Otaki 6471, NZL. e-mail: [email protected] (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Nov 29)

------Wanted: ICOM IC-1275 - 23 cm allmode unit ------

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 340 13 Dec 1997 ______

ALGERIA RTA Algiers in Sp at 1310 on 15160 //11715, suffers by co-ch different Ar lang progr on 15161.81 kHz, extensive speech to the crowd progr. Mis-alignment on the two Algerian tx sites or what? Deliberate interference of neighbour Ar country? (WB Dec 7)

ANGOLA 9720.3, R Nac de Angola, 1644-1802*, Mainly in ethnic langs with Po ann and ID's at 1700 & 1800, very like ex9535 which is inactive now. (Timofeyev/NERRS-M RUS via DXW, Dec 1)

ARGENTINA 13363.5 usb, Aire 12-70 (Doce Setenta); Buenos Aires, was first observed via this USB feeder outlet, at 0811-0920 on 24 Nov. Aire 12-70, somos su radio amiga, Aire, la radio que acompana." Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires has seemingly changed its stn name as "Aire 12-70". 13363.5 USB, Radio Continental; Buenos Aires, Dec 5, 0700-0800. Here instead of 8098 kHz. Program "Algo para Recordar" with oldies. (TIN via DXW, Dec 5)

ARMENIA Armenian Radio (Voice of Armenia) Yerevan 0200-0245 Suns Arm, 0245-0315 Suns Sp 9965 0330-0400 daily Pe, 0400-0430 Mon-Fri Az, 0400-0430 Sat/Sun En 4810 0815 Sun Arm, 0900 Sun Fr, 0930 Sun Ge, 1000-1030 Sun En 4810 15270 1500-1645 Mon-Fri 1500 Gg, 1515 Tu, 1530 Ru, 1600 Ku 4810. 1500-1530 Sat/Sun Tu, 1645-1715 Sat/Sun Arm 4810 1715-1800 daily Ar 4810 1314 1930-2015 Mon-Sat 1930 Arm, 2015 Fr, 2045 Ge, 2115-2145 En 4810 9965 Addr: Alek Manoukyan Street 5, Yerevan 375025, Armenia. Tel: +374-2-55010; Fax: +374-2-551513 A separate Yerevan-based stn, Radio Intercontinental, has also bc on SW in the past, using the same txs as VoA. Its current status is unknown. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 11)

BELARUS Radiostanzija Belarus will cease using txs in the UKR as fr Dec 31. At present via Kiev-UKR relay 1900-2000 6010 and 7205. (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 6)

Belorussian Radio home sce is heard at 1315 on a new freq 5965, //7210, 7145, 6115.

The Former Soviet Rep of Belarus has been cracking down on press and media freedom. On 25/11, the Minsk govt shutdown the Belorussian nxpaper "Svoboda" for its opposition to the President. The VOA does not have a Belarus language sce but RFE/RL, based in Prague, does. RL's Belarus sce is now carrying material produced by Svoboda journalists on its radio sce and its Web pages (www.rferl.org).

New SW freqs have been added for the RL Belarus bc. Note especially the new 75 mb channel, from 0400-0500 via Biblis, Germany on 3980 and 5985, and via Playa de Pals, Spain on 7275; 1600-1730 on 3965 via Biblis and 2000-2130 on 6025 via Biblis, and 6010 via Woofferton, England. (Communications World, via Mick Ogrizek via EDXP, Dec 6)

Fr Dec 8, Radio Liberty introduces some addit freqs (marked *) for the progrs in Belorussian language: 1600-1730 on 7295-MOR; 7155-PAL; 6170-LAM; 6000*-PAL ; 3965*-BIB. 2000-2130 on 9750-MOR; 7155-MOR; 6095-LAM; 6025*-BIB; 6010*-WOF. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Dec 8)

0400-0500 3980 Biblis 5995 Pals 7275 Pals 7295 Morocco 1600-1730 3965 Biblis 6000 Pals 6170 Lampertheim 7155 Pals 2000-2130 6010 Wof 6025 Biblis 6095 Lampertheim 6170 Biblis 7155 Morocco 9750 Morocco

Above sked generated and downloaded via the Newton Schedule Report facility from the Freq Management Data System, IBB. (Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Dec 10)

CUBA /CHINA One can be somewhat amused by commies jamming commies: Cuban bubble jammer against R. Marti 7405 stays on after 1400 marring CRI in En to NoAM, Dec 1; jamming still audible at 1445 Nov 30 tho CRI on top. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Dec 4)

CHINA CRI heard using new 12055 for BI/BM/BI sces 0830-1127. //17680 under UKR 15600[- 0927] & 15135. CRI also noted on 9945 Kh/Be/Ur 1400-1657. 9820 Ar fr 1600 Moscow 1000 265. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

CRI En at 1400-1500 on new 7260, //7405. (WB Dec 6)

CROATIA Croatian radio home sce relay in Cr via Deanovec txs: 0550-0800 6175 (x6025) & 7184.8. 0800-1500 6175.4 (x6025) 7185. 1500-1530 6025.2 & 7185. 1530-1830 6025.3[1700 co-ch VoIRIB] 7150.

Foreign sce in Cr via DTK Juelich 100 kW: 0000-0200 9505 SoAM 240, co-ch RHC La Habana 0200-0400 5840 WeNoAM 320, very good 0200-0400 6120 EaNoAM 300, co-ch Oman 0700-0800 11730 NZL 230, co-ch RTT Tunis Ar 0800-1000 11730 AUS 260, co-ch RTT Tunis Ar 2100-2200 9590 SoAF 160, good. (PanIview-BUL, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, Ognyan Chengeliev, Sylvia Ivanova, Nov 25)

ECUADOR HCJB Quito Cz & Sk 0530-0600 on new 9645 (x9765) co-ch BBC. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

ERITREA Voice of Democratic Eritrea - The Voice of the Eritrean Liberation Front Revolutionary Council (Ar "Sawt Eritrea al-Dimuqratiya - Sawtu Jabhat al-Tahrir al- Eritrea") was first observed on 21st Nov 1997. The radio is hostile to the govt of Eritrea. It appears to share txing facilities with two other Eritrean opposition radio stns on the same freq, Voice of Free Eritrea and Voice of Truth. The tx may be located in Sudan. 1500-1530 Ar to AF 9230. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4)

ETHIOPIA/UKRAINE Voice of Oromo Liberation is sometimes referred to as "SBO" after its title in the Oromo-language, "Sagalee Bilisumma Oromoo". It supports the Oromo Liberation Front and other groups opposed to the Ethiopian govt. SBO was first heard in 1988-92 fr a SW tx in Sudan. It was reported in March 1993 that SBO had resumed bcing via SW stn WWCR in Nashville, USA. SBO was heard again between Feb and Apr 1995, this time via another US SW stn - WHRI in Indiana. The current series of bcs began in July 1995 via a SW tx in Ukraine. 1700-1800 Mon, Wed, Sun 9980-UKR Postal addrs: SBO, PO Box 510610, 13366 Berlin, Germany SBO, Prinzenallee 81, 13357 Berlin, Germany (tel: +49-30-4941036; fax: +49-30-4943372) SBO, PO Box 73247, Washington, DC 20056, USA (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 11)

FINLAND R Finland, Yleisradio - Broadcasting Company. This schedule, eff 26th Oct 1997-29th Mar 1998. Most Radio Finland txions in Fi and Sw on 11755, 6120, 963 and 558 kHz are relays of YLE's dom networks.

Addr: YLE Radio Finland, Box 78, 00024 Yleisradio, Finland. Fax +358-9-1481169; Tel +358-9-1484320; e-mail rfinlandyle.fi URL: www.yle.fi/fbc/radiofin.html (RealAudio is also available)

Finnish and Swedish 0000-0300 963 558 0300-0330 963 0330-0400 963 558 0400-0500 6030 963 558 0500-0600 11755 9635 6120 6015 963 558-(to 0530) 0600-0630 11755 9635 6120 6015 963 0630-0700 11755 963 0700-0745 11755 9560 963 558 0700-0800 6120 0800-0900 15225-(to 0850) 11755 9760-(to 0850) 6120 963 558 0850-0900 15225 9760 Sw only 0900-1000 11755 6120 963 1000-1100 15225-(to 1030) 13645-(to 1030) 11755 963 558 1000-1200 6120 Sw only 1100-1130 11755 963 558 1130-1200 15225 13645 11775 963 1200-1300 11755 6120 963 558 1200-1230 11735 1300-1330 15400 11735 1300-1415 6120 1300-1415 11755 963 558 Sw only 1400-1415 13645 11805 Sw only 1415-1500 11755 6120 963 558 1415-1430 13645 11805 1500-1600 11755 6120 963 558 1500-1515 13645 11785 Sw only 1515-1600 13645 11785 1600-1630 11755 6120 963 558 1600-1630 11880 9680 Sw only 1630-1700 11880 11755 9680 6120 963 558 1700-1715 11755 6120 963 558 1700-1900 9875 Sw only 1715-1730 963 1715-1730 11755 6120 558 Sw only 1730-1900 11755 6120 963 558 1900-2000 11755 6120 1900-2000 9875 963 558 Sw only 2000-2200 6120 2000-2045 5970 963 558 2045-2100 5970 963 558 Sw only 2200-0000 6120 963 558

Foreign language sce, 0030-0045 Fr 558, 0300-0330 En 558, 0530-0600 En 558, 0630-0700 Ge 9560 6120 558, 0745-0800 Fr 11755 9560 963 558, 0900-0930 En 15225 9760 558, 0930-1000 Ru 13645-usb 11805 558, 1100-1130 Ge 9815, 1330-1400 En 15400 11735, 1430-1500 Ru 6180, 1700-1730 Ru 6135, 2030-2100 En 9875, 2045-2100 Fr 6135, 2100-2130 En 6135 963 558, 2130-2200 Ge 6135 963 558. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4)

GEORGIA Radio Georgia - monitored bcs: 11805 0600-0730 Ru En Ge (co-ch VoA En) 11910 0800-0900 Geo En; 0930-1030 En Geo 6230 1800-1900 Ge En, 1900 off. 6230 1930-2100 En Ge Ru (co-ch R Tashkent Ge) (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

7475 IBC, Tamil stn, first hrd 0111 Dec 3 to past 0145 with a religious svc to 0114. Then a clear ID for "I.B.C." by YL ancr, into nx-type cmtry with many ments. of "Amerika" and Iraq, India and Israel. This contd. to 0129, short mx selection, then male ancr gave reference to "Tamil," and another ID as IBC. This was followed with another cmtry, but not religious, for it mentioned the U.N., India, Pakistan. This was noted to 0143, then a string of commercials with jingles. Tuned out after 0145. Signal was full S5-8 on loaded-window antenna, slightly dropping to S5-6 by 0145. -- Also hrd 0048-0128+ Dec 4, at inital s/on at 0048 with modulated carrier to 0055, sudden s/on with subcont. vocals by groups to 0100, man with brief s/on anmts, into ads by M&W ancrs, followed at 0109 by some kind of religious svc in Tamil. This contd. to past 0128 tune-out. (Kusalik-ALB via NU, Dec 7)

7475, *0055-0201* Dec 5, regional vocals until series of s/on IDs by man; nx, and later mx. Very strong signal, but did fade down quite a bit during b/c. Initial signal strength suggested possible Caribbean location ment. in Rausch verification in NU 1439. However, sharp fade suggests Georgia, as rptd by Hill. (D'Angelo-GPDX via NU, Dec 7)

GERMANY Monitored relays via DTK Juelich: VoOromo Liberation, new 11605 1700-1800 Nov 2nd, but on Nov 3rd via Kiev-UKR relay 1700- 1800 on 9980 160 degr. [see also under Ethiopia/Ukraine]

Brother Stair (TOM) schedule 0000-0200 5840 EaNoAM 295 (x6170) 0000-0300 7435 EaNoAM 90 via WWCR!!! 0200-0400 5880 WeNoAM 320 (x5840) 0300-0400 7335 EaNoAM 310 (x6025) 0600-0800 9500 AUS/NZ 255 1300-1400 15185 to ME? 1300-1700 15600 to ME? 1700-1900 11650 to ME? 1600-1800 6175 EUR non-dir, //11985 not heard

Rainbow Radio in Amharic 1700-1800 Thur 11605 EaAF 130 0100-0200 Sat 5905 NoAM 295 1800-1900 Sat 9490 SoAF 160

Universal Life in En 1630-1700 Sat 7345 ME 125 1800-1830 Sun 11605 CeAF 170 1830-1900 Sun 9490 SoAF 160

Radio New Nigeria schedule 0600-0630 Sat 11670 CeAF 170 (x11995) 0100-0130 Sun 5905 NoAM 295(x5910) 1500-1530 Sun 6175 EUR nondir (co-ch VoMojahed & jammer)

Democratic Voice of Burma in Burmese remains on summer freq 15330 (not on reg 11850) 1245-1345.

Polish Radio 5 relay, fr Nov 15th 1900-1930 Ru 5840 & 5890(co-ch AWR via DTK!) 1930-2000 Ru 5840 very good 1930-2000 Uk 5850 good (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

GUAM Trans World Radio (TWR) is a Christian evangelical broadcaster with its headquarters in North Carolina, USA. TWR operates its own stns in Guam, Monaco, Netherlands Antilles, Sri Lanka and Swaziland. It also hires airtime on txs in several other countries. Eff 26th Oct 1997, shows TWR sces from Guam (callsign KTWR). Addr: Trans World Radio, Box CC, Agana, Guam 96910-8980, USA Tel: +1-671-477-9701 Fax: +1-671-477-2838

0740-0915 En 15200 Tue 0900-0915 "Pacific DX Report" 0825-0855 Hk 11665 0855-1000 En 15330 Sat 0940-1000 "Pacific DX Report" 0900-1000 Ch 11670 9465 1100-1130 Ch 11670 9590 9465 1130-1300 Ch 11670 9820 9590 1300-1400 Ch 11670 9820 1400-1530 Ch 9820 9545 0915-0930 Mon/Tue Balinese 15200 0915-0930 Wed/Thu.Torajanese 15200 0915-0930 Fri-Sun Madurese 15200 0930-1100 BI 15200 1000-1100 En 9865 Fri 1045-1100 "Pacific DX Report" 1140-1155 Vn 9870 1200-1300 Ja 15330 1330-1345 Mon/Tue Assamese 15200 1330-1345 Wed-Sun Boro 15200 1330-1400 Swatow 9870 1345-1400 Santali 15200 1400-1500 Sun Ca 9870 1400-1445 Mon-Fri.Ca 9870 1400-1415 Sat Ca 9870 1400-1415 Ta 15195 1415-1500 Sat Ay 9870 1430-1515 Bu 9430 1445-1500 Mon-Fri Ay 9870 1500-1630 En 15105 Mon 1615-1630 "Pacific DX Report" 1515-1530 Vn 9430 2030-2130 Ko 9475 2100-2200 BI 11810 2100-2200 Ja 11690 2130-2330 Ch 11995 2200-2245 Sun-Thu Ca 11650 2200-2215 Fri Ca 11650 2200-2300 Sat Ca 11650 2200-2245 BI 15195 2215-2300 Fri Ay 11650 2245-2300 Sun-Thu Ay 11650 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4)

GUATEMALA [typo in bcdx #339] freq should read 4835! 1150-1154* Sistema Radial Tezulutlan, Quichi, relig talks, Marimba mx playing, but abruptly stop and sign-off suddenly at 1154*. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 24) [thanks to Ulis R. Fleming for correction]

Mauno Ritola in FIN notes that AWR's WW sked no longer lists their stn here; is it still on the air? I checked Dec 1, and yes, it is, but should not be -- distorted and off freq. At 1218 found distorted Sp preaching on 5980.84, in Voz de la Esperanza progr, also mentioned La Biblia Hoy. 1232 full ID "Desde Guatemala en Centroamerica transmite Union Radio, 1330 AM, --- FM, 5980, banda internacional de 49 metros onda corta, Radio Mundial Adventista, La Voz de la Esperanza, Union Radio...". Also Dec 2 at 0054 check could detect het and carrier on exact same freq, trace of Sp; Dec 2 at 1211 on exact same freq again but even more distorted and unintelligible. (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 920, Dec 4)

INDONESIA RRI Jakarta in BI noted 5 kHz up on 11760 (x11755), //9565 and stronger 9630. 1300-1500 range, long extended speech to the crowd, childrens choir, Gamelan mx. (WB Dec 6)

IRAN IRIB Tehran in It 1200-1300 on new 15115 (x15230 QRM ARS Riyadh Ar here), //13605 15084. (WB Dec 6)

My UNID Ar stn 15450 kHz in bc-dx #339: IRIB Tehran in Hausa 0545-0630 15450 11720. Groups of new jammer types were monitored on several freqs like 4850 5750 9515 used vs. VoMojahed and other opposition radio stns. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

Voice of the Communist Party of Iran - V of CP of Iran - (Pe: "Seda-ye Hezb-e Komonist-e Iran") was first observed on 26th Aug 1984. It has announced addresses for listeners' letters in GER, ITA, SWE and the UK. The stn ann in Jan 1995 that it was bcing in the 49, 65, 75 and 90 mbs, i.e. around 5900-6200, 4615, 3900-4000 & 3200-3400 kHz. In the past it has been heard on freqs in the ranges 6400-6530, 3840-4550. In the past this radio has also carried programming in Azeri. Voice of the Communist Party of Iran is associated with the Voice of the Iranian Revol. The two stns use the same freqs. Bcs begin with the playing of the Internationale. 1700-1800 Pe 4375-v 3920-v Addr: BM Box 2123, London WC1N 3XX, UK or Box 50050, 10405 Stockholm (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4)

IRAQ [Clandestines] VoIraqi Kurdistan in Ar & Ku, 0345-0630 & 1645-2030v observed in Oct on new 7310 //4060, but not in Nov on 7310. The other freq drifting 4063-4070. VoPeople of Iraqi Kurdistan on usual 4070-4115, now is using new 2nd tx on 3985 vary to 3965 [Nov 8-10], and 4015 [Nov 12-13], noted extended bc time past 2230 and before 0245. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

IRELAND WCRI bcs twice a week, one hour each progr. Presently the txions to NoAM (Thurs 0100) and to EUR (Sat 1500) vary somewhat in format as the NA progr is a live simulcast on SW and FM (in NoWeIRL). Listeners to the NA bcast can phone the stn during the hour (perhaps the first 40 mins is best) and hopefully hear an acknowledgement / greeting during "Letterbox" in the last quarter. Hosts are Michael Commins and Gerard Delaney. Freqs: NoAM 5905 EUR 6175. (Finbarr Driscoll, Ireland, in rec.radio.sw via Mick Ogrizek, Dec 6)

ISRAEL/PALESTINE Al Quds Palestinian Arab Radio describes itself as "the Palestinian Arab stn on the path of liberating land and man" (Ar: Al Quds, al Idha'ah al Arabiyah al Filastiniyah ala Tariq Tahrir al Ard wa al Insan). The stn was first heard with test announcements on 1st Jan 1988, although mx tests had been observed on 702 kHz for over three months before then. Al Quds radio bcs fr SYR and supports Palestinian factions opposed to Yasir Arafat and the peace process, notably the PFLP GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command). Prior to Apr 1996 Al Quds radio also txed on SW; freqs used over the years included 4320, 5910, 5990, 7460 and 15050 kHz. The stn is subject to jamming. Addr: PO Box 5092, Damascus, Syria. Ar 0600-1500, 702 630 kHz, nx 0730-0735, 0830-0835, 0930-0935, 1030-1045, 1200 & 1400 nx and Arabic press review, nx 1400-1415.

Voice of Palestine, Voice of the Palestinian Islamic Revolution (Ar: sawt al-filistin, sawt al-thawrah al-islamiyah al-filistiniyah) operates from Iran. When first heard (in the mid-1980s) it was bc as a progr within the Ar sce of Voice of the Islamic Rep of Iran (the official Iranian bcing organization). This was later changed to the present arrangement in which bcs are txed as a seperate sce. 0400-0500 9670 6020. 1930-2030 7230. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4)

KAZAKHSTAN Fr Dec 10 the new capital of the country is Akmola, situated in the north of Kazakhstan. All state departments, Kazakh Parliament, foreign embassies, etc have already moved to Akmola. (Nikolay Pashkevich-RUS, Dec 10)

KOREA D.P.R. / USA Korean Central BS regional stn (presumed Chongjin) on 3945 has moved to NF 3940. First noted Dec 6 (SIO 322 jammed). Airs KCBS 2000-1800 (//2850 etc) and relays Pyongyang BS 1800-2000 (//3250 etc). When this was on 3945, the serious jammer from ROK even barred daytime reception in JAP of the local Radio Tampa. KCBS Chongjin (?) is back on 3945 after just one day (Dec 6) on 3940. First noted at s/on 2000 Dec 7. Jammer also moved to follow KCBS. SIO 332.

Power shortage seems to have worsened in recent weeks in North Korea. While Radio Pyongyang txs continue to be frequently down as I reported last week, many that are up are silent because the relay from the studio is down. A long silence is often followed by an attempt apparently to make do with the backup feeders (3560/4405), hence containing lots of noise, CW QRM and fadings. Note that RP is being sacrificed to keep the all-important jammers on. Obviously the last thing they would give up is the jamming against KBS, RKI, VOP, EOH, RFA, AWR.. (all KK) to name a few. This is the country that can't afford to feed its people or light the capital's streets at night. Some priority. (Sonny Ashimori-JAP, Dec 6-8)

Pyongyang, Dec. 5 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson ("Democratic Korea") today in a signed commentary entitled "It will not work in today's Asia" brands the U.S. bcing of Radio Free Asia aiming to infuse the sense of value of American-style democracy to disintegrate Asian nations as a shameless interference in their internal affairs and urges the United States to stop its bcing. The paper says: The United States is hell bent on ideological and cultural offensive through the radio. However, it is a big miscalculation. The Asian nations are pursuing independent policies to defend their intrinsic national spirit and culture against the decadent "American-style culture" spread by the US. The United States must stop at once the foolish interventionist moves to disarm the Korean and other Asian peoples ideologically and spiritually with such dastardly, smear propaganda as RFA. It should know that any smear method cannot work in Asia today. (KCNA via Sonny Ashimori-JPN, Dec 8)

What Roland heard is one of North Korea's regular random number txions from 1200 (not daily) on 4770 and 5870v. It is not Radio Pyongyang, and there is no ID. Why, the bc doesn't even have a name. (Sonny Ashimori-JPN, Dec 6)

KOREA Rep. ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO AWR Relay via RKI -- Radio Korea International

Another "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity for the internat radio monitor will take place on Sun Dec 21. Radio Korea International has invited AWR -- Adventist World Radio to participate in the 200th edition of "DX Report" in their DX progr, "Multiwave Feedback". This special broadcast will be on the air a total of 19 occasions in the worldwide SW network of RKI. It will be heard via the four TX sites utilized by RKI in its SW sces and it will also be available with live audio on the Internet, at 1937 & 0237 UTC.

For the past eight years, William Matthews has presented his regular bulletins of internat radio information in "DX Report" and AWR is pleased to join with RKI to commemorate the 200th edition of this program. The first txion in this unique relay will begin at 0837 UTC on Sun Dec 21 and will conclude 19 segments later with the bc of the progr that begins at 0237 UTC on Mon Dec 22. This special edition of "DX Report" will feature a historical resume of DX progrs down through the years with presenter David Barasoain who is the well known voice on the AWR DX program, "Wavescan". This progr will originate in the London studios of AWR and it will feature the original theme mx from the old AWR DX program, "Radio Monitors International".

Reception reports should be addressed, with return postage where possible, to AWR-RKI relay, Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana USA. All reports will be verified with a special endorsement on one of the seven AWR QSL cards that depict tourist scenes in South Korea. In addition, RKI Seoul will also issue QSL cards from their offices with a special endorsement for the 200th edition of "DX Report".

This special edition of "DX Report" will be on the air from four different tx sites; RKI Kimje & Hwasong in Korea, BBC Skelton in England, and RCI Sackville in Canada. The AWR QSL stamps will also identify the specific tx site. This will be the DXers "once-in-a- lifetime" opportunity to obtain valid QSLs verifying AWR via these 4 different locations. This is the schedule for the 19 occasions for the AWR special production of the 200th edition of "DX Report" over Radio Korea International.

Sun Dec 21 0837 9570 250 RKI Kimje AUS 0837 13670 250 RKI Kimje EUR 1137 9650 250 RCI Sackville NoAM 1237 7285 100 RKI Kimje ME & AF 1237 9570 250 RKI Kimje SoEaAS 1237 9640 100 RKI Kimje non-dir 1237 13670 100 RKI Kimje SoEaAS 1637 5975 100 RKI Hwasong non-dir 1637 9515 250 RKI Kimje ME & AF 1637 9870 250 RKI Kimje ME & AF 1937 5975 100 RKI Hwasong non-dir 1937 7275 250 RKI Kimje non-dir 2107 6480 250 RKI Kimje EUR 2137 15575 250 RKI Kimje EUR 2207 3970 250 BBC Skelton EUR

Mon Dec 22 0237 7275 250 RKI Kimje non-dir 0237 11725 250 RKI Kimje SoAM 0237 11810 250 RKI Kimje SoAM 0237 15575 100 RKI Kimje NoAM (Adrian Perterson-USA AWR, Dec 1)

LEBANON In a letter received here today, Voice of Hope, Lebanon tells that they bc on 9960, fr Marjayoun, Lebanon, 12 kW, and on 945, 13 kW. The tx 6280, was destroyed June 29th, 1997 by a fire. http://www.highadventure.org/voh_era.html (Holst via DXW, Dec 7))

LITHUANIA [non]. R. Vilnius finally got word that there's heavy ute QRM to 5905 for their 0030 En to NoAM via GER: Mailbag UT Sun Nov 30 0047 had some letters about this, and the Germans were blamed for the freq choice; no mention of additional //5880 where I was surprised to find them, with no ute QRM. This continued following nights, sometimes with adjacent broadcaster splash from 5875 but usually better than 5905. At last UT Dec 3 at 0058 closing, RV said they had "an extra freq this week to NoAM, 5880". So like happened on 31m this summer, they're duplicating for a while and may move to the new one. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 920, Dec 4)

5880 Lithuania 0000-0100 //5905 kHz which is much weaker. I don't think it is a spurious. Again tonight very strong on 5880 and less good on 5905 in the background. Will try to tape the frequency announcement. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Dec 2-3)

5880 Radio Vilnius 0035 En, //5905. At 0038, announced this new freq which is being tested this week. Cochannel TTY and QRM from 5875 (WEWN?) in Sp. 5905 is clearly the better freq. (Mark J. Fine-USA, Dec 8)

MALAWI 5993.3, MBC, 1555-1812*, Mainly in Chichewa with En ann at 1600 as "Internat sce of the Malawi Broadc Corpor" and En nx 1800, usually //3380 - but this evening second tx was out of use. (Timofeyev/NERRS-M, RUS via DXW, Dec 1)

MALAYSIA/KOREA 6025 RTM K-L usually Chinese progr five, noted in BM, not in Ch. Jamming underneath [against whom?], also jamming on 6010 at same time. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Nov 22) [Cland radio stn 6010 Voice of Nat Salvation Haeju KRE/KOR 0955-1700 Kr]

>From which country, aimed to which country is the jamming, obviously not against Malaysia??? >>>Korea's??? , ed

North Korea's jammer against South Korea's KBS on 6015 produces powerful distorted sidebands nearly 10 kHz wide on both sides. Where I live, everything seems to be affected between 6005 and 6025, including the North's own clandestine Voice of National Salvation (1000-1400), which is also heavily jammed by South Korea. (Sonny M. Ashimori- JAP, Dec 7)

MEXICO Radio Mexico Internat tells in a letter: "Please do not stop trying to tune us, by Nov (1997?) we will be bcing with a more powerful antenna (directional) and if you are interested, we will send you later on our broadcast targeted for Europe." [15460]. (Uwe Volk-D, Dec 4)

MOZAMBIQUE 11812.3, Radio Mocambique, Maputo, 1529-1639*, Po talks and mx with many simply ID's as "Radio Mocambique", this freq is usually in use from time to time only as 6111, 9617-9619 or 15291. (Timofeyev/NERRS-M, RUS via DXW, Dec 2)

NEPAL Asian mx is heard on 7164.9 and believe this to be Kathmandu, but this not very strong. Fades in before 1200 in the UK til finally blocked by RFE Biblis in Bu 1600. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

7165.2 Radio Nepal, Khumaltar 1418-1426, Male speaker with nx and sports in En, followed by female speaker in Nepali with ID and talk. (Mark Veldhuis-HOL, Dec 2)

NETHERLANDS/TAJIKISTAN As of Dec 4th, RNW has stopped using a relay stn in TJK for En to AS 0030-0125 5905. The signal now comes from Tashkent-UZB, in // with existing 7305 from Alma Ata-KAZ. (Rocus de Joode, Radio Netherlands Programme Distribution).

So RNW is no longer using this facility, and has no plans to do resume doing so in the forseeable future. If you didn't get this one QSL'd already, hard luck. The move follows reports of multiple audio being heard on some signals coming out of Tajikistan, including such oddities as Radio Free Asia mixed with Vatican Radio!! Obviously they have some major technical problems there :-) (Andy Sennitt, via DXW, Dec 7)

NEW ZEALAND RNZI in En sports bc 1230-1455 6105 (44333), 1500-1630 6070 (44433) Nov 1st. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

PORTUGAL RADIO PORTUGAL, frequ schedule, eff fr 26 Oct 1997 to 29 Mar 1998 (W97) Port lang, programs Mon-Fri EUR 0600-1300 7110 100 30 0700-1300 9780 100 52 0745-0900 9630 250 55 1700-2100 7110 100 30 1700-2100 9780 100 52 1700-2100 9815 100 66 Timor 1300-1400 17595 300 66 AF 1000-1200 21720 100 142 1000-1200 17725 300 144 1700-2100 11740 300 144 GNB/CPV/B 1000-1200 21655 100 215 1700-2000 21655 100 215 IND/ME 1300-1430 21515 100 81.5 USA/CAN 0000-0430 6150 100 310 0000-0430 9570 100 294 VEN 0000-0430 9655 100 261 Brazil 0000-0430 11840 100 215 0000-0430 9600 100 215

Progrs on Sat & Sun, a) Sat, b) Sun EUR 0800-2100 7110 100 30 0800-2100 9780 100 52 0930-1100 9615 250 55 Timor 0800-1000 17595 100 66 AF 0800-1800 17725 300 142 1800-2100 11740 300 142 GNB/CPV/B 0800-2100 21655 100 215 IND/ME 1600-1900a 21515 100 81.5 1500-2000b 21515 100 81.5 USA/CAN 1300-2100 15200 100 294 0000-0500 6150 100 310 0000-0500 9570 100 294 VEN 1300-2100 17745 100 261 0000-0500 9655 100 261 Brazil 0000-0500 9600 100 215 0000-0500 11840 100 215 En language, progrs fr Mon-Fri EUR 2100-2130 7110 100 30 9780 100 52 9815 100 66 USA/CAN 0430-0500 6150 100 310 9570 100 294 IND/ME 1430-1500 21515 100 81.5 Fr lang, progrs fr Mon-Fri EUR 2130-2200 7110 100 30 9780 100 52 9815 100 66 Tetum lang, progr Mon-Fri, Timor 1205-1300 17595 300 66 (fax fr RDP on Dec 3, 1997, by Marc Vissers)

ROMANIA RRI Bucharest in En to NoAM replaced 6155 by 6095, and //5965. RRI's new 0600 English to NAm is still on 5965, but under heavy interference from NOR. The other freq, 6155, has moved to 6095. [5965 nothing heard here in GER, WB] (Peter Hallam, Northern Ireland, Dec 2, WORLD OF RADIO 920, Dec 4) New addit tx site Saftica is in use to the countries bordered with Romania. 1300-1357 Ru strong signal on 6185, 9570 11775. 1500-1557 Ru 7105 5965. 1900-1957 Ru 5965, 6085. 0530-0557 Uk 6085 (co-ch BR Munich Ismaning) 0600-0627 Hu 6055(x6140 co-ch DW in Ge) 2000-2027 It 7120 (co-ch BBC Ru), //756.

Fr Oct 26th Bulgarian on SW, 0500-0527 5955 (under RL in Arm), //756. 1630-1657 5955 (under RNW), //756. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25) [site put into mothballs some years ago, 1x100 1x50 2x18 kW. Is old clandest R Espana Independiente site? ed]

Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziunea Bucharest. This schedule, valid til Mar 1997, is based on monitoring observations as well as information supplied by the broadcaster. Addr: Radio Romania Internat, PO Box 111, Bucharest Tel: +40-1-617-2856 (En sce) Fax: +40-1-223-2613 (En sce) E-mail: rriradio.ror.ro

0000-0200 Ro 11940 9510 0000-0100 Sp 11830 9685 9570 7145 0100-0200 Po 11830 9570 0200-0300 En 11940 9690 9570 9510 7195 6155 0300-0400 Sp 9570 6155 0400-0500 En 15335 11740 6155 5990 0500-0530 Bu 5955 756 0500-0600 Fr 9590 6155 0500-0600 Ro 17805 15335 0530-0600 Uk 6085 0600-0700 En 6095 5965 0600-0630 Hu 6055 0600-0700 multilingual 11775 9625 9510 7105 nx in Ro/Fr/Ge/En 0700-0800 Ar 17790 17720 15390 15380 15365 15250 0700-0800 En 15365 11775 0800-0900 Ro 17790 17745 15380 15370 15335 progr for seamen 0900-1000 Ro 21590 21480 17790 17745 15380 progr for seamen 1000-1100 Ro 17790 17745 15380 15335 15250 progr for seamen 1100-1200 Fr 21480 17790 17745 15250 1100-1200 Ro 15390 11775 6185 1200-1300 Ge 15390 11940 11900 9690 1200-1300 Ro 21480 17790 17775 6185 1300-1400 En 17745 17735 15390 15250 1300-1400 Ru 11775 9570 6185 1400-1500 Ar 21560 17790 17745 15365 15250 11740 1400-1430 It 11810 1430-1500 Pe 11810 1500-1600 Fr 17790 15390 15380 11940 1500-1530 It 11810 756 1500-1600 Ru 7105 5965 1530-1600 Tu 7175 756 1600-1700 Ge 9690 6175 1600-1700 Ro 9665 7105 1600-1630 Uk 5955 756 1700-1800 En 11940 9690 7195 1700-1800 Ro 6135 5990 1700-1800 Se 756 1730-1800 Gr 6180 756 1800-1830 Aromana 756 1800-1900 Ro 7195 6135 1800-1900 Sp 15335 11810 9625 1830-1900 Tu 7145 5955 756 1900-2000 Ge 7195 7145 6040 5955 1900-2000 Ru 6085 5965 1900-1930 Se 756 1930-2000 Gr 756 2000-2100 Fr 9690 7195 5990 2000-2030 It 7120 756 2000-2030 Pe 9530 7105 2030-2100 Aromana 1458 756 2030-2100 Hu 5955 630 2100-2200 En 7195 6175 5990 5955 2100-2200 Ro 7175 6055 756 2200-2300 Po 11830 11790 9665 9570 2200-2300 Sp 11940 9510 2300-0000 En 11830 9570 7195 5955 2300-0000 Ro 11910 9510 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 11)

RUSSIA I wonder how many freqs R Tikhy Okean really uses - found now on 9895 under/thro HOL at 0815. So that's 9895 & 7210. [9895 Komsomolsk-Amur 200 215 zones 43 44 49 54; 2000-1800 7210 Khabarovsk 100 20 zones 33 34] VoR En found on 9905 [Minsk?, Samara listed 0600-0900] on air 0845-1200 off with strong fluttery multi-path signal. Could not trace 9825 today [0930-1200 Khabarovsk 250 180 zones 44 45]. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

Radio Tikiy Okean 0815 17570 and well 10344 USB. (Uwe Volk-D, Dec 4)

Spurious signals of 15455 0830-1530 R Rossii Riazan 240 255 noted here on 15597.91 and stronger on symmetric 15312.09. (WB Dec 6)

VoR Ru progr "Klub DX" Mon 0230 replacing Thur 0230 edition. R Tatarstan in Tatar & Ru: 0500-0600 12015, very good. 0700-0800 6130 (co-ch RVI Du, also heard in GER) 0900-1000 9690. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

Radio Tatarstan, this SW sce started on 1st Aug 1997 and is bc from a high power SW tx at Samara. Programming is mainly in the Tatar language, but incl some segments in Ru. Addr: Tatar Radio, Ul. M.Gorkogo 15, 420015 Kazan, Tatarstan. Tel: +7-8432-367493 0500-0600 12015 (to Siberia/FE area) 0700-0800 6130 (to Urals/Tyumen area) 0900-1000 9690 (to Moscow/St Petersburg area) (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 11)

UCB (United Christrian Broadcasters) via Kaliningrad On Dec 3rd, 1997 UCB opened its daily MW sce between 1530 and 0030 for listeners in the U.K. and IRL, WeEUR via the GPR- 2 high power tx near Kaliningrad on 1386 kHz (1200 kW with 8 masts aerial system beamed to NoWe EUR with 275 degr). We here at the GPR-2 hope that this sce will be succesful and that our signal on 1386 kHz covers WeEUR countries very well. Please send any reception reports directly to the UCB headquartes - but we will be also very glad to receive any technical information about the reception quality of this relay (with communication and simply portable receives in use), or about the possible problems of our tx or satellite links, to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Thank you very much to all our correspondents who took place in the Nov's monitoring work of our MW channels of 1215 kHz and 1386 kHz. Thanks to your help we could prepare our tx on 1386 kHz for relay of UCB progr! (Mikhail Timofeyev GPR-2 St.Petersburg, Dec 4)

6060 Mayak (presumed) 1356 Ru folk mx. First time to hear this one. Strange conditions this morning and alone on this freq. 1359 dead air, 1400 time pips, presumed time check by woman in Russian and then Moscow bells. At 1409 retune, promotions heard. Frequency back to more normal conditions the next day with just (presumed) MLA here and nothing from the Russian. Blagoveshchensk, with is south of Archangelsk, and operating with 5/20 kW, is the only Russian listed operating here at this time. (Johnson via Cumbre Dx, Nov 28-29) [Blagoveshchensk 2000-1600 10 nondir to zone 33, ed]

Daily "Voice of the Mediterranean" via Russian relays, progrs via Khabarovsk called "Radio Melita", Suns bcs under headline "Valetta Calling". EUR 7440 kHz Moscow 240 kW 240 degr zones 27 28 37. Daily 2000-2200; Mon-Thur & Sat: 2000 En, 2100 Ar. Fris Ar only. Sun 2000 En, 2100 Fr, 2130 Ge.

FE/AUS/PAC/OCE Suns only. 0200-0330 En, 0330-0500 Maltese 15550 17570. 0500-0530 JAP 17570 kHz only. tx site Khabarovsk, both 100 kW 175 degr, zones 55 & 59. (Kai Ludwig-D, HFCC, Dec 4)

Radio Odin, Russia,is heard on 7100 at 0530+ with a weak signal, //7525. Sites are unknown. Also heard 0900-1600 on 11630. [Tula 100 90 degr?]

A sce not so far Ided in Ru heard using 7100 at around 0700-1100 when propagation permits. Low level and flutter suggests a distant location.

[HFCC reg 7100 Moscow 100 kW nondir at 1300-2100(!) to zone 19. Michiel Schaay/Klingenfuss Super Frequ list shows 7101.5 Tech. & Industr. Inst. Test Ra Izmir TUR 0800-1000 & 1200 1400 Tu domestic sce, Sept-May. Heard them in previous winters in Stuttgart too. usb7310 reg 0530-1500, WB

I remember, 7100 was in use by Radio Slavyanka from Moscow area, so 7100 could originate from Povarovo, the location of Slavyankas MW transmitter (990). 11630 it's likely one of the old 100 kW txs at Noginsk, previously used by Radio Rossii. In Jun 1996, 11630 carried "Medizina dlya was", a Moscow-based commercial broadcaster. Some people calls music a medicine. - Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 8]

The VoR 4920 outlet originates from either Taldom or Kurovskaya site in Moscow area (100 kW towards 295 degr = Scandinavia; 1800-2100). (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 8)

Last night I learnt, that one should never be sure, if he hears nonstop mx on a well- known channel. Fortunately I preferred to check it once again before really bcing it. And - ups - it isn't Croatia, what can be heard on 5895! Seems, the SW txs at Deanovec are tonight now really off, especially as they make special mention of MW 1125 and 1134 on their schedule.

What can be heard after 2300 on 5895 with good signal is in fact Radio Rossii, in //to much weaker 5930 from the 20 kW tx of Radio Murmansk at Monchegorsk. You may know, that Radio Rossii is carried during the whole evening to CeEUR on 6045 (fr Moscow area, likely 250 kW). Acc. to HFCC entries, 5895 is operated with 100 kW from the Tbilisskaya site (known as either Armavir or Krasnodar), azimuth 325 degr. (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 10)

Trans World Radio India - W97 HF sked via RUS & UZB: 9825 Irkutsk 0030-0100 Nepali, 0100-0115 Dzonhka Hindi/Awadhi, 0130-0200 Hi. 9830 Irkutsk 1330-1345 Assamese/Boro, 1345-1400 Santhali, 1400-1415 Tm. 7430 Tashkent-UZB 0000-0015 Assamese/Kokborok, 0015-0030 Dari/Manipuri. 7420 Irkutsk 1130-1530 various Indian langs. En is at 1430-1445 Sat, 1515-1530 Thur- Sun. (TWR/Bob Padula-AUS, via EDXP, Dec 11)

SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Holy Quran in Ar 0300-0600 11935 17780 (x11740 x17895). Swa 0500-0600 17760 (x17555). BI 1000-1050 21640 (x21705 x21670). (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

??9563, ??, Dec 5, 2008-, Lang: ??, Very weak. Sounded Middle Eastern, weak. (Boogert-TWN, in DXW, Dec 7) Obviously Ar lang stn. Measured same progr content on 9562.98 and 9568.44 kHz today. Michiel Schaay's new Super Frequ List show: 9562 Voice of the Iraqi People ARS 1300-2300 Ar cland. IRQ alt. freq 9568.6 Voice of the Iraqi People ARS 1300-2300 Ar cland. IRQ [WB Dec 8, 2025 UTC]

SEYCHELLES FEBA Mahe in SoAS lang 1230-1345 noted here on 15444.95. (WB Dec 6)

SLOVAK Rep. To let you know: We have a significant change as of Jan 1st effective, AWR will not be bc from the Rimavska Sobota tx site any longer. We will find a different carrier. Stay tune for details for that in future editions of Wavescan. (AWR Wavescan, Dec 7) AWR Wavescan En DX progr 2200 6055 blocked by NHK Skelton relay. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

SOUTH AFRICA Radio Kudirat Nigeria is heard 1900-2000 (x-2005) on 6205. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

TAHITI 15167.3 RFO Papeete back on air, but with same tx problems as before -- strong carrier which overwhelms poor audio. ID in Fr with freqs at 1700, nx 1800, audible through the PAC day and past 0500 UTC. (B. Clark via Cumbre Dx, Dec 1 & 2)

RFO's lingering tx must be the carrier at 2351 Dec 2 on 15167.35 approx, measured as closely as I could by counting the clicks on the ATS-909, allowing for its offset. This signal is useful only for the memories it evokes of former exotic and good reception. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Dec 4)

THAILAND R. Thailand is still working on five new language sces, but austerity is a must and the budget has been cut a few times already. I don't think we can start Sp this 1997- 98 budget year. We shall start Tagalog and Cantonese shortly. Sp, Ru and Ar will have to wait. Too bad! The reorganization here is going on, and we have been working closely with the VoA people, both in Udon Thani and Washington. (Amporn Samosorn, R. Thailand, WORLD OF RADIO 921, Dec 11)

TAJIKISTAN Via Dushanbe tx site VoTibet in Tibetan 1225-1257 on 7400 100 125. VoFree Iran in Pe 1830-1900 on 5835 200 nondir (x5840 co-ch Rainbow Radio Sats) fr Nov 3. Tajik Radio in Tajik & Ru 0330-0530 7515 (x7510), //4635 5800. 1730-1900 4635 5750 5800 7510. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

Democratic Voice of Iran (Pe: Seda-ye Azadi-khahan-e Iran, literal translation "Voice of Iran's Freedom-Seekers") began bcing in May 1997. The radio, which opposes the current Iranian govt, says that it is not affiliated to any particular political or religious association, group or party. It is believed to bc via a hired tx in CeAS. 1830-1900 Pe 6210 5835. 1832-1840 nx The following contacts are announced France: Fax: +33-1-43999565. Sweden: Fax: +46-8-8314148. Box 555, 11479 Stockholm, Sweden UK: Fax: +44-541-525051; BCM Box 5842, London WC1N 3XX, UK (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 11)

UAE Vo UAE Abu Dhabi Ar changes via Dhabiya 500 kW tx. 0200-0500 6170 ME 300 deg, co-ch VoA & RL. 0500-1200 13755 ME 300 deg, very good in BUL. 1200-1600 9515 ME 300 deg, co-ch RAI & RKI. 1800-2200 7170 ME 285 deg, co-ch VoR.

UAE Radio Dubai Ar 1000-1030 & 1050-1200 15370 (x17630) 1200-1330 & 1350-1600 13630 (x17630) 1640-2100 13630 (x17630)

UAE Radio Dubai En 0330-0350 12005 (x11945) 15400 21485 0530-0550 15435 17830 21700 1030-1050 & 1330-1350 & 1600-1640 15370 (x17630) 13675 15395 21605 (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

The official sked for W97 issued by the above stn shows En at 0430-0500 to FE, 0630-0700 to EU, 1030-1100 to NAF and EU, and 1600-1630 to NAF and EU. Difficult to know WHAT is actually meant: En used to be at 0330, 0530, 1030, 1330 and 1600!!! Sked also shows "13360" instead of correct 13630. Take your pick... Glenn - editorial correctness is right and proper, but you are having yourself on if you really believe that writers should physically monitor everything they convey to their readers. Mate, not really feasible, and you know it!!! In the case of Dubai, the stn has got it wrong, but how many stns get it 100% right? For all we know, Dubai may well have reduced its En sces to four, from the previous five, but we don't really know that! I hear an En sce from Dubai at 0530 for the FE, which WAS personally monitored, and IS included in the W97 Australasian SW Guide, so I guess that I'm excused from your criticism... Dunno and don't really care what they do at 1330 - that's 30 mins past midnight here in Melbourne and I like my beauty sleep. Might be best to lay off blaming editors, and work on the stns!!! Nothing would EVER be published in the radio field if EVERYTHING was personally monitored! (Bob Padula-AUS in EDXP, Dec 11)

UNID 11740 Ar st 1600-1800 under RFE Bu. [is Oman starting at 1559 into Ar nx, c.f.bc-dx #338] VoSouthern Azerbaijan in Azeri 1630-1730v 7095 some days in usb mode (x6055). 0615-0715v still on summer freq 11935 (co-ch RNW in Du). VoCommunist Party of Iran in Pe, jammed by Iran at 1730 on 3965 & 4380. (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

UKRAINE On 171 kHz I hear UKR doing a separate progr around 0800 and there sometimes appears to be two Russians doing diff progrs same time. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 3)

USA First bc of W.O.R., Thurs 2130 on WWCR now on 9475 [2100-2200 til end of Febr, back on 15685 in March], now audible again in EUR. [Suffering by 1000 kW 9470 VoR Fr sce Moscow 265 degr, scheduled 1600-0300. I had to use narrow 2.7 kHz filter and usb mode too].

VOA I just received word that the VOA Bethany curtain antennas are to come down on Dec 2nd at 1 P.M. I am glad I will be in Chicago at this time. (Vodenik via Vobbe via Cumbre Dx, Dec 1)

Radio Free Asia was observed 1530-1630 on Dec 1 on 5855 (via CIS) and NF 9955, which apparently replaced 9980 (KHBN). Oddly, niether freq was jammed. Did anyone note this NF earlier? (Ashimori via DXW, Dec 7)

Tnx to tip from Ed Rausch, WGTG heard testing 2nd tx, Nov 28 at 2145-2205* with continuous tape loop on 9505 saying this is with antenna No. 3, rhombic at 340 degr magnetic. The same thing Nov 29 at various checks during the day, but not since. Later I heard Dave Frantz say that #2 was using digital modulation instead of analog, and he has time for sale. Note that 9505 may not be the ultimate freq, as initial test channels often differ. Hans Johnson, Cumbre Dx, found out that 3200 or 3210 also may have been tested. BTW, W.O.R. 920 aired this week on 5085- USB at the backup time of UT Wed 0600. (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 920, which incls tape of test ann, Dec 4)

NEWS FROM WRMI La Voz del CID now heard on WRMI - La Voz del CID's bc site in El Salvador went off the air earlier this year due to political problems in that country. Now, La Voz del CID (Cuba Independiente y Democratica) has just begun bcing progrs via WRMI. "30 Minutos con el CID" is aired Mon-Fri 2330-0000, and Sat at 1430-1500. In addition, other progrs which were formerly bc by La Voz del CID (such as "Contacto," "Presencia" and "Caribe Llama Cuba") are now being broadcast via WRMI.

New antenna delayed - WRMI's new antenna beamed to MEX and NoAM is fully constructed. However, it is not on the air regularly yet due to technical delays. We are hoping to have this new antenna in regular operation as soon as possible.

NEW times for "WAVESCAN," the English-language DX progr fr Adventist World Radio on WRMI: 0200 Sat, 2230 Sat, 0000 Sun (1st, 3rd and 5th Sats of the month), 0430 Sun, 1330 Sun, and 2130 Sun. New times for "Con Frecuencia," the Spanish-language DX progr fr Ruben Guillermo Margenet on WRMI: 2300 Thur, 0330 Fri, 1400 Sat, 2100 Sat, 2230 Sun and 0430 Mon. (Jeff White WRMI, Dec 6)

WEWN - Eternal Word Network. WEWN is a Roman Catholic radio stn, operated by the Eternal Word TV Network. It began bcing on 28th Dec 1992. Eff 26th Oct 97 - 29th Mar 98. 0000- En 5825 1000- En 7465 5825 1200- En 15745 5825 1400- En 15745 11875 9455 1600- En 15745 13615 11875 1800- En 17695 13615 11875 2200-0000 En 13615 5825

2300-0500 & 1000-1300 Sp 7425 (Lat AM) 1300-2300 Sp 15375 Address: PO Box 100234, Birmingham, Alabama 35210, USA Tel: +1-205-672-7200 Fax: +1-205-951-0340 E-mail: 70413.40compuserve.com URL: http://www.ewtn.com/WEWN/freq.htm

VATICAN CITY Vatican radio changes: Ja 1315-1345 9875 (x9500) //11625. Indian langs & En 1450-1620 9875 (x9940), //11640. Arm & Ru 1650-1740 9585 (co-ch CRI Ru) (x9835), //11715 (co-ch REE Sp & Ar). (PanIview-BUL, Nov 25)

VIETNAM The new super-power txs in the Mekong Delta are not SW but MW, four of them, not five: one 2000 kW Harris, and three 500 kW Harris. Also under construction is a new MW facility in the north with two more MW supplied through Marconi by Nautel. These were put out for tender a couple of years ago. (B. Dawson, P.E., Seattle, WA, WORLD OF RADIO 920) We still wonder what freqs these are on!?

------Wanted: ICOM IC-1275 - 23 cm allmode unit ------

BBCM-BBC MONITORING information primarily sourced to German AGDX umbrella organization may not be further reproduced, except with BBC MONITORING permission.

Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 341 20 Dec 1997 ______

Hello, its once again Christmas time and I must say hello to all my affectionate friends who really make my live that much different. Many thanks to all of you, who send in really NEWS and kept me busy. Please keep in touch as often as you can.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, may 1998 be one more year with lot's of GOOD DX.


Mein Buchtip zu Weihnachten:

Gerd Klawitter (Hrsg.) "100 Jahre Funktechnik in Deutschland" Funksendestellen rund um Berlin 240 Seiten, 200 Abbildungen, 14 Tabellen, 33 Plaene Preis DM 49,00 ISBN 3-89685-500-X

Hi, vom Verlag W&T - Wissenschaft & Technik Verlag Dr. Juergen Gross Sebastianstr. 84 D-10969 Berlin Bestell-Fax +49 - [0] 30 - 614 51 17 erhielt ich die Ankuendigung, dass das Buch von GERD KLAWITTER [Herausgeber und Autor] nunmehr kurz vor Jahressende 1997 erscheint.

Mitautoren sind Wolfgang Behnke, Klaus Herold, und Peter Manteuffel (Techniker beim Deutschland-Sender/RBI Koenigs Wusterhausen).

Behandelt werden: Grossfunksendestelle Nauen (Deutsche Reichspost, RBI) Hauptfunksendestelle Koenigs Wusterhausen (DS I, RBI, Bizim R, R Wolga) Zeesen (DS II) - Olympiasender 1936 Herzberg/Elster (DS III), Reparation an die UdSSR Oranienburg Rehmate [DS, St der DDR, jetzt LW DLR Berlin] Goliath Kalbe/Milde U-Bootsender der Deutschen Kriegsmarine auf Laengstwelle. (German submarine boat radio) Oebisfelde Auslandsrundfunkstelle auf Kurzwelle bis Mai 1945 Wiederau [Leipzig] (MDR Sender Leipzig, R DDR, Bizim R, R Moskau, Messewelle) Wilsdruff [Dresden] (DDR MW Sender, R DDR, Berliner Rundfunk, Okkupationssender R Vltava) Burg b/Magdeburg (DS, St der DDR, Deutscher Freiheitssender 904, Deutscher Soldatensender 935, R Wolga USSR Red Army) Wachenbrunn [Hildburghausen] (DS, St der DDR, R Moskau, VoR, u.a.) Woebbelin [Schwerin] (DS, St der DDR, Berliner Rundfunk)

SFB, RIAS Berlin, FS-Turm Alexanderplatz.

73 de WB

ALGERIA The Voice of Free Nigeria will change it's freq fr 11715 to 11645. on Dec 20st. Bc time will remain the same: 1900-2000 Sats. Due to QRM by Iranian bcaster. (Nasiru Ikharo, National Information Secretary, FNM, Dec 13; and FK DXW Dec 15) [txions believed to be carried via RTA tx facility, ed]

AUSTRALIA Australian Defense Forces Radio has added a 2nd freq. Hugh McKenzine, Head of ADFR, tells Cumbre DX, "In addition to 13525, we are also now operating on or about 15707" [try 0430-0630 in US]. (Cumbre DX via Johnson, Dec 16)

CHINA I've found CRI on some more new? and additional freqs. 9945 En 1200, seemingly Cambodian 1300 [//9440], Be 1400, Ur 1500-1600 [//7590]. 11875 Ch 0900 //15440, this same sce also found on new 11875, is in sync with 11685 11945 12015 15180 15440, but behind 9480 9945 11500. Carries Ca fr 1000, but cannot sure of lang at 1100 due poor signal then an co-ch Iran, also s-off time not determined due propagation. 15400 En 0900-1100 [//9785, 11755] 15440 Ch 0900-1200 [//9480 9945 11500 11650co-ch KFBS 11685 11840under Shalkar-KAZ/UKR, 11945 12015 15180] 1100-1200 very poor signal, but cannot be sure what lang is used. This Ch sce does not open/s-on as do other CRI sces and ID is different.

11960 CNR-1 dom sce now IDed, audible at 0800 and until at least 1100 [co-ch HCJB fr 1030] //9290 11800 12120 15550 17605. I wonder if the 2nd new site is on air or if resources have just been reallocated. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 10)

CRI now using an addit new txer at URUMQI for sces to SoAS as from Nov 24: 9365 1200-1357 9600 1730-1827 9700 1400-1757 9730 1600-1857 9945 1200-1657 11675 1200-1357 11875 0900-1357 12055 0830-1127 15400 0900-1057

CNR - CNR4 Network - Minorities Sce, new sked: Tb 0000-0027 1030-1057 11630 11375 8566, 0530-0557 15670 11630 11375, 1300-1327 11630 9390 8566; Ui 0030-0057 1100-1127 11375 10260 8566, 0600-0627 15670 11375 10260, 1330-1357 10260 9390 8566; Ka 0100-0127 1130-1157 11375 10260 8566, 0630-0657 15670 11375 10260, 1400-1427 10260 9390 8566;

Ko 0430-0457 1000-1027 9920 9775 8566, 1200-1227 2130-2157 9775 5420 4190; Mg 0500-0527 9920 9775 8566 4800, 1230-1257 9775 5420 4800 4190, 1430-1457 10260 9390 8566, 2200-2227 9775 5420 4800 4190.

- CNR - CNR5 Nework to Taiwan - new sked: 15710 0053-0613, 5125 0953-0003, 11935 0053-0613, 7620 0953-0003, 11100 0053-0613, 6015 0953-0003. Txs: 15710=5125, 11935=7620, 11100=6015.

- CNR - CNR6 Network - Chinese World new sked: 15880 0353-1100, 11000 0353-1200, 5090 1100-1804, 9170 2053-0104, 6790 2053-0104 and 1200-1804. Txs: 15880=5090, 11000=6790, 5090=9170. No pxs on Tues between 0603-0955. (NDXC - Nagoya DX Circle, via EDXP, Dec 15)

CRI Urumqi in Ru 1600 on 1521 kHz. co-ch = ARS and G, Kosice-Cizatice-SVK (relay BBC) starts fr 1800 UTC. Latter irregularly on air, some days inactive at all. (Uwe Volk, Dec 13)

5030, location-? Ch talk and mx, instr. melody and time pips on hr. at 2200 Dec 9, seemingly ID (but can't make out the CH words!). Time pips are 5+1, the last of higher pitch, just like the PRC stns. Propagation parallel to good CH rcpn on other channels; no sign of a carrier on 5005 (Sibu). I feel sure this is not Kuching, but an unlisted Ch stn. Ten years ago, John Bryant listed a Xian outlet here in an FT list. (Williamson-ONT, via NU, Dec 14)

The Central People's Broadcasting Station (CPBS) is often referred to in En as China National Radio (CNR). This schedule is based entirely on monitoring observations. Stn ID in Standard Chinese: "Zhongyand Renmin Guangbo Diantai diyi tao jiemu" (Central People's Broadcasting Station Number One Programme). CPBS bcs to TWN are the subject of a separate schedule.

CPBS FIRST PROGRAMME 0000-0100 15480-(fr 0030) 12120-(fr 0030) 11800 9290 9080 7935 7530 7504 7345 6840 6750 6295 6125 6110 6030 5995 5915 5880 5320 1359 1035 981 756 639 621 540

0100-0600 17605-(fr 0230) 15550 15480 15390-(fr 0200) 12120 12030 11825 118009080-(to 0230) 7935-(to 0200) 7530-(to 0200) 7504-(to 0200)

0600-0855 exc. Tues 17605 15550 15480 15390 12120 12030 11960 11825 11800 9290 7504 6840 6180 6030 1359 1035 981 756 621 540

0855-1735 17605-(0855-0900) 15550-(0855-1030) 15480-(0855-1000) 15390-(0855-1000) 13610-(fr 1100) 12120-(0855-1030) 12030-(0855-1130) 11960 11825-(0855-1230) 11800-(0855-1130) 11730-(fr 1400) 9800-(fr 1100) 9290 9080 7935-(fr 1000) 7530-(1400-1730) 7504 7345-(fr 1230) 7290-(fr 1000) 6750-(fr 1100) 6180 6125-(fr 1100) 6110-(fr 1430) 6030 5880-(fr 1100) 5320-(fr 1030) 5295-(fr 1330) 5030-(fr 1000) 4460-(fr 1130) 3220-(fr 1130) 1359 1035 981 756 639-(fr 1000) 621 540 1958-0000 12120-(2230-0000) 9290 9080 7935 7530-(fr 2100) 7504-(fr 2100) 7345 6840 6750 6295 6125 6030 5995 5915 5880 5320 1359 1035 981 756 639 621 540

CPBS SECOND PROGRAMME 0000-0200 15500-(fr 0100) 1174011630-(fr 0030) 11610 10260-(to 0030) 9775 9755-(fr 0100) 9064 7770-(to 0100) 6890 5163-(to 0100) 4800 1305 1215-(to 0100) 720

0200-0900 17700-(to 0800) 15500 11610 11040 9064 855-(0700-0800) 720

0900-1300 11740-(to 1130) 11630-(fr 1100) 11610 9775-(1030-1200) 9755-(1000-1130) 9064 7770 7516-(fr 1100) 7440-(fr 1100) 6890 5163-(fr 1000) 4800-(fr 1000) 1305-(fr 1030) 1215-(fr 1000) 855-(1000-1100) 720 630

1300-1600 11740 11630 11610 9775 9064 7770 7516 7440 6890 5163 4800 1305 1215 720 630

2058-0000 11740 11630-(to 2330) 11610 10260 9775-(fr 2230) 9064 7770 7516-(to 2330) 6890 5163 4905-(to 2330) 4800 1305 1215 1116 855 720 630

BROADCASTS FOR NATIONAL MINORITIES 0000-0026 Ti 11630 11375 8566 0030-0056 Ui 11375 10260 8566 4735 0100-0126 Kz 11375 10260 8566 0430-0456 Ko 9920 9775 8566 0500-0526 Mo 9920 9775 8566 0530-0556 Ti 15670 11630 11375 0600-0626 Ui 15670 11375 10260 0630-0656 Kz 15670 11375 10260 1000-1026 Ko 9920 9775 8566 1030-1056 Ti 11630 11375 8566 1100-1126 Ui 11375 10260 8566 1130-1156 Kz 11375 10260 8566 1200-1226 Ko 9775 5420 4190 1230-1256 Mo 9775 5420 4800 4190 1458-Hohhot 1300-1326 Ti 11630 8566 5995 4035-Lhasa 1330-1356 Ui 10260 8566 4735-Urumqi 3990 1400-1426 Kz 10260 8566 4970-Urumqi 4330 1430-1456 Mo 10260 8566 5060-Urumqi 4980 2130-2156 Ko 9775 5420 4190 1206 2200-2226 Mo 9775 5420 4800 4190 1458 Addr: 2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100866 Tel: +86-10-6851-5522 or 2435 Fax: +86-10-6851-6630 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

EL SALVADOR/CUBA CLANDESTINE from EL SALVADOR to CUBA. La Voz del CID's bc site in El Salvador went off the air earlier this year due to political problems in that country. CID is now bcing via WRMI Mon-Fri from 2330-0000 and Sat from 1430-1500. (DIRECT WRMI Jeff White, and via Cumbre Dx, Dec 7)

This is the first time anyone has ever mentioned the specific country this stn was broadcasting from. Previous reports had only listed it as being in Central America, possibly Guatemala, or as unknown. (Johnson via Cumbre Dx)

Voz del CID (Cuba Independiente y Democratica) bcs in opposition to and the Cuban govt. Radio stns ID as Voz del CID have been heard since Oct 1981. In the past Voz del CID operated several sces, each using the name of a Cuban national hero (eg Radio Camilo Cienfuegos, Radio Antonio Maceo, Radio Frank Pais, Radio Maximo Gomez). Voz del CID bc fr its own txing facility in El Salvador until mid 1997. Voz del CID now hires airtime on US commercial SW stn WRMI (Radio Miami International). Sp 1430-1500 Sat, 2330-0000 Mon-Fri 9955. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

GEORGIA 7475, IBC Tamil, Dec 5, *0055-0201*, regional vocals until series of sign-on ID's by man, news and later music. Very strong signal but did fade down quite a bit during bc. Initial signal strength suggested possible Caribbean location mentioned in a Rausch verification. However, sharp fade suggests Georgia as reported by Hill. (D'Angelo via DXW, Dec 15)

GERMANY [USA (non)] The Overcomer Ministry of Brother Stair via tx in DTK Juelich 6175, no date qsl-letter, issue of his nxpaper and studio tape of heard bc in 4 weeks for 1 US$. Addr: Brother Stair, P.O.Box 691, Walterboro, SC 29488 USA (M. Schoech-D, via TFW, Dec 15)

DW will stop publishing "Tune In" magazine in English. Program details now via Internet only. (RNMN, Dec 18)

GUAM The following item was heard on Mission Network News this morning: "Typhoon Paka has devastated the Island of Guam knocking Christian radio off the air. Trans World Radio's Glen Sink is on the phone with us. Glen how much damage did your facilities sustain? We do have some damage to our antenna system. Our towers are all in tact, but the curtain antennas between the towers have sustained damage, one will have to be rebuilt, the three others are going to need quite a bit of repair. However, our staff is already involved in getting things ready to do the repair work, and hoping by Thurs night Guam time we will be back on the air. Glen, how many languages will be effected? Programming on Guam is directed primarily to Asia. I don't know the specifics of how many languages will be involved in the time that we will be off the air, but it's probably on the order of over 20 languages that will be affected." (Colin Miller-CAN, Dec 18)

HUNGARY/THAILAND R Budapest En 2015 on 9535 was atop Thailand's bells, both bcing to EUR, where I expect the clash is even worse. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 922, Dec 18)

[RB is in the dead zone during winter season in CeEUR, so Thailand should be on top, will check it soon, ed]

INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia is the ext sce of Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). Addr: Voice of Indonesia, PO Box 1557, Jakarta 10001, Indonesia Tel: +62-21-7203467 Fax: +62-21-3457132 0030-0100 Sp 11785 0100-0200 En 11785 0200-0300 BI 11785 0300-0400 Ar 11785 0800-0900 En 11785 0900-1000 BM 9525 1000-1030 Th 11678 1030-1130 Ch 11785 1130-1200 Ja 11785 1200-1300 BI 11785 1730-1800 Sp 15150 1800-1900 Ge 15150 1900-2000 Fr 15150 2000-2100 En 15150 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17) n3985.53 (x3976.48) RRI Surabaya, 1113-1214, popular mx, 1130 ID, 1158 SCI, relay RRI Jakarta "Warta Berita" til 1213, 1214 local ID. Not RRI Manokwari! (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 3/4/6/8)

IRAQ Rep of Iraq Radio, Unid progr, 9755, 1533, Ar mx, ID by male speaker, vernacular singing. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 13)

ITALY/SAN MARINO Don't be fooled! Radio San Marino International, an European PIRATE radio stn may reached under http://www.exactweb.com/RSMI e-mail: [email protected]

KIRIBATI 9810 R Kiribati Tarawa to Christmas Isl, some 2000 kms east of Kiribati. approx. 0400-0900 UTC, 0845 BBCWS progr relay. (RNMN, Dec 18) Fr Michiel Schaay's Super Frequency List 1998: 9809,9 Radio Kiribati Tarawa KIR 0530 0600 Ki domestic USB 9809,9 Radio Kiribati Tarawa KIR 0600 0700 En domestic USB 9809,9 Radio Kiribati Tarawa KIR 0700 0930 Ki domestic USB

MALTA/RUSSIA Voice of the Mediterranean: En 1130, Fr 1200, Ge 1230-1300 confirmed now [schedule see below], heard in EUR on 9660 kHz. (Josef Zimmermann via Andreas Volk, Dec 14)

7440 Mon-Sat 2000-2100 En, 2100-2200 Ar; Fri 2000-2200 Ar; Sun 2000-2100 En, 2100-2130 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge - EUR/Medit region 15550 17570: Sun 0200-0330 En, 0330-0500 Maltese - AUS/NZL 17570 Sun 0500-0530 Ja - JPN 9660 daily 1200-1300, Sun 0900-1230 EUR & Medit En 1130, Fr 1200, Ge 1230-1300 9810 Sun 1900-2000 En, 2000-2100 Maltese, 2100-2130 Fr, 2130-2200 Ge, 2200-2300 Ja - NoAM. (Not yet operational).

The daily progrs are presented under the title "Voice of the Mediterranean"; Sun midday progrs 0200-0530 in En, Maltese and Ja are presented under the title "Radio Melita"; the Sun evening progrs 2000-2200 are under the title of "Valetta Calling". (VoM / Bob Padula-AUS, Nov 11) [Ed: All txers presumed to be in Russia, sites not specified. BP)

Some addit/diff items: 711 Mon-Sat (exc. Fri) 0600-0800 En & Ar Mediterranean Fri 0600-0800 Ar. Sun 0600-0800 En, Fr, Ge 9660 Mon-Sat 1200-1330 It, En, Ar EUR Sun 0930-1300 It, En, Malt, Fr, Ge 15550 & 17570 Sun 0200-0500 En, Malt, Fr, Ge PHL, AUS, NZL 17570 Sun 0500-0530 Jap JPN Mon-Fri progrs are presented under the title "Voice of the Mediterranean" Sun progrs have the title "Valetta Calling". Additional season's bcs on Dec 25 & Jan 1. Source: Mrs. Ingrid Huettmann (German editor, VOM, via A.Volk, Dec 18)

MOLDOVA 7500, Radio Moldova, Dec 7, 0430, new freq ex-listed 7520 and new time slot - previously scheduled to be off at 0430, poor-fair signal, poor modulation and heaps of QRM from KOL 7497. (Ormandy via DXW, Dec 16)

NEW ZEALAND n3934.9 ZLXA R Reading, Levin, En, new time 1051-1300, time pips at 1100 and 1200, best in lsb mode, very weak signal. [registered 1 kW]. Co-ch very weak stn noted but not Ided. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 3/4/6/8) [Also R Semarang-INS and R Baghdad-IRQ noted on 3935.]

PERU 5730.03 Radio Santiago, Puerto Galilea; sent a pleasant package with full data QSL letter, pictures, mini national flag, and handmade "certificado de sintonia" with station stamp and municipal office stamp. Verification signature is Juan Tuchia Oscatea. He said that his family migrated from the Prefecture of Gifu, Japan to Peru a long time ago, and he is the third "Nikkei" generation. I think that his family name was originally spelled as Tsuchiya, but after many years it was slightly changed as Tuchia which may be easily pronounced. Radio Santiago was officially inaugurated on Sept 20, 1996, by Municipalidad Distrital de Rio Santiago, in the community of Puerto Galilea on the shores of the Santiago River, in the Province of Condorcanqui, Department of Amazonas. (Acc to Dateline Bogota, the experimental txion was first observed by Henrik Klemetz on Sept 15, 1996.) When Sr. Juan Tuchia Oscate was elected as the mayor of the district municipal office, he was planning to install TV and radio bcing stn for the support of cultural and educational project in the community. Programming is in Sp and regional dialect Aguaruna Huambisa: 1100-1200 "Musica y Mensaje Vernacular Nativo"; 1200-1300 "Magazin de la Amazonia; 1900-2100 "Tardes Tropicales" (cumbias peruanas y extranjeras), 2100-2200 "5730 Frecuencia Juvenil" (musica moderna); 2200-2300 " Melodias de Ayer y Hoy (Musica Latinoamericana del Recurdo). Stn personnel includes: Guillermo Gomez Garcia (director), Rusvel Hinojoza Navarro (disk jokey), Saenz Esamat Antich (disk jokey), Sara Sanchez Cubas (commercial announcer). Stn address is simply: Puerto Galilea, Provincia de Condorcanqui, Dept de Amazonas, Peru. ("TIN" Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, via NU, Dec 14) v6141.12 R Concordia, Arequipa, 0920-0935, Andean mx, 0928 & 0930 ID, very weak. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 5)

6674.58, R. Ondas del Rio Maranon, 1109-1156 , Been checking this every morning and has been signing on between 1100-1110 w/instru. OA NA. Pgm of OA campo mx (quite a few Huaynos), and live M anncr after every song w/TCs, and many ments of "radio" from what little I could copy. Buenos Dias at 1116. Quite possibly IDs at 1113, 1121, and 1125. Finally did indeed copy a definite ID at 1131 as: "Radio Ondas del Rio Maranon.Peru. buena musica.". Barely faded at all by t/out. Best so far this week but very weak and difficult copy as usual. Knew if I just stuck with this that I'd get an ID sooner or later!! Yesterday, 16 Dec., caught it signing on at 1110 on 6674.68 but drifted down rapidly in the first minute to 6674.58 where it quickly stabilized. Very pleased to finally ID this illusive one. (Dave Valko-USA, Dec 17)

PHILIPPINES Radyo Pilipinas is the ext sce of the Philippine Bcing Sce, under the control of the Bureau of Bc Sces. It bcs via VoA SW relay txs in the PHL. This schedule is valid until March 1998. The current txions by Radyo Pilipinas were first observed in Aug 1991, although a SW stn of the same name, operated by the National Media Production Centre in Manila, had bc in the 1970s.

Tagalog 0230-0330 ME 15270 15120 11805. 0330-0400 AS/AM 17730 15330 13770 En 1730-1930 ME 15190 11890 11730. Addr: Radyo Pilipinas, Philippine Broadcasting Service, 4th Floor, Media Centre, Visayas Ave, Diliman, Quezon City 1103, Philippines Tel: +63-2-924-2267 Fax: +63-2-924-2745 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

Radio Veritas Asia is operated by the Roman Catholic church. This schedule is valid fr 1st Dec 1997 - 29th Mar 1998. 0000-0025 KAREN 9535 0000-0025 SINHALESE 9670 0030-0055 KACHIN 9535 0030-0055 TAMIL 9670 0100-0125 Be 15335 0100-0125 TELUGU 15530 0130-0155 Hi 15335 0130-0225 Vn 15530 0200-0225 Ur 15335 0230-0325 Ru 11805 (May include progs from Radio Blagovest) 1000-1155 Ch 9520 1000-1025 HMONG 9555 1030-1125 Vn 11850 1130-1155 BURMESE 9670 1200-1225 BI 9505 1200-1225 KAREN 9670 1230-1255 KACHIN 9670 1300-1325 Vn 7265 1330-1355 Hi 9680 1330-1355 SINHALESE 9660 1400-1425 Be 9680 1400-1425 TAMIL 9520 1430-1525 Ru 9660 1430-1455 TELUGU 9520 1500-1525 FILIPINO 9690 1525-1555 Su/We/Fr FILIPINO 9690 1530-1555 exc.Su/We/Fr ZOMI-CHIN 9525 1530-1555 Ur 9670 2100-2255 Ch 6190 2230-2255 FILIPINO 6075 2300-2325 BI 11820 9505 2330-2355 BURMESE 9535 2330-2355 Vn 9670

Addr: Radio Veritas Asia, PO Box 2642, Quezon City 1166, Philippines. Tel: +63-2-939-0011/12/13/14 Fax: +63-2-939-1940/7556 E-mail: inforadio-veritas.org.ph URL: http://www.pworld.net.ph/user/fmrva (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

PORTUGAL heard playing anthem at 0758 on 17710 at s-on [Sat/Sun 0800-1000, Mo-Fr 1000- 1800] to AF/MOZ 142 degr. Possibly replaces 17725 where Lviv-UKR 1000 kW 96 degr noted on air. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 10)

ROMANIA (c.f. bc-dx #340, "New addit tx site Saftica is in use to the countries bordered with Romania. ... Is old clandest R Espana Independiente site? ed)

As far as I know this site has been active since at least the summer of 1994. A detailed schedule received by fax at that time, mentioned Saftica for several freqs. (Marc Vissers-BEL, Dec 18)

RUSSIA 6005, Adygeyskoe Radio b/c at 1800-1900 (Mon&Fri), and Kabardino-Balkarskoe Radio b/c at 1830-1900 (Wed, Thu&Sun), both via Krasnodar, 100 kW, 190 degr. (Nikolai Rudnev-RUS, RUS-DX, via NU, Dec 14)

The tx carrying direct b/cing of the 1st channel wireless fr Novosibirsk has, since Nov 1, been on 3802 (ex-3882, ex-4502). "It works round the clock in USB mode. Daily 24 hrs. there are prgms of the state company 'Novosibirsk R. Rossii,' municipal radiocompany 'R. Novosibirsk' and radiostn 'Slovo.'" (Jaremenko-RUS, RUS-DX, via NU, Dec 14)

"Polyarnaya," nx for arctic inhabitants, is b/c on Mon only at 1615-1645 on 6025 (Novosibirsk, 100 kW, 335 degr for the Arctic) and 7255 (Samara, 100 kW, 140 degr for Antarctic). (Nikolai Rudnev-RUS, RUS-DX, via NU, Dec 14))

VoR 4920 tx Moscow area, E letterbox mx, 1925-2020. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 1) HFCC registration W97: 4920 1700-2100 zones 18, 28 MSK 100 295

GTRK on 9690, tx 100 kW Samara 0800-0900 UTC, V/s Hania Hazipovna Galinowa, QTH: GTRK Tatarstan, Ul. Gorkovo 15, 420015, Kazan, Russia. (B.Fransson-SWE,via Play DX, TFW, Dec 01)

TADJIKISTAN 7095 Voice of Southern Azerbaijan, Dec 13, 1702, once again mostly woman in Azeri rhetoric, with man briefly joining in at times; bland but slightly ME-flavored guitar/strings instrumental around 1718. Naturally, strong ham data txion came on promptly at 1730 and obscured closing ID, but announcement included address or sked or both. Weak and fady; best at tune-in. (Hill, via DXW, Dec 16)

TURKEY Turkish Radio and Television (TRT). Valid til 29th Mar 1998. Some txs may operate in ssb mode at certain times. Tu 0000-0500 15385 9460 9445 6120 5980 0500-0800 21715 17775 15385 15145 11955 9565 9460 9445 5980(-0600) 0800-1000 21715 17775 15385 15145 11955 9565 9460 1000-1300 15415 15350 11955 11910-(Fri only-fr 1100) 9460 1300-1600 15350 11955 11910-(Fri only) 9560 9460 1600-1700 15350 11955 9460 5980 1700-2200 15385 9560 9460 7110 6120 5980 2200-2300 15385 9560 9460 9445 7110 6120 5980 2300-2400 15385 9460 9445 7280 6120 5980

En 0400-0500 17705 9685 7300 Az 0830-0930 15130 11835 Pe 0930-1030 13770 11795 Ar 1000-1200 15200 13710 Ro 1030-1130 9630 SC 1030-1130 9505 Gr 1130-1230 9445 7150 Ch 1200-1300 13710 11760 Al 1230-1330 9670 Bu 1230-1330 7110 Ur 1300-1400 11900 En 1330-1430 15290 9630 Pe 1400-1500 9710 Ru 1400-1500 9675 Ge 1430-1530 15290 11800 Ar 1500-1700 7265 6120 Az 1500-1600 6050 Gr 1530-1630 6145 Hu 1630-1730 7240 Bu 1700-1800 5960 Mc 1730-1800 5970 Ru 1800-1900 6135 Ge 1830-1930 6035-usb 5970 SC 1900-2000 5990 En 1930-2030 6175-usb 5960 Fr 2030-2130 7255 7245 7150-usb En 2130-2230 7200 En 2300-0000 9655 6135

Addr: Voice of Turkey, PO Box 333, Yenisehir 06443, Ankara, Turkey Tel +90-312-490-9800 Fax +90-312-490-9845 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

UK HCJB is to purchase time from a site in the UK and will be on the following schedule starting Jan 1, 1998: 1700-1800 7175 Uz & Tj, 1800-1900 6150 Ru, 2100-2200 6090 Ar. No word yet on how they are going to QSL. (HCJB DX Partyline, Dec 14 via Johnson, Cumbre Dx)

BBC London will cease Finnish language sce fr Dec 31. (RNMN, Dec 18)

This morning I could hear Big L, Radio London, bcing from London on 1503 kHz. Considering the power of 1 Watt only reception was good. Clearly audible under BBC Radio Stoke, during peaks Big L gave almost same signals like Stoke. They started to bc on Dec 17th with a 28 days RSL-License. So get them while you can! (Martin Elbe-D, Dec 19)

UNIDENTIFIED Ch speaking stn new 3303 usb mode, 0940-0950 Ch mx. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 1)

USA Please note the following changes in our w-97 schedule: fr Dec 23, 1997 until the end of the W-97 season DEL 5760 WHRI 0200-1000 UTC 100 kW 42 degr to 5, 8, 9, 27, 28 ADD 5770 WHRI 0200-1000 UTC 100 kW 42 degr to 5, 8, 9, 27, 28

Fr Jan 3, 1998 until the end of the W-97 season DEL 9930 KWHR 1200-1400 UTC 100 kW 300 degr to 43, 44, 45 ADD 9930 KWHR 1200-1400 UTC 100 kW 285 degr to 41, 43, 44, 49 (Bob German, George Jacobs & Associates, Inc., Dec 19)

VOA-Bethany: see for a Cincinnati Enquirer article and photo about the recent take down of the antenna towers at VOA-Bethany. Click on the photo to enlarge. -- For another photo of one of the towers coming down, see And for more info on the Bethany Relay Stn, see (Hamm to Swisher to Vodenik, via SWL Chat mailing list, via NU, Dec 14)

WYFR - Family Radio, is a protestant radio stn operated by Family Radio Network, based in California. WYFR's own txs are at Okeechobee, FL. Some bcs are relayed fr the facilities of the VoFree China in TWN. Eff 26th Oct 97-29th Mar 98.

0000-0100 En 9505 6085 0000-0100 Fr 15400 0000-0100 Hi 11550-TWN 0000-0100 Po 17725 0000-0100 Sp 17845 15215 15170 11895 9715 5985 0100-0200 Sp 11895 9985 9715 9605 5985 0200-0300 Sp 11895 9985 9715 5985 0300-0500 Sp 11895 9715 5985 0500-0600 Sp 11855 9705 0100-0500 En 9505 6065 0100-0200 En 11550-TWN 0100-0200 Po 11885 9690 0300-0400 Ge 9985 0300-0400 Ru 9355 7435 0400-0500 En 9985 0400-0500 Ge 11550 7355 0400-0500 Po 11580 0400-0500 Ru 5850 0500-0600 Ar 11580 9455 0500-0700 En 5985 0500-0600 En 11550 9985 0500-0600 Ge 7355 5850 0600-0700 En 9985 7355 0600-0700 Fr 11580 9455 5850 0600-0700 It 11550 7520 0700-0800 En 9985 9455 7355 0700-0800 It 5850 0800-0900 Po 9605 6175 0800-1000 Sp 9555 6105 1000-1100 Sp 9575 9555 6105 6085 1100-1200 Sp 11830 11740 11725 9605 9575 6085 1200-1300 Sp 11740 11725 9605 9575 6085 1300-1400 Sp 15355 15130 11725 6085 1400-1500 Sp 15130 0900-1000 Po 9860 9605 9575 6175 1000-1100 En 5950 1000-1100 Fr 11740 9680 1100-1200 En 7355 5950 1100-1300 Fr 13695 1102-1602 Ch 9280-TWN 6300-TWN 1200-1300 En 11970 11830 7355 5950 1300-1400 En 13695 11970 11830 5950 1400-1500 En 17760 11830 5950 1500-1600 En 17760 11830 1505-1705 Ru 9955-TWN 1510-1610 Hi 11550-TWN 1600-1700 Ar 15565 1600-1700 En 21525 17555 15695 1600-1700 En 17760 15215 11830 1610-1810 En 11550-TWN 1700-1800 Ar 21525 1700-1900 En 17555 15695 1700-1800 Ge 15565 1700-1800 Ru 21725 17760 1800-1900 Ar 9580 1800-1900 Fr 21720 21525 17760 1800-1900 It 15565 1900-2000 En 17555 1900-2000 Ge 15565 5825 1900-2000 Po 21525 2000-2100 En 21525 15565 7355 5810 2000-2100 Fr 11665 5825 2100-2200 Ch 9280-TWN 6300-TWN 2100-2200 En 15565 11580 7355 2100-2200 It 11665 5825 2200-0000 Ch 9630-TWN 9280-TWN 6300-TWN 2200-2300 En 15565 11580 2200-2300 Po 15130 2200-2300 Sp 11665 7355 2200-2300 Sp 5985 2300-0000 Fr 15400 6085 2300-0000 Po 11885 2300-0000 Sp 17845 15215 15170 5985

Addr: Family Radio, 290 Hegenburger Road, Oakland, CA 94621, USA Tel +1-510-568-6200 Fax +1-510-633-7983 E-mail shortwavefamilyradio.com URL http://www.familyradio.com (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

RFA Washington reports 15385 1315 35543 Ti //7530 very weak, 9400 23332 9930 1400 44544 Vn //9400 43543, 9455 55555 S5 +60 dB 7550 2300 44544 Ti //9875 32332. 13710 0030 45544 Bu //7455 24432, 7515 24332. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 3/4/5)

USA/HAWAII Don't you believe all the new times publicized for DXing with Cumbre. World Harvest Radio continues to treat the only progr worth listening to on WHRI and KWHR with disrespect, failing to bc it at the times given. For instance, on Dec 13-14 it did NOT appear as scheduled when I checked Sun 1300 on 7560, Sun 1330 on 15105, Sun 2130 on 17555, and there have been many other instances I did not make a note of. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Dec 18)

UZBEKISTAN Uzbek Radio. This schedule is based on monitoring observations. Addit bcs, which could not be confirmed in the UK, may be carried in Uighur and Ch. Some progrs in Uz for Uzbeks abroad identify as "Radio Vatandosh" (Vatandosh=Homeland).

0100-0130 En 9540 7205 5975 5955 0130-0200 Da 9540 7205 5975 5955 0200-0230 Pa 9540 7205 5975 5955 0230-0330 Uz 9540 7205 5975 5955 0400-0430 Tu 15165 1200-1230 En 9715 6025 5975 5060 1230-1300 Ur 9715 6025 5975 5060 1300-1330 Hi 9715 6025 5975 5060 1330-1400 En 9715 6025 5975 5060 1400-1430 Ur 9715 6025 5975 5060 1430-1500 Hi 9715 6025 5975 5060 1520-1550 Da 9715 6025 5975 5060 1550-1630 Uz 7205 7105 6025 5975 1630-1700 Pe 7205 6025 5975 1700-1730 Ar 7205 6025 5975 1700-1730 Tu 9540 7105 1730-1830 Uz 9540 7205 7105 1830-1900 Pe 7205 7105 6025 1900-1930 Ar 9715 9540 7105 5975 1935-2030 Ge 11905 9540 7105 6230 5060 5035 2030-2100 En 9540 7105 2130-2200 En 9540 7105 0030-0100 Ui 5060 2330-0000 Ch 5060

Addr Radio Tashkent, ul. Khorezmskaya 49, Tashkent 700047, Uzbekistan Tel +7-3712-441210 Fax +7-3712-440021 (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 17)

VANUATU n4960 (x3945) R Vanuatu regular here. 0900-1117*, Bislama lang, Fr + En, local mx, RFI Paris reports in Fr, 1115 ID + QRG's, best 34433!, some QRM fr VTN, nothing on 3945. Registered 2485 3330 3945 4960 6100 7260. (Roland Schulze-PHL, Dec 8)

VIETNAM 5597.47, Lao Cai; 1145, Tentative with long unaccompanied female folk-type vocal with repetitive melody. Checked for //, but couldn't pull any audio from carrier on 4460.85. (Novello via DXW, Dec 14)

10059.80, Hanoi1, Dec 14, 1140 Female speaker in Vn with mentions of VTN and 2x Hanoi, followed by male speaker in Vn at 1142 and Western popmx. (van Rooy via DXW, Dec 14)

12020, VoVTN Hanoi, 1520-1535, Thai, Female announcer with talk in which VTN was often mentioned. At 1425 after a brief announcement audio was lost, although a strong carrier remained. After a five minute break, audio returned with an I/D, anthem and a female making announcement in what appeared to be Ca. (Clemitson-RSA, via DXW, Dec 12)

Next "Ramadan" in INS will start on Dec 31, 1997 and end on Jan 29, 1998. Many INS stns will bc the special progr in the local early morning in this season. And on Dec 31, many stns usually delay sign off time due to the special progr of New Year's Eve. We should be looking forward to occurring something on this day. (Juichi Yamada-JPN, Dec 15)

------Wanted: ICOM IC-1275 - 23 cm allmode unit ------

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Extracts of items sourced to EDXP may be further reproduced, but only by organizations or individuals which have on-going exchange arrangements with EDXP.

Any items from Glenn Hauser and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if complete attribution to the original source and to gh/WOR is given. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc/topnews.htm or via Link of Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wwdxc Both actual and previous week issue are available. e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]

BC-DX 342 27 Dec 1997 ______

ANGOLA Radio Core, Jamba, 6220, 1807, male enthousiastic speakers in Portuguese, mentioning UNITA. Afro pop mx. Good signal but suddenly covered under jamming at 18.12 UTC. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 22)

ARMENIA The Voice of Armenia was oberved in Sp 9965 0245-0315. (Nicolas Eramo-ARG, Dec 24) I notice that some bulletins which ran the inaccurate VoArmenia sked did not think it necessary to run my previous item correcting the En time as monitored. Here's another chance: As of Dec 22, VOArm on 9965 En was still at 2115, and still claiming to be at 2145. BTW, sked says the "2145" b is Mon-Sat only. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Dec 23)

AUSTRALIA RA barred from using extended-band freqs. In general terms, there has been a reduction in reliability of reception of RA signals across the board since the Darwin tx closure. This includes reception in the PAC, because of the diversion of Shepparton txs to serve AS. When txion was switched to Shepparton [he] elected to use freqs not used before in the extension bands, freqs proposed for bcing but not fully ratified for bcing. 9435 to SoEaAS 1100-2200, and 9415 SoWePAC 1200-2100. The Australian govt had directed RA to stop using these freqs, which it did as of 1st Dec. RA is now using 9500 in the first slot and 9590 in the second as "interim channels, pending the outcome of further talks with other Australian govt agencies". (Nigel Holmes in RA, BBCM via AGDX, Dec 6) [updated fr Dec 22] Fr 17th Nov 9770, which had carried the BI sce, will now carry En programming 0900-1100. 17750 - which had closed at 0830 in the middle of the "PM" feature - will now close at 0900 [and will be extended until 1100 at 329 degr as fr Dec 22], while 15415 will remain open until 0930, at which time listeners should retune to 11880 until 1100, when the Mandarin sce starts. Listeners in AS now have two freqs til 1100 - 17750 til 1100 [fr Dec 22], and 15415 until 0930, when it is succeeded by 11880. Deer expressed interest in particular in RR's from MLA and CHN. Listeners in PNG and the WePAC were advised to use 6080 and those in the CePAC 9580. (RA, BBCM via AGDX, Nov 17, Noel Green updates, Dec 18) Fr Dec 22, 9770 will replace new freq 9590 at 30 degr due to complaints of interference to VoGRC via Delano-CA, [1230-1730?] 11880 is being used at 0800 via 50 degr, only just audible here, beam change seems to be around 1030. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 18) AZERBAIJAN There are four radio stations on the western VHF/FM band in Baku. Local state radio stn on 90 MHz, Radio ANS 102, Radio Sara 104, and one relaying progrs fr RFI on 105 MHz. Radio ANS and Sara are independent, private mx stns carrying advertising. Satellite progrs from Radio Liberty are relayed on MW 1296 125 kW tx about 70 km SoWe of Baku and 1530 7 kW tx in the town. (VoR, Dec 16 via BBCM via AGDX)

CHINA CRI noted via Urumqi facility: 12055 BI *0830, BM 0930, BI 1030-1127*. 11875 Ch *0900, Ca 1000-1157*, Ch 1200-1357*. 15400 En *1000-1057*. (Bob Padula-AUS, EDXP, Dec 19) [11875 crystal clear, 12055 poor suffering side-band splash here in EUR] COLOMBIA Opposition radio jammed by "impostor". There is a Radio Patria Libre impostor, Glenn Hauser's "WoR" reported on 4th Dec, citing a report in the 'Dateline Bogota' publication. The stn was noted on 28th Oct varying 6255-6251 at 1800-1821 and 2200-2221, carrying what was announced as "Noticiero Patria Libre", but with "insidious anti-guerrilla propaganda", quite successfully jamming the original Radio Patria Libre progr. Radio Patria Libre bcs on behalf of ELN - the Army of National Liberation, in opposition to the Colombian govt. Several years ago the Radio Patria Libre bcs were observed being shadowed by a pro-govt stn, hostile to ELN, which IDied itself as "El Pueblo Responde". (WoR in WWCR, BBCM via AGDX, Dec 4) COSTA RICA University For Peace. Radio For Peace International (RFPI) bcs fr the campus of the University for Peace in Costa Rica. This schedule, eff Dec 1997, is based on information supplied by RFPI. As well as its own productions, RFPI carries progrs fr various organizations such as the United Nations, Greenpeace and Glenn Hauser's "World of Radio". 0000-1200 En/Sp 7385 6980-usb 88.3 1200-1700 21465-usb 7385 88.3 1700-2200 21465-usb 15050 88.3 2200-2400 21465-usb 15050 7385 88.3 Addr: Radio For Peace International, Ap. 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica Tel +506 491821 Fax +506 491929 E-mail [email protected] URL http://www.clark.net/pub/cwilkins/rfpi/ rfpi.html (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 23) CUBA/USA "Invisible" TV Marti will try to overcome jamming In the US there are people, most of them govt officials, who seem to be certain that Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty were the main cause for the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rest of the European socialist community. It is true, that these radio stns transmitted for almost the entire duration of the so-called Cold War, presenting to the people of EaEUR a Western utopia and trivial opinions on freedom and on human rights with which they have been fooling the world throughout most of this century. To achieve this, the CIA, the main organization responsible for this policy, has the formidable budget of 26bn [dollars]. US radio stns also have a budget and this has been wasted for many years to benefit a few cunning people who obtain significant personal revenue from this business. The new blimp that will be involved in TV txions against Cuba is called Fat Albert [in En], or Gordo Alberto, in Sp. We have yet to see if it will be able to overcome efforts by Cuban technicians to prevent it from poisonously entering Cuban communications space. It would be great, of course, if Washington were to give up, once and for all, its useless attempts to turn Cubans into counter-revolutionaries and antipatriotic people. (Radio Havana Cuba ext sce, Dec 9, via BBCM via AGDX) CYPRUS North Bayrak Radio: I rcvd the following message from them re their new tx: "Tnx for your E-mail message. Unfortunately, we have not installed our SW tx yet. It is just being delivered these days. CCA has rptd having serious problems with its subcontractors, and eventually they are at least 3 months behind the schedule." (Dan Henderson-MD, via NU, Dec 21) ECUADOR/UK HCJB to hire airtime from Merlin. The Ecuador-based religious broadcaster HCJB has announced that it is hiring airtime from Merlin Communications to relay its progrs fr the UK to CeAS, RUS, UKR and NoAF in Uz, Tj, Ar, and Ru langs. What we are doing is an outright purchase of time on txs located in the UK, the UK, operated by an organization called Merlin, and they are in the txing business. So we have come to an agreement, signed a contract and we will be airing, starting 1st Jan, some of our programming, some of our 16 langs over that facility and of course the closer you are to a target area the better the listeners are able to pick you up. Starting 1st Jan, we will be carrying Uz and Tj to UZB and TJK, we will also be carrying a little Russian; now we'll maintain some Ru lang progrs fr Quito because we just couldn't buy enough time. HCJB gave the freqs of progrs bc fr the UK: 1700-1800 CeAs Uz & Tj 7175 kHz. 1800-1900 Ru & Uk to RUS & UKR 6150 kHz. 2100-2200 NoAF in Ar, 6090 kHz. (HCJB via BBCM via AGDX, Dec 13) GABON NHK World R Japan via Moyabi relay, Sp nx on Asian finance market trouble at 0635 12030, registered 0515-0700 Sw It Ge Sp. (WB, Dec 21) GERMANY For those of you, who are interested in LW/MW topics, too: After completion of the reconstruction work at DLF's LW stn Donebach, the old 100 kW standby unit at Koenigs Wusterhausen is or will be retuned from 153 back to 177 and is to carry "Deutschland Radio Berlin" during coming switch-offs of the Oranienburg Zehlendorf tx (installation of VHF antennas). However, it is planned to shut down the Koenigs Wusterhausen LW tx definitely. (Volker Knuetel-D via Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 20) These LW txs (installed by Telefunken in 1945) stands in tx-house #2, side by side with the four "Sneg" SW units, a Tesla MW tx and an aged 75 kW utility LW tx [ex VoA & RIAS Berlin jamming unit during cold war??? ed] (all out of sce). Deutsche Telekom wants to close the Koenigs Wusterhausen stn completely, but until now "Deutschland Radio" doesn't want to do without the reserve LW tx. " Munich" (BR) will give up it's odd 520 kHz channel, because many radio sets can't tuned to these out-of-band freq. Furthermore the txs at Hof and Wuerzburg will be operated on freqs within the regular MW band. (ERF DX-press, German TWR branch) In the past, BR operated a couple of low powered MW txs on 520. Hof and Wuerzburg are the last remained sites; both with old 1 kW txs, running on reduced power 200 watts. I assume, that in future either 1584 or 1602 will be used (1485 is already occupied by several AFN txs in Bavaria). Incidentally, the GDR had also a low powered tx on 520, at Cottbus. But from 1979 this unit was operating on 1584. (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 20) GUAM Adventist World Radio on the island of Guam has survived yet another major storm though the stn was damaged and put off the air for a few days. It is anticipated that the stn will return to the air, following antenna repairs, on Christmas Day. Super Typhoon Paka ravaged the island of Guam on Dec 15 & 16 with sustained winds of 155 miles per hour, gusting up to 180 miles per hour. This storm is described as the worst in 30 years and it surpasses even Super Typhoon Omar in 1992. Some 3.000 homes on the island were destroyed during this past week and most of the island is without power and water. The Chief Engineer at KSDA AWR-Asia, Elvin Vence, shut the stn down at midday on the Tues in advance of the storm and battened down window hatches on the main building. The high winds damaged all four of the large curtain antennas, though the stn sustained little other damage.

It is estimated that it will take one week each to repair the four antennas and it is anticipated that the stn will return to the air with the first tx/antenna on Christmas Day. At weekly intervals, each of the remaining tx/antenna combinations will be repaired and re-activated. AWR-Asia was originally activated in Mar 87 and it is normally on the air for more than 300 progr hours per week in nearly 30 languages. The Chief Engineer, Elvin Vence, is noted as the artist who painted the well known picture of his radio stn that is presented on one of the AWR QSL cards. (Adrian M. Peterson, Co-ordinator - International Relations, AWR, Dec 19)

GUINEA Equat American En religious progr heard on air 0815 15185.1 mixing badly with AIR Delhi co-ch and had gone 0900 when AIR went off. Perhaps Radio Africa - not heard for some time. (Noel Green-UK, Dec 17) 15185, R Africa; Malabo (T), Dec 16, 1940-2010, En relig sce - Preacher Owen McCloud. Gospel mx. "People's Gospel Hour" with Pastor Pierrie. Postal addrs supplied were in U.S.A. and Canada. No formal station I/D was given. 44444 (Clemitson-RSA in DXW) INDONESIA Freq usage of RRI Nasional at around 1000-1400 Programa Satu 999, 4777 (s/on 1100) 9565, 9630, 11760, 15125. Programa Dua 9680, 11750, 11885, 15150. So pretty much the same as one year ago when I left here, with the exception that 11785 was moved to 11760. RAMADAN: The month of Ramadan starts on Dec 31 until Jan 29 with the Id-Ul-Fitri holidays being on Jan 30 & 31. (Gerhard Werdin, Bandung-INS, Dec 21) As at 12 Dec RRI Jakarta seems to have settled on the schedule below. The recently added 11755 changed to 11760 on 1 Dec to avoid interference to the 11750 Radio National Dua bc. After a brief reappearance in late Oct, 11885 has returned on 12 Dec. The 15 MHz outlets have also been rearranged. The use of 11760 conflicts with several other bcs, including VOA PHL in En 2200-0100 to INS! During Nov, propagation tests were carried out 1300-1730 on both 15150 and 11785 using the Radio National Satu program as audio.

VoIndonesia - all from Cimanggis (with one tx) 11785 0030-0400 and 0800-0900. 9525 0900-1300. 15150 1730-2100

Radio National Satu 15125 Cimanggis 2155-1510 to NE 11760 Cimanggis 2155-1610 to NW 9630 Bontosangu 2100-1500 to west 9565 Bontasangu 2100-1500 to east Radio National Dua -all outlets are 2200-0200 and 0900-1300 15150 Cimagggis beamed east 11885 Bontosangu beamed east 9680 Cimanggis beamed NW 11750 Bontasangu beamed west The freq announcements in En at 0100 0800 and 2000 (it's the same tape) now refer to 9525 15150 AND 117856 (in that order). Is this a sign of imminent expansion or, more likely, that the studio staff don't really know what is going on, or out? !! Further to my previous comments regarding the 4777 outlet (and harmonic on 9554), there is conflicting published information in respect of power and site. While the WRTH and Tropical Bands Survey list the stn as 7.5 kW and Kebayoran, Passport to Worldband Radio and the now defunct "Oz DX" show 50 kW and Cimanggis. A personal visit to Jakarta would be rather enlightening. Any volunteers? The harmonic on 9554 of course is a different entity to the 9552 Ujung Pandang daytime outlet, which might, or might not be at Bontosangu. (Robert Jones-AUS, via EDXP, Dec 21) (Ed: Note re 4777 tx the first appearance of this is shown in the 1968 WRTH with 20 kW, for the National Program, from "Jakarta". The 1976 WRTH lists 4775 with 50 kW for the Third Program in parallel with 3277 7.5 kW. In 1968, 3277 is shown as 7.5 kW under the call YDD. In 1973, the 3277 txer was listed for Kebayoran, along with a 1 kW txer on 7220. The Cimanggis site apparently came on line in 1967 with a 100 kW txer, believed to be the one which used 6045 for the National Program. Until 1967, only one txer was used for the Ext Sce (9865, 11770 or 11715) with 11770 being shared with the National Program. At that time, 11770 was listed for Cimanggis. TDP SW-97 says that there were no further SW txers installed at Kebayoran after 1950. Trying to work this out is frustrating!! BP). (via EDXP, Dec 21) IRAN IRIB Tehran in Hausa on new 15450 0545-0627, nx at 0622. (WB, Dec 21) 5995, VOIRI Tehran, Dec 17, 2215-, Ar sce on a new freq, //7260, 9022. 15125, VOIRI Tehran, Dec 17, 0536-1229*, Ar sce on a new freq, //5995, 7130,7220, 15350 till 0730, then //15350 and other ones. (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, via DXW, Dec 22) IRAQ R Baghdad Ar progrs peaks in at 0645 on v9714.95. (WB, Dec 21) ISRAEL/PALESTINE/UK WRN on MW in the ME. Radio listeners across the ME will benefit fr a huge choice of internat progrs when a new MW sce comes on stream at 2025 on Mon 15th Dec. That is when WRN's En-lang sce - WRN1 - will be launched overnight on MW 954 kHz. WRN1 will be on the air 2025-0430 the following morning. The tx on 954 kHz is believed to be a 100 kW unit in Jerusalem which carries Israel Radio's multilingual Immigrant Absorption Network at other times. (BBCM via AGDX, Dec 12) KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Radio bcs from new capital Akmola. Kazakh Radio started regular bcing from the new capital of the Rep of Kazakhstan today. We plan to bc six hours a day: 0200-0400, 1000-1200, and at night 1900-2100 UTC. (Kazakh Radio, Dec 10, via BBCM via AGDX) MALTA/ITALY To get the whole truth at once or just anything about the tx sites out of VoMED is virtually never to expect. So I just checked 9660 and, indeed, found Ingrid Huettmann's German production. BUT: Audio/modulation characteristics doesn't suit to CIS txs, narrow banded and muffled, furthermore a compressor with unfavourable adjustments chauses a noticeable "pump". So I checked the HFCC registrations - well, most likely this is a tx of RAI Italy [at Santo Palombara], using a non-directional antenna: 9660 0900-1300 27,28,37,38 ROM 100 nd 1234567 261097-290398 (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 21) MEXICO Radio Educaci¢n, Mexico City, 6185 1008 female an male speakers, very relaxed, some classical type instrumental musical interludes, talks again, typical Mexican ballads. SINPO 25222. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 22) MYANMAR Defence Forces Broadcast. Unit, Taunggyi, 6570, 1325, exactly one year minus one minute since last year's intercept, with beautiful Burmese song by male singer, male speaker with announcement, usual instrumental tune and off-the-air at 1329. (Michiel Schaay, Dec 23) PAKISTAN R Pakistan in Urdu to ME reaching EUR too, 15170 kHz 0430-0630 UTC noted playing typical PAK mx. //11725 and 17555 couldn't monitored here. (WB, Dec 21) PHILIPPINES/USA VOA Philippines relay tests on new freq. A VOA txing site is still on the air at Poro-PHL. This facility includes a 1000 kW MW tx on 1143. However, reception in EaAS on this freq has been unsatisfactory, partly because of a Taiwan stn on that same channel. On 6th-14th Dec the Poro MW tx will test on 1170 kHz 1600-1700 and 1800-1900. (VoA CW, Dec 6, via BBCM via AGDX) RUSSIA Russian stn tentat. Perm noted at 1600 on 5290 poor signal, best on lsb mode. Increased signal strength at 1700, R Mayak ID was given. (WB, Dec 21) New 7525 reported by Nick Pashkevich heard in the UK daily carrying Radio Odin til close down 0900. I've been monitoring Murmansk 5930 around 0800 when Radio Prague close down at 0757. RV 790 Monchegorsk 20 kW nondir, seems to be the most northerly bc operation at 67.55N, unless one of the low powered txs at Murmansk has been re-activated. Very strong S9+30dB peak currently. Appears to have own mx progr til 0800 then own musical is followed by 'Govorit Murmansk'. Next 10 mins ann as 'Reclame Vipusk Ravichne? Bureau', a series of local advertising etc. Progr ann and ID at 0809 always mention 'Radiostantsiya Atlantiki', at 0810 into R Rossii. Progrs Fri/Sat/Sun 12/13/14 were different: Dec 12 - carried R Rossii nx til 0810, then own musical IS, local ID, then a story about the Sami people with drums and chanting in background until 0859, then rejoined R Rossii. Dec 13 - carrying mx progr til 0759 when local ID. At 0800-0810 carried Rossii nx, then own musical IS and 'Govorit Murmansk' and into another mix progr. Dec 14 - playing mx 0755. 0800 Rossii ID and nx and progr Rossii nx 0900-0910, then local musical IS and ID and into what seemed a nx magazine. I'm struggling after 0900, when signal drops, might have been Atlantiki, but needs more checking, local ID and adverts at 1000. Dec 17. (Noel Green-UK) Others on 41 mb at 0800 are 7100 - sill no idea what this is carrying, not audible every day and always fluttery. 7220 - heard when RL stops - low level and seems Rossii 0800. 7310 - compatible AM, has no lower side band (x summer time 9610?), carrying Mayak. [reg Murmansk 50 kW 195 degr.] 7330 - carrier level often fair but audio level low, Archangelsk? carries Mayak, blocked at 1000-1100 by Vladivostok relaying BBC Mandarin, by Chita 1300-1530 doing same. [reg Murmansk 20 nondir] 7345 - Yakutsk seems to be mainly Rossii when audible after 0757, [reg 50 315] 7440 - low level sig carrying Rossii 0800, [reg Irkutsk 100 65] (Noel Green-UK, Dec 18) Radio 1 Kultura is a new name for Radio 1. This sce is txed on addit SW freqs. 0300-0600 & 1600-2200 7525 0600-1300 15465 1300-1600 11630 University Network Radio via Samara 17590 sign-on at 0800. VoR uses two new out-of-band freqs, 7570 0100-0400 Sp to LatAM. 17495 0600-1200 En to AUS & SoEaAS. Interestingly both freqs aren't listed by the VoRussia printed schedule.

R Rossii fr Jan 1st, will be on air two hours less. The txion time will be as follows: main EUR version 0200-2200 Ural version 0000-2000 WeSiberian version 2200.1800 EaSiberian version 2000-1600 FE version 1800-1400 Reduction is fr 22 to 20 hrs per day.

VoR World Russian sce W97 (updated), * not used temporary. 0000-0100 7350 9890. 0200-0400 6065 7125 7260 7350* 9890 9895. 1300-1500 6205 7170 7185 7195 7235 7245 9470 11820 12015 12055. 1600-1700 7235 7355 9450 9560 9695 9715 9830. 1800-1900 7255. 1800-2000 7185 7355 9560 9830. 1800-2200 7125 7160 7310 7340 9450 9480 9695. 2000-2100 612 MW Moscow. 2000-2200 693 MW greater Berlin. (Nikolai Rudnev-RUS, Dec 9) Acc to latest reports there will be some next reduction of the VoR's progrs fr Jan 1st, 1998. No full information in a moment but some notion you can obtain from the GPR-2 SW schedule valid fr Jan 1st, 1998. Only one addition: we are always very glad to receive any comments about the possible technical problems of our txs, and more to the following e-mail address: [email protected] GPR-2 schedule fr Jan 1st, 1998: 5920 Kaliningr 120 kW 205 degr + 120 kW 205 degr EUR VoR, 1600-1800 Ge, 1800-190 Po, 1900-2000 Ge 5920 Kaliningr 120 kW 205 degr + 120 kW 205 degr EUR VoR, 2000-2100 Fr 5925 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr R.Mayak 0300-0700 Ru 5935 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME R.Mayak 0300-0600 Ru 5990 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME R.Mayak 1830-2000 Ru 6015 Kaliningr 60 kW 83 degr + 60 kW 118 degr CIS R.Mayak 1400-2200 Ru 6045 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME R.Mayak 1430-1800 Ru 6090 St.Peters 400 kW 222 degr EUR VoR 1700-1800 Hu, 1800-1900 Sk, 1900-2000 Cz 7130 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr ME CRI Beijing 1600-1700 Ar 1700-1800 VoR Ar, 1800-1830 ME CRI Beijing Pe, 1830-2100 VoR Ar 7290 St.Peters 400 kW 215 degr EUR/NoWeAF VoR 1830-2100 Fr 7335 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr CIS R.Rossii 2030-0000 + 0200-0700 Ru 7340 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr CIS R.Rossii 1430-2000 Ru 7390 St.Peters 400 kW 215 degr EUR VoR 1600-1630 Al, 1630-1800 Se, 1800-1900 It, 1900-2100 Fr 7425 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME BBC London 1800-1830 Az, Fris 1830-1900 Az, exc. Fris 1830-1900 Ru 7440 St.Peters 800 kW 268 degr SoAM VoR 0000-0100 Po, 0100-0300 Sp 9480 St.Peters 200 kW 215 degr NoWeAF VoR 1800-2200 Ru 9680 Kaliningr 120 kW 205 degr + 120 kW 245 degr EUR VoR 1000-1100 Ge 9715 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr ME VoR 1600-1700 Ru 9840 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr ME VoR 1600-1700 Pe, 1700-1800 Ar 9865 St.Peters 200 kW 215 degr NoWeAF VoR 1700-2100 Ar 9890 St.Peters 800 kW 268 degr SoAM VoR 0000-0100 Ru, 0100-0200 Sp, 0200-0400 Ru 9890 St.Peters 400 kW 268 degr EUR VoR 1800-2200 En 11785 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME R.Mayak 1030-1400 Ru 11985 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS R.Mayak 0730-1400 Ru 12045 St.Peters 400 kW 147 degr CIS R.Rossii 0730-1400 Ru 12065 St.Peters 200 kW 147 degr CIS/ME R.Mayak 0630-1000 Ru Here is a current schedule of all txions via the GPR-2 high power tx on 1386 kHz near Kaliningrad including the addit hours of the United Christian Broadcasters (UCB): 0100-0530 UCB on temporary basis: Dec 24,25,26,31 and Jan 1 0545-0600 Universal Life in Ge 0600-0700 Voice of Russia in En 0700-1500 UCB on temporary basis: Dec 24,25,26,31 and Jan 1 1500-0100 UCB All txions are beamed to No-We EUR but I think that some of this ones can be heard - with good communication rxs and good external anntennas in use - in various remote parts of the world such as NoAM, AUS, NZL or JPN. We all here at the GPR-2 wish you all the best in 1998! (Mikhail Timofeyev-RUS, GPR-2 St. Petersburg Russia, Dec 23-26) 11630, Radio Odin, 1004, Russian, excited advertisements claiming the attention of Radio Odin listeners in //LW 171 (here in a terrible mess with Radio Ukraine), SIO 454. Likely this is a reactivated 100 kW tx at Noginsk (near Moscow), previously used by Radio Rossii. (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 26) 15455, Radio Rossii, 1000, Russian, "Vesti" news bulletin, SIO 454. Seems to be the daytime outlet for CeEUR from one of the sites in Moscow area = ex15520, which is now occupied by Radio Ukraine. Interesting, that Radio Rossii and especially Radio Odin (which is - or likely was to be closed) makes these increased usage of SW now. (Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 26) SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Riyadh in Ar, ID at 0630 peaks on v11708.21. (WB, Dec 21) SOMALIA Voice of the Somali Rep not heard after gun attack. BBC Monitoring has been unable to hear Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Rep on its usual freq around 6755 since 27th Nov. Unidentified gunmen attacked the north Mogadishu radio stn of local strongman Ali Mahdi Muhammad, Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Rep, Fri 28th Nov, putting it off the air, witnesses said. The gunmen destroyed txs and the station's electricity generator, they said. The attack on Ali Mahdi's radio stn came during a peace meeting in Cairo between Somali warlords who have ruled the anarchic Horn of Africa nation since the overthrow of dictator Muhammad Siyad Barreh in 1991. The warlords, including Ali Mahdi and his south Mogadishu rival, Husayn Muhammad Aydid, reached provisional agreement in Cairo on setting up a transitional national govt. ... (AFP 28 Nov, BBCM via AGDX, 27 Nov-1 Dec) SRI LANKA DW Trincomalee in Persian noted at 1800-1850 on 9770 kHz well ahead of Abu Dhabi co-channel. NHK World Radio Japan via Ekala relay site is one of the few progr which appearing very early in our mornings on 17 MHz band. 17770 kHz 0600-0700 in Ar/Fr. (WB, Dec 20/21) SWITZERLAND/GERMANY SRI English to EUR 1830-2030 Ge It Fr and En, via DTK Juelich tx site replaced 7410 by 7385 kHz, 100 kW 40 degr. (Edwin Southwell-UK, via Glenn Hauser's WoR, Dec 18) [co-channel QRM by CRI Beijing, in my opinion a similar bad freq choice, ed] TAIWAN/USA Premier supports planned Radio Free Asia relay. Regarding the belief that in the past year our diplomacy has been in a difficult position, Premier Hsiao Wan-Chang said yesterday 7th Nov that he was not personally so pessimistic... Hsiao Wan-Chang said that in future our way of thinking and strategies in handling foreign affairs will be more flexible, and we will not stick to traditional methods. He said that, viewed from our country's strategic position in Asia and from the fact that our country is a window to democracy, we will still have ample room for diplomatic work. However, the new ways must be suited to the international situation. Besides, regarding the intention of the US "Free Asia" radio stn to set up a relay stn in TWN, Hsiao Wan-Chang said that the govt is glad to help and support anything which is conducive to the development of human rights and the region... (TWN nxpaper, BBCM via AGDX, Nov 8) TANZANIA R Tanzania, Zanzibar, on v11734.08 1500-2000 regular noted here in Ar every day. (WB Dec 25) THAILAND R Thailand En nx noted with strong signal at 2030 on 9535. Co-ch Budapest in Serbian Suns 2030-2100 totally covered. (WB Dec 21)

UK/SLOVAKIA - AWR Rising price of renting Slovak txs at Rimavska Sobota by 100 per cent, forced AWR to cease SW outlets via SVK totally. So for the AWR [Wavescan too] audience inside Europe reception condition of AWR progrs will be drawing back to standards of the 70's and 80's. The only EUR SW outlet for AWR Wavescan on Suns 0930- 1000 UTC via poor 8 kW tx at Forli-Italy 7230 kHz. Most of the SW people -- even in Western Europe -- haven't satellite access at all, so bcs via WRN Astra satellite Suns 0900-0930 UTC will reach a small audience only. AWR listeners who have access to Internet may catch the Wavescan progr via URL: www.awr.org (AWR Wavescan, Dec 21)

Press release fr AWR German section "Stimme der Hoffnung" at Darmstadt, distributed Dec 11: "AWR discontinues all SW txions via Rimavska Sobota (SVK) fr March 29, 1998 [!]. Reason: The carrier announced a price increase of 100 %." Furthermore these press release announces the start of German bcs via the WRN 3 satellite service (0500 and 2100) fr Jan 1st. "The bcs on SW via Forli (I) remains. Due to the low tx power decreased reception quality must be expected." No mention was made, what will happen with the other language sces; however, DTK Juelich seems to be a likely replacement. (via Kai Ludwig-D, Dec 20)

AWR to be carried on WRN. We want to let you know that coming up on 1st Jan will mark a somewhat significant change for our European listeners, especially with our En bcs. We will no longer bc fr Rimavska Sobota-SVK, but our tentative plans - which at this stage have yet to be absolutely confirmed, but we can tell you that it is an extremely strong leaning - are to go on WRN or the World Radio Network. We'll be bcing to direct satellite home bcs starting on 1st Jan. If you'd like to hear this progr "Wavescan" you can tune into our bc on what is known as the VH1 mx ch, the Astra 1B... On the weekends you can hear our progrs 0900-0930 in Britain. Now this is a little bit different from our weekday bcs which would be 1530-1600. Again it's a somewhat significant change because we move fr SW into what's direct home satellite bcing. The quality is FM quality but it does take a little bit away from those of you who are enthusiastic DX listeners[!!!!], so we want to remind you that you could still listen to the progr at 0930-1000 on 7230 - this fr our facility Forli-Italy... [250 kW decreased to 8 kW of power, ed] We also want to remind you and encourage you to look up these progrs on the WWW. Several progrs are available from AWR using the progr RealAudio. You can log onto our stn at www.awr.org and look for our on-line progrs. You can listen to them if you have modem speed of 14.4 or if your modem is 28.8 or greater. (AWR Dec 15, BBCM via AGDX) USA WHRI network two replacing 5760 by 5770 fr Tue Dec 23, at 0400. The times for this freq are as follows: 0200-1000 Mons, 0400-1000 Tues-Suns 5770 kHz. (Joe Brashier WHRI, Dec 22) Update on new Georgia SW stn WWBS, the new SW stn under construction in Macon, Georgia, is shooting for a target date of 1st Febr on 11910. The antenna was to be put on top of the tower within the next few days. The initial target area will be Canada, says Joanne Josey of WWBS. (WoR WWCR, BBCM via AGDX, Nov 20) Visit Glenn Hauser's website for complete original DX reports http://www.grove.net/~ghauser Here is the planned operating schedule for WHRA Greensbush, Maine. This schedule has been submitted and is currently pending F.C.C. approval, Febr 15 - Mar 29, 1998. 0300-0500 7465 ME 0500-0800 9400 AF 1800-2000 17655 AF 2000-2200 15460 AF 2200-2400 13760 AF (Joe Brashier WHRI/WHRA, Dec 23) RFA - Radio Free Asia latest schedule, *new outlets since 16 Nov. See item under VIETNAM also. Monitored Dec 23-26: Burmese 0030-0130 7455 7515* 7530 11580 13710 Burmese 1500-1600 6240 7540* 9400 9445 Chinese 1500-1700* 7530 9910 Chinese 1500-1800 9805 11945 Chinese 1630-1800 9455 Chinese 2100-2200 7530 9650* 9775 9795 9910 11980 Chinese 2300-2400 7530 9650* 9910 11870 13800* Khmer 1230-1330 7520 7540* 9930* 11510 Khmer 2230-2330 7520 7540* 11510 17510* Korean 1530-1630 5855 7475 9955 Korean 2200-2300 7460* 7490* 9455 9650 11980 Lao 1130-1230 7540* 15660 17535 Lao 2200-2300 5865* 6240 7550 9570 9910 Tibetan 1300-1400 7530 9400 15385 Tibetan 2300-2400 7415 7550 9875 Vietnam 1400-1500 6240 9400 9455 9910 9930 Vietnam 2330-0030 7520 9930 11580 13710

IBB / RFA have now introduced formal password protection on accessing their FMDS and RMS. Whether using Netscape or FTP procedures, no access to full IBB-MONITORING and operational schedule files anymore. It's a pity, a very up-to-date source dried up. WB

UZBEKISTAN Radio Yunost via Tashkent, 6260 1316, female Ru speaker talking a.o. about the weather, En pops, "After you're gone" (sounds like Barry Manilow), ID. This one is missing from my bc database for the Klingenfuss guide and CD-ROM. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 24) VANUATU Unidentified, 4960, 0748 presumed to be Radio Vanuatu, Malapoa. Flute fragment, female speaker and lots of songs. Maybe these were Christmas songs, but the signal was generally too weak to recognize any of them. Fading out at 0757 UTC. SINPO 14331. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 24) 4960, R.V., 1302-1331*, Tlk by M in Pidgin-sounding lang. w/many ments of Vanuatu and 1998. Studio M at 1306, then "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and an instru. version of "Baby I Love Your Ways" as a mx bridge followed by the live M anncr again. Tlk by different M at 1313, choral song, M again w/long tlk 1314-1328, sonf instru. mx, poss. ID by M at 1329, piano mx filler 1330, orch. NA to 1331*. Carrier remained on past 1347 but not hrd at 1417 recheck. Very surprised to hear this. Obviously on late to usher in Christmas morning at midnight lcl, and I just missed it by 2 minutes!!! Fair at t/in but faded by s/off. (Dave Valko-USA, Dec 24)

VIETNAM/USA Paper says "good to avoid" Radio Free Asia. The VoA has reported that the Australian govt has rejected a request from the US to relay signals of RFA to Asian countries. Nevertheless, the VoA also added that the RFA director still "hopes" that Australia will "change" its mind! Since July, Australia decided to cut its budget for radio. Consequently, a relay stn in Darwin of northern Australian has been left unused. The US had asked for the use of this stn to relay RFA signals. However, Australia has rejected the US request, even though the stn is left unused! This was not the first time the RFA has received a "no" to its request. At least another two Asian countries, Thailand and Philippines, also rejected requests for the txion of RFA signals to other countries. When these countries make their decision, they calculate their interests in their relations with surrounding countries. Nowadays, "stirring up trouble" is not a nice thing to do. Many countries have "boycotted" this radio which engages in causing disturbance and instigation. It is good to avoid this radio. (Hanoi nxpaper, BBCM via AGDX, Nov 10) Voice of Vietnam's new tx in north inaugurated. The VoV Radio held an inauguration ceremony for the VN-3 MW radio tx in My Van District, Hung Yen Province. The VN-3 radio tx is to begin operations today after 18 months of construction and installation. The centre has two MW txs with 500 kW and 200 kW capacity and uses a system of two 191- metre-high directional antenna pylons with a main 1,800-metre coaxial antenna line. VN-3 radio tx will serve listeners in the Red River delta, the midlands, the NoEa mountains and the south of the former Fourth Region. With the establishment of the VN-2 and VN-3 radio txs, the VoV has basically fulfilled the radio bc txion plan to the year 2000 as assigned by the govt. Vietnamese radio on 12th Nov had reported that the VN3 tx was situated 30 km east of Hanoi and would reach about 30 million people in the country's northern provinces. "Earlier, another txion station called VN2 was inaugurated in SoVTN," the radio recalled. The new txs are believed to operate on MW. Freqs are not known [yet]. (VoV Hanoi, BBCM via AGDX, Nov 15)

Cao Bang Broadc Stn, Cao Bang province, v6540.72, 1318, presumed this one, fading-in with talks and quite remarkable vernacular songs. Drifting and howling tx, sounds like a pirate stn. At 1358 short announcement by female speaker and off-the-air. The ID sounds like: "Dai phat (...) thanh (...) Cao Bang". SINPO 25332, but improving to SINPO 35333. (Michiel Schaay-HOL, Dec 23)

New products for 1998

Dear friends, we announce the publication of five new products for 08 Dec 1997: - 1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide; - 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM; - 1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations; - Digital Data Decoder Screenshots; - 1998 ARRL Handbook on CD-ROM.

The new 1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide is, again, published and distributed here in Europe within a few days after the final 1998 broadcast schedules were notified not before mid November. Since you asked for it, we added a new CLEARLY ARRANGED alphabetical list of broadcast stations: now you'll get nearly 600 pages for the same low price! The 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM - already in its 4th edition! - now features convenient software interfaces to leading receiver control programs, plus superb digital data decoder shareware. The new edition now comprises about 38.000 entries with all clandestine, domestic and international broadcast stations worldwide, plus all utility and formerly active radio stations as well. Our 1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations (16th edition!) is the international standard reference book for professional radio monitoring services and interested radio amateurs and shortwave listeners alike. It now includes dozens of sample screenshots of digital data transmissions and state-of-the-art equipment as well. A more comprehensive compilation of screenshots is now available separately on diskettes. It demonstrates analysis + classification + decoding + display of digital data transmissions with the latest equipment available today. Our unique collection covers more than 190(!) files with standard graphic formats such as .bmp, .gif and .jpg that can be easily read with standard image editing software such as Corel Draw or Paint Shop Pro. These high-quality samples will give you an excellent overview on the state of the art in this fascinating field. All files are full size, full resolution, and full colours. The outstanding 1998 ARRL Handbook on CD-ROM is now available from us as well, reflecting the state of amateur radio communication technique in the late 1990s. For detailed descriptions and sample pages and colour screenshots please surf to http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/ - completely revised this morning -, or ask for our new 24 pages winter catalogue to your snail mail address. Regular customers will get their copy automatically before Christmas. Thank you for your interest, and best wishes for the main listening season! 73 es best DX, Joerg Klingenfuss Klingenfuss Publications, Hagenloher Str. 14, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany Phone++49 7071 62830 Fax ++49 7071 600849 E-Mail [email protected]

WWW-Site http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Klingenfuss/

1997 Clandestine Activity Survey

December 1997 In 1997 the activity of political clandestine stns on SW has decreased by 50 Weekly Broadcasting Hours (WBHs) to 1460 WBHs worldwide, a drop of 3.3 % when compared with last year. This is the result of the latest Clandestine Activity Survey which has been published by Mathias Kropf annually since 1986. Looking at the developments on the various continents, clandestine activity to Asia has increased by 4 to 965 WBHs, activity on the African continent has increased by 31 to 316 WBHs while activity on the American continent has dropped by 57 to 179 WBHs. When compared with 12 months ago the number of active target areas (countries) worldwide has decreased by five to 21. The target areas that are no longer active are Saudi-Arabia, Egypt, Burundi, Morocco and Papua New Guinea. The three most active target areas worldwide are Iraq with 254 WBHs (-7 when compared with last year), North Korea with 238 WBHs (+28) and Iran with 204 WBHs (+25). Mathias Kropf Maehr.-Schoenberger-Str. 9 D-36251 Bad Hersfeld Germany fax +49 6621 15282 e-mail [email protected] vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX - e-mail [email protected]