2/22% 62%. 27, Z3ozeyess
(No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. G. W. BURGESS, SEWING MACHINE. No. 277,217. Patented May 8, 1883. Z2-vesses. - Zzzle/227: 2/22%2 62%. 27, Z3ozeyess (No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 2. G. W. BURGESS. SEWING MACHINE. No. 277,217. Patented May 8, 1883. 2. 72%24&z. 6eoeye Z/2Zseezyess. 3-/ 22222A N. PETERs. Photo-lithographer. washington, D.c. A UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE GEORGE W. BURGESS, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. SEWING-MACHINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 277,217, dated May 8, 1883. - Application filed August 15, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: to reciprocate the needle-bar a', raising and Be it known that I, GEORGE W. BURGESs, lowering it once for each rotation of the said of New York, county and State of New York, shaft. The shaft a has upon it the switch-cam have invented an Improvement in Sewing-Ma l, having in its side face the double or cross chines, of which the following description, in ing grooves 23, as shown in Fig. 2, the said SS connection with the accompanying drawings, grooves receiving a shoe, b', pivoted upon the is a specification. upper end of the vertical lever l', having the This invention relates to sewing-machines the center hub, l', pivoted at b, and provided employing a shuttle for the under thread and at its lower end with a ball-like termination, 6) IO making the lock-stitch. In my invention Iem l, which is entered between the forked end b° ploy a double - pointed shuttle, it carrying its of the shuttle-carrying lever B, pivoted at b, thread through a loop of needle-thread at each and provided at its front end with the shuttle novement of the shuttle in each direction; and carrierb", which receivesin it the double-pointed my invention consists in means for operating shuttle C.
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