University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-3-1908 Sierra County Advocate, 1908-01-03 J.E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1908-01-03." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news/2182 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t 1 f Go Advocat ty - fc'o. 41- JANUARY 1907. $2.00 Per Year. Vcri. XXV. HHSaboro, Sierra Oaiuity, New Mexico, Friday, 3, BOUND IT8 CAPTIVE. A. 3. ELLIOTT, Lost his Temper. 8PIDCR TTDne BaiiraS. Had Fly 8afly Tied Up Before At- Sienna Cotnaofty Attcrney-at-Ln- w, A reesut Wushiogton dispatch tacking It. of Hillsbora, New Mexico, say: "One when busy In my ItfUsboro, Oufl ot foe Uvplient rows that morning, e has aa establish- a naturallBt. "a large with Up of twenty-fiv- years of conservatism workshop." sayi history ever occurred at the White House double the size of a bluebottle, hoiioes of the south-wes- t. fly, ed the strongest banking II. A. was In a web in tha position among WOLFORD, took place tod'iy between Presi- caught spider'! window close to where 1 was at work. ever with and promptness, the growing needs of District Attorney. Riosevelt and fceuator Scott, It has met, fidelity dent It was held by two of its legs only, which the con d try. Officet Court House. of West Virgiuia, bjoim the and for some time the spider, head, W 1 wh Soott be- was about the size of the fly's officers is to maintain the traditions of the bank - Proaideot is tol it The policy of the lilleboro, Iew aiesieo proceeded to strengthen Us hold by business. lieved to b tha truth abjut the lines to tha mod to meet every requirement of a general tanking attaching numerous extra siiutition. two capttve limbs, carefully keeping II. CREWS, C. P. JOHNSON, were A. F. KERR, R. M. TURNER, LFE It KovbU asked the out of reach of the others, which Acsii-tan- t Cannier. Attorney-nt-I.a- president Vice-Preside- and Cashier. out in all directions in frantlo President. West whu waa letting and Dealer in all kinds of .Milling I ro Virginian beiug efforts to escape. condition cap- perty, Ranches, Lunds und all kinds of blamed for the critical "During a short respite ia the Live Stock. which the country U now facing. tive's struggles the spider cautiously to Rl re. and with its hind lego Otliee next door Jewelry "Do you wiah me to give you a approached, KEW MEXICO. got several turns of its tiny rope II5B0UO, ed fntnk and truthful answer?" round one of the limbs that were free. ROBINS Senator These tactics were carried on till all Sott. U then rain. JAMES R.W&DDSLL, the Presi- the iegs were firmly bound. "Certainly," replied Into one of the legs. Attoruey-a.t-L.i- injected poison dent, " really desire to know what Thin soon showed itself, for its dead- DEMING, - NEW MEXICO U of ths ening effects reduced the victim's erchandise Will attend all the Courts in Sierra Coun the opinion paop'.e." Tha General struggles In a marked degree. Judicial District. one blaroea you, Mr. kill. ty and theSrd "Every poison paralyzes but does not President, for tha uufortutiate con- "Shortly after a Becond bite resist- dition of the H nitor ance ceased, and the victor settled S. oountry,"siid ot its fallen JAittES FIELDER, tne down to suck the Juices a Scott.. "You hive aa Attorney-at-L- leq'ieated prey. The struggles lasted quite lobe frank with you, aud I will Next the fly was alive, DEMING, NEW M EX ICO, hour. morning with and the spider was still sucking out DRY GOODS Courts of New Mex say that nearly evory person Will Practice in the life blood;" whom I have discussed the situa its Groceries ico, Arizona and Texas. tion has declared that the agitation titan's Kitchen Is Fortlflei. Mine Grain busi-nes- n e kitchen ot the suit Furniture, Supplies, Hay, Room 2ii. A-m- 'i corporations and the Imperial OilW: Ruildins, against of n Is more like a fortress tb.t Cor. 3rd St. and Hailroid Ave. l'nieiiie kcy interest of th country, a i'ice to cook meals, for it has in the Supremo Courts of Xew Mexico. to ana Texan. which is dirpctly attributable an orplated door and is fitted wit ia reauouoible for the distur- - lo tts which caa be opened by oal. BACA, you, man. ELFEQO bances." oti tor I. L. Gatzert 4 Co. Fine Tailor-Mad- e Clothing Agent Attorney and Councellor at Law, balhve if there ahouM be - .NEW MEX "They Parhapa Ha Knaww. White Machine Company ALBUQUERQUE, and A how Sewing of less talk and denunciation, if ctrl, no matter pretty, wh' Will ho at all temrn Court for s prenent bristles with the of ohtrusU-hatpin- Bf rnal llo, Valencia, Socoiro and Sier- the laws should be euforced in a points Is a menace to tha public ra Conntie. and m with- i Deal in tooJ Gold, Silver and Coppe-Minin- g regular orderly .inur, fare and should be legislated again, Proportion iu New Mexico. out tbe flourish of trumpets, that like mobs and Invasions. Fortnight!; the couutrv wouli be greatly Review. LEE II. CREWS, Was Farm - vi Explorer Boy. This franlt statement it-TwC'- axDlo" A a U-'O- uiroac is Uut sore Notary Public, much for President ll iosevelt, who who recently having ot lcel - ---a i hut. Ina teuiDer and used some miles XT andcred dangerous malady i - N. M. uuiuiuiuu. W V tiHIsbaro, which was not fw 1. don'U To vigorous language, a forest a laxiXyou need fannrjj O .A rebated pleasinG; to Suator Scott. ALOYS PREISSER, Mt for tie a sock around The wrath of the president was Flned for A. England. Assayor and Chemist, all la, and he told fiydner neck to cure ii., beyond bjuu England, was fined M 4a your i Assay O II at LakUaw Building, Wes that ho was not a tha j?1 y Senator Sj tt for driving through sKvto , ii t I of Court House. friend of the administration, and a motorcycle at the rate ot aa hour. Ilillsbara. - N. M. that ha was misinformed. Colossal 8tatue of Buddha. FRANK I. GIVEN. Ih D., A colossal head of Duddha has baer tski-Treadwd- The Al U Miainj cliff 150 e cut out of a feet high k . psl U Ollii-'- P"nt Oflice DUj, Store. LINIMENT tJoBitmny arued $323.53 for the China. Tufts of grass ara used for RS. and mustache and bushes few trlitisboro . - N. ..I eyebrows ?lt euro that tnr'iit in tliorc order. year ended June 1, 1907, and paid for halr J L'allard's Snow Liniment penetrate tho pores, free the inu.-cl- e mora elasticity. $700,03'J in dividends. Iny circulation, giving Tod Sloan on the of S2 1- Stage. RHEUMATISM, CUT, SPRA'N1?, BRUISES, tons of on of a valua - per u WOLNDS, OLD SOES, STIFF JOINTS, If ton were treated, a saving of 2.15 England in the role of Jockey, but this Cures BURNS A""I AL!. PAINS. his course will be a ,rrtlme' revolving per ton bein m ide. lne report on the Btag8 of a muBlc I .1 a ii. A OQl Aa'! tnna . .. GAVE INSTANT RELIEF. tinows iu it iiierti mo j uja,naii. TTonrv Ktone. Provo. Utah, writes: "I havo used Ballard's of ore ia reserve. tjijThe world's for I,' Too'h-ach- o and Sore Throat, Smallest Potted Plants. Sno Liniment omalgia, - STORAG in 190G Ej which upon application pave me instant rolief. I can r fom- COLO production of petrolium German women collect what are sup- - Linimen 1 1 have ever used in cum H mend it ah being the best amounted to 211,411,173 bbla., aa posed to be the smallest potted plants Li pain caused froxii Neuralgia, etc," n me worm. us giuwiaf PRICE 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BEEF PJliC and MUTTON, as compared with 218,933,524 bbls, In pots about theiu;size of a thimble. in 1905, The United States pi? Dies to Oblige Friend. Freeh FisU iron was 25,000,000 Ballard Snow Liniment Co, production A London furniture dealer who corn- - with suicide left a note 500-50- 2 North Second Street, tons in 1900, "8 compared mltted explaining that he had done so because a friend - ST. LOUIS, - - MISSOURI. SAUSAGES, 23,000,000 tons in 1905 and9,bGG,- bt hja had asked him. ; & 000 tons in 1897. to the EGGS aod BUTTEE. Money Admit Your Error. cir-culati- was in ze Sold and Recommended by value of $2,773,000,000 ff you have made an error and ree-ognl- in the United States on it, submit graciously. Don't try to convince your listeners In splt 1, 1907, aa compared with of error. Office July the Geo P T. Miller, Post DrugStore. Union Meat Market Co. 82,730,000,000 on the correspond- .. ing date of 1900- - Alum is obtain- Auto's Honk Is Moving. Is most man I ed from alumite (alum stone) by "Dulldoze the stoical J.INDAHL MINERS' IMPROVED CANDLESTICK calcining, washing and evaporat-- ! the world that "will move him"" S,..l life, ltmbi and tli.'s.
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