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GRAND LODGE, NEXT WEEK. Misfortune J*- National work of relieving the distress caused by the GRAND LODGE, NEXT WEEK. misfortune. If the Craft does not give more in actual cash than is proposed by the Prince of Wales, the THE Quarterly Communication of United Grand friends and relatives of the men who were lost may Lodge, to be held on Wednesday next, will rest assured that a host of sympathy is felt by the doubtless prove of sufficient interest to attract a large Freemasons of England, which is but poorly repre- number of Craftsmen , and we anticipate not only a sented by a monetary payment of one hundred numerous attendance, but a cheerful unanimity in guineas, although that amount may go far towards the the principal business to be transacted. It is not formation of a fun d which shall make some efficient often the Craft has notice of a recommendation from provision for those who are suffering from the loss of the Most Worshipful Grand Master in reference to their relatives, and although sympathy may not be the work to be considered, but on this occasion there of much practical use to them in this hour of trial, it are two such recommendations, both of them well cannot fail but to relieve in some slight degree the timed, and each of them of such general and Masonic heavy suffering which must be prevalent in our midst interest as to call forth a full and enthusiastic as a consequence of the severe loss of life which adoption. In the first case the Prince of Wales pro- hannened on the occasion of the wreck. poses to confer _ the rank of Past Grand Master of Passing on to the next business to be brought England upon his brother, His Eoyal Highness the before Grand Lodge we come to the items regularly Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, who was to be found in the work of the last Communication of appointed Senior Grand Warden of England in 1877, the year. A Grand Master for the ensuing twelve has been rrovmcial Grand Master oi Sussex since months has to be nominated , a new Grand Treasurer 1886, and District Grand Master of Bombay since has to be proposed, and the various officers of the 1887. The honour which the Prince of Wales now Board of Benevolence have to be elected. Famili- proposes to bestow on the Duke of Connaught is in- arity breeds contempt, we are told, and yet we tended to commemorate the safe return of that Prince venture to predict that the oft-repeated merits of the from the East Indies, after completion of his term of Prince of Wales, as a fit and proper nomination for service there as Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay the office of Grand Master of England, which will be Army. But even if there was no particular call iox recounted next week, will by no means lead to con- the appointment at the present moment, we are con- tempt, or aught but rejoicing from the leaders of the vinced the recommendation of the Grand Master Craft who will listen to them. The members of the would be heartily agreed to, as the Duke of Connaught Masonic Order know how much they have to thank has always been a popular member of the Craft, and the Prince of Wales for when regarding him as their one who is recognised as having taken a considerable u-ranci Master, ana tne unanimity with which he has share in making, the Order as popular and pros- regularly been selected as the head of English Free- perous as it is at present. As it is, however, the masonry is not only a proof of the loyalty of his members ol the Craft will gladly avail themselves of followers, but also an expression of their thankfulness the opportunity of showing their pleasure at the safe that so distinguished a personage should do them the return of their Eoyal Brother, and the honour being a honour to fill the appointment. Whether we regard permanent one, it will remain as a lasting expression the Prince of Wales as the chosen head of the of good will, not the least pleasing, we hope, of the thousands of Freemasons to be found in this country, many the Duke of Connaught has already, or is yet or as a mere puppet in the hands of the leaders of the to receive. Craft ,—as he is described by the heads of the Eomish The second recommendation of the Grand Master, Church,—there can be no question as to the thorough unfortunately, takes us to a much less pleasurable sincerity of the men who regularly re-elect him to occurrence than that to which we have just referred, preside over the destinies of the Order. This fact and it forcibly reminds one of the apparent insepar- alone would seem to prove the absurdity of the able association of misfortune and suffering with the position taken up by our Catholic detractors, for if the joy ana rejoicings ot every-day me. The Grand Prince of Wales is the mere tool they would have us Master suggests that a sum of one hundred guineas believe, there must be a very strong body ol conspir- shall be voted from the funds of Grand Lodge, and ators at work, or it would hardly be possible to secure added to the national subscription now being raised in his regular and unanimous re-election year by aid of the families of those who perished in the wreck year, much less to cajole him into the of H.M.S. Serpent. There is not a member among belief that the expression s of his followers were sin- us who can look back on this disaster with any other cere : whereas, if what the priesthood says be true, it feeling than one of pain, and we imagine the only is mere humbug. We have no doubt as to the course point on which the representatives of the Craft who Grand Lodge will take next week in regard to the will assemble in Grand Lodge next Wednesday are nomination of a new chief. The Prince of Wales will Hkely to offer the slightest disagreement with the be enthusiastically proposed , and, in due course, as suggestion of the Grand Master is, as to the amount enthusiastically re-elected. to be voted from the funds to assist in the truly The proposition for a Brother to fill the office of Grand' Treasurer is at present a matter of doubt. masonry, and a share both in the new " Week's Pre- There is one distinguished Mason—Bro. George paration," and the new " Whole Duty of Man." Alto- Everett—whose name is certain to be submitted, but gether, as his own address (snpra) puts it, ho was engaged for a half century, either as Tutor, Schoolmaster, Writer, whether his will be the only nomination time alone or body of Corrector of the Press, labouring incessantly, chiefly for can prove. Bro. Everett has a very strong Dilly. He died at Stepney (where he was buried) on the supporters , so strong indeed as to fully justify the 22nd May 1773, being about seventy years of age. He hope that he will be allowed to go to the poll alone, left a large work in four vols., " The Present State of the if it be correct to describe an unopposed election as British Empire," helped by other hands, nearly ready, an absolute polling. But on this point it is yet early which was brought out in 1774, In 1776 appeared a new to make a reliable forecast. We should very much edition of his " Survey and History of London ," with his like to hear Bro. Everett alone proposed for this dis- portrait, from a picture, by Burgess, in clerical dress, as tinguished position, not only because it would be frontispiece ; and Crackelt and others have edited his paying an especial compliment to a worthy Brother, Dictionaries repeatedly, down to 1836. In "Lyson's but because we think that in manv wavs he has Environs," by error, his name is printed Entinck. claims " Howell's State Trials," xix. col. 1027, et seq. ; on the Craft which should secure for him " Entick's Latin Dictionary, special recognition at the hands of its members. If , " 1771 ; " Gigoux's Child's Best Instructor," 5th ed. ; " Watt's Bibl. Brit." ; " Lyson's however, there be any other nominations, then we Environs of London " (1795 edition), iii. 437, 457- can but express the wish that the contest will be con- " Bromley's Catalogue " ; " Nichols's Illustr. Lit.," v. 803 ; ducted on truly Masonic lines, and that in the end " Lady's Magazine," 1763, O.H.—National Biograp hical the election will be carried through with the same Dictionary. good feeling as has marked the contests of past years. In regard to the other matters to be brought before Grand Lodge, we would refer our readers to the copy of the Agenda which appears in another part of our DO SOMETHING FOR MASONRY. present issue. There is nothing of particular import- There is no society on the face of the earth that will ance, or which calls for special comment, unless we flourish unless the members thereof take a lively may offer a friendly word of warning to the heads of interest in it, and seek to advance its well-being by well directed effort. How long would our political parties, our the Order to beware how they accept too many por- church organizations, or any other society last, if the in- traits of living dignitaries of the Craft , lest some day dividual members thereof were half-hearted and took little they find themselves in the awkward predicament of or no interest in them beyond routine duty ? A certain being unable to refuse, when they wish to do so, on amount of enthusiasm is needed, and the sublime princi ples account of past precedents.
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