Ilex crenata – Japanese (Aquifoliaceae) ------Ilex crenata is an evergreen shrubs with relatively USAGE Function small, spineless and black fruit. It is usually 3- 10' tall, with a similar spread. Japanese Holly look -shrub for foundations, borders, group plantings, mass plantings, formal or informal hedges, topiary more like a boxwood than a holly. It ranges from backgrounds, specimens slow-growing to relatively fast-growing, and is a Texture good choice for hedges. Japanese Holly tolerates -medium texture severe pruning and is a good substitute for boxwood, -thick density especially in milder climates, zone 6 & 7, as it grows Assets faster than boxwood but can be similarly pruned/sheared. -shiny green leaves -compact form that can be readily pruned Liabilities FEATURES -in northern regions, the foliage can be injured by Form cold temperatures (however, some offer -Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 5-8' tall x improved cold tolerance) 5-8' wide; usually seen as a much -will develop iron deficiency if the pH is too high branched, shrub with a dense, rigid Habitat compact form of a rounded or broad -Zones 5 or 6, depending on to 8 rounded outline. -Native to Japan, Korea -medium to slow growth rate (less than 12" per year) Culture SELECTIONS -sun to part shade Alternates -prefers light, moist, slightly acid soils, with lots of -shrubs with broadleaf evergreen foliage ( organic matter. The soil needs to be well-drained, as hybrids, Ilex x meserveae, Ilex opaca, Mahonia Japanese Holly does not like overly moist soil. aquifolium, etc.) Regular watering, however, is needed to keep the Cultivars – Variants – Related looking their best. Several inches of mulch will -'Beehive' - A compact, flattened globe, with tiny help preserve moisture in the soil. leaves. -withstands severe pruning -'Bennett's Compacta' - A compact with a semi- -winter injury in northern climates will be more upright habit reaching a height of 4'. severe on plants grown in the sun -'Compacta' - A slow grower that reaches a height Foliage and spread of 4-5'. -leaves alternate, simple, spineless, -'Convexa' - A dense and hardy cultivar that can be crowded, elliptic much wider than it is tall. -0.5-1.5" long x 0.3- 0.5" wide, dark -'Glass' - A large, 12' tall cultivar suitable for green above, dotted beneath with use in hedges. blackish clear or translucent glands -'Glory' - A dense, compact, globe-shaped plant. Flowers -'Green Lustre' ('Green Luster') - A 2-3' tall tree with -dioecious, unisexual, dull greenish glossy leaves. white -'Helleri' - A very dwarf type that forms a slow- -in axils of current season's growth growing mound 2-3' tall. -May-June -'Hetzii' - A 5' tall plant with dark green glossy -not showy leaves. Wider than it is tall. Fruits -'Highlander' - An open, pyramidal plant reaching a -black, berry-like, globose, 0.25" diameter height of about 8'. -Sept.-Oct., may persist into spring in mild climates -'Jersey Pinnacle' - A fast-growing, upright cultivar. -borne under the foliage, inconspicuous -'Northern Beauty' - A dense, twiggy plant reaching a Twigs height and spread of about 4'. -stem normally green on currents season's growth, -'Stokes' - A dense, slow-growing mound with tiny turning gray-green to gray-brown foliage. Trunk -'Twiggy' - A National Arboretum selection that is -not applicable slow-growing and forms a compact pyramid.