Queen Victoria to Belong to Posterity
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AREA POPULATION 3500 Guatay ................, ............. 200 Jamul ................................ 952 Pine Valley ...................... 956 Campo .............................. 1256 Descan, o ... .. .. .... .. ...... ....... 776 Jacumba ............................ 852 Harbison Canyon ............ 1208 ALPINE ECHO Total .............................. 9273 Serving a Growing Area of Homes and Ranches VOL. 5-NO. 34 ----~- 36 ALPINE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962 PRICE TEN CENTS QUEEN VICTORIA TO BELONG TO POSTERITY Local Historical Society Works To Preserve Landmark A good crowd of members and guests assembled Sun day, August 26, when the Alpine Historical Society met in the Alpine Woman's Club at 2 p .m. As its first definite project in t he program of locating and preserving authentic historical data of local signifi- cance, the society has started to work on the acquisition of the fa Local Schools Lose mous ·old rock, called Queen Vic- toria which stands in the 2700 10 TeaC hterS block on Victoria Hill. Ten cE>rtificated employees have j After a brief discussion, Presi' left the Alpine Schools this sprina dent Ralph Walker appointed Or·· for greener pastures in other dis~ ville Palmer, president of the Vic tricts with mQ.re attractive sched- toria Hiil Civic Association, as ules. chairman in charge of the rock project. He will work with His Frank J<,seph has accepted a full torical Research committee chair· time administrative position in the man, Philip Hall. Mr. Palmer has Lawndale School, Los Angeles contacted owner of the rock and County. Mr. Joseph will have site, Edward Roper of San Diego, charge o:f a school with an enroH who has expressed willingness to ment of 830 pupils and 23 teach deed it to the society for preserva ers. He will have an assistant tion as an historic marker. Prob principal and two full-time secre lems of how best to go about this taries. action were discussed, also whether Robert Griswold and Gail Gross or not to fence the site. No defi· kopf have signed contracts with nite decisions w~re reached and Bea LaForce Photo San Diego City Schools. Gloria will be delayed until more in will L. to R.: Dick Robinson and Phil Hall at the bot$e of Victoria Rock considering problem of making Harris and Betty MN.ler teach formation is gathered and the it into Historic Marker. in Riverside. Clifton Moore has property is definitely transferred been assigned to senior science in to the society. --- ~ ~~NTIMAT E Coronad~ U n i f i ed. Margaret Another item of business dis ~~PLANIIIG ADVISORY ICoombs waf: taken from us by cussed was that of the incorpora :1 GLIMPSES I South Ray Union, and Hattie tion of the club. This action is ICa mpbell has long since signed a necessary before the group can COMMITTEE MEETINGS By BEA LA FORCE , contract with Mt. Empire where own real property. J. C. La Force On Monday night the Planning Advisory Committee Sometimes it seems we are hope· \ her husband also teaches. Mr. Dil was appointed to attend to the members who represent the businPss district met at the lessly trapped by our mechanized Imo~e . has_ se~ured a full-time music matter which he will do in the way of living. Series of wheels, pos1bon m Ramona and Hazel Ho· immediate future. Youth Center ,.,· ith a large number of persons who own An interesting program was pre property within the g.eneral Alpine business distirct who minute to mammoth ones, motors, hanshelt has retired. switches, plugs and buttons, en· ; Salary inereases which have sented to the crowd at the close had been invited to attend, and discussed the areas pro- compass us, aiding, speeding and taken these outstanding te~chers of the business meeting. Mr~. Lenore Lusk introduced the speak posed to be included in the busi· 1 controlling us. They have the from the ehirldren of Alpine are er, Mr. Wilmer Shields, secretary ness zoning. District School · power that slaves of old had over approximately as follows: $300; A tentative map had been ·pre- 1 tazy masters. The other day I $400; $600; $785; $1,375; $1,900; of the San Diego Historical Soci ety, who gave a fascinating talk pal'ed at a previous meeting of this Announcements : visited a woman who was helpless $2,000. "More money and lower group which included more area to open a can because her electric living costs." on his collection of books and _pamphlets by San Diego authors, porposed to 'be zoned for business School opens September 11. can opener wouldn't work. Replacements have not been some 2000 pieces of writing in all. than was shown on the tentative Holida.vs. November 12, Novem· : -:r n * i easy t'O come by. According to a He brought a sampling of these map which had been prepared by 22 and 23, December 24-Januar:v : . courvey conducted by California works along which the crowd en the County Planning staff. 4 February l2 Februarv 22 April ! In all th1s slavery to automation, • After a thorough discussion of 8:12, and Ma~ 30. Sc.hooi term I the one big ray of hope is the, Teachers Association the salary joyed seeing at the close of the talk. The oldest book in his col the existing businesses in the AI- ends June 14. 1 barbecue. Whether it's a. back schedule in Alpine is the poorest d k f k t h of the 148 schools in Southern lection was one dated 1776 and pine community and the probable Enrollment. Children may be j yar roc one, ~ .ancy . 1 c en future growth of the Alpl"ne area d t. b t one, a portable p1cmc vers10n, or CaUfornia. the latest is one by Richard Pou • 1 enro11 e any 1me e ween 8 a.m. rade, dated 1961. the property owners present en- and 4 p.m. To be enrolled in kin· Iw hatever kmd., the_ barbecue Mr. Leo F. Ryan, Redondo d'Ol·sed the map as prepared by the dergarten a child must be five . proves that we re still at least Beach, will replace Mr. Joseph. F'ollowing Mr. Shield's talk, a Advisory Committee members. years of age on or before Decem· ' partly of the earth, though ~ard l y New classroom teachers are: Miss radio play, aired 'Over KGB on At a meeting on Tuesday night ber 2. To be enrolled in first earthy. ~e. open air cookmg. of Mary K. Gray, Hermiston, Oregon; August 12 at 7:30 p.m., was pre of all of the members of the Plan- grade he must be six years 'Of age food~, wf tth the accompanymg Mrs. Marian Kilarski, San Diego; sented. Dick Robinson brought his tape recorder and r~n the taped ning Advisory Committee, there on or before December 2. · s~ot ey rdagfranc.e, al~s.wte r sf an an- Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lab, Coronado; , . f . c1en nee or simp ICI y or easy Mrs. Judy Mcintosh, La Mesa; Mrs. play for the audience. Titled Al was .present Mr. Haro.d Mattley of When enrolling or the frrst bme t d t d ' l"k1 pine's Mr. Arnold. It was a drama the County Planning Department a child's birthday must.be verified 0 utn er\~ n proces~e~ · · i . e Ruth M. Meier, Descanso; Mr. Paul 1 0 tized account of Mr. Benjamin staff who had requested permis· by a birth certificate, a baptismal coo .ng cots. m J. Murphy, El Caj·on; Mr. CliUord I ~~ea ~v:~ . Arnold's effect on Alpine at the sion from Mr. Orville Palmer record, an official passport, or an e open . air. .. o mbg mt ystheriOus K Owens, El Cajon; Mrs. Carolyn . • or awe msptnng a ou at as Rosse Alpt"n Mrs Mary Lou end of the last century. Players Chairman of the Alpme Planmng Continued on Page 8 "th th t . h • · e; · d . C . WI e e1 ec rome oven w ere a Shoemaker, San Diego; Mrs. Lily were Lenore Lusk as Mrs. Arnold, A v1sory omm1ttee, to be present roast is done before you can get Martin Gerrish as Mr. Arnold, . f th AJ D E. Swenson, El Cajon. a t th a_t genera1 mee tmg 0 e mission ay the oven door shut and reach a Markey Meyer, as Miss Davidsbn. c~mm1ttee even though the Plan· platter down from the cupboard. Mr. Gerrish also played the part nmg _sta.~f ha~ agreed to "take a Picni·c Announced Something downright spooky about Continued on Page 5 vacatiOn until after September such a contraption. Pre-Historic Setting 11th. "Because," he stated, "tbe A gala barbecue picnic cele· · Oounty Planning Department had brating California's admission to Draws Crowds Awards In received telephone calls from the Union will be held Sunday, The word ~arbecue is derived property owners in the Alpine September 9, by the San Diego from the Spamsh Barbacoa, a term Over 1000 persons came to Dino Hunting Safely area stating that there seemed to Historical society. They have for the wooden frame used to sup· S(!Ur land Sunday to enjoy the pic· be much confusion in connection chosen Joe cantarini's Park on port meat or fish to be dried or nic grounds and the pool, accord· Two week classes in "Hunting with the activities of the members Rancho Auga Hedionda for ' the I cooked over an open fire. Amer ing to Mrs. Chamberlin, wife of Safety," sponsored :by the National of the Planning dvisory Committee occasion. To reach this place take ican Indians were roasting their the park's vice-president and gen· Riflle Association of America, have in contacting the property owners the route towards Vista, turning wild game in this fashoin when era! manager.