[=59 TRITON CORP LIMITED Dated: 06‘h September, 2018 To, Listing Department, Bombay Stock Exchange, Phiroze Ieejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, '7 Mumbai — 400001. Subject: of 28th Advertisement—Notice Annual General Me tin of he Com an scheduled to he held 911 Saturday, 29th September. 2018 Dear Sir/Mam, Pursuant to 30 and Regulation Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, find enclosed please herewith copy of Newspaper advertisement published on the above mentioned subject matter in the Newspapers i.e Top Story in and English Language Awame Hindlin Hindi Language on 6‘h September, 2018. take the above in Kindly your records and acknowledge the same. Thanking You, Yours Faithfully For Triton Corp Limited For TRITON CORP LIMITED Wl/ - (Authori .. , nmised Signatory Reed. Offiue' R74, Unit 102. First Fl 1‘ Khirki Extcntion Main Road, Malviya Nagar. New Dclhirrl 10017 CIN‘ L74899DL1990PLC039989 | Phone .011—65007332 I E—mail :
[email protected] | Website : W\V\v.tritonc0rp.in CHANDIGARH/NCR TOP STORY, DELHI, THURSDAY, 06 SEPTEMBER, 2018 Haryana GuV Satyadev Narayan Arya NEA urged govt to solve parking problem appreciates Manohar Lal Government encroachment& I Arya honoured 32 best performing I Arya said ”I am happy that under the able lead- teachers with State Award. The State ership ofCM Haryana is thefirst State to start the Awardees were presented with a cash NVEQ Framework schemefor the skill development award ofRs 21,000, certificate and medal. ofstudents rightfrom the school level Staff Reporter Satyadev Narayan Arya said She congratulated the teach— Chandigarh “I am happy that under the ers who received the award hile appreciat— able leadership ofChief Min— and said that teachers make ing the State ister, Manohar Lal, Haryana the future ofthe nation.