H2U ...bringing H ighcliffe to you... Highcliffe School, Parkside, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4QD
[email protected] S chool/ Home L inks - Nat ional Recognition! Aw ar d to l og on and vi ew infor- ents may have. Therefore We have r ecentl y been noti- mation about the pr ogress we will not be pl aci ng s en- fied that the s chool has of their child at school . s itive, personal information been placed s econd i n a na- in the ar ea. The s ys tem tional competition, run by T he full range of informa- will never show informa- Parents Online under the ae- tion available to vi ew will tion such as address, gis of the DfE S , for the way be deci ded as a r es ul t of phone number, surname or in which it is us - any photographs of ing I CT to i m- the s tudent. All of prove the quality the i nformation held of its links be- on My Highcliffe i s tween school and already available to home. The s tudents and par- j udges felt that ents and i s given to our bid, put to- them at specified gether by Mr times . Downs , was ‘of an excep- ongoing tr i al s , of which (continued on page 3 ) tionally high standard’ and more l ater , but will include created a s peci al commen- s uch items as past assess - IN SIDE TH IS ISSUE dation to ack nowl edge i t.