any information about them. One of those days (M.B. , Chapter 8, Verse 18). a total of eleven aksa- Susarman, King of Trigarta, told Duryodhana that the (5) Duryodhana could collect Verse King had lost his power and spirits due to the uhinls. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, 27). Dhrtarastra that the death of Klcaka and it was, therefore, the proper time (6) He assured army to attack the Virata country and subjugate it thor- would easily defeat the army. (M.B. Udyoga oughly. The idea appealed to Kama, who prompted Parva, Chapter 57) . that war was a Duryodhana to war against Virata. The army was (7) He declared yajna. (M.B. Udyoga fully mobilised. As an excuse for the war, at the ins- Parva, Chapter 58). Dhrtarastra a rest house was tance- of Duryodhana, Susarman, King of Trigarta (8) At the instance of lifted innumerable cows of the Virata King. This built for Sri Krsna on his way to the for . happened on the day on which the life incognito of the compromise talks on behalf of the (Udyoga Pandavas was to have ended. And war started thus. Parva, Chapter 85). be taken The Virata prince who spent his time in the (9) Duryodhana opined that Krsna captive zenana in the palace appeared in the field of war. when he came to plead for compromise and peace, , under the assumed name of Brhannala took up but the others did not support him. (Udyoga Parva, the charioteership of Uttara. But, at the sight of the Chapter 83, Verse 13). Krsna rare vast Kaurava army Uttara fainted, and Arjuna hurried- (10) Duryodhana worshipped with and invited him for but Krsna ly drove the chariot over to where his bow gandiva excellent things and meals, was kept hidden, and with the bow in his hands Arjuna did not accept any. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter jumped into the thick of the fight. A fierce war ensued 91, Verse 13). in which the Kaurava army was completely routed. (11) Duryodhana rejected the advice of sage Kanva The life incognito of the Pandavas was also over, and to come to terms with the Pandavas. (Udyoga Parva, Duryodhana. became naturally anxious about the future Chapters 97-105). in the of things. (M.B. , Chapter 65). (12) He emphatically announced Kaurava land as be 14) Preparation for war. Duryodhana refused to give assembly that even as much may required the Pandavas, even after their return from twelve years' to hold a pin would not be given to the Pandavas. exile in forest and one year's life incognito, even 'as much (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 127, Verse 26) . for land as would hold a pin', and war became inevitable. (13) Krsna's pleadings in the Kaurava assembly The Pandavas and Kauravas fought the great war which peace and amity on behalf of the Pandavas failed to lasted for eighteen days on the field of Kuruksetra. have any effect. On the occasion Duryodhana, Sakuni, 1 went to invite Sri Krsna. for and Dussasana to take Krsna ( ) Duryodhana Preparations Kama conspired captive. the war were gathering speed and momentum. Both informed Krsna secretly about the conspiracy the sides were on the look out for more friends and and Krsna informed Dhrtarastra about it, and he allies. Being told that Arjuna. had gone to Dvaraka to warned the conspirators against their wicked plan. seek Krsna's support Duryodhana rushed to the place. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 13, Verse 4).- Seeing Duryodhana from a distance Krsna lay on his (14) Duryodhana appointed Krpa, , Salya, bed in a false sleep, and Duryodhana took his seat , Hardika, Asvatthama, Kama, Sakuni, on a stool at the head of the bed awaiting Krsna to Balhika and Kamboja as commanders of the army. awake from sleep. Soon after, Arjuna came there and (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 155). he stood at the feet of Krsna with head bowed down. (15) Duryodhana appointed Bhisma as the Commander 156 When Krsna awoke from sleep it was Arjuna whom he in-Chief of the army. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter saw first, and while exchanging greetings with Arjuna verse 26) . and he was told that it was Duryodhana, who had come (16) He appointed Uluka as messenger warned first. But when Duryodhana and Arjuna explained the Sri Krsna, the Pandavas, , Virata, Sikhandl, object of their visit he told them thus: Dhrstadyumna and others. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter "No doubt it was Duryodhana who came first. But, it 10)'." Kuruksetra field. was Arjuna whom I met first. Since Duryodhana came (17) He ordered the army to the first and I saw Arjuna first I shall help both of you in (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 195). war. There is the adage that youngsters should be (18) He appointed Dussasana as Bhisma 's body-guard. given priority of consideration. So, Arjuna may indi- (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 15). studded with cate his preference first. I shall give one of you an army (19) On the flag staff of Duryodhana gems flew in the air. of 10 lakhs of warriors as. strong in body as myself, his flag with the serpent's emblem high and I shall stand by the other without arms and with- (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 25). the names of heroes on out fighting. Arjuna may make his choice first. And, (20) He learnt from Drona he chose Krsna for his side in the war while Duryodhana both sides before the fighting started. (Bhisma Parva, was happy to get Krsna's mighty army. (M.B. Udyoga- Chapter 25) . in The incidents Parva, Chapter 7) . 15) Duryodhana battlefield. following Bala- to in actual war have been noted. (2) Duryodhana sought Balabhadra's help but relating Duryodhana he hit the bhadra told him frankly that since he could not forsake (1) In the first day's fighting fainted, by in arrows of Bhlma. 58, Verse 1 . Krsna he would remain neutral the war. ( M.B. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 7) the . attacked Bhlma with the of Udyoga Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 25) (2) He support elephant and the latter fainted. (3) Duryodhana got an aksauhinl (a specific division of division (Gajasena) (Bhisma Verse army) from Krtavarman. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 7, Parva, Chapter 64, 14). Bhimasena confronted and he fell Verse 32). (3 ) again him, again fainted. Verse . (4) Salya promised to captain the Kaurava army. down (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 80, 4)