MAY 2018 | VOLUME 103 NUMBER 5 | AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Bulletin Contents FEATURES COVER STORIES: Implementing WHA 68.15: A global update 15 Cross-cutting health: Global surgery, obstetrics, anesthesia, and the World Health Organization 16 Rachel W. Davis, MD, and Walter D. Johnson, MD, MPH, MBA, FACS, FAANS Countries and colleges collaborate to improve access in Oceania and Southeast Asia 21 David A. Watters, OBE, ChM, FRCSEd, FRACS; Lord Viliami Tangi, MB, BS, FRACS; Glenn Douglas Guest, MB, BS, FRACS; John Batten, MB, BS, FRACS; Stephen J. Robson, BMedSc, MB, BS, MM, MPH, MD, FRANZCOG, FRCOG; David A. Scott, MB, BS, FANZCA; and Michael G. Cooper, MB, BS, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA The Royal Colleges of Surgeons in the U.K. and Ireland: | 1 A common vision for global surgery 31 The Royal Colleges of Surgeons in the U.K. and Ireland COSECSA collaborates to address surgical shortages in sub-Saharan Africa 41 Miliard Derbew, MD, FRCS, FCS(ECSA) WFSA describes its vision for implementation of WHA 68.15 44 Julian Gore-Booth, MA; Jannicke Mellin-Olsen, MD; Wayne W. Morriss, BS, MB, ChB, FANZCA; Carolina Haylock-Loor, MD; Bisola Onajin-Obembe, MB, BS, MBA, FWACS; and Adrian W. Gelb, MB, ChB, FRCPC Obstetrics and gynecology in global health: Lessons learned for advancing public health to achieve universal health care 49 Frank W. J. Anderson, MD, MPH; Lina Roa, MD; Chiara Benedetto, MD, PhD; Isabelle Citron, MB, BCh; Luis Curet, MD; Carla Eckhardt; Clark Johnson, MD, MPH; Barbara S. Levy, MD; Dereje Negussie, MD, MPH; Stephen Rulisa, MD, PhD; Rubina Sohail, MD; Rachel Spitzer, MD, MPH; Michael Stark, MD; Bellington Vwalika, MD, MSc; and Kwabena Danso, MB, ChB continued on next page MAY 2018 BULLETIN American College of Surgeons Contents continued FEATURES (CONTINUED) COVER STORIES (continued): West African College of Surgeons and its role in global surgery 60 Prof.
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