7 Sites Associated with The Underground Railroad In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania APPLICATION (Excerpts) Submitted to and Accepted by THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE/ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Into the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Prepared by Randolph J. Harris Consulting Historian* Lancaster, PA. 2003 through 2012 R* Responsible for lead writing, research, photography, graphic design and coordination with NPS Staff. Eighth NTF site in Lancaster County documented by Harris as of January 2017 – Thaddeus Stevens Home and Office – not included here. Bethel AME application co-author Leroy T. Hopkins, Jr, Ph.D., Millersville University, Retired. Zercher’s Hotel application co-author Darlene Colon, historian, genealogist, historical re-enactor and descendant of one of those accused in The Resistance at Chrisitiana, September 11, 1851. Then & now... Figure 1 Columbia & Philadelphia Railroad Corridor From History of the Pennsylvania RR, 1846-1896 by J. Elfreth Watkins, PE, 1896, page 123. Amtrak Train No. 943 westbound, Bird-In-Hand Station, Lancaster County, PA, January, 2010 Photograph by RandolphHarris Application to National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program Railroad Corridor from Philadelphia to Lancaster, PA, originally part of the Philadelphia & Columbia Railroad, opened 1834, Currently owned and operated by National Railroad Passenger Corporation – Amtrak On behalf of Amtrak, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania/Department of Community and Economic Development & PA Dutch Convention and Visitors Bureau Prepared by Randolph J. Harris, consulting historian, 314 West Chestnut Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
[email protected] July, 2010 NATIONAL RAILROAD "ASSENG~R CORPORATION fiO MaHilr.hll5em AVl"nlle, NC, WRshinqtoli, DC 20007 \('1 702 !.!06.3%O fur 707 'lOb.2IlliO Joseph H.