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Nor' by East, Spring-Summer 1966

Casco Bay Island Development Association

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Recommended Citation Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Spring-Summer 1966" (1966). Nor' by East. 18. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/18

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Mi ss Gro.ce Trappan Libr o.rian Portlmid Public Libra ry BAY ISLANDS - Por t l:lnd, Maine CUMBERLAND COUNTY

MUCH HAPPINESS IS OVERLOOKED BECAUSE IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING VOL. 8, NO. 2 William S. Ogden SPRING - SUMMER 1966 HERE IT IS, FOLKS, THE STATE'S GRAND $127,000 INVESTMENT COUNCIL VOTES UNANIMOUS ALL SET FOR JUNE 11 DEDICATION O.K. FOR PEAKS PARK LAND By nine "yea" votes in approving Planning Board recommendations per­ taining to the Project Oceanside the Portland City Council at its April 18th meeting brought to frui­ tion months _of study, surveying, plan­ ning, and conferences on the part of officers and committee members of the .. Casco Bay Island Development Associa­ && JI ;:: a tion. Passed unanimous! y were three orders: l. Order authorizing application for purchase of Open Space Land (Cioffi property) on Peaks Island. 2. Order authorizing application to acquire Harbor Defense Unit land on Peak's 1sland. 3. Order approving inclusion in J\IIas­ ter Plan of public street on back shore. No. 1 involves application to Housing and Development Administration for participation with the City in acquisition of approximately 100 acres in the I 67- acre tract, one-half of the appraised value to be paid to CBIDA through the City as intermediary. The transaction will come under the Federal agency's Open Space Program. No. 2 involves acquisition by the City of about 12 acres of oceanside property which has been turned over by Harbor Defense Unit of the Navy to General Services Administration for dis~al as surplus property. This area includes choice residential sites in the vicinity of Spar Cove. With acquisition of this land the City will make a swap of it for land of equivalent value for Park use, prob­ ably contiguous to the shore road. No. 3 appro,ving inclusion in tl~e City's Master Plan of a public street on the back shore means that at a future date the City will accept a deed from CB!DA of enough land to make a suit­ able oceanside road for public use in perpetuity. Motions for passage of the orders were made by Councilor Sidney W. T haxter. Popkins Zakarian, constant Council . -~-,..-.;;-.:;~~~----­ critic, gave his blessing to the proposals . Presentation of the Association's views %!-' ~,.. -;c--~.:+_ was made in brief speeches by Lawrence .:,r K . - -- Stevens, president; Theodore Rand, vice president, and Mrs. John Chapman, Dennis Ar.d rew Welsh and his sister, Mary Ellen, await opening of new ca r ferry pier at Peaks Island. They are children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh of Holden, vis iti ng their gra , Mr. and Mrs. James project chainnan. Mrs. Chapman read M. Da ley of Peaks Island. Dennis wears his grandfather's hat by insisfe Clough photo. {Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SPRING - SUMMER 1966 NOR' BY EAST scriptions, but subscriptions in lesser Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine amounb abo. LANDING DEDICATION JUNE 11 Published hy Casco llay Island Dcvclop­ Peak~ group..., nrc band ing toge1her LO RESIGNATION FROM STAFF m<·nL Assc>ciation for n~iclcnts and visitors give color and some degree of pomp and of Casco Bay. A non profit publication Following the appointment of David ceremony to dedication of the new Stale­ supported b) ad,crtiserc; and members of ,\. llcrry of Peaks hland as Editor ol built fCJT) landing Saturday, June l I. the 1\~sociatio11. Nor· by East, he tendered his resignation Editors ... Miss Louise S. Dunlrnrn Grea ter Port land Chamber of Com­ Curtis S. Laughlin May '1 for personal reasons. I le is ~hap­ merce took. a leading part in planning 1-:t) ·<>Ul Consultant Robcr1 ~. Skillings ing up plam for resuming his studies at the event. Peter Laughlin, gene1al man­ Rcprt·scntati1c, (,,cater Pot tland \\'esle)an Universit} next fall. Other ager, i~ arranging tor C:a~rn lla) Linc, Ch:nuhcr of Commerce ,\Ian I.. Manku members of the stall completed the cur- Corn:sponclcnts and Staff /'\k111bcrs: panicipation, nnd Edwa1d Langlois of Miss Johanna """ Tili ng, Cliff; Mis. Sidn(')' Maine Pon At1lhori1y ;111(1 Cumberland \\'. Thaxter, Cushing~; Lawrcnre Ste1e11s, County Commiss ioners arc cooperating. l.011g; Mrs. Charles B. C. Fellows, Peaks. Phot0graphcrs Mrs. Ruth Sargent Then: ll'ill be three-minute '>peeches Leon S. C lough by dig11 it,1rics, a buffet lu 11< heon, and a Aclv1• 1tising John \V. Chapman surprise fea Lu rc or two, all calculated to Circulation .\ft~. Wiuthrop K. Dca11<-· make thi., a gala affair as well as an event Printed b) marking a new epoch in Peaks Island MA IN I~ PRINTING CO .. Portland, Mr. his wry. (Continued from page I) PRIMARY VOTING JUNE 20 lcuers fiom Senator .\Imk.ie and Gover­ 11 you ha\'e already marked your nor Recd, cxpre'>si11g their 1ecomme11da­ ca lendar on Mouday, .June 20, as Srntc tion LhaL the Counci l cooperate in the Primary Election Day, remind your project. neighbors, friends and associate~ Lhat MEDICARE GOES TO ISLANDS The Council vote, presuppose, and Lhen is Lhc time for all good men LO L :i wren< c Ste\'ens and Byamha are t<>1Hingcnt upon, comumma1ion ol come to the aid of their party. Doughty of Long Island welcome Oscar land purchase arrangements ol CBI DA Young of the Portland Social Scrnrity with Peter Ciolli by mca ns of :1 G% FIRE PREVENTION POSTER office who spoke on ,\ fcdicare at a public mortgage bond i.,sue. Approach 1<> th i, In order Lo promote ~afeL) in the Ba), meeting. Under CBI DA auspice..., he last hurdle has been going well. Sur­ the CBIDA, through the courtc\y ,of the visited Chebeague and Peaks abo on a mounting it i, the current concc1 11 ol Cit y of Portland, has o bt ained a number wee kend c-r u,adt' March 12 and I~. is landtT) and their mainland supporters. of pmtcrs 10 distribute to each home throughout the Bay. CHARTERED BOAT TRIPS SUBSCRIPTIONS TO The poster is entitled "lsland C:ommu­ Eight panics have a lready d1a1 tercd NOR' BY EAST uit y Safely." It lists a number of per­ the Abcnak.i for special cruises lor the Readers dcsi1 ing to have a copy of tinent poim~ regarding Fire Prevention, period, .June 15th to Jul) 31st. P robabl) each issue of 1\'0R' BY E,\ST mailed to Fire Fighting, "'aLe1· Safct), Clcanline-,, more will do ~o as the weather impro\'es. them for one ,car ma, '><'IHI 2.00 and on I he beaches. The Abenak.i is the pride of the Casco their .',LU1l111er 'and wi[11cr addre,\cs LO It i~ conci~c. vVc hope every person Bay fl eet, as a Queen o f' the Bay. Box Gfi, Pea ks Island, Me. ll'ill take Lime LO read it; then po~L it in a prnminent place in the home.

AS "D" DAY APPROACHES Noll' that the City Council (on recom­ mendation ol Planning Board and Parks Facts About Cumberland County and Ren-cation Depanmem), the Cham­ State of Maine ber of Commerce, 1he World Trade Council, H ousing and Devclopmen t Admi11i,1ra1ion officers, Senator ~lusk.ie, Here is Ideal Living or Vacationing: 850 square miles of_ beautiful, rolling and Go\'ernor Reed have gone on record country between the White _Mountains and the sea. And here 1s ·the most health­ as approving the Peaks Project Ocea n­ ful climate in the Unite(\ States. side, the i)land residents and property Cumberland County's crystal clear lakes have over 200 miles of shoreline. owner, who have been reviewing evenh Game fish abound. from the sidelines while mulling over the personal in vestment idea, may decide Along Casco Bay, ~ur coast Ime. meanders 200. mil_es. The i~lands in . the Bay total another 100 miles of shoreline. Here boatmg 1s best, fishmg goort serves Northeast Airli'nes and Atlantic Airways. laissez faire id ea as being outdated, have There are trunk highways; many small-boat harbors; electricity and potable brouglu about 1he fina l stage in fin anc­ water in abundance. ·And there is a high quality labor force. ing. County Building Visitors Welcome: The County Commissioners we!co_me While it i\ only holden, of the 1000 any and all groups of citizens or educational classes to visit the County Buil

Mrs. Theodore Yo11an of Great Diamond His bpys assist.ec\, doing mowing and odd jobs. Mrs. Herube's vegetable Mrs. Theo dore Yonan, summer resi­ garden and flowers became the pride o f d ent of Great Di;imond Island, is one of the island. the fi,000 women whose names were selected for indusion in t.h e 1965 ed it.i on It. was not all easy. Handicapped by a of "011 ls t.anding Young , ,vnmen of lack of fluency i n English and by failing EVEN KEEL America." health, Norbert Berube carried o n until She is 1he l'ormer Edith L1ughlin, his u ntimely death in A p r iL MARINE SPECIAL TIES d aughter of 7\ 1r. and Mrs. Robert Laugh­ Mrs. Berube pl;ins to remain on the lin, of South Portland and Gre;it island ancl to carry on as much ,of the Yarmouth, Maine Diamo n d. work as sh e can with the aid of the Lwo 846-57 18 The OY\\i,\ i~ the annu,d compilation younger boys ancl, if' n eeded, hired help. 0L,,·ome11 be1wec11 Lile ,1ge~ or 21 and 3G Geo rge., badly injured last w iutcr in a Sales and Service "·ho have distinguish ed themselves i~1 bicycle-aulomobile accident at Russel­ civic or pro l'es~ io nal endeavors. Each 1s ville, Arkansas, w here h e is a sluclent al Hauling Storage n ominated by \\'(:me11 ·s dubs rind rollege the Arb nsas Technical College, has his a lum11i a~soriat inll\. leg sti ll in a cast and w ill nOL be avail­ We specialize in expert crafts­ J\lrs. Yonan i~ at1ivc in the PTA and able for some 1im e yet.. manship - A ll types marine re­ the University of I lanford's ·women's pa ir - Expert marine work. Associat.ion. She is a me mber o( the NEW TRAVEL CRUISER IN WORKS Hauli ng rate $ 1.50 per foot in­ board of managers o f the university's Riclrnrcl P . , ,valtz o /' the Waltz P lumb­ . \rt a nd Science ,\lumni Association. cludes winter storage . ing and H eating Co. h as a new cruiser She \\'as gradua ted lrom Ilillyer Col­ under cons1.r uc1ion at Long Wharf, lege, now the Uni,·cr\ iL) o f Hartford in Portland. I ls length is 54 ft., beam 17 ft., l~l 5(i. She received an ,\~s ·lciate\ degree ;ind draft 1 ft. 8 in. Non-rusting metnls in ,\r1~ rrom Bost.on U11 ivcrsity in 195 1, are being used through out.. 1t will be You Can Enjoy and studied at \\' illimantic State College equipped with a 340 h .p . diesel engine . 1%8-1%1. Royal Lowell of Freeport is the designer Carefree Living i\ l rs. Lyndon .Johnson serves as the ancl builder. Just Flick the Switch . . . honorary ch ainn;in of the board of The hull w ill be launched in .Ju ly ;incl Low-Cost Electricity advisory edit.ors f'or the OY\l\' i\. The moored off P onl;i ncl YachL Club. Mr. board is c-omposccl o f lead ers o f wom en\ Does Your Work! Waltz plans to inst:ill e ng ine and interior du bs Lli rough oul the nation. fittings as time allows up to the summer CENTRAL MAINE i\Irs. Yonan is co-chairman wit.h her of '67. I lcr maiden tr ip is likely LO be LO POWER COMPANY Lt 1.h er of the 19(ifi International , veek southern waters, and in t.hc offing Mr. Pi ograrn. v\Taltz visualizes a cruise to t.h c Mediter­ T h e book rnntains 4 18 pages, and ranean. careers of 5,000 youug women. Listed as Mr~. Yonan's ;ict.ivities are: Display anis1, Benoit's, Portland, and Gilm;m·s, \.\'est H anford; Psychiatric DANA W. CHILDS Aide, Stam l'ord Ha ll, Conn.; Interim Ex. Sec .\luurni Assn. of Un ivers ity o f Hart­ ford; South W indsor Ari League; Alumni Speaker of the House Bel. School o f Ans and Scien ces of Ca ndidate for Democratic Nomination for Governor University o l I Ianl'onl, Fu nd -raisi ng Capta in l lear1 Fund, Cancer Drive: Coed Col,o nel Boston Un iversity ROTC:. PR IMARY ELECTIO N JUN E 20 J\,I rs. Yon;rn was married to TI1eodon: J. Yonan i11 195'1. The Yon ans liYc at He will work for f urther development of our Casco Bay Is lands 21 !'inc Knob Circle. \\'apping. Con n. PAGE 4 NOR' BY- EAST SPRING - SUMMER 1966 CHEBEAGUE ISLAND OUR FRIENDS, THE GULLS NEWS LETTER G eorge Barker, teacher of biolog) at B y R ay I Iayward Gorham State College, who last )Car re­ CHEB.EAGUE ISLAND The 1966 ed i Lion o f the Chebeague modeled an Island Ave. ho me o n Peaks, Year-round Homes and Island Council l\'e\\'S Leller, a twenty· recently contributed thi!, item to the Summer Cottages four page pamphlet with an auracti"e Portl1111d Sunday Trlegmm. For Sale cover designed by Manha HamilLo n, was No bird is more a symbol of the coast mai le the thorough Maine. Coastal food habits also in clude planning of the Council President, Louis many of the easy to ca 1ch invertebrate~ Dennett. of the tidal lone. The IO( ks of the shore Among the most !,ignificant items of are tillered with the empty :,hell~ of RIDDLE'S MARKET information in 1he News Lette r arc the mussels and sea urchins that have been ChebP.ague Island - 846-4990 following: dropped and picked clean by the g ulls. Full Li ne of Groceries In agreement with recommendations On first thought it might '>eem that Free Delivery by a special Council committee, the the g ull is clever to think of su ch a Town of Cum berlancl li a~ appropriated maneuver. On reading some of the stu­ Open Daily and Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings SI 200 for imprnvements at the Stone dent\ of animal behavior, however, ,\·e Pier on Chebeague, the ,rnrk to be car­ find that \\'hen a gull pie k'> up something CHEBEAGUE ISLAND ried out 1his spring. hartl in its bill it automa1ically fli es in to Contributions of n early $ !000 b y Boat Service the air and t hen proceed~ to drol> the Boats Hauled and Repaired Council members have insured extensive catch . If the material is ~till h an and repair, to the Chebeague Island H all unyielding when it picks it up, 1his con­ Engines Installed before the summer sea!>on. clition once more is a s1i111 ulus for the ALDEN BREWER The course in swimming instruction, gull to Hy into the air. This h:is been starte(l last summer , "'ill be rnntinued witne,sed many times. \Vatch them this Expert TV - Radio Service thi, ,car under the direction of Khaki -,ummer with dams and let m know LOU JENKINS H abig and i\larria Noonan. A new float what your obse1vations arc. will be avai lable so t ha1 diving ,me! long PROMPT SERV ICE REASONABLE RATES clist.1n

PROFILE OF A NEWCOMER hidden treasure among the rocks and By Jes~ie B. Trefethen kelp. Though not a painter, he takes artists to Lhc Back Slwre Lo painl the When On Peaks Island (Ed. note: Miss Trefelhen, retired art professor, h descendant of the earliest i n comp a r a b I e composi tions found Be Sure To V isit among the rocks. And George returns in ~clllers on Peaks Js land.) winler LO sec Nor'easters breaking in fury In the fall of 19G4 George K. Spafford over VVha leback. He has made photo­ THE SEASIDE SHOP came down the coast J' rom Derry, New gr:1phs of il in color, in all seasons and ISLAND AVENUE I lampshire, taking pictures in search for weather. a home by lhe sea. He round il on the Ile returns again at Christmas time to "You Will Be Delighted With Evergreen Shore, Peaks Island, in a cot­ hang a bright wreath on his door amt to tage ,once owned by the Huslons. welcome his friends around the holly­ Our Many Depa rtments" It had been winterized and it had a trimmed fireplace. little pier of its own. George changed lf yo u see a man driving ;1 Cadillac Store Hours its r.olor from grayish ye ll ow lo deep red over the bumpy island roads, chewing a with white trimming. He p lanted every­ '\i\Thite Owl cigar, wi th a humorous June: Weekdays 9-6; Sunday 1-5 thing from fir tree~ to crocuses, ancl cn­ greeling and friend ly smile - why that's July to Labor Day: Every day 9-8 clmed it all wilh a rail fence. George. PHONE 766-2055 SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Will the proposed development of the "back shore" raise taxes on the ISLAND ~EAUTY SHOP island? Spruce Ave. - Peaks Island, Me . Phqne 766-2625 A. Certainly not. Quite the contrary. Always glad to serve you Increased revenue from the islands whenever season's here. through turning idle land into pro­ EVA EV ERETT ductiviLy will more likely provide irnprovecl services. (Taxes city-wide arc bound LO inch up, however, WEBBER'S STORE rega rdless of area activities.) · Trefethen, Peaks Island Q. Will the "back shore" be open LO EVERYTHING IN FOODS islanders? Deliveries 766-2902 A. This is assured under the CBIDA Serving Peaks Since 1902 plan. George Spafford, who knows every rock on the "back shore" of Peaks. Q. How will the propos:il :i ffect the rest of the island? LET US SERVI CE YOU A. Jt wi ll open up countless employ­ KE'r STONE ODORLESS PAINTS ment opportuniLies, both full Luru:.. A . D. Paints and part time. PA INTING SUPPLI ES It will add revenue to existing busi­ WEBBER'S STORE nesses on the island. Peaks Island It will create opportunities for new business enterprises. PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE Q. Will it bring "hordes" of people to C harming year round home at w;_11cr's edge wilh b()at la nding. Available in Ju ne for the island? rental. Set in pines wi1h panoramic view or Casco Uay thru J 2.wjncJow sunporch. 2 bed• A. lt is not designed for "hordes" but roc:,ms. Fireplace set in early decor. All only fnr well supervised extended use rnodern facilities. for ,non~ information writl', GEORGE K. SPAFFORD ... as an oceanside fac ility which R2, Derry, New H1mpthi,e Portland needs. 1 ., ~-- . " . RICHARD P. WALTZ . PLUMBING and HEATING RO LAN D HOAR A renewed island home - used on an " in-and-out" COMPANY Carpenter - Builder - Electrician basis year-round by George Spafford. Peaks Island 766-2864 All jobs from minor repairs to com­ Some of the Norway Pines that border plete kitchen and bathroom re­ the shore are on this property. lie bol­ modeling. stered the eroded shore with concrete, Same labor rates as on Mainland. BRACKETT MEMORIAL CHURCH and buil t a runway from ground level FR EE ESTIMATES METHODIST down to the pier in lines that might well OUR MEN ARE ON PEAKS ISLA ND PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE - FOUNDED 1861 NEARLY EVERY DAY! please a Japanese printmaker. Service Every Sunday at 10 A.M. He kept the basic lines or the house, N ew Service now available to Sunday Schoo l at 11 : 1S A.M. but saw its artistic possibilities and Peaks Island residents - Rev. Robert H. Bu rton, Pa$tor - Tel. 766·2666 developed some interesting color schemes COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK AND in the interior. A lot of imagination Fish Ciams Lobsters and practical good sense have gone in to CESSPOOL PUMPING AND CLEANING the remaking or it. The window above We w ill send our 2200 gal. tank the kitchen sink looks down upon Casco truck with 90 feet of suction hose R. D. HAMILTON Bay, and from the porch he can even see the Eastern Pmmenade in Portland. and heavy-duty pump and equip­ ment to Peaks Island. &CO. Though a comparative newcomer, George knows the whole island, its CALL EARLY FOR APPOINTMENT 9 Custom House Wharf people, homes, rocks and shores. He FOR TH IS SER VICE watches the freighlers come and go, pos­ Portland sibly with a nostalgic longing for he has 536 W•shington Ave., Port&.ind, M. 775-0251 been a seaman himself by way of the 772-2801 Navy and Coast Guard. Ile is a born S. Harold Latham, Proprietor beachcomber, and at low tide finds PAGE 8 NOR' BY EAST 1966 SPR ING - SUMMER ISLANDER PURSUES EDUCATION GREETING THE LITCHFIELDS IN BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS By Elsa H. Fellows Miss Barbara Rockafellow, who now Cornnrn nder ancl Mrs. Francis A. FISHER LODGE calls Peaks lsland her h ome, is in her Litchfield of Great Neck, L.l., ew "Home of good Yankee cooking" York, arc joining the Summer·Colon y on second year at Southern Sem inary American plan guest house; also Peaks. They have recently purchased Junior College, .Buena Vista, Va. in the meals by appointment. Some spec­ the f.ormer Keely Collage on Reed foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge ialties of the house: Roast Beef, Avenue and part of the original Tre­ Mountains. Sh e is majoring in Physical Indian Pudding, Lemon Meringue feth en Tract. Commander Litch field is Education and fondly hopes Lo continue Pie. her work for a degree at the University on the Administrative Staff of T h e of Maine followi ng her graduation from Merchant Marine Academy at King's Open until About October Southern Seminary in June. Point, .Y. The Commander is not a ALBERT and CARO BALCON. Always much interested in spons, she stranger to the waters of Casco Bay, as 766-2688 is a regular member of her college teams he recalls sailing with his late brother, Captain Paul Litchfield of Cape Eliza­ in field hockey (captain), basketball, Chairs Caned by swimming, volleyball and softball. Peaks beth, on his ketch, the "Flamingo." lslanclcrs wh o will remember her as the Mrs. L itchfield oomes to the island RUBY WESCOTT Trefethen-Evergreen Association lad ies with a weal th of experience in the field 766-2866 of contemporary art and has exhibited Vacation Rooms at si ngles tennis champion, will not be sur­ EVERGREEN prised to know th a t last year as a Fresh­ her work o n both East and '\!Vest Coasts. man, she won her college championship She is a native of C;1lifornia's rocky sea­ Breakfast Privi leges in that sport. coast and is looking forward to captur­ ing on can vas, some of the scenic beauty Peaks Island - Real Estate of 1he Casco Bay Islands. Four cottages, all for $6,000. Need some repairs. Excellent investment A WARMING LETTER for one who is handy. Small down FROM ISLAND NEWCOMER payment, will finance balance. Mrs. Mary Deane (CBlDA) Phone 773-066 l 3 May 1966 Dear 1Vlrs. Deane: Your prompt acknowledgemen t to my Peaks Island Marina recent communication is much appreci­ 766-2508 ated. Thank yo u for my membership SEE US AND SAVE card which was enclosed. launder-Mat Dry Cleaning Mrs. Litchfield and l ·were on Peaks Bottle Gas Fuel Oil island during April 21-26. lt is a won­ Mobil Gas for Boats and Cars derful "fever" one acquires while there; RENTALS Moorings Power Tools very reluctant to leave, and a patient Boats 40' ladder wail for 1.he n exL return. Trucks Chain Saw I consider it an honor to be included Sale: Gas hot water healers; space heaters in yo ur membership ancl will look for­ and furnaces; pine logs 16' long for sea walls or fireplace wood. Bar bara Rockafellow ward lo meeting m embers of the Associa­ Ask about lew-B-Gas low cost installation. tion in the near fu ture . \i\1hat is probably the top honor that Very sincerely, h as come to our Island friend was her F. I\. Litchfield e lection to the presidency of the Commander, USNR (R.ET) Athenian Society. Under Southern Marguerite E. Murphy Seminary's unique set-up, the student ADDITIONS TO ISLAND SCHOOLS REAL ESTATE BROKER body is by lot divided into two Societies, Since World War 11 notable additions Peaks Island: Cottages and year­ the A thenia n Society and the Cornellian have been made by City of Portland to round houses. Society. Friendly rivalry is conducted its island schools a's follows: Inquiries promptly handled. Help­ between the two groups for supremacy 191 5 Long Isla nd School $21,11 5 ful service all times. in everything from scho larship through I 947 Peaks Island School 42,262 PHONE OR WR ITE sports. 1950 Peaks Kindergarten 4,496 Island Ave., Peaks Island, M~ine Trying hard to keep on, or close to, 1958 Peaks Addition I 17,502 Area Code 207 - Tel. 766-2066 the Dea n 's List when added to the time and effort required for her sports, prac­ $185,375 tice teaching, duties as Dormitory P roc­ tor and Fire Ward en, and administrat­ .. / ing the affairs of the ALhenian Socie Ly, FOR YOUR BAN KING NEEDS really m a ke Barbara a busy girl. 'We can c;crtainly understand why her favorite island looks good to her at vacation time. Last su mmer she worked in Ponland's fin e Recreation Department and shared in the direction of activities at the Deer­ ing O aks Playground. Barbara is th e daughter of Mr. and ,\frs. Perrine G. Rockafellow, long time summer vacationers on Peaks Island buL as or J une, 1965, permanent res idents of the bland. Mr. Rockafellow, P rofessor o f Phys ical Education al Colgate Univer­ ~ . ,,.'K< >'. siry, I l;1milton, N.Y. retired al'ter thiny years of service to thaL 11fstitu1ion , The CASCO Bank's Modern Water/ront Of /ice l'ami ly home is on 8th Maine Avenue on Corner Commercial and Water Sts., Portland, Me., Te l. 774-8186 rhc shore overlook ing- the f'a n1 011s \:\' hi Le· h ead Cliff. Hours: 7:30 A.M. - 3 P.M. (Mon. thru Fri.) - 8 A.M. - Noon (Saturdays) SPRING - SUMMER 1966 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 9

PEAKS ISLAND LAUNCHES BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM Knowing well the great potential for DIAMOND ISLAND beauty on Peaks Island, the newly organized Beautification Committee, and MARINE SERVICE its alerted membership under the gui­ LI TTLE DIAMOND ISLAND, MAINE dance o( Ansel B. Sterling, Chairman for the IDA projen, have this Spring de­ Lobsters - Groceries • Marine Fu els clared war on "litter-bugs." Mr. Sterling Boat Storage and Repairs has begun an intensive drive to keep the roads and by-ways clean and allractive Tel. 766-2087 not only for the hosts of visitors but for the permanent resiclen ts of the Island as BIRDS I VIEW well. Since many island dwelle1: are bird Posters, bulletins, and State Fines an­ lovers, Nor' by East recommends a closer nouncements for illegal dumping, as FEENEY'S MARKET relationship wi th the Portland Society Seashore Ave., Peaks Island well as trash oontainers at vital points of Natural History and the Maine over the Island are bei ng pressed into Audubon Society at 22 Elm Street, Port­ Groceries • M eats · Fish action. Island Avenue, with its many land. Fruits - Vegetables stores and residences, is one of the Director Christopher M. Packard is special attack points [or daily and weekly the host of this worthwhile institution Featuring Heavy Western Steer Beef dean-up. and the monthly publication of Maine Open Year-Round (Sundays June-September) Shrubbery and tree planting, as well Field Naturalist is well worlh the mem­ as a beautifying landscape contest to in­ bership fee of $3. Deliveries 766-9701 clude a wi nclow-box award for homes Bi rd watchers report from all parts of and store fronts, are some of the things Maine and it is very interes ting to learn to come that will be emphasized and of the migrations and unusual events of encouraged. binllancl which most of us miss. The final goal is not just a clean-up, The Doughty family on Baileys PEAKS ISLAND TAXI rake-up, paint-up and litter pick-up for a Island are regular reporters, and some­ Prompt Service specified time in the Spring, but a daily, one from Peaks reported the visit of weekly ancl yearly program that is the three Mourning Doves on March 22. 766-2777 concern of every individual. Let every­ Further news from time DO time will one get into the spirit of this project. come from the Maine Field Naturalist to Let's "Keep America Beautiful." Nor' by East. TV - RADIOS - PHONOS PEAKS MEMOR IES - RECENT AND 'WAY BACK ALSO TV RENTALS Peaks Island, Glenn Haines 766-2082


5 1 Bottled Gas p",~:~:,a:1 Mobil Oils SERVING CASCO BAY ISLANDS 766-2722 - Peah !sland, Maine FOR SALE HOME WITH INCOME Year round - Good condition - Excellent location - 14 rooms (3 apts.) - double garage - large lot. $10,000. Ruth Sa rgent, Peaks Island, Me. - 766-2956. Ask about Low-B-Gas low cost installation.

Farewell to Jones Wharf - 1966 0JTHE COFFEE CUP ~ , RESTAURANT \ ~ Peaks Island, Me. T" l ' I IJil 766 -9713 Enjoy the view of beautiful Casco Bay while you dine here. Maine Seafoods A Specialty Always a pleasure to serve you. FRANK M. KI LEY, Proprietor


24 words $2.00 - 25 to 36 words $3.00 NOVELTY GIFT SHOP: H andmade Articles. Brackett Ave., Peaks Island. (New location.) A ' OLICS A NYM : Meeting at l: P.M. Sunday. basement of Trading Post, Island landings in days of yore - About 1910 Peaks Island. Phone 766-2786 and 766-2048. PAGE 10 NOR' BY EAST SPR ING - SUMMER. 1966

GREENWOOD PLAYERS PICK INTERNATIONAL WEEK DATES AMERICAN "GHOST TRAIN" AS VEHICLE Aug. l J, Thurs., Arrival Foreign Cor­ ALUMINUM PRODUCTS This summer's production by T he responden ls; reception Ci Ly Hall. G r e e n w o o cl P I a y e r s will be Aug. I 3, SaL., 3 P.M. Punch Party at Estab li shed 1947 The Chost Train, a three-an mystery, Sl1eraton-Eastland Motor Hotel spon­ Alcoa Aluminum Clapboards by ,\rno lcl Ridley. Set in the haunted sorship Maine Press, R.;idio and TV CERAMO SIDEWALL SHI NGLES wa iting-room of a .Maine coastal railroad ,,vomen. station ; Ruby Boyne, Be verly Foss, Vir­ Aug. 15, Mon., (tenuitive). International Aluminum Combination Doors ginia 1WeserYe, Katie Sullivan, John Picnic, or Bake. and Windows Coyne, Teel Dewey, David Berry, Richard Aug. l G, T ues., Farewells. No money down - Time payments Bemis, aml Stewart Mat.thews will make up the cast. Sponsored by the Peaks OREGON'S SHORE LINE SAVED FRANK H. FINNERTY - Peaks Island Jsland Lions C lub, produced by Leon A recent UPl news item from Salem, 766-4495 or 773-743 1 Clough and directed by Bruce Acker - Ore., recalled that it was in 1913 that the rehearsal~ already promise a play of the legislature passed a law declaring a DAIRY WHIP suspense, m ystery, and comedy. 377-mile stretch of Oregon beach a Now Located At Along with the 01st; Lillian _Clo ugh. "public highway." This included the ISLAND MARKET Nancy Montgomery, Fred Dinsmore. land between high tide mark and low Peaks Island " Down Front" Betty Brown, and Doug Clough have tide mark. It was passed at the behest Groceries and Meats - 766-2733 begun the 1;isk of collecting props, plan­ of Governor Oswald '\Vest, who, during ning the sel. ;incl preparing the play­ h is one term of four years, awakened house. Oregon ians to the abundance of natural l.Jcauty a nd ~p lendor w iL11in their state's ART ASSOCIATION IN PROCESS bor,lcrs. T here are now 63 state parks By Elsa H. Fel lows a nd waysides along this coast. An Art Associ;ition on Peaks Island is being launched. The pmjcct includes any o ne on the Islands of Casco Bay who would like to be a part of il. Art is a branch of learning and one may learn FRED DINSMORE & SON LO find beauty in those places where one THE AVENUE HOUSE Inside and Outside Painting - Roofing NOW'S A TIME FOR LI NING UP migh t least expect to find it. T he rock­ PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE bound coast is the logical place for SPRING AND SUMMER JOBS artists to congregate. Beautiful Harbor View Peaks Island - 766-2658 A preliminary meeting [or discussion R~ms $15.00 to $30.00 weekly was held in the School Auditorium, fol­ wrth all facilities of hotel lowed later by an organizational meet­ Dining Room and Ki tchen for guests' PEAKS ISLAND GARAGE ing. lt:. purpme is to stimulate interest use in preparing own meals MOBIL HEAT in arts and craft~ in the Islands area 766-9712 and through periodic exh ibi tions, lectures MOBIL KEROSENE and ~oc ial functions. Delivered Please contact Mr. L aurence Tcbbets, 85 Island Avenue, for any fu rther infor- 1nation. NISSEN'S BAKERY KEENTEENS HELP PROJECT SPAR COVE STUDIO JAMES BROWN The Junior a nd Senior High Students Exhibit of Original Oib and Water Distributor of Peak1, lsland who hold dances every Peaks Is land Colors by the Artist - Saturday evening in the Peaks School gymnasium wound up their activities ROY A. RANDALL wiL11 a showing of a popular movie for benefit of the Dollars for Scholars pro­ Pa inting instruction and demon­ ~ gram. strations throughout the summer. SAVINGS AND LoAN ASSOCIATION This group is sponsored by the Lee Peaks Island, Me. -:- Tel. 766-2877 561 Congress Street - Portland, Maine Recreation Center and provides paid Bradlees Center - Westbrook, Maine chaperones and the cuswd ian for these 54 Cottage Road - South Portland, Maine weekly gct-togethers. Mrs. Charles Fel­ lows is Chainna 11 of the advisory board with i\l rs. Raymond Me~erve Sr., Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, Brnce Acke1', and Mrs. Saint Christopher's Joseph ,\le Conagle on 1he committee. Raymond Boyle and Mrs. George Bur­ Catholic Church ge,, han; ~e rved as chaperones. T he Kcenteens raised enough money SERVING CASCO BAY 111 JJLIITha,e a pi11g-po11g wblc for the benefit of 1h ose who prefer games rather (commencing after Mid-June) th an d;111 c ing. Sunday Masses: Summer HISTORICAL NOTE Pea ks Island 8 and 10 A.M. From 1.he Portland Transcript of .\ l arch '1, 1882. Li ttle Diamond Island 8:30 AM . ''.\lc·mber, of the Peak, bland l m prove­ Long Island 11:00 A.M. rnc 111 Socie1y are lo ,CL o u1 .~00 ~hade 1rcc:, 1h i~ ~pring, a nd 1hey ;ire talking ol Reverend John F. Crozier, Pastor l)lti lcl ing a horse r;,ilroad ,mH111d 1his isl;111 d , whic h would m;1kc ;1 deligh tful Island Avenue Peaks Island ride ;ind ;1 cld to 1h c va l11e of B11ildi11g 1,,1, ." SPR ING - SUMMER 1966 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 11

Rev. Robert H. Burton, secrewry; James MODEL FOOD Brown, treasurer; Leon Clough, tail­ t wister; Leo Sinnott, lion tamer; and IMPORTERS Charles B. C. Fel lows, Fred Stephenson, "FOR THE CHOICE A ND UNUSUAL" · ancl John E. Feeney, d irectors. You' ll Find This Store A Worl d of Surprises Cheese of A ll Nations Our Specialty McCANN WINS WESTBROOK RUN - And We Sh ip Anywhere! Alben McCann, son of Mr. and Mrs. 89-95 Middle St., Portland, M e. Alben .J. McCann or Pea ks b land, and (Corner of Franklin Street) sen ior, copped NOTE TO CASCO BAY ISLANDERS: 1 first place in a fi elcl of 3 1 runners in the DO CO /v'E IN AND BROWSE annual 'Westbrook Patriot's Day Ro ad Race. His time over Lhe 2¼-mile course [P@ffi'[P[1&J [{/[§)~ill Rodney Daigle and David Bemis on Peaks oceanside was 10:53:8, or five seconds faster than clean-up. Bea Chapman photo that of his Chcverus teammate, Pete In-Town M otel Dinan...... ,, ' ..,,. _... , ,...... · ~...... -.,. . .'.". ::·:-::•"·.,...... ~ •. ....•'· ~· .-·: KEEPING MAINE SCENIC ! 6A5 CONGRESS STREET, PO RTLAND, MAINE' For most of the distance McCann ran Ridding our lovely islands of debris third, headed by Dinan ;incl Glen Hus­ 773-8181 and Ji tter, including our shore fronts, is ton of \ Vestbrook, Lh e lauer arriving truly an American idea as demonstrated third aL the 1a pe. But in the 200-yard on Patriots Day by members of the homestretch he 1urned in a sprint wh ich HAY .& PEABODY CBIDA and youth groups. This will shadecl his Li ght competition. In the be a continuing effort encouraged for all Funeral DirectoN. same race last year McCann was 9th. Private Ambulance Service islands. Dinan 8 th, and Huston 5 th . Portland, Maine - Tel. 772-5463 Scarborough, Maine - Tel. 883-2887 PETER SPEAR BOND WINNER In competition with junior high school L, A . LAROCHELLE, INC. pupils th roughout the City Peter R. MEN'S WEAR SHOES Spear of King J unior High's ninth 204 Commercial Street grade, was awarded a $ 25 savings bond for the best historical essay on Portland Portland, Maine by the Portland T o as tmasters Club. Peter is the son of .\fr. and ~!rs. Roberr R. Spear of Peaks Jsland . Ilis essa y will appe;1r iu the July issue YELLOW CAB of T0nslmasters lnt-enrn+ional, wh ich Port+and circul ates in 38 countries. 772-6564

DR. WESSELL TO LEAVE SlJLKOWITCH TUFTS UNIV. PRESIDENCY UNIVERSAL · WATKINS HARDWARE & PAINT CO . Dr. Nils Y. Wessell of Chebeague LAUNDERERS and CLEAN SERS Glass • Electric Supplies Island has tendered his resign a Lion, to On Peaks Island Plumbing Supplies be effective next Sept.cm ber, from the Home delivery service with 363 Fore St., Portland 773-1406 presidency of Tufts U niversity. H e has careful attention by been in this office since 1953. He plans Lo give his attention to the WATERMAN STERLING Comp liments of newly-formed J nstitute for Educational Tel. 766-4423 FROST MIMEOGRAPH CO. Development, to the head of which he UNIVERSAL-WATKINS NOTfD FOR QUALITY WORK IN MAINE was elected last )'ear: . . . 266 M iddle Street This corporation 1s cles1gned. to facili­ tate research and development m educa­ PORTLAN D MAINE tion, as well as to foster prod uctive team­ work between the academic community 0 . P. PETERSON ,co. PORTLAND FRUIT COMPANY and the business world in provid ing Ptopellers, New and Used teachers, parents, schools, and colleges John Hussey Shafts, New and Machined 185 Commercial Str~t with effective educa tional materials and Hardwffe, Chrome !'lated systems. H eadq uarters are in New York, 60 Linion St. - Portland, M e. Portl,and, Maine but its researchers are scattered across 772.5334 the country. D r. ,,vesseJl, whose academic back­ ground was in psychologic;il testing, It's A Pleasure To Buy PORTLAND views the new job as " a challe nge, - an opportun ity to do something me;ining­ From A RELIABLE Firm LUMBER CORP. ful for education, including ed ucation for the disadvan taged ." WOLFE FORD SALES LIONS CLUB ELECTION J ohn ,,v. Chapm an ,~as n:1rned king South Portland lion at the an nual elecuon of the Peaks L ions Clu b in May. O thers chosen were Malcolm M urray, 1s t vice president; "The Dealer Your Douglas Clough, 2nd vice pres ident; ,Neighbor Recommends" 849 FORE S r A VE. POR TLAND, M( Frederick D insmore, 3rd vice presidenL; PAGE 12 NOR' BY EAST SPR ING - SUMMER 1966 HOW PEAKS GOT ITS NAME CUSHING'S ISLAND, with its old Some ,uf the writers of islands history Fort Leavitt at the harbor entrance, re­ FOR TRAD ITIONAL FINE FOODS have been unable to explain how their tains the name of Lemuel Cushing, who names, particularly that of Peaks Island, boughL it for $10,000, and in 1853 built Shop . . . originaLed. Crowley & Lunt's Casco Bay a large hotel, the Ottawa House, catering Directory of 1927-28 has this explana­ in particular to Canadians. lt was lost tion. in a spectacular fire. "Peaks island was first owned by Deacon TIMOTHY BAILEY bought Michael i\fiLLon, son-in-law of Portland's the island of his name about 1742 when firsL seLtler. During colonial times it he came to the charge of the church in changed hands many times, and each North Yarmouth. new owner gave it his name as its own. SUPER MARKETS So it has had a greater variety of names Simeon Orr, great-grandson of the than any other island in the Bay. Curi­ first settler of ORR'S ISLAND, con­ ously the man whose name has finally nected, with Bailey's, to the 1:1ainland, built in 1812 a Pough dwelling, later been fixed upon it never owned it ~t all. His wife inherited a ninth o( the island improved, in which Harriet Beecher from her first husband and when Peaks Stowe began writing her "Pearl of Orr's PORTLAND'S TRADITIONAL Island" in 1852. so ld the island for he;-, he egotistically DOWNTOWN HOTEL called it after himself in the recorded Why is the name, Hamilton, so closely 638 Congress St. - 773-6441 deed." associated with CHEBEAGUE ISLAND? T he same narrator states that the first Ambrose Hamilton, Scottish immigrant steamboat in the Bay was Captain Por­ and first man to live on the island, had WILBU~ F. BLAKE INC. ter's "Kennebec", nicknamed the seven sons, seven daughters, and 71 Plumbing and Heating "Horned Hog", summer of 1822. This grandchildren! Q UALITY SERVICE FOR 5 1 YEARS 9 Forest Street Portland brought forth from a rhymester: JOHN COUSINS bought his island foom two governments claiming Maine 775-3185 "A fig for all your clumsy craft, Your pleasure boats and packets. - the representative of Royalist Sir The steamboat lands you safe and soon Ferdinando Gorges, and the deputy of At Mansfield's, T1,ott's, or Brackett's." the Puritan Col. Alexander Rigby. T his BURGESS island, now joined to the mainland, is ~ T h is Directory, besides presenting the location of the expanding plan t of FOBES as F descriptive matter on eight othe_r islands, Central Maine Power Company. PAINT has a list, based on the Geodetic Survey Island names of Indian origin range 106 Commerci•I S1ree1 - Portl• nd Chart of I 907, of Bay islands and ledges 772·6575 (some marked only by buoys, spindles, from CHEBEAGUE (many springs) to etc.). The list has 249 names. How d id SEBASCODEGAN (Sebas, marshy, code­ Lhe Survey happen to miss 116 places - gan, place of guns, h un ting). THE HARRIS COMPANY to make up the legendary total of 365? Perhaps mos t predominant among Marine and lndustri~I Supplies names are those derived from physkal 188 Commercial Stree MORE ON THE ISLAND characteristics: Long, Cliff (Crotch), Port Ian,:! Maine Bush, Marsh, Pond, and tree names such Tel.: 775-5601 NAME BUSINESS as Birch, Cedar, Oak. Changing of island ,ownership has been Then there are the names having a not the only reason for the changing ~f farm-like connotation: Cow, H en, H orse, island names. ·what a metamo,rphos1s VOSE-SMITH CO., Florists Sheep, and, oh yes, Pumpkin Knob and 646 Congress St. , Portland occurred in the 1870's when Big Hog T urnip. and Little Hog Islands to the west of RA LPH and HE LEN ALL EN, Prop. If you wish to have a rewarding day's . 773-6436 "the Roads" channel became GREAT outing, toss a chart into your boat and (SUNDAYS: CALL 766-4416) DIAi'vfOND and LITTLE DlAMONDI go island-exploring, naming each island IL wo uld not have been good business as you approach it. It's fun! And re­ for the real estate developers to have member, friend, there's treasure on STA TE DRUG STORE invited people of high repu te to become "them thar shores". Not much of members of Big Hog Island Association. 603 Congress SI., ' gold left; bu t there's beauty in (Mr. Averill) The sparkling new name was a n.atural,_ great measure. - Drugs Sent By Mail since these islands have outcropprngs of shiny q uartz in addition to many other Tel. 773-8858 gem-like attributes. The early name holds on, however, in the Hog Island CUSHMA N BAKES COMBER MARINE MART, INC. Ledge appendage, which is t.he site of Special off-season rates on decrepit, but friendly, old . THE DIFFERE NCE Engine Tune-ups , near the harbor entrance and site of Fort Scammel, has Evinrude Sales and Service retained it prosaic name since at least 9 19 FOREST AVE., POlHLAND - 773,0008 1661, when there was an "old house" upon it. In 1663 a "new house" was built by Joseph Phipenny. In 300 years NOR' BY EAST expresses sincere changes in ownership and residents have been many, though some families, like appreciation to our advertisers who the T refethens, held to it for genera- AND DELIVERS IT so generously supported th is issue. tions. ( Tw DISCOVER AMERICA