Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 3-1966 Nor' by East, Spring-Summer 1966 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Spring-Summer 1966" (1966). Nor' by East. 18. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/18 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ISLAND FACILITIES ARE A OF GRACIOUS LIVING Mi ss Gro.ce Trappan Libr o.rian Portlmid Public Libra ry BAY ISLANDS - MAINE Por t l:lnd, Maine CUMBERLAND COUNTY MUCH HAPPINESS IS OVERLOOKED BECAUSE IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING VOL. 8, NO. 2 William S. Ogden SPRING - SUMMER 1966 HERE IT IS, FOLKS, THE STATE'S GRAND $127,000 INVESTMENT COUNCIL VOTES UNANIMOUS ALL SET FOR JUNE 11 DEDICATION O.K. FOR PEAKS PARK LAND By nine "yea" votes in approving Planning Board recommendations per­ taining to the Peaks Island Project Oceanside the Portland City Council at its April 18th meeting brought to frui­ tion months _of study, surveying, plan­ ning, and conferences on the part of officers and committee members of the .. Casco Bay Island Development Associa­ && JI ;:: a tion. Passed unanimous! y were three orders: l. Order authorizing application for purchase of Open Space Land (Cioffi property) on Peaks Island. 2. Order authorizing application to acquire Harbor Defense Unit land on Peak's 1sland. 3. Order approving inclusion in J\IIas­ ter Plan of public street on back shore. No. 1 involves application to Housing and Development Administration for participation with the City in acquisition of approximately 100 acres in the I 67- acre tract, one-half of the appraised value to be paid to CBIDA through the City as intermediary. The transaction will come under the Federal agency's Open Space Program. No. 2 involves acquisition by the City of about 12 acres of oceanside property which has been turned over by Harbor Defense Unit of the Navy to General Services Administration for dis~al as surplus property. This area includes choice residential sites in the vicinity of Spar Cove. With acquisition of this land the City will make a swap of it for land of equivalent value for Park use, prob­ ably contiguous to the shore road. No. 3 appro,ving inclusion in tl~e City's Master Plan of a public street on the back shore means that at a future date the City will accept a deed from CB!DA of enough land to make a suit­ able oceanside road for public use in perpetuity. Motions for passage of the orders were made by Councilor Sidney W. T haxter. Popkins Zakarian, constant Council . -~-,..-.;;-.:;~~~----­ critic, gave his blessing to the proposals . Presentation of the Association's views %!-' ~,.. -;c--~.:+_ was made in brief speeches by Lawrence .:,r K . - -- Stevens, president; Theodore Rand, vice president, and Mrs. John Chapman, Dennis Ar.d rew Welsh and his sister, Mary Ellen, await opening of new ca r ferry pier at Peaks Island. They are children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh of Holden, vis iti ng their gra , Mr. and Mrs. James project chainnan. Mrs. Chapman read M. Da ley of Peaks Island. Dennis wears his grandfather's hat by insisfe Clough photo. {Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SPRING - SUMMER 1966 NOR' BY EAST scriptions, but subscriptions in lesser Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine amounb abo. LANDING DEDICATION JUNE 11 Published hy Casco llay Island Dcvclop­ Peak~ group..., nrc band ing toge1her LO RESIGNATION FROM STAFF m<·nL Assc>ciation for n~iclcnts and visitors give color and some degree of pomp and of Casco Bay. A non profit publication Following the appointment of David ceremony to dedication of the new Stale­ supported b) ad,crtiserc; and members of ,\. llcrry of Peaks hland as Editor ol built fCJT) landing Saturday, June l I. the 1\~sociatio11. Nor· by East, he tendered his resignation Editors ... Miss Louise S. Dunlrnrn Grea ter Port land Chamber of Com­ Curtis S. Laughlin May '1 for personal reasons. I le is ~hap­ merce took. a leading part in planning 1-:t) ·<>Ul Consultant Robcr1 ~. Skillings ing up plam for resuming his studies at the event. Peter Laughlin, gene1al man­ Rcprt·scntati1c, (,,cater Pot tland \\'esle)an Universit} next fall. Other ager, i~ arranging tor C:a~rn lla) Linc, Ch:nuhcr of Commerce ,\Ian I.. Manku members of the stall completed the cur- Corn:sponclcnts and Staff /'\k111bcrs: panicipation, nnd Edwa1d Langlois of Miss Johanna """ Tili ng, Cliff; Mis. Sidn(')' Maine Pon At1lhori1y ;111(1 Cumberland \\'. Thaxter, Cushing~; Lawrcnre Ste1e11s, County Commiss ioners arc cooperating. l.011g; Mrs. Charles B. C. Fellows, Peaks. Phot0graphcrs Mrs. Ruth Sargent Then: ll'ill be three-minute '>peeches Leon S. C lough by dig11 it,1rics, a buffet lu 11< heon, and a Aclv1• 1tising John \V. Chapman surprise fea Lu rc or two, all calculated to Circulation .\ft~. Wiuthrop K. Dca11<-· make thi., a gala affair as well as an event Printed b) marking a new epoch in Peaks Island MA IN I~ PRINTING CO .. Portland, Mr. his wry. (Continued from page I) PRIMARY VOTING JUNE 20 lcuers fiom Senator .\Imk.ie and Gover­ 11 you ha\'e already marked your nor Recd, cxpre'>si11g their 1ecomme11da­ ca lendar on Mouday, .June 20, as Srntc tion LhaL the Counci l cooperate in the Primary Election Day, remind your project. neighbors, friends and associate~ Lhat MEDICARE GOES TO ISLANDS The Council vote, presuppose, and Lhen is Lhc time for all good men LO L :i wren< c Ste\'ens and Byamha are t<>1Hingcnt upon, comumma1ion ol come to the aid of their party. Doughty of Long Island welcome Oscar land purchase arrangements ol CBI DA Young of the Portland Social Scrnrity with Peter Ciolli by mca ns of :1 G% FIRE PREVENTION POSTER office who spoke on ,\ fcdicare at a public mortgage bond i.,sue. Approach 1<> th i, In order Lo promote ~afeL) in the Ba), meeting. Under CBI DA auspice..., he last hurdle has been going well. Sur­ the CBIDA, through the courtc\y ,of the visited Chebeague and Peaks abo on a mounting it i, the current concc1 11 ol Cit y of Portland, has o bt ained a number wee kend c-r u,adt' March 12 and I~. is landtT) and their mainland supporters. of pmtcrs 10 distribute to each home throughout the Bay. CHARTERED BOAT TRIPS SUBSCRIPTIONS TO The poster is entitled "lsland C:ommu­ Eight panics have a lready d1a1 tercd NOR' BY EAST uit y Safely." It lists a number of per­ the Abcnak.i for special cruises lor the Readers dcsi1 ing to have a copy of tinent poim~ regarding Fire Prevention, period, .June 15th to Jul) 31st. P robabl) each issue of 1\'0R' BY E,\ST mailed to Fire Fighting, "'aLe1· Safct), Clcanline-,, more will do ~o as the weather impro\'es. them for one ,car ma, '><'IHI 2.00 and on I he beaches. The Abenak.i is the pride of the Casco their .',LU1l111er 'and wi[11cr addre,\cs LO It i~ conci~c. vVc hope every person Bay fl eet, as a Queen o f' the Bay. Box Gfi, Pea ks Island, Me. ll'ill take Lime LO read it; then po~L it in a prnminent place in the home. AS "D" DAY APPROACHES Noll' that the City Council (on recom­ mendation ol Planning Board and Parks Facts About Cumberland County and Ren-cation Depanmem), the Cham­ State of Maine ber of Commerce, 1he World Trade Council, H ousing and Devclopmen t Admi11i,1ra1ion officers, Senator ~lusk.ie, Here is Ideal Living or Vacationing: 850 square miles of_ beautiful, rolling and Go\'ernor Reed have gone on record country between the White _Mountains and the sea. And here 1s ·the most health­ as approving the Peaks Project Ocea n­ ful climate in the Unite(\ States. side, the i)land residents and property Cumberland County's crystal clear lakes have over 200 miles of shoreline. owner, who have been reviewing evenh Game fish abound. from the sidelines while mulling over the personal in vestment idea, may decide Along Casco Bay, ~ur coast Ime. meanders 200. mil_es. The i~lands in . the Bay total another 100 miles of shoreline. Here boatmg 1s best, fishmg goo<l ,tncl to join in as Original Boosters of this Peaks aclvan< cment pl:in, raLher than lobsters plentiful. run the risk. of having to say in later Throughout the Coumy are wonderful choice homesites and cottage lots. years, " I wish l had.'' Population runs over 180,000 - with plenty of room for more. The Casco Hay lsland Developme nL The County was established in 1760. Association announced at the C ity Coun­ cil \ public ses,ion that financial back.er, Attractive to Industry: Three railroads serve the county - Canadian ol the project included yea r-round Island National, Maine Central, Boston & Maine. residents, summer residents, two utilities, Port facilities are at Portland, Yarmouth and Harpswell. one bank., and one public scn ,icc busines~ concern. These back.er:., shaking off the Portland Airp<>rt serves Northeast Airli'nes and Atlantic Airways. laissez faire id ea as being outdated, have There are trunk highways; many small-boat harbors; electricity and potable brouglu about 1he fina l stage in fin anc­ water in abundance.
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