Entire 2009-2010 Yearbook

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Entire 2009-2010 Yearbook 2009 Team Tournament A record 104 teams vied for glory last year. Can you defy the Happy Handicapper’s odds to make the Top 25? 47-1 160-1 55-1 20-1 46-1 Dyer 4 • Johnson 9 Wixson 8 • Birnbaum 8 James 8 • Ro Beyma 7 Pei 7 • Dockter 3 Burdett 8 • Martin 2 Abrams 3 • McMaster 7 Drueding 0 • Rice 7 Ri Beyma 8 • Eliason 0 Byrd 7 • Mecay 3 Thompson 7 • Heidman 0 79-1 47-1 61-1 236-1 66-1 Levine 2 • A Field 11 Reese 8 • Maly 0 Rice 0 • Doane 2 Collinson 3 • Elliott 10 Gardner 2 • P Richardson 8 D Field 0 • Taillon 2 Young 0 • Edwards 7 Riekkinen 2 • Withers 10 Morgal 0 • Morgal 0 Nolan 0 • T Richardson 3 460-1 46-1 49-1 59-1 155-1 MacInnis 0 • Kaltman 2 Stein 0 • D Gutermuth 0 R Renaud 10 • Schmitt 0 Youells 8 • Kulp 0 Bove 10 • Hochboim 0 Castonguay 10 • Horan 0 Lisa G 9 • Ken G 2 Davis 0 • J Renaud 0 Cornett 2 • Galullo 0 Lehrer 0 • Warszawski 0 152-1 49-1 48-1 29-1 58-1 Moffa 0 • Flaxington 1 LaRose 0 • Sasseville 8 S Packwood 2 • Sam P 0 Applebaum 0 • Finberg 8 Hoam 0 • Wojtasczyk 7 Freeman 9 • Thatcher 0 Groulx 2 • Gagne 0 Backstrom 0 • Moyer 8 Fuegi 2 • Sample 0 Mullet 3 • Reiff 0 130-1 68-1 58-1 42-1 106-1 D Dolan 2 • Storzillo 8 Freeman 1 • G Dickson 2 Menzel 8 • Sharp 0 Latto 9 • Perry 0 Ed Beach 7 • Natalie B 0 T Dolan 0 • Gunar 0 Gregorio 7 • S Dickson 0 Wolff 0 • Thomson 2 S Brosius 0 • C Brosius 0 Matthew B 2 • Sara B 0 Contents 1 .8=&3=&884(.&9.43=4+='4&7),&2*=*39-:8.&898=.3(47547&9*)=&8=&=3438574Q9=(425&3>= =.3=9-*=89&9*=4+=4:9-=&741.3&=+47=9-*=*=57*88=5:7548*=4+=-489.3,=9-*=&33:&1=,&2.3,= (43+*7*3(*=034<3=&8=9-*=471)=4&7),&2.3,=-&25.438-.58`=47==+47=8-479_=9=4S*78=94:73&2*398`= ;*3)478`=&3=&:(9.43`=)*243897&9.438`=8*2.3&78`=45*3=,&2.3,`=&3)=:3.478=574,7&28_=3=&)).9.43`=+47= 9-48*=<-4=(&39=,*9=*34:,-`=<*=4S*7=+4(:8*)=.3.8438=&3)=1&>8'>82&.184:73&2*398_=*=14;*= '4&7),&2.3,=(425*9.9.43;+742=<&7,&2*8=&3)=:74,&2*8=94=7&(.3,`=854798`=&3)=7&.1=,&2*8`=&3)=<*= 2&0*=34=&5414,.*8=+47=.9_=98=<-&9=<*=)4_=3)=<*;*=)43*=.9='**7=9-&3=&3>'4)>=*18*=+47=247*=9-&3=9*3= >*&78_=-.8=>*&7'440=)4(:2*398==*;*398=4+=9-*=57*;.4:8=>*&7_=9=)4*8=349=(439&.3=8(-*):1.3,=.3+478 2&9.43=+47=9-*=:5(42.3,=(43;*39.43_=(-*):1*8=&3)=*;*39=57*;.*<8=<.11=&55*&7=.3=&=8*5&7&9*=574,7&2= &3)=431.3*=&9=boardgamers.org. 3=+&(9`=43=4:7=<*'8.9*`=>4:11=Q3)=247*=57*8=&3)=54898*;*39=.3+472&9.43= 9-&3=&3>=51&(*=43=9-*=3*9;4;*7=+`***=5&,*8=4+=.9_=98=349=;*7>=1:(7&9.;*=47=(489=*S*(9.;*`=':9=<*=9-.30=.9= )*243897&9*8=4:7=(422.92*39=94=9-.8=-4''>_= 4=-*15=8:55479==&(9.;.9.*8`=9&0*=&=242*39=94=8:'8(7.'*=94=4:7==*82&.1=3*<81**7=;.&=9-*= <*'=8.9*=&3)=(439.3:*=94=857*&)=9-*=,44)=3*<8=&'4:9=4:7=&884(.&9.43=&3)=.98=&(9.;.9.*8_ Credits Contents Convention Director:=43=7**3<44) *&2=4,48=____________________________ 38.)*=7439=4;*7 Assistant Con. 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