Page 1 340 years Iridologieliteratur to explore and evaluate members. Literature 1670 to 2010 *** Thesis for Earning Master of Science (MSc) at the Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz / Seggau ([email protected], presented by Andreas Keinath Graz, in June 2010

Page 2 1 Andreas Keinath, Zurich [email protected] I hereby certify that this thesis independently, using none other than the have written to the specified tool. Graz, June 2010 Thesis accepted For the purposes of technical research accompanied freedom must in the theses of the Interuniversity College held opinions and conclusions are not those of the supervisor / internal and Cover assessors / internal, but are the responsibility of the authors.

Page 3 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 1 Contents First SUMMARY 3 Second INTRODUCTION 6 2.1. Target 6 2.2. Current state of knowledge 7 2.2.1. Literature 7 2.2.2. History of 7 2.2.3. Anatomical Basis of the iris 7 2.2.4. Basics of iridology 8 2.2.5. Scientific studies 8 2.3. Research Question 9 2.4. Hypothesis 9 2.5. Against hypothesis 9 Third METHODOLOGY 10 3.1. Internet search words, inclusion criteria, search engines 11 3.2. Internet structuring criteria 12 3.3. Internet evaluation criteria 12 3.4. Literature inclusion criteria 12 3.5. Literature classification criteria 12 3.6. Literature evaluation criteria 12 3.7. Iridologiespezifische database of identified documents 13 3.8. Review of the identified documents according to defined Evaluation Criteria 13 4th RESULTS 13 4.1. Electronic and manual search 13/14 4.2. Iridologiespezifische database 14 4.3. Assessment 18 4.4. Chronological organization (1670 to 2010) 19 4.5. Research Question 27 6th DISCUSSION 28 7th CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATION 28 THANKSGIVING 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY 30

Page 4 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 2 First Summary Research 340 years Iridologieliteratur explore, evaluate members, Literature search from 1670 to 2010 Author: Andreas Keinath Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Jens Türp The aim of this literature study is that published from 1670 to 2010 iridologischen textbooks and time to structure documents chronologically, complete with current Internet research and to assess defined by defining inclusion and exclusion criteria. 82 literary documents were identified, classified and evaluated. Figure 1 shows how The literature composed. Full Text (Internet) Only abstracts (Internet) Specific methods Documents (Internet) Textbooks Iridology Books for Iridology Special books for Iridology Research question: Give the presentation and assessment of Iridologieliteratur, based on specific inclusion and Exclusion criteria a clear starting point, which can be used scientifically? Figure 1 82, split identified Iridologiedokumente 5 3 2 35 14 23

Page 5 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 3 Methodology Using defined search criteria and keywords, defined inclusion and exclusion criteria was a systematic literature and Internet research conducted under Table 1 Result 6 of the 82 pre-used documents provide new insights for the further development of the Iridology have contributed and have not been considered in scientific studies, but Research potential would. 15 documents contain information not only for the purposes of networking ideas other methods or systems are not yet scientifically relevant. Table 1 Overview of the process of data collection, electronic yellow, blue manual research Electronic Investigation Hand Investigation Keywords, on and Exclusion criteria, search engines (Point 3.1.) Classification criteria (Point 3.2.) Evaluation criteria for electronic Papers (Point 3.3.) Inclusion and exclusion criteria (Point 3.4.) Classification criteria (Point 3.5.) Evaluation criteria for Hand Documents (Point 3.6.) Iridologiespezifische database identified documents (Point 3.7.) Review of the identified Documents according to defined Evaluation Criteria (Point 3.8.)

Page 6 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 4 18 documents included summary findings. All 43 electronic documents contain supplementary information. These provide information about the whole environment, the iridologischen teaching and training centers, conferences, company, which in Connection with the iridology and produce specific products. The research question can be answered with yes. Yes, there are 6 specific documents and evidence, which are used scientifically can. Conclusion / Recommendation Data from this study are summarized and promising potential to contain Further research for a possible integration into conventional medicine. Especially in the area Auxiliary diagnosis of chronic complex and hard to diagnose diseases.

Page 7 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 5 Second Introduction 1909 had Pastor, Emanuel Felke, in the so-called stationary Felkeprozess iridology at 20 Patients demonstrate. Public and the press expressed strong interest. Felke, as the Lay practitioners worked with the iridology, the process was made because he supposedly for the Death of a baker's boy should be responsible for the acute appendicitis Died (appendicitis). Felke was acquitted by referring {Salzer, 1925 # 9}. The Process iridology made known to the general public. Iridology (iris diagnosis) is a pseudo-scientific theory that 80% of the German Therapy is used {Ernst, 2000 # 5}. Scientific studies assess the iridology as "bad, generally unsuitable" {Herber, 2008 # 84}, to "not useful and potentially harmful "{Ernst, 2000 # 5}. In contrast, a study from Sweden is at 428 College Students who indicate the crypts and furrows in the iris are genetic and various characteristics indicate {Larsson, 2007 # 3}. These contradictory statements are a reason for me to look at the accurate iridology. In the "German Dental Weekly" was over 70 years ago through the eyes diagnosis reads as follows {Hansmann, 1936 # 101}: "For the dentist so far there is a particular interest, as in his medical Special trade undoubtedly the demand for medical examination method (immediately) it were present, it was that (the detection of certain cardiovascular disorders novocain- Epinephrine injection, anesthesia) or example, liver damage (Evipan!) would be valuable. " To date, the call for simple, fast and inexpensive method of diagnosis remains as currently, a point of how I think it justifies the iridology to do research and to more accurately . Rate Other things to read in the "German Dental Weekly": "There is no denying however, that sometimes the advocates of this method of investigation reported to have diagnostic results that may surprise you "{Hansmann, 1936 # 101}. Due to lack of scientific evidence is not the method to date in medicine recognized. Although iridology is 340 years old {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} and 230,000 in Google Entries (as of 15.04.2010) are available now. 2.1. Target The aim of this literature review, is published from 1670 to 2010 iridologischen textbooks and time to structure documents chronologically, complete with current Internet research and to assess defined by defining inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Page 8 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 6 2.2. Current state of knowledge 2.2.1. Literature There is no summary of the work and no chronological organization Iridologiegeschichte iridology of literature. To make a scientific evaluation, it is therefore necessary first to create such a structure. 2.2.2. History of Iridology Sources speak of a 3000 year old method, so also in the scientific work of {Safadi, 2008 # 8}. Secured documents from Philippi Meyens appeared in 1670, and mapped described in the book of {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}. Considered the father of iridology in the present form the Hungarian physician Ignaz von Peczely (1826-1911). 2.2.3. Anatomical Basis of the iris The anatomy of the iris (iris) is the "most colorful" anatomical structure of the human Body. It arises as a constriction of the midbrain in early embryonic development (approximately 30 Day) after the first cell division {Wehner, 2007 # 75}. As genetic research shows the Formation of the iris controlled by the PAX 6 gene {Makoto Kobayashi, 2001 # 64}. The Iris appears as a radially and circularly extending connective tissue and muscle fiber disc with a Melanin pigment layer is deposited, and depending on the degree of pigmentation of the eye colors blue, brown or mixed and produced green. Layered up pigments give more color options {Pierluigi, 2006 # 95}. The muscle fiber rings (Iris), controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic Nervous system, innervated by 6 of the 12 cranial nerves and crossed by blood vessels floating in front, behind the lens and the cornea, aqueous humor and regulated as an aperture the light. {Rauber / Kopsch, 1987 # 93}. Figure 2 Image of the book in the enclosed CD of {Andrews, 2008 # 26} (no Image Number)

Page 9 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 7 2.2.4. Basics of iridology Iridologische observations describe characters in conjunction with structure and color phenomena. Pigments, lacunae, crypts, etc. are associated with organ reactions related. This Changes affect focal-, sector-and circular spots in the iris, but also the Eye environment, such as vessels and sclera. Through a microscope with 3 - to 40-fold magnification considered the Iridologe in practice the phenomena in the eye and thereby obtains various Notes. In children and older people who are not placed in front of the microscope can a magnifying glass with light source used {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28}. 2.2.5. Scientific studies Since 1900, several clinical trials have been performed, iridology with the topic dealing {Safadi, 2008 # 8}. With one exception, all based on a organotrophic perspective, ie the view is mainly based on one of the many topographical maps, which Identify bodies and their localization and their origin in the "Owl history". Owls History: The founder of Iridology, Ignaz von Peczely watched by a Broken leg in an owl. bleeding into the iris, which dark after healing of the injury as Character was furthermore {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}. To locate such signs told the Ignaz Iris time in sectors one that showed signs mentioned in sector 18 clock. In the further Beforschung Iridologen originated by such a body map, which the various organs attributed to different sectors (Fig. 3). Iridologen assume that when a disease an organ located in the eye this must indicate the corresponding location of the body board. Confirmed This has in the Volhard / Vida / deck study. (See below), which was not scientifically accepted. Larsson, Pedersen and Stattin in their study had a phenomenological approach, Namely that give certain characters like crypts, pigments and wrinkles, evidence of character. {Larsson, 2007 # 3} Figure 3 Large advertising and topography map of the company Pascoe

Page 10 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 8 A comprehensive 4 year clinical study (1950-1954) by Dr. E. Volhard, Dr. F. Vida and naturopaths J. deck at 640 iridologisch and clinically documented cases showed 74.4% positive actionable diagnostic information in organ diseases. They compared the punctuation in the Iris with clinical findings, X-rays and autopsy findings. The study was not acknowledged because a control group was missing { / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74}. [1] 2.3. Research Question Give the presentation and assessment of Iridologieliteratur, based on specific inclusion and Exclusion criteria a clear starting point, which can be used scientifically? 2.4. Hypothesis In the period of investigation in the Iridologieliteratur are no significant developments (Changes) to recognize. 2.5. Against hypothesis In the period of investigation in the Iridologieliteratur are key developments (Changes) to recognize. [1] I am aware that Wikipedia as a source in academic work is tricky. Since these Literary work in the area of basic research, and that I realized that those I researched, scientific studies, eg references were written incorrectly, I need all the information to get a quality job.

Page 11 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 9 Third Methodology Using defined search criteria and keywords, defined inclusion and exclusion criteria was a systematic literature and Internet searches performed (Table 2). Table 2 Overview of the process of data collection, electronic yellow, blue manual research Electronic Investigation Hand Investigation Keywords, on and Exclusion criteria, search engines (Point 3.1.) Classification criteria (Point 3.2.) Evaluation criteria for electronic Papers (Point 3.3.) Inclusion and exclusion criteria (Point 3.4.) Classification criteria (Point 3.5.) Evaluation criteria for Hand Documents (Point 3.6.) Iridologiespezifische database identified documents (Point 3.7.) Review of the identified Documents according to defined Evaluation Criteria (Point 3.8.)

Page 12 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 10 3.1. Internet search words, inclusion criteria, search engines Keywords: Iridology Iridology study Iridology studies currently Iridology current studies Pax 6 Inclusion criteria: B hen entering the search words, the order must be maintained, thereby the number of hits to the essential documents reduced (Table 3). The data must be consistent with the iris in the medical / functional sense in context. Search Engines: Tab .3 search strategy in search engine Google Scholar, MEDPILOT, Springer, PubMed Search Engines Keyword Iridology Iridology studies Iridology studies currently Iridology current studies Pax 6 Iridology Iridology studies Iridology studies currently Iridology current studies Pax 6 Iridology Iridology studies Iridology studies currently Iridology current studies Pax 6 Iridology Iridology studies Iridology studies currently Iridology current studies Pax 6

Page 13 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 11 3.2. Internet structuring criteria First, data are reported with a high evidence (full texts of scientific papers) then abstracts iridology further articles and finally the products in connection with the iris stand. Iridology studies Full Text Abstracts Iridology Iridology Articles Extras Historic medical history Embryology Evolution Genetics 3.3. Internet evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria for Internet research are identified by IB1 and IB2: IB 1 The contents of the retrieved Internet data had additional information on the iridologischen textbooks. IB 2 The content of the data researched internet has no additional information on the iridologischen textbooks. 3.4. Literature inclusion criteria As an inclusion criterion, the term iridology and the iris in the anatomical-functional sense. The Books come from private archives, libraries or were acquired over. 3.5. Literature classification criteria First Iridologiebücher lists with educational character, then time and documents phenomenological works, followed by books, with which the scientific context the iris are (embryology, anatomy, evolution, etc.). Chronological organization The iridologischen works are then organized chronologically. 3.6. Literature evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria for the literature review are designated LB1, LB2 and LB3: LB 1 New findings are described which have a pioneering character and so still are nowhere to be found. LB 2 It further insight describes the return to earlier authors . go LB 3 Literature, which was written as a summary or in short form.

Page 14 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 12 3.7. Iridologiespezifische database of identified documents The point through 3.1./3.2. and 3.4./3.5. surviving literature documents are numbered sequentially and thus give the iridologiespezifische database. 3.8. Review of the identified documents according to defined criteria The iridologiespezifische database through the assessment criteria set out in section 3.3. and 3.6. assessed and leads to the result. 4th Results The results are presented in accordance with Table 4. Table 4 Summary table results (Point 4.1.) (Point 4.2.) (Point 4.3.) (Point 4.4.) - Result Electronic Investigation According to the Criteria (Point 3.1.) Result Manual search According to the Inclusion criteria (Point 3.4.) Result Iridology specific Database According to the Classification criteria, (Point 3.2. And 3.5). Result Assessment The literary content by means of Evaluation Criteria (Point 3.3. And 3.6.) assessed. Result Chronological Structure From 1670 to 2010 4.1. Electronic research 43 Relevant sources were identified (Table 5). Table 5 Result electronic research: Search Engines Keyword Hit Relevant Hit Total Hit Iridology 95 2 2 Iridology studies 13 2 2 Iridology studies currently 8 2 2 Iridology current studies 6 2 2

Page 15 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 13 PAX 6 88'800 1 3 Iridology 3237 5 3 Iridology studies 946 5 3 Iridology studies currently 155 5 3 Iridology current studies 155 5 3 PAX 6 237 0 3 Iridology 2 2 5 Iridology studies 0 0 5 Iridology studies currently 0 0 5 Iridology current studies 0 0 5 PAX 6 0 0 5 Iridology 37 3 8 Iridology studies 0 0 8 Iridology studies currently 0 0 8 Iridology current studies 0 0 8 Iridology 230,000 35 43 Iridology studies 2,260 35 43 Iridology studies currently 11,800 35 43 Iridology current studies 2,500 35 43 Total Score 43 Manual search 39 relevant books were identified by means of a manual search. 4.2. Iridologiespezifische database The identified documents are listed in Table 6, divided and 7. Table6 iridology specific database (Electronic Research) Number Full Text First Munstedt K, El-Safadi S, Bruck F, Zygmunt M, Hackethal A Tinneberg HR: Can iridology detect susceptibility to cancer? A prospective case-controlled study. J Aging Complement Med 2005 Jun, 11 (3) :515-9. PMID 15992238 Second Knipschild P: Looking for gall bladder disease in the patient's iris BMJ.. Dec 1988 17, 297 (6663) :1578-81. PMID 3147081 Third Larsson M, Pedersen NL, Stattin H: Associations between iris and charcteristics 17343974 personality in adulthood, Elsevier, 2007 Feb, BP, 75165-175, PMID 4th Ernst E: Iridology: not useful and potentially harmful, Arch Ophthalmol. 2000 Jan; 118 (1) :120-1. PMID 10636425 5th Makoto Kobayashi, CN, Takafumi Suzuki and Masayuki Yamamoto. (2001). "The Homeobbox Six3 protein Interacts with the Groucho corepressor and acts as a Transcriptional repressor in eye and Forbrain formation. " Abstracts 6th Norn M. Analysis of Iris history and future, Dan Medicinhist àrbog. 2003 103-17. PMID 14765528 (Danish) 7th Worrall RS: - a critical look at iridology. J Am Optom Assoc. 1984 Oct, 55 (10) :735-9. PMID 6491119

Page 16 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 14 8th Simon A, Worthen DM, Mitas JA 2nd. An evaluation of iridology JAMA. September 1979 28, 242 (13) :1385-9. PMID 480560 Article 9th, 17.11.2009 # 48 10th / pages / ueberuns.html, 17.11.2009 # 35 11th, 17.11.2009 # 43 12th / jaclinic.htm, 17.11.2009 # 86 13th, 22.01.2010 # 52 14th, 17.11.2009 # 41 15th, 17.11.2009 # 45 16th, 17.11.2009 # 40 17th / top-iris-htm, 22.01.2010 # 53 18th, 21.12.2009 # 33 19th / wiki / Jachim_Broy, 21.12.2009 # 39 20th / wiki / medical practitioner, 21.12.2009 # 37 21st, 17.11.2009 # 34 22nd / en / irisdiagnostik.php information / patient / 17.11.2009 # 50 23rd / content / liebe_lifestyle / health / healing methods ..., 22.01.2010 # 54 24th / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74 25th, 21.12.2009 # 38 26th / Augendiagnose_Buchempfehlung.html, 22.01.2010 # 51 27th / wiki / Franz_Volhard, 21.12.2009 # 44 28th, 16.03.2010 # 83 29th, 04.03.2010 # 85 Medical History / Historic 30th / wiki / medical history, 17.11.2009 # 58 31st / wiki / Medicine, 17.11.2009 # 59 32nd / wiki / Hippocrates, 24.11.2009 # 61 33rd, 17.11.2009 # 57 34th / wiki / Aristotle, 24.11.2009 # 60 35th / wiki / Auge_der_Vorsehung, 10.01.2010 # 56 36th / wiki / Tutankhamun, 04.02.2010 # 82 37th / wiki / Cyclops, 28.02.2010 # 73 Embryology / evolution / genetics 38th / generic pages / moduleembryode.html, 30.01.2008 # 80 39th / wiki / Evolutionary_developmental_biology, 06.10.2009 # 63 40th / wiki / Pax gene, 06.10.2010 # 65 41st / wiki / Homeobox, 06.10.2009 # 67 42nd / wiki / gene, 08.10.2009 # 66 43rd, 22/01/2010 # 104

Page 17 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 15 Table 7 iridology specific database (manual search) Textbooks 44th Lindemann, G. (1992). Ocular diagnosis textbook survey findings from the eye, Pflaum Verlag . ISBN 3-7905-0646-X 45th Madaus, M. (1926). Textbook on Jrisdiagnose, publisher of P. Rohrmoser, a Bonn Rh 46th Thiel, PJ (1929). The eye diagnosis, great historical-critical edition, Publisher Kruger & Co. Leibzig. 47th Schmidt, HW (1994). Textbook of iridology. Saarbrücken, self-publishing. 48th Jürgen Rehwinkel, SW (2005). Eye diagnosis, iris constitution, iris structure, Iris pigments. Cologne, Gottlob Volkhard Czech printing, Amorbach. ISBN 3-920060 - 08-3 Picture book 49th Willi Hauser, JK, Rudolf Stolz (2000). Iridology 1, information from structure and Color. Heimsheim, print and media center Gerllingen GmbH, ISBN 3-933422 - 03-5 Time documents 50th Schumann, E. (1961). Eye diagnosis, Hermann Bauer Verlag, Freiburg 51st Schlegel, E. (1924). The eyes of the diagnosis of Dr. Ignaz Peczely. Tübingen, Publisher of Kruger & Co Leibzig 52nd Kronenberger, B. (1931). The Iridology. Kahl am Main, self-publishing. 53rd Bose, N. (1993). The art of Iridology, as a mirror of the eye disease and health, Scherz Verlag, Bern, Munich, Vienna, ISBN 3-502-67080-3 54th Hense, H. (1924). Healing System "truw". Creveld, self-publishing. Critical Edition 55th Salzer, PDF (1925). Eye Diagnostic and occultism. Munich, J. Couvreur Publisher, The Hague, Holland. Phenomenology 56th Angerer, J. (1981). Ophthalmotropic phenomenology, the iris system, Tibor Marcell Verlag, Munich, ISBN 3-88015-067-2 57th Margrave, D. m. A. (1991). The genetic information in the visual Diagnostics, Volume 6, head and neck, Bad Lauterberg, energy-Verlag GmbH, Sulzbach / Taunus. ISBN 3-925806-15-6 (Angerer 1981; Markgraf 1993) 58th Margrave, D. m. A. (1992). The genetic information in the visual Diagnostics, Volume 7, Heart, Bad Lauterberg, energy-Verlag GmbH, Sulzbach / Taunus. ISBN 3-925806-16-4 59th Margrave, D. m. A. (1993). The genetic information in the visual Diagnostics, Volume 8, lung, Bad Lauterberg, energy-Verlag GmbH, Sulzbach / Taunus. ISBN 3-925806-17-2 60th Andrews, J. (2005). Endocrinology & Iridology, Corona Books, Hull, ISBN 1-903358-06-9 61st Andrews, J. (2008). Iris & Pupillary sings, Modern Iridology, Corona Books, UK, ISBN 1-903358-07-9 62nd HFHerget, HWS (1994). Fundamental to sign and pigments in the iris and their physiological relationships Constitution 63rd Broy, J. (1992). The constitution, Humoral diagnosis and treatment. Munich, Klaus Foitzick Verlag, Munich, ISBN 3-88015-0613

Page 18 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 16 Esoteric 64th Jeremiah Weser, CW your eyes: the gateway to the soul, the Handbook for Spiritual Iridology, Goldmann Verlag, Munich, ISBN 3-442-12083-7 Iridology Health 65th Müller-Mackert, D. m. I. (2006). Iridology, What about your eyes Health say., Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, ISBN 3-7205-2716-6 66th Jackson-Main, P. (2005). Practical Iridology, Oesch Verlag AG, Zurich. ISBN 3-0350-1506-6 Opthalmology 67th Günter K. Krieglstein, CPJ-C., Maria Severin (1999). Atlas of Ophthalmology. Cologne, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg New York, ISBN 3-540-64001-0 68th E. Engelking, WL (1968). Floor plan of ophthalmology. Würzburg, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New Yo (Günter K. Krieglstein 1999) rk: 252, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-30901 69th Axenfeld, T. (1972). Textbook and Atlas of Ophthalmology, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-437-00112-4 70th Scientific contributions, HK-EK and MT (1972). Ophthalmology Research and practice. Wittenberg, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg. Evolution 71st Rüdiger Wehner, WG (2007). Zoology. Switzerland, Thieme, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-13-367424-9 Special eye 72nd Ings, S. (2008). The eye masterpiece of evolution. London, Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg ISBN 978-3-455-50072-1 Anatomy / physiology / pathology 73rd Gotthard Schettler, HG (1998). Internal medicine, understanding, learning, applying, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart - New York, ISBN 3-13-552209-1 74th Edinger, L. (2007). Introduction to the science of building and the actions of Nervous system, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8364-1291-9 75th Inverter I., (1993). Textbook for medical practitioners, Urban & Schwarzenberg, ISBN 3 - 541-13162-4 76th Inverter I., (1994). Atlas for medical practitioners, Urban & Schwarzenberg, ISBN 3-541 - 17171-5 77th Faller, A. (1988). The body of man, Georg Thieme Verlag, ISBN 3-13 - 329711-2 78th Stefan Silbernagl, AD (1991). Color Atlas of Physiology, Georg Thieme Press, ISBN 3-13-567704-0 79th Rauber / Kopsch (1987). Human Anatomy, Volume 3, Nervous System / Sensory organs, Georg Thieme Verlag, ISBN 3-13-503501-8 80th Krieger, S. (1998). Pathology textbook for medical practitioners, Sunday Press, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-87758-141-2 81st Diano, P. (2006). Atlas of the world body, Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH Munich, ISBN 3-89405-671-1 82nd Rauber / Kopsch (1988). Human Anatomy, Volume 4 Topography of Organ systems, classification of peripheral pathways, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, ISBN 3-13-503601-4

Page 19 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 17 4.3. Assessment Table 8 shows the evaluation of the total 82 documents divided into Part 1 (Internet rating, IB) and part (literature review, LB) 2. Classification is an (X) designation. Table 8 Results of the review Part 1 Part 2 No. IB 1 IB 2 No. LB 1 LB 2 LB 3 First X 44th X Second X 45th X Third X 46th X 4th X 47th X 5th X 48th X 6th X 49th X 7th X 50th X 8th X 51st X 9th X 52nd X 10th X 53rd X 11th X 54th X 12th X 55th X 13th X 56th X 14th X 57th X 15th X 58th X 16th X 59th X 17th X 60th X 18th X 61st X 19th X 62nd X 20th X 63rd X 21st X 64th X 22nd X 65th X 23rd X 66th X 24th X 67th X 25th X 68th X 26th X 69th X 27th X 70th X 28th X 71st X 29th X 72nd X 30th X 73rd X 31st X 74th X 32nd X 75th X 33rd X 76th X 34th X 77th X 35th X 78 - X 36th X 79th X 37th X 80th X 38th X 81st X 39th X 82nd X 40th X 41st X 42nd X 43rd X

Page 20 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 18 6 of the 82 pre-used documents provide new insights for the further development of the Iridology have contributed and have not been considered in scientific studies, but Research potential would. 15 documents contain information not only for the purposes of networking ideas other methods or systems are not yet scientifically relevant. 18 documents included summary findings. All 43 electronic documents contain supplementary information. These provide information about the whole environment, the iridologischen teaching and training centers, conferences, company, which in Connection with the iridology and produce specific products. 4.4. Chronological organization (1670 to 2010) Philippi Meyens 1670 (Dresden) The first book, entitled "Chiromantia Medica", in which organ divisions the iris are described according to body regions. Shown in {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1838 Ignaz von Peczely "Owls history" (Hungary) Abstract: The boy broke an owl's leg, whereupon the eye with blood completed and after healing a dark spot remained. In the course of Stories later, it was a black line. This could in Observations are never confirmed. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1763 - 1821 Georg Joseph Beer (Vienna) Ophthalmologist and owner of the first chair in ophthalmology, wrote in its ophthalmic book "Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye". Quote: "All acts on the body of an individual can not without contact with the eye stay and vice versa. " {, 2009 # 48} 1695 Siegmund Eltzholtz (Nuremberg) Wrote a thesis entitled: "De oculo et signo" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1786 Christian Hartel (Germany) Also used for his thesis entitled "De oculo et signo" as S. Eltzholtz. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1724 Lung Chen (China) A Chinese emperor described very accurate character in the eye and their significance. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}

Page 21 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 19 1880 Ignaz von Peczely (Hungary) Published his book "discoveries concerning the nature and the Medicine "," Chronic Diseases "and" Guide for the diagnosis of the Eye ". {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1871 Ignaz von Peczely (Hungary) Gave a lecture in Budapest before the medical community about the findings of Characters from the eye. (Geb.1826 to Hungary 1911) {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1893 Nils Liljequist (England) A Swedish pastor, published a 284-page book. Title was: "Om Oegondiagnose ", subtitled" efter Dr. Ignaz von Peczely ". Discovered the chromatic alterations of the iris. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} In 1897 a revised edition published in German: "The diagnosis of the eye". {Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1901 John Peter Thiel (Germany) Published: "Signs of illness from the eye" {Thiel, 1929 # 17} Stiegele 1885 (Germany) Was in Budapest at Ignaz intern, also Schlegel, 1886,1888,1889. Both Widely shared iridology the first in Germany. {Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1907 Henry Hense (Germany) 1907 founded the company truw. H. Hense, pharmaceutical factory (with sleeve Krefeld, Lower Rhine). Later in "Thorraduranumwerke H. Hense" and Finally (1966) in "truw drug Hense AG" renamed. The company still exists today. {Hense, 1911 # 100}, { / pages / ueberuns.html, 17/11/2009 # 35} 1887 Emil Schlegel (Germany) Published his book, "The eyes of the diagnosis of Dr. Emil I. v. P. Schlegel, and ophthalmologist in Tübingen ". {Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1904 Edward Laue (Öesterreich / USA) Published: "Irodology the diagnosis from the eys." {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1907 Andreas Müller (Germany) Published: "The eyes diagnosis edited by Pastor Felice principles". {Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1887 Ignaz von Peczely (Hungary) The magazine published "Iris", which is not more after 2 numbers already appeared. (44 pages, and some woodcuts) Also came in 1887 in Stuttgart, publishes a magazine, "Hahnemannia" 40 pages of text and a simple iris panel. {Schlegel, 1924 # 11}

Page 22 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 20 1916 Dr. Anderschous (England) Published: "Iris science bodely diagnosis of diseases through examination of the eye ". Had also personally I. v. P. eyes diagnosis and they learned widespread in England. {Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1916 Rudolf Schnabel (Germany) Opened in Munich his "Institute for Applied ophthalmological Physiology "{Schumann, 1961 # 16} In 1921 he published "symptoms of the eye and its adnexa, Ophtalmolgie and Symptomatolgie, Manual the Iridology ". "The Eye as Health levels "{Schlegel, 1924 # 11} 1909 Felke process (Germany) Emanuel Felke, pastor and lay healers. Developed Lehmkuren, air baths, Sauna, and physical Applications. Spread the Eye diagnosis in Germany through his process. (E. Felke, Born 07/02/1856 Kläden at Standal, 16.08.1926, Bad Sodernheim) {, 17.11.2009 # 41} 1916 Magdalene Madaus (Germany) Published her first textbook: "Textbook of Iridology". {Schumann, 1961 # 16} Was through her illness with E. Felke in treatment and later the same student. Developed the complex of Felke further in 1908, she continued her agent in their own practice one. (Born 12.01.1857 03.01.1925) {Htt :/ /, 17.11.2009 # 45} {Madaus, 1926 # 77} 1923 Dr. Leon Vannier (Paris) Published: "Le Diagnostic des maladies par les yeux" {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1919 Foundation of the company Dr. Madaus & Co. (Germany) Founders were the three sons of M. Madaus: Friedmund, and Dr. Hans Gerhard Madaus. In the beginning they produced especially the mother of their developed complex means "Oligoplexe Madaus". The company still exists today. {, 17/11/2009 # 40} Eva Flink (Germany) Founded by her mother, M. Madaus, the educational institution "Iris" in Bonn and led continue the work of the mother. (Born 1886 to 1959) { Madaus.1239.0.html, 17.11.2009 # 45} 1908 Dr. FW Collins and associated editors (USA) Published: "Disease Diagnosed by Observation of the Eye". For $ 5 Charge was to get a big, iridologische card for your shelves {Schlegel, 1924 # 11}

Page 23 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 21 Kronenberger 1924 Bernhard (Germany) First Edition of his booklet "The Iridology" {Kronenberger, 1931 # 21} 1940 - 1944 Alfred Maubach (Germany) During these years, the iris photograph had made popular. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1936 W. Schmidt (Germany) Had the localization of the "right heart" in the iris - topography introduced. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1935 Hans Struck / Eva Flink (Germany) Wrote: "the manual iris diagnosis" with Iris Photos {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1931 Karl Baumhauer (Germany) Published a booklet, "What eye diagnosis?" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1927 Karl Baumhauer (Germany) Published "The Eye diagnosis, detailed Treatise about Detection of diseases of the human body by way of Eye exam "{Schumann, 1961 # 16} "1927 The Eye Diagnostics", "1931 What's eye diagnosis," "1947 The Iris copy" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1930 E. Schumann (Germany) Published: "The help of Mother Nature" {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1936 E. Schumann (Germany) Published: "New ways of salvation through new diagnostic" Schumann {, 1961 # 16} 1925 Prof. Dr. Fritz Salzer (Germany) "Eye diagnosis and occultism" {Salzer, 1925 # 9} 1936 Josef Angerer (Germany) A great teacher of iridology. The Heilpraktikerschule at Bismarckstrasse trained in Munich, where Josef Angerer and was taught in 1977 with provided his name. (Born 26.06.1907 Passau 18.02.1994 Munich) {, 17.11.2009 # 34} Schnabel 1930 (Germany) Published: "The eye as health levels" {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1925 PJ Thiel (Germany) Wrote: "The eyes diagnosis" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}

Page 24 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 22 1956 Ernst Hugo Kabisch (Germany) Held the first talks on the iridology before doctors and alternative practitioners. (Born in 1900 bis1984) {, 2009 # 48} 1959 Ernst Hugo Kabisch (Germany) Uslarer founded the circle, was a student of M. Madaus. {, 17.11.2009 # 45} 1949 Theodor war (Germany) Published: "signs of disease in the iris" {Schumann, 1961 # 16}. 1952 Dr. Jensen (USA) Published: "The Science and Practice of Iridology". {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1952 Alfred Maubach (Germany) Published: "ocular diagnosis as constitution diagnosis, early diagnosis and differential diagnosis "{Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1953 Josef Angerer (Germany) Published: "Textbook of ocular diagnosis" Part I-IV {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1954 Josef Deck and Dr. Franz Vida (Germany) Published: "clinical trial of organ and symptoms in the Iris ". {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1954 Dr. W. Lang (Deustschland) Published: "The anatomical and physiological basis of Eye Diagnostics "{Lindemann, 1992 # 4} In the Bibliography of {Schumann, 1961 # 16} is that this work 1957 was published. Bahmann 1954 (Germany) Wrote a dissertation on the Iridology. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1950 Josef Deck (Germany) Wrote: "Iridology and Ca - Done" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1953 Josef Deck (Germany) Wrote: "Possibilities and limitations of photographic technology in iris diagnosis {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1940 C. Herms (Germany) Dissertation: "The medicolegal Importance the Ophthalmic diagnostic " {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}

Page 25 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 23 1973 Dr. Anton Marquis (Germany) Wrote: "Iridologische phenomena of precancerous and malignant processes" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1973 Josef Angerer (Germany) Published: "Ophthalmotropic phenomenology" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} Was a theologian and medical practitioners. Was a student of Dr. Rudolf Schnabel brought Terms such as phenomenology and Fokologie in iridology. He had a cybernetic view disease. The "Manual of ocular diagnosis" was 1975 revisited. {Angerer, 1981 # 24} 1956 Josef Deck (Germany) Led the Determinationslehre a (genetic approach), 1952, he was founder the Ettlingertage that are still in Ettlingen Castle instead. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1962 Theodor war (Germany) Wrote his book: "Fundamentals of Iris Diagnostics" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1968 Jürgen Rehwinkel and Sigolt Wenske (Germany) Takeovers by EH Kabisch line of the circle {Uslarer www.uslarer-, 2009 # 48} 1961 Emma Schumann (Germany) Wrote the book: "Eye Diagnostics" {Schumann, 1961 # 16} 1977 Josef Angerer (Germany) Published: "The Cornealsphäre, Volume 3 (Ophthalmotropic phenomenology)". {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1965 Josef Deck (Germany) Wrote: "Principles of Iris Diagnostics" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1974 H. Herget / H. Schimmel (Germany) Wrote: "Fundamental to sign and pigments in the iris and the physiological relationships. " {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1969 Jarosyk Günther (Germany) Malignant wrote an article "Iridologische phenomena of precancer and Processes "Acta biologica VIII2 {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} Took over after the management of EH Kabisch Uslarer circle {www.uslarer-, 2009 # 48} 1971 Jarosyk Günther (Germany) Wrote: "prognosis and diagnosis of myocardial infarction from iridologische view" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4}

Page 26 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 24 1978 Joachim Broy (Germany) Published his first edition of "The constitution, diagnosis and Humoral Therapy ". In this he differed 31 eyes types. (Born 15.07.1921 in Wroclaw, 23.10.2003) {, 21.12.2009 # 38} { / wiki / Jachim_Broy, 21.12.2009 # 39} Günter Jaroszyk and Paul Falkenstein (Germany) Founded the "International Colloquium for ophtalmotrope phenomenology" in Wetzlar. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1980 Josef Deck (Germany) Wrote: "Differentiation of Iris characters." {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1984 Josef Angerer (Germany) Published: "Manual of ocular diagnosis." {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1981 Joachim Broy (Germany) Published in the book by J. Angerer: "Ophthalmotropic phenomenology" the See "The endocrine Cybernetics", and: "The only nervous heart, Methods & Frontiers "{Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1983 Joachim Broy (Germany) Published: "Repertory of Iridology" {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1978 Jarosyk Günther (Germany) Wrote: "ocular diagnosis, experiences and insights." {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1981 Ernst Hugo Kabisch (Germany) Published: "Iris - structure, constitution, pigments" self-published. Also of Kabisch: "The iris pigment" without publishing details. {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1981 Josef Angerer (Germany) Wrote: "Ophthalmotropic phenomenology" Volume 4 {Angerer, 1981 # 24} 1982 Josef Karl (Germany) Post: "epiphysis - pituitary and their representation in the iris", No. 12/82 and "Methodology and limitations of ocular diagnosis" Issue 1/83 {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1984 Gunter Lindemann (Germany) Wrote the first Edition of his textbook: "ocular diagnosis, findings from survey the eye ". {Lindemann, 1992 # 4} 1984 Josef Deck (Germany) Published: "Differentiation of Iris characters." Self-published {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28}

Page 27 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 25 1993 Nico Bose (Germany) Wrote the 4th Edition "The Art of Iridology" {Bose, 1993 # 20} 1985 Mika K. (Germany) Wrote: "Eye diagnosis for Beginners." {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1995 Mika K. (Germany) Wrote: "biochemistry of diabetes mellitus and ophthalmic diagnostic clues." {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1989 W. Hauser / J. Charles / H. Send (Germany) Published: "The practical iris diagnosis. Pastor Felke ", Institute Heimsheim, self-publishing {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} HF 1996 Herget (Germany) Published: "constitutional medicine". Self-published {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1992 Rehwinkel. J. and S. Wenske (Germany) "Eye diagnosis," Amann Publisher {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1984 HW Schimmel 1984 (Germany) Wrote: "the constitution and disposition of the eye", with the support of Company Pascoe. {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 1998 W. Schwarz (Germany) Wrote: "In the eyes read". {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 2002 W. Schwarz (Germany) Wrote "The practice of Iridology," Ariston Verlag {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 2000 Willy Hauser, Josef Karl, Rudolf Stolz (Germany) "Iridology 1, information from texture and color" { / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74} Iridology 2, methodology - phenomena - diseases {Hauser, 2000 # 30} Iridology 3, The spleen in iridology 1996 Hans Hommel (Germany) Published: "Iridology Made Easy" Ariston Health { / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74} 1991 Bernard Jensen (England) "Visions of Health: Understanding Iridology", Avery Publishing Group, publisher { / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74} 2002 Werner Vogt (Germany) "The eye as a mirror of Health" Richard Pflaum Verlag, {, 2002 # 105}

Page 28 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 26 4.5. Research question: Is this literature with their evaluation criteria, a new, relevant starting point, the can be used scientifically? Yes, there are 6 specific documents and evidence, which are used scientifically can. The 6 findings also decisive for the further development of iridology contributed. The 6 lessons: First Madaus 1926 shows that characters grouped into sectors or circular areas, information give to irritation and systemic characteristics of the wearer. Second Thiel 1929, as a critical eye doctor used after extensive field testing as iridology Auxiliary and reference diagnosis. Third Angerer1981 describes the Iris and what phenomena in chemical-hormonal sense, in this the institutions mean. 4th Joachim Broy 1992, describes Iris phenomena are brought into connection biochemical means and so drug intolerance or allergic reactions, explains. 5th Willy Hauser, 2000 et al., Developed with a clear outline of the methodological irides specific characters. 6th John Andrews in 2008, published two books in which characters as Iris and Notes Explanations for psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological events are available. 2006 Dr. Med Ingrid Mueller - Mackert (Germany) "Iridology" {Müller-Mackert, 2006 # 28} 2005 Peter Jackson - London (England) "Practical Iridology" translated from the English, the original appeared 2005 "Practical Iridology at Carroll & Brown, London" {Jackson-Main, 2005 # 27} 2005 John Andrews (England) Published: 2003 "Immunology & Iridology" 2004 "Iris & Pupillary Signs second Edition " 2005 "Emotional Approaches in Iridology" 2006 "Endocrinology & Iridology 2008 "Iris & Pupillary Signs 3rd Edition " {Andrews, 2005 # 25} {Andrews, 2008 # 26} 2008 Joachim Broy "Repertory of Iridology" { / wiki / iridology, 17.11.2009 # 74}

Page 29 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 27 6th Discussion Iridology is still an inadequately documented method. The first step of the assessment, the identification of relevant literature is opened with this work. Further work is needed to iridology in her statement more clearly to . define Optimization potential in this work I see in an extension of iridology - database, Working from the U.S., Russia, Britain, France and other countries. Suggestions for further work: First Research potential I see in Kindeririden. Eg Which characters of father and Mother has been applied? These results are consistent with the theory of heredity? Are it genetically-pathological correlations in the Iris character? Second Networked Research of Neurology, Brain Research, psychiatric and Forensic pathology. Is there Dynamic Iris - types, neurological, impairment or certain crimes which always show? Third How far iridology is the conventional medical system (chronic diseases) Consumables and diagnostic information can be used? 4th Do research the phenomena Iris (pigments, structure) in the context of difficult Diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or psycho-neuro-endocrine- Immunological diseases. 7th Conclusion / Recommendation Data from this study are summarized and promising potential to contain Further research for a possible integration into conventional medicine. Especially in the area Auxiliary diagnosis of chronic complex and hard to diagnose diseases.

Page 30 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 28 Thanksgiving Thanks to all my patients. Thank my parents, who used my home and my animals in my absence. A big thank you to Karin for the corrections and mental support. Thanks Monika is a valuable aid in the environment. Thanks go to all that the condition of my tormented soul-off by the academic and Have supported focus, which does not correspond to my nature, and bear. Many thanks to Prof. Dr. med. Jens Türp to me by the Led work.

Page 31 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 29 Andrews J: Endocrinology & Iridology. Corona Books, Hull, 2005, 1-903358-06-9 Andrews J: Iris & Pupillary Signs. Modern Iridology. Third Ed Corona, 2008, 1 - 903358-07-9 Angerer J: Ophthalmotropic phenomenology, the iris system. First Ed Tibor Marcell Munich 1981, 3-88015-067-2 Bose N: The Art of Iridology, as a mirror of the eye disease and Health. 4th Ed joke Bern 1993, 3-502-67080-3 Ernst E: Iridology: not useful and potentially harmful. Ophthalmology. 2000; Günter K. Krieglstein CPJ C, Maria Severin: Atlas of Ophthalmology. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York, Cologne, 1999, 3-540-64001-0 Hansmann W: Something about "eye diagnosis." German Dental weekly. 1936, 39:361-363 Hauser W, Karl J, Stolz R: iridology 1, information from texture and color. Pressurized and media center Gerlingen GmbH, Heimsheim 2000, 3-933422-03-5 Hense H: Healing System truw. Self-published, 1911, Herber S, Rehbein M, Tepas T, Pohl C, PE 2008 Helps Iridology in For colorectal cancer? The ophthalmologist: 574 Jackson-Main P: Practical Iridology. Oesch Verlag AG, Zurich, Zurich 2005, 3 - 0350-1506-6 Kronenberger B: Iridology. Self-publishing, Kahl am Main in 1931, Larsson MP, NL Stattin, H.: Associations between iris characteristics and personality in adulthood. 2007th 01.02.2007 Lindemann G: ocular diagnosis textbook survey findings from the eye. Pflaum Verlag, Munich, 1992, 3-7905-0646-X Madaus M: textbook Jrisdiagnose. Second Divide Published by P. Rohrmoser, Bonn A. RH, 1926, Margrave A: The genetic information in the visual diagnosis. Energetics Verlag GmbH, Sulzbach / Taunus, Bad Lauterberg 1993, 3-925806-17-2 Müller-Mackert I: Iridology, What the eyes say about your health. Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, Kreuzlingen / Munich, 2006, 3-7205-2716-6 Pierluigi D: Atlas of the world body. Frederking & Thaler, Munich 2006, 3-89405 - 671-1 Rauber / Kopsch: Human Anatomy, Volume 3, Nervous System / Sense Organs. Georg Thieme Verlag, 1987, 3-13-503501-8 Safadi S. 2008. Provide complementary diagnostic iris diagnosis / iridology and dark field microscopy according to Enderlein, the diagnosis of malignancy? Casting: VVB Laufersweiler Verlag, Giessen. Salzer Q: eye diagnosis and occultism. J. Couvreur Publisher, The Hague, Holland, Munich 1925, Schlegel E: The diagnosis of the eyes of Dr. Ignaz Peczely. Publisher of Kruger & Co, Leibzig 1924, 3-936348-01-4 Schumann E: eye diagnosis. Third Ed Hermann Bauer Verlag, Freiburg, 1961, 3-7626-0093-7 Thiel PJ: The eye diagnosis, great historical-critical edition 2, Ed Publisher of Kruger & Co. Leibzig 1929, Wehner R, Gehring W: Zoology. 24th Ed Thieme, Switzerland 2007, 978-3-13 - 367424-9 International College of Iridology. 04.03.2010. / content / liebe_lifestyle / health / healing methods ... Iris - or Eye diagnosis. 22.01.2010. Naturopath School "Josef Angerer". 17.11.2009. Bibliography

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