Page 1 340 years Iridologieliteratur to explore and evaluate members. Literature 1670 to 2010 *** Thesis for Earning Master of Science (MSc) at the Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz / Seggau (
[email protected], presented by Andreas Keinath Graz, in June 2010 Page 2 1 Andreas Keinath, Zurich
[email protected] I hereby certify that this thesis independently, using none other than the have written to the specified tool. Graz, June 2010 Thesis accepted For the purposes of technical research accompanied freedom must in the theses of the Interuniversity College held opinions and conclusions are not those of the supervisor / internal and Cover assessors / internal, but are the responsibility of the authors. Page 3 Andreas Keinath, MSc Thesis 2010 Interuniversity College, Graz / Seggau 1 Contents First SUMMARY 3 Second INTRODUCTION 6 2.1. Target 6 2.2. Current state of knowledge 7 2.2.1. Literature 7 2.2.2. History of Iridology 7 2.2.3. Anatomical Basis of the iris 7 2.2.4. Basics of iridology 8 2.2.5. Scientific studies 8 2.3. Research Question 9 2.4. Hypothesis 9 2.5. Against hypothesis 9 Third METHODOLOGY 10 3.1. Internet search words, inclusion criteria, search engines 11 3.2. Internet structuring criteria 12 3.3. Internet evaluation criteria 12 3.4. Literature inclusion criteria 12 3.5. Literature classification criteria 12 3.6. Literature evaluation criteria 12 3.7. Iridologiespezifische database of identified documents 13 3.8. Review of the identified documents according to defined Evaluation Criteria 13 4th RESULTS 13 4.1.