Theresienstadt Concentration Camp from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Coordinates: 50°30′48″N 14°10′1″E
Create account Log in Article Talk Read Edit View history Theresienstadt concentration camp From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Coordinates: 50°30′48″N 14°10′1″E "Theresienstadt" redirects here. For the town, see Terezín. Navigation Theresienstadt concentration camp, also referred to as Theresienstadt Ghetto,[1][2] Main page [3] was established by the SS during World War II in the fortress and garrison city of Contents Terezín (German name Theresienstadt), located in what is now the Czech Republic. Featured content During World War II it served as a Nazi concentration camp staffed by German Nazi Current events guards. Random article Tens of thousands of people died there, some killed outright and others dying from Donate to Wikipedia malnutrition and disease. More than 150,000 other persons (including tens of thousands of children) were held there for months or years, before being sent by rail Interaction transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied [4] Help Poland, as well as to smaller camps elsewhere. About Wikipedia Contents Community portal Recent changes 1 History The Small Fortress (2005) Contact Wikipedia 2 Main fortress 3 Command and control authority 4 Internal organization Toolbox 5 Industrial labor What links here 6 Western European Jews arrive at camp Related changes 7 Improvements made by inmates Upload file 8 Unequal treatment of prisoners Special pages 9 Final months at the camp in 1945 Permanent link 10 Postwar Location of the concentration camp in 11 Cultural activities and
SS-Totenkopfverbände from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from SS-Totenkopfverbande)
Create account Log in Article Talk Read Edit View history SS-Totenkopfverbände From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from SS-Totenkopfverbande) Navigation Not to be confused with 3rd SS Division Totenkopf, the Waffen-SS fighting unit. Main page This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. No cleanup reason Contents has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can. (December 2010) Featured content Current events This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding Random article citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2010) Donate to Wikipedia [2] SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV), rendered in English as "Death's-Head Units" (literally SS-TV meaning "Skull Units"), was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi SS-Totenkopfverbände Interaction concentration camps for the Third Reich. Help The SS-TV was an independent unit within the SS with its own ranks and command About Wikipedia structure. It ran the camps throughout Germany, such as Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Community portal Buchenwald; in Nazi-occupied Europe, it ran Auschwitz in German occupied Poland and Recent changes Mauthausen in Austria as well as numerous other concentration and death camps. The Contact Wikipedia death camps' primary function was genocide and included Treblinka, Bełżec extermination camp and Sobibor. It was responsible for facilitating what was called the Final Solution, Totenkopf (Death's head) collar insignia, 13th Standarte known since as the Holocaust, in collaboration with the Reich Main Security Office[3] and the Toolbox of the SS-Totenkopfverbände SS Economic and Administrative Main Office or WVHA.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Honors Theses University Honors Program 5-2006 A Youth in Upheaval! Christine E. Nagel Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Nagel, Christine E., "A Youth in Upheaval!" (2006). Honors Theses. Paper 330. This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the University Honors Program at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact A Youth in Upheaval! Christine E. Nagel University Honors Thesis Dr. Thomas F. Thibeault May 10,2006 A Youth in Upheaval Introduction The trouble started for the undesirables when the public systems started being filtered. Jewish and other non Aryan businesses were being boycotted. The German people (not including Jews and other non Aryans) were forbidden to use these businesses. They could not shop in their grocery stores. Germans could not bring their finances to their banks. It eventually seemed best not to even loiter around these establishments of business. Not stopping there, soon Jewish people could no longer hold occupations at German establishments. Little by little, the Jewish citizens started losing their rights, some even the right to citizenship. They were forced to identifY themselves in every possible way, wherever they went, so that they were detectable among the Germans. The Jews were rapidly becoming cornered. These restrictions and tragedies did not only affect the adults. Children were affected as well, if not more. Soon, they were not allowed to go to the movies, own bicycles, even be out in public without limitations.
Nationalsozialistische Schulverwaltung in Hamburg. Vier Führungspersonen
H H H F HF Hamburger Historische Forschungen | Band 1 Hamburger Historische Forschungen | Band 12 Uwe Schmidt Nationalsozialistische Schul- verwaltung in Hamburg Nach dem Machtwechsel in Hamburg Neben Karl Witt waren dies die Prote- wurde am 8. März 1933 die Schulver- gés des Gauleiters und Reichsstatthal- Vier Führungspersonen waltung dem Deutschnationalen und ters Karl Kaufmann Wilhelm Schulz, späteren Nationalsozialisten Karl Witt Albert Henze und Ernst Schrewe. Ihre unterstellt. Umgestellt auf das natio- Nähe zum Machtzentrum um Kauf- nalsozialistische Führungsprinzip wur- mann führte zu sehr unterschiedlichen de sie in zunehmendem Maße für die formalen wie informellen Verankerun- Durchsetzung nationalsozialistischer gen in den Mechanismen des poly- Erziehungsvorstellungen instrumen- kratischen nationalsozialistischen talisiert. Diese wurden vor allem über Systems. Der politische Druck, der von die Personen durchgesetzt, welche die der Spitze der Schulverwaltung auf die Behörde leiteten oder aber durch in- Schulen ausgeübt wurde, verstärkte formell ausgeübte Macht dominierten. sich seit Kriegsbeginn und erreichte sei- Verdeutlicht wird daher die Position nen Höhepunkt in der Machtfülle und der vier schulbezogenen Funktionsträ- rücksichtslosen Machtausübung des ger im Macht- und Herrschaftssystem nationalsozialistischen Senatsdirektors des Hamburger Nationalsozialismus. und Gauschulungsleiters Albert Henze. Nationalsozialistische Schulverwaltung in Hamburg ISBN 978-3-937816-49-4 ISSN 1865-3294 2 Hamburg University Press Nationalsozialistische
Programm Jan–Mär 2016 1 NS-Dokumentationszentrum München – Lernen Und Erinnern Am Historischen Ort Programm 1/2016
Programm Jan–Mär 2016 1 NS-Dokumentationszentrum München – Lernen und Erinnern am historischen Ort Programm 1/2016 Im neuen Jahr setzt das im Mai 2015 eröffnete NS-Dokumentationszentrum München sein Veranstaltungsprogramm mit Filmen, Konzerten, Lesungen, Diskussionsrunden und einem Zeitzeugengespräch fort. Im Rahmenprogramm zu unserer aktuellen Sonderausstellung „Der Warschauer Aufstand 1944“, die noch bis Ende Februar zu sehen sein wird, veranstalten wir in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern aus Polen einen Vortrag und drei Podiumsdiskussionen mit Experten aus beiden Ländern. Die Verbrechen und der Terror im besetzen Polen, dessen Kultur und Staat zerstört werden sollten, sind bis heute in Deutschland zu wenig bekannt. Am Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus widmen wir uns der Verfolgung der Zeugen Jehovas. Weitere Themen sind u.a. Jugend- kultur und Opposition, Wirtschaft und Konsum sowie Verfolgung und Terror in der NS-Zeit. Außerdem setzen wir die Konzertreihe „Feindsender – Jazz im zeitlichen Umfeld der Nazi-Diktatur“ fort. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus, in dem Recht und Freiheit mit Füßen getreten wurden, kann helfen, besser zu erkennen, was das Wesen der Demokratie ausmacht und wie wir für deren Schutz ein- treten können. Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit der anders Denkenden, Glaubenden, Lebenden und Aussehenden. Dies steht jeden Tag aufs Neue auf dem Prüfstand. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Nerdinger Gründungsdirektor Foto: Orla Connolly/NS-Dokumentationszentrum Programmübersicht 1.1.– 31.3.2016
Swingjugendliche in Hamburg Swing in Deutschland Auch auf kulturellem Gebiet beabsichtigten die Nationalsozialisten jegliche ihnen nicht genehme »undeutschen« Kultureinflüsse auszumerzen. Doch zwischen ideologischem Anspruch einerseits und wirtschaftlichen Interessen andererseits klaffte eine gewaltige Lücke. Amerikanische Musik und Filme 5 kamen nach 1933 weiterhin nahezu unzensiert nach Deutschland. Ein Grund waren die langfristigen Lizenzverträge zwischen Firmen aus beiden Staaten. Bis 1939 hielten sich die deutsche Außen- und Wirtschaftspolitik die Türen nach Großbritannien noch weit offen, nach Amerika sogar noch bis 1941. Daher gab es Jazzplatten zu kaufen, liefen amerikanische Filme in den Kinos und spielten zunächst die deutschen Rundfunksender noch Jazzmusik in ihren Programmen. 10 […] Doch die Überwachung aller Programme der vielen Tanzorchester sowie der zahllosen Neuerscheinungen von Notenblättern aktueller englischsprachiger Songs auf der Suche nach »nichtarischen« Künstlern bzw. »undeutscher « Musik war schon aus personellen Gründen durch die Reichsmusikkammer nicht zu leisten. Die regelmäßig veröffentlichten schwarzen Listen mit unerwünschten Musiktiteln hinkten den Neuerscheinungen beständig monatelang hinterher. 15 […] Viele Tanzorchester umgingen mögliche Programmzensuren der Reichskulturkammer, indem sie Jazztitel als unverfänglichen Foxtrott deklarierten, denn natürlich wollte das Publikum ab 1933 nicht schlagartig keine moderne englischsprachige Tanzmusik mehr hören — im Gegenteil. Hinzu kam, dass der Jazz in den
Holocaust Glossary A ● Allies: 26 nations led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union that opposed Germany, Italy, and Japan (known as the Axis powers) in World War II. ● Antisemitism: Hostility toward or hatred of Jews as a religious or ethnic group, often accompanied by social, economic, or political discrimination. (USHMM) ● Appellplatz: German word for the roll call square where prisoners were forced to assemble. (USHMM) ● Arbeit Macht Frei: “Work makes you free” is emblazoned on the gates at Auschwitz and was intended to deceive prisoners about the camp’s function (Holocaust Museum Houston) ● Aryan: Term used in Nazi Germany to refer to non-Jewish and non-Gypsy Caucasians. Northern Europeans with especially “Nordic” features such as blonde hair and blue eyes were considered by so-called race scientists to be the most superior of Aryans, members of a “master race.” (USHMM) ● Auschwitz: The largest Nazi concentration camp/death camp complex, located 37 miles west of Krakow, Poland. The Auschwitz main camp (Auschwitz I) was established in 1940. In 1942, a killing center was established at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II). In 1941, Auschwitz-Monowitz (Auschwitz III) was established as a forced-labor camp. More than 100 subcamps and labor detachments were administratively connected to Auschwitz III. (USHMM) Pictured right: Auschwitz I. B ● Babi Yar: A ravine near Kiev where almost 34,000 Jews were killed by German soldiers in two days in September 1941 (Holocaust Museum Houston) ● Barrack: The building in which camp prisoners lived. The material, size, and conditions of the structures varied from camp to camp.
Dissertation Committee for Michael James Schmidt Certifies That This Is the Approved Version of the Following Dissertation
Copyright by Michael James Schmidt 2014 The Dissertation Committee for Michael James Schmidt certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: The Multi-Sensory Object: Jazz, the Modern Media, and the History of the Senses in Germany Committee: David F. Crew, Supervisor Judith Coffin Sabine Hake Tracie Matysik Karl H. Miller The Multi-Sensory Object: Jazz, the Modern Media, and the History of the Senses in Germany by Michael James Schmidt, B.A. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin August 2014 To my family: Mom, Dad, Paul, and Lindsey Acknowledgements I would like to thank, above all, my advisor David Crew for his intellectual guidance, his encouragement, and his personal support throughout the long, rewarding process that culminated in this dissertation. It has been an immense privilege to study under David and his thoughtful, open, and rigorous approach has fundamentally shaped the way I think about history. I would also like to Judith Coffin, who has been patiently mentored me since I was a hapless undergraduate. Judy’s ideas and suggestions have constantly opened up new ways of thinking for me and her elegance as a writer will be something to which I will always aspire. I would like to express my appreciation to Karl Hagstrom Miller, who has poignantly altered the way I listen to and encounter music since the first time he shared the recordings of Ellington’s Blanton-Webster band with me when I was 20 years old.
Name _____________________________________________Date_____________ Teacher____________________________________________ Period___________ Holocaust Research Topics Directions: Select a topic from this list. Circle your top pick and one back up. If there is a topic that you are interested in researching that does not appear here, see your teacher for permission. Events and Places Government Programs and Anschluss Organizations Concentration Camps Anti-Semitism Auschwitz Book burning and censorship Buchenwald Boycott of Jewish Businesses Dachau Final Solution Ghettos Genocide Warsaw Hitler Youth Lodz Kindertransport Krakow Nazi Propaganda Kristalnacht Nazi Racism Olympic Games of 1936 Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust -boycott controversy -Jewish athletes Nuremburg Race laws of 1935 -African-American participation SS: Schutzstaffel Operation Valkyrie Books Sudetenland Diary of Anne Frank Voyage of the St. Louis Mein Kampf People The Arts Germans: Terezín (Theresienstadt) Adolf Eichmann Music and the Holocaust Joseph Goebbels Swingjugend (Swing Kids) Heinrich Himmler Claus von Stauffenberg Composers Richard Wagner Symbols Kurt Weill Swastika Yellow Star Please turn over Holocaust Research Topics (continued) Rescue and Resistance: Rescue and Resistance: People Events and Places Dietrich Bonhoeffer Danish Resistance and Evacuation of the Jews Varian Fry Non-Jewish Resistance Miep Gies Jewish Resistance Oskar Schindler Le Chambon (the French town Hans and Sophie Scholl that sheltered Jewish children) Irena Sendler Righteous Gentiles Raoul Wallenburg Warsaw Ghetto and the Survivors: Polish Uprising Viktor Frankl White Rose Elie Wiesel Simon Wiesenthal Research tip - Ask: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? questions. .
The Holocaust (Shoah) (1939-1945) This essay is not meant to be comprehensive. Rather, this is a narrative summary of my presentation. Holocaust historian Karl Schleunes wrote about the “Twisted Road to Auschwitz” that explored how the Nazis ended up building camps of mass murder. It is a useful description as it allows us to blend together some of the myriad forces acting together to create a “perfect storm.” As survivor Emil Fackenheim writes, “The murder camp was not an accidental by-product of the Nazi empire. It was its essence.” Nazi Germany was on a trajectory of mass murder and atrocity from its onset. The unfolding of genocides in Europe is a complex phenomenon, but for our purposes we will focus on: Nazi “ideology” and the bureaucratic, competitive, feudal nature of the Nazi state; process and innovation; Hitler’s function as leader and individual initiatives of “working towards the Führer”; the influence of the unfolding wartime situation; and the influence of location, specifically Eastern Europe. Ideology is not something that can be imposed “from the top.” Rather, ideology is a packaged expression of cultural symbols, desires, and perspectives that “make sense” to a public at large. Holocaust historian Doris Bergen sums up Nazi ideology with the phrase, “Race and Space.” Nazism was rooted in racial theory that had become popular within professional circles by the turn of the twentieth century. For the Nazis, “racial” survivor was predicated on a social Darwinist view of natural competition and survival. Not only was it necessary to weed out “threatening” gene pools from the “Aryan” it was also necessary for the “Aryan” to find living space or lebensraum.
Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Electronic Theses and Dissertations Graduate Studies, Jack N. Averitt College of Winter 2014 Nazi Ideology and the Pursuit of War Aim: 1941-45 Kenneth Burgess Follow this and additional works at: Part of the European History Commons, and the Military History Commons Recommended Citation Burgess, Kenneth, "Nazi Ideology and the Pursuit of War Aim: 1941-45" (2014). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1204. This thesis (open access) is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Studies, Jack N. Averitt College of at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies Electronic Theses & Dissertations (COGS ) Winter 2014 NAZI IDEOLOGY AND THE PURSUIT OF WAR AIMS: 1941-45. Kenneth B. Burgess II 1 NAZI IDEOLOGY AND THE PURSUIT OF WAR AIMS: 1941-45 by KENNETH BERNARD BURGESS II (UNDER DIRECTION OF BRIAN K. FELTMAN) ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to examine what can be considered a military blunder on the part of the Nazi Germans. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany launched a massive invasion into the Soviet Union and Soviet territories. The political goals of Operation Barbarossa were to seize hold of the expanses of land belonging to the Soviet Union. This would serve as the foundation for increased agricultural production and the enslavement of any remaining Slavic people for the supposed greater good Germany.