(wng Vus/on)

Current National Fioonce Pra,>/sion requires two/unding Slages: Short Tum (0 /0 j yr(Us) - implemenlQllon - llousing and New cnlerpriM! Zone. umg Term (5 /0 10 yeors)· implemefl/alion - Roill RODd ruminal and Road Corulruclion. Aim - Reduced Traffic Congestion - Improved Public Health -Employment Growth The principal element 'protection ' within the strategic vision is missing from Ihe current proposalsfor the South Core Strategy.

WhilstlhcN are many imponanl1l1t'aS in South Wiltshire nceding protection, then: nn: two special ones which need careful consideration; these are th e World Heritage si te and the city ofSaJisbury.

Howe,'cr, thcre is one additional an:a that is even more important than these two; the healtb of tbe titiunJ orSa l ~ bul')' must rTmain the m~ 1 important area (or protect"'o,

It is essent ial to take note of 'The Eddington Transpon Study 2006' prepared by the Department orrransport and HM Treas ury, Paragraph 4,76 explains that:

KWhere additional housing is needed 10 SUppM the continued sucocss ora grov,.ing area. panicuhuly to maintain and expand i151oilour m:ui;et catchment, it is intuitive that in S(lUle cireumslDneeS, new or impro\'ed lranspon connections will be nccdcd to deliver agglomeration benefits. That is not to say that housing poliey should simply drh'e tmnspOn needs: the imponance ofcost-effective policy making applies here as in any other area. The loclltion of new housing, its transport and other in(nu tructun n:quirements all need to be pllnned toge ther In o rder to mlximise the auill ble benefits, This is I n I rtll which needs a much improved evidence hase in order 10 support robust d«isioD mlkiDI",

, On 29 September 2009. The Government Office ror the South West commented to the Wiltshire Sratitll Planning Team that:

~T h cre . ... peal'll to be !Ome ~ nru s i ou about whatlm... rovements are nreded to local transport networks. DC'Vc lopmenttcm... latl'S appear to raise the po$!I ibility of 'major transport ~uirt'menU' . 1I0wC'Vc r, h.,cd on the ~rc: strategy itselr, we are undcr the impres!ion tbtlhere ne no major capital schemes, hut ratber a mil of muth more modest measures. If the latter I.s the ease then tbe ~re ! tl'1l tCf()' sbould uy!O more explicitly and frame the dC'Vdopment of lhe transport stralegy in ways that avoid raising upt<:t. tions about Its co ntent.

HowC'Ve r, we do bavc several co nccl'1l! about tome or the clarity and effcc:tivenC$l of the Urateg)'.

They are lbted below. Thert' nreds to be:

• a more delinite and elCllrt'r framework for the future of Amt!lbury; • 10fol'1lla tioo 00 tb e location and role or'areal of search'; • clarification of how development will be delivered alODg.'Iid c the in fnutrueture occ:ts.'Iary to support il; • a fuller uplanation of the redevelopment of tbe 'Cburehfields' l it e; • a cicarc:r explanation orlhe relalioo.sbip of the South Witt, hire core strategy to Ibe emerging Wilu hlre Core Strategy and otber Development Plan Documents."

On 30 September 2009. the Senior PlanninB Officer. South West Councils. commemed to the Sp!ltiai Pl anning South, Wi llShire Counci l in that:

.. Tran ~ port .

We note tbat inilial modelling including partnersbip work witb tbe Hilt,hways Agency bu concluded tbl ttbe trao.sport network., with improvements will be able to l upporllevels of growth u pla nned for tbe Core Strategy. But it b not clear 11.'1 to whetber Soutb Wiltshirt"s public transport system is capable to support the level of growth proposed.

IntC1!raled Ddivery Plan.

It is nol t lear from the delivery plan how mutb money will be required 10 deliver essential inrraslrud urr. Also, tbe deUvery plan Is only very general .. bout wben Infraslrutlure and otber d~ cJOp m e n l will have been delivered. , II would ba'·te hun u.crul had Ihe Tran.pon Slralep h«n puhli'hedtogether wilh Ihr So~ Slnlllm ~ubmi••ion r amr.

It is the ~ro~ not ~Ih l e ror us to appr«iatte ifthte melUUrc:s identified In the Transpon St .... ttgy a~ appropriately aligned with Ihe phasin g of major den:~ lopmcnl « hemn.

J}teveloj>Cn aDd oIli er siakte hoiden will n«d 10 havte I clear pictu~ which lransport mell.'l ures will n«d 10 be (unded Ind implteme nled to support dC'·clopmenl, i.e. nn straltcgie Jit es, in oruer 10 factor auocilted costs inlo their investment pl ans."

The Regional Spalilll Strategy Stud y Objectives produced by Atkins Consultancy includes:

TR3: create a s«ond re-glona l roulte from in order 10 .-Nuce Ihe re!liliencte of . the inler-regional ne twork and mainlain Ihte So ulh West's comptcl;VteD6!..

Furthennore they also S\.(lle:

2.13 The sp«ilt Strategy siaies Ihlt 10 deliver a mor"fc sustainlbte region and enm m unities. tbter"fc must be "s i g nifi ~a nl change at 2 I Strategically Significant C ilies and Town." (SSCI). Silisbury Is one tllte sscr In Wi1t J bi ~, Ihte Spltial Stralc-gy th er"fc ro~ hll.'l I n im portant role in developiog Salis bury's I",nsport straltgy.

2.14 In addition 10 this, the RSS chlraclerisc:s th e A36 (that pants through Salisbury) IS a " Region.lly Significant ROld", wbieh means that its, " upkeep and ml nagement is tsSentislllo the efficient (unctioning and th e movemenl of goods a~r05S the region".

Finall y, they say al:

2.7 Delinring a Sustainablte Transport Systtem I'«ClgniKS that tb e~ I ~ multiple cballenges for tranJport, not only in tenns o( climate chlng~ productivity and eomptctiventsS, huillso in terms of helping to tlckite deep­ seated dcpriution, addrasing poor hH ltb oulC1lmes amongst many C1Immunities. improwing tn msport sarety Ind s«urity, and prol«ling Datural and urbaD env;ronmeDu.

Consi dering all tbe ahowe, including thte . Iatement thlt th ~ mwing element in the cur~nt SWCS is ' protectiOD', it is recommended that th te (ollowing major ch. nge!l lo Ih t SWCS . hould be iDtmdU«t.l: , Si te AII~ations for new Housing

The following areas are not aee.!ptable for new housing:

Hampton Park

TI)is must remain a rcscrvoo area for the I:(Instruetion ofa single road Salisbury Outer Ring ~,.

The present traffic flows alnng the Salisbury Inner Ring (Churchill Way) ereate considemble congestion al daily peak times and is rc:spons.ible for pollution affecting Ihe local inhabitants.

The introduction of9900 houses will produce an increase in car usage and this, together with the forecast growth oftraOk will justify a Salisbury Outer Ring road.

It is important 10 accept lhat. with nine major roads leading inlO the city ofSaJisbury and , ",ithout an Outer Ring Rood 10 take much o f lhis traffie, the pollution levels could increase significantly following Ihe expected Stov.1h of traffic.

It is therefore hoped Ihal. those local people who oppose the need for an Outer Ring Road. will now aceept thot the public health and protection of citizens from potential long-term illness. should override their reluctance 10 support the removal of1m me congestion pollution by the introduction ofan Outer Ring road for the c ily.

Fuggleolonc RtiI _ UKI. F - Imcrys OU.ITV

This area needs to be developed lIS a replacement for the Churehfields Busine511 Sile. Some forty years ago, wnen the Church fields site was considered $uil.D ble for businc:ss development. it was not envisaged that the area would in that short time be oven:rowded and quitc unsuitable for further expansion. It is now essential to ensure !hat II replaccmet1t area is large enough nnd in a suitnble position not only 10 allow e~pansion during tnc next forty years, but possibly beyond tIlaltimc. Furthermore, ifa.xcss to the new site is by a new road system and a rail s iding facility an excellent opportunity would be availnble for fulure trade and employment growth.

It is therefore strongly 1"C(:0mmended that. FuggJestone Red, UKLF and Im erys area is selecled as a 'NEW ENTERPRISE ZONE' large enough for all the Churchfields current businesses 10 n:main logethCT. Funhermorc, the size ofthe Zone orca will enable major business e:

l1te UKLF silc area already oontains majorcalering facilities, which ifrrtaincd could be highly beneficial. particularly in the early )'cars of the build-up ofthc new site.

"The rail siding ewn:nlly located at lmel)'S will enable the introduction o f rail movcment to Colnbrook Incinerator Site (already wilh rail ac:cess) for 'household and business wasle' from • South Wiltshire, and pom;ibly cl5ewh~ in the Collllty. This opmttion could remove many hund~ of HGVs from the road, thereby offcting a potential redllCtion in pollution in WillShire, Hl1ITlpshire and Berkshire.

llle main entrance: to the new New Enterprise Zone will be on the Wilton A"enllC road, thllS the t.... ,o entrances located on the AJ6 Wilton road will not be required for the movement of large vehi cles.

With the introduction of the 'online', WintenJow Road, A34S,A360, ' Realignment plan'. for the A303 Sloru:hengc bypass the Zone wnuld be eminently suitable for a prineipal 'rail to rolld' enntainer distribution tenniMI. Thi~ potentinl could be hil&hly relevant should a new 'Container Tenninal' be fi nally built at Dibden Bay near Southampton. Conlllincr movement might be by rail from Soulhampton to Salisbury new tenninal with further movement by road to the South West.

The implemeallltion ofthe A303 Re·a/ignmcnt road ....,ould enable the removal ofall traffic from the World Hctil.8ge sitc 8t Stonehenge. This "'Ould provide the opponunity to locate a , 'final long·h.'nn Visitor Centre', below ground on the already fouled roadway ground on the eastern side of King Barrows Ridge. The dual carriageway running easl to COllllleSS Island would be used as the Visitor Centre car parking area.lhus enabling visiton to park a car or coach and walk the shon distancc to the Stones. This would free English Hctitage from any costly need to provide spccialtrrutSpon li ft as is required lor their eurrent plans for a tempol'lll)' Visitor Centre at ' Airman's Cross'. This e)(ccIJent 'on·sitc' below ground Visitor Centre "'Ould prob.1bly bring additional business!O . espedally as the new site 'Servicc Road' (the prescnt London road) wnuld lead directly into the town.

As the A303 Re-alignment Road (introduced for the iong-tenn preservation of the Stonehenge World Hcril.8ge Site) wnuld pass close to the Nonhem end ofthe New Entelprise Zone, there "'Ould be easy movement for all vehicles. especially JlGVs, to travel in almo,t any direo::tion without entcting the innCT rood arelIS ofSalisbury city.

It needs to be especially noted by WillShire Council that. the A303 Re·alignment plan directly funded by Government. wnuld provide the long-awaited County RcliefRoad thereby afTonling protection from heavy ll'affie for villages in the Wylye Valley. lbc Government funded plan would also provide a significant section ofa Salisbury Outer Ring Road. Finally, there wnuld be an opponunily for aJl I ~GV Irnffic at present using the A338 running through the villages in the Bourne Valley, to use the new A303 road and the Salisbury Outer Ring Rood when ll'a"elling towards the 50uth ofSnlisbury.

Churehfidd ~ Engine ShIM! Are.

n.c site would require significant cost 10 clear the fouled ground for housing development So, it is recommended !hat the site is not used for new housin" but used instead as Ihe main 'ear par\(' for mil users, beeausc Ihe current ear, park area is totally inadequate for an incre/ISC ofrail passenger !DO'o U iK1lL Moreover. in a bid to attract inereasod passenger traffic, consideration should be gin~n for its use lIS an innovative new facility to be barrier controlled. thus enabling the display o f a rail ticket on exit to entitle the: driver to 'Free Parking'; such incentives for increased rail usage arc important.

The current Station ear parking area should be designed and used as a BuslRail terminal, taxi and short-term car/passenger pick·up point. Both local and Park alld Ride bus services should deliver ond collect rail passengers at the new TermiM1.

Further study should be made for the: widcr usc of the rai11ine running north through the County o f Wiltshill) from Salisbury Station.


• Majorchangcs arc rccommendcd for the current South Wiltshire COil) Strategy. • No housing should be allocated to Hampton Pllrlt; this must be n:served for the northern section ora Salisbury Outer Ring Road. • No housing should be allocated at Fugglestone Red or UKLF. These ar=

• TranJport and Infr&!l trueture requinments Deed to be pla nned 10000etb er.

• There appears 10 be some confusion about what improvements are nceded to local lranspon networks.

• The delivery plan is only geneml about infmstructull) and development.

• A maj or HI~ t-wcst route is needed through Ihe Couuty orWiltJbirc_

• A sustainable trnnspOr1 system recognises challenges for IllInSpo r1, and in par1i ~ ul nr addresses lhe problems of public health.

The newly published 'Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership Proposal' explains that Wi ltshi re is swtegicaJly placed as a gateway to, and from. the South West of England and its CCOOOfIly reflects its outward-fw; ing strong economic links to all points o f tile compass.

T he Refin ed Core Strategy for South Wiltshire now offers, ' Reduced Traffic Congesti on, lmproYed Public Rea lth a nd Employ ment Growth' _

11 is important 10 cxplnin llml in the year 2000, Councill or Juli lUt Johnson, ehainnan of Wi ltshire County Council's Environment and Transpon Committec said that the fu ll b)'llllS$ (outer ring road) was Ihe only solution to Salisbury's wffie problems, and that he believed it ....,ould eventually be built. He further explained that the Govemmenl al that time had ' too simpli$lie' IllInSpon policies, a new reality had arrived recently wi th more o f a pro-roads approach.

, Finally, the immediate w; tion should be to:

• Refine the South Wiltshire Core Suucrure plan, so that Ilnm pto n Park, Fugglestone Red, UKLF, IUtd Chun:hfields Engine Shed areas are re moved from the list of sites allocated for Housing.

• Initiate plans and seek financial suppon to decant suitable businesses from Cllut(:hfields s ile to the NEW ENTERPRISE ZONE site at Fugglestone Red, UKLF and !merys. Prepare un advertising programme to lI\1rael new businesses to the NEW ENTERPRISE ZONE.

• Publish a ' Reservation Order' for Hampton Park, and re-survey the ground previously identi fied for II Salisbury Outer Ring mad ....i th the aim ofeonstruetion at a 'Long Tenn' date, when Government fundiog becomes available.

• Request the Govemment to re-exnmine the 2004, A303 Re-aJignmcnt plan, for the rcmovol ofall traffic fro m the Stonehenge Wo rld Heri tage Site, so that 81 II ' Long - Tenn' date, when funds become available, II new A303 ' Through County' dual earriagcwlly is constructed. This wi ll fi nal ly solve: the long-tc:nn solution for the protection Qlld introduction ofa World Class Visitor Centre for use by the mousands ofpeople who come from many comers oftile World to sec: this 'Outstanding Icon'.

• Prepare: II t....,o phase plQll of li ve and ten ye:lrs, for implementation o f tile RI-:FINED SOUTH W IL TSIllRE CORE STRAn:GY PLAN. Implemeot the NEW J.; NTERPRISE ZONE and the HOUSING R EQUIR EMENT in tile first phase, and the SALISBURY OUTER RING ROAD and the AJ03 REALIGNMENT PLAN in the second phase. • FinaUy ensure the FUTURE PROTECTION of Soulh Wiltshire by the eventual ful l implementntion oflhe Rn'IN E!) CORE STRATEGY .


Reduted Traffic Congestion - Improved Public Health

Emp!oyment Growth ~npGale

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------Dl; OpIloo

The imponuncc ofthe new seheme lies not only in the long-term proleetion of the Nations iconic heritage 31 Stonehenge_ but also in the wider prolcelion of the medieval city of Salisbury and surrounding villages. The proposed mainly on-line construction should minimise the impact on the environment ofthe special area of the World Heritage site and lin.;llly provide an cast west major through roUle for lroffie moving lhrough this pan of South Wiltshire. Its closeness to the proposed new Enterprise Zone west of the city will olTer considerable advantages for business traffic using the Zone. The costs and benefits (COBA) o f the seheme are calculated over the Design life (usually 30 years): these include construction. accident and ,·chicle opcrnting costs (usually the dominant factor).

The serious transpon issues and lhe heritage and environmental challenges facing Stonehenge are ofnutional and imemmional significance and clearly require a solution. lbe blight of modem troffic on the monument hus to be addressed. and the experience for visitors improved to match its exceptional heritage SI01US. We also havc a duty to cnsure thai the world sees Englan d us a responsible custodian for the sustainable future of a deeply cherished inheritance. (En!{liJh fleritage October 2005) A

This S(."Clion off()3(l is on the same liml as the Wylyc Valley Relief Road which was ori l;inally prepared for funding by Wiltshire County CoullCi1. The f1.mding requirement by WilLShire Council would not now be rcquimi lIS it would be provided by the Government.


AI the western end ofthe proposed Wylye Valley Relief Road.,.,.'O al/ernUli ..e rolltes are shown. They arc included in !he A303 Realignment P]IIJ1!O offer the possibility for local residents 10 have a choice ofwllich line a new roDd might tnke. This would provide a southern bypass for Winlerboume Stoke.


This link is part ortho 'Yellow Route' that formed the northern route in thc earlier plWlS for a Salisbury northern bypass. ·c

A proposal with an alternative for the Salisbury Eastern Link, published at the Scplanbcr 1999 Salisbury Transport Sludy Consultation .. This section 1II'aS also part oflhe 'Yellow Route' in the earlier plMS for a Salisbury bypass.


Accepting thaI the l'aiervc runway must rerT1uin npcnlliollll.l ot all times, Government approval v" Quld be required for the road to cross under it.. A tunnel coll5lruClion using the same tcchnique used lit Junction ISA of the MI . could be carried out. This tcchnique is called 'Box Jueking' l1l1d whilsi already used on railways, il is a new innovation for roads. The 4S·metre lunnclat the Ml ooslupproximately HM. The road then runs wcst 10 co·locate with the AJ4S. The position ofthe new road would offer a 'back enlr.inCe' fo r BoSl:Ombe Down airfield and 111$0 a potential direct link into Porton Down complell.


'Th.i$ option would see the new road cutting in elose to the western side of Old Sarom, then moving dOl'oTI 10 the river A\'On and up on the north east shoulder ofthe Deviscs road.

The Aim

I. The ui m of the AJOJ Rcalignment Plan is the full protection ofthe World Heri\.:lge site Ht Stonehenge and its archaeology forever. 2. The objectivcs ofthis Plan are to: o ensure WI the :rtrnlegie implications ofany road improvements in So uth Wiltshire an: fully considered for the long term, o remove. lIS fur us possible aJl20th Century detritus from the WHS, o maximize the usc ofGovenunent fund ing and Il(hieve 'best value'. A 1If"{iMd C..... S/lprl9)' " o consider whether othc:r loeaJ road scJlc,mcs can be: incorporated in !he plan 10 impro,·c traffie movemc:nt in the area lIS a whole, o gi ve ellldul considcrntion for the environment, C:SpC'Cially the future of local villages Uwt suffer from hc:\Vy through traffie, o minimize the: damagiog ellect ofnew road construction on the open countryside by co-loeating with existing roads as far lIS possible, o locate the new road to achieve maximum reduetion o fpollutioo le"cl$ and thereby protc<:tthe health ofthe population.

Advantages and Disadvantages

T he "duntaget of the new .wheme are tbat il will:

I. remove the: problem of groWld destruction and damage to IUChaeological sites within the World Heritage Site. 2. support the: A30J/A30 corridor lIS a strategic corridor 10 the South West. 3. be consistent "ith plans and policies at natioMI. regional and IoeDl level to upgrnd<: this strategie roule 10 the SQuth.",'CSi. 4. provide a long·awaited bypass lor the medieval city ofSalisbury. This would provide benefits to the city and would support policy objectives 10 enhance the city's aceessibility and attractiveness lIS a place to live, shop, wort and visit 5. be: consistent with the Transportation Strategy for Salisbwy, the Local Plan :md the Salisbury and Wilton Local Transport Plan. 6. suppor1 re levant Local Plan policies 10 encournge consetYtltion oftbe built eovironment. cnrourage tourism and promote the vitality and viability ofloeal communities. 7. bring Dmajor important road very close to the: city ofSalisbwy and in particular provide a link with the proposed new business part at Fugglcstooe Red thereby enhmlcing the future opportunity for businesses to prosper. 8. reduce the operoting costs for those busines.ses in the Salisbury area that need quiek access to the: major east "'-est road system. 9. enable the: A343 designated Salisbwy route from the Al03 near Andover, to be re-dc:signated further along the: Al03 WC$L ",ith traffic remaining 00 the new A303 until the jW\Ction at the Beehive Ill'CIIjust north ofSalisbwy. This will reduce the: traffic that may approach overload on the A343 by 2023. 10. reduec traffic on Castle Road, and the city inner ring road, by the: availability of the eastern link road. A siJl.Oifieant reduction of~ I GV$ would be seen in thc eity area. 11. provide bener $Ilfcty for the children at the La\'CTS!ock S(:hools by removing the ' rat runniog' traffic along the school road. 12. reduce the pollution on the Salisbury city inner ring and the helI.vily polluted area in Wilton. 13. provide an excellent feeder route with easy access 10 the Park and Rides on lhe north and west of the City. 14. on the long drive between London and , provide motorists with an excellent opportunity to U1ke a short period ofrest by using the Park and rude fltCi lity 10 visit the: City. IS. by the removal ofa significant volume o flmme from Salisbury. offer the redooion in vehide exhaust emi$$iOll$that could potentially damage the hisrorie fabric of the city. 16. finally, allow a series of' walu' to be established around the outside of the Stonehenge con:: area, thus giving visitors an opportunity to sec and understand the historic landscape from diffen::nt areas and angles. 17. Rcm(wc the requirement for Wiltshin:: Council to fund the major section of the Salisbury bypass. Allow much better provision o f safer cycle routes follo",;ng \.he removal of much o f the heavy traffic from the city area..

I. cause motorists on \he new A) O) to drive a further distance Ihus increasing their costs. Although, this could be almost negligible for those travelling long­ distance. for example between London and Exeter. local dri\'ers will experience a di s-benefit in cost.

2. not be po!i$ible to ensun:: that every house along the route is well clear ofthe route line. However, with tOOay's excellentlechniques for landscaping, road engineers an: capable of designing and constructing out.standing road works in the countrys ide. A good example ofthe mitigation that is pos.siblc can be SI..~n on the Newbury bypass. Not only docs the 'land fit' oflhe road now look e x~ellent , but much wild life has now begun to filter into the side areas that looked so bare just aner tonstroction. There is evCTY possibility Ihat a design consultant will be able to show how Ihe road envisaged can be well tucked into the local landscape.

) not be possible 10 cross Ihe Woodford Valley except by a bridge. Mindful of the faet that the valley is 91:.ms long and the bridge would be located at the southern end. the environmental impact on the valley would be n::$tricted to D very small area. This project would be a real ~hallenge for bridge designers to how how perhaps a 'slim-line' struemn:: could be filted without too much negative effect on the landscape. This is possibly the most scnsitive area of the new scheme and it has to be accepted that withoullhis crossing the new scheme would not be possible. The environmental cost of ac«pting Ihis bridge offers the opponunity of providing the -Iong-lerm' full protectinn to the World Heritage Site. It is probably one ofthe most important decisions thai must be made in n::$pec! ofenvironmental and arcbaeological protection. There is the possibi lity ofa low-level bridge crossing close to Old 5anJm western edge.

4. be close and will be seen from some pans. but not all, ofthe ancient monument 3t Old Sarum.

5. mean that in the Hampton Part area there wi ll be some detrimental effect on !he propenies. It should, nevertheless, be understood that this scheme has been known for many years and is now seen 11$ the only opportunity for the City to have II bypass and solve the growing traffic congestion and resulting pollution. "