
A REFINED CORE STRATEGY (wng Vus/on) Current National Fioonce Pra,>/sion requires two/unding Slages: Short Tum (0 /0 j yr(Us) - implemenlQllon - llousing and New cnlerpriM! Zone. umg Term (5 /0 10 yeors)· implemefl/alion - Roill RODd ruminal and Road Corulruclion. Aim - Reduced Traffic Congestion - Improved Public Health -Employment Growth The principal element 'protection ' within the strategic vision is missing from Ihe current proposalsfor the South Wiltshire Core Strategy. WhilstlhcN are many imponanl1l1t'aS in South Wiltshire nceding protection, then: nn: two special ones which need careful consideration; these are th e Stonehenge World Heritage si te and the city ofSaJisbury. Howe,'cr, thcre is one additional an:a that is even more important than these two; the healtb of tbe titiunJ orSa l ~ bul')' must rTmain the m~ 1 important area (or protect"'o, It is essent ial to take note of 'The Eddington Transpon Study 2006' prepared by the Department orrransport and HM Treas ury, Paragraph 4,76 explains that: KWhere additional housing is needed 10 SUppM the continued sucocss ora grov,.ing area. panicuhuly to maintain and expand i151oilour m:ui;et catchment, it is intuitive that in S(lUle cireumslDneeS, new or impro\'ed lranspon connections will be nccdcd to deliver agglomeration benefits. That is not to say that housing poliey should simply drh'e tmnspOn needs: the imponance ofcost-effective policy making applies here as in any other area. The loclltion of new housing, its transport and other in(nu tructun n:quirements all need to be pllnned toge ther In o rder to mlximise the auill ble benefits, This is I n I rtll which needs a much improved evidence hase in order 10 support robust d«isioD mlkiDI", , On 29 September 2009. The Government Office ror the South West commented to the Wiltshire Sratitll Planning Team that: ~T h cre . ... peal'll to be !Ome ~ nru s i ou about whatlm... rovements are nreded to local transport networks. DC'Vc lopmenttcm... latl'S appear to raise the po$!I ibility of 'major transport ~uirt'menU' . 1I0wC'Vc r, h.,cd on the ~rc: strategy itselr, we are undcr the impres!ion tbtlhere ne no major capital schemes, hut ratber a mil of muth more modest measures. If the latter I.s the ease then tbe ~re ! tl'1l tCf()' sbould uy!O more explicitly and frame the dC'Vdopment of lhe transport stralegy in ways that avoid raising upt<:t. tions about Its co ntent. HowC'Ve r, we do bavc several co nccl'1l! about tome or the clarity and effcc:tivenC$l of the Urateg)'. They are lbted below. Thert' nreds to be: • a more delinite and elCllrt'r framework for the future of Amt!lbury; • 10fol'1lla tioo 00 tb e location and role or'areal of search'; • clarification of how development will be delivered alODg.'Iid c the in fnutrueture occ:ts.'Iary to support il; • a fuller uplanation of the redevelopment of tbe 'Cburehfields' l it e; • a cicarc:r explanation orlhe relalioo.sbip of the South Witt, hire core strategy to Ibe emerging Wilu hlre Core Strategy and otber Development Plan Documents." On 30 September 2009. the Senior PlanninB Officer. South West Councils. commemed to the Sp!ltiai Pl anning South, Wi llShire Counci l in Salisbury that: .. Tran ~ port . We note tbat inilial modelling including partnersbip work witb tbe Hilt,hways Agency bu concluded tbl ttbe trao.sport network., with improvements will be able to l upporllevels of growth u pla nned for tbe Core Strategy. But it b not clear 11.'1 to whetber Soutb Wiltshirt"s public transport system is capable to support the level of growth proposed. IntC1!raled Ddivery Plan. It is nol t lear from the delivery plan how mutb money will be required 10 deliver essential inrraslrud urr. Also, tbe deUvery plan Is only very general .. bout wben Infraslrutlure and otber d~ cJOp m e n l will have been delivered. , II would ba'·te hun u.crul had Ihe Tran.pon Slralep h«n puhli'hedtogether wilh Ihr So~ Slnlllm ~ubmi••ion r amr. It is the ~ro~ not ~Ih l e ror us to appr«iatte ifthte melUUrc:s identified In the Transpon St .... ttgy a~ appropriately aligned with Ihe phasin g of major den:~ lopmcnl « hemn. J}teveloj>Cn aDd oIli er siakte hoiden will n«d 10 havte I clear pictu~ which lransport mell.'l ures will n«d 10 be (unded Ind implteme nled to support dC'·clopmenl, i.e. nn straltcgie Jit es, in oruer 10 factor auocilted costs inlo their investment pl ans." The Regional Spalilll Strategy Stud y Objectives produced by Atkins Consultancy includes: TR3: create a s«ond re-glona l roulte from London in order 10 .-Nuce Ihe re!liliencte of . the inler-regional ne twork and mainlain Ihte So ulh West's comptcl;VteD6!.. Furthennore they also S\.(lle: 2.13 The sp«ilt Strategy siaies Ihlt 10 deliver a mor"fc sustainlbte region and enm m unities. tbter"fc must be "s i g nifi ~a nl change at 2 I Strategically Significant C ilies and Town." (SSCI). Silisbury Is one tllte sscr In Wi1t J bi ~, Ihte Spltial Stralc-gy th er"fc ro~ hll.'l I n im portant role in developiog Salis bury's I",nsport straltgy. 2.14 In addition 10 this, the RSS chlraclerisc:s th e A36 (that pants through Salisbury) IS a " Region.lly Significant ROld", wbieh means that its, " upkeep and ml nagement is tsSentislllo the efficient (unctioning and th e movemenl of goods a~r05S the region". Finall y, they say al: 2.7 Delinring a Sustainablte Transport Systtem I'«ClgniKS that tb e~ I ~ multiple cballenges for tranJport, not only in tenns o( climate chlng~ productivity and eomptctiventsS, huillso in terms of helping to tlckite deep­ seated dcpriution, addrasing poor hH ltb oulC1lmes amongst many C1Immunities. improwing tn msport sarety Ind s«urity, and prol«ling Datural and urbaD env;ronmeDu. Consi dering all tbe ahowe, including thte . Iatement thlt th ~ mwing element in the cur~nt SWCS is ' protectiOD', it is recommended that th te (ollowing major ch. nge!l lo Ih t SWCS . hould be iDtmdU«t.l: , Si te AII~ations for new Housing The following areas are not aee.!ptable for new housing: Hampton Park TI)is must remain a rcscrvoo area for the I:(Instruetion ofa single road Salisbury Outer Ring ~,. The present traffic flows alnng the Salisbury Inner Ring (Churchill Way) ereate considemble congestion al daily peak times and is rc:spons.ible for pollution affecting Ihe local inhabitants. The introduction of9900 houses will produce an increase in car usage and this, together with the forecast growth oftraOk will justify a Salisbury Outer Ring road. It is important 10 accept lhat. with nine major roads leading inlO the city ofSaJisbury and , ",ithout an Outer Ring Rood 10 take much o f lhis traffie, the pollution levels could increase significantly following Ihe expected Stov.1h of traffic. It is therefore hoped Ihal. those local people who oppose the need for an Outer Ring Road. will now aceept thot the public health and protection of citizens from potential long-term illness. should override their reluctance 10 support the removal of1m me congestion pollution by the introduction ofan Outer Ring road for the c ily. Fuggleolonc RtiI _ UKI. F - Imcrys OU.ITV This area needs to be developed lIS a replacement for the Churehfields Busine511 Sile. Some forty years ago, wnen the Church fields site was considered $uil.D ble for businc:ss development. it was not envisaged that the area would in that short time be oven:rowded and quitc unsuitable for further expansion. It is now essential to ensure !hat II replaccmet1t area is large enough nnd in a suitnble position not only 10 allow e~pansion during tnc next forty years, but possibly beyond tIlaltimc. Furthermore, ifa.xcss to the new site is by a new dual carriageway road system and a rail s iding facility an excellent opportunity would be availnble for fulure trade and employment growth. It is therefore strongly 1"C(:0mmended that. FuggJestone Red, UKLF and Im erys area is selecled as a 'NEW ENTERPRISE ZONE' large enough for all the Churchfields current businesses 10 n:main logethCT. Funhermorc, the size ofthe Zone orca will enable major business e:<pansion in future yean. l1te UKLF silc area already oontains majorcalering facilities, which ifrrtaincd could be highly beneficial. particularly in the early )'cars of the build-up ofthc new site. "The rail siding ewn:nlly located at lmel)'S will enable the introduction o f rail movcment to Colnbrook Incinerator Site (already wilh rail ac:cess) for 'household and business wasle' from • South Wiltshire, and pom;ibly cl5ewh~ in the Collllty. This opmttion could remove many hund~ of HGVs from the road, thereby offcting a potential redllCtion in pollution in WillShire, Hl1ITlpshire and Berkshire. llle main entrance: to the new New Enterprise Zone will be on the Wilton A"enllC road, thllS the t.... ,o entrances located on the AJ6 Wilton road will not be required for the movement of large vehi cles. With the introduction of the 'online', WintenJow Road, A34S,A360, ' Realignment plan'. for the A303 Sloru:hengc bypass the Zone wnuld be eminently suitable for a prineipal 'rail to rolld' enntainer distribution tenniMI. Thi~ potentinl could be hil&hly relevant should a new 'Container Tenninal' be fi nally built at Dibden Bay near Southampton. Conlllincr movement might be by rail from Soulhampton to Salisbury new tenninal with further movement by road to the South West.
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