Bolivian Immigrants in São Paulo: a Sociolinguistic Study of Language Contact in the City
BOLIVIAN IMMIGRANTS IN SÃO PAULO: A SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDY OF LANGUAGE CONTACT IN THE CITY “Se você não aprender falar direitinho você não vai se dar bem com São Paulo. Agora se você falar bem você se dá bem com São Paulo.” DISSERTATION Zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie dem Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften Freie Universität Berlin Vorgelegt von Stephanie Niehoff Berlin, 2011 Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Uli Reich (Freie Universität Berlin) Zweitgutachterin: Profa. Dra. Verena Kewitz (Universidade de São Paulo) Tag der Disputation: 20. Januar 2012 This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Dorle and Harald Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who supported me with conducting and writing this research project. My special thanks go to: My Bolivian interview partners in São Paulo, for sharing their life stories with me. The Paulistanos who participated in the quantitative study, for giving me their honest opinions. My friends from Santa Fé, for their input as native speakers, their hospitality and kindness. My colleagues and friends Anne, Gordon, Martin, Silca, Susanne, and Victor, for their strict eyes, helpful commentaries and wise corrections. The Duvidosos of the FFCHL, Universidade de São Paulo, for their instructive objections and open discussions. Michael Thomas, for technical advice and IT-support. Prof. Verena Kewitz, Universidade de São Paulo, for opening my eyes about São Paulo, for sharing her knowledge and linguistic insights, and for her never-ending patience and support. Prof. Uli Reich, Freie Universität Berlin, who introduced me to Linguistics and taught me to listen carefully, for his assistance and guidance and his stimulating enthusiasm about Sociolinguistics and Brazil.
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