hoose civility

T11(; Modesto Citv Sdhlols Board ot Education tlw countY-\,\'ide "Choose Civility" initiativE' and to encourage and model (ivil behavior.


July 9, 2012

Period for Public Presentations 6:15 p.m.*

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent's office, 576-4141. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Any writings or documents that are public records and are provided to a majority of the governing board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the District office located at 426 Locust Street during normal business hours.

* Times are approximate. Individuals wishing to address an agenda item should plan accordingly.


5:00 to 5:01 1. Call to Order.

5:01 to 6:00 2. Closed Session. Public comment regarding closed session items will be received before the Board goes into closed session.

. 1 Conference with Legal Counsel: Pending Litigation; No. Cases: One Stanislaus Superior Court Case No. CV 647498 .

.2 Public Employee Appointments: >- Appointment of Directors, Educational Services >- Appointment of Director, Parent and Community Involvement >- Appointment of Principal, 9-12

.3 Conference with District Labor Negotiator: Craig Rydquist regarding employee organizations: Modesto Teachers' Association and California School Employees Association, Chapter No. 007; and Unrepresented Employees (Managers and Administrators) . Regular Meeting July 9, 2012

A. INITIAL MATTERS (continued}: 6:00 to 6:01 3. Moment of Silence.

6:01 to 6:05 4. Pledge of Allegiance.

6:05 to 6:13 5. Announcements.

6:13 to 6:14 6. Am:~roval of Consent Agenda. Information concerning the consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board member prior to this meeting for study and is on file at the Modesto-Stanislaus Library Reference Room, 1500 I Street; Modesto City Schools Superintendent's Office and Receptionist's Desk,426 Locust Street, Modesto. Copies of the complete agenda are available at the Board meeting, 425 Locust Street. Unless some member of the audience,or Board member has a question concerning an item and asks that it be withdrawn from the consent list, the items are approved at one time by the Board. The action taken by the Board in approving consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.

6:14 to 6:15 7. Approval of Order of DiscussionlAction Items.

6: 15 to 6:45 8. Period for Public Presentations.

Board Bylaw 9322 (b): Subject Matter: Members of the public may address the Board of Education on matters not on the agenda.

Complaints against specific District employees should be resolved through the District's Personnel Complaint Procedure. The right to address the Board does not exempt the speaker from any potential liability for defamation. The proceedings of the Board are recorded and are a part of the public record.

The Period for Public Presentation is limited to 30 minutes. Time will be allotted equally to individuals based on the number of request cards submitted. The maximum for anyone speaker is five minutes.

The law limits the response of Board members and prohibits the Board from taking any formal action.

B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS: 6:45 to 6:50 1. Board of Education Student Representative Report. Regular Meeting July 9, 2012

B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS (continued): 6:50 to 6:55 2. Modesto Teachers Association Report.

6:55 to 7:00 3. California School Employees Association Report.

7:00 to 7:05 4. Modesto City Schools Managers Report.

7:05 to 7:20 5. Approval of Recommended Additions to Supplemental Instructional Materials: Films and Videos Rated "R" and "PG-13" and Unrated Films of Similar Content.

7:20 to 7:25 6. Approval of First Reading of Revisions to Board Policy 2231, Superintendent's Committee Organization.

7:25 to 7:30 7. Report of Meetings Attended by Board of Education Members.

7:30 to 7:35 8. Items to be Placed on Future Board of Education Agendas.

PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA C. BUSINESS ITEMS: CONSENT 1. Approval of Resolution No. 12113-01 Authorizing Temporary Borrowing Between Major Funds During 2012113, Except Where Program Rules Do Not Allow Such Transfers.

CONSENT 2. Approval of Authorization to Purchase Resilient Flooring and Installation Services from Mondo.

CONSENT 3. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with MCR Engineering, Fairview Elementary School Parking Lot Re-Design and Construction.

CONSENT 4. Approval of Contract with Pegasus Risk Management, Inc. to Provide Workers' Compensation Claims Administration Services from August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015, Inclusive, With Options to Extend for Two One­ Year Periods.

CONSENT 5. Approval of Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012113.

CONSENT 6. Approval of School Crossing Guard Insurance Contract with Myers­ Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012/13.

D. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION ITEMS: CONSENT 1. Approval of High School Course Outlines: Industrial Technology, and ROP. Regular Meeting July 9, 2012

PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA (continued) D. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION ITEMS (continued: CONSENT 2. Approval of High School Course Outlines: Special Education.

CONSENT 3. Approval of Junior High School Course Outlines: Special Education.

CONSENT 4. Approval of Services Agreements for the International Center for Leadership in Education.

CONSENT 5. Approval of Contract with WestEd to Provide English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA) Program at Marshall Elementary School During the 2012/13 School Year.

CONSENT 6. Ratification of Applications for Funding, Agricultural Vocational Education Incentive Grants, 2012-13.

CONSENT 7. Approval of Submission to the California Department of Education the Modesto City Schools District 2011-2012 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection.

CONSENT 8. Approval of Master Contracts for Non-Public School/Non-Public Agency Services for the 2012-2013 School Year: Children's Choice for Hearing and Talking, Therapeutic Pathways, and Behavioral & Educational Strategies & Training.

CONSENT 9. Approval of Head Start Program Goals and Objectives for 2012/2013.

CONSENT 10. Approval of Resolution 12/13-02 Authorizing the State General Child Care Contract with the California Department of Education for Fiscal Year 2012/2013.

CONSENT 11. Approval of Uncompensated Services Agreement with the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus for the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program.

CONSENT 12. Approval of Amendment of Services Agreement with Dynamic Measurement Group.

CONSENT 13. Approval of Agreement with DMC Foundation for Presentations at Modesto City Schools' Healthy Start Program Sites in 2012-13.

CONSENT 14. Approval of Additional Literature Recommendation to Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7-12. Regular Meeting July 9, 2012

PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA (continued) E. HUMAN RESOURCES ITEMS: CONSENT 1. Approval of Designated Personnel Action Items: .1 Approval of Certificated Personnel Terminations . . 2 Approval of Certificated Personnel Leaves of Absence . . 3 Approval of Certificated Personnel Employment . .4 Approval of Certificated Personnel Other Appointments . . 5 Approval of Certificated Personnel Stipend Appointments . .6 Approval of Certificated Personnel Stipend Deletions. . 7 Approval of Certificated Personnel Substitute Appointments . .8 Approval of Classified Personnel Terminations. .9 Approval of Classified Personnel Leaves of Absence . . 10 Approval of Classified Personnel Employment . . 11 Approval of Classified Personnel Other Appointments . . 12 Approval of Classified Personnel Substitute Appointments.

CONSENT 2. Ratification of Agreement with California Occupational Physicians to Provide Tuberculosis (PPD) Skin Testing for Modesto City Schools' Employees for the 2012-13 School Year.

CONSENT 3. Approval of the "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" for the 2012-13 School Year.

F. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: CONSENT 1. Approval of Designated Student Expulsions:


CONSENT 2. Approval of Minutes for the June 18, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education.


G. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Report on Construction Projects Progress Payments.


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Recommended Additions to July 9, 2012 Supplemental Instructional Materials: Films and Videos Rated "R" and "PG-13" and Unrated Films of Similar Content


1. Board Policy 6161.11 was adopted July 20, 1998, establishing that films and videos shown in classrooms be related to the curriculum and support the basic program of instruction, enrich the curriculum, stimulate learning, and promote principles of good citizenship.

2. The rating system adopted by the Motion Picture Association of America pertaining to the level of violence, offensive language, nudity, sex, and drug usage in films or videos provides a solid foundation towards evaluating appropriate use offilms or videos in educational settings. As established in Administrative Regulation 6161.11, films rated "R" and "PG-13" and unrated films of similar content contain material that is not appropriate for students in kindergarten through grade 6. However, "R" rated videos may be shown at the high school, and "PG-13" at junior high, if the film or video is on the approved Modesto qty Schools Supplementary Instructional Materials list or an approved course outline.


Teachers were asked to submit films or videos to be added to the Supplementaryllnstructional Materials list for 2012-2013. The Request for Approval form included the motion picture rating, sensitive content, and a summary of relevance to the curriculum and state standards in the subject area. A district Video Review Committee was formed to review the requests for approval. The Video Committee consisted of 20 representative high school teachers, the English/Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator, and 14 parents. Subcommittees were formed for the content areas of English/Language Arts, Music, Elective, and Social Science. All members were invited to attend the April 25 meeting to review the videos submitted. Of those invited, 16 teachers, 8 parents, the English/Language Arts Coordinator, and the Director, Educational Services, attended.

The videos and films presented are recommended for addition to the Modesto City Schools Supplementary Instructional Materials list.

B.5 Page 2 Approval of Recommended Additions to Supplemental Instructional Materials: Films and Videos Rated "R" and "PG-13" and Unrated Films of Similar Content


, It is proposed that the following videos/films be approved as additions to the Supplementary Instructional Materials list:

Course. Grade Title (Rating) Language Arts 8 (Jr. High) Anne Frank (NR)

Guitar (Grades 9-12) Amadeus (PGIR)

American History Through Film (Grades 11-12) Gangs of New York (R)

Government, AP Government (Grade 12) Miniseries (HBO) (NR)

American History Through film (Grades 11-12) Platoon (R)

Government CP (Grade 12) Recount (TV MA)

American History Through Film (Grades 11-12) The Godfather (R)

American History Through Film (Grades 11-12) The Untouchables (R)


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the recommended additions to Supplemental Instructional Materials: Films and Videos Rated "R" and "PG-13" and Unrated Films of Similar Content.

Originating Department: Educational Services .

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by: ~~~ n n Pamela Able perintendent, Educational Services Superintendent


BP 6161.11


Supplementary Instructional Materials

Supplementary instructional materials which are relevant to curriculum objectives and compatible with District goals and objectives may be used in the classroom. By using such materials, teachers can introduce content and instructional strategies that enrich the curriculum, enhance learning, help students make critical judgments, and stimulate their intellectual growth.

Teachers shall carefully preview all supplementary instructional materials in order to ensure that, in their professional judgment, the materials are:

1. Directly related to content standards and the course of study in which they are being used.

2. Appropriate for students' ages and maturity levels.

3. Selected to support the basic program of instruction, stimulate learning, and promote principles of good citizenship.

When using supplementary materials, teachers shall provide appropriate introductory and follow-up activities. Supplementary materials shall not supplant the use of basic texts or teaching activities.

All materials must be used within legal copyright limits and guidelines/District policies regarding the use of copyrighted materials.

B.5(2) BP 6161.11 (a)


Supplementary Instructional Materials

Feature FilmsNideos

The Governing Board recognizes the benefit of access to a variety of supplementary instructional materials, including feature films and videos. (Although referred to throughout this policy and corresponding administrative regulation as films/videos, this policy includes other forms of electronic instructional materials, including laser discs, compact discs, video discs, etc.) However, the Governing Board also recognizes that a variety of feature fllms/videos exist, some of which may not be of curricular benefit to students andlor appropriate for student viewing at specified or all grade levels.

All feature films/videos shown shall be related to curriculum. The selection of supplementary instructional materials pursuant to this policy should be made with the objective of supporting the basic program of instruction, enriching curriculum, stimulating learning, and promoting principles of good citizenship.

Legal Reference

Education Code 35160 Authority of Governing Boards 35161 Powers and Duties Generally 51010 et seq Education Program 60000 et seq Instructional Materials and Testing Board of Education v. Pico 457 U.S. 853 (1982) McCarthy v. Fletcher (1989 207 Cal.App.3d 130 Borger v. Bisciglia 888 F.Supp. 97 (E.D. Wis. 1995) 77 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 204 (1994)

ADOPTED: July 20, 1998 REVlSED: November 13, 2001

B.5(3) MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS Administrative Regulation

AR 6161.11


Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials. Grades K-6

Instructional materials intended for instruction, including a text read to and/or by a class, instructional videos, software, CD ROMs, or other related technology resources are approved for classroom instruction if they meet any one of the criteria below:

1. Books/texts adopted by the Governing Board.

2. Supplementary books on the District adopted Passport to Literature list.

3. Standard reference materials (dictionaries, maps, charts), basic skills workbooks or practice books, and published sheet music.

4. Instructional video, software, CD ROMs, or other related technology resources on the Modesto City Schools Technology Resources approved list, Stanislaus County Office of Education approved list, or the CLRN (California Learning Resources Network) document.

5. Supplementary support materials which are age appropriate and directly relate to and support state content area standards and the district approved course of study.

B.5(4) AR 616 L 11 (a)


Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials, Grades 7-12

Instructional materials, including printed material, instructional videos, software, CD ROMs, or other technology resources are approved for classroom instruction if they meet anyone of the criteria below:

1. Booksltexts on a district approved course outline or the district approved Passport to Literature list according to the textbook approval process.

a. Core literature books and books on the Passport to Literature list have been reviewed and recommended by the site English chairpersons, the District Language Arts Coordinator, the Director of Curriculum, 7-12, and approved by the Board of Education.

b. Books with graphic content have been identified and annotated. Parents must be notified by mail of the title of the book, the annotation, and their right to request an alternate book assignment.

2. Standard reference materials (dictionaries, maps, charts), basic skills workbooks or practice books, and published sheet music.

3. Instructional videos, software, CD Roms, or other technology resources on the Modesto City Schools Technology Resources list Stanislaus County Office of Education approved list, or the CLRN (California Learning Resources Network) list.

4. Supplementary support materials which are age appropriate and directly relate to and support state content area standards and the district approved course of study.

Dramatic productions/plays selected for classroom performance or school theatrical productions must be reviewed and approved by the school site principal.

B.5(5) AR 6161.11 (b)


Instructional Materials

Instructional Videos, K-12

Instructional videos shall be selected with the objective of supporting the basic program of instruction, enriching curriculum, stimulating learning, and promoting principles of good citizenship and community values. (Although referred to throughout this administrative regulation as videos, this regulation includes other forms of electronic instructional materials, including laser discs, compact discs, video discs, etc.).

Instructional videos shown in the classroom must be directly related to the course curriculum and content standards in the approved course outline. Time spent on showing instructional videos shall not be excessive.

Feature FilmsNideos, K-12

Instructional use in the secondary classroom of feature fllms/videos initially intended and produced for movie theaters or made for television movies, regardless of rating, is limited to three (3) full feature film/videos per year. Exceptions may be granted by the principal/designee based on extenuating and unusual circumstances.

Feature film/video excerpts of approximately 15 minutes and documentary/ instructional videos produced for classroom use are excluded from these limitations.

Requests for approval to show grade 7-8 students !lPG-13" rated mms/videos or grades 9-12 students "R" rated mms/videos must be submitted per the process outlined in Administrative Regulation 6161.11 (c) and (d).

The Governing Board recognizes that a determination as to whether certain films and videos are appropriate curricular tools will depend upon the content of the fIlm or video as well as the age and maturity of the student audience. However, the Governing Board must also be practical in recognizing that the Governing Board does not have the time or resources to review all films and videos to make a determination as to whether or not each specific film or video is an appropriate educational tool. It is the intent of the Governing Board to delegate this final determination to the Superintendent.

B.5(6) AR 6161.11 (c)


Instructional Materials

The Governing Board has reviewed the criteria and procedures utilized in establishing a rating system adopted by the Motion Picture Association of America. The Governing Board finds that the criteria used and judgment employed by the Motion Picture Association regarding the contents of a film or video's level of violence, offensive or raw language, nudity, sex, drug usage, and other elements for the purpose of establishing a rating to inform the public as to the contents of a film provide a solid foundation towards evaluating and determining the use of appropriate films in the educational setting.

Accordingly, the Governing Board finds as follows:

1. Films Rated "NC-17" Or ''X''

The criteria utilized by the Motion Picture Association of America resulting in a rating of "NC-17" or "X" provide a reasonable basis for concluding that a fIlm or video contains material which is obscene, vulgar, profane, does not reflect community standards, and/or is not related to legitimate curricular objectives and, therefore, is excluded for all grade levels.

2. Films Rated "R"

The criteria utilized by the Motion Picture Association of America resulting in a rating of "R" provide a reasonable basis for concluding that a film or video contains material involving violence, offensive or raw language, nudity, sex, drug usage, and other elements which are not appropriate for students in the elementary, middle or junior high school level.

Films rated "R" and unrated films of similar content (see above) may be shown at the high school level, provided the following occurs:

a. The film/video is on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline. Parents/ guardians will be notified by the District in advance of approved films and videos. They may select to opt the student OUT of the assignment by notifying the school and requesting an alternate assignment.

B.5(7) AR 6161.11 (d)


Instructional Materials

b. If the fIlm/video is not on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline, it may not be shown until it has been reviewed and approved through the Feature FilmsNideo Selection Process described in Item 6 below.

3. Films Rated "PG-13"

The criteria utilized by the Motion Picture Association of America resulting in a rating of "PG-13" provide a reasonable basis.for concluding that a film or video contains material involving violence, offensive or raw language, nudity, sex, drug usage, and other elements which are not appropriate for students in the elementary, middle or junior high school level.

Films rated "PG-13" and unrated films of similar content (see above) may be shown at the middle or junior high school level provided the following occurs:

a. The film/video is on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline. Parents/guardians will be notified by the District in advance of approved films and videos. They may select to opt the student OUT of the assignment by notifying the school and requesting an alternate assignment.

b. If the film/video is not on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline, it may not be shown until it has been reviewed and approved through the Feature FilmsNideo Selection Process described in Item 6 below.

c. Recognizing the timeliness and nature of certain off-air video recordings, a commercial or public broadcast may be shown if directly related to specific course objectives and if copyright policy is followed.

B.5(8) , ,

AR 6161.11 (e)


Instructional Materials

4. Films Rated "PG"

The criteria utilized by the Motion Picture Association of America resulting in a rating of "PG" provide a reasonable basis for concluding that a film or video contains material of a mature nature which may not be appropriate for students in the elementary or'middle school level.

Films rated "PG" and unrated films of similar content (see above) may be shown at the elementary school level provided the following occurs:

a. The fUm/video is on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline.

Parents/guardians will be notified by the district in advance of approved films and videos. They may select to opt the student OUT of the assignment by notifying the school and requesting an alternate assignment.

b. If the film/video is not on the approved Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials list/course outline, it may not be shown until it has been reviewed and approved through the Feature FilmsNideo Selection Process described in Item 6 below.

c. Recognizing the timeliness and nature of certain off-air video recordings, a commercial or public broadcast may be shown if directly related to specific course objectives and if copyright policy is followed,

5. Films Rated "G"

The Governing Board finds that films/videos rated "G" are appropriate for viewing by all grade levels provided the teacher or staff member choosing to present the fUm/video identifies the curricular objective for the film/video. All "G" rated films/videos are subject to the approval of the principal.

B.5(9) AR 6161.11 (1)


Instructional Materials

6. Feature FilmsNideo Selection Process

a. Requests for approval of feature films/videos are submitted to the Director of Curriculum, Grades 7·12. The Director of Curriculum may deny the request based on the district criteria for uRn or "PG·13" rated films or present the request to the District Video Review Committee. Denials may be appealed to the District Video Review Committee.

b. The District Video Review Committee is a curriculum·based committee composed of two teachers per high school and one teacher per junior high, administrators and two parents per high school and one parent per junior high who approve films/videos for recommendation to the Superintendent for final review.

Films/videos will be assessed based on district criteria, including sensitive content, relevance to the curriculum and course standards, and extent of classroom time spent viewing videos as well as the guidelines adopted by the Stanislaus County Board of Education.

c. The Superintendent, as the Governing Board's designee, makes the final determination of the videos/films to be submitted to the Governing Board for approval and inclusion on the "Modesto City Schools Instructional Materials: FilmsNideos List" and reflected in course outlines.

d. Parents will be notified annually of the films which may be shown at the school site. The notification will include the films' ratings and sensitive content as well as inform parents of the right to "opt out" their student from viewing any particular film or films. An "opt out" form will be attached to the notifications for the convenience of the parent.

REVIEWED: June 29, 1998 July 10, 2000 November 13, 2001 March 22, 2004


Policy Summary:

PG-13 movies may be shown to junior high students ONLY if they have been Board approved for the grade level and subject. R rated movies may be shown to high school students ONLY if they have been Board approved for the grade level and subject. Teachers may not show more than 3 full feature videos per year. Ex.ceptions may be granted by the principal/designee. Parents must be notified of only those PG-13 Uuniof high) or R rated (high school) videos which may be shown at your site. (See Administrative Regulation 6161.11).


1. Print parent notitlcation letters on schoollctterhead (make sure toinclude your site's web address where indicated on letters for both English and Spanish). 2. Attach parent opt-out form. 3. Post the grade level video lists for your site to the MCS (monet) web site under your school name. You may need to print copies of the video lists for those who may request them. 4. Mail to parents by September 7. 5. Send one copy to Thor HalTison, Director, Educational Services.

A Master list of District approved movies is also posted to the Intranet site. Keep a copy of the Master list of district approved videos for your reference only. DQ not mail or e­ mail this list to parents or teachers without authorization from the Director, Educational Services.

If a teacher wants to show a video not approved for your school, but is on the District master list of approved videos, it is the site principal's responsibility to determine the instmctional value of showing the video. If concemed, contact Thor Harrison prior to sending parents of the students who will see the video the following:

I. parent letter 2. title of video with annotation 3. opt out form 4. copy to Thor Harrison, Director, Educational Services

8.5(11) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS Supplementary Instructional Materials FilmsNideos Approved for 2011-2012

Sensitive Content Code N = Nudity P = Profanity S :::: Sexual Conduct v = Violence


Language Arts 7

Cay, The (NR) The Cay is the story of Phillip, a young boy, who with his mother, are trying to escape the war and head back to their home in Virginia during World War it Their ship is torpedoed, and Phillip is separated from his mother. He awakens to find he is blind and adrift on a life raft with a black man and a cat named Stew cat, where they eventually land on a deserted island. A story not only of survival, but of friendship and overcoming prejudices.

Outsiders, The (PG-13) When two poor greasers, Johnny, and Ponyboy are assaulted by a vidous gang, the soes, and Johnny kills one of the attackers, tension begins to mount hetween the two rival gangs, setting off a turbulent chain of events. [VJ

English Grade 8

American Graffiti (PG) This film. oflocal interest about youngsters coming of age in 1962 provides for discussion oflife choices.

Far and Away (Excerpt only) (PG-13) The excerpt ofthe Oklahoma land run illustrates well the segment from Edna Ferber's Cimarron which students study.

Les Miserables (Excerpt only) (PG-13) The opening segment of the film enriches understanding of the play The Bishop's Candlestick read in class. [V}

Swing Kids (PG-13) The f:t1m about teens in Nazi Germany provides an example of the impact of power and propaganda and relates well to study of the Diary of Anne Frank. iN deleted]

English Grade 9

Clash of the Titans (PG) Understanding of mythology is heightened by this adventure film depicting Zeus,

B.5(12) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

Perseus, and other well-known mythical figures.

Escape from Sobibor (NR) This film ofa prisoner escape from a Nazi death camp relates well to student's study of Wiesel's novel Night.

Excalibur (PG) The separate myths and legends of King Arthur studied by students are united in this excellent illumination of the grail quest. [y, limited S, N]

Lord of the Flies (R) The veneer of civilization in modern society is explored in this film version of the novel. The question of good and evil and the nature of man are addressed. [V, Pl

Night and Fog (Resnais) (NR) This documentary with actual footage of Nazi concentration camps helps students relate to Anne Frank and to Wiesel's Night. [V, some NJ

Odyssey, The (Hallmark Presentation) (NR) This version demonstrates for students the difference between Homer's epic written­ in "media res" and the movie interpretation ofthe myth. [V, limited S & NJ

Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli) (PG) Shakespeare's classic comes alive for students in this perfectly cast production of the lovers kept apart by families. (limited N, S)

English Grade 10

Cannery Row (PG) This film assists students in visualizing and appreciating recurring themes in Steinbeck's stories. [P]

Excalibur (PG) The separate myths and legends of King Arthur studied by students are united in this excellent illumination of the grail quest. [V, limited S, N]

Macbeth (Polanski version) (R) Students' appreciation for Shakespearean drama and their understanding of the play Macbeth is heightened by tIris version of the tragedy. [N, V]

Of Mice and Men (NR) The film provides excellent topics for writing as students compare and contrast the movie and Steinbeck's classic morality tale. IV, PJ

English Grade 11

Crucible, The (1996 version) (PG-13) Arthur Miller's famous play about the witch hunts in Salem paralleling the communist "witch hunts" of the 40's and 50's comes alive for students in this film

B.5(13) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

version. [N, V]

Guilty by Suspicion (PO-13) Blacklisting and McCarthyism in the 1940's and 50's as portrayed in the film helps students understand Arthur Miller's play The Crucible about Salem witch hunts. [PI

Last of the Mohicans (1992 version) (R) Cooper's literal'Y classic of colonial America come alive for students in this film. [V]

Soldier's Sweetheart (NR) The movie set in Vietnam brings to life a chapter of the O'Brien novel The Things They Carried and stimulates discussion of character analysis and interpretation of the work. Shows some drug use in Vietnam. [y, P, some S]

AP English Literature & Composition. Grade 12

Cold Mountain (R) (Excerpts only) (Scenes 2, 5, 11, 13, 20, 26, & 27) In the waning days of the American Civil War, a wounded soldier embarks on a perilous journey back home to Cold Mountain, North Carolina to reunite with his sweetheart. lV, S]

English Grade 12

13th Warrior (R) . The screenplay written by Michael Crichton retells the great English epic Beowulf with realistic depiction of Anglo-Saxon culture, beliefs, feudal practices, and battles. [V]

Joy Luck Club (R) This coming of age drama tracing the history of four Chinese women and their American born daughters deals with generational issues and ethnic acceptance. [S, V, P]

Lord of the Flies (R) The veneer of civilization in modern society is explored in this film version of the novel. The question of good and evil and the nature of man are addressed. [V, Pl

Macbeth (Polanski version) (R) Students' appreciation for Shakespearean drama and their understanding of the play Macbeth, studied as a core work, is heightened by this version of the tragedy. [N, V]

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (R) Study of the differences between the novel and movie version stimulates good discussion about the triumph of the human spirit. [P]

Room With a View (NR) Understanding of the novel studied by students is enriched by this splendid adaptation of Forster's classic depiction of British manners and values. [NI

B.5(14) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

Shakespeare in Love (R) This award winning film brings to life Elizabethan society, language, and treatment of women, as it depicts theater, poetry, wit and the creative writing process. [N, S]

Streetcar Named Desire (NR) This famous American play studied by students is meant to be viewed. This film portrays well the characters created by Tennessee Williams.

Theater Arts Year ruHL 1 & 2 (Grades 11·12)

Dogville (R) (Excerpts Only) (May show Prologue through Chapter 5. Also, only half of chapter 6 prior to rape scene) Provocative and offbeat drama about an enigmatic fugitive who stumbles into the small town ofDogville and is provided refuge in return for physical labor. [V, S]

Reckoning, The (R) Murder-mystery film set during the medieval period in which a disgraced priest joins a traveling acting troupe and tries to solve a murder mystery by recrea:ting it during one of their performances. [Y, S]

Shakespeare in Love (R) This award winning f:tlm brings to life Elizabethan society, language, and treatment of women, as it depicts theater, poetry, wit and the creative writing process. [N, S]

Stage Beauty (R) (Excerpts Only) (May not show scenes 4, 18, 19 dues to sexual innuendo) A romantic drama set in 17ilJ century England, Stage Beauty follows the fortunes of and relationship between one of the first actresses to perform female roles on the English stage, and one of the leading male actors of these roles. [P, S]


Math 7

Super Size Me (PG-13) (sex conversation between Morgan and girlfriend to be deleted) While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan SpUrlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month. [p, S)


Social Science Grade 7

Ever After (PG-13)

B.5(15) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

A young woman of the 16th century is as independent and wise as she is beautiful and kind. Against remarkable odds, she stands up to her scheming stepmother and works miracles on the lives of everyone around her, including the crown prince of France.

Henry V (PG-13) King Henry V of England is insulted by the King of France. As a result, he leads his army into battle against France. Along the way, the young king must struggle with the sinking morale of his troops and his own inner doubts. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Excerpt) (PG-13) Excerpts from this Robin Hood tale provide a visual picture offeudallife and the contrast ofrich and poor. [some N, V]

Season of Giants (Excerpts) (NR) An excerpt from the film focuses on the relationships and personalities of important figures from the Renaissance.

Pre-m World Cultures and Geography (Grade 9)

Downfall (R) (Excerpts Only) (No nudity/drug use) Film depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler in his Berlin bunker and Nazi Germany in 1945. [v,]\;1

Social Science Grade 10

Band of Brothers (NR) (Excerpt Only - Part 9 - Why We Fight) Excerpt (approximately 10 minutes) depicts the American discovery of a concentration camp in Germany. [some N, P1

Doctor Zhivago (R) In this epic, social classes in Czarist and Bolshevik Russia, pre-revolutionary Russia, and the Russian Revolution are portrayed. [some S, P, VJ

Dr. Strangelove (NR) Understanding of cold war foreign policy is stimulated by viewing this satirical comedy. [V, P, limited S1

Dry White Season (R) The film of a South African school teacher awakening to the reality of how blacks are treated relates to imperialism and other modern world issues. tv, Pl

Europa, Europa (R) This film is based upon a biography of a teenage German-Jewish boy who flees Germany and conceals his identity, only to find himself drafted into Hitler's army. Students see WWII on the eastern front with the German education system and anti­ semitism as a background. (N, limited S]

Legends of the Fall (Excerpt only) (R) An excerpt depicting a battle in the field shows the development of war technology and the resulting brutality in World War L [V, P]

B.5(16) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

Pianist, The (R) This film tells the story ofa Polish Jew, a classical pianist who survived the holocaust. Also depicted is the gradual loss of freedoms of the Jews and the transition to the Holocaust and Filial Solution. [V]

Saving Private Ryan (R)* The attitudes of soldiers as they landed and the great price of victory in human lives are depicted realistically in this film of the D-Day invasion. [V, P] *excerpt only for World History

Schindler's List (R) The study of the horrors of the Holocaust and the impact of Ritler's ":final solution" are better understood by students viewing this award-winning film of the real life war profiteer who saves 1,000 Polish Jews, ofms Jewish accountant who awakens his conscience, and of the odious Nazi commandant. [V, P, S, some N]

Sophie's Choice (Excerpt only) (R) The horrors of concentration camps are depicted well in this excerpt from the film version of William Styron's novel. [V, P}

Social Science Grade 11

All the President's Men (PG) The circumstances of Watergate are well-depicted. in this film, helping students understand better the impact upon the presidency and the nation. [PI

Amistad (R) This film accurately depicts the conditions of slavery and the attitudes towards it of various segments of society. [V, some N]

Apocalypse Now (Excerpt only) (R) The futility of war with no clear objective is accurately depicted in this excerpt of the taking of a beach for surfing while committing carnage to justify it. [V, PI

Atomic Cafe (NR) Graphic footage of the atomic bomb helps students understand the use of the bomb and its relationship to American history. IV]

Dr. Strangelove (NR) Understanding of cold war foreign policy is stimulated by viewing this satirical comedy. [V, P, limited S]

Glory (R) Civil War study is enhanced by this authentic film of America's first unit of black soldiers commanded by an inexperienced Northerner. [V]

B.5(17) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

Good Morning Vietnam (R) The human costs of the Vietnam War are accurately depicted in this story of an Army disc jockey in Saigon. [V, Pl

JFK (Excerpt only) (R) An excerpt serves as a point of reference for conspiracy theories relating to to the assassination of Kennedy. [V]

Killing Fields, The (R) Students learn about the "boat people" from Cambodia in tIns memoir of a reporter who remained in Cambodia after American evacuation. IV, some PI

Last of the Mohicans (1992 Version) (R) Colonial America and the French and Indian Wars come alive for students. [V]

Legends of the Fall (Excerpt only) (R) An excerpt depicting a battle in the field shows the development of war technology and the resulting brutality in W orId War I. [V, P]

Midnight Clear, A (R) The relationship between enemy soldiers in battle, where things can quickly change, is illustrated well in tills mm. [V, Pl

Mississippi Burning (R) The deaths of three civil rights workers, the power of the Klu Klux Klan, and the racist climate of the 1960's are brought together in this film. [V, P]

Platoon (R) The American experience in Vietnam is well-depicted in this realistic account oflife on the line as a young soldier. Includes drug use in Vietnam. [V, S, P]

Roger and Me (R) Inflation, unemployment, and business cycles are better understood by reviewing this film about what the closing of one factory did to the town of Flint, Michigan. [V, Pl

Saving Private Ryan (R)* The attitudes of soldiers as they landed and the great price of victory in human lives are depicted realistically in this film of the D-Day invasion. [V,1>J *excerpt only for World History

Untouchables, The (R) A stylized version of Elliot Ness and Al Capone, this film helps illustrate for students prohibition in the 1920's. [V]

We Were Soldiers (R)

B.5(18) MASTER - Revised September 21,2011

A war film that dramatized the Battle of 1a Drang, the first major engagement of American troops in the Vietnam War. lV, P]

AP Government. Grade 12

Patriot Games (R) A former CIA agent, Jack Ryan and his family are vacationing in England. Jack Ryan is caught in the middle of a terrorist attack and becomes a local hero. Ryan's courageous act marks him as a target in the sights of the terrorist whose brother he killed. Ryan must return to action to save his family. lV, S, L]

Recount (R) (TV MA) This movie will chronicle five weeks of the November 7,2000, presidential election between George W. Bush and AI Gore, and the December Supreme Court ruling that upheld Florida's count and gave Bush the White House.

Social Science Grade 12

Bob Roberts (R) The business of politics is better understood by viewing this satire of independent candidates using entertainment celebrity status to seek office. [Pl

Bowling for Columbine (R) This documentary by Michael Moore examines America's addiction to guns, violence, and fear. While the film has a political agenda, it provides more questions than answers. Excerpts from television footage of the Columbine shootings is included. [some V, P]

Primary Colors (R) The inner workings of a presidential campaign are shown, revealing the shortcomings of the candidate. [P, SJ

Roger and Me (R) Inflation, unemployment, and business cycles are better understood by reviewing this film about what the closing of one factory did to the town of Flint, Michigan. [V, P]

Wag the Dog (R) A unit on media and political elections is supported by this satire on the influence ofthe media on politics. [P, S]

Wall Street (R) The insider trading scandals of the 1980's are characterized in this film, providing students a look at the operations and ethical dilemmas of the investment world. [N, P]

8.5(19) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011


French Grades 11-12 (French M

Au Revoir les Enfants (PG) This film explores the IB themes of groups, relationships, and change as it deals with a boarding school for boys which hides Jewish boys during the German occupation of France in WWII. £P}

German Grades 9-12 (German I-IV)

Das Boot (R) This tense drama of a German U-boat crew allows students to hear German spoken by native speakers. [N, P)

Spanish Grades 9-12 (Spanish I-IV)

Carmen (R) This is a story of actors and dancers rehearsing a flamenco version of the opera "Carmen." Students not only experience the Spanish language, but a1so the music and flamenco dance culture. [V, S, PI [N to be deleted1

Diego Rivera (NR) Students are given a historical, cultural, and artistic sense of the life of the famous artist Rivera, as he describes his works, motivation, and theory of art.

EI Norte (R) Students gain insight into the suffering endured by many immigrants in this drama in Spanish of Guatemalan Indian youths' journey north to America. [P]

Francisco de Goya (NR) The life and history of Goya is recounted with many of his famous works shown. Some paintings depict nudes.

Knocks At My Door (R) (Spanish version) (Entire video, minus 1 scene With profanity) Set in a small Latin American town in political turmoil, this film puts a human face on the moral dilemma confronting many of the fledgling democracies of South and Central America. [some S}

Milagro Beanfield War (R) This movie, mostly in English, demonstrates the culture of Hispanics living in the southwest. It is an acclaimed story of a dirt farmer's defiance ofland hungry developers, mixing the whimsical with reality. [some V, P1

B.5(20) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

Spanish Grades 10-12 (Spanish III, NAP; Pre-AP Spanish Lit., Spanish for Spanish Speakers IWAP)

Blood Wedding (NR) Students study Lorca's classical tragedy and then view this film production performed by dancers in full costume in a bare rehearsal halL lV, some S}

Burning Season (R) One of the core themes ofthe course, environment, is depicted in this fUm about the conflicts between rubber plantation workers and cattle ranchers regarding the deforestation of the Amazon Rain Forests. The brief nude scene will be deleted. [N, V, P]

Cabeza de Vaca (NR) The film depicts visually and orally the core work "Shipwrecked" about the sixteenth century encounters of the Spanish explorer with Native Americans. [Some N, P]

Carlos Fuentes (NR) Through interviews discussing the life and works of Fuentes, students gain insight into a writer's thoughts, motivation, and inspiration.

Disappearance of Garcia Lorca, The (R) This drama about a journalist who returns to fascist Spain to research the murder of the poet and playwright Garcia Lorca motivates students to read Lorca's poetry. lV, S, Pl [N to be deleted}

Guantanamera (NR) Life in a dictatorship is portrayed in this story of a funeral party's journey across CUba. [Pl [N to be deleted]

Men With· Guns (R) This film in Spanish depicts civil war in central America through the story of an American doctor searching for former students from an organization bringing medicine to remote villages. [some P, V]

Official Story, The (R) The video deals with what happens when a military dictatorship takes over a country, aiding students in understanding Latin American politics. [V]

Tales Beyond Solitude (NR) Themes and influences in works of Gabl'iel Marquez, an author read in Spanish AP literature, are excellently depicted. [N, S to be deleted]

Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, A (NR) After reading G. Marquez, students view this film which portrays wen his themes and techniques in this magical tale of a winged man falling to earth and the effect

B.5(21) MASTER - Revised September 21, 2011

it has on a small Colombian community. [N, S to be deletedl


Reading Lab. 718

The Mighty (PG-13) This film depicts a life-changing friendship which develops between the physically deformed son of a convicted felon and the teenager who's hired to be his reading tutor. [elements of V]

Science Grade 7

Jurassic Park (Excerpt) (PG-13) The animated sequence of the DNA molecular structure provides students insight into genetics and the molecule. [V, P (not contained in excerpt)]

Science Fiction Grade 7

Dances with Wolves (Excerpt) (PG-13) This acclaimed western brings a legendary quality to the story of a Civil War Soldier befriending a Great Plains Sioux tribe. [V, P]

Parenting/Child Development Grades 9. 10. 12

Losing Isaiah (R) This video is a culminating activity to a unit on the debated topic of whether a child is influenced primarily by environment or heredity. The video portrays both sides, facilitating student understanding afthe issue. Some drug use is involved. [S, P]

Band Grades 7-8

Drum Line (PG-13) The film gets the viewer involved in band strategies and entertaining half-time music while providing a portrait of a gifted young drummer who learns to discipline himself and think. of others. [some P]

Drama Grades 9·12

Zoot Suit (R) This is a filmed play on stage directed by Luis Valdez, about a group of Chicano young men railroaded into jail on a murder trial after the Los Angeles zoot suit riots in the 1940's. [some S, V, P (in Spanish)]

Video Production Grades 7-8

B.5(22) MASTER -Revised September 21,2011

Cloak and Dagger (NR) This classic 1946 suspense movie depicts a young boy with an active imagination who becomes involved in World War II espionage. M

North by Northwest (NR) This favorite Hitchcock thriller provides excellent examples of creative movie techniques in the suspense genre.

Rebel Without a Cause (NR) Teen anxiety and alienation are central to this classic drama. 1Vl


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of First Reading of Revisions to July 9,2012 Board Policy 2231, Superintendent's Committee Organization


Board Policy 2231 establishes the members of the Superintendent's Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is a key component of the District's leadership team.


Revisions are being proposed to align the Superintendent's Committee Organization to match the District Reorganization Plan as approved by the board on May 29, 2012.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the first reading of revisions to Board Policy 2231, Superintendent's Committee Organization.

Originating Department: Superintendent's Office

Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation To the Governing Board by:

u .e A. Chapin Pamela Able s ciate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent ief Business Official

B.6 Proposed Draft MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS Board Policy

BP 2231


Superintendent's Committee Organization

The members of the Executive Committee shall be the Superintendent; l.A... ssistant SupeFintendent, CUFFiculum and InstFuction; }... ssistant SupeFintendent, Business SeFvices, DiFeetoF, Educational SeFvices; DiFectoF, PeFsonnel Associate Superintendent, Business Services: Associate Superintendent, Educational Services: Associate Superintendent, Human Resources; and others upon special invitation.

The Committee shall meet on the call of the Superintendent. (to be scheduled foF at least one houF weekly). The functions of the Committee are:

1. To consider cooperatively the major problems of the school system and make proposals or recommendations for action thereon.

2. To give unified and cooperative leadership to the school system.

3. To act as a directing medium in the study and formulation of proposed policy, rules and regulations to be presented by the Superintendent to the Board of Education for consideration and adoption.



TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meetings

SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution No 12113-01 July 9,2012 Authorizing Temporary Borrowing Between Major Funds During 2012/13, Except Where Program Rules Do Not Allow Such Transfers


The State of California continues to experience severe cash flow and budget challenges. Some state sources have indicated a potential problem with timely disbursements of funds to school districts.


The current economic position of the State has resulted in the fifth consecutive year of deficit reductions to the Revenue Limit and over a decade of deferring principal apportionment payments to local education agencies. The combination of both factors has placed a burden on meeting the operational cash flow needs of Modesto City Schools.


Education Code Section 42603 permits a temporary borrowing between funds. Repayment is required in the current fiscal year.

Potential sources still allowed for a temporary loan are cafeteria (13), special reserve for capital facilities (25), county school facilities funds (35), capital outlay projects (40), or self insurance (67),


Drawing down of cash reserves will significantly reduce the interest earnings projected in the 2012113 budget.

C.l Page 2 Approval of Resolution No 12/13/01 Authorizing Temporary Borrowing Between Major Funds During 2012/13 Except Where Program Rules Do Not Allow Such Transfers


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve Resolution No. 12/13-01 authorizing temporary borrowing between major funds during 2012/13, except where program rules do not allow such transfers

Prepared and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

1(1 Julie . Chapin Ass ate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent '- ~ief Business Official

C.l(l) RESOLUTION NO 12113-01 Authorizing Temporary Borrowing Between Major Funds During 2012113 Except Where Program Rules Do Not Allow Such Transfers

This resolution must be adopted in order to certify the approval of the Governing Board to enter into this transaction for the purpose of providing for temporary borrowing between major funds during 2012/13, except where program rules do not allow such transfers.


WHEREAS, Modesto City Schools and the State of California face numerous budget and cash flow challenges; and

WHEREAS, the State of California may not be able to meet its cash apportionment obligations to school districts; and

WHEREAS, Modesto City Schools' general fund cash reserves may not be sufficient to meet the district's monthly payroll and other obligations;

WHEREAS, Stanislaus County Office of Education has requested that districts receiving Child Development Program funding have a written policy or board approved resolution in place specifically exCluding these funds from any temporary borrowing;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Governing Board of Modesto City Schools authorizes temporary borrowing between major funds during 2012/13, except where program rules do not allow such transfers.

THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION, was introduced at the regular meeting of the Board of Education held on the 9th day of July, 2012, by Governing Board Member ______, who made the motion, which motion was duly seconded by , was upon roll call, carried into Resolution passed by the following vote:





Pamela Able, Secretary Board of Education, Modesto City Schools Date______


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Authorization to Purchase Resilient July 09, 2012 Flooring and Installation Services from Mondo


Resilient Flooring at various sites needs replacing when it has reached the end of its safe, useful and economically serviceable life.


A source is needed for resilient flooring that meets District specifications, including installation services. Over time, resilient flooring begins to wear out and presents safety, maintenance, and cost of repair issues that can only be addressed by replacement. Areas will be scheduled for resilient flooring replacement during the course of the year as needed and as budget allows. Bids for the resilient flooring and installation must be obtained or a favorable existing cooperative purchase contract identified.


The National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) serves members as a municipal contracting agency. NJPA establishes and provides nationally leveraged and competitively solicited purchasing contracts. Modesto City Schools, through the Purchasing Department, maintains a membership in this organization that allows for the utilization of their competitively solicited and awarded contracts that meet formal bid requirements.

NJPA has a cooperative contract available (contract #08191O-MUI) for the purchase of resilient flooring and installation that meets or exceeds District specifications. Staff has determined that the District would derive the most benefit by purchasing product and installation services from this cooperative contract at the established bid pricing. This contract provides deep discounts, product availability, delivery, installation, warranty and other favorable terms and conditions. The initial contract award date is October 21, 2010, and the contract has been renewed through October 21, 2014. The material would be ordered from the manufacturer, Mondo, or their designated reseller, and the installation from their supported local installing dealer.

The use of cooperative or "piggyback" contracting is allowed under Public Contract Code 20118 and Government Code 6500-6502.

C.2 Page 2 Approval of Authorization to Purchase Resilient Flooring and Installation Services from Mondo


It is estimated that the annual expenditure for resilient flooring and installation services will be approximately $150,000, and will be paid primarily from the deferred maintenance fund.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve authorization to purchase resilient flooring and installation services from Mondo.

Originating Department: Purchasing Department

Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation

~=(2k- Ju "e A. Chapin Pamela Able s ciate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Professional Services Agreement July 9,2012 with MCR Engineering, Fairview Elementary School Parking Lot Re-Design and Construction


On May 29, 2012 the Board of Education approved the Fairview Elementary School parking lot re-design and construction project. Fairview Elementary School is located at 1937 W. Whitmore Avenue, Modesto. Built in 1951 for approximately 350 students on 9.6 acres, Fairview Elementary School is projected to have 896 students in the fall of 2012 (fall 2011 enrollment was 871 students).

The parking lot and re-design project is intended to solve on and off-site pedestrian and vehicle safety problems due to the severe on-site congestion of vehicles and students as a result of inadequate parking and circulation.

Local engineering firm, MeR Engineering, was authorized by the Board of Education on May 9,2011 to conduct preliminary civil engineering services on the Fairview Elementary School project in the amount of $9,140.


In order to begin the civil engineering required for the Fairview Elementary School parking lot re-design and construction project, a new agreement for civil engineering services with MCR Engineering must be approved.


The Fairview Elementary School parking lot re-design and construction project was approved by the Board of Education on May 29, 2012 in an estimated amount of $500,000. Included in this estimate is the cost of civil engineering consultant MCR Engineering to design and prepare all construction plans including materials specifications and utility re­ locations. MCR Engineering will also provide project management during construction.

This project is being expedited by staff and consultants to allow for some of the work to be performed during the site's summer break.

C.3 Page 2 Approval of Professional Services Agreement with MCR Engineering, Fairview Elementary School Parking Lot Re-Design and Construction


An agreement with MCR Engineering in an amount not to exceed $52,000, including engineering and design fees, is required for the approved parking lot re-design and construction project. Funding for this project will come from Elementary Developer Fees.

A copy of the proposal and agreement are available in the Department of Planning and Facilities Support.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve a professional services agreement with MCR Engineering, Fairview Elementary School parking lot re-design and construction.

Originating Departments: Maintenance and Construction Planning and Facilities Support

Approved for Recommendation Reviewed and Recommended by: ~ Chapin Pamela Able e Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent usiness Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Contract with Pegasus Risk Management, Inc. July 9, 2012 to Provide Workers' Compensation Claims Administration Services from August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015, Inclusive, With Options to Extend for Two One-Year Periods


The District is self-funded for the first $350,000 paid on a workers' compensation claim. Self-funding requires the employer and/or third party claims administration firm to perform the activities and maintain the records and files that would otherwise be done by an insurance company.

Because the workers' compensation administration agreement is considered a professional services contract, a Request for Proposal must be undertaken every five years.


The Board needs to award the RFP and authorize staff to enter into an agreement for workers' compensation claims administration services.


On March 27,2012, RFP 12-4511 was issued by the Purchasing Department. The Request for Proposal was for a three-year term, with options to extend for two one-year periods. Six firms were solicited and responded. One firm was rejected solely on cost, the remaining five firms were evaluated through RFP quote, interview and reference scores.

Intercare $662,449 York $657,000 JT2 $605,959 Tristar $595,980 Pegasus $472,635

A copy of the contract is available in the Risk Management Department for review.

C.4 Page 2 Approval of Contract with Pegasus Risk Management, Inc. to Provide Workers' Compensation Claims Administration Services from August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015, Inclusive, with Options to Extend for Two One-Year Periods


Under the proposed contract with Pegasus Risk Management, Inc., yearly administrative fees will be paid as follows:

Fiscal Year Amount 2012/13 $153,000 2013/14 $157,500 2014/15 $162,135

Total compensation for the three year period would be $472,635, to be paid from Workers Compensation Fund.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the contract with Pegasus Risk Management, Inc. to provide Workers' Compensation Claims Administration Services from August 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015, inclusive, with options to extend two one-year periods.

Originating Department: Risk Management

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board

(Julie . Chapin Pamela Able \ Associ te Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent lef Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Catastrophic Student Accident July 9,2012 Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012/13


Each school year, as is required by the Education Code, the District makes available to parents and guardians a Student Accident Insurance Policy through a leading insurer. If a major injury occurs to a student as a member of an athletic team, policy limits would be reached very quickly. This could have two possible effects:

(1) A parent or guardian without other medical insurance would incur a significant personal expense.

(2) The District may be sued and have to defend itself against a bodily injury claim that has no legal merit, but which may generate significant defense cost.


The District needs to purchase a catastrophic student accident insurance policy for 2012/13.


The District received a quote from Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. The cost is $5.11 per student (with 3,000 students participating) and is $0.25/student more than the District pays under its current policy. Major benefits of this policy include:

(1) Accident Medical Expense (excess) with a 10-year benefit period of up to a $5,000,000 paid maximum, subject to a $25,000 deductible if the first expense is incurred within 180 days of the covered accident.

(2) Catastrophic Cash Benefit of up to $1,000,000, where "as a result of a covered Injury, an Insured Person suffers Paralysis, Coma, or Brain death," which "must occur within 180 days from the date of the Accident and continue for 6 consecutive months and have a prognosis that such loss will be permanent," and

(3) Accidental Death & Dismemberment of $50,000 payable in the event of death resulting from a covered accident to an insured.

C.5 Page 2 Approval of Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc., for 2012/13

A copy of the Catastrophic K-12 Student Accident proposal is available for review in the Risk Management Department.


The District will pay $15,330.00 for the 2012/13 policy year which is $750.00 more than the current year. The District's insurance budget contains funds to pay this premium.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012113.

Originating Department: Risk Management

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation

1t1 ~ ie A. Chapin Pamela Able sociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of School Crossing Guard July 9,2012 Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012/13


The District's Student School Crossing Guard Program is a well-established one in which traffic safety and personal responsibility are emphasized to elementary school students. Approximately 900 students participate in this program.

The District first purchased an excess medical insurance policy for students in the program in June 2003.


The District needs to purchase a new excess medical insurance policy for 2012/13.


Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. quoted this coverage. It returned with a quote of $2.34 per student for an excess policy that would provide these benefits: $25,000 maximum medical expense per accident; $10,000 in the event of accidental death; and $-0- deductible subject to 80% of usual, customary and reasonable charges. Since this is an excess policy, it will not duplicate primary benefits if an injured student is already covered by medical insurance. If an injured student has no medical insurance, then this policy will pay subject to its policy limits and terms.

A copy of the proposal is available for review in the Risk Management Department.


The District will pay $2,106.00 for the 2012/13 policy year. This amount is an increase of $0.09 per participating student, or $153.00 more than the District's present policy. The District's insurance budget contains funds to pay this premium.

C.6 Page 2 Approval of School Crossing Guard Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012113


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the School Crossing Guard Insurance Contract with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. for 2012/13.

Originating Department: Risk Management

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation r;:=o~ 1(\ u A. Chapin Pamela Able ss ciate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent . Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of High School Course Outlines: July 9, 2012 Industrial Technology, and ROP


Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators. The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements. The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Director, Educational Services, for review and recommendation.


The following course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Director, Educational Services.

New Courses Forensic Biotechnology Pre Engineering Programming in C/C++ and Mathematics ROP

Copies of course outlines are available for review in the office of Educational Services.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the high school course outlines: Industrial Technology, and ROP.

Originating Department: Educational Services

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by: ~~~ Pamela Able Superintendent


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Approval of High School Course Outlines: July 9, 2012 Special Education


Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators. The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements. The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Associate Principals, Principals, and the Director, Educational Services, for review and recommendation.


The following course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the High School Associate Principals, Principals, and the Director, Educational Services.

Revised Courses READ 180 10 Par READ 180 A Par READ 180 Support 10 Par READ 180 Support A Par

Copies of course outlines are available for review in the office of Educational Services.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the high school course outlines: Special Education.

Originating Department: Educational Services

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

n erintendent, SELPA Superintendent


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Junior High School Course Outlines: July 9, 2012 Special Education


Course outlines are developed for each junior high and high school class by a committee of representative teachers and administrators. The outlines include instructional texts and materials, expectations for student learning, units of study, unit credit, grading, and other course elements. The course outlines and texts are then submitted to Principals, and the Director, Educational Services, for review and recommendation.


The following course outlines, including texts, have been approved by representative teachers, the junior high school Principals, and the Director, Educational Services.

Revised Courses READ 180 JH Par READ 180 JH Support Par

Copies of course outlines are available for review in the office of Educational Services.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the junior high school course outlines: Special Education.

Originating Department: Educational Services

Reviewed and Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

on erintendent, SELPA Superintendent


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Services Agreements for the July 9, 2012 International Center for Leadership in Education


The International Center for Leadership in Education, founded in 1991, offers a wealth of experience in assisting schools and districts in implementing organizational changes in curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems. Their staff, consultants, master teachers, and trainers share expertise in the management of change, achieving high standards, curriculum development, and customized solutions for their clients.


The district requests the services of the International Center for Leadership in Education and their staff/consultants in offering professional development workshops to our district.


The International Center for Leadership in Education will provide the following for grades K-12:

• Sue Gendron, Consultant, will present to K-12 leadership teams on July 25,2012. Presentation to include:

o Build awareness on transitioning to the Common Core State Standards. o Provide strategies and insight on the SMARTER Balanced Assessments. o Provide next steps and guidance with leadership strategies that will align to the PLC plans from ICLE's work throughout the 2011-12 school year.

• Four Professional Development days focusing on Instructional Strategies and RigorlRelevance in relation to Math and ELA for implementing the Common Core State Standards and SMARTER Balanced Assessments to take place during the following months:

o ELA focus, Sue Gendron and six consultants (October 11, 2012) o Math focus, Sue Gendron and six consultants (November 29, 2012) o ELA follow-up, Sue Gendron and six consultants (January 29, 2013) o Math follow-up, Sue Gendron and six consultants (February 26, 2013)

• Professional Development for Common Core Standards to be provided by Lin Kuzmich, Consultant, to Davis High School and Johansen High School August 1-3, 2012, and January 9-11, 2013.

DA Page 2 Approval of Services Agreements for the International Center for Leadership in Education

A copy of the consultant agreement is available for review in the office of the Director, Educational Services.


Funding for the total cost of services will not exceed $135,000.00, and will come from site and district Title I categorical funds.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the services agreements for the International Center for Leadership in Education.

'.Originating Department: Educational Services

Reviewed and Recommended by:

s erintendent, SELPA

Reviewed by: Approved for Recommendation o the Governing Board by:

ie A. Chapin Pamela Able sociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Contract with WestEd to Provide July 9,2012 English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA) Program at Marshall Elementary School During the 2012/13 School Year


English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA), a project by WestEd was implemented at Marshall Elementary School during the 2011/12 school year. The project provides and focuses on research-based instructional practices shown to be effective in increasing student achievement: student engagement and interaction, structures academic talk and extended text discussions, and planning lessons for optimal academic language development at Marshall Elementary School.


District staff has determined that Marshall staff would benefit from additional professional development and principal support with the goal of strengthening the effectiveness of academic learning and literacy instruction for all students, with a particular emphasis on the needs of English Learner (EL) students.


English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA), a project of WestEd, will provide and focus on research-based instructional practices shown to be effective in increasing student achievement; student engagement and interaction, structured academic talk and extended text discussions and planning lessons for optimal academic language development. The program will provide Marshall Elementary School with professional development, follow up implementation coaching and principal support. Professional development activities will include an ELLA Summer Institute (2 days), Implementation Coaching (6 days) and Principal and Instructional Coaches Support (1 day).


Total compensation for the Marshall ELLA Professional Development program will not exceed $24,000 and will be funded through Marshall Title I .

D.S Page 2 Approval of Contract with WestEd to Provide English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA) Program at Marshall Elementary School During the 2012/13 School Year


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the contract with WestEd to provide English Language and Literacy Acceleration (ELLA) Program at Marshall Elementary School during the 2012/13 School Year

Recommended by:

Virgin Associate Sup Educational Services

Approved for Recommendation Reviewed by: tor;;~Bo~

Ju ie A, Chapin, Pamela Able sociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Ratification of Applications for Funding, Agricultural July 9,2012 Vocational Education Incentive Grants, 2012-13

BACKGROUND Each fiscal year, the California Department of Education, Agricultural Education Division, offers monies to high school agriculture departments. Each site must apply for these funds, showing matching funds are available. Yearly, each site must also pass an audit of the preceding year's grant funding and a departmental compliance inspection before new monies can be offered. All District high schools have completed this process.

ISSUE The following District high schools have completed applications for site Agricultural Vocational Education Incentive Grant funding effective July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013:

Beyer $ 19,688 Gregori $ 19,912 Davis $ 15,620 Johansen $ 19,560 Downey $ 15,308 Modesto $ 14,876 Enochs $ 23,056 Copies of these applications are available for review in the School-to-Career Education Office.

FISCAL IMPACT There will be no cost to the District General Fund.


It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the Applications for Funding, Agricultural Vocational Education Incentive Grants, 2012-13.

Originating Department: 7 -12/CTE/ROP Recommended by:

Virgi aM. Johnso Associate Superinte ent Educational Services

Reviewed by: Approved for Recommendation to;;:=~

Chapin Pamela Able e Superintendent Superintendent . ess Services


TO: Board of Education Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Submission to the California July 9, 2012 Department of Education the Modesto City Schools District 2011-2012 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection


School districts in California electing to receive state and/or federal funds must submit annually a Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection to the California Department of Education. The categorical programs included in this application are: Title I-Part A, Title II-Part A (Improving Teacher Quality), Title III-Part A (LEP Students), and Economic Impact Aid (EIA).

The Consolidated Application, Winter Collection, provides fiscal details regarding the actual entitlements, proposed budgets, and allocation of the money from the categorical programs listed above to each of the school sites. It also includes details regarding the criteria and ranking of Title I schools in the district. Winter data is the second half of the entire Consolidated Application.

Members of the District Advisory Committee and District English Learners Advisory Committee reviewed and approved the Consolidated Application, Winter Collection at their June 2012 meetings.


The Consolidated Application, Winter Collection requires Board approval for submission to the California Department of Education.


The Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection will be submitted to the California Department of Education. Implementation of the various programs included in the application were continued for the balance of the 2011-2012 school year.

The 2011-2012 Consolidated Application, Winter Collection is available for review in the office of State and Federal Programs.

D.7 Page 2 Approval of Submission to the California Department of Education the Modesto City Schools District 2011-2012 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection


Approval of the Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Programs, Winter Collection by the local governing board will allow the district to receive both state and federal categorical funds. There is no impact on the general fund.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Modesto City Schools District 2011-2012 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs, Winter Collection for submission to the California Department of Education.

Originating Department: State & Federal Programs

Reviewed by: Reviewed and Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

IV) ie A. Chapin Pamela Able As ociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Approval of Master Contracts for July 9,2012 Non-Public SchoollNon-Public Agency Services for the 2012-2013 School Year: Children's Choice for Hearing and Talking, Therapeutic Pathways, and Behavioral & Educational Strategies & Training


The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and state law provide that special education students may be served by a state-approved Non-Public School (NPS) or Non-Public Agency (NPA) only when appropriate public placement or service is not available within the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).

Modesto City Schools contracts with several NPSINPAs to provide specialized educational services not available in District or County programs. A master contract is developed with each NPS/NPA which specifies the types of services authorized and the rates the District will pay for each service. When a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team determines that NPS or NPA services are required, an Individual Services Agreement is then executed which specifies the services to be provided for that student pursuant to the IEP.


While the Modesto City Schools SELPA provides a wide range of special education services or contracts with the Stanislaus County Office of Education for such services, there are students with severe educational needs who require placement with an NPS or NPA. Master contracts with these providers are required.


Modesto City Schools proposes to contract with the following NPA provider for the 2012- 2013 School Year:

Children's Choice for Hearing and Talking, Therapeutic Pathways, and Behavioral & Educational Strategies & Training. The contracts are available for review in the Special Education Office.

D.8 Page 2 Approval of Master Contracts for Non-Public School/Non-Public Agency Services for the 2012-2013 School Year: Children's Choice for Hearing and Talking, Therapeutic Pathways, and Behavioral & Educational Strategies & Training


Special Education has budgeted $ 3,301,000.00 for NPAlNPS services for the 2012-2013 School Year.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the master contracts for Non-Public SchoollNon-Public Agency Services for the 2012-2013 School Year: Children's Choice for Hearing and Talking, Therapeutic Pathways, and Behavioral & Educational Strategies & Training.

Originating Department: Special Education

Reviewed and Recommended by:

Virgin Johnso Associate Superintendent Educational Services

Approved for Recommendation Reviewed by: the Governing Board by:

ie A. Chapin Pamela Able ociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent ief Business Official


TO: Pam Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Head Start Program July 9,2012 Goals and Objectives for 2012/2013


As part of the annual program planning process Head Start agencies must develop and implement Program Goals and Objectives each year. The annual process includes a review of the Community Assessment, monitoring trends, parent and staff surveys, the results of the self-assessment, the Program Information Report data and Policy Council input.

ISSUE Head Start Performance Standard 1304.51(d)(3) requires the governing body to approve or disapprove program planning, including the Program Goals and Objectives. In order to meet program compliance this approval is needed.

PROPOSAL The Board of Education will approve the Head Start Program Goals and Objectives for 2012/2013 to ensure that the requirements of the Head Start Performance Standards are met.

FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact on the General Fund.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Modesto City Schools Board of approve the Head Start Program Goals and Objectives for 2012/2013.

Originating Department: Child Development Programs

Approved for Recommendation Reviewed and Recommended by: to the Governing Board by:

Virgin· M. Johnson Pamela Able Associate Superinten Superintendent Educational Services



Page! of~ Program Year: 2012-13

AGENCY: Modesto City Schools D New r8J Carried Over D Progress Report as of

GOAL #1: To promote effective language learning opportunities, including English learners, to support school readiness skills for all children

OBJECTIVE #1: To provide professional development activities for staffthroughout the year

SOURCE Self A ~ , ~ ------0'----d PIR, C A - TARGETED RESPONSIBLE COMPLETED SPECIFIC STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES COMPLETION COMMENTS P ARTICIPANTS Y N DATE l. Intensive training will be provided. Focus will include Director June 2013 current research, specific strategies, classroom Coordinator materials, planning and teamwork and practicum CD Specialists experience. Up to 35 participants, including classified TeacherslParas and certificated staff. Approximately 1/3 of the staff could be able to participate during each training. Topics may include working with English Language Learners and CLASS.

2. "Raising A Reader," home literacy program will Coordinator and Ongoing continue to be implemented in all Head Start CDP Specialists classrooms by October 1st. Support will include orientation, books and materials, parent training and follow-up meetings, as needed.

- .

tj \0 ...... '-'-­

C \Documents and Settings\beauchesne_p\My Documents\My Files\Agenda Items - B ofE 12-13\12-13 Goa! I_doc [2J HEAD START D MIGRANT/SEASONAL HEAD START D EARLY HEAD START PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES

Page ~ of~ Program Year: 2012-13

AGENCY: Modesto City Schools o New ~ Carried Over o Progress Report as of GOAL #1: To promote effective language learning opportunities, including English learners, to support school readiness skills for all children

OBJECTIVE #2: To provide intensive parent education opportunities regarding language development.

·t, SOURCE------Self- --- -A------t and----~ cI------0. TARGETED RESPONSmLE COMPLETED SPECIFIC STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES COMPLETION COMMENTS I PARTICIPANTS Y N DATE 1. You Make the Difference, (YMTD), a Hanen training Coordinator September for parents, will be presented in nine 1 112 hour CD Specialists through May sessions (one session per week) with a group of Family Service twelve parents. The training will be presented in Specialists English and Spanish by certified trainers. Parents will Parents be provided books, DVD's of their efforts with their children, and other training materials (English and Spanish). Stipends for child-care will be provided.

2. Parent meetings will provide an opportunity for Coordinator Monthly reviewing and reinforcing strategies shared in YMTD CD Specialists training, as well as basic strategies for all parents to Family Service use at home and in the classroom Specialists Parents


~ \0 13 '-"

C\Documents and Senings\beauchesne.p\My Documents\My Files\Agenda Items - BorE 12-13\12-13 Goall doc ~ HEAD START D MIGRANT/SEASONAL HEAD START D EARLY HEAD START PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES

Page! of,£ Program Year: 2012-13

AGENCY: Modesto City Schools D New [8J Carried Over D Progress Report as of

GOAL #2: To promote effective services to children with disabilities and other special needs to support school readiness for all children

OBJECTIVE #1: To increase program opportunities for children with disabilities and other special needs by 10% annually

SOURCE PIR. cl d self TARGETED RESPONSIBLE COMPLETED SPECIFIC STRATEGIES/ ACTIVITIES COMPLETION COMMENTS P ARTICIPANTS Y N DATE 1. Through early screening and identification and regular Director Ongoing consultation with special education partners, children Coordinator will be placed early and in a greater variety of service CD Specialists delivery options. T eacherslParas

2. Prior to enrollment, appropriate staffing, materials and Director Ongoing training will be provided to teaching staff to meet the Coordinator needs of individual children CD Specialists TeacherslParas

--_._.. __...... _------

t:j \0 .­w '-"

C .\Documents and Settings\beauchesne.p\My Documents\My Files\Agenda Items - B of E 12-13\12-13 Goal 2 doc [8:J HEAD START D MIGRANT/SEASONAL HEAD START D EARLY HEAD START PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES

Page ~ of~ Program Year: 2012-13

AGENCY: Modesto City Schools o New [Z] Carried Over o Progress Report as of GOAL #2: To promote effective services to children with disabilities and other special needs to support school readiness for all children

OBJECTIVE #2: To provide professional development activities for staffthroughout the year

SOURCE Self A dcl TARGETED RESPONSIBLE COMPLETED SPECIFIC STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES COMPLETION COMMENTS PARTICIPANTS Y N DATE 1. Intensive training based on the Center for the Social and Director August 2013 Emotional Foundations of Leaming (CSEFEL), will be Coordinator provided. Focus will include current research, specific CD Specialists strategies, classroom materials, planning and teamwork TeacherslParas and presentations by parents, specialists and teachers. Up to 35 participants, including classified and certificated staff will be able to participate. Approximately 1/3 of the staff could be able to participate during each training.

2. Training, support and in-class demonstrations for staff to Director August 2013 increase their skills and strategies in working with Coordinator children with disabilities in the areas of autism, speech CD Specialists and language delays and mental health. Teachers/Paras

3. Training media through video presentations will be Director August 2013 made available on CDP website. Coordinator CD Specialists

~ ------'-"

C:\Documents and Senings\beauchesne_p\My Documents\My Files\Agenda Items - B of E 12-13\ 12-13 Goal 2 doc HEAD STARTffiARLYHEAD START GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Program Year: 2012-2013


I verify that the infonnation provided herein is true and I verify that the Policy Committee for Modesto City accurate and that the Board of Directors for Modesto City Schools has been involved in the development of the Schools has been involved in the development the Program attached Program Goals and Objectives for the agency's Goals and Objectives for the agency's Head Start and/or Early Head Start and/or Early Head Start program and agrees Head Start program. with the infonnation contained herein.

Mickey Boelter t Name of Delegate Director Stephanie Timmons >k.-<.-- ~~:li"Y Committee Chairperson S"~/It"2. Sign'ature of Policy Committee Chairperson Date Ruben Villalobos Print Name of Board Chairperson 5- t./- / ~ Date of Policy Committee Approval

Signature of Board Chairperson Date


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution 12/13-02 July 9, 2012 Authorizing the State General Child Care Contract with the California Department of Education for Fiscal Year 2012/2013

BACKGROUND The General Child Care Program is funded by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, providing childcare services for subsidized eligible children.

ISSUE The California Department of Education requires a Board resolution authorizing the General Child Care Contract for 2012/2013.

PROPOSAL The Board of Education will approve Resolution 12/13-02, authorizing the General Child Care Contract, CCTR-2329 in the amount of $1, 117,838, with the California Department of Education. Copies of the contracts are available in the Business Services Office

FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact on the District's General Fund.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Modesto City Schools Board of Education approve Resolution 12/13-02 authorizing General Child Care Contract with the California Department of Education for fiscal year 2012/2013. Originating Department: Child Development Programs

Recommended by:

VirgO ia M. Johnso Associate Superinte Educational Services Reviewed by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by: \

~uli A. Chapin Pamela Able \ s ciate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official

D.lO RESOLUTION 12/13-02

This resolution must be adopted in order to certify the approval of the Governing Board to enter into this transaction with the California Department of Education for the purpose of providing general child care services and to authorize the designated personnel to sign contract documents for Fiscal Year 2012/2013.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Board of Modesto City Schools, authorizes entering into local agreement number CCTR-2329 and that the personls who is/are listed below, is/are authorized to sign the transaction for the Governing Board.


Pamela Able Superintendent

Julie A. Chapin Associate Superintendent Business Services PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ninth day of July, 2012, by the- Governing Board of Modesto City Schools of Stanislaus County, California, by the following vote:

Member ___------', who made the motion, which motion being duly seconded by , was, upon roll call, carried into Resolution passed by the following vote:





I, Pamela Able, Clerk of the Governing Board of Modesto City Schools of Stanislaus County, California, certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the said Board at a regular meeting thereof held at a regular public place of meeting and the resolution is on file in the office of said Board.

(Clerk's Signature) (Date)


TO: Board of Education Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Uncompensated Services July 9,2012 Agreement with the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus for the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program


Previously, the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus has presented Kids Count, a violence awareness program, to students in the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program. Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus has a grant from United Way to fund the presentation of Kids Count for the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program students.


As part of the Mter School Education and Safety Program grant requirements, the District must partner with community-based organizations to provide enrichment activities.


The Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus will present Kids Count, a violence awareness program to students at multiple After School Education and Safety Program schools.

A copy of the Uncompensated Services Agreement is available at the Intervention Programs office.


The cost of presenting the program will be paid by the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus. There is no impact on the general fund.

D.ll Page 2 Approval of Uncompensated Services Agreement with the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus for the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Uncompensated Services Agreement with the Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus for the Modesto City Schools After School Education and Safety Program.

Originating Department: Intervention Programs

Reviewed by: Reviewed and Approved for Recommendation to the Governing oard by:

) Ju ie A. Chapin Pamela Able As ociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent ief Business Official D.ll(l) MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment of Services Agreement July 9,2012 with Dynamic Measurement Group

BACKGROUND Dynamic Measurement Group (DMG) is an educational company that is dedicated to supporting success for children and schools and is the home ofDIBELS - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. The five essential skills measured by DIBELS are: Phonemic Awareness, Alphabetic Principal, Accurate/Fluent Reading, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. By monitoring these five essential skills, we are better able to identify students who may be at risk for reading difficulties, monitoring those at-risk students, and examining the effectiveness of our instructional support/targeted instruction.

Modesto City Schools will provide DIBELS training to traditional and special education teachers. DIBELS is being used as a universal screener and as a progress monitoring tool.

ISSUE DIBELSnet is a student assessment data reporting service that is used as part of the DIBELS program. The fee for this service is $1.00 per student assessed for the 2012-13 school year for a total of $6,000.00. FISCAL IMPACT The services agreement for the 2012-13 school year did not include the fee for DIBELSnet and said agreement may not exceed $22,000. The addition of DIBELSnet would increase the total compensation to Dynamic Measurement Group by $6,000.00 for a total not to exceed $28,000.00.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the amendment of the services agreement with Dynamic Measurement Group.

Recommended by:

Virg ia Joh on Associate Superintendent, Educational Services Approved for Recommendation Reviewed by: t he Governing Board by:

Ju ie A. Chapin Pamela Able As ociate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent ief Business Official D.12 MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS

TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement with DMC July 9,2012 Foundation for Presentations at Modesto City Schools' Healthy Start Program Sites in 2012-13


Modesto City Schools' Healthy Start programs have addressed the needs of elementary, middle, and high school (grades K - 12) students enrolled at targeted schools, their families, and the surrounding community since the Healthy Start Program was first introduced to the District in 1992. Healthy Start's primary goal is to give students what they need to succeed by providing an array of support services that help to reduce the barriers to learning. Programming focuses on improved academic achievement, student and family health and well-being, parenting skills development, and neighborhood development, including safety.


A portion of Healthy Start's funding is der~ved from the use of Stanislaus County Office of Education's Proposition 10 funds. The use of these funds is specifically designed to address parenting skills for elementary school parents and their children ages 0-5, as well as Pregnant and Parenting Minors.


DMC Foundation will provide a combination of presentations at Franklin, Robertson Road and Orville Wright Elementary Schools during the school year on Baby Care Basics, First Aid, CPR, Infant Safety, Healthy Eating Habits, and How to Feed Your Family on a Budget. In addition, DMC Foundation will provide workshops to the parents in the Pregnant and Parenting Minor Program at Downey in order to promote parent competencies and the healthy social, intellectual, physical and emotional development of their child. These workshops are Baby Care Basics, First Aid, CPR, Healthy Eating Habits, Breastfeeding, and Child Birth Preparation.

DMC Foundation will provide these presentations/workshops to parents/students of Modesto City Schools Healthy Start Schools according to the following schedule:

$400 x 2 sessions for Baby Care Basics $350 x 7 sessions for First Aid $350 x 7 sessions for CPR

D.13 Page 2 Approval of Agreement with DMC Foundation for Presentations at Modesto City Schools' Healthy Start Program Sites in 2012-13

$350 x 3 sessions for Healthy Eating Habits $400 x 3 sessions for Infant Safety $350 x 2 sessions for How to Feed Your Family on a Budget $400 x 1 session for Breastfeeding $200 x 10 sessions for Child Birth Preparation

A copy of the agreement is available for review in the Business Services office.


Funding will be provided by the Proposition 10 Healthy Start budget, with the total costs not to exceed $11,050..


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the agreement with DMC Foundation to conduct presentations at Modesto City Schools' Healthy Start Program Sites in 2012-13.

Reviewed and Recommended by:

Associate Supermtendent Educational Services

Reviewed by: Approved for Recommendation

(\ ~ u e A. Chapin Pamela Able s ciate Superintendent, Business Services Superintendent Chief Business Official


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Additional Literature July 9, 2012 Recommendation to Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7-12

BACKGROUND The District's Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7 through 12, contain literature approved as (1) core works which all students are required to read and study in their language arts classes, (2) extended literature selections from which teachers select works appropriate for particular course studies, and (3) recreational literature selections recommended for independent reading for grades 7-8.


On June 18,2012 the Board approved the revision of the Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7-12. One of the extended literature works recommended for approval was inadvertently omitted from the revised list. The recommended addition to the Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7 through 12, is as follows: Grades 12 Addition to Extended Literature:

Grade Author Book Title 12 Krakauer Jon Into the Wild

Sites have the discretion to designate works that must be read by all students at a particular grade level as long as the works are chosen from the course-appropriate list of titles. Teachers should adjust the novel count upward according to their students' needs and abilities. Students should also be encouraged to do independent reading of self-selected titles.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the additional literature recommendation to Passport to Literature Lists, Grades 7-12.

Originating Department: Educational Services

Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation the Governing Board by:

Pamela Able Superintendent


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of Designated Personnel Action Items July 9,2012

The following designated personnel action items are attached for approval by the Board of Education:


.1 Approval of certificated personnel terminations 3 items .2 Approval of certificated personnel leaves of absence 7 items .3 Approval of certificated personnel employment 4 items .4 Approval of certificated personnel other appointments 20 items .5 Approval of certificated personnel stipend appointments 21 items .6 Approval of certificated personnel stipend deletions 1 item .7 Approval of certificated personnel substitute appointments 26 items


.8 Approval of classified personnel terminations 2 items .9 Approval of classified personnel leaves of absence 3 items .10 Approval of classified personnel employment 3 items .11 Approval of classified personnel other appointments 20 items .12 Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments 116 items

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached designated personnel action items.

Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

Pamela Able Superintendent

E.l MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel terminations:


1. Borgesi-Campbell, School Nurse Admin. Resignation OS/25112 Pauleen

2. Dixon, Dawn Special Day Teacher H.S. Dist. Resignation OS/25/12

3. Duroy, Andrea Board Certified Behavior Admin. Resignation 06/04112 Analyst

-~ MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel leaves of absence:


1. Alaniz, Silvia CDP State Preschool Tchr Elem. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence - 01130112 05/11112 Part Day Revised

2. Fillpot, Randall Associate Superintendent Ed. Servo Paid Leave of Absence 05/09/12 06/30/12 Educational Services

3. Harrison, Dorilyn Assistant Principal, Pupil H.S. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence 07/01/12 01116/13 Services

4. Leonardo, John Classroom Teacher, 9-12 H.S. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence 05/14112 OS/25/12

5. Maldonado-Lopez, M. Classroom Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. Unpaid Leave of Absence- OS/25/12 OS/25/12 Isabel Rescind

6. Williams, Denise Library Media Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence 04/24/12 05/03/12

7. Williams, Denise Library Media Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence 05116/12 05/16/12

...... ~ N MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel employment:

NAME CLASSIFICATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION/ACTION EFFECTIVE DATES ------1. De Marco, Valentine Classroom Teacher, 7-8 Elem. Dist. Rehire - Temporary 02/13112 OS/25112

2. De Marco, Valentine Classroom Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. Rehire - Temporary 01109/12 02/10112

3. Redding, Mark Classroom Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. New Hire - Temporary 12/07/11 OS/27/12

4. Silva, Elizabeth Classroom Teacher, K-6 Elem. Dist. New Hire - Temporary 01109/12 OS/27112

~ -w MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel other appointments:


1. Abshire, Desirree Hourly H.S. Dist. Summer School Teacher, 06/01112 06/29112 Special Education

2. Aufdermaur, Heidi Hourly Admin. Summer School, Adaptive PE 06/01112 06/29112 Instructor, Special Ed

3. Azevedo, Marlon Hourly Elem. Dist. Independent Study Teacher 04/01112 06/01112

4. Best, Peggy Hourly H.S. Dist. Summer School Teacher, 06/01112 06/29/12 Special Education

5. Casillas, Martin Hourly H.S. Dist. Extended Summer School 05/01112 06/30112 Teacher

6. Chau, Cindy Hourly Elem. Dist. Academic Intervention OS/29112 06/07112

7. Croslow, Brett Hourly Elem. Dist. Summer School Teacher, 06/01/12 06/29112 Special Education

8. Genasci, Grant Hourly Elem. Dist. Summer School Teacher 06/01112 06/28/12

9. Hernandez, Yolanda Hourly Elem. Dist. Crowd Control - Money OS/25112 OS/25/12 Handler

10. Leonardo,John Hourly H.S. Dist. Summer School Teacher 06/01/12 06/28112

11. Mesa, Joseph Daily Elem. Dist. ExtendedlExtra Service 07/01/11 08/09/11 Days - 17 Days

12. Mesa, Joseph Daily Elem. Dist. ExtendedlExtra Service OS/29112 06/04/12 Days-5 Days rn -~ MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel other appointments:


13. Mittan, Blake Hourly H.S. Dist. Independent Study Teacher 08/11111 06/30/12

14. Nielsen, Anna Hourly Elem. Dist. Crowd Control - Money 05/25112 05/25112 Handler

15. Ochoa, Veronica Hourly Elem. Dist. Academic Intervention 05/04/12 05/25/12

16. Peterson, Hannah Hourly Admin. Optional Period-Paid Hourly 06/04112 06/29112

17. Phillips, Amy Hourly Elem. Dist. Independent Study Teacher 04/01112 06/01/12

18. Rodriguez, Rose Hourly Elem. Dist. Academic Intervention 05/29/12 06/07/12

19. Rogers, Bryan Hourly H.S. Dist. Summer School Teacher 06/01/12 06/28/12

20. Spycher,Deborah Hourly H.S. Dist. Summer School Teacher, 06/01112 06/29/12 Special Education

p:1 ...... ~ ...... -­'-' MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel stipend appointments:


1. Beatty, Susan Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

2. Beeman, Kyle Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

3. Brecht, Michael Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

4. Burris, Tammy Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01/12 06/30113

5. Cardoza, Kathryn Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

6. Gerhardt, Gary Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01/12 06/30/13

7. Guevara, Sergio Stipend H.S. Dist. Eighth Period Assignment 01109112 05/25/12

8. Ippolito Jr, Anthony Stipend H.S. Dist. AVID Coordinator 08/07/11 05/25112

9. Kerlee, Madelynn Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

10. Layne, Scott Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01/12 06/30/13

11. McEwen, Steven Stipend H.S. Dist. Eighth Period Assignment 03/19/12 05/25112

12. Miguel, Nancy Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

13. Nower, Mark Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

14. Ray, Jesse Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

15. Schilperoort, Michael Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01/12 06/30/13

16. Schilperoort, Michele Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01/12 06/30113

17. Stevano, Natalie Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

!:T1 ...... VI MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel stipend appointments:


18. Van Lieshout, Victoria Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

19. Walsh, Lindsay Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

20. White, Kristy Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30113

21. Wolfe, Richard Stipend H.S. Dist. Ag Summer Service 07/01112 06/30/13

~ -VI --- MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel stipend deletions:


1. Scott, Jessie Stipend Admin. CDP Site Liason 08/10111 OS/25112

rn...... ~ MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel substitute appointments:


1. Alberti, Louise Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

2. Christensen, Mary Teacher Substitute 06/04/12 06/30/12

3. Christensen, Mary Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

4. Cohagan, Dick Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

5. Cunningham, Joyce Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

6. Dufour, Bill Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

7. Edwards-Loftis, Kelley Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

8. Gornik, Glenis Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

9. Hanna, Nina E. Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

10. Hernandez, Elizabeth Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

11. Jost, John Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

12. Nelson, Paul Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

13. Osborn, Kaye E. Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

14. Pagonis-Pitts, Anna Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

15. Ringler, Patty Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

16. Squires, Susan Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

17 . Stevens, Sydney Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

!':l -~ MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of certificated personnel substitute appointments:


18. Timoshenko, Pamela Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

19. Walker, Christopher Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13 D.

20. Walker, Mary Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

21. Wallis, Glynn Z. Teacher Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

22. Weimer, Jerry W. Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

23. Wilkinson, Chris Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

24. Williams, Charles Teacher Substitute 07/01/12 06/30113

25. Williams, Georgette Teacher Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

26. Williams, Gladys Teacher Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

~ ..--~ '-'- MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel terminations:


1. Garcia, Eleana CDP Student Records Admin. Resignation OS/25/12 ClerklTranslator 2. Ibarra, Judith Instr. Para., Sp. Ed., H.S. Dist. Retirement OS/25/12 LHlSDLlRS

~ -00 MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel leaves of absence:


1. Abshier, Kimberly Account Clerk III Admin. Paid Leave of Absence 06/06/12 06/29/12

2. Martin, Graciela Bil. Family Srvcs. Specialist Admin. Paid Leave of Absence OS/29112 06/19/12

3. Souza, Lori Instr. Para., Sp. Ed., PHISH Elem. Dist. Paid Leave of Absence 08/07/12 10/25/12

~ -\0 MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel employment:


1. Kerntke, Robin Application Specialist III - Admin. From: Application Specialist 07/02/12 Information Systems II - Information Systems 2. Phipps, Carole Application Specialist III - Admin. From: Application Specialist 07/02112 Information Systems II - Information Systems

3. Ventura, Renee Instructional Materials H.S. Dist. From: Instr. Para., Sp. Ed., 07/01112 Clerk - Downey HS LHlSDLIRS - La Loma JHS

-~ -o MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel other appointments:


1. Alvarez, Christina Mter School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01/11 06/30112 Coordinator Days)

2. Carreno, Jerry Mter School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

3. Corral, Araceli After School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30112 Coordinator Days)

4. Dade, Michelle Adult Crossing Guard Elem. Dist. Part-Time 08/07112 06/30113

5. Dade, Michelle Child Supervisor Elem. Dist. Part-Time 08/07112 06/30/13

6. Dade, Michelle Yard Duty Supervisor Elem. Dist. Part-Time 08/07/12 06/30113

7 . Fertig, Teresa Instr. Para. Sp. Ed., H.S. Dist. Summer School 06/04/12 06/29/12 LHlSDLlRS

8. Hiett, Christine Mter School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01/11 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

9. Jones, Nicole Instr. Para. Sp. Ed., H.S. Dist. Summer School 06/04/12 06/29/12 LHlSDLIRS

10. Logan, Kristi After School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

11. Madrigal, Maria Instr. Para., Sp. Ed. PHISH Elem. Dist. Summer School 06/04112 06/29/12

12. Magana, Maria After School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

.....~ ..... MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel other appointments:


13. Marks, Nichole Mter School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

14. Mendoza, Azucena Yard Duty Supervisor Elem. Dist. Part-Time 08/07/12 06/30113

15. Navarro, Alejandra Attendance Clerk, 7-12 Elem. Dist. ExtendedlExtra Service 06/04/12 06/05/12

16. Pizarro, Julia Typist Clerk II Elem. Dist. ExtendedlExtra Service 06/04112 06/05/12

17 . Sequeira, Christopher After School Program Site Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service (3 07/01111 06/30/12 Coordinator Days)

18. Severe, Susan Crowd Control H.S. Dist. Part-Time 05/25/12 05/25/12

19. Tellez, Gloria Typist Clerk II Elem. Dist. ExtendedlExtra Service 06/04/12 06/05/12

20. Truesdail, Ginger Bus Operator Admin. ExtendedlExtra Service 06/04112 06/08112

...... ~ ...... ---...... MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


1. Alas, Sergio Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

2. Alvarez, Joel Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

3. Baptist, Nona Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

4. Barker, Carol Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30112

5. Barker, Carol Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/06112

6. Benjamin, Brenda Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30/12

7 . Benjamin, Brenda Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/06/12

8. Bettencourt, Cindy Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30/12

9. Bettencourt, Cindy Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/06/12

10. Botello Garcia, Maria Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30113

11. Brickey, Barbara Classified Substitute 05/29112 06/30/12

12. Brickey, Barbara Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/06112

13. Bryant, Carl Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

14. Burciago, Mercy Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

15. Burgeno, Candice Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

16. Charles, Tim Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

17. Chavarria, Nohemi Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13 -~ -tv MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


--~~-." .. - -,.-"'~,,---- 18. Cody, Linda Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

19. Colunga, Yolanda Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

20. Craig, Elisabeth Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

21. Damian, Jacklyn Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

22. Deigan, Chadwick Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

23. Eldredge, Cathy Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

24. Espinoza, Julia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

25. Ferreira, Kristina Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

26. Flores, Eduardo Classified Substitute 06/04/12 06/29/12

27 . Ford, Leslie Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

28. Garvin, Janet Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30112

29. Garvin, Janet Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/06/12

30. Gavarette, Silvia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

31. Harris, Betty Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

32. Heichel, Casey Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

33. Helm, Susan Classified Substitute 05/29112 06/30/12

34. Helm, Susan Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/06/12

...... t'I1 ...... tv """'...... '-" MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


35. Hurd, Amber Classified Substitute 06/04112 06/29112

36. Johnson, Sara Classified Substitute 06/04112 06/29/12

37. Kauffman, Jane Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

38. Keith, Kyrsten Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

39. Kumar, Bibhawari Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

40. Larsen, Nancee Classified Substitute 06/22/12 06/30/12

41. Larsen, Nancee Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/03/12

42. Leicht, Susan Classified Substitute 06/04112 06/29112

43. Lizama, Maria Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

44. Lopez, Claudia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

45. Lopez, Jennifer Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

46. Luna, Rosa Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

47 . Madrigal, Estela Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

48. Magana, Norma Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30113

49. Markley, Tamara Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30112

50. Markley, Tamara Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/06112

51. Marroquin, Maria Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

.....t'Il ..... IV IV '-'-- MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


52. Mejia-Alvarez, Emilia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

53. Mendoza, Anna Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

54. Mitchell, Natasha Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30112

55. Mitchell, Natasha Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/03/12

56. Modgling, Kristopher Classified Substitute 06/04112 06/29/12

57. Montelongo, Lillia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

58. Montes, Sophia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

59. Morgan, Deborah Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

60. Mowery, Kelli Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

61. Murray, Kevin Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

62. Navales, Sean Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

63. Nelson, Kaitlyn Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

64. Nielsen, Jacqueline Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30/12

65. Nielsen, Jacqueline Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/03/12

66. Niles, Christina Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

67. Oliney, Evelyn Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

68. Ordaz, Nicholas Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13 rn...... ,-..N w '-" MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


69. Ortega, Denis Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

70. Ottman, Nicole Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

71. Ouk, Vannik Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30/12

72. Ouk, Vannik Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/03/12

73. Paz, Cecilia Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

74. Peep grass, Janise Classified Substitute 06/04/12 06/29/12

75. Perry, Carol Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

76. Peters, Gary Classified Substitute 05/29112 06/30/12

77 . Peters, Gary Classified Substitute 07/01/12 08/06/12

78. Pethoud, Maria Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

79. Pinheiro, Stephanie Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

80. Pouv, Chham Classified Substitute 06/04/12 06/29112

81. Presses, Tammy Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

82. Prum, Davy Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

83. Pulido, Mary Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

84. Quadros, Carmina Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

85. Quevedo, Deborah Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

.-~ .- -.N --~ MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9,2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:

NAME CLASSIFICATION LOCATION DESCRIPTIONIACTION EFFECTIVE DATES -----,._,-- 86. Quinn, Karen Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

87 . Rangel, Norma Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

88. Rocha, J anine Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

89. Rodriguez, Acencion Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

90. Ruiz, Gustavo Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

91. Salvato, Jenifer Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

92. Sandoval, Daniel Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30113

93. Saxon,Luann Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

94. Schillaci, Kathrina Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

95. Scoles, Linda Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

96. Scott, Elise Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

97. Scott, Isabel Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

98. Shaver, Julie Classified Substitute 05/29/12 06/30/12

99. Shaver, Julie Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/06/12

100. Smith,Jeffrey Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

101. Stroud, Socorro Classified Substitute 06/04/12 06/29112

102. Suy, Pich Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113 rn...... N Vl '-'-- MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL ACTION ITEMS Date of Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 Action: Approval of classified personnel substitute appointments:


103. Tabb, Loretha Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

104. Tamez, Danielle Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

105. Theodore, Breiana Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30113

106. Theodore, Caleb Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30113

107. Tran, Lisa Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

108. Truesdail, Ginger Classified Substitute 05/29112 06/30112

109. Truesdail, Ginger Classified Substitute 07/01112 08/06112

110. Vasquez, Martha Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

111. Victoria, Angelica Classified Substitute 07/01/12 06/30/13

112. Vidal, Steven Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

113. Villarruel, Maria Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

114. Viquez,Alma Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

115. Walker, Violet Classified Substitute 07/01112 06/30/13

116. Williams, Rataya Classified Substitute 06/04/12 06/29/12


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Ratification of Agreement with California July 9,2012 Occupational Physicians to Provide Tuberculosis (PPD) Skin Testing for Modesto City Schools' Employees for the 2012-13 School Year


California Education Code Section 49406 requires all certificated and classified employees of a school district to have an examination and be determined free of active tuberculosis when initially employed and every four years thereafter.


Prior to July 1, 2010, the Modesto City Schools District was under contract with the County of Stanislaus Health Services Agency to provide tuberculosis clearances for the District's employees. Due to the cost increase in their quoted contract (from $16,500 to $33,000), the District decided not to renew the contract with the County after the 2009-10 school year. For the past two school years, the District has been absorbing the duties and associated costs internally and has not been under contract with any agency to provide these services.

The Modesto City Schools District would like to enter into a new contract with California Occupational Physicians to provide tuberculosis clearance services for the District's employees, at a cost of approximately half the cost of the amount quoted by Stanislaus County Health Services.


California Occupational Physicians has agreed to provide this contracted service for the 2012-13 school year. The agreement is effective July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.


The cost for providing this service will be $18.00 per person per skin test, not to exceed $18,000.00 in the 2012-13 school year.

E.2 Page 2 Ratification of Agreement with California Occupational Physicians to Provide Tuberculosis (PPD) Skin Testing for Modesto City Schools' Employees for the 2012-13 school year


It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the agreement with California Occupational Physicians to provide tuberculosis (PPD) skin testing for Modesto City Schools' employees for the 2012-13 school year.

Prepared and Recommended by:

Craig Rydquist 17 Associate Superintendent, Human Resources

Reviewed by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board:

Pamela Able Superintendent


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Approval of the "Declaration of Need for July 9, 2012 Fully Qualified Educators" for the 2012-13 School Year


For the 2012-13 school year, the District has employed teachers to teach with emergency credentials certain subjects/classes in our schools. Of the 1,427 teachers in the District, approximately 55 must teach classes for which they are not credentialed. The District has advertised for teacher vacancies needed; credentialed and qualified teachers for those assignments did not apply.


In order to be compliant with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing guidelines, the District must submit a "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for those teachers teaching outside their credentialed area. The "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" must be approved by the Board of Education.


It is proposed that the Board of Education review and approve the "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators."


There will be no cost to the District.


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators" for the 2012-13 school year.

Recommended by: Approved for Recommendation to the Governing Board by:

~ 7/L;(O~ ~~~ Craig Rydquist Pamela Able Associate Superintendent, Human Resources Superintendent

E.3 State of California Telephone: Commission on Teacher Credentialing (888) 921-2682 Cenification, Assignment and Waivers Division Email: [email protected] 1900 Capitol Avenue Website: www.ctc.ca.gov Sacramento, CA 95811-42 I3


IXI Original Declaration of Need for year: 2012/13 D Revised Declaration of Need for year: _____ FOR SERVICE IN A SCHOOL DISTRICT Name of District: Modesto City Schools District CDS Code: 71167/71175

NameofCoun~:~S~t=a~n=is=la=u=s~ ______Coun~ CDS Code: 10-10504 By submitting this annual declaration, the district is certifYing the following: • A diligent search, as defined below, to recruit a fully prepared teacher for the assignment(s) was made • I f a suitable fully prepared teacher IS not available to the school district, the district will make a reasonable effort to recruit based on the priority stated below The governing board of the school district specified above a dopted a declaration at a regularly scheduled public meeting held on . '1...-1 9 U~Ol~ certifYing that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the district's specified employmem criteria for the position(s) listed on the attached form. The attached fo rm was part of the agenda, and the declaration did NOT appear as part of a consent calendar.

~ Enclose a copy o/the board agenda item

With my signature below, I verifY that the item was acted upon favorably by the board. The declaration shall rem ain in f.orce until June 30, 2013

Submitted by (Superintendent, Board Secretary, or Designee): Craig Rydquist C~ ~ ~Associate Superintendent, HR Name ; Sig11QtU Title (209) 576-4846 (209) 5764147 FaxNllmber Telephone Nllmber Date 426 Locust Street, Modesto, CA 95351 Mailing Address rydquist.c@,monet.k12.ca.us E-Mail Address FOR SERVICE IN A COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION, STATE AGENCY OR NON PUBLIC SCHOOL OR AGENCY

NameofCoun~ __~ ______Coun~ CDS Code ______Name of State Agency ______

Name ofNPS/NPA ______-,--- ____--,- ___ Coun~ of Location ______

The Superintendent of the Coun~ Office of Education or the Director of the State Agency or the Director of the NPS/NPA specified above adopted a declaration on __I __1---, at least 72 hours following his or her public ~nnouncement that such a declaration would be made, certifYing that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the coun~'s, agency's or school's specified employment criteria for the position(s) listed on the attached form. The declaration shall remain in force until June 30, ____

~ Enclose a copy o/the public announcement

CL-500 2/11 Page 1 of3

E.3(1) Submitted by Superintendent, Director, or Designee:

Name Signature Title

Fax Nllmber Telephone Number Date

MaIling Address

E-Mail Address

~ This declaration must be onjile with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing before any emergency permits will be issued for service with the employing agency

AREAS OF ANTICIPATED NEED FOR FULLY QUALIFIED EDUCATORS Based on the previous year's actual needs and projections of enrollment, please indicate the number of emergency permits the employing agency estimates it will need in each of the identified areas during the valid period of this Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators. This declaration shall be valid only for the type(s) and subjects(s) identified below.

This declaration must be re~ised by the employing agency when the total number of emergency permits applied for exceeds the estimate by ten percent. Board approval is required for a revision.

Type of Emergency Permit Estimated Number Needed [XI CLAD/English Leamer Authorization (applicant already 40 holds teaching credential) ~ Bilingual Authorization (applicant already holds teaching credential) 5 List target language(s) for bilingual authorization:

IX! Resource Specialist 5 [Z] Teacher Librarian Services 5 D Visiting Faculty Permit

LIMITED ASSIGNMENT PERMITS Limited Assignment Permits may only be issued to applican ts holding a valid California teaching credential based on a baccalaureate degree and a professional preparation program including student teaching.


MUltiple Subject

Single Subject 10

Special Education 10


CL-500 2/11 Page 2 of3

E.3(2) EFFORTS TO RECRUIT CERTIFIED PERSONNEL The employing agency declares that it has implemented in policy and practices a process for conducting a diligent search that includes, but is not limited to, distributing job announcements, contacting college and university placement centers, advertising in local newspapers, exploring incentives included in the Teaching as a Priority Block Grant (refer to www.cde.ca.gov for details), participating in state and regional recruitment centers and participating injob fairs in California.

If a suitable fully prepared teacher is not available to the school district, the district made reasonable efforts to recruit an individual for the assignment, in the following order:

• A candidate who qualifies and agrees to participate in an approved internship program in the region ofthe school district

• An individual who is scheduled to complete initial preparation requirements within six months


Has your agency established a District Intern program? IX1 Yes

Ifno~explain. ______~ ______

Does y our agency partIcIpate in a Commission-approved IXlYes college or university internship program? If yes, how many interns do you expect to have this year? ______3_0 ______If yes, list each college or university with which you participate in an internship program. California State University, Stanislaus;;ehapman University; University of Laverne

If no, explain why you do not participate in an internship program.

CL-500 2/11 Page30f3


TO: Pamela Able, Superintendent Regular Meeting

SUBJECT: Report on Construction Projects Progress July 9,2012 Payments


Board Policy requires a report on progress payments be submitted monthly.

REPORT Previously Current Balance Paid Payment Due

Harris Builders Inc. Downey Culinary Arts Renovation Contract Price: $528,000 $0.00 $11,304.00 $516,696.00 Certificate No. 1

Harris Builders Inc. Downey Culinary Arts Renovation Contract Price: $528,000 $11,304.00 $26,286.75 $490,409.25 Certificate No. 2

Originating Department: Maintenance and Construction

Reviewed and Submitted by: Approved for Submission he Governing B rd by:

\(\ Ju 'e A. Chapin Pamela Able As ociate Superintendent, Business Superintendent Chief Business Official


SITE: Downey High School CERTNO. 1 PROJECT: Culinary Arts Renovation BIONO. 4507 PROJECT NO. 9599 PURCHASE ORDER 122819 Harris Builders Inc 18736 Bloss Ave Hilmar CA 95324

1. RECEIVED FROM: Timothy Huff 5/3/2012 2. DATE APPROVED BY: John Liukkonen 6/13/2012 3. PROCESSED BY BUSINESS OFFICE 6/14/2012 4. PROCESSED FOR BOARD AGENDA 7/912012

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 01-0511-0-6210-7125-8500-3442-9599-000


$ 528,000.00 $ $ 528,000.00 1 $ 11,304.00 $ $ 11,304.00 $ 516,696.00

p ...... ­...... '-' PROGRESS PAYMENT

SITE: Downey High School CERTNO. 2 PROJECT: Culinary Arts Renovation BID NO. 4507 PROJECT NO. 9599 PURCHASE ORDER 122819 Harris Builders Inc 18736 Bloss Ave Hilmar CA 95324

1. RECEIVED FROM: Timothy Huff 6/1/2012 2. DATE APPROVED BY: John Liukkonen 6/13/2012 3. PROCESSED BY BUSINESS OFFICE 6/14/2012 4. PROCESSED FOR BOARD AGENDA 7/912012

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 01-0511-0-6210-7125-8500-3442-9599-000


$ 528,000.00 $ $ 528,000.00 $ 26,286.75 $ 11,304.00 $ 37,590.75 $ 490,409.25

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