Base Stations and Wireless Networks: the WHO Viewpoint

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Base Stations and Wireless Networks: the WHO Viewpoint Base Stations and Wireless Networks: T he WH O V iewpoint D r Colin R oy D irector NIR Branch A ustralian R adiation Protection and Nuclear Safety A gency WWHHOO WWoorrkksshhoopp oonn HHeeaalltthh EEffffeeccttss aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ooff RRFF FFiieellddss MMeellbboouurrnnee,, AAuussttrraalliiaa 1177--1188 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22000055 INTERNATIONAL EMF PROJECT Workshop on Base Stations and Wireless Networks Geneva, Switzerland, 15 - 16 June 2005 Scope and Objectives: Mike Repacholi Technology -The Mobile Revolution: Mike Walker -International standardization of wireless technologies & EMF: Kevin Hughes -Assessment of human exposure from wireless devices : Niels Kuster -Modulated RF: Mechanistic viewpoint & health implications: Peter Valberg Health Effects & Exposure Assessment -A review of non-thermal health effects: Bernard Veyret -Base stations and electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms: Elaine Fox -Studies on base stations & telecommunications towers: Anders Ahlbom -Dosimetric criteria for an epidemiological bs study: Georg Neubauer -Personal RF Exposure Assessment: Joe Wiart -Laboratory and Volunteer Trials of an RF Personal Dosimeter: Simon Mann -Occupational exposure to bs antennas on buildings: Kjell Hansson Mild -Policy options - a comparative study in 5 countries: O. Borraz/ D. Salomon Workshop on Base Stations & Wireless Networks Day 2 P2olicy options -Current national government responses in Russia: Youri Grigoriev -The Swiss regulation and its application: Jürg Baumann -Current Government responses in New Zealand and Australia: David Black -Current national government responses in Italy: Paolo Vecchia -Local decision-making: possible options Paolo Vecchia Stakeholder session -The EC coordination action EMF-NET : Paolo Ravazzani -Epidemiologic studies on mobile phone base stations: Norbert Leitgeb -Wireless Networks - Regulatory good practice: Jack Rowley -Necessities-public acceptance of mobile phone infrastructure: Eva Marsalek -Panel discussion on policy options: A Peralta Risk perception and communication -Understanding Public Responses to Precautionary Action Advice: J. Barnett -Strategies for risk communication on base stations: Ortwin Renn -Conclusions and recommendations Workshop on Base Stations & Wireless Networks Scope and objectives - to answer the following questions: •• What are the current and future wireless technologies? •• What RF exposures do people receive from these technologies? •• Is there evidence of health effects from long-term, low-level RF exposures? •• What further research is needed, if any? •• What international standards exist or are being developed? •• What have national authorities done in response to this issue? •• How can we provide effective communication to all stakeholders on this issue? •• What policy options can be recommended for national authorities? Workshop on Base Stations & Wireless Networks The expected outputs from the workshop were: •• Compilation of presentations on the WHO EMF WebPage •• Rapporteur report summarising the conclusions & recommendations •• Proceedings of key papers •• Peer-reviewed journal publication •• Fact or information sheet for the general public •• Brochure for local authorities with practical advice related to mobile phone base stations and wireless networks. TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss tteecchhnnoollooggyy M obile telephony 1G - the first cellular m obile com m unication system s 2G - developm ent of digital m obile com m unication system s (GS M ) 3G - new est digital m obile com m unications technology (U M T S 4G -(or beyond 3G) the next system in the technology T ET R A (T errestrial T runked R adio) WLA Ns (Wireless Local A rea Networks) Bluetooth U WB (U ltra-wideband) R FID (R adiofrequency identification devices) D ECT (D igital enhanced cordless telecom m unications) O ther sources Mike Walker, Vodafone, UK, ”The mobile revolution‘ —more than 1.4 billion people, or 20% of the global population, have a mobile phone, and 2 billion people in the world have yet to make a phone call. When that call takes place it will most likely be on a mobile phone not on a fixed line. This represents an unprecedented expansion of personal communications technology that requires extensive networks of radio transmitters - commonly called base stations“. History of the mobile phone: • 1970s when Bell Labs developed the Advanced Mobile Phone Standard (AMPS) that initiated the cellular revolution • 1980s when the Nordic Mobile Telephone standard was deployed in the Scandinavian countries • Current model which includes video games, playback, email access, internet browsing, video telephony, high speed data access and music downloads. WWiirreelleessss CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn Currently- infrared, bluetooth, memory cards and USB interconnecting devices Future - further near-field communications, such as WLAN, UWB and wireless USB For base stations the concern for design and deployment is with the "3 Cs": Coverage - Capacity- Capability and in particular how far - how fast. Coverage -The local base station is the radio access to the network Capacity -Each base station has capacity limited by spectrum bandwidth -Spectrum is limited and needs to be re-used across network -Interference from such re-use is a critical network design factor Capability -There are physical limits to how far & fast you can transmit a bit Source: Dr Kevin Hughes, ITU Source: Mr Tominaga, Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications TTeecchhnnoollooggyy FFrreeqquueennccyy RRaannggeess Frequency z z z H z Hz z Hz kH z H M z H G z kH k 0 MH M 0 GH G 0 TH 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 ITU band VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF TETRA WLANs Bluetooth UWB Static Infrared fields Cellphones radiation Cordless phones RF fixed links Radiolocation and radionavigation Satellite uplinks Radar Electronic article surveillance and RF identification km km km km m m m m m m 0 0 0 1 00 10 1 m m m 0 0 1 1 00 10 1 10 1 1 Wavelength MMoobbiillee pphhoonnee aanntteennnnaass Sector antennas transmit & receive voice & data signals to & from mobile phones Dish antennas transmit and receive data to and from other fixed installations. MMiiccrroo-- && ppiiccoocceellllss Wall-mounted microcell base station Picocell base station in shopping centre Source: NRPB-W62 Cooper et al. EExxppoossuurree aasssseessssmmeenntt Broadband measurement equipment • hazard meters - simple & convenient means of measuring electric field strength • but no frequency selectivity • not very sensitive meaning Narrowband instrumentation • spectrum analyser & antenna appropriate to the frequency band under test • equipment is sensitive& frequency selective • expensive and bulky Personal dosimeter • body-worn instrument to sample and store a person‘s exposure over time and with the capability to separate exposures by frequency band • frequencies associated with radio, TV, mobile telephony, wireless LANs, cordless phones, and a variety of other sources in the home or environment SAR measurement • Determination of the actual energy absorbed in the body (SAR or Specific Absorption Rate) can be undertaken by sophisticated modelling or measurement using phantom models filled with simulated tissue. B4aassee SSttaattiioonn MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss ((mmiiccrroocceellll)) Terraced row of multi-storey buildings 1 Pavement 2 Antenna (4.8 m AGL) 3 Pavement Road Terraced row of multi-storey buildings 0 10 m • The base station was connected to a single antenna mounted on the face of an exterior wall of a building (see plan) • The base station operated in the GSM900 band • Total radiated power of 2.5 W • Located 4.8 m above ground level. LL8ooccaattiioonn 11 Miscellaneous Local VHF/UHF microcell 0.7% 0.3% Other base stations 99.0% At Location 1 total exposure was 0.030% of the ICNIRP reference level LL8ooccaattiioonn 22 Other base Miscellaneous stations VHF/UHF 2.2% 0.7% Local microcell 97.1% At Location 2 total exposure was 0.17% of the ICNIRP reference level LL8ooccaattiioonn 33 Local Other base microcell stations 0.8% 6.8% Miscellaneous VHF/UHF 92.4% At Location 3 total exposure was 0.080% of the ICNIRP reference level HHuummaann eexxppoossuurree Niels Kuster, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ”Assessment of human exposure by electromagnetic radiation from wireless devices in home and office environments‘ Exposure assessment (SAR determination) and the development of a compliance procedure were described. For the devices tested it was found that: •• Worst-case peak spatial SAR values were close to public exposure limits e.g., IEEE802.11b and Bluetooth class I devices •• Maximum incident field exposures at 1 m can significantly exceed those of base stations (typically 0.1 - 1 V m-1) and at very close distances the derived reference levels are exceeded •• The recommended procedure for evaluation of exposure and demonstration of compliance is dosimetric evaluation under worst- case conditions. AAsssseessssmmeenntt ooff ddeevviicceess AAsssseessssmmeenntt ooff ddeevviicceess PP2eerrssoonnaall ddoossiimmeettrryy Joe Wiart, France Telecom, France, ”Personal RF exposure assessment‘ Simon Mann, Health Protection Agency, UK, ”Laboratory and volunteer trials of an RF personal dosimeter‘ • need for a good personal RF dosimeter or PEM has been often discussed Requirements for a good PEM include: • Being small, light and wearable • Capable of measuring exposure over the entire spectrum • Good precision as environmental levels will be very close if not lower than the detection limit. • Instrument had many positive attributes, discussion centred
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