Abstracts NEVADA 80 Laramie Cheyenne WYOMING Wendover 76 New Mexico Mineral Symposium Salt Lake City UTAH COLORADO 25 The Twenty-Third Annual New Mexico Min- eral Symposium was held November 9 and 10, 6 Denver 2002, at New Mexico Institute of Mining and 6 Ely 70 Technology, Socorro. Following are abstracts 50 from all talks given at the symposium. 6 Grand Junction 70 4 550 Colorado Springs 24 Pueblo 191 RECOVERY OF THE 17 TON COPPER BOUL- 15 93 DER FROM LAKE SUPERIOR, by Bob Bar- 666 ron, Department of Geological and Mining 5 160 Alamosa Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Tech Uni- Durango 285 versity, 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 64 OK 49931,
[email protected] ARIZONA NEW MEXICO 87 666 84 Springer For well over a century, the Keweenaw Peninsu- 54 la has served as a home to a multi-billion-dollar 191 copper industry. The roots of mining go back Santa Fe Gallup several thousand years when Native Americans TEXAS 40 Flagstaff 40 first discovered the nearly pure copper and sil- Kingman ver deposited in fissure veins cutting across the 666 Albuquerque Keweenaw Peninsula. Along the sparsely vege- 180 Clovis CA 60 tated shores of Lake Superior and inland lakes 17 54 of the post-glacial period, the Native Americans 60 6 Socorro mined the red metal for possibly 10,000 yrs. The Phoenix 1 380 malleable copper was easily shaped into tools 10 Globe 666 Roswell 180 70 and other valued implements and was traded 25 Silver across North America and perhaps beyond. 70 Alamogordo City As an avid scuba diver and mineral collector 8 Hobbs 3 7 for over 25 yrs, I was drawn to Lake Superior Las Cruces Carlsbad because mineral collecting for fine specimens on Tucson 10 2 the Keweenaw was becoming an activity of the Deming 19 180 20 past.