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Cyclobenzaprine and Back Pain: a Meta-Analysis

Cyclobenzaprine and Back Pain: a Meta-Analysis

ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION and Back Pain A Meta-analysis

Robert Browning, MD; Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH; Patrick G. O’Malley, MD, MPH

Background: Back pain is a common problem for which 14 as were those treated with placebo. Slightly fewer than cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride is frequently pre- 3 individuals (2.7; 95% confidence interval, 2.0-4.2) scribed. needed treatment for 1 to improve. The magnitude of this improvement was modest, with an effect size of 0.38 to Objective: To perform a systematic review of cyclo- 0.58 in all 5 outcomes (local pain, muscle spasm, ten- benzaprine’s effectiveness in the treatment of back pain. derness to palpation, range of motion, and activities of daily living). Treatment efficacy for these 5 outcomes was Methods: We searched MEDLINE, PsycLIT, CINAHL, greatest early, in the first few days of treatment, declin- EMBASE, AIDSLINE, HEALTHSTAR, CANCERLIT, the ing after the first week. Patients receiving cyclobenzap- Cochrane Library, Micromedex, Federal Research in rine also experienced more adverse effects, the most com- Progress, and the references of reviewed articles, and con- mon being drowsiness. tacted Merck, Sharpe and Dohme for English-language, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of cyclobenzap- Conclusions: Cyclobenzaprine is more effective than rine in adults with back pain. Outcomes included global placebo in the management of back pain; the effect is improvement and 5 specific domains of back pain (local modest and comes at the price of greater adverse effects. pain, muscle spasm, range of motion, tenderness to pal- The effect is greatest in the first 4 days of treatment, sug- pation, and activities of daily living). Study quality was gesting that shorter courses may be better. Studies com- assessed using the methods of Jadad. Summary out- paring the relative value of acetaminophen, nonsteroidal comes were obtained using a random-effects model. anti-inflammatory drugs, and cyclobenzaprine individu- ally and in combination in the treatment of back pain Results: Patients treated with cyclobenzaprine were are needed. nearly 5 times (odds ratio, 4.7; 95% confidence interval, 2.7-8.1) as likely to report symptom improvement by day Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:1613-1620

ACK AND NECK pain are com- Agency for Health Care Policy and Re- mon, accounting for 1.8% search (AHCPR) back pain guidelines,11 of all office visits in the released in 1994, suggest that acetamino- United States, approxi- phen is the safest and most effective medi- mately 200000 visits per cation for acute low back problems and year.B1 Among adults presenting with a that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs physical complaint, these problems are sec- (NSAIDs), although effective, should be ond only to upper respiratory tract infec- used sparingly since they can cause gas- tions as a reason for seeking medical care.2-4 trointestinal irritation, ulceration, and, less Since only about a fourth of patients with commonly, renal or allergic problems. The a physical symptom seek medical atten- panel recommended that muscle relax- tion,5 back and neck pain are even more ants not be used, because they were be- prevalent in the general population. It is lieved to be no more effective than NSAIDs; estimated that up to half of working adults their use in combination with acetamino- experience back pain each year,6 and 70% phen or NSAIDs had no additional dem- From the Departments of of all adults experience it at some time in onstrated benefit; and adverse effects, in- Medicine, National Naval their life.7 Most episodes are self-limited, cluding drowsiness, are common. Medical Center (Dr Browning), with 90% of patients recovering to full ac- Despite these guidelines, cyclobenza- and Uniformed Services tivity within 1 month.8 Even among the prine hydrochloride is still commonly used University of the Health 2% with sciatica, more than half improve in the management of acute back pain. Na- Sciences (Drs Jackson and substantially within 6 weeks and only 5% tional Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data O’Malley), Bethesda, Md; and 6 the Department of Medicine, to 10% eventually require surgery. from 1995 to 1997 indicate that among 7 Walter Reed Army Medical Guidelines for treating back pain rec- million ambulatory visits to primary care Center, Washington, DC ommend empirical therapy, with no ra- physicians for back pain, 13% of the pa- (Drs Jackson and O’Malley). diologic evaluation in most patients.7-10 The tients received cyclobenzaprine.12 Be-


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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 MATERIALS AND METHODS graphics, number of participants enrolled, follow-up losses, adverse effects, and outcomes. Outcomes were extracted as either dichotomous or continuous variables (or both), de- For this review, we searched MEDLINE (January 1966- pending on how they were reported in the studies. December 1999), PsycLIT (November 1887-December All analyses were done using Stata 6.0 (Stata Corp, Col- 1999), CINAHL (1982-1999), EMBASE (January 1974 lege Station, Tex). Assessment for publication bias was done December 1999), AIDSLINE, HEALTHSTAR, CANCERLIT, using the methods of Egger et al14; heterogeneity was as- and Micromedex using the text word and keyword (all lan- sessed visually with Galbraith plots15 andQ(␹2) statistics guages) cyclobenzaprine. An additional search using the using the methods of Mantel-Haenszel.16 Although most Medical Subject Heading terms and pooled results were homogeneous, the more conservative ran- propylamines was combined with the following text words: dom-effects model using the method of DerSimonian and back pain, backache, low back pain, lumbago, acute muscle Laird16 was used to calculate summary odds ratios (ORs), spasm,ormuscle spasm. We used the Cochrane Library, risk differences, and standardized mean differences. Analy- searching the clinical trials registry for randomized trials, sis of the continuous outcome involved comparing stan- and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for sys- dardized differences in means between control and treat- tematic reviews. We searched Federal Research in Progress ment groups. Mean outcome scores for the 5 continuous to identify unpublished literature. We searched the refer- outcomes (local pain, muscle spasm, tenderness to palpa- ences of reviewed articles for additional articles missed by tion, range of motion, and activities of daily living) were stan- the computerized database search. We also contacted Merck, dardized by dividing the means for the placebo and treat- Sharpe and Dohme, West Point, Pa. ment groups in each study by their SD. The differences Studies were screened for inclusion (through review between these standardized outcome scores, also known as of the abstract or the published article, if the abstract was effect sizes, were calculated for each study and analyzed. This unclear) based on the following criteria: randomization, pla- approach is especially appropriate when studies measure the cebo control, at least one group receiving cyclobenzap- same concept but use various continuous scales. By stan- rine, and measurable outcomes reported. Studies evaluat- dardization, the study results are transformed to a common ing cyclobenzaprine in the treatment of muscle scale (SD units) that facilitates pooling. of central nervous system origin were excluded from this Several measures of the sensitivity of the meta-anal- meta-analysis. Authors of abstracts that appeared promis- ysis results to various assumptions were conducted. The ing were contacted and asked to provide data. sensitivity of the results to the existence of unpublished stud- Included study quality was assessed using a 6-item ies was assessed using a “file drawer” test,17 conducted by instrument developed and validated by Jadad et al.13 The 6 determining how many studies with negative results (OR, items in this scale include description of randomization, 1.0; standardized mean difference, 0), each with variance adequacy of blinding, description of withdrawals and and size equal to the average found among the included dropouts, appropriateness of statistical analysis, descrip- studies, would have to exist to negate our findings. A test tion of inclusion and exclusion criteria, and method for for the relative influence of each individual study on the assessing adverse treatment effects. The study quality was results was determined by sequentially dropping indi- assessed independently in duplicate, with substantial inter- vidual studies and calculating summary measures. We ex- rater agreement (␬, 0.79). Disagreements were arbitrated plored several sources of heterogeneity, including year of by consensus. publication, type of syndrome (acute vs chronic back pain), Abstracted data included setting, country of origin, treat- study quality scores, and duration and dose of therapy us- ment characteristics (dose, duration, and follow-up), demo- ing metaregression.

cause cyclobenzaprine is frequently used for the manage- all studies were randomized and placebo controlled, there ment of back pain, we conducted a meta-analysis of the were several specific quality problems (Table 1), includ- English-language literature to assess the efficacy of this ing inadequate description of the randomization method treatment option. in 9,18,21,22,25,30-32,35,37 failure to describe the placebo as iden- tical to the active medicine in 10,18,21,22,25,30-33,35,37 no de- 18,32,37 RESULTS scription of or excessive withdrawals in 3, no inten- tion-to-treat analysis in 11,21,22,24,25,30,32-36 inadequate Our literature search produced 315 articles, 2018-37 of description of the selection or exclusion criteria in 2,30,31 which appeared to be potential candidates for inclusion and no sample size calculations in all.18,21,22,24,25,30-37 None in the analysis. Of these 20, 7 were excluded because 119 of the studies directly tested patients for the effectiveness was non-English, 228,29 were observational studies, 120 had of blinding, but all but 3 of the studies21,34,37 had signifi- no independent cyclobenzaprine arm, and 323,26,27 had no cantly greater adverse effects in the treatment than the pla- placebo arm, leaving 1318,21,22,24,25,30-37 that met the inclu- cebo group, suggesting failure to maintain blinding. One sion criteria. One of these18 was an abstract for which the of the studies31 had an inadequate discussion of adverse authors provided additional information and data. An- medication effects. Many studies18,21,24,30,33-37 either were other article36 included results from 2 independent tri- sponsored by or received editorial support from pharma- als, producing a final total of 14 studies (Table 1). ceutical companies. These 14 randomized controlled trials were of mod- Although some of the trials had treatment arms with erate quality, with a mean quality score of 4.3 (95% con- other drugs, including ,30-32,35,36 (Dolo- fidence interval [CI], 3.3-5.3; median, 4.0; range, 1-8). While bid),21 and ,22 only cyclobenzaprine and


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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 Table 1. Characteristics of the Included Studies*

Length of Quality Source, y Location Syndrome and/or Comments† Drug Data‡ the Trial, d Score§ Quality Problems Larouche United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 5 mg 14 4 Inadequate description of et al,18 (20 primary muscle spasm for Ͻ14 d; TID (n = 242), vs randomization, placebo not 1999 care clinics) patient-rated outcomes; cyclobenzaprine, described as identical, sponsored by Merck, 10 mg TID (n = 249), inadequate description of Sharpe and Dohme; and vs placebo (n = 246) withdrawals, and no sample unpublished data size calculations Basmajian,21 Canada Acute back pain and muscle Cyclobenzaprine, 5 mg 10 2 Inadequate description of 1989 (20 primary spasm for Ͻ10 d; BID (n = 43), vs randomization, placebo not care clinics) physician-rated outcomes; cyclobenzaprine, described as identical, no and participation by Merck, 5 mg, plus diflunisal, intention-to-treat analysis, Sharpe and Dohme 500 mg, BID (n = 43), method of statistical analysis vs diflunisal, 500 mg not stated, and no sample size BID (n = 44), vs calculations placebo (n = 45) Preston United States and Acute back pain and muscle Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 8 4 Inadequate description of et al,22 Canada (12 spasm for Ͻ14 d; TID (n = 87), vs randomization, placebo not 1984 investigators) physician-rated outcomes; methocarbamol, described as identical, and no and sponsored by A. H. 1500 mg QID (n = 94), intention-to-treat analysis Robins Co, Inc. vs placebo (n = 46) Baratta,24 United States Acute back pain and muscle Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 10 8 No intention-to-treat analysis and 1982 spasm; physician-rated TID to QID (n = 58), vs no sample size calculations outcomes, except for VAS for placebo (n = 59) local pain; and assistance with the statistical analysis provided by Merck, Sharpe and Dohme Steingard United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 21 4 Inadequate description of et al,25 (3 clinics) muscle spasm; and TID (n = 41), vs randomization, placebo not 1980 outcomes described as placebo (n = 42) described as identical, no observations, but rater not intention-to-treat analysis, and specifically described no sample size calculations Nibbelink United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 3 Inadequate description of et al,30 (20 clinics) muscle spasm; TID (n = 434), vs randomization, placebo not 1978 physician-rated outcomes; diazepam, 5 mg described as identical, no and sponsored by Merck, TID (n = 280), vs intention-to-treat analysis, Sharpe and Dohme placebo (n = 439) inadequate description of selection or exclusion criteria, and no sample size calculations Brown and United States Chronic back or neck pain for Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 1 Inadequate description of Womble,31 Ͼ12 mo and nonphysician TID (n = 16), vs randomization, placebo not 1978 rater of outcomes to lessen diazepam, 5 mg described as identical, no bias TID (n = 16), vs sample size calculations, placebo (n = 17) method of statistical analysis not stated, inadequate description of selection or exclusion criteria, and inadequate description of adverse effects Basmajian,32 United States Chronic and subacute back and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 18 3 Inadequate description of 1978 neck pain for Ͼ30 d (study 1 TID (n = 17), vs randomization, placebo not of 2 presented in the article) diazepam, 5 mg described as identical, and physician-rated TID (n = 16), vs inadequate description of outcomes placebo (n = 19) withdrawals, no intention-to-treat analysis, and no sample size calculations Bianchi,33 Italy Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 6 Placebo not described as 1978 muscle spasm for Ͻ14 d; TID (n = 24), vs identical, no intention-to-treat rater of outcomes not placebo (n = 24) analysis, and no sample size described; and sponsored by calculations Merck, Sharpe and Dohme Aiken,34 United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 8 No intention-to-treat analysis and 1978 muscle spasm for Ͻ10 d; TID (n = 25), vs no sample size calculations rater of outcomes not placebo (n = 25) described; and sponsored by Merck, Sharpe and Dohme



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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 Table 1. Characteristics of the Included Studies* (cont)

Length of Quality Source, y Location Syndrome and/or Comments† Drug Data‡ the Trial, d Score§ Quality Problems Aiken,35 1978 United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 4 Inadequate description of muscle spasm for Ͻ30 d; TID (n = 37), vs randomization, placebo physician-rated outcomes; and diazepam, 5 mg not described as identical, sponsored by Merck, Sharpe TID (n = 38), vs no intention-to-treat and Dohme placebo (n = 39) analysis, and no sample size calculations Scheiner,36 1978 Study 1 United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 8 No intention-to-treat analysis muscle spasm for Ͻ30 d; TID (n = 34), vs and no sample size physician-rated outcomes; and diazepam, 5 mg calculations editorial assistance provided TID (n = 32), vs by Merck, Sharpe and Dohme placebo (n = 30) Study 2 United States Acute back or neck pain and Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 8 No intention-to-treat analysis muscle spasm for Ͻ30 d; TID (n = 24), vs and no sample size physician-rated outcomes; diazepam, 5 mg calculations goniometric measurements TID (n = 21), vs also performed; and editorial placebo (n = 24) assistance provided by Merck, Sharpe and Dohme Bercel,37 1977 United States Moderate to severe local neck or Cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg 14 3 Inadequate description of back pain and muscle spasm TID (n = 27), vs randomization, placebo for Ͼ30 d in patients with an placebo (n = 27) not described as identical, x-ray file–confirmed diagnosis inadequate description of of osteoarthritis of the cervical withdrawals, no or lumbar spine; outcome intention-to-treat analysis, rater not described; and and no sample size assistance provided by Merck, calculations Sharpe and Dohme

*TID indicates 3 times daily; BID, 2 times daily; QID, 4 times daily; and VAS, visual analog scale. †Merck, Sharpe and Dohme is located in West Point, Pa; and A. H. Robins Co, Inc, in Richmond, Va. ‡Cyclobenzaprine was given as cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride. §The range was from 0 (lowest) to 8 (highest).

placebo data from each trial were abstracted. Cycloben- tom improvement. While articles reported this out- zaprine was given in 10-mg tablets, except in 2 stud- come at various time points, only global improvement ies,18,21 in which 5-mg tablets were used. The daily dose at the end of the trials was present in a sufficient num- ranged from 10 to 60 mg, titrated based on the adverse ber of studies to be considered reliable enough for this effects, with a median dose of 30 mg/d. One study21 used analysis. Nine24,25,30,31,33-37 of these ratings of improve- a twice-daily dose of cyclobenzaprine, and the remain- ment were physician rated, and 118 was patient rated. der of the studies18,22,24,25,30-37 used 3 times daily doses. The Among the 10 studies18,24,25,30,31,33-37 reporting global study duration averaged 12.3 days, ranging from 7 to 18 improvement in back pain at the end of the trial, the sum- days (median, 14 days). mary OR for improvement by day 10 was 4.7 (Figure 1). All 14 studies18,21,22,24,25,30-37 focused on low back pain There was evidence of heterogeneity between the differ- 33-37 2 in association with muscle spasm, although 5 also in- ent studies (␹ 9=25.90; P=.002) but no evidence of pub- cluded data on cervical or neck pain and muscle spasm. lication bias (Egger P=.37). The pooled risk difference Eleven studies18,21,22,24,25,30,33-36 included only acute back pain, for these studies was 0.37 (95% CI, 0.24-0.50), which with 331,32,37 evaluating chronic low back pain. Exclusion calculates to 2.7 (95% CI, 2.0-4.2) individuals needing criteria were consistent between the studies: all excluded treatment for 1 to experience symptom improvement. persons with spasticity or rigidity due to central nervous In addition to a global rating of improvement, data were system pathological features, those with worker’s compen- abstracted for 5 continuous variables: local pain, muscle sation, and those involved in litigation. Patients with glau- spasm, tenderness to palpation, range of motion, and ac- coma; ; urinary tract infection; cardiac, pul- tivities of daily living. These data were abstracted at 3 points monary, hepatic, hematological, or renal diseases; (days 1-4, 5-9, and Ͼ9) and were largely patient rated. The rheumatoid arthritis; irreversible ankylosis; irreversible con- results of analysis of each of these 5 continuous variables tractures; and mental disorders were also excluded. Ex- at each of the 3 points are given in Table 2 and presented cluded drugs included tranquilizers, , cor- graphically in Figure 2. At all 3 points, patients treated ticosteroids other than oral contraceptives, muscle relaxants, with cyclobenzaprine had significantly greater improve- and . One study37 focused on muscle spasm and ment in all 5 variables reported. For 4 of the variables pain associated with lumbar and cervical osteoarthritis. (muscle spasm, tenderness to palpation, range of motion, All 14 studies18,21,22,24,25,30-37 had extractable data. Thir- and activities of daily living), there was a greater differ- teen articles18,21,24,25,30-37 reported a global measure of symp- ence between the placebo and cyclobenzaprine groups in


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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 the first 3 days of treatment than at either 1 or 2 weeks. In Bercel, 197737

the first few days of treatment, patients had an average ef- Aiken, 197835

fect size of 0.52 (modest), an effect that declined to 0.44 33 through the end of the trials. To put this into context, an Bianchi, 1978 effect size of 0.2 is considered small; 0.5, moderate; and Scheiner, 197836 (Study 2) 0.8, large.38 While the differences at the 3 points were not Aiken, 197834 significant, there was statistical evidence of a trend to- Brown and Womble, 197831 ward decreasing effectiveness over time (P=.04). There was Nibbelink et al, 197830 no evidence of statistical heterogeneity for any of the con- Scheiner, 197836 (Study 1) tinuous points abstracted. Steingard et al, 198025

For the global improvement outcome and for the first Baratta, 198224 few days among 4 of the continuous outcomes (local pain, Overall (95% Confidence Interval) 4.7 (2.7-8.1)

muscle spasm, tenderness to palpation, and range of mo- 0 1 626 tion), there was statistical evidence for publication bias Favors Placebo Favors Treatment (Table 2). Because of this possibility, we conducted a file Figure 1. Likelihood of experiencing overall improvement in back pain by the drawer test to see how many unpublished studies with end of the study among patients treated with cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride negative findings would have to be filed away some- compared with placebo. Squares represent the sample size; horizontal lines, where to negate our findings. We found that there would the respective 95% confidence intervals of the odd ratios. have to be 947 studies finding no global improvement with the use of cyclobenzaprine and between 201 and found 14 randomized placebo-controlled trials of cyclo- 786 studies (Table 2) finding no benefit in our 5 spe- benzaprine, most (11 of the 14) not indexed in MEDLINE, cific back pain measures to negate our results. the search engine the AHCPR panel used.11 A sensitivity analysis was also performed to assess the Another systematic review39 that looked at muscle effects of study quality, year of publication, duration of treat- relaxants as a class included studies of hydro- ment, type of back pain, and whether Merck, Sharpe and chloride, sodium, , methocarba- Dohme sponsored the study. There was no effect of any of mol, , citrate, , di- these on our data. We also explored the effect of dropping azepam, and , although only one study individual studies from our meta-analysis, also without sig- evaluated cyclobenzaprine. Among these 14 trials, 11 nificant effect on our summary OR. found benefit and 3 did not, although only 8 were pla- Patients treated with cyclobenzaprine were signifi- cebo controlled. The review concluded that there was cantly more likely to experience adverse effects (Table 3). strong evidence for the benefit of muscle relaxants and Fifty-three percent of the patients receiving cyclobenza- that the different types of muscle relaxants were equally prine experienced at least one adverse effect, compared effective in treating acute back pain. with 28% receiving placebo. The most common adverse There are several other common treatment modali- effects included drowsiness, dry mouth, and dizziness. ties for acute low back pain. While they are the most com- monly used medicine in low back pain, evidence for the COMMENT effectiveness of NSAIDs is modest. The AHCPR low back pain NSAID recommendations11 are based on 4 random- Our meta-analysis suggests that cyclobenzaprine may be ized placebo-controlled trials40-43 that looked at diclof- useful in the management of back pain. Patients given cy- enac, piroxicam, sodium, and diflunisal. Two clobenzaprine were nearly 5 times more likely to im- of these studies41,43 were placebo controlled, and 142 com- prove, and only 3 patients needed to be treated for 1 to im- pared diflunisal alone with diflunisal in combination with prove. In the 5 domains of back pain and disability (local cyclobenzaprine and placebo. The fourth study40 com- pain, muscle spasm, tenderness to palpation, range of mo- pared to manipulation, physical therapy, bed tion, and activities of daily living), the magnitude of im- rest, back school, and placebo (topical gel). The results provement was modest, with an average effect size of 0.5. were mixed: one43 found NSAIDs superior to placebo at There was evidence of a trend toward decreasing efficacy all time points, another41 found benefit only at day 3 of over time, with the greatest effect in the first few days of treatment, and another42 found that the combination of treatment. This improvement was accompanied by ad- an NSAID and cyclobenzaprine helped only at day 4. A verse effects: more than half of the patients experienced at recent systematic review39 of back pain treatment re- least one, with drowsiness being the most common. trieved 19 randomized controlled trials evaluating The AHCPR clinical practice guidelines,11 released NSAIDs. Eleven studies of acute back pain found no ben- in 1994, recommend acetaminophen as the first choice efit, 7 found benefit, and 1 was unclear. The researchers for treating back pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory concluded that while NSAIDs were better than placebo, drugs, while deemed effective, were considered less op- they might not be better than other agents. timal secondary to adverse effects. The AHCPR further The AHCPR panel also concluded that the evi- recommended that muscle relaxants not be used. The dence could not support a recommendation for using AHCPR’s qualitative review was based on 0 studies spe- muscle relaxants in combination with NSAIDs vs using cifically examining acetaminophen and back pain, on 4 NSAIDs or acetaminophen alone. This is based on one randomized controlled trials of NSAIDs, and on 12 ran- 4-armed study21 (n=175) that compared diflunisal, cy- domized controlled trials evaluating muscle relaxants, al- clobenzaprine, diflunisal combined with cyclobenzap- though only 2 evaluated cyclobenzaprine. Our search rine, and placebo, finding that the combination of dif-


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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 Table 2. Standardized Mean Differences Between Treatment With Placebo and Cyclobenzaprine*

Standardized Mean Difference No. of Publication File Drawer Outcome (95% Confidence Interval) Studies Heterogeneity (P )† Bias (P )‡ Test§ Local pain, d 1-4 0.41 (0.29-0.53) 7 .56 .02 786 5-9 0.38 (0.21-0.56) 7 .19 .22 323 Ͼ9 0.44 (0.24-0.64) 6 .84 .89 231 Muscle spasm, d 1-4 0.53 (0.33-0.73) 6 .53 .01 363 5-9 0.46 (0.27-0.66) 6 .72 .49 624 Ͼ9 0.45 (0.21-0.69) 6 .61 .20 287 Tenderness to palpation, d 1-4 0.54 (0.33-0.75) 5 .55 .01 233 5-9 0.46 (0.23-0.69) 6 .21 .12 202 Ͼ9 0.45 (0.25-0.65) 6 .67 .70 252 Range of motion, d 1-4 0.58 (0.38-0.77) 6 .87 .02 431 5-9 0.48 (0.23-0.73) 7 .10 .08 252 Ͼ9 0.38 (0.16-0.60) 7 .24 .15 201 Activities of daily living, d 1-4 0.54 (0.34-0.74) 6 .50 .13 384 5-9 0.44 (0.19-0.69) 7 .10 .16 205 Ͼ9 0.49 (0.30-0.69) 7 .53 .85 461

*Cyclobenzaprine was given as cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride. †␹2 Test; PϽ.10 indicates heterogeneity of the effect size between studies. ‡Egger test; PϽ.10 indicates bias against small studies with negative findings. §Rosenthal test; indicates the number of studies with no effect needed to negate the effect found in the analysis for this outcome.

Local Pain, d 1-4 Table 3. Comparison of Adverse Effects 5-9 Between Cyclobenzaprine and Placebo* >9 Adverse Effect Cyclobenzaprine Placebo P Muscle Spasm, d 1-4 Drowsiness 20 2 Ͻ.001 5-9 Dry mouth 8 2 .02 > 9 Dizziness 7 4 .04 Tenderness to Palpation, d Nausea 2 2 .70 1-4 Any 53 28 .002 5-9 >9 *Data are given as the percentage of patients. Cyclobenzaprine was given as cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride. Activities of Daily Living, d 1-4 5-9 >9 treatment of back pain is limited, it implies a positive role for the combination. Range of Motion, d 1-4 The use of antidepressants, which are chemi- 5-9 cally comparable to cyclobenzaprine, in the manage- >9 ment of back pain has been studied, with mixed results. Some studies44-46 found benefit, particularly among pa- –1 00.25 0.50 0.75 1 47,48 49-51 Favors Placebo Favors Treatment tients with comorbid depression, and others found no benefit. A recent meta-analysis52 suggested no ben- Figure 2. Standardized mean differences in patient response to cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride compared with placebo on 5 different efit for the use of tricyclic antidepressants in patients with domains of back pain. Squares represent the sample size; horizontal lines, back pain, although the included studies focused on the respective 95% confidence intervals of the effect size. chronic back pain. Since low back pain has been associ- ated with a higher prevalence of mental disorders and cy- lunisal and cyclobenzaprine was better at only one point, clobenzaprine is chemically similar to tricyclic antide- day 4, compared with either drug alone or placebo. An- pressants, it is possible that the effect found may be a result other small (n=40) non–placebo-controlled study20 evalu- of treating depression. While most of our studies ex- ating the combination of naproxen and cyclobenzap- cluded mental disorders, no study used validated instru- rine vs naproxen alone found the combination to be better ments to screen or control for depressive symptoms in than either alone for the relief of muscle spasm and ten- its analysis. However, the low doses of cyclobenzaprine derness, with a greater range of motion of the lower back used, and the rapidity of improvement in symptoms, ar- (PϽ.05). Although the available evidence for the use of gue against a treatment effect mediated by resolution of a combination of muscle relaxants and NSAIDs in the depressive symptoms.


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Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/04/2021 Other treatment modalities, including acupunc- drawer test was conducted. This asks the following ques- ture and chiropractic care, have also been reviewed. A tion: how many studies with negative findings would there Cochrane Collaboration meta-analysis53 of acupunc- have to be, filed away somewhere, for the meta-analysis to ture, based on a review of 11 low-quality randomized con- reach a wrong conclusion? In this analysis, the results are trolled trials, concluded that there was no evidence that comfortably large. It seems unlikely that several hundred acupuncture was more effective than no treatment, trigger- trials with negative findings could exist, filed away some- point injection, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimu- where. We searched exhaustively for unpublished stud- lation. Similarly, a systematic review54 of the use of chi- ies, including searching the National Institutes of Health’s ropractic care, based on 8 low-quality randomized database of funded research and asking pharmaceutical com- controlled trials, found no convincing evidence of supe- panies. The many studies with negative results needed to riority to placebo treatment. negate our findings is not evidence that cyclobenzaprine While our results suggest a modest benefit from the is effective. This determination should be based on the qual- use of cyclobenzaprine, there are several important limi- ity of the underlying trials and on the quality of the meta- tations to these findings. First, 10 of the 14 trials had evi- analysis. In this case, we found a 5-fold increase in the like- dence that blinding may not have been effective; patients lihood of reporting at least modest improvement in receiving cyclobenzaprine had more adverse effects than symptoms. A large file drawer test result is reassuring that those treated with placebo. The most common adverse ef- the analysis is not likely to be wrong because of missing fects were sedation, dry mouth, fatigue, and dizziness (Table small unpublished trials, but is not itself evidence of treat- 3). Inadequate blinding has been believed to be respon- ment efficacy. sible for bias in previous trials suggesting benefit from ascor- A fourth problem is that it is impossible to say what bic acid55 and zinc56 for the common cold. Our results may the optimum duration of treatment is. In the first 4 days be particularly prone to this bias, since most outcomes are of treatment, patients experienced moderate degrees of based on physician rather than patient reports of symp- improvement. After day 4, the degree of improvement tom improvement. One of our studies18 that used patient declined from moderate (Ͼ0.5 effect size) to small (Ͼ0.2 ratings had results consistent with those based on physi- effect size).38 There was evidence of a trend toward de- cian ratings. Another study30 explored the potential bias- clining effectiveness over time. While this suggests that ing effect of higher rates of adverse effects by stratifying pa- the optimum duration of treatment may be short, on the tient results by the presence or absence of adverse effects. order of a few days, it is unclear what the optimum treat- This study30 found the rate of improvement between both ment duration is, since even at 14 days there was evi- groups to be equal, and concluded that the potential un- dence of improvement with treatment. masking of treatment group by adverse effects had no im- A final limitation is that, in the real world, clini- pact on patient outcomes. cians are not limited to just 1 treatment option. Na- A second problem was heterogeneity of our dichoto- tional Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data suggest that mous outcome, global improvement. We explored for the patients presenting with low back pain are commonly possible sources of this heterogeneity among the trials. Three given more than 1 treatment.12 Often, acetaminophen is studies31,32,37 explored chronic rather than acute back pain, combined with an NSAID or a . Less com- another37 focused on osteoarthritis, and study quality var- monly, patients are given a narcotic for the first few days ied widely among trials. Drug companies also sponsored of pain. To our knowledge, no studies have been done some studies. None of these factors explained the hetero- to determine the optimum combination of treatment mo- geneity in our data. While 234,36 of the trials had signifi- dalities. Since many of these treatments may be operat- cantly greater treatment effects than the remaining ones, ing on different aspects of back pain, there may be an ad- deleting any single trial had no significant effect on the sum- ditive effect. On the other hand, overmedication is a mary OR, and even when both were simultaneously common problem among patients, and more may not be dropped, there was still evidence for benefit (OR, 2.9; 95% better. Studies to look at back with a CI, 2.3-3.7). There was no evidence of heterogeneity among combination of common therapies are needed. Some cli- any of our continuous outcomes, perhaps because of the nicians, well versed with the effects of cyclo- remarkable consistency among the trials in reporting on benzaprine, prescribe it for the short term as a night- all 5 outcomes (local pain, muscle spasm, tenderness to pal- time medicine. The trials in our analysis all useda2or3 pation, range of motion, and activities of daily living) and times daily dose. Whether similar benefits will accrue with in using similar scales. a single nighttime dose is uncertain. Another problem in our analysis was the presence of We conclude that cyclobenzaprine is significantly publication bias among some of our 5 continuous out- better at relieving back pain than placebo at all times mea- comes. Publication bias looks for evidence that small tri- sured. Patients can expect about a 5-fold increase in the als with negative findings may be missing from the analy- odds of experiencing improvement by 14 days and up sis, that they have been “filed away” rather than published. to 2 SDs of improvement, a moderate effect size. Clini- Publication bias posits that trials showing effectiveness cians will need to treat 3 patients to improve the symp- would probably be published, as would large trials with toms of 1. Adverse effects will be common, experienced negative findings. The concern is that there may be small in more than half of the patients, with 20% experienc- trials that may not be published if they have negative find- ing drowsiness. The treatment effect is greatest early, sug- ings, since they would meet considerable editorial ob- gesting that a short course may be preferable, although stacles on the issue of being “underpowered.” To see what even at 2 weeks patients given cyclobenzaprine had effect such studies could have on our meta-analysis, a file slightly better results on all 5 domains of back pain. Stud-


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