The Republic of Korea and the Middle East
AugustApril 2010 • Volume 5 • Number 64 TheCosponsorship Republic of Korea of North and Koreathe Middle Bills East:in the U.S.Economics, House of Diplomacy, Representatives, and Security 1993–2009 by Alonby Jungkun Levkowitz Seo South(Mr. Korean–Middle GILMAN) Mr. Eastern Speaker, relations I rise tohave voice been my ne - Historicalto fi ll this gap, Connections: this article explores 1950s–1960s congressional politics to- glectedstrong in thesupport literature for throughoutH. Con. Res. the years, 213, mainlyregarding owing ward North Korea policy in the post–Cold War period. to theNorth focus Korean on Korea’s refugees relations who withare detained the United in States China and Until the 1960s, Seoul’s policy toward the Middle East Asianand states forcibly and returned the attention to North given Korea to the whereNorth Korea–they couldThe case be ofdefined the Democratic as passive, People’s if not unimportant, Republic of Koreaowing (DPRK) to Middleface Easttorture, military imprisonment, trade. This and paper execution. sheds new I thank light on Korea’sprovides lack an excellent of interests test in of the diverse Middle hypotheses East. During of cosponsor- the thisthe issue gentleman by analyzing from South California Korea’s (Mr. Middle ROYCE) East policy.for firstship activitiesyears after byits Houseestablishment members. in 1948, Preventing South Koreanuclear was prolif- Untilbringing the 1960s, this importantthe Middle resolution East was beforeof low us importance today. preoccupiederation and promoting with nation human building. rights The haveKorean become War, which key foreign to South(Congressional Korea because Record, of Korea’s H3418, lack June of economic 11, 2002) and eruptedpolicy agendas two years for later,the United left South States Korea since with the endone ofmain the Cold political interest in the region.
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