EL10 005 Cumbria Biodiversity Action Plan 2001.Pdf
BI DIVERS TY 1 Acknowledgments 1 This Biodiversity Action Plan is the product of the hard work In addition to those organisations and individuals mentioned and dedication of a great many people over a period of nearly above, the following have also contributed to the production of three years. It is truly a ‘team effort’. this action plan in various ways: The Steering Committee comprises representatives of the Organisations following organisations: Country Landowners Association, Agricultural Development and Advisory Service, Allerdale Countryside Agency, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria Local Borough Council, Ambleside Field Society, Barrow Borough Development Agencies Forum, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Eden Council, British Association for Shooting and Conservation, District Council, English Nature, Environment Agency, Farming British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Butterfly Conservation, and Wildlife Advisory Group, Forestry Commission, Friends of Carlisle Bereavement Service, Carlisle City Council, Centre for the Lake District, Glaxo Wellcome, Lake District National Park Ecology and Hydrology, Copeland Borough Council, Countryside Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, National Alliance, Countryside Management Service (Arnside/Silverdale Farmers’ Union, National Trust, North West Water Ltd and Royal AONB), Cumberland Rivers Foundation, Cumbria Bird Club, Society for the Protection of Birds. Special thanks are due to the Cumbria Broadleaves, Cumbria Farm Link, Cumbria Sea Fisheries Chairmen of the Steering Committee:
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