Plant Patterning in the Chilean Matorral: Are Ent Effects on the Matorral Vegetation

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Plant Patterning in the Chilean Matorral: Are Ent Effects on the Matorral Vegetation Abstract: Native and exotic mammals have differ- Plant Patterning in the Chilean Matorral: Are ent effects on the matorral vegetation. (A) Large the Roles of Native and Exotic Mammals mammals (guanacos vs goats) differ in that native 1 guanacos are only minor browsers, whereas goats Different? use shrubs more extensively. Differences between goats and shrub-defoliating insects provide addi- tional evidence that goats are a novel perturba- 2 tion on the matorral vegetation. (B) European Eduardo R. Fuentes and Javier A. Simonetti rabbits and their native counterparts differ in their effects on shrub seedlings and on native perennial herbs. Native small mammals affect only the periphery of antipredator refuges. Rabbits are infrequently preyed upon, do not exhibit such habitat restriction, and show a more extensive effect. Implications for matorral renewal are discussed. Mammals and the matorral vegetation have recip- tolerance to the new species. Here, only pre- rocal effects on each other's distribution and adaptative traits would account for any resilience abundance. On the one hand, shrubs, herbs, and of the system. grasses provide food and cover for matorral mam- mals (Jaksić and others 1980; see also the chapter The second reason why the question is important by W. Glanz and P. Meserve in this volume). On relates to the coupling of herbivores to the eco- the other hand, the use that mammals make of the system structure. habitat can have several consequences for the plants, affecting their distribution and abun- Herbivores as a link between producers and car- dance. nivores have been selected not only for their ca- pacity to eat tissues of certain plants but also Here, we will examine the question: are the for their ability to avoid predation. Hence, only roles played by native matorral mammals the same a fraction of all a priori possible links between as the ones shown by alien species recently intro- plants and mammals are usually observable in any duced? given ecosystem. However, since in a field situa- tion there are usually no "controls," it is not There are at least two reasons why it is impor- possible to disentangle those links related to tant to know the answer to this question. First, feeding preferences and from those associated with the introduced mammals we will be referring to, constraints imposed by predators, the plants, or goats and rabbits, are of economic importance for abiotic factors. We believe that the comparison the subsistence of a relatively large human popu- of native and exotic species of herbivores, with lation in central Chile (Fuentes and Hajek 1979). the latter acting somewhat as evolutionary con- trols, can aid in the understanding of these Different management procedures would be de- relationships. rived depending on the degree of similarity one discovered. At one extreme, exotic species could In this paper, we first discuss the role of the produce consequences similar to those of their European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), recently original "analogues," but at the other extreme, introduced to Chile (Housse 1953). This rabbit is effects induced by both types of herbivores could compared with its native counterpart, the diurnal be completely different. Whereas in the first rodent degu (Octodon degus) and to some extent case the effects of the introduced mammals would, with vizcacha (Lagidium viscacia). There are no within certain limits, fall within the naturally native rabbits in Chile (see Osgood 1943). After evolved resilience (Rolling 1973) of the system, these comparisons, we will discuss some differ- in the second case the mammalian effects would be ences between the present ecological impact of a novel perturbation from an evolutionary point of introduced goats and the impact of guanaco (Lama view. In this latter case, extreme care should be guanicoe), a counterpart of goats. Finally, we taken, since the system might exhibit very little will discuss the role of mammals within a more general framework of matorral herbivory. 1 Presented at the Symposium on Dynamics and COMPARISON BETWEEN SMALL MAMMALS Management of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems, June 22-26, 1981, San Diego, California. Degus as well as vizcachas, two analogues in body size, general food habits, and habitat of the 2 Professor and Instructor of Biological Sci- rabbit, are known to exhibit a strong preference ences, respectively, at Pontificia Universidad for microhabitat in the neighborhood of rock out- Católica de Chile. Casilla 114-D, Santiago, crops and large protecting bushes (Pearson 1948, Chile. Le Boulengé and Fuentes 1978) (fig. la, b). Chin- Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-58. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 1982. 227 chilla rat (Abrocoma bennetti) is the third possi- ble native counterpart to rabbits by size and food habits, but since its density is usually quite low and it is generally found at the same trapping spots as degus (Jaksić and others 1980), its effect is also likely to be very similar to the one we will describe for degus. Although all the above animals venture short distances away from these refuges, they do so for very short times and apparently incur great preda- tion risks. Vizcachas are taken by foxes (Dusi- cyon culpaeus) (Pearson 1948), and other car- nivores (Pearson 1951) whereas degus and chin- chilla rat are frequently preyed upon by two species of foxes and several raptors (for a re— view, see Jaksić and others 1981). The European rabbit, on the other hand, exhib- its a somewhat different behavior contrasting to that of the native species (fig. la, b). In the matorral, adult rabbits tend to use the open spaces far from the above—mentioned refuges (Jaksić and others 1979). Simonetti and Fuentes (1981) confirmed these results and have also shown that small, juvenile rabbit individuals tend to use the neighborhood of refuges, just like degus, and that as they become progressively larger they concomitantly become users of the open spaces (fig. lb, c). Nevertheless, in the Chilean mator- ral actual predation upon rabbits seems negligible (Jaksić and others 1979, Jaksić and Soriguer 1981) in spite of the existence of a conspicuous array of potential predators. That is, there are poten- tial predators but these do not eat rabbits. On the other hand, in Spain where the rabbit is native, its microdistribution pattern is similar to that exhibited by degus and vizcachas in Chile; it is restricted to the neighborhood of protecting refuges (Jaksić and Soriguer 1981). In Spain, rabbits are known to be heavily preyed upon by several predators (Jaksić and Soriguer 1981). Moreover, whereas in Spain rabbits strongly prefer habitats with high shrub cover, presumably pro- tecting them from predators, in Chile they exhibit just the opposite trend (Fuentes and Jaksić 1980, Jaksić and Soriguer 1981). It therefore seems that juvenile rabbits born in Chile behave as they would in the Spanish maquis and only later use the open, predation—safe spaces of central Chile (Simonetti and Fuentes 1981). These differences between rabbits and native matorral species, plus the differences exhibited Figure 1--Relative activity of small mammals. by rabbits in similar habitats in Chile and Spain, Ordinate is density of feces ±2 SE of the mean, but under different predation pressures, suggest whereas abscissa is distance to nearest refuge that in Chile rabbits exhibit habitat release (rock outcrop or large shrub). (a) Vizcachas associated with reduced predation pressure (dark columns) versus adult rabbits (light col- (Fuentes and Jaksić 1980, Jaksić and Soriguer umns). (b) Degus (light dots) versus adult rabbits 1981). Thus, the lack of an effective coupling (black dots) (redrawn from Jaksić and others between Chilean predators and rabbits can be 1979a). (c) Small rabbits under 250 mm length (re— related to an important extension in the pattern drawn from Simonetti and Fuentes 1981). Curves of microhabitat use by rabbits in Chile. This were drawn by eye. Notice that vizcachas, degus, habitat release also occurs in zones where degus and small rabbits tend to use the neighborhood of are absent, indicating that it is not competition refuges preferentially, whereas adult rabbits do that drives rabbits out of the refuges. exactly the opposite. See the text for discussion. 228 We will now discuss the question: are the from the microclimatic effect produced by the rock preferences of these two mammals for the vegeta- outcrops. tion the same or not? The significance of this question lies in that both niche dimensions, In addition to the effect on herbs, rabbits and microhabitat use, and food preferences are impor- degus modify the distribution of shrubs by alter- tant in comparing the potential impacts of the ing the survival chances of some seedlings. species on the vegetation. Simonetti and Fuentes (unpublished data), by planting protected and unprotected Q. saponaria The answer to the above question was obtained seedlings on equator-facing, ridgetop, and polar- through pairwise "cafeteria tests" using four com- facing slopes, were able to show that even here mon species of matorral shrubs: Colliguaya odori- rabbits do have an important effect on shrub fera (Euphorbiaceae), Kageneckia oblonga (Rosa- renewal. On north-facing slopes, where rabbit ceae), Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae), and densities are highest, their killing effect is Quillaja saponaria (Rosaceae). Methods as well as considerably higher than on the high cover south- results are explained in detail by Fuentes and facing slope, where rabbits are known to be Etchégaray (1980) and Fuentes and Simonetti (un- scarcer. Moreover, the ridgetop situation is published manuscript). In brief, results show intermediate in both effect and rabbit density that rabbits and degus eat mature leaves of all (see fig. 2). four shrub species, although they clearly exhibit different preferences in the pairwise comparisons In sum, the evidence available at present sug- (table la).
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    170 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS VOL. 33, NO. 2 j RaptorRes. 33(2):170-172 ¸ 1999 The Raptor ResearchFoundation, Inc. PREY SIZE 1M_ATTERSAT THE UPPER TAIL OF THE DISTRIBUTION: A CaSE STUDY IN NORTHCENTRAL CHILE D^vir) P. SANT•}•A•q}•ZANt) FA•L/tNM. j2ucsic Departamentode Ecologfa, Pontificia Universidad Catdlica de Chile,Casilla 114-D, Santiago,Chile KEY WOP,DS: prey selection;Barn Owl; Tyto alba; Great remains in pellets (mosdy small mammals) were deter- Horned Owl; Bubo virginianus; Chil•, semiaridecosystem. mined to species level. More details about procedures may be found in Castro andJaksic (1995). Whole cranial remains of chinchilla rats found in owl Sympatric raptors are known to consume different pellets were set apart and measured.According to the prey species,often cueing on the abundance,size, mor- morphometric characters of each cranium, we estimated phology,or behavior of the prey (Kotler 1985, Kotler et the body mass by regressionanalysis. The relationship al 1988, Jaksic 1989). Less known is how raptor preda- between cranial measurementsand body xnasswas cal- tlon applies on different size or age classesof a given culated from specimensof known massin the Museo Na- prey species(Fulk 1976,Marti and Hogue 1979, Zamo- cional de Historia Natural (Santiago,Chile). Three cra- rano et al. 1986,Vargas et al. 1988, Longlandand Jenkins nial dimensionswere measuredwith calipersat 0.5 mm 1987, Dickman et al. 1991), but abundance, size, and be- precision: width of the zygomaticarch (cf. Green and Jameson1975), minimum distancebetween upper inci- havior of age classeshave also been postulatedas the cues sor and first molar (upper diastema,cf.
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