Davy !& Awarded
Davy !& Awarded. , Brii dings on Farm : Pining Contract • !Xee|y uneniplo|yed persons in Neaii B Barrington who nnt to obtain Tvo^dayX of 'gfrtlf'.'dt the Bait- r*)ie.f through hiohes t work, will i Most, of,Scout tpmp 21 ^nd severial .ringtiiij Hills Gounfry yiu > couhje! with tin Opportunity; t» for Hough Street b<j! givj'n jobss, i| was decided by ibeinb'efK of troop 10 will attend the iijirei Musical enterbinmeijit and DosfrojedbtFilP the village boarfl h swell two ellarity-' . riblie|f of trustees af- overnight rally of . flio '• Northwest fjtorj j telijfnie, iyill l[e\.fei|tur^s of the ^ , .,-,.• -r-r ter receiving n oposnl to that iHUburban (Hiuncil which will be held amijjniir x' o activilty. Then! will also be fluids will be possible foi^ 'hoij- „,,,.' i'.i\inu' Next Week; eVijtl f ifom the irrhigton reli<\f ijt'Cnmp Reinher|r Saturday and Sun t inie ppejn., t atiurday evening fdr star Ner Associition Names Of- inenib'crs. of the club residing i I $12,000, Level 1 commi;tec. I and near larringtoii. f , FM day. Under the direction of Scout study under the direct! in of $3. M. 1 ^ ),,,.1,, WantJob Done fi|cers, Coitmittee Heads The ebujrio will be open to not' The relief •«•() n initleP . in r«- Executive BurrisCloar they will leave J forth, jteoiita wih*"bo up early Sun <Jai ag<; ,^lk s, on larkli IW lore Winter nlixiiifjr that the ni •jority of needy from the Gold S^ar building Saturday day niorjiiii'1 to particiiute in a na- at Thun day 'Meeting members Siitiirtlay and Siindaj Estate! person * would \ wr', working uioriiliuf.
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