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2010 CENSUS): Hatillo Municipio, PR 66.810485W LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE Puerto Rico PUERTO RICO 72 18.497343N 18.497370N 66.832544W P.L. 94-171 COUNTY BLOCK MAP (2010 CENSUS): Hatillo Municipio, PR 66.810485W LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL LABEL STYLE Puerto Rico PUERTO RICO 72 Municipio FLORIDA 054 Barrio or Barrio-Pueblo Palmas bar 58451 Subbarrio Mercado 53025 Comunidad or Zona Urbana 1 Guaynabo 32522 Voting District (VTD) 93-5 State Legislative District - SLDU 9900.16 Upper (Senate) 4 State Legislative District - SLDL Lower (House) 26 Census Tract 5801 SLDL Census Block 2 2014 ZZZ SLDU DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL ZZZ Pr- 52 Océano Atlántico 29-2 Primary Road Water Body Cabo Rojo Ave Las Caobas Other Road Military Ft Allen Cul-de-sac National or State Park, Cayo Mata Circle Forest, or Recreation Area Aero Culebra 4WD Trail, Stairway, Airport Alley, Walkway, or Ferry Calle Pelicano Raiload Inset Area A Pipeline or Power Line Outside Subject Area Ridge or Fence Property Line Qbda Arriba Perennial Stream Qbda Yaurel Intermittent Stream Nonvisible Boundary or Feature Not Elsewhere Classified n leco l Ma rgina Cll Ma Where Puerto Rico, municipio, and/or barrio or barrio-pueblo boundaries coincide, Cll Fe the map shows the boundary symbol for only the highest-ranking of these boundaries. lipe M Arana Calla Felipe M Arana 3014 Cll Felipe M Arana Ave Malecon 1 Label color correlates to the fill color. Cll 7 Cll Dr Curbelo 3015 2 A ' * ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere 3004 Cll 6 3101 in the block. 3010 Cll Simplicio David 3017 Cll 3 Cll Jose Limon de Arce Cll Ram Cll Miguel Gonzalez 3018 3012 Cll Rodriguez Sanchez 3009 3016 Cll 6 on S Delgado Cll Padre Pedro Lopez ba Carrizales m o Cll 1 c a 3013 l L bar 14677 ue n 3005 a M l Cl Cll Carmelo Rodriguez 3021 3020 Malecon Cll Marginal Cll 2 2 Cll Cll Gonzalo Navas 3019 Cll 4 Margarita Cll 6 Cll Ferrocaril 3022 3011 Pr- 119 Ave Dr Susoni Pr- Cll Genaro 2 Garcia C Cll Teresa 1002 l l Arana S Pr- 119 i n N o m Cll Amazonas io 1004 b rc r e e Cll Manuel Cll Vazquez Lacomba m 1 o C Lacomba ll C l C l Cll Estancias de Hatillo Cll Genaro E Garcia S 1002 i n C l N l 1006 Cll Luis H o Cll Cosme Arana J Lacomba u m 3007 a 1005 b n 1007 r Cll 4 e F 2 A Cll Comercio c o Cll Amazonas s t Cll Pedro 3006 Ave Dr Susoni a P Vargas 1001 Luis H Lacomba P h H 1009 e Cll Francisco Velazquez 3031 r n Hatillo 33296 a Pedro P Vargas n Cll Juan R Garcia 1003 d e z 3030 Pr- 130 Vidal Felix Cll Nilo Pr- 119 3003 Cll Vidal Felix Vidal Felix Padre Delgado 29-1 3032 Vidal Felix Pedro P Vargas Fernando Velazquez 3033 Arroyo Julio Cll Delgado Cll Ramon Fd RooseveltPadre Cll P H Hernandez 3008 Cll Tigris Montijo 1008 3029 Cll Ricardo Carranza 3035 Hatillo b-p 33382 Pr- 130 Delgado Padre z Alvar e Cll Manuel Cll Genoveva 3034 Alcaide 1018 R Millan Cll F D Roosevelt elt sev a oo g d R 3036 F Marginal Calle Comercio a Pr- 130 M 1017 l 3028 Cll Manuel Alcaide l 3027 Luis Muñoz Rivera C Cll F D Roosevelt Cll Muñoz Rivera Cll Tulipan Cll Maga Maga Cll C Cll Mercedes ll J Cll Manuel Alcaide 1022 a Muñoz Rivera z Reichard 1016 m tinez Cll Maga Cll Lorenzo Caballes Gandia r in a Cll 6 1025 M Cll Lirio o 1014 1024 m 3026 l e 1011 s Cll Tulipan n 1013 1016 Pr- A Cll Aniceto Castro l l 1015 ve l i C Anselmo 2 N Cll Anselmo 1010 so a Martinez 2000 Martinez a P l l i Cll Pedro J Navas e v a Cll Jose R Lacomba a D i Ave Pablo J Aguilar d o Casanovas 2001 n Cll Pepin d a l a í a G d n v Cll Tu a n 1012 lip s s le a Cll Eleuterio l O 3038 G Cll Petunia a l l b s 3102 C a e Rodriguez C ll o r o a t nz b s re o a Cll Gladiola o C C 2003 L ll o o C z t n e e c r i 1017 1018 Tulipan o n Cll Luciano Castro L A Eleuterio Rodriguez Cll Los Alvarez Cll Caobos 3037 4 Cll Ave Pablo J Aguilar Hatillo bar 33339 Cll Amapola Pr- 130 2004 Cll 1 SLDL SLDU 15 3 Cll Tulipan Cll Los Alvarez Cll Sin Nombre 1 Cll Violeta Cll Ausubo 3103 Pr- 2 Cll Caoba o c i C t n Cll Los Pinos lamboya l F l s Cll i A l l G v Cll Cipres a u e G a l y a b a u c l C a e C Cll Pino n i C b Cll Club Gallistico Cll B Interior 29-3 l a l C l a v e Cll Cedro l Hatillo bar 33339 Cll Cedro Cll Hucar C ll B Cll Sin Salida Interior Cll Almendra Cll Sin Salida 3 Cll 1 a Cll Robles d i l a Cll Sin No S mbre n i S m a C Location of County within State Sheet Location within Entity Cll A Cll B B Cll Cll A Cll Cordillera Cll Sin Salida 2 Cll Sin Nombre 5 5 Nombre Sin Cll Cll Sin Salida 1 Cll Vistamar Cll 6 Cll Sin Nombre 1 Cll 5 Cll Sin Nombre 1 Calle E Cll A Cll A Pr- 130 18.476297N 18.476324N 66.832514W 66.810458W All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2010. The boundaries shown on this Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic map are for Census Bureau statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their Datum: NAD 83 INSET SHEET A1 NAME: Hatillo Municipio (065) Spheroid: GRS 80 depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of 0 99 198 297 396 495 Meters ENTITY TYPE: County or statistically equivalent entity jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement. 1st Standard Parallel: 17 57 21 Total Sheets: 5 2nd Standard Parallel: 18 26 45 0 334 668 1002 1336 1670 Feet ST: Puerto Rico (72) Geographic Vintage: 2010 Census (reference date: January 1, 2010) - Index Sheets: 1 Central Meridian: -66 35 02 The plotted map scale is 1:3190 - Parent Sheets: 3 Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database (TAB10ST72) Latitude of Projection's Origin: 17 49 60 Map Created by Geography Division: November 30, 2010 False Easting: 0 - Inset Sheets: 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau False Northing: 0 2010 PL BLOCK MAP (INSET) U S C E N S U S B U R E A U 202472065A01 .
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