The Confessions of Claui
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with foliaie. anl the wave., sobbing arnon? tn ternoon nap; ho is still feeble and rcqiiirre mut bam, Mr*. ItetAtt saki to ber ive children, "We have lacking, several weeks of clout* application gav I hatl no business tn leave my nintn-y off amor al: gat to die," snd then walker) into tbe water wita aud to ashamed ,f counted coves, rem hen anti crannies, often _.l;is rest, but she has etrong hopes of his ono day b her children wbo were OF CLAUI me thc clew of Uie labyrinth, The task set fo Tom, Dick Hairy. I ought ha a barby 'Ibe left itaadlng oi THE CONFESSIONS nnd I WBtM well knew it. Foulke lu ,i the foliage that bandi above them, on Buanaa coming almost well. She of him a grei tbe r.xert-tiie xrtrn otw n a'armed, and two of thia me by the faulty stcwai-i.ship of ot bets proii-idct myself, tin- iiiniieiise tween of Watan will .'leam bin Bpoko 'i.fir who Un* onie (Maa thai I had Banda m day followed mother, hv time hail with I'i sharp dithculty. More than my inventigutloti written him raffa yoa ari uni of white float deal and described somo of thc details of h r A BOMANCK. of h'-ns and a ot an tuiijiioise, hundreds sails h. Infant il sa pt,eared und. the wafer. Harry anl verged upon a discovery of Muni thin,' woree thin my French ragamuffin arti aloof cai she is a the oiher who of the other lt wu* thal buaband in thc dreamy marine distance- Dimly illness; certainly paragon of dam-liter Robert, two rhil-lien were left store JPv E-X..B Fawc-tt. Author "Iculh*vforo*."*,A Indolent management. 1 louis of daily labor wei* acandaloua my he the low Minti bills of the blain on the shore, coled to their brother, to come Womnn," "A Gentleman ot Utsort alone hut the of fortune should nut be left ia the family.or Bighted umg She had heard about a fort night ago tluit ** eui* AmbM"*t dc nut netBBBS.J einploynietit ca]si coast, far lan lah- on a nearer new, but delicat hut without ava I. Hairy tlu-n --el to hi* young*! "tinkling .'ytnlmlt," ussistancc mt well. I S"t up niv otlice. like an; haa. a nod balf of it Poulke arould know ho would occupy Rockstda thi* summer." brother Robert, ws ail have to -i.e. we 1S5-6. bia ii to uses Foul! and visionary when the [ale, drowsy clouds bun, "Ooma Ja- got Copt/riyht. ordinaiy man of business, nnl itnineiM-il niyscl to save it. Invest it. pat good it "ne?" I said, inti vc ran only die once." Itol'T. replied. ~'l shan't po was a Isuiuii hut ii n li.l fellow h brooding above .to..'ali ly. him in dOCUmenta like the buataal Ot lawyers. 'Iii. only spit was in mer thc "Ilei- In"; """hereupon Harry pithed in, but he i_e- was doini.' and I Casbah- eratadn pince. '"1 suppose she must have taken the 'we' ft rr*t|etl with st,me n out. XI. ivs|n iisiluhty of roan-.in_.in_. affair, wliieh hat aidan I bb outragcoua thiag, bc to as never before!" h difficulty scraaitillna Harry to he a shaine that law could n,il na, I aCiall Inspired paint -int. did it that Otb. then v.riil,'-.I imo the river BBd wa- drowne/l with tte become wretchedly confused was by no mean felt it the "Ah. let us conic all means granted Hut pot put way, Continued. he. exclaimed beta by ' re*.. rilli* llBlUBMBtl hnvr been ur uie Bl BJ a light in*. Mit*. Isuian's trust in mc. And while he said that, Otho, lifted li I am bonni to bc, truthful. Her was con Twenty-five years limo male striking chang perfect m.1 shiivelied flinn Hu- lounge and shook I lt will he a tlii inc relief after tbe hoii.i. of tba 'you the motive for the mine, lt i- igj_ thal the deceaso. capacity for Un work, however, acted with stiiii shape shocking city." least I ro construed i woman hud enfrrfalne.l .reline* itt Ir.i'omy, tboiick In New York DemOm in Hie city itself do n uluting it BM ob aie BM one of tho.-*" yellow banda Uni hail alroan y pi-eheasive, lt i» wald that -he effect; put my mettle, I shook my head ruefully nnd pointed towart a unblusl and lier koBtMBB Jived on Sffen- radical these arc. lt is not un self ii-iaine. in-ight and til uiiiiisscd millions.' 1 behaved with splendid hypocrisy. I I'onafc fenn* lief.tre (raving t hamberwoll abe recognize liow doubled my Rapid "Mich I said to Mis as si Ina hon.-. through whose dingy and uninvitim Iel aloi habit of thought un Invahiabl behavior,1 Dorian, is we had wallleied "Maivels o told ber that we had beard only jfBBtUfda her weddlae ring be bind af her husband'-* hou-e. that nold avenues have peaked their w;iy ap procise proved "has ii ol It caa thumb lale'y iBgly Mm help. What it Wits to leam 1 BCOuilBi paused, flavor insanity. only and bc u*ho our were She never cbari'.'c Leaders disposition l* r.bed a. an. Uk* linell on either hand with solid ai I requisite condoned Uni ground, truly I' alteration beautifyDig Bright made yonder,' neighbors (¦ensltivo. Maadi uith aaeed and aurety, although months enpaa op 1 saul. color hy a shads ali our Interview; m bu.ldin-s, anil hu heforo 1 bad attained like complete nias "Ab.' exctahned my guardian, "it wm bo daring Itately easily proplK-syin. anything tibie. mid it aaa lhat lean, cadave Mis Dorian lau-hed. "Wc win eccomptiah tin self'poaaeadoB aaa admirabla, but too ad mi.-ab ii lhirk will one cease to lie a siihui-hi ten- over tin- details connected with this lai-gt yet superb Marven then," she anti with an air o When 1 aaid 'Otho ami I caught a glim se of yo Central day estate. mis. repuWve id.i mini, in bis Haded dress n BBBOUnced, SEAATORIRFARTS AND TIIE BOOK AGEAT nnd like liv iU* l';t iini actually Imperilled tune, determination which struck me us Budden, buli on the karn tbs iii>t morning alter our arrival contradiction of its name, lie, Hut the absonition needful for new occupa gown anl with one foot In the product hm sh my n mc an which 1 treasur which I afterward cit arly explained ".Hui mic preserved a composure that waa delicious; in I>in lon. midway of a hage, busy. OBBBpa lion was of Bolla Berala] value. Il kept my mim vi!>. imprenion poeitivelj in a wc f a in the fn Prnm The St. Lttdt ulah' nemrurtt is no a maB; be is a an din's palace was built night, but have has nut been belle fushn,ruble world mere of Hie ls cv from omi- a love which I now reflecte, Ila longer passion, appetit in to un I mc. tt an metropolis. Tlie growth city brooding a num'ier of days which decorate edon nothing. Hut 1 admit she disarmed || It tnkes nrtisf to sell hooks on tho rail¬ still dct _ as also Its in arti on with de-pair. This love was ply rooteu greed." I saul. mus Casimir. being an art isl. shall choose al lisna! audacity did not stand in" In good steal road eur* You never »eo un artur slam Into a cir. hana dent enough, partial cain life itself. I wooli "Ile instill a father. tl e iltur, anti efari -own the ni-de, lt or mle, thMwuir in my heart, Inaliea ible from smi is a him. t the dash BB and COkNI You, Otho, shall attcm at all; thc only pointed ramark thal I had th Ic-ctiiral gi-ace after the lon;, undisputed mle wmMs for thc old froetlom, bul "Only because his patt of wv b life of Jcs.*! Juana down hv a minister. (Jeir** ol have glvea it is In itself a kin i i.t tin- practical Improvements, shall in* _a courage bi ii..;*, was an axpreesiofl of your res; Houses ai-e rcaiv iiii.t it is thc egotism of paternity; so Moody's Beneoas hf . ran** 411m I'mkrrtnn'i severe ugliness frc-uently knew lay forever beyond reach. M. i. travagant us rou my friends long n wishes and of your Intention to oiler thea Beabey. obtained for me an tnttee Inti of avenoe. He bclievea that Foulke will coi please, tlet -e- v# booka hv a vonni- i,niy from faSBBfi and at without violating eveiy known law guardian easily tims- millions s -,ie transform with the eranda of na] enchenlen.1 iu at some future time." * of Verne liv .1 pit-sent, what wero M the lust nicies. I saw man.' linne thc clutch upon when h genoa Pe niue sherri f-iVine rn prisoner to slne held .. like hen could of couta, '.hat was a or sometime, they gleam like happy own yellow hand iii unnerved by death: thal Wealth produce nearly Indeed stroke of bold.caa," Pine. Your artut «ininler* norsole-slv In o a ear -rlthoul lie.itity, refined, beautiful anl attractive womeai bm - i- ervtlinr but thc ImpoSBlblB, :m May had liol said, with mekuit COBBteroatioB Ul my lonea a lioolr, tell*, the brakeman a tiinrv -torv.