CATALOGING SERVICE BULLETIN LIBRARY SERVICES Number tF3, Winter 1999 Editor: Rohcrt M. Hiatt CONTENTS Page GENERAL 1,C to Irnplcmcnt Cw-c-1,evcl Cnrnloging Prnprnin for Coaperativc Cataloging Idcntificazicln Cnde DESCRIPTIVE CtITALOG ING I,ihnry uf Congress Rule lnrcrprctations Ileadingr for Conventional Chincsc Placc Names SUBJECT CATALOGING Suhdivisinn Siinpl ificnticln Prt~grcss Chnnycd or Cnncellcd Free-Floafing Suhdivi%ion< Suhjcct Hcntlinp< nf Current Inrcreqt Rcviscd tc Suhjcct Headings Suhjcct Headings, Replaced by Nnmc Headings ROMANIZATION Manchu Clnssicnl Morlgnlinn (Vcrrical script) Oirnr/Kiilmyk Edirrlrinl pr~sfn!nrjdrr.~.r: Cataloging Pohcy and Support Office, Lihrary Services, Lihrary (11 C'ongresr. Wa<li~n_p~on.1E.C'. 2115411-4305 Giiro~irrlri~r.trr??rir- rr~nil raridre~r. rr'sll@lnc gc~v Edifo~irrlm.r 11 trntbpr.: (202) 707-6629 Stthscr-iptinn R~C/~PFI':Cusromcr Suppnrr Team, Catajoping Distrihutian Service. Lihrnry CIS Congress, Washinpton. D.C. 20541: -491 2 Swhsrriprion PIP[-~lnrtic.nwril ucldr~s.~:
[email protected]~w Library of Congrcss Catalog Card Numher: 7K-5 1400 ISSN 01 60-8029 KPYfirle: Cataloging service hullelin Copyright 01999 1Rc Lihrary d' Canpress, cxcepr within the U.S.A. GENERAL n I,C TO IMPLEMENT CORE-LEVEL CATALOGING Background The concept of a core-level cataloging record stems from the Cooperative Cataloging Council's (now Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC))Task Group 4: Standards. Its final report of October 29, 1993, included among its recommendations a core-level record for books. It further recommended that "... if the concept of a core-level record is judged viable, similar standards should he developed for the monographic forms of non-book materials ..." Such standards have now been developed for books, graphic materials, moving image materials, music and non-music sound recordings, printed music and music manuscripts.