The Newsletter of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston WWW.UH.EDU/CWP John Antel Dean, CLASS Wyman Herendeen English Dept. Chair j. Kastely CWP Director Kathy Smathers Assistant Director Maria Martinez Program Coordinator Glenn Blake Alumni Coordinator Undergraduate Advisor 713.743.3015
[email protected] 2004-2005 Edition Every effort has been made to include faculty, students, and alumni news. Items not included will be published in the next edition. From the Director... The academic year 2004/2005 was a particularly full one. We welcomed Claudia Rankine to the faculty; we participated in the inaugural course for the new Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for Col- laboration among the Arts; and on April 16, 2005, we hosted a celebration of the UH Creative Writ- ing Program’s 25th anniversary. This year we will welcome Kimiko Hahn to the poetry faculty and welcome Patricia Powell in the Fall and Peter Turchi in the Spring as visiting professors of fiction. And 19 new students will join the program: 10 in poetry; 8 in fiction, and 1 in non-fiction. In 2005/2006 we will address the undergraduate concentration in Creative Writing; we will work with the Graduate Studies Program to reform our graduate programs; and we will continue our ef- forts to build a strong and effective alumni association. It was especially gratifying in April to visit with alumni and former faculty. It allowed us the op- portunity to recognize the special contributions of some of our former faculty, to acknowledge people in the community who have generously supported the program over the years, and to ac- claim the achievements of our alumni.