31 AUGUST, 2020




BíoBío Penco METROPOLITANA Tomé 23 comunas de la Chiguayante Provincia de Concepción ANTOFAGASTA Hualpén Calama San Bernardo Talcahuano Mejillones Buin Antofagasta Del Maule Linares ARICA Y PARINACOTA COQUIMBO El Monte Arica Coquimbo Magallanes La Serena Punta Arenas Ovalle San José de Maipo

ATACAMA TARAPACÁ Copiapó Iquique Tierra Amarilla VALPARAÍSO Alto Hospicio Viña del Mar DEL LIBERTADOR Pozo al Monte Valparaíso GENERAL BERNARDO Quillota O`HIGGINS LOS LAGOS La Calera Rengo Puerto Montt La Cruz San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua LATEST MEASURES

• The Ministry of Health announced that nine communes in the Metropolitan Region enter the Transition stage and another five return to Quarantine. Hualpén, Concepción, Chiguayante and Talcahuano, in the Bíobío Region, and Linares in the Maule Region go back to Quarantine. In the Metropolitan Region, the communes of El Monte, Cerrillos, Calera de Tango, La Florida, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Talagante, , Maipú and advance to Transition. • The government lifted restrictions on the movement of adults over 75 years of age. As of Tuesday, September 2, adults over 75 years of age will be subject to the same restrictions and freedoms as anyone, according to the phase of the Step-by-Step Plan in which their commune is located. • The Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks, Arturo Zúñiga, led the start-up of the new Cesfam de Navidad, which houses the rural general office of the commune. • The Undersecretary of Assistance Networks, Arturo Zúñiga, traveled to the Coquimbo Region to visit the Modular Hospital of La Serena, the last of the five establishments of this type that the Government enabled to strengthen the availability of beds during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. • The Public Health Institute (ISP) released the list of IgG and IgM antibody kits that are reported on the official websites of regulatory authorities for high health surveillance in medical devices. • President Piñera, together with Minister Enrique Paris, promulgated the National Cancer Law. The law addresses the disease from prevention, early detection and timely care of patients. The National Cancer Network is created, which will consist of specialized centers, and the National Cancer Fund, to finance research, prevention and early detection programs. • Health authorities led vaccination for schoolchildren in Ñuñoa. On the occasion, Undersecretaries Paula Daza and Arturo Zúñiga also recalled the importance of the 2020 Vaccination Calendar. MAIN GOBERNMENT SPOKESPERSONS

President of ChileSebastián Piñera Health Minister Enrique Paris

Undersecretary of Undersecretary of Health Assistance Networks Paula Daza Arturo Zúñiga CIF IN PRESS

Article in La Tercera.com http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ejm7n

Article in La Tercera.com http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ek37b

Article in La Tercera http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ek36f CIF IN PRESS

Article in T13 https://bit.ly/31sAv1g

Note in Canal 13 http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekbij

Article in La Tercera http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekm83 CIF IN PRESS

Article in Las Últimas Noticias http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=eklvb

Article in El Longino http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekv5s

Article in Radio Agricultura.cl http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekprn CIF IN PRESS

Article in El Mostrador http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekpwj

Article in El Dínamo http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekqy7

Article in Cooperativa.cl http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekqyx CIF IN PRESS

Article in Publimetro.cl https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/n oticias/2020/08/26/laboratorio- janssen-ensayo-clinico-chile- vacuna-coronavirus-covid- johnson-johnson.html

Note in Radio Bíobío http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekpbf

Article in The Clinic.cl http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekst1 CIF IN PRESS

Article in Diario Chañarcillo http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=eky30

Article in El Longino http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=ekv5s

Article in La Tercera http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=el3j8 CIF IN PRESS

Article in Radio Agricultura.cl http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=el7lc

Article in ADNradio.cl http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN ?valor=el7is LINKS OF THE MAIN NEWS OF THE WEEK

• ISP and Laboratorio Chile warn about the illicit sale of counterfeit weight loss drugs and their risks http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ejwnx • Congressman requests subsidy for the world's most expensive drug http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=eju3l • China has used an "emergency vaccine" since July http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ek72n • Covid: Brazil's key role for the vaccine http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ek8r3 • Moderna agrees to supply 80 million doses of its vaccine to the EU http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekba3 • US Approves Blood Plasma As Treatment For Coronavirus, But WHO Has Doubts And Says Evidence Is "Low Quality“ http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ek945 • First covid-19 reinfection suggests immunity to virus is shorter than previously thought http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekdfb • Sinovac: Vaccine that will arrive in Chile gives positive results against all strains of coronavirus http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekhwp • Monoclonal antibodies are the key to new drug against Covid-19 http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=eklz3 • Johnson & Johnson laboratory chooses Chile to test its vaccine http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=eklvb • New Cenabast Law http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=eklir • Drug achieves positive results against leukemia http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekw7i • Spain joins the European centralized purchase of the Oxford vaccine http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekf4b • Medical student creates scientific dissemination project on social networks to teach about medicinal plants http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekuzu • Regeneron recruits competitor Roche to help him make medicine for covid-19 http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=ekvh6 • China accelerates in the race for the vaccine against covid-19 with trials in developing countries: Chile among them http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=el0eo • Prosur agrees to distribute future vaccine http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=el21a • National Cancer Law with a magnifying glass: what does the new regulation imply? http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=el5p6