Who is Gangaji & What is She Doing? Unraveling Gangaji’s Home Page Introduction

“Can Anyone Please Clearly State What Gangaji is doing?” What follows is an analysis of what a reader will find when they go to the Home Page for Gangaji’s Web Site at: http://www.gangaji.org/

Gangaji’s Introduction to Web Readers are in Envy Green Arial Bold, 10pt. Reasonable questions that an average responsible person might ask have been added in 8pt , Times New Roman Font. All supporting quotes are included in Times New Roman blue italic with focus portions highlighted in Bold Burnt Red.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Itemized Breakdown of what Gangaji says on her Home Page “There is a great secret that beings throughout time have announced, the secret of an extraordinary treasure, the treasure of the nectar of eternal life.” Gangaji does not say whom she is alluding to. We are left to assume that she is referring to great spiritual luminaries like Lord , Narada Muni, Veda , Lord Ramachandra, Lord , Confucius, Zarathustra, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Muhammad, Lord Caitanya etc. “It is the nectar of pure beingness, recognizing itself as consciousness and overflowing in the love of that recognition.” Some of the teachings of Confucius and Lord Buddha might be able to get stretched far enough to support this statement, but those who have actually studied what the greatest sages in history taught know that they would not appreciate the vague, elusive and misleading direction Gangaji’s second sentence is heading.

“If you imagine yourself to be located in a body, then you will move that body from place to place, searching for this treasure of nectar.” Here Gangaji is either exposing her ignorance or her inability to communicate clearly. The clearly indicate that the individual Jiva Atma is not the same as the body. Therefore one of the most rudimentary lessons a beginner transcendentalist quickly realizes is that: “You are NOT the Body.” But that is not what Gangaji is saying.

Gangaji indirectly belittles those who “imagine” that they are located in the body, even though she offers no alternative idea as to where she believes the soul resides. What is clearly evident by this badly worded sentence is that Gangaji is directly contradicting the nature of the soul as it is explained in the world’s leading authority on that subject, the .

“As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.”- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 3 “Contents of the Gita Summarized,” Text 13. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/3/13/en

Gangaji doesn’t want her students to properly understand the message of the Bhagavad Gita because that would completely undermine her charade. The more people who learn about the content of that scripture, and it’s powerful historic influence on persons far more respected then she can ever expect to become, the less effective she will be in bamboozling people into her philosophically bankrupt understanding of the self.

For example once it is established that the soul does temporarily reside in the body, the next logical question a reasonable person would ask is: “What determines the type of body one gets awarded at birth?” Gangaji would have to make up a good story to explain that because she certainly wouldn’t be inclined to teach how it is dependent on the type of consciousness one develops like it is clearly explained in the Gita.

“And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt. Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 8 “Attaining The Supreme,” Text 5-6. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/8/5/en

The open secret is that the real reason why people are attracted to Gangaji is because she isn’t really teaching anything at all! (She openly admits this a little further down in this introduction.) In other words the aspirant need not adopt any disciplinary practices, study any

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

books or change any bad habits. According to her, none of those traditional tools for awakening are necessary or even relevant! That type of indulgent proclamation is indeed pure “Nectar” to the ears of the spiritually lazy, who are so overcome by false ego that they actually believe they are more qualified to succeed at adopting short cuts for “Awakening” then any legitimate prophet ever endorsed.

If Gangaji really believes that the body does not sustain the individual soul, why does she and all of her disciples spend so much time feeding, bathing, and medicating it? Where does Gangaji suggest the individual soul (you,) reside if not in the body? If the body is completely irrelevant, why spend so much time and money sustaining such an entangling illusion? Why not just quit the body altogether if it is of no use to the soul?

The second half of the sentence is a philosophical non-sequitur and not only confusing but misleading. It appears that Gangaji is suggesting that those who identify with the body will be compelled to move it from place to place in search of “Nectar,” while those who realize they are not located in the body have no reason to do so. The implication is that those who “Get” what she is teaching are so “Enlightened” they have no reason to engage the external world because it doesn’t offer any lessons one can’t get by themselves at home sitting in a closet. However people who work with the mentally ill will tell you that hermit like introverts are some of the most delusional crazy people in the world!

The converse is also true. We experience our greatest growth when we break out of our comfort zone and engage in the process of exchanging with others. That is why cults like the Gangaji Foundation demonize the process of defending what they believe because to do so requires rational thinking which would unravel Gangaji’s sticky web. Those who are brave enough to peek behind that curtain, will see that Gangaji is simply pulling a lot of emotional levers and spinning a bunch of psychological wheels in order to perpetuate her own egocentric fanfare.

So the question that stares each person in the face is what authority will you accept and why? Some are so enamored by Gangaji’s magic word juggling doubletalk that even when she is completely exposed as a fraud, they will continue to accept her confusing, imaginative speculations about the nature of the soul as valid. Those who do are just as culpable for being deceived by Gangaji as she is for deceiving them. Such arrangements are referred to by Vedic sages as the “Cheaters and the Cheated.” In other words: Gangaji is there to offer her unfounded, cheap sentimental blessings and speculations about the self to pretentious spiritualists who aren’t really interested in a serious spiritual education anyway.

“But, if you will stop all searching right now and tell the truth to yourself, you will know what is known in the core of your bones.” If you are actually ready to face the truth then you will realize that you are a conditioned soul trapped in a web of illusions, propped up by imperfect senses, with the propensity to cheat and make mistakes. You will also realize that “Feelings” or “Emotions,” commonly referred to as originating in the heart, are often very deceiving if not tempered by reason. When left unchecked they can lead to some of the most difficult problems one ends up having to settle in their entire life.

The high divorce rate and chronic dependence people have on therapists proves just how deceptive the heart can be! If you are mature enough to accept these two important starting points, then you will know ”…at the core of your bones” that the powers of mind, intelligence, and reason must be engaged in concert with the sensations of the heart or you will set yourself up for being terribly mislead by any con-artist who is expert at manipulating your feelings and emotions. Anyone who doesn’t readily acknowledge this probably is such a con artist, knowingly or un-knowingly!

“You will know what these great beings knew and attempted to describe.“ Gangaji’s opening sentences may go unquestioned by her followers, but scholars and theologians far more erudite then she is on the contributions of the “Great Beings” would not agree with this unsubstantiated sales pitch.

Gangaji’s admits here that according to her perception the “Great Beings” only “Attempted” to describe something very profound. However just because Gangaji is incapable of appreciating what the great sages and prophets had to share doesn’t mean nobody else understood what they had to say!

Those who are willing to do even a little research will quickly discover that there are real acaryas who are far more accomplished, respected and well known then Ramanma Maharshi, Papaji or the comic Gangaji could ever hope to be. These great souls DID grasp the esoteric , (conclusion) of the Vedas! Some of them are listed here. Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja: LINK: http://www.gosai.com/chaitanya/saranagati/html/guardians/gaura-kisora-bio.html Bhaktivenode Thakura; LINK: http://www.scsmath.com/docs/bhaktivinod_thakur.html Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati;

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

LINK: http://gosai.com/chaitanya/saranagati/html/saraswati_fs.html

These individuals not only successfully communicated the summum-bonum preserved in the ancient Vedas, they demonstrated it fully by how they lived their lives and in so doing they earned the honor and respect appropriate for the greatest modern day Vedic saints!

To grasp the sublime message handed down by these exalted personalities one must start by accepting that no-one can accomplish anything if they are not willing to make the appropriate effort. What separates professional musicians, artists, athletes, accountants, attorneys, doctors and engineers from those who are just “fooling around” is the fact that they studied under the tutelage of qualified experts and practiced their discipline rigorously. Although this is true for absolutely every other field of study, Gangaji proposes that the most subtle of all sciences can be fully grasped by anyone, instantly, without them having to do anything at all!

Only a fool would take Gangaji’s unknown, unrecorded, unconfirmed, unconventional, unorthodox and unproven methods for “Awakening” seriously. Apparently Gangaji’s followers never heard of the admonishment: “If is sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t!”

“You will know it with no image of it, no concept of it, no thought of it. You will know it as that which has eternally been here. And you will know it as yourself." To suggest that one can automatically assimilate what great sages spent their whole life mastering without adopting any personal disciplines will no doubt attract those who are permeated with spiritual arrogance but this assertion is both ridiculous and unprecedented. Gangaji is free to say whatever she wants but sober transcendentalists who have learned to accept the authority of the Bhagavad Gita know that only someone ensnarled in the mode of ignorance would say such a stupid thing.

All conditioned souls are tinged by different degrees of false ego. Many are so consumed by their own over inflated sense of spiritual prowess that they genuinely believe the principals of charity, penance, and austerity do not apply to them. However this is such an epidemic problem with neophyte transcendentalists that Krishna specifically addressed this point so no one could just whimsically dismiss these important principals:

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead Said: Some learned men declare that all kinds of fruitive activities should be given up as faulty, yet other sages maintain that acts of sacrifice, charity and penance should never be abandoned… Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up; they must be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls. All these activities should be performed without attachment or any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Prtha. That is My final opinion” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18 “Conclusion the Perfection of Renunciation”, Text 3, 5-6. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/18/3/en

Only a fool equates a hypnotic fix from Gangaji with getting a real spiritual education. Such individuals fall into the same trap as obese people who also expect a quick easy fix to their weight problems. Instead of cutting down on what they eat and getting good exercise, they spend a lot of money on diet products that promises to make them trim and fit very quickly, without them having to do anything. Healthy people know that it just doesn’t work that way!

“Gangaji, an American born teacher and author, has traveled the globe since 1990, speaking with spiritual seekers from all walks of life.“ Note that here we are informed that Gangaji speaks to “seekers.” What about scholars? Her circus has been on the road since 1990 but to this day Gangaji still doesn’t have the endorsement of any respected theologians, historians, or scholars because they are erudite enough to know that she is just another pop-up New-Age flash in the pan bogus guru who says whatever is appropriate to maximize ticket sales for her cash-cow seminars.

Please also make note of the fact that here Gangaji is being introduced to us as an “American Born Teacher.” A little further down Gangaji will deny that she is “Teaching” anything.

“Her message is powerful in its clarity and simplicity:“ If it is so clear then could someone please state what her message is in rational English? It appears that all Gangaji is saying can be summed up in one extremely worn out overused pithy maxim: “You are that, You always were That, you will always Be That, and That’s all there is!” Wow! How profound! Is “That” ALL Gangaji’s has to say? Is “That” what she bases her whole ministry on? Is “That” supposed to be the alleged astonishing profound truth she feeds to her tank of yuppie-guppies?

If so, then it would do those who sit in reverence of Gangaji to know the origin and proper understanding of the extremely misquoted Vedic “Tat Tvam Asmi Svetaketo.” (You are That Svetaketo) It is found in the the Chandogya Upanisad 5.8.7 and was spoken by a father to his son Svetaketo in order to help him understand that we are all a very small portion of the Supreme .

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

The term “Brahman” comes from the root brh, which means to grow or to evolve. In the Chandogya Upanisad 3.14, Brahman is described as tajjalan, as that (tat) from which the world arises (ja), into which it returns (la), and by which it is supported and lives (an).

Gangaji has some sense of the Bhahman, but her understanding is pathetically incomplete. To suggest that all one needs to do is sit silently for a few minutes each day, or vibrate “,” in order to fully realize the self exposes that her agenda is not transcendence but commercial profit. The Gita gives a much more sobering explanation of what it takes to enter into the Brahman:

“Persons who are learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I shall now briefly explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation.” -Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 8 “Attaining the Supreme,” Text 11. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/8/11/en

Becoming fully Brahman realized is not some cheap thing that any reckless child can obtain by the ad-nausea repetition of “I Am That.” Those who believe otherwise are either completely delusional or contemptible pretenders. What is important here is that Gangaji doesn’t even know about “sarva-karana-karanam”, “The Cause of All Causes” which is the origin of the Brahman and lies beyond it.

“ Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.” –Brahma Chapter 5, Mantra 1.

Gangaji’s fixation on the Brahman is similar to a little child who’s realization is limited to the simple fact that Barney the Dinosaur appears on Saturday morning television. The kid is just too immature to comprehend that behind the dancing and singing purple costumed Mesozoic reptile is a whole army of investors, producers, script writers, directors, costume makers, cameramen, set designers and commercial sponsors!

The child has some sense that Barney is Cool! Gangaji has some sense that the Brahman is Cool. But neither of them have a complete understanding of what lies behind their object of admiration. Those who are willing to grow up a little will realize that the Brahman alone is not only impersonal, and therefore boring and unsatisfying for the soul, but that behind it lies hidden the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad Gita:

“The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata.” -Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 14 “The Three Modes Of Material Nature,” Text 3. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/14/3/en

For the a full understanding of the:”Tat Tvam Asmi” sutra readers are advised to following the link: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/cgi- bin/kbase/Tat_Tvam_Asi#Introduction

Those who have matured enough to peek outside of the Gangji “No-Thinking-Allowed” circus tent are invited to introduce themselves to some of the most extraordinary revered acaryas who ever lived at the following links: Acarya

LINK: http://sriranganatha.tripod.com/ramanuja.html Madhva Acharya

LINK: http://www.dharmakshetra.com/sages/Saints/madvacharya.html Baladeva Vidyabhusana, LINK: http://www.iskcon.com/about/parampara/baladeva_vidyabhusana.html

“True peace and lasting fulfillment are not only our birthright, they are the essential nature of our being. Gangaji invites you to discover the possibility of living your life in the freedom and joy of simply being.” “Does she serve milk and cookies along with that?”

“Be welcomed by her message to you.” “…but leave your brains behind.


Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

(Readers must click on the “Message” button to get what is staged to appear like a more intimate personal revelation from Gangaji which is what now follows:

Inner Message for the Brave or Foolish? ”The first human awakening was before Buddha, before Christ, before any of those we have heard of. An ancient, early awakening somewhere unknown.“ Gangaji begins her introduction with some very creative science fiction writing. She claims that an “Awakening” occurred, but she doesn’t state where it happened, who it happened to, or when in the ancient world it occurred. She also leaves the reader guessing about just what exactly she is referring to with the term “Awakening.”

In 1997 the followers of Marshal Applewhite also experienced an “Awakening.” They were so convinced in their version of the “Truth” they voluntarily “Gave up their containers” in order to have the opportunity to follow their mentally ill guru on a trip back to the “True Kingdom of God.” (Travel arrangements were provided courtesy of the Hale-Bopp comet!) The result of that “Awakening” was that thirty nine people, who were also forbidden to “Think”, ended up dead by suicide.

So just what type of “Awakening” is Gangaji inviting us to participate in?

“Those who could hear what this miraculous awakening had to tell were ignited with either direct, immediate understanding as their own true experience, or the desire for that understanding.” More creative adult fairy tales? If Gangaji can’t tell us who was there, when it occurred or where this so called undefined “Awakening” occurred then how can she be so sure about all the intimate details of how it impacted the inner perception of individuals she can only assume were present? Does she expect those who read this bunk to believe that she is some type of mystic visionary or a specially empowered gypsy who can channel disembodied beings? Why do her followers simply accept this nonsense without asking her these important questions?

“But those who were interested were caught by the flame of truth, and it has been passed from being to being until the present time.” Because Gangaji is reticent about not clearly stating what event she is talking about we end up with a yarn that sounds humorously similar to the opening screen of the Star Wars Science Fiction Movie… “Once upon a time in a galley far, far away… “

What Gangaji apparently doesn’t know is that an event that sounds like the one she is describing is thoroughly explained in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna describes how He originally taught the science of to the Sun God Vivasvan at the dawn of creation. He then explains how that information was handed down thru the chain of disciplic succession until the chain got broken whereupon He repeated it again for Arjuna’s benefit:

“The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 4 “Transcendental Knowledge”, Text 1-2 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/4/1/en

If Gangaji is aware of this particular event, quite adequately describe by the “Greatest Being”, (God Himself), she certainly isn’t going to tell her disciples about it because in the next verse we see why Krishna chose to reveal this “Ancient Science” to Arjuna, and not Ramana Marharsi.

“That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 4 “Transcendental Knowledge”, Text 3 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/4/3/en

Now we can also better understand why Gangaji was under the impression that the “great beings” could not adequately describe the highest truth. She simply doesn’t have the prerequisite humility and devotion to grasp what they said!

One of the oldest sacred Sanskrit prayers ever to be written down is the Brahma Samhita. Therein Lord Brahma, the first progenitor for all of mankind, made it very clear that Govinda, an intimate name for Krisha that means the one who gives pleasure to the land, the cows and the senses, is the ultimate “Cause of All Causes”:

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is nondual and infallible. He is the original cause of all causes, even though He expands in many, many forms. Although He is the oldest personality, He is ever youthful, unaffected by old age. The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be known by the academic wisdom of the Vedas; one has to approach the devotee of the Lord to understand Him." - Brahma-Samhita (5.33)

Those who seem to think that Gangaji deserves respect should first resolve why she is making up her own disjointed, inconsistent, philosophically bizarre fairy tales instead of actually learning what really happened from the Vedas which are the only scriptures that provide such intimate details about the origin of the universe. Then she could also teach the bona-fide science of self-realization instead of all the mumbo-jumbo she is currently known for.

“There are exquisite and scriptures, hymns and testimonials that shake us, that cause us to fall flat on the floor when we read them because they are alive with the spirit of truth, with the certainty of this flame. They penetrate into our hearts with this "yes," for somehow we know this truth without even understanding what it is we know.” Those who actually understand the deep “spirit of truth” that is alive in the sacred scriptures see thru this adulation and do not appreciate how Gangaji plagiarizes Krishna’s message into her own perverted form of “Club Med” religion. Despite Gangaji’s patronizing words about “sutra and scriptures” she is NOT teaching what Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha or Krishna taught. She is teaching something that sells well to an audience of individuals who want so desperately to believe in Gangaji’s bedtime story: “Heaven on Earth Without God.”

There are innumerable ways people can avoid facing this obvious truth but the bottom line is that each one of us have to choose who we will trust for reliable spiritual knowledge. On one hand there is what KRISHNA taught Arjuna which the greatest individuals who ever walked on this earth laud, or on the other hand there are Gangaji’s religious hallucinations, false allegations, unsubstantiated claims, fraudulent assertions, and rhetorically meaningless maxims.

Until one is willing to engage in devotional service God tells us He remains hidden because He is completely detached and doesn’t give Himself whimsically. We may think we are acting freely, but until we actually escape our material conditioning, we are literally plummeted into endless re-births by God’s agents known as the three modes of material nature. If one is fortunate enough to realize how futile it is to try to overcome these modes by oneself, then they may also become humble enough to actually surrender to Krishna. Then, at that time, He looks compassionately on His devotee and agrees to help Him out of the mess we call the “Material World.” This is His promise to us:

“This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 “Knowledge of the Absolute”, Text 14. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/7/14/en

“But the most sublime truth of all has never been stated or written or sung.” This statement is so obviously ridiculous that it hardly deserves commenting on. However, because Gangaji’s followers are apparently thinking impaired, I will simply point out that unless one is stupid enough to believe that Gangaji is flawlessly familiar with EVERY conversation, written Text, and Musical piece that ever occurred, how can she make a braggadocios assertion? Are her disciples so fatuous they are willing to blindly accept this ludicrous claim which no person could ever honestly make?

“Not because it is far away and can’t be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken. It is alive as the stillness in the core of your being, too close to be described, too close to be objectified, too close to be known in the usual way of knowledge. The truth of who you are is yours already.” What Gangaji is referring to here is the second stage of God realization known as Paramatma. That is the Sanskrit word for the Supreme Lord as He appears within the heart of every living entity.

“The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. –Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, “Conclusion, The Perfection of Renunciation,” Text 61. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/18/61/en

It’s reassuring to know that Krishna is always with us in the form of Paramatma. But as the old saying goes: “A little knowledge can be dangerous!” Without understanding the third and highest manifestation of God, known as Bhagavan Realization, which refers to God as the almighty Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna, one can be easily mislead. Until one accepts the sacred Vedic literature, which gives us full knowledge about the name, fame and pastimes of God the person, the individual has no tool for filtering out their own foolish and self-centered thoughts from those that originated from super-soul.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Instead of just paying some cheap lip service to the sacred scriptures like Gangaji has done here, a bona-fide guru helps the student understand them properly. That way the individual can begin to learn how to distinguish the difference between those things that are favorable for genuine spiritual life, from pseudo-spiritual actions, which do not escape the stringent laws of and keep one bound up in the martial world indefinitely.

In this regard even though Gangaji never mentions it, we appreciate that her grand Guru was a strict Vegetarian. He maintained a diet in the mode of goodness because he had great respect for the Vedas and particularly what the Bhagavad Gita has to say about food in the modes of Passion and Ignorance.

“Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease. Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid (animal carcass) and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness.” –Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 17 “The Divisions of Faith,” Text 10-11 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/17/10/en

Even though Ramana Maharshi was heavily influenced by the impersonal conclusions of the priests residing at the Tiruvannamalai temple in south India, he did not loose sight of how serious it is for someone to kill innocent animals just to serve their palate. He knew that a carnivorous diet would not only have a negative impact on the development of his subtle consciousness, but that it also increased the collective karmic burden of the world which increases the conflicts between individuals and countries and is the real root of WAR!

Yet despite how important this single fact is, we never hear Gangaji even hinting to her huge audience that all serious transcendentalists are Vegetarian. If she did that, she would dry up the tithing she currently receives from her followers who prefer to have cheese-burgers for lunch instead of support world peace.

“It is already present, and the only reason that I have appeared in your consciousness is to simply confirm that.” For Gangaji to claim that the only reason she is appearing in a person’s life is to confirm her Voodoo concept of truth not only reveals just how supercilious Gangaji has become, but it also obfuscates the other more scandalous possibility that she is simply there to cheat them. She has polished her act well. After planting the seeds of confusion in the hearts of the spiritually sentimental, she then props the Gangaji Foundation in front of them as a place of refuge for the confusion she created. To the simple it seems so magical and wonderful but it’s all just part of conducting business.

Unscrupulous software companies will also sometimes infect target computers with a virus and then, after successfully disrupting the operating system, they pop up like the Calvary coming over the horizon, with just the right anti-virus program to remove the security breech they created! In both cases neither are even honest, what to speak of saintly. They are professional fast thinking crooks with huge run-away- train like egos ready to cheat anyone foolish enough to fall for their well rehearsed premier performances.

“I truly have nothing to teach you.“ Finally Gangaji said something that is indisputably true! But alas this admission is just a false humility smoke screen. If she really believes she has nothing to teach, then why does she write books, hold seminars, sell video tapes and maintain the Gangaji Foundation? This statement is so crazy and obviously untrue that it illustrates just how self deceived Gangaji really is.

If she has nothing to teach then why doesn’t she practice what she preaches, remain silent, keep all her hallucinations about “Freedom” to herself and go sit in a closet? At least then she wouldn’t be disturbing everyone else with the twaddle she spews which causes havoc in the minds of the innocent while exploiting the less intelligent in the name of “You Are That!”

This sentence also reveals that even though Gangaji positions herself as having the ability to “Awaken” those who take shelter of her leadership, she isn’t even “Awake” enough to realize that she contradicts what’s written on the Home page were it states: “Gangaji, an American born teacher…” (We pointed this out above.)

“There have been many teachers who have taught exquisite and useful codes of conduct, methods of meditation, ways of living and manifesting in the world. I am simply pointing to the stillness that is alive in the core of your being and inviting you to turn your attention to That, to let That live your life.” Yup. This really is pure nectar for the hearts of those who want to be told they can do whatever they like with impunity while telling themselves how “Spiritual” they are. Eli is not the only one who likes this philosophy, ALL Gangaji’s disciples like the idea that they are free to decide for themselves what they want to call spiritual! After all, it’s just words and the name has nothing to do with reality right?

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

This is how Gangaji transforms the whole world into one big fuzzy indiscriminate “Spiritual” smorgasbord that includes such tasty treats like the LA Lakers, low-calorie beer, poker, hot dogs, Hummers, porno, “Be kind to Terrorists”, the lottery, silicon breast implants, Marajuana, Tri-Tips, 5000 sq ft homes, Sadam Hussein, abortion, the death penalty, cigarettes, séances, lap dances, methamphetamines, welfare, date rape, slot machines, Kansas City slaughter houses, Asian sweat shops, identity fraud, Osama-Bin Laden, channeling, infidelity, Robert Schuller, Neo-Nazi White Racism, Viagra, and China’s invasion of Tibet, etc. etc. etc...

Yup. Gangaji offers the best pick and choose religion you will find anywhere because she is there to reassure you that it’s all fine, just the way it is including 9/11attack, chronic personal debt, tsunamis, substance abuse and all… bless you! There is no reason to feel guilty about anything, not even paying your child support anymore because that poor kid is also just a part of the illusion. Just know you are “That” and then use the funds that could provide your child a future to get a Texas sirloin steak with a glass of vintage wine instead!

Gangaji would go out of business if she adopted any codes of conduct because doing so would require the heretical act of “thinking” which, if permitted, would bring down her church of the “Feel-good-don’t-bother-me-with-words” fantasy land religion.

By stigmatizing intelligent dialogue within the Gangaji clan, she has created the most iron clad fundamentalist group environment which attracts the weakest individuals who want an acceptable way to hide from their own foibles. The end result is a psychological fortress that is more impenetrable then even the suicidal beliefs of dogmatic Muslims who line up to become martyred for the reward of virgins in heaven! Personal ethics are strictly a personal matter in the world according to Gangaji. The only way her show can survive is if those who believe God gave us a brain and intelligence for the purpose of using it are systematically identified and expunged by the Ganga-nator.

Any suggestion that moral codes be established is completely contrary to the unspoken implied Gangaji doctrine, “There shall be no rules.” The very idea that ethical guidelines be integrated into Gangaji’s church of merry pranksters is the antithesis of everything she stands for. Rules would deflate her hot-air operation into the very nemesis she most dreads: “Another orthodox rule-bound-religion!”

As long as Gangaji continues to teach that there are no religious principals to follow, and that everyone is magically endowed to instinctively know how to handle every situation properly, then the consequences for us all will be very dire.

“Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world. Taking shelter of insatiable lust and absorbed in the conceit of pride and false prestige, the demoniac, thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent.” –Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 16,”The Divine and Demoniac,” Text 9-10. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/16/9/en

“I invite you to give your questions to That and your answers to That. Give your failures and successes, choice and choicelessness to That. Give all back to where it came from, back to before creation.” Here we get a sample of Gangaji’s philosophically bankrupt banter at it’s best. The implication is that everything too unpleasant or challenging will simply evaporate into the world of mundane meaningless illusion if one stops layering meaning on top of a meaningless life. But how does this advice help one resolve real world decisions like: Should I eat at McDonnalds, buy a new car, spoil my child, take an expensive vacation or quit my job?

Gangaji advises we turn everything over to her undefined, in-descript, pedantic understanding of “That” and after doing so apparently hope for the best. But no responsible person would ever approach pivotal issues like the purchase of a home or getting a divorce so frivolously. When faced with issues like that, smart people seek council from money managers and certified family therapists, not Gangaji’s imaginary impersonal friend she summons on the playground by the name of: “That.”

The majority of what one observes on a typical Gangaji video is a young idealistic follower complaining about unpleasant events that keep re-occurring in their life. But instead of actually addressing the obvious root of their problems such as substance abuse, laziness, pride, lust or an obsession with the mundane, Gangaji circumvents the real work that needs to be done with elusive didactic counseling such as: “Who is the one that is suffering?” Or: “Are you suffering Right Now?”

All of this makes for good entertainment, but as long as the individual remains ignorant of how the laws of nature work, they will never be “Free” as the bodacious Gangaji promises. They will however continue to attend the Gangaji “Woe-is-me” show and get public sympathy by crying tears on tape instead of taking responsibly for their own foolishness by learning how they can really change their lives for the better.

If Eli Jaxon Bear was so “Free,” then why did he become a slave to his own lusty genitals? If Gangaji is offering anything substantial, then why are there so many post Gangaji cultists lamenting about the years they wasted trying to negate the entire world in a futile attempt to become happy?

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

“When we look back into history at the numbers of known sages, saints, and messiahs, we can see that awakening has been rare.” All one needs to do is look at any one of the “New-Age” magazines or tabloids to see how many other so called teachers claim to be offering some rare form of “Awakening, Conscious Evolution, balancing, Spiritual Therapy, Karmic Healing, or Instant Enlightenment etc.” When considered from this point of view what Gangaji is marketing isn’t rare at all. She’s just another mixed up self- anointed sycophant Guru with a run-away ego that nobody will care about 20 years after her makeup rots off her decomposing face.

Joining the ranks of genuinely rare souls requires the unique personal integrity to surrender to the highest truth when it stares you in the face. This is where it behooves everyone to remember the well-known advice from the worlds most famous sleuth:

“If you eliminate all the logical explanations, then whatever remains, regardless of how impossible it may seem… must be the truth.” - Sherlock Holmes

What’s really rare is when one gets tired of all the evasion tactics and becomes a devotee of Krishna. This is especially true when one is willing to accept belittlement or criticism similar to that of an evangelic fanatic, for surrendering to what many would consider to be Krishna’s politically incorrect or unfashionable advice! That type of awakening is not advertised in “Yoga Journal” magazine but it is described in Bhagavad Gita:

“After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 “Knowledge of the Absolute”, Text 19. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/7/19/en

“Since it has been rare, we assume in our minds that it is not possible for us. Many people today say it is absolutely inconceivable for an ordinary person to simply awaken to the truth of who one is. That it is reserved for saints or for those who have demonstrated great purity or endured great spiritual practice. But this is not so.“ Now Gangaji’s is telling us that what all the great scholars, saints, sages, prophets, and avatars have concurred on for thousands of years is completely wrong! What she implies here is insulting to those who actually respect the toils of Jesus, the austerities of Buddha and the wisdom of Krishna. Every thing they did reaffirmed that attaining real illumination isn’t like finding an old beer-can you kick along in the street. It’s not surprising why Gangaji is so popular because she offers the 99-Cent store version of . According to her every indiscriminate, materially intoxicated degenerate can just casually side step billions of years of accumulated conditioning without even having to learn good table manners!

This is even more philosophically ridiculous then Biblical theology which requires that one at least accept the divinity of Jesus before they are entitled to a cart-blanc, cost free, honorary degree to what Christians affectionately refer to as heaven!

“This is for you.” Get it while it’s hot! Gangaji’s whale oil lamp will burn less brightly as more of her former disciples “Awaken” to the realization that there are no short cuts to escaping the harsh laws of nature and that Arjuna was right all along. One can pretend to be aloof from the pangs of material existence, but such artificial renunciation only transforms the individual into a cold hearted, insensitive, grossly self-absorption person. People, relationships, ethics, courtesy and basic kindness all start to fade when the world is reduced into a meaningless illusion and moral values are negated as useless and irrelevant.

“With all of your experienced limitations, this is for you, simply because all of your experienced limitations are not who you truly are.“ This is more hocus-pocus self-evident rhetoric. Those who make a serious study of who they are will quickly realize that they are neither their body nor the stories they have accrued along the way. However, simply realizing this fact is not enough to become free from the conditioning that Gangaji implies she has the magic formula for breaking out of. Krishna clearly states that anyone who is in contact with His material energy will become conditioned by the three modes of nature.

“Material nature consists of three modes -- goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 14 “The Three Modes Of Material Nature,” Text 5. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/14/5/en

This dilemma is similar to the Zen conundrum that preaches the ego must be quelled. But how is that possible? The ego cannot destroy itself because as soon as there is even the slightest recognition that one has succeeded, the very existence of that thought is proof of failure!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

In a similar way Krishna tells us that as long we are in contact with His material nature, we will continue to be subject to conditioning from the modes of Goodness, Passion & Ignorance. So what to do?

The implication here is that Gangaji is offering some New way to avoid being conditioned, but that’s like saying she can show someone how to swim without getting wet! Only those who don’t know what the relationship between swimming and water would ever accept such a silly proposal.

The alternative to trying to negate the ego is to shift ones efforts from being dictated by the myopic influences of False Ego, and learn how to guide every action from an ego that has been properly cleansed in full knowledge of it’s relationship with the Supreme. The same is true for conditioning. Try as you may, nobody can escape from being conditioned. However, if one agrees to be conditioned to the desires of the Supreme Lord, then the very processes which normally binds one to the material world is personally managed by Him on behalf of His devotee, and that rare soul matures into a healthy lifestyle that will ultimately carry him out of material bondage altogether.

“If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, “Conclusion the Perfection of Renunciation,” Text 58. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/18/58/en

“Who you are is already on the other shore, already free, already the source of all wisdom, clarity, and beauty. Who you are is what all is, stillness itself.” This sounds like the late night infomercials where the viewer is promised that if they simply purchase their $100 set of exclusive “Memory” tapes, anyone can remember the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica! The people who market this stuff literally sell hundreds of thousands of such tapes, but the majority of the people who invest in them still can’t remember where they leave their car keys! There may be some valid memory techniques offered, but one must be willing to learn those techniques, and that requires a very rigorous effort on the part of the consumer!

In a similar way Gangaji is suggesting that if you simply STOP all efforts to understand who you are and immerse yourself into the silence of stillness, the answer will magically appear on the screen of your closed eyelids. Performing one’s own self-induced lobotomy may be what’s necessary for Gangaji to cast her spell on ostrich like followers, but it’s not the path recommended by all the sages who accept the authority of the Gita. There we find that Krishna advised Arjuna to give up all envious thoughts, study, listen, and engage both his mind and intelligence in order to dispel illusions!

“ And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence. And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reactions and attains to the auspicious planets where the pious dwell.O son of Prtha, O conqueror of wealth, have you heard this with an attentive mind? And are your ignorance and illusions now dispelled” ? –Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, “Conclusion, The Perfection of Renunciation,” Text 70-72 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/18/70/en

“Awakening does not mean that this particular form you inhabit should or will be a saint, or a great artist, or king of the world.” Yup, you can be sure of that! People flock to Gangaji because she doesn’t ask her sheep to practice any austerity or penance, what to speak of adopting behavior in the mode of goodness. Consequently it should be expected that many of her followers will remain irresponsible, substance abusing, lothario slobs! But all is not lost… they will at least know they are eternally “That” and they can still “Feel” happy because Gangaji will bless them saying: “Everything is fine, just the way it is!”

“It means you can know without a doubt that who you are is not limited to form. Who you are is what the world appears in, what the cosmos appears in, what space itself appears in.“ It is no doubt a fantastic boost to the ego when someone who commands total silence from large audiences tells you that you are not limited and that the world, the cosmos, and space itself, is all occurring within you! But is this statement based on anything more then just good marketing of a science fiction like imagination? Once again we are faced with having to decide if we are going to accept what a mendacious aging woman has to say, or what the ever-youthful Supreme Personality of Godhead has to say.

Gangaji apparently believes that she is the origin of the universe even though she can’t keep her own skin from wrinkling. On the other hand Krishna appeared in the Yadu Dynesty approximately 5000 years ago, and walked the earth for approximately 125 years. But history records that He didn’t age beyond His ever fresh youth. No where in the hundreds of thousands of references of Krishna in all of the Vedas do we find any story or description of Krishna being any older then 18 years of age. Krishna also claimed to be the origin of the universe but unlike Gangaji he was also able to display it to his intimate friend Arjuna!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

“By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 9, “The King of Knowledge,“ Text 4. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/9/4/en

“At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, “The Universal Form,” Text13 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/11/13/en

“You are the supreme primal objective. You are the ultimate resting place of all this universe. You are inexhaustible, and You are the oldest. You are the maintainer of the eternal religion, the Personality of Godhead. This is my opinion.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, “The Universal Form,” Text 18. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/11/18/en

“There is a quickening on the Earth at this time. In this quickening is the invitation to realize where you are, who you are, who one is.” We are all still waiting for Gangaji to clarify just who exactly she thinks she is? She has built a huge industry over this simple question and, as we can see by this analysis of her own introduction, much of what she says is pure imagination, shrouded in riddles, good business marketing, metaphysically evasive, or obviously incorrect. Those who are looking for a spiritual panacea may appreciate being told they are “That”, but those who are serious about really discovering who they are will not accept such a shallow and incomplete placebo.

Gangaji’s endless random musings about the “Self” will never equate to the intimate knowledge described by Krishna as the “King of all Knowledge” and so generously shared with Arjuna simply because he was his friend.

“This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 9, “King of Knowledge” Text 2. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/9/2/en

Gangaji may not be able to give a straight answer to the simple question: “Who Are You?,” but according to the Vedas we are not limited to the impersonal “That” nor are we the origin of the universe. We are an infinitesimally small part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna. As such we all have an eternal relationship with Him and our primary business in life is to restore that relationship. It’s that simple, period. As soon as the quiet Beatle George Harrison awoke to this simple fact he changed the whole direction of his musical career and wrote songs like “My Sweet Lord” and “The Lord Loves the One Who Loves the Lord,” not preposterous titles like: “My Sweet That” or “That loves That!” So for those who have had the integrity to read this expose this far and are willing to consider the possibility that Gangaji might in fact be a fraud, the question you now face is: “What are you going to do about it?”

Gangaji has already indirectly admitted that her purpose for appearing is to provided your reckless mind both the permission and propaganda to continue evading your relationship with the same person Arjuna described as:

“O great one, greater even than Brahma, You are the original creator. Why then should they not offer their respectful obeisances unto You? O limitless one, God of gods, refuge of the universe! You are the invincible source, the cause of all causes, transcendental to this material manifestation.” –Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, “The Universal Form,” Text 37. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/11/37/en

Gangaji specifically says: “… the only reason that I have appeared in your consciousness is to simply confirm that.” If she isn’t confirming what Arjuna concluded, then she is confirming your freedom to come to some other less auspicious conclusion but how wise would that be?

Krishna is so kind that He endowed everyone with the gift of unencumbered free-will so they can always act however they like. Love is something that cannot be purchased, coerced, or demanded. The irony is that Love is what we want as well as what Krishna wants from us, but we are the ones who choose to reject Him, not vise-versa. We can either give Him our love freely or we can use the excuse of not wanting to appear like a “Fundamentalist Christian” and obstinately withhold it.

We are free to walk around with self-deceiving catatonic pompous gazes commonly attributed to spiritually elite zombies if it makes us feel better, or we can hide behind gurus who have no lineage, no knowledge, and no respectable endorsements and be content with being told we are OK from such a shadowbox character. We can pretend to be spiritually Healthy, or we can find legitimate teachers who will actually cure the cancer of lust, anger, greed and pride. We can rationalize our attachments, our prejudices, our fears, and our desires, or we can do the really rare thing, surrender to Krishna and accept His extraordinary guidance and association, which will automatically help in our efforts to clean up our tainted character.

“The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.” The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

of steady intelligence. – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 2, “Contents of the Gita Summarized,” Text 59-61. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/2/59/en

We can cop a spiritually macho attitude and try to do everything on our own, or we can become a bit more humble and seek out God’s help to overcoming the endless demand of serving our senses and the chronic maladies thy lead to which keep us from becoming fully whole and spiritually healthy. It’s that simple.

This choice is available to us at every moment. We can either do what we think is best, or we can do what Krishna advises. One can follow Gangaji’s advice or one can accept Krishna’s advice. Gangaji has been teaching since 1990 and those who look closely will discover that she is a complete fraud. However the Bhagavad Gita has been giving good council to prominent leaders for 5000 years and is still revered by some of the wisest people who ever lived. So when put in the vernacular, the choice is a: “No-Brainer.” That’s a relief because then even Gangajis’ followers will have a fair chance to realize that they would do much better if they placed their trust in the same book Mahatma Ghandi read religiously every day instead of more Gangaji’s romper-room tales. .

“If you are fully committed to that realization, there is nothing that can stop you. There is no obstacle.” This is one of the most reckless pieces of bad advice one could ever give! Sure there isn’t any obstacle to swimming in an ocean reef filled with hungry sharks either… unless you happen to want to stay alive. Similarly the Vedas refer to this material world as: “padam padam yad vipadam na tesam”, dangerous in every step (SB 10.14.58). Due to bad or inauspicious activities in previous lives everyone in this material world is struggling hard for sense gratification. In the Srimad Bhagavat Purana Sukadeva Gosvami, considered to be one of the greatest sages to have ever lived and the son of Veda Vyasa who wrote the Vedas, makes it very clear to Maharaja Pariksit just how dangerous the material world really is:

“The path of this material world is full of material miseries, and various troubles disturb the conditioned souls. Sometimes he loses, and sometimes he gains. In either case, the path is full of danger. Sometimes the conditioned soul is separated from his father by death or other circumstances. Leaving him aside he gradually becomes attached to others, such as his children. In this way, the conditioned soul is sometimes illusioned and afraid. Sometimes he cries loudly out of fear. Sometimes he is happy maintaining his family, and sometimes he is overjoyed and sings melodiously. In this way he becomes entangled and forgets his separation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead since time immemorial. Thus he traverses the dangerous path of material existence, and on this path he is not at all happy. Those who are self-realized simply take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to get out of this dangerous material existence. Without accepting the devotional path, one cannot get out of the clutches of material existence. The conclusion is that no one can be happy in material life. One must take to Krsna consciousness. .” - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 5 “The Creative Impetus”, Chapter 14, “The Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment,” - Text 38. LINK: http://srimadbhagavatam.com/5/14/38/en )

Gangaji doesn’t mention any of this because her audience is just too immature to understand it and would all walk out. So instead the reader is offered this ongoing fairy tale and expected to blindly accept it even though everything Gangaji has written up to this point has been vague, unsupported, pretentious and academically childish. If we set aside Gangaji’s misused charisma and the peer pressure of the cult like “Group Think” symptoms that her disciples seem to be robotically controlled by, there is absolutely no convincing reason why an educated person would ever accept anything Gangaji says as true!

Those who remain mesmerized by Gangaji’s bouncing words are free to dismiss this expose with the usual accusations like: “He Just Doesn’t Get It” or some other flavor of cult like defensive labeling. But those who resort to such unsubstantiated name calling demonstrate that their brain is still under the influence of Gamgaji’s hypnotic Shut-Down. Such is to be expected for those who still believe in perpetuating Gangajis home brewed flavor of spiritual liberation. It’s all quite consistent with a text-book case of cult manipulation psychology.

Contrary to what Gangaji says, Krishna explains that those who try to understand anything on their own will never succeed because without His divine help, everyone gets hopelessly entangled in His divine illusions created by the modes of nature.

“Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion and ignorance], the whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and inexhaustible.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 “Knowledge of the Absolute,” Text 13. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/7/13/en

“My teacher, Papaji, said that the greatest obstacle, in fact the final obstacle, is the belief that there is an obstacle.” This is more of the same very bad and dangerous advice given in the previous statement and only serves to highlight the question; “What does Papaji base this statement on?” The sages have declared that the last snare of is to think that despite all our obvious human shortcomings, we still have the tendency to believe that we can escape the material illusion on our own. Once that is recognized, it becomes

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

apparent that the greatest obstacle is not “… that there are obstacles…” but the influence of false ego which is anxious to recite cute little maxims like this and perpetuate the illusion that every conditioned soul can be an independent, stand alone, spiritual superman!

We have already provided ample evidence to show that the “Do-It-Yourself” approach to “Awakening” is an ego-perpetuated myth, and therefore one of the most insidious lies because it is an illusion and completely misleads people. Above we have shown how Veda Vyasa and Sukadeva Gosvami consider this material world to be an extremely dangerous place because of all the misconceptions and illusions that are perpetuated by those who think they don’t need any help. Lord Krishna makes it even more clear that the whole world is filled with numerous obstacles which are waiting to entrap the conditioned soul who looses control of even one of his senses, what to speak of all eight of them!

“As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 2, “Contents of the Gita Summarized,” Text 67. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/2/67/en

“Be very aware if you are clinging to this belief, and have the courage to let it go so that you can see for yourself.“ Sure, just go ahead and dive into the shark infested ocean all by yourself with no life vest and see what happens! Just exactly what is Gangaji advising her reader to do now? Many people believe there is NO obstacle when they pull out their credit card and the result is they run up chronic debt for frivolous items they don’t need. The end result of this wanton behavior is those who engage in it end up with bad credit and honest vendors get cheated out of payment for their goods! Similar scenarios occur everyday with irresponsible drinkers, gamblers, womanizers, child abusers and those who make foolish investments in get rich quick schemes. This is not good advice, it is reckless and those who follow it will frequently end up destroying their life!

The belief that one can charge ahead into the unknown blindly without consequence is paramount to believing one-self to be God. Such individuals foolishly think that everything exists for them to control and enjoy without any limitation. Gangaji calls them “Awakened” but Krishna has another name for that type of person.

“The demoniac person thinks: So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 16, “The Divine and Demoniac Natures,” Text 13 – 15 - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/13/15/en

“Then our meeting will not have been just a passing thing that happened one day. It will be the reunion of Self to Self, a reunion that is newer than the first union.” Here Gangaji is winding down her fairy tale with the romantic thought of the distributed self re-united with itself and living happily ever after in it’s original undivided form. But what nobody ever takes the time to ask is why the non-dual Brahman would ever subject itself to being divided in the first place, thus requiring Gangaji to paste it back together again?

The intelligent thinking types would also deduce that if Gangaji can’t answer that reasonable question, what assurance is there that we all wouldn’t end up right back here again when Gangaji’s version of a rather stupid Brahman arbitrarily decides to bifurcate itself into numerous separated unhappy illusions once again!

“I am profoundly delighted with our meeting and the potential that is in this meeting. I know you as my own Self.” Yes, Gangaji is quite visibly not only very proud but also very stupid. If she is right then someday we all merge back together into one big cosmic amalgamated self. When we finally get there we will discover that there will be absolutely nothing to do, no individuality, no variety, and especially no one to love. That’s why her teachings lead to a shut down of the emotions and reasoning powers because how else could she possibly attract anyone to strive for such a bleak and miserable destination?

“I love you as my own Self.” Thank you, but I would prefer you keep “That” to yourself!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Response From Ms. Mason: Tuesday December 5, 2006

ok i should have great respect with anyone who has as many initials after their name as you do however, exactly what is the continuing purpose of this site? Proslytizing? Bitching about eli & gangaji? I came out of some curiosity as a Video Viewer and not to be inundated with the American Vedic Association. Has anyone heard how Sarah is doing?

Request Letter to Mis. Mason Wednesday December 6, 2006

Thinking is Preferred over Prejudice

Hello Ms. Mason,

Please accept my respects.

I am sad to discover that instead of giving my critique about Gangaji serious philosophical consideration, you simply dismissed it as a "Cambell Diatribe." This comment, along with the stigma of accusing me of "Proselytizing," reveals that you are emotionally prejudicial and apparently unwilling to even consider a robust academic analysis of what I posted.

Perhaps you only interest in participating in this Blog was for the purpose of casual Video-Viewing, but I was under the impression that the blog was made up of individuals who are actually interested in serious personal inquiry and not blindly favorable to the mere words of any given New-Age so called "Teacher."

Many individuals who are serious about their personal inner growth have already appreciated the research I have done to put this paper together in order to exposes Gangaji for the fraud and cheat that she is. Perhaps someday you too will become more serious about your own spiritual maturity. When that happens you will then realize that the questions I raised are valid and not inappropriate "diatribes."

Those who are paying attention look closely at who they accept as their source of authority on any subject that is important to them. This is particularly true regarding matters of the soul. They also can discern the difference between Proselytizing, and pealing back the layers of illusion that the soul is currently covered by. If you don't know the difference between the two, it would behoove you to find that out before you accuse someone of Proselytizing, which is really only your own defensive way to avoid looking at things that push you beyond the boundaries of your own comfort zone.

The same can be said in regards to the next time you are inclined to blindly dismiss something you are unfamiliar with. Before you do, find out a least a little more about it. In this case you have inappropriately compared the vast and highly respected authority of the Vedas to the myopic imperialistic views of a controversial, relatively unknown, albeit prolific, Christian minister from the early 19th century. That's like comparing Tammy Fey Backer to Saint Thomas Aquinas.

It would be more to your credit to address some of the important questions I have asked in my critique of Gangaji's Advaita ministry if you have the wear with all to do so. If not, then maybe you would be courteous enough to allow others to muse over my post without your reactionary rant. You get no accolades for exposing what appears to be your own gross bigotry towards those who are not willing to blindly accept any nonsense from charismatic gurus who declare they have the "Truth," based on nothing more then their own limited perception.

If I can be of any further service to you in this regard please do not hesitate to contact me.

mayesvara dasa American Vedic Association Ojai California, 93023 (805) 640-0405 md @ jagannatha.com

Why This Document Was Written In early October of 2006, it was disclosed that the husband of New-Age Teacher Marie Antoinette (“Toni”) Robertson, (Gangaji) had a compromising affair with one of the younger women that approached them for shelter & guidance. When news of Eli Jackson Bear affair got out, it disrupted Gangaji’s Advaita ministry which rests on the principal that nothing really makes much difference because everything is an illusion. Although most people can quickly understand the serious philosophical shortcoming of such a naive paradigm, it took this

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

incident to provoke Gangaji’s followers into rethinking the prudence of what she teaches. My initial input began with a short post to the Topica.com blog which follows along with the responses I got to that posting. Initial Blog Entry On Thursday November 15, 2006 http://lists.topica.com/lists/elijaxonbear- gangajidisgraced/read/message.html?mid=913491566&sort=d&start=21

Gangaji & Eli Are Complete Frauds I am astonished at how many people have been sucked into the vortex created by the Gangaji charade. What they are teaching is a super watered down version of what Ramana Maharsi lived, which was at least a little close to the Advaita teachings which originated with Sankaracara about 1300 years ago.

The whole Advaita process of self realization was rejected by Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita after Krishna explained the process in chapter six. If the greatest Ksatria who ever lived rejected this process as "More difficult then controlling the wind" then what honest person would have the audacity to say they can follow this path.

Gangaji and Eli deserve everything they get. It's easy for them to tell others nobody's hear, die unto oneself, who's hurting and a whole lot of other rhetorical nonsense that anyone with a half brain would immediately recognize as a circus like hypnotic charade intended to cheat innocent people. Better if all her naive followers ran away as fast as they could instead of stay on this sinking boat that has absolutely nothing auspicious about it.

Destroy the darkness of ignorance with the torchlight of knowledge - Bg 10.11

Response From Mr. M: Friday November 17, 2006 Gangaji teaches this same truth that Krishna taught.If you put them on pedestals, you will miss the truth of what they teach.

You speak of Gangaji's audacity???? From that same chapter from the Bhagvad right before the quote you envoked earlier: "He is a perfect who,by comparison to his own self sees the true equality of all beings,in both their happiness and their distress, O Arjuna."

Believe it or not,. like it or not, understand it or not Gangaji is detached from all Eli's stupidity. She will not say what you need her to say about this affair.

If you will indulge me with one last quote, this is from Gangaji's book Freedom and Resolve written in 1999:

"I can't say there is no suffering, related to me. There have been people who have stormed out of these meetings feeling assaulted, or feeling that they were not being honored. But to make them feel honored I would have to tell a lie about the truth of who they are. There is a command that I have been given to tell the truth regardless of consequences, even bondage to the most sublime, elevated and necessary codes of behavior."

If you have a problem with Eli and his affair so be it, but don't put any of your expectations on Gangaji's improper reaction to it, it ain't going to happen.

Mr. M.

Further Evidence of Gangaji’s Fraud 2nd Blog Entry: Monday November 20, 2006

Mr. M., Please accept my respects.

Thank you for your challenge, but your vision has been tinged. I have never put Gangaji, Papaji, or Ramana Marharshi on any type of pedestal. Therefore yes, I openly speak quite audaciously about these individuals because they deserve to be exposed as the frauds that they are. Your reference to Gita 6.32 is irrelevant in regards to this point. I fully accept that at the core of Gangaji’s and Eli’s heart lies the same original divine spark known as Paramatma, (Supersoul), found in all beings. However that common aspect we all share is not an excuse for anyone to speak nonsense, cheat, or most importantly, deceive others in the name of religion. (Oor whatever word you want to wrap around the Gangaji “Satsanga” charade.)

Gangaji teaching are focus on a very sentimental understanding of the impersonal aspect of Godhead. Her knowledge is confined predominantly to small bits and pieces of information about the Brahman (Universal Form of God). She also sometimes leverages her

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

understanding of Paramatma (God Situated in the Heart) to serve her own purposes. However Gangaji never talks about the Bhagavan aspects of God. (The Personality of God who is know as “The Cause of All Causes” (vasudeva sarva Iti-Bg7.19)) In fact it is quite evident that Gangaji considers those who lean towards God’s personal aspects as spiritually weak individuals who need a crutch. This of course is not what Krishna’s opinion is.

What does she base he prejudicial attitudes on? Those who are willing to take an un-prejudicial look at what she is doing, will quickly understand that all she ever talks about is the Energy of God, not the Energetic, or God Himself. Therefore whatever truth she claims to be teaching is at best only partially true. The fact that she implies more then that is a symptom of fraud.

The humble student of truth will start by giving up their false ego notions that they can figure anything out on their own and instead surrender to the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead for guidance, not Gangaji. The information provided in the Bhagavad Gita offers that type of knowledge. Gangaji doesn’t even now what Krishna taught Arjuna so how can she teach it! What is true is that the whole Ramana Maharsi has unknowingly plagiarized bits and portions of partial truths that are fully revealed in the Gita. They have taken that hodgepodge and marked it as a commercial “Feel Good” religion to naive Westerners who, like yourself, apparently feel they can accomplish something the great Arjuna said he could not do.

When Krishna heard Arjuna’s lament, he did state that it is possible with constant practice and detachment, but you have conveniently forgotten the original conditions that Krishna place on what that practice included which was as follows: “The yogi should live alone (sthitah-ekaki) in a secluded place (rahasi) , strictly controlling mind free from desires (nirasih) and possessiveness (aparigrahah). Sit on Kusa Grass, firmly (sthiram), neither too high nor low (ucchritam-na- ati-nicam) at sacred place (sacau-dese) , fixing mind, body, neck, head erect, in straight line (samam), unmoving (sthirah), staring at tip of nose (sampreksya-nasika) unagitated (prasanta), not looking to the sides, (disah-ca- anavalokayan), devoid of fear (vigata-bhu), free from sex thoughts (brahmacari-vrate), making me (mam) the ultimate goal (parah) etc!” Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 6 “Sankya Yoga”, Text 10-14 Gangaj never suggest or even hints to her followers anything that is even remotely close to the process of meditation described above. Instead she scoffs at those who entertain the idea of adopting a “process” for realization. She is so arrogant, that she denounces the reliance on all traditional religious books or scriptures about yoga. Yet she has no hesitation to hypocritically conduct a thriving business publishing her own concocted ideas about what she perceives to be the “Truth,” in her books and various multi media tapes etc. This means she considers her advice to be better then that given by Narada Muni, Lord Brahma, Veda Vyasa, Lord , Lord Caitanya, the Six Goswamies of Vrindaban, and a very long list of other great sages and saints. She openly rejects what Lord Krishna spoke to Arjuna thousands of years ago, which have withstood the test of time and the scrutiny of thousands of sages, scholars, and pundits. Has she no shame or is she just so enamored by herself she has become the personification of stupidity? This further exposes Gangaji as the epitome of arrogance as well as fraud. Therefore I state again that Gangaji is a complete fraud and cheat. If you actually read the whole Bhagavad gita, and not just the selective parts in order to defend your tinged understanding of what enlightenment is, you will discover that Krishna actually acknowledges Arjuna’s dilemma stated in verse 33 and thereafter adjusts His advice accordingly. The core subject matter of Chapter six, (Sankya Yoga) is the process of controlling the mind. After explaining the traditional methods given above, which Arjuna immediately rejected, Krishna then confirms that “Controlling the Mind” (manaù—the mind; durnigraham—difficult to curb; calam—flickering,) is possible with constant practice and detachment. But then he goes on to clarify that the alternative way of controlling the mind is via Yoga not the former method which he had previously described that Arjuna objected to. Please note that in verse 46 Krishna specifically states that Bhakti surpasses all the other yoga processes, including Jnani yoga, which is the closes thing to what Gangaji peddles to her un-informed disciples.

“A yogi is greater then the ascetic (tapasvibhyah- Astanga Yogi), greater then the empiricist, (Jnanibhyah- Jnani Yogi), and greater then the furtive worker (karmabhya- Karma Yogi.) Therefore , O Arjuna, in all circumstances become a (Bhakti) yogi! “- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 6 “Sankya Yoga”, Text 46

Just in case there is still any ambiguity about this point Krishna then specifically declares that those who are always thinking or Him (Mat-Gatena,) not His energy, His Brahman, or whatever imaginary ideas one concocts about God… that person, who renders service to Him, the personality of Godhead who goes by the original name KRISHNA, who is the speaker of the Bhagavad gita, is the HIGHEST OF ALL! ! (yukta-tamah.)

“Of all the one who always thinks of Me (mat-gatena) in full faith, (sraddha-van) rendering loving service (bhajate) to Me (mam), that person (sah) I consider (me-matah) the greatest! (yukta-tamah.)” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 6 “Sankya Yoga”, Text 47

These verses further expose that according to Bhagavad Gita, Gangaji is a fraud and a cheat despite your unfounded claim that: “Gangaji teaches this same truth that Krishna taught.”

To make such a ridiculous statement not only proves your own lack of knowledge about what Krishna taught in the Gita, but more importantly it shows just how poisonous and self serving Gangaji’s teaching are. I am sure you believe what you said is true and may continue to do so even after reading these numerous rebuttals. In fact I expect that. But for all those others who are reading this exchange, decide for yourself based on the evidence I shall now provide if Gangaji is actually teaching what Krishna taught or some other dastardly thing:

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Does Ganjaji teach about Karma and the transcendence of the soul like Krisna elaborately lays out in Chapter 2 of the Gita? Where does Gangaji teach her students about the “Three Modes of Material” nature as they are thoroughly explained in Chapter 14 of the Gita? I have yet to encounter one of Gangaji’s disciples who can discern between the “Divine and Demoniac Nature” as explained in Chapter 16 of the Gita. Where does Gangaji teach about the “Divisions of Faith” as explained in Chapter 17 of the Gita?

No. Gangaji is not teaching anything close to what Krishna taught in the Bhagavad Gita and you have exposed yourself to be very foolish and deceived to make such an absurd claim. Therefore I again accuse Gangaji of being a complete fraud who doesn’t even know the message of the Gita what to speak of teach it!

All the propaganda put out by the River Ganga foundation confirms that Gangahi is prompting her own “Be Still; You are God; Feel Good; Listen to Me” religion and not what Krishna advised clearly as follows:

“Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 9 “Knowledge of the Absolute”, Text 34.

This is further confirmed by how Krishna answered the question Arjuna asked in the first verse of Chapter 12. Arjuna specifically wanted to know who the better yogi was. Was it the one who worships Him in the form of the impersonal Brahman (aksaram —beyond the senses; avyaktam—the un-manifested), or the yogi who takes up the process of loving devotion to Him in the form of :

“Arjuna inquired: Which are considered to be more perfect, those who are always properly engaged in Your devotional service or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested?” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 12 “Devotional Service”, Text 1.

Krishna’s answer is straightforward and very clear. Those who attempt to rationalize an alternative meaning out of His words are simply demonstrating how covered over they are by their own pride and envious nature.

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 12 “Devotional Service”, Text .2

In the next two verses Krishna does acknowledge that the rigorous process of impersonal meditation which He originally described in the first part of Chapter six will eventually yield the same fruit as Bhakti, but he immediately follows it with the a strong negative admonition; 1)The impersonal path is very difficult… and the powerful statement that: 2) Bhakti is the swift way to be delivered from Birth and Death.

“For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied. But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Prtha -- for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 12 “Devotional Service”, Text .5-7.

If Gangaji knows this then why doesn’t’ she teach it? Instead all we ever hear from her is the same old rhetorical nonsense that she makes up along the way. Therefore I again publicly denounce Gangaji and the whole River Ganga Foundation as cheaters and frauds who have carved out a business to taking advantage of the less informed naive Westerners.

I don’t need Gangaji to say anything because I have already illustrated why her words are as tinged, misleading, unsubstantiated, and as potentially dangerous as Jim Jones as David Koresh. She is apparently your Guru, not mine. I accept what Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, not some self declared proud woman who is so insecure and attached to her body that she prefers to have a face lifts and live a decadent life that she acquired by taking advantage of those who are spiritually weak, confused, or deprived.

In regards to the Gangaji quote that you sent it is just further proof of how deceptive and delusional Gangaji is. There is a drunk in every bar around the world that is convinced that they also know the truth. How is Gangaji so-called truth any different from what all the other so called “Truth-Sayers” teach? What exactly is the so called exclusive “Truth” Gangaji claims to have? It certainly isn’t found in the Bhagavad-Gita as demonstrated above.

She is apparently perceptive enough to acknowledge that many people walk out of her so-called satsanga’s, but is she honest enough to even consider the possibility that perhaps she is the one who is living a big lie perpetuated by her own false ego. Is she so self righteous that she considers herself to be beyond the four inherit human flaws? Doe she even know what those four flaws are? If not then perhaps that is a more likely explanation for why people are walking away from her, not because she is so “Enlightened” that those who walk our on her are poor slobs who can’t see her aura. Offering such a desperate explanation to obfuscate the obvious is pure cult psychology which shows up everywhere if one takes a more sober look at the Gangaji and Eli’s Vaudeville act.

I have observed Gangaji in action on numerous occasions and when viewed from a proper understanding of Vedic knowledge, what she is offers can be properly reduced down to nothing more then overindulgent, hypnotic, word juggling, narcissistic sophistry. Regardless

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

of who people think Ramana Mararshi was, which in itself is a very controversial subject, she is not even teaching, what to speak of living what he taught. Therefore why would anyone in their right mind accept Gangaji for anything more then a propped up icon to the foolish?

We need not even look deeply into the serious philosophical shortcoming that undermine the Mayavadi tradition in order to expose it as cheating religion. Gangaji is a fraud and an arrogant cheater because she doesn’t teach what her guru Ramana Marharshi taught. He was a pure vegetarian naistika brahmchary Shivite acetic who taught Sankaracarya Mayavadi philosophy even though Sankaracarya himself openly admitted that he came to cheat his disciples. Gangaji teaches a coffee & tea brand of do it yourself enlightenment which is laughable. But her worst offense is that she obviously considers her words to be more relevant then what Krishna said and that should be enough for anyone who knows that to run in the opposite direction as fast as they can get away. .

Therefore Gangaji is not only a large scale shameless cheater and a fraud but those who perpetuate what she teaches are also frauds and cheaters who will also suffer serious karmic reactions for that terrible disservice. It does not matter how magnanimous or “Realized” one may incorrectly consider them to be. There is always honor among thieves simply as a practical means for co-survival. But that will not stop the universal laws of nature from acting.

Those who are serious about their spiritual life will be interested in understanding the nature of the self as it is given by Lord Krishna from one of his trusted devotees, not this mendacious rascal who goes by the pompous name of Gangaji.

I remain yours in the service of Lord Krishna mayesvara dasa American Vedic Association Ojai, California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Re: Gangaji & Eli Are Complete Frauds William, Thank you, I accept your respect,please accept mine as well. I am reading the Bhagavad Gita now. I like it a lot. I also like Gangaji a lot. Any words are challenges. I withdraw my words to you. Peace. Mr. M

------*-* Response from Readers on the Gangaji Blog At: http://lists.topica.com/lists/elijaxonbear- gangajidisgraced/read/message.html?mid=913491566&sort=d&start=21

Eli and Gangaji are still my teachers by Ms. D

I have observed that many of the postings on this forum have been submitted by people who have put Eli and Gangaji on such high pedestals and invested everything in them ..... human beings that never asked to be worshiped. Frauds? I think not! People who claim this so very loudly don't have a clue what they are talking about. Eli and Gangaji have been my teachers for 5 years and during that time I have been given EVERYTHING but nothing that I could cling to in the form of a dogma or crystallized thinking.

When my finances were down due to other personal financial commitments I was given a full scholarship to attend nearly every event or program that I wanted to participate in, a scholarship that I did not even ask for. I was asked for nothing in return. I have read some very verbose writings from people who cling to dogmas, dogmas that have been the cause for every conflict and human suffering that history is witness to.

Every fanatic thinks he has a direct line to God. Every intelligent being knows this to be false. Eli made a mistake. He at least had the integrity to admit it and took full responsibility for this betrayal. Now it seems that many want to crucify him. The sharks have had a feeding frenzy. For the sake of everyone who has suffered from this give it up, please! I still consider Eli and Gangaji to be my true teachers and am happy to stand in center of this hurricane and proclaim it to all.

About the Author & What is the American Vedic Association? Mayesvara dasa (AKA: William Roberts, MBA/ MIS, CCP, ACBSP), is the founding director of The American Vedic Association. He began studying Vedic philosophy in 1973 and assimilated the works of eminent Vaishnava saints while living in India for several years. He became an ordained Brahman priest under the tutelage of the world-class authority on Bhakti Yoga, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Since then his numerous articles about spiritual discernment have been well published in the

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

local newspapers. He welcomes comments and will do what he can to clarify any questions his readers may have if they choose to inquire from him via email.

The mission statement of the American Vedic Association is to carry on with the work of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada which was particularly focused on the task to “…deliver the Western countries which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.” To do that the American Vedic Association has adopted the advice given by Lord Krishna in one of the four seed verses of the Bhagavad Gta.

“…To destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.” – Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 10. ”The Oppulence of the Absolute,” Text.11.

The American Vedic Association sponsors Free Bhagavad-Gita Fellowship Gatherings on the First and Third Tuesday of every month The program includes a formal section which includes congregational changing of sacred mantras, a short lesson in the pronunciation and comprehension of Sanskrit, and a philosophical discussion. The informal part of the program includes a Free Vegetarian Dinner, open questions and answers, and when appropriate, an interesting subject related transcendental Video. For more information call, (805) 640- 0405, or contact: maya @ jagannatha.com.

Gangaji Expose Codicil

Red Lotus Blossom Wrote: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Red Lotusblossom" To: Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 8:31 AM Subject: Where are the "facts?"

Dear All,

I have just joined, and I have some questions. I would like to preface them by saying this: I am a montly Gangaji satsang video subscriber, and though I know people who go, I have never been to an in person meeting (can't afford it). In the months leading up to the October revelation I was increasingly stunned by the changes I saw in Gangaji. Those moments wherein she reaches into Truth (very subjective, I know -- but I am only describing my own experience here) became fewer and fewer. Those moment during which she asked the person up front with her to Stop, where she helped take that person deeper, seemed to fade away, only to be replaced by -- I don't know what. Something like "teaching." It's hard to explain, but to me her responses seemed more rote. I talked about this to a friend, the very one who turned me on to Gangaji several years ago, many times. This perception peaked in September, when I took the DVD that had just come in the mail on vacation with me, thinking I could play it at some point while my boyfriend and I were hanging out in the hotel room, since I had been wanting to share such a moment with him for a long time and he wasn't all that into it. Captive audience! Anyway, a nice moment did arrive and he didn't mind, so I put the video on.

Gangaji was lovely at the beginning, but then as people came and went to speak with her she was so not herself. Things were just so much more on the surface. Again, it's very hard to describe -- but it looked a lot more like guru and followers that illuminated truth. There was one woman who was feeling very inadequate to her husband, and rather than take the woman into the core of that experience, really Gangaji just said a few things and let it go. This was so striking that I turned the video off.

I would like to emphasize that I don't mean this as criticism! I was then, and am now, concerned. Clearly the woman was suffering, was conflicted. Did anyone else

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

notice this? And is this suffering taken into account as we move through our anger toward her for keeping the secret?

It is entirely understandible how and why this event is causing so much pain for so many people. Misuse of power for sex is a hot button issue for me, for sure.

Now, I have tried to suspend judgment, mostly because I don't think I know anything about what really happened. I agree that in a teaching that is centered around Truth it's disturbing that such a big secret was being kept. I hear people being angry at Gangaji for this. But here's my question: Why was she keeping quiet? I see some saying that both Eli and the woman with who he was involved asked her not to make it public. Not just Eli, which WOULD smack of complicity and income protection, but also the woman, whom all seem to agree was already traumatized. If Gangaji had "outed" her after she asked not to be outed, how much would that have shown? Wouldn't that have been another kind of betrayal? And might not some people have accused Gangaji of vindictiveness and the betrayal of a deep confidence?

Agreed, it's entirely different if the request for silence came only from Eli.

However, having had some experience in these matters of the heart, I can relate to how confusing it can be to find oneself in the middle of such heartbreak and betrayal, and how emotions conflict. With a little distance now, do group members still feel as betrayed by her as by Eli?

Another couple of questions:

Do I hear people saying that the young woman is saying that Eli hypnotized her and took advantage of her sexually (that would be rape, wouldn't it?)?

Has, again, the community considered that the young woman herself asked Gangaji not to reveal this? Is that still considered to be an acurate statement, or is it just something that Eli told Gangaji to cover his own behind?

What about these money issues? Is it true that they live as high as everyone claims? I'm not interested in gossip here. I am wondering if there are people who have actually seen these two houses, etc.?

Also, as to the face lifts: it's a shame that a woman as beautiful as the aging Gangaji would feel the need to do this. How might that "need" be connected to her huband's philandering? And can we find compassion for her in that, as women? Haven't we all struggled with these self-image things, these pleasing men neuroses? And isn't she just a woman, after all? And isn't she also a victim in this, having been betrayed by her husband and by another woman in the community?

Really, does anyone have answers to these questions?

Sincerely, with hope that my humanness will be forgiven,


-----Original Message----- Mark Timmins Wrote: Red Lotus, The perception you have and question is mind created. It is a story. Until that you see it as such, there are no answers for you, there are only questions. I would suggest you keep watching them videos.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405


Sumchicki Wrote: From: Sumchicki Saya Bigui-Wot, Esq. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 22:30 To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Where are the "facts?"

Mark, Your mind is creating a reply to a post that your mind is creating. I suggest that an Interrupt function be injected into your mind loop, so that the mind-created Mark suddenly loses all mind-created interest in mind-creating responses to its mind- created questions. It'll make your mind-created story more mind-createdly compelling. Guaranteed!

All bst, ~ S.

Mark Timmins Wrote: Get a grip! You are too gross. You must go subtle. All replies, all posts, all words, all thoughts, all interests, all beliefs, are of course mind. Beingness is not of mind. The words Gangaji uses only point the way to beingness. How else are you going to speak about nothingness? You don't got it, it's got you. Can't you see that? Mark

RedLotus Wrote: Is this for real? Or are you just trying to speak in chiche to see how people will respond?

Mayesvara Dasa Wrote: Sumchicki,

Brilliant response Sumchicki... But actually I think you give Mark too much credit. There is no evidence of any mind working between his ears due to the fact that he has become fully indoctrinated into Gangaji's self induced spiritual lobotomy mudha-sanga philosophy.

As far as the very GOOD questions put forth by Red Lotusblossom...you are making the deadly mistake of thinking! That is against everything Gangaji stands for! She has absolutely NO interest in actually looking at any facts what to speak of trying to discuss them! She is a bogus fraud who can not offer you anything of any substance nor does she practice what she preaches as is evident by the obsession she has with her own comforts and external appearance. (IE: Need for a face lift.) OF course that type of pragmatic thinking is also not allowed! If her advaita philosophy is such a wonderful way to live, then why doesn't she practice it herself? No, Just do as she says... Not as she does! A Tell-tale symptoms of another new-age- make-it-up-as-we-go-along-cheating-guru!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

I would strongly suggest you not watch any more of her self indulging tapes but instead go back and re-read the extensive comments I have already provided to this Blog. If you do so with a truly unbiased attitude, it will become more clear why no mature aspiring transcendentalist would ever accept her "What's In It For Me Guru Charade" as anything more significant then a circus side show.

Either get a lobotomy or find a real guru who can answer your questions properly instead of just dodging them with the same word juggling rhetoric that has become the Gangaji trademark. Krishna instructs Arjuna to conquer his mind, not toss it out!

"For one who has conquer the mind, the mind is the best of friends, and for he who has failed to do so, the very mind is his greatest enemy" - Bg. 6.6

Start reading "Bhagavad Gita As It Is" by Bhaktivedanta Swami if you want real spiritual advice which has been applauded by scholars all over the world for the last 40 years. It can be found at the following link: http://vedabase.net/bg/en

If you need any further help or would like me to answer your questions please let me know and I will be happy to do so.

Yours in the service of Lord Krishna mayesvara dasa Ojai, Ca. (805) 640-0405

RedLotus Wrote: See, the thing is, I have never heard Gangaji tell anoyone how to live. There was never, ever any addressing at all of rules or doctrines in any way whatsoever. This is, of course, very unGuru-like. All I ever got from her talks was a technique, really for recognizing the mechanisms of my own reactions to what is happening around me. For instance, when I read William's post I was aware of a clicking of some gears, of you will, that could have led to being angry at William for misunderanding or fo speaking without knowing what Gangaji has said. So I just sort of watched the little clicking, and let it happen, and felt it, but then it went away before it really turned into anger. This is not a teaching, and it's not a direction given by someone. It's just an observation of my self. Now, like Gangaji and ever other human in the world there is no way that I can always, always be on top of these things. I make mistakes. I continue to be human. So does she. So do we all. But there really is no teaching here. It's just awareness of self and welcoming of whatever comes. I really, truly have found that when I welcome my fear or anger or pleasure or desire or whatever, when I welcome it with tenderness, let it have me, observe it, it often does dissolve before it takes me over. It's all just about trying to be a "better" person and happier, less tossed about by all the stuff going on around one. Again, I've never, ever heard Gangaji pronounce anything like doctrine or presciptions on how to live, or ask that people give up their loved ones or houses or come and live in her commune or put her picture on their alters or whatever. She is not, never claimed to be, a Guru. She's just a lady who has this job of trying to help people.

Mark Timmins Wrote: Red, The mind asks the questions and the mind seeks the answers. That is the play of Leela. Believe what you choose to believe, but nonetheless nothing is moot. And nothing is who you are.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

For the record, what Gangaji speaks about is not a religion. There is no belief to teach. That is why the idea of a cult is absurd. Mark

Conrad Goehausen Wrote: Conrad Goehausen [[email protected]] I'm new here, but I gotta say, based on the kinds of exchanges going on, this looks like a cult haven of some sort. We have a few people asking intelligent questions, and everyone else refusing to answer, except by giving cultic answers like, stop thinking, asshole. Then we have the overly erudite critic, who is himself a member of a rather odious cult, the Hare , criticizing Gangaji for having the temerity to teach Advaita, rather than the one true religion of vedic Krishna- Bhakti. This makes for much hilarity.

Question is, is there ANY intelligent conversation possible here?

Personally, I never thought much of Gangaji, but I don't know much about her. I have a ton of respect for Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Nisargadatta, and others in the neo-Advaita line. What I wonder about most is why Gangaji felt qualified to teach at all, when even her alleged Guru, Papaji, told her she was a fraud and unqualified. Or am I mistaken on that count? William of the Hare Krishnas may be a cultist, but at least he has a few good things to say about having respect for one's Guru, and it seems that Gangaji did not. Like Andrew Cohen, her brief encounter with Papaji seems to have been exploited by her even in the face of Papaji's own disavowals of the significance of her "awakening". So if anyone knows much about that, I'd be curious to hear about it, and the general scene around Gangaji. How cultic is it? Points will be awarded for honesty.

Part Two: Regarding the issue of Papaji's criticism of Gangaji, I've read several sources on this topic that seemed fairly authoritative. One was an article on the Papaji website, another an interview with , who lived with Papaji and wrote the authorized three volume biography of Papaji "Nothing Ever Happened". I also had a long email correspondence with Godman, not spefically related to Gangaji, but her name came up in the course of it, and he repeated the warnings that she was not to be trusted.

The basic gist of the story I've heard is about the general attitude of Papaji towards the westerners who came to him in the early and mid-90's, expereinced sudden awakenings, and went back to the west claiming enlightenment. What seems to have happened is that all these westerners started showing up almost out of nowhere, and began experiences fantastic awakenings. Papaji was very open and encouraging, and as was his fashion, told many, many people that they were enlightened. This was no really unusual, in that for decades Papaji had told people this sort of thing, in person and in letters, praising people in a very wonderful way. It was of course part of his teaching to make it clear that enlightenment is our natural state, and is to be expected of us, rather than seen as a distant attainment.

Anyway, he related to these westerners this way, including people like Eli, Gangaji, and Andrew Cohen, among many others. He told them to go back to the west and bring this satsang to people back there. And so they did. However, what some did, like Gangaji and Andrew Cohen, was to proclaim themselves enlightened masters, giving their own "satsang", teaching their own teaching, when in fact Papaji had merely expected them to make his own Satsand and teaching available to westerners. When he heard reports of what some of these people were doing, he was very critical and dismissive of them. Often, he was quite outraged. Within a fairly short period of

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

time, he announced that all these people were not enlightened at all, that they had misunderstood and distorted his teachings, and had turned it into an egoic delusion. He said that it had been a test to see if these people were really serious or not, and his determination was that they were not truly serious about enlightenment. He very specfically disavowed each and every one of these people, and said that they should not teach others, that they were not at all qualified to do so. When Andrew Cohen returned to visit Papaji, I think about a year after leaving, Papaji laid into him very directly and told him he was not qualified at all to teach. Cohen completely rejected Papaji's instructions, was quite insulting, and struck out on his own.

Now, I'm not entirely sure what kind of encounters Gangaji had, and I'd like to know that. I do know that she was included in Papaji's general criticism of these western claimants to enlightenment, and he said unequivocably that none of them were enlightened, which would surely include Gangaji. But I don't know specifically whether Gangaji actually spoke to or was confronted by Papaji in this regard. My impression is that she was, whether in person or by letter I don't know.

So that's the basis for my wondering how Gangaji could be teaching, and yet also claim to be honoring Papaji. I don't doubt that she continues to praise Papaji and say good things about him, but I wonder how she can do that while not honoring his specific instructions to her. If he did give such instructions, that is.

So I'd like to hear the other side of the story, if anyone knows it.

Mayesvara Response to commentary about Gangaji. March 14, 2007 Mayesvara Writes: To those who are attempting to understand Gangaji better...

Even though it is apparent that Conrad would prefer to laugh at the Hilarity of the fact that my position is based on a very orthodox and widely agreed upon interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, India’s undisputed greatest spiritual treatise, I admire his equal willingness to call things as they are in regards to Gangaji’s disregard for her own spiritual master. This of course is a very serious offense and is another reason why she should be immediately rejected for all the good reasons Conrad and Papaji have proclaimed.

The fact is that Ganaji was originally trained as a therapist and at the foundation of Advaita teachings is the simple art of watching how the mind can spin in all sorts of directions with just the littlest stimulation. So obviously to become a successful transcendentalist, the first step one must take is to bring the mind under control. If I could honestly give any credit to Gangaji for anything… it would be that she helps her students understand this one simple point. Where she proves to be a total fraud is in the fact that she seems to think that by making numerous disclaimers throughout her sermons like: “I am Not a Guru”, Or “I am not a Teacher” her behavior speaks much louder then her words. Either she is giving guidance, instructions, lessons, knowledge or insight to her audience or she is not. If she is then according to any gradeschool english dictionary, Gangaji is a teacher. If she isn't doing these things then why are we talking about her? If she kept her mouth closed, and did not pose as a teacher, then this whole conversation would not have arisen.

All this evasive word juggling rhetoric convicts her of not only being a teacher, but a crazy one at that. “I’m not stealing this bike officer… I am just borrowing it!” Yea sure sweetheart… that’s what they all say when they get caught. There is a basic rule of thumb followed by the courts,… if it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck and it walks like a duck… it isn’t a platypus… it’s a DUCK. Using that same reasoning Gangaji is a teacher, albeit a pretty bad one who sends mixed messages, veils her intent by misusing or applying her own meaning to words, (ie: Teacher, God, Enlightenment, etc.) and earns her title dishonestly by plagiarizing the work of others!

So Gangaji can say whatever she wants and foolish people may accept such cheap excuses if they don’t want to use their intelligence or are afraid of even considering the possibility that they may really need to make some endeavor if they want to properly understand their own human condition. In regards to those who participate on this blog, Mark seems to be the classic a-void-ist. He has enough awareness to realize that a yogi must know how to control the mind. But he has misunderstood that only to means one should simply lay back and watch it dance all over the place without actually learning

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

how to keep if from dancing in the first place. That is what yoga is all about and Krishna explains the process very rationally and logically in the Gita for those who are actually ready to take on the challenges of doing it.

“On should engage oneself in the practice of Yoga with determination and faith and not be deviated from the path. One should abandon, without exception all material desired born of mental speculation and thus control all the senses on all sided by the mind.” - Bg 6 Dhyana Yoga, text 24.

So all of Gangaj’i followers rave on about how much she helped them see how their distress is a result of their uncontrolled monkey like mind crashing all over their consciousness. To help them do that she instructs her groupies… like a guru… to watch how their mind jumps around. Big woop! Is that all they have to prop up her guru charade? Any decent therapist, which is the only recognizable training Gangaji had before she decided to adopt the lifestyle of a self-absorbed mega guru, can do that! Therapy is in fact what the majority of all Gangaji’s disciples really need first before they can begin to understand what real spiritual life is all about. They must become sane and conscious before they can become whole and God consious. Only when they get all their mundane issues cleaned up will they be able to seriously consider the real task of developing the genuine qualities of goodness that bona-fide sages and saints speak about and are know for.

To admit the need of a therapist in order to cope with the world has a negative social stigma. However followiong a guru sounds hip and progressive in todays New Age world of: "You Too Can Be A Guru!" That is why Gangaji has attracted so much attention. She is practicing group therapy guised as a Guru but she is very coy and too dishonest to openly admit it. Only those who are extremely naïve, or suffer from such terribly low self-esteem, can’t see how this dastardly leela is playing out in their own Gangaji controlled consciousness.

Artists have the ability to observe how their hands create in the same way Gangaji recommends that her patients watch how their mind creates. They sit back and watch how their arm moves between the palate and the canvas as the image begins to emerge. However what makes the difference between a good painter and a bad painter is the subject matter, scrutiny, and technical expertise they have in composing the picture. Good artists spend a lot of time mastering these skills and they study the techniques and methods of other great artists in doing so. This distinction is what separates Gangaji from a real guru. She doesn’t offer a shred of direction in regards to what the mind should focus on. She just leaves it hanging out there to bounce all over the place while she instructs her followers to watch it like a proverbial ping pong ball bouncing all over the universe!

The result is the mind creates even more mischief to the point where everything in life gets reduced down to an Albert Camus like absurdity. Everything it perceived only as a figment of one’s imaginary mind creative process where even the concepts of right and wrong completely disappear. Those who get hopelessly entrenched say really pathetically lame things like: “All replies, all posts, all words, all thoughts, all interests, all beliefs, are of course mind. Beingness is not of mind. The words Gangaji uses only point the way to beingness. How else are you going to speak about nothingness?”

In this way her disciples act like preschooler finger-painters who get colors all over their hands, clothing, desks and neighbors while they slop tempera paint on brown shipping paper and call it art. They make a big mess but it’s part of there education because it builds up their ego and from that initial experience some children will find an affinity for the process of disciplined painting. Those individuals are the ones who become the Picassos, Rembrandts, and Michelangelo’s of tomorrow.

The point is that the mind must be consciously focused on something, not just passively observed while it indiscriminately travels all over the galaxy. Artists who have become very good at focusing their mind often change the world with their visions, insights, and inspiriting talents. Those who don’t create a lot of useless junk like the Crayola drawings that parents stick on their refrigerators when their kids bring it home from 1st grade. Their work may have some sentimental value to the immediate family who gratuitously accept bad art as a sign of affection. It may even get passed around the family for awhile but it eventually ends up in the trash.

History has shown time and again that those who lean to focus their consciousness on the name, fame, pastimes and personality of Godhead also rise to the top and leave a lasting impact on the world. They really influences the consciousness of generations that follow for the better. Examples of these rare souls are Hari Das Thakur, Lord Christ, Sri Caitanaya Mahaprabhu, Saint Francis of Assi, Madhavacarya, and Bhaktivedanta Swami just to name a few. What is really pathetic is that most of the Gangaji clan don’t even know who these individuals are or what they teach. They are so self absorbed, narcissistic, and arrogant they don’t even care.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

So called “Famous Artists” like Jackson Pollack never grew up and remained enamored by the process of watching his own hands slop around in paint. Somehow he attracted an avant-garde following of New York bourgeois elite in the 1950’s and had his short reign of fame. But because his work was really just splashes of paint that any child could do, it had no real lasting foundation and eventually fell out of favor with the snooty art heads of his day. When he was no longer a celebrity and he had to face his own gross lack of talent, he couldn’t stand living anymore and killed himself in a car accident.

There is no difference between the way he foisted his spills and slop onto the art word and the way Gangaji has set up her revival tent to preach a watered down Advaita onto the consciousness of those who were nurtured by the post 60’s hip existential movement. At first glance it seems to make sense and it looks good, but scratch below the façade and it’s all a pathetic charade. The only difference is that this time the media is not tempera paint. Instead it is a lot of rhetorical double talk that attract a lot of shallow foolish followers. It has grown into a cult that is also destined to dissolves into nothing after she dies,.. assuming all of her duped followers don’t wake up before that time and her whole house of cards don’t collapse in on itself before then.

It’s a predictable pattern similar to that of the Psychologist turned guru who had the audacity to call himself in the early 1980’s around Los Angeles. After ripping off literally thousands of individuals in Southern California for nearly ten years, his mind control manipulations imploded so quickly that in 1997 he got hoisted up by his own petards and ended up droning himself in the Long Island Sound. The handwriting is already on the wall. Playing guru like Gangaji does, without any qualifications to do so, is very offensive and carries with it very serious karma for both the self-anointed charlatan as well as those who support them.

It’s also extremely arrogant for Merle Antoinette “Toni” Robertson to assume the exalted name for Mother Ganges, which descends from the feet of Lord , off the head of Lord , to all the sacred places in India, and then teach blatant atheism in the form of a perverted Mayavadi philosophy. For those readers who don’t understand this point consider it equivalent to the way Hitler justifying his extermination of the Jews based on the teachings of Lord Christ! There is absolutely NO WAY Ramanamaharshi would condone such blatant foolishness because he had a tremendous respect for the Vedas. Gangajis on the other hand is like a little school girl playing therapist with her Barbi dolls although unfortunately the dolls happen to be real people who are getting cheated left and right!

So from the point of view of those who actually understand what real Advaita is, how it is properly practiced and the serious philosophical flaws in suffers, the followers of Gangaji are equivalent to a class of preschooler finger-painters who get enamored by the paint but can’t compose anything useful with their lives. All they are capable of doing is helplessly sitting back and watching the play of colors as it oozes between their fingers and makes a big mess for someone else to clean up. They are too pampered or myopic to ever questioning why the play repeats itself or how they might be able to change it from a comedy to a romance. NO…. All they can do is sit back and watch whatever their personal antenna happens to bring in. In their black and white world, they consider it lucky to get the neutral test pattern broadcast when the rest of the world goes to sleep or when a particular channel is no longer in use.

That’s the best Ganagaji can do, but it’s not the process Krishna lays out in the Bhagavad Gita. There He advises that to have peace, one must actually learn how to control the senses, not recklessly indulge their every whim. But who is willing to teach that? Gangaji will never teach it because wooohhhaaa… what a bummer… you mean I can’t just do whatever the hell I like and still be a cool spiritual dud? Sorry folks…. Is that what Ramana Maharshi did? No. He was a strict vegetarian acetic who respected the advice and direction of the Vedas. He wasn’t some smart-ass therapist who went to India and learned just enough Indian metaphysics to come back to American and start her own New Age cult! NO! Ramana Maharshi is highly respected because he is the only person who came close to actually living the Advaita lifestyle since Sankaracarya himself from the seventh century! Ramana Maharshi was also a great devotee of Shiva while history tells us that Sankaracarya was accepted by everyone as an incarnation of Lord Siva. Does Gangaji teach any of her followers these commonly known facts? Of course not, because Gangaji has NO respect for anyone. Her whole mission is intended to attract the proud and obsanant who foolishly think that despite their four inherent flaws of: 1) Imperfect Senses, 2) The Propensity to Cheat, 3) Deception by Illusion, and the 4 )Propensity to Make Mistakes they can figure out who they are, what life is all about, and particularly who God is on their own. According to the very Vedas that Ramana Maharshi respected, anyone who thinks they can figure anything out on their own is a fool.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

“The foolish with a poor fund of knowledge cannot know the transcendental nature of the forms, names, and activities of the Lord, who is playing like an actor in a drama. Nor can they express such things, neither in their speculations nor in their words.” – Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 1, “Creation” Chapter 3, “Krishna is the Source of All Incarnations,” Text 37. LINK: http://vedabase.net/sb/1/3/37/en

So the bottom line is that Gangaji is a fraud. When she met Papaji her ego leveraged her training as a therapist and she built herself into a New Age Guru that was much more profitable then seeing patients one at a time and abiding to the laws that regulate that profession. She is an opportunist and that’s exactly what Papaji could see and why he disparaged her and all the other egotistical Westerners who have bastardized the process of self realization into a cheap overnight sensation!

It is also ridicules for Gangaji’s followers to remain deluded by the illusion that she is teaching anything new or is the ONLY person who struts this Advaita stuff. There are hundreds of people teaching the exact same thing in their own perverted self glorifying and profitable way just like she is. If you don’t like what Eli did and want to be cheated by some other bogus guru then try Adi Da, or Ken Wilber, Ramesh Balaskar. Francis Lucliel, or Sri Sri Ravi Shankar just to name a few on an extremely long list of self-made bogus teachers who all say the same evasive rhetorical nonsense.

All of this has nothing to do with Eli but his reckless behavior is symptomatic of the whole charade. His womanizing should be a BIG alarm that will wake up those who have fallen under Gangaji’s hypnotic spell. Eli is the Chesser cat and Gangaji is the Queen of the Heartless. (Sorry. There is no room for any heart, emotion, or distinctions in the abysmal world of Advaita)

Everyone is ultimately being directed by Supersoul to restore their relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Some are only willing to accept His effulgence in the form of the Brahmajoti. Oh what fun! You can merge into the heat and light of fire if you want to… but all the yogis and the Gita itself confirm that to do so is extremely difficult. Even if you do succeed you will not be satisfied there because the soul is Sat, Cit,Ananda, Vigraha by nature and therefore craves Truth, Knowledge, Bliss, and it’s original Form… not some artificial imposition on the mind. Those who achieve that state of non-dual awareness would not even be conscious of this blog, what Gangaji says, or even if terrorists blew up New York City. Nope. The only goal Gangaji knows how to point to is the ultimate of narcissistic self indulgence. Everyone is in it only for themselves, and only themselves. There are no ethics, morals, beautiful roses, wonderful feelings, loving exchanges or ecstatic realizations. There is not God. It’s just you… just being… period. Blah. That is not spiritual life… that is spiritual suicide.

The alternative is to understand God as He is, despite how “Cultic” the American media loves to make that sound especially when it comes from a culture and a tradition that the majority of the American public has little or NO information about. It’s just the Ugly American Syndrome all over again epitomize by the British when they ruled. The fact is that those who are really mature, non-prejudicial and aren’t looking for just cheap ways to flatter themselves know their limitations. Those individuals are humble enough to recognize their own frailties and will appreciate the instructions in the Bhagavad Gita like some of the greatest people who ever walked on this Earth.

I will close this commentary with some of the numerous quotes that are available from brilliant minds we should all recognize. These individuals knew the value of the Vedas, and particularly the Bhagavad Gita. Gangaji can tell you she has a better way and Eli can scoff away any book he prefer not to read what to speak of consider carefully. But such bigoted behavior is symptomatic of fools, cheaters, liars and the illiterate. Those who are truly sober and equipoised will at least want to know why this single book had such a profound affect on such outstanding human beings. We all have the freedom to make that choice on our own. I hope those who are ready to move out of Gangaji’s sand box will take advantage of this opportunity and choose to grow up and get serious about their own spiritual welfare.

If I can be of any further assistance in this matter please feel free to contact me with your questions or comment.

William Roberts, MBA, MIS, CCP Aka mayesvara dasa ACBSP [email protected] 687 Villanova Road Ojai, California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Quotes From Some Of The Great Minds Who Studied The Vedas

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

"When I read the Bhagava-gita, I ask myself how God created the universe. Everything else appears to be superfluous." - Albert Einstein

"The book (Bhagavad-gita) which, in a whole lifetime has given me the greatest enlightenment" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet licensed to practice law. In later years celebrated as a sage and visited by luminaries from around the world.

"This poem (Bhagavad-gita) demands the highest respect" - Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) German philosopher, professor of logic and metaphysics. He developed his own critical philosophy in which he sought to determine the nature and limits of human knowledge, the necessary categories of consciousness, and their ethical and aesthetic consequences.

"It (Bhagavad-gita) is the most informative and sublime book in the world" - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) German philosopher and chief expounder of pessimism and of the irrational impulses of life arising from the will.

"The Bhagavad-gita is suited to give us a certain idea of the most general as well as of the highest in Indian religion" - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) German idealist philosopher, who became one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th century well known for the remarkable range and the extraordinary depth of his thought.

"The Bhagavad-gita is one of the clearest and richest compendia of the 'philosophical perennis' that were ever compiled. This fact explains the book's lasting value not only for the people of India but for all mankind.” - Aldous Huxley

"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"When the Bhagavad-gita became known in Europe, it's reception was an enthusiastic one. The reason that the book made so deep an impression on the European mind must be seen in the fact that it acquainted the West for the first time with a mysticism that demands loving devotion to God to be shown in deed (rather than in spirit only)." - Albert Schweitzer "The Gita has always been my source of comfort. Whenever I was unable to perceive a silver lining on the horizon I opened the Gita and found a verse that gave men new hope." -Mahatma Gandhi

Other Great Vedantists: Sri , Ramanuja Acarya, Madhava Acharya, Shankar Acharya, Aurobindo, Ghose, , and ... just to name a few.

Bhagavad Gita: In Sanskrit it literately means: “The Song Of God” The equivalent to the Christian Bible for over 900,000 million and believers worldwide. It is one portion of the and the quintessence of all Vedic literature.

Objection from Stuart March 15, 2007 Roberts, William NAVSEA wrote: > my position is based on a very orthodox and widely agreed upon > interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, India's undisputed greatest > spiritual treatise

Human beings are herding animals. Like sheep, we experience a strong pull to believe whatever it appears "the crowd" believes. When one is of this mind, of course he'll seek the "orthodox," of course he'll instinctively support what he thinks is "widely agreed upon," of course he'll want to imagine that his flock's dogma is "undisputed."

On the other hand, of course, there's a percentage of the population that wants to be independent, and see for ourselves. In that case, orthodoxy and wide agreement and the like count for very very little.

Mayesvara dasa Responds to Stuart March 15, 2007 Stuart,

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

You wrote: “…of course, there's a percentage of the population that that wants to be independent, and see for ourselves.” Yes. There will always be individuals who foolishly think all sorts of delusional things… but are they really independent when they are completely under the control of the three modes of nature? Just how independent are you? Can your independence free you from the miseries of life such as sickness, or the torment from other entities like mosquitoes, rats, bad landlords, bosses or business clients? Are you free from the heat of a scorching hot day, the IRS, or the local laws of the land? Are you so confident with your own abilities that you can honestly say you never made a mistake, were never deceived, or can avoid germs or pollens that might make you sick? The only independence you really have is the freedom to recognize your own limitations which, it is clear by your response, you are still unable to do. Go back to your silence until you get the clarity necessary to see this simple truth. Instead you choose to remain in denial of your own gross shortcomings and imply that you are so independent, that by dint of your own unique super perception alone you will be able to understand things properly. This concept is as immature as all the hippies of the 60’s who also myopically believed they were “Unique” and rebelled against the norm by growing their hair out and wearing old jeans. Those individuals also thought they were so “Special” because they were committed to their own “Unique self expression.” The truth was that all the other so called “Independent” hippies were doing the exact same thing. So just how unique were they? Such so called independent thinking became so common the clothing manufacturers pre-washed and strategically wore out portions of the jeans prior to sale just to feed the burgeoning market of self deceived “do-my-own-thing individuals.” The hippies rebelled against capitalism, but the corporate system they wanted to reject made the clothes they wore and took their money. In the same way all sorts of stubborn people foolishly think they are “Free” when they are completely bound up by the laws of nature and their own personal karma. You can disparage the concept of karma, or “Orthadox” thinking, but you are equally guilty of it because the Advaita path is just a different type of wide-spread orthodox agreement that only attracts those who are obstinate about not accepting their own foibles. You say you pefer to “See” for yourself… but your eyes are as useless as all your other mundane senses. You can’t even see bacteria or radio activity. Someone could feed you certain poisons and you would not be able to detect it. Some drugs will make you “FEEL” great but they are actually addictively deadly. A dog has a better ability to sniff out food then you can and a cat can see much better then you can at night yet you remain so proud about figuring things out for yourself? Even the baby gazelle knows better not to stray too far from the pack, lest he be eaten by the lion… yet you pride yourself in your ability to fly independently into the fire of sense gratification like the stupid moth who is attracted by the very light that will burn him to ash! Again I ask; Where are the Gagaji clones willing to have a serious conversation about our human predicament? Obviously you are not capable of that because every thing you have used to dismiss my appeal to reason applies equally to yourself. You too are like “…hearding animals… like sheep… and experience a strong pull to believe whatever (The Gangaji crowd) believes…. And (you) instinctively support what (you) think is widely agreed upon” AND… Of course you imagine that your flocks’ dogma is “Undisputed” This type of non-sequitor evasive response does not rationally explain your bodacious claim to be able to figure out the mysteries of life all for yourself. You have failed to reconcile the four obvious flaws of human nature which I repeat again with the hope that you will someday face these challenges directly instead of responding with cute pithy platitudes in an attempt to obfuscate your own ignorance. All humans suffer from: 1) Imperfect Senses, 2) The Propensity to Cheat, 3) Deception by Illusion, and the 4) Propensity to Make Mistakes. Do you expect all of the people who are reading this dialogue to believe that you don’t suffer from these afflictions like the rest of us? If you agree that you have these shortcomings, then how can you claim you have the ability to see, know or understand anything by dint of your own feeble powers? Yes there are enclaves of consensus among all sorts of people… including the bandits who hide in the hills to evade the laws. They have the consensus called: “Honor among thieves.” In the case of Gangaj’s crowd the common denominator is: “Pride Among fools.” In this age of there are actually more people who believe the

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

philosophically bankrupt rhetoric you have expressed then those who are honest enough to willing admit how futile it is to figure anything out on their own. That is because everyone is enamored by their own false ego and over inflated pride. So the difference between us is that the people you concur with are not really interested in a serious examination of their own limitations. They are more committed to clinging to their proud rebellious mentality even when it isn’t in their best interest… just like foolish children who often rebel against the protective instructions of their own loving parents. Eventually most children grow up and become working and productive citizens in society. Some do not and those individuals are the ones who end up spending their life in jail because of their untamed incorrigible nature. Prison culture has it’s own rules, beliefs, and consensus of opinions too… but it’s based on the raw animal principals of survival. Human life is meant for more then that. Then there are those who have demonstrated that they are extremely intelligent, honest, humble and ethical. After a careful examination our collective human situation they also concur on many common principals even though they may be stretched between cultures, time and circumstances. For example one of the greatest philosophers of all time Plato, recommended that society is best served when it is led by the saintly philosopoher-king, which happens to be exactly what the Vedas recommend even though the two references are thousands of years apart and from two different places in time and culture. So the conclusions from members of this segment of society is of interest to those who are paying attentions because the principals they agree on are a lot more profound then the rather crude code of ethics that rules the jail-cells of those who are incarcerated for life. Now are any Gangaji’s students able to suggest who they think should be guiding society and why? Can they answer any practical question that involves basic concepts of right and wrong with anything more significant then: “What they Feel?” Feelings are often even more deceptive then the gross senses, as any stilted lover knows… so God save us all if that is the way Gangaji recommends we sort out what is true. Where are the followers of Gangaji who are prepared to demonstrate that she has been able to teach anything worthwhile at all? Let them come forward and answer these questions. I am ready to listen. Depending on how rigorously one is willing to objectively consider his given situation, a person will evolve to a particular level of understanding. One may adopt “Prison” consciousness, “Jesus” consciousness, “Buddhist” consciousness, “Gangaji” consciousness, “Material Consciousness”, “Raman Maharshi” consciousness or real “God” consciousness which can be recognized by specific tangible symptoms. The type of consciousness we choose to embrace is actually the only freedom any of us have and each one of these different states of consciousness have a corresponding type of reciprocal karmic response. You may say you don’t believe in karma but if you focus more on “Food” then you do on “Exercise” then you will become overweight regardless of if you believe it or not. When you grow up spiritually your realize that the laws of nature are not bound to what YOU want or can understand. They are stringent and you are bound to them just like gravity holds us to the earth. Regardless of how much your petty false ego runs around squeaking about independence, freedom and the delusional idea that you can understand anything on your own, the evidence indicates otherwise. So there are all sorts of groups, religions, belief systems and teachers who are ready to concur with whatever state of consciousness one happens to hover over. After arriving at this obvious axiomatic truth, the intelligent person will inquire… where is the best place to invest my consciousness? You are free to dismiss such inquiry as futile, irrelevant, all true, all false, or all an illusion. Fools have been doing that since the beginning of time so Gangaji can’t even take credit for such an ignoble contribution. On the other hand history shows that astute individuals have not hidden behind the Gangaji cop-out to avoid the quest for a meaningful and purposeful life. The Gangaji crowd is reticent about any thought process, particularly those that require examining which state of consciousness may actually be superior based on the correlating behavior it manifests. In the world of Gangaji, there is no distinction between the consciousness of the drug peddling, violent gang member thief, and a priest who risks his life to bring medicine to the head-hunter children of Indonesia. It’s a lot easier to dodge all social responsibilities then it is properly understand what constituted good ethics and personal morals. Gangaji attracts those who are spiritually lazy, self serving and very poorly informed. Thinking requires using your brain and employing some intelligent discrimination. For those who are afraid, incapable of, or too pompous to realize that even the Gangaji clan uses their mind to flush out what they DON”t want to hear… such a suggestion will most certainly sound heretical.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

But to the brilliant people who I cited at the end of my previous contribution to this dialogue… it not only makes perfect sense, but it is the ONLY thing that makes any sense. The followers of Gangaji can prance around and declare them selves to be free, independent, or whatever other narcissistic thing they want to BELIEVE but as long as they do, they only prove how little education they. Those who do are hopelessly trapped in their own cult-like, pithy, self-deluding, feel-good maxims that Gangaji has cooked up to fuel their supercharged false ego, You pompously declare that “…wide agreement and… (the opinions of others may) count for very, very little...” to you. But it is obvious that the opinions of Gangaji are meaningful to you. Her own insidiously bloviated dogma has polluted your head with so much rhetorical non-conclusive sophistry that you are compelled to defend it despite all the circular logic and false assumptions you must use to do so. Fortunately not everyone is so pathetically conditioned. For myself I appreciate the insight, wisdom, and conclusion of great thinkers from our current history as well as the conclusions held by the most respected sages of India from over thousands of years. They concurred on the essence of Vedic wisdom, not on some conventional therapist who went new age, exploits here ignorant audiences, and denies that she relishes in the act of posing like a guru even though it is obvious she hasn’t even realized her own obvious shortcomings. You may wish to hide behind her charade but I prefer the company of individuals who stood out from crowd because they integrated Vedic truths into their lives and successfully sidestepped the quite desperation of trying to figure everything out for them selves.

Roberts, William NAVSEA wrote: > You wrote: "...of course, there's a percentage of the population that > that wants to be independent, and see for ourselves." > [snip] > Can your independence free you from the miseries of life such as > sickness, or the torment from other entities like mosquitoes, rats, > bad landlords, bosses or business clients?

Sure, how you keep your mind makes ALL the difference in how you experience everything in life. A mosquito bite is just a mosquito bite; it's your thinking that makes it into misery and torment.

When it comes to life-direction, you can follow authorities, or you can pay attention to this moment. Which one do you like? If you prefer to repeat other people's words like a parrot or tape recorder, that's no problem. Each moment will always offer the opportunity to try something different.

Stuart, Once again you are guilty of the very same thing you accurse me of. We are both accepting authorities. Mine happen to be such highly respected brilliant individuals that many of them are honored with the prefix saint. Your authorities are flash-in-the-pan bogus new-age guru wanna-be’s like Gangaji and apparently now Ekard Tolle. They say the exact same silly things your beak is now regurgitating. You can deny the fact that you aren’t parroting what they are well known for teaching, but doing so would simply prove that you are just as guilty as they are for thinking that what they teach is new or original. It isn’t. This type of evasive self serving banter has been around for a very long time. Yet still you may exclude them from your frame of reference and proudly claim you are living in the moment, free, and righteous like some instinctive animal who responds to the scent of the hunt or a female in heat. But then in that case, you are accepting the authority of your own feeble senses which I have now pointed out twice are virtually useless in regards to understanding anything properly. That probably expalins why you are having such a difficult time making any sense at all. Your choose to dismiss the example of the mesquito bite which is in fact just a simple example of miseris all around us which includes heart disease, terminal cancer, Multiple Scerousis, paraplegic mustle failure, poverty,

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

blindness, hurricane Katrina, mudslides, earquakes, Tsunami floods, , racial hatred, crime and genocide etc. to name just a few. You dismiss these things with such aloofness that it reveals either a cold arrogant indifference to the reality of the world we currently find ourselves in, or you suffer from such sophomoric naivety that it’s chilling. You obviously prefer not to face the real world where many people live in daily fear for their life, or can not find adequate food, or have trouble finding warmth at night. Yup. That’s the audience Gangaji attracts. Selfish snotty arrogant fools. You fit the model perfectly. You are living in the most prosperous country in the world and the fact that you have a computer and the leisure to participate on this blog confirms that you are part of a very small minority of people who are extremely well off compared to the majority of other human beings struggling to survive. Try telling the people of Somilia your brilliant way of making them feel better about the tortore and anarchy they must survive every day and see how well it works! You probably have hot and cold running water, a refrigerator, and numerous other modern comforts that millions of others can only dream about. You have callously dismissed all the suffering of others with trite indifference and pithy maxims that you now parrot from your feeble authorities as a way to excuse yourself from having to face the cruel harshness of life. This is the Peter Pan philsophy of Gangaji. It's childish and immature. Such insensitivity is consistent with those who are attracted to the myopic things Gangaji says. Her audience is for the most part a young, spoiled middle class American who have no desire to grow up, are not very well educated and often suffering from some flavor of mental health problem. As a courtesy to the several hundred people who have been following this dialogue I will not waste my time responding to any more of Stuarts predictably simplistic, routine subject-changing responses to the questions that I have already posed to the entire Gangaji community. If someone is interested in having a serious dialogue with me then I will embrace it… but if that is the case then let it start by someone first answering the questions that I have repeatedly asked and provide again here for those of you with the short attention span: You have failed to reconcile the four obvious flaws of human nature which I repeat again with the hope that you will someday face these challenges directly instead of responding with cute pithy platitudes in an attempt to obfuscate your own ignorance. All humans suffer from: 1) Imperfect Senses, 2) The Propensity to Cheat, 3) Deception by Illusion, and the 4) Propensity to Make Mistakes. Now are any Gangaji’s students able to suggest who they think should be guiding society and why? Can they answer any practical question that involves basic concepts of right and wrong with anything more significant then: “What they Feel?” Feelings are often even more deceptive then the gross senses, as any stilted lover knows… so God save us all if that is the way Gangaji recommends we sort out what is true. Where are the followers of Gangaji who are prepared to demonstrate that she has been able to teach anything worthwhile at all? Let them come forward and answer these questions. I am ready to listen.

Anyone serious about exploring a legitimate spiritual education will be ready to go beyond the double talk, inconsistent, word juggling jargon of Gangaji and Ekard Tole. I invite those individuals to contact me with your questions or comments at:

William Roberts, MBA, MIS, CCP Aka mayesvara dasa ACBSP [email protected] 687 Villanova Road Ojai, California 93023

(805) 640-0405

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Stuart Responded with: Roberts, William NAVSEA wrote:

Once again you are guilty of the very same thing you accurse me of. We are both accepting authorities.

This happens all the time. Since you follow authorities, you automatically assume it's the only possible way, and project your own attachments onto everyone else. You figure that if I'm not following Bhagavad Gita or whatever, then I must be following something else... Gangaji?! Tolle?!? Jesus H. Christ!

Anyway, that leads to a question for you. When you take a shower, which authority to you consult to determine if the water is hot or cold? (If you rely on Bhagavad Gita, it's gonna get awfully soggy!)

From William G. Roberts MBA/MIS, CCP:

Stuart continues to provide more proof that those who are enamored by their own imperfect senses can't even answer the simple questions I hae repeatedly asked.

Try something different and answer my questions instead of posing more evasive, change-the-subject nonsense. -William G. Roberts MBA/MIS, CCP

Stuart Responded with: [email protected] wrote: > Stuart continues to provide more proof that those who are enamored by > their own imperfect senses can't even answer the simple questions I > hae repeatedly asked.

Maybe you've asked a simple question, maybe you haven't. Who could tell?

One thing is certain: you've posted page after page after page after page of dogma. IF there's a clear and simple question in there, there's no way to find it under the mountain of your ideas and opinions.

RedLotusBlossom Responded With. My goodness, gentlemen. Really. Whatever you are trying to say, I don't think I'll subscribe to it. What can you have learned if you're all into tearing each other a part this way? It's not worth it, believe me. No one will ever listen to aggression. Not ever. Just leave it off and go in peace. Really.

From William G. Roberts MBA/MIS, CCP:

Reconcile the Four Human Flaws

Sorry RedLotus Blossom but what we have here is a complete unwillingness to have a serious dialogue. It is obvious by Stuart’s predictably evasive commentary that his ability to reason is grossly tinged by his own highly prejudicial conditioning against any authority other then his own little feeble self. With every response he repeatedly illustrates why relying entirely on ones own prowess is completely useless for understanding things clearly. Now he has virtually admitted that he has dismissed what I wrote simply because it APPEARS TO HIM to be just dogma.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Objective readers that are serious about exploring the true nature of the self have written to me privately and have easily recognized the important questions I have been asking. Yet Stuart is so anxious to disparage my challenges as DOGMA he can’t even figure out what the questions are what to speak of respond to them! This is particularly revealing considering all he needs to do is actually re-read what I wrote carefully. But alas, it is apparently too hard for someone who thinks they are divinely perfect to lower themselves to such a human endeavor.

As a courtesy to the rest of you I will again, for the third time, request any of you who are SERIOUS about genuine self inquiry to explain to me how you can be so absolutely certain about figuring anything out on your own, based on conditional mundane perceptions and the fact that that every Human being suffers from: 1) Imperfect Senses, 2) The Propensity to Cheat, 3) Deception by Illusion, and the 4) Propensity to Make Mistakes.

I have already illustrated how cats can see better then Stuart and dogs can smell better then he can yet he remains so proud about his abilities to know what is real. The fact that he avoids addressing these very serious questions with silly irrelevant opinions is further proof of his propensity to cheat.

The evidence of his illusion is that he can’t even identify where the questions are while others do not have this difficulty. There are numerous examples in nature how we can be fooled. Sometime we may think we see water, when in fact it is just a mirage. We also misjudge distances and even dangers conditions like poison oak or quicksand which many do not perceive until it is too late. Yet Stuart apparently feels he is has some superhuman ability and can avoid all these types of errors.

Finally there is the simple fact that we all make mistakes including Stuart, as he clearly demonstrates in his short supercilious responses. In the first sentence of his last contributioin he accuses me of: “…posted page after page after page after page of dogma” and then immediately in the second sentence he refers to what I wrote as a: “…mountain of your ideas and opinions” Well which is it, My ideas or just dogma?

Actually it is Stuart that insists on the Veracity of HIS own IDEAS and opinions based on the tacit implication that he doesn’t make any mistakes! As soon as he admits that he makes mistakes then regardless of how proud he is about his own conclusions, only a fool would listen.

That is why for myself I am very prefer to accept the good instructions provided to us via the Vedic Literature and a great lineage of bonna-fide sages who are not limited by these four flaws.

Everyone has a choice. We can be like the self proclaimed all-and-mighty-powerful Stuart, and hope like hell that we never make any mistakes, or we can accept good instruction from good sources. On one hand Stuart accuses me of Dogma, on the other hand he says I am promoting my own ideas. That makes him sound more then a wee bit confused, not like a flawless demigod.

So I will be even more brief and succinct for those who can’t handle more then one or two sentences at a time. Lets see if Stuart can provide even a semi intelligent response to this question of a mere fourteen words:

1) How can anyone understand anything correctly on their own considering their four human flaws?

For the rest of the Gangaji clones who claim that she gave them something tangible here is the bonus question:

2) HOw does Gangaji reccommend that we distinguish between right and wrong, or proper behavior from improper behavior?

This was asked in my previous two posts in the allegedly dogmatic form of the apparently too hard to comprehend paragraph:

“Now are any Gangaji's students able to suggest who they think should be guiding society and why? Can they answer any practical question that involves basic concepts of right and wrong with anything more significant then: "What they Feel?" Feelings are often even more deceptive then the gross senses, as any stilted lover knows... so God save us all if that is the way Gangaji recommends we sort out what is true. Where are the followers of Gangaji who are prepared to demonstrate that she has been able to teach anything worthwhile at all? Let them come forward and answer these questions. I am ready to listen.”

-William G. Roberts MBA/MIS, CCP

Prior to receiving the above Stuart Responded with:

Roberts, William NAVSEA wrote: > You are still avoiding my questions.

You asked a question?!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

> Thus proving my point over and over again.

You made a point?!

> Get serious and stop dodging the real issue.

OK, that's something, you're claiming that you know what "the real issue" is. Right? The world is filled with people arrogant enough to think they know "the real issue." Some of those people are able to present their ideas in a clear and intelligent way, which is a bit better than just making empty claims.


After receiving the above Stuart Responded with: [email protected] wrote: > 1) How can anyone understand anything correctly on their own > considering their four human flaws?

Where's the problem? You don't understand anything correctly. Due to your human flaws, you don't know which authority to follow or why, you can only follow blindly like a sheep. If that's what you like, OK!

Maybe the truth is that inwardly, you're desperately clinging to your dogma. (I mean, really, if you truly realize that you don't understand anything correctly, why do you go on and on and on with your preaching?) But outwardly, at least, you say you don't understand anything, and I can agree with that. That's why I don't take your words seriously. I trust you have no problem with that either.

William Roberts Responds to Stuart: Readers included on the extended “Blind Copy” address list of this email are invited to review the entire conversation about Gangaji at the following BLOG address:



Once again the All-Mighty-Stuart illustrates his irrational prejudice against all points of reference other then his own painfully inadequate senses. I asked him the simple following question:

1) How can anyone understand anything correctly on their own considering their four human flaws?

In stead of answering my question, Stuart asserts all sorts of speculations, based on his own very limited knowledge, and fails to provide any rational explanation of how HE can be so sure of what HE says. He then returns to his usual pattern ofasserting his own flawed comments as if they were scientific facts. It is also interesting for the readers of this correspondence to notice that the All pervasive, All knowing, All powerful, All-Mighty Stuart didn’t even attempt to answer the second question I asked:

2) How does Gangaji recommend that we distinguish between right and wrong, or proper behavior from improper behavior?

I wonder why Stuart avoided that question? Is it because Gangaji hides behind the myth of: ”Non-Judgement,” or is it because she doesn’t even know the difference between right and wrong? We are still waiting for someone from the Gangaji tribe to answer this simple question.

Stuarts parsimonious responses are not symptomatic of a diligent quest for the truth. It is the usual Non-Dual grandstanding and subterfuge. Therefore my original opening statement remains very much intact. “None of Gangaji’s Followers are Serious (About Spiritual Growth)”

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Instead of serious dialogue Stuart continues to preach his own very proud dogmatic pablum about what HE SPECULATES MAYBE TRUE. We can thanks Stuart for his opinion… but everyone has one so why does HE think HIS is so special?

Stuart admits that he doesn’t take my words seriously. That’s been obvious right from the beginning and is reflected by his cavalier responses to the more serious issues I have attempted to raise. In fact Stuart doesn’t appear to accept any opinion from anyone, regardless of who it is, if that opinion doesn’t concur to his very conditioned distorted viewpoints.

This is a first class example of the worst type of ignorance and proves exactly what I have asserted all along. The majority of Gangaj’s followers are very poorly informed, narcissistic individuals incapable of responding coherently to any significant philosophical questions. They are only committed to inflating each others false conceptions and remain completely inept at sober rational dialogue that extends beyond the boundaries of Gangajs popcorn logic.

In contrast to Stuart however, are those individuals who have contacted me directly to express their appreciation for the points I have made. Having seen for themselves how contradictory, evasive, hypocritical and highly selective the responses are from Gangaji clones like Stuart, they are starting to look past the self imposed boundaries they were previously to proud to cross. Bravo! ..and thank you Stuart for providing such a dramatic example of what aware individuals absolutely don’t want to become like! It’s rewarding to discover that not everyone is permanently stuck in the self deluding trench Gangaji tosses them into. Bravo to all of you who are recovering your ability to intelligently discriminate between meaningless self serving rhetorical banter, from the sober philosophical inquiry exemplified by great sages like Bhismadeva, The , Bali Maharaja, Prahlada Maharaja, VedaVyas and the other Mahajhans! Bravo. I applaud all of those individuals and will be happy to continue fielding your thoughtful questions as you send them to me.

Stuart is obviously a hopelessly deluded individual incapable of having a serious dialogue. Therefore my only interest in continuing this particular exchange is for benefit of all the other readers who have remained silent, but continue the read this exchange with objective curiosity. It is reasonable to assume that there are others who can now see for themselves how Stuart, and other Gangaji clones coward behind pedantic gobbly-gook to avoid any stream of thought that threatens their irrational belief in the apotheosis of their own feeble opinions.

This exchange has brought us to a fork in the road regarding how one can discern what is factually true, from misleading, self deceptive conditional time-and-place opinions.

The Path of Sages, Scholars, Scripture, Philosophers and Saints On one side we have the ancient Vedic literatures, written in Sanskrit, that extend so far back in time scholars have a hard time determining their actual origin. The followers of Gangaji are notorious about ritualistically rejecting this body of knowledge without even taking adequate time to properly understand what they say. That is commonly referred to as bigotry… not spiritual maturity.

Has any of her groupie followers even taking the time to study Bhagavad Gita from one of Krishna’s Devotees? If so let that person stand up and defend Gangaji, not someone who is so arrogant and prejudice they dismiss everything from everyone based on nothing more then their own perverted ideas that they don’t hesitate to spew into every conversation! Shame on those who perpetuate the worst form of prejudice by doing that and then compound their damage to civilized inquiry by promoting their selfish biases as the “Truth!”

Thousands of generations of brilliant individuals have concurred about the extraordinary breath, scope and scientific merit of the Vedas. Scholars who have dedicated their entire lives studying, theology, philosophy, religion, language, sociology, history, and human civilization agree that no other body of knowledge can be found anywhere else on this planet. Yet despite these glowing endorsements, there will always be individuals like Stuart who peevishly dismiss anything that threatens to disrupt their own delusions of grandeur!

A few of the extraordinary individuals from recent history that had tremendous respect for the Vedas are as follows: Albert Einstein: World Renowned Nuclear Physicist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: (1749-1832) German poet licensed to practice law. In later years celebrated as a sage and visited by luminaries from around the world. Immanuel Kant: (1724-1804) German philosopher, professor of logic and metaphysics. He developed his own critical philosophy in which he sought to determine the nature and limits of human knowledge, the necessary categories of consciousness, and their ethical and aesthetic consequences Arthur Schopenhauer: (1788-1860) German philosopher and chief expounder of pessimism and of the irrational impulses of life arising from the will. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: (1770-1831) German idealist philosopher, who became one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th century well known for the remarkable range and the extraordinary depth of his thought. Aldous Huxley: Philosopher & metaphysical author. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Acclaimed as the first American Transcendentalist Albert Schweitzer: Self sacrificing international doctor and philanthropist. Mahatma Ghandi: Attorney, Freedom Fighter, and Austere Political Saint that brought peace to post independent India. Henry David Thoreau: Acclaimed as American Transcendentalist colleague of Ralph Waldo Emerson Alfred North Whitehead: British mathematician, logician and philosopher.

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Lin Yutang: Chinese scholar and author. Carl Sagan: World renown astronomer Count Maurice Maeterlinck - Nobel laureate Francois Voltaire: Famous French writer and philosopher. Abraham Seidenberg, author of the authoritative "History of Mathematics," credits the Sulba Sutras as inspiring all mathematics of the ancient world from Babylonia to Egypt to Greece. Voltaire & Seidenberg correctly pointed out that many highly significant mathematical concepts have come from the Vedic culture, such as the theorem bearing the name of the Greek mathematician Pythagorus is found in the Shatapatha as well as the Sulba Sutra, the Indian mathematical treatise, written centuries before Pythagorus was born. Julius Robert Oppenheimer: the principle developer of the atomic bomb who quoted from the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita after exploading the first atomic bomb: "Death I am, cause of destruction of the worlds..." When Oppenheimer was asked if this is the first nuclear explosion, he significantly replied: "Yes, in modern times," implying that ancient nuclear explosions may have previously occurred. Jean-Claude Bailly: French astronomer corroborated the antiquity and accuracy of the Vedic astronomical measurements as "more ancient than those of the Greeks or Egyptians." And that, "the movements of the stars calculated 4,500 years ago, does not differ by a minute from the tables of today." Max Muller, perhaps the most well known early sanskritist and indologist and the principal architect of the Aryan Invasion theory, was originally tasked to undermine the Vedic literature. In that mood initially wrote that the: "Vedas were worse than savage" and "India must be conquered again by education... it's religion is doomed" But later he admitted the purely speculative nature of his Vedic chronology, and in his last work published shortly before his death, The Six Systems of , he wrote: "Whatever may be the date of the Vedic hymns, whether 15 hundred or 15,000 B.C.E., they have their own unique place and stand by themselves in the literature of the world."

(Those who would like a comprehensive list of what these great souls had to say about the Vedas are invited to contact me directly and I will be happy to email you that information.).

A genuinely inquisitive emotionally healthy person would at least be curious to consider why these brilliant individuals had such stellar respect for the Vedas before they set out on a campaign to deride the Vedas and fall into the embarrassing pattern of publicly speculating about what THEY think “MIGHT” be true!

Let us not forget that even Gangaji’s own grand-guru Raman Maharshi gave praise for the Vedas, along with literally billions of other common folk for the last several thousand years. The Bhagavad Gita is considered to be the culmination of all Vedic wisdom and it is respected by nearly every contemporary denomination of Indian thought. No educated person in his right mind has the temerity to disparage the Bhagavad Gita. Even the father of impersonal voidist doctrine, maha-param-guru of Ramana Maharshi, Sankaracara himself, knew better then to do that. Even thought the majority of his life was spent attempting to construe mayavadi conclusions from the Vedas, his last well known prayers clearly illustrates what he believed during the last stage of his life. Sankaracarya voraciously chastised the corrupt agenda promoted by his foolish disciples:

“Regulate the pranas, remain unaffected by external influences and discriminate between the real and the fleeting. Chant the holy name of God and silence the turbulent mind. Perform these with care, with extreme care. Oh devotee of the lotus feet of the Guru! May thou be soon free from Samsara. Through disciplined senses and controlled mind, thou shall come to experience the indwelling Lord of your heart! Thus was a silly grammarian lost in rules cleansed of his narrow vision and shown the Light by Shankara's apostles. Worship Govinda (Lord Krishna), worship Govinda(Lord Krishna), worship Govinda (Lord Krishna), Oh fool! Other than chanting the Lord's names, there is no other way to cross the life's ocean.” - Moha-mudgara- ("The Hammer to smash illusions"(moha-mudgara).) - “Bhaja Govinda” Sloka -#32-34 Stuart’s lack of respect for the Vedas as well as all the outstanding individuals who recognize their extraordinary spiritual wealth implies that he probably knows very little about Sankaracaray and even less about Sanskrit grammar. So his uninformed comments are equivalent to that of children who say they hate eating vegetables they never even tried! Ignorance may appear to be blissful, just like the pig who eats stool while wallowing in the open sewers is convinced he too is very happy. The pig doesn’t have the intelligence to understand how dirty, filthy and disgusting his habits really are, but a human being can overcome his own stupidity if he is willing to give up his own pig like attachment to gross ignorance.

Stuart’s Chosen Path: On the other side of the equation we have this guy called Stuart who lives his comfortable prep-boy lifestyle completely insulated from many of the harsh survival issues that the majority of people in the material world must contend with. Starvation is just something most Americans only read about in magazines like National Geographic from the comfort of their climate controlled homes. Nor do any of us fear getting shot in the head from militant rival tribes when we walk down the street. Stuart takes these blessings for granted along with the fact that Americans don’t face the serious type of medical challenges related to disease, no dentistry, mal-nutrition and accidents etc. that

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

residents in third world countries face every day. In truth, Stuart is so spoiled that he brushes aside the cruel laws of nature with pithy platitudes from an insulated perspective that only a very small minority of the population is fortunate enough to enjoy.

In this dialogue Stuart has vividly documented his delusional beliefs, childish potshots, personal prejudices, chronic foibles, inconsistent rationalizations and utter contempt for any direction, advice, or opinion that originates from anyone other then his own haughty self. Such raw hubris is the classic symptom of one caught completely in the clutches of gross illusion. They can’t even prevent themselves from catching the common cold, yet they thoroughly believe they have the ability to grasp the most intimate secrets of the universe armed with nothing more then their own pee-like conditional brain and over-inflated pride.

Stuart’s truth is completely dependent on nothing more then his own mistaken prone non-conclusive intuition. It is that false pride which fuels his chronic disrespect for the commentary and opinions of wise individuals far more accomplished then he can ever hope to become. Such distain for the advice of highly accredited individuals dramatically illustrates how easily humans are prone to the trap of conceit and the cheating propensity. Here we see how Stuart respects nobody, yet he has the audacity to post pages and pages of his own hopelessly opinionated and pathetically tinged commentary about, Gurus, Teachers, Medicines, Yoga, Buddhism, and Zen on his own bodacious “Look-How-Privileged-My-Life-Is” website located at: http://home.comcast.net/~sresnick2/socalled.htm

If Stuart really believes that there is nothing to be gained by the opinions and conclusions of others, then why does it mean when he spends so much time spewing all his pathological self-anointed ramblings on a web site? Does he do that to exercise his fingers, or does he do it because he really expects that the rest of the world would be interested in what HE has to say? Am I the only one who notices these very revealing, self contradicting, ego-centric habits?

Yet such behavior is consistent with the two-faced example the parvenu Gangaji has set. She too has no respect for the spiritual traditions of others. But that doesn’t stop her from publishes her own books and selling tapes to those who are in search for spiritual guidance. The ridiculous irony here is that Ganagami repeatedly insists that those who come to her should simply “STOP” and give up on searching for anything!

This is the obvious common flaw any rational person will immediately recognize among many of the purveyors of the new age watered down interpretation of Sankar Acary’s advaita philosophy. They not only indiscriminately dismisses the guidelines and methods found in the metaphysical writings of the greatest world teachers who came before them, but their own egos are so out of control they blithely believe that their own unsupported opinions are much more important, meaningful and relevant then the teachings of great souls that were compiled into recorded history way before they took their first breath. Yup… Don’t get trapped in the words, lessons, parables, or lessons taught by Mohammed, Zorrestor, Jesus, Buddha, Sri Caitanya, or Krishna… but make sure you visit Stuart’s website or purchase Gangaji’s books to learn what life is all about! (She accepts credit cards.)

If individuals like Gangaji and Stuart believe that all literature, including the Vedas and the commentary of sages who studied them, can’t possibly help anyone, then why do they author their own realizations? Just who do these people really think they are? How haughty must their behavior get before the brain dead people who are enamored by them really “Wake-Up” and run in the opposite direction? They eschew those who even consider investigating what the most lauded spiritual resources on the face of the earth have to offer, while at the same time hope you will log into their website so you can read their woefully bigoted opinions about what they think is true, spiritual or transcendentally relevant! Are we to assume that all the people who accept this type of axiomatic duplicity would also be foolish enough to approach a grossly obese obnoxious slob to loose weight and learn manners from?

The Deceptive Nature of “Feel-Good-Religions” (FGR’s) What could be more terrifying then a dogmatic commitment to one’s own flawed subjective viewpoints that can’t even be coherently communicated? That is not only the bottom line in what Gangaji teaches, but it is also the same paradigm followed by Cho Seimg-hui, the lone killer who just assassinated 32 students at Virginia Tech! He too was also completely convinced that he knew what was true, and that the rest of the world didn’t understand HIM because we didn’t FEEL what he was FEELING!

This is the real reason why the pompous New Age movement that promotes Fell-Good-Religions can’t offer any sober guidelines about how one can discern between real spiritual wisdom and the psychotic self deception so nicely illustrated by Stuart’s own double standards. For the most part what they teach is based on nothing more significant then what they FEEL.. and feelings are extremely deceiving!

This brings us right back to the second question that Stuart and Gangaji are reticent about not answering. The FEELINGS they promote as the guide to discovering the truth, is actually the Achilles heal in their spiritual ruse!

2) How does Gangaji recommend that we distinguish between right and wrong, or proper behavior from improper behavior?

Where is the control valve in Gangaji’s idyllic “Pleasure Island” sophistry? It certainly isn’t found in rational thinking, active listening, or learning anything relevant from qualified individuals so they can make informed decisions and engage in serious conversations. No… they blindly insist they are right based only on what they “FEEL” with the same zealous dogmatic certainty as the Neo-Nazies, the Ku Klux Klan and the majority of killers sent to prison and still ‘FEEL’ that the person they “eliminated” deserved everything they got!

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

The Christians may teach that God is “Fierce and Vengeful”, but that is not the understanding of God taught in the Vedas. There we find that God is extremely patient and gives everyone the free will to choose if they would like to reenter into their relationship with Him, or continue to dodge that exchange in any of the numerous ways people choose to avoid it. Gangaji and Stuart choose to surrender to their own ego driven perceptions while more humble individuals follow the example of histories greatest philosophical, heroic, warrior, prince Arjuna. He had the intelligence to recognize his human predicament. He had the honestly to openly admit that he was terribly confusion about his duty (), faith (sraddhaya) and knowledge (Jnana) etc. He had the humility to ask for help and he also was mature enough to seek good advice from a reputable source. That’s why his words were recorded for all of history to reflect on, and that’s why he surrendered to Krishna;

“Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composer because of miserly weakness, In this condition I am asking you to tell me for certain what is best for me. Now I am your disciple and a soul surrender unto You. Please Instruct me. Bg. 2.7”

The knowledge he received is still available and remains unadulterated from the day it was spoken. The text of the Gita has not been compromised with numerous politically motivated translations like the Bible has. The words of Krishna have not been obscured by several generations of “New and Improved” translations like the teaching of Jesus, assuming you believe that he ever lived! No. There is a huge wall of evidence that reflects the fact that the mere 700 verses of the Bhagavad Gita could arguably be considered the most important historical scripture ever written! Impersonal interpretations of the Sanskrit text may be put forth by unscrupulous characters who have selfish motives, but there is no dispute about what the original Sanskrit and how important the Bhagavad-Gita was in the history of mankind.

But individuals like Gangaji and Stuart remain obsessively unimpressed. They FEEL like they know better.

Gangaji and Stuart aren’t stupid. They are hornswogglers that exploit mollycoddled individuals who blindly accept their elitist air of importance as the only proof of their significance. Where are the books and tapes of her disciples asking any serious questions about important pivotal issues like: Ahartha, Dharma, , and Atma, etc.? Instead speaking clearly about those subjects, charlatan gurus beat their chests, proclaim their silly opinions, write misleading books, and set up websites as monuments to their own vanity. From that stage-set they then declare that there is nothing to do, nothing to seek out, and nothing to realize. They then make the outrageously misleading and audacious claim that they teach the same thing that “All the Profits and Sages Taught!” Those who have the ardent need to believe these unsubstantiated claims are apparently so gullible or lazy to go out and confirm this for themselves. If they did, they would quickly discover that no well informed Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, or Vaishnava would ever agree that Gangaji properly represents anything even slightly close to what their respective prophets taught. And NO… Gangaji doesn’t understand all these diverse teachings better then the monks, ministers, mullahs, and munies who dedicated their entire lives to the words of their inspired teacher! That’s as absurd and obnoxious as an environmentalist claiming they know more about manufacturing cars then the CEO of the worlds largest auto manufactures. The only thing these antics confirm is that those who make these types of bodacious claims, whether it is Gangaji, Stuart or any other FGR minister, have absolutely no shame.

People like myself who stand up to all this nonsense with serious philosophical arguments are never really addressed. Instead we are simply dismissed as emotionally handicapped and that I: “...only follow blindly like a sheep…” which is then propped up with the dastardly speculation that: “Maybe the truth is that inwardly, you're desperately clinging to your dogma.” I guess this is the best we can expect from someone who apparently can’t appreciate anything deeper then the work of Dr. Seuss. (As is evident by the quote on the top of Stuart’s Web Page.)

Promote Stupidity and You Can Sell Anything! Stuart’s laconic response is completely transparent and will only be accepted by those who are so dumbed-down, humiliated and bewildered that they no longer care to actually find out what the great profits, sages and scriptures really taught. That’s why promoting ignorance as “enlightenment” and “inquiry” without “resolution” is propped up so much by the purveyors of Advaita. Nobody is actually encouraged to try and understand anything clearly because if they do that, they will quickly see how people like Gangaji and Stuart are entrapped in their own ridiculous dogmatic belief that they can figure everything out on their own. To discourage that from happening, those who actually engage their brain and ask questions are socially demeaned. Individuals who even hint that they might consider looking into the profound spiritual instructions given by the 12 great Mahajhans of Vedic yore mentioned above, are humiliated into submission with belittling suggestions that they are personally weak, insecure or callow. There is NOTHING spiritual about any of this and it is a travesty to call it satsanga. It is classic cult oriented group think at its worst. It may not lead to mass murder or suicide, but it’s the same slippery spiral downward to chronic self-delusion that led to the tragic end of Marshal Applewhite, Jim Jone’s and David Koresh’s misguided sick pseudo spiritual empires.

Gangaji recommends that we all “stop the search,” but why doesn’t anyone ask how that advice fits into the law of karma and where that terminal suggestion came from? Some go even further and declare that we should top smoking, stop the ego, stop desires, stop reading, stop judgments, and even stop thinking! When Ramana Maharsi was a young man he stopped taking tea, coffee and cigarettes, he stopped communicating, stopped traveling, stopped sexual activities, stopped eating animals, and stopped bathing, Shouldn’t those who claim to be the disciples of Ramana Maharsi be at least teaching about why he stopped those activities so the individuals who are serious about following in his footsteps could integrate those habits into their lives as well? Why should anyone expect to even benefit from the path of Advaita that

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Ramana was so well know for if nobody even attempts to practice it like he did? To those who are observant all of this is just more proof that Gangaji and all of her groopies aren’t really serious about anything.

And why stop there? Why not also stop watching TV, stop going home for the holidays, stop working, stop paying our taxes, stop putting up stupid web sites, stop offering expensive retreats, stop holding meaningless seminars, and completely stop eating or breathing like some extraordinarily yogis have done in the past?

Some may believe that “stopping the search” is good advice, but more pensive individuals consider that childish instruction selfishly irresponsible and short sighted. This myopic advice completely disregards the laws of karma that will no-doubt respond to such wanton foolishness. Either Gangaji doesn’t properly understand how the laws of Karma work, or she knows that disregarding them is better for her Guru business and chooses instead to intentionally keep her followers flummoxed. Either scenario indicts her with the ignoble reputation for cheating. She misleads her followers into believing that she teaches the same thing Krishna taught but there is no shred of evidence of that to be found anywhere. If I am wrong then let Stuart, or one of Gangaji’s many followers reference a lecture or seminar where she taught about the four varnas and their respective prescribed duties to her flock? If there is no such evidence then how could her followers be sure they are carrying out their respective duties? How can they know the difference between what is to be renounced and what is not to be renounced? How can they be sure they are acting wisely and prevent themselves from falling into what Krishna specifically states is a clear symptom of someone who is in the mode of ignorance?

“Prescribed duties should never be renounced. If on gives up his prescribed duties because of illusion, such renunciation is said to be in the mode of ignorance.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter18 “Conclusion -The Perfection of Renunciation’, Text 8. LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/5/15/en

The bottom line is that we are free to accept the monkey like machinations of ones own out-of-control-mind and follow in the footsteps of very questionable individuals like Gangaji or Stuart. If one makes a decision based only on whether they FEEL they are being told the truth, then there is a good chance they will fall under the spell of any one of the numerous “Fell-Good-Religions” (FGR) like the one Gangahi promotes. (Despite how vehemently the misters of the FGR churches insist they are not promoting “Religion” Noah Webster would disagree.)

Free to Think,.. or Be a Fool Or we can use our intelligence to help us sort out all the traps, pitfalls and illusions that will lead us to an undesirable destination. Those who are willing to do that will quickly see that all Gangjai, Stuart, and the majority of FGR ministers do is regurgitating bits and pieces of things they heard along the way which they paste together and repackaged for the soul purpose of promoting an exaggerated sense of self importance which they can market for personal financial gain. Their doctrine may have an alluring external gloss, but under closer scrutiny, or for some the passage of time, the surface polish wears off. When that happens one realizes how egregiously they have been cheated with what amounts to nothing more then pompous platitudes, half truths, grandstanding, plagiarism, and a litany of inconsistent double standards and illogical assumptions.

The only freedom we really have is in deciding who we chose to listen to. Smart people seek out a good education from a respectable certified school that prides itself in a staff of highly trained professors who have studied the work of the great leaders in their respective fields. Lazy people go down to the local watering hole and prefer the association of the neighborhood drunk who doesn’t threaten their self esteem because he never accomplished anything in his life. Non-the less he insists that he also knows the truth about everything from raising kids, to the national policy and every conspiracy since Pearl Harbor to Kennedy assassination and 9-11-01! The town drunk is just as convinced about the veracity of his opinions as Ganaji & Stuart are about everything they say, the only real difference is that the drunk isn’t as shred about marketing their blabber-jabber and they aren’t smart enough to advertise their hallucinations with what would be an egregiously misuse of the Sanskrit term: “SatSanga.”

William Roberts, MBA, MIS, CCP Aka mayesvara dasa ACBSP [email protected] Ojai, California 93023 (805) 640-0405

Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405