Who Is Gangaji & What Is She Doing?
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Who is Gangaji & What is She Doing? Unraveling Gangaji’s Home Page Introduction “Can Anyone Please Clearly State What Gangaji is doing?” What follows is an analysis of what a reader will find when they go to the Home Page for Gangaji’s Web Site at: http://www.gangaji.org/ Gangaji’s Introduction to Web Readers are in Envy Green Arial Bold, 10pt. Reasonable questions that an average responsible person might ask have been added in 8pt , Times New Roman Font. All supporting quotes are included in Times New Roman blue italic with focus portions highlighted in Bold Burnt Red. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Itemized Breakdown of what Gangaji says on her Home Page “There is a great secret that beings throughout time have announced, the secret of an extraordinary treasure, the treasure of the nectar of eternal life.” Gangaji does not say whom she is alluding to. We are left to assume that she is referring to great spiritual luminaries like Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, Veda Vyasa, Lord Ramachandra, Lord Krishna, Confucius, Zarathustra, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Muhammad, Lord Caitanya etc. “It is the nectar of pure beingness, recognizing itself as consciousness and overflowing in the love of that recognition.” Some of the teachings of Confucius and Lord Buddha might be able to get stretched far enough to support this statement, but those who have actually studied what the greatest sages in history taught know that they would not appreciate the vague, elusive and misleading direction Gangaji’s second sentence is heading. “If you imagine yourself to be located in a body, then you will move that body from place to place, searching for this treasure of nectar.” Here Gangaji is either exposing her ignorance or her inability to communicate clearly. The Vedas clearly indicate that the individual Jiva Atma is not the same as the body. Therefore one of the most rudimentary lessons a beginner transcendentalist quickly realizes is that: “You are NOT the Body.” But that is not what Gangaji is saying. Gangaji indirectly belittles those who “imagine” that they are located in the body, even though she offers no alternative idea as to where she believes the soul resides. What is clearly evident by this badly worded sentence is that Gangaji is directly contradicting the nature of the soul as it is explained in the world’s leading authority on that subject, the Bhagavad Gita. “As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.”- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 3 “Contents of the Gita Summarized,” Text 13. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/3/13/en Gangaji doesn’t want her students to properly understand the message of the Bhagavad Gita because that would completely undermine her charade. The more people who learn about the content of that scripture, and it’s powerful historic influence on persons far more respected then she can ever expect to become, the less effective she will be in bamboozling people into her philosophically bankrupt understanding of the self. For example once it is established that the soul does temporarily reside in the body, the next logical question a reasonable person would ask is: “What determines the type of body one gets awarded at birth?” Gangaji would have to make up a good story to explain that because she certainly wouldn’t be inclined to teach how it is dependent on the type of consciousness one develops like it is clearly explained in the Gita. “And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt. Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail.” - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 8 “Attaining The Supreme,” Text 5-6. - LINK: http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/8/5/en The open secret is that the real reason why people are attracted to Gangaji is because she isn’t really teaching anything at all! (She openly admits this a little further down in this introduction.) In other words the aspirant need not adopt any disciplinary practices, study any Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006. c/o mayesvara dasa md @ jagannatha.com American Vedic Association · Ojai California 93023 (805) 640-0405 books or change any bad habits. According to her, none of those traditional tools for awakening are necessary or even relevant! That type of indulgent proclamation is indeed pure “Nectar” to the ears of the spiritually lazy, who are so overcome by false ego that they actually believe they are more qualified to succeed at adopting short cuts for “Awakening” then any legitimate prophet ever endorsed. If Gangaji really believes that the body does not sustain the individual soul, why does she and all of her disciples spend so much time feeding, bathing, and medicating it? Where does Gangaji suggest the individual soul (you,) reside if not in the body? If the body is completely irrelevant, why spend so much time and money sustaining such an entangling illusion? Why not just quit the body altogether if it is of no use to the soul? The second half of the sentence is a philosophical non-sequitur and not only confusing but misleading. It appears that Gangaji is suggesting that those who identify with the body will be compelled to move it from place to place in search of “Nectar,” while those who realize they are not located in the body have no reason to do so. The implication is that those who “Get” what she is teaching are so “Enlightened” they have no reason to engage the external world because it doesn’t offer any lessons one can’t get by themselves at home sitting in a closet. However people who work with the mentally ill will tell you that hermit like introverts are some of the most delusional crazy people in the world! The converse is also true. We experience our greatest growth when we break out of our comfort zone and engage in the process of exchanging with others. That is why cults like the Gangaji Foundation demonize the process of defending what they believe because to do so requires rational thinking which would unravel Gangaji’s sticky web. Those who are brave enough to peek behind that curtain, will see that Gangaji is simply pulling a lot of emotional levers and spinning a bunch of psychological wheels in order to perpetuate her own egocentric fanfare. So the question that stares each person in the face is what authority will you accept and why? Some are so enamored by Gangaji’s magic word juggling doubletalk that even when she is completely exposed as a fraud, they will continue to accept her confusing, imaginative speculations about the nature of the soul as valid. Those who do are just as culpable for being deceived by Gangaji as she is for deceiving them. Such arrangements are referred to by Vedic sages as the “Cheaters and the Cheated.” In other words: Gangaji is there to offer her unfounded, cheap sentimental blessings and speculations about the self to pretentious spiritualists who aren’t really interested in a serious spiritual education anyway. “But, if you will stop all searching right now and tell the truth to yourself, you will know what is known in the core of your bones.” If you are actually ready to face the truth then you will realize that you are a conditioned soul trapped in a web of illusions, propped up by imperfect senses, with the propensity to cheat and make mistakes. You will also realize that “Feelings” or “Emotions,” commonly referred to as originating in the heart, are often very deceiving if not tempered by reason. When left unchecked they can lead to some of the most difficult problems one ends up having to settle in their entire life. The high divorce rate and chronic dependence people have on therapists proves just how deceptive the heart can be! If you are mature enough to accept these two important starting points, then you will know ”…at the core of your bones” that the powers of mind, intelligence, and reason must be engaged in concert with the sensations of the heart or you will set yourself up for being terribly mislead by any con-artist who is expert at manipulating your feelings and emotions. Anyone who doesn’t readily acknowledge this probably is such a con artist, knowingly or un-knowingly! “You will know what these great beings knew and attempted to describe.“ Gangaji’s opening sentences may go unquestioned by her followers, but scholars and theologians far more erudite then she is on the contributions of the “Great Beings” would not agree with this unsubstantiated sales pitch. Gangaji’s admits here that according to her perception the “Great Beings” only “Attempted” to describe something very profound. However just because Gangaji is incapable of appreciating what the great sages and prophets had to share doesn’t mean nobody else understood what they had to say! Those who are willing to do even a little research will quickly discover that there are real acaryas who are far more accomplished, respected and well known then Ramanma Maharshi, Papaji or the comic Gangaji could ever hope to be. These great souls DID grasp the esoteric siddhanta, (conclusion) of the Vedas! Some of them are listed here. Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja: LINK: http://www.gosai.com/chaitanya/saranagati/html/guardians/gaura-kisora-bio.html Bhaktivenode Thakura; LINK: http://www.scsmath.com/docs/bhaktivinod_thakur.html Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati; Gangaji Is A Fraud! Webpage Expose · Dec 2006.