Strawberries for the Home Garden Fact Sheet No
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Strawberries for the Home Garden Fact Sheet No. 7.000 Gardening Series|Fruits and Vegetables by H. Hughes, J.E. Ells, G. Schweitermann, J. Reich* Revised by L. Langelo** Quick Facts Strawberries require at least eight hours flowers are damaged by a late spring frost, • Strawberries are classified as of full sun each day of the growing season they will produce a much reduced crop or June bearing, everbearing or to produce at their maximum capability. no crop at all. In most areas of Colorado, day neutral. Because a strawberry planting will remain in June-bearing varieties actually ripen in July. the same location for multiple years, locate Recommended June bearers (one crop) • They should receive full sun them in an area that does not interfere with for this area are Guardian, Kent, Honeoye, at least eight hours every day. the annual garden cultivation. Redchief, Delite, Jewel, Mesabi, A.C. Wendy, When strawberries are planted after sod, Cabot and Bloomiden. • They adapt to nearly all grubs, which have been feeding undetected Everbearing strawberries typically areas of Colorado, even high on the sod roots, divert their attention to the provide two main crops each year, with elevations. strawberry roots. Because there are fewer small amounts of fruit produced between • Strawberry beds generally are strawberry roots, a sizable grub population the main crop in June and a lighter crop kept for three years. may cause severe damage. After removing the in late summer or early fall. For Colorado, sod, wait a year before planting strawberries everbearing strawberries are recommended • Having two people plant because the grub population will decline. for the home gardener because they tend to means less stooping. The gardener generally has no choice as be very reliable producers. If a late spring to soil type; however, a sandy loam soil with a frost kills the first flowers, you will still get a • Remove the first blossoms to southern exposure is ideal. Strawberries like a crop in late summer or fall. Some of the more produce a stronger plant that loose, moderately fertile soil. Before planting, common everbearing varieties are Ogallala, will bear more fruit. work in 4 bushels of organic matter, 1 pound Fort Laramie and Ozark Beauty. Ogallala and • Strawberries are remarkably of nitrogen (N), 1 pound of phosphate Fort Laramie are recommended for Colorado free from most insects and (P2O5) and 1 pound of iron chelate per 1,000 because they are more hardy. square feet. In general, do not add more Day neutral varieties are similar to diseases in Colorado. than 4 bushels of fresh manure or more than everbearers, but flower and fruit more • Leave the caps on the plant 8 bushels of decayed manure. If you add more consistently over the summer. Recommended if the berries will be eaten or than 4 bushels of raw organic matter such as day-neutral varieties include Tribute, Tristar preserved right away. straw and sawdust, also add 1/4 to 1/2 pound and Fern. of nitrogen for each bushel in excess of four. Many gardeners plant everbearing, • Protect strawberries over day-neutral and June-bearing types in the winter, generally with a order to extend harvest over the longest Varieties straw mulch applied about possible season. December 1. Strawberry varieties are classified as June bearing, everbearing or day neutral. June- bearing varieties tend to produce the most Planting flavorful, aromatic berries. However, if their There are two systems used for strawberry culture: the matted row, used with June-bearing strawberries, and the *H. Hughes, Colorado State University professor, hill system, used with everbearing or day horticulture and landscape architecture; J.E. neutral varieties. Ells, former Colorado State University Extension In the matted row system, space the plants vegetable crops specialist and associate ©Colorado State University professor (retired); and G. Schweitermann, former 2 feet apart in rows 4 feet apart. These plants Extension. 2/93. Revised 12/14. student, horticulture and landscape architecture. are allowed to produce runners to fill in the Previously reviewed by J. Reich, former Extension row. Leave a pathway 1 1/2 feet wide between horticulture agent, Boulder County. rows. Remove or relocate runners that root **L. Langelo, Colorado State University Extension in this pathway or within 5 inches of an horticulture agent, Golden Plains Area. 12/2014 established runner. With the hill system, space plants 1 foot Nitrogen applied before fruiting results in preserved immediately, harvest only red- apart in three rows that also are 1 foot soft fruit and is not recommended. ripe fruit and leave the caps on the plant. apart, with 3 feet between each set of three Generally, keep a strawberry bed for If the fruit will not be used for a few days, rows. Remove all runners as they develop. three years. Remove it as soon as it ceases harvest the berries, caps and all, while still Select certified plants over non-certified to bear in the fall, or leave it until spring. pink. ones. They have been certified to be free If the matted row system is used and the from insects and diseases. Unpack plants plants are still insect and disease free, and plant right away or heel them in a plant a new bed in late August by carefully Mulching trench as a temporary location until they removing good, healthy, rooted runners Protect strawberries over the winter, can be set out in the garden. and using them for planting the new generally with a straw mulch applied Transplant in the late afternoon to bed. If the hill system is used where no about December 1. By then, cold weather reduce wilting due to heat stress. Discard runners are permitted, or if the plants are has inhibited growth and the soil is cold. plants with dark roots or unhealthy looking not healthy, order new plants in time for Distribute the mulch over the plants to a roots. Remove flower buds, runners and planting a bed in the spring, preferably in a depth of 1 to 2 inches. Hold it in place with damaged leaves before planting. The usual different location. weighted boards or piles of soil. This mulch planting method is to drive a spade into Keep the soil damp until the first fall prevents the plant from losing moisture to the soil, push the handle away to open up frost, then withhold water to help harden drying winter winds. It also prevents root the soil, fan out the roots of the plant, and off the plants for winter. A final November damage caused by alternate freezing and place the plant in the opening so that the watering helps prevent winter-kill thawing of the ground. soil level is even with the crown. While the from drying out the root system. Leave the mulch on as long as possible plant is held with one hand, remove the to restrain plant growth in the spring. spade with the other. Allow the soil to fill Early spring growth produces early flowers in the hole and tamp it down gently. It is Insects and Disease subject to damage by adverse weather. important to water each plant immediately Strawberries are remarkably free from Therefore, check the plants under the after planting. This practice will help avoid most insects and diseases in Colorado. mulch in March for new growth. When transplant shock and water can be used to Occasionally, an insect problem arises, growth begins, part the mulch to allow settle the soil in around the roots without such as crownborers, leafhoppers, aphids, sunlight to reach the foliage. As the plants compacting the soil by pushing on it. Much earwigs, slugs or tarnished plant bugs. continue to grow, gradually remove the stooping can be avoided if two people Malathion is a good standard home mulch, leaving as much as possible as a soil are involved in this operation. Watering insecticide to control aphids, leafhoppers mulch to keep the fruit off the ground. Rake each plant individually at planting, rather and quite a few other sucking and chewing the mulch back over the plants to protect than sprinkling the plants when finished, insects. Use Sevin to control earwigs and them in case of a late spring frost. Remove will help to avoid forcing wilted leaves beetles. Control crownborers with a soil- soon after the frost danger is over. into the soil. applied insecticide. Control slugs with commercially prepared baits available at most garden centers. Do not spray plants Cultivation when in flower—pollinating insects may After planting, keep weeds down by be harmed. hoeing. If the planting is large enough, Disease problems occur less frequently consider an herbicide such as Dacthal. than insect problems. Usually, the disease is Apply this compound according to label controlled by removing the diseased plant instructions. or plant part. However, if it is widespread, Remove the first blossoms that form other measures must be taken. In the case on a new planting at least once on the hill of systemic diseases, such as yellows (virus) system and twice on the matted row system. or red stele (vascular), nothing can be done This diverts the resources of the plant into except to remove diseased plants. However, producing a strong plant and, in the case if a fungus develops on the foliage, spray of the matted row system, more runners. the plants with a fungicide, such as Captan. Stronger plants bear more fruit than those Bacterial diseases on strawberries are not allowed to fruit early. Later in the season, important in Colorado. there will be some fruit to enjoy on the For more information, see fact sheet everbearers or day neutral varieties.