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The Guianese paradox: How can the freshwater outflow from the Amazon increase the salinity of the Guianan shore?

Luc Lambs *, Etienne Muller, F. Fromard

EcoLab – Laboratoire d’e´cologie fonctionnelle, UMR 5245 (CNRS-UPS-INPT), 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Toulouse cedex,

KEYWORDS Summary is notable for the extent of its rain forests, which occupy 97% of French Guiana rivers; the country, and the influence of the Amazon along its shores. In fact, the shores and estu- Stable isotopes; aries support a mangrove forest typical of saline conditions. This paper reports the chem- Oxygen-18; ical characteristics, conductivity and salinity and the stable isotopes (oxygen and Deuterium; deuterium) of the rivers and shores between the area and the border with Suri- Salinity nam. The results show a quite homogenous freshwater pool over the country. However, the low slope of the coast, a result of the wide mud banks deposited by the Amazonian plume, have turned the mouths of the smaller rivers to the northwest, creating large salty areas where mangroves grow several kilometers inland. Despite the large amount of Ama- zonian water, the Guianan coast exhibits high salinity. In fact, the freshwater itself remains far from the shore, following the north Brazilian current, while only the mud plume arrives at the coast, creating this paradox.

Introduction lens. The interaction of Amazon water and seawater, in front of the Amazonian estuary, were studied during the The discharge from many large rivers, because of the lower Amaseds program between 1989 and 1991 (Karr and Show- density of freshwater relative to seawater, can be detected ers, 2002). The freshwater outflow could be followed many at the surface kilometers from their river mouths. Most tens of kilometers to the northwest, as detected by changes 18 notably, the Amazon River flows far out into the ocean in salinity and d O values. Along the French Guiana coast, and remains close to the surface to form a wide freshwater this water movement was also monitored during the Chico 0 program in April 1999 (Artigas et al., 2003; Ternon and * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 562 269 994; fax: +33 562 269 Guiral, 2005). This Amazon freshwater could be detected 999. in the open sea, between 20 and 50 km from the coast, E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Lambs). and only close to the surface (about 4 m in depth). This low-salinity current (the Guyana Current) can reach a veloc- areas, techniques that give immediate values during data ity of 1 m/s on the mid-outer shelf (Limeburner et al., 1995; acquisition at the field site, like conductivity and tempera- Pujos and Froidefond, 1995). In July–December, the Guy- ture, were used to assist the stable isotope water sampling ana current bifurcates between 5N and 8N, and Amazon (Lambs, 2000; Lambs, 2004). Water sampling was done at water is retroflected onto the North Equatorial counter cur- the end of the dry season when it was possible to identify rent (Muller-Karger et al., 1988). On a smaller scale, the better the influence of the seashore waters. For the rivers, major French Guianan rivers can supply significant freshwa- this corresponded to the smallest discharge and for the sea- ter to the coast during the rainy season. shore this corresponded to the retroflection of the Amazon French Guiana occupies a part of the Guiana shield re- water in the open sea. Apart from an investigation of the gion, a large area in the northern part of South America that Maroni River (Ne´grel and Lachassagne, 2000), no other work is one of the oldest known geological formations on the pla- has been done on the Guiana rivers. net. It is also one of the flattest countries. Its coast is part of the 1600 km long sand coast between the embouchures of Samples and methods the Amazon River and the Orinoco River. This area is char- acterized by a wedge-shaped Holocene mud deposit, Sampling extending to the 20 m depth contour. Beyond the minus 20 m contour line, the shelf-bottom configuration and re- All the seven rivers between the Surinam border and the lated sediments are to be considered a relic of the late Cayenne area were sampled (see Table 1) along the shore, Pleistocene and Holocene transgression (Augustinus, generally from the N1 road bridge. Rainfall water was also 2004). From east to west, it spans part of the north Brazilian taken at the two extremes: in St Laurent and in the city Amazonia (Amapa area), French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana of Cayenne. Other inland freshwaters that were sampled in- and Venezuela. The 300 km long French Guiana coast is cluded an artificial lake (Petit Saut Dam on the Sinnamary the first area to be influenced by the Amazon after it leaves River), the upper Sinnamary River a few kilometers before its channels. About 80% of the shield area is still covered in this dam, a deep pond (Crique Crabe near Petit Saut) and forests, the majority of which are pristine. two small rivers (Gabriel Crique at Eskol, and Canal Phili- French Guiana receives 2000–4000 mm of rainfall per pon, near Sinnamary). In a back mangrove stand near Sinna- year. The gentle slope of the country and the impermeabil- mary, a transect of six piezometers has been installed to ity of the old rocks cause numerous rivers, which are ori- measure the groundwater level and its variations. Amazo- ented north with a fan-shaped distribution. Water nian river water samples were also collected near the estu- retention by the soil is low except in the limited sandy area. ary (Macapa) and upstream, at Obidos and Santarem. Some groundwater has been localized under the laterite Two seawater samples were taken at the beaches of Cay- crust, limited by some waterproof minerals that reduce enne and Mana as well as an intermediate point in Guate- the depth of infiltration and lateral exchanges (Lasserre, mala at low tide on the mud bank (in a water hole). Two 1979). The coast receives large amounts of Amazon-borne open seawater samples were collected at the latitude of silt and clay carried by the Guyana Current, a southeast- Cayenne (20 km from shore) and of Sinnamary (25 km from to northwest-bound extension to the North Brazil current shore), both at about 1 m deep. (Allison and Lee, 2004; Curtin, 1986; Lentz, 1995). The Ama- All these water samples were taken in November 2003 zon fluid mud suspensions coming to the French Guiana and November 2004, at the end of the dry season, in order coast reach concentrations of 10–400 g/l (Balzer et al., to have minimal interference from local rainfall. The tem- 2004), which contrasts with the suspended sediment con- perature, pH and conductivity were measured directly on centration of 0.1–10 mg/l of the local Guiana rivers (Jouan- the field site with a portable Ionmeter (Consort C531) and neau and Pujos, 1988). The mud banks along the shore are the salinity was measured with a hand refractometer (Ata- 10–40 km long, up to 5 m thick, and extend seaward to go). Previously in the laboratory, the conductivity cell and the limit of the coastal mud wedge at 20–25 m water depth. refractometer were calibrated with known NaCl solutions. They migrate northward along the shore at rates averaging 1.5 km/y (NEDECO, 1968; Froidefond et al., 1988, 2004; Eis- ma et al., 1991). Consequentially, the coastal mangrove development is extensive and sand beaches are uncommon. Table 1 Description of the studied French Guiana Rivers This description illustrates the complexity of the French (Atlas Guyane and UNH/CRDC) Guiana river network and its interaction with the coast. The aim of this study was to understand the mixing process be- Name Length (km) Basin Mean 2 3 tween freshwater (rainfall, swamps, rivers) and salt water surface (km ) discharge (m /s) (seawater) along the French Guiana shores, as well as to Maroni 520 65830 1680 understand the possible influence of the Amazon outflow, Mana 430 12090 300 both as mud and freshwater. On a larger scale, this study 140 1470 serves as an overview of the interface of these two water Sinnamary 262 6565 230 pools before a study of the behavior of the shore water bal- 112 2000 ance and its local vegetation, i.e., the mangrove forest. On Cayenne 50 745a such a scale, and with these different water pools, only the Mahury 100 3255a stable isotopes of water (i.e., oxygen-18 and deuterium) a These rivers have two main tributaries, the reported basin could be efficient indicators for the study (Lambs et al., surface corresponds to the sum of both. 2005). However, to improve the identification of the best For those solutions with a concentration of less than 10&,a locations is called the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL), 2 18 nice relationship was found between the conductivity and and follow the equation d H=8* d O + 10 (Craig, 1961). salinity: conductivity (in lS) * 1000 = salinity (&). Deviation of a sample from the GMWL, involves the sec- For isotopic analysis, water samples were collected in ond order (remaining D value of 10) which comes from the 10 ml glass vials with secure caps and sent rapidly to the sta- non equilibrium fractionation processes and the different ble isotopic laboratory. The stable isotope composition of molecular diffusivities, inducing a kinetic effect. This sec- water is reported with reference to the Vienna Standard ond order justifies the definition of deuterium excess: dD 2 18 Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW), in parts per thousand. Thus excess = d H 8 * d O. During evaporation, this kinetic the mean ocean value is around value zero for both iso- fractionation results in a relatively less intense depletion topes. The definition for oxygen is of water vapour in deuterium compared to 18-oxygen, and depends on the evaporation conditions (relative humidity, d18O ð‰Þ¼ðð18O=16O Þ=ð18O=16O Þ1Þ1000 V-SMOW sample standard temperature above the water surface, and wind regimes). This is an indicator of the complexity of the air mass path- and for deuterium way and the environmental conditions at evaporation. Most 2 2 1 2 d HV-SMOW ð‰Þ¼ððH= HsampleÞ=ð H=1HstandardÞ1Þ1000: intertropical oceans have D values of about 10. Low relative humidity produces higher D values, while low D values indi- A negative value characterizes a water more depleted in cate secondary evaporation processes (evaporation of heavy isotope than the ocean reference. This is the case descending rain drops). when the evaporated seawater comes over the inland and condensed again to form rainfall. This isotopic fractionation Rivers and site descriptions depends mainly on the distance run by the water source and the condensation place (i.e. continental effect) and the From west to east, the first river, at the border of Surinam, decrease in temperature when approaching hills and moun- is the Maroni River (see Fig. 1). It is the biggest river in tains (altitude effects). In subtropical area, the coastal rain- French Guiana and also the second largest river in the three fall are slightly depleted in heavy isotope (4

Figure 1 Localization of the different rivers and waters sampled over French Guiana. The insert chart in the left corner gives the position of this area relative to the northeast of South America. The large numeric number in gray gives the salinity (values in &) for the ocean (open sea, coast) and the estuaries. The smaller black numbers with a sign are the measured 18O isotopic values. The numbers with the question mark are the calculated isotopic values for the upstream part of the rivers (extrapolation to zero salinity). The ellipse in the right corner provides the salinity and isotopic values of the Amazon River close to the ocean. are at about 400 m. The last fall is 70 km from the coast and content (Kourou, Mahury and Cayenne rivers), line up be- the estuary turns northwest at the shoreline. The smaller tween the ocean pool and the GMWL line (refer to the Iracoubo River is just east of the Mana River and comes from dotted line in Fig. 2). This is typical for estuarine water a lower altitude, displaying an angled estuary. The Sinna- with mixing of two components, freshwater and salty mary River is the fifth river of the country and is similar in water. The fact that this line does not cross under the shape to the Mana River: a long and narrow basin oriented ocean pool suggests that the evaporation process is low, south to north, and a markedly angled estuary. The hydro- certainly due to the deepness of these estuaries. Here electric dam at Petit Saut has regulated its discharge since the deuterium excess cannot be used due to the inflow the 1980s. The last fall is about 40 km from the coast. After of ocean water. The Maroni and downstream Sinnamary the Sinnamary River comes the smaller Kourou River, river samples are in between these two lines. The small formed in the flat area in the middle of the country. Its estu- negative values for the mangrove groundwater (d18O= ary is less affected by the northwest sea current. The Cay- 1.3 to 0.1) were surprising. Despite the very high salin- enne River is the smallest river and is located west of the ity, the water origin of this sample from the mangroves is city with the same name. It has a wide estuary (4 km long, more linked with the freshwater pool than with the evap- 2 km wide) where its two main tributaries (the Montseny orated seawater side. and Cayenne rivers) join. The final river that was studied The relationship between the d18O values and the salinity is the Mahury River. At the beginning of its 15 km long estu- is given in Fig. 3. It emphasizes the presence of two water ary, two main tributaries join. pools. The freshwater pool encompasses all the rivers or water samples close to the x-axis (Amazon, Sinnamary, Ira- Results coubo, Mana and Maroni rivers), the mean value material- ized by a wide ellipse. The salty water pool is the upper The temperature, conductivity and salinity of the water ellipse formed by the ocean waters. Between these two samples are given in Table 2. In general, the temperature pools a mixing line can be drawn (the dotted line on of the water was close to the air temperature, 28–30 C, Fig. 3) and the estuary rivers (Kourou, Mahury and Cayenne even for groundwater in a mangrove forest, taken around rivers) are close to this line. To see how the salinity and the 1.2 m deep. Only the remaining seawater taken in Guate- d18O value vary over the studied area, these values were mala at low tide had a higher temperature and only the rain- plotted on a geographical map (see Fig. 1). The location fall water taken in Cayenne had a lower temperature. and the dimension of the rivers can be observed, as well The salinity of the sea ranged between 35 and 39&, ex- as the orientation of their mouths, a result of the North cept in an area of Guatemala (48&) taken at low tide, Brazil current (NBC) and the huge mud load of the Amazon whereas groundwater in the mangroves reached up to River. In order to check the homogeneity of the freshwater 54&. The salinity of the mangrove soil revealed even higher pool, the possible isotopic values for the upper stream riv- values (70&). Only the Sinnamary River displayed very low- ers, extrapolated to zero salinity (see next paragraph), salinity and conductivity with a small increase at high tide. are also reported. The conductivity of the more inland waters, as well as the Amazon River, had values around 50 lS, as is usual in trop- Discussion and interpretation ical countries, which is close to the mean rainwater value. The higher value for the small river at Crique Gabriel could Salty water pool be associated with groundwater discharge. Some open estu- aries, such as those of the Mahury, Cayenne and Kourou riv- The ocean forms the largest water reservoir on the planet ers, with low discharge, revealed a high input of seawater. and it is also the reference for the isotopic standard (Craig, For the Mahury River long estuary, the salinity was still 13& 1961). The 18O content in the surface layer is rather uni- at 15 km from the shore, at the bridge. form, varying between d = 0.5 and d = 0.5. Only in polar The 18O and deuterium contents are summarized in or tropical regions are larger deviations observed. In tropi- Fig. 2, and compiled with the calculated deuterium excess cal regions, more positive values are caused by strong evap- in Table 2. The solid line in Fig. 2 represents the Global oration (Mook, 2000). Few data are available in the Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) with a slope of eight and a literature for the South American ocean. At the level of deuterium excess of 10. The points range from the Ama- Rio of Janeiro, in Brazil, the open sea has a mean value of zon sample taken in Obidos (d18O=6.5, higher altitude d18O = +1.23 ± 0.07 (Pierre et al., 1991), much higher than water) to the ocean pool (mean value d18O = +0.76). The the values observed in the North Atlantic ocean (Frew Amazon River samples, the high Sinnamary and the Ira- et al., 2000; Delaygue et al., 2000). Further north of Brazil, coubo samples were close to the GMWL line, showing that the isotopic values decrease a little: d18O = +1.2 in front of there is no important evaporation process. This is also the Amazon delta (Karr and Showers, 2002), and confirmed by their high D excess value (+8 to +12), as re- d18O = +1.05 at the level of French Guiana (Ternon and Gui- ported in Table 2. This comes from the equilibrium be- ral, 2005; during the Chico 0 cruise). The salinity ranges tween the condensation and evaporation processes over from around 37 to 36&. These values are not far from our the Amazonian forest, as well as over the Guiana rain for- own data for the open ocean found at the level of Sinnamary est. On the other hand, the surface water of the big arti- (d18O = +0.87, salinity S =36&); the slightly lower value ficial lake at Petit Saut showed a negative D excess value, measured off Cayenne could be due to the presence of a in accordance with the high evaporation. The same was small influence of the Amazon, which will be discussed in found for the nearby pond (Crique Crabe). The other the next section. This concentrated ocean water gives rise French Guiana rivers, with large estuaries and high salt to shore salinities between 35 and 70& during this dry Table 2 Characteristics of the 30 water samples 18 2 Number Type Location Date Temperature Salinity Conductivity d OV-SMOW d HV-SMOW D excess (C) (&) (lS) (&) (&) (calculated) 1 Open sea 1 20 km 11/16/2003 36 0.86 5.65 1.22 Sinamary 2 Open sea 2 25 km 11/17/2003 35 0.67 5.57 0.24 Cayenne 3 Sea shore 1 Cayenne IRD 10/29/2003 30.5 38 0.80 4.78 1.63 4 Sea shore 2 Guatemala 11/13/2003 34.0 48 2.23 13.35 4.45 (tide down) 5 Sea shore 3 Mana 12/4/2004 30.0 39 0.70 10.08 4.48 6 Maroni River Degrad 12/4/2004 30.0 6 5530 1.93 10.51 4.93 7 Mana River D8 bridge 12/4/2004 30.0 10 9600 1.08 3.13 5.51 8 Iracoubo N1 bridge 11/8/2003 30.0 1 757 2.31 10.51 7.97 River 9 Sinnamary N1 bridge 11/2/2003 29.0 0 238 1.45 8.82 2.80 River 1 (tide up) 10 Sinnamary N1 bridge 11/2/2003 29.0 0 26 River 2 (tide down) 11 Sinnamary N1 bridge 11/27/2004 30.0 0 28 1.75 4.39 9.61 River 3 (tide down) 12 Sinnamary Before dam 12/22/2005 0 27 2.75 11.55 10.45 River 4 13 Kourou River N1 bridge 11/2/2003 30.0 23 0.53 0.58 3.66 14 Cayenne River N1 bridge 11/2/2003 30.0 33 0.48 4.09 0.29 15 Mahuri River 1 Degrad canne 11/1/2003 30.0 28 0.13 1.25 0.20 16 Mahuri River 2 Bridge 11/28/2004 30.0 13 Roura(D6) 17 Amazone Obidos December 058 6.51 42.15 9.89 River 1 2003 18 Amazone Santarem November 035 3.62 20.18 8.80 River 2 2003 19 Amazone Macapa 10/22/2003 28.0 0 52 3.53 23.93 4.28 River 3 20 Philipon canal D7 bridge 11/2/2003 30.5 0 48 1.41 6.45 4.87 1 (Sinnamary) 21 Philipon canal D7 bridge 11/27/2004 30.0 0 50 2 (Sinnamary) 22 Small river Crique 11/29/2004 30.0 0 396 2.24 5.59 12.33 Gabriel (Eskol) 23 Artificial lake Petit Saut 11/9/2003 31.0 0 44 0.28 1.60 0.66 dam 24 Deep pound Crique Crabe 11/14/2003 32.0 0 34 0.05 2.98 3.37 (Petit Saut) 25 Ground water D7-mangrove- 11/9/2003 29.5 54 0.14 3.31 4.40 1 p1 26 Ground water D7-mangrove- 11/27/2004 30.0 52 0.33 8.6 11.24 2 p1 27 Ground water D7-mangrove- 11/27/2004 30.0 34 0.83 1.34 5.30 3 p4 28 Ground water D7-mangrove- 11/27/2004 30.0 21 1.28 3.55 6.69 4 p6 29 Rain water 1 Cayenne IRD 11/3/2003 26.5 0 98 3.24 20.96 4.95 30 Rain water 2 St Laurent M 12/4/2004 28.0 0 22 0.74 2.66 3.26

season, and similar values were found in the back mangrove fall coming through rivers. Cayenne is part of the Global in Sinnamary and Guatemala. Network for Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. From the GNIP Freshwater pool Database (IAEA/WMO, 1998), the mean weighted annual va- 18 lue is d Opt = 2.2 (Rozanski et al., 1993). A one-year sur- The next pool is the freshwater, coming directly from the vey, done by the BRGM in 1995, provided a lower 18 local rainfall, stored in groundwater, or the upstream rain- weighted mean d Opt = 4.6 (Ne´grel et al., 1997). Further 20 Ocean Salty GW 10 waters Maroni R Mana R Sinnamary R 0 upstream -10 Amazon R Estuary rivers Sinnamary R Santarem Iracoubo R downstream VSMOW -20 / GMWL Rainfall

Η Cayenne 2

δ -30 Amazon R Amazon R Obidos -40 Macapa

-50 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 δ18O / VSMOW

Figure 2 Relationship between the d18O and d2H values for the studied French Guinea rivers, compared with the Amazon River (three samples), the groundwater in Sinnamary (Salty GW) and the seawater (four samples). The estuary rivers are from left to right: Kourou, Mahury and Cayenne rivers. The solid line represents the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL: d2H=8· d18O + 10).


50 Ocean

Ocean 40 (low tide)

30 Kourou Riv Cayenne Riv Salinity in ‰ 20 Mahury Riv Sinnamary down Amazon R Mana Riv 10 Rainfall1 IracouboRiv cp Petit Saut Lake CC SR Rainfall2 0 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Sinnamary up Maroni Riv δ18Oxygen / SMOW

Figure 3 Relationship between d18O and the salinity values. The broken line represents the mixing line between the freshwater pool (ellipse on the x-axis) and the salty water pool (ocean water ellipse) up to the evaporated Guatemala seawater taken at low tide. The three estuary rivers, Kourou, Mahury and Cayenne rivers, are on this line. Rainfall 1 was taken in Cayenne, Rainfall 2 in St Laurent, SR represents the small river (Crique Gabriel), cp represents the Canal Philipon, cc represents the Crique Crabe.

inland, about 200 km from the ocean, in southeastern The upper Sinnamary (d18O=2.8) presents a more de- French Guiana at Yaou, the mean annual value becomes pleted isotopic value and the range for the other French 18 18 d Opt = 3.0 (Girard et al., 2000, 2002). More to the west Guiana rivers is d O=2.3 to +0.5. However, many of at Sinnamary, in a forest stand and in an open area, the them had a high salt content and the isotopic characteris- 18 d Opt mean values range between 3.0 and 2.0 (Millet tic of the fresh upper river could then be extrapolated to et al., 1999; Bonal et al., 2000). All these mean precipita- salinity zero. This idea was developed because of the dif- tion values over the French Guiana coast range between ficulty of accessing the upper river and because of the 18 18 the values d Opt = 3.7 to 1.7, and are not far from our large number of tributaries (Table 3). The mean d O value rainfall values (3.2 and 0.7). of the ocean was +0.79 and the salinity was 37&. The ratio The only reported study using stable isotopes on the of the seawater relative to the river is given by the salinity French Guiana river waters is for the Maroni River, where ratio. The complementary ratio is the amount of freshwa- values ranging from d18O=2.9 downstream to ter and its isotopic value given the original river character- d18O=3.7 upstream were recorded (Ne´grel and Lachassa- istics. With these recalculated values, the new average gne, 2000). In addition, our own values from the Amazon value for these rivers is d18O=2.2 ± 0.4, which shows River, taken in the delta and at Santarem in its low-altitude the relative homogenous rainfall over French Guiana. This tributary, the Taporos River, (d18O=3.5), are of the same mean value is also the value found in Fig. 3 (the intersec- order. tion between the dotted line and the x-axis) and in Fig. 2 river discharge variation: maximal in May–June and minimal Table 3 Recalculation of the d18O value to salinity zero in October–November. Even after the water is out of the River Salinity Sea water d18O d18O mouth of the Amazon, the dispersion along the northwest (&) (%) original recalculated coast is not uniform due to the presence of the retroflexion Maroni 6 16.2 1.93 2.45 of the NBC during the months of June–December. This Mana 10 27.0 1.08 1.76 means that during this period the Amazon water outcome Iracoubo 1 2.7 2.31 2.40 and its associated mud plumes do not continue to travel Sinnamary 0 0 2.75 along the Guyana coast but are sent more to the open sea Kourou 23 62.2 0.53 2.65 (from northwest to northeast) at the level of the city of Cay- Cayenne 33 89.2 0.48 1.83 enne. The Amaseds program (Karr and Showers, 2002) and Mahury 28 75.76 0.13 1.83 the Chico 0 program (Ternon and Guiral, 2005) have fol- lowed this water mass exchange. It can be seen that water masses with values of d18O=6to4 can be detected 100 km from the mouth of the Amazon during the peak dis- (the intersection between the dotted line and the GMWL charge in April–August. From Amapa Island to the border of line). French Guiana, values of d18O=3to2 can also be mea- sured at about 50–100 km from the shore. At the level of Air humidity and vapor recirculation the Mahury estuary, values as low as d18O=2.4 and a salin- ity of 17& could be sampled 50 km from the coast during With regard to the deuterium excess over the Amazon basin, the month of April. This surface freshwater lens found in the isotopic signals of the river water depend on the re- the open sea is a few tens of kilometers wide but only a charge process (rainfall) as well as two additional factors: few meters deep. the amount effect and the recirculation of the water into the forest (Mortatti et al., 1997). As high deuterium ex- cesses are generally found (10 or more and a slope close Dual Amazon influence – French Guiana paradox to eight), this suggests that equilibrium conditions obtain between the condensation and evapotranspiration pro- In fact, the mud brought by the Amazon plumes has the cesses. In other terms, this means that the air humidity is opposite effect to the freshwater lens. By depositing along always so high that atmospheric water saturation is the Guiana shore, these mud banks minimize the wave reached. If one takes the 18O and 2H values from Ne´grel dynamics and produce large, flat and shallow areas in the and Lachassagne, the deuterium excess can be calculated intertidal zone where the seawater can be concentrated. for the Maroni basin. Effectively, the values are close to The sea current maintains itself a little away from the 10, as for the Amazon basin. Values are for the Maroni River coastline, a few kilometers or a few tens of kilometers in itself (10.5 ± 1.1, n = 20), its tributaries (11.0 ± 1.5, n = 19) the open sea beyond the tidal influence. It is as though there and the adjacent groundwater (11.2 ± 1.2, n = 5). From our is a split between the two components of the mud plume: own results, the small rivers (or rivers with small estuaries) one part of the mud is slowly accumulating along the coast have a high deuterium excess (from 8.0 to 12.3, in the Ira- (and become more and more saline), whereas the freshest coubo, Sinnamary, and Gabriel). However, due to the sea- Amazon water with the remaining mud continues its north- water input or the coastal evaporation, this equilibrium is west journey further from the coast. So, indirectly by its so- lost and the deuterium excess is much lower (+6 to 4) in lid deposits, the Amazon plumes bring highly saline the other rivers. conditions along the Guiana coast. Similarly, the Avicennia mangrove (the more salt-tolerant species) is found on the Mixing of the different water pools sea front where, as in the Amazon delta and the estuaries, there is swamp forest or Rhizophora formation. The initial The previous paragraphs emphasize the characteristics of sand coast is now found more inland, in general, at the the different water pools influencing the French Guiana end of the back mangrove, and creates the border between shore: (i) the tropical South Atlantic ocean with an in- the fresh groundwater and the saline coastal underground creased salinity (36–39&) and 18O values (+1.0 to +2.0) water. Paradoxically, this ever changing French Guiana above the V-SMOW reference (not far from the values for coast is one of the more important places for leatherback a hot closed sea like the Red Sea); (ii) the rainfall along turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) breeding. This coast hosts the coast, which feeds the groundwater and the rivers with about 40% of the world’s population of breeding females. values d18O=3.7 to 1.7. A river like the Maroni River, As the turtles make their nest in the sandy area, and cannot which has its source further inland, displays the more nega- enter the mud and mangrove area, they have to adapt to tive value. As the air temperature remains quite constant this mud bank migration. This marine species can only be over the year and the immediate inland has no substantial found around these sandy areas close to the estuaries of mountains, the seasonal effect should remain low; (iii) the the bigger rivers, like the Maroni or the Mahury. Recently, third pool is the Amazon River outflow (d18O=6.5 to genetic research has shown (Rivalan et al., 2006) that the 3.5) in the ocean (Salati et al., 1980; Gibson et al., Maroni nesting population may be part of a large metapop- 2002; Henderson-Sellers et al., 2002), which is brought ulation. So, the turtles in this group are less linked to a par- along the French Guiana coast by the North Brazil current ticular beach and can more readily adapt to coastal change, (NBC). The mixing of this river water with the ocean water in contrast to other turtle groups that are much more linked is quite a complex system since it is first modulated by the to a specific beach. 18 Conclusion tree species of French Guiana as inferred from H2O extraction profiles. Ann. For. Sci. 57, 717–724. Craig, H., 1961. Isotopic variations in meteoric waters. Sciences This study and the literature analysis reveal the contrast be- 133, 1702–1703. tween the stable inland with its quite homogenous, freshwa- Curtin, T.B., 1986. Physical observations in the plume region of the ter pool and equilibrium between the condensation and Amazon River during peak-discharge-III. Currents. Cont. 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