
, Depression and


A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.1

INTRODUCTION causes a variety of symptoms of which mood Psychiatrists have been very reluctant to disorder is one. The patient with is not accept the idea that depressions, which they depressed because it is hard to breathe—the know so well, may be caused by to depression and the difficulty in breathing are common environmental molecules such as both expressions of an allergic reaction to one foods, airborne particles, and chemicals in or more foreign types of molecules. water. When patients were depressed and Many years ago allergists recognized that it anxious, and at the same time suffered from was possible to be allergic to foods as well as diseases accepted as allergic, psychosomatic to or dusts, and described the mood explanations were used. This usually meant symptoms which were also present. The that a psychological explanation for the depression and anxiety was recognized as a presence of the allergic reactions was invoked. reaction to the , but prime emphasis The mood disorder was looked upon as a was given to the non-psychiatric symptoms. natural reaction to the discomfort of the Clinical allergists who are now practicing allergic reaction. Asthma for a long time was clinical ecology went one step further when one of the seven major psychosomatic they recognized that allergic reactions could diseases. Most psychiatrists still believe cause depression and anxiety as the main schizophrenic patients can not be allergic, at symptom with minimal somatic reactions. least not when they are ill, but it was accepted Dr. T. Randolph (1961, 1966) observed a that schizophrenia and allergic reactions could large number of allergic depressions. Manic- alternate. depressive psychosis, in his opinion, is a A few physicians have concluded that al- cyclical reaction to a number of lergic reactions are much more common than ranging from foods to airborne pollutants. But one would assume from the psychiatric psychiatrists are unaware of the contributions literature, and that the allergic reaction made by clinical ecologists such as Randolph (1965), Mandell and Scanlon (1979), and reject the observations of clinical 3-A 2727 Quadra St. Victoria, B.C. Canada V8T4E5

164 ALLERGY AND DEPRESSION psychiatric ecologists such as Newbold (1975) years of somatic allergies. As children they and Philpott (1974, 1979) as well as Sheinkin, had eczema or rashes, frequent upper Schacter and Hutton (1979). respiratory problems, and asthma or hayfever. In this communication I will summarize the Most were aware of these symptoms which evidence which supports the conclusion that a had been treated by their physicians but none large fraction of depressions are responses to associated the history of allergic reactions environmental molecules, and that the with their current mood disorder. I checked are effective in many patients this with a colleague who was known as a because of their antihistaminic properties, not specialist in depression but who did not because they act upon the or practice Orthomolecular psychiatry. He too sympathomimetic pathways. was amazed at the high incidence of somatic allergies in his depressed patients. The association is so high that any psychiatrists DEPRESSION IS A SYMPTOM OF will corroborate it in a few months of obser- ALLERGIC REACTIONS vation. All that is required is to include aller- gies in the history of the patient. Most patients with somatic symptoms of Allergic reactions may become addictive allergy have a mood disorder, usually reactions. This is the basis for the craving for depression and anxiety. I can not recall a sugar, , and even for foods such as patient with asthma, with a severe allergic milk or meat. The most accurate way of , or suffering from , who was happy. diagnosing a is to deprive the They all had depression and anxiety ranging patient of food for a number of days; usually from slight to very severe. Psychosomatic four but sometimes many more are required. explanations have a long and honorable This is done by fasting the patients or placing history but are no more firmly established them upon a diet of foods that they have used today than they were when they were so very rarely (Mandell, 1979). Deprivation of popular thirty years ago. They have no the food until all traces are gone from the predictive value, do not indicate treatment, will result in a reduction and no patient is better because of them. The of all symptoms or in their complete removal. fact that it makes sense that depression should Patients who have food allergies often feel be a response to the somatic symptoms does normal toward the latter part of the fast. When not make this true. I fasted four days about six years ago I Clinical ecologists who had little interest in expected to feel hungry and irritable the whole psychiatry described depression as a common four days. For two years I had suffered from a problem in allergic reactions. Rowe and Rowe chronic cold and difficulty in breathing. I was (1972), pioneers in establishing food unaware I had an allergy and fasted for other deprivation tests to locate foods which were reasons; to my surprise I was euphoric the being reacted to, wrote that symptoms include fourth day and my cold was gone. I "lack of energy and ambition, drowsiness, subsequently discovered I was allergic to milk loginess, depression, inability to think and products. concentrate. Temper tantrums and emotional instability may be present." The first part of the fast is generally un- I became interested in the relation of aller- pleasant; there is a withdrawal reaction like gies to depression about ten years ago. I also that suffered by a heavy smoker when observed that patients who were found to be smoking is stopped abruptly, or like 'cold- allergic usually were depressed. A psychiatrist turkey heroin withdrawal of which the addict who neglected to take a history of allergic is so fearful. During these few days, patients reactions would have diagnosed them as a miss the repeated stimulus of the foods they mood disorder. Later I observed that over half normally eat to which they are allergic; in a of all the patients who were referred to me few patients the withdrawal from these foods because they were depressed, and who were in has been very severe. One of my patients fact depressed, had a history going back many consumed twelve glasses of 165 ORTHOMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3, 1980, Pp. 164-170 milk each day-it kept her going. I was then cigarette smoking. inexperienced in the technique and results of Subjects who are free of depression will note food deprivation and I advised her to dis- a sudden resurgence when they eat those foods continue milk immediately. Within five days they have been avoiding either by accident or she was in a deep psychotic depression and I deliberately. I have found that January tends to had to admit her to hospital to protect her from bring back a large number of my patients who killing herself. Since then I have withdrawn were well but who gave way to the holiday patients slowly, over a period of a month, if foods so abundant in December, primarily they consume large quantities of any foods. junk foods or food artifacts. The consumption of large quantities of food— I have referred to a number of associations bread, pastry, sugar—is a clear indication to which support the contention many depres- suspect these foods as one of the causes of sions are symptoms of allergic reactions. depression and anxiety. 1. Clinical ecologists observed a high Withdrawal depression will also account for incidence of depression in their allergic the diurnal rhythm of depression. Most patients. illnesses are made worse by fatigue; schizo- 2. I observed that a large proportion of phrenia and physical illnesses tend to become depressed patients had earlier in life worse in the evening as patients become more suffered from a variety of somatic allergies. tired. Depression, in sharp contrast, tends to 3. Removal of offending foods or other become better at night. It is common for molecules resulted in relief from depressed persons to feel awful in the depression. morning; they are tired, anxious and 4. The typical diurnal pattern of deep de- depressed. As the day continues they gradually pression in the morning and relief in the feel better; after supper they often feel almost evening can be explained by the overnight normal. What likely happens is this: in the withdrawal from foods one is allergic to. morning the patients are suffering from 5. Depression is common following exposure withdrawal, having had no food for 12 hours to allergic foods and may come on within a or so; during the day foods to which they are few minutes. allergic are consumed, and by evening there is no further withdrawal reaction. Each day the THE TRICYCLIC cycle is repeated. Treatment of the allergy will, in most cases, The tricyclic antidepressants are third gen- "cure" the depression. I have seen this in eration . The discovery of the several hundred patients over the past six antihistamines was followed by their use as years and can no longer doubt this conclusion. tranquilizers. Dr. H. Laborit (Caldwell, 1970) About six years ago a chronic psychotic was looking for a centrally active . As depressive patient was referred; he had been a direct result of his interest chlorpro-mazine deeply depressed for four years. During that was given to the first patient January 19, 1952. time he had failed to respond to a series of It is curious that our first use of large doses of ECT in a psychiatric ward. He was maintained vitamin B3 came only a few months later. But on injectable tranquilizers which partially was patented and owned by a controlled his anxiety but left him incapable of company while vitamin B3 was public doing more than eating and sleeping in a domain. sheltered environment. I diagnosed him as a However, the idea of using antihistamines depression with schizophrenic features. He did preceded chlorpromazine by at least three not respond to Orthomolecular vitamin years. A report appeared where it was claimed treatment. After a four day fast he was normal that an , I believe, was and one month later was back at work as a combined with ascorbic acid and helped a high school teacher—he had not been able to small number of schizophrenics. work for five years. The four day fast and subsequent testing showed he was allergic to 166 ALLERGY AND DEPRESSION

A subsequent report failed to corroborate, but contrast decreased these effects. Imipra-mine the idea was already in the medical literature. resembled the antihistamines. Failure to corroborate is very often a function (d) It caused ptosis as did antihistamines. of the intent of the person who failed. (e) It interfered with the It was known shortly after the early anti- system. became available that they had Sigg discussed previous suggestions that the sedative properties; these were undesirable. action of was due The companies wanted a substance with no to central antihistamine properties while sedative properties and maximum antihista- noting that certain antihistamines were minic effect. Dr. H. Laborit, a surgeon, wanted antidepressants. In fact I have treated a patient just the opposite. Chlorpromazine represented whose addiction to antihistamines was as the first member of this new class of powerful as any heroin addiction. Sigg finally compounds which had much more central concluded that the antihistamine effect was sedative effect and less antihista-minic effect. not a factor "because clinically demonstrated From France the tranquilizers rapidly spread antidepressant action seems inversely into Canada and later into the U.S.A. Dr. H. correlated with antihistaminic potency." But Lehmann's report first hit the English literature then the concept of cerebral allergy was a few months ahead of an American unknown. There is no necessary correlation investigator. between central and peripheral antihistamine Psychiatrists did not receive tranquilizers activity. Since Sigg's review, antihistamine gratefully, for they were rapidly swinging to activity of tranquilizers and antidepressants the view schizophrenia was a psychosocial has been more or less ignored. disease with insignificant biochemical However, a new potent antidepressant has features. In this they were led by the National appeared. is described in an issue of Institute of Mental Health. This analytically the British journal of Clinical Pharma- led and inspired group only began to fund cology, edited by Peet and Turner (1978). It is tranquilizer studies after immense pressure as effective an antidepressant as imipramine or from a large group of senators and amitriptylene but has fewer side effects. It is congressmen. not an anticholinesterase. In the following This is an early example of the use of polit- Table I have listed its properties and these are ical pressure to achieve a psychiatric im- compared with the usually accepted properties provement. Tranquilizers were a distinct step of the tricyclic antidepressants. forward. It is clear we have a new antidepressant Antihistamines fathered the tranquilizers and which does not share with the tricyclic anti- later the tricyclic antidepressants. Im-ipramine the usual effect on catecholamines was synthesized in 1948. It is like a and on serotonin metabolism. They only have tranquilizer with antihistamine antihistamine properties. properties. Kuhn (1957) reported its Imipramine has been used to treat a number antidepressant properties. Sigg (1968) of allergic diseases (Angst and Theobald, summarized its properties: 1970). Given intramuscularly, 25 milligrams (a) It was like a weak phenothiazine tran- partially protected patients against quilizer. inhalation. It has been used as an adjunct for (b) It potentiated the action of noradren-alin treating asthma and has been recommended interfering with uptake and binding. In this for the treatment of various aspects of asthma. it resembles and It decreases the size of histamine induced antihistamines. weals. It is a potent antagonist of histamine and brady-kinin. In fact, all tricyclics have (c) It augments or prolongs many effects of moderate to strong antihistamine activity. amphetamines and methampheta-mines such as motor activity and hyperthermia. Mianserin has also been used for treating Phenothiazines in 167 ORTHOMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3, 1980, Pp. 164-170


Property Tricyclics Mianserin a) On Catecholamines 1. Potentiation i. amphetamines potentiates antagonist ii. potentiates no effect iii. dopa potentiates no effect

2. Brain Noradrenalin Availability i. chronic administration Increased by inhibition of uptake increased by effect on release ii. turnover reduced increased b) Serotonin potentiation yes inhibition c) Antihistamine yes yes

asthma (Peet and Behagel, 1978). Asthmatics which they had been on before the fast they given Mianserin had fewer night attacks. This remained well for a long time. The fast appeared finding was not pursued because of side effects, to have a clearing function. i.e. centrally antidepressant effects. Mianserin is an effective antidepressant which does not have Vitamins the two main characteristic actions of tricyclic antidepressants on catecholamines and serotonin, Some of the vitamins have anti-allergy pro- but is a good antihistamine. perties and have proven helpful. Niacin releases histamine and lowers histamine levels in the TREATMENT OF FOOD ALLERGY BY body. I have observed in many patients that they TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS required very large doses of niacin, 1 to 12 grams per day or more, until they eliminated Patients who have one or two food allergies are those foods they were allergic to. In many easily diagnosed and treated; after the foods are patients, eliminating milk promptly reduced the identified they are avoided. I have avoided all amount of niacin that was required and could be milk products for six years with little difficulty tolerated from 12 to 3 grams per day. Ascorbic and have not had a "cold" since then, but many acid reacts with histamine in vitro and patients have multiple food allergies and a few presumably in the blood; it rapidly inactivates it. seem to react to nearly everything. They are very It has been very helpful in dealing with allergic difficult to treat successfully and a variety of reactions associated with insect bites, rashes, procedures have been developed. etcetera.

Special Diets

Of these the rotation diets have been most Ideally, foods which are completely digested to successful. However, there is a lot of patient their component amino acids, sugars, and fatty resistance toward these, and their families may acids ought not to cause allergic reactions. If, also resist. They tend to make patients totally however, larger fragments are left, dipeptides or preoccupied with food and eating, and often they disaccha-rides or other more complicated simply do not work. Fasting has been used; I molecules, then one would expect more allergic have had several patients who were much reactions. These larger fragments can easily improved by a four day fast who had no food cross into the blood and even into the brain, allergies on subsequent tests. On returning to across the blood/brain barrier; this has been their no-junk diet established by tracer studies. 168 ALLERGY AND DEPRESSION

Perhaps these large or macro-molecules are for certain foods, as well as for a number of responsible for the toxic reactions to some somatic allergic reactions. food. Following this line of reasoning it is Many obese patients have a voracious ap- possible a deficiency in the secretion of petite for foods to which they are allergic. digestive enzymes, either from the pancreas or They will eat a loaf of bread in an hour, will the intestinal walls, might be a factor; finally it drink 16 glasses of milk in a day, will eat a would follow that replacing these enzymes pound of chocolate in a few minutes. These would be helpful. Some of my patients have are allergic reactions gone wild and have be- been helped and I have several who are able to come severe addictions. I have found that for eat foods which previously made them ill; they many of these the tricyclics help reduce the took pancreatic enzymes before eating. But intensity of the desire for these foods, and others were not helped and several suffered have helped many obese patients bring their allergic reactions to the , either to the weight down slowly. capsule, its color, or to the contents. But Antidepressants may be very helpful in patients who have been helped remain very treating children with learning and behavioral grateful. We require careful, large scale disorders; probably half of these children clinical trials to examine the therapeutic role suffer from cerebral allergies. Speer (1970) of enzymes and nutrient supplements. described the allergic tension state as "a clin- ical allergic state which is marked by diffuse Tricyclic Antidepressants neuropsychic overactivity. It includes both a motor component (hyperkinesis) and a sensory In a recent paper (1979) I described the use component (hyperesthesia). Usually both are of an antidepressant, , to treat present in the oversensitive allergic child." obsessions and depression. There I suggested that antihistamine properties of tricyclic CONCLUSION antidepressants played a role and I referred to several patients whose multiple food allergies Tricyclic antidepressants are antidepressants came under control by using small daily doses largely because of their antihistaminic of tricyclic antidepressants. I suggest these properties. This conclusion is based upon the antidepressants should be tried when other following observations: therapeutic measures have failed. 1. The close association between depression Imipramine has been used for treating and allergies. It is rare to find one without children's allergies even though clinicians the other; when one is relieved, so is the using it this way have been unaware of the other. relationship. Imipramine has been effective in 2. Mianserin is a powerful antidepressant treating enuresis in children but not every which differs from the tricyclics in having child responds. Gerrard (1973) established that no effect on the metabolism in the brain of enuresis in some children is due to an allergic catecholamines or serotonin. It is a good reaction of the bladder. It becomes smaller, antihistamine, a property common to the presumably due to increased tension and tricyclics as well. thickening of the bladder wall. When the 3. Tricyclic antidepressants are useful in offending food is removed the bladder relaxes treating allergic reactions no matter what and in a few weeks they are normal. form they have taken. This ranges from Reintroducing the offending food, often milk, allergic addiction such as obesity to quickly reestablishes the bed-wetting problem. enuresis. Perhaps these are the children who responded I suggest neuropsychopharmacologists once best to imipramine. more examine seriously the antihistaminic I have also used tricyclic antidepressants for properties of the antidepressants. obesity and to control voracious appetites 169 ORTHOMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3, 1980, Pp. 164-170


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