The Slavic and East European Language Resource Center
[email protected] Greville G. Corbett University of Surrey Agreement in Slavic* 1. Introduction Agreement in Slavic has attracted and challenged researchers for many years. Besides numerous theses and articles in journals and collections on the topic, there are also several monographs, usually devoted to a single language, sometimes broader in scope.1 One aim is to give a synthesis of this research, demonstrating both the complexity of the topic and the interest of some of the results (section 2). Such a synthesis is complicated by the liveliness of current work, which is both deepening our understanding of the scale of the problems and trying to bring formal models closer to being able to give adequate accounts of well-established phenomena. A further aim, then, is to outline this current work (section 3). Finally the paper suggests a prospective of promising and challenging directions for future research, some which arise naturally from the directions of earlier and current work, some which are less obvious, depending on cross-disciplinary collaboration (section 4). As preparation for the main sections, we first consider the terms we require and the advantages which the Slavic family provides for research on agreement. * The support of the ESRC (grants R000236063 and R000222419) and of the ERC (grant ERC-2008-AdG-230268 MORPHOLOGY) is gratefully acknowledged. I also wish to thank Dunstan Brown, Iván Igartua and the participants at the workshop “Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax”, especially Wayles Browne, for comments on an earlier version. This overview was prepared for publication after the Workshop and has been updated since; I thank Claire Turner for help in the preparation of the revised version.