A Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) Based on Ets, Its, Rpl16, and Trnl-F Nucleotide Sequences1

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A Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) Based on Ets, Its, Rpl16, and Trnl-F Nucleotide Sequences1 American Journal of Botany 91(7): 1099±1104. 2004. A MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF GRAPTOPETALUM (CRASSULACEAE) BASED ON ETS, ITS, RPL16, AND TRNL-F NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCES1 RAUÂ L ACEVEDO-ROSAS,2,3 KENNETH CAMERON,4 VICTORIA SOSA,2,5 AND SUSAN PELL4 2Instituto de EcologõÂa, A.C. Apartado Postal 63, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico; 3Departamento de GeografõÂa, CUCSH, Universidad de Guadalajara, Av. de los Maestros y M. BaÂrcena, 44120 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; 4The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics Studies, The New York Botanical Garden, 200th St. and Southern Blvd., Bronx, New York 10458-5126 USA Nuclear ETS and ITS, as well as plastid rpl16 and trnL-F DNA sequences were used to determine relationships among species of Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) and closely related genera. Graptopetalum is member of a group of taxa restricted to North America, one of the centers of diversity of Crassulaceae; however, their phylogenetic relationships are not yet understood. Nineteen species of Graptopetalum and 24 species from nine other genera of Crassulaceae were sampled for use in three separate parsimony analyses: ITS alone, ETS alone, and a combined nuclear 1 plastid DNA analysis using all four gene regions. The ETS data set had the highest number of parsimony-informative sites, about 30% more than in ITS, but the most fully resolved tree resulted when the four DNA regions were combined. Only four subclades of the tree received moderate to strong bootstrap support, one of which includes all species of Graptopetalum having a single whorl of stamens. However, Graptopetalum is not monophyletic. Instead, Tacitus bellus and select species of Cremnophila, Sedum, and Echeveria are interspersed among species of Graptopetalum and show evidence of grouping according to geographical range of distribution more so than habit or ¯oral morphology. Key words: Crassulaceae; ETS; Graptopetalum; ITS; molecular; rpl16; succulents; trnL-F. DNA sequences from several different genes and gene re- ical characters (Berger, 1930). However, according to recent gions, as well as chloroplast DNA restriction-site data, have molecular phylogenetic studies, there are only two major lin- been employed to determine relationships at both higher and eages in the family. One is the ``Crassula lineage'' that in- lower taxonomic levels in Crassulaceae (van Ham et al., 1994; cludes genera from three of the traditional subfamilies, Cras- van Ham and 't Hart, 1998; 't Hart et al., 1999; Gehrig et al., suloideae, Cotyledonoideae, and Kalanchoideae, which are 2001; Mort et al., 2001, 2002; Jorgensen and Frydenberg, found predominantly in southern Africa. The second is the 1999). However, sequences from the nuclear ribosomal exter- ``Sedum lineage'' that includes genera from the other three nal transcribed spacer such as the ETS region have not yet subfamilies: Echeverioideae, Sedoideae, and Sempervivo- been used in this group. It has been demonstrated that the ideae. These are found predominantly in the Northern Hemi- proportion of variable and potentially informative sites is sphere ('t Hart and Eggli, 1995). One of the clades in the about 30% higher in ETS compared with ITS (Baldwin and ``Sedum lineage'' has been informally named the ``Acre clade'' Markos, 1998). Sequences of ETS analyzed in combination (van Ham and 't Hart, 1998) and contains a group of genera with other DNA regions have been valuable for resolving phy- from Echeverioideae as well as some species from the large logenetic relationships within several different groups of an- genus Sedum L. (Sedoideae). According to Mort et al. (2001), giosperms (Clevinger and Panero, 2000; Beardsley and Olm- the ``Acre clade'' comprises one-third of the species in Cras- stead, 2002; Andreasen and Baldwin, 2003). We investigated sulaceae, but is plagued by a number of unresolved relation- the utility of sequences of the ETS region, among others, to ships. infer relationships among species of Graptopetalum Rose, a Graptopetalum, a genus of about 19 species, is a member genus of Crassulaceae of the New World. of the Acre clade (Mort et al., 2001). The clade includes spe- Crassulaceae is a family of approximately 35 genera that is cies representative of genera such as Cremnophila Rose, Ech- divided into six subfamilies based on a variety of morpholog- everia DC., Pachyphytum Link, Klotzsch & Otto, Sedum, Tac- itus Moran and MeyraÂn, and Thompsonella Britton & Rose 1 Manuscript received 11 September 2003; revision accepted 12 February (Mort et al., 2001). With the exception of Sedum, which is a 2004. genus widely distributed, the rest of the taxa are restricted to The authors thank Teresa MejõÂa, Francisco Lorea, Daniel PinÄero, and EfraõÂn North America. By focusing in Graptopetalum, in its phylo- de Luna for their useful suggestions for this paper. The authors also thank genetic postion as well as in its circumscription, a better un- Myron Kimnach and John Trager from the Huntington Botanical Garden and Francisca Cohelo from The New York Botanical Garden for providing tissue derstanding of the relationships of this American group will samples for DNA extraction. The ®rst author thanks Montserrat HernaÂndez- be gained. Two former species of Sedum were transferred to GalavõÂz for her enthusiasm and ®eldwork assistance. He also thanks the An- Graptopetalum (G. craigii and G. suaveolens). The study of drew W. Mellon Foundation's Latin American Fellows Program with The New this group will help evaluating the notoriously dif®cult ``Se- York Botanical Garden, the SEP-SESIC-PROMEP Fellowship Program, and dum sensu lato'' group. the University of Guadalajara for support. This research was supported ®nan- cially by the Lewis B. & Dorothy Cullman Foundation, The New York Bo- Species of Graptopetalum are mostly found in semiarid veg- tanical Garden, and CONACyT (grant 29378N to Victoria Sosa). etation from Arizona in the United States to Oaxaca in Mexico 5 E-mail: [email protected]. (Moran and Uhl, 1968; Uhl, 1970). The genus is traditionally 1099 1100 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 91 TABLE 1. DNA site variation and tree statistics for the three data sets used in the cladistic analyses presented in this study. CI 5 consistency index; HI 5 homoplasy index; RI 5 retention index; RC 5 rescaled consistency index. No. No. Percent No. No. variable informative informative No. Tree DNA region taxa characters sites sites sites trees length CI HI RI RC ETS 41 614 123 211 34.3 792 774 0.51 0.48 0.62 0.37 ITS 43 666 135 169 25.3 296 691 0.53 0.47 0.60 0.39 ETS 1 ITS 1 rpl16 1 trnL-F 31 3641 Ð 417 11.4 33 1200 0.54 0.46 0.57 0.41 divided into two sections based on stem characters. Section These puri®ed PCR products were sequenced in both directions using the Byrnesia includes caulescent species, whereas section Grap- BigDye Terminator Mix and an ABI 377 automated sequencer (Applied Bio- topetalum includes acaulescent species with sessile leaf ro- systems, Foster City, California, USA) in the molecular systematics labora- settes. This latter group occurs mainly in northwestern Mexico tories of The New York Botanical Garden. (Moran, 1984). A recent phylogenetic analysis of Graptopetalum using Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysisÐContigs were assembled morphological characters (Acevedo-Rosas et al., 2004) does using Sequencher 4.1 (Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA). Sequence not support the monophyly of the genus unless certain species alignments for the four DNA regions were mostly unambiguous and were of Sedum are transferred into Graptopetalum. Among a num- performed manually. Parsimony analyses were performed with PAUP* 4.0b10 ber of clades, two well-supported groups were recovered, one (Swofford, 2002). Three parsimony analyses were performed, ITS alone, ETS alone, and a combined analysis with all four DNA regions (ETS 1 ITS 1 including the acaulescent species and another containing all rpl16 1 trnL-F). A plastid alone analysis was not performed, because only a the haplostemonous taxa. However, the question as to how few informative characters were obtained for rpl16 and trnL-F. The number many species should be recognized in Graptopetalum still re- of taxa considered in each analysis varied. There were 43 taxa included for mains. ITS, 41 taxa for ETS, and 31 taxa for the combined analysis. Heuristic search- The objective of this paper is to determine phylogenetic es were performed with 1000 random addition sequence replicates using tree relationships among species of Graptopetalum using DNA se- bisection reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, MulTrees in effect, and with quence data from the nuclear ETS, ITS1, and ITS2 regions, as Fitch parsimony (Fitch, 1971). Parsimony analyses weighted all characters well as from the chloroplast genome in the form of the rpl16 and character-state transformations equally; gaps were treated as missing data. intron and ¯anking regions, plus the trnL intron and trnL-F Support was evaluated through bootstrapping (Felsenstein, 1985) with 550 intergenic spacer. The resulting phylogenies will assist in de- replicates using TBR branch swapping for the combined matrix, and 50 000 termining if Graptopetalum is indeed monophyletic and to replicates of fast stepwise-addition for the separate ETS and ITS data sets. gain understanding in the relationships of the American group Incongruence among data partitions (rpl16 1 trnL-F and ETS 1 ITS) was of Crassulaceae taxa part of the ``Acre clade.'' Furthermore, evaluated with the partitionÐhomogeneity test of Farris et al. (1994) imple- we explore the utility of the ETS region as a potential source mented in PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2002). The partition homogeneity test of variable characters to help resolve relationships within Cras- used 1000 resamplings under the parsimony criterion with only variable char- sulaceae. acters included, all characters equally weighted. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS Taxon samplingÐNineteen species of Graptopetalum and 24 species from Sequence comparisonsÐDNA site variation for the three nine closely related genera in Crassulaceae were sampled.
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    LANDSCAPE YOUR LAWN (LYL) TURF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM MMWD LYL Approved Plant List Attached is the current MMWD list of approved plants for the The values are obtained by determining the area of a circle using Landscape Your Lawn (LYL) Program. the plant spread or width as the diameter. To find the area of a circle, square the diameter and multiply by .7854. Squaring the This list is taken from the Water Use Classification of Landscape diameter means multiplying the diameter by itself. For example, a Species (WUCOLS IV) – a widely accepted and commonly used plant with a 5 foot spread would be calculated as follows: source of information on landscape plant water needs. Plants that .7854 x 5 ft diameter x 5 ft diameter = 20 sq ft (values are rounded are listed in WUCOLS IV as “low” or “very low” water use for the Bay to the nearest whole number). Area have been included on this list. However, plants that are considered invasive and are found on the MMWD Invasive Plant List For values not provided, please refer to reputable gardening books are not included in this list and will not be allowed for the LYL or nurseries in order to determine the diameter of the plant at program. maturity, or conduct an internet search using the botanical name and “mature size”. Any plants used in turf conversion that are not on this plant list will not count toward the 50 percent plant coverage requirement nor CA Natives will they be eligible for a rebate under LYL Option 1. Native plants are perfectly suited to our climate, soil, and animals.
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