St Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil, FSLCC Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0TL 01872 553801
[email protected] Parish of St Agnes Annual Meeting – 29th April 2019 Minutes of the meeting, as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17, Vicarage Road, St Agnes TR5 0TL at 18:30. In attendance: Cllr Clark (Chair); C Callaway, Officer; 35 members of the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Approval of Annual Parish Meeting minutes: 12th April 2018 The Minutes were proposed and seconded and carried by a majority. 2. Report: Parish Council Chair The Chair read out her report which included information on devolution of services and assets from Cornwall Council, an overview of community and civic events in the parish, and the challenges facing the Parish Council. The Chair also extended thanks to staff, Cornwall Council Officers and Parish Councillors for their hard work over the past year and warmly welcomed new staff to the Parish Council team. 3. Report: Parish Council End of Year accounts (provisional – subject to audit) The accounts were noted in lieu of final auditor approval. Total expenditure was £257,700 and total income was £346,079. 4. Report: Cornwall Councillors and other Community Groups Cornwall Councillor P Mitchell read out his report which included: information on the new cycle way; devolved services update and noted his thanks to the Clerk for his hard work towards the successful transfer of these services; the Transport Working Group’s key focusses and that Traffic Regulation Orders were being progressed; thanks were noted to the NDP group.