The Final Resettlement of the Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane at Tsetse--
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THE FINAL RESETTLEMENT OF THE BAKWENA BA GA MOLOPYANE AT TSETSE-- , BY DAVIS YUMBA MINI-THESIS Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS IN HISTORY IN THE FACULTY OF ARTS AT THE RAND AFRIKAANS UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR : PROF G. VERHOEF MAY 1997 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A big thank you to the following people and institutions who made it possible for me to compile and write this mini-thesis; Professor G. Verhoef my supervisof4 for her wonderful.guidance, officials of the Rand Afrikaans University Library. officials of the State Archives in Pretoria, and officials of the Office of - Traditional Affairs in the North West Province Government. Special thanks to the former Acting Chief of the Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane, Mr Melea Malefo and the tribesmen, Mpho Tire of Agricor-Statistical Data Centre, Mr Rasweswe, Mr Monoketsi, the Animal Health Officer of the Ramatlabama Area, David "Disha" Morupisi and Peter Tlome who accompanied me when visiting Potchefstroom, Ventersdorp and Mafikeng. SUMMARY The problem on which the study focuses is how the Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane were affected by resettlement. It also. focuses on the reasons for the removal of the Bakwena from Uitkyk in 1931 and Doornkop in 1978;: . Attention is paid to the economic position of the tribe at the two farms. The study concentrates on the question of compensatory land, negative effects on the ability of the tribe as farmers, lack of employment opportunities, loss of livelihood and the state of despondency as a result of resettlement. Intensive primary research was conducted. Interviews were conducted in Tsetse in May 1995. The same number and type of prepared questions which required short and long answers were to be answered by the interviewees. A commercial white farmer in Ventersdorp as well as the chairperson of the Ventersdorp district agricultural union were also interviewed about the economic activities of the tribe in 1996. Secondary research was conducted by going through published secondary sources in the Rand Afrikaans University library and the Human Science Research Council library in Pretoria. The State Archives in Pretoria were visited to conduct primary archival research. The official documents consulted were those of the Department of Bantu Administration and Native Affairs Department. Matters concerning the buying and selling of land by blacks were handled by these departments. The State Ethnologist was visited to establish the link between the information gathered and the movement of the tribe. The Deeds Office in Pretoria was visited to consult registers regarding the transfer of land between the tribe and interested parties. There was a need to establish how, by whom and in whose name the land was owned. iii The North West Provincial Government was visited to confirm information $61 • the movement of the tribe, from Doornkop to Tsetse and com -pensation for land they relinquished at Doornkop. Primary research documents were consulted in the Office of Traditional Affairs. The Deeds Office in Mmabatho was also visited to establish in whose name the farms, Fairview and Ramatlabarnal portion 27, were registered. The study has established that by October 1996 compensatory land, the farm Fairview and portion 27 of Ramatlabama, had not been transferred and registered in the name of the tribe. Secondly, private owners who had been promised portion 1 of Fairview in exchange of portion 1(c) No. 186 of the farm Doornkop and portion 5 (of 3) of the farm Doornkop in the Ventersdorp district had also not been compensated. One of the results of resettlement was that the tribe was resettled in a dry area with insufficient rain. The soil in Tsetse is also not good for crop production. As a result the tribe's ability to farm has been negatively affected. It has also been established that the tribe has been resettled in an area which lacks employment opportunities. The tribe itself could not create employment opportunities as there were no enterprising farmers left among them due to insufficient rain and the poor condition of the soil. Business is not good as the majority of the people are poor. Statistics supplied by the Development Bank of Southern Africa indicate that in 1990 most of the people in Bophuthatswana were economically inactive due to lack of employment opportunities. Consequently, the tribe's means of making a living have diminished. One of the most important results obtained is that resettlement has made the tribe to lose hope in life and in their ability to be creative. Resettlement has made the people to live in despair and poverty. iv- SAM EVATTING Die studie kyk na die vraagstuk van hoe die Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane geraak is deur hervestiging. Dit Ie ook kiem op die redes: vir die verwydering van die" Bakwena van Uitkyk in 1931 en van Doornkop in 1978. Aandag word gesken1. aan die ekonomiese posisie van die stam op die twee plase. Verder konsentreer die studie op die kwessie van kompensasie grondgebied, die negatiewe uitwerking op die vermoe van die stam om lewensvatbare Iandbou te beoefen, 'n tekort aan werksgeleenthede, die verlies aan 'n vaste inkomste en `n totale staat van moedeloosheid as gevolg van hervestiging. Intensiewe primere navorsing is gedoen. In Mei 1995 is onderhoude in Tsetse gevoer. In die onderhoude is dieselfde hoeveelheid en dieselfde soorte voorbereide vrae gestel waarop beide lang en kort antwoorde is vereis. In 1996 is onderhoude gevoer met 'n blanke kommersiele plaasboer van Ventersdorp asook met die voorsitter van die dorp se landbou-unie aangaande die ekonomiese aktiwiteite van die stam. Sekondere navorsing is gedoen deur 'n studie te maak van gepubliseerde sekondere bronne van die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteitsbiblioteek asook die biblioteek van die Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing in Pretoria. 'n Besoek is ook afgele aan die Staatsargief in Pretoria om primere argivale navorsing te doen. Amptelike dokumente van die Departement Bantoe Administrasie asook Naturelle-aangeleenthede is geraadpleeg - sake aangaande die koop en verkoop van grond deur swartes is deur die betrokke departemente hanteer. Die Staatsetnoloog is besoek om vas te stel wat die korrelasie was tussen informasie verkry en die stam se beweging. Registers van die Aktekantoor in Pretoria is ook geraadpleeg aangaande die oordrag van grond tussen die stam en ander belanghebbendes. 'n Behoefte het ontstaari om vas te stel hoe grond verkry is, deur wie en in wie se naam grond geregistreer is. Hierdie inligting is in die Aktekantoor verkry. Die Noordwes Provinsiale regering is besoek om data te bevestig aangaande die beweging van die stam vanaf Doornkop na Tsetse en kompensasie vir grond wat hulle prysgegee het te Doornkop. Primere navorsingsdokumente is geraadpleeg in die Kantoor vir Tradisionele Aangeleenthede. Die Aktekantoor in Mmabatho is ook besoek om vas te stel in wie se naam die plase Fairview en Ramatlabama, deel 27, geregistreer is. Die studie het vasgestel dat teen Oktober 1996, die plaas Fairview en deel 27 van Ramatlabama wat as kompensasie toegeken is, nie oorgedra en geregistreer is in die naam van die stam nie; tweedens, dat private eienaars aan wie deel 4 van Fairwiew in ruil vir deel 1(c) nr. 186 van die plaas Doornkop en deel 5 (van 3) van die plaas Doornkop in die Ventersdorpdistrik belowe is, ook nie gekompenseer is nie. : Een van die gevolge van hervestiging is dat die stam horn nou bevind in 'n droe gebied met 'n Iae reenvalsyfer. Die grond in Tsetse is ook nie geskik vir landbouproduksie nie. Gevolglik het dit 'n negatiewe uitwerking op die stam se vermoe om Iewensvatbare Iandbou te beoefen. Daar is ook bevind dat die stam hervestig is in 'n strook wat bitter min werksgeleenthede bled. Onvoldoende reen en swak landbougrond dra derhaiwe daartoe by dat Been ondernemende boere onder die stam oor is nie. Die stam is dus nie daartoe in staat om werksgeleenthede op eie houtjie te skep nie. Die gemiddelde armoede van die mense in die gebied dra ook nie by tot florerende ekonomiese bedrywighede nie. Statistiek van die Ontwikkelingsbank van Suider Afrika toon dat die meeste mense in Bophuthatswana in 1990 ekonomies onaktief was weens die tekort aan werksgeleenthede. Gevolglik is die stam se middele om `n bestaan te maak onder druk geplaas. Een van die belangrikste waarnemings is die stam se moedeloosheid met hul lewe oor die algemeen en met hul vi kreatiwiteitsvermoens in die besonder. Hervestigkng daartoe bygedra dat die mense in wanhoop en armoede lewe. vu CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGMENT SUMMARY ii SAMEVATTING iv LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER 1 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Why the Topic is Important 2 1.3 Resettlement in the Literature 2 1.4 The Aim Of The Study 5 1.5 The Research Problem 6 1.6 Explanation of Concepts 6 1.6.1 Resettlement, Removals, Relocation 6 1.6.2 Black Spots 7 1.6.3 Bantustan: Homeland: National State 7 1.6.4 Betterment Planning 7 1.6.5 Group Areas 8 1.6.6 Closer Settlement 8 1.7 Methodology 8 viii PAGE CHAPTER 2 10 2. The Liberal and Revisionist Interpretation ; of the Resettlement Policy 10 2.1 The Liberal Interpretation 10 2.2 The Revisionist Interpretation 13 2.3 A General View of Resettlement 15 2.3.1 Resettlement policy in other countries 16 2.3.2 Resettlement policy within South Africa 20 CHAPTER 3: THE REMOVAL OF BAKWENA BA GA MOLOPYANA FROM UITKYK AND DOORNKOP AND THEIR ECONOMIC POSITION 33 3.1 Reasons for their Removal from Uitkyk and Doornkop 34 3.1.1 Uitkyk 34 3.1.2 Doornkop 35 3.2 The Economic Position of the Tribe 37 3.2.1 The Economic position of the Bakwena at Uitkyk 37 3.2.2 Doornkop 39 CHAPTER 4 4.1 The Effects of Resettlement on the Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane 41 4.2 Problems Related to the Questions of Compensatory Land 41 4.2.1 Compensatory Land : Fairview and Weldon 43 4.2.2 Compensatory Land: Portion 4 of Fairview 48 iX PAGE 4.3 Lack of Enterprising Farmers 52 4.4 Lack of Employment Opportunities 58 4.5 Loss of Livelihood 60 4.6 A State of Despondency 62 Conclusion 62 CHAPTER 5: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE REMOVAL OF THE BAKWENA BA GA MOLOPYANE TO TSETSE 64 5.1 An Analysis of the Influence of Resettlement on the Bakwena Ba Ga Molopyane 64 5.2 Concluding Remarks 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY 70 ADDEMDUM A 76 INFORMANT NO.